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old >>492499264
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gvm pvmp

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im gonna cryboom
>another streamer grift failling
era sisters we can't stop winning!
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what's the next grift going to be?
HC in october by onlyfangs
something really stupid like retail wow with ironman hardcore mode
probably another (((dueling tournament))) for the usual clout chasers
ah yeah the tournaments where they just happen to pair Snut- I mean the best wow players with literal who's all the way to the final bracket
>insta seethe reply schizo meltie in his comments
not clicking that virus
sup alex
tripcode when
>he fell for the deviate delight meme
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>Looks at the titanic
>say "it's gonna sink"
>it sinks
sod is bussin its time to admit you lost wowcg
>5 digits
sod lost, thats why the thread is so dead
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post volumes
If I'm a newfag, should I play through Dragonflight to make sure I get the good flying shit or will it give me dragonriding without it?

why is she so fucking retarded, bros?
why do they call her racemixy though?
there's a reason why crybooms fled from TBC and Wrath when semi difficult raids released
loves nascar
Revival of that streamer only HC guild. Except fewer people will care as it's going to be a retreading
why do they call her mariaqt though?
Hot damn that's at least 4 posts down the drain in the last 30 minutes
its probably her first time playing wow
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>thread only survives off shitposting
The Tauren female one is so spot on it’s scary. In BFA, I was in a guild where our resident Tauren female player was our Druid healer, top notch at her job and cared for everyone. Literally everyone called her the guild mom, incredibly sweet person as well. And she made ungodly bank on the ah. How was this so accurate without knowing her specifically?
You could just do what I do. In the last /wowcg/ I just pretended to be multiple people and had conversations with myself to boost the thread and get actual people in here.
she got a huntard to 60 already. also plays retail
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that cant be healthy
definitely a certified cryboomer then
What is there to discuss? Era is 5 years old and in desperate need of fresh servers. SoD is dead due to gross incompetence. Nobody gives a fuck about Cata. lol HC.
Idk about healthy but it got the job done.
How is SOD dead? I just resubbed and started a character. Saw tons of people in org and have had random high levels run by me and help me out.
so you're ready to admit that everything WoW related is alive then (except deviate delight LOL)
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i thought warcraft 1-3 were the original trilogy
Wtf are you talking about? I have never said WoW anything is dead. You are having an argument in your head.
no i won
win what
Win this dick in your mouth
they only take niggers, sorry
The Venn diagram of WoW players and Blacked gooners is a circle.
goon goon troon troon

i played warrior in vanilla doesnt that count
nost and classic don't count as vanilla
i'll remember that the next time you scream for fresh
i'm a netherwing chad though
damn so you've been in misery for 18 years?
J won
skibidi kurwa browwn
and the chat is on fire
anybody leveling on whitemane after dropping your dd toon?
>1 filtered post
the one that called you 8_ |2_0_VV_|\| or the one that said that T /-/ 3___ C |-| /-\ T is on F 1 |2 3 ?
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holy shit its literally classic+
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Bitch that’s just a purity seal. They’re finally adding 40k to classic.
its funny how quickly the warhammer influence of this game vanishes as time goes on
it's clear that they're teasing a vanilla event in the 20th anniversary (for retail lmfao)
sorry but sod and their other classic wow projects aren't the main focus
>Oh no no no no
Blizzard art team still the BEST in the BUSINESS!!!
>classic wow thread
>its nothing but retail talk
wow they made grievous into a sod thing, thats so heckin poggers just like my m+
Wow a 20 year old game isn't that interesting to discuss right now?
>suddenly its about how old the game is and not how much content drought the old versions have + how you get denounced for talking about any other version of the game in the classic umbrella because they're all pretty much on life support
Wtf I love retail now
That's Hallowfall in the background, stop coping nigga
SoD won so fucking hard bros
>MC launched a little over a month ago
>content drought

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now this is some disney bloat i can get behind!!!
SOD WON!!!!!!!!!!!
fresh classic where they let us say the n word
yeah that's why MC saw a growth of only 50k players total
disney plap
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play the fucking game (or don't idgaf) else fuck off nigger
I'm playing WoW as I type
not soddy lmfao
Dragonflight patches last like half a year each, talk about content drought..
Isn't it funny how all I said was I don't play soddy and you immediately jump into assoomptions
simply funny
>xhe plays caca/turdie/etcetc
it would be funny if it weren't so sad
>t-tell me what you play so I can make fun of you! *sobs*
im good thanks sis
i want to fuck female troll in the ass
I really liked season of discovery. Shame they killed it
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Dont mind me just playing the best version of the game right now
SoD is dad games, the last 3 weeks of MC I was the only person who even logged the raid. Warcraft logs is actually not a good representation of playerbase for SoD
Yeah, actually. I am leveling there and you can usually get dungeon groups going, just takes a bit of work. If you're a tank you will get groups much faster.
I wish era wasn’t RMT central, everything is gdkp / gbid, and a large chunk of the playerbase are degenerate swipers + all the zones are infested with bots as a result.
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its probably just that elf nigga from space. get ready to see every palacuck in the dress tho
DD couldnt recover from Alex's redridge onslaught
Natural result of allowing RMT
The game is, and will continue to remain, slop. Imagine the disgusting new animations in that.
whats wrong with his face? does he have downs?
this post upsets the hive
>Haven't played SoD
>Hear about it over the months but have no idea wtf is going on
>Decide to see what its all about
>Tune into a pvp stream of SoD
>Goblins and trees and bushes running around
>Enemy names seen from accross the battleground
>Shaman runs by, has sprint and a wolf with him
>Warrior keeps having some kind of red wings effect and has a deathgrip
>Fire cat druid
>A mage casts healing spells on himself
They don't call it SoDomy for nothing.
>go into the server that says it has new items and abilities
>there's new items and abilities
No way...
Shit's going down and we get no mention of Northrend earthen? No deepholm elementals coming Khaz Algar? Did Blizzard forget?
Sod feels like a dead space 3 - complete failure and blasphemy of the brand
I'm enjoying rogue tank after 3 phases of it feeling like shit
classic doesnt count as vanilla
Why doesn't anyone blogpost their cute troons anymore?
if 1.12 is vanilla, what flavour is TWW, SoD and cata?
mint chocolate chip
half vanilla half chocolate
softserve vanilla
1.12 is vanilla
TBC is strawberry or orange
WoTLK and beyond is chocolate with a bunch of different gross toppings, point is that it doesn't have any vanilla in it at all
Oh and SoD is vanilla mixed with dirt from the floor from when the devs dropped it on the floor, stomped on it, scooped it up then served it to you while repeating "that'll be $15 plus tip".
>classic isn't vanilla
damn you've been in misery for over 18 years then? 1.12 ended in 2006 soooo...
new cryboom video with totally not repeated jokes just dropped
if you know the channel, you know
I miss the old art designs, and seeing HD versions of the old design really reminds me of how the art direction really took a nosedive around legion/bfa and hit rock bottom during sl/df. Everyone slobs the knobs of the art team but i really think the direction drifted towards dreamworks/pixar shit.
that's a lot of words to say "new bad old good"
File deleted.
he's not wrong, though
>anime pedo
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>firelands in 1 month
>guild is falling apart
>hop on my server's 'cord
>no guild is recruiting a holy pala
No, old was good when it was new, now their new stuff sucks. Wow had a solid art direction for years. Its been long enough to consider Legion old as well.
>new bad old good
yup yup
im gonna cryboom
*crybooms all over the last 40 posts*
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>nothing for classic chads
>retail getting a better classic plus than classic did
holy kek double you
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what's the problem?
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>3 insta seethe replies
mine isnt seethe, though. its clearing laughing at classic cucks
this but in a completely unironic way
Hey HCucks, tune in if you're going to play the october grift
>more new content in a retail patch than the entirety of sod which was supposed to be classic plus
not caring about your disney bloat no matter how hard you shill it
>insta indirect seethe reply
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is this what they mean by disney bloat?
I can't stand WoW's modern models, the texture of everything looks like play-doh.
>classic wow thread
>it's nothing but retail discussion
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>retail gets a brd raid before classic plus does
Personally I would rather BRD stay as a dungeon in classic, but that's a pretty neat addition to retail. Vanilla dungeon design just can't be beat.
>I would rather BRD stay as a dungeon in classic
Brand New Cope
I remember how everyone wanted BRD to be a raid in soddy, instead they got Sunken Temple and Molten Core+ lmfao
It's not cope, I just don't agree with those people, I didn't like dungeons being converted to raids to begin with. Besides, the dungeons that were converted to raids in SoD were all generally unpopular dungeons like BFD and Gnomer, so it made sense they would choose ST over BRD.
>I just don't agree with those people,
unlucky for you, those people make up 98% of the classic wow playerbase who'd receive a BRD raid in SoD with open arms, whilst the 2% (You) would hate it
Hate is a strong word here, I just wouldn't prefer it.
Hate, disagree, don't want, i don't like, same thing in a dev's eyes when it comes to these decisions
>Holly is working on the Retail WoW anniversary event over SoD
Hot damn
didnt she ruin runescape tho?
oh NOW she's bad huh
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Everquest. And she killed it, just like she's killing retoilet
damn soddies are getting buckbroken hard over the anniversary event
literally the same shit happened with ulduar during wotlk classic
>omg wotlk hype le hecking wotlk!
>people get their achievs and bis from p1
>everyone stops logging on
>next raid comes out
>people get their achievs and bis and stop logging on
the same shit will happen with firelands and the next raid and the next one. its cause wow past tbc has no big time sinks outside of raids.
uhh wtf why not fight incendius inside the anvil room
>its cause wow past tbc has no big time sinks outside of raids.
what tbc time sinks?
Looks kinda bussin, should we all play retail? Oh wait you guys are already playing retail nevermind
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Uhhh... caca sissies?
every classic wow version is on life support
retail unironically won
Classic has more players lol
can you tell us the numbers?
Time for another mindless argument between two people that desperately want the last word.
Is someone forcing you to browse the thread?
you know you could just do something else
Holy shit that's real lol. How the fuck what the fuck hahhahhahha. The cataclysm homos literally are retail players
yeah its real
just don't ask questions
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>indirect insta seethe
yea i won
>anime pedo
oof, sorry pal, but you're getting skipped
Very high quality posts, keep it up.
Classic about 500k, with pservers maybe a mil, retail has about 500-600k but 90% of them just collect mounts and transmogs so it's closer to like 50k actually playing any sort of game they enjoy
And then he'll say "brand new cope"
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Cata is officially over, I called it. Fucking retail tourists packed up and left.
>Classic about 500k
they will come back when they get filtered by raids that aren't 14 years old
People are on vacation, they will come back after the holidays
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>it's real
Cata, sod, era, and hc
Lfr filters a lot of people does it?
Cata 160k
Era 17k
SoD 85k
HC ~20k
Hmm that's an average of 300k vs the 600k retail players tou mentioned but in your mind, they don't count
catapissers like larping as cutting edge raiders
That population crash is pretty amazing, caca players are playing retail collecting moggies and cheevios now.
That large drop off doesn't make sense, what would make 75% of players suddenly just not raid that week mid-expansion when its never happened in classic's history?
it's at 160k at the moment, don't know why the graph is reporting that
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>Cata 160k
oh no no no
amazing what not looking at the source yourself does to someone huh
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yes it's quite the puzzlebox
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Wrong snapshot.
>Data for reset #14 (from 28 August 2024 to 3 September 2024)
Cata data is wrong, caca is bussin and poppin right now.
Mmmm I feel like crybooming right now
Hc has more than you list, about 40k, so I'm sure you're wrong on your other numbers as well, but even so, retail has 600k, and of that 10% actually play something resembling worlo making their playerbase 60k. This explains why noone creates or watches content about retail
>so I'm sure you're wrong on your other numbers as well
care to show me the right numbers then? other than your words alone?
I demand a recount

Caca player base right now
Retail: zero
Classic: 6 gorillian
It's OVER for retail
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dios mio...
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>patron crafting order system (basically the weekly get 5 mats/craft a thing from DF and the main source for kp) is utter fucking SHIT (costs a TON/wants stuff that is from random world drops/highest quality in week 1/2)
>everybody knows this
>check raddyt
>several threads that its shit
>the users are like: Yeah, its brown, BUT (insert brown nosing blizz here)

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Oh, Catacylsm is dead?
>new cope
read this in chris pontius' voice kek
i'm bam margera and this is losing all my buffies
they don't call it retail junior for nothing
notice how retoilet disney slop expansions didn't kill any of the previous classic versions, but once we got to cacapissm it died instantly
why is she so sweaty?
she's been PVMPING hard
that's not sweat ... that's orc cum
Cacca pissu cacca pissu got owned by disny bloat sloppu!
Cata bros... our response?
so .... are we getting classic plus?
Yes, they just haven't directly confirmed it.
yes, a new survey just went out
We can't sis... it's chudver
But they just did
we're getting Blackrock Depths raid, and warcraft 3 insignias
That guy was born in 94, he's literally a zoomer
29 years old legally
40 years old physically
14 years old mentally
Classic cucks exist to subsidize retail. This is well known.
skibidi kurwa brown ai slop J word
yeah its called SoD
blizzturd makes a lot more money selling expansions every year than subs
they make even more from retail paypigs buying tokens and store mounts
new cope
when are we getting a TBC era server?
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Cataclysm was the gateway drug to retail
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>retoilet is so dead that they're nostalgia baiting players with classic content
yep, its going on the retail servers next month
Holy new cope
im going on a date with the animer
man that anniversary announcement scrambled the brains of 'nillers so hard
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can't hear him from all the way down there, can you tell him to stand up?
oh he's already on his feet? could've fooled me
>meet actual retard on hc who keeps dying before level 12
>I came from dd
>consider asking if he knows Alex
>I didn't, though
It probably was him

>no fresh for the anniversary
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>Comments are turned off.
i thought classic wasnt true vanilla
true vaniilla has never been tried
except on nost ofc
why would they announce fresh when sod isnt over yet retard
Back then bait posts used to be creative and funny
And then the election tourists ruined it all
how many bots did gumgum have to spin up to fill an actual raid
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there's a timeline where gummy didnt sperg out and his server was a massive success
>four hours
>tbc fond rememberers btfod again
>samefaffinf your own post
>insta indirect seethe
sup gummy
why'd you turn your trip code off?
tbc is good, though
So good nobody wants to play it
people did play it in 2021, though
did they, though?
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>add paid boosts and wow tokens to tbc
>we will boycott this
>and you have to pay a hundred dollars to copy your character to even play :)
>hey look fewer people are playing I guess noone liked tbc
the character copy was to keep your guy in vanilla
is SOD the only classic wow still left? I kinda assumed they would be leaving a permanent classic/TBC/WOTLK server as they went along but it looks like its only cata and SOD?

is SOD good for a non raider?
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Give me 1 good reason why wow classic expansions like tbc wrath and cata shouldn't have paid boosts when 99.99% of the player base is max level and the lengthy arduous journey of 1-max takes days/weeks /played in a world that is barren and empty of other players.

You can't.
classic era is perpetual vanilla on naxx patch. there is nothing to do in sod but raid so sod is terrible for non-raiders.
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Burn this shithole down and we'll talk. Every fucking NA server was filled to the brim with subhumans from this country and Venezuela. None of them paid the $40 or whatever the cost was because they all abused currency trading and paid like $10 per boost. They would then bot/boost for a month and earn enough to continue on buying boosts, botting, getting banned and doing it for an entire year.
>he forgot about brazilians
>he forgot about russians
>he forgot about chinks
>he forgot about slavs
>he forgot about mexicans
>he forgot about
I loved SoD when I played but I think jumping in now may be hard because I'd imagine everyone is max level. Even outside of raiding, the game was incredibly fun and a fresh take on vanilla, but I would imagine it to be significantly less fun without people to quest/pvp with while leveling. I think it's definitely worth checking out, but realize you may not have a ton of people to play with until max level.
There are still era vanilla servers but would not recommend them as currency is hyperinflated due to gdkp and rmt. Hardcore is also an option.
Still retarded. And now blizz makes you pay $40 extra to play their expansion when it launches
>disconnects in you are dungeon as the tank
oof, damn i should've played better, gosh darnit, oh well, time to create a new character and try running deadmines again without dying!
They should be free then
Hc classic is great. You'll find it fun
Most classes could escape this in a dungeon, everyone over 50 could escape it with one consume, and this almost never happens

In classic most lower level dungeon pulls and bosses could be lived through without the tank too
iranians and venezuelans run Era with an ironfist
>makes you pay $40 extra
they dont make you do anything. only retards paid for the good goy edition because they thought they would fall behind when content is time gated for 2 weeks anyways
Who the fuck is buying gold to play on era?
"people" like him
>because they thought they would fall behind when content is time gated for 2 weeks anyways
They did though, poopsockers were able to level 16 level 80s in the time it took 1 normal guy to level up to 80 after the official launch. The leveling was that busted. It's Blizzard, exploit early, exploit often.
>actually they dont make you
Actually they do for you to play when it releases, which is what I said. You can choose to play later than when it released but you can't choose to play on release unless you pay extra
Ya I head they changed it after too

The feeling rushed to progress to endgame is why wow isn't good and why hc classic is good since endgame isn't even the main focus for the vast majority of players
literally whats the point of having that many lvl 80s?
it didnt matter. you could start playing right now and you'd be caught up to people a week ago in about 4 days.
>you're literally unable to play the game right now on today's date if you don't pay 90$
ok cryboom
>exactly not what I said
But also I won't play it now or ever so don't really care
>these clips never load properly for me
>finally see one
How can he be this upset about dying in a raid? Hc players lose their 60s with more reasonable reactions
and yet you brought it up to begin with
crazy how much the classic thread talks about retail. i thought the whole point of classic was to talk about the old version of the game, not the current
>copying alexensual
Oh ya guess I really care a lot then
I regret not paying for the copy, I had 3 full bis characters. Would've been fun to log on for 1-2 hours a day to do some BGs in that gear.
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all you had to do was treads man
You can tell he's the kind of fag that critizises about tanks all the time but has never tanked once in his life and would fail horribly if asked to tank anything other than a 5man.
can't imagine being his age acting like that
i'd never dare to show my face ever again if my family saw me doing that
and that's not even his biggest meltdown
sounds like k*ngen
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As much as I’d like to go back to classic wow Theres just no reason. Cata wow is obviously not an option. Vanilla servers are all old and the majority of the population is 60. It will be very empty while leveling. And hardcore is very fun but due to the risks it makes more sense to not really play the game and just do everything safe by waiting until you are far above any enemy in level. Am I wrong?
Would recommend a private server experience, especially turtle.
>would be fun to be mazed
Hardcore classic is a game, waiting to do everything when it poses no threat to you isn't very fun and endgame content is inherently risky anyway

Most people just play pretty normally and have a really good time
he is that guy, especially with shamans and totem twisting too
>with pservers maybe a mil,
>Would recommend a private server experience, especially turtle.
So tell me this, why the fuck are they still running on 1.12? Are the 1.13 classic files not already available?
Because mangos
It's my understanding that lots of Russians play the game who can't access blizzard stuff
can't put a crypto miner outside of 1.12
absolute pure and utter cope
So maybe they don't? Either way it doesn't matter to me. All the game needs is one we'll populated server, the rest is a buffer
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<CIover CIub> Horde [NA] Crusader Strike RP-PVP is recruiting for Season of Discovery PHASE FOUR!

As we did in 2019 classic, we aim to clear content efficiently and have fun while doing it.

Group 1 - Friday 6PM PST
Group 2 - Saturday 6PM PST
Group 3 - Friday 8:30PM PST

- Evading your post filters by using uppercase i instead of lowercase L
- A guild guaranteed to clear content - The most successful NA /vg/ guild, backed up by a track record of success during vanilla classic
- A clique-free, welcoming 5+ year old active and growing community
- No women/trannies
- Low-quality shitposters and retards need not apply
- PvP guild events + active discord/VC

Due to the viability of almost all specs, feel free to roll whatever you enjoy playing. We will have a spot for you.

Join now! Message anyone in-game with the OP post #. If you have any questions regarding the guild, feel free to add Exub on discord.
>Mobs will now prioritize melee targets when selecting their next victim unless the top ranged target has more than 130% of the threat of the melee target.
Turtletards, are you fucking serious? They didn't even have the 30% threat buffer in until literally today?
I suppose if you’re fine with taking risks that could mean having to start over. Classic wow already is a game that is a huge adventure. Having to start over after making it to lvl 48 doesn’t sound that appealing and it probably why hardcore has slowly been losing population size over time.
Wow really just needs community made content like they had with wc3 for it to be great permanently

And I think it's the only way, mmo design can't really work now
Hardcore is doing quite well, but definitely it's a game mode for a lot of people to just try once and it does suffer attrition but so does regular wow with content droughts
>starting over isn't fun after dying at 48
You'd be surprised. The game is different and it's more fun to just play
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never cheat, never lie
banilla fresh until i die
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Hunter bros... How could they do this to us???
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>Rested XP leading me straight to the hole into the void underneath of stormwind
Thank you rested xp, very funny
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Now that caca has catastrophically failed will we still get mop?
we had mop remix its time for a restart perhaps something..... fresh
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For what purpose
no doubt, will we get wod is the question
i know some poeple think they'd rush wod like caca to get to legion but i wonder if they want to do classic legion at all, the core gameplay loop is too similar to retail
I hate niggers who list shit like runecloth in stack of 1
fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU
I will now list all things in stacks of 1. Just because you made it known it annoys you.
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I will now list all things in stacks of 1. Just because you made it known it annoys you.
So what went wrong with cata?
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They destroyed the entire world for memes and gimmicks, which took the games SOUL with it

One of 3 expansions that was not just bad, but made the whole game worse forever
I'm straight up not enjoying cata raiding at all. in all prior versions at least you had some down time between mechanics to just stand and hit but now it's just relentless

that's really all one needs to know about this game and its so-called "community"
If wow classic would have been released in 2004 as a single player rpg how would it have been reviewed? Just imagine that any dungeons or raids either don’t exist or bots exist to help your character. It has a huge world and interesting lore. But would the repetive gameplay have been too much? I just sometimes wonder if wow is not criticized as much due to being in a world with other players. Because really even with how wow is, it’s a single player game. You will even in classic be doing most of the content while questing solo.
Gameplay would have had to be completely different as it didn't even meet the 2004 era single player standards
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>If wow classic would have been released in 2004 as a single player rpg how would it have been reviewed? Just imagine that any dungeons or raids either don’t exist or bots exist to help your character. It has a huge world and interesting lore.

Would have been 10/10, straight up. At least for me. I'd love to explore the world by myself and would do all dungeons/raids if there were AI bots (like in MoP scenarios) instead of these insufferable shitheads and all the associated loot/guild drama, raid schedules etc.
vanilla wow single player with bots but the bots HR all the gear you want
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What's a good class a Troll can be for solo and world pvp? I was thinking shadow priest only because they don't get warlocks in classic.
shadow priest
any homies playing HC?!?!?!?!?!
Being troll instead of ud is a significant disadvantage in wpvp
You're a complete retard. It's not that the new is bad because it's new, it's bad because they went with another aesthetic that looks worse.
the fidelity of the textures looks really cool but the colors look so washed out and drab
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I'm a newfag, playing through DF to level up to TWW.
Should I have reached or done any dungeons in this story, or are all of WoWs dungeons outside of the main story campaign?
In the Emerald Dream right now, so not really sure how far in that is as I just have basically followed the main story since it took me here.
Also why are there so many fucking generals up?
Wrong general tranny
Or that's what I would say but with the failure of caca might as well tranny post
You sure are right.
My mistake.
I don’t think it’s possible to make a good pserver without being a complete sperg. Just look at Wall.
red trial seems giga free. bronze too.
levelling my rogue on the cosy pve cluster
why arent you taking the cosypill, anon?
>Also why are there so many fucking generals up?
because of annoying fags like >>493241740
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you guys still play this slop?
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>transfer to faerlina
>lfg chat is nothing but wts spam and spics making groups
Given the fact that timewarped badges are now account wide, will i be able to do the weekly (500 badge) quest on all my alts and get ultra stacked on badges? Or has it been made an account wide quest?
wrong general, tranny
Prepare to burn a golfball-sized hole in your frontal lobe if you're not botting.
>weather starting to get colder slowly
>comfy winter wow sessions
ah, kino.
you should be grateful cata chads are keeping this thread from hitting page 9
naxx P*V*M*P soon
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what is onlyfangs?
caca troons couldn't even keep their own game alive though?
cata is the most popular version of classic right now
the one thing keeping HC relevant
if it wasn't for it, Blizzard would've shut down HC months ago
m0lt3n c0r3 pvmp
we're all watching the aq40 pump tho
sheen isnt even pumping hes just griefing bots
When you actually get a kill tho, troll laugh is BiS for humiliation.
Sometimes I only need 1 of the item tho. I love those people servicing my needs as well. Ty kings. <3
>will we get WoD
I truly hope not. Not because I hate WoD or anything, I didn’t play it when it came out, but because we’re severely missing the point of classic servers. It’s for the Classic era of the game. WotLK is like the bridge between classic and modern, with each subsequent expansion morphing more and more into a completely different game. I’ll give MoP a shot since I passed on it when it came out (because Pandaren are gay), but beyond that one, there is no longer any arguing of if it is classic or not. WoD is not classic. Legion is fun, but not classic. BFA, I enjoyed the raids but it is damn sure not classic.
is sheen the greatest streamer still playing era?
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got azuresong mageblade last night, rolled a 96
i'm an hpal
fuck mages and fuck warlocks
>WotLK is like the bridge between classic and modern
is this because muh old world that you don't visit when playing Wrath, or even at TBC?
The future of wow classic needs to be community made custom games/content like they had with wc3

Literally anything else is completely hopeless.
you know who is back from his vacay
you know where
I quit phase 2 because they turned my favorite ranged class into a braindead button mashing warrior
You mean... like private servers?
No, I mean what I wrote there. It's in English though Pedro.
hype, as seen on >>493183081
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>Fatggrend is making a fresh HC server for the grifters in november
Is that confirmed? I really hope they don't do this and Soda/his friends all just spontaneously die or something.
and that retard ITT kept being in denial when I say that Streamers are the sole reason that classic wow started to begin with
No, even though they moved the location of Naxx we still went back there and didn’t we revisit Onyxia in Wrath as well? Regardless, my point is about quality of life mechanics like dungeon finder and the beginning of micro transactions. Stuff that actually slowly killed the MMO aspect of modern WoW. And I’m not shitting on WotLK. It’s my fave expansion, but I think it was the start of those things, as inevitable as they were. And I think it was a decent balance of them.
Why would hardcore need a fresh server? It's mostly a solo adventure so creating a new character is like having a fresh server every damn time. This fat guy is literally just trolling the classic community.
I also disagree with that. A fresh server is the absolute last thing HC needs and will probably do some damage to existing pops. The new server will also be left a ghost town when they fuck off

All said, I don't think a fresh realm is confirmed is it?
>why would hardcore need a fresh server
It doesn't. Aggrend probably just wants to hurt it because it's a good thing and he's a hateful morbidly obese low intelligence no talent slob. He also likes to fuck with the servers and kill our heroes of hc azeroth routinely.
>thinks i dislike in a personal manner = not classic
Planning to play either affli or arcane mage, are they fun this expansion? How are heroic talents for them, make them entertaining?
>All said, I don't think a fresh realm is confirmed is it?
not official but that's why soda delayed it from october to november so they can prepare the fresh server lmfao
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how the fuck is hc getting a fresh server before era?
Ya I know some people are saying that but I sort of doubt it. Who knows though. I really hope unfortunate things happen to all the onlyfangs retards in real life.
Hc is much (much) better than era, and all other versions of wow. But I also don't think its getting a fresh realm. Official hc is less than a year old and doesn't have incredible numbers on existing servers and the entire premise of hc makes fresh resets pretty irrelevant
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yea im sure they will make a fresh server for the 20 people playing hc
it's only a video game, anon
Fatggrend is a massive clout chaser, though. I bet some ebeggar asked him for it and he said yes
That's fine. Influencers and reality TV stars should all get cancer and die.
>no pvp
Interesting you call me a third worlder when it's clear you lack reading comprehension yourself. Because it's obvious that "community made custom games/content" is what private servers are, fucking retard.
Fuck they really do need to fix this and they could do it in so many great ways

For some it's half the game, would be nice if they'd design something around it. It'd be easy too but blizzard actively hates classic and hc and wants it to fail so people will pay retail
how do they affect you personally? is it because you wanted to be one?
you now remember when faggrend and co were around changing every escort quest, npc and quests that would flag you for pvp because strimmers were getting ganked
based tinfoiler
>still havent done anything about the constant WTS SUMMON spam

They're going to be pretty annoying around my favourite game soon. They're just obnoxious retards in general and should be in the dirt. The world would be better if they didn't exist.
are you forced to play along with them or show up on their streams?
No of course not
ah okay, just really strange that someone is this irrational its all
Idk how you got that from what I said but aight
What's irrational about anything I said?
you wishing death over people because they play a video game and record themselves doing it
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But that's not why. Plenty of people do that and they don't wish they'd die.
Ah sure that's not why
Post the fucking source of HC getting a fresh server in November.
It's not, which is why I specified onlyfangs
the biggest wow streamer pretty much confirmed it on his stream
I fucking hate influencers so god damn much.
they made classic wow happen
you wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for them
No they didn't
Yeah they did
if it werent for streamers like soda, kungen and alexensual you wouldnt be playing classic right now lilbro
I won't play it anyway since the debuff limit was bugged. I'm still waiting for classic which has never been released actually
Damn you've been living in absolute misery for 18 years?
>if I say it enough it will become true
>ad hominem
Ad jewdium is always appropriate and not a fallacy
>le jooz
Ya its been thousands of years of the same shit from them
>seething yid
literally every fresh after 2019 has been a failure take a hint
why did it take them so long? what were they waiting for when people wanted classic wow for over decade
they didn't want them
They wanted people to realize the game they make (retail) is actually good lol
tbcchuds won
Why would anyone want to play on a fresh server when Era is literally right there? What am I supposed to do different? Play mage this time? Spam frostbolt for 6 months vs playing fire mage in Naxx and AQ40? Play a fury warrior again when I have access to my full BiS Naxx geared warrior from 2020? The fuck is the point? Who are fresh servers aimed at?
>unsolicited retail namedrop
Junkies. And I say that as an hc junkie
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>>unsolicited retail namedrop
He asked a question and that's the objectively correct answer. When blizzard is hamstringing classic projects and sabotaging their quality on purpose in order to promote retail it's a topic of discussion relevant to classic wow, and that is what they're doing and that's what they've always done. The dyed hair troons and obese Jewish retards at blizz are permanently seething that they can't make things that are good and don't like being reminded that godlike game design was once standard for blizz
uh oh, imminent indirect seethe
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the classic to retail pipeline is real
they sabotage classic as hard as they can (tokens, allowing bots, gdkps, gold sellers, shitskins) so people get demoralized and go to retail
>When blizzard is hamstringing classic projects and sabotaging their quality on purpose in order to promote retail it's a topic of discussion relevant to classic wow
That's the plan but noone actually goes and plays retail. It's literally paw patrol and somehow looks more dated in UI than classic does at this point

Comparing likely the best game ever made (classic) to one of the worst games ever made can't really be done
why did you make the same post twice?
>samefagging your own post now
>accuse others of what you do yourself
they just go to private servers, that's why turtie, warmane and ascension are thriving right now
too close to home eh
is 10k worldwide really something to be proud of? not to mention half of that number being slavs or chinks
I’m not clicking your link and giving them a view but I will say you’re a retard for thinking a streamer knows a fucking thing about what’s happening and isn’t just saying whatever to get views and attention.
>I fucking hate influencers so god damn much
Same. They’re the worst part of internet culture imo.
and blizzy servers are filled with iranians, venezuelans and mexicans, what's the difference?
Their business strategy was to release a better game to promote people going over to the shittier game?
>biting bait
le whataoubism
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>shitskins are okay when they play on my servers
i'd rather play with shitskins than p*dos though
>anime pedo
hey i hope you don't mind me skipping your post
>2 insta indirect seethe
very telling
Is it really "skipping" if you give it direct acknowledgement?
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>furries are a rarity among male tauren players
>every retarded thing I say is bait, I swear I’m not actually retarded it’s just le funniez
im trying to help you at letting you know what's obvious bait and what isn't and this is your response?
So how are you guys enjoying World of Warcraft(TM) Classic(TM) Season of Discovery(TM)?
im a retail chad. just waiting for them to release mop classic
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I think it's time to cancel my sub. I haven't logged on in a month.
>1 filtered post

we're all here
who is the chick? her voice is busted
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>wowcg doesnt even have its own community guild
you guys are pathetic
those never work
it would be retarded for blizzard to do just a hc fresh. could it be they are doing era fresh too?
They genuinely thought it wasn't a good game and they'd prove themselves right because they don't understand what soul is or looks like
There's a reason for that. It's always filled with femboys and furries and coomer retards. No one wants to play with them.
If this particular grifter streamer knew about era fresh he wouldnt be doing hc grift, he would be doing classic fresh grift.
says a lot about wow classic. speaks volumes, even.
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The only reason they havent done a classic fresh yet is because of the goyslop expansion for retail, they are waiting until people are bored of that trash.

simple as
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>fresh is so good that it can only thrive when there's nothing better to play
well wont be long then, in a couple of months ppl will be bored of the tranny within
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You could literally say that about every game ever, you silly ass nigger.

Go back to /wowg/ faggot
at least you admit that retoilet is trash
Multiple inside sources are saying the fresh HC server is for TBC
If they don't have a regular fresh realm along with it, I'll unironically freak out.
no one wants to play tbc, though
i want to play it
who says no to tbc fresh
besides crybooms that filtered by vashj
he said the word he did it!
Your hatred of old people stems to your hatred of your parents. Either cause they constantly mock your faggotry and autism, or cause one of them was absent.
fresh sod
holy projection
We are.. comfy leveling on Classic Era!
i think cryboom is a hilarious term. being bothered by it just makes you a bona fide clown
I love when people make french guilds with a name that makes it obvious they are french, i kill them on sight. fucking smelly french faggots
post you're cutting edge ulduar if your so good
Wheres that retard who denied this would happen just a few days ago
Remember when bait used to be good? Neither do I.
i dont think it's gonna be a fresh hc realm because there's literally no point to it, it's gotta be some event "sponsored" by blizzard like speed running some dungeons in hardcore or something like that
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I doubt it, the last time Blizzy sponsored one of these grifts some spic stole $5k from the prize pool
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>irrelevant after a month
they werent wrong
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tf is an online detox
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Well, looks like classic wow is dead guys...
deleting all the kangaroo pron
its part of his cycle, he goes inactive during the winter, goes on a manic bipolar ''im gonna make it'' spreee during spring/summer.
DD is poppin off, dozens are playing right now.
yeah literally a dozen
more than HC
not a high bar
>edgemasters is only 10g now

Really hope you start at the dark portal if this ever happens
>Nah speed level to 56 to experience the real game over 6 days played
I wish Staysafe would come back to streaming WoW again. All the Classic streamers are just so boring and bland.
I know this is 7 hours old but this is the dumbest post in the entire thread.

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