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#6208 - The other Sky Striker edition

Previous: >>492903759

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-04-15/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 10 (TBA, probably Sep 15, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
Total Fagfa annihilation
Alright now this is megasus
Why would such a simple video bother Konami so much?
holy shit
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theyre actually trembling in their boots, the horse was just the beginning
Because it's true, secondary vendors are their partners in crime
>Konami is transdiaperphobic
wtf based
If the video gets taken down we can reupload it
How deep does this rabbit hole go?
I thought the whole thing was kinda overblown, but this definitely suspicious...
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Made for BWC.

That said, Azalea Temperance is fucking great. Love how you can just access Sky Strikers engine through both her and the Link-2 version.
The video went from 1800 views to 2100 after it got posted on mkloh's discord

Good call on that anon that suggested it
She's made for browns though
This cant be real

They have people spamming garbage on their posts 24/7 but the corporate page just happens to personally BLOCK some diaperfag with 200 followers? I wonder what could be the reason
Gonna need a second video with all the new info
lidl got so much more based ever since Hentai games turned him straight at the cost of turning him into a horndog, but that can't be helped.
What is the dislike ratio like?
Get some new material.
Imagine the mental breakdown they had when they saw all the horses vomiting being spammed last week


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You fucking wish. Azalea together with Luna (the darker skinned Evil*Twin) are made to be carried in my arms to bed, and given each 5 children by me. Sissy brownoid "m-made for BBC!" sissies can sit in the corner and watch. You'll simply become buck broken.
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>diaperfag working overtime to become /dng/'s new celebrity
>/dng/ continues to feed the mentally ill
thread will be unusable for a few days I suppose. best of luck to you
>noooo dont talk about the video please pay attention to my mentally ill avatarfagging like usual
If you comment on the video you can also beat the algo and the video will show up in other people's feed more times.
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Impregnating Lil-la, Ki-sikil and Luna. Sunny gets adopted and spoiled.
i am just pushing my schizo theory's credibility, i don't care about the diaperfaggot trying to leech on the theory and that e-celeb twitchfaggot for e-fame
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if I get him to make a video on this shit its actually unironically fucking over and everything is going to spiral out of control for *them*
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The grass buyout was 21 copies of The Grass looks greener, all first edition near mints, for around $30 a piece on August 27th. This means that someone out there spent $600~ on this investment thinking they would turn a profit. This isn't something you do on a hunch like say, the D rulers or Heavy Storm where $5 could turn into $8 or $9. Whoever did this was definitely getting fed from the inside and knew about the banlist on August 27th or earlier. Even moreso that other people, or the same person, got 8, 9, and 12 copies, or more copies at $30 all along the 24th-29th. All other purchases going back to around the 20th were 1 or 3. I, myself am included in these numbers because I felt Reasoning and Monster Gate coming back for Infernoids was realistic, so I also got grass as an unrealistic expectation.

This means 2 things.
>The banlist could have come out sooner as its obvious it was finalized LONG before the 31st.
>Someone is leaking to people for the sole purpose of potential profit. No one has 21 grass decks just sitting around.

I don't care about insider trading. But the fact they could have released it sooner is what angers me.
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Friendly reminder to all that:
Fleur Lost
Uni Lost
Argie Lost
She Won
Sunny's nubile young body belongs to me.
Well put together, all of this stuff should be documented with as much details as possible so NPCs cant just deny reality and easily brush it off with retarded retorts that their masters feed them
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Usally lurk here but sometimes I try and start discussions and get called names here, but I want to see how far we can push this so I'll add some fuel to the fire. If anyone wants to make another video specifically about Konami EU's reaction to that Twitter account, I'll make an exaggerated thumbnail for it.
Any ideas? I'm thinking the "You're blocked" screencap and it should be Yugi saying "We admit it, we're scammers" but the scammers is in red. Just send anything and I'll make a few thumbnails.
An edit of this artwork >>492988878
Now that we're in DinoRabbit 2.0, where else can we go from here?
>faggot twink mad he's not getting replies
Here's your (you) faggola, now choke on it
Put some DMG tits and and another yugitubers as click bait
>I'm thinking the "You're blocked" screencap and it should be Yugi saying "We admit it, we're scammers"
sounds very good, but I honestly have no clue about the content of the video, feels like it needs to come from some actually bigger channel to make this thing explode before its culled by fagfa and konami smashing the report button in lumbridge with tear filled eyes
>now 36 comments and 2200 views
Yeah, this one's doing numberss
What if grass is reprinted on the tins and the person who purchased multiple copies knew about it and is gonna try to flip 30 copies before the tin contents leak?
Retard, any relatively BIG yugituber is already friends with Farfa

You don't know this but they all (yugitubers) have a massive discord where they hang out and talk to one another and share info for whenever they want to do crossover content/cameos

Cimo created it after the Smash bros community got exposed for having a ton of pedos and well Cimo does not want that to happen to YGO because he knows there is a lot of overlap with mentally ill faggots (honestly i don't blame him)

You need to be more subtle
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Well, I wouldn't call 4 days LONG before. In fact, he probably only bought 20 copies because he was in a rush, he could have bought way more. If he got the info, say, at the beginning of august, he could have just spread out his purchases and profited a lot more. It's likely that he got the info then panic bought most of the available stock because there was no time, then hastily told a couple of his friends that they could make a quick buck and they did the same.
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Okay but fr, thoughts? I am debating on whether I want to even run the Diabellstar stuff, I could slot in 2x more Lurrie and more goodstuff instead, or go 60 cards, add in a few Snake-Eye pieces, though I don't own any copies of Grass (but Reasoning/Monster Gate), but idk.

Your ass belongs to me if you even fucking glance at her wrong you filthy fucking pedophile.

Nigger do NOT use Yugi for that shit. If you ACTUALLY want to continue this schizo shit just use Tewart/Julia, but no actual slander. The thing you want to do is to bring up that THEY EXIST, not that they have anything to do with it, just to avoid any problems. You want to make it seem as they can be connected.
I do also have Sharvara + Yama and blue doggo, and a Striker Engine if I want to go full goodstuff.dek pile. I lowkey think Void Reignition isn't a bad card, and running 3x Lurrie with more copies of it (in 60~ or so cards) feels kinda neato. I would likely run Dark World Accession as well then.
Just wait until there's more material. The retards at Tewart Inc. department are already doing all the work for us by fucking up spectacularly. They could have literally just ignored it lol
remember to show this, it's the more concrete proof
>Cimo hates pedos
>Cimo hates the modern game
>Cimo has an asian girl fetish
Yup, I'm thinking he is based.
plap plap plap plap plap plap stupid clone wanting independence plap plap plap plap plap plap you want live outside of kitchen!? plap plap plap plap plap seducing men with your big brown tits huh? get pregant get pregnat get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
Rent free
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>Shaniqueues Tyreesus DetroitShawn getting uppity
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Azamina will save the format
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More documentation
The thing is, the biggest buyout was 6 copies on the 20th before this started. I'm not going to call that one out though, as its surrounded by 1's. Prior to this all the other buyouts are in May and they were 1 or 2 copies for $11-$15 indicating a realistic expectation for a small, fringe, group to buy it in hopes of playing it.
With these numbers, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the singles are the same group of people around the 25th.
Actually funny how every single other transaction in that pic is some guy buying a copy/ a playset for themselves and then theres the
>casually just taking 21 NM copies of this 29 dollar card for myself a day before the list drops
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Here's the buyouts in May for reference. This is, in my opinion, what a natural banlist buyout looks like.
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Seems like this guy deleted his comment, I already archived it luckily
Remember to archive everything, the video could get nuked any time
>inb4 frog
It might not be though. Highly likely some of these are the same group or guy buying the lowest priced single copies from random sellers to maximize the profit.
The $30's losses would be offset by the occasional $25 selling. Probably averaged out at $27/copy.
The more you comment on that video the more views it will get
QRD on this entire situation?
How did the sexbat Rciela turn into this...
I'm not commenting on your video
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Appo being prevented from entering western territories.
She needs to be bred (by me)
Just watch the video
The real question is what should be done when (if) they succeed in report spamming the video to death and youtube actually rules in his favor

While im not 100% convinced thats going to happen since faggots like lowtiergod also arent able to remove everything from youtube thats made out of his streams, if konami themselves gets involved they obviously have more pull
I did and understand that people are accusing Konami of leaking the list to some dudes who bought out grass a couple of days earlier (wouldn't surprise me)
I'm just wondering what it has to do with the shitposting subhumans that usually inhabit these threads for the past 8 months
Having people reuploading it left and right and sharing it in discords and other would be a good start
Konami wouldn't get involved in this. If anything its going to tarnish Farfa's rep with them. They get involved and pull it down they go straight into the Streisand effect. All eyes will be on it.
He just realized he was wrong, maybe it was a honest mistake.
Looks pretty good. I would have added handtraps, but you're obviously going for a hard go second version.
>only 1 Evil
You sure that's enough?
Hazy timeline of events for archival purposes

>video is uploaded 20 hours ago
>farfa comments on it 18 hours ago
>the yugioh of EU twitter blocks me for posting the video on their latest post roughly an hour and a half ago
>I'm just wondering what it has to do with the shitposting subhumans that usually inhabit these threads for the past 8 months

Most of us come in and out to check in on the format and have actual conversations. This place is still the best way to get all your info, links, and gossip about the game in one place without having to skip through videos. The terminally online ones that stay here, of course, are subhuman and don't actually play the game.
Why are you replying to yourself lil bro?
>People expected Kiktallos to come back
Top kek
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>Argie Lost
>also post ferrijit
Retardbro, julian is also a ferrijitfag.
Farfa is probably going to cry about being harassed by the evil hacker known as 4chan and the NPCs will look past what's really going on because saying the n-word is worse than buying grass
The way farfa says it makes it sound like someone actually did it
God, please, let this fucker pay. I will never forgive him for what he did until he gets what he deserves.
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He has a dogshit take. Kitkallos buyout would be only 90-$100 depending on the time of the buyout. Again, a reasonable gamble that would most likely pay off later that what we're seeing with Grass.
The grass guy, at worst, is breaking even with this. And he gambled 6x what Kitkallos would have been.
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That's pretty good.
I got some DMG pics. Might need some more though.
I just want to play an agent of chaos and see what happens. Even if nobody makes a video, my thumbnails and/or ideas can still be carried over.
Sure, I won't use Yugi. I was just thinking since it's the Konami EU profile pic on Twitter but we can do something more, I'm sure.
I can wait a bit, sure. Still gonna try and make a few drafts.
Any pics to communicate this? I'd like a hi-res version of the "You're Blocked" message on twitter.
Yes, let's keep the heat on the ones who've let their ego get in the way. They could have just not blocked anyone but they couldn't let it go.
Thanks for the synopsis. Even if this goes nowhere and it fades from /dng/'s consciousness, it's still funny that this happened.
This is what happens during /dng/'s paper tranny hours.
The only time of the day the general is usable is when Simulator only chads are playing.
amd chads, don't forget to send in your vote
>$90-$100~ assuming he got 21 copies during the spikes pictured.
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The konami wagie right now:
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>defending a blatant fraud

just why?
I don't know what to
>Using DMG tits for clickbait
Holy based...
why are we still entertaining an actual diapertranny's schizo theory? Insider trading got thoroughly debunked last thread and all he did was call people bootlickers
I don't see the kitkat buyout. Most I'm seeing is 4 copies on tcgplayer.
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Not really sure how to get a better pic, im just screenshotting the monitor on PC
Bet you're Farfa
What does Tewart's dick taste like niggerfaggot
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Perks. I had a friend that would top 100 YCS's during the 2010s and he got sponsored by a card shop. They told him to watch his mouth on socials, mainly Zodiac at the time, and they would get him the stuff he needed. Ended up with 2 Minerva's back when she was a prize card. Given to him by the card shop. Farfa's probably in the same boat alongside the other influencers. If he speaks well and watches his mouth, he can get free product to open on stream, which in turn gives him money to keep living.
What theory exactly you dumb shit?
If the whole thing was a lie why did Konami block him?
Really activates the almonds if you think about it.
I really hope we'll get to see Jewart behind bars
it's not his theory it's MY theory
Could this fly on YT?
Perfect, thanks.
No, Im saying it as a theoretical in response to the youtube comment posted.
qrd on what the fuck Konami is doing? Can't find the original video.
based taste
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I actually don't recommend you use dmgtits as clickbait. Youtube is notoriously inconsistent on how it handles sexual content.
Debunk >>492989104 then. It it's schizo, it should be easy to prove he's insane, right?
>why block a shitposter
Are you retarded?
I'll make ones with and without.
Also >navel
Why weren't horseposters blocked then?
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>diaper tranny coomer vs konami bootlicker
konami likes vomit
And why the fuck do we care exactly?
Isn't this like a few thousand dollars every few months?
>before the banlist dropped there were some hefty buyouts of cards like Grass that got unbanned in the list
>this seems to imply that someone had prior knowledge to the list's contents prior to the list dropping, allowing them to buy/sell before others to make solid profit
>farfa and some others on stream bring up these weird buyouts, which an anon clipped and uploaded to youtube
>spamming the video everywhere, including the official TCG pages, caused the person to get banned
More like diaperchad vs farfa discord tourists
>an actual yugioh player vs eceleb twitchbots who slop up corporate shit
If you actually play, its the difference between spending $10 on a single card and $40 on it.
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>"so yeah, thats the story of how i saved yugioh and uncovered market manipulation by konami employees who browse this very thread, which has ties to a tranny diaperfur cabbal.. you'd be surprised how far a lil case of indigestion can get you"
horsechad here
can confirm Konami didn't block me
i woke up to what the fuck is happening
what the fuck did i miss, i was outside this past weekend for whathever shit that took place
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Yugioh has a bad track record with horses, huh.
>i woke up to what the fuck is happening
gay gangbang
>Debunk >>492989104 then. It it's schizo, it should be easy to prove he's insane, right?

The thesis of the schizo theory has nothing to argue with. Circular, electrumite, meow meow, ronintoadin, chaos ruler, galaxy tomahawk, brilliant fusion all were bought out in similar numbers and those are the cards I bothered to check. Grass was bought out too but so were most banned cards that have meta implications; it's how you as a hobbyist can make easy money flipping. The connection to a konami employee was never concrete and you'd have to ignore the dozens of other still banned cards as unimportant market noise.
Coomers on the rise
Diapercord on the rise
Komoneys downfall soon
Total EU death
Fiendsmith is a design failure

>Fusion Lacrimosa has died overseas lol
>Let's let Requiem die for us.
>All I can say is that Demonsmith went too far
>I think Japan should be a little more lenient, or just ban requiem
>Isn't banning requiem a pretty drastic measure?
>Banning requiem would kill the theme!
>Goodbye Demonsmith
>Requiem is banned in Japan
>I'm looking forward to the immediate regulation of Azamina and Rizeol
>Please delete this
>Don't give a new theme a link 1 right away. Save the link 1 for later
>Don't just make these blatantly broken cards that can be used in any deck. Konami hasn't learned anything from Dragoon and DPE
>[reply] Dragoon and Death Phoenix aren't their fault, Anaconda is.
>>[reply] Then give me back my Dragoon
>their business model is to sell all of their meta themes and then regulate them once they're all sold out
>Requiem: "That's tough, Demonsmith."
>Meta themes are generally a failure
>they must have forgotten about closed heaven when making this
>It's selling just fine, so I don't think they even consider it a failure.
>The illustration design is successful, so it's okay.
>If it's not Demonsmith, it's not Yu-Gi-Oh!
>Infinite Forbidden produced a banned card and two restricted cards in 40 days
>The TCG has aerial eater so there's still plenty of room for improvement
>Rank 6 was still possible through necroquip princess, that's why beatrice died too
>Unless there's a boycott, it's a victory for Konami. The only time it was bad was with Link Shock
>Has anyone ever played it pure?
>[reply] I don't think the mixed theme is a bad thing.
>Even if Beato is banned, Demosmith will probably only be restricted
>The Tiaraments were a design failure.
>I feel like they're intentionally making the design fail for sales
>Meanwhile, OCG has released new broken themes
>That's a big success for Konami
>It's said that banning Requiem destroys the concept, but I feel like it's the existence of Requiem (and Closed heaven) that destroys the concept.
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Pretty bad one so I'm gonna try another.
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>accidentally clicked on this because I thought it was Iori from blue archive
>still canonically defeated Yusei by deckout
Yugioh horses never miss
You are giving way too much space to the fucking screenshot
Watch this:
id say its a good idea/ start but the issue is readability when its actually thumbnail sized

having a light background/ dark and red text helps but its hard to solve in this case, if twitter has a light mode or something I can retake the screenshot but youd probably have to do something like a negative/inverted color of tewart to pair it up with
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No no, you can't compare any of those to this. Those are easy flips if they got unbanned. Grass is the stupidest thing to bet on making money with.
>Circular is under $1
>Electrumite has 2 printings both under $10 pre banlist
>Meow Meow is under $1
>Ronintoadin highest rarity is under $5
>Chaos Ruler has a printing under $1 and another under $10
>Galaxy Tomahawk is under $1
>Brilliant fusion has 4 printings under $1 and one Ulti over $35

If you told me Brilliant was bought out on this scale, all at NM in groups of 20+ I would agree but everything you listed would be reasonable gambles. Nothing near a single, $600.00 purchase that you think you will make money on. Again, like I said in >>492991537, hes going to break even at worst. Making it the safest gamble you could have bet on. No one sane person would drop $600.00 without knowing they would at least break even. Especially knowing how reprints work. Everything else you said is like betting $25-$50 for a chance at $200.
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Genuinely curious, do you jerk off to these threads? What is the point being here when you can go anywhere else to get your rocks off.
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>Well, I guess Link 1 was a failure, or should I say the Link Summoning itself was a failure
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game: "Why does the OCG keep printing cards that should be banned?"
>Japan: "Let's wait and see, we're going to limit Beatrice!"
>If Japan is using Masu C as an excuse to release a broken expansion theme, they should ban ash/called/crossout to ensure Masu C resolves
>The maxx C is from overseas. They quietly banned it after that
>This is a harsh revision that seems like a jab at the OCG.
>The same can be said for Azamina, but it's clear that it's a small elite group of cards that are intended to be meta
>If it had truly failed, I would imagine sales would have dropped
>If you put it together pure, it's a pretty normal theme
>I wonder what overseas players really think. Watching YouTube, it seems like the ban on apollo would be a bigger shock
>Nowadays, overseas staff have to decide the rarity beforehand considering the ban restrictions... When I heard that Lacrimosa was normal, I understood.
>Overseas, it seems like the game is more conscientious, whereas in Japan, they only care about making profits
>After all, it's just a social game card with no sense at all. It's obvious that they don't care about game balance as long as it sells.
>It's not that overseas is competent, but rather that Japan is too bad. SP semilimited...
>Gate guardian is also a failure...
>The new Master Rules are a design failure. This is the biggest failure of the OCG. Everything else is a minor blemish
>Once the Master Pokemon card arrives, Yu-Gi-Oh will finally be over.
>[reply] Even if he didn't come, it would have been over already. Yu-Gi-Oh! destroyed itself.
>Don't print things that get banned
>MTG is good because it has a format where you can freely use failed cards.

>First of all, it is a serious crime to have created a culture where overseas countries take the lead
Get rid of dmg and just have Jerome censored with the blocked screen and the title across the middle.
>Well, I guess Link 1 was a failure, or should I say the Link Summoning itself was a failure
Understood. Gonna try again.
I'll see what works.
>deploy ze distraction
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game: "Why does the OCG keep printing cards that should be banned?"
Even the nips know, fucking lmao
>prismatic secret rare
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>paper tranny hours still
I may be mentally impaired to still play this game but thank god I'm not impaired to play this game on paper
>>It's not that overseas is competent, but rather that Japan is too bad. SP semilimited
Watch Chapter 1 at the 5 minute mark
Anyone got a png of Jerome or Kevin Tewart I can use for the thumbnail? I'd try to crop out Jerome from the image but his hair is a bit messy.
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>>Overseas, it seems like the game is more conscientious, whereas in Japan, they only care about making profit
>>It's not that overseas is competent, but rather that Japan is too bad. SP semilimited...
this one knows what's up
cube chads where we @
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Lets see how the TCG page reacts
>Nowadays, overseas staff have to decide the rarity beforehand considering the ban restrictions... When I heard that Lacrimosa was normal, I understood.
Thinking of it, its kind of insane the hoops Konami went through to do absolutely nothing for the sake of seeming good for a second
>before INFO even came, Lacrima was a designated scapegoat for an early hit because Fiendsmith was clearly retardedly strong and was made a Common to avoid pissed off investors
>during the planning for INFO, KoA also either designed or grabbed new exclusives that can replace Lacrima's function effectively making Lacrima's removal pointless in the grand scheme of things
For a mere second everyone was like "oh shit they are actually doing something to Fiendsmith" then seconds later everyone was like "oh yeah Necroquip exists and still lets you do the Rank 6 shit so whats the fucking point"
It would be the same as if they banned King Calamity but then released a random TCG exclusive Level 12 Dragon Synchro that turnskips anyway
>MTG is good because it has a format where you can freely use failed cards.
Bros... the MtG trannies and their mixed-race sibling franchises are laughing at us...
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>Overseas, it seems like the game is more conscientious, whereas in Japan, they only care about making profits
It's insane how an OCG player can even think this, let alone type it out and post it
....what is happening now?
You have excellent taste anon. Kudos to you.
is ryzeal the most honest deck?
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>buying >25 cards from one seller doesn't count as a buy out because the card is still cheap
>please ignore the fact that these bought out cards remained banned and please ignore electrumite in general
>also please ignore the seller currently on tcgplayer selling 21 copies as it does not fit my narrative
>also please ignore that this happens every banlist

Fuck off schizo diapered retard
>the seller's name is Plot Twist
You couldn't script this shit
No that would be lightsworn.
>>Once the Master Pokemon card arrives, Yu-Gi-Oh will finally be over.
Based japbro spitting facts
>Fire King Snake Eye
>Rescue ACE
>Memento Fiendsmith
What do I build bros
This is a good tactic, you can create dummy twitter accounts and spam that shit daily
Buy Pokémon cards instead
TPCI is weird in how it almost seems like they give preferential treatment to the west instead of Japan. They already do have their online sim (which is garbage, but that's beside the point), but you can't even access it in Japan
Like how retarded do you have to be to say shit like "it's not a buyout because 94 COPIES of a card were sold in june" and "it's not a buyout because the current price is under 10 dollars"? So if your argument is that it's a konami employee committing insider trading in regards to the banlist: a 94 card buyout in late june and an unban of chaos ruler would spike that card like crazy but because he didn't get unbanned and the price therefore didn't budge, you're saying that that is a normal thing for buyers to do but because in the case of grass the dude gambled and lost with 550 dollars, it's 100% konami please ignore everything else. It's so poorly argued and falls apart at the slightest bit of scrutiny.
>Memento Fiendsmith
Is it even usable anymore without Apo to protect your Mace from handtraps when starting with the Fiendsmith line?
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Yes, again 25 copies at $1-5 or less is way less of an investment over 25 copies at $30. I honestly don't know how you don't understand this. You would go bankrupt running a business on blind buyouts like this, not like the ones you mentioned because worst case you sell them for $1-2 more. $600 of product sitting around is trash unless you can move it in a reasonable time. Most shops I sell at don't even look at stuff unless its collectable like NM First ed LOB stuff, or Meta like Snake Eyes and so on.

I didn't ignore that the card stayed banned. The fact that they stayed banned means nothing because, as said before in >>492990313, the last Grass buyout looked normal compared to this. Cheaper prices, less copies, and stayed banned. More organic than 21 copies at $30.

The guy selling 21 copies you posted are NM unlimited. The guy we're talking about got 21 NM First Ed. Completely different copies. >>492990108

I didn't ignore that this happens every banlist, I'm pointing out that this, due to the cost, is a complete outlier and points to probably insider information.

I genuinely don't know. I think this guy might actually be Farfa/ some kind of retarded shill.
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In Europe Yugi Players are the trannies and it's the nigger game in the us
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I had another go. How's this? I could lean firther into the collage route but I'd need more topical images but I think this is alright for what I was trying to achieve.
looks pretty good, this is definitely going into either the reupload or better yet a way bigger video if one gets made that uses the original as a jumping off point with all the actual gathered data/ events since then on top. The real issue is just needing someone big enough to make a fuss about this because NPCs legitimately cant think for themselves and wont turn against their master unless their other masters rally them
>Electrumite is bad because it incentivizes soups
>Says this while casting dragon_soup.dek mirror

Jerome is a fraud
And then the retard scrub that shit on pendulum will come here to defend him calling us
Just watch.
Prettu sure a ton of shit is kept on the list for no real reason at this point, Elec included. Pend decks are garbage do nothings at this point, no amount of Elec will give them an edge over other decks.
>TCG players hate their format and think the OCG is better
>OCG players hate their format and think the TCG is better
Literally the proverb they named this card after.
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I will also add that one of the reasons this pops out to me is that I have done this before. I had a friend back in the day that knew someone and we bought out Solemn Judgments and Monster reborns a few days prior to the banlist that brought them back in 2018.
Do not act like this doesn't happen. Insider information in this game is 100% real and does affect the secondary market.

Again, I don't care that someone just took us for a ride, I'm more mad they had the banlist earlier than August 31st.
It's is as they say, you never know how bad a man has it until you walk a mile in their shoes.
except their grass is truly greener, they are just more spoiled than us
KoA and Kevin's team hates pendulum, so of course besides jewing, they will also abuse their power to shit on thing they don't like.
Thank you for the praise. Even if nobody ever uses it, it was still a nice, fun exercise.
It only points to what you want it to because you're ignoring that it is very common for regular buyers to gamble with the ban list and lose every time. You're continuing to ignore the dozen of cards that were bought out in larger numbers than grass because of their significantly lower cost but grass has had a reputation for being unban candidate for years. As if only a konami employee could possibly have 550 dollars to gamble when other sellers ARE LISTING THE SAME NUMBER OF THE CARD THEY ARE LISTING 550 DOLLARS WORTH OF GRASS LOOKS GREENER THAT THEY BOUGHT ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING ME THEY BOUGHT THAT MANY COPIES TOO AND ARE LISTING THEM THEY -NOT A KONAMI EMPLOYEE- BOUGHT 550 DOLLARS WORTH OF GRASS AND ARE PUBLICALLY DISPLAYING IT

>I genuinely don't know. I think this guy might actually be Farfa/ some kind of retarded shill.
That post is criticizing you, you fucking retard. Can you not understand your own argument being read back to you and scrutinized? Holy fuck you are retarded
objectively TCG's paper status is complete dogshit compared to OCG's but the TCG banlist is way better than the OCG one
Yeah, im retarded but at least im not you.
>is that I have done this before.
Are you a konami employee?
Yeah, no I realized the post was scrutinizing me after reading it 3 times. But I'm still sticking to my argument.
No Just an ex binder hustler.
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Fagfas (aka kevins ) reaction in a nutshell
A word of advise. Just in case, don't delete the original video once you upload it to YouTube.
Keep it.
>No Just an ex binder hustler.
Then why couldn't an ex binder hustler have invested 550 dollars into grass
I'm not in control of any videos relating to this situation. I just wanted to make a thumbnail to help add fuel to this fire.
I have a real job now and can afford the game easier. Also don't care enough to sit outside with vapers and sell cards at Regionals/YCS's anymore. If I was still doing it, I would not have have gambled like that. $600 is something I would have dropped on a good binder back in the day to flip half, weekend of, to cover hotel and travel.
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Buff these cards.
Nah, I'm pretty content with how they are, just need a little cleaning up and they're good to go.
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RUSHKEKS? your shit is never coming
Release Draw Slime as is without erratas
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>all of them now trigger is sent to the GY generically
there no other changes
saw art of her getting raped in her ban jail
good stuff
Your bloodline ends
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Took a page out of Raizeal's book and put Rafflesia for Gravedigger's Trap Hole. This has to be the most "anti Nibiru" version of the Deck
>Rev Synchron for Crystal Wing before the 5th summon. If you used Retalliating C as material you get to search Molecricket
>Landoise's Moss in side if you're paranoid, is also good going second
Also Newbee is so good at fetching back Sacred Tree to make up for it still being limited (FUCK YOU TEWART) you only need to have Molecricket in your GY, and also can shuffle back Gravedigger's Trap Hole back so Rafflesia can fire it up again. If Newbee was Earth Attribute it would have been perfect.
>inb4 why don't you play Horus instead
Horus engine doesn't gives Naturia a bigger ceiling honestly outside of a Blazar negate now meanwhile you can extend out of the ass with Vernusylphs. Also I could never betray Vera. She's too pretty
Ruka if her deck didn't suck dick
vera's massive breeding hips...
Vera absolutely sucks dick (mine)
Beautiful, good at both going first and second, and also on par with the Deck's theme. What's not to love
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Man I can’t wait for her to be in the tins…
Also to add about this Deck:
>Sacred Tree being limited really removes a lot of versatility and Deck Space. If it was at 3, Retalliating C, Foolish Burial Goods and Newbee would be gone to make space for Barrier Statue, Revival Golem, Horneedle and Rosewhip, or Earth Hex Sealed Fusion for Exterio if you want to get cheeky.
>I still miss Kelbek and Agido, they were fine at 1 imho.
>Hates Pendulum
Why are you defending them by listing humanizing qualities?
Hello. Thanks for proving my point, nigger. >>492998923
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>vid is at 2.7k views
wouldnt be surprised if its at 3.5 or something tomorrow if not even more, cant believe how much kevin fucked up when he called for fagfa to damage control instead of just trying to ignore it
you are part of the problem
zoodiac CHADS
Reminds me of that episode of the Jackie Chan animated series with the pig and rooster flying around
Her art is so wonky looking.
It's really just her face that's bothering people. Butterface with Eyes of Blue.
this pose is like those US president memes
jeb bush maiden
For me it's the pose, it looks very unoriginal and low effort, the background and clothes are great, though.
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when will DM get new support?
>This is AI generated image
Maybe AI really the future
she hit the wall at an early age
we are likely seeing the last blue-eyes SD card next twitter reveal bros i cant wait...
Let me get this straight. A diaperfag got blocked by Konami for outing insider trading with cards?
The yugituber guys pointed out sus activity and someone went and looked at it
"Outed" is a big claim because nothing has been proven
Yugitubers hop on drama but never drama that may or may not involve Konami. Nothing is confirmed but thats never stopped them before.
>more diaperfags on /dng/
Ok so how common is this diaper shit? I thought it was just Sora, Son and Maze into that shit.
i already said months ago that it's extremely inorganic, it's likely to be some manner of discord raid thing that started out with the lunafag or sorafag
Yeah yeah we know your shitty deflection attempt Son.
it's you and the rest of diapercord
good job outing yourself
son is probably part of the coordinated raid, or just playing along with it because he's a lifeless loser shitposter
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The way people doxxed that nigga yesterday already proved it couldn't have been Son nor Maze.
Also the guy deleted the comment on the youtube page but I saved it, have fun.
>nor Maze
Why is Maze even getting lumped in? Unlike SonofTrans that nigger at least talks about reveals even though he's a massive unplayer. Son is the only one who runs shitposts into the ground.
Behold the image that absolved the British from the diaperfag allegations
I see Son is trying to get people to forget his diaper spam. Just like the tranny porn folder no one will ever forget this shit.
the tranny porn shit was also framed by diapercord
No idea people just kept saying it non-stop,
diapercordfags are out for blood today. or maybe shit is more their cup of tea.
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>P-Please delete this video
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>that absolved the British from the diaperfag allegations
tranny chaser admitted posting diapers himself, nice try
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Maze has never been part of it. It's a forced meme. That fat fuck is more obsessed with fucking Neos and hating waitfu cards.
>absolve the British
Except we have evidence of Son's own diaper spam. All that imagine confirmed is we have a fucking diaperfag epidemic that needs to be purged. I wouldn't be amazed if the diapercord shit is Son self reporting.
>Mieru happily obliges and provides pictures
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>put one (1) word on the filter
>this happens in 20 minutes
I always forget son is bri'ish
for some reason in my head he is a gook
Threads been dead for a while. We don't get a lot of actual yugioh talk because no one here plays. 90% of our bumping is this shit.
>Why is Maze even getting lumped in?
because Maze defended son's shitposts
He might be a SEAnig. He's brown and living in the UK. So he's either Indian, Paki, Bengali or some SEA ethnicity.
>the video has almost 3k views now
jesus christ what the fuck happened?
All this proves is there is indeed more than one person spamming the diaper shit instead of one person aka it's not just Son. So that makes 3 people? Lolalula, Son and the that one drawfag that wastes his talents drawing diapers. Not sure if I should lump in the Sorafag.
I posted it on smaller ygo related discords
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Lol. His diaperposting even got leaked with his tranny porn folder from discord
Probably popping up in more people's algos.
wasn't this disproven last time you tried it? we already know you guys fabricate shit so you can blame namefags.
KoE blocked the diaperfag exposing them
Pretty sure that's fake. He nuked his Rank7Signer account when it got leaked. His Manamoon shit just confirmed he wants to get railed by baras.
What video?
Just fucking nuke this general
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>we already know you guys fabricate shit so you can blame namefags.
Once again trying too harder son
The person who posted this never once tried to post more screenshots or even leak the discord where he got this from, you see this is why you faggots make me think son is not the one behind it
>diaperfags like Son and Lola keep getting exposed
>still nothing exposing Sorafag
Quite literally the only diaperfag I want to see exposed. I refuse to believe anyone on 4chan is friendly.
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>His Manamoon shit just confirmed he wants to get railed by baras.
And 1.81 TB of tranny porn
>son tries to remove association
>people start posting all the shit tying him to it
I'm actually feeling sorry for him. Can you guys not give him a break?
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Phoenix Resale youtube channel has a ton of videos of Sora's locals (Frank and Son's in cali).
You might be able to see him in the flesh because there is probably more than 20 hours of footage and he (the reseller) goes there all the time.
>from this shitty discordgroup
you keep parroting that and never provided any proof. where are the pictures?
seethe, harder stephen samefagging won't make anyone believe you when there's proof of you being a nigger
It's pointless to point fingers anyway, this general kept getting posted in other boards at the peak of the garbage formats last year. We've been getting raided for months now.
>First of all, it is a serious crime to have created a culture where overseas countries take the lead
Um, git gud?
Don't have a horse in this race but if I had to make a guess which side was telling the truth I would have to believe the SonofMan is a diaperfag side over the side claiming there's a discord raid. Too much photo evidence for one over the other and if /v/ has taught me anything all private discords actually planning raids get leaked fast just like the anti-Elden Ring discord and the BBC discord for /b/.
>Um, git gud?
Ten more Maxx C rip offs printed right away sir
Isn't this just an attempt to move the goalpost? We were shitting on Konami and now we moved to one shitposter?
>Don't have a horse in this race
hahaha sure
>move the goalpost
I'm not making a point so what goalpost would I be moving? I'm saying give the britfag a fucking break. Still the other diaperfag needs to keep pressuring Konami if you want to talk about the video.
diapercord is obsessed with son, plz understand
None of this general's usual faggotry matters when there's an actual happening going on.
Fair. Just don't let some retard like tardwave go with the "you are doing shit in vain". Remember that fatlord actually killed a lot of hosting and even admitted it.
I feel your pain, I really do.
>Actual happening
No one cares about whatever political retardation Amerimuttstan does
PR has been filming there before Sora came to /dng/ so even if the diaperfag leaves the general there is no way he can remove himself from PR's videos.
Because no one makes money off of something like Grass, and its pointless autism in the long run.
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Funny joke showing sp right before the komoney reveal mkohl40 now leak the rest and faster and actually leak it
Mirage user: how many cards in hand
If it was pointless, KoE wouldn't care about a 100 view video nor would farfa.

Flak over the target.
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then where are the diapercord pictures, son? It's been two years and you still have zero proof
>American Politics
Fucking retard one of the diaperfags exposed Konami employees buying out Grass 2 days before the banlist released.
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Regular new banlist tourney on the 22nd/29th?
>I-I'm not o-obsessed
do you have a son folder?
Kill yourself muttoid
Pends are gay and so is Arc-V. Don't care if Jerome sucks too.
if by regular you mean non gimmick yeah sure
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Why did they do it?
Diapercord is real but it's not a /dng/ thing. It's a fucking /xivg/ modding discord going off the archive.
>nooo don't post evidence that I'm a faggot!
no folder is needed when your shit is all over the place. the archive alone condemns you
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A good place to continue gathering evidence is to look at past banlists with ??? unbans. Did Protoss or Colossus spike in sales before the unban? I don't think anyone predicted Protoss coming off the list.
You're talking to chatGPT.
Old bad Buy new
Just wait they will replace all of them with new versions to rake in money
This is a literal nothingburguer retard. Nobody can prove shit.
>b-but konami blocked the diaperfag they are clearly afraid!
Yeah I'm sure it was John Konami who blocked the retard and not the intern who manages the account and has no idea of what this is all about
Get new material
Shills and discordtrannies are getting desperate.
>Yeah I'm sure it was John Konami who blocked the retard and not the intern who manages the account and has no idea of what this is all about
The intern that was fine with the horseposting?
>has no idea but blocks him
Bro, are you a retard?
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>diapercord cope failed, time to whip up the troonsei folder
holy kek imagine being this pathetic
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>Sora is guaranteed to be in the videos
Ok and now we need to know what he looks like.
horseposting is not the same as crime acusation
If I started spamming their posts saying that the konami CEO was a rapist do you think the intern wouldn't block me unless he knew for sure if it was true or false? fucking dumbass
No we don't. Fuck off faggot
Errata her to miss timing. The game cannot afford to lose her design.
Baronne as well, miss timing and all of a sudden she's balanced and skillful to play against.
Their negates already do that
In fact, activation negates that don't are pretty rare
>errata shit that OCG didn't banned or plans to
You don't know how missing timing even works
All he did was post a video link. You would need to open it to know what it's about. Try again retard.
You have the info you need. Femboy, 5'2 manlet, always wearing a diaper, dresses like his mother picked his clothes. Look for that in the video.
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Alright since you seem to be genuinely slow, I will explain. With "no idea of what this is all about" I didn't mean he literally didn't even know the content of the video, I meant that the intern does not know about market manipulation from konami employees, he doesn't know how the tcg player websites works and he doesn't know how true the video is. All he knows is that someone is accusing the company he works for of a crime so he blocks them. Do you understand now or should I breakdown in even simplier terms?
Ban cheap shit to sell new, expensive shit, it's not rocket science.
Penguin Monk and Penguin Spellcaster when?
Nibiru is our maxx c now
Time to play crossout
>we are being accused of a crime
>my first instinct is to try to wipe this under the rug immediately

this happens when youre guilty and have instructed your underlings to act like this btw
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I will protect Hu-Lis dignity.
You're genuinely a moron Maze.
I will take Hu-Lis virginity.
>we still have no images of Sora in his diaper and Ze Amin cosplay
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geek boy...
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>western Konami
>"the banlist will be updated in late August on a random day at a random time and we will stealthily reveal the date in an unrelated livestream 2 days before"
>Japan Konami
>"The banlist will be updated on September 16 at 9PM"
>ywn change Ze Amin's diaper
Why even live....
>mentally ill diaperfag troon blocked
And this is a surprise to anyone how?
I know I said the same thing 3 times.
This is their normal.
>asking the people that pay 1000$ in cardboard to be sane
I most definitely play, just not advanced so there's nothing worth discussing
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What did the banlist accomplish?
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Goys buying azamina for 100$ next set.
Push tins
Push RoTA
I find low level cards that attack twice pretty exciting. A modal one that picks between attacking twice and attacking directly is even more exciting.
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Aleister bros, why doesn't Konami push him like Raye and instead treats his manga, cards and lore like an afterthought?
>strongest r4nk deck in history
>Not gadgets
One job
this nigga did nothing and died to a teenager lmao
>Ryuge Jurrac Dino ft. Ground Xeno
I saw it in a dream
god miyoshis art is so fucking bad holy shit
zoodiacs absolutely shit on them
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Only raye gets to stand above jobhan. But that aside, they didn't really push that manga much. I'm almost certain it's a thing to keep giving miyoshi and yoshida consistent work.
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censored art should count
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Why people shit on Concord? It's very fun and has a lot of potential. Oh wait, we are talking about the Concord card or the Concord "game" that got shutdown today after 2 weeks?
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Nobody tell em
winmore trasho
The deck really didn't need another link monster. It struggles to get going and play through disruption. What we really needed was another main deck monster or spell like invitare.
both links you can summon for less effort are better than it, if you can summon varar you can probably summon 2 zeb and that's a far more oppressive move than summoning varar
ze amins boy butt shouldnt be that big...
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She is so cute bros
I just masturbated to porn of a trans topping a black bara
Decks for this feel
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she is so cute bros
>Both socks
She has no purpose now
Is Fagfa dead yet
I think you missed the point that a certain sony game got shutdown for being a massive flop than valmoonica.
Junk Doppel
cant be a bigger flop than my tiny dick clitty
Kings of /dng/, do you think having a ROTA Metalmorph package in Red Dragon Archfiend is worth it? What do you run in yours and why those ratios? Not sure what the standard would be. Room can be pretty tight in an RDA deck already.
new insect archetype?
do we know the amc bans?
It's 4 cards minimum and all you get out of it is a negate and this is of
>You don't brick
>Your combo doesn't get interrupted
It's better to play 4 staples instead like 3 crossout + TTT to protect your combo or even just adding 4 handtraps
Fire Fist
Fire Fists and Odd Eyes
Stardust Synchron
Tech Genus
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Smartest YGO player
>Son is back after his diaper spam
Can we just range ban the UK? Hell let Common shit up the thread with furshit if thats the trade off
>only me and diapercordbros are allowed to spam our opinions
Big fat dmg titties
we gay here
we don't like titties
we like muscles
compact asses
Why do I have a feeling that if there ever is a Diapercord and it gets ousted its going to have the british in it?
nah, I like dmg tits
relax Yusei
common is from the UK
probably because you'll make fake evidence like you always do
He's from Chicago.
>you'll make fake evidence
Damn diaperfags infiltrated the archive
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Ignoring the samefagging what decks are you working now that the banlist did nothing to the metagame?
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Never forget, the hate towards pro players and yugitubers is always justified.
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Around 50 minuets till AMC bans are due.
You don't have to ban anything if you don't want to, but there are many cards that still deserve death.
Still playing Ryzeal.
Will still keep playing Ryzeal.
Not moving on from Ryzeal.
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>Fire Fist
Still on that Malice, RB, chaos slop grind.
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Based taste
I'm actually clueless on this one
>Chaos Slop
Keep going my pigbro
I am still catching up to the new Drytron cards.
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> my deck dies harder to purulia
>tfw everyone plays fuwaross instead
feels good. at worst all they get is an upstart, most of the time i give them nothing.
enjoy this intermediate bad format while it lasts, in 40 days it's gonna be worse
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decks for this feel?
still on kash, just had to adjust for the prosp limit and we're good to go again
Why though?
You're dead John
You keep avoiding the banlist. One day....
Pet deckers
by the time kash gets hit directly my cyber mind will overdosed on chun li porn and disappeared from the metaverse, not to worried
>chun li porn
You play Fortnite dont you?
Why does Konami imagine us as hentai protags whose eyes are hidden by shadows
nope, and i don't play sf either
need zombie support
Konami knows what kind of degenerate freaks are in this fanbase.
Worth asking, theyre massive Chun Li fags
i fixed yugioh using a simple houserule and now i can't go back to playing advanced
My man, you've taken the DIY pill. Welcome to our new bucket.
say what you will about mulcharmies but going second for non tenpai decks is finally bearable again.
what do you even do after that? the official game just doesn't feel right to play anymore
Why do you cum
>ttt still legal
>crossout still legal

I hate Branded
I hate Albaz
Ecclesia is too good for him and is misguided in her love for him.
She needs correction
Albaz needs to suffer more
>Format so bad, people look back at AGOV format calling it good
when was the last non shit format
Sir, this is a Wendy's
Unchained was a pretty cool deck when it wasn't being gutted for fucking Yubel
It's a blessing and a curse, because now you're in charge of your own fun.
What's the rule
This isn't how you fix going second ffs
Charmies need to be banned asap
Fucking LIOV format right when TBs got Bearbloom.
Game's been irreparably fucked since BODE and it never recovered.
It was better.
Wendy's is trash and bottom tier fast food just like Albaz and his relationship with Ecclesia.
Was the house rule "don't be a fucking faggot?"
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No matter how much pass, DMG just cannot be forgotten. What I do to suck those tits and fill her pussy
realistically pre-BODE/albaz strike
floo, branded fusion and swordsoul was the beginning of the end
but the very brief format between snake-eyes and kash/tear was also quite alright
worry about them "properly" fixing going second when they properly nerf going first.
until every single starter that goes +1 just by breathing and sets up a full board on its own gets completely banned from the game (not happening), Mulcharmies are fair game.
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Decks for this feel?
Raid Raptors
Like unironically 3 years ago lmao
i'm all for "consisteny hits" for snake-eye if they actually committed to it.
Motherfuckers forgot to ban bonfire.
deck is virtually untouched. for every single copy of poplar or ash it lost there is a searcher they can substitute for it.
This drama is too forced. I will still take care of both side. Marina will also get the dick.
Kys go play master duel
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The fuck? What's the new game called
No thanks sister, Maxx "C" isn't balanced, mulcharmies are fair + balanced thoughbeit.
Project KV
who cares
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>diapercord is becoming gachacord
Bonfire doesn't deserve a ban.
Pyro's had NOTHING for nearly 15 years and now you want to take away one of their new toys right away?. Instead of punishing all the rest of pyro just punish snake-eyes harder.
>Blackwings are a cringe archetype astroturfed into being "popular" by the company
>RaidRaptors are Blackwings but again, and without any subtety
Makes sense.
canon Aryan couple
DM is the official Nazi deck
The fanbase love shill raptors though, it's one of the most beloved archetypes of all time
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shun is cringe and lame
They're egyptian
They must not know about all the yuri
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The results are in
Pl@yer: Maliss <P> White Rabbit
Lacooda: Aanti-spell fragrance
Bluray: Maliss C TB-11
Da: Deck Lockdown
Unplayer: Exosister Elis

I'll update the spreadsheet and banlist later today and the page for AMC 10 will go up Friday. .
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Their deck is trash but I truly truly hope Dark Magician Girl gets a Shining Sarcophagus version, not because that deck is better but because I feel like people would probably play that deck more than DM just to get that Yugi feel while also still having his aces with him just like his partner from the past did.

This may just be me being old but I truly miss the bond the characters used to have with their monsters and deck, it just flat out stopped after 5D's and even in 5D's it was much weaker than DM and GX, Yugi and Judai always talked to their monsters, Why I even remember people cheering when Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl spoke after Atem summoned them in Bond Beyond Time and even when Yubel showed up even if she didn't get any duel action and when Neos Knight killed Sin Rainbow and Sin Cyber Dragon, that movie had Yusei care about Stardust more than he ever did in his actual show,too.

Meanwhile in Zexal the closest thing to a bond is when Utopia looked at Yuma subcumming to dark energy, where as in the manga Utopia flat out disobeyed Astral and fought on Yuma's side against him in their duel.

In Arc-V they tried to build a relationship between Yuya and his monsters from HIp Hippo, Tuning Magician to Odd Eyes, and the other 3 but it all felt so fucking shallow even in the manga the dragons matter little in the story compared to the bond between the brothers Yu.

Then there's Vrains, perhaps the most anti Yugioh before we were kicked for Rush, None of that cast gives a good goddamn about dueling, their decks or anything really, they move where the schizo plot makes them move, then die off so Yusaku can look cool, then, they finally make a character care about his deck with AI and his @Ignster but it's hollow because AI was forced into a villain role at the last minute because Vrains needed a villain for the 3rd and last season yet they blew their load on Bowman, killed off Windy and nobody gave a shit about Queen or who she was
they are? the monsters look like ass
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>floodgates, generic staples, meta, lore, ftks and women
Unironically very based banlist
But their souls are Aryan
I do NOT care for the following archetypes:
And will NEVER care nor play them ever.
>he says while playing hero
RRfags are like Synchronfags or Galaxyfags or Drytronfags or Adamancipatorfags in that they don't care what exactly the deck does or looks like, they just want to coooooombo for 20 minutes because they think it's the pinnacle of game skill.
>are Aryan
Their souls are Egyptian. They went to the Egyptian afterlife. Why are you coping breh?
furry bird shit: justified
look like they should be in a power rangers or something: justified
cyberse: justified
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>I want to coooooombo for 20 minutes because I KNOW it's the pinnacle of game skill.
out of those only Galaxy looks alright
I will play

No extra deck: Shining Sarcophagus
Ritual deck: Voiceless Voice
Fusion deck: Elemental Hero
Synchro deck: Looking for one I like still
Xyz deck: Looking for one I like still
Pendulum deck: Pendulum Magicians, I still see them as Yuya's cards and not Zarc's
Link deck: Looking for one I like still
King Tut was white and so was Atem
He just had a tan.
card games are gachashit
>n-no, see…
don’t care
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>still no bewd reveal
Their souls reincarnate wherever the story needs them. Mostly japan though.
the last card is a horse
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Images of Apolloursa being banned are wrong, what got banned was the bear and not the girl because the huntress herself can still be played in the cards featuring her (i.e. Ultimate Slayer).
I will play

ritual: nekroz
fusion: fluffal
synchro: tenpai
xyz: goblin rider
pends: D/D
link: VS if that counts
no extra: snake-eyes
How do I make subterror work as a deck without floodgates?
Japan are honorary Aryans
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why do wypipo want to claim ancient egyptian history so bad?
average whitoid burns a crispy pink at anything above 30°C and you think they could fucking handle egypt?
seems like you like anime decks? try blackwings and photon galaxy
play them with vernus
I don't think it's possible.
Duelists of the Roses is such a fever dream, imagine if there was some shit like a GX Three Kingdoms or fucking 5D's but as the Mahabharata spinoff or some shit.
12 more hours. Give or take 6
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Cope, pharaoh Craig is real and he WARPED you.
>imagine if there was some shit like a GX Three Kingdoms or fucking 5D's but as the Mahabharata spinoff or some shit.
unironic kino, why games didn't play more with these ideas is beyond me.
Its why nubians and the hebrews (blacks) were used as slaves
does dng have a brownoid problem?
No nigger, I play turnskip Drytron with the express purpose of reminding people who go to locals with their shitdeck and bitch about losing to random fair rogue decks week after week just how miserable the game can be. I've gotten 2 of these faggots to quit with Drytron now, aiming for a third soon.
any amount of browns above 0 is a problem, so yes
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arc-v if it was good
if arc v was good these 2 would have sweaty rough bed breaking sex every night while yuto sits and watches from his cuck chair
they do though
Judai’s monsters appearing to give him a motivational booster before his duel with Yubel was very cool
Yuto is coming to punch you, Shun.
I liked it whenever they had dialogue, which happened quite a lot. It gave them personality.
>Lulu Obsidian
No, this is still Arc-V if it was bad. Use their real names.
Yugioh RTS game when?
>he dislikes dub
I am actually on board with this
why does she get to wear TWO belts
Its a phone game and licensing. Its how it be.
Nah, bro. It's not how it should be and the only reason this shit happens is because this entire franchise has been handled by the worst mistake of fags on the west and fixing everything would be nothing short of a miracle.
If it’s not in the ARC-V anime, it’s non-canon to the ARC-V anime.
how the fuck does tindangle win anything
You quit Yu-Gi-Oh, but the person you started with around the same time just made his breakthrough in the game and won his first YCS

It could have been you, but you complained about the ban list, the prize support, the cost, the community, and just refused to play the best deck
Sorry bro, it's as canon as bruno returning.
It doesn't. Aoi's brother lost all his duels.
>You quit Yu-Gi-Oh, but the person you started with around the same time just made his breakthrough in the game and won his first YCS
Wow, a whole Nintendo Switch in 2024.
Browns are unhinged and gay. The nigs are the same but they just lurk here.
all of my friends who started with me quit the game after I bought my first structure deck and started beating them
>someone played months of this miserable game for years and spent 1000s of dollars for... a nintendo switch he can basedface next to
glad it's not me fr fr
I have better things to do that invest on a jew game on the west. Go suck my balls.
Blame toy anime being seen as "objectively lesser", and the non-4kids neutering DM had. DM's manga had some fucked up gore the anime never really adapts
are you genuinely so retarded you think only whites traded blacks as slaves.
every other race out there enslaved blacks at one point, even the asians. you're not special for dominating the dumbest race on the planet, others beat you to the punch.
why does just about every yugioh season have some kind of incest subplot somewhere?
>total maliss death
>total floodgates death

not bad
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because incest is based and hot
Your ancestors were on the bottom of the pharaoh's sandals, weren't they?
>tfw whites didn't ever even round them up all up for enslavement and only ever accepted them as barter for other goods from others who had
We missed our time to break prime bucks, bros.
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Brothers belong to their sisters.
Sisters belong to their brothers.
It’s literally that fucking simple.
Yep, next coordinate ban will be Ryzeal bans. I know 2 people who will ban Deadnader and Thole.
>It could have been you
According to what fucking metric tho?
Do you truly believe everyone is equally talented and that the only thing stopping one and not the other is simply nepotism or laziness or jadedness?
Your feeble motivational speech is just slop meant to keep people into buying shit, same shit as dumb niggas saying BRO JUST CODE UR OWN GAME, U'LL BE THE NEXT TOBY FOX like Toby Fox's own talent is unique to him
who is the biggest gangsta in dng
Naturia/Vernusylph is such a based and whimsical deck.
>Sacred Tree being limited
Runick cringe should have been the one to take the hit. Sacred Tree was innocent.
>I still miss Kelbek and Agido, they were fine at 1 imho.
Unironically agree.
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2 wins (vs Memento and plant sloppa) and 2 draws (vs Thunder Dragon Chaos and Tenpai) today.

Friend let me borrow his Grass, deck felt incredibly solid and I have a few changes I want to make. I unironically feel like the Snake-Eye part is shit tbf. That said I'm gonna play the World Celebration Event we've got coming up at locals so time to build it for the Worlds list. Accession is GOATed btw.

Ye, 1 is definitely enough desu. 2 is likely ideal (Sequence can summon ANY Fiend so 2 is ideal to keep the perpetual engine going).
one of kaz's approved fetishes along with BDSM gear and females constantly being kidnapped/drugged/mind controlled/jobbing
If we're going by locations probably Sorafag since LA was one of the big gang territories. Anyone else here from Chicago, Detroit or New York?
Japanese males aren't used to interacting with girls that they aren't directly related to.
>Ryzeal bans

is it really an issue? deck plays a lot of handtraps and every single good one is already banned in amc
No, theyre just getting banned for fun just like Maliss. Kneecap them early on.
>other race
>as in egyptians are another race to blacks
>thats because they are Aryans
DM a Nazi deck confirmed
Dmg should get a Swastika womb tattop
>Egyptians were of Indian/Iranian descent
Is that what you're saying? You do understand what Aryans are right?
Asians are not and will never be aryan, not even ((honorary)) Aryans.
Except when caucasians need to pad out their numbers on an issue other minorities are mad about.

Or when those other minorities need to justify their hatred of asians by turning them into a valid target.
Shut the fuck up and just kill yourself already soundwave
asians are more civilized than whitoids and created this card game that the thread is about and you enjoy
Good, imagine being a whitboi in 2024, yikes.
btw edo devs added solaria
I'm not white and i never want to be ehite, BUT i do really really really love whites tho.
White bussy goes hard af frfr, god bless white sissies and god bless America.
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Egyptians have never considered themselves to be the same race as the Nubians and most of the rest of Africa, Egyptians were always their own race.
Atem himself would stone you to death if you called him black.
>said in a western male thread where NOBODY here gets pussy
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>More civilized
Yet us whites are the ones who created and evolved civilization, society and sciences. You non whites are nothing but subhumans and whites have always been the de facto chosen race. There's a reason why women of other races try so hard to emulate white features, because white people are the apex of beauty
>posts a literal fucking flip
Is this supposed to be a joke, you dumb nigger?
>Maze trying to cling onto a monolith while acting like the average nigger
lmao, you're not white Maze
no one likes you, maze, and pretending to be white isn’t going to make them like you
you have never had sex with that apex of beauty and they sell themselves as hoes all over the internet and real life to non whites
Japanese created Yugioh therefore > whitoids
That's lidl, newfags.
Maze You are literally in your mid 30s, unemployed, and spending your government gibs and the prime years of your lifetime financing an Asian company.
>Egyptians were white
No they aren't. But they aren't African/Nubian tier black either, you faggots are no different than niggers you criticize for the we wuz kangz shit
Shut the fuck up.
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Nigga don't put me in this shitshow you tards have going on. I just got home and I am appreciating my new mat, and fixing my fuckin Noid deck for WCC>>493040234
>new Mat
The one i snuck in the diaper shit onto when resizing that one art piece?
Literally a tanned white guy.
Same head shape and hair with a different beard.
Atem was the first Fuhrer.
Egyptians are White unless you want to pretend people like Italians also aren't white.
italians are not white, correct
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>Mfw I get blamed for another post I didn't make
A tale as old as time itself...
>early US history proves that neither european considered each other white even down to treating Irish, Scots and Italians like subhuman niggers
Even to this day most of European countries dont consider each other white. People make fun of the UK for being Paki infested, same for Germany and Spain.
No you mentally ill troglodyte. It's one of them Dragonmaid cloth mats, my friend at locals had an extra (it was the speshul gacha version, too) and he wasn't using it so I got to buy it. Guy is a massively generous person, even said I wanted to give him some cards extra because he wanted a pretty small amount of moolah, even said no. Bro is great.

Gonna turn Labrynth into my personal love cumdump. Arias, too.
>Believing like propaganda
Retarded golem
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Real Atem was 100% racist.
JK Labrynth is so hot and needs to be taken to my rape dungeon to be bred.
Don't other whites still consider Irish as subhumans and not "true" whites? Hell, people don't even Russians white people despite them having literal snow white skin and dub them as niggers that God forgot to color in
Man, I fucking love gyarus.
Manga name
Italians aren't white, yes
No. Don't believe jewish D&C propaganda. We're proud of our bros in England and Ireland for standing up for themselves recently. The jew is right to fear the united white race that won't be distracted by pointless brother wars.

t. white man
god i need her to bully me and call me a disgusting otaku trash
She looks like the type of girl that would flash her panties if you asked
tips/pastebin on emulating duel terminal?
Jews try to divide the white man by pitting him against other whites, sectioning them up while simultaneously pretending to be white themselves.
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You'd need to fully embrace the flip.
ggs, rehosting
They literally only work as part of FLIP soup and that's not a deck.
Isn't that turnbased combat?
I want actual rts like starcraft
gg player, anyone with a quickplay destruction on their end board can really mess with BE's setup
too many are deeply disloyal to your petdecks.
I do what any good person does with their petdeck
leave it on my desk to shuffle when I need to fidget
Love the symbolism.
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How would you even make a Yugioh RTS in the vein of War/StarCraft or CnC titles???

>You must mine additional star chips
Petdeck loyalty does not pay.
They try and triple swing with acute cerberus for game or run nagels for double damage.
Its just they're really REALLY bad at it. To triple swing you need to use dholes as a link mat and he's not the easiest to get to the field and nagels is bricky. The entire deck is bricky since you have a lot of high level flips that you're required to run to function.
Delaunay banish summoning 3 face down + intruder following them for 4 monsters is kind of funny though
Races = Summoning types
Have factions be duelists and the units be monsters they have
they get special powers with the signature cards spell/trap cards they use
equips can be upgrades
traps can also be envriomental hazards on a map
make up some dumb resources you have to capture and your base has LP
you could even throw the 5 pieces of exodia around a map for alt win cons if you get all five
surely races should be archetypes?
arc-v fumbled 130 episodes before the ending and gacha ain't changing that.
Metafaggotry doesn't pay either unless you're counting nintendo switches
What happened to Purrely? why did it drop off the board completely?
I thought he was my friend.
I'm counting wins nigga, a W is worth more than money
Banlist correction happened.
Other decks started running 20+ hand traps and purrely can't really do that effectively.
I was not talking about being a metafag either, just being against sticking to 1 deck and 1 deck only, that shit is not viable and only leads to constant bitterness for the game.
Real life isn't anime, behave like it and indulge into more than 1 deck.
got run over while walking around a street in brazil
we will always remember him as he was
a fat fuck
I could never stick to 1, I gotta have all the flavors.
They won't let him win worlds as long as he has the slightest chance to
Only dedicated petdeck here is the diaperfag and maybe Mieru
>What happened to Purrely?
the minimum handtrap count became 15.
Purrely can just barely push through one handtrap, let alone 3 in the same turn which is becoming more and more common.
I have 1 pet deck for each summoning type. That's enough for me.
mieru dropped PP years ago
that makes it sound even less legit.
fortune fairies is not in a good place right now
So just the diaperfag and Fluffals then. I swear we had more people dedicated to a deck. Does Maze and HERO count if he doesnt play?
Purrely taking horsecock.
I'll drop my PP in Mieru if you catch my drift
What does she say to Yuto?
surely Vel and buster blader counts?
>GX Three Kingdoms
I'd fucking nut
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they limited all the shit it had during the brief window it could actually compete
now we are in a tier 0 hyper accelerated powercreep format so every deck that was meta a few months ago was reduced to trash rogue tier
>like archetype thematics
>its actually unplayable dogshit
>it doesnt get support
>nothing that comes out helps it
>character is too niche to actually get support
Hard to be loyal
mieru dropped PP literally years ago, didn't even come back for mimighoul.
vell is like the only petdeckfag that actually stuck with his petdeck.
Slifer Wei
Ra Wu
Obelisk Shu
My petdeck is Tearlament and salty /dng/ tears keep me going no matter how bricky and handtrapless it is.
The good Sky Striker
I'm trans btw
Nice projection. Non-linear decks are built for straight white men.
So Vel/Buster Blader and Sorafag/Fluffals? No one else has a fucking pet deck?
everyone has a petdeck is just that no one else is as loyal
not linear -> quite literally not straight, you are gay
Stun deck players are the straightest.
so the straightest whitest deck would be a linear deck that plays white cards, like synchros?
so the ideal deck is swordsoul?
Spreadsheet memorization ricecel cope. Memorization and regurgitation is what you're best at after all.
It's better than brownoids and niggers though.
Straightest deck is Flower Cardians
synchro is gay AF so no
it's hard being loyal after multiple tier 0 formats.
imagine a petdeck that could barely keep up in 2020 trying to do anything in 2024.
This is probably the most bugpeople deck mentioned in this thread.
synchro is the combination of 2 different things, the tuner and non tuner
this is called heterosexuality
>unironically too dumb to get the joke
I mostly play petdeck tier stuff but I don't really have a singular petdeck.
I guess I had like 8 different nurseburn variants and maybe like...5 poker knight variants.
And a couple of dark world variants but dark world is annoying because a lot of people just scoop on you instantly if they didn't open droll/shifter and you resolve genta. Not EVERY hand is hand looping 4.
>I-I was joking not coping h-haha it was really f-funny please acknowledge it
Next you'll tell me you were only pretending to be retarded?
>Doubling down
Nigga you gay.
one gay creature's penis and another creature's butthole = gay
>literally a slur for bi people
>literally swings both ways
>not bi
anon are you retarded?
Pendulum is trans.
>actually, i identify as a spell card
Only when it's not 5Dsloppa
>maindeck only
Gigachad that makes men wish they were women
maindeckers with no extra are just incels
They are hermaphrodite.

Trans cards are traps that become monsters
Says you, the sissy extra deck user.
Yusei, Jack, Bruno and Kiryu are not gay
so... eldlich turns people into trannies?
Speaking of tear, what haven you found is the best build with no beatrice? Is it finally time for KotS to come home?
I'll accept Jack, but the rest of them are either extremely gay or have really gay decks.
I don't think so compadre
Any deck that I play is straight.
Any deck that you play is homosexual as fuck.
I play War Rocks
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>I'll accept Jack
>drag queen turns people into trannies
If the stiletto fits
do what decks do you play, hotshot?
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Sky Striker
lesbianism is a form of homosexuality anon
raye's futa cock...
literally a gay deck full of gay girls
Is yubel bad at going second unless they draw a bunch of nonengine for turn 0/ some sort of sided boardbreakers? Im not saying its literally impossible or anything but fiendsmith and MAYBE phantom seem to do the heavy lifting and if you cant access phantom youre kinda vulnerable while trying to climb up into nothingness, especially if you didnt open throne or pain
I'm of the mind that KotS was always the way to go as the power ceiling boost afforded by Rulk+Grapha+any other tech you use is what justifies playing a deck that can't slot in 15+ handtraps in 2024; your payoff better damn well be worth it if you're trying to muscle through a minefield of handtraps and your ideal half-board needs to be able to at least beat NS SnAsh+1 extender. Pilgrim Reaper is the best cope for no Beatrice I've found if you're running the Dangerous, 3 Mali, 1 Denier package. You need to make Dangerous as soon as possible into your turn (ideally your first fusion) for that line to minimize the chance of Pilgrim Reaper milling your third Mali. If you can't make Dangerous/Pilgrim early, make it as late as you possibly can with your resources so that if you hit your Mali, you're likely to also have hit an Ishizu Shuffler+Denier in the process and can extend into your link package.
King of the Swamp Poly builds feel best so far with Beatrice gone as the extra fusion and ability to get Malis out of hand and turned into Pilgrim Reaper faster without using a name goes a long way going first and Guardian Chimera is excellent going second after you've gotten Desirae to negate your Perl/Scream/Reino or something.

All things considered, I think it's a net win for Tear. Losing Beatrice is less important than never having to stare down an Apo ever again after losing the dice roll.
Your super poly?
>triggering the gays with waifus
was your reply to in engine boardbreaking to sack nonengine boardbreaker which also is near impossible to play with how tight the extra deck is versus how inconsistent it is to open the card and then get a yubel on board going second?
Roze is so lucky...
That's a lot of words, I assume is boils down to "skill issue"
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>forgot apollo is banned
>dump all my resources
ggs, sometimes being retarded has consequences
you legitimately have no skill if your gut response was "le open the boardbreaker" and then you got utterly mindflayed when someone who actually plays against other people asked you to elaborate
holy based...
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>the literal go-to deck for trannies
>asked to elaborate
>about opening a board breaker
Alright *ahem*
I will try to keep this simple.
You see my dimwitted friend, what you open a board breaker, you use it to break your opponents board to allow you an easier time to make your own plays.
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This but manga but with raye and roze
What the fuck is a ratio

Hosting EU casual
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GGs man. That game 1 was something else. I really feel like I snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.
Also I'm taking the One Piece pill. Wish me luck bros.
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Why can't /dng/ be straight like Blue Archive chads?
Don't NS Beckoning Beast without Extenders or Phantom live.
Maindeck breakers, not handtraps. Book of Eclipse+Droplet are both good for ensuring Beckoning Beast's search resolves even if you don't get the extra normal summon. Super poly is kind of a meme, but your opponent will have to use their interactions very aggressively just on the offchance you did open it.
I find it worth it to play The Ultimate Nightmare as well; it's only a soft garnet and still Phantom fodder if you draw it, but also greatly raises the upper ceiling of Nightmare Throne lines going first being able to pivot both directions when Terror Incarnate dies. Going second is where it really shines though; even if you aggressively trade down interactions into a resolved Nightmare Pain+Phantom+Ultimate Nightmare, that's often still enough to OTK if they have anything 2700 or bigger on their field even if you can't actually break their board.
Because people here making being a faggot their entire personality.
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Because I am a Nikke & Azur Lane chad.
>Blue Archive
Dead game
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Your MC's VA btw
>t. fgo shitposter
>just open book of moon
>just open droplet
You're as retarded as the other guy
your PLAYERBASE btw >>493050836
>my normal summon can't play into boards by itself like SnAsh sometimes can
Do what you did before AGOV, retard.
Yuigoh waifu archetype enthusiasts are known fags albeit.
Not having to deal with apo I'd a big deal for tear. However I'm not convinced Mali is even really worth it. I'm looking at a water focused build with tidal and Virtue Stream from ROTA. I'm curious to see if virtual stream makes Rev synchron viable again. Rev died with baronne, but with virtue stream you can now make gymir with it as well as the classic AFD-amritara line.

Have you considered a fairy package? Something like 3x herald, 1x Eva, 2-3 goddess with third eye, mudora and/or keldo, maybe even aluber + branded fusion or ohime or visas samsara
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ygo new gacha game?
Something for both sides boys and girls
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Konami you forgot to unlimit a card. Please unlimit Sekka's light on next banlist please
>furnigger slop deck
Nah, yiff in hell faggot
Monster piles would be a really interesting concept if not for the fact that most handtraps are monsters. Doesn't really feel like you are losing much

GG anon, good shit. I'm still extremely rusty
GGs mate, glad to see you again
>Have you considered a fairy package? Something like 3x herald, 1x Eva, 2-3 goddess with third eye, mudora and/or keldo, maybe even aluber + branded fusion or ohime or visas samsara
I messed with it a bit and I don't think the payoff is worth it without Ishizu Millers legal. It's a lot of extra bricks and garnets in a deck that already has a lot while also diluting your mill quality a lot. I've found King of the Swamp is the superior substitute just because the extra fusion if you draw it is just that powerful whereas a lot of these cards either do nothing when drawn or do nothing when milled (Heralds).
The value of Mali is that unlike the horus into zombie vampire setups, you have a far slimmer profile of what handtraps are relevant against you. When Dangerous comes down, you can chain in response to Mourner leaving only Imperm or Veiler live as a rather obscure choke point and one you might be able to push through by playing an additional L6 like Shayama or if you milled any extra DHero. Furthermore, discarding the attached Mali for cost from Reaper lets you not get stuck if Reaper gets imperm'd and you can at least turn the dead Reaper into a Link 2 with the Mali detatched.

One of Tear's biggest strengths is how relatively resilient it is to handtraps people are commonly playing right now and I feel this build philosophy maintains that by minimizes the damage even if they do have the right handtrap and spot the choke point.
not the guy who replied to you (the person who asked the original question instead) and id say your advice was decent but not really anything I wasnt aware of, outside of maybe the entire aspect of recognizing that yubel doesnt actually necessarily need to break boards but just make the opponent uncomfy about their own board. Im just playing around with the deck to understand it better and its possible I just bricked to death in retrospect since I went second in 2 games and started both with mediocre at best hands (I think the last one was squirmer+beckoning beast+gates+engraver+called by and nib as the fucking draw)

proceeded to break an entire branded board until I passed on desirae+ muckraker+sharvara since I unironically somehow thought that mucknigger would protect me from the endphase nuke (at which point I just ragequit)
btw this has nothing to do with specifically yubel but even sequence is such a shittily designed slopburger retard card that its not even funny, unironically a perfect example of everything wrong with the game and why its constantly teetering on the edge of being unplayable dogshit. Why the fuck is it literally designed to be a free link 2 to climb up with after it fuses you desirae which is a third potential body, and THEN it can equip itself to desirae from the grave once it gets linked off?

If they had any fucking clue about how to design shit like this you wouldnt be able to use sequence as link material the turn its made so it would have to equip itself to desirae directly from the field
I unironically play Geistgrinder because it's not actually too hard to trade down interactions until you can put a name on board+2 phantoms and just win off that in a world without Apo blocking everything activating in GY.
>I think the last one was squirmer+beckoning beast+gates+engraver+called by and nib as the fucking draw
That might've been playable with a breaker over Nib depending on what they had. Lack of Squirmer or Lotus access is ass though. What are your ratios for Squirmers/Lotuses/Nightmare Pains?
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thats the list I was playing with, pay zero attention to the side deck since its just leftovers from some original ydk file download that has since then been overhauled 100 times
Dragunity is really grateful for that second Tempest, btw. But the real problem is to secure your board against Spells or Traps, without Borrel Savage now you have to do complicated loops with Crimson Dragon to get Crystal Clear Wing and you only get to do that with a good hand.
Someone knows how to make Light and Darkness Dragonlord outside of Branded? This deck is in Dire need of backrow defense.
On the upside, if you go first you can still use Fuwaross as an extender for Barcha/Gae Dearg lmao
I installed this game but the only archetype I can play is qlifort. my petdecks is kill too. do i kog with qlifort.
I've been coping with Piri Reis map as Prosperities #2 and #3. It's...surprisingly okay. Run 1 Mature Chronicle. The 1 counter monster reborn is secretly the best part of the card+it acts as decent Bystial insurance if your Throne gets negated/you don't draw it. Gates+Chronicle make Varudras on their own if you have any combination of 2 level 10 Yubels in GY. Everything else looks solid for the FS build. Consider 1 Loving Defender 3 Super Poly in sideboard; it's not like you're making Caesar going second most of the time.
>Someone knows how to make Light and Darkness Dragonlord outside of Branded
Just run the light end/dark end retrains? They lock you to dragons but only after they summon
They eat up extra deck space though for their summon and I don't know if you have that space.
How many secret rares are in a tin?
I'm retarded, my eyes mentally parsed Sanct as Prosp for some reason. Yeah, you probably don't have ED space for Prosp with the FS build; I just sold my engravers so I've been building without them. It's been surprisingly okay; I think the deck might actually be better going second without Fiendsmith even it's missing the obvious benefits of running fiendsmith going first.
We don't know the pool amount, but you get 3 Prismatic Secret Rares per tin
6 unless they changed the ratios.
>proceeded to break an entire branded board until I passed on desirae+ muckraker+sharvara since I unironically somehow thought that mucknigger would protect me from the endphase nuke (at which point I just ragequit)
So it WAS skill issue, I was right lmaaaaaao
How quickly will they kill Little Knight now that she'll be available?
They did, you get 1 QCSR and 1 PSR per pack, instead of the previous 2 PSRs per pack
>They eat up extra deck space though for their summon and I don't know if you have that space.
That's exactly the problem, the Extra Deck space in Dragunity is tight as fuck
Either her or I:P are dying soon. Silhouhatte is their intended replacement, right on schedule.
Tins are eligible to be properly shortprinted (as in the egregious mask-off shortprinting style). She is not going to be readily available as she still has a few shortprints left in her
SP is definitely the better hit, very few decks actually use IP, but they'll certainly hit IP as a Snake Eyes scapegoat and since it costs pennies now
I would unironically prefer both stay in the game as they create interesting but not really unfair situations to play against now that Apo has been culled. But it's unfortunately not about balance or gameplay quality, it's about Tewart milking his goyim as much as he can.
>tfw nips want to Ryzeal to get banned
>when all they do to compete with a weakened Tenpai (lost 2 field spells ) & Snake-Eye (lost some copies of Ash and Sinful Spoils)
>and Ryzeal don't even win most of the time since they're also fucking easy to counter
Do these niggers really?
I actually do enjoy how they each function in gameplay but it's really hard to justify SP with how she might have the highest representation of any card not named Ash Blossom right now. Some people argue that SP is only good off of IP but there're tons of lists that'll run her as the only link in a deck and just enter her through a fusion monster or something.

Following your example I might argue that she's good for "gameplay quality" but poor for "balance". The card is absolutely centralizing.
Same thing with tcg and branded.
found my old ritual slop deck.
it still works.
it still dies to droll
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Reveals tomorrow?
Ryzeal is pretty easy to counter but the problem is that it has an incredibly strong game 1. It has a really strong game first or second and planning to counter it is rough since board breakers are weak against a lot of contemporary decks so you wouldn't want to main them even knowing that Ryzeal might be say, 33% of the competition.

In BO1 this means they just get free wins. In BO3 it means a solid chance that they steal the first game and then have an easy time siding against you afterwards.
Needs the rabbit link-2 and Azurune
She's centralizing, but I'd much much much rather play a game where every deck has universal GY spot removal, has a universal Bagooska out, has a universal Nibiru hedge, and a universal Evenly Matched hedge than one where we're slotting Silouhattes and Knightmare Unicorns again.
The way the field spell is impossible to play around with chainblocking irritates me to no end, but they're objectively just crutching on Bagooska and Dweller. The nips misidentified the problem.
good suggestion
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>after playing this i got nostalgic for vendreads
>looked up this channel that used to pump out vendread combos non stop (and whose creator i used to be in contact with and he featured some of my own combos)
>find this
TCG exclusivebros...
FA, which card type is this referring to?
>board breakers are weak against a lot of contemporary decks so you wouldn't want to main them even knowing that Ryzeal might be say, 33% of the competition
Actually, some nips did say they're glad Tenpai has to main some new cards to compete against, reducing their overall power level compared to before
Ryzeal also made them aware that pic-related can counter Tenpai
>turned the videos private
he was gonna delete the channel completely and move on from yugioh but hesitated.
Consider that TCG Ryzeal will have access to Toadally Awesome and not have to respectt board breakers
The fuck?
I don't think Ryzeal can summon BahaShark to turbo out the toad, anon
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>pic-related can counter Tenpai
Nah, they are unaffected.
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alright konami has to pay
Erm, you can play the Shark engine, you only lose out on Ex's search if you don't do Ice into Ex first
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This game really is on it's way out in the west isn't it?
>why are people quitting and leaving modern yugioh
hmmm... why indeed.
>During your Main Phase 1, FIRE Dragon monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects.
retardbro, 104 negate during Battle Phase
And 104's BP negate is NOT OPT
so yeah 3 negates during BP
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They can summon the shark, they can't summon the frog.
"During the main phase"
You can not summon from the extra deck except Rank 4
Fucking read
I'm thinking why abandon whatever audience you've built up? Just move on to something different
It's a soft rest of turn lock you idiot
some people don't do it for the numbers
>Sangen Summoning:During your Main Phase 1, FIRE Dragon monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects.
>Number 104: Masquerade: During either player's Battle Phase, when an opponent's monster effect is activated: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the activation, and if you do, inflict 800 damage to your opponent.
could be his way of going cold turkey.
if he kept the channel he might cling to false hope that the game would become fun again one day
>Sangenpai Transcendent Dragion: Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects during the battle phase.
Extend hand shake, do you accept?
Now how do you plan on summoning it?
Its so fucking over.....
>Tenpai is going to go all in on the Synchro 10 before the battle phase just to protect from Masquerade
Before the battle phase?
As opposed to losing the game because my opponent specifically has a battle phase negater?

Are you 2 retarded or somethin'? Its called adaptation.
You do realize that if Tenpai is playing INTO Masquerade then that means they’re also playing into Deadnader and they won’t fucking HAVE the Field up because it’ll just get popped on sight, right?
>You do realize that if Tenpai is playing INTO Masquerade then that means they’re also playing into Deadnader and they won’t fucking HAVE the Field up because it’ll just get popped on sight, right?
Correct, any Ryzeal player will fucking destroy any Continuous Spell or Field the moment they are activated
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Returning player who recently got into Master Duel after taking a very long hiatus. It's been kind of rough going so far, I'm not really a fan of every deck running a million handtraps nowadays and I'm disgusted that the format contains Maxx C. Having said that I'm mostly enjoying myself, I'm slowly starting to adjust to the breakneck pace and I refuse to be one of those guys who bitches about the state of the game and constantly reminisces about the good old days. Wish me luck, bros.
>Before the battle phase?
>against Deadnader
>B-but other card
Goal post moving, concession accepted.
this isn't the master duel general lil bro.
There wasn't one in the catalogue so I figured I'd post here, big sis.
If you play against Ryzeal, it means you will face Deadnader + 1 Xyz Rank 4 of their choice (to fuck with you)
Anone...theres no master duel general
Xe has a meltdown whenever somebody posts about MD for some reason
> I refuse to be one of those guys who bitches about the state of the game and constantly reminisces about the good old days
Then you don't belong here
Going second against Ryzeal, you’re unfavored unless you opened the ideal handtraps to stop their opener or they just bricked. Sangen Summoning is never resolving. If you use any Tenpai Dragon effects in the Main Phase, they WILL be popped. If you attempt to use them in the Battle Phase, they WILL be negated.
Just sandbag in low ranks if you want to have any semblance of fun.
It sounds like he makes the videos because he like vendreads, not because he's trying to be like le heckin popular yugituber.
wut is this about then
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Whatcha playing returningbro?
I returned after links were made and I had skipped zexal and arc-v. Needless to say learning 3 new summoning mechanics + the increasing usage of hand traps was rather brutal.
Dont worry you will change your mind pretty fast when you start playing against snake eyes and tear regularly lmfao. I said "playing" but you wont actually play the game you'll just stare at the screen extend for 20 minutes with a single card btw
The issue I've had with Mali is that it's complete dead in hand and if you do get your mills going there's a good chance you mill too many. The number of games I've opened Mali, then milled 2 has really put me off playing 3 Mali. Ivd often found myself just siding the 3rd one out (and not playing denier) for games 2 and 3. At the end of the day, the hero Mali engine doesn't do anything by itself so being resilient to hand trap is only worthwhile if it can get your other engines to pop off.

>I messed with it a bit and I don't think the payoff is worth it without Ishizu Millers legal. It's a lot of extra bricks and garnets in a deck that already has a lot while also diluting your mill quality a lot.
The difference now is we have 2 tidal and Eva. Tidal can foolish Eva, which gets you the heralds, and goddess allows for KotS fusion plays + fuel for herald/Eva. It's all about getting the ratios of waters and fairies right. I'm not saying I'm certain it's worth it, but it's definitely got a boost that's worth revisiting.

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