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Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.

Spice Master Chef rerun: 09/02 16:00 JST - 09/09 14:59 JST
Playful Land rerun: Early Sept.
Jamil Birthday Campaign: 09/12
Ace Birthday Campaign: 09/23
>Current Gacha
[Event] SSR Rollo Flamme: 08/30 16:00 JST - 09/09 14:59 JST

>Upcoming Gacha
[Event] SSR Fellow Honest: Early Sept.
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Jamil: Mid Sept.
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Ace: Late Sept.

>/twst/ pastebin (Please read the FAQ first before posting!)
>TWST wiki
>Official Sites
>Official Twitter Accounts

Translations of recently released content:

Previous: >>491437054 (OP)
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Maybe one day we'll be able to combine unused perfumes into one huge perfume to uncap someone or something
It's been nearly two days, I still haven't cleared all the dishes for this round of MC. This is nuts.
I think the envisioned solution for this is the Sam item gacha
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I wonder if Cater is the town bicycle
Not including Rugbert cause he's pay-to-play
No but he wishes he was
The rice and tomato drop rate is merciless
I STILL haven't opened the final slot, I will never get any tortillas at this rate.
Also this event makes me hungry.
Cater sitting around like "why won't anyone fuck me, what am I doing wrong."
Meanwhile Trey has like five boyfriends.
With a um like that who needs boyfriends
>that Mal ob fanart repost gets over 5k and it's presented vaguely as initial concept/official and until asked, op credits the artist

Sad for the artist but what bothers me the most is the people who have interacted with the post and unironically believe its official.
Name and shame. I haven't seen it on my feed yet
Man I own that fanbook. I was lucky enough to snag one when the artist reprinted it.
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they angle
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>"people say I'm a dev favorite Gary Stu slut but the truth is I have 20 boyfriends and they all love me"
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If you never imagined an I See The Light animation of yuu/oc/self insert with your boy, are you even trying?
Jokes aside, this song is THE romantic disney song, it's perfect. This and A Whole New World.
I think twitter encourages reposts, I remember some artists ran some experiments where they posted the same art twice and the ones where they didn't put hashtags and had a caption like "guys look at this!" got more engagement
What about Yuu x Oshi with "Love is an Open Door"?
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I like the song but I can't help but remember Hans is the villain and the joyous feeling immediately gets ruined
in my case I just started the tacos recently
azul eventually will get back at cater and he'll lament that it's not fair
but ferro is a villain and he deserves love...
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it's always viru appearing randomly in other ships
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No no no no no no, WRONG, Ferro is not a villain, he's a businessman.
The teens have their fun and in return they end up as dolls, a whole day of fun is absolutely worth the price. Come on now anon, how can you say this cute little fox is a villain? That's just mean, who is going to feed Giddel if Ferro (cute) can't work?
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I mean, remember what Azul (the guy who enslaved 2/5 of the school [twice]) said? It's all fair game here!
And yes he deserve all the love in the world!
Can we speed run to Monday
I wonder if the Savannaclaw manga is ever going to finish at this rate since Octa is already wrapping soon and they'll need a new artist for Scarabia.
scaragals I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure they'll wait until savana ends to start your manga, I don't think the simultaneous release was in their original plans
ferro and rollo should get dorm boosts if you make their whole event room
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Can you eventually exchange lower ranked Perfumes for higher ones? Feels like you'll eventually get tones of R ranked perfumes but nothing to use them on
I doubt it, at least from SR to SSR, maybe from R to SR post anni?
but what the game seems to encourage you to do right now is burn them for sam tokens and gamble them all away
you can actually get a SSR perfume from that gacha but the chances are very slim
If you're lucky enough with Sam's gacha you can
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I saw that too. There was another person I saw months ago who was reposting that artist's stuff as "way darker concept art that Yana wanted to do but Disney rejected for being too much" and I asked them where they got it and they linked to the artist's account. I was like what?
They had just made up a whole story about it being rejected concept art. Why do people do that?
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Next time cater gets a halloween card he should get one of those trashy 2010s party songs
>shush girl, shut your lips, do the Fellow Honest and never learn how to read
death to furries
Where can I buy Twisted merch. I was thinking of giving a friend a gift.
Suruga-ya, Rakuten, Mercari, Yahoo Shopping, and eBay are some to look for TWST merch.
>but what the game seems to encourage you to do right now is burn them for sam tokens and gamble them all away
How do I do that again? I barley touch Sam's shop since I'm F2P
Iirc in his gacha tab you click the lower button with the arrows on the right, it should bring you to a tab where you choose what to burn
they'll only realize their feelings for each other once malleus kills them
if the previous pome dorm leader reappears we can have a jealously plot
I just noticed that Kalim's master chef is the one that has curry, that's so cruel lmao
He must confront his PTSD of curry even though Jamil's near death experience ended up with Jamil just going "yeah, i almost died from poison but DAMN, that was some good curry!".
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I downloaded the stickers, how do I share them
Sooooo cuuuuteee!!
Maybe via Google Drive or MEGA?
Please and thank you
here it is
This is the best thing ever made for twst.
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what does this convey
Autistic shuffling while humming
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ruggie must suffer light magic stupidity
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now I can use this to react to the lewd art you post
Nah that’s him looking at kalim and silver and saying “face palm brigade/irafuwa” cause he’s the one who named them that in the game.
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Amazing sticker set
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well anons, surely you finished the event by now, right?
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I like this
I still haven't opened the final ingredient slot
I will never see ginger at this rate
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lizard stimming...
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Always love his artwork from Touhou comics and Pop Team Epic. Floyd's Seiyuu, Nobuhiko Okamoto, also did voice Popuko in season 2 of PTE.
TIL there are people who thought that the cut scene of Idia's magestone being inked out in Book 6 when he overblotted was a shot of the back of Ortho's head.
They do remember that Idia's magestone pen is the custom flying skull, right?
They didn’t know about the skull at all apparently
It’s an ongoing thread and I die a little inside every time the op posts. They confidently explained how ortho obviously has a magestone cause grim choked on it in chapter 6.
There needs to be a reading comprehension failure drinking game but we’d all die.
This azul is so cute
Post name and shame
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I feel so blessed...
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that kalim face is hilarious, dumb boy thinks jamil will forgive him
will there ever be a season 3...
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An actors life is ___
his drone to strike people
viru saving ortho even though he would've tanked the hit was cute
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Nobody fucks with the roboshota when Vil's around! Except Vil, of course, he can't get enough of that big robot cock.
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What more should I buy?
It's the subreddit. Now they've started posting their "Ortho is the one who overblotted" theory to other threads oh god
6 hour ingredients run and I got ONE bronze-leve tortilla
Yeah I'm not going there.
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I think I need more fruit baskets
I don't like the disney-ish-ness of the chef ghosts but that is a damn cute border.
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Sorry. Here's a screenshot.
I don't know what's worse, the "Ortho's magestone is right next to his main processor which is why grim chokes on it" or "in fact the back of the overblot animation on the the gem is the back of orthos head" or the 6 upvotes of people agreeing with them.
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I'm in love with a fairytale!
and with self-promotion apparently
I'd really love if they sold lower frames, it feels so empty
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Also, you forgot >>493223013 (me)
I'm trying to make a restaurant in the second floor but I don't have enough chairs that look elegant enough
Yeah I feel you, too many of the same identical chair feels weird and a waste of resources, too.
I made a pseudo-cosmetics store room after tapis rouge and yesterday leona appeared trapped behind the cash register thing and it was funnier to me than it probably should have been. Everything is funnier when it's Leona.
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see the funniest outcome of playful land is if the bad end leads to ferro forcing the boys into the wagie cagie
This is never gonna happen but: end of game reveal that the time loop is real and there have been infinite bad-ends, like the group losing to Vil because Deuce didn’t learn how UM in time etc.
And reveal: the events are canon
And reveal: playfulland bad end is just Crowley like “oh yeah, ya’ll failed real hard at trying to convince fellow to go to school, you were lobotomized and sold to the highest bidder, real talk I had not seen that one coming.”
idia is so physically weak he might as well be Free Use
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I actually have like 15+ of the same piece but it's the igni SSR couch, not useful for a restaurant
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gurimu gets art as well....thank you...
which one do you envy here
I wonder why Playfulland Cater has a buddy bonus with Idia
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it's pretty funny that stark difference between the popukos and the pipimis
>yana's only comment about specific stickers was about the hyperrealistic vil one
yana fav...
When called out for passing headcanon off as fact they said "you are supposed to sound confident when making claims and presenting evidence to engage the audience and interlocutor."
I wish I had the self confidence of a mediocre twst fan
mallevil has delicious toxic potential now if you assume malleus temporarily can kill vill any time he gets angry at him
It's kind of bizarre how much potential there is there. Malleus clearly considers Vil to be one of the more entertaining people around him and Vil does not give a shit about who is the king of what. He's a great foil to both Malleus and Leona.
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ferrosis I found this pic of u
Did I miss something, is there a reason it's specifically Vil, couldn't Malleus do that to anyone in any of his ships technically? Mallevil itself has a lot of potential though, where is the duo Yana
They're so cute...
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Vil is best boy and thus gets to be the default assumed in any ship! Also Vil is, like, the only person outside diasomnia who isn't scared of malleus and also doesn't hate his guts.
Riddle and Trey and Cater and Azul maybe? And Jamil and Kalim and Rook are also unafraid and also don’t hate him.
Suppose so, but they're not really Vil-tier bravery where they'll talk down to him despite his abilities. If Malleus killed and then resurrected them, they probably wouldn't ever talk back to him again. Vil would nag and bitch about Malleus not taking out the rubbish in the morning, Mal would kill him for like a day and then resurrect him and Vil would still be nagging him about the rubbish
I guess. You’re right that Vil is the only one who talks down at him despite not disliking him. That’s kind of Vil’s thing really, with everybody.
Wtf are these spells
I wish they'd stop partnering people with Grim.
Shit like this is why people like datamine anon stop doing their thing.
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Any new ones?
>loudly posting a leak for a DISNEY game on youtube
Are you yes (you) I know you're fucking here because how would you have gotten those otherwise trying to get nuked? Why do people lack so much awareness these days? If you see a leak it's meant to stay downlow
Are they doing the leak because of the whole Disney Palestine thing? Because I can understand leaking something as a fuck you to the company. But Disney JP and Disney USA AMERICA are completely separate entities.
I think it's easier than that mate. They're doing it for internet points.
And cash. If their YouTube is set up to pay them for ads? That video is gonna be a cash cow, biggest leak Twst has ever had.
Kinda. If I'm reading it right, M1 has damage up (L) and damage taken up (M) to ALL opponents for two turns. M3 damage up (M) and damage taken up (L) for ALL allies for two turns.

might be fun to activate both the same turn and see everyone hit hard and die
>this came from an anon jp thread and I can't find sht anymore because it got deleted
are we japanese now? or maybe the nips are posting this shit somewhere too
Well if it's any consolation it's rare for twst to have files to datamine in the first place. This was likely a slip up, once the jp mouse finds out it'll be never from this point on I guess.
A shame the leak came out before fellow’s card, his numbers are gonna drop for sure
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I do prefer blind but I enjoy this way more if it's for the fun factor ngl, turning everything into a shitshow is way more fun lmao
Is he attack or defense?
Just as I suspected, cute!
does this include himself
Why he got such skills
maybe he's depressed and it's his form of self harm
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maybe in the future we'll get cards that do more damage based on damage taken
absolutely hilarious that technically, malleus' first invite was from rook and he declined it
I said Vil because of that part where he shared some of his power with him to get him back to his normal age
I assume if he gets evil enough he could threaten to take it back, and since more time has passed now I assumed that'd spell doom for viru
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but can crowley beat heian era sukuna
ferro and his wives commit group suicide
Were you part of that Bill arg anons? Would you like if twst had something similar?
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He looks very handsome here...
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I completely forgot that Sebek and Leona are only 3cm apart in height. I had the image of short-king Leona and crocodile-monster Sebek but they're actually right next to one another on the height chart.
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unlike bill, azul can tie his shoelaces
hopefully we get more content before malleus kills them
leona is tall but sebek belongs to the lakers
why doesn't sam's gacha have sun shards...
jamilsis was making a room for him easy? I'm making a room for kalim and it has been a breeze
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the sticker redraws are so good
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Cute Ferra!
So you pair him with healers?
Don't need to heal if you beat the opponent first. One of the gameplay twit accounts had the idea of Crewel crit buffing Rook, Ernesto's two spells next turn, then Rook's duo the turn after.
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I'm embarrassed to like twst
this reads like a bl fanfic
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Which twst gurumi would you dress up in this
the twst novel is idia's fanfic
no...epel will die on the cross...
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sexo with viru...
I'm not a fan of the datamined Halloween outfits. How many suits do the boys need?
Dammit, it's sold out!
Can you imagine if general lilia was a pipimi
He probably was to contrast Popuko Baul.
It's for their future weddings
But uo to now my only peeve is Idia, iirc no one else from this lineup aside from him had a suit
I mean, Ace kind of has another suit via Vil's hometown event.
there's the white bday and platinum ones too if those count.
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hopefully they reuse this hairstyle for an event
I'm an Idia connoisseur and the way his hair is held back in the new Halloween sprite does look slightly different from the groom sprite
Somehow my slow brain only just realized since that since we're getting a NBC event there's not gonna be a twistified Captain Hook this year like everyone was predicting. Are they gonna turn Jack into an ikemen or that fatass Boogie instead?
We might not even get a new guest character. Maybe the new characters were exclusively meant for the last Halloween round, and that's over now.
I like your doomposting but there should be a new guest character whether it's Jack or Oogie boogie. Everyone expects a new guest character for Halloween since Glorimas. Otherwise it could kill the minimum hype twst gets every October.
I just assume each round of Halloween is a set of two and they have their own little theme going on. Maybe for this new round (2024 and 2025) we'll get something entirely different. It'd be nice if we got a new guest character but I'm also keeping my mind open for a surprise out of left field. I mean, no one expected Rollo when he dropped so I don't think getting something unexpected once again it's a bad thing.
Elegant boys are so pampered, the first furniture SSR was Elegant, all the broomquets benefit them and now the Tapis Rouge Contraption gives them a huge boost
jack the howl will fall in love with jack the skeleton
He's made of delicious bones after all
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what will they do for 2026
Dunno what's even coming for 2025 lmao. But I'd love to get a Halloween round inspired by Atlantis/Treasure Planet. Sure, they're not very Halloween, but steampunk outfits.
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Seriously, I've gotten Crewel's friendship level up in record time because there is just so much elegant to choose from.
Late to the party but I've got the japanese novel and this is almost exactly what it says.
This translation gives me hope for the Savanaclaw book, cause every single time Leona shows up there is a side-tangent narration of "hot damn he is pretty" and it'd be a shame if the translator took it out.
and at least crowley has the staff room catered to him, same with ferro with the playful land room, vargas, trein and sam might be fucked though
I am dying to know if Sam even has magic. I always thought it'd be cooler if he didn't. The prefect like "the fuck you mean I'm not the only magicless here? And you never said anything?" and Sam just like "you never asked lmao"
And he battles with crazy shadow people doing his bidding or something, like how Fellow throws Gidel at people
atlantis is playful land after it sinks to the bottom of the ocean
I will never get over that weird-ass way they ended Playfulland. The whole thing sinking-theme-park thing was an excuse to do a shoutout to the original Pinocchio story where he saves them by kicking his legs through the ocean real fast just like Ortho does, but then they didn't know what to do with it, so they just...had Fellow and Giddy get back on the sinking theme park that the entire ending revolved around getting off of.
No wonder Yana didn't take credit for that story, yikes.
What could they do with touching upon Pinocchio story, original book or movie, aside from the human/child trafficking? Even then, that doesn't get brought up by the end. Not even like how the GloMas boys decided to keep quiet about Rollo's secret evil plan after they stopped him.
Wait, Yana didn't take credit for the story? I've always hated the way Playful Land started out so good and then chickened out on the dark subject matter with that goofy ass ending, but I didn't know Yana didn't take credit for it.
I don't think it's about chickening out, it's more about it being hard to make the boys care
like realistically they only care about the trafficking plot because now it directly affects them, I don't think they care about any other victim
Then it's funny that people like Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit aren't making a bigger stink that the guys don't give a shit about other victims or the fates of others that had suffered this. Especially when you have people like Lilia, Kalim, and Ortho who have some goodness in them.
I don't think that was the problem. Like, it tracks that they wouldn't give a shit about others, but not that they shrugged off being almost trafficked. The way they reacted would make you think they were put on timeout for a couple of hours rather than almost being sold away.
I think they tried to follow the plot of Pinocchio too closely, but the whimsical ending to the human trafficking plot only works on a cutesy Disney film and not so well here on twst. Like there's a heavy tonal dissonance.
a pretty wasted opportunity that ferro didn't turn some of the boys into donkeys if they wanted the event to be wackier
Predict the seiyuu for twinkified anime Jack Skellington if he exists
It is just like the Pinocchio movie though, Pinoc got out but the island is still well and operational, the guy actually trafficking children didn't get any consequences and was never brought up again. Playful land ended weird but it's the same Pinocchio movie weird
In Pinocchio you don't know what happened with the owners of pleasure island, they just got away with it, kids remained like donkeys and most likey they were sold. I think there wasn't too much to do with Ferro/Gidel/Playful land in twst as in the original movie, the baddies got away with everything. If anything they would have toned it down and the kidnapping/human trafficking would not even been a topic in the event.
Hiro Shimono
Jack is too tall for that
mamoru miyano!
>99% of people give up before striking gold
Some Yanafag did a huge infodump about it but the main thing is she'll sometimes say "I did this," sometimes she'll say "My studio and I did this," and sometimes she'll say, "My studio did this."
Beanfest and stuff? "I did this."
Glorious Masquerade? "I did this."
Playfulland? "My company did this."
She isn't outright saying "I didn't have anything to do with it" cause Yanafags would riot, but she also didn't take credit for it.
It's sus. We can't say anything for sure of course tho.
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so sad that acerid didn't get more content after book 1, I really like it
The bad guy getting away with it isn't the weird part, though. That's fine.
The weird part is they got BACK ON the actively sinking theme park boat thing. The same boat that was in such great danger of titanicing beneath their feet that Ortho got out and kickboarded them to safety to save their lives.
And Fellow and Gidel just...got back on? They couldn't be like "We're gonna catch a ferry out of here" or walk into the sunset together or something? They had to get back on the deathtrap of a boat?
When the entire previous scene had been everyone fearing for their lives because it was sinking under them and desperately trying to get off?
That's weird.
But not in a quirky "welp but that's pinocchio for you" way.
Weird in a "did they realize at 2am the day before the deadline that they had no ending?" way.
Wait why wouldn't they just get Jack's seiyuu from the dub? Like they got the lady who dubbed Maleficent for Meleanor.
I think their objective was getting ferro and giddy out of sage island asap because they don't like halloween ocs having "permanence", after halloween is over they're out the door, and it's harder to give that feeling when the guy is staying at the same island as the boys
actually can some fact check me on some halloween 1 info? is nrc the only thing usually closed off to tourists or is the whole island like that?
Why didn't they the guy who voiced Fellow in the more recent Pinocchio dub even though he's still alive? Because we're assuming they're also turning Jack into a twst twink and Jack's JP dub VA is a 75 year old grandpa now
Marketing probably has a hand in it, the twst boys are the selling point of the game and now that we have an established perma cast that many are super dedicated to, one way to make new twst boys that have a higher chance to make fans stray their eyes enough to want to know the new ones is using popular seiyuu names.
>getting ferro and giddy out of sage island asap
Yeah that makes sense. Still kind of weird that they didn't have Kalim pay a ferry for them or have them hop in a rowboat or something, literally anything but get back on the same boat they spent the entire final scene frantically trying to get off of.

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