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Previous: >>492921638
Drawbros edition

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Holy soul OP...
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Do I gen annie/zoe pics or do I gen normal league women?
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Gen Qiyana+Lux cuddling... please
Top laner with >>ZERO<< vision score at 10 minutes
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If you want to add anything small the room is still open qkm https://magma.com/d/N6sRZf4K6d
holy reddit op
Jeeeeesusssss, they knew what they were doing with this skin.
>qkm comes back and instantly makes 3 vapid attn whore posts back to back
lmfao stfu
fucking eu bimbo
an anon suggested doodle parties to take place the first week of every month and I like the idea. what does lolg think?
Oof I haven't drawn anything in years... but thank you I might leave some tiny something somewhere...
don't care
weird ship
We can try that for sure. Will be a fun time
team game. half the champs are late game scalers who need early help
>1 trinket is enough to negate the 50 different unfair advantages junglers have
Is being dishonest just something that runs in every jungloids veins?
People don't realize how well it fits, actually...
it'd be cool if you did!
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Swain tits.
>Jungloid "helps" laner
>As a small bonus, he gets to 1v9 the game
Remove jungle and permaban all jungle mains
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Just do your best, looking forwards to seeing it
>remove jungle
>all late game champs become unplayable
or you could just practice dealing with ganks. I have days where I'm camped too but I turn it into wasting their time so my team can get an even bigger lead. because like I said it's a team strategy game not 1v1 steet fighter
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>Finally get Bronze 2
>Forced 50/50 kicks in
>Get terminal fucking retards and start losing
>I'm close to deranking to Bronze 4 if I lose the next 2 matches
What fucking sucks is I'm forced to ban Aurora as she breaks the game and has no counters. So when I ban Aurora, I'm forced to deal with bullshit like how broken Senna is.
What would it genuinely take to force Riot to remove this forced Forced 50/50 Matchmaking? A lawsuit on illegal gambling?
but I wasn't done drawing velkoz you cunt
i kinda wish laners could take camps before like lategame when jg starts forgetting he's supposed to do them
id like to like wander into the jungle but waves come so fast that only like waveclear champs and hydra users can leave
should've drawn faster bitchboy
I started soon as I woke up wtf
Annie in a slim bikini is a nice and all but what about her wearing just a thong and nipple pasties?
Late game champs don't struggle as hard as you're describing in modern league. A mage trying to shove out a melee mid laner with dshield fleet and other defense runes would run out of mana by the time he gets to half their hp bar. If anything jungloids are a detriment to scalers because getting dove 1v2 with your jungler not protecting you is easily the biggest cause of scalers being set too far behind to catch up. Jungle is the single worst part of the game that warps together every unfun and unfair aspect together.
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When is Senna getting nerfed? She does way too much fucking damage for a Support.
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Do you guys care if I post models again?
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coven syndra or pool party caitlyn?
Literally look above your post.
pool party syndra
>bronze 2
>forced 50/50
you're just handless.
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Just tell me if you want me to stop.
am I gonna get human games today lads?
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>high dpi
>100% cursor size
>mechanics increase by 50%
topixo was right
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I want to sniff her ass cheeks so badly.
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It's getting awkward now, someone please respond.
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Okay last one.
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Saving this one, thanks anon.
Her best skin, good stuff.
>Not a single Ahri
I didn't know you guys were this based
don't talk to me OR my alt EVER again
that's just bleached but yuri
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should i try full lethality poppy top with proxying
No worries.
no, theres no logic or point in playing lethality poppy in the top lane
go support or jungle for that
but sion can go lethality..
Maybe play a non pedo champ.
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That's it, I'm officially forced to build Serpent Fang and Frozen Heart on Ziggs as no one else is gonna do it. Literally tell Bel'Veth to buy a Serpent Fang for Urgot and she ignores me.
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fuck you nigga
buying the item someone else was supposed to buy doesn't help you win the game retard
Nor does ignoring to build it. Someone has to build it or you just lose. You're supposed to adjust your builds depending on how the game goes.
serpent fang on fucking ZIGGS nigga are you mental
nta but serpents into shit like ivern karma is so valuable that you can build it on anything, as long as you are tagging enemies in the fight you are good to go
Well someone has to buy it if no one else will.
im the biggest serpents fang lover in the thread but buying it on ziggs is just too far
it can be good on annie tho...
here's your counter
*picks a non mage champ*
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i think lethality poppy is secretly good i will be going phase rush manaflow celerity gathering storm demolish and some other one and i will WIN!!!
just give mages everything plox rito having 39 DoT 400 burst items hextech cockbelt and 900 other AP items is not enough
What's one champ that you respect when you are fighting them? A champ where if you get killed by them you just think 'fair'. For me it's Orianna because she's actually balanced.
stop posting this image
i think his question was serious anon why you trolling
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Serpents fang isn't that good.
>b-b-but I NEED to attack him in the 2 second window where his shield holds!!
No you don't. Wait until the shield dissapates then attack. Stop playing mindlessly.

Greivous wounds is different because health healed never dissapates and there is no window of attack.

not because I think it's "fair when I get killed by them" but because irelia players are sissies that I 90% of the time beat out in the lane and use all chat to tell them to take cs even though I could easily farm their ass if I wanted

makes the faggots swoon
you look like this
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What if they have 2-3 enchanters that keep shields up at all time? Something as simple as ivern lulu can give an adc a virtually infinite rotation of shields with enough cdr and that's exactly what all enchanters build, all their items give cdr it's not even like they have to think over it.
This would work on me
*stomps her neck*
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>play Dr Mundo top
>Ban Susan
>fug might as well just farm and build armor
>do exactly thwt with randiun omens
>trynda can't do shit, even with his gay ass ult

I benched that little split pusher so hard that I forced him to team fight while I split pushed his lane lol
Why would you do that to her? She's so pure and cute.
>What if they have 2-3 enchanters that keep shields up at all time?
Then a 35% reduction in shielding still isn't going to save you and you have to focus the enchanters. A team with 3 enchanters is a terrible comp.
its not pronounced "allowe" it's pronounced "luh yo we"
get it right FAGGOT
>be adc
>have mage support (hwei)
>mage support on enemy aswell (leblanc)
>suddenly look at map
>10 minutes minus 2 towers on top
>toplane tps botlane
>dives enemy in 1v2
>nukes the tower in a few hits
>already on 2 items when i just completed my first
>15 ff
>check end screen
>both adcs (we didn't even play shit) were down in gold compared to supports
>both adcs had less kills than supports
>both adcs had less damage than supports
>both adcs doubled the damage token of their supports
>yet we ended up having as much gold as the enemy toplaner who went afk despite having 8-9cs/min

adc is a completely functional role me thinks
i am playing ziggs with tp next patch fuck off
i'd rather play piano on my keyboard and perma shit out spells in random directions + have tp for 10-11cs/min than play adc again in this piece of shit game
*kills you and heals Gwen*
want a kiss
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>talking about league of legends
what the fuck is wrong with you dude
avg adc player's mental fortitude (complete breakdown after one single match)
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add this to the OP
welcome to s9+ lil bro, enjoy your stay (it will never change)
wow look at that VELKOZ there what a TALENTED artist must've done that I didn't know we had such people posting with us
the first velkoz was better
I do this to my support if s(he) was a good girl during the lane.
Jungle Naut got me to Platinum in Season 3. What is the rough equivalent nowadays as I dont think thats viable anymore. Im coming back to this game as a boomer, and cant see myself playing Viego lol.
updooted my fellow redditor!
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What made you write the N word on the /lolg/ hall of fame?
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you redditor niggers
>locked layers
>removes "niggers"
why are you here? this is 4chan
get the fuck out
velkoz has 3 tentacles u fkn dumbass
nooo why did you guys spend like about 30 minutes and 3 braincells to doodle literally anything decent?

please let me write the funny nigger word over your drawings wtfff

Oh okay you're just a talentless crab. Should have said so sooner!
ok based
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So are you going to post your work?
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euro tards once again proving that they are the worst posters in this general. awful at the game and awful human beings. just remember the niggerloving spammer is european HAhaa
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time to queue in for some udyr jungle
at least we don't have egirls
>just trying to break back into Plat
>my jungler is off role
>the enemy twitch is a smurf on his first ever ranked game
>the enemy yuumi is a smurf on his first ever ranked game
>the enemy nidalee is a smurf on her sixth ever ranked game (100% winrate)
guess I'll lose, then
>eu lolgs are on average 1k lp higher than natards
>eu lolgs have 1% of na discord drama
>eu lolgs have 1% of na attention whoring in the thread
>eu lolgs don't namedrop themselves
>eu lolgs don't simp for egirls/trannies
>eu lolgs don't have bbc spam
I missed u...
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Wings won.
>>eu lolgs don't simp for egirls/trannies
maybe you don't
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hmm i dunno if phase rush lethality poppy top is really that good, it feels like you cant do a ton of damage really fast, maybe hail of blades would be good or soemthin
it does good damage at 3 items if i build the cool badass assasin items that crit!
Tankoids don't fear the lethamurai...
ever wonder why ur 300 games stuck bronze?
i read somewhere that you can even get to gold playin yuumi top! so lethality poppy must be viable, i bet its like a meta build or somethin..
allegedly you can get to gold playing anything anywhere

do you think hail of blades lethality poppy could be good though
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Adchuds are useless. Please look forward to the rework next year.
where in fucking toplane?
yah toplane is mah favorite lane
>is y good
>but is it good or not
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slut is begging to be raped when she puts this skin on..
are you rlly a statschud like phreak is
Okay so here's a real answer. Toplane has been so cucked lately at d2+ elo that it's not rare to fight ranged and even mages top. I saw some GM orianna top stomping a tryndamere top yesterday. Which is why trynda kinda started playing mid more often, even after the nerfs some tryn mains still play him there. So if you managed to somehow counter-counter-pick some adc/mage top and outwit a champ select, you could make it work. In most cases it will be garbage though. You can still go phase rush/HoB but with a bruiser build, letha serves zero purpose and won't even outdamage any other build. It could be decent jungle or supp though like some other anon suggested.
I don't think hail of the blades is the right choice for toplane, it's probably preferred for support poppy so she can poke into burst give me a couple minutes so I can come up with some spicy shit for toplane poppy
woah boobies
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>single match
>9/10 games it's mage mirror botlane on supports where i am getting perma cucked
Did phreak really say that? Because August said on stream that he really wanted to find a way to make ziggs bot unplayable and get him back mid. Are they really schizoing that hard at riot hq?
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hmm i considered bruiser but bruisers are so cucked, they even nerfed like eclipse and shit i think and poppy can maaaybe go sundered sky or some shit, but then you gotta go full tank because bruisers are just kinda shit and poppy scales better as a tank because of her bonus % armor/mr and because she kinda just wants to sit in front of the team and prevent anyone with a dash from playin the game
i just hate tank so much, its such a cucked class, you do no damage, gotta rely on your team every fight so even if you stomped lane it doesnt rlly matter, and its just BORING
hmm youre probably right youd probably get stomped by any champ who can engage good
poppy mains are like that meme with the guy riding the bike putting a stick through the spokes to make it crash and the stick is buying the wrong items
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Where do people buy accounts with recovery info
>mages allowed on botlane for god knows how long
>"did phreak really say that?"
idk fampai do the math in your head
Still, I think Poppy is a great champ and it always feels good to have one in my team. Don't give up on her, anon!
patch changes are so weird because everyone tries to follow a different philosophy, august said the same on tiktok
Why is Jarvan not played mid anymore, mana issues? He seems unpopular in general for how strong he is.
I don't think being against a heavy engage is the issue it's just poppy's kit is just really limited

like you can't effectively run conqueror or PTA on her because only her Q and E are guaranteed to give you a stack, she has no steroids no self healing no sustain subpar burst and her ult is just useful for disengaging, not really built to be anything other than a tank or the weird assassin support build

your best bet would just be running the usual grasp build but that's just mind numbingly boring
it's not directly because he wants mages to be in botlane, it's just that phreak is a low t beta soi cuck faggot who has agp and has this retarded corelation in his head where he thinks playing an AP champion is somehow more intelligent

so they buff mages because phaggot phreak wants to play zyra support while typing uwu in chat, then due to the overall increased strength of AP champions they just take over the entire idea of ad carries
that would be pulsefire but youre permanently horny
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she kinda just feels like one of those champs where its like oh another tank who can really only ever cc people and if no one capitalizes you lose..
i dunno, i really like her, i just wish she had any build variety toplane whatsoever
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Can you guys please answer this question because I'd like a few perspectives on this.

At what threshold of the game are you willing/wanting to throw up an FF vote? When bot lane is like 0/20 or what? What decides when you decide the game is done and unsalvageable? And for those who never FF, why? If your team is like 30+ kills behind, do you not think it's better to just go to the next game and not waste time? Genuine questions.

Pic for attention.
usually if its like no drags, they just took baron and soul, and we're down a buncha kills, but im in bronze so
when i personally cant kill people
>muh team is behind
why would i care ill hostage and farm kills for fun lol its not my problem
once i cant do that anymore i hit yes
Sorry you're a faggot. My condolences.
>What decides when you decide the game is done and unsalvageable?

3-4 of our teammates are behind their counterparts
we're down 3 or more turrets
we're down 2 or more drakes (bonus points for baron)
we're down 10 or more kills ahead

most importantly is the advantage spread equally between the enemy team or are they just 4 shitters being carried by one single guy

less willing to ff if they just have one dude who's got 70% of their kills because that just means we can try catching him 3-4v1 and potentially start catching up from then on
do you not play with your lux gf? i dont see any games
botlane is for off meta adcs like mundo, cho, sion, wukong
playing an ad "carry" in this, the year of our lord 2024, o i am laffin
>2 item silver 4 karma
>120 cs at lvl17
>maligma + horizon + needlessly large rod
>is oppenheimer incarnate
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as soon as my top bot or mid die
Or if I go for a free gank and my laner trolls me I’m 15ing
Also good morning /lolg/
try grasp + shield bash + bone plating + revitalize + cheap shot + relentless hunter

sundered sky or eclipse first, swap revitalize for overgrowth if you're up against a matchup where you won't be building sundered (sundered into things you can constantly fight and eclipse into things you can't)

followed by hollow radiance/sunfire aegis depending on the enemy team comp, if you're winning the lane and have built sundered sky just go for spirit visage instead for the epic lulz

if you bought hollow/sunfire AND have sundered sky buy spirit visage anyways, otherwise just go for whatever bruiser items

would probably be fun building sterak's gate and shit like that

that's NOT briar
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>And for those who never FF, why? If your team is like 30+ kills behind, do you not think it's better to just go to the next game and not waste time?
Because people throw games all the time. I have won plenty of games where at some point we were 15k gold behind because even a small chance of victory is more of a chance than surrendering. If you play hundreds of games of ranked then these sort of decisions add up.
Only time its worth surrendering is when your team wiped and the enemy are on their way to your nexus. Or I guess if you are playing with friends and they have weak mental.
so this is the "stay positive" mentality....
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and that's NOT qiqi wtf
i wish riot would make a champion for me
Should i be worried about an elise infestation or happy that someone takes care of all the critters for me?
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Good morning /lolg/!
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spiders are cool, you should let them be unless its really bad, send pictures of the baby spiders btw
sex with yorddles
I never FF, I am not a defeatist.
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nunu and willump if league of legends wasn't dogshit
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>"Garen mid is an indication of good balance": Riot Phreak
Does /lolg/ agree?
Dont have a spidermum with babys, they are just everywhere, like at every possible spot where a spider could be there is one.
They even webed parts of my playstations
>invite someone I know from irl to play
>he's raging and spamming ff at 15 minutes
>the score's not even that bad, I've come back from way worse
>he gets legitimately upset that we "wasted so much time" (we did end up FFing, he wasn't even trying)
>he logs off after one game
>we never play together again
That might be an issue then
I'm so bad and my friend keeps getting mad at me for it
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Burn it to the ground
Yes, everything that counters assasins is good by design
valve character design is so ugly It's like they're doing it on purpose.
if we're talking off meta then xin zhao mid is even nastier for countering assassins
they legit cannot play the video game from level 1, it's so fucked up
I'm such an embarrassment I'm gonna cry
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Sounds like you dodged a bullet
Xin is pretty easy to gank though
everyone hates me
sir this is league of legends general
he can 1v2 though, especially if you have a wave
nothing like a level 2 shaco getting frisky and eating shit because his cooldowns are so long
xin's healing is too insane
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Goodnight, lolg
Goodnight Lillia
gn sleepy eepy
good morning, babe. <3
bros I don’t wanna go to work..
Is caitlyn cannonically gay ?
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pt crow slowly getting corrupted.. how long until he does porn
I and my friend after hitting the gym and locking in snare sisters in botlane while the enemies and our team seethe like little piggies
she's also fictional so why does it matter?
>want to play zeri
>but don't have hands for her
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>spider in bathroom
>notice theres 2 of them in the corner chilling
>"lol fine, they are next to the window anyways so they gonna catch bugs"
>one day i go take a piss
>female is munching on the smaller male spider
>boot the bitch out for cannibalism
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>gold tier challenges
>but has the bot blaster title
>honor level 4-5 idk can't tell
ultra rare find
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I have mostly won games with Ziggs mid in ranked but there are some games where the moment the enemy closes the gap, I just quickly get deleted. Should I do Veigar instead for ranked in mid?
>Literally all we have to do to win is group up
>team refuses to group up
>this happens game after game after game
Veigar is super good even in high elo, go for it if you like him, it will not be wasted.
just don't let them close the gap on ziggs
>sovl = ugly
expected nothing more from a pedophile homosexual.
veigar is one of the worst midlaners in d2+, master+ and gm+
Gib the sona picture thanks
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Champs for this feel?
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>3 keys
>no chests
>2 champions that need an S
>already climbed from iron 4 to bronze 4 trying to get those scores
>12am-7am are the best times to play
>Games turn to crap after 8am
>Worse at 10am
>You might as well not even play between 12pm to 9pm

Why is this
I think its just you
Nah games are more chill, and more balanced in the middle of the night.
People type too much during the day.
damn theres way better games to scratch my "pressing buttons fast" itch than league
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Play eternal return! we got a thread in /vm/!
>get fed as supp zoe, oneshot jungle/mid/bot/supp through outskilling them
>get Vayne fed
>roam mid to neutralize kata so she doesn't get fed by killing our ziggs
>have a great game by utilizing my quick reaction time and game sense
>enemy trynda gets fed by right-clicking
I love having archetypes I'm not allowed to win against get fed and champ diff me
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I dont get why ADC players dont flee to this game, they are the strongest class there
opened chest and it's another shitty skin for a female champ I never played or ever seen in my quickplays.
league of legends nerf hwei's QE damage to minions i think it gives him an unhealthy amount of waveclear
post em
>likes to lane with a literal pussy, like 4 conventionally attractive women (one of which has lore that can be read as a metaphor for being gay) and hook champs (the gayest flaming flamboyant limp-wristed homos on the entire rift)
yep, gay champ
why does all art have jinx as the cuck when vi is the canon cuck
osu chads keep winning
that was drawn before the leaks.
I think that is the resolution it was drawn at so snipping it out and pasting it onto a white background is the highest you can get
did cait fuck jinx or stg?
i got warned for bad behaviour
i can already feel the chat restriciton + 5 forced normals
fact checked by real patriots as TRUE (only mania though)
I played until level 30 trying to get myself to like it but it's just lacking something. Most games just go like this: 2-3 mins running to complete your build>3-10 minutes running around the map hoping you run into someone>1 or 2 skirmishes happen where the fight ends faster than a league teamfight of 10 assassins>go back into queue that lasts longer than the length of your last game
Jarvan yelling
>For the king
on R cast has so much energy its kinda insane
Dunno if he would go that far, but we can ask.
What type would fit her best? A fire symbol, hearts, Xs?
naw, one of the leaks showed cait naked in bed with some blonde girl
fat girl champ when?
never hopefully
isn't he the king?
Vel'Koz, Hwei, Isolde.
lads... how long does it take to figure out the correct grip for your mouse?
I got my mouse over a week ago and my grip with it is shittier than it was day 2
idk man ask Necrit
no I mean a fat girl champ. not a champ for fat girls
nigga you just have to stick to a grip thats good and just play with it until you get used regardless if at first you feel like your mechanics drop to iron tier
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>toplaners have far better winrated in mid
>midlaners have far better winrates on bot (both adc and support)
>adcs have... actually adcs don't even have good winrates on their own lanes anymore
ok but I've no idea if my grip is good
xayah, lux, ahri, akali, seraphine.
wrap your fingers around your mouse
use wrist and arm to move
woah, crazy
enjoy your s9+ bro
adc had to be nerfed because chovy picked zeri mid 5 times or something which resulted in reddit (lolg) having a melty
>use wrist and arm to move
nah I'm good bro. not getting carpal tunnel for a video game
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disenchanted a bunch already, game just wont give me the ones for the champs I play. might play singed or vlad eventually, but I don't like proxying and casters...
Here's my idea

>Fat/thick chinese girl
>Taoist Alchemist who uses potions to buff herself/others
>Passive: Leylines - Near towers you gain a adaptive force that scales to your level. This increases based on the tier of the tower, enemy or friendly
>Q: Phoenix Fire Potion - Throws a potion that burns the ground if it hits an enemy unit, or applies grants burn over time on hit and heal over time to friendly champ.
>W: Turtle Water Potion - Places a potion on the ground that if a friendly champ steps on grants resource regeneration, or freezes an enemy champ if they step on it.
>E: Tiger Storm Potion - Throws a potion that creates an AOE speed up for friendly units around it, and slow for enemy champions. Enemy units that dash in the AOE are stunned by lightning.
>R: Dragon's Earth Potion - Consume a potion granting massively increased stats, and making you immune to CC for 7 seconds.
And when she uses R she gets fatter yes?
usually the moment my team gives up I give up a little too. they're no longer playing to win and just soft inting the game and will refuse to listen to reason
why is lolg obsessed with making akali fat
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cuz everytime I play against that bitch she fed af fr
when they release Isolde.
frfr on god
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Watch the next support is going to be a fat black woman...
You'll know when you're a bit older (bro)
webm related is the motherhood skills of your lolg crush
>giving your 1 year old nothing but sugar for breakfast
holt shit
I find game to be best weekdays from about 8am to 2PM PST. Kids' egos ruin games more than no-skill boomers who play while WFM.
Buddy you think China will accept that? Chinese fan-base will cry so hard about an explicitly-Asian fat chick.
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what the fuck. i play karthus tho? is q not a skillshot ?
I hate this pic so much
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I need to start banning this fucker, I have literally never seen someone do good with him yet he's in every game
let's fucking go, /lolg/.
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Smolder and Kai'Sa man. Those are the two worst adchuds to be with currently.
Lost games with both of these as my adchuds.
Chogath big
They have coomers too
make her a fat panda vastaya or something. the chinese fucking love kung-fu panda.
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Briar fucking won
>I'm trans the champion
fucking how
I miss old Fiddlesticks
quirky millennial writing. do I have to say more?
Is that supposed to be Zoe fused with Kog?
gijinka loli kogmaw
I will never get S+ cause I can NOT fucking help myself from trying to help allies being retarded and I die for it
are you me
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Just leave them lol lmao
welcome to the new age
Games and shit!
>adc throws any lead by greeding for plates
every time
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qiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqi doko
riot deleting champs insteading of spitting out VGU when?
Rioters would get hit by a firing squad of autists if that happened.
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I think this might be my last day of Support Arc, we'll see. I've been getting bored already even though it's only been five days. I was thinking maybe picking Nilah and Doing My Part™ to help get her out there.
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>Nasus got an S here but I didn't
I'm a little mad, this is literally my best game ever with Briar
There are people still whine about old Morde and Yorick to this day, it'll never happen.
Both are NPC champs. Play an actual champ
well erm you see, nasus is a tank, so taking damage gives him an s+!!
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Wait a minute, the Lux did better than me and Nasus and didn't get an S either, how the fuck does this letter grading work?
Briar W makes her take more IQ than like 80% of the roster man
>deleting champs
they already deleted old asol LOL
>Briar W hard to manage
You are an actual retard
Name 19 champs harder than her
>Can't read basic English
aphelios, ezreal, graves, irelia, jax, kindred, ksante, lee sin, nidalee, rek'sai, riven, thresh, twitch, vayne, viego, viktor, yasuo, zed, zeri
nasus deserved it for not playing a tranny
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spammer trying to be undercover lel
Maybe, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, maybe, maybe, wrong, yes, yes, wrong, wrong, ywrong, wrong, wrong, maybe, wrong, wrong, wrong
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So I haven't regularly played League since the Juggernaut rework, and Bard is apparently pretty good now? What's the deal with that
hard for briar
Why is Briar so liked here? I thought lolg hated nu-champs.
i'll play along
replace the "wrong ones" with azir, bard, cassio, elise, fiora, GP, gnar, jayce, katarina, kalista, kog'maw, orianna, rengar
/vg/ is full of transsexuals
feet, hips and thighs. cute personality. easy to pick up
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bottom heavy like an iv bag
Coomer dumbshit, got it.
it's definitely because they find her kit and gameplay fun and not because of her BARE FUCKING DOGS ON DISPLAY IN HER SPLASH ART or her NICE ASS (shes supposed to look like an IV bag guys) or her CREEPY-CUTE MONSTER GIRL APPEAL
>He fell for the old good new bad meme
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>that sexo pool party vexo

Oh my...
You guys are all so talented, I wasn't expecting lolg to have so many artists...
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I need to seriously improve my ability to play as support. Give me some champions to play that are pretty basic bitch that I can better expand my gameplay on.
This is what I'm working with on draft queue right now.
I like her for gameplay and character based reasons
1 - 5 League of legends
6 - 0 rainbow six siege
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I'm an unrepentant K'Sante Enjoyer. Suck my honour out of my ass this champ is fun as fuck.
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this shall reset your palette

you can't get them to make forced 50 to go away. You'd have a stronger anti-gambling case with TFT, but clearly, that shit doesn't work or we wouldn't have the endless supply of gamblebox games that we allow kids to get suckered into.
both options are formerly good games ruined by dogshit devs
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Queue up!
Rolling for myself.

Evens: Return to League being my main game, and hop on the ranked train again (for fun)

Odds: Make fighting games (mostly Street Fighter) my main game, and out LoL in the occasional slot with DotA and Deadlock
Play other roles to learn Support better.
Janna, and Milio are very OP and basic. Nami is alright if you can land skill shots. Rakan is a mix of Leona/Naut, while playing safe like Janna and Milio if you want to give him a go. With Rakan you can literally learn all the supports in one go. You could try Senna but if you've never played adchud then I wouldn't.
Seraphine just got nerfed so I wouldn't recommend.
I've been watching a lot of this guy recently and he's pretty good at explaining what and why he's doing the things as support : https://www.youtube.com/@Joeyyylol
You can get into watching better players replays to see what they're doing too.
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I'll give a lookie loo and try out Janna, thank you anon.
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>1/5 toplane (you ganked him at level 2)
>0/8 midlane
>2/10 botlane
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uh huh, course.
you like her because you just can't get enough of pressing W and doing all the things warwick does but with more risk involved, can you? it's got nothing to do with her very obviously intentionally cutesy/sexy design with literally killer thighs, right? you just really like her lore, yeah? surely.
my smolder just went 2/16 and was flaming the yone who had triple his damage
dude never even got 225 stacks in like a 40 minute game or some shit
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yohn, shahko, hwhy, severe, loose ian, jrayven, jaynuh, vy gar
and now for those who have other issues:
gargas, poopy, cassio watch
should i learn vi top she seems cool i guess if a bit dykeish for me
because she looks like anime
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Don't get tricked by the low skill floor of Janna. She's a very strong champion in the right hands.
Remember to always try to be parallel with your adchud, the limit to going in front of them is 2 minions if you want to poke. Janna wants to try to be playing both proactive, and aggressive.
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Sweet, time to hit the lab!
Still gonna play ranked in the MOBAs, though. Normal matchmaking is dumb.
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so pretty
yeah that was a mistake i get a flouride stare from the fucking support when i didnt even want to adc, thats just the demand role. alt f4 have fun being a stupid nigger
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step aside
how dare lolg hide their artistic levels from me all this TIME
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I am resident wholesome Lulu main, no lewding around me!
Lux. Doesnt get more basic bitch than that and I say this as a Lux enjoyer.
Leona if you think you can be smart with making plays (read: dont hide on bush until ff 15)
Nami is probably too hard for you and so is Janna , so instead, you should choose Seraphine, who is much much harder to fuck up as, despite all the negative press covfefe nerfs.
Zyra if you want to do numbers
Morgana if you are learning the role (remember to use E on you or someone else to mitigate crowd control just before or right as the enemy tries to catch a target)
five minutes in QUICK play im sure your game isnt dying because of the stupid fuck dev decisions youve been making
>corner peeking shite
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It's all those things really, I said character based reasons as kind of an umbrella term for visual/personality/lore appeal
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You're not high enough elo to deal with tank players who understand they can just walk to you to peel their carry or smart jungles who know the w attach range and can auto-peel you off objectives without even contesting yet. Briar in low elo and Briar in high elo are two vastly different skill levels required.
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I hate that the back of my mind nags me about this every time
>haha you shit on warwick players and picks all the time but you never not pick briar when you can

she is the thinking man's warwick, I tell you. I am NOT coping fuck you
what do you play in streets?
>this shall reset your palette
it did, thanks
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Two reasons. Her initial appeal was strong for the kind of degenerate players here because of feet and cute monster girl design. But she stuck around because she belongs to the non-standard champion pile of gameplay where true degenerative players end up one-tricking while others never touch. I mean like shit like singed, nunu, sion, shaco, teemo, kass, heimer, Briar plays her standard game instead of league just like how those champs play their game instead of standard league. Hateful, horny, degenerate type players gravitate towards these sorts of champs and those types of people are people on this site. She is a champ whose design and gameplay both speak to the particular type of asshole who would go here. Briar is just the new singed just running to you instead of away from you.
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that's not how it works
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Hadn't updated this list in a while. I think I got everything.
Crazy how MF cheated her way up to the most skins again by getting 2 in a short time.
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particular type of asshole:
>get matched with jellyfishsloth
>enemy jg is darius
>he ganks every lane before minute 4
>nobody dodges his stun, so they all just die
>he is now 4/0

Talk about a bad first impression!
gay kids on tanks is such an eyesore

>yasuo player complains about yasuo clone 3.0
>"what kind of broken champ is this?"
>proceeds to stack passive twice and dash 6 times in 2-3 seconds
do they never look in the mirror? are they not self aware?
yeah that was quite a start. our nilah could've lived but for some reason refused to use flash kek. we tried our best though, not bad for how stacked the chips were against us
better luck next time, glhf on your next game anon!
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Recently, i and my entire team got bootyblasted by a nilah-yuumi duo. Nobody could penetrate her shield before she penetrated everybody. One day, I hope to play and love LOVE Nilah but until then I will keep on trying.
good morning my love
I imagined he would just have kept full clearing and tried to scale. Oh well glhf desu
its funny because ksante is genuinely like an actual int pick
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I will counter your lewd with anti-boner
'allo lolig should i play yasuo top again, i love playin the samurai man lots, but hes hard in toplane!
seraphine player
zamn serafags look like THAT
irelia player
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I got a penta. this is literally what i need to do to win a game of league of legends. this is what my irelia games have basically been, just falling short of the fucking penta and thats why i lose. fuck you for posting about this stupid fucking game like everythings dandy and fuck you for trying to act like matchmaking isnt fixed.

so shut the fuck up and kill yourself
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Shotos, mostly. If Dan isn't available, I'll play Akoomer. And if he isn't available because he's DLC nowadays its Ryu.

AKI, though, has a special place in my heart. Gonna re-learn her.
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again, not how it works
exactly stop posting in this thread stupid niggers. shut it down go somewhere else fuck your stupid fucking league discussion. nigger. eat that penta in your face fucking faggot
im in a completely different echelon in all of my games and the stats in each game fucking show it. you stupid niggers get closer, more fair games and thats literally it. fuck off and shut the fuck up
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Pretty fuckin' sure it is
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what the FUCK. why did no one tell me someone drew a velkoz in the magma? that's the last champ I ever expected there. he looks amazing, I the colors and blending are wonderful, I can't stop staring
shut up faggot
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why is jelly like this
teamdisparity ur so cutelow I want to duo with u and carry u
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YES. (In-game bye)
all seraphine
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How do you fight Garen or Aatrox as Jayce? Do I wait for them both to use their Q? Like how I gotta wait for Darius to miss his grab before jumping in?
never post this lulu again pls
you hit them with your full rotation because you outrange them, then switch to hammer stance slam them and then smack them away like an unwanted whore while you walk away. rinse repeat till they die and you win lane.
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>you hit them with your full rotation because you outrange them
>Fire Q
>Use W
>Swap to melee
>Empowered autos
>Smack em away with E
Post a small change to a champ that would completely break them
and you guys made fun of me for being reddit..
whenever i post cham22 people say it's "too big" but this is fine?
yuumi now has 2 shield charges like on her release
hammer q his q to dodge the outer edge and disengage with hammer e if he ever hooks you otherwise just play to poke him with ranged autos and nonempowered qs
bad advice you are blowing way too many cooldowns and giving darius a huge window to make a play on you. way more important to hold your disengage spells and play the lane slower
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kat can E to wards
Briar is boring and ugly.
zeri Q procs sheen
sion gets +1 maxhp on minion kill
ummm wrong
Why do I like this champ? She has a fat ass.
Correct answer.

does the same apply to men?
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Could have gone worse. I feel like Q is better as an anti-engage rather than trying to snipe people with it. Also my positioning was just super off this game.
ring ring based department
no one even responds to my posts anymore
You know there is nothing i love more than when lolgen defends a stupid nigger (just like them!) with "its your builddd!!!!"
because you play against them in vgs and you instantly understand how fucking dogshit trash they are and that they for sure have some fucking dia+ player carrying them for their rank

>win drag fight
>numbers advantage

this kha is plat. this kha is exactly the average lolplayer

complete dogshit does all the wrong things at every fucking turn but they had those games getting carried so now they are hielo right. stupid fucking nigger you wont carry shit. youre retarded just like the kha


conpletely excluding the teemo that would not get the FUCK OFF MY MINIONS YOU QUED AS SUPPORT STUPID NIGGER
you need to either post poorly drawn annie porn or some leddit shit if you want a (You)
i cant draw.. i wanna learn one day but id probably draw like yasuo with his hair down because he'd be hotter like that

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uh oh
this guy is a losers queue generator by the first line
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When is next drawing session? I don't want to miss it.
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I'm still trying to learn Jayce, what do I do.
Qkm is so talented
this is cute af
if people responded to me lolig would enter into a new era of prosperity..
i have a cock
r u ok
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>draws briar stealing qiyanas outfit
>draws sona stealing briars outfit
what the FUCK
still pretty hot though
idk sound then ig
>not talented enough to be a lolig
>everyone is part of their own little clique
i hate being alone desuu
You want to be a member ot pedo clique? What is wrong with you?
i just wish there were more non clique members to talk to, especially other top laners
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who is excluding people? anons are lfg all the time
i could never be included because im too low elo and not good at anythin..
you bitch ass mf my bronze 4 ass was accepted into the euw "clique" the fuck is your excuse
na players are more hostile..
>no one talked about my drawing while i was asleep and away
it's ok, i still love you lolg
just become an abusebag sissy like humanity girl then
Scheduled for next month first weekend
im a top laner.. i cant be abused when i pay the gigachad carry role.. its over..
>wahhh no one accepts me wahwahh
>no not like that
>no not like this either
you either accept your subhuman filth position as a niggalow and submit to the will of the diadoms or you become a diadom and breed niggalows in vgs

those are your only options
i dont wanna "breed" anyone so ill stay in bronze with my lethality poppy and yasuo top thanks..
did you even try my sunderer build suggestion...
thats what i usually build on poppy and its mostly just tank with extra steps it feels like..
Which one was yours? And can i suck your dick?
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>cannot win games in gold
its vladimover
ok try conqueror sundered eclipse spirit visage > big black cleaver/death's dance > sterACK
again, WHO is excluding people? I've seen even iron players in vgs and theres always someone in the threads looking for people to do aram/norms/quickplay/clash/arena with
i got bullied in vgs because im too bad..
I had some coke nigga from lolg add me who allegedly peaked dia2 3 years ago on a different account, we only played norms and 2 days later he had a mental breakdown over me saying phase rush nasus was not the best runes on nasus

called me a "low elo shitter who gets carried by him every single match (in norms btw) while I talk all high and mighty as if I was high elo" then blocked me
I am your secret admirer Caatra
hoomanite gorl?
no she hates me
she's a tsundere though
>submit to the will of the diadoms
think again faggot
not a single incident in the history of lolg where this happened
call me the bronzeBVLL
i beat steel once and we're like 3 ranks apart
concord shut down. LoL shutdown when?
there's a reason people call him sissy mental
im not like humanity girl im just a boring top laner, nothin fun or interesting about me, i dont even play girl champions most of the time..
Iron daddy here. Any emerald bitches who want to get demoted, contact me
I don't understand how someone can be so insecure yet somehow preserve homeostasis

like nigga, the only thing that can be "fun or interesting about you" is gonna be whatever the fuck you type in chat, you don't even have to play the game good in order to be fun to be around. which begs the question, how exactly does a man lack the creativity and the "confidence" to generate mildly entertaining interactions through fucking text chat, yet manage to go on living? how do you stay alive being such a big pussy nigga?
im so hungry
every lolg KNEELS before the silvercock
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Forfeit your life
the only silvercocks in lolg are the low plat apes who have to smurf eight divisions below their actual rank to actually get wins

all we have are plat apes and bronzechads in here, literally nothing else
i just dont really talk much i think i just play and stuff..
the argument that assassins are bad in pro play because knowing there's an assassin in the match nullifies them is really confusing. my teammates know the enemy has zed / naafiri / pyke / kayn and they still die anyways
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>I have autistic hyperfocus but I'm also an iron shitter
stop feeling sorry for yourself and just be in the moment. judging you is something for others to waste their time with, not you. move on and whoever enjoys playing with you will stay
True. I think I got silver once in 2023 pre-season because Udyr was OP. It doesn't count if it's only one time, right?
Anon, are you okay? You're not paying attention to me... I said we need to help at Drake!
no one stayed..
assasins aren't good in pro play becuase you can't snowball thats all
>i dont even play girl champions most of the time
I was silver 4 after my placements last split before I started duoing down to bronze 3 with my ex

yeah I consider myself a silver peaker
i was distracted by your big titties, it's your fault stupid slut
I need a gf. I can't take this anymore .I need something real, I need human touch, I need to feel something that's not my hands. I wanna know what love is. Is this all there is to me?
contact that oce bitch
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>tfw getting raped for 50+ games practicing a new champ
>gragas still exists
>silver peaker
you mean silver SURFERS
try playing an assassin vs a 5 stack that uses voice comms and see how it goes
playing udyr toplane is only fun for the first 4 minutes because you unlock R first and then RR exhaust ignite enemy toplaner and the faggot dies before he can even process what the fuck is happening

then you suffer for the next 38 minutes because you're playing udyr tho
then keep going until you find someone that does. no one is so much of an outlier that all billions of humans on earth hate them. stop throwing pity parties and BEE yourself
are you playing gp or some shit?
>log into my twitch dot teevee account
>wife isn't streaming league
not super unlikely that all the loligs dont like me, there's not a ton of different people here..
I'm gonna take your high skill ceiling champion and build it like a braindead stat checker
I can’t believe i missed this
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you didn't
if master is low elo why is no one master here
irelia players be like
Will it be up in 5 hours
Seraphine girly is a master player. She is so good and cute. S17 is my love. We are destined to be together.
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Because Master isn't low elo. Hell, neither is diamond. Higher ranked retards and their followers who parrot that stupidity will do anything to make themselves even more superior than they are on paper.

In other words, nerds hate other nerds.
can you pray for me to get out of hell (euw gold 2) then :3
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reminder that Nami is soft
if that's what your believe then sure. you're the expert on every single lolg ever
well none of them would like me at least..
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ok which one of u is it...
show some appreciation for your favorite lolgs
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You euw? Ign?
be my gf?
/lolg/ talks exactly like this
im na..
Not from my experience. When I posted my high rank people were mostly asking questions, seeking advice, wanting to know about my experiences. I would have liked to stream my games if I wasn't also working most of the day.
code s?
The starcraft equivalent of LCK.
یک بار دیگه اسم رهبر عزیز منو بیاری خوارتو میگام
فک کن سرافین مینت باشه
ask him when the next time he'll play is
If you’re was the Ashe then that’s my favorite
If not then DONT CARE
Jk they’re all nice but the Ashe was unironically my favorite cause that anon spent a long ass time on it
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I will accept any friend request from this thread
even the cutelows
+$1 to the IDF
>nigga named tucker carlzyn thinks he can cutepost
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>unironically jewing
seraphine mains btw
it's called magnanimous superiority posting...
what's your rank little guy?
wanna come out and play?
yeah please I've been dying to queue up for some norms with a gaming god that's 300 ranks above my shitter self so I can trickshot naenae'd by the world's sweatiest grimiest pantheon toplaner while feeling like worthless garbage trash who's getting carried by some someone named >tucker carlzyn
I praised everyone's efforts last night before I slept but there's new art today too. now the collage is ever more soulful

>but the Ashe was unironically my favorite cause that anon spent a long ass time on it
I was watching him for a while. for hours he'd start then stop then start then stop. he was really putting his all into it. what a legend
i dont really weant to play with a /pol/chud you guys are too hostile
get trickshot naenae'd**
na lolgs are friendlier than the other regions
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>our mid and adc both did 2k damage in a 17 minute game
im never around for when they play i guess,,
who do we even have in euw
I need a toxic euw gf who secretly is sub as fuck
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I lost a game, guys. It's over, all down-hill from here. I've failed not just my bot-laner, but my team. Will never recover and it's back to ADC community service for me.
bro we have like 4 functional human beings in euw three of them don't even speak nigga
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there is always room for more looloo posters we dont have to fight
although you could TRY to be a smidge tasteful with the crops
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why does lolg objectify and sexualize bad players? also just because im bad at a game does nooot mean I'm "retarded"
ah nice ignite jungle twitch on my team another 15 minutes gone
they made it too fucking hard to get chests now
youre just cockdrunk, its cute
time is a flat circle
because you're a pathetic little bitch who needs to be carried (by me)

the only purpose you serve on the team is to thank, praise and please me for carrying us to victory
opening up your wallet is pretty easy actually
I'll do so everyday :3
>anon needs constant validation and affection
nice pseudo quote bro let me post it on my philosophy tumblr real quick
n-no not like that...
n-no I'm not
why do you think I'm a pathetic bitch??
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What does that mean?
yeah you are thats why ur so dumb
get a whiff of this musk bitch
nothingburger word salad from some faggoted cbs show or something

zero correlation to any actual theory regarding the concept of time whatsoever
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hey man that's the wrong attitude to have, you're all capable of improving your gameplay no matter how bad you believe yourself to be
I am NRx, but I'm not a /pol/tard sperg. If you're Gay or Chud it doesn't really concern me. I play LoL for the love of the game.
This game is a clash of wills, the winners and the nonwinners, the dominant and submissive. LoL is WAR
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im not trying to be le deep its just annoying going gold 2 > gold 3 > gold 2 > gold 3 > gold 2
>its just annoying going gold 2 > gold 3 > gold 2 > gold 3 > gold 2
doesn't make time a "flaht sirkuhl" does it you faggot
mantheon ur so retarded and cute
also silver soon
wasn't me
I'd never complain about being objectified/sexualized
im steel actually although he is quite the cutie that's true
NO! stop being so horny!!
i'm rock hard right now, queen
Why are you guys so mean to me and then nice and then mean and nice
Sheesh jeggy
I enjoyed playing with you just ask next time!!
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it only took a few months to get back to plat. i dropped out of emerald back in march lmfao
who pissed in ur cheerios this morning
HOW did you fucking know
bpd general
They should post more zoe in this thread
everyone already knows youre into the gay stuff princess
you should kill yourself
ok, im gonna confess something lolg
even tho i genuinely hate that bald retard phreak, hes actually not wrong about what hes doing to the items (nerfing the dmg overall)
its just that hes such an insane buffoon that im pretty sure hes gonna fuck it up nonetheless
the whole point of the itemization system in assfaggots is that each and every item has a unique passive that allows you to play the game in a unique style (in case of lol its the champs playing differently) but hes such an asinine individual that he doesnt realize this and is gonna turn half the adc items into stat stick and nerf attack speed again and im genuinely livid thinking about it
how do i cope with this?
how can one person be such a fucking retard and at the same time have the good idea?
how do i prevent the inevitable shitshow from happening?
i genuinely want this game to get better but im powerless in doing anything about it...
what makes you think that? also princess is a nice word..
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we are one, jeggy
I will be your legs
I will take you to the top
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whatever you say romeo
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That’s not very nice
someone said in the other thread when he plays vs irelias and stomps them he gives them permission to farm safely in all chat to make them swoon and that would definitely work on me
different anons make different posts
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stop pretending to be gay on lolg
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I'm the one single gentleman in this thread capable and willing to do such tomfoolery
>twitch jungle
>expected 15 FF
>FFed 15
checks out
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that the nickname you want instead of sissy?
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>no zoe drawings in the drawpile
FUCK i forgot to make one
imagine you cant even queue sol o lane and contest your own gold income just buy a support item at this point
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I had sex at gamescom with a /lolg/ in front of my gf.
did you make her kneel down dogeza??
I need to do the same with ireliasissies in my games. Counter pick them and then assert the dominance
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>i genuinely want this game to get better but im powerless in doing anything about it...
The game is just too complex to balance perfectly
his task was impossible from the start.
how do you cope?
accept you will lose games no matter how perfect you play
If you feel trapped by the current patch just take a week off
maybe make them give you a kiss after each wave
stfu nigga just shut the fr*ck up
you're such a tsuntsun....
and a little suck on the cock
i want to play with steel so badly
its not a question of it being impossible phreak simply does not understand the fundamental elements of the game. did you read what he said about aphelios a while back, how he wanted to shift him from a caster to an autoattacker? LIKE WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN XD? phreak is fucking clueless
just add me then! what's holding u back?
that's not very gentlemanly anon
What's a tsuntsun
I want to huff you...
kinda wanna make steel into my personal bitch ngl
built for forced fem
What would you have him do?
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I like Milio and all, but I think having someone like the Runaway would have been a cooler idea for a fire themed support.
its not
i can literally, AND I MEAN LITERALLY come up with a very unique set of items that cover every single type of champion (ap bruiser/divers/control mages etc) with very unique passives and solve a lot of the games issues
its just that hes sooooo bad at his job that even when he has the correct opinion he ends up fucking it up on a colossal level
for example: right now the game feels awful to play for mids junglers and adcs because support is genuinely busted
the main problem here is that they are trying to fix a problem that comes from the community refusing to pickup 2 roles (jungle support) by forcing balance changes
this problem has been solved years ago in dota2 by putting a ticketing system where you have to play the in demand roles and get tickets for playing your main role for a few games, this way you can nerf jungle and support to not make the game miserable for 3 different people and the one jerking off in toplane by proxy
another one is that hes forcing adcs into a low apm playstyle to reduce the skill the role requires but in doing so hes making the role really unsatisfying to play
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they like it rough
not really forced when he likes it

public humiliation

the perfect login message
im too shy...
Soraka! My Cute Wife!
is this mantheon
No someone different
Damn forgot the image
I hope next time I lose lane my laner is a gentleman who lets me farm safely
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yes, honey?
Why are you bullying me
Put his armor back on, he is hotter with it on
i'm not that anon
i'm the guy who wants to dominate ireliasissies
I play irelia sometimes :o
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that's not a nice word :(
what's all this domination shit. where the tender loving lolgs at
who are the most tender loving lolgs?
i want to be tenderly loved by steel
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I would want a gentle dom /lolg/ that would give lots of aftercare...
honestly i never got the whole "cutelow" thing
i made it from g3 to g2 today so something's working
thanks anon
You could beat up Leona, give her a black eye and she'd tell everyone she fell down the stairs.
Well you're not like them...
Ireliasissies are arrogant, so they need to be taught a lesson
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I need to reunite the Kinkou.
why are na niggas like this?
no she fucking wouldn't
I feel really arrogant sometimes actually
Plat soooooooon!
Online wont really get you the touch thing
but I get you man, just keep moving forward and take all the shots you can
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I praise my support for good plays and call them petnames
Remember there was a champion with turrets and his cult could empower one of the other abilities? I think riot deleted the champion, what was his name?
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Like what?
lost in draft yet again
remove poppy
unskilled cancer counterpick champ
what? cute and funny?
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>This general was so different a few years ago
>It's solely up to me to scare away the pedophiles and faggots
>and then he downloaded all the bbc porn he could
don't make me raise my hand on you...
I'd beat you
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the best kind of adc
is that you bitch?
where is this from? I seen it before but I never gotten the source.
fuck i hope so.... musky men are the best...
How do you counter Lissandra as Veigar? I got my shit pushed in hard by her and Sejuani.
there is literally no counterplay to poppy
too tanky, cant engage on her on have your engage on her
antidash and r
deal with them and she still has her 1 billion shields and regular tank stats while dealing more damage than 6 damage item bruisers
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now you're asking for it
my gf is a pervert that likes to suck my cock unwashed
spitting in an ireliahomos mouth in exchange for letting her farm
lucky gf....
she's lucky
yeah, my room gets pretty hot and I dont wear deodorant the days I dont go out
obsessed with this scenario:V
youve been away too long
bad girl
why are all support players bottoms?
because we go botlane!
I use to play support and I'm a power top
im not retarded just because I'm bad at a game
not all. I love the posters who rant that they hate adcs for playing like pussies and abandon them every chance they get
I'm both retarded and bad at the game
we know steel
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Jungle mains, root for /ourguy/, he's in US open top 8
those are bottoms they just prefer to slurp top laners cocks instead
im neither retarded nor bad at the game
My mother didn’t love me enough
do you hate me for it
just because I'm the support does NOT mean you can slap my ass
Me too
It has a very distinct scent. Obviously for every guy it'll smell different, but in my experience, it's a very earthy, powerful scent. It's very potent and hits that part in your brain that tells you to submit.
It's a huge turn on for me and I can't get enough.
Of course not, it's just a game
>play AP MF in an ARAM where our only AP is Neeko
>my team starts bitching about how I do nothing and to report me because AP MF is "troll"
>I did the most damage on my team and almost the most damage in the entire game
Why are ARAM tryhards like this?
does farm matter at low elo
can you please teach me to play
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I worked out and didn't shower yet, heat while playing league got me extra musky, gf already sniffed me a few times
*reports you*
i am probably the same elo as you...so we can teach each other
obviously but you need to parlay your gold into kills. if u just afk farm all game the other side of the map will have 30 kills and your farm will be irrelevant
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not all gold II lobbies are created equally. just mm against a lich bane udyr senpai
does she play league of legends though
you trying to add her and cuck him?
why is it okay for jhin to go swifties first item when they don't offer any damage
everything matters at every elo. every skill you learn will make it easier to win
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sometimes, but she is far higher elo than me and prefers to just watch me play while crocheting or doing something else
cause jhin isnt a damage champ hes a kiting champ
need bf that lets me smell his pits before i play ranked and lose because i am too fuzzy headed and high from his musk.......
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this meme makes me laugh every time I fucking love it
need u to kys
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>"Duelist" champ
>Ultimate is completely useless in a duel
What did they mean by this? It's literally just Nocturne's ult but shittier
You're supposed to land it
E>R is a valid combo to win duels tho
It absolutely is not.
Landing it has nothing to do with what I said.
just admit you're bad at briar
just admit you have no argument and an ultimate that has you standing still for multiple seconds is shitty mid-duel
>Went from Bronze 2 back to Bronze 4
Who's by far the best split pusher?
Tryndamere with ravenous hydra
I dunno man the other briarfags find a lot of success with her
I mean she's good in solo queue, not good in pro play. That's all there is to it. Briar lane mid/top is more prefered in higher elo I feel tho
desu I just don't understand how people willingly put themselves through the experience of playing a bruiser top lane and not rushing a tiamat item, it is completely miserable if you don't and the enemy does
I meant the doms
blog for the yordle artist god please
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never give up gamers
how many lolicons are here
Sion also can naturally have 4000+ hp without building an hp item.
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I'm here!
Hi, I wrote a guide on how to play Annie years ago and even made a skin for her that was shown in a Riot Showcase
This musk talk is making me horny
I know it’s men lusting but being anonymous helps me pretend it’s cute girls posting instead
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I dabble.
There's a fag on the other end who really wants you to cum
musk is so good i need it to live
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stood in everything + fucked up autos + didnt dodge ult and still won snakes literally cant do shit vs dogs
link to showcase?
It might have gotten me too if I wasn’t away from home
I’m not gay I’m just horny and for all I know it’s actually a girl pretending to be a guy because she won’t get judged that way
would have won if you kited
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And I thought I'm the gayest here...
i did win anon im dog
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Can't find it, but it was Dentist Annie
>have 3 adcs in aram
>enemy has jax irelia malphite
>casual draft
>im jng ww
>top lane sett dives illoai at level 2 and dies
>i sprint top from fucking mid and flash q to pick her off at least making it even
>he quits by the time i got up there
Unironically, why bother playing?
No, really? Why?
Clearly you can't handle the game. I bet that actually threw his keyboard or some shit because he played like a chimp
Sett players are like 8 years old irl
im glad our gorilla nigger zac support abuser is permasplitting while flameing our actual carries
pedos kys fast
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Thats why i always pick enchanter if its available :3
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Because I like being the henchman
why do you center the camera on you?
Are you a girl?
if it helps girls can be just as degenerate as guys so there's likely ones out there who are into it too
I remember reading a blogpost once where a guy would have to go up to 3 days without showering because his gf was into musk and was animalistic about getting the sent all over herself
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What the fuck is wrong with this client. It kicked me out of champ select right after. Not even to lobby screen but the fucking home screen of the client.
What if they made a champ who got stronger the more of its teammates are dead?
don't turn this intona contest. you'll lose
supportsissies: bottoms
adsisters: bottoms
midstacies: bottoms
topsluts: bottoms
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Why is it every time I enter this general to talk about the game, there is some either fag or coom shit going on and discussion is impossible?
Let me repeat that.
Worst general on /vg/ and its not close.
its the anthesis of league and would promote a very annoying type of play.
>general has the MOST stacies in the jungle
>not listed
someones insecure
>Dentist Annie
explain the concept
another disgusting nigger insect zac player that cannot perform despite playing the literally most broken champ in the game
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I love Lissandra!

who fed annie, dumbfucks
is this why nasus mid is so common rn
>promoting inting
what fragrance does she use during dinner dates
Whats your favorite brand of glue to eat and what kind of paint smells the best
how's she feeling after the buffs? how's she gonna feel after the shadowflame gigabuff?
ur bad if u buy shadowflame on lissandra
what about stormsurge getting gigabuffs too?
vex players are so unironically cancer bad at the game like ive never actually seen blindpick vex perform before its always counterpick into sit under tower and wait for jg ganks like if u wanna actually play a cringe champ at least be capable of performing on said champ
Yeah facts
Yuumi of mid
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>climb from iron 4 to bronze 4
>suddenly people get more toxic
>they start taking more retarded fights and feeding
>I also get flamed for the first time as a jungler, something which hasn't happened for past 100 games
>for some reason people start inting into me when I play mid, they'll walk over the minion wave and just attack me level 1 (which I win)
>They CS less I think

What....? It's like the game got more retarded the moment I ranked up
bake a new you fucks
iron is mostly kids and handicapped people whereas bronze is full of literal niggers and alcoholics
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It's Annie...and she's a dentist...and tibber's is a dentist assistant...this was back in like 2015 so skins were much more basic/simple
Should I buy Hullbreaker on Ziggs?
JELLY why wont you queue with mee..
nigga is playing frozen heart serpents fang hullbreaker ziggs
*kisses u on the forehead*
you have to kill her ebf kurostar first
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What do you want to talk about?
not you you, faggot
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Ok. What do you want to talk about now?
>thinking the people that complain here 24/7 want to talk about anything
They play the game less than the people who avatarag here.
the rift is a horrible game mode
I vastly prefer running her as a raw snowballer- open with Stormsurge for raw oneshots, build advantage, go from there.

Blindpick Vex doesn't work out because then you just get counterpicked and are useful only for being oogled in lane (which works out for me fine anyways).
what do you think are some poor matchups for velkoz support and what do you do in those matchups to mitigate it?
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I really, really, really, really want a Bee-themed Briar skin
why haven't you had your simps kill sorakanigger
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1 more month until my champion becomes a 1 skin a year flopperoni...
报数据 league of legends英雄联盟
me when season 14
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Dropped four games two of which at least were salvageable. Support Arc has been compromised. Don't queue on no sleep, it makes you impatient about enemies being allowed to do things unpunished, then you tunnel-tilt the first time there's no follow-up instead of adapting.

It's all me, boys. There is no Losers Queue. We rest and go again tomorrow.
stupid fucking niggers never congratulated my penta?

say "good nice penta" fucking idiots
good job, nice penta
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here you go lolg, move
also step up your thread making game
It is low elo shitter babbling and mostly coping, but there is some truth to it.
I peaked at Rank 970-950 on the EuW ladder a few years ago, and I played against a few Challengers back then. Now I am washed and probably somewhere in mid to high Master. The difference to Challengers was noticeable.It was like me being a second Division soccer player, facing Champion League players, or me being a D1 Athlete or G-League player facing NBA or NFL players.
Yes, on paper I was better than 99,999% of all players, but when you are that good in something, you recognize how bad you are to the best.
You could have put me up against the top 50 challengers and I would have lost 95-98 times out of a hundred games.
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I think he's a poor support all around. I also don't like mage "supports" so I try not to play them, BUT sometimes I just want to really poke a tank that doesn't have a hook so I guess then.
my future wife looks like this
you can't marry a squid
Which one, there's 3 different people drawing yordles there.

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