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made to please the cheez
had fags like zone shilling and working on the game while having designs/art style that appeals to that crowd
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How do ya make a fg where Timmies and roachniggas finna play it like https://youtu.be/DkpQmnKmplc ?

>choco pit pussy
so this whole general is just a bunch of faggots begging for attention now?
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I think I fucked up my chance to have Zone make a GM hentie because I emailed Zone-tan calling her an unfunny cunt.
Oh well.
I'll find another way.
Does Bridgetposter actually think he has the power to 'cancel' anyone?
I mean, he's a tranny, so of course the answer is yes because you can't be a tranny without narcissistic delusion.
that left roach was beating the right one's ass
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So because a few brainless idiot devs can't see the forest for the trees that means it isn't common knowledge?
Those retards trying to make esports the focus of their indie fighter are the exception.
I plan to have a lot of casual appeal in GM. Even if it's not right away I have a big single player campaign planned that'll be fun. Map exploration and city building and then you have to protect your cities from evil giantesses. [Offspring - Original Prankster] "You can do it!"
Literally whomst???
I don't know who PedoJosh is but I'm PsychoJosh.
shuckle or reichan
Just had sex with my wives Poison and Seth.
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Yoko Taro was influenced by 9/11 when he made Nier. His games mention and discuss complex philosophies that add depth to the themes of his narratives. Now he's an industry lesson. This is why having REAL life experience is important for making games.
Nigga how is him watching terrorists on CNN from 30000 miles away his real life experience LMFAO
>check out any famous player's Youtube
>they look dominating
>look them up on CFN
>losing consistently to sub 1800 MMR niggas
lol, lmao
he drew on experience beyond the realm of video games and made an infinitely more interesting game than timmy making soulslike#653356 with blue parry
How do you know Timmy didn't base the menacing boss on the bully that beat him up in middle school? Ah, Just blew your mind, nigga
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>This is why having REAL life experience is important for making games.
What real experience finna help me do this for my theoretical fg PANTY STEALER ZETA, lil nigga?
Timmy just needs to make a video essay about how the fat bitch in the game is based off of his teacher that raped him and then you people will call him a visionary with a tragic backstory LMFAO
who did baron base julia the wraith on?
Timmy and Niggy go to a bar. Niggy gets shot because it was in the segregated south.
dale basing his game on how darnell the flex god took his games
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Is there a reason you guys just go insane over the imaginary game developers in your head all day on fgg now?

Can the new season of the /fgg/ show start soon? This shit is getting boring.
timtim don't season they food
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look around your neighborhood lil nigga. just base the victims on local pawgs who hang their clothes out to dry
Stellar Blade based the characters on real women that existed and twitter still called it souless slop....
the panties represent innocence and the panty stealer represents the dark reality of the 21st century. my influence? sandy hook lil nigga. BOOM just blew your mind
need this bitch riding my jr while calling me slurs
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The Wukong niggas were influenced by real Chinese models and you all called them incels
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>Aris played the fart sniffy Police Mystery game
>Get my wires crossed between the giantess kink part of my brain and the Aris watching part of my brain
I'm having a stroke
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>Ah, Just blew your mind, nigga
And now I'll blow your dick, didn't see that coming did you?
that's uh... gay ?
need a paag's lips and teeth all over my jr
For you.
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dooberz patch is out
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Ono will save fighting games
Baron - Clayton/Cheez
SonicSol - Diaphone
Tenryo - Nick Fuentes
RobTV - Brian_F
Shuckle - Alex/Ken
LTG - ???
Lunar - ???
Kyran - ???
LTG - Rocks
Lunar - RevSaysDesu
Kyran - BBCF Discord
nigga threw hands at a vtuber and got jumped by her timmies
>BBCF Discord
Oh BlazBlue Central Fiction...haha I totally didn't think anything else when I saw that.
Clayton is based. People only hate him because he's not a incel. This has been proven time and time again.
lunar's gone...
Nezumicoin skyrocketing rn.
the dooberz patch is up on steam
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niggas crying mai's redesign in cotw but none of you would bat an eye if they take out krizalid's bdsm gear in kof16
new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
has a male design ever been censored in a fighting game
kek that's i feel. haven't booted the game up since bison dropped. might give terry a spin but i'm really on excited for elena
how did matz make a game so bad that even shuckle and emezie hate it?
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Originally, I planned on making her an unpredictable, tyrannical leader like Caligula.
However, I realized that there were already so many twisted, insane villains that followed crazy logic and served as a force of pure chaos. So I decided to make her more lawful and rational.
I gave a lot of thought to how her society of Veritas works. Who would live there? What would life be like there? So I made it operate like a real society with laws and things that would entice immigration.

On that note, I think the "real life experience" thing that people talk about in regards to writing is a little bit silly. It often assumes that the person didn't have any experience by default because you didn't personally like their work. But that's just nonsense, as plenty of people have been to many different countries and are ultimately just not that interesting or creative. I know people that have been to many different countries or have met many different people, but they still had a very shallow and empty understanding of what they witnessed. Some people just have that quality to them where they will meet some influential author and their takeaway is just "this will make a good picture for my social media" and nothing more. Just traveling more will not fix that lack of insight for a lot of people. Meanwhile, I don't think that a skilled writer necessarily has to have firsthand experience with something to make it entertaining. They can often figure it out with just research. This is especially true in the case of ancient cultures that don't exist anymore. You really can't get firsthand experience of ancient China, so you're working mostly on historical books.
This is not to say that experience is bad, either, as traveling to China is how Yu Suzuki did the motion capture for Virtua Fighter. But I wouldn't say you need to meet a master of swordcraft to motion capture the blade for you. And that's why I watch Modern History TV to learn more about ancient European weapons.
Oro's balls were hidden in Jive.
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In fact, even a lot of the people that say these things as if they're a requirement will agree with me on this. Varg Vikernes lived in the middle east for several years of his life and bases a lot of his views on what he witnesses there. It's why he thinks that middle eastern people have a tendency to just buy a new thing instead of fixing a broken thing. Now, as we know, a lot of people disagree with Varg's words and think of him as insane in general, so they would surely dismiss his viewpoint even though it is based on his personal lived experience, right? Then you get the idea I'm going for here.

Another famous example of this is Bobby Fischer. He is a man that traveled across the world and held many beliefs that were considered controversial or just outright bigoted. He also was a pretty confrontational person and would get into fistfights, argue with the police, and was arrested several times. He probably would have a lot of interesting insight into a variety of things, but a lot of people would ignore whatever he had to say based on his tendencies.

On that note, many famous people were/are shut-ins that mostly keep to themselves. This applies to artists, writers, players, and more. That is to say, they may have had some "real life experience" in their childhood and early 20s, but then they just shut themselves in their room to keep working. I believe Fischer is an example of that, regarding his later life. And a lot of mangaka were like that. Toriyama was known for avoiding the public eye and Kishimoto spent a bunch of time just working on Naruto and ignoring his family. In fact, he based Naruto ignoring Boruto on him doing that. His experience was ignoring other people to work. I used to read that manga and he would also bring up stories about movies he saw or things he liked, but a lot of them were things from way before he started working on Naruto because he didn't hav time to do them later. For example, Gaara's jacket in part 2 is based on Neo.
Mai only likes men that didn't get 20-2'd by fireworks when they were 9
To think this meme would lead to lunar getting outed as a pedophile creep who forces his fetish on everyone
Jive was explodey but not like this. One time I turned on a CPT stream one nigga perfects round one the other round 2 another perfect happens and nobody cared. Jive had the same problem of Perfects being so common. How the FUCK do you ruin spectatorship in fgs? The damage is so high and people just skip space to babymode 70%+ damage. Not even the spectator mechanics can save this turd LUHMEOW. Capcom's biggest shills can't defend this slop
Sounds like you can't differentiate fiction from reality. Lolicons get attacked for no reason while other people act like freaks publicly and get praised for it.
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Are we expecting a Strive character reveal at TGS this month?
Probably omni man
Varg is a fag who murdered Euronymous for no reason.
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Furthermore, I think that some people have put a ton of effort into a product, a lot of research, and/or a bunch of real life experience and they still will make a product that is not appreciated by certain parties. Warranted or otherwise.
I remember when Yugioh came out, a lot of people dismissed it as a silly vehicle for selling toys. Nothing more. But this is disregarding the fact that Kazuki Takahashi traveled to Egypt to do research for the story. The work was the culmination of his 10 years as a mangaka up to that point. He never had a big hit before 1996. But then he went all in on Yugioh and it managed to get an anime, then eventually a dub. But the average forum user in 2003 didn't care about that. They just went "Yeah, this is some cheap outsourced Korean animation made to sell toys" and their care about how much time and effort he put into it ended there. In fact, I don't even think most of the people that liked Yugioh knew/care about this because they were probably 10 years old at the time. So I question how much they appreciated his efforts.

Or if you want a negative example, there's Manos: The Hands of Fate. Harold P. Warren put his entire life savings into it and banked his entire livelihood on the movie, but it turned out to be a film no one liked. But no one cares that he was just an average guy that just tried to make a movie. It is mostly remembered as riffing fodder. Perhaps that's a bit unfair since he actually had no movie skills, but you get the idea.

Ultimately, most people just don't care about the creator of a work. They just care about the quality of the work. I'm not saying if this is right or wrong, simply a fact. If you present people with a product that is bad, but then make a story explaining how it is bad because you spent 10 years working on it, but lost the files and had to start over, it is still a bad product. This is why no one likes Food Fight even if they know the story behind it and how it possibly drove Charlie Sheen nuts
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I dont know why but reading this made me think of DNF Duel....why didnt you guys support DNF Duel again?
Dizzy is right around the corner so yes, likely. And maybe a video teaser for the anime.
I did, but I've lost interest quickly and sadly, they took to long to release an update or any new information for that matter.
Euronymous got punished for his death threats, but not Vicki?
why does he know the life story of some heavy metal nazi?
How did Phil Fish translate his real life experience into Fez?
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Heads up to anybody thinking of ordering artwork from Focus Attack, I saw that they had an option for holofoil on the art top and I decided to try it out. I regret. It crushes the colors and details way too hard, and there are all kinds of 'smear' spots on it where I think the foil layer was misprinted onto it. Probably just going to order it again in regular paper print.
>Lolicons get attacked for no reason while other people act like freaks publicly and get praised for it.
>Lolicons get attacked for no reason
>for no reason
This you?
It's also worth noting that empathy is a pretty important part of writing, art, design, games, just a lot of things in general. I honestly think that's a way bigger problem than personal experience.

A problem that I see a lot of now is that people have a tendency to have zero empathy for others. Not even saying you have to agree with them, but I mean they make no effort to even understand why people would feel a certain way if they don't feel that way themselves. This is a big issue, as they can use that to just dismiss everyone different from them and make no effort to understand their perspective or why they would think that way.

This is something I think a lot about when I create characters. Even if I don't personally do what they do, think how they do, or believe what they do, I try to think "Why would someone think this? how do I make them compelling even though I don't agree with them?" A lot of authors actively dislike some viewpoints so much, they don't even bother doing that and present those viewpoints as a very shallow strawman. It's so bad sometimes, that they might as well have not even acknowledged them. I'm sure you've seen that before. The villain is just a parody of whatever ideology the writer doesn't like and they give the most surface level version of that belief system so that the protagonist can tear down the strawman in the writer's head. I really don't find that approach interesting.

That's why Julia is portrayed as a "real person," so to speak. That is to say, she doesn't just beat you to death after you spill her coffee because she is evil and a stand-in for whatever belief system I dislike. Rather, she expresses her disappointment by demoting the party that failed her or simply cutting ties with them. If a leader just went around eating babies and blowing up houses because they made fun of her hair, who would even follow her? They would just storm her castle and have a revolution within a week even with guards protecting her.
As for how this relates to games, I know use the logic of "is this enjoyable for players? Would they like this? How would this make them feel? How would I feel in this situation? Would I like that myself?"

Real example of thing that happened: I designed an SRPG a few years ago called Regal Riot. In that game, the second level has a part where you have to go on a perfect run through a dungeon with an optimized team so you can survive the assault of 2 snipers and a dragon knight all trying to kill you. I did it as a difficult gauntlet because I thought it would be a cool challenge, but it ended up being pure RNG, as the snipers had a 75% chance of hitting you. But gambling for your life each turn like that was not enjoyable. I knew the perfect route because I made it, but when I showed it to a friend of mine, he said "This is really hard and unfair." And it wasn't as if he just hated a challenge. There was no challenge. It was just a pure gamble. So then I began thinking "Why did I make it this way? How could I improve this to make it actually fun instead of just pure luck and an attrition fest where you force yourself through on the hope you don't die?"

Hypothetical example: I thought at one point "Wouldn't it be cool if my game came out and was a big success and I sold merchandise of my characters? I know, I could sell blind boxes/booster packs of trading figures so you have to buy multiple packs to get the super rare ones." But then I had a moment of clarity. "Why would I design it that way? I wouldn't enjoy that myself. I hate those gacha systems. I would rather just buy the figure of Alice directly instead of having to get a blind box that contains Mitsuo, Anna, and Gertrude. I already have two Mitsuo figures. What am I gonna do with the third one? It's just useless plastic for most people and I'm creating more trash for the world. As such, these should just be print on demand figures." So I'd probably make less money, but I would feel better about it.
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0-50 timmy
Only Timanthas are threatened by lolicon
>"i like to see two guys do it"
>"lola bunny was my sexual awakening"
>"it's just a drawing, it's fiction!!!"
nigga said threatened
for me, it was peg pete
Does space jam have a stronger chokehold on niggas than the goofy movie?
It's almost as if Takayama and Woshige didn't get what makes parries fun.
Watch as this culture war grifter gets ratiod by actual Japanese
And especially by Harada himself
It's funny. None of these culture war grifters have ever picked up a controller in their lives
ellie is trying so hard tonight but nobody is biting
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found a 3 bar kill route with the new orb loops, might start doobering again
I bought DNF Duel on launch.... then TOD on block combos developed. Damn shame honestly. At least it lasted a month before dying unlike Concord's two weeks LUHMEEEOOOWWWW. What a colossal fuckup
a functional turd is still a turd
How common are single character TODs? I haven't played DBFZ in forever, but I remember you used to need all 3 characters and 7 bars to kill one character in a combo.
Harada has been on a role shutting down these culture war grifters
I see you have no response, only copium and the summoning of your tranny OC who stopped posting here a month ago
>Official company site says that they worked with a university to shoehorn in PC and DEI shit
>Harada, an employee of said company, comes in to desperately damage control
Nah woketards lost and Harada looks weak and clueless about his own company's policies

Lol you lost bitch, go support leftist games like Concord since you hate right wing grifters so much
what do you mean? using one character with no assists (but the rest are still alive) the only character that can get a no-spark TOD off the top of my head is Tien. when the rest of your characters are dead though, your last character gets a damage buff so a good amount of characters can get a no-spark TOD in that situation
slop like dnf and concord prove Chadton right.
devs DON'T test their games who sits down to play those kusoge and not think "yo dawg this ain't it we can't release something this bad"
trannies like harada again? thought they hated him because he said he wanted to put a wacky trump inspired character in tekken 7 and they said he shouldn't even acknowledge orange man to make fun of him
dnf was just eighting doing what they always do, shitting out a rushed product. the kusobeggars in the fgc just developed some weird kusoworship syndrome and started unironically pretending the turds eighting have plopped out over the years haven't been completely rancid
Oh HECK yeah doods i trust the man that added a battlepass to tekken despite also saying he would never have dlc characters for tekken and who is also a big wig at the company
he would NEVER lie to his fans like that after all.
You can 't even define what you dislike about concord mechanically
>passive (you)
>"these two games lost that means these great companies will fail"
Why do you want these new games to fail? Why do you want gaming as a whole to fail? Because you can't masturbate to them anymore?
I trust him over some no-name porn addict who bitches if a game isn't horny like DOA
None of these grifters can
>inb4 someone calls me "ellie"
clayton like dnf albeit
it's a hero slopper
Oh, I see. I wasn't sure how that worked. I had only ever seen it in combo videos. was not aware it required the other characters to be dead for the sparking bonus to grant that. For some reason, I just thought anyone could do it with enough meter.
I will have to give dbfz another shot sometime, as it's been 3 or 4 years since I last touched it.
>>passive (you)
remember the stutter poster
>sparking bonus
sparking is different from "Limit break", which is the bonus the last unit gets. sparking is like x-factor from MVC3 and any character can activate it (it lasts longer depending on how many characters are dead though) and theres a ton of 0 meter TODs that use sparking and assists
that's the man who will save Tekken down with Harada they went from beating Jive to being lower than 2xlmfao
They're glazing the shit out of him now because... He denies that BanNam follows DEI? Despite official information on their website and the existence of shit like Blue Protocol? I actually don't know why they're adopting him as their ally.

Seriously, he's always been a snake and his livelihood depends on the success of Tekken. He is the last person who would speak honestly about Tekken. Trannies are retarded. They're still reeling from the recent right wing grifter victories I guess.
I remember that time some twitter tranny said he was a racist chudcel because of the lack of black characters in Tekken
I actually forgot what sparked that one, though.
I need ellie to tell me how to feel about gigamaidens
I thought she hated harada because he put bikinis in tekken
Harada doesn't even work on the games lmao he spends all day arguing on twitter and stalking vtuber dms
psychojosh does that and you all love him
Yeah, I won't listen to the guy who always lies about Tekken and whose livelihood relies on Tekken. That's right, retard. Lmao
She's a major Kekken shill she just hates sexiness and tried to argue the bikinis in the July pass weren't sexy despite them bringing sales up
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lol, @DeanUPH2 deleted his tweet:
>another passive (you)
Would you rather listen to porn addicted fake gamer bros who have never even held a controller?
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no really
what the fuuuuck is going on

It's like I walked into a schizo asylum pit or something
literal psycho noise


Picrel is based
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Why don't you chuds just make your own hot sex triple x big boobs big butt brutal rape loli cunny huge bunda booty blaster fighting game instead of crying about the woke mind virus that apparently exists all day?
buttered toast and gravy
baron is doing that and your kind hates him
You're supposed to be a grown ass man, yet you're throwing a tantrum and making passive (you)s like a little brat
Lol I see you just gave up on arguing NIGGAAAAAAAA
who's baron?
Have you seen Battle Queef? That shit is less of a fighting game and more of a slow motion slog. But I guess actual gameplay would get in the way of their fap fodder
I already accepted your concession the moment you started giving me your passive (you)s. There's no need to whine any harder
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Idgi, are you saying someone just made a sockpuppet account?
Or you can't follow a conversation?
I'm saying the comment that user shared from Harada in picrel was based. No need to cop an attitude, fake Japanese ESL-chan
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am I obliged to like his slop?
What, I'm supposed to donate half of my paycheck to his altar now? I'm not allowed to express my criticisms? Do you really want the internet to be your fascist paradise where no dissenting opinion is allowed to be expressed? Please, just grow up.
Looks like the guy who bitched about a lack of underage panties in a fighting game is having a melty while accusing Harada of having a melty
My argument:
>BanNam is woke because their official news and public presentations talk about following DEI and SDGs

Your argument:
>Y-you used too many capital letters and you won't give me (You)s, therefore you're wrong

Alright case closed, I fucking won this argument.... NIGGAAAAAA
Why does Reichan respond to the AI generated botposts seriously?
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I was confused as to how under the influence you are, but thanks for clearing up. I just enjoyed the retractions and stubborness, is all. Daijobu deska?
archiving b4 he deletes, lol.
>tranny hours
You're claiming victory like a child, yet all you're doing is stuttering, shitting your pants in anger and giving me passive (you)s.
Why don't you call me Ellie like you do anyone who disagrees with your narrowminded view of the world? I know you want to
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that's not AI, nigga, I'm just shitposting to get her to pay attention to me
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>Harada, a tranny
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Some jewish nigga testing ChatGPT bot

>just make your own game chuddy
5'4 Harada trooned out????
40 year old paag sugar mommy that nags me to get a job but actually wants me to be home as much as possible for sex and cuddling | Visual Novel
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Anyone who could make a game as awful as Tekken 8 has to be a troon
kek what a sultry minx!
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Lore me on the CGPT dead horse stuff. IIRC Microsoft is on Phi3 series?
archive。ph xvY9s
How long is his twitch ban?
Hopefully forever
He needs to stick around till viper and tabby get banned
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I don't get the connection between the name Shinomiya and gooning
that dude mad as hell
These guys don't deserve the satisfaction especially when they've broke the rules and gone unpunished.
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For the people still mentally capable of admitting when they are wrong:
Here are the sessions Harada took 3 YEARS AGO about keeping their artist integrity in the ever evolving IP law.
Oh I agree. Let's end Saudi blood money then.
>Let's end Saudi blood money then
Are they the cause of the current state of the fgc?
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nigga getting mad scrolling the archive aint no way
Mind if I +1 to her with you?
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How long have you been living under a rock?
RIP this outfit
what does any of this have to do with FGC events being used for gay orgy meet ups
How do antis explain msgk lolidom? If the fictional loli was capable of consent and knew how to drain your balls by expertly riding you, whats the problem?
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Great question: are you going to be hosting a tournament soon? Or where do I watch for unilunar's suicide stream?
shouldn't you be cyberstalking SS lil pedonigga?
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I dont know why i quoted that. I was just opening a quick reply box and randonly clicked a post. Now its associated with some schizo
you're not our paag queen so quit imitating her meltytroon
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This schizophrenia, I'm not interested.
I await the suicide stream.
you'll never be her lil anitroon freak
Alright time to hose everyone down, it's for your own good
you won't ever be her lil french bread tranny
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You continue to reply instead of hosting your own event without violence or threats, so I continue waiting 88%.
Keep projecting your stupidity. Everyone ITG can see your incapable of even hosting a matcherino.
you will literally never be her lil furansu pan troon
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Do you subhumans plan to act like this all night instead of being productive?
Oh that's right Cleveland moved
its the EU niggas
fgs so dead niggas just play them to cum
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He keeps loosing his mania. I'm glad he's in capable coping vampire hands.

Anyways, necrophile, hit us up asap when you get invited to the suicide stream. Don't want to miss it.
what t. gondii does to a wench
I've gooned with Cheez for 50 minutes, can you say you've accomplished more than I have?
ss was gooning with a nigga called lopedo and just acts like it never happened now
who amongst us has never gooned with someone of ill reputation
i wish i were a top sf duel player
All I know is they're involved with snk who's player bade are isn't big enough to change the fgc, I thought they had some direct involvement with the fgc with the way you brought it up.
You're already giving them to much leeway
this nigga base vegeta is getting dropped. GAWDunks is looking nasty asl this patch
Wus wrong wit dat?
Kek post proof.
nigga said send the gooncordings
ill never understand guys that masturbate together but somehow think that isnt gay or weird
The gooncordings will be this year's pee pee tapes
Lead us into the glorious age of endless gooning, Cumcheez
I meant show that someone with that user name is in his discord not actuall recordings.
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First game companies need to start putting out more hot characters and less BROCK LESNARs in wigs.
Perhaps you are not the messiah I thought you were...
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Can't drive if there's no road to drive on.
I love that Cheez made masturbation his entire personality purely so he wouldn't have to admit he was using "+1" incorrectly
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>I love that Cheez made masturbation his entire personality purely so he wouldn't have to admit he was using "+1" incorrectly
he's live sonicsoldiers
You ignored the last contract that I linked, and the raw fact Capcom too genocided their hands:
I won't heed a poorman's gripe, but your personal ignorance is subpar.
Why do Gamers want everything to fail? Why are they triggered by the English language, brown skin and female characters that don't exist just to be fap fuel?
Even when it has fap fuel they want it to fail because it somehow isn't enough. Tekken 8, SF6 and now Garou 2
because it's gay, lil timmy
>female characters that don't exist just to be fap fuel?
that's all women are good for
Fellas... is it gay to look at a woman in pants?
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>brown skin and female characters that don't exist just to be fap fuel?

Concord tried that. And even put in an actual tranny character voiced by a tranny and look what happened.
he's already going nuts
>that's all women are good for
not opening your link 'mantha
>And even put in an actual tranny character voiced by a tranny and look what happened.
He says with picrel showing a censored super and the canon tranny
It's not really censored. Just a different form of rape.
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Remember weavers, this is “safe ebw,” it means the next BannedCo×Saudi blood money contract for the 3D arena fighter will quintiple digits!!
would split this safe ebw in half with my jr
ss still crying about the vtuber
damn this nigga gonna be our new avatarfag? we got a whole roster
People always talk about how execution is dumbed down and that this is the main issue with modern fighters but everybody ignores how much more important things got dumbed down over the years.
Damage opportunities generally increased greatly over the years. Many older fighters didnt even have far cancellable buttons on average.
but that far non-cancelable normal could do modern game 4 hit light confirm damage
that mightve applied in the "modern" era of fighters like SF4 and 5, but we shot way past that and now a jab will lead to 70% damage, corner carry and looping oki all of a basic buffer you dont have to confirm.
shit is absurd now.

also single buttons doing big damage was based.
>le modern games bad
What's that? I can't hear you. I'm too busy plapping your mom with my fat girlcock <3
You should plap me instead~
I get a job in october. I will escape neetdom and no longer feel shame when I play games like persona
sorry to tell you, but persona is shameful even if you work.
that's even more shameful if you working nigga
>purse owner
What a pussy. Play a real mainline MegaTen game.
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fucking style swap autism haunted ed boon for decades and he's still not over it.
SMTV has an effeminate protag and has turned me off the entire mainline series
thats nu-MegaTen. Play one 3/4/Strange Journey at least.
was it fun to shit on SS because an avatar fag v-tuber asked him for advice before shitting on him and having her simps mass report him?
I wasnt there but that sounds hilarious desu.
ss get back your stream and stop posting here
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i got pretty deep into 4 then I realised I was using dlc equipment and deleted my save. never ended up getting back to it
SS was backseating her long before she asked her for advice (which she determined was useless based on what her coach, diaphone, told her to learn) and was arguing with people in the chat pointing this out.
Bless clayton for still making new fgc content all these years even while being dissed and forgotten by every other big name out there. Nobody else has done what he's done for video games.
At least he had PerfectLegend to consult to in his chat. Probably the whole reason he didnt go turbo sperg like usual
if diaphone's a real nigga he'll his pet vtubby to unban SS and apologise and even send him goon material but hes a fake ass cracker just trying to profit off him
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funniest nigga ever
kek based
the sonic sol drama proves Chadton even more right
the fgc is a bunch of crabba ass niggas trying to get one up on each other
that stupid bitch didn't even know I'm a DNF champion
dumb cunt didn't know i played in a tourney with diaphone once
how does one become this narcissitic? this nigga is despised by the entire blazblue community for asking top players for advice and then banning/being a dickhead to them
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being despised by the discordtroon shitfart community isn't a bad thing
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the blazblue community is composed of 12 niggas tops
blazblue is like melty where the manthas aren't that common since they're playing strive or rising
its kyran + a handful of nasty manthas and other niggas like that tempest_timmy guy
blazpoo died when Jiyuna stopped covering it
this shameless ass nigga just said manthas arent common in melty LMFAO
you look at top 8 off any tourney and it's mainly niggas, once in a blue moon a single louise the lizard might make it in
how is it narcissistic? she asked a question, he answered.
the crazy part about a nigga bringing up melty is they're 100% in the shitcord. impossible to play any version of that turd without it
>disrupt chat be being obnoxious
>streamer humors you and asks what's the important advice you wanted to say
>tell them and it's retarded
>get banned
>On behalf of *EMPLOYER*, thank you for interviewing for *JOB* position.

>The candidates selected for the interviews were all excellent, making the final decision a difficult one. At this time, another candidate has been selected for this position.

>Thank you for your interest in employment with *EMPLOYER* and we wish you luck in your future endeavors.


>The Human Resources Department

If the job market is so good, why do I keep getting emails like this.....

because you're competing with joe johnson who has all the work experience in that exact field and his name isnt actually joe its rajesh mahmoud
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>koefficient under brian f

wait a minute, hasn't this nigga been making fighting game content and been playing for a long ass time? why is he in a beginner party tournament?
they're running out of people to fill these meme tournaments with
Every team has members of a different skill bracket, though some of the highest ranked are much better than others
Meanwhile, in the gooncord
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Speaking of gooncord, yall want SonicSol gooncord leaks?
what did he mean by that?

SonicSol malding on stream rn lol
What character? JP or Guile?
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So happy seeing Clayton getting the representation he deserves.
iris from megamam violently raping me before telling me I'm a worthless black ape in a reploid world and leaving me for dead
Guile. He is getting filtered by Boom into Drive Rush
sonicsol struggled against a 1100MR guile earlier he's legit dogshit
super dying troonbot
not on the pizza man...
mandem never saw the ninja turtles clip
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Here you go:
SonicSol stating he would FUCK any character from MHA (shit taste btw) especially if they were...||underage||. The fact he pointed that out as a bonus...LOL.
Somebody lock up p3dogooner SonicSol!
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what was the post im phoneposting
Damn I didnt realize Xiaohai ate James Chen!
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so our new avatarfag is a gooncord VIP member obsessed with a lil anime girl
y'all could cure AIDS if you put this much effort towards something good
Not quite. I have a mole inside. Said girl is based. She divekicks a Digijoo.
well what do you want to see? I have more ya know.
if thats the best you got then im dissapointed
Should uni 2 do another crossover?
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that doesn't sound particularly new. Almost every nu-namefag is just obsessed with another namefag as their gimmick
lil nigga goes nuts when he faces guile
Koefficient has stopped being a fighting game-only content creator in order to focus on vtubers.
"Wah Fireball fireball wahhhh"
this nigga can barely hit 1700mr on a good day AFTER rank inflation but wants to be taken seriously as a top player
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youll niggas wouldnt even get a round against ss
why you talkin?
Shuckle can beat him
shuckle can and has beat him and she spends all her time with tf2 now
SS plays like a retard and the ultimate strategy to beating him is to either play clean neuch (unlikely for /fgg/) or play like an even bigger retard and cause him to lose his mental (this is why he loses to vickiviper)
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shuckle not a nigga NIGGAAAA
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They should put Len in uni2 like sion
I beat him umvc 3 thobeit
That pedogooner was so afraid of me, when I challenged him to a battle,he ran away like a little PHAGGOT
shuckle has lost every set I've seen her play against him on stream
>b-but i beat him in m-my party game!!!
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She has pretty dark skin, I dunno dood
>or play like an even bigger retard and cause him to lose his mental
I've seen enough /fgg/vos to know this is a viable strategy for some of you, could totally see that working.
she is an asian goddess
Still counts. Also a morrigan mirror.
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honkai star rail versus

Imma be real with ya

NO ONE gives a shit. Marvel is an irrelevant dogshit game that only 5 retards on discord care about. The prototypical anime discord masher. It is not relevant to this conversation AT ALL. We are talking about games people actually play.

Now shut the fuck up.
ss beefing in some random nigga's chat again
keep telling yourself that lil nigga
LOLOL InfamousDnet checked SonicSol for starting shit in his stream over one of his mods (Don). Classic SonicSol asking for the set shitting up someone elses stream.
make yourself useful and tell me who this slut is, you worthless monkey

But enough about dix
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i dont known the name bitch
Now I have people fakeavatarfagging me. Great.
street fighter will never ever have a guest character. guest characters cheapen the brand.
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Terry and Mai are RIGHT THERE
Can't wait for morrigan's inevitible inclusion.
We already know that people are paid off to lie about him anon. It's just a matter of someone finally leaking how much.
Capcoon 420/69 @ home 5 years ago: Lmao, fucking smash players don't know Terry and are pissed at his inclusion. I swear these faggots don't play fighting games and they don't belong in this community.


Now, you can say what you want about Smash players, but at least they weren't trying to blow MFs up over a guest they didn't like.
how big is daisy's futa cock?
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Can you guys stop being racist for one second?
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How did you niggas survive on Xbox Live if this is enough to hurt you?
dude always starts the set with drive rush low forward luhmeow
i never had an xbox...
niggas grew up with facebook luhmeow
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Anon... I'm sorry you had to find out like this, but women do NOT have penises.
>online only racists
if they were racist offline, they'd get banned immediately, so I'm not sure how he's surprised by this
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You can call someone a nigger on discord and no one cares, but you utter tranny once and you're banned from the entire community
Brothers aren't moderating discord servers and subreddits
ummmm who do you think mods the gooncord?
It was a picture of Bridget, Elphelt, Atolfo, and the tranny cat from re zero sitting on a sofa having gay butt sex while playing video games. they start arguing about if hitbox is cheating as the other plays on pad and them someone ejaculated on the pizza box
the strive troon ejaculating on pizza orgies????!??
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Explain this
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Tough pill to swallow, but video games are a loser hobby for failures and fat retards.

That's why you run into so many weird social reject types when you play them.

If you really wish to avoid those kinds of people, you should get a high effort hobby with a high barrier of entry like rock climbing, animation,or something else that takes a long time to practice and get good at.

The low barrier for entry if why so many stupid people play video games that produce nothing of value.

You don't "produce" anything with rock climbing either, but it's still too hard for the average fat retarded impotent failure to even attempt it.
LOLOL SonicSol is malding about the trollz KEK
The gooncord outlasted concord
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And before you take my comment personally, just think about how much you make the exact same statement. Every day on here, I see people here talk about how much they hate half of the community. On all sides. "This guy is an racist homophobe, can't believe I have to deal with this" or this faggot is a retarded tranny, can't believe we have people like this here" and so on and so on never ending pain and agony.

You would be better off escaping the cycle altogether and ascending to nirvana elsewhere instead of subjecting yourself to these people.
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lmao!!!! Tekken 8 fans!!!!
Will your game be more successful?
traniggas be like "I don't play video games to cum" and then they go to the strive orgy full of people they only met via video games
every accusation is a confession
You've been saying this for at least 8 years now
if morrigan's ground to air dash is turned into a gimped special move then it's not morrigan
based Daisuke creating a containment game for all the mentally ill and fags
Much like you calling trannies coomer pedos is one of your own guilt?
And his game would turn out to be the best one available
I like bbw bitches but nice try lil mantha
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That goongoblin is scared of the airheaded greengal
Better than Concord
nigga really seething over not being able to play in sajam's eceleb tourney
Hes mad he wasnt invited to Sajam Slam.
Bros sajam slam round robin starts in just 6 hours!
>burn bridges with sajam by acting obnoxious to defend dnf duelist honor on top of having a rancid reputation
what kind of game will it be?
His own hypocrisy is being displayed
>trying to pretend he wasn't crying about the vtuber
why does he want to be in the white devil's tournament all of a sudden?
Nigga I can't listen to images I cam't tell what's going on in these screencaps
Go to the stream dumbfuck
Yummy Jun cakies. God bless.
It's 1994 and there are no politics in your video games
goooooooooooooood mornin e******
>aww he censored his oc's name so cute
Ellie the spellsword
Coney hates it when that quote of his goes around because people try to rope him into whatever tangential conversation it's being used in. He's not even against sexy characters in the games, he just doesn't like it when someone like Juri gets flanderized to be HAHA FEET MAN IT'D BE SO WEIRD IF SOMEONE GOT OFF TO FEET HAHA AMIRIGHT?
Why did trannies attach themselves to him so hard?
He realized the lost opportunity cost of not being in the slam is not getting dummy exposure from a wide array of fanbases.
reichan the barbarian
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ngl if bitch that looked like this called me a weird nobody i'd be sobbing and seething too
Nope, no queer shit in your video games in 1997 either. Absolutely none whatsoever
shuckle the wraith
i would get hard...
sonicsol has a japanese gf
she looks good, why does she need to use a vtuber avatar at all, what the fuck?
that scammed him for money
kinucakes the thief
Okay I'll bite
what is the pattern this guy is following?
Just playing the most apolitical fighting game ever in 1989
because vtuber avatars appeal specifically to a certain demographic than streaming with your face does
Don't know, if I was to guess he's just a big personality that is smart enough to know to just smile and nod which is mistaken for friendliness. He's probably seen some shit at smash fests.
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COTW waiting room.
You're "waiting" for sanitized slop with a canon tranny in it, zero jiggle and no chance of Mai's classic returning as an alt
but what rpg class is cheez?
none of that is true
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no paag equals anger
This is the real reason why no one plays fighting games
You play on stream once and some psycho monkey goes after you
better than sf6 at least
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>be artist
>immediately get invited to fighting game tournament with cash prizes despite no fighting game skills

Still think being a top party masher is better than drawing, retards?
sajam about to whip ss again
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>no perfect parry
>no throw loops
>no slime rush
>no premium currency
>has color edit
>has panty shots
>first season of DLC is free
>feint cancels will filter trannies and dixers

Preecha is a boy's name
Devs themselves said Mai's classic outfit is locked only to a super and they have no plans to release alts for everyone
>Preecha is a boy's name
no, it's used for both boys and girls. using google search doesn't make you an expert.
girls have boy names sometimes
>The politcal climate around games is "desexualize women and do not cater to the male gaze".
>Games media, feminists and dei consulting companies have put outside pressure on gaming companies to desxualize women.
>Game is desxualized Mai to some extent.
>New costume shows less skin
>Her sexy outfit is only seeable when she does her super move
>Game has reduced boob jiggle to near zero.
>Game has bent the knee to outside pressures
Preechaya is the proper feminine name
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nigga, I could be the best artist in the galaxy and they wouldn't invite me.
They invited her because she's an attractive asian woman with a following.
If some random ugly ass neckbeard that worked on a cartoon started streaming SF6, do you think they'd be up in his mentions begging him to mash specials for a weekend? Probably not unless they think he's going to make a bouncy tumblr short about Luke dabbing.
Jiggle physics drastically reduced to near zero.
Mai's sexy outfit cannot be enjoyed by the player for the duration of a match as in previous titles.
New costume has less cleavage than her OG costume.
The best part of the slam is watching the people who have never touched a FG before fight for their life.
I thought Ellie said that censorship was good and trannies were good, why is she pretending to be upset about mai's new outfit and preecha?
Kawayol was too based for 4chan, it seems. He's right that just because Cammy's leotard is an alt in the game doesn't make SF6 not censored. Why does B. Jenet having bigger tits suddenly not make Mai censored?
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>Game has reduced boob jiggle to near zero.
why would you lie about this when there are hundreds of hours of footage of the game?
Why do you guys hate bouncy disney sprites, but then you want bouncy disney boobs?
>everyone that disagrees with me is my tranny oc
Ellie loves censorship at every turn. You're confusing her for the based Kawayol who beat her schizo tranny ass
Compare past games to CoTW. Next to them, CoTW physics are nonexistent.
what does proko even draw? What has he produced? What's his "Dragon Ball"?
Even your webm shows how nonexistent the jiggle is
You niggas really arent going to post about the new comedy DBFZ patch?
Your next line is to show off 9KoF footage as if that doesn't make CoTW censored trash
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John Kricfalusi can draw and they didn't invite him, I think there's way more to it than just drawing skill...
Why did this post trigger them so much?
Why does Kawayol's based truth trigger you, butthurt tranny?
My nigga ‘Sol is 100% in the right this dumb bitches chat talking about drive rush like its some forbidden ancient technique you need 50 years of rigorous training to use, its punish counter roundhouse into drive rush press one button, thats like a 20 year window to get that hit confirm, kookily simp niggas gonna simp doe
Why doesn't baron hire ellie or chromingrose to be the lead artist on blades and beasts?
i am, what the fuck is this and why does it sound amazing
Do you forget this interview exists?
Why would they stop playing after the tournament? Its the greatest game on earth
yeah i think i'm siding with amour
you could have the most kami fighting game in the world but if mai doesn't have her classic outfit available at all times then i'm not playing it
Ken is a street fighter character
One of those is a crime, the other is not.

Loli is degenerate shit and the people who like it all look like picrel, but it's not illegal.
they made sonic look bad in process so it makes sense why he's not happy about it.
fuck ken and hatless ken dead ass
>guys... it's not illegal to masturbate to children if they're "fictional"
Taxes aren't illegal. Doesn't make them ok
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only braindead anarkiddies cry about taxes existing
that nigga majinobama already trying to slide in the dms
Licking the government's boots won't make them go easy on you. I bet you're that butthurt tranny who lost to Kawayol
>Broadcast yourself acting like a retard
>Act like an even bigger retard
is the oppressive government in the room with us right now
>ah I dont know what to do there what should I have done
>you should do this its very easy and plays off things you already know you got it
>ahh no pressing one button in a 5 second window is too hard for me im just a beginner
>nah your coach already introduced you to stuff like this you could probably get it in like a minute of practice
Who are you quoting?
you werent watching our nazi queens stream?
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>gets asked for help
>answers and gets called out
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OMG that's a gaming party I want to attend!
Game, Food, & Sex! A complete party!
Whole new light after the deadbeat father reveals.
We have one of those?
Gotdamn. This ricebitch finna catch my BBC jr
we watching the minecraft movie?
the only thing worse than jack black as claptrap is jack black as steve
nah we watching shoe atm
So do you actually have anything to show or do you just have a lot that's coming in the future? How long have you been working on this? Are you just an idea guy?
>especially if they were...||underage||
he never said that. other than shimura and miruko the students are the best girls in the show.
Why even bother coaching some vtuber clout artist? she's never gonna play the fucking game again, lmao
this is majinobama/bunny all over again

goddamn you simp monkeys are fucking retarded
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He said “nine year olds,” verbatim. But I guess pedophiles have to defend themselves huh.
how merciful.
Why does she hate black men like ltg and sonicsol and lunar and tenryo so much?
>Why is pedophilia wrong guys, why is it wrong?
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Even if you believe this (lol), was the proper response really to do a rant stream for 9 hours and get banned?

I swear half of you need to be in diapers, how the fuck did you retards graduate or even turn on a computer?
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>12 hours almost
>I'm still procrastinating
Just wanna make Disney tier bitches in my fg dawg

How them old Disneyniggas do it? All them bouncy white bitches
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Is everything a racial conflict to you people? Any time you get pushback, it's because someone wants to hang you?
And you subhumans call trannies the sensitive ones, LMFAO
unironically just close the tab and study
sonicsol and lunar only get targeted because they're black...
If a white man like sajam (pretend hes not hosting the event for this hypothetical) with flowing brunette hair said that exact same shit to her you would be able to hear her gushing and oozing on stream lets stop the cap, her response was 100% racially motivated
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Study toys of the characters if you want to draw anatomy like that.
>sonicsol, LTG, lunar
>all banned
>broski who would post all day about wanting to hang blacks and kill trannies, max said nigger live on stream “on accident”, timantha dropping death threats daily (to a black man beeteedubs)
>all not banned
hmmm yup no racially motivated politics in the fgc surely
So why isn't hotashi banned for all of his controversies yet?
Vicki hates him, too.
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'Berly shouldve looked like this
that interview has nothing to do with:
>no perfect parry
>no throw loops
>no slime rush
>no premium currency
>has color edit
>has panty shots
>first season of DLC is free
>feint cancels will filter trannies and dixers

Once again, COTW... sweetness
why do you guys love big fake boobs so much?
women will really upload shit like this online and feel no shame its fucking insanity bruh ong
gonna nut to this hoe later
i can assure you that over 99% of his current audience has no idea about his posts here, same for shuckle
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Is that what you said about Mohammed bin Salman?
Sent direct death threats in a menacing, angry tone live on stream
Had a long history of public and live slur use with no remorse, sends threats on stream constantly
Used numerous slurs frequently and recently with zero remorse.

Apologized for some shit he said 10 years ago on a forum that you can't even access anymore.
apologized for what he said 10 years ago deeply and profusely, literally started crying on stream
Didn't specify her actions, said she would continue to talk bad about him. Made no actual threats, just hoped he would face misfortune. No different from "I hope this guy kills himself" which is not actually a death threat

what kind of stupid ass question is that

>Made no actual threats
She said that with her chest lol
That's true, doe
she has way more fans than he does and makes more money than him
Her streams are far more productive. He is a bum that creates nothing
he orbits timanthas with more clout than her
Why isn't baron banned yet? He's black.
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i'm just going by what was in the vid sir
calling broski's /pol/ tangents "some shit he said" reminds me of how timanthas defended that timmy that made the watchdogs vid where he killed minorities
Some shit he said lol
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some of y'all have autism for real? Can you never let anything go? This is how you ensure you die before 50.
He was like 19 when he said that
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Total pedophile genocide, Yay!
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This all started because sonic sol WAS STARVING for a non-black female lol.
kek you know diaphone told her he's a schizo so it wouldn't be awkward his former tourney partner was annoying his student
Max was incredibly lucky. He said chinder chagger nigger dagger right before the internet went insane with social justice
I seriously think if it happened in like 2019 or so, his career would have been legit over and he would have never recovered
He'd be viewed the same way as JonTron is now
>was the proper response really to do a rant stream for 9 hours and get banned?
never made that claim retard.
But sonic_sol said he knew diaphone personally!??!!
What controversies? Were you one of the femboyfags he triggered?
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>Arin Hanson makes multiple edgy cartoons and said nigga and faggot multiple times on his let's plays
>literally no one gives a shit

>Jon JAFARI says some generic republican shit
>immediately cancelled for it, dropped from everything
really made me think
>glazing and running defense for sonicsol
>the tranny has panty shots, therefore the game totally isn't censored
reminder that shinku still hasnt been banned from evo
This. The CASUALS will mash, get subby dollars and fuck off to the next variety game of the month. Still funny that lil nigga got got for backseating again. LUHMEEEOOOOWWWWWWWWWW
No one thinks this person will stick with fighting games, they're just making fun of sonic sol
matz's strategy to get fighting games to become more popular is by attracting asian vtuber bitches to get paid to stream

daisuke's strategy to get fighting games to become more popular is by attracting trannies to have orgies

who has the better plan?
he was being a fuckboy and didn't love us when he came inside us, ban this chud!
I hope I die well before 50
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If you did bad things only before you got your name known, you won't get banned.
If you make a genuine mistake like Max and immediately apologize, you won't get banned. Just don't do it again.
This has been consistent with everyone so far.
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Jiyuna used to say nigger and faggot with a tripcode on /jp/
You guys said he was a BR, but I guess he really does count as white now....
nigga had to dig up posts from when bush was still president
the genuine mistake of saying NIGGER, really says a lot about max for that to just slip out
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You guys accidentally say faggot all day, but no one can accidentally say nigger?
Vicki started ranting about DMX right after he died, too
Seemed to be in very poor taste, not sure what the plan was there
Like you could probably guess that would easily piss people off
I very intentionally say faggot
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It's never an accident, I got the pass.
Also we're all anonymous so everyone is free to say it here.
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>who has the better plan?
Matz. Vtuber bitches got huge ass audiences to market Slimer 6 to.
Punk and his gf said sonicsol was a nobody and you all love them
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>fat asian girl tries to ruin mike z's life
>fgg immediately switches sides to defend her

>fat asian girl tries to ruin sonicsol's life
>fgg immediately switches sides to defend her

Why are y'all like this?
Even baron isn't retarded enough to say anything controversial with a tripcode
his entire twitter is just "here's my new ruili combo" or "i wrote a 50 page essay on the barbarian wolf woman in my head"
worst tripfag in general history?
>Ban him for backseat driving
get off of 4chan sonic.
what a kino screenshot so much 4chan sovl
there will never be a time in humanity like it
kinu is not fat nigga the fuck are you on about
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>work hard all day and try your best to become a top player
>everyone hates you, barely any reward
>entire videos devoted to how you're a schizo and a loser and a retard

>don't interact with the community at all, just be famous already
>get invited to huge invitationals and get free money
>entire videos devoted to how your mashing was high IQ play

Why is the FGC like this?
she sent her simp army to destroy his reputation
emiru is a goddess, vappa
wish i had a simp army
imagine the smell
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Which asian girl are we going to turn against Cheez and Baron?
Literally all he had to do was nothing but he turned himself into a lolcow
wish emiru would chain me up bros
Fighting games?
the same thing happened in our community, but with black men instead of arab men
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I mean she probably hates both of those freaks since she knows them already, so that's a good plan
i hate kkkrakkkas so much
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I really can't feel bad for this nigga.
He chooses to constantly involve himself with the white demons.
If he was smart, he'd avoid them as much as possible.
Really brought that on himself.
>she got tats
thats fake tats
joestar, spaceghost, emma and many more
why does ss keep trying to flirt with Asian women when he has a japanese gf?
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we can't work towards a better future with you bringing up your misguided racial trauma all the time. you can do better
ok pick one
>Why is the FGC like this?
It's shill and clout chasing central over here, there's rarely any genuine love for this genre anymore it's sad :(
cant see this pretty elf without thinken about a finnish tranny anymore...
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>Hey, sorry if that chat seemed condescending or backseat driving, just trying to give some helpful advice. Hope to see you take some names during the slam
Was that so hard to do?
>not having a melty and making the whole situation about himself
for him yes
these "people" are never taught to be humble.
they view humility as humiliation.
they also refuse to "show weakness" to the police and we know how that turns out
they quite literally NEVER learn
too hard for a narcissist
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If some random white guy came into your chat and started giving advice, all of you coons would start crying about how he's looking down on you and calling you a retard, be honest
You can't pick one.
All of them have had a hand in contributing to the labored decline of this place over the last 15+ years.
fuck joestar and emma lovely were legendary levels of bad
awful at sf4 too
imagine the becky on the left gawking on your bbc
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he might be talking about bunny ayu, some time after the mike z dms she eventually got called out for using people for clout of course the fgc pretends this never happened.
what's wrong with a girl liking shota?
since when is she asian
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why do shotacon pedoniggas always get away with it?
>ignores everything said
>claims he was "cry laughing"
kek that nigga had his nerves touched reading that unban request
being more attractive and charismatic than you ugly disgusting neckbeards
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i look better than HBR...
no matter how wrong you think bunny is, it will never make mike z right
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bunny is right because um….because well you see…..because she has big fat titties nyigga!!
you are correct
if bunny looked like saki sakura, ain't no one would be caring what mike said to her LMFAO
ngl i'd plow the fuck out of saki sakura
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People care for ugly girls too anon
bunny isn't an asian
poor lil autistic nigga got exiled trying to flirt
She’s got Asian like features but yeah she’s a spic sister. Shocked me too, I mean it isn’t too shocking since she’s Texan but still
He came back right after that, no one cared about this random fat art hoe

Mike Z, however, is still persona non grata
so what did we learn from all this constant fgc drama bros? if you’re an autistic cis man just dont bother interacting with anyone, there isnt a soul on earth that will show you any sympathy
No the lesson was
>don’t be born black(I’m sorry for you lol)
>don’t be a gooner
>own up to being a passive aggressive fag in chat
>stop being a thirsty Nigga for VTUBER women lol
black or hispanic?
the internet archive is getting cucked by timmys writing star wars novels and yall niggas talking about fucking brown and asian bbws?

post merk
Aaaaaah no wtf nigga? Stop these jewish niggas from taking it down I got old ass anime I haven't watched yet/old Capcom artbooks read through NYIGGGAAAAAA
*pops vtrigger*

...wut? what does star wars have to do with it?
Buy a conventional enterprise grade HDD and back up everything.
It's the only way going forward.
part of the reason the lawsuit happened was because some timmy that wrote star wars novels seethed on Twitter that his hecking work was being pirated
Onions Wars "fans" are not human.
That thing was about ebook lending which probably won’t affect your toddler show lost media
a lot of fightcade roms are on internet archive...
>timantha thinks suits are going to stop at ebooks
it's about setting a precedent
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SonicSol is an attention whoring sperg that hates when any of it is poimted out. He didnt learn from the Punk situation and still hands out unwanted advice. He starts the issue, causes self inflicted blowouts then cries.
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Reminder you lost your roms on internet archive because this Timmy was malding he wasn’t getting paid 50 dollars per starwars novel!!
literally who
>old ass TimTim caused this shit over shitty fanfiction
How do we stop the Timmy Menace?
hbr being a gay pedonigga was not the /vg/ twist i had ever expected
this website does somethin to people
did you miss him calling enchantress mains pedos will wanting to fuck her male genderswap?
remember to tune into the sajam slam today!
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Its Shinomiya. Morning.

What a great present to wakeup to. Glad the goongoblin is getting dragged by Amour. SonicSol DESERVES IT. Om stream he tried to make fun of another detractor for being fat + alcholic but yet he does it himself all the time. Stones from glass houses and all that
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i aint watchin no goddamn sajam slam
what the fuck is the internet archive are you niggas retarded have you ever heard of a mothafuckin hard drive dumb ass bitch shut the fuck up
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Fuck Justin Wong.
Sonic Sol needs to just get pussy offline at this point
youre a faggot if you dont support libraries and archiving and free knowledge
get out of MY thread
he has a japanese gf...that he didn't go to see when he was in japan
sonicsol fucked with the wrong person
i dont know what he was thinking but he just constantly makes moves over and over proving he has no idea on how to make it in entertainment/influencing despite it being the only thing he wants in life
bizarre guy just born to be a lolcow
taking pics with those jappa schoolgirls gassed that nigga's head up so bad
she wuz busy doing shrine maiden training
He cant. Chihiro is in Japan. He will likely consult his best friend Jacky Danny, get drunk and goon in his goonercord. Where my mole will leak more info/tapes to me.
sonicsol was 100% right about brian_f
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sajam said hololive as interested in sajam slam but they couldn't go to twitchcon
>sajam gets to go in the mori suite

it's not FUARKING fair...
based Sajam
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Trust me, I know. Been documenting his gooner ass on my Twatter and YT channel for YEARS. Joshua looks himself up often on all platforms and issues copyright strikes like candy. Thats why when I intially posted Punk banning his goongoblin ass out of chat, it made SonicSol livid as it was from Punk's POV.
Joshua makes for great entertainment.
All that lil nigga had to do was just watch and mind his fucking business. LUHwoof
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sajam fucking a chubby white woman who can't rap would be enough to make all the nigcels here go kookoo
I miss pre sf6 fgg
yeah it was fun to make fun of jivelets
Just like his daddy LTG, mentally touchable.
That alone is asking a lot from a spastic.
Majin Obama subtweeting about SonicSol. MO used to tolerate SS, looks like no more.
he never tolerated sonicsol, he always makes gooner jokes about him on his stream
this spicnigga only cares about SF when some egirl is playing lmao
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/vp/ timmies make a pokemon romhack with mons like this in it and everyone loved it, but yall niggas think pawg ass clapperZ will get you cancelled?
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pokemon already had designs like that and were forced to change it...
SonicSol is proof you people hold yourselves back
>or feel the need to involve themselves on a level they aren't invited to
Who invited him? Why is he getting involved?
That is literally every streamer. They complain about "backseating" as in, talking about what they're doing publicly to hundreds of people. If you don't want advice you can just skip it, chat moves so fast that it's not gonna be on screen for more than a few seconds, and they're already ignoring most of it anyway.
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Majin called him a gooner a year back
In another clip he said he’d shit on SS, saying he’d even do it knowing SS has the poor bum ass Linkys router
He never tolerated SS.
Majin still wasn't invited and has nothing to do with this discussion. He is doing exactly what he is complaining about.
she's a goddess, vappa
of course autists don't understand people don't want advice unprompted
that was worthless to her luhmeow
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Laughing at SS is funny. But fuck e-celebs some dumbasses think they're actual celebrities. LUHMEOW
>Stream has "No Backseating"
>retard starts backseat gaming with unwarranted tips
>gets banned
got what he deserved
>ayo fuck this mentally ill nigga

god i hate twitter
And these people should be aware they aren't home in a private discord call. They're broadcasting publicly to a diverse audience of potential fans, which includes neurodivergent people. They should learn how to deal with autists without being assholes. This vtuber is being ableist and should be cancelled.
neurodivergent sounds worse than retarded or mentally handicapped
why is majin obama yappin when he already got exposed as a weirdo by clayton
funny how FGC niggas always talmbout it's a wholesome welcoming community then they all gather around the town square every week to cancel someone they don't like over some high school drama luhmow
>autist seethes that he got banned for acting like a retard
>people laugh
>this is a cancellation
2DPumper is in full copium mode. Joshua doesnt know to properly interact with the FGC and gets blown up everytime. My sides KEK. SonicSoL
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>successful streamer
>knowledgeable about all kinds fighting games
>reaches high ranks online in each of them
>hosts and commentates tournaments with official Capcom backing
>access to Mori's suite

>middling Youtube channel
>doesn't play any fighting games
>keeps talking about receipts and being left for dead or something
>doesn't host or enter any tournaments
uhhh rent free, uhhh you arent better than clayton, uhhh you only hate clayton because he isnt an incel, uhhh clayton actually doesnt play because of his crippling medical issues but actually has 15 secret fightcade accounts he plays on daily, kys rooflemonger
sajam doesnt even lift or have his own mascot
when technicals makes the clayton documentary all of his haters will have no choice but to accept that he's the savior of the FGC
>or have his own mascot
He has his cats!
thanks bros
these are better and I will update the pasta for next time
sonicsol shouldn't watch imo he should just play something else.
imagine sex with clayton though
best choke of your life until he actually kills you
is most of that stuff even true? i feel like he adds extra fluff to make it more entertaining.
A vid about the outcasts of the fgc besides ltg and dsp would low key be kino. It can include people like sonic sol and clayton and who else?
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>clayton goes to choke you as his micro slips in
>his hand a wrist explodes as soon as his grip tightens
>starts mumbling clayton is actually extremely humble he never said he was good at sex he doesnt even do it anymore and even when he does hes still better than anyone else even with a broken penis
nigga restreaming from the cuck chair
turn off the music and turn on the sajam slam audio, sonic sol
why wasnt top player sonic sol invited to the sajamslam
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"I feel like im boring when I stream Variety. I have no idea what to make"
- Joshua "SonicSol" Lindo
Just dropping by to remind you guys that you are absolute fucking losers
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COTW will filter trannies, dixxers, *and* vtubers as well as sajam
This tweet is ironic coming from the shitty anime version of Aris.
I have never seen this guy put out positive energy
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Go back to wallowing in your cuck chair SonicSol.
is this brawlpro nigga really a noob
at least aris is funny. majin obama's negativity gives off catty bitch energy
Bro has like two digit viewers and you guys are spending hours of your day posting about him. It's fucking crazy man.
You niggas are lost lol
>at least aris is funny
He is?
Evens kula
Odds mai
yea, hes objectively very charismatic
Will xhey sh**t up a Strive tourney?
Aris hasnt been funny since Tekken 7 Season 2. Jokes became TOO repetitive
>His jokes have become too repetitive!
>Now, back to posting about Clayton, Sonicsol, Sethanie, etc...
I don't see it, but he has an audience.
aris could be successful in stand up with how good he tells stories
rashid is cheap but ss is delusional talking like JB isn't a tier above brianf in skill
Nephew, JB and Shine are all a tier above the other 3
Timmbot at it again

Finna sniffmolest
thats HIM
thats MY BOY
Detached boomer moment here but how did all these twitter accounts and youtubers and shit even start being venerated for their takes on fighting games? Do they even press the buttons good?
is diaphone gonna step in or nah
It's the digital age so it's very easy to get a passing understanding of legacy fighters without being good at them, and then making video essays on said fighters
this shinomiya pedonigga really dedicating his mental library to SS drama
brawlpro is GoD rank in tekken which is like rank 1 legend in sf6
Mald more :P
Watching SonicSol mald is a great passtime.
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smdh you could be orbiting BITCHES but you're orbiting a black hob goblin
remember when a video essay fag got mad at dsp
if you're a loser, yes
At least your posting kino waifus. Von Karma NGHHH.
Im at work actually. Trolling the goongoblin makes my shift go fast.
for me it's maya
DSP: damn this lil timmy really splurging on a arcade gooncave? sheesh none of the niggas who actually play FGs get this shit LMFAO
essaytroon: I-I'll..... I-I'll play you in SF2 when you were last relevant
DSP: kill yourself lil tranny freak
he didnt say that last part but you can tell he thought it
>remember when a video essay fag got mad at dsp
Again? Them Timmies stream /ourguy/ DSP everyday and DSP's still around. LUHWOOF
ash really saved charmander from tbe rain just for that lil snake ass nigga to start acting up and cost him the league. there's a lesson there
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ash's fault for not having enough badges on top of the few he did get being handouts, charizard knew not to respect that nigga until he earned it
funny how dbfz players are disappointed with how they've shat up the game again then you get non-playing kusobeggars like this faggot wanking it off "escape the world of esports" dumb tubby
would you rather be a tranny or a cyberbots main
Cuck chair. over there.
how do we get rid of this new avatarfag?
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Good afternoon /fgg/.

I'm working on character models for GigaMaidens.

Pic unrelated.
who asked?
who asked otherwise?
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Cielle draws better than you
she has more views than you
she is a better person than you
face it, ya'll are nothing compared to her. Shouldn't have crossed a woman with 7500 twitter followers.

This is her art. You're saying ya'll are better than this? LOL
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When SonicSol vanishes from the FGC. Otherwise I will remain.
Clayton saved the fgc
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15k twitch subs
better artist than all of fgg
draws like this
and you people thought you could take a swing?

Sit back down in your cuck chair, monkey ass coon ape motherfucker.
post her face
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She has you retards beat there, too.
Sorry but it's just fucking over.
Pack your bags up and get a real job at Wendy's, boy.
Who the FUCK is that, lil nigga?

I ASKED. I am the who knocks
>Wears YGO merch
No wonder SonicSol was simping over her beforr his crusty ass got banished. Im sensing a pattern...
kinda bad, might be worth a stroke
ellie is better
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cielle aka amour is the artist/streamer vtuber that sonicsol was seething over.
This is her
>not beta orbitin a fat white bitch
He aint a real nigga
>no /sfg/ in the catalog
it's over
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Why did she call SonicSol a nobody when he has literally twice as many twitch followers as her?
yall orbiting random asian girls now?
You probably have the image filtered and stubs hidden, it's up with some cammy picture
nigga said NOW
Ash had all the badges in the indigo league though, Charizard was just an asshole because they needed a reason for Ash to lose the tournament.
That doesn't make him someone.
hes still a nobody and shes a sexy PAAG artist
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>Cielle draws better than you
Citation needed
not sure if the last character in my redneck fighting game should be a wrestler, an alien, elvis, bigfoot, a 2nd amendment jew or a brony
>hey bros, I'm going to show off my best art piece to prove my worth
>hmmm what should I chose
>something normal? no....
street fighter 2 was the last good street fighter
what about bigfoot the alien
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SF2 is only liked by boomers.
it doesnt matter what names you call them we are the real street fighter fans
back in my day i was high platinum on sf2 ranked on the sega with guile so it goes without saying i could probably hit master no problem if i tried in sf6
People shitting on Clayton is cringe. I don't get this forced meme of Clayton either. The guy mogs real life celebs and you want us to believe he's ugly? Weird af.
Reminder that polarbair hates Clayton for not having sex with him. And bans anyone who mentions how Clayton beat him and his friends under a fake account.
no one called him ugly you retarded faggot. People make fun of clayton because he schizo rants about being left for dead and random ass sicknesses daily for years. Literally never stfus about it, writes essays about it and rambles non-stop in videos about it
how does a grown man get left for dead in public?
Clayton isn't a schizo tho, and it's others who rant about him. I've never seen Clayton start anything with anyone.
Fantasy Strike.

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