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Chemical Science edition
Previous thread: >>492499493

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Zachtronics games

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:
>Hearthstone (learn how to add a “/” to your search)

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current and recent /egg/ hosted servers:
>Satisfactory (private server, ask in thread for IDs)
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
First for peridot
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Not trying to derail, so it'll be my last post about it, but >>>/co/
oh jeez
ahhhh i just want to play satisfactory why cant they just release now
Literally me in every argument.
was this made by the girlfriend who is terrible at factorio
you just don't understand good builds
if that's a good build I'm glad I don't understand it
that just happens every now and then every few months, what about it
it's trivial to spam 4chan, only retards get any enjoyment out of it so it's rare for it to happen regularly
>what about it
What about it?
Why are you bringing it into the new thread shitter?

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I only played the first few level because it seemed you have no space constrains which makes the game trivial, but do levels start having these wall blocks or is it just an exception?
Anon it's a loss reference, they made the panel borders themselves
I know it's a meme level, but I was wondering if these walls I didn't know about are actually used in the normal game
Nevermind, I looked it up and it's just a marking block
Only the last optional chapter has limited space.
There are extra levels that have space constraints
Okay, good to know
Could /egg/ possibly engineer a disaster bigger than Concord?
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It ends with a 2
Your life.
At least KSP1 still exists.
it lasted longer than concord at least
ksp2 is, in terms of size compared to the genre market cap, larger of a disaster.
>genre market cap
I only know of one other game like KSP.
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I haven't used a power switch since I discovered you could control pumps with the circuit network.
I think it's probably the least useful item in the game, trying to think of another but even the burner inserter is better
I think I used one for fusion power when playing K2 to make sure I couldn't brown out my entire factory if my total powered dipped below a certain amount. I ended up scrapping it though because it lagged my game massively by turning on and off six zillion times a second.
I just built two fusion plants instead so power was no longer in danger of running out.
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should definitely have its functionality folded into power poles or transformers at least.
ive actually used them quite a bit may it be as thoughshalteverbeit, more than burner arms for sure.
I really wish they went ahead with the multithreaded electric networks optimisations they talked about scrapping. If the main issue was a single entity in multiple networks, I'm sure even a nuclear option like beacon overload where a building just can't work if in it's in more than one network would be preferable to UPS death.
>believing in the multithreading jew lies
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I want to believe
>There is only one thread that holds us all together
>His name is God
I thought they implemented it but they rolled it back after it didn't improve performance. Multi-threading isn't a silver bullet.
https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-421 it is here, it was shit even when just putting the different planet networks into its own threads because the overhead was bigger than the savings.
It has some uses but they're really niche, mostly if you're trying to pull various shenanigans with multiple power sources and so on.
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factorio mod that lets you wrap copper wire around rocks and throw them at power lines to short them
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It's not quite as funny without the sound but have a webm of that
>development of Juno has stopped
>KSP2 is dead
>Rocket Science has been in EA since 2020
Jesus, we will be stuck with KSP for another decade.
hope (cope) that TakeTwo will sell the KSP IP to someone competent
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Shapez 2 just said I'm a top 1% male.
Post a new video Dosh, I'm bored at work with nothing to do. I know you've been playing Py.
>needed purple science to turn sodium carbonate back into sodium hydroxide
>finally got it
>now can refine carbon faster without worrying about an unusable waste product
at last... the shit I unlocked back in green science is useful.
> electrum deus
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This mod is gonna be a game changer (colloquial names).
Now if they just colored the graph according to the science color.
>t. derpumu
it's just babby's first meme mod bro, don't flatter yourself so
"Monitor display in '90s scifi anime"-core
Not me, but who cares if it's a trivial mod, it's still useful.
certified kino
>I'm bored at work with nothing to do.
Do your work but in Factorio.
why did K2 disable nuclear fuel?
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nice logistics challenge modkeks
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For some reason class smoke with trigger is causing my fps to drop horribly in Factorio, with it hitting 40+ on the tics in a constant fashion
What can i do to find the culprit?
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God fucking speed you glorious bastard!
what is the meme modlist?
That's not a good thing.
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2.0 will set us free...
>dumbing down game mechanics is le good actually
sometimes, yes
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knee deep in main bus HELL
>SE's boxes are so huge and cargowagons are so small that my automatic alert system for train stops goes off endlessly.
>If a pickup zone goes 15 minutes without reaching 10% of its maximum buffer the system complains but my system is also set to automagically summon trains once there's a trainload ready to be picked up so I don't run into the retarded problem of trains bunching up at stops that don't have enough material for a single train while a stop further away has 9 trainloads worth of crap
>Can't figure a way to fix this that doesn't require nuking my "one-size-fits-all" design

24 chests for a 1:2 train can hold 14 trainloads of material but one fluid wagon stop only holds 4 trainloads of material which is a drastic difference
How to export, its mostly Py
I noticed that it seems to occur if I used tanks for bob forked steam charges as burnable fuel
I killed the entire load and the stutter went away
Id say its some possible conflict of the steam canister not being programmed correctly relative to tintable smoke from the many many boilers Py demands to doanything
It was poorly implemented that's all and it saved a lot on the update time. I think sacrificing a bit of the cpu for a huge boost in speed was the right move but for some reason the devs thought otherwise.
It's simple, just give each pole a personal thread.
>20 pumps sucking each other directly human centipede style
>woah... such complexity
fuck off
good night /egg/
48 more sleeps until space age
Clearly, a bigger pump, and bigger pipes are needed!
That said, the existing system is much worse in every respect, save for realism.
use more pipes
that's what you are supposed to do
I just slapped on a push button I can press to snooze or set to always on to silence it indefinitely
You hope
the problem with pipes is that they don't scale well at all when things become crazy, such as with mods
pipes work well enough in vanilla, but we won't have vanilla anymore, and they realized the limitations of pipes with the DLC coming
they encountered the same problem that modders and mod users have, so they're bringing fluid 2.0

and i'm not just talking about throughput limitations, but the way they work as well
for example, a vanilla pipe has 100 pressure, and 100 storage
so you want to increase the pressure to increase throughput, but soon you realize it's literally impossible to do that without also increasing the storage capacity due to how fluid 1.0 works, and if every pipe has thousands of available storage, you will have hundreds of thousands of fluid just hanging around in the pipes, which will not do

this update is just a sign that we're going to have fluids going at well beyond 2 or 3k/s on average during late game, and sure, this is manageable currently as well, but it's not going to happen often enough to become a nuisance
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finally doing research
welp time to go afk for 12 hours until I have enough science to get robots
blue science is being produced
at 2 hours 59 minutes
I think I've got this run
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It begins

The automagical construction of Fort "Fuck Off We're Full"
I'm using it for back up steam power while my single nuclear working at full blast (can't be assed to setup buffer). But without a circuit to regulate switching it turns power usage log into unreadable seismic graph.
Still, removing throughput from a logistics game will always be controversial. I think there is a nice middleground would be to limit how much fluid can go in/out of a segment depending on its size and geometry, with a more linear decay rate, minimum flow, and some free budget of size and complexity before it start affecting throughput.
of course, their solution isn't the perfect solution, but what's done is done
maybe it will be a toggleable feature, or some modder will bring back fluid 1.0 for those who like 2.0 less than 1.0
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Circuit of balanced loading so LTN doesn't royally screw up. This kinda design is already on the wiki, but this one balances between train car loaders, so LTN will only send a train when it can actually be loaded. A simple balancer is not sufficient because small imbalances accumulate over time and LTN doesn't give an unconditional to leave after some time which is a problem if it gets input starved for a long time and LTN just forgets the train exists.
you just need a simple RS latch
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I will sleep 2 times today.
I used it but it adds the issue of everything browning out until battery discharges low enough to trigger the switch. You'd need enough accumulators to match your backup output for smooth transition.
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Skipped the tutorial and just started playing Factorio. How am I doing bwos
I've seen worse
>polyphasic sleep to accelerate the release of space age
>How am I doing
Not good.
pretty good
no mods needed for first time though
show us what you're running at least
we can specify if that's a silly idea or a very silly idea
I think the tutorial is sort of essential if you are a actual new player and don't want to cheat by watching youtube
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big oil
too big to build by hand
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rate my advanced oil processing
not enough chem plants, so it's not maximum throughput
I can't be bothered to decipher the pipes and wires to check if you did the circuits right
but I think you got it
I know I'm not going to add more yet because I can do it with robots soon
The piping is right / 5
>too big to build by hand
I think I have before, but this time I'm going for the 8hr achievement, and I've already burned 3h40m.
Personal construction bots are needed ASAP.
balloon loop/10
Not enough pumps/10
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>personal bots
just use base bots
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be gone thot
do the tutorial, it's also a fun little scenario
bots are expensive though
I guess I'd place a few roboports in the area, put bots in them, set down passive provider chests, and ctrl-click my inventory into the chests?
Thanks for reminding me I wanted to revisit my old solution for Meat+3. Ripped it all out and planned it from the ground up, and went from this mess...
They're expensive but you should know they're worth it. And you're going to need frames for yellow science anyway, even 4 frame assemblers will be enough if you just want the achievement
You typically want to upgrade your mall chests to providers and handcraft anything else and give it in a provider/storage chest.
... to this mess.
The wiring is actually even worse, but at least there's some open space, and it's $50k cheaper.
99% Autistic male (shiny)
>pipes work well enough in vanilla
I hate having to check the pipe throughput graph to make my nuclear reactors, I feel like it should be easier to set up, it's lacking obvious throughput information.
But the change I'm most excited about is performance, I shouldn't have to make direct insertion plastic from basic oil processing, this is retarded.
Anyone playing spacechem?
>pipes work well enough in vanilla
I hate having to check the pipe throughput graph to make my nuclear reactors, I feel like it should be easier to set up, it's lacking obvious throughput information.
But the change I'm most excited about is performance, I shouldn't have to make direct insertion plastic from basic oil processing.
>It's simple, just give each pole a personal thread.
Weak, that is just asking to leave potential savings on the table. Each power cable connection should have its own thread.
4chan malfunctioned I guess
Triple (you)s for you baby
>because small imbalances accumulate over time
How so? I've got belt-only balancers on my loading stations and they've been running for hundreds of hours with no real imbalance, sometimes there's a small difference which I believe is due to the different length of belt after each balancer output, but that's not a stacking balance problem, it's basically just a static offset and it auto-calibrates whenever the loader ends up idle for a moment.

If you are having weird balance problems between chests with values that slowly drift over time, it might be due to inserter stack size not lining up evenly with how much goes on a cargo wagon. When that happens you don't get all inserters swinging an equal amount of times and it will cause drift over time. This shouldn't happen between different wagons though, assuming they're all fed from a proper balancer.
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(hacker voice)
I'm in.
You feel a moderate breeze from the right
>4 frame assemblers will be enough if you just want the achievement
I'll keep that in mind.
Will the bots stay in their placed roboport if I manually insert like 5 or 10 into each?
Or will I have a ton of bots moving all the way across the base for every construction task?
I remember looking at my base and thinking I would need literally 50x20 = 1000 bots to cover everything, which is a lot when I just want to bot-build things like furnace stacks.
Placing inserters sucks, I've occasionally considered going "fuck it" and making a wasteful solid line of inserters.
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Cum, join me. Be the fifth man to be playing Medieval Engineers concurrently in two years.
If the logistic areas touch, the networks join and become one network, bots will service an entire network. Let the natural bot migrations happen, they will eventually build stuff, meanwhile you can prepare the next stage or do things that bots suck at, like placing long lines of belts.
>If the logistic areas touch
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>Wanna get back into playing DSP after long break
>Remember how much of a pain in the ass getting started is
>pic related
Anyone got any advice for this?
So, surely this week we'll get the vulcanus enemies, right?
inb4 vulcanus and gleba are the only planets with new enemies
Oh shoot vikings us is still up?
build a little mall for belts, inserters and powerpoles
You know that this is personalized? What are you doing?
>left-clicking on a toolbar slot with an item in hand locks that item to that slot
>even if you already had an item locked to that slot
this wasn't always how it worked, right
there's a setting to turn this off, right
noice i might, any mods?
captcha: JRSJW
Fuckload of mods including the Factorio one.
Fareon A3 G4 if you want a minuscule head start.
nvm I fixed it, last option under interaction, didn't read the tooltip
Is cosmoteer /egg/?

Should i get it?
Even Factorio is a pain in the ass to get started
you fucked up
nta, maybe it's a difference in experience, but I enjoy Factorio early game quite a lot and absolutely despise DSP's. It feels like Factorio rewards you for having played it previously, while DSP punishes you and mockingly gives you a few science packs
rule 15bitch
>not one but TWO pony threads
Anon what the fuck.
I wish there was an easy way to learn all the qol mechanics that the game doesn't teach you. Stuff like shift+click copying a machine's recipe to another or copying a recipe's requirement to a requester chest. I bet there is a ton of simply shortcuts that I don't know about or are not listed on the wiki "controls" page.
All controls are listed in the controls option menu.
>Stuff like shift+click copying a machine's recipe to another or copying a recipe's requirement to a requester chest.
Pretty sure both of those are covered in tips menu.
>Turn on purple science production
>All the steel disappears
I only occasionally dabble in factorio and none of the shortcuts in this game make any fucking sense. The first hour of any playthrough is relearning how to do basic interface stuff.
Sometimes the question is not if you should but if you can. Can you make a megabase without any belts? Can you make a k2 megabase without any miners? Can you destroy all the nest on your map to make it impossible for biters to reproduce? The answer is yes and therefore, you should.
does anyone have a good idea what to do with this mercury shit?
I feel like it's a subpar material for anything, having a shit coolant properties(low thermal conductivity, very low thermal mass), having mediocre liquid properties(petroleum has better range and is easy to source) and absolutely ass properties as a metal as it fucking melts at minus 40
>no game
>no screenshot
try drinking it
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oni btw
try drinking it
SE ending spoiler: Okay so I have all the pyramid screenshoted and I've put the images on a tree based on where the small triangles link to each other but what does it tell me? They're in the right place I think but I don't understand what it gave me. Any hint?
DSP is objectively more punishing early game because your character needs fuel to move and necessary resources are relatively scattered sparsely across the planet compared to your personal speed and the resources needed to belt things both ways. The starter resource patches are also much less dense in relative terms. Power generation is more difficult and bulky because thermal gens produce very little for the resource drain and compared to mass-spam of wind. Then your defenses are the opposite of Factorio; quarantine cordons around the bore holes instead of a wall to protect your starter base, and there's no cliffs to use as natural barriers.
>Factorio SE early midgame
>Can't play a lot
>SA coming up
>Kills my motivation for SE
>Start Krastorio2
Any tips?
Is it worth it putting automation cores on the bus in the long run?
>Is it worth it putting automation cores on the bus in the long run?
>long run
K2 sucks early game
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I have a problem actually. I love factorio, but I've never finished the base game ever, and have never fired a rocket, despite 130hrs of play time.
It goes something like this:

>play a couple of hours of factorio for the first time
>completely hooked, literally addicted for the next 24 hours
>make myself a starter base, watch youtube tutorials, learn about belt balancers, logistics networks, train signal management etc etc
>meanwhile, research science to the max, attempt to unlock as much as possible
>reach the mid game. Now have to transition to liquids.
>realise that my factory is incredibly spaghetti
>decide to tear it down and start again, properly this time
>realise that any design I come up with is going to be subpar compared to just copying blueprints off of the internet
>copy blueprints. Decision paralysis -> do I use a main bus? Do I try to maximise throughput?

I literally open the game for 10 minutes at a time, stare at my torn down base (it's just a bunch of chests full of stuff) and close the game. Its too overwhelming. Anything I do has been done before, why should I spend time creating a build when it's already been solved? I'm a software engineer by trade, and one of the first things i've ever been taught was 'don't reinvent the wheel, use a library if it exists'. Why am I reinventing the wheel? Why am I playing the game?
Stop using online blueprints. Jesus fucking christ, I'm tired of seeing noobs doing that all the time. What's the point in doing that when you don't even understand what it does or why it's done that way?
>Why should I know what binary is? Libraries do that for me.
>Why should I learn assembly? Libraries exist so I don't have to.
>Why should I learn standard conventions? Libraries exist for a reason.
>Why should I learn C? An AI can do that for me.
>Why should I learn? Someone else already did that for me.
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>realise that any design I come up with is going to be subpar compared to just copying blueprints off of the internet
this is where you fail, stop doing this and just build stuff
okay anon, let me ask you this
why are you actually playing the game
is your goal to just hit the final goal at any cost or is it to just have fun
For the briefest synapse I thought "I wonder if I have to update medieval engineers before joining"
I don't think I ever finished the game either.
I fired the rocket in the Space Exploration, but I haven't finished the mod either.

I have over 400h in it.
I just like to have fun in it. I usually play with friends and we play until people get bored. Often times I install some Renai Transportation or Ultracube(or whatever) and just do some fun constructions in it. Or I make some complex circuit networks, or some crazy PvE mod.

You don't need to complete the game to have fun.
PS. The idea of just sitting down and finishing the vanilla game doesn't sound appealing to me at this point.
Yeah but this guy is clearly not having fun because of his unhealthy way of approaching the game. Why does he spam ultra optimized online blueprints that give him choice paralysis? Why does he get choice paralysis in the first place? Because he doesn't know what makes them optimal.
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Literally just stop using the blueprint import button
Enlightenment is realizing spaghetti is the most fun way to play the game
why is there such a strong correlation between people who can stomach one piece's artstyle and retards
>Want to manually calculate throughput for a mod
>Load windows built in calculator
>Takes 10 seconds to load
>Randomly multiply by 0 (I have no idea why)
>Can't correct written equations (you could do that in previous versions but you can't now)
>Can't copy equations easily because "invalid input" despite literally copying directly from history
>Give up and decide to use my phone instead
>Lock to standard (no order of operations)
>Only does additions, substrations and multiplications (no division!?)
>Can't see the previous part of the operation
>No history
Why are built-in calculators getting so much fucking worse over the years? Unironically why? Calculators are the most basic tool, it cost fucking nothing to make a good scientific tier calculator. Even windows 7 had a better calculator. It's the most basic type of program you can make on a computer yet somehow they keep losing important features. I solve my problem by unironically installing a built-in calculator mod for factorio.
I remember you from the /v/ thread
I have zero idea what you are talking about but I'm glad my views are common
I don't know if it's available for windows, but I like speedcrunch if I need slightly complicated stuff.
I didn't really dig too deep on the root cause, but it could be poorly set up balancers. Was not a problem if the provide threshold was like 90% of the chest capacity, but in this case I wanted that value to be around 30% to give high capacity with infrequent trains, and wanted a guarantee for things to work.
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Tomorrow secret beta-testing starts for Space Age, you heard it here first. Terms say, I can talk about my experience, but not about the content not revealed in the FFF. You heard it here first.
does your dad work for factorio?
no my dad is the engineer
No, but I am longer on the forums than most current devs are part of wube.
how to get in secret squirrel beta test? Be a content creator? Be Earendel's fursuit wearing butt slave?
Check the recipe book and you'll see it's only used in a few early dead-end recipes
I have no idea who was picked, and on what criteria. I know that in total its about 100 people invited.
One time in elementary school my cousin swore they found a pokemon on the highest mountain in japan

I believe that more than this
That's alright, I will post the attendee badge tomorrow. Looking forward sharing my impressions with the only legit community on the interwebs
I'll propably have to learn how to tripfag by then, I guess
I just wanna know if I have to send all the science packs to Gleba or not because of the spoilage being really short and if I do I'll skip that planet until the very end.
just put #faggot in the name field
though using moot's tripcdoe probably still autobans you
let's reframe your thinking onto a different game. what if someone told you they started playing halo or some fps, but they just decided to install a bot because the bot would be much better than they are at headshots? doesn't that sound retarded, and doesn't it make you wonder why they're even playing the game in the first place?
also, you are a javascript dev, right?
Science packs don't even rot fully they just turn into less potent packs. I guess that's so they can't stop inside the labs and force you to remove the spoilage.
If you just produce 2ce as many packs you can probably ship them anywhere without caring.
>I guess that's so they can't stop inside the labs and force you to remove the spoilage
oh yeah having to deal with rot in labs whenever research stalls would be super fucked up
Have them disappear into nothing as they rot inside labs, seems like a simple solution to me.
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Just reached space in SE. So are you just supposed to send pre-space science packs from nauvis to orbit via rocket in order to continue researching?
once you start with space science packs all your science is in orbit
I like the commitment to spoilage universally resulting in a new item instead of simple deletion. Mechanics should be consistent like that.
and I appreciate that the final result of fucking around with all that spoilage bullshit is a product which doesn't really spoil so you can let off the stress
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>any design I come up with is going to be subpar compared to just copying blueprints off of the internet
This logic is flawed, I have some hot opinions for you.
All blueprints are made with invisible assumptions making their ranking difficult. In picrel I tried to show you what I mean, imagine plotting all blueprints on that graph : you can't tell if a blueprint is better in general, the answer is always "it depends". Some players don't care about 90% of the variables on that graph, and their blueprints will reflect that. A blueprint being online isn't a seal of quality. A thousand noobs agreeing that it's a good blueprint isn't either.

As an engineer, it's normal to take inspiration from cool tricks you see online, but if it's demoralizing you, you need to stop thinking so much and actually make shit. The root of all evil is preemptive optimization.
However, if it's just a consequence of you being overly analytical, because you enjoy playing that way, then carry on. I feel like /egg/s are crack for performance-anxious engineers and technicians, that are lacking in spontaneity in general. They allow us to thrive on fun visual problems without the need for lame external performance and time requirements you would have at work.

Lazy retards love to generalize, and autists love wasting their time on very specific scenarios. We aren't touching any grass anytime soon itt, so why not enjoy it?
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My rolls royce. Followed me everywhere for 8 years.
I also recently heard about a cool tool called Desmos, for easy-to-share and fast graph prototyping.
Probably youtube e-celebs, right?
>SE ending spoiler:
Read first hint. If the content is news to you, stop there. If you already knew that part, read the second hint.

There is a place you can discover where the non-triangular glyphs in the larger top circles are obviously relevant. Have you found that place yet? If not, go find it and see where that leads you, and ignore the next hint.

The small triangles and the larger glyphs form two separate puzzles. They do come together in the end, but you'll first need to solve them separately before connecting them again.
Pretty sure e-celebs are on board, since a review embargo etc is mentioned.
The thing is that I would expect built-in tools to stay the same or get better overtime, not get worse. What use is there for a calculator without a division?
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>Can I Beat My Physician Course Without Division??? (Answer Might Surprise You)
This needs to be made in a factorio mod.
that's an idle game.
yeah i played this game recently, call of honor or something. that would make a neat facotrio mod too
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severely doubt it
i believe it picks threads that have more posts/hour than the board's average
and then it sometimes also picks archived threads, mostly on int
and also the /3/ sticky

which boards get picked seems about in line with 4stats.io, with some exceptions:
mlp, trash, /3/ and aco seem to show up more often
/b/ never shows up, and i haven't seen most of these rarer boards at all yet
i paste shit into the chrome adressbar - it even does unit conversions
physician pls go
I get filtered by Spacechem when I reach the point where you start using if-else sensors and getting uncertain inputs (25% chance H, 75% chance O, etc). I don’t have any trouble with his other games, but for some reason spacechem filters me hard.
Just be yourself.
Mods are good. They entire mod catalog for any given game must be browsed before deciding whether to play it or not.
You got /trash/ and /aco/ to show up? I've never seen an NSFW board on there, period.
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Not the factorio dreams again. I don't want to them anymore. They're bullshit.
There's probably something wrong somewhere if you're getting imbalance between wagons, though I've never used LTN so I'm not sure if that could be doing something weird.
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>Satisfactory 1.0
>Factory Space Age expansion
>inevitable updated Space Exploration mod after that
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you don't have this checked, do you?
it only shows blue boards by default
My bad, yeah. Should've looked it up before making the post.
Who even visits the front page?
which one are you stuck on
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To sell more excel licenses, or to have interns do something (go rewrite the calculator lol), or because the secret keylogger usage subprogram detects that nobody uses the calculator for more than price checking and 2 digit multiplication.
Luckily you can still get the old software in all its intact glory with ease and it just works. Same goes for paint and solitaire and screensavers.
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What do you mean? You can go to the scientific version of the calculator and do just about anything you need.
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>1 + 1 * 2 = 4
You can't change anything you've written, you can't copy previous equations to modify them because the syntax isn't right, it keeps adding multiplications by 0 when I try to use the parentheses.
The old calculator didn't have any of these problems.
The rest of the post was about my phone's built in calculator which literally has no option and only 3 keys other than numbers. There is no division or if there is one, it's fucking hidden.
I'm not even asking about multiple built-in log functions or a key for cubed. I just want the ability to copy and modify my equation or fix mistakes. Is that too much to ask from a default program, which I remind you again, worked like that previously. Even programmer mode is slightly worse in multiple ways.
He's using standard as an example, the old version also had a scientific mode.
Oh wow, you're right. I just assumed you could go back and edit numbers, but this is bad. I usually use a TI-30X if I need to do any rough calculations
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It's funny to imagine what a complete noob's 1st impression would be after googling 4chan.
>for some godforsaken reason the calculator app has a 'remain on top' function that only works if the calculator is in 'basic' mode - not in any of the other ones, incl. programmer or scientific.
Fucking Microsoft, man.
Fucking -- Microsoft.
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I use my twenty-year-old TI-84 for everything. Throw all the coefficients into a matrix and solve.
So when Earendel said SA takes about 60-100 hours to complete, did he mean the game start to finish or just the expansion content?
>The rest of the post was about my phone's built in calculator which literally has no option and only 3 keys other than numbers. There is no division or if there is one, it's fucking hidden.
I'm curious who makes that. Samsung one just works.
extremely likely he meant start to finish
Guess I'm pretty slow the. My first rocket took around 50 hours.
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That was really fun, thanks.
I'd love some kind of overhauled factorio supply challenge mode, but with a way to sell and buy items.
Standard/deathworld. Would you rather have unbreakable buildings but you can't remove them either or normal buildings but the nest are unbreakable?
I think their framework is for a relatively experienced factorio player, since that's who they had testing.
Also don't forget that launching rockets is being moved earlier in the tech tree for the expansion, so it's not like it will be en entire vanilla playthrough before you unlock DLC content.
Nests unbreakable in deathworld is unplayable, so the former
No blueprinting either. I hope you don't misplace any thing by accident.
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my apes...
all gone...
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I'll be waiting for you out there, anon
Grats, is it a single layer?
brother you are playing cookie clicker
I'm playing Shapez 2, making clips in the background
>nigga's playing cookie clicker
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What power is this?
I'm guessing that's really fast
Yes, normally takes 4 hours
I've been playing Stationeers and not doing much else. Sleep has been affected. Lost track of time; it's probably been about a week. Heroin bender. Such are my ways. There is much to discuss. It has much similarity to modded Minecraft, in bad ways as well as good. The tool switching is... something that I think I've gotten a handle on, mostly. You want to run wire coil someplace. The wires and the wire cutters live on the last slot in the belt. The wire cutters are spray-painted red; the same color as the coils. The belt is the most important meta-inventory, so it gets assigned to 1. The jetpack-backpack is 2. The uniform is 3. The EVA is 4. The other tools on the belt come in construct/destruct pairs that get painted the same color.
The polish on stuff that isn't core gameplay is pretty bad. The terrain is so ugly, so bland, so soulless, so buggy. "Don't be a sucker." I try to do all of my mining using explosives. It's very buggy. Sometimes a chunk of terrain doesn't blow up and leaves an unbroken chunk. Sometimes it digs down deeper than what has been generated, and the drops will fall into the void. You can fly under there before you get kicked back out. Once I blasted a gold vein, but underneath was some ice which immediately vaporized and blew gold nuggets all over the place. Fun to watch, but a big mess. I wanted to automate mining charge production. However the machines are some tricksters... they just spit out physics objects into the world. If there's a wall or something in the way they can do terrible glitchy things. At some point I should just let something shit wires into the world forever just to see what happens. Anyways I was still pretty new to it all at the time and had mis-clicked the explosive. And instead of picking it up I armed it. Naturally I panicked. Meanwhile the machine was still spitting out more explosives and I was literally juggling bombs. Somehow none of them went off. I'd want them to go into a proper inventory but seems impossible?
What's the correct ratio for Nuclear reactors-heat exchangers-turbines?
Just eyeball it.
look it up
this creates mustard gas
Please dont tell me Nuclear reactors can go critical and blow up
no but you'd be wasting expensive infrastructure
and fuel, but that's cheap
Only if you've got a bug problem or like to play with grenades next to it.
I wish.
Deep miners solve all your problems. They produce infinite ore.
Go to the little table, it will tell you how many of what you will need for a 2xX generator setup.
The game is incredible. The shitty inventory management? I love it. The absolute feeling of it all. Unpacking the lander, as if there was all of this stuff carefully packed together that you could never repackage yourself. Dropping something on the ground for a moment to deal with a little contingency, picking it back up. You have an infinite inventory; it's all around you. (Well, I've only lived on the Moon so far. I guess that doesn't work with Martian storms...) Piles of garbage everywhere, living like a redneck. Spent CO2 filters piling up on shelves. It brings me back to my childhood. Like modded Minecraft, there's so much weird crap that could help you out if only you knew about it. (This is why I've been playing hardcore style; as I learn more each run goes much faster.) I discovered cardboard boxes. (They're made of silicon. Anything too implausible for you to actually make is made from silicon instead.) I put the filters for recycle in a box, and put the box in a corner of my workshop, and piled filled dirt canisters on top. This run I decided to keep everything indoors, since airlocks and spacesuit upkeep are annoyances. But this requires expansion; I want more living area; I want a 2-high bedroom. But I don't want to spend all my time in an airlock, so I just leave piles of materials at the worksite and it all feels so life-like.

I know ahhh but there's so much to do! Ah, and wouldn't those invalidate the Aimee miningbot thing? Hmm.
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Play Factorio on these settings
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The aimee is still good for mining ice before you set up a full greenhouse setup with automated processing to produce gasses.
Deep miners also need some work to automate them, depending on whether you use combustion or regular centrifuges.
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Unless you also use these settings, you didn't beat the game.
>cost multiplier
finally a setting that actually makes a difference
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Flying robot frames, all blueprinted up.
Solid fuel chests should handle 21 hours of overflow.
Wish I had bots to build this with, but this is what I need to build bots.
Not into CBT
What's CBT?
Cock and Ball Torture
that's not CBT that's shooting your whole pelvis off with a 1 gauge shotgun
close beta test
Closed Beta Test (for Space Age)
what's you guys safeword for CBT
got some bots going
need more bots and more roboports
but even just 20 bots on a task is nice
You guys need to try this. IMO, it belongs in the OP game list. The original site is lost to time, but this is a legitimately fun and good browser game.
thinking about suicide again
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it's best not to overthink things, anon
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Is it supposed to do something?
>making space science in space is easy and super cheap compared to firing several rockets.

interesting, wonder if we could have a dedicated platform that just travels back and forth that only makes space science or if we'll be limited to a select amount of platforms.
>odd number of underground belts
If the screenshot is anything to go by, try Fantastic Contraptions too
>place the odd one on the ground
>destroy it
It's that simple
I don't think they've said anything that points to a hard limit on the number of space platforms. I would expect you'd be able to get enough materials for a good flow of space science, at least early on, just by having a platform stationary in orbit, since you'll still get smaller asteroids there as well.
Happens all the time if you use lane balancers or compact single lane splits.
Odd number of underground pipes on the other hand, that's worrying.
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if wube was smarter they would be using delta time so that players don't get disconnected in multiplayer because of lag
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>Took 30 hours to bother setting up core mining
>Complained about running out of ore patches for half of that
I have smart
Honestly SE should force you to use core miners earlier, but then you need to be able to use all the products
Maybe have a
n easy way to void oil and water?
on 7 it took 2 seconds on an old HDD
the calculator could probably still be improved, but at least it isn't bloatware
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You don't really need to void oil, just set up a simple circuit to make it so your main oil source only fills tanks when below a certain percentage

Voiding water is easily done, though I forget how early you unlock it. You can also just feed it into cracking using the above method

Holy shit I miss the valves in Angelboob mods
>on 7 it took 2 seconds on an old HDD
7 had the good calculator. 10 has the bad one.
Thanks, compact designs are always appreciated
Spaceplatforms are basically space trains, so probably
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ok that's on me https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RealisticReactorsForK2

no extra /
They should just release the source code so I can get a proper RSS fork
The source code is unusable. They copied ksp 1's code and extremely poorly modified it. It was cancelled because it was completely unsalvageable in any way, going back to zero would be faster and easier.
This looks like my autism spectrum graph.
>I feel like /egg/s are crack for performance-anxious engineers and technicians, that are lacking in spontaneity in general. They allow us to thrive on fun visual problems without the need for lame external performance and time requirements you would have at work.
so that's why I'm slow and I hate doing the spoon achievement
Refreshing gets it working however I'm not sure it's worthwhile there is no longer any joy in the world, only Stationeers.

Imagine playing Factorio multiplayer and removing a single underground pipe from a stockpile. Just imagine the chaos that would ensue. Imagine the accusations. The fear.

Just use a Python repl, there are zero legitimate reasons for anyone to ever use a calculator app for any purpose whatsoever.
>copy & paste
>function definitions
>making a script

Cooling your moon-base to keep your moon-potatoes Thriving is ridiculously easy. Place a passive air vent on the upper edge on a room. Run a couple pipes out into space and stick a radiator on (the tube one, not the flat one). That's it. Of course you'll have to manually play thermostat... which naturally I eventually failed at, and needed to cool down the base quick. (Okay I should have just used the portable AC but that thing's got a finite liquid N2 supply. It ran out pretty quick in my prior run.) So, two methods for an airlock: pump the air back into your base, or store in a buffer. If you have high PSI (as such as plants crave) the woosh is annoying. So a storage-tank solution is a natural choice for a re-pressurizing air-lock. High pressure air, stored out in space. Do you see it, anon? My beloved potatbroes were dying from 50C temperatures. I placed a pair of radiators on the buffer and cycled the airlock a few times slowly. Like 10 megaPascals * 1KL (dropped to 0C) cooled the base with only a few cycles of the airlock.
got the golden nut before 1.0
>want to go place radars to scout
>can't drive car because there's fucking ROCKS everywhere
oh right, that's why I stopped playing this game
Just go around?
disable decoratives in graphics options
Get Alien Biomes, it has even more rocks
Anyway, that's what the tank is for
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Apologise right now you niggers
enjoy your stds
>trying to cover his REDDITOR label
Never! Was it fun?
nah, it actually says Janitor
It says visitor
imagine the smell
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Why would he cover that?
Janitor is a pretty cool guy.
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Is there a way to make flaps work like they do in Starship? I set hinges to incremental mode and they only work for roll control.
Are you sure you enabled pitch and yaw?
Well, don't leave us hanging all day man. Give us that NDA-conforming info.
I'd call this fake but the belt lanyard is too high effort.
bro it aint healthy to cut your nails that short
same with drinking coca cola too desu
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Yes, I guess that you can't assign more than one axis control to a part. I'll stick with pitch control then and do the rest with RCS.
I also started playing Stationeers last week, and have been having a blast. Literally because I learned how much quicker mining with explosives is (the hand drill and and ore scanner tablet are terrible), but also because I'm still accidentally leaving tanks and cylinders filling, only to turn around and discover half my base missing because something went overpressure.

I'd just about gotten a working hydroponics setup on my last try, but then I found I'd taken so long that the eggs in my initial supplies had rotted. So now I need to start again and try to build fast enough to hatch and feed some chickens.
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Could you test the new map generation or ask the devs if the map features like water areas or ore patches can spawn in separated clusters instead of always being generated rather equidistantly from one another?
I thought the FFF about mapgen wasn't clear about this, i didn't understand everything. I don't think the devs would answer if i posted on the official forums anyway but you /egg/anon are my friendanon so you understand me.
As it is now the map features are geographically predictable before being discovered. Can the new mapgen bring about an Oasis Scenario in which a rich cluster of ores, water and trees can be discovered far away on its lonesome in the middle of a desert for example?
at least (you) him
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>>493254462 >>493255112 >>493241405
>>493235756 >>493240694 >>493241554
So far, my group has nit been very fast, we are slowly reaching the first rocket launch. The changes to the fluid system are amazing. One change not notes in FFF - pumps have to be placed every 150 map squares. As long as you stay inside a 150 square, pumps are not needed. The pipe itself is visualized like in one of those mods.

Logistic bots are reachable on nauvis, without major changes. General balance of nauvis techs remains the same.

New map gen is amazing, you can drive around in a car now, without hitting 300 trees/seconds.

There has been a significant change to absorption about 3x, so that biters almost don't attack, if you clear close nests.

A retarded change was made to the minimap, that it hides when hovering over any entity, but this will be propably rolled back.

Uranium is needed for the 4th science pack.

Fuck kuroba btw, solved 20 captchasy no posting
>Uranium is needed for the 4th science pack.
nice change
That would be fun, like a different version of trainworld.
>some areas are extremely concentrated in iron, copper, stone or coal
>you can have entire sections of the map dedicated to making one type of plate, with gigantic furnace setups
>Then you just have to train those resources to your base, that you can place nicely between those very rich areas.
I'd love this kind of mapgen setting.
I think they said mapgen is easier moddable now
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>so you foght i was joeking with facking de bags but here i am doing it
Every bag is personalized.
>150 square
I'm guessing tiles, not chunks?
>The pipe itself is visualized
It's a cool mod, I'm glad.
>Uranium is needed for the 4th science pack.
Weird. I can't wait
Presumably spess science, it was mentioned in FFFs that U235 is used for the non-shit recipe
Can you still research yellow/purple science on Nauvis?
I suppose he's refering to space science, which is now collected mainly on orbit on a space platform per https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-381
>One change not notes in FFF - pumps have to be placed every 150 map squares. As long as you stay inside a 150 square, pumps are not needed.
Does this mean throughput is back when moving things more than 150 tiles? Or is throughput still infinite, you just need pumps every so often?

>Fuck kuroba btw, solved 20 captchasy no posting
Kuroba has been fucked for posting for me for a long time, I just use the "Open in browser" for posting
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Expanded my 1000x tech cost nuke in preparation of Automation 3 and Beacons. Completely gave up on the fluid system and embraced the poomp.
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Yes, they both have not changed much. Yellow on next post.

Thoughput is either unlimited, or blocked by 150+. Devs say its to prevent a sprawling "main bus", force direction on pipes.

Also, the boilers now consume 6/s water, so you can attach 200 boilers to 1 pump.

Pump from wagon will be nerfed. Fluid wagon cap is now 50k.

All in all, I really like the bew fluid system.
now you know why we just drop them on water
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Official mascots?
>anime girls sell
Damn right! Now give me those avatars in-game.
>legendary hazmat bikini
Do it or no balls.
Oh right it was for speezz science, I wish they would force the player a bit earlier to build up uranium processing
water and oil both have easy voids
water you can pump straight into an electric boiler, oil can go into an isothermic fluid generator. this might be a bug since it doesn't have a fuel value, doesn't produce electricity, and runs regardless of how saturated the grid is, but it does work
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>Yes, they both have not changed much. Yellow on next post.
Oh, I recognize that art, it's from: https://old.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/16vjmt2/pasta_conductor/
I recognize the left one, I think it was some fan (?) art that was made around the time elevated rails were shown off. Can't find it for the life of me
found this on reddit https://build.drawscape.io/factorio
generates some kino looking maps
>Also, the boilers now consume 6/s water, so you can attach 200 boilers to 1 pump.
that seems excessive
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I do not like enemies. I just want to put down my smelters in peace, regardless of the game.
Hmmm, so there is a 12th science. Unless it's just a improved Military Science given the color and shape.
i agree, but i do enjoy building solid defenses and watching their attacks fail over and over. it's comfy. playing with enemy expansion off is best, which is one of many reasons railworld is best playmode.
presumably final planet pack, we've seen it in some lab screenshots
there always was
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That's the dark blue one that's seen on the same screenshot and is part of the research recipe for the darker 12th science.
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Official cringeposting btw
I like my science like I like my women ...
Seems based to me.
Reduced to liquid?
Used in the lab at 100 Sex Per Second.
12 at a time?
>Yellow on next post.
> >>493271801
Yellow science made from anime girl pee confirmed?
Come on Dosh, give me more info.
I hate current fluids
that is all
Cool stuff
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Like all said and done, why does something like this exist in Py?
That is, why are there a large number of almost the same feeling sort of recipes that dont overlap, like bitumen and shale oil absolutely feel like a thing that should go together, and oil sands should be a solid form of oil to setup
Give the man some credit, he's currently busy doing CBT with Earendel and Kovarex in person.
hiding the minimap sounds like a good idea,i feel that it's in the way pretty often. hopefully they make it a setting
Sorry frens I slept 2 hours and it's starting to catch up with me
i thought processing units were moved later
maybe i'm thinking of RCUs being deleted
why are you taking pictures of a screen
No, it's really annoying, when pulling wire/pipe, and not seeing where you are
If you think really hard, why I am taking pictures of a screen on a third party device, on an event where I signed sort of an nda, it may come to you
Be careful about that. I've been in some betas where the game has indicators on screen that could be tied to a user account. The shitty picture quality might make them illegible though(If they exist)
ah ok that does sound annoying. but i do wish it was hidden sometimes

well excuuuuuse me mr fancy lan party man
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well that was fun
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>try to optimize the train throughput algorithm by computing the max speed a train will reach over a precise inter-station distance, instead of decreasing max speed with a loop until the train doesn't overshoot the station
>I feel fucking retarded doing that, even if it works and is fast
>It's integral time
>end up with picrel (bruh)
>can't solve for Vmax (r, a, k and d are constants I know)
>Wolfram alpha gave me a good approximation, so I assume it works
>I have no idea how it came up with it lol
Man, it would have been cool. Another anon told me to look into Newton-Raphson and Bisection, good idea.
Damn, you're right. There's a darker science pack that's unlocked by all others (except military). Symmetry chads win again.
Honestly I don't like that military science is a complete sidequest, it would make sense for rocket science to have a precursor in the smaller military rockets for instance.
Anime vyhrálo, západ padl...
Took you long enough.
>Honestly I don't like that military science is a
complete sidequest

Sadly that's tied with the option of no enemies, since if there is no enemies, no need for ammo and such...

Waaaait, now that I think about it
>Pentapod eggs are a key ingredient needed to make the Biochamber
And the Biochamber is necessary to make Agricultural packs, sooooo... I guess you need guns after all.
Is pic related the accurate equation for train speed, and you need it solved for Vmax?
I can try doing that.
there will probably a no enemies path for that
>They're doing the Space Exploration thing, where 'no enemies' just means no biters on Nauvis.
That'd be a good change, actually.
Give the player a safe haven to allow them to continue to gear up and try again if they get wiped off of a planet.
We launched the rocket today, which is really cheap, and will decide for which planet to go next. I'll see if there is interesting I can share in good faith lile today.
You needed guns on peaceful back in the alien artifacts day
>ecelebs are going to make videos about the spess age lan party

HE is going to be there. That means it's time to get your parasocial sleuth hats on.
Or in his case, please put on a balaclava.
Put a claim block on all 3 grids
should be fully claimed for the house of the /egg/ for at least 3 hours
probably want to make some schematics soon™
Harvesting eggs for the biochamber on peaceful will probably simply not spawn any enemies.
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For rampant enemies, how do id eal witht he orange death clouds it makes?
Theres these long orange streamers of clouds and a roving front mass
Any time they touch a building they do a little damage, and at some point they suddenly come out as a bunch of enemies to attack me
The cloud is flashing 4 biters and getting annoying as its just wandering damage
>how do id eal witht he orange death clouds it makes?
The corrosive ones?
you don't play rampant
Freaking personalityfag. People don't exist.
who do you mean anon
>the furry
>the moai man
>the jew
they're all here
I've even talked to the fucking rate calculator guy or whatever
Can you get Kovarex to confront Deadlock and directly ask him why deadlock removed kovarex's name from the game when IR3 is installed?
Have you seen Tweaks there? His mods are amazing.
is the straya cunt frog there too?
>live in Prague
should I go to wube office and throw rocks at their windows until they let me in?
The only guy I care about not getting doxxed is moai, and we all know it

also posting pictures of stuff you signed a NDA for is very risky anon
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>a 4 day nerdcon with hyper ultra factorio nerds
I should have made a youtube video career
Anons... Para social simping for e celebs isn't healthy, you need to stop.
He says he can talk about stuff already revealed, some minor revelations are probably fine. The existence of science pack 12 for example is cool to know but he won't get assraped over a minor leak like that and which was even extrapolatable from FFF images.
I looked for deadlock, half-sure he didn't come.
NTA I didn't post shit
More importantly, dogeza in front of raiguard and beg him to take k2+se compatibility into his own hands. Give the furry a black eye if he complains.
Gods above I hate this guy. You'd think it's just the accent that kills you but his personality is awful as well.
>I shouldn't be here in the dev's room
>but I'll go anyway
>"can I help you"
>"oh hi I'm doing a video"
>"uh hi"
>runs away
The Prague office is just a front. The real one is in UK.
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Tweaks. He's super prolific on the mod portal.
But the LAN is clearly taking place in Prague.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want a job or anything, I just wanna play their game early.
Are you making a joke about (x) tweaks mods or
Can't see shit.
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>factorio players getting laid
He's no Gayscreamfrogman.
I'm looking for a factory management/colony sim game that is multiplayer, has cutesy graphics, and isn't too hard on a CPU that I can play with my wife. She recently saw me playing ONI and loves the art, I would do ONI with her but its not multiplayer. I offered to teach her factorio but she doesnt like it because of the art style even though I think she would really enjoy the game. Does anyone have a game that fits the bill here?
mate i ain't simping for shit
never subbed, never donated, adblock on, stolen laptop, neighbor's wifi
free entertainment
you stealing the electricity from streetlamps too?
if so, based
oh fuck that guy
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Because for a while i was a fan of Tweaks until i realized that it was the mod category, not the uploader.
Oh hey fake accent guy posted a little video tour of the offices
Didn't realise wube had such a big chunk of real estate, maybe it's just a rented venue for the event.
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It looks like some weirdly popular clickbait/blogpost account playing some shitty meme games? I see minecraft in there.
What does that have to do with factorio.
Also how does this guy have so many views, I opened a random one and I had to close less than a minute in because I thought I was going to have a seizure, he has the most obnoxious fucking "style".
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If the homosexual rainbow toad is there, tell him about Meningitis. I want to see if we can get the player count into the double digits.
Thats the rented venue for the event. Offices are elsewhere
>expanding to planets in factorio right there in the middle
he made like three videos on factorio
i just watch him because i have a brain parasite named "loud = funny"
I'm incredibly sorry
It's a self curing parasite luckily. You'll lose your sense of hearing by 30 and nothing will ever make you laugh again.
he's a reddit-er sseth
Wube should make a SVG after they finish Factorio. If someone can pull it off, it's probably not them either but I still want them to try.
Ah so erandel made this
Why do people think its so haha funny lol to make forced difficulty like this?
It feels like what some bullied nebbish red state kid does in their notebook between paddlings from their father and planning their school shooting
I enjoy his style of brainrot. It's soothing, in a very angry, loud way.
you're """supposed""" to use rampant's mostly broken and overpowered arsenal mod in it

It's not that bad honestly if you know what you're doing and add the armored trains mod to create a perimeter, but I still haven't tried a world where I started with it
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>deep booming voice
>ancient something awful meme avatar
>mutated sseth clone
>>somehow a zoomer
I still don't get why he's called a sseth clone. Both have distinct ways of telling their stories, and Sseth does the exact oposite of loud, angry.
Also, the lack of gay sex jokes instantly destroy any of the allegations.
I was invited to the Factorio event, but chose not to attend. Wube invited a big group of people from the forums and trannycord. It was a wider net than you'd expect.

I didnt go because I cant afford to fly all the way to Prague to play my autism simulator a few months early with a bunch of smelly no lifers. Wube is not paying for travel expenses, room and board, etc.

The only planned event sponsored by Wube was "sit in a room, play multiplayer Factorio with your assigned team for 8-12 hours per day, report bugs to us." Presumably people are going to bars each night but I'm too much of an autist for that. Plus, most of the people attending are bigger sperlords than I so it was not something I'd particularly want to do.

If this event was closer to where I live you bet your ass I'd be there but its hard to justify thousands in travel expenses for it. Sorry anons, no leaks.
He's a
Sseth clone. He started out like him and became more unhinged over time.
>and became more unhinged over time
As we all do. Thanks for pointing it out.
Based and correct on all accounts (except teams weren't assigned to us, we could choose freely who to play with)(I could play with moai but I didn't just wanna watch him plow through the whole thing from up close)
>Wube is not paying for travel expenses, room and board, etc.
I thought you were full of dosh
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Sorry I needed a bit of time to explain what I did. The actual equations for train speed are written here, they aren't taken from factorio code, more like good assumptions from train behavior and research.
So the equation from >>493281865 is the result of the integral of the curve from picrel.
I'm integrating from 0 to tmax with A(x) and from tmax to tf with B(x), with x the time in tick.
Vmax is the only variable, but that equation is a monster.

The part of the algorithm I'm trying to optimize is the scenario where the train starts accelerating but has to start braking because distance between stations is too short for a complete acceleration. I call this distance "d".
If I can compute Vmax, I can easily get tmax because Vmax = r.(1 - a^tmax), and if I can get tmax, I can get tf, the acceleration+braking time.

If possible, I'd like to calculate Vmax = (equation with r, a, k and d) directly, but it looks like I can't do that, at least not with my algebra knowledge. I'm open to anything, that would be a great help.

I also thought about derivatives, and using acceleration = 0, but I didn't try that yet.
That's really awesome anon I'm hugely jealous of the people who were able to go. How did it go so far?
he's there, so he most likely is if he can spare 4 days of sick leave for work and travel haflway across the world for it
That's really cute
Pool's closed the fuckers until they let you in yeah
Who the fuck is moai? Also, is the consent guy there?
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>Who the fuck is moai?
>Not knowing basic /egg/ lore
Newfag detected
Newfag here and NTA, who the fuck is moai?
Dosh uses the picture of moai statue whenever he advertises his new video here
>lodsemoney uses a moai statue
>gayfrog is half moai statue
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I am one with nature (up until I turn on the rest of the build)
I'm really glad I made myself this patch-fitting blueprint. It's so nice to just slap one down and be done with the mining.
I can hear the screams of the autists that are not me already.
Their suffering sustain me, and chaos moves the machines.
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>This """""balancer""""""
>Those modules
>Not enough power despite using all greens
I am ideologically opposed to balancing belts
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>I am ideologically opposed to balancing belts
I can respect that.
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it was okay, I stuck myself with some whos and stumbled through to launching a rocket, not super different from regular vanilla multiplayer for the most part yet
I'll give you a couple bits of worthless (and technically NDA-breaking) information that's too retarded to be included in an FFF:
>weapon swap was changed from tab to C
>tab opens the map (M also does the same thing still so ???)
>you have to RIGHT click to eat fish, left click doesn't work anymore for some reason
>the two aforementioned changes combine to make combat a comedy of cheap deaths
I hope they make me look like a larper and roll these back because holy shit
>that one anon who said fish spoils now? idk if he was leaking or shitposting, either way it's fucking real (takes hours of realtime though and it spoils into generic spoilage, not dead fish)
>buy Medieval Engineers for dirty cheap
>change version to CE
Should I bother with vanilla CE at this point or go modded?
>fish spoilage
>that one anon who said fish spoils now? idk if he was leaking or shitposting
It's one of those things that YJK
>takes hours of realtime though
Lame, should have been a few minutes at most
Right pill and you go back to speed

Left pill and you'll see just how deep the autism hole goes
Py is meant to cause you pain
Weird question I guess but how's the "automated soundtrack"?
Can you see the whole research tree or is it fog of war'd?
Right, it makes sense for the fish to drown in a few minutes and turn into a dead fish thant you can't put back in water anymore and only that turns into spoilage hours later.
They better add a way to smoke fish as a way of preserving it.
What are r, k and a? I'm assuming a is the acceleration and k is the braking force?
So you want to calculate Vmax for a given distance traveled, is that correct? Or do you actually want tf?
anything about enemies?
Maybe I should have read your whole post, I'll see if I can still remember all those calculus lessons.
They're all still on nauvis. I don't think they would overhaul the biters, so we'll have to wait for tomorrow.
This page does not work but the game is on the flashpoint archive
>Can you see the whole research tree or is it fog of war'd?
it's spoiler city as usual

didn't notice it much
sometimes it plays full 1.0 tracks, those are still in

couldn't talk about them even if there was anything to say
nauvis has the biters, gleba has the pentominos. didn't make it anywhere else yet, didn't pay attention to the others that did.

btw yummy value is still in. quality names are still legendary.
>btw yummy value is still in. quality names are still legendary
Based. Wube shouldn't back down on this.
>Dosh openly breaching the nda he signed by posting spoilers on 4chan when he knows that Kovarex comes here
Playing with fire are we?
>yummy value is still in
>quality names are still legendary
It's okay, Kovarex only comes here when he's drunk and wants to rant about how much he hates women.
kovarex you insufferable wowfag
There's no need to take pictures of your own screen when literally everyone else in the room are also playing the same game.
The only things I want to know are what's the ending and what are the new infinite research.
He doesn't hate all women. It's just women programmers that I hate.
there are at least three /egg/men at the event
I'm not dosh nor the phone camera anon
ofc dosh could be the camera anon in which case rip
also, the NDA is kinda lax
we can talk impressions and FFF-related technical specifics which is basically what I've been doing
tl;dr don't ask anything about aquilo or new research and no one has to die
case in point
I didn't explain them because I assumed you wouldn't need them, but if you are curious, I tried to explain where they come from here:

You're not far off, k is related to braking, it's equal to (breaking_force * multiplier[research] + friction) / weight;
r and a are explained in the acceleration section, a stands for "aero".
glhf haha
Women hate my factory.
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Just ask arround and you might get the answer.
Arround! Arround!
Do you feel like the game is more streamlined? For example, getting rid of RCUs sounded like a good idea.
Did you have fun? Were you comfy?
So is it ___fun___ ?
yes, fuck the RCUs
all of my new homies hate the RCUs
we built retarded shit and had fun, and still launched a rocket. so yeah, it was comfy.
How long do you think it'll take the average player to launch their first rocket with the expansion?
it's blue science, go figure
20 hours then, good to know
So never because fluid dynamics is "too hard" for the average player?
Aquilus is the friends we made along the way.
I see what you did there
>underground pipe maxxing
Aquilus is a brapfag
you heard it here first
The names of each quality tier and yummy value have already been choosen. It will not be changed. There is already a solution if you don't like the names. It's called make a mod. If you want make a mod then deal with it because legendary fish is here to stay.
Aquilus is a planet.
Are you saying it's alive and aware?
Fuck off Kovarex
It was always too late. Before I knew it I got used to it
unfortunately this is true
it's too late
Cool video, how do I download Primitive Technology?
you go outside
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Doing something like that as well, I debated whether to put furnaces on site but decided these mines don't last long enough to bother even mining prod 49.

But I feel like very soon direct mine to train will be the only fast enough option.
autism general tho
>take both and thread into the reality fracture
Keep doing it and you'll be multithreading
>force direction on pipes.
I will miss that early game, just letting the fluid go where it's needed.
>>realise that any design I come up with is going to be subpar compared to just copying blueprints off of the internet

Use internet blueprints as inspiration and make your own! I find that lots of blueprints online are awful and can be improved upon.
some details from trannycord from the Space Age playtesters

>there's a large amount of unseen content. they 'barely' discolosed anything' so far
>estimates 80% of vulcanus and fulgora content has not even been talked about (though this seems like an exaggeration to me)
>all attendees get beta access until release, but there will be a content embargo until 1 week before release date
>this means spoilers abound over the last week before release(kinda lame if you ask me)
>fluids still have major bugs to work out
>bots work really really well
>hitting caps lock crashed someone's game
>so far most teams are barely out of planet nauvis. only 1 or 2 teams have landed on another planet
I'm pretty sure the solution to this is a differential equation, and I think I have the correct one.
If I can't get it solved and give up on the problem I will dump what I ended up with.
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>hitting caps lock crashed someone's game
How do you can fuck that up?
Nobody on the team uses caps lock.
I retract my previous statement
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Tell Dosh that he's a beloved individual and I enjoy his content Also, tell that guy to just give up and do a Pyanodons run. Eventually he'll have to.
>some details from trannycord.
I managed to automate blocking anyone using "reactions" on announcements it feels therapeutic seeing all the "blocked messages". As stated in a previous thread I'm sad most communities fractured themselves to go on discord but in another sense it's beneficial since it weeds out the autistic weirdos that want to play pretend that their plate of shit is a chocolate cake.

>all attendees get beta access until release, but there will be a content embargo until 1 week before release date
>this means spoilers abound over the last week before release(kinda lame if you ask me)

That's unfortunate but at least I know that I'll need to turn off internet for a week before.
I have the habit of enabling caps lock, type the letter, then caps lock again. Wonder how common that is vs holding shift.
am i retarded and/or is stationeers really shallow? there's like a list of 15 tasks you have to do and then you're just done. each task is complex, or really just poorly documented, but when you've done it once it's instantly routine. next step is to do it faster on the next world or else you'll die, and survival speedruns aren't /egg/.

this was supposed to last me until the factorio update
If he's not already playing Py, I don't think he has enough time to finish before Space Age releases.
Anon, there's a difference between surviving and living.
You have still not lived in Stationeers. You've not actually looked at what you had to do and went "Fuck it, I'm making this bigger and better, and will actually make it look like actual human hands built this to look at least presentable."
Try automating everything, that's the fun part.
Doing everything you need for survival manually in stationeers is the equivalent of setting up only some furnaces in factorio and manually crafting everything until you're too bored to keep playing.
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I'm brainstorming how to reliably keep the patch of spadderdock submerged during droughts - case in point, I wasn't fast enough building some floodgates and a large amount of water backflowed down a different branch of the river. It can't be filled 2 levels deep, but I'm aiming on filling a large section of the valley up to where that dried-out terrain currently is in the future.
The simplest method is isolate this section from the rest and use a pump to top it up from the other side. However, the pump costs 5000 research and a shitload of materials I don't have yet. According to other anons water level does actually equalise through any kind of gap so no Terraria shenanigans.
I think currently my only realistic option is keep the other side of the spadderdock reservoir at the lower level and keep it connected only on that side. I do have floodgates in place upstream from said connecting branch so I could just do that for now.
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>pumps have to be placed every 150 map squares
i hate this
did they at least re-add the flow indicators?
no one on /egg/ has a girlfriend..
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Despite everything, I do (she doesn't really play games on her own though).
will you have sex with her tonight
Let the girl go and come clean anon, this can only end in your death by police raid
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From the developers (Galactic Annihilation formerly Star Theory Games formerly Uber Entertainment)
who brought you Kerbal Space Program 2 and beloved Kickstarter scams such as Planetary Annihilation and Planetary Annihilation: Titans comes:

Planetary Annihilation: Dyson Sphere Program (now successfully funded on Kickstarter)
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starting over
27 minutes in woo
about ready to upgrade to electric drills
>Planetary Annihilation
Is it really a *scam*?
It did release, just far under expectations.
I can't believe I funded PA
The way we met was kinda convoluted so we don't live near each other, so sadly not tonight

Hey come on it's not against her will (so far)
Funny how good studios are killed by publishers all the time but those faggots are like cockroaches
Minecraft is extremely shallow, just dig a hole in the ground, build a wheat farm, and all your needs are met. Stationers is the same thing scaled up, but that's not the point. You're supposed to have fun building and discovering new shit. If that doesn't tickle your autism, then I guess the game isn't for you. I spent two weeks working out the intricacies of scanning and contacting traders until I worked out a solution I was satisfied with. Then I made giant phase-change heat pump to serve as my base's centralized air conditioning. Now I'm planning on a cryogenic plant to liquify rocket fuel. There's a billion different things you can do, just pick one and let autism take it's course.
>beloved Kickstarter scams such as Planetary Annihilation and Planetary Annihilation: Titans comes:
Don't forget Human Resources! (failed and canned edition)
>You're supposed to have fun
god damn it
give me a miserable skinner box NOW
Path of Exile General is two doors down.
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If theres ever another DLC, what do you think are good ways to get invited to something like this? I've had the game since ~2015-2017 with thousands of hrs and was really active in the Discord for the last year discussing quality and all kinds of theorycrafting (you'd know my name if I said it if you frequent there). Its the only game I care about outside of work, and it just seems like a really fun time doing something like this. Aside from this event, I've been thinking about making a YT channel and putting out a lot of content explaining different builds, mechanics, strategies, kindof in the format like Nilaus does. Would that help? Thanks.
okay, thats actually pretty funny.
If your channel gets big enough, yes.
Way too immersive to me. Almost thought it was a real post.
industrial annihilation isn't really being developed by the same team that did PA, it's worse than that. it's like two guys and a modder or two who were spun off from the Uber to continue working on PA, it's a skeleton crew
Good to know.

Not joking friends. I have an autistic obsession for this game.
How big of an NDA breach is it if yous say something *isn't* in the game?
I really wanna know what the status of enemies is. We know Gleba and Vulcanus have them, but not the other two.
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>ebegging to be included in the circlejerk for a hypothetical 90 dollar factorio
I like the game so yes. I'm just asking what others did to get invited to this.
As large as saying that something is.
The whole point of an NDA is that you don't talk about the subject, at all, in order to avoid confirmations by elimination.
Just stop being a stupid fuck and do something else with your time.
I wish there was a "place nothing here" ghost, and/or a "don't override this ghost with other buildings" setting of some sort.
Manually placing large numbers of inserters is hell.
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Fulgora has been described as lifeless, but I've seen speculation of robotic enemies.
Aquilo is either watery or frozen so maybe something like pic related.
As for that particular pic, it was implied a month or so ago that it was shelved. Devs in the Discord were talking about doing experiments with translucent sprite layers for some enemies/entities, and were unable to do it for some kind of technical reason(s). And this was stated right after someone shared that picture.
Thanks for the info
Yeah that's the running assumption, skynet on Fuggora and brain blasters on Aquillo. But the release date FFF said that only some planets will have enemies, so at least one planet will be free real estate.
Oh nevermind then, brain blasters got blasted.
What kind of enemy could be on Aquillo then? I think the thermal pollution and heat seeking enemy is a good idea. Maybe it'll just be some fucking reptiles.
Who knows how they'll select people for the next expansion, even if there even will be one. But if you're really active on trancord, try making friends with the moderators, be mature, send them DM messages, suck their tranny cocks, toe the line on even their most inane positions. If you do it right you'll get invited to a secret club for brown nosers. That whole club got invited.

The better way would be to become a very prolific modder or otherwise the devs to give you source code access. Those people have had access to the expansion for months.

From what I hear, you are allowed to talk about things that are already revealed and how they fit into the bigger picture of the game. So someone clever should be able to dance around unrevealed cut content while revealing things. So things like "Tesla turrets are extremely useful on Vulcanus" probably tells you something while not mentioning any unrevealed content.
So I have deduced a mechanic
Its a roving damage cloud until some time apsses or
it hits a turret
I feel like its a poorly made attempt of the burrowing enemies idea
That the concept is they can ride these orange clouds a s a tunnel system and then start attacking
In theory you can halt them with a perimiter
As in a real honest turret wall, and where I have done that it works
But holy shit that enemy scaling is wonk and terrifying
Im not hurt, just befuddled
it feels like he doesnt quite have his compatibility scripts right
And should move them from mods to post processing
Cause so many of these feel like theyre the same thing but different cause the mods arent playing so well together
A simple harmony would be nice, or even a quick fluff about why it cant be done like that
Like why is nickel from tar a thing but nothing else
Why can I mine nexelit unless I have pyalien life, then suddenly nexelit is too dangerous to mine
Its just some very off and inconistent sort of things
Im doing Py, its not a hard thing to do runs of
This is my 4th time
I did Py+ Space Exploration, the furry one, first, not the ftl ship one, before alternative Energy
Second was a Py Angels run
3rd was medium Py
Now Im running pure full Py
why not, you know, diode gate
One pump forward, one back
side by side
Is it already time to leave if I don't want to get spoilered too hard?
Snape kills factoryman
It turns out Nauvis was Earth all along

The engineer realizes this when the FTL sends him back to Earth but it's populated by biters wearing clothes and driving cars
Everything was a dream, and engineer wakes up in a bed hospital after finishing Space Age in the true ending.
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steel furnaces are much faster to place
for a yellow belt (24 steel furnaces), I should fill 8 furnaces with iron and 5 with stone
jesus christ how horrifying
what i would do if the pipes absolutely had to be 2.0 insta-teleporters and nerfed:
>the larger a pipesegment is, the slower it can be filled
infinite throughput until 150pipes and 0 if more than that is absolute retardation
Are you related to the schizo french anon?
Because I hate those belts.
Fulgora was earth, you can see the statue of liberty
Nauvis was Mars, it got terraformed, the biters were used for the process.
Gleba was Venus, it also got terraformed but it went better because of the fat atmosphere.
Vulcanus was Mercury. It has 4gs surface gravity because, uhhh we used it for storage.
And Aquillo is a death star like fake planet we made for shits and giggles then forgot about.
>open map
>spend a few hours using robots to build walls
>clock out
>drive home
>boot up computer
>play factorio
>open map
>spend a few hours using robots to build walls
My new job is cool, but this is a weird feeling
There are over 100 unnecessary belts in this image
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Glorious, isn't it?
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Spoilers bellow for space age

In Space Age you will be able to find "The Machinist", a female engineer who has a large factory complex herself in one of the planets. Progressing to the next planet involves doing her quests where she sends you to obtain rare material for her factory. There will be an option to romance her.
The belts are like that for faster inserter placement.
Note that every inserter is facing the same direction.
is this a real movie (if so, what movie?) or AI
At this point the game transitions to a VN.
If you dig into the lore you learn that your character's name is Hans Schnitzel and in this timeline the Nazis won the war and sent you to colonize a solar system.
But your new wife... is Jewish!!!????
it's from one of the new star wars's
I don't know which, I don't pay attention to it anymore. I just learned this from another thread
I think it's from Ahsoka. A lot of the complaining about that series is that it's filled with glacial pacing and shots where literally nothing happens
Automate spoilering with REGEX (I haven't tested so probably trash)
Definetly not complete but it is a start
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>anus aqui
>alt title: never ask a white supremacist the race of his girlfriend
Blowing Olivia figuratively or literally isn't an option. 2/3 of the staff there are obnoxious children (or at least act that way on Discord), part of me would shrivel up and die if I had to supplicate to those people. You'd think it would be nothing but technical oriented people or those bringing people in on YT/Twitch, but I guess not.

Thanks for your input. I'll probably stick with doing YT stuff like I said above, and make some mods as I have a few ideas for useful utilities. It'll be nothing huge like SE or K2, but it'll all add up hopefully.
Well, if you replace every part of her with mechanical part, it is no longer jewish.
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Did you forget the k constant in this function?
I scrapped the differential equation approach. You already had the "integrals" figured out in your program readme, if the problem is time discrete then integrals are just the simple sum of all values, no need for calculus. Solving for tmax might be easier than vmax, the summing intervals lend themselves to it.
At least in other games, what thats called is "smoothness." Higher smoothness makes the distance between certain objects (like ores) increasingly equidistant from each other generally, and lower smoothness does the exact opposite.
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>Devs say its to prevent a sprawling "main bus", force direction on pipes.
this surely wont be the easiest thing ive ever seen to circumvent
Uhh no chud you can't just get septs
Is it better to produce AND transport steel back to main factory or to produce and transport iron and only then smelting the steel at the factory?
My main concern with all of this is that steel takes a significant amount of resources and a significant amount of time to smelt so smelting it away from my main factory seems like it's just going to lead to shortages unless I have like several trains delivering steel
Whats better or worse depends on several things so its hard to give a rule of thumb answer on this (several K hrs in game btw). Generally speaking, a lot of people have their steel smelting next to their other smelting (iron and copper). For iron smelting, it simplifies one aspect of the logistics by having them next to steel smelting, since they both require iron ore. If you have steel shortages, it boils down to 2 simple reasons- you're either not feeding the setup enough ore, or your setup isn't large enough. Thanks to BPs (and assuming you have the space) its trivial to copy and paste your setup, and ideally have bots do the majority of the work.
> 2/3 of the staff there are obnoxious children
fucking thank you. one or two of them are alright but the majority are insufferable
If your outposts and trains aren't able to meet demand then all it means is you need more trains and stations, doesn't matter what the game is. Outpost designs are inherently better at scaling up than bringing it back to a centralized location and then running out of space one day.
You are just front-loading or back-loading the smelting work, anon.
So, if smelting time is equal on both sides of the railroad (which is the case), then that's five times the amount of trains going through if you send ore instead of steel for the same amount of final steel. If you can send 5 carts of ore at a good pace, then you can choose, otherwise, import the steel.
In my situation, I like using mining camps, smelting sites, production factories and science bases. Specialized outposts everywhere, no generalization! Fire and brimstone!
Just have a main pipe that bifurcates to go both ways down the bus and extend the main pipe so the bifurcation is always in the middle of the bus
Yep. They suck so much fun out of the server, and have even warned devs for breaking the rules and posting memes.
>>so far most teams are barely out of planet nauvis. only 1 or 2 teams have landed on another planet
The team with Nilaus is probably still on Nauvis designing blueprints.
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I think I should finally build some meteor defenses
no man alive should subject himself to py unironically
are you using rampant (normal) or rampant (fixed)
you can disable different kinds of flavors of biters in the configs and you should
also most of the default settings are beyond retarded and need to be toned down a lot
Alright aspiring fortune tellers ITT, how many legs do you thing the Vulcanuses will have? 2, 3, 4? 1 that they use to drag their big fat body around? 0 and they levitate or roll around or slither like a snake? Doesn't a snake's body kinda count as 1 leg?
damn anon, where did you get so good at fortune telling
Vulcanus itself is a biter.
big if true
>using meteor defences
>not making the bot jannies clean it up
They are rolling stones that splash lava around as they move.
>Nauvis is a biter
>The biters up to this point were just it's immune system
>boss music starts
>final science is used for planet cracker tech
>Nauvis is a biter
Nah, Nauvis is a home to a moon-sized mega-biter.
It's emergence shatters the planet and you need several platforms with powerful energy relay lasers to create a micro-black hole to kill it with.
Hope you have a few hot steam power banks ready for this one, you're going to need them.
You get the new biomechanical "planet" in the form of the Gigashadow- I mean, Gigabiter's corpse, and open the terragenesis technological path for the "rebuilding Nauvis" megaproject.
>Hope you have a few hot steam power banks ready for this one, you're going to need them.
can anyone improve on this design
main criteria is ease of placement by hand
>defeating the biter tears your factory (and the world) apart
>leaving the biter alive strenghtens the immune system
>you can pull the chunks back together
>pulling the chunks together may cause the immune system to wake up
>inserters can throw items through space
>spaceships maybe?
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I just made it better
still has the 1/4 used output belts
but easy inserter placement is worth it
just realized it should be 10 with stone
because stone stacks to 50, not 100
you know bots can place inserters, right
but pre-bot phase still counts towards the time limit
the what
retardo is trying to get the rocket up in 8 hours with maxed out sliders and minimized biter settings and is asking for help in making thing fast
and pressing r twice is slower than using twice as many belts as you need?
>feeding 2 full ore belts for a single plate belt
not very efficient
TA here, I know who you are btw, you scrolled vg literally on the fucking computer you are playing on. You had a greenish shirt, long hair, glasses and a beard, sitting closer to the middle section. Funny to know that there are at least two of us at the event.
man I don't know how his brain works other than "pretty slowly"
Tbh I would love to know whois based on the event, since most people look like unfun anal redditors.
>long hair, glasses and a beard
And fat and probably smelling funny. That's how I imagine every /egg/man.
No, he was a stickman. But yeah, everyone is either fat or a stickman, that's true. Festival of cargo shorts out there either way.
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I'll try tripfagging today, btw, fuck the baitposters
its a blueprint, you just press q to pick up the other inserter direction and at the start and especially with maxed biters the added resources and pollution make this bp retarded
They will have two balls.
You do and we know you do
I recognize that finger. I'm snitching on you for breaking the NDA.
One for each of my hands, how nice
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Alright ndanons, here's the only question that matters: which planet are you going to first?
the lava one

god I envy these fuckers
The expensive mode is not going to be a separate mod. It is gone completely. There are no expensive recipes anymore.
Not sure how to feel about that, since I almos exclusively played deathworld marathon.
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fff will probably just be about the lan party
>Not sure how to feel about that, since I almos exclusively played deathworld marathon.
you and basically nobody else
marathon is a test of boredom suppression more than anything
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Those functions seem to be too complex for what is basically a parabola and a straight line. This shit should be trivial to integrate.
Unfortunately I don't remember how to do it.
Expensive mode is ass, it's just a worse version of dropping your res sliders down a notch. Good riddance.
maybe it will be back later when they have the time to go through all the new recipes?
Yeah I'm betting on this, wubbers can't pass up this opportunity to waste another fff
There is also no no-enemies mode anymore. Peaceful is still there, but enemies can not be disabled completely.

Military is also not a sidequest (sorry not gonna scroll to reply directly) in the following way: interplanetary travel needs damage/weapon upgrades because of the asteroids, which will wreck your transports otherwise.
belts are easy
inserters are hard
they're not
maybe it's my unsteady hands/bad ergonomics
True about the military stuff, I hadn't realized that. Though a no enemies mode where asteroids also get disabled (at least the big damaging ones) could also work.
maybe some enemies are necessary for science
>There is also no no-enemies mode anymore. Peaceful is still there, but enemies can not be disabled completely.
Makes sense since you'd be softlocked without the pentapod eggs.
>Destroying an egg raft will yield some of the pentapod eggs it contained. Pentapod eggs are a key ingredient needed to make the Biochamber
The penta egg raft isn't an enemy though, it's just a structure. You could have a peaceful mode where the structure spawns so you egg up but there's no enemies guarding it.
the inserter thing brings up a problem I've had and ignored for a long while
>moving mouse in a straight sideways line is difficult
my sitting height/desk height isn't quite right
mouse is also too small
angle I hold it at might be an issue
Do pentapods themselves give eggs?
Maybe if they don't spawn from spoiled eggs, you can't get their eggs back from their corpses, then lose all your eggs, needing to explore further (and further and further...) to find more rafts?
devs said there is a way to automate production, but did not elaborate on how
You should visit this place:
Men really live like this and see no issues
There may be more enemy mechanics and they decided it wasn't worth the added complexity to support a no enemy run. You'll probably still be able to change the pollution settings so that the enemy practically doesn't attack you.
>the anonymous bar
>guy fawkes mask
That is so cringe I wouldn't even have random drug deals in that place
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Me too anon
whats the issue?
cute elf
disable mouse acceleration
bump up sensitivity to compensate
try keeping your eyes on the target of a drag
get a shitty cheap mouse that will likely have hardware angle snapping
ever heard of starmade?
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I had hopes...
The galaxy generation, the faction system...
>i hate this
I feel like it's absolutely necessary if the new fluid system works as I understand it to work. If all parts of an interconnected pipeline basically merge into a single fluid box and all the machines just dump or take up fluid from the common pool then it means they've basically turned pipes into infinite-throughput fluid teleporters, which is frankly retarded in a game where logistics play a key role in the gameplay. Adding a limit of 150 tiles to the fluid teleporters is like the bare minimum to maintain some level of reason so you can't extend 1 pipe through an entire megabase or something, though I also expect this to be strange and frustrating in regular gameplay if you have some large build that extends beyond 150 tiles and you can't figure out why the fluid system is wonky and doesn't work as you'd expect.

Will we have to manually keep track of how big fluid builds get to make sure we don't trip against the magic number? Can't say I'm a fan of what this new system sounds like, as in it sounds like the fundamental idea of infinite throughput is bad so they patched up another hack on top to limit it somehow which is necessary but is going to be strange and unintuitive in regular gameplay. Kind of disappointing, though if my understanding of how the new system works is wrong then please do correct me, it's not like I've already played it.
So that's how elf modules reduce pollution.
Funnily I think this would work better if the arbitrary number was way smaller than 150. As low as 30 or so. That way placing pumps here and there would just be normal operations, instead of there being no limit for smaller builds then suddenly a limit when you go too high.
>takes hours of realtime though
Then what's the point?
Presumably there's just going to be a pop-up notification that the segment is too large, like with fluid mixing. I wonder if they fixed bots bypassing that check

Keep in mind that you don't get pumps until the prelude to oil. You need to have reasonable limits for early power.
Is it total number of connected pipes, or distance in tiles?
If the former, does it count all the spaces of underground pipes?
hey do pumps use electricity now

I forgot if that was in the fff
Pumps (move fluids) already do.
Offshore pumps (produce water) probably don't.
what do you use to land on a planet? do you just get dropped in cargo pods like in SE or do they just spawn you in and call it a day?
yeah sorry I meant offshore
I wanted to get some info from the insiders
I think I understand what they're trying to do. They're basically stuck between a rock and a hard place. They made a magic fluid teleporter system because the quality'd and beacon'd and module'd end-game builds probably push so much fucking fluid that the old system couldn't take it, so we get teleporter pipes. Once they had the fluid teleporter, they realized that it's wildly OP and completely inappropriate for the game in general, so they decided to put an arbitrary cap on it. Now this cap has to be set somewhere such that "most" builds do not run into it, because if they do then it kind of defeats the whole point of the teleporter pipes, plus the arbitrary cap is wildly unintuitive so if it's too small the new system becomes worse to use than the old one and the whole thing's a wash.

Basically, they can't make it 30 tiles because it would interfere too much in build design and "count the length in tiles" is not conducive to good gameplay when designing a build, so they had to choose some number that in an ideal world interferes only with long-range transport but not with fluid mechanics inside a single build.

Still I can't help but wonder, how does the system count length? Like if you have a long pipe and connect it straight into a build, will the build not work properly because the fluid system counts as too long? Will we have to "isolate" every build from the pipe with pumps to make sure the build isn't artificially handicapped? I bet all this shit is going to end up feeling very off in gameplay, but I guess we'll see. Also if I make a huge pipe snake that's inside the 150 tile square limit, will the fuckhuge pipe snake count as an infinite-throughput teleporter while the same actual length of pipe will be hit by the limit if it stretches out beyond the 150 square? Shit sounds retarded, I hope it's not as bad as I imagine.

>Presumably there's just going to be a pop-up notification that the segment is too large
I can only hope so
You're right, this is way better. But do you have a trick to solve for tmax here?
I tried to do it for specific values but it exceeds wolfram alpha's computation time.
>Divide[Power[r,2],2*k]*Power[\(40)1-Power[a,t]\(41),2]+(11-Divide[r,1-a])*(1-Power[a,t])+t*r=d; solve for t; r=2.731283333; a=0.99925; k=0.00725; d=320

>Did you forget the k constant in this function?
My bad it wasn't clear, I'll update that. I'm assuming that for t = s0 / k, Dt = [s0/k + 1] * s0 / 2.
It's easy to compute because I know s0 (which is Vmax) and k in that part of the program, using aforementioned retard method of decreasing Vmax with a loop.
I think 30 tiles is enough to get your boilers closer to your coal supply, we'd be fine. It just counts pipes anyway right, it's not like each boiler and steam engine is like placing 6 pipes.
Desu I always thought it's aesthetically unappealing to drag your boilers to the coal instead of your coal to your boilers, even though it's more efficient with your iron.
Finally, some starship trooper kino
I imagine it literally just counts the amount of pipe entities in the segment. Trying to figure out end to end distances and shit sounds like way too much work and computation for the result of making the system even less intuitive.
How would you start making electricity then?
leekanon's wording implies a maximum 150x150 bounding box for a segment
Earendel probably snuck in an inefficient solid burner from SE
An item meant to jumpstart the offshore pump? A bit bloated perhaps.
Hand crank generator.
bucket water into the boiler by hand
I see it the other way around. I'm envious of the factorio autism meetup of course, but they're still fixing bugs, and balance too I'm guessing.
I wonder if I shouldn't wait at least a week post launch for gagomaxxers to finish the game and report things.
The problem is that it isn't really that simple if you want something to "make sense." Like imagine that you have 2 parallel pipes of length 100. They are split off from a single point that provides all the fluid input. The length from the fluid source is less than 150 to every "end" of the pipe but if you count all the pipes in the system then it must be kneecapped, even though it doesn't make sense given how the fluid actually flows in the system. This fundamentally is nonsensical to me, like adding more pipes in parallel shouldn't REDUCE throughput, no? That just makes no sense so I don't think it can really work like that, it would be too retarded.
Will new achievements be added on the base game or the dlc? Not sure it dlcs support them on steam.
I'm joking anon
b-but it helps with generation on vulcanus with waterless planets
Can you really wait?
They will and they do.
Steam doesn't distinguish between DLC and base achievements. Factorio itself might in the achievements interface.

Vulcanus is implied to be solar power central, unless there's geothemal power and devs just didn't reveal it
It would be fun to have to hand crank the water into a tank for the first few minutes, before unlocking electric pumps, but that's another filter for newcomers.
They said there's an achievement for having legendary power armor mk2 fully filled with legendary equipment.
We're in /egg/.
How many EA games have we waited for?
nah brother
burner pumps
Will space age have more concurrent players than satisfactory 1.0?
Tis is not EA and the hype is real even tho it will take me a few days to get to the new content
Factorio has more players in general so yeah
Yeah, but if you're here, you know how it is.
Unless you're a Factorio-only eggman?
Lengthbin the world, snakes are unaffected, if they remain in the box.
Not sure if its 250 or 150, have to recheck.

Yes, I see a lot new achievements, also fun ones to try.

Water pump does not need power

Also, on unrelated note, new cliffs are not annoying, and I also have not yet wished to have cliff explosives.
LANons, it's probably a given that you'll fill out some questionnaire at the end so please lift all the /egg/ ideas and direct feed them to the devs thank you.
>Lengthbin the world, snakes are unaffected, if they remain in the box.
Oof, sounds overwhelmingly retarded but I guess I'll learn to play around the retarded new fluid system design just like I learned with the old one that a pipe can take "about 1000/s" but this new shit sounds like it's even more nonsensical, throughput limits in 1.0 fluids were at least intuitive to some degree, it made sense you couldn't push infinite fluid through 1 pipe and that pushing it a longer distance was more difficult.
I don't know. The "man" in "manchild" say yes, the child is telling me no.
I still feel like it's wise to wait a bit more, and then go full Ted Kaczynski, innawood, no internet. To fully enjoy the expansion.
I'll emerge a month later, /egg/ will have changed, the meta will have changed, new people will come here, lots of new designs, huge discussion, etc. There will be hours of new youtube content to enjoy. Sounds like fun.
But I'd have to get banned for a month, there is no way I can fight on both fronts of vidya and 4chan addiction.
Yeah, other egg games didn't appeal to me that much. I did play a bit back in EA (2017 I think). It felt like a complete game however.
Huh, looking at Steam charts they both had the same peak playercount, though obviously its Steam only. It's much easier to run Factorio so for sure there are more people playing that, and it has higher concurrent numbers right now.

Leaving Early Access will definitely give it a boost though. Much of the playerbase for Satisfactory is understandably holding off for 1.0 since it bricks existing factories and there's every other reason to start fresh.
Achievement hunters will be mad
Reminder that satisfactory shipped more copies than Factorio and there is no justice in this world.
>hours of new youtube content to enjoy
Why do you guys love YouTube so much? For me it kinda kills the fun when I watch other people play.
>Also, on unrelated note, new cliffs are not annoying, and I also have not yet wished to have cliff explosives.
Nice, saw lots of people saying that they would rush Vulcanus for cliff explosives.
I showed Factorio to an engineer-minded friend of mine and he said "It looks old". Bet he would have played satisfactory.
Yes, he's a zoomer.
Graphics are ostensibly the make or break for gaming. Mind you that doesn't mean it has to be 3d and have high resolution textures. It just has to be aesthetically appealing to the clapped out stimulus ridden brain of the average internet user.
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All of my friends (universally higher educated than me) are factoriominds (or at least were, back in highschool when we played it via hamachi LAN and github save sharing all on the same account of the one of us who actually owned it).
Feels good. I really really hope I can get at least a few of them to play the dlc with me but it's harder when you're adults n shiet.
Why? DLCs can add new cheevos, just that there are no separate %-completions per DLC. Europa Universalis 4 has hundreds of achievements but only half are possible without any DLCs, and probably even fewer are reasonable. If you are a hunting for 100%, then doing DLC achievements should be necessary.
anyone tried Beltmatic? looks pretty egg
Thanks to whoever is at the event giving us some insight into Space Age. Its nice to have to have some alternate source of information on the game outside of the official channels which strategically trickle this stuff out (which I understand why for the sake of hype buildage, but I'm already absolutely buying the game so its more of an annoyance)
There's entertainment videos and technical videos.
Entertainment videos are usually the sweet spot of
>I will never play this, but I'm curious enough to watch a 3 hour long Seablock adventure
While technical videos are more like
>Here's a 40 minute video on how exactly inserters work and how to use them effectively at all stages of the game
I don't watch technical videos for fun, I watch them because I hit a problem in factorio, the ingame information isn't clear and the google algorithm gives me more black people than answers.
Factorio tutorials aren't bad (they're great compared to average), but for trains for example they weren't enough. It's also a good way to solidify new knowledge and find cool new designs.
I loved the videos of those automated bases using recursive blueprint.
Yeah I agree, thanks lads.
I was glad to learn Wube didn't reveal most of the dlc content in FFFs.
Combat stuff
Whoops, didn't mean to quote.
Wow, it's (almost) nothing.
The combat rebalances are actually all really good but they feel like the header to a much longer FFF, except there's actually nothing else.
>Artillery takes over twice as many shots to kill a nest
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>rocks no longer drop stone when destroyed
>stone poop removed
Thank god
>LAN pics
Imagine the smell
Isn't that the other way around? Weaker to arty?
I liked the stone

I hope it gets ported as a mod
Personal laser defense nerf seems harsh combined with (up to) 10x health spawners and laser resistances for worms.
Also 1000x tech cost might need new tech, 15 mines to kill a spawner might make minespam unviable. Unless evolution got tweaked down a lot.
what is this supposed to accomplish? hide all the planets and the word "full"?
Rampant Fixed
tone that shit DOWN.
There will be a day 1 mod.
What's the point of separating LAN players in teams?
Are they testing different versions of the game simultaneously?
Artillery does 500 direct damage and 500 splash damage to nests in 1.1, and is being doubled to 1000+1000.
However nests are getting up to 10x health based on evolution, so from 350~3500. Once they break 1000, they don't die to one shell's splash. At 2000 they need at least one direct hit and one splash. At 3000 they need two direct hits.
Because 100 players on one server would just be a mess.
Ah, my bad
the personal laser defence nerf was because of quality wasn't it
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I only trust this man, he can join my server.
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Are there still no damage upgrades for artillery?
That part was already obvious.
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>Where do you work out?
>At the Library.
Not in 1.1, as it's redundant. Artillery has enough damage to one-shot all nest and worm buildings except for splash hits vs behemoth worms. There's only range and rate-of-fire upgrades, both infinitely repeatable.
>pipe teleporting finally makes ugly-ass underground spam obsolete
if underground pipes contribute to the limit i am actually going to scream
I like it. Being an instant death machine with the personal lasers was kinda busted, you didn't even need handheld weapons just walk forward and win.
Now they'll actually be defences for when a rival gang chases you but not all that useful for direct drivebys on their hood.
legendary shells with legendary artillery it is then
Noooo not my personal laser offense
In dsp, how the fuck are you supposed to take out hives?
>pleasantly surprised when the mid-game nests were giving our tanks some trouble instead of being steam-rolled like before.
Translation: clearing the nests before arty became even more tedious.
Is Spacechem worth playing or has it aged badly?
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I don't really get how it's a problem.
>each network input/output to a different network/machine adds X to its maximum throughput
>divide that by the number of pipes in the network
Done, now a big network starts being slower with each pipe added, while adding more pumps and machines to it would make it faster. The geometry of the network is still irrelevant, as was the intention of the whole rework in the first place.

Hey you, if you think this is a good idea go tell them about it, I don't want a fucked up liquid system on release.
I guess it might also be because the old late game is the new midgame. You could probably have a spider army fucking up all the biters after just 2 planets. Let's just hope the new TBD facilitators are good and automatic.
Those charis look very uncomfortable
You just make a bunch of trips.
build up a huge amount of fighters and go after the hive and tear it apart piece by piece. use plasma as your mecha weapon. Make sure there are no other planetary resource extractors in the system or it'll just rebuild.
The graphics are bad, but you forget about them really quickly. It's really good if you like hard puzzles.
Lol, he's in the picture Wube posted on fff
That really doesn't work, for instance it's a system that would penalize having parallel pipes which by common sense should allow more fluid to flow but with such a system the more pipes you add in parallel the slower the entire system gets. Makes no sense, fluid shit isn't that simple. Not that Wube's new solution is much better than what you're suggesting, mind you.
Are there any games close to 20th century food court from Last Call BBS? Factorio and the like don't give me the same feel, I can't explain it, it's like there is a small goal to beat a level compared to Factorio where you have a larger goal
Good to see fat women play factorio
Anon told us biters are a lot milder when you clear out nests now, so it should balance out okay.
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>you scrolled vg literally on the fucking computer you are playing on
Does /egg/ really have such terrible opsec?
That doesn't really narrow it down. There's way too many people with too little visibility on them to solidly identify one as being a match.
This is the only one I could see that matched green shirt and long hair, but I couldn't make out glasses or beard in the other pics and I don't know where that anon meant by middle except not the corners.
fucking cut PLD damage by a third? what
rock change is soulless but i get it
why the fuck is tank not rolling over nests a good thing
Never said it was a good picture of him, but it's not like any of us care what each other looks like. We only care about throughput.
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golem get ye gone
Lan parties seem fun. Too bad I can never get my friends to play something like Factorio.
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it's not sexual, I just don't want to see him
Nobody mentioned it being sexual you homo.

Lasers will be OP again with legendary armor with bigger grids and legendary lasers. I bet it will be even more broken than it is now, but this time you have to earn it.
You do realize it's probably a guy in a dress or something, given where it's posted?
baking in a bit
I see tits, boy
I will probably just fill it with legs as always. Imagine the speeds!
Maybe I should have 2 power armors on hand, never tried that.
>legendary power armor with as many legendary legs as you can fit + the power for them
dear lord
game is explicitly not balanced around quality, saying anything will be op at legendary is meaningless
Throwing in random parallel pipes into a network would not improve flow irl. A well designed pipe network with a single pipe will usually be better than an assortment of parallel pipes because the liquid becomes increasingly turbulent as you split and merge different liquid streams without careful consideration.
Also incentivizing people to find the minimum amount of pipes to connect everything they want to flow through the network seems like a sensible thing for a game like factorio. I'm not sure why people are so hung up on the most realistic liquid flow system, instead of the most fun and intuitive one. Most of you are brainlets who'd be complaining about a realistic system being broken because "why are more pipes no gooder?"
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You do you m8.
club penguin pizza minigame
Thread is about to archive FYI
it's still good
Go out partying with cuntfrog and post results.
That was already the case.
>Personal lasers - We found them to be too strong (especially as you can have multiple), so we nerfed their damage by 66%.
That's a stupidly high nerf when you consider how much energy it cost to fire them.
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This might work, I had wolfram calculate the inverse function. Try it out and see if the numbers line up? x being d in this case, and f(x) would be tmax.

Devs said that but I don't believe them considering they are using it on almost every test run they are doing. Default will be for sure with it on.
I can see Dosh on the FFF pictures. Hi Dosh!
There you go
I just imagine that he's an older clone of me.
SA requires quality to be enabled. Pretty sure elevated rails are the same way.

He's just stating what we know so far to get up to those power levels. There could very well be some kind of new armor defense modules that could be very power hungry/very expensive but are very effective on enemies. Like what was said yesterday by someone there, we don't know 80% of whats going on in the game vs what was discussed in FFFs.
>the liquid becomes increasingly turbulent as you split and merge different liquid streams without careful consideration
I do not understand why you bring this shit up or why you believe it to be relevant, Factorio has never had fucking fluid turbulence simulation, nobody other than you brought it up and nobody suggested such a thing should be implemented, so what gives?
>Also incentivizing people to find the minimum amount of pipes to connect everything they want to flow through the network seems like a sensible thing for a game like factorio.
I don't know what you're talking about anymore, are you talking about actual fluids 2.0 or the idea to divide throughput by the number of pipes connected? Fluids 2.0 as described does not do this because the number of pipes doesn't matter according to the LAN anon, you can have as many as you can fit in that 150x150 tile square or whatever the magic number is.

If you're talking about the divide idea, that's just bad in general like I mentioned, it would behave like an unintuitive kludge where working on one end of a pipe changes how shit works on the completely other end. It would make no sense to build something like this, the mechanic would feel completely opaque to anyone who doesn't know it divides some arbitrary number by the number of pipes. Imagine you've got a pipe split going left and right, if you extend the pipe to the right then you reduce the throughput available to the left, even if there's nothing on the right actually using extra fluid. It's not a good idea.
>2 hours later

>SA requires quality to be enabled.

No it doesn't? Where did you hear that from?
>I do not understand why you bring this shit up or why you believe it to be relevant
NTA but it seems he's contesting the claim of
>parallel pipes which by common sense should allow more fluid to flow
Low quality post, into the recycler it goes
I answered in the new thread.
We're talking about Factorio here, nor real life. Is this somehow not clear when discussing the Factorio fluid system?
>Artillery - damage has been doubled.
Oh yes.

>. But in the end we went with the simplest option: they just don't drop the stones any more.
Oh no, lame.
Is it that turkish olympics shooter?
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>Oops, you've exceeded the maximum number of characters
Give me more time, testing the formula on octave and comparing to program's output.
I feel like the artillery damage doubling is just to compensate for nests having more health, like it's not going to make it more effective in practice or anything.

Nefrums, the speedrunner guy maybe?
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Not legendary enough.

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