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Previous: >>492883920

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Big Run: 9/6-9/8
• Grand Festival - Past vs Present vs Future: 9/12-9/15
• Version 9.0.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v900
• Drizzle Season is on until 11/30

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
a classic example of a game that does this wrong is monopoly which goes on for a long time after a player has already won
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reminder these are the criterias for a sub to be worth something
>an area of effect
>non-LoS restriction
>long range
>actual damage (at least 60)
>consistent/guaranteed effect
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I love joey!
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Its a bit long but its funny, 3 cephs try and open a chest oh and it has Tako's at the start.
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I love Aori.
Who would like to play anything?
Loved it. Super well animated and it was funny
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Muffin squid!
The animations are expressive enough and the dialogue expected enough that you could probably eliminate the subtitles altogether and have a better end product. Overall very impressive.
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you need to work on your facial expressions
stop drawing coom shit
The seller even added a cute little squid origami/cutout art to the package <3
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I saw we were sharing AI covers last thread so
I made Deep Cut sing Fatal for shits and giggles
if you make a thousand of these you'll get to make a wish!
is this the tower records release with the only good version of inkoming on it?
it's a good sub, lets you control space for longer than succ, at cost of having to babysit it. for a defensive weapon, it's really damn useful, it just amplifies your main instead of doing job for you like some entitled kids expect it to.
all a sub needs is to justify the downtime it induces, which is 1.5-3 seconds worth of ink recovery, white frames and fizzy shaking (when applicable). every sub largely justifies itself, whether by giving more than 2 seconds worth of disruption (as in, time needed for the enemy to go around or/and regain lost positioning, not just the raw second splat bomb takes to blow), helping you secure a splat (~10 seconds of downtime on enemy side) or helping you or your teammates get into action quicker. most subs do that.
sprinkler is the only one that does none of that, but it is the kind of sub that leeches off your repositioning time when you'd be recovering ink and likely swim around with a full tank anyway, a lot of other subs do that but sprinkler is mostly doing just that, and for weapons it's on it's often enough.
the most problematic one is mine, actually, with the placement limit and largely being on slow passive weapons you don't get much effect out of them throught the match. almost every placement justifies itself, you just don't get as many placements as other subs.
beakon actually didn't justify itself throught 1 and most of 2, the buff to every beakon giving two jumps has made it actually worth using outside of very niche circumstances like awkward maps where time saved with just one guy is worth it (mostly triggerfish zones and moray everything).
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Very cute. I got this about a week ago myself alongside some stickers, keychain and other goodies.
The cover is cute now show us some of the stuff inside it
Post grandfest outfits for your cephs.
Need Squid Sisters in helldiver armor.
Maybe later not right now.
It's mostly just artwork, I got a digital version too so I can post some of the stuff from that when I have time
I've posted mine like 5 times the past few threads lol
My teeheeing license has been revoked.
You don't have to repost them, it's a request for those that have yet to post theirs.
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but they are not-me. Why aren't they me. Why isn't everyone me. Why isn't everything me. Me meee me meee meeeeee me meeee meeeeeeee me me meeeee meeeeeee me me me meeeeeee meeeeeeeeeee me me meeee me me meeee meee meeeeee me meeeeee.
I’m trying not to be a neet anymore so started doing volunteer work to get into working… I only did 3 hours of data entry and went home and slept the whole day with a splitting headache after waking up… Post some squids to make me feel better
get fucked hydrafag
get fucked splashfag
Yeah it's the Tower release of Inkoming, so I assume it's also a Yes to the second part of the question.
And straight no less!
No fatties allowed beyond this point
Some squids
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forgot pic
squids after eating the crystals. THIS SHIT LACED
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Post the girls' night image, you know the one.
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>team past after losing
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squidbagging e-liters and hydras is always morally correct
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imagine being such a colossal asshole that you replace ability doubler on your splatfest tee with respawn punisher
I never use ability doubler.
drag em and bag em
>Nintendo just DMCA’d a mod that gives Sheldon’s Picks skins to a handful of weapons
third kits bros?
I sometimes keep it if I wanna have some doubled utility subs and such, but if you want a bunch of the same ability it's objectively worse than a pure piece of gear. They really should've made it a 2.5x multiplier or something
Nintendo would dmca the sun rising and setting if they could
They dmca'd someone's fucking selfie earlier today, don't try to find reason in it.
I never changed the splatfest tee main, only put a qsj sub at best
I'll probably do for the three day fest though,
it’s the only mod that was dmca’d
I guess GG S.
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GGs F, this match making refuses to put us together, its evil and wants us to fight each other.
callie the squid
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How do you feel about Reefslider being reworked to function similar to Junkrat's RIP-Tire from Overwatch? In my opinion this would make Reefslider feel distinct from Triple Splashdown and the "charge forward" specials such as Ultra Stamp and Kraken Royale. I don't really play Overwatch, so what specific considerations would be needed to make it fit in Splatoon?
Reefslider is fine it's already been buffed more than it should
splat is way too fast-paced for a rip-tire. and rip is too low on effect in general, even for someone like me who prefers weak specials.
bring back curling bomb launcher instead. considering the curls it launched were nothing like the actual curls, they should just be able to bring it back as its own thing.
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is your woomy the one that doesnt get to play with the rest and is just sorta standing off to the side
>Still can't destroy bombs
Not enough
reefslider just needs to delete bombs, that's it
would have prefered the kits that have it have triple splashdown but whatever
That only happens because she doesn't put herself out there.
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Anybody wanna SR in a bit? I need to get all the News rewards I missed.
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Yes, will be ready in 5 mins.
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this is you (foreground)
woomy on the right isn't wearing pants
Reminder Noble is french too, death to the french
If team past wins Ammonitlings could be a thing...
I assume there will be no SR...
im sorry anon your woomy is a coward, she probably doesnt get bullied but most likely doesnt get to participate in a lot of things
>limiting head gears
Not happening as playable
sorry for taking so long, i'm opening the room
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The team that wins will definitely determine the type of playable race we'll get next game, past gets some extinct species, present gets another ceph that's currently alive and future gets robo woomies.
Please delete this
Just finished a turf match, wait a lil for me.
im sorry you had to find out this way
>three wishes doesn't have half a mil views yet
it's a fucking bore man
It's not ear hurting like riot act but I'm not ever seeking it out
If it only was the deep cut part I'd listen to it more.
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no plan survives is good because it has my wife featured on it
Speaking of three wishes someone told me it sounded like a disney parade song and now I can't unhear it.
Is there like a name for this style of music anyways??
Idk what you mean it's very catchy.
This but with the squid sisters part. I also find myself skipping off the hook's verse entirely for some reason
Pearl kinda drags the song down a bit ngl
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I could get top 500 if seasource played every match
shit taste
those are fins, not feet
What was the selfie?
Some Splatoon e-celeb
Who? A Nip?
Basically someone posted modded screenshot and under that tweet posted a selfie, Nintendo dmca'd both tweets.
I’m glad nearly every thread understands the superiority of seasource
That just sounds like Nintendo's going harder on mods than anything else, which doesn't surprise me.
Nah just some western chick
Instead of headgear they get stickers, charms etc to decorate their head shells
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so why wouldn't they just take everything down on gamebanana then?
the sheldon's picks mod is the only thing that got taken down.
Who says they won't take down the rest of those mods? They took down a selfie as collateral damage, I doubt they are okay with certain mod links and not others.
Was it modded? It just looked like two Finalfest pics
goblinlings (goblings?) when
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frye is right there
She's wearing 2 headgear pieces on the right pic.
yeah but when can we play as them
that means nintendo owns her now
she will be extradited soon
(re)learning inkjet is the most satisfying learning curve Splatoon has to offer
>0-15 matches: insta deaths, only get assists or 3-4 shot splats
>15-35 matches: consistantly land 2 shots, directs become more frequent
>35+ matches: first shot after activation is always a direct, get directs shooting upwards, projectile speed and max range is fully ingrained, 2 splats average per activation
it's worth dropping it for a season just to go through that again
Callie if she started listening to punk/heavy metal/hard rock.
Every single day there are more examples of why copyright is complete bullshit
I wish they weren't so chintzy about players getting access to idol-ish features like colored fingers or stylized eyemasks.
>my splatoon character not the only thing that changed in those 5 years
where are her pants?
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colored fingertips are a sign of reaching adulthood which is why only Eight gets to have them and only in her second campaign where she's 19
Why is Frye the only inkling with it.
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because pearl is permanently stunted with the body of an 11 year old and callie/marie don't do it because being youthful is part of their aesthetic
that, or it's just an octoling thing and frye did it because shiver gave her the finger pass
Why aren’t marinas green in this picture then
Because she's a vampire squid not a common woomy. The rest of her family would be the same as well as any other vampire squids around the world.
Anyone else noticed a sharp increase in the competency of freelancers since triumvirate was a thing? It’s like they all locked in
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artist forgor
I think your just getting lucky I've still notice the same old crap.
>game's making me put up with the same deadweight teammates 3 games in a row
I understand why people AFK now
>shiver gave her the finger
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Octobrush sucks compared to inkbrush and painbrush
What is the appeal?
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Its true.
Brushfags are mongoloids and pick their respective tardstick based on feelings.
In terms of killing kings, a bit.
They seem better at focusing boris bomb, and understanding how joe's targeting works.
why is shiver into toefucking
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But once off camera and back stage Shiver returns to her normal horny veemo state.
Low skill floor and good against shitters. Also, painbrush is far worse
N, we are stuck in the bloody limbo.
Painbrush is better for killing and inking
Inkbrush lets you actually dodge chargers and get nasty flanks/rushes and is the best at inking for low cost
Octobrush costs too much ink for the tiny amount it does and the slow speed. It should at least ink more or have a slight bit more movement
Or cost less, goddamn
Doesn't help that all subs are expensive for it
I have enough tolerance for one more try before I stop and kill myself
>Painbrush is better for killing
Assuming that you can even get into a good position and not die in your startup lag
It’s the slowest painting brush
>Pearl kinda drags the song down a bit ngl
Here I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Pearl and Frye being rappers is integral to their characters and musical stylings. I get that. But, man, it just wasn't necessary as part of Three Wishes. Pearl's rap is the worst part of the song.
>stop hating Pearl and Frye
I like Pearl and Frye.
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I think I'll stop here for tonight, GGs M, sorry for the horrendous gameplay
When is it going to be my chance to win? Can we just skip to the part where you tell me the game's lost so I can move on to a match I stand a chance in?
Yeah, those last shifts were kinda "fucked" if may I say so in such manner. Yet, it was still a pleasure to play with you comrade.
>Assuming that you can even get into a good position and not die in your startup lag
Yes but you should be trying to flank with it or special spamming to begin with.
>It’s the slowest painting brush
For startup yes, not for actual turf points to get specials going
Routinely easier on both turf war and objective to be successful with it because the specials are at least worth spamming
Octobrush specials suck to spam and it's just harder to get kills or ink
In 2 the kits for it were better as well, and the kits for ink/pain are vastly better too. In 3 the kits are just don't synergize well
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jelly abuse is encouraged
octobrush is lowkey the strongest brush. inkbrush is too focused on being a little piece of shit to be good at anything else, painbrush is painfully exploitable, while octobrush is a reliable, consistent and remarkably versatile weapon. it doesn't excel at anything, but it has enough of everything, including a rather rare combo of mobility and cover abuse. it's very freeform, easy to use and lets you play with opportunities that are way out of your skill bracket otherwise, at cost of having to consider your ammo and positioning more.
don't use it like a brush, use it like a normal weapon. only use its roll for short bursts of mobility, less than a second.
net output is broken for brushes, there's too much overspray. inkbrush has insane output but it's all overspray in a short cone. painbrush paints like a dynamo, and we all know how good ranged inking followed closely by fat hitboxes can be.
shiver and frye with my balls
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Cod I wish that were me.
>octobrush is lowkey the strongest brush. inkbrush is too focused on being a little piece of shit to be good at anything else, painbrush is painfully exploitable, while octobrush is a reliable, consistent and remarkably versatile weapon. it doesn't excel at anything, but it has enough of everything, including a rather rare combo of mobility and cover abuse. it's very freeform, easy to use and lets you play with opportunities that are way out of your skill bracket otherwise, at cost of having to consider your ammo and positioning more.
I don't know, it's easier to just close the distance with inkbrush than approach with the much more limited kits of octo. Ink brush has kits that synergize really well while zipcaster is redundant and suctions are good but too expensive for how expensive the main weapon already is to use.
Beakons are okay (depending on the team), but ink storm doesn't go well with it either to help you close the distance.
>don't use it like a brush, use it like a normal weapon. only use its roll for short bursts of mobility, less than a second.
Been trying but it's fruitless since normal shooters just outrange you and you are too slow to dodge charges or sloshers like with normal brush. I really don't want to be one of those faggots who uses ninja squid since I don't have to with other brushes to be successful, but octobrush seems to need it since it doesn't seem good at any particular role, just sort of okay at inking and below average on splats unless the enemy is asleep at the wheel
Might try using the inkstorm kit with another set of gear but the zipcaster one just seems really bad unless the enemy is just not paying attention, at which point other brushes can exploit it more. The skill gap with movement for the ink is just too much and the specials for pain are better so it doesn't really feel like you are building to much except getting picks on people who aren't paying attention with the zipcaster
Maybe you're on to something, I did Wave 3 and Fug kill with a 3-ceph team this rotation easily.
>b-but reduced quota/HP
And yet, until recently losing a player in freelance made everything spiral out of control and wipe within 15 seconds.
>Most maps with traffic in the background drive on the left
>but some drive on the right
>The truck Sheldon drive's in 2's final boss has the driver's seat on the left
>Vehicles parked in the hubs have blacked out windows but position of the windshield wipers imply the driver sits on the left
So which side is it?
There are more left-hand traffic maps than right but there are no examples of right-hand drive vehicles in the series
No. I haven't even kill the triumvirate once since I kept getting players I had to carry hard and that never used specials
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woomy city planners are silly
>Past? Present? Future? I just wanna grill, for god's sake.
the sammin are industrializing
what mechanized terrors will they create now
Now I'm imagining that you have to drive on these things to cross different parts of the city
That doesn't even make sense what idiot design that road?
the chinese
she got paid quite handsomely for it too
NOT SO FAST we still lost lmao, the galfaggot on the other team was a smurf
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Never paid it much attention till last week but this is the exact same van they use in Splatville for clean up work after a fest. Did Shiver loot the floating van for city clean up work?
>get raped by premade of 2 gals, pencil and rb
>wait 2 minutes before queueing again
>get matched up against that same premade
is the game that dead?
>2 turf match in a row being matched in a team that doesn't try to win at all
Nigga fucking try. I killed 2 and base invaded, had their backline run in circle. Fucking push holy shit
they say that victims typically go back to their abuser
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Ruined by shitty proportions. Coomers have no taste
I think open is deader than series on average because people don't want to deal with premades unless they have a full stack themselves.
MKII is such a faggot weapon, they should've raped fizzy bomb with nerfs last game.
Fuck off don't touch fizzies unless you buff Aerospray. MG depends on it
Frye just wants to mess around with a Hydra so she added some extra ink tanks.
Hearing all the salty takes makes me happy i stopped playing this shit game. Comfy squid posting is where it's at. Enjoy your shit netcoding, rigged matches, unfun weapons and bad map design
hardstuck B+
you can just say you're gay, dude
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Maybe you should try playing a real weapon.
>I can only secure kills from doing bomb into reefslider into bomb
salmon run
shop rotation
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try not to have an aneurysm looking at this one
What do team future players look like?
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like nerds
like this >>493050583
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Post cephs that look like they'd bully your ceph
Yes but sadly looks like I won't make it for some time.
What would Splat Tim choose?
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squid juri
Present. "He does it" is present tense.
Timmy already joined present
Anyone wanna fish for 2 kings?
Sex goblin
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ded gaem
Splat Tim only moves foward
He isnt held back by the past
and he isn't satisfied with the present
he seeks to do it forever
send a notification please
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Cough... Cough... Where... The yebs-- COUGH...
ye-abs damn
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Pro: Callie wants you inside her, raw
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right here
kill yourself.
I think you replied to the wrong pic, footschizo. I'm expecting a written apology
kill others as well
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Ye-abs are the best, aren't they?
Good yebby! How do I get him into my SR copters?
cephs with hips wide as they are tall
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gotta appreciate a hard workin' yeb
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woom looking at all them yebs
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Is that feasible
You already posted this last time...
MG uses Fizzy bombs to combo enemies with more range or firepower.
Shooting alongside it so the enemy has to stop firing and retreat making it more secure to pursue.
Which one of you fags keeps posting cephs on the designated gentoo board?
maybe half as wide now that i think about it
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I did?
That wasn't that anon it was me actually sorry anon. We get mixed alot
anyone buy a festival shirt?
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it was me
I will not apologize
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>big pubis mons
Finally Rayzor makes the right things "fat"
That's not Rz's art.
I only post cephs on /a/ and here.
how does one not get any kills with the blobbler???
not based enough, I guess
By being a veemo.
Shit gameplay
I miss x battles. I need to grind faster.
I would like to wife the muffin, and then impregnate her during passionate love making. 4 children thank you very much
358 points thats how they didn't do anything but die I guess. When blobbing even your worst score should never be below 900 points on any mode.
So Callie basically used Dr. Strange powers to see into the multiverse?
Aerogay MG is still a bad kit, cope
the universe where Callie willingly got octo'd and became a superdiva with octavio bringing a new era of octowave to inkopolis without the help of octo expansion...
"We" why are you two yebby enjoyers hiding from me...
that was fresh! keep it up!
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why does blueberry frye feel so right
why are you like this
are you the one that friended me on the switch or?
how many yeb lovers are there anyways??
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I can guarantee that your night together will be messy, passionate, will give her a swollen belly, and you'll spend the rest of your life with her.
Anon, you're supposed to call him trash
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oh sorry..
awful clips from an awful player with an awful weapon. super uncool actually!
what is frye? chopped liver?
kissable goblin
>runs straight into the enemy
>dies to the enemy breathing on them
>presses ouch at the speed of light
>repeat over and over
im going to lose my mind i need my kpop audio qs be damned
do you think shiver sucks on her fingers like they're icecream?
I bet they'd taste like icecream
How am I supposed to flank on a straight line?
>they took away my x battler pass
>i hate clam shitz
>salmon has my least favourite boss and not a fun rotation in general

time to turf my wars!!!
Yeah that's me dude!
Still waiting for a time where we can play together, my weyy boy wants to impress your yebby in Open.
And sadly, we aren't that many, so I cherish my few yeb posters around.
i mean i can play right now!!!
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nice heels
She can step on my balls
This woomy is ready to step on many a yeb/weyys
GG's FB I guess? Disconnect time out?
yes it banned me
she's serving cunt
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you open your locker only for this yeb to fall out. wyd?
I can only wonder why Agent 4 would be in my locker. He is the dummest Agent, so I guess that might explain a few things. Anyway, I give him a kiss before expediting him back to Captain 3's residence.
Help, my plaza's flooded with weyyos wearing effeminate accessories
Sending a tied up yeb to a woomy's house, how scandalous.
agent 4 is clumsy but he is actually the smartest one. he is in college yknow?
I'm a bit busy right now, otherwise I would have invited you.
Are you gonna be free tomorrow, anon?
Help him...
Maybe invite him for a smoothie after.
What! You have it all wrong here.

Hmm, I guess you are right. All the Agents are pretty smart in their own ways, but I commend Four for pursuing a higher education. What a good yebby.
Call Marigold and complain that the jannies aren't picking up the trash properly.
Damn inkmine, you got me
cum on face and walk away
Free him and part ways because even if I saved someone's life they still wouldn't be friends with me
expecting to be rewarded for doing the right thing is a fools idea of being good
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Anon that is not nice. Yebs are just as a nice as every other ceph out there.
Not you
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okayyy tomorrow morning or maybe like tomorrow night but like night night like later in the night!
Can she pee on my ice cream?
ass rape the jew boi
Sir this place follows health and safety laws. Now if you want woomy to shoot her yellow ink over your icecream then yes she can do that.
can i join that turf
I swear to god spending 30k on a gacha roll makes it like 90% more like to be a light blue capsule than the 5k or conch shell rolls are.
Saw a yebby dancing while in high heels, I was impressed.
You sure can mine
I should be around tomorrow night, alright!
>not a fun rotation
This rotation fucks. You're off your rocker if you don't like it
GGs all turfers
Image didn't upload right
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Why the fuck would you make such a universe? You heartless heathen...
She's gonna damage the pads
Corruption is extremely erotic. Evil girls are sexy
>Dress my yebby like a total slut
>Walk around splatsville for a while
>Pop a boner
I can't be the only one, r-right?
not even horny or anything I just think punk callie is cool and she and octavio would go on tour with their industrial pop remixes
>try turfing
>/ink/ joins
>lose 5 or 6 times in a row while they keep getting put on the enemy team
I did something like that once with a veemo. I gave her a slutty outfit and made up stories where she whores herself out to yebs.
Anon, I have some news for you. Your yeb ain't the slut... you are.
I thought youre always together on the same team
This was every other post on /ink/ back in 2018
/ink/ never joins turf
That's only if you queue together initially, if people drop in on your lobby their team is randon.
Do you live under a rock?
are you the beans guy? cuz just saying you got some matches in the same team as me and we won together so its not all that bad!
They never join mine
Which is fine I suck anyway
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No one ever joins me in X battles
good yeb. that combo is peak
i would but... got kicked down to S so... that gottas wait
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What a nice looking yebby we have here.
joey and his strongest soldiers
I like it when cephs hang from their launcher like that
it makes them look soo cool
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Got this fit too.
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Oh nice, my amiibos are getting here Friday
Was thinking more of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXJtz1TgmIM personally.
Light and dark, neat yeb indeed. Think you got an outfit in mind for the Rockin' Leather Jacket from Annaki? It's a blue and white version of the biker jackets from Rockenberg.
GGs terfs.
oh nice
I got this one thats all red I need to do it with other colours...
The grizz version of the captain cap could work
ggs turd sorry I'm so shit
hmm what are some good blue gear you guys?
Might be worth a shot if you already have it or have Gold Scales to spare.
I actually wear the aviators and punk cherries with that CBA taking a picture right now.
>enemy uses hammer
>they're fucking invincible from the front
>I use hammer
>literally every weapon can just shoot me from head on and I die instantly
Aim lower
Trislosher players are all mouthbreathers, Nouveau players even more so. I will think less of you as a person if I find out you play the weapon.
just make yourself lag
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I think this is a nice set of blue gear. Also based FA-01 Jacket enjoyer.
Retard, to shoot through it
Can we just stop pretending wall isn't a huge problem for 3 games straight and rape the thing with nerfs already?
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oh that shirt is good actually. I'll keep this in mind.
right now my yeb's main fits are these I have them saved on my trusty big man amiibo!
unironically skill issue
t. 52/Squeezer main
bratty sex with sarcastic yebby #6
stop grooming all the yebs
but not the others? fake fan...
never played either
literally git gud
>just need 1 more win to get to next rank
>put into FLAR queue
Explain how to deal or play around it if you don't have a weapon with a bomb. Of course you won't answer because you're full of shit baiting for (You)s.
brb changing my weapon to trislosher nouveau
>back up
>shoot it
>wait for it to disappear
if a hammer goes up to you you just flee to the side then shoot behind.
chances are they'll feel untouchable and just keep moving foward so you can just jump on the back and blam!
you can also just do what i do with them and krakens... run in circles and dodge everything til they run out and become easy prey
Oh yeah, let's let the fag enabler crutch shooter do as it pleases because for some reason 52 has some retarded ink efficiency and popping wall means nothing to it.
git gud
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>sonicfag is a shitter
big shock
>all of my teammates are octolings
should i just afk those games?
yes, and report and block them all after
>in the forced veemo queue
I'd just stop playing for the night.
squid supremacists
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ice cream time!
er, she's standing right behind me, isn't she...?
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Woomy game, woomy thread, woomy world.
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>tfw best buy still hasnt shipped my Amiibo
you're a squid now
>make /ink/ uncomfortable just by being an octo
Uh based?
Not grooming.
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grooming woomy
hating something doesn't make me uncomfortable
in fact im pretty sure it's when i strive the most
I think most octo haters are just tako lovers who are mad that we can't play as them
My woomy is a futoko...
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A lot are from splatoon 2 era that were upset that people were calling veemos cuter than woomies, it legitimately broke a few inkers minds that they would spam daily hating on octos when octo expansion dropped. Some even refused to buy the dlc because they would be forced to play as an octo, it's pure insanity. Interesting to take note, octo lovers don't hate inklings but inkling lovers hate octos. Proves a big point
smart woomy
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It is dumb though, all that effort for OE to then intentionally slightly miss the mark for no good reason.

>b-but hats won't fit
Joining /ink/er sr lobbies as a pink slopsuit drill veemo with red eyes so they don't slack off and try their best.
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parko is an enemy
Splatoon 3 is going offline starting September 6th due to poor sales, and only having a concurrent player count of 40 players...
but what about big run?
I'm going to sleep.
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you will be compensated by nintendo sending you fish flakes in the mail
see, your issue is expecting a versatile gun to have overpowering advantage states. you don't get to skip neutral with octobrush like you do with other two, you gotta work to create and maintain advantages to get the job done, noy rely on cheap flanks and brute force. octo's toolkit gives it a very wide spectrum of advantages it can capitalize on, and then its fat quantifiable hitbox gives it great ability to secure splats, you just have to push your advantage a bit more to make up for overall slightly below par performance.
>zipcaster is redundant
it's one of the better zipcaster users, and zip is a great fit for its kit- it's strong but not a free win, you gotta work mentally for it to function.
overall, for you personally, i would suggest sticking with octobrush, it'll be a great learning experience. it is good at teaching the exact skills you seem to be lacking. don't go with ninja and sharking, it's not that kind of weapon (no weapon is that kind of weapon, there's no reason to shark with anything other than .96 gal), pick stock octo and learn how to find and create opportunities and control the pace of the match.
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Even with it under performing compared to other brushes I can get top of the score for kills or turf, the issue is that it is too mediocre to deal with big threats and to make any big turn around plays that the other brushes can do much easier.
I used it a ton in 2 to great effect because the kits were better but in 3 the kit just feels weak and is too liable to get outranged or run out of ink, especially with the new map design and "melee" weapons that are better or faster and shit like squid rolls that can help enemies get away faster
It just struggles even harder to deal with stuff that brushes already can have trouble with like splatlings and chargers and for a tiny range and damage buff that isn't as useful as the speed from the inkbrush letting you make higher risk/reward plays or to pursue fleeing targets/causing panic. Just doesn't ever seem worth it with how team reliant the kits are too.
worded it weird. i meant that if you want to shark, there's zero reason to use the traditional for the playstyle rollers and such. 3-liner shooters, s-blast and range, bloblobber, flux, swords, any of these sharking with ninja will blow the pants off any puny roller doing so.
the only roller that should shark is dynamo on occasion because it's funny. but really, because its entire game plan is to get into people's heads, so it should take turns being demonstratively visible and very sneaky to build up enemies' fear and paranoia.
It's a "carry your shitters against an all Jap team" kind of night.
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I'm still so sad we're just gonna get another baint&click with festive sfx all over it instead of a proper Anarchy Rainbow ω-3....
Sorry folks, I'm just not a fan of sharks - and don't worry, they'll be around long after we are gone.
Is sub power up ever actually worth it?
Beakons, that's it.
2 subs of spu is fun on burst bomb weapons
Who keeps freshing me???
It's embarrassing that the team couldn't deliver at least one or two more Omega-3 covers for the two most important Big Runs in the game. Just 'Bait & Click'. That's it.
how much of 3 is sitting on the cutting room floor

or did they really produce this little with a bigger team
exactly! the new one isnt even that different they just took the song they already made and sprinkled some whistles and drums here and there and that's it.
I think a now or never Omega-3 cover with tiny motifs from tomorrows nostalgia today, we're so back and anarchy rainbow would've been the perfect send off for the grand run honestly
I love freshing everyone.
I think you're pretty fresh yourself!!
I need a weapon that can turf AND brawl. Last time I tried to go full unha with roller but we had no turfers and I wasn't able to properly flank or anything because nobody was inking the zones, and the enemy took it back too fast when I did manage it. I tried bloblobber and had the zones inked a lot of the time but then a dualies fag kept running around and murdering everykne with triple splash.
Sidenote- how the hell are you supposed to deal with triple splash?
Aerospray MG - turfs alot and gets you the kills
Nzap 89 - turfs ALOT and gets you the kills
Trislosher - Gets you alot of kills and it turfs a good amount
Painbrush - gets you enough kills and being a brush it turfs pretty good.
move out of the way the trade isn't worth it
it's only out today isn't it
also when you see the triple splash down just look up and try to splat the player before he gets to the ground. you'll still die probably but a trade is better than dying and letting him go on turfing your side of the map!
You could also swim away if you're a pussy...
>how are you supposed to dea-
report them
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her ears feel so small without the earrings
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are these new?
My queen
I hate this shoot the splash down shit. I swear to god everytime I react like spiderman and start shooting the splashdown user I hear the fucking ink armor sound and die
They should really make the clones weaker so you can clear them faster
Apparently posted on Splat JP's instagram.
>or turf
anon you're not playing tw in the year of our lord 2024, do you?
>the kits
the overall meta was better. octobrush largely didn't change while things around it got stupidly stronger. and yes, map design. but octo is still one of the most versatile guns around, a lot of strong options are more focused and/or less consistent.
>outranged or run out of ink
that's kinda the point, you get all that versatility and consistency, you gotta have some weaknesses to contend with. if you can't, probably not the weapon for you.
>big turn around plays
>that can help enemies get away faster
again, octobrush is not that kind of weapon, it's not an all or nothing "skip neutral" button, it is exactly "play neutral" kinda gun, you want to keep a steady pace with it. no chasing people down into their own turf, no huge plays unless you outplay the enemy fair and square, but also no big downs unless the enemy dumps two trizookas and a cooler upon your team.
>splatlings and chargers
not any more than something like sshot. can sshot beat a charger directly? usually not. can it not get shot by a charger? that's its job.
>tiny range and damage buff
octobrush has like twice the effective range of inkbrush, and with it also much better cover abuse. inkbrush is cuddle range, octo is almost a proper 2-liner.
I think splashdown in 2 was balanced. Shit but it was a good anti-special special.
3 is just a shitshow. I wouldn't have minded the power increase so much for specials if they all weren't safer panic buttons.
aggro bloblobber is what you seek. pick up deco and play very in people's faces, when up close you get oneshots. use marker to finish those who escape your wrath.
dullies hate good blobs because they can't roll safely. be a good blob, learn to move with the blobs and place them where you predict the enemy to be.
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Shiver sexo
>anon you're not playing tw in the year of our lord 2024, do you?
As an example, also mean for getting pts for special in general. And yes I use it to test weapons and gear set ups sometimes.
>the overall meta was better. octobrush largely didn't change while things around it got stupidly stronger. and yes, map design. but octo is still one of the most versatile guns around, a lot of strong options are more focused and/or less consistent.
I don't think octo is as versatile as you make it out to be, especially compared to standard shooters and dualies.
>that's kinda the point, you get all that versatility and consistency, you gotta have some weaknesses to contend with. if you can't, probably not the weapon for you.
I can deal with the weaknesses I just think that inkbrush is better for having ways to play around them with fast movement. Octobrush is still very short ranged as far as "versatile" weapons go and inkbrush can make up for the range with mach speed.
>again, octobrush is not that kind of weapon, it's not an all or nothing "skip neutral" button, it is exactly "play neutral" kinda gun, you want to keep a steady pace with it. no chasing people down into their own turf, no huge plays unless you outplay the enemy fair and square, but also no big downs unless the enemy dumps two trizookas and a cooler upon your team.
I notice that the best scenario to use it in is to fake retreats but other brushes do it better still.
>not any more than something like sshot. can sshot beat a charger directly?
Specials are more versatile to do it and since the shots are more controlled and cost less you can shoot in a bigger arc for longer over cover to deal with it sometimes. sshot has an easier time imo. Only thing that has a harder time than octobrush is like dynamo roller but I barely use that thing since I don't like the kits or weapon itself
>octobrush has like twice the effective range of inkbrush
Cover abuse is still not great though.
only respectable octobrush main we had switched to inkbrush in 3

I think he might be dead or moved on
wish it could be me
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>wish it could be me
It still could.
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Hmmmm, I think her silliness allows her to break the fabric of reality. Also, good morning. :D
Oh, probably. I'd imagine even Dr. Strange would be astonished that she even had such a power. Good morning to you as well, friend! :D
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is it an uncontroversial opinion to hold that there are way too many splatoon 3 profile icons
What if splatoon manga but the demographic is above the age of 5?
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i fucking love woomy
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One for each character, idol, shop peeps
One for each with 3d renders
One for each in tableturf variants
One of the idols and agents in 2d artwork form
I personally think it's good. Makes for alot of cool nintendo profile pics
i, woomy, love fucking
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/ink/ers and their mains

Timmy/Fantasy = Clash blaster
Cranberry = Slosher
Rainy = Splat Charger
soup = Range Blaster
Freakazoid = Explosher
Panic/ChkTendies = Splash-o Matic
SnakeHand = Squiffer
Chavo = Inkbrush
Broy = Hydra splatling
rc = Mini Splatling
Whacka/Ballin/Hot Beans/Booyah Boy = Dynamo Roller
Auralian = Big Swig Roller
Brostar = Splat Dualies
Great Tusk = Splatana Stamper
ä = E-liter
Joey = Bloblober
Frye Fan = Ballpoint Splatling
Nono = Aerospray MG
Saber = Splatana Wiper
Hippie/Tokay = Undercover Brella
Mehtaru = Jet Squelsher
ExcelExcel/Urchincel = Trislosher
Bargo = Splat Brella
Meaya/Yxx = Glogga Dualies
Random Guy = Tetra Dualies
sema = Dapple Dualies
Noble =Splattershot
Kold/Squinty/Gurkan = N-zap
Offlock = Tri stringer
Nekolin= .52 Gal
Lunar = Splat Roller
Morgan = Flingza roller
RANG/(You)/Grezarzagra = splattershot Jr
Reuniculus/Happy Sky = Nautilus
Morgan is based
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Did he really?
He's on poolsclosed btw
I'm silly, not based.
I said respectable.
Silly based flingzer!
A lot of these mains seem off
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I think I just broke 30 for the first time.
Was it just staggered spawns jumping to the tower 3/4s of the game?
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I main dynamo tho. I just play a lot of eliter too.
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First 1/4th is me screwing up.
RLRQ-WX49-S71V- W7T3
The list has spoken
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https://x.com/SplatoonJP/status/1831256135434641481?t=nshllmxyRqhrjC8bxE7gag&s=19 Nogami finally remembered the left and right dpad buttons exist
I wanna spray my special white ink all over woomy
This is a historical moment in Splatoon
You misplelt Bloblublober
This is groundbreaking news
Who would like to play anything in 20 mins (Or maybe a lil later)? I know that most likely nobody, but still must ask.
We playing Open right now
I've genuinely wanted to be able to emote or dance or do anything other than spin around and squidbag during splat fests basically since this series began
i can join in a bit for open too
>フリカゾイド button
I like you either way. No homo.
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press up on the d-pad to get high
Bunnies confirmed.
Wave 3 dlc with bunnies as a playable class
watch as yay gets translated into "yippeee"
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too optimistic
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dancing is cringe desu.

leave that kind of thing to the professionals.
I may have diversified, but my heart will always be with the Jr.
Oh, that's sweet.
Great! I can join now.
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so did the netcode actually get any improvements?
Not in any way that's been demonstrated concretely, people are just going off vibes.
I feel like sometimes I die quicker
i can play some zones at rotation if you'd be down to play at that time still
Hmm, I wanted to join the other group that is still playing right now, but can host after rot to play with ya.
Just saw we started one
What do you do at parties then?
yeah sure, don't worry
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Damn, I go turfing then.
wtf woomy why did you have to go and do that
I'll still yippe in my dreams.
i feel it got worse.
i never had issues before then they did something and i noticed ive been having errors more often
She was on team chaos
Approximately 2.5 years until we all try splatoon 4's testfire and oatmeal tells us the tickrate is still 15 frames
ngl this reminds me alot of ACNL's club LOL and it's auto emote feature
also wish this was a thing from the start
do you think this will be a feature on the splatfest reruns as well?
We ready (sorry I pressed continue earlier)
>Posted at the same time as the Nintendo of EUROPE twitter account. NOT splatoon NA account. Who the FUCK IS RUNNING THE SOCIAL MEDIA
in europe is daylight
in north america is still early
social media marketers
read >>491480120
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It's been a long journey, hasn't it?
Thats me
Hosting a zone room. I still play kinda bad after a lil break. And host M btw.
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[Festival infiltration report]
It's Fuuka.
There is a platform for staff to use in front of the giant clam stage, but it is dangerous so climbing on it is not allowed.
Come to think of it, there seemed to be cameras and drones left behind on the second floor.
Hmm, it certainly could be a great spot for taking photos...
>play two games
>one sided stomps twice in a row
>remember why i quit playing

the matchmaking is still shit huh
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Smaller playerbase = less ability for them to make balanced matches without wait times becoming too long for people to even bother playing
just woomy post instead its much cozier
>the english version mischaracterizes shiver again
good morning i hate treehouse
just afk
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post it
I'm on my bed but just search nintendo of europe.
yeah it's a shame too, I used to be pretty good at this game and I can't stand it.

I wish I could be naive and stupid and just play to enjoy it but I'm too much a sour old bastard now.
is it ok for me to play?
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"Your favourite reporter Shiver here, with a public safety message. Officially, you are not meant to climb the scaffolds for staff in front of the Giant Clam stage. I know they're the perfect vantage point for photos. I know they're unguarded. Just saying."
Yes! Room is up, but I must ask. You only want to play open rn?
what's wrong?
The translation looks fine.
never mind, something just came up, sorry to interrupt you. next time though!
what about this is mischaracterization
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Thanks for letting us know about a potential sniper perch Shiver. Pearl will be taken care of. Look, I even have her in my sights right now...
getting up on the conveniently unguarded scaffolding and taking a shot (at big man (I grazed his ear))
Bitch has no ears
It's not reserved and cool like Fuuka.
>Every ceph hides in their ink as it happens
>Top X battle sniper takes the shooter out
>When the bodyguards move Big man off stage he raises his fin and lets out a loud AY!
idk feels like you guys just like to complain sometimes
what is reserved and cool about barking like a dog when she sings
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Okay, good luck then.
Why do you think half the general is pastfags?
They were stomps in two different directions. I'm still good, the game is just shit at finding people of equal goodness.
I despise treehouse and even I don't really see anything that bad. just remove the "just saying"
Shut up 3 newfag, we own thisvplace
Have fun playing with nono
She's clearly sending a message to her fans, kill the competition for Deep Cut.
Most people have her blocked so it doesn't matter
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Thanks for including me, but you needed to do a bit more research.
I don’t care who wins as long as Off the Hook loses.
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yeah i'm team past, how could you tell?
Splatoon 4 return of the reptilians
fake pastfag
You only play Jr when we're together
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Why are so many of you so bitter, or rather why aren't you doing anything about it? You dont deserve to play colorful woomy game if you're going to stay like this
He just like me
Every match feels like a fucking life or death scenario where I have to turbo tryhard and carry retarded teammates to barely get a win or just get stomped, rarely do I get matched with fellow good people on my team who can pull their weight and I can be more laid back in the game.
I wish Splatoon had side games that weren't multiplayer focused like how pokemon has mystery dungeon so I can enjoy customizing my veemo and enjoying the game without all the damn stress of terrible teammates or insanely fucked balance all the time.
Maybe something like a turn based rpg/tactics game or a top down diablo clone or something
to be fair it doesn't take that long
doing anything about it always ends up the same way so why bother
Colorful woomy game doesn't deserve to have me play it because it stays like it is and they refuse to do anything about it. Of course I'd be bitter.
>game ends with only one inkjet shooter and zero zipcaster shooters
There'll be a 3rd splash kit with zip.
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yeah and the inkjet shooter hasn't been usable since the patch that inkjet was at its most busted, and even then it was only on the cusp of usability
femoid artist
most of the yuri artists are female
in fact i'd say most of the deep cut artists are female (this one isn't a deep cut artist but still)
The kits in 3 have been so unfun for the most part in my opinion. It's strange how even though some were perfect in 2 they changed them. I get the removal of ink armor and tenta missle nerf even if I think it was heavy handed, but changing the kits for stuff that was already pretty balanced and fun into things less intuitive and with less synergiy is strange to me.
I might be biased though since I dislike most of the new/splat 1 returning specials. I like how they made splashdown actually useful instead of always a death sentence though as well as crab tank.
Oh and reefslider is alright too
Reefslider just needs some invicibility extra frames or the ability to defuse bombs
I think it's weird how 3 generally has fun ideas for new main weapons, and the new specials are basically fair and have counterplay to them (tacticooler aside), but they seem like they're really afraid of giving most weapons strongly synergistic kits.
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They might be afraid of making some things too dominant like 2 but if that were the case chargers/long range would not be so damn powerful and the map design would have not been made in such a way to make them so strong either
3 is just confused compared to 2. I like the qol but apart from that, the campaign, and shit I hate like battlepass/having to have internet to claim news items the game could have just been updates to 2 and it would have been fine
I'm probably not going to buy splat 4 if they put the same effort in from 2 to 3 or less, especially if the online is still so bad.
there will never be a funner kit than ttek in 2
someone cut off veemos legs oh the woomanity
Tenta Sorella Brella was hilarious on splat zones
when they said the game would have chaos in didn't think they meant the balance and maps
3's maps are the opposite of chaotic
sbmm makes playing anything off your main in tw basically throwing
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design wise sure but I mean more in the sense they're meat griders
nnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh i know what ya said about me behind my back nigga
What does sbmm stand for again?
spill the tea sis
super bros mario mario
why do they make that stupid face when they do sisters style
Skill Based Match Making.
Yeah it'd be swell if there was some kinda singleplayer mode that was really fun and replayable
Ah dammit my team didn't follow
GG rc for quick turf
these are super cute
Jihadslider needs less recovery frames after the explosion. Sitting on your ass like a retard for an entire second is what kills the special.
>win gacha prize
>remember I turned off lobby noctification and forgot to put it back on
I'll remaon unfreshed...
stinky ceph
You can find more like these on the booru... if it's still up
timmy "mains" clash blaster whenever he plays with /ink/ because he would mog the fuck out of everyone if he werent playing with a handicap
>Change veemo to weyyo
>Lewdness increases x16
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Not you too!
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Booru is indeed still up
Yebweyy gang, we have to stop weyyos from becoming veemos
reread his post
just a crumb of goblin cleavage.. please nogami...
i’d probably play a yeb/weyy instead if they didn’t all look like faggots
im gonna bloblublob you
This yebby has autism
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hiro looks straight
top woomy x bottom weyyo is quite popular in the fandom
That's the reason most yebweyy players play them
I think yebbies are cute, especially when paired up with a cool woomy.
I have the straightest yebweyy in this general.
post him
Nono's weyyo was the straightest and now he's gone...
post him
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A bee excited by the Nuraneva Gear has come to Bankara Town!
Hachi: "This is a commemorative photo of the Slime Union."
Fuuka: "Who the hell are you? Don't underestimate a thug like that!"
He may be straight but he's still the biggest faggot here.
>so straight he transitioned
coom art
I want to grope a veemo
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Just because a weyyo dresses cute that doesn't make him a veemo
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is that a boy?
still getting sniped through walls and late-killed by JP players
Americans please wake up and do something, homosexuals are roleplaying in the thread unchecked
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you clearly don't know your basic octo anatomy, anon
enlighten me anon I want to learn
he's referring to the eye rings
weyyos dont have the extra spike
it's a reliable tell, something inklings lack and why hime yebs exist
you don't even know what roleplaying is, maybe you should google it instead of sperging out in the thread like a drama-seeking little faggot
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post more straight texts/pics/vids instead of complaining like a faggot
>English localization makes the character use English slang
whhoooaaaaa this is clearly outrageous and unprecedented
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>t. NoA localizer
there aren't any octos where i live
oh i see.
what an interesting evolutionary trait
>t. seething autist that spergs over nothing
Loads of sub power up is funny on point sensors. You can chuck them over half a map's distance and they last for up to 16 seconds. Nobody runs more than 1 sub of sub resistance, so you can put someone, or even multiple opponents, on the back foot for a good chunk of time per throw.
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she has to work very hard on growing her horns in order to cut them off for the millions of woomies that want their own horns
it's okay, she eats enough for it
Playing a weapon without a lethal bomb is like pulling teeth. They should just remove utility subs next game, most of them are hot garbage anyway.
>They might be afraid of making some things too dominant
They already did this though. Machine, Splash, Squeezer, Ballpoint, Trislosher Nouveau, Stamper, Pencil, etc. We already have a whole slew of ridiculous god tier kits and OP weapons, it's just that most of them were launch kits. Now the new kit releases have all been weaker and can't hope to keep up.
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Squid-based matchmaking.
smash bros melee moments
>picks something she doesnt like
>has a bad time
yeah they should change the game to accomendate you
splat3 never had sbmm, it was always ebmm
>"just don't take it!"
all the more reason for those subs to be changed, if your only defense is "pick something else"
the only matchmaking splat3 has is FLAR
Extremely based matchmaking
I could make an argument about how much better bombs are in this series, but given the way you type I'll just call you a retarded nigger and move on instead.
flar is essentially what engagement-based matchmaking is
forcing losses (and wins) to trick you into playing more
this woomy doesn't wear shoes wtf
Balanced matches that you have a 50% shot at winning are more engaging than 1 guaranteed win followed by 1 guaranteed loss thoughbeit
consider this: learn to play neutral properly and you'll be less reliant on subs and be able to run fun shit like bekkins
Picking something else is probably the best choice for you. Not every kit is for everyone, and a lot of it comes down to your playstyle. If you're struggling with utility subs then removing them entirerly from the game is just stupid. What a childish take
love yourself
Still disappointed W-3 isn't playing on stage during this. But at least we can get Goldie's on normal waves.
I only have fun when I win.
Goji raped a newborn to death this morning.
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okay redditor
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Reminder that it's okay to filter any and all /ink/er names because normal people just say initials while only the local freaks actually say them.
are you that scared of other people, anon?
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How does something like this even happen? Is it some sort of birth defect? I just wonder what it takes for a person to be raised, grow up and then end up obsessing over someone like this.
This game's become way too fast-paced and aggressive for my tastes, I will never be able to keep up with all these adderall-addled zoomies playing cooler meta shit.
What part of your under developed brain associates keeping your living space free of shit all over the floor as being scared? Literally the only people that make posts like you did just now are those terrified that their schizo posting won't be seen by the masses because that's the only positive thing you have in your lives
that's just most people over 30, if you didn't git gud at a game before that threshold then you ngmi
Keep your bullshit to yourself if you don't want Truth to be spoken.
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Are (You) prepared for the Big Run?
mindbroken schizos will be mindbroken schizos
I'm not cheating and watching videos of people playing it, so no I'm completely unprepared
Yikes! I hit a nerve with that one huh? Please see a therapist anon. You dont have to be afraid anymore
>Posted at t the same time on the Splatoon Japan and Nintendo of Europe account
>Not splatoon Na
>Nintendo of Europe which hasn’t announced any other grand festival stuff

Fucking WHY
Hello fellow pool fresher.
its okay anon
Small indie
no it's not
whats wrong
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>Not on list
>But in the image
All is as it should be
my recent wins dropped below 30
You should reflect on why this makes you so mad
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i think the reason youre suffering is not because you have lost matches but because you put all the importance on winning rather than just having fun
>but its the only way i can have fun
you decide that, you can change it, it might not happen overnight but it sure is going to be better than feeling bad over and over again
>the guy who unironically likes fwar
I don't mind people talking to each other in the thread. Talking about each other is when shit gets retarded real quick.
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This seems like something I've heard before.
She's right.
We are already in the content extension. Grandfest is happening past the 2 year mark which means it's more than we were promised.
We get it Nono you throw matches for fun
Thinking about salmon
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My big fat daddy boyfriend... Big Man, my old cute man...
Post... more...

Literally my dream kind of boyfriend, I want that emotive Big Man on my life...
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sniffing woomy armpits
woomy sniffing armpits
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what is best splatband and why is it h2whoa
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nobody posted it...
Wet floor
turquoise october (and derivatives)
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>Great Tusk
*Great TuskS.
But yes, checks out. Lately though, I have been pretty enamoring of Slosher Deco and vanilla Dousers. Looking back, we should've gotten an Angle Shooter for our second stamper variant.

Hopefully in the future, we will get some duo idols with either as just like Big Man, a big cute mascot character. Big Man walked, and he walked hard, so others could run.
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H2whoa adjacent, i'll allow it
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Has anyone managed to get into that area yet?
woomy keeps sniffing my armpits! what does she want??
anyone wanna SR at rotation?
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I can fish
You don't even play with me and the boys anymore
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GrizzCo Memo:
Valued employees,
It has come to our attention that some of you have chosen to disregard your assigned golden egg quota and have regularly participated in non-company-approved self-destruction for the purposes of increasing the occurrence rate of King Salmonids. While we at GrizzCo Industries appreciate your tenacity and dedication to keeping the Splatlands safe, we must remind all employees that the collection of golden eggs, especially during the imminent "Big Run" event, is our top priority.
Failure to meet the 700 million egg quota set for the event may result in docked pay and/or the termination of any employees who do not adequately contribute to the final tally.

Remember: A productive worker is a happy worker
But us a happy worker a little worker?
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room's up
I did this in another general I used to browse, good advice

Nah. In real life we get to just walk past the crazy homeless man spouting nonsense.
SR room 4/4 starting
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>rank-up battle
>get 3 of the worst teams imaginable
thanks nogami
how bad are we talking?
1:2 kd ratio and barely knowing how to use their weapons
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Ah the typical rank up teammates. MMR at its finest. Have a cute woomy to relax with.
I miss soup, I miss him ruining my rank up once
sorry mate, our engagement-based matchmaking algorythms figured out that if we deny you a rankup now, you'll play 2 more series and another rankup, but if you rank up you'll be done for the day, and we can't have that
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I knew satan was behind ebmm
Woomy in the light
Her heart liberated
Able to woom again
ea literally has the patent for it so not far from truth
GGs SR room
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ggggggs slom!
you know I've been playing a little bit of clam blitz just now and its not so bad actually... I mean it's not great but maybe I've given it too much hate for no reason these past 2 years...
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GGs SR comrades!
GGs bros, sad we got all bronze from Joe
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I was going to use Frye's horns but they just don't look right on my veemo guess I'll go with Shiver's....whatever that thing is.
kill yourself
The Amiibo are in stock at Nintendo if you guys want it now.
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Is Otyugh the ultimate form of Woomy they are not telling us about?
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just carrying some timmies to victory
so thoughtful joe! what a hero
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Hang all footfags
Not a single foot in the image you see a Frye you react on auto.
It sure does feel bad missing a solo wipe.
Have you tried any of the other headgears?
>win 4 series games in a row
>get a huge lead in the 5th but then teammate disconnects and we lose
>proceed to get stomped 3 games in a row
Yeah I tried them all out I might go with Marina's earrings I do like them.
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(You) me if you want in.
>you aimed a bit too low your cool clip is ruined
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The worst feeling for me is dying when trying to goal the RM and someone else does it right after
You feel robbed, bitter... unsatisfied
kill yourself
that wasn't me, mr obsessed
but i do agree with that anon's sentiment
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Pls rate my fashion. First 3 are my cutest fits. The rest are just me trying out some different combinations. New cap looks okay weith the order suit. New survival suit is lewd and shows maximum midriff, damn.

Also, how's the order suit + buckle-down boots combo look? I was going for a naked boots look, tight white curves contrasted with heavy leather.
kill yourself
Good woomies & Love Yourself
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I've seen a lot of people using the white boots with the hat or the iridescent shoes. The black boots work if your going for a dom woomy
>rank-up again
>stomp loss
ebmm FLAR
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>TC Series
>teammate spams "This Way!" the entire match
>uses kraken to chase random enemies instead of taking the tower
>lays beakons in plain view of the enemy
I hate it here
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>1000 coomer fits and one actually decent one
maybe the fashionschizo was right.
How do all of the outfits look with the Friendship Bracelet?
>silver x rank badges on their side
>on my side: all kinds of colorful ttek badges except the ones that ensure me they're competent teammates
I love predictable outcomes
Whatever anon mentioned sploosh being op in turf and using killer wail to just go into their spawn and turf yesterday thanks for the easiest turf session of my life today
Tokay is still kicking?
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I didn't want to play today anyways
How do you get that much timeout? Even as someone who ragequits and AFKs more often than I'm willing to admit I never get it over 10 mins.
>maybe the fashionschizo was right.
Whats a fashion schizo?
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>Some of you may be wondering why the amount of 700 Million Golden Eggs was chosen, and I again remind you, the decision was completely arbitrary. On an unrelated note, there are new bonuses avaliable for employees who would like to volunteer for a unique task. Simply deposit the collected eggs into this 'special storage silo' (photographed here), and when it is full, press the large red button. I, and Grizzco, thank you for your continued service.
Some tard that constantly larps as a /fa/g.
I've never seen him.
It's High Tide Era
great day in the morning
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kill yourself
>already has another special ready
That would actually be really cool. Grizz sends himself a rocket
>mk III colors
>using the mk I's special
Super fresh octo lice
what is a woom?
a miserable little pile of silliness.
Nono I made a room
woomy in the dark
woomy woomy woomy woo
ching chong nip nong dong

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