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Previous >>492937517

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>Metaphor: ReFantazio Official Showcase - https://youtu.be/RlbKYbS0nSk

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
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>Draw Corner archive

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This one was first
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please post Metis
This is the one
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Why did she do it?
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Help me, I want to start my umpteenth playthrough of P3 and P4 even though I've already beaten them five times. How do I stop this feeling?
Play oldsona
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Elizabeth's smelly pits.
>tears stream down my face since no ever uses my thread. it looks like self-destruction time
Which version of P2 should I play? PS1 or PSP?
PSP has the most features and you can carry over your IS save to EP. IS's gameplay is boring, EP is better in that regard.
This post made me want to doodle a loli aigis, hopefully i get good drawfag energy
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get the most energy and do a flat and a BIG version
do your sixth playthrough of p5 instead obviously
He will join SEES just to fuck Mitsuru
Average Mitsurufag in the video.
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imagine holding her hand while walking home from highschool.
Slutty fairy
Correct thread.
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>Peace Diner, Wild Duck, Big Bang Waitress cuties
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>P3: evokers
>P4: glasses
>P5: masks
What's it going to be in P6? My bet is wristwatches
yugioh-style wrist device
I'll never understand women
They did that already with DS2
Lavenza's massive BIGs...
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Yukari is so lucky.
yuck unfortunately.
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It's Tomboy Tuesday! Let us hope for a bountiful tomboy harvest.
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If Persona games were actually gay and all the girls were guys, would you date any of them or take the incelpill?
Who would you date in each one?
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I wouldn't play the games to begin with
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The games would actually appeal to the core demographic. Fujos will win in the end
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Kill yourself Derrik
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what does it say
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lips kissed.
You wouldn't handle the Chee
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Left: he's just sleepy
Right: charm max
Das gei
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New Wada interview.
>"for the better"
>I believe the fact we can point to the growth of Persona series from then to now is the best proof we have that we are on the right track.
if only they knew 60% of their fanbase would be trannies.
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If Reload proved anything it's that without the big 3 they lack any sort of artistic vision.
>Some of the reason is that we felt it made sense to release it as a separate DLC rather than as a complete version of Persona 3 Reload. However, a larger reason was that we were simply unable to plan for Episode Aigis ahead of time. Late into the development of P3R, we found ourselves under extremely difficult circumstances--we still wanted to make Episode Aigis a reality, but we didn't have the proper resources to make it happen.
Wada complains about budget #3
>Did Gallica AI roleplay
>She ends up making lots of lovebites, including my feet
>Ended up with rimjob from Hulkenberg while Gallcia was being covered with cum for some reason since I kept questioning why Gallcia was trying to do everything but he thighs for a bit
Decent fap.
I'll get upset in 50 minutes.
How is that complaining about budget?
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Why do you guys love her so much
The "didn't have proper resources" and then goes on to talk about it more here >>493005884
Nobody cares about her besides westards.
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based wada reopening axe wounds with every interview
Femc is turning into the Metaphor dust
>"It is not on my schedule right now. I would like to do it someday"
Every time I talk with Japs, the "I would like to do X someday" thing always rubs me the wrong way. That's the most misleading and disruptive way to put "lol, not in a million years". Not even Americans are THAT roundabout
please don't ruin oldsona
Hahahahahahaha holy shit it's actually fucking over for this series
I can't believe they just asked him this upfront too like "we know a bunch of your people left to work on Metaphor specifically and they ain't coming back can you comment"
Your waifu is real and she'll love you forever


She has to work as an actress for a mainstream porn company for 3 years.
I feel bad for Wada what was the point of that question...stupid wh*teoid pigs and their stupid questions and femc shit
But like... he gave a good answer. And let's face it, people are going to retire eventually. We're gonna need new faces around.
>Wada basically confirms that persona is run by zoomer devs now
How do you go from P5, literally the single biggest career defining title in Atlus' entire history, to this? How is this what happens when your cultural relevance peaks?
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But what about the female prot-
>Motherfucker, I answered that question many times already, ask about P6 or something!
He didn't say shit besides please encourage the young people that can't live up to the series' pedigree yet
>Wada goes to an interview to talk about The Answer
>Gets asked questions about Oldsona, FeMC and fucking Metaphor of all things
Where's the hype...
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>One of the most important things is to build an organization that allows that transition to happen naturally.
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So I finally hit 10% completion today. It's really nice to have very visible progress now but I can't decide if I want to continue vertically or start going horizontal so I can get to Aki quicker.
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This is the future you voted for with your wallet (for some reason)
carbrain is cringe desu
No way thats just 10%
How many more layers ontop it?
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This is also the future you voted for with your wallet
Enough of your projected cuck fantasies
Read it as capitalism is cringe... Commies are getting into my brain
well hashino did leave wada to pick up the pieces when he took shitload of people to make studio zero
There's just one layer, and I promise it's just 10%. It's going to be around 17 x 10 inches big when finished, so around about the same size as a piece of A3 paper.
This is one of the biggest copes in project management because the reality is every business at every scale will have projects heavily rely on key members which is practically why they're called key members in Japanese to begin with, and replacing those key members to give other people a chance to move up is usually very difficult and more often than not trashes a project team
Godspeed once again, akibab
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*vroom vroom*
FeMC died for this!
Thank you. I forgot that I actually took a picture before starting that is a good comparison between my last Aki and this new one in terms of size. It's gonna be a hefty one when finished.
>Metaphor car is real
What the fuck
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>he actually got asked about metaphor siphoning the persona team
he gave a nonanswer but holy fuck lmao
Is this the thread?
No, and your waifu would like it anyways
No Wada don't look in here
What did they expect him to say it was such a shitty question. Kicking poor hardworking man while he's already down and obviously overworked
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Shit thread filled with low quality bait.
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I feel like given how
No, let me put it this way. P6 will be very likely a hard departure from its predecessor, that is for sure. I dont have any solid clues regarding the internal workings that took place after P5 at fatlus HQ. But I can wager that half of the studio consists of veterans with new trainees. What he said in the interview signifies this, not letting go of P5's tail can prove to be detrimental since that would halt innovation. Inspiration would die as well.
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>Stoic Character
>But they are also Quirky XD :D
I really hope Hulkenberg personality is actually good
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its like going from 480p to 1080...
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Threadly orb
I like her autism. She'd be very boring if she was stoic 24/7.
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Whats the downside?
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Anns Trimurti
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Dibs on the window seat
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>What he said in the interview signifies this, not letting go of P5's tail can prove to be detrimental since that would halt innovation
hashino can't let go as well, just look at metaphor
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The only thing Metaphor and P5 have incommon is the engine
i hope she isnt just dommy yukiko
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She fucks other people and everyone can see it, duh
Might be
I don't frequent these threads. can I get a QRD on why P3R is said to have made the game worse?
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There is nothing wrong with not letting go of a formula that worked and also popularized a game series they started with p3 and improved upon it with each new installment. Sometimes you can’t just change it completely and risk alienating the audience who enjoys something for how it is now.
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That’s the best thing about the remake and why it’s better than p3p.
Metaphor is exactly what he always wanted to create ever since he started directing shinmegami. Its more like hes letting go OF the constraints that Persona handcuffed him with. And can truly get creative now that he has his own project under his supervision.
Many gameplay features were removed. And what was added was worse leaving many problems and creating new ones.
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Eupha love! Drawing the ideas from the other thread.
I agree but most of the people who think this are the westoids that can't give a proper answer why the team should just completely change the formula for no reason or don't offer actual alternatives. Thank god Japanese studios don't care about their opinions in the slightest
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cant wait for her to be my buff slut!
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worse atmosphere than FES and uses the P3P script
Based Eupha anon. Tomorrow's daily video on the Japanese channel will feature Eupha, are you excited?
ayy its the smuggy eupha I suggested
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Thanks, now the threads is going to the drain.

qrd: the atmosphere, lighting, music and the direction are worse, the english dub is polemic at best, the mechanics are dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator, it removes some minor content and animation, there is censorship and lgbt propaganda, a lot of the new content is filler and flanderizes the characters, and uses the script from the visual novel version (this is the worst part). Overall it feels souless and with a lack of vision, trying to copy P5 instead of improving on what made P3 unique to begin with.

Goodbye, I'm out of here.
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Cars kill on average 69847421 people per minute, so we should just wipe the slate clean Yoko-sama.
They just want to self insert without feeling bad. That’s why they won’t say why because they’re too embarrassed to admit it. It’s why most of the “persona must change” comments is usually the P6 has to have femc only or adult only cast.
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Femc aside, how would you improve the persona formula?
I would say a little coat.
One anon said that minor actions sound use it a small amount of time, and how there should be some time depending on how long you hang out with someone. A much more complex time system per day
More fleshed out social links in the style of Ai in P4, that can go multiple routes.
Bring back breaking and reversing.
Since Metaphor exists to explore different things now Persona can focus on what makes it strong to its fans.
Cute coat pussy that I can kiss.
besides the entire formula and the premise of traveling across the world
It didn't.
Discord still won't let go of their tortanic narrative for some reason.
More excited than ever. I've been in a very long period of art burnout until she finally appeared.
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MAGchads Rise UP!
So nothing at all? Gotcha. You don't travel the world in P5.
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And here is the :D one! :D
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How are you guys going to build the MC?
>7 STR
I bet Gallica could beat her in arm wrestling
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Going full MAG party with MC/Heismay/Junah/Eupha
pissing on her hair
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It's p3 made for p5fags like how p3p is p3 made for p4fags. I enjoyed it but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when atlus wants to do anything but to preserve a version of p3 for people who actually like p3. Especially when they ported p3p to multiple platforms instead of fes.
Luck build. Final party will be:
Devil Summoner — Soul Hacker — Devil Summoner — Soul Hacker
anon please stop coping, you know what im talking about and do you really want to insist that metaphor is not persona?
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Soul Hackers 2
She’s an autistic (German) knight.
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The thing is, since your party member interact with the main plot, none of the routes is going to change anything in a meaningful way.
That could make the game way longer and harder to plan around.
If that system allows you to do more things in the same amount of time, then the social links and social stats are going to take more time to level up to compensate for that.
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The time system really does need to be expanded with the SLs, since having them not have multiple routes or freedom is very limiting when most links outside side links are the same at this point.
It has elements similar to Persona namely social links and the calendar but it doesn't go past that. If this is the criteria for a Persona game then Three Houses is also a Persona game

Strohl is useless with magic.
Hulkenberg is even more useless.
We don't know about Heismay but it looks like his focus is on speed.
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It's a Persona-inspired game, you don't have to dig any deeper than realising Persona and Arcana concepts are nowhere to be seen, not even mentioning the high-school setting and mandatory "Persona" in the very title of the game.
Heismay is high STR/MAG and AGI but next to no endurance
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it's an old and tired take, but pigeonholing character development into SLs has to go
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Do you have a pic? I imagine that it just means he won't be master of any.
uhhh anon...
>7 STR and 12 END at level 33
I know character stats are lower because archetypes also give stats but I don't remember if we ever had a party member so physically weak
I'll probably end up making MC an all rounder so that he can use most archetypes well, but until Junah joins he'll be my main mage.
Never. Only the navis and Fuuka has high STR
If this is going to be a P1 type of build then the best option is investing fully into a stat until it hits cap. A system where it takes the best of the two between your character or your archetype means that you have to make sure you're always better than the archetype for your stats to matter.
I just want Persona to copy the roleplaying aspect of Baldur's Gate 3 without the cuckolding.
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>Thank god Japanese studios don't care about their opinions in the slightest
I don't think thats been true for a while now
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He has pretty high offensive stats especially when you compare to Junah who's same level here >>493013724
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So you want beastiality???
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She's mine /pg/
Happy Takamaki Tuesday
I have to scoop her up
Koromaru's fun time
Are we sure these stats don't also include the equipped archetype? Because it doesn't seem to be very balanced.
Much better than the other drawfag
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>"you really want to insist that metaphor is not persona"
Would any of you metaphor-is-persona folks comment on this piece of official media?
Such a meme.
Maybe those stats aren't final. It makes no sense for Junah who specializes in magic to have lower attack power than a hybrid like Heismay. She has 97 stat points in total, while Heismay has 130 points.
Hashino is a hack, don't trust anything he says.
It's just people shitposting no need to take seriously. Nobody actually believes metaphor is literally persona.
Is that why we call him hackshino?
Holding out hope for a loligis.
This, we don't live in 2017 anymore
yes. It's a pretty clever play on words.
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P5X might be a flop, but at least her game lasted longer than Concord.
It's from one of the trailers so I'm not quite sure, it's the best I could find of him, but in the Demo he was equipped with Mage so he's likely a glass cannon
Too slutty and makes me uncomfortable.
Lmao true.
Merope butt
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200 Million dollar game Sony made, only had 2.5k thousand people on PS5 and PC play it at launch and lost 75% of the playerbase after the first week. They are actively taking it down to make it f2p later.
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I hope Deload doesn't ruin the Answer as well...
go back to /v/ you faggots.
Remember to unequip their null element objects haha
Neat, it's like that Creative Assembly game if it managed to launch.
>They are actively taking it down to make it f2p later.
They should just take the entire department out behind the building and make it quick.
Sony bought the studio since they thought it would compete with Overwatch
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Made for plapping
I'm glad the GAAS live service slop era is almost at an end
They will try to find a new way to make it work, sadly.
I think Merope is 24.
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Metis love
>The music in the dungeon leading up the Heismay's awakening
>The awakening itself
Kino. I can't wait for the full OST
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It isn't at an end, it's just the fact that most people stick with Fortnite/Call of Duty/Roblox/GTA/etc and breakout hits are few and far in between.

Out of 10!
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oh no is he ded
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fat boi
>femc fucks this
here's why that's a good thing
Why are the big monsters called humans?
Because people kill each other
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I'm going to do it!
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humans are the real monsters
They’re humans.
If you want to be spoiled you can read anon's translation of the writing in the opening that basically spoils what I assume is the big plot twist.
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he looks like he fucks femcs
Dumb bitch
Do you think coat canonically fractured his pelvis by riding his duck too hard?
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Looks like Beato.
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Is she a futa?
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i think metis has a better design that aigis
Go back a thread or two.
Who killed it?
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Ann Babamaki
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Why did Atlus do this?
I notice that the guys and girls sit in different tables when they get to the island. Maybe they are muslims after all.
They didn't even spoiler tag it. Humans are souls of humans and the people are the bodies. MC is the only one with a soul due to the different colored eyes.
The optional dragon fight at the beginning of the game.
So, Nier?
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Re: Fantasy...
im still looking for that butt wiggling webm
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I got you.
Kotone raped Ken.
overly cuckservative society
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I can't believe some people actually eat that obvious bait.
kek, but i have this one
i need one with ken
did ken ever juggled he butt?
I dont think I have seen such webm before...
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I haven’t actually beaten Replicant yet but I was spoiled before I started playing it and knew the plottwist vaguely, but I should’ve known it was a little too similar, I can’t fucking believe I swallowed the bait hook line and sinker. I THOUGHT it was worded a little weirdly but I chocked it up to anon being an ESL.
that will have to do, but i swear there was a freecam webm
i wish i had saved it
The fake translation didn’t even line up with Metaphor’s world building, it’s going for a “fictional world is just as real as reality” kind of thing where MC’s book is a fantastical story about our world.
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It's slipping again.
Sumi kissu
Cute noot
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today is your lucky day, anon
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what did Wada mean by this
Someone make a video using uevr....
There is going to be a conection at some point. Cats aren't suppose to exist in their world but More has one.
gotta keep the target audience engaged
I-I'm not a shotacon, I'm not...
So the pedofags were actual fags all this time...
“Porn can’t change your sexuality”, they said. “Porn addiction isn’t real, it isn’t a slippery slope” they said…
Yeah, people who are into kids also tend to be gay.
Hey! nothing wrong with finding cute boys cute
So thats what noot posters talking about, they're slipping into gooning.
If you ignore the constant loli shit posted in these threads that is
and then one day you wake up and kaboom, you're wearing striped socks and programming in Rust
It's what long term porn addiction does. Chasing ever more elusive highs, you startbecoming attracted to stuff that's supposed to be off-limits, like cuckoldry, faggotry, and pedophilia. You know it's wrong but now that just excites you, because vanilla isn't enough anymore.
god bless you
That’s kinda gay
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Ah no, I was more referring to lapses in lucidity brought about by prolonged levels of extreme stress. However, hear me out now, counterpoint: pic related.
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So what's Yu Narukami doing in Metaphor instead of hanging out with his friends?
>don’t use discord
>never’ve been groomed/sissyhypno’d
>never’ve been molested
>not a coomer
I can’t stop winning.
bros... i really want a son like Ken now
If there's an unfucked hole Yu will be there
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Getting bitches.
Strohlfujos are already arming up
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Is this a queen reference?
um, so… well, Chie got carried away…. uuuum, a bit… and…. let's just say she accidentally thigh choked him to… death. and now he's in metaphor… haha… yeah….
Yukari is for Door only you freak.
not a real accomplishment if you are 40 years old and became an adult before any of that shit was widespread
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Are some girls bigger than others?
At least you haven't been spoiled yet. I actually did translate a good chunk of all that shit, but there's nothing of interest there. Most are just motivational quotes that your aunt would share on Facebook.
What it actually implies is that humans are people transformed by anxiety.
It's also kind of curious that each chapter of the book talks about a topic relevant to the game's themes, such as "utopia", "fantasy", "archetype", "anxiety" or "hero", but there's also one dedicated to music.
>Yu reincarnates in Metaphor
>Becomes a white nobleman
>Door reincarnates
>Becomes a brown poorfag
Poor P3fags always taking an L
>never’ve been molested
Sucks to be you, it feels actually good when a woman does it.
I hate myself
In her social link Junah talks to MC about his song or something like that
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She won.
I’m 24, and yeah, I can agree with that. It’s easier to break habits when they haven’t been drilled into you from a young age.
wheres the nude mod
Hag sexo
No, I don't think she did.
I want Kayo to ride my cock while she calls me her good boy
Everybody forgot about her.
atlus throwing a bone to the fujos
Junah: I've been told this before, your song is the magic that can change the world. At that time I didn't really understand. The power of imagination can alter the world. Truly that's the true nature of magic, don't you think?
There might be something to that
He goes wherever door goes. Not only does he cuck door's waifu's in pq but he's going to do it again in metaphor he's too powerful.
pic related is literally me at the moment.

I hope you guys don't forget i'm risking everything i am by going through with the lawsuit. I'm taking on everything in the japanese gaming industry, and the goal is to expose the "hidden games", and have a publisher, Bandai Namco Games in this instance, say it actually exists.

If you're not caught up on the situation, google "elden ring lawsuit" that's me.

as for an update on the case, i'm looking for a free powerpoint alternative, so I can start working on my case for the judge.

tl;dr i'm going to save people that don't want to be saved
i want copkari to kneel on my neck
>in pq
Other way around my guy. Door's the guy who has bitches straight up reject Yu.
>tl;dr i'm going to save people that don't want to be saved
sounds like you should've used a pic of Maruki instead
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Holy schizo
Okay, schizo
i skipped persona 5. i'm stuck mentally on persona 3 FES because it's actually a challenging game and forces the tactics system.
Another day, another schizo
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>forces the tactics system
What the hell does that even mean
based schizochad
You would know if you played FES
Better than sumischizo
It's a troon, isnt it?
I have and that's still the weirdest argument I've heard someone say in favor of "my game good your game bad"
>What the hell does that even mean
So the original director of Persona 3 betrayed ATLUS and stuck to his guns on making the tactics system mandatory in Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES. the reason is solid. The focus is on "other people". It makes sense philosophically speaking.

ATLUS didn't get it, and still didn't get it with RELOAD. They're just doing their own thing now. That's why i will not purchase Reload. FES is still the definitive version
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>I'll kill the next gaijin journalist if they ask about "female protagonist" or some shit like that again
>Stuck to his guns
Only in 3 though, he keeled over a year later when the sequel released.
Okay schizo
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do you only think about troons?
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Get to work on P6 already you lazy fuck
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Persona 4 doesn't try to be "philisophically deep" like 3 did successfully. "other people" isn't really a thing in persona 4.

I skipped persona 4 and 5 by the way.

Sad to hear Hashino is leaving.
With so many years on the work, a new team and a lot more budget there is no reason not to have a big game with a semi-branching storyline. If it's just P5 for a 4th time in a row I'm going to kill Wada.
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That's too much work for Wada
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what's not philisophical about persona 4 characters jumping onto MC at sight and treating him as the hero for free
Too based
You seem cool in my books better than the other schizo's we got here. Hopefully your lawsuit goes well bro.
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Hashino's still working for Atlus anon, you can't even act like you're sad he's leaving Persona when you've only played 1/3 games he's made.
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I don't care about Hashino or Wada. I just love atlus games simple as.
Even 5 Dancing?
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>Hashino's still working for Atlus anon

I thought he wasn't directing P6.

>when you've only played 1/3 games he's made.

why would i force myself to play that trash. persona 3 is the only good one to me. I'm throwing my stake here and saying Hashino should have more creative control over ATLUS.

i might end up having to pay Bandai Namco's court fees in the end. I really am risking a lot for you guys.
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threadly cube
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Are those "other people" with us in the room now anon?
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I don’t get it
Chaosfaggots will never recover.
Always good to put a face to a schizo trying to put others down.
>He can't handle drinking deep of the abyss without going full schizo mode
lmaoing @ you
I remember when you were talking about it before lawsuit. Can't believe you're actually going through with it. Good on you, king.
looks like me.
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>Are those "other people" with us in the room now anon?

Are you a solipsist? Do you think other people stop existing when you don't see them? The truth is they're there, living their own life Independantally of you. They have their own life story that doesn't even involve you. And you might never appreciate that fact because it breaks Persona 4 at its premise.

Persona 3 is about that great sacrifice in the end...where I -don't- become christian.
Hashino should retire and spend time with his family.
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He's not directing P6 but he's working on his own game but still at atlus
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I miss Yuschizo…
Aren’t you going to be polite and say hi to Nora? He’s just like you, except he isn’t an asshole.
P6 Sub Boss theme
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The namefag schizo is also pretty entertaining.
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>And you might never appreciate that fact because it breaks Persona 4 at its premise

pretty much. You aren't missing out on much. Persona 4 is "MC saves everyone and everything, everything revolves around MC"
Who was he again?
Why is Rise so horny?
Hashino’s making a new game with his team called Metaphor: ReFantazio. It’s coming out next month.
Yeah I bet you want her to stick her police baton up your ass too huh
You really think you're onto something there don't you?
at least she's useful in combat girls are hotter when they're slightly retarded anyways
Why not?
She wants babies.
It's now on my radar. Thanks!
No problem.
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>Just because the gameplay is no longer shit means that Persona 3's unchanged plot, characters and narrative isn't the same.
All schizos are braindead, all of them
Is that a lazy eye?
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She is a fictional videogame character designed to pander to the player character and by proxy you by making you her only desire.
>this absolute psychopath is a p3fag
why am I not surprised
>unchanged characters
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Persona gameplay peaked at FES, dafuq are you saying?
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no, that's really gay
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You can cope all you want, but you can't run from the truth: FES' gameplay is garbage, always has been.
Who the hell is that
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Nora is based unlike Derrik who's a druggie loser that nobody here likes.
I confess I want you to kill yourself for posting a wojak
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FES might not be that great but it's sure as shit better than reload
Monad doors are literally the worst implemented mechanic in any persona game and fucks your dungeon exploration and SP usage six ways from sunday on top of giving you complete garbage until super lategame because weapon fusion is dogshit
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Holy shit its the going into games machine guy
Tell me when better posts happen in 10-20 minutes
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Also while I'm still mad about this how fucking unintuitive is the great clock
>use twilight fragments on a dungeon floor
>randomly get the great clock door to appear by the stairs to the next floor
>go in, game plays the final block tartarus music 20+ hours early
>use the clock
>can't just level the characters you picked instantly, makes you put them in your party
>get sent back to the lobby so you can do this
>now you have to teleport back to what floor you were on and get into a fight with them so they gain the levels
>and then use the shortcut menu to get to the next floor and keep exploring
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you? No way.
Anybody who believed any version of p3 is perfect is coping they're all flawed (with p3p being the most flawed) but still:
Shit gameplay no hanging out with your bros like junpei. Forced romance shit. Has the best atmosphere out of all 3 versions.

Waters p3 down to a visual novel when it was never meant to be one and does a poor job at it too only reason to play that dogwater is for femc but she sucks. Turns p3 into p4 at home. Saori is cute though

Better than P3P but has the same issues as portable where it turns it into P5 at home. No clubs the awakening is shit compared to fes but I blame P3P for that. Only good thing about it is the link episodes.

Tldr: everything is P3p 's fault.
38 days.
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I thought Reload was the most handhold-y Persona game. Can't you at least get your story straight?
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>shit gameplay
Just because you keep saying it, it doesn't magically become true
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realized what i got my untrained hands into only after committing to it. oh well, one step closer to becoming a good artist.
I'll go back to lurking and training my art, unless people want a oppaigis as well.
There's no bigger P3 haters than other P3fags
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FES has shit gameplay
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>the link episodes
Most of these were pretty shit or were repurposed FES content, and they don't even follow any consistent rules, so some of them you can put off for a little bit while others you can only do exactly on the day they happen and the game doesn't even tell you. This wouldn't be so terribly done if the game didn't lock personas behind them, or at least fucking told you that it did

What does a mechanic implemented like complete ass have to do with being handholdy? Which it also is, when you look like a joke next to P3P because P3P gives you instant Reaper floors as early as the first block while you can't even see the Reaper in reload until a forced tutorial after Fuuka joins the party, it's like how intrusive some people act like P5 tutorials are except for real
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I take photos of busty protesters doing topless everytime it happens nearby.
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All peak mental illness in this fanbase comes from the P3 camp
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Sometimes you can just tell from the face, "this girl is a bimbo"
Persona 5 in both of its forms exist, so no, that's not the case.
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And P3P is still worst because I play the games for the story. P3 wasn't a game made to be told in a visual novel format so turning it into one and doing a poor job at even doing it makes it way worse than reload in my eyes. I do agree that FES is still the best version of P3 though.
I'm not reading of that, just try to be more consistent when shitposting.
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massive cope
>the hoof
It was an attempt anon.
Also, her hand is reversed - you would be able to see the palm from that position, not the back of the hand.
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mmmmkay buddy.
has anyone here known a reloader to substantiate a claim or is being emotionally dismissive just in with zoomers right now
P3 fighting between themselves which version of the worst game in the series is the least shit kek
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That's P5R though
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What claim did I make?
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You're talking to a schizo ignore them.
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>Shit gameplay
Wrong, good gameplay
>no hanging out with your bros like junpei
You don't need to, they develop their characters during the main plot. Why would you add even more yapping?
>forced romance shit
It's based. I don't want to cheat but I also can't bring myself to reject Yukari, Aigis or Fuuka so it gives me an excuse.

>Only good thing about it is the link episodes.
Only Shinji and Ryoji. The rest are yapping.
sorry but a solid year of spamming a p5 girl will not magically make the game anything less than the best persona by miles no matter how much you want it to
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If it's so good then why did they stop using said system in P4 and beyond?
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This seems to be a very common template for zoomers.
>no I didn't say anything
>you are just a crazy person
>let me reinforce it to make it look like I outnumber you
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I didn't say P5 vanilla is bad because that game is good P5R on the other hand is bad.
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disgusting unfortunately.
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Could have been worse.
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Why is futaba so cute?
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>original armband
Get cozy
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Gallica is so fucking cute omg
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I get not liking reload but if you don't like it then just pretend it doesn't exist. It's not normal to constantly whine about a video game all the time. I don't like it either but it seems like a waste to constantly complain about it.
meant for
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The weird thing is that kids seem to think that a consensus opinion holds more value when if anything the average person is deluded, stupid, and prone to groupthink, so many of the most popular views are actually the worst.
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hot snack fuuk
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Stinky butthole Chie
Wow this thread sucks.
No wonder Atlus had to get bought by Sonic Autists in order to not go bankrupt.
Need to eat out
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>No fairy romance
Hackshino should never lead a project again.
Sonic autism is so much stronger than anything the Atlus fanbase has to offer, They spent 10k+ for Sonic Golf and to make it on PC. Sonic fucking Golf.
she's short
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Lolibaba in Metaphor when?
what does it taste like
Because those are different games. Before P3 every game had a different combat system. Compared to that, P4 barely changes from P3.
Salty and sweet
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Is she really 18?
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Only for lewd reasons. She is actually over 9000 years old
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look at the size of that wrench, what an absolute unit
Anon, are you insecure about something?
Nobody said anything about the consensus.
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It doesn't matter, in Fantasy, the smaller they are the older they are outside of flashbacks. Every 8 year old looking creature in Japanese fantasy is older than all of the adults combined guaranteed.
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>tfw no noot on a chilly tomboy Tuesday night
Forced romance was dogshit.
New friendzone rank 10s are kino for some of the girls. And you don't have to go Haru on them, you can just avoid romance flags and you will get a soft friendzone.
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Sex with Shadow Sae's butt
Teddie > Yu > Kanji > Yosuke
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soon euphachads
This wasn’t pioneered by zoomers, it’s a tactic as old as time. It’s just more noticeable on the internet because it’s being typed and preserved instead of just said.
There is actually an old fairy that looks like a hag and has the size of a normal human.
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all holes or just the naughty one?
>This wasn’t pioneered by zoomers
No, but it's something that zoomers don't use without it being extremely obvious
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Noot makes everything warm even in the harshest of cold
She must clearly be only 3 years old, a new born.
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>Shadow Sae's disembodied floating butt (20 lbs.)
weird but okay
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And pussy and throat
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Why her butt? Are you gay?
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for a beginner anon that's really good. I've been drawing for years and you've nailed her headphones far better than I ever have.
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Looks good.
20lbs of butt
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But I can't friendzone them, that's cruel.
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Good afternoon /pg/ How's everyone doing today??
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Had a good fap with AI earlier.
Dead on my feet
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me on the right
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ate lunch, kinda sleepy
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Cheating is even more so.
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I need Yuko's soles in my face so bad bros...
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p-please don't laugh
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back hurts :(
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They are no consequences for that. I'll just pretend I'm dating each one in a different parallel universe.
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hire a maid to tenderize your shoulders
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How do I get a shadow yukiko gf irl??
What do they taste like?
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where did all these new drawfags come from
Is /pg/ coming back?
>all these
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One isnt new, theyre actually a schizo who happens to also draw.
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nan no tame ni?
today is the day things change
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Sock lint, dirt, and track runner sweat
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She doesn't run though
Metaphor hype
best girl
It's shit, unfortunately.
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Imagine the threesome
Shes a member of the kendo team actually
which is hotter?
kendo girl that's buff and can beat you up
track team girl that's always sweaty and stinks good
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I'm sure some of you losers have tried a happy ending massage. Was it any good?
I love a woman that can beat me up it reminds me of my younger years
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I like the track team girl.
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they know anon
you should live with your guilt instead of trying to come up with mental gymnastics
Tranny fetish.
had minor surgery on my arm, now it fucking hurts and it won't stop bleeding.
I'll be in japan next month, might hire a professional
I hope you feel better anon
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shits cash
thank you anon, I just need to grin and bear it.
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Wait what?
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Do you guys not understand Yuko is the team manager and doesn't actually participate in the sports?
preloadin, preorderin, anon
also DAMN 80GB, I thought big game sizes was a western thing
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i prefer archer's deathgrip
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She still stands outside all day and gets sweaty so it's good enough for me
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No one here actually plays the persona games except me, you, and maybe 5 others
Anons lack media literacy
no one is excited for that shit it is flopping
xbox always does preloads super early

asset bloat is basically universal
everyone expects 4k videos and uncompressed multi-language audio these days
I'm excited for it
I'm excited for it
Damn. Hopefully Steam gets it a week before launch
I'm excited for it. Kill yourself aigistroon
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I'm excited for it, and there's an anon that just showed his preorder downloading
it's okay she's black.
I'm excited for it and I don't have it oh won't someone buy it for me
That's fake
I'm gonna wait for pre-release reviews, check the usual suspects, and if they give it a low score I'll pre-order it before Day 1
I got P5 a week early in 2017 what're the odds it happens again with Metaphor
Rent free
Handsome lass
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>Before nobody would rally behind Metaphor
>With time the game slowly gained following just like the MC does in game
Hashino Kino
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I'm very excited for Metaphor
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Love interests in stories written by women:
>he's an eight foot tall musclebound vampire werewolf billionaire who treats her like shit but secretly has a heart of gold trust me
Love interests in stories written by men:
>she's fun and nice :)
Guess which one of these gets called unrealistic and harmful
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Im mad enough to reply, but not mad enough to explain why you're wrong
It's not 'rent free' when you're doing it in our faces you fucking retarded redditor
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what triggered you to post this anon, genuinely curious?
Just a thought
I mean what did you expect?
i think sega does 2 days preload on steam
both reload and vv were like that
I’m not the same poster you keep seething about.
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Should I buy it on steam or physical ps5 bros? what gives me the chance of getting it as early ap ??
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Steam for mods
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Fastest would be PS5 digital, since it has pre-loading and PC games almost never do. But as long as the PC version isn't botched it will be better.
>he's mad about cute girls
lol p5cuck
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lots of people got tactica and reload early
i wasn't really following vv, but it was probably similar
i think its a safe bet if you are willing to give up pc version features
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very cute edit
Me on the right.
Earliest way to play digitally at least is buying it on Xbox/XboxPC and switching your region to New Zealand. Pretty sure Steam does global release times so that won't work there. For PS5 you would have to make a NZ account and buy it on that account.
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Alright bros I shall ponder my metaphor options, in the meantime I get episode Aigis for free so I'll be trying that out on heartless difficulty :)) Thanks for the tips
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is Persona 3 FES still on the ps3 psn? that's how i originally got it.
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Yeah should be still.
It should be if you bought it through the ps2 classics thing, only for ps3 though it doesn't work on ps4/5
Just redownload it from your purchases
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It's called The Answer.
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thanks. i did my first blind run in persona 3 FES on hard mode and did absolutely no grinding.

i hit a wall with Nyx Avatar until I discovered a hint by making him hit himself with his own element, it disabled his 2-turn gimmick and allowed me to win the fight.

I bet you're wondering what that was. So was I...I don't believe it's a glitch, rather it's a "hint".


can't believe this was eight years ago now...i've really matured and grown a lot since this
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What was Soejima thinking when he designed Shadow Sae? Why is she so appealing to me?
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You tell 'em, Shadow Kanami
Undesirable virgin woman
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>Door caused 2 meltdowns in the Japanese community.
Doorsluts are mentally ill.
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Japs shouldn't be allowed to name things.
Swimmer girl with chlorine pubes and a cameltoe
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Post you are waifu and songs.
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Both of these are still schizo OPs
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Expand across multiple years so the game covers the full breadth of Japanese high-school, and rebalance things accordingly, completionist fags be damned.
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You want a game that is 3 times as long
>i want a 600 hours single player game

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