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>PoE 2 Early Access November 15th

>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488

josh la
remember not to return to brit/pol/
even as an anonymong
new year new you
don't fall back into old habits
2025 is your year
you're going to absolutely dominate PoE2
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BigNose, tink?
new autism 2 interview :)
I don't get it. How the fuck do you clear Atlas in a week from league start? I'm trying to practice for this, but damn I'm just slow or something. Maybe I don't get good gear? That shouldn't matter, there's ways to guarantee good gear right? I never get to the funding my toons part to enjoy the league with multiple characters part.
you can finish the atlas in 24 hours of play time.
i'm sorry for making fun of your trading cards please come back
playing 12 hours a day makes it easier
Pick a build that can clear atlas + at least eater/exarch on shit gear, then just play a lot in the first few days.
Alt click to quickly check for incomplete maps.
Check if Kirac's selling any.
Spec into Kirac missions. Do them. Use scouting reports.
Orb of Horizons.
kek op monkey's literally me
heavens why does it sound so dumb when we thing about getting shiny rocks but it feels so good while we're playing
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>going back to d2
play a meta build that takes care of your dmg. get the build from a liable person. If they have a pob that has everything checked there's your red flag. So many guides overinflate defense or dps

for example, 3.25 had ps mine, bl archmage, frost nova archmage, exert slams, pconc bouncing, manaforge bow, slayer LS
Man, I wish I still had neurons activating on divine drops.
>30 div item drops
>feel nothing
I didn't even feel anything last league when I made a full set of mirror-tier gear after ages of grinding.
I miss the rush PoE used to give.
You play a lot
those are scrub numbers, 16 or more
also use a good atlas tree for map progression and use Kirac's and don't put too much focus on full completing the atlas. if you're like a few maps away who cares. Void stone progression is a lot more important
Don't know how you people play a game when you cry the league is dead (it's not). Literal mental illness to come back
people like to complain, you should know this by now.
i spent 170 divs on uber eater coins and got like 40 divs of stuff back, was gambling for a nimis. oh well i think i'm done with the league
There are hordes of people who play 12+ hours per day for two weeks to rush through all content, then complain that they're bored. Zoomerism knows no age.
cool, can I have your stuff?
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>1 type of support gem PER CHARACTER
literally high on their own farts.
jesus christ.
>only 1 lifetap per character
>only 1 inspiration per character
>only 1 increased area of effect per character
>only 1 arrogance per character
what the fuck are they thinking
no cause i wanna keep my character intact so i can log in standard years down the line and reminisce about my most powerful character i ever had
what do those gems do in poe2?
apart from lifetap, name 10 other supports which are used more than once in a build
you are too retarded to post here
just checked poedb, inspiration and arrogance aren't even known to be in the game. are you stupid or something?
maybe automation, faster attacks
>only 1 increased area of effect per character
based af unironically. you have to pick your aoe clear skill.
arrogance would be a meta gem in poe2, you would be putting auras in its links
What counts as “all the content”? There’s still plenty to do after two weeks.
when i first heard about it i thought it was retarded, then i thought about it. there are a few builds in poe 1 that use a lot of the same support but they are usually niche builds, coc and cwdt for example. a lot of utility supports get reused because of socket limits, enlighten in gloves and helm or whatever.
it sounds worse than it is.
how to become you
take an ssri
>free game only provides 168 hours of gameplay every 3-5 months

Why would you need lifetap or arrogance in PoE 2?
increased crit strike chance/damage
unbound ailments
added x damage
faster attacks
faster casting
cast when x
more duration
controlled destruction
x leech
charge on crit
elemental pen
void manip
mark on hit
and those are just off the top of my head
for the exact same reasons as in poe 1 retard
is there a unique unset ring with (socketed support gems apply to all skill gems) as in, all skill gems you have equipped across your entire character
they have confirmed that they're adding entire new supports precisely because of how the new restriction + 6 links per skill changes the demands of builds, soooo...
auras don't reserve mana, but there is no reason arrogance wouldn't work in poe2 anyway
imagine not looking that up for yourself.
auras use spirit not reservation and mana is meant to be something you have more than minimal amounts of, so no automatic reason to use lifetap on everything. keep up with the info.
idk how i would desu the wording could be weird
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meant for
>have to manually find uncut gems to level gems
>probably means no more corrupting gems
>supports don't have levels
sounds shit
>they have confirmed that they're adding entire new supports
what if i dont want the new supports
what if i want life tap on all my skills
i can do it in poe1 and it works great
why take away choice
>well um actually in poe2 you can get life tap and life tap -1 and life tap +1 which do slightly different things
eat a grenade
>auras don't reserve mana
do you have a current(this year) source for that?
see above
i accept your concession
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Lived long enough too see yourself become the retarded.
LIterally just look at the unset ring page on the wiki, it lists all the uniques of that basetype
40 runs no transmute option
they had to of nerfed this shit
>what if i dont want the new supports
then you play path of exile 1.
I accept your total defeat and dogeza.
>then you play path of exile 1.
so you agree that they are not making poe2 for the poe1 audience
just say you dont like poe and move on.
its that easy.
bro how can you complain about one specific thing when you are completely out of the loop of everything else. anon is right you're sounding kind of retarded now
ok well it doesn't exist but i found the hungry loop which is a sick item
I'm shit at this game but if you spec kirac and buy / trade maps you can go fast. The other half is having a strong build that can just power through maps on shit gear
Maybe corrupting gems has new effects now other than just +1 level, Like adding additional effects or functions to supports.
Gems are still physical things, why would you not be able to corrupt them?
first atlas tree should be kirac/map drops. use scouting reports to reroll kirac missions to uncompleted maps. buy uncompleted maps from kirac. check his inventory repeatedly cause it resets. use orbs of horizon.
>From 261 divs down to 124div
>Can't go back to farming essences because the market has already crashed
>Have to stick with strongboxes in T16
poe 2 is a different game with a different system for gems, auras, reservations, etc. they didn't want to just remake poe 1 so it is what it is.
if poe 2 is shit people will just go back to poe 1, simple as.
liking or disliking poe 1 is irrelevant.
>when you are completely out of the loop of everything else
i simply asked for a source
one that you seemingly cant provide
its literally integral to the core of the gameplay

i said it sounds like shit and you guys are sperging out defending it
even if you dont reserve mana with aura skills that is 1(ONE) line of text in my messages and doesnt invalidate what im saying
also if you use "spirit" or whatever
how does that mean that arrogance isnt in the game or isnt needed?
just change the gem from saying "Supported Skills Reserve Life instead of Mana" to "Supported Skills Reserve Life instead of Spirit"
and it functions identically
allowing you to activate more auras.
hardly crashed. it'll never not be worth it cause of crafter-autists
poo 2 is for dark souls retards
poe was designed with the support skill gem system in mind
poo 2 support gems are an afterthought because they're too strong in poe despite them nerfing the ever living fuck out of them constantly
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>toe ring of the witch
>goes in ring slot
>+80% chance to cause enemies to miss (they are looking at her feet)
>2 out of every 15 seconds you do no dmg (she needs to rub her feet cause its a bit uncomfy)
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First time i ever reached 36/40 bros, feels good
btw fat johnathan was the one who came up with link skills probably the fat fucking retard
You can watch any recent promotional video or interview to see spirit has been confirmed for a long time now, as recent as today in niggyDs video it was mentioned. Minions, auras, and now they've said even skill transforming things like changing your roll to a teleport reserve spirit. There is no reason you couldn't possibly reserve life instead of spirit. Arrogance if in the game would be a metagem like enlighten, coc, cwdt etc. These aren't supports anymore, they are the main skill that you would place all your auras in.
why dont you do it
you are the one saying it exists
i ASKED YOU for a source
its like saying
>x sucks
>>well the reason it sucks is because of y
>can i have a source for that?
>>no, go to a library and find it yourself
go fuck yourself then.
You sound like a huge fag, so I'm not going to help you.
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laughing out loud
and if you think any of those other ones are surviving either i'll laugh harder
yeah putting that on my marauder
i like how poo 2 is going to suffer from the same problems
>game balanced around trade
>auras (spirit does not fucking fix this)
>debuffs/buffs STILL in the top left corner
two games
two campaign
two fat retards not fixing shit
cry more bitch tits
ok grokAI, write a song about Chris wilson being a bald fucking retard
i accept your concession
jonathan is mentally retarded
this is basically just one of the nodes on the life mastery
>game balanced around trade
skill issue
>auras (spirit does not fucking fix this)
not sure what the complaint is here but it's probably a skill issue
>debuffs/buffs STILL in the top left corner
is that a bad thing?
493075127 retard
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source? verifiable source?
judging by the level of seething in this thread i have concluded that i am right in everything i said
poo 2 is going to be fucking shit
>this is basically just one of the nodes on the life mastery
Passive tree life wheels are gone.
Masteries are gone.
This version of Lifetap might be the only way to split skill cost between life and mana.
This is your cue to seethe even harder.
wish mods would enforce the "no trolling outside of /b/" rule
exhibit A
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there is just no way they didn't break merc divine font
this shit is retarded
Provide a source that PoE2 has a dodge roll right now otherwise you're seething. It doesn't.
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>He came crawling back again

You're such a mindbroken lil cock slave for that big wilson meat, holy shit.
here you go :)
Blocked in my country. I accept your concession.
>outed himself as a jeet
Oh, what country is that?
I don't know what was more sad, him having a ruthless with gold character or him deleting it
VPNs are your friend
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>Biggest Anti-Chris Doomsissy
>Level 90 Ruthless with Gold
This dude 100% has a humiliation fetish.
How do you le El from 94-99?
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Which t17 has the simplest layout
I can't deal with this shit after running 500 strands
git gud sun
suck it up buttercup
Don't die
They all suck
They're all basically the same except for citadel which is even worse.
Literally throwing money away
Do I lose exp on death now?
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New player here, I'm struggling pretty hard to earn currency, don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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poo2 bros what is our response to this?
we said that melee would be fixed
>raise Pale Seraphim
>he died
>can't desecrate his corpse

dude posting poe 2 closed alpha screens is against the NDA ur gonna get permabanned bro
Need starfall crater por favour
I wish you could start a custom league that was just Endless Delve. Delve is my favorite part of PoE, but I still have to occasionally farm Sulphite in maps to sustain it.
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First time getting "beating the game" and doing mapping, is this normal though?
idk what setup shitstainsteve had but in that last week of the league he would do 1 map and fully replenish his sulphite
yeah some mobs will just drop a ton of 1 item, if you're really lucky it can be a 6 link, sometimes it's maps etc. not sure exactly what causes it.
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i really hope the town goes core, it fixes soo many issues with PoE's endgame and i will be really sad if it goes

1.mappers map all the maps you stock up and never use, also don't need to deal with bulk selling
2. Recombinators help with crafters and people new to crafting by letting them pick up items and slam them together for a RNG chance for a good item
3. shipping allows passive income for new and old players to get income and resources
4. disenchanting is good for 1 chaos uniques
5. the rune crafting adds power to your weapon without bricking other mods on them
6. Gold is given a real reason as a resource to farm other than the currency exchange (this is good for people not playing trade as well) for getting the best people in your town

the only thing i think should be removed to allow design space for next league is how you farm ore in maps, just add ore as random drops per map to the gold you pick up because GGG is going to need to add a new league mechanic in maps

nonetheless 10/10 league my fav so far since crucible hands down.
Honestly wish GGG made it where you can make fun meme mode private leagues that were void leagues when they end so they dont affect standard or anything.
When they announced private leagues I was expecting that, I did not anticipate how bald the custom mods would be
Made a character in SSF Ruthless. I did standard because
a) League is really strong for currency, which seemed to counter the point of ruthless.
b) I figured since ruthless is slower there would be at least some player base.
Since playing I haven't seen anyone say anything in 2 hours.
I'm thinking of going league because it's lonely.
How boring is your life that you spend time out of your life every day to fanatically keep track of that players armory? At least tell me why I should care about this person
what do you mean goes core? This is the last league for poe1.
Nothing ner will ever happen.
>accidentally went idle on my HCSSF character in standard since I wanted to fix the stashtab loadout
>missed out on hours of PMs for offers on nice items
nooo, my potential lost divines!!
We are still working on leagues for PoE1 for the forseeable future. 3.26 is currently in the works, although some people have been pulled off it temporarily to ensure we get PoE2 early access out the door. Settlers is going to be a bit longer than usual. The current plan is to have 3.26 launched late November or early December and after that we are hopefully back onto a 3-month league cycle
you're a good lad
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People asking for a new league and date when it's to come; little do they know that this is the last league ever and any update to the game is just flipping numbers back and forth in a small "balance hotfix". Welcome to endless kalguur.
D3 and POE are now in the same state of live service
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morning lads
reckon I'll get to 99 today or tomorrow
blitzing through my backlog of low tier maps
getting a surprising amount of xp
hope you all have a good day today
Reminder: this is the minimum level of tankiness required to enter white maps now.

I like how you role-play
how does he get such life regen
juggs gonna jugg
delve is fucking insane
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i will only buy mageblood if it gets under 200 div. i am NOT paying a divine more.
you can buy one now for 89div
i've run so much lab today
bfr fucking won
i am feeling the weight
his weight, specifically
fat fucking BALD ASS RETARD
yeah 2 flask corrupted doodoo
desu if u use a tincture and 1 unique flask like a taste of hate, a 3-flask mb is still legit
how does one farm essences? just allocate all the nodes then alch+go with some of those corrupt essences in inv?
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problem, nigger?
he looks like ao oni
a what? speak american, retard.
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git gud nigger
IP grabber
all nodes except crystal resonance. then either
>3x essence, 1x essence stability, 1x ascent
or >1x essence stability, 1x ascent, 1x calcification, 2x adversaries
but with the second one u gotta reroll your maps to have +% of rare monsters
is the most efficient 50 mill just crops and dust, or do i send bars too?
also i heard the destination is irrelevant when it comes to mirrors shards, is it true?
crops and dust are the best for 50mil. i save ore/bars to reset quotas.
everyone says distance doesn't matter, all my shards came from riben fell.
great, thanks anon
>some kid pings me to buy a crafted amethyst ring for 5 div
>starts pinging me begging for me to let him buy it for 2 div and 30c
>tell him no because it took me a while to craft and I need div
>suddenly managed to come up with another div, offered me 3 div
>ignored him
>he sits in my hideout while I'm mapping, waiting for me to come back to put stuff in stash
>starts inviting me to trade
>decline each time
>won't stop inviting me
>fuck knows how they're coming through when he's on my ignore list
>sit in empty map for 10 mins
>come back and he's gone
>get another ping from someone else to buy a gem
>inv him, he accepts, then leaves
>then he invs me, I accept, then he leaves
>this happens 3x
>then he pings me again
I fucking hate dealing with these mouthbreathing retards
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you can just switch your hideout to another and back and they'll be gone
today you fawn over divs, tomorrow, something else. in the end what was the piling up for? it will all go away and be less than a feeling.
this is why I love poeg
you guys are always so helpful
thanks bro
>Find reasonably big ticket item
>Don't want to trade
>Even if i had the liquidity i don't know how to scale my build beyond a few div
This was my blog
is that a bug or something that happens in this gauntlet event?
forbidden rite is autoaim. try that
How does one do non minion dark pact build work? Do you have crazy regen and you just run next to enemies and melt them?
One of them uses that reserve your life unique jewel iirc, it seems suicidal
I see people reach 40mil dps with it and 24k max life. I just dont know how it looks to play
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>it takes you 4-5 days to get less stuff in settlers than in a couple of hours in tota or 10 mins in affliction
Atziri's perfectly plump TWO sets of tits
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that is some crazy revisionism right there.
1 group of atlas runners outperforms tota, add the other two groups AND 3 boats. yeah bro tota..
that's why redditor dad gamers loved affliction so much even thought it was a shit tier league
easy mode finally allowed them to get le divs etc.
lmao they're decorations
>earn first mb this league/ever
>next day
>trade messages stop
>faustus not selling anything
>stop getting any significant drops
>30 deli maps, earn 4 div
>AIO pump fails
>can't play
What the fuck mageblood
What's so great about Glacier? The default div cards are ass.
Is it just a good map for gold?
You put legion into the map and then blast the whole area into shreds. Fast map also
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I literally farmed this shit for days with headhunter and got jackshit. I dont get it how ppl still play legion
we don't have the technology
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Its 2 separate popular Carn death clips merged together.
First one is him chain hooking back into mavens 1 shot explosion
Second is him trying to tank a Sirus meteor but mistimed his chaos res flask

Personally I love this one.
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>Vaal Sextant
What the fuck, that seems surreal to a new (2020) player like me...
World of Warcraft had begun once again. You are being sucked into a vortex going back in time and being forced to play World of Warcraft.
Recasting zombies is so slow when they die. Does cast speed make the animation faster?
what in the fuck am i looking at?
Its an old screenshot of the stash, those purple things are prophecies which don't exist anymore. Exalts were the best currency at this point
>400 transmutation orbs
ur doing fine, bro.
I'm playing boneshatter and using everything to survive but one thing you learn is a) you can probably counter the whole downside with enough armour b) you really feel when the armour stops working c) if you pick 50% reduced phys reduction altar it sucks lmao

I can tank 8 stacks of trauma easy but if you get reduced phys reduction its pain at 6
I have been getting good returns also way more gold than when I was doing essences even on 8mod maps
>>auras (spirit does not fucking fix this)
you think spirit is going to be readily available for you to stack auras? lmao
Hello, I'm new player starting. I kind of tried PoE back in 2017-ish but didn't really get into it.
I've watched a lot of streams, videos etc. etc. so I have some knowledge what I'm getting into now.
What would be absolutely easy and no-brain league starter for a new player wanting to do a lot of endgame content?
rf jugg
why do you need others if you're playing SSF ruthless?
poison srs necromancer
very easy start, very cheap build
can do T16 easily
can beat maven and other bosses
drawback is slow mapping and can't do T17
dominating blow guardian
I'd change that to Absolution/Herald of Purity Guardian desu
Don't do RF, anyone that suggests that shit should be shot
rf has been good since the game released. doesn't change how boring it is.
>easily does all content
>mapping is just left click
>regen blows leech out of the water when you are learning fights
>gear is the simplest shit ever to make/get
Its also extremely boring, it's a terrible recommendation for a new player
>literally asks for easy no brain starter
My brain can just not handle doing the maven memory game so that's impressive to do it so many times. But I've been farming and selling maven fragements most of the league so thanks for buying them.
>can just not
do you ever speak with other human beings?
>mining for some psychopath mass murderer
>reknown for doing shit like killing gods? probably made up
>they come into town carting literal tons of gold behind them
>they put me on mining duty
>first time mining, gotta enter some portal
>it takes me to some non-descript desolate land
>carcasses everywhere, smell of death and rotting corpses
>can see them off in the distance slaughtering hordes in seconds
>each creature is dropping literally days of my salary
different sextants for each tier of map
glad that shit is long gone as well as prophecies
maybe in whatever shit hole country you live in, its ok to talk that way but in real countries it isn't.
>can just not
>just cant
yes :)
why do you tell lies on the internet?
There's nothing truly nobrain in POE, people will laugh at this comment but it's true, you gotta manage your gear and skill tree and apply problem-solving thinking at least a little bit, even with a totally handholdy guide.

RF chieftain is certainly an easy option because you can just follow Pohx's guides and it also has mechanics that make gearing very forgiving. Even if the build has flaws (shit DPS on bosses), it's a good enough build for your first character and let you get currency/atlas unlocks for another character.
>anything i disagree with is a lie
moved on to implications already?
you must be really mad
>don't you know talking like a retard is normal?
that poster wasnt speaking, you read what he wrote
who nutted in your cereal
i accept your concession :)

the real Simon Says has 4 quadrants and is for ages 8 and up
reading is speaking
when you read, you hear the words in your mind
unless you are one of than aphantasia tards.

and when you type, you are transcribing something you want to say
your bisexual schematics can equally be applied hetoo
can i add in another load >w<
The only problem with memory game is that you always have to go bottom right to be able to see the sequence. If you are shit at it just open local chat and type the order like 121323
>he moves his lips to read
truly retarded
>when you read, you hear the words in your mind
Literal retard
waht mtatres is you udnoteosrd me. klil yselurof rreaetdd nieggr.
>he moves his lips to read
i LITERALLY never said that
>Subvocalization, or silent speech, is the internal speech typically made when reading; it provides the sound of the word as it is read. This is a natural process when reading
i accept your concession :)
keep in mind this poster was forced to vocalize every word written here
can you not read?
sure but i referenced speaking, not "sub-vocalization"
you are grasping at straws
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>as well as prophecies
Gone but not forgotten.
they don't think it be like it is, but it do.
a large portion of the population (60%+) literally do not have an inner monologue. they do not read things aloud in their head.
this fact is not true. it is literally impossible to read something and NOT hear yourself reading it in your head.
simply isn't possible.
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you cant hear something in your head no noise is produced
you hear with your ears
>i dont understand
>therefore its not possible
sorry but you are wrong
at least half of humans dont have an inner monologue(i think monologue is a bad word to use but regardless)
Slowpoke anon are you okay? Sorry about this revelation
look it up, retard. many fast readers don't subvocalize, either.
>you hear with your ears
thats not true
the brain creates the sound from "data" received from the ear
but if the data comes from within the brain the brain will still "hear" it even though its not real.
>the midwit subvocalizoor
your brain isnt doing the hearing
your ear is
interpreting data isnt hearing
>don't subvocalize
important point is they CAN but they choose faster data consumption and understanding at that time and at other times may choose to subvocalize
so the real and only humans are the ones with inner monologue, right?
you aren't no inner monologue animal cattle, are you?
they physically can't and don't understand the concept. for more info on this topic look up something like "no internal monologue"
Does Chris subvocalize?
Newfag question, I sometimes see it in videos. Is that a mod where item names have white backgrounds and different colors to make them easier to catch?
>your ear is
the ear picks up the pressure waves that move through the world
if the brain didnt exist the ear would still pick up those waves but it wouldnt be hearing anything
the brain is what does the hearing
as long as it gets the correct kind of data it doesnt give a fuck where it comes from.
>he can't turn it off
you are a bot
you can have an inner monologue, sub vocalise and fast read.
these aren't mutually exclusive things
and just because you dont have an inner monologue doesnt mean you are a fast reader.
nice slippery slope
without the heart the brain would cease to function does this mean the heart hears as well?
no it doesnt
when you sub-vocalize this post, please remember to repeat that you are a retard
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>are the ones with inner monologue, right?
also the ones who are a 1 on this image, if you are anything less than 2 i dont consider you a human.
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>without the heart the brain would cease to function does this mean the heart hears as well?
islam literally teaches anyone who cannot imagine or hear things in their mind are merely disbelievers.
So as a new player, I cannot trade and sell items unless I buy a premium tab?
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>mfw i hear photorealistic apples in my heart
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Not bad
10c LMAO
I don't have a clip but I was "watching" tytykiller two weeks ago and he said he's unable to imagine anything.
He said "when a friend tells me "Imagine this or that, it would be great", I can't. Nothing happens"
hes just baiting for donos
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incubators are for poor people
i-i kneel...
Sorry, I lied. Those div are from my stash
You can but you have to do it the old way, through the forum
>have uber fragments worth 5 div
>do them myself
>get an item worth 1c
based -5d per hour anon
The closed beta starts today, right? I better see some screenshots and webms in here.
uber is like playing lottery
either you get a 100 div item in the first few tries or you'll lose money
even if you do 1000 uber, you'll most likely lose money
their drops are worse
Hi there,

Thank you for contacting us over private messages.

Your account has been locked due to your repeated breaches of our Code of Conduct despite numerous warnings. Needlessly negative or hateful comments will not be tolerated within Path of Exile under any circumstances.

If you can promise to abide by our rules in the future, we may be able to consider tentatively restoring access to this account. Please note that any further breaches may result in your accounts being permanently closed.

I would suggest that you read through our Code of Conduct found here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1457463, and our Terms of Use found here:https://www.pathofexile.com/legal/terms-of-use-and-privacy-policy

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to let us know.

Kind regards,
What did you do anon?
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I always felt that Tencent is relatively hands-off when it comes to GGG, but I see the tentacle can be provoked to tighten.
Should I keep stacking armour even though I hit 90% PDR already?
right after i posted it global 1 became nothing but chinks for like 10 minutes then i got logged off
depends on how much flat pdr you have
anything under 50k = 0
That looks painfully annoying to do. When is approximately another stash sale if you know by any chance?
probably by the end of the month i reckon
90% PDR on your character sheet is misleading because it pretends like you'll be getting hit only by pansy monsters, you can never have enough armour because of the way armour works, i.e. it loses effectiveness the bigger the incoming hit is (check the wiki).
hurr durr ima shieldbuild let me fuckin forgo m usual damage 6link like shield crush for GLACIAL SHIELD SWIPE retaliation skill instead XDDDD hurrr durrrrrr
You can but you have to subvocalize it.
i posted the tnd pasta on quins channel and got only 1 hour
I've been trying to make a build, since I never tried before and was wondering about some stuff like pdr cap. I think flat on my current thingy is 30k, I got 40k on the character I'm actually playing and it feels good enough.
I see, so if I can get it, I should.
>90% PDR on your character sheet is misleading because it pretends like you'll be getting hit only by pansy monsters
I know there's a button that has some bosses attacks you can select, would that make it more accurate/helpful?
Wish there was a manual to PoB, describing what every single button and box does.
in the config tab set the enemy level to 84 and the "is the enemy a boss" to "guardian/pinnacle boss"
as a baseline
then if you want go to boss skill preset and change it around to see how much damage you can tank
such as shaper slam and then look at your phys damage reduction %
also go into the calcs tab and see your "hits taken before death"
also remember you can ctrl + f to search for whatever if you eyes start glaze over and you cant seem to find what text box you want to look at.
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I have relationships with women
And sex with ds_lily
does his cock feel tight inside your bussy?
we all have relationships with women, dumbass. we live in a society.
Kinda worded that poorly since it does tell me about a lot of stuff just by hovering but there are some stuff I'm left wondering, guess it's just me not having that much knowledge about the game's basic systems (like armour).
That does help a lot though, thanks. I put those and seems like I can take 1.21 Shaper slams which seems fine, I think.
>you need 50000k armour to run yellow maps because of the way armour is calculated!!!
I have literally never pushed more than 25k armour, and I hit level 100 every league purely because I never die. Where is this meme coming from? Even on vulnerability maps I feel invincible at 20k. What enemies even hit that hard? Do people waste affixes just so they can flex standing in Uber slams or something?
>1.21 Shaper slams which seems fine, I think.
dont take it as gospel
just use it as a reference.
dont worry about not knowing shit
no one knows shit
if you are playing or whatever and you say "what is____" just type the ____ into the wiki (the poe wiki, not the fandom) and have a read.
you probably still wont remember shit but its better than doing nothing.
>I know there's a button that has some bosses attacks you can select, would that make it more accurate/helpful?
Yes, it's in Config, you can for example set it to Shaper Slam or another high phys move like that, and you can also see how many "hits till death" you have in the Calcs tab. Obviously you should be dodging Shaper Slams, but juice content enough and normal rare enemies will hit as hard as that, or more.

Anyway, there isn't really some kind of armour benchmark you need to hit so don't obsess about this too much. Just know that more armour helps (but isn't always the best choice, sometimes adding more pool or endurance charges or % PDR increase or other defensive mechanics is better).
como say dee say 'tetas'
Deez Nuts
the game before you were born
i want your 'deez nuts' in my mouth, nigga
>What enemies even hit that hard?
Titanic Xandro
hol up ayo dis nigga ZESTY
just had one of those good shits where you feel empty inside and relaxed.

i'm ready to blast a million maps with no interruptions now
Makes sense, there's a lot of variance in the game.
Yea, I remember seeing some poetuber talking about spreading out the defences and not just stacking 1 thing.
While I mostly agree, there are definitely times where I feel squishy even at 32k, 54k with flasks up. Might just be me but I do notice a difference in vuln maps. If you're immortal at 25k, I would wager it's not because of the armor. Armor is good, but you don't need to go all in on it (and you shouldn't).
Your RMT are over now
>and not just stacking 1 thing.
This patch it's kind of different because you can just stack endurance charges really :^)

>Armor is good, but you don't need to go all in on it (and you shouldn't).
>you shouldn't
Obviously not on all characters, but armour stackers, DF juggs and aegis aurora characters are some of the fattest builds in the game, just stacking armour like crazy is viable.
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>another muted screenshot but not from 1488 again
Even those guys have other defenses, as you've already pointed out. Aegis aurora needs block, DF jugg locks you into an ascendancy and timeless jewel, everyone's getting end charges this league, etc. Some builds obviously want more armor than others, but in those cases the build is designed around it, you still don't mindlessly stack armor and expect to never die.
Chris Wilson is....
Only in Theaters
this nigga wearing makeup LMAOOOO
Reminder Chris Wilson can choose to turn off his subvocalization in order to read faster!
what big phys damage is there even in the average map? almost all juice just scales it into elemental or chaos
whats this dumb subvocalization meme
>the fag inviting me to 1488 global is posting a trump gif
the logical extention of white nationalism is paganism and everyone knows it's a larp
you’re crying on /poeg/ instead of leddit after getting muted from leddit global. lmao
sorry- i will use broader concepts and do the retard speech dance so you can understand.
being le edgy angsty chud isn't funny. ban these retards.
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the single message he sent before being muted for 300 hours was surely the reason for the ban and also his only offense #believeallwomen
did the general just die
we were taking a shit
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>mentioning historic event
I made this for you.
You're right, actually. I mentioned a few other chinese atrocities merely by name beforehand.
how to make this league the best fucking league in POE history and the peak kino last hurrah for poe 1
>recombinator now accept uniques of same type but the chances of it not shitting out a yellow item is same as double corrupting shit
there you go you bald fuck I fixed your game
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>some Redditor releases tool that makes you enter your session ID without oauth
>thousands of people use it without a care in the world
>"hey why isn't the tool working?"
Why are PoEtards this dumb?
what tool?
If you're goldmaxxing rogue exiles with +2 affixes it's common to get them in rituals + you get all the goats in the boss room to drop gold + it's a short map with no detours.
>white yellow and red sextant
>flashback of sextant blocking shaper orbing deleting map completions and trying to sustain vaults
>flashback to cycling influence fart clouds for more pack size
i do not wish to be back in those shitty times slapping scarabs with some shitty tree is infinitely more enjoyable than the cancer that was sextant blocking and bulk buying
miss when breach spawned more than 3 guys though
Personally my money making strategy involves buying 1c leveling uniques with bad rolls and then using divine orbs to get good rolls and resell them for 10c. Before you question the validity of this strategy I would like to remind you that I am in fact a professional investor. And yes I did help fund the hit game Concord.
>months into the league
>build feels fucking great ass blasting t16s
>time to try out guardians
>6 portals
>can't kill shit
God damn it I feel so defeated. I don't get build progression at all. You guys are too good at this game.
gonna go try this strat on my original sin wish me luck on the rolls
how does someone get filtered by 8 yo content?
Anyone else find steve the delve guy and the worship he receives incredibly cringe?
yellow map guardians can still kill people...
>know content
>have known it for 8 years
>it's so easy! I've known how for 8 years!
>n-n-no I completely understood it when it came out immediately!
>s-so what if I watched videos and followed a guide for it?? Hoe do YOU not know????
\o/ GO STEVE \o/
Post your pob, shouldn't be too hard to make your build do well against guardians
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I hit a nerve.
how do people run the same map over and over? putting maps on a list is a joke, it still drops every other map and sometimes ones you want. even did those focus tree where only favored maps drop and I'm only getting maybe 1 map per run. how are people saying they only run 1 map? (talking about the guy who cried for good t17 when all he was was strand 500 times) what am I missing?
>6th no veiled orb catrina in row
I'm so tired bros
>get made fun of
>what am I missing?
Map sustain passives/scarabs and juice, probably. Keep in mind some people also just straight up buy maps.
this but with t17 and ubers
I can do everything else
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You get your t16 maps from t17 maps.
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>kraut is struggling against shaper guardians in 2024
I love the 2 health pots
You're literally posting braces, showing yourself as the tween spamming "you mad". Only person who looks retarded is you, I don't get your endgame here. You must be 18 to post here
nigga I'm literally running out of stash space for my favored map I was considering throwing some of it away
pick every monsters drop map chance in your atlas tree with explicit modifiers and shrines and just run domination scarabs + escalation scarab and you'll get a fuck ton of favored map + t17 maps that you can run or sell
it's even more effective when you do it in t17 maps
>doubles down
>says nothing new
>continuing to look brain dead
>even others are shitting on you now
d4 = pwn4g32t4
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>He keeps getting seething more and more with every post
>thinking someone else is me
>still spamming and doubling down on stupidity
>massive public humiliation fetish is coming into play
Steve aka Turdtwister has been a massive neet for years now, he did 5 ways all day long playing the same build, he leveled 50 characters to 100 every league
He used to say how he had time due to covid impacting his job situation in denmark but it's just a lie, he never had a job
Nah, you can sustain t16s easy just through flipping between two t16s.
And what about you, what do you have to show for your own NEETdom?
how are you having problems with guardians? which ones are fucking you up?
is that the guy who posted his email by accident once?
It's the top delver guy.
oh nvm mb
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>kraut can't kill minotaur in 2024
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ikr, not even reddit is having trouble with guardians
>frogspic in complete and utter meltdown
I'm with frogposter in this one
frogshitter is right for once
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>plays trade league
>picks up worthless splinters that aren't even worth a wisdom scroll
>"ggg is forcing me to pick them up!!"
why are tradies like this
Path of Exile is an Abusive Game - Perspectives from a Seasoned Player

Background: I have played PoE since Betrayal, with over 1800 hours logged on steam. I have played D3 for about 600 hours. Every league I hit at least red maps and I have killed Sirus at least a couple times each league. I am not a 1% player but I do consider myself 'decent' at PoE. I was compelled to purchase Last Epoch as a direct result of Chris' comments about Chaos and Exalt crafting.


I have been playing this game since Metamorph.
I play nearly every day.
I play the entire season.
I enjoy the game so much that I even keep my standard stash cleaned and organized and play on there when the season ends.
I'm not a streamer or an open advocate on reddit or the forums.

But the archnemesis mods has made the game something that is no longer fun. My time in PoE is typically in the afternoons or evenings and weekends.

As an avid player, I do not understand how this was implemented this manner. I can rationalize a lot of changes you make to your game like changes to player power-creep and broken mechanics being over abused.

If this has made an impact to the player base, I am certain within your organization this was debated on how it was implemented.

I made the video above to show how I feel, to allow my expressions to illustrate how this has impacted me.
transfigured gems are 100% weighted there's just no other explanation
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RIP 50mil shipment, crops and dust only. 0 shards. 45d value but come the fuck on. Guess I should have bought a supporter pack this league.
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Guess who played again this league?
Ph3l0n or better known as Nulledout nowadays, even bought a supporter pack, remember he quit this game cause harvest got nerfed and he could no longer improve his character with it
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It's actually over, Ph3l0n already quit the league weeks ago
leave him alone. some retards physically cannot communicate except by abstracting all their emotions into a reposted meme.
they honestly should make breach splinters drop at the end of a breach, I don't even mind if they all drop as stacks of single splinter each. Having to run around a giant area to loot them is kind of annoying
Where are the closed beta leaks?
>he forgot to make sure the port had 2+ crop bonuses
this is the first league I played since abyss and the rare mobs are absolutely retarded. I'll wipe the floor with a mirrored possessed boss but I'll have to sit and bash a rare mob for 10x longer. Lone rare mobs speckle every map instance that closes.
Opinion on getting a single ward piece with block build? I think it should synergize well, but is a couple hundred ward going to make much of a difference? Whenever I get hit by things that are actually dangerous to me it's always shit like 3K+ hits that are half or more of my life.
If you're actually scaling your es, armour and evasion, it'll cost you.
I think you'd be better off just getting some ES pieces and corrupted soul or something. Doesn't feel like the ward you get from a single piece is huge, and when you couple that with the easy breakage, it'll be a useless base stat most of the time.
bros we need to talk
All that does is multiply resource value and add a unique item for fulfillment. 50mil is the shipment value cap regardless. When GGG creates an opaque league mechanic like this, it's almost always unfavorable.
*spits on you*
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i incubated your mother nigger now what
spit and piss in my mouth
is there a point leveling past 79-80 until I can get my build to scale past area level 75 bosses? I don't want to take the drop hit while farming until then. ssf btw.
I'm a woman. I bet you'd like that you, little disgusting freak.
yes maam
>drop hit
lol no such thing exists
you're only taking a xp gain penalty when farming lower level maps
>we are more alive than the dota 2 general while TI is running.

Will poe ever be that dead?
>watching esports in 2024
BFR Strikes Back
How do I make use of Fracturing Orbs? What base item and mod would sell for 5.5 div?
this thread is 16 hours old
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>0 valuable orbs
what the fuck
this game is 10+ years old and its one of the worst optimised games ever created
>upgrading your screaming essences makes you lose money
I just lost 16 divs
yes and thats a good thing
filters out console dad gaymers so its good
no shit?
if upgrading gained money there would never be lower tiers sold
Recombinate 50% increased global defense Grasping Mail with top-tier body armor base.
Get lucky and transfer the defense mod onto the armor base.
Get lucky and fracture the defense mod.
The cheapest Necrotic Armour with that fracture is 100div.
Good luck.
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goggin was right
>A drop rate penalty exists for currency and divination cards[30] in areas more than two levels below your character. Each additional level beyond area level +2 reduces the drop rate of these items by 2.5%.[31]
fake news media
why did you not read the next line
>For the purposes of this penalty, your character level is never considered to be higher than 68
Why though? Aren't higher tiers objectively better? Unless you're making leveling gear but then Screaming is too high for that.
My most sincere and humble apologize sirs. Now I shall disappear into the mist and never will you recognize me or the shame upon me again.
It's an economics thing. Higher tiers are objectively better, that's why if you could make money upgrading to them, everyone would do that and thus increase the supply by a lot, driving down the price until you can't make money upgrading.
interesting, thanks
I thought like every other thing in this game that you can upgrade the prices would adjust accordingly with each tier
not like this I feel like I've lost my entire motivation to play this game anymore
I pretty much threw out an entire days worth of grind out the window
you can swap essences with harvest, so I think they are priced that way since you can swap to more expensive ones and then upgrade
Maramoa? More like MOMMYMOA
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>what the fuck are they thinking
"we wanted every skill to have 9 good support gems, but creating good support gems is hard when (good support #1) is already in the game and the optimal decision in every case, we didn't want you to be forced to use (good support #1) in all 50 of your skills so we are limiting the number of support gems to 1, now we can make support gems as powerful as (good support #1) because you can only use one of them"
That's what they were thinking.
Ideally you would want multiple good mods when you fracture so it's not a 1/4 chance of getting something good.
I'll just add that you probably want to focus on bases with ES, since the frac seems to be most popular among Ephemeral Edge ES stackers.
Josh is a paedophile and should kys.
The price of all items sold is adjusted by the time spent to obtain it and the time to sell it. The actual value of the item is only part of the price.
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I am prepping 11 T17 maps I farmed, I better earn 300 divs from these like reddit says
>xhe doesn't know
yeah but instead of that get some life and life regen for them they'll stay alive better
Are you SquashNo4049?
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yes so what?
how much did you invest in your failed venture?
I hope sentinel minions will be good in PoE2
Being a midget aside why is mathil so angry and arrogant all the time?
markets are pumped, boys. dump it.
he can't come out as a cross-dressing homosexual so he has to do ""ironic"" cosplays once a league only
doesn't he live in australia? the horror
reckon I could be the next asmongold
is that you in the picture?
After the RMT "juicer" streamers(Cutedog, Fubgun, Cutedog, Tuna etc...) Mathil and Steelmage are my most despised streamers, I used to like Steelmage but in the last year or so I started to despise him
I have literally never price tracked a map strategy, I just buy shit, try to remember what divs/eggs were at before I started and try to atleast break even while having fun

I'm not a clickbaiting streamer/youtuber so I don't need be an accountant about doing maps. It's easy to tell when something is just straight up not worth it.
>I used to like Steelmage but in the last year or so I started to despise him
Steelmage only got really bad when he got more popular and he couldn't handle the audience he started attracting with his shittalking. He wants to banter like Quin, but he absolutely cannot handle the chat firing back even when they're bantering. He absolutely doesn't have the mental to be that type of streamer and it seems he's starting to realize it and pulling it back a bit and thickening his skin.
לך תזדיין גוי
>cutedog listed twice
Also forgot to add that mbextreme faggot, hes one of the most obvious RMTers out there but no one calls him out
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i can't turn it off
>cutedog is an rmt juicer
kind of a weird observation, he's one of the only people that seemingly just plays the game for his enjoyment and won't when it isn't fun
There isn't a single sane PoE streamer, it's part of the gig.
It's always easy to tell who RMTs
>3 mirror build
>tankiness of a yellow mapper

Kobe is the most egrigious offender, he's even a well known viewbotter and who pissed off enough people to start making sneak-accusations that did everything but name him directly.
Just subvocalize faster.
yea, he buys builds to have fun during fun leagues. he doesn't have fun being a struggle bitch brokeboy and he doesn't have fun in shit leagues. I think he owns every single MTX GGG puts out so he's obviously not hurting for money thanks to his finance job
Remember when the gook accused him of viewbotting and then he got more viewers. Kobe is pretty based
I had more active chats while streaming to 3 peopl than Kobe had with 1200 viewers KEKW
that also doesn't really make sense because he plays garbage builds like bleed bow for like 3 weeks on league start
the stubbornness of retards with poor time management is astounding. I think their bad intention gives way for lack of sincerity and ergo intensity in thought. truly subhuman.
so why didn't you viewbot? you could have made a bunch of money
Cutedog better known as Fandabear used to rmt and bot plenty in the past, I think he very rarely rmted in the recent years if at all, he has his own dedicated trader nowadays and gets gifted a lot of stuff by his simps
nah, I'm a shit streamer. I was mostly just listening to music and was a way to talk with some buddies I made on twitch streaming another game. a few times I had new people drop by (I have no fucking idea why or how since I would have to be at the bottom of the directory) and I helped them out
pathofmatth was right.
you should have bought the dip.
he's a billionaire now and you aren't.
remember when he was called general tso lol, im pretty sure he got temp banned on various accounts multiplel times
Didn't DCLara directly name cutedog as one of the reasons she was stepping back from streaming in a twitlonger because of his behaviour
How much dust did you send?
no idea but i do remember general tso(cutedog) sending dick pics to some female streamer many years ago and getting a ban for it
why are people sending minimum 100 value shipments?
I know IP and hardware ID should be shuffled but what about other, telemetry-like stats similar to mouse movement or chat logs? Is such shit used to cross reference and ban main accounts for players that RMT'd?
its dont mattah
nonna this mattahs
she's still in his chat so I think probably not
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i went and googled that name lol
I started subvocalizing faster after reading more and now I can listen to audiobooks and shit on 2x speed.
mainly for pirate chance, you have can randomly get valuable scarabs, some runes and you can save all your stuff for 50m boats
That's usually how it works. Once you're big enough there is no point doing things under the table anymore.
>dedicated trader nowadays and gets gifted a lot of stuff by his simps
aka easy covers for RMT
>yea I gave my trader these 50 sac frags and random t16 maps and look at all these 1/23 gems oh look seven T15 conq maps too this was a juicy haul boys
>ok boys trader moved it all and I got 200div now
Yes, there are spiders bigger than him
it seems like a really bad idea to publicly involve someone else in illegal activity like that unless they are literally your blood relative or something and won't fuck you over
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Pic related is cutedog's dedicated "trader" if anyone is interested
He frequently trades divines to cutedog even when hes live
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He has 5 mirrored items with 8 challenges, what a god
i find it funny how some streamers are making fun of fubgun for crying and loaning divs off stream
dust was only 4.8mil, I cba to deal with that shit. I don't think anything but the 50mil value cap matters.
>unless they are literally your blood relative or
my blood relatives are so retarded. the FBI shows up and they start yapping at the mouth. I hate kikes.
I knew before league start that there would be some drama involving him this league with the old mf being gone, dude had to borrow divines to buy a headhunter so he doesn't get exposed as a shitter kek. Then he manipulates his viewers with his fake strats on how he made a bank(off stream off course)
He is a little bitch for crying on stream. It's his job, in any other workplace if you started crying and intentionally made it public (he could simply just mute the mic and chose to cry into it) you are a certified bitch. Not even most women would do that.
hes a very annoying cunt, everytime i open a random poe streamer hes there attention whoring in the chat. jungroan also does this but to a lesser degree
Name a single good streamer. You can't.
... you!
ummm... that japanese pixel art vtuber because I don't understand her
Ben, Dan and Manni
dan is mega based
varga and tft tried to paint him as a racist recently cause he called out varga for rmting years ago
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I don't watch any of the streams but I like Mathil's youtube channel. Just checking out a random build he makes with a dumb unique or some stupid skill is cool.
holy shit, he's even more based
wtf has dan done to that faggot that made him accuse dan of being racist?
When cluster jewels came out in Delirium league some guy got a 1p voices in HC Delirium trade and Varga paid him to rip it to standard so he can use it on his RF chieftain
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gog. nuff said.
Dan and Ben have gone on record multiple times saying how much they hate TFT for what they've done to HC trade. Everything cool from a league instantly gets RMT'd to standard and stolen from the economy
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Dan has pointed that out and ever since then Varga & Hobbit started to dislike him. Also this >>493161927
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If I have an exerted strike skill and ancestral call, which of the hits will be exerted?
The original one I perform, the first one that hits or all 3?
of course its empy's little RMT goblin buddy
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>Upvote: minus 6
Currently? Jung
He doesn't yell, he knows the game, he seems helpful and he's not constantly retarded
Mathil is still good as a radio I'm from EU, I don't mind trance
remember when jenebu contacted ggg so they'd mute all the people voiding themselves that made fun of him or tft while hes allowed to run around calling people pedophiles and doxxing them
I can't stand any poe streamer anymore I think they're all too arrogant especially Jungroan and Mathil
Ngakanu is so fucking good bros.
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I know it's not really that impressive this late into the league but I finally got my mageblood bros
I'm so happy right now I don't even know what to do with it
Though I admit after a few years some of his bits have gotten old, but he's still consistently funny and enjoyable.
Plus I like the music he plays.
I love Mathil's meltdown when someone suggests something for his build
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Mathil is semi based though cause he pissed off redditors multiple times
>makes a molten strike build work in 2021 when reddit said its impossible
>ZHP!!!! ZHP!!!!!
>but he's still consistently funny and enjoyable
only to 12 year olds
Meanwhile reddit nowadays is creaming themselves over Captain Lance and Conner builds that take 5 mirrors to function
His streams are 18+, checkmate
Why didn't that Steve faggot deep delve during it's glory days?
Deep delvers had private profiles and he was too shit to play the zhp builds
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Slayer vs Trickster, what's tankier
trickster 100%
>obnoxious & annoying = funny
yeah... no not really
slayer 101%
This but the opposite
>Plus I like the music he plays
that's what I use a music service and have around 350gig of mp3s.
seen a lot of people shilling slayer this league as being unkillable with their le 1m ehp pobs with svalin and 3k hp. reminds me of those korean coc occultist faggots with aegis aurora and le infinite ehp
I had 3 lolnomirrorshard shipments in a row before I quit league. The average across a sample of ~200 50 million shipments is 2 mirror shards. I got scammed hard and Neon OWES me 6 mirror shards.
imagine if she still had her gorgeous milf voice from the old days....
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>buy a new contrller
>Think leaning back and running a new character through the campaign is gonna be comfy
>start game
>select character
>game creashes
>loads to town
>then crashes
>restart with keyboard
>try swithcing to controller
>can only change that in the main menu

Bald game.
I've been playing 3k hp warden all league with Svalinn, no armor or evasion and no endurance charges, only block, and it's impossible to die in T16s unless you're doing juiced rogue exiles. Svalinn is absolutely getting nerfed into the ground unless they decide to let it live one more league as a T0.
>impossible to die in T16s unless you're doing juiced rogue exiles
That's normal for every build.
No it's not you brain dead fuck
>impossible to die in T16s
that's a low bar
lmao, are you the fucking cold-dot faggot that got blown out last night?
My character sucks dick, has no shield, and it's still impossible to die even with juiced rogues unless I stop attacking and gaining health from hits.
/poeg/ stands with lance
Don't forget about the Jungroan getting "hacked" accident just as he got a mageblood
I have the same experience on my eoc juggernaut as I do with my svalinn heirophant. Arguably the jugg is more reliable.
does mageblood activate tinctures too?
coc with aegis basically was unkillable though
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any league that spooky isn't playing is a comfy league
does it say it activates tinctures?
I don't know I can't read
>Name a single good streamer. You can't.
Tripolar bear, his shit has actually always worked for me. His guide for this league is a no bullshit no bait boneshatter ugg and it works wonderfully.
His XP farming strat actually got me the levels and some divs along the way too.

Everything TPB recommended me actually worked.
it was a meme archetype massively shilled by koreans, it got dismantled by ruetoo multiple times on stream.
>swap from my old belt to mageblood
>lose 50% of my dps
I mean I get that the utility it gives goes a long way but man that's a big loss
what does that even mean lol? you play coc for the functionality and high end aegis was like 100k armour with 90 all res it couldn't die
sorry but im gonna take the word of one of the best build makers and archetype inventors in poe's history than some random guy who rmt'ed for that trash build with le infinite ehp numbers in pob
what do you mean "the word", you can't even articulate anything you just point to some screaming chink you worship. everyone knows life on block shows up as inf in pob
this was quite some time ago and the vods are long gone but fr coc was dismantled by rue multiple times on stream years ago, that build was such a meme
what was your old belt?
okay I get it you're doing an epic troll
arns anguish
He's fucking annoying. He seeks too much attention
You retards play the game, it's not normal for a normal person to go to t16 asap and just not die, esp when juiced. So fucking brain dead because you can't fathom other people not knowing what you think is obvious
Now I remember rue's self cast occultist fr, now that was a fun build
it wouldn't work for you
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Reminder that Spooky skipped this league cause his old bully Frix returned after many many leagues
your computer is too shit to play it.
i hope that jungroan that piece of shit gets humiliated in the next gauntlet
oh is that why anon is saying coc fr made him seethe so bad? everyone was playing that version instead of self cast
the self cast version was much much stronger and cheaper, didn't require a mageblood
>it's not normal for a normal person to go to t16 asap
It's not normal for a normal person to go to t16 period.

Only 4% of all players ever got one voidstone.
coc also didn't require a mageblood but yeah coc fr just feels way better to play, no wonder he was insecure about it even though his was "better"
same, I want a holy hoard to lead into battle
>coc fr just felt better to play
who and who?
yes, cyclone will always feel better than standing still to hard cast. what are you trying to say?
self cast fr occy was da bomb, you were running around with full rage and 10 frenzy charges. it was an insanely fast build
okay. and even though on paper it was better everyone and their mom wanted to play coc because it is always going to be a more comfortable build. is that what ruetoo couldn't understand that made him so mad?
ruetoo is a fag that made self cast fr occy expensive mate after he added it to his gay build document
he's playing
he's just playing standard
he's on daily
yeah and then apparently had a meltdown when everyone chose coc instead of his superior version. when will chinks learn?
Don't bother responding to the troll, Rue never hated that build. He had many obvious rmters come in his chat asking him to fix the build, this was around the time mageblood came out
i made a build that can shit out like 300 spark projectiles every second but it sucks and can't even clear white maps reliably lol
What were the biggest bait builds in the history of poe? No fyregrass poison TS
RF in current year
big cucks buttfuck/buckbreak inquisitor
>cannot be chilled
>cannot be frozen
>gets frozen
what the FUCK ggg
>Aurastackers or better known as armorstackers nowadays
nerfed many many times but some people just can't let it go and will convince you that it's a good build
Any Connor Converse build. Especially molten strike
I'm worried that the PoE community is going to ruin PoE 2.
isn't that really popular
Yea, but many people had a bad time with it
dw, jonathan already ruined it.
fucking dad gamers baited me into that build, ended up respeccing it to a slam jugg
I just sold a Timeless Jewel for 20div. Insane.
was it another case of user error like his mjolner build where it was tailored to very specific content
it's okay that RF was too difficult for you to figure out.
>sold a 3 mirror jewel for 20d
slam jugg was a gigachad build it fucking destroyed maven
nah, GGG will ruin it just fine.
they just hired on like 10 devs that used to work for Firewalk
GGG will ruin poe2 like they ruined poe1. This means 10 more years of poe being the best arpg of all time, and also the second best.
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3... MIRRORS??
got mah axe from rog and bought that slam helm for cheap, way cooler than playing some troon rf chieftain in red robes
also why is it called rf chieftain when you're actually relying on other skills to deal damage(fucking fire TRAP, troon build i tell ya)
i just pressed a few slams and BONK half of the whores health was gone
Most overrated build of all time?
Most underrated build of all time?
anything Ziz comments about
mana cold bv pathfinder
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that retarded gook jung has to use a fucking tts program that alerts him when an item he needs drops, ben will wipe the fucking floor in the gauntlet with him again
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If I have a 4 pots Mageblood, can I still use 3 magic pots, 1 tincture and 1 life flask?
I hope he gets humiliated
hes a huge tryhard in every game, he has an e-sports background. hes a fucking assfaggot piece of shit
anything pathfinder

my super epic generals cry earthshatter of prominence build
what slam are you using?
I need a break from LS
that guy's super lame generals cry earthshatter of prominence build

dominating blow guardian
anything a streamer says they want to league start or play at any point
>mathil made a jungroan build
full circle, i wonder if anyone is gonna tell him
wats a jungroan build? never really tried any build of his
every time i play a trade league i feel forced to farm a mageblood :(
anything stacking charges/projectile mechanics really, i'd say
>it wouldn't work for you
in that case:
why though?
>your computer is too shit to play it.
I don't want to play it
I want to datamine it
Lance vs Ruetoo vs Jungroan
Who's the better build maker?
you should have tried harder and bought more from the store.
rue = lance >>>>> jung
no, poe2 will be loved by d4 players and hated by poe players
poe players will stick with poe, but ggg will kill it
then the poe players will kill ggg
then god will kill the poe players
then the d4 players will kill god and take his place
arcanist brand with a curse and tornado/flamewall
self-casting a mark
+1 curse mastery
based on who got in, i should've said in the survey that i'd never played poe before, and I would've gotten in for sure
I know I'm about a day late, but I'll reply regardless. Maybe it will help someone. And this is from SSF perspective because in trade you can just buy the maps lmao. Kirac is very important as people have mentioned but so is running the correct maps. It might seem intuitive to build your map pool from bottom to top while they still give exp, but this is a bait. If you haven't got any uncompleted maps, always run your highest map with full juice. And save your Kirac missions until you can run them as highest of the colour. This is the key. You should blast through whites and yellows as quickly as possible. Maybe even day 1. When you get to reds, you can chill a bit because you start to accumulate red Kirac missions. By the end of day 2 you should have already cleared a T16 with a bunch T16 Kirac missions ready to go. Your map sustain is solved. Now just run whatever you want and get completion with horizons and Kirac shop and missions. Sustain was so easy this league I didn't even bother to do all uncompleted maps I had to save time in lvl 100 race.
d4 is too hard for most d4 players.
>d4 is too hard for most poe players.
Where are the PoE2 closed beta leaks?
is lance even considered a """build maker"""? I'd put him more on the "crafting" side of """content creators"""
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Did Abe aka Celi even get a mageblood this league?
>Where are the PoE2 closed beta leaks?
wrong website to ask, honestly
this place now has more of a conscience than reddit
ya, you need to go where the leet haxxors hang out, which definitely isn't 4chan anymore
fr fr ong
this is an uber boss fight in d4
most poe players couldn't get past the first phase.
whatever happened to that trash game last epoch?
A good percentage of PoE 'players' struggle with Maven's memory game. A literal children's game.
it lacks soul and is boring
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it's like the boss doesn't even target the player it's just doing stuff randomly. fascinating.
less than half of new players make it past Act 5.
less than half of new players make it past brutus
I only finished the story because my friend carried me. After we finished I asked him what do we do now? He said we grind these maps where the entire screen blows up every time he pushes a button and we do that for a hundred hours and trade all the loot to get more loot that blows up the screen and some of the next screen and then we do that for a while and then we stop playing.
I'm not sure this game is for me but I'm happy you guys like it.
Remember when you had to find Zana in maps multiple times EVERY LEAGUE by using the Act 3 map device to run maps before you could unlock the map device for your hideout and run maps from there?
ahhh, Poch, or as some say Flop...
quest searing exarch is harder and more mechanically complicated that virtually every uber fight in d4.
I'll fully admit I have only done Maven's final memory game (the one with the lasers) successfully once. The problem for me isn't remembering it, it is panicking during it and just dying to lasers or trying to dodge a laser and accidentally running back and hitting the wrong area.
Can't imagine why Fubgun still has simps after he betrayed them with his "How I farmed my headhunter" strat
fubgun is probably one of the most disingenuous trade streamers out there, if grimro was still around fubgun wouldn't even be known
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Seethe more, hes a god gamer
poe 1.0 is cool but you cant really play more than a few days when you already have 3.25
Inner monologue is just subvocalization for life. Your thought bandwidth is limited by your ability to talk to yourself
>first I need to do this then I need to do that
>Your thought bandwidth is limited by your ability to talk to yourself
yeah all pineapple bosses are pretty fun and tense the first few times
is it true that hes black?
>"""build maker"""
just as long as his build has nothing to do with spells or energy blade or es
that reads as someone who never leaves mom's basement
he linked a stack of 1k divines in global a month ago
People don't remember that last patch he recommended people weapon swap to redblade banner, warcry and back.
And then he had the audacity to say slam builds are clunky because they require you to press 2 cries.
Lance for high end enthusiasts. Ruetoo for league start bait. Jungroan for wasting divs on memes
wow what a pro gamer
>This anon's reply touched a nerve I will write a reply telling him that he is wrong
>First I click his post number, then I copy his text, don't forget to put the arrow in the front...
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After spending almost the entire day cluelessly messing around with Ice Crash on PoB, using the Earthshatter template and barely getting to 1M hit dps, I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea how this game works. Then I imported some random ass dude's build and it feels like he's got like 20 more points than normal and pulls dmg out of his ass.
It was kinda fun but depressing, one thing I learned was that 99% of people seem to build for 0 defence in trade, which I found funny. Hopefully I can make an Ice Crash that can work in the future, would feel nice to "make" one since I really like that skill.
like 90% of jung's builds are just stolen from uberdan and koreans, might as well cut the middleman and follow dan's builds
I'm zyzz bruh
hes lying about his parses, in legion he parsed 2 fights with 95 and all others are purple and below. in final fantasy he only did normal raids
post your pob
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these are fun to collect
Oh look it's a collection of the worst pc games imaginable
lol ur a dead roid abusing retard
poe fits right in
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he is max on runescape
just like quin rofl
everyone thinks he's the wow god gamer genius
i watched him back then
he was a retard that needed to be carried through normal raids and was usually just dead on the floor
it's endgame mapping equivalent is intolerably bad.
nigger knight lol
>4% of all players got a voidstone
In softcore?
slayer for me, trickster is kinda a meme and needs lots of investment
All those high scores yet he cries over a video game....
okay then
surely YOU are lying. no one is stupid enough to brag about non savage parses
>everyone thinks he's the wow god gamer genius
People think this?
i did my first hcssf run since legacy league and im up to 3 stones it does not seem that hard to do hcssf outside of t17 and ubers
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necromancer path of exile 2 closed beta leak click it before it gets taken down
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he literally has no savage fights parsed on his main Fubgun Hh and alt Fub Hf in any expansion
maybe someone deleted them if its possible?
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I was messing around with it without having much prior knowledge, expect the worst. Can't say I'm ready to get shat on but here it is https://pobb.in/9p4b6owRlDpH
I think there should be a Staff, Mace and Axe tree that I tried. The Staff one was the best but I think I'm literally a piece of paper, not sure. One of my major retardations is hit chance and cluster jewels, I remember my setup without the cluster was better, I really don't understand how people transition into that.
those zombies are truly terrifying
>leveling character to 100
>300% xp wildwood shrine
Imho the next one to have a PoM tier meltdown is Fubgun, him crying at the start of this league was just the beginning. He will struggle to adapt in nu-PoE and PoE 2
dude those things are fucking insance
i get half a level in a map at 97
love it
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I forgot I just put res in most of the items, I'm retard.
ran my 11 strongbox t17s
basically covered costs with raw divine drops and now I gotta liquidated. hopefully I made like 50d
I thought it was a new minion, the ghoul
they're clearly spectre'd versions of the new "Bog" enemy type
Bog Witch is a great insult, Sea Hag is also great. A western woman hearing such things is shaken to her core
>New build depends on one dude connecting so I can buy his shit
It happened in Sentinel, it is happening again except it is in the first month and not the last
no man my trickster just has alchemist flasks with effect enchant for no reason
Kek, sold that mageblood again so you can afford gacha garbage for your troon boyfriend Emily
How much is it nowadays? I bet Emily spends all that money in literal seconds on pulling gacha jpegs, I heard Emily also blew through all that money that you got from selling Celi Mi aka Laurentina Arknights
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Is it random or T17 will always give me at least 1c?
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>I heard [thing I made up 2 seconds ago]
this doesn't stop t17s from dropping
ummm, yikes. getting major incel vibes in this thread suddenly. that's a major ick.
Makes sense
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>i know [thing i dreamt of last night]
there are honestly a lot of things and i'm too lazy to go through them all. gl anyways
Yea, I can imagine. It's very frustrating but if it was easier it wouldn't be as fun, hope I can get the hang of it one day.
i will say, it looks like you're trying to do a low budget/SSF friendly version, but if you're trying to scale cold hits you should pretty much always use heatshiver. just a mid budget crafted staff and a heatshiver would more than double your damage.
arma brand recaller sabo is fucking weird but kinda good so im gonna stick with it
who is the Foghorn Leghorn of path of exile
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Might've been playing this league too much
im gonna make a ralakesh build cause I dont wanna learn how to craft
Yea, I thought just putting res on gear and then going from there would be better for me to understand and find stuff but I also don't know many uniques, as I said, my game knowledge is not that great. And really? It doesn't seem to do much, probably PoB trolling.
Alright most of my slam experience is with chieftain not zerker but I'll give it a go
The staff nodes always look appealing but pathing all the way up there is rough, you'll almost always get better value out of taking smashing strikes/counterweight and anointing another good node, or even just anointing counterweight and ignoring the rest
Is the generals cry in your autoexert for any particular purpose? I know earthshatter builds use it to pop the spikes but I don't see what it's really doing for you here
Exposure on gloves from eater influence is free damage for any ele build that doesn't need that slot for something else like leech
You can get a basic level of life leech with a single blood drinker tattoo, it's not a huge amount but you really need some non-life flask recovery, especially if you ever plan to pick up an echoes
The %cold prefix on your staff is bait, you'll almost always want the standard 3 phys prefixes (%, flat, hybrid)
Eagle Eye is basically the only good accuracy node in the marauder starter area, if you're struggling for accuracy it's more or less mandatory
Your life/crit/double multi jewels seem a bit optimistic for what otherwise looks like an extreme budget setup
You could gain a decent amount of damage just getting a basic phys staff, swapping generals for any functional exert and getting accuracy capped, or slapping on a heatshiver like the other guy says
Ichimonji? more like Ichi-monja my balls, you italian faggot fuck
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>giving 1 girl out of 4 billion an ick from video games
based transpositive incel
you need to tick frozen and set a % to chill. since it's slam crits, you should have a pretty respectable chill and freeze since the ailments would be based on the size of the hit. you can get a yoke of suffering which makes ALL elemental damage shock. and since you're getting chill/freeze and ignite from heatshiver, that's another like 50% more damage. https://pobb.in/MFgPFL4rrQ8G
how did he get a 29% qual emperors vigilance?
opinion discarded
>latency shits the bed
>lose a maps worth of xp
there is only 1 global unique steel kite shield
oh no
an entire map
boo fucking hoo
Go kill yourself in hardcore nigger.
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>The staff nodes always look appealing but pathing all the way up there is rough
Mostly stuck with it because of the mana reservation up there, I was having trouble with reservation and couldn't find another fix.
>Is the generals cry in your autoexert for any particular purpose?
Good call, I just forgot about it.
>The %cold prefix on your staff is bait
I still don't get when elemental mods are better. Is Phys mods always better when you convert Phys to elemental? Like priority is Phys mods then Ele, something like that?
>Eagle Eye is basically the only good accuracy node in the marauder starter area
>Your life/crit/double multi jewels seem a bit optimistic for what otherwise looks like an extreme budget setup
Yea, I was searching for accuracy and didn't find that node until later when I was trying Axe/Mace. And the jewels I just gave up and wanted to see how much accuracy I would need, the node should help me with those.
Oh fuck, yea it's a big difference, always need to double check the configs, keep forgetting to turn stuff on. Didn't know about that amulet, pretty cool, now the cold dmg cluster is making sense, there's a node that has shock on it.
The jump to 5m is insane. Man I still need to get used to the way they write some nodes, I keep overlooking some of them because I speedread like a retard, completely disregarded this Staff region because I thought it was for ailments only.
IDK how retarded or efficient this is but I always grab res from the tree if it's near my pathing. It doesn't give a lot but grabbing 'em makes gearing way easier and swapping out gear is less stressful.
ah. when you up it to unique, does it keep the base % armor/es roll of the item?
yea quality and base% remains the same
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>4m dps
trying to build an offmeta melee is so dumb
what about the other hits?
embrace the meta
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Basically on a weapon there's a distinction between local mods (affects the base stats of the weapon before any other modifiers) and global (goes in a pile with any other generic modifiers you have anywhere else in your build)
The phys prefixes are the former, and are much higher value than the generic % increased you get from the cold prefix.
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Maybe look at them and try to get some ideas?
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>Area level 1
Surely this must be a display bug
>it's fucking real
What were they thinking?
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it works okay on my machine
The timelines scarab only makes lvl1 temples now, and it doesn't matter at all because it's only useful for making doryanis/locus which don't care about any of that shit
i enjoy not dying to white mobs
I mean they look like they do fine in t16s at least don't they?
the adorned frag from the boss is 3d and isn't that rare. I will never not buy 81+ temples
Click the 0 under the EHP column and set it to 100k.
>only 3 level 100s
uh sure whatever you say
Well not sure what you expected, hundreds of level 100 playing some off meta skill?
might as well search for svalinn builds retard
>blowing the collective funds of an entire town on gambling
>you need a svalinn to be >100k ehp
Oh no no no no no...
Is this Ice Crash guy the same retard from a few hours back who had trouble with shaper guardians in 2024 lmao
>99999999999999999999999999k ehp
>5k ehp and leech
>get one shot because you clearly have 100 phys max hit
clearly i dont because i have 141k without avoidance
a daring synthesis
>he doesn't know
Oooh that explains so much, holy shit.
The one trying and failing to make a build? No but I was here earlier talking about PoB and PDR here >>493118325
so this didnt work, good troll to make me waste an hour of my life
>every t16 map drops 0 or 1 map
>t17's drop 3 maps
way to troll on 4chan, you're so epic
How does Cutedog have so many cool names? Like:
Surely he acquired them legitimately?
no he sneaks into your home if you have a cool name and deletes your character to steal it
Hes a streamer, hes allowed to break the rules. It's a well known fact that streamers get special treatment by GGG
So this is the kind of game design genius we can expect from PoE2, huh?
just traded some frenchie and laughed out loud when I saw the wisper "Bonjour, je monisier, le chaos orbe dans la league settlers..... "
is there a rule against trading names? or uhhh monitoring names?
A lot of chinese names have french set as the default language and idk why
How much of the poe economy is propped up by bots?
Just think about how trivial it is to clear a white map, then imagine one guy with a decent rig running 10 bots that do nothing but chaos recipe for 14 hours a day. Literally shitting out a billion pure c into the market at all times, and there are probably bots capable of running fucking t17s now. Really makes you wonder.
gonna be real with you chief almost no company actually gives a shit about rmt or trying to police guys exchanging paypal money for rare igns and there is no good way to monitor or track it on their end without a lot of liability involved
shut up cutedog, youre not cool
youre an incel fag
it's always so satisfying to intuitively understand a language. I only know english and a little dutch but most western european languages have huge chunks that can just be understood.
there's sadly a market for names, people will park alts on any game with multiplayer naming and try to sell them once the game gets popular enough.

emperying paid like 10 mirrors for the name GGNoobs for his HGOM meme and then had to delete the character for owner could get the name back once the transfer went through
Basically none in the way you're thinking, it is not profitable anymore and apparently GGG actually pursues it. Bots are only there to 24/7 trade items for groups and guilds.
wonder if bots will even be able to survive in poe2,
0 button builds wont have the dps to just walk into packs of mobs and blow them up without hefty gear
there's chinese players who make a days salary in a few hours in eve online RMTing. the company does everything to stop it, using all types of forensic tree analysis for player interactions, but people still do it A LOT. it's one of the only games I seen that took such a huge effort against RMT but it's still prevalent and their efforts merely increases price ergo supply. ssf btw.
You need an account to play it idiot. Installer does nothing for you
maybe he has an account idiot
datamine, retard
There is nothing to leak. If you have watched latest youtube gameplay videos thats all there is to know
maybe he's chris and has an account and just forgot the launcher fucking idiot
you have to be fucking braindead
dumb nigger
crazy how most totem stuff in the game is chieftain themed despite not having any ascendancy support for it anymore
that's racist
>50m shipment to riben
>300-500k of each crop
>12m dust
>9 div
>3 power
>6 time
>0 mirror shard
>do nothing
>9 div spawns into inventory
Why would he have a beta account but not the client dumb fuck?
how fucking stupid are you?
when calculating the dps of a trap build in pob say my max traps are 22 how do i make sure the pob knows i have 22 traps out at once?
do i go to the trap skill and increase the count to 22? or is there something else i need to do?
thanks :)
Do you actually have enough throwing speed to have 22 out at once?
To answer your question raise the count to whatever and click include in full dps above the skill.
>22 out at once?
for bosses/essences/strongboxes yes because thats how many will exist at the time i open/spawn the boss/pack of mobs
but i guess my average mapping amount would be like 6-10
ESL retard
I think GGG can directly manipulate the market with the currency exchange, how do you know you're buying from a real person!? GGG could just withdraw or supply currency through the exchange. Wake up people

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