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Previous Thread: >>491889718


>Unicorn Overlord Was Originally Planned for PS Vita

>God Wars series sales top 400,000

>Tales of Hearts R delisting

>Ray Gigant has been delisted

>NIS America Releases Being Delisted from PSN

>Jet Set Knights is getting a physical release

>Killzone Mercenary Multiplayer Shut Down

>Content Can No Longer Be Transferred Between PS3 and PS Vita

>Update adds new security measures

>Root Letter series shipments and digital sales top 500,000

>Grand Kingdom to be delisted from Store on February 28 in Japan

>Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice to Have Servers Shuttered


>PSN Friends List

Want hacks/homebrew discussion?
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Good night, vitagen.
just in time for my sleep as well
Thanks for the thread
It's over 2
You welcome
>Touhou kobuto
>Vita sale
I cry
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Brazilian Miku killed Twitter in Brazil AND Concord.
Someone stop her.
Stop posting my elementary school underage wife without my permission.
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I don't have that poster, I wish I did.
She most likely live in rio and i can't go there
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Wtf anon you shouldn't grave dance on unpopular games!!!
>i can't go there
Too far?
No car/motorcycle?
Too expensive to use public transport?
take that as you will
Celebrating western games failing is a time honored tradition of mine
House arrest?
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Maybe I'll finally read the manual of NOëL Not Digital and finally understand how to play it. I bought that game off of PSN like 5 or 6 years ago and could never understand the mechanics and how-to of it.
Yeah but how about neps
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A bit early
I hope that's my present for christmas this year
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50% chance
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I still don't understand NOëL.
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why did you buy it
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Good morning, amiral~
It was cheap and the girls were cute.
Boat in the morning
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I hope you have a fantastic day, anon.
I can only hope
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Brazilian megumin
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who is your favorite meguca?
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I wonder if there is a touhou fan game with the UFO girls
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That reminds me, there's a new touhou mystery dungeon releasing soon. Apparently it's the third one?
I never try those so i can't say
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nep on low pages
Nep in bed
This is me soon.
In bed.
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It is so warm...
Nep undressing because it's so hot
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No more neps
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More im@s?
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big oops
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Finally something worth hacking the VIta, maybe I'll do it someday now
Weill i guess not
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man fuck you
>close studios that made great original ips
>don't have original ips
>surprised pikachu face
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>only took like 30 years to learn their lesson
Fuck them, they had a bunch of studios that made Vita games that they could've uses to make smaller original games to fill out the year but nooo, everything has to be AAA 100 million sellers. Deserved.
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Need milk?
>Bat milk
I'll die if i drink this right?
It's a special treat
I take that as a yes
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nice tits
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Senran online
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Good night, vitagen.
don't repeat my mistake anon
no no no no no noNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sony could've brought this over and got millions and saved vita, but instead they released concord
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Our timeline can't even give us tokimeki memorial
But that's just wrong. PlayStation has a lot of original IPs throughout the early PS days, and cinluding the IPs they've acquired through acquisition of subsidiaries/studios. It's just that a lot of them are dead right now.
That is a really inaccurate statement.
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And you people not gonna tell me what's there?
How much you guys hate me?
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Here you go.
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How i get that hat?
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chase her down and grab it from her backpack
But that's a crime anon
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But what if?
If vitagen wake up
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Kinda wanna buy an old PC and install Windows 7 on it just to play old games. Or maybe even Windows XP.
Oh, uhhh, vita games? I might play Muramasa Rebirth's DLC since I never did play it.
>I might play Muramasa Rebirth's DLC since I never did play it.
It's the best part of the game
Have fun
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It's not just that sony doesn't help, sony has always been actively preventing people from bringing games over.
>Another publisher tried to get approval from Sony for Sakura Wars 1+2 for PSP, but it was rejected. Once a title is rejected by SCEA there is almost no chance to release the title [...] Sony said this is not a game. They said it’s a text novel. They judged it as that, so it’s really difficult to get the license again. It’s also tough to localize Sakura Wars because of the huge amount of text.
This one I blame sega
Sega of america could have being this in the saturn days but they didn't
I'm awake
Are you really?
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Good morning
maybe this is just a dream
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I can tell youit's not
What if neps were in your bed, but you wanted to sleep?
sleep with nep
Nep undressed in your bed
It's neppin' time
Breaking the bed with Nep
Going to IKEA to buy a new bed with Nep
Surprised we don't have a Swedish vitagenner. Yet we have a couple Finnish anons.
Honestly I'm not sure why there aren't that many here. Maybe the chan culture simply wasn't there early enough.
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>boot the game
>"Could not prepare the application to start"
It's Nepover.....
Gonna restart my vita to test.
RIP ;_;
Can't launch Muramasa, can't launch ANOKODOKONOKO, launching TxK causes my screen to go black and freeze, might be something with my memory card? Oh well, it's been over a decade at this point, figured eventually I'd get some technical problems.

The good news is that this is my secondary "backup" vita, while my primary vita is still fine.
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Commemorative photo ;_;
But even though I labelled it DEAD, it's probably just the memory card that's actually dead and the vita itself is still fine.
What a loss.
>even one of our bigger finnish newspapers wrote about the failure of Concord

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Concord's failure is exceptional, like I know /v/ is quick to point out "muh woke and unappealing character designs" but even that shouldn't be enough to kill it this quickly. Just a combination of so many different minor factors, including stuff like hero shooter fatigue or always online fatigue. Also, though this may not be a majority opinion, I think the name sucks. "Concord". I think that's a bad name for a game tbqh.
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Good morning, vitagen.
Good morning.
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I hope you have a great day.
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I'm sure it'll be decent
is this official huke art? i can't find it through yandex or saucenao.
I don't know if there's fatigue, another thing is that they were trying to get people to pay for a game that's worse than its f2p competitors.
The significance of the character designs is that they make it clear that the developers are cultists that hate gamers. So instead of feeling sorry for the devs, I feel like they got what they deserved.
just look how cute this snake is
>/hbg/ dead
>vitagen on last legs
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We're on our tippy-toes, thank you very much!
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Vitagen? Are you still there? I can't see you down there on page 9
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Is everything else working fine?
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I'm working just fine thank you
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those two are not bombergirls
I play very little Konami games, so I can't recognise like 90% of their characters. In fact, I think the only Konami games I've played are MGS2 and 3. Last time I played Bomberman, that franchise was still owned by Hudson Soft.
Haven't tried much else. Later I'll test non-game softwares like the web browser, opening the PSN store and seeing if I can download anything.
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It's fine anon
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This is like what SEGA attempted to do with 404 Error Game Reset except they shut down that game within like a year of launching.
>plat project diva f
>load up f2nd save from years ago
>lots of progress already made, but also none of the events have been done
So I’ve got a bit of a grind on my hands, but I’ve already unlocked most things so it’s basically just unlocking the rest of the gifts, giving gifts and buying room items
15 minute gift restrictions suck though, who came up with this shit
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This could have been gravity rush getting the astro bot hype and accolades if Sony had given a shit about it…
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Or [any japan studio game here]
Maybe this will be the wake up call Sony needs and they rediscover their Japanese roots

>dat video
Bros.....I miss Ape Escape.
I’ve never played ape escape
Try the first one, it's great.
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What is he trying to say
I haven’t played this
I think astro bot looks cool, but I feel like it belongs to the ps1/ps2 era sony. Like it would fit in right with jak and daxtar, ratchet and clank, spyro and crash. It feels like a boomer appeal in todays climat where they all these "mature" games.
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Nee-san looks so fluffy.
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Love and snek. Love and snek. Also wake up.
Looks nice
>Also wake up
Im here
tell me what you need
>playstation 30th anniversary
I’m still using the 20th anniversary theme for my vita
Time is moving too fast stop it
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The boat is dead
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But Herr Doktor, how will it help?
Oh well i guess she fine again
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sad and flat
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anila if big
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I'm sure she will be fine
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>Almost one week without twitter shitpost
Feels unreal
I saw a special brazilian twitter workaround that allows you to browse twitter.
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How about wake up?
Good evening, gotta go sleep soon. But I saw a Polish hockey team today, there was about 50 polish fans in the stands as well. For half of the match they just shouted Kurwa Tampere. Nice folks.
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Good night, vitagen.
Sleep well
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homu homu
Is homu homu?
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and then homura woke up
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isn't Kutaro in the game
good question
low page hater
Anyway, I finished the first playthrough (5-6 hours). But I didn't max everyone's bonds so I got a bad ending.
The game starts with a recap of the anime story but at the end madoka tell homura to go fix everything so she goes back in time and puts together a team. Mami has a good head on her shoulders and the blue girl doesn't go full retard. The game takes place over 30 days with a story event in the daytime and a dungeon exploration at night. In the dungeons you blow up a bunch of mobs and sometimes fight a witch as a boss fight. You fight the witches multiple times because the game needed some filler.
The gameplay is pretty basic. After using a "magic" attack (such as homura's rocket launcher) there's a bit of a cooldown before you can use it again. You can use physical attacks until the cooldown ends, or run around dodging attacks. But there are a lot of times where you just want to keep shooting at distant enemies. So rather than waiting for the cooldown to end, you can fire a rocket and immediately switch from her "rocket launcher lvl3" to "rocket launcher lvl2", fire another rocket, switch back, and repeat.
I mainly used homura so I'll test out the other characters more next time.
I made the mistake of putting some points in str at first. Should have put it all in mag instead
The translation patch covers the story and important stuff but other things are left untranslated, like the tutorials on loading screens
I guess smartphone camera translation can save the day
>But I didn't max everyone's bonds so I got a bad ending
>That screenshot
does madoka still turn into a witch or something?
>The game takes place over 30 days with a story event
I might be wrong that's the series time
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Well fuck that's sad
And as always mami fucking dies
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I don't think a teacher should do this pose
must be an exercise
I'm tired of your excuses anon
I'm calling the police
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>Borderlands movie
>woke character redesigns

>woke character designs

When will they learn?
Officer, some little girl in a swimsuit snuck in to the higher-grade classrooms and is pretending to be a teacher
oops she got trick into take lewd photos as well
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This shouldn't be allowed
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It's that time again
For vitagen to help me
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No compliments?
I guess it's sleep time for me
Have a good day
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Sweet dreams
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Good morning, vitagen.
Good morning. Scoop hunting?
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Oh we hunting something today.
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Hmm.... chocolate...

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Does she need to pee?
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If you're wondering why vitagen is extra slow today, it's because my DNS is acting up and 4chan literally won't load on my desktop PC. So this post is posted from mobile. I hate typing on mobile.
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Here is dog (very cute!!!)
you know you can set it manually yes?
It will be daijobu
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>wake up
>no compliments
>go back to sleep
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You sleep like a baby.
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Hey how you know that?
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that's not okay
Yeah Byakuren is missing
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I'M BACK (from >>493369412)! My DNS just magically sorted itself out. Probably a server-side issue.
>you know you can set it manually yes?
Yes, I am aware, but I'll only do that if the problem persists for a long time.
welcome back
What if vitagen sleep forever?
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Only if we sleep together.
9 hours of sleep
Wait no joke
Wake up
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And then what?
Post it
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bad sisters
Is that the title of the next nep game?
Yeah it's a game with noire and nepgear
gold looks better anyway, allergy donor!
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I am allowed to post this?
I'll allow it
it's not the same VA, is it? so I wonder why?
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is she okay?
Just too hot
They gave her the wrong size boobies.
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I don't think nagisa boobs are that big
Can't be helped, official Key art
Not even old nagisa was that big
different type of milk?
Mr Key decided it so.
imagine tomoyo
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Maybe she gets smaller, who knows
Now you made me sad
Please no
Okay the twins are now flat to keep the balance, lets keep Tomoyo at least the same
I mean ryou is flat so it's fine but poor kyou
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I think she just hides them better, they're twins so they should be about the same size
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Good nyaight, vitagen.
Could be
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sleep well, adonyable boat.
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Too bad that only disgaea rpg get crossovers
Sometimes I do wonder if I've spent too much money on games over the years.
did you play them all? then probably not.
do you regret?
No, it's going to take at least 10 more years to finish all the games in my collection.
For the games I think are shit, yes. But sometimes I do wonder if I maybe should've put some of that money into a savings so I can buy a house in the future, I dunno.
You can always sell your shit games
shit games make you appreciate the good games more, though
Is saber lily
you know
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But now it's time to sleep
Hope vitagen doesn't die
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I wonder who made these and if they're still making them. All the ones I have I've saved from vitagen and I never knew if someone here made them or if they saved them from somewhere else.
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Good morning, vitagen.
Played more madoka. They defeated the witch with the power of friendship and saved everyone!
For story events you often get to choose between a couple options, plus there are more events that occur when characters increase their friendship with eachother, so that stuff remained fresh during the second playthrough.
Gameplay-wise I found madoka to be especially useful, she has a piercing arrow shot that does good damage, has a massive splash damage radius, low mp cost, and a quick cooldown. She also has a stronger homing shot for single targets. Kyouko and mami have some strong tools, too. idk about sayaka, she seems bad.
There are some extra battles that can be unlocked with stronger bosses and more gimmicky dungeons. Still easy though.
Nice to see the girls enjoying their happy ending
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just kidding it was all a dream
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I hope you have a great day. It looks like it's going to be ass.
hope you survive your day as well
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People are into dumb stuff these days, something like they feel like they're actually animals in their previous life or something like that but they know they're humans. Therians they're called. But whenever I see that fucking term I just think these guys.
If only poor homuhomu
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I'm going out to try to fix my vita
Wish me luck
good luck
I wonder how a 30 year theme would look, styled after ps2 then?
Good luck
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This is actually depressing as fuck. Gravity rush, tearaway and resogun are the only vita games that made it in, all 3 of those came to ps4. There's no freedom wars, no soul sacrifice, no oreshika. Hell, not even miku despite having games on psp, ps3 and ps4.
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It is actually a bit odd that there's no Freedom Wars considering the fact that that game was actually the second-fastest selling vita game in Japan when it released (https://www.siliconera.com/freedom-wars-sold-mainly-students-japan/). Of all the vita games, FW was genuinely a breakthrough success in JP.
>not even miku
There is a small possibility that Crypton disallowed use of its vocaloid license. In a same manner, there weren't any Final Fantasy characters in Astro Bot. Not a single one, despite PS being the "main" home of FF before ports/rereleases (though iirc Astro's Playroom had the Buster Sword). I've heard some people speculate that Square Enix disallowed the use of their characters, but that's just rumours.
Miku has been in quite a few crossovers over the years, I assume the licence fees would've been too much for sony which is a fucking shame. Well, maybe one day they'll make a sequel and include more stuff.
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REMINDER to UPDATE and enjoy the handful of PS5 games that exist, since no meaningful JB will ever happen with $ony paying for exploits.
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sir, this is the ps vita general. Not the ps5 general.
Good for them I guess. I will never get a ps5 anyway
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Seems like it's quite the quest
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On the train back home
My vita was very dirty and needs to be cleaned but there is a chance he will die from it and sad to say I didn't have time to be there and wait to be clear (I'm with a friend)
Maybe next week or month I'll go there again good news is that he bought me one game and two mangas
Like and subscribe
I can't even imagine how dirty my Vita is, the only thing I've ever opened was the back to plug and unplug the battery to fix the battery bug.

Which games?
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>there is a chance he will die from it
cleaning vitas is dangerous work
wait what so the friend was there with you and also fixes and also treated you a game and 2 mangas? What do you do for that friend?
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I think they forgot someone...
no, pretty sure it's intentional
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Sorry guys, I have to take care of some errands so I can't join the Valkyrie Drive matches this week. Next week for sure.
pokemon sword
He went out with me and bough it
>What do you do for that friend?
We just good friends for a long time
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Ah okay. Next week for sure. I've had a headache almost all day so maybe it's better this way.

Well then. You have games for the thing that's for sure
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Good night, vitagen.
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need big sister
Vitagen is dying
Please help save vitagen
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Don't make wanna re-watch madoka yet again anon
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For me it's manga kyubey
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Good morning
hey yo hello
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imagine the movie
Bully ______
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Good morning, vitagen.
Good morning boat
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It's sunday. What a fucking shit day.

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