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Leaked MHWilds alpha edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

MH is uhm...
what monster would u fugg
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petition to uhh... erm... i like pukei pukei
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I am so tired of using Great Sword, bros. Girls keep offering me free sex in exchange for me to show them my True Charge Slash and Valor style. How do i make myself less desirable? I already tried switching to using Elemental only but it doesn't seem to work

I just wanna hunt in peace with out being surrounded by pussay stank and slippery juice, is that too much to ask?
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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
I think it's balanced by the fact that most adept styles are shit at actual damage.
The only weapon that has adept as their top tier style is:
>Light Bowgun
For every other weapon, adept is either mid tier or low tier.
So for example, with Dual Blades, adept is mid tier. Top tier would be Striker.
With GS, adept is mid tier. Top tier would be Valor.
And so on.

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cant wait to mod wilds
I love huntresses
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I love huntresses
lmao, there's more GS moves being used in MHNow's GS than in any other MH game.
Is there any reason to do MR Kulve Taroth? Are any of the weapons still good?
I guess so. I just wish it required a bit more skill. Like... a cooldown on when you can actually adept dodge, or shield weapons don't get the dodge and can only perfect guard, that kind of thing. Maybe with number adjustments to compensate, but still, it just feels too easy. It's fun but it's too easy.
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I'm in the middle of sorting through mine so I need to see your screens, killers
>with Dual Blades, adept is mid tier
Finally the confirmation that I was playing honestly, after all this time.
What weapons do you think will be strongest in Wilds?
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Seeing large blood effects makes me happy
Only black people use the Longsword
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Monster Hugger
really slutty layered set for huntresses
best weapons for elemental because of the free skill
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Been a while since I touched Worldborne but IIRC weapons that care about element still use KT weapons. DB, Bow, HBG, CB, possibly LBG? You don't HAVE to do KT if you don't want to as Fatalis weapons are close enough in performance most of the time.
I'm still sad Frontier never got Charge Blade. I would have loved to see what those crazy bastards would have given it.
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Does anyone still play Sunbreak? I need more honting buddies
Hoping Zinogre is in the game.
Cause Zinogre HR armour will be in the game.
Which means there will be mods for it.
My favourite sort of huntress...
I do
>video is titled "I hunt Alatreon until I cart"
>video is 7 hours long
>go to the end of the video
>assume he carts at the end
>he doesn't
>he's just done after 7 hours
What a chad.
The ranged weapons as usual
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I do, because I'm based.
she's fun
not watching your video
>every time Akantorex gets namedropped someone posts that 7 hour alatreon video the same day
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my wife
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Play the game instead of ERPing in rooms all day
woah you guys have the same hours and cheevos
a lot of rise achievements are only there to milk idiots who need completion for dumb shit
this is AR240
>to milk idiots
damn Rise charging people to complete achievements.
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>man mad that he doesn't get achievements just for beating the game
The participation trophy generation was a mistake.
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the longer you spend playing Rise the more likely you are to buy Kit T.

I'm not mad, I don't care about achievements at all
I just know a bunch are stuff like "find the hidden swords" or whatever
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I've never heard harder cope in my entire life
Just counted and there's only 16 chievos that are not earned by hunting monsters or doing "mandatory" work such as setting up camps and wirebug launch spots and you should definitely have all of the monster hunting ones at 1200 hours playtime
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>he isn't a solo hunter
I was still finding new camp locations after like 400 hours in MR
in fact I'm not confident that I have all of them on every map because I just hunt the monsters
Monster (Achievement) Hunter
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I'll always be a solo hunter ;_;
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Seconding >>493099623 you're coping. AR230 btw
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Monster Hunter Machinima..
come join the lumu's friend, I'll hunt with you
>he doesn't want to complete his guild card
'ate secondaries
'ate tourists
'ate zoomers
'ate reddit

luv monster huntin'

simple as
Bugstick status????
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What element do I use on jura and barroth?
It doesn't seem like you were simply playing the game for the sake of enjoying it, and instead used guides to get the amount filled as quickly as possible
I believe you are the type of person who is agitated by Spiribirds because the bar isn't big enough for your lizard brain
Fire on Barroth, Electric on Jyura. Use moss pods to shoot off their mud
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You're right I was playing the game for the sake of ripping on it for being so easy
no bully
I cared about GC completion more when there weren't sixteen pages of random brochure nonsense in the GC
If people (myself included) have to dig through terms and conditions and privacy policies to see my village 100%s and full crowns then I'm a bit irked
je suis pardon...
I'm at 1.4k hours with all achievements, a SI for every monsters and set building that includes rolling for augmentations for at least 50-150 hours. wtf did you do all this time?
>moss pods
not in my game
ok doj
you vill talk to ze sailor 100 times
you vill collect ze spiribug 1000 times
you vill raise all ze palicos
you vill photograph all ze critters
you vill catch all ze fish
>switch from main to CB
>game becomes so much easier
I guess the weapon just clicks better for me but the animations are kind of lame. I might become a LS main cause it's the weapon with the best looking attacks.
Fishing is fine. It gives you things to hunt the monsters with
in fact it is a form of hunting itself
Cool combos but still grounded weapon?
>you vill talk to ze sailor 100 times
more like 20 times and he's right next to the smithy and it takes 3 seconds
>you vill collect ze spiribug 1000 times
you will earn this by itself eventually
>you vill raise all ze palicos
takes like 10 ingame quests of putting them on training duty at the dojo, total time spent like 5 min?
>you vill photograph all ze critters
ill give you this but it's actually fun and almost every critter shows up on the map, there's only one rare one (the phoenix) that's annoying to get but it wont take longer than 20 min of checking that spot
>you vill catch all ze fish
takes 20 min total at worst, there's only two fishing spots you have to fish at to get all of them: near lava camp 1 and at the waterfall in the shrine ruins

the one that's bad is having to win 5 billion bingos for all the decorations
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i beat shara solo finally
I always believed in you anon
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if you care about achievements in video games you're a retard
i get achievements in real life because i don't suck lol!
>he didn't get the achievement for sucking
>you can't both achieve in life and achieve in videogames
two can play that game
you're on 4chan so you're not achieving in life XD
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Haven't ERPed in a single room.
Also see >>493100182
Now do it a dozen more times but hitting the head exclusively for the tenderplates
>press F12 to take a screenshot
>entire game freezes for 2 seconds
>completely fucks up cutscenes
What the hell is this shit?
>HR needed a thunder weapon
>get good thunder weapon in MR
>nothing to use it on
man fuck world sometimes
RE Engine special
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Beg your pardon? Is that why it's the same in a few other games too?
>you can't...achieve in videogames
Correct. Video games are entertainment, the one and sole purpose is to have fun. If the video game has an achievement for sucking 1000 cocks and you do it even though you're not having fun just because you want to "achieve" you haven't achieved shit.
>you're on 4chan so you're not achieving in life XD
projecting loser
>projecting loser
Exactly, but enough about you.
>huntan blue rathalos
>shield is charged
>charge sword
>pizza cutter time
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Friends i need some help c. im trying to qurio upgrade my weapons but i need a Afflicted Hardfang. but the fucking thing is I DONT HAVE ANY AFFLICTED MONSTERS that give that shit and looking for a lobby isnt viable cuz no one plays MH in SA. how do i solve this shit?
good job cutie
>videogames are entertainment and the sole purpose is to have fun therefore you shouldn't try to achieve in them
>but 4chan is not entertainment and also not for having fun, it's very serious business
did I get that right?
I still haven't had an attack jewel 4 drop for me
Nta but im baffled youre so mad over someone not wanting to do boring/annoying achievements.

Hell my first rise playthrough i never took a picture of that boulder lizard because i cant be fucked to use a useless system.
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>everyone I don't like is the same guy
>stand in one spot charging your attack
>monster simply walks away
Are GSfags stupid?!
Someone made fun of Doj for cheevo hunting like a full time sperg and now he's having a booty tantrum
>doesnt make an actual rebuttal relevant to the discussion
Ok mb for assuming its one guy! Im baffled that there are TWO people mad about it.
You pissed the tourist off, lmao
Is it bad manners to drop into someone's HR quest with MR gear
The game specifically rewards you for it so I guess not
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Don't be mean, the average age of GS users is like in the 80s.
Plot twist: Doj made up the person making fun of cheevo hunters just so he could brag about having 100%'d rise, again
The experience isn't much different from having a cheater join your quest and oneshotting the monster. Ask yourself if that's fun to you as someone firing an SoS
He couldn't be that mentally ill, r-right? Please tell me he isn't. I used to look up to him.
He isn't. That moron is just lying.
You're all mentally ill freaks.
there is a non-zero chance of these posts all being doj
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GS is for high IQ individuals
I'm a newfag, ad I have zero Idea of what to trust, this place just becomes more schizophrenic the deeper I dive into it, I don't get this place, it scares me and I don't trust any of you, I don't even think half the people here even play the games.
Ah it looks like i caught the ire of a local named sperg. Good to know.
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Okay but like, what if instead of shitflinging we actually played the game?

If I opened a Sunbreak PC lobby, would anyone join?
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fuck it. i aint gonna grind 10 hours to get 1 fucking monster to the right anomaly level. and it fucking makes me angry i have to download a fucking MOD just to progress. just downloaded a mod an upgraded that shit. fuck crapcom. and fuck everyone in south africa.
I'm at work, so no.
I'll join, post it
We know grampa, we know... Now cancel the TCS, the monster has been behind you for a while now.
imma need the sauce for these two, assuming its the same artist
I’m currently brainlessly rolling for augments so yes
There's a discord that spends all their time here "subtly" referencing their gay little ERP sessions and being generally schizophrenic. They've been doing it for years straight at this point. The only janny that comes to this thread is in their discord.
>noooo I have to hunt monsters in monster hunter
took me 3 seconds to find on google
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Cope and despair.

Oh so we're like /gsg/.
And you could have taken 4 seconds to answer my post instead of being condescending
to be fair he's playing rise and in rise you dont hunt monsters they hunt themselves
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>noooo i have to grind some bullshit rng cuz the game simply said "fuck you" and gave me the wrong investigations.

this is your mind on bug people gameplay
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What if you did MORE than 100% of Risebreak?

What if you completed EVERY quest in the game, not just the ones required for 100% guild card?
Picked up the check marks for every single special investigation monster?
Crafted every single possible layered armour and weapon for every single weapon type?
Replaced every single photo of every single large monster, small monster, and endemic life with a bespoke photograph?

Anon, what if you played the video game?
https://youtu.be/spfYSPiLXI0?feature=shared some cuck tries to defend defense skill
SoS mean "help me kill this monster please"
I don't think they mind
Rise has no investigations, only World does.
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This is such a common thing in the website, depressing.
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I am the only hunter
go to google lens and past the image url there and you will get your source
and yes I could have spoonfed you but I don't believe in spoonfeeding, I believe in pushing people towards independence, and yeah I am spoonfeeding you how to reverse image search which is also something you could type into google and get an immediate answer for but you gotta start somewhere. "how do I find where an image comes from" immediately links you to google lens

I hope this can be a lesson for you to become a better and more independent person
In my experience, people using the sos flare already carted once or twice, so they don't care what you have.
SoS means "I'm turning on multiplayer maybe I can find someone to play with :)" for a lot of people
yea then hunt a bit more you will eventually get one. What's even your final goal if you dont like grinding?
anomaly investigations
>equip LR or HR set
>change Master Rank to LR or HR
...so X files?
Ricie: Worlo!!! How come you haven't started binging yet?!! It'll raise your DPS!! *BINGS LOUDLY*
Worlo: You clown... you only engage in such disgusting activities because you play on Nintendo. I am more dignified, and would never engage in such behavior.
Ricie: *BING BINGS A WAHOO* But you like it too, Worlo! Nintendo might be my platform of choice, but Wilds is a fusion of World AND Rise! Tokuda LOVES to bing too!!
Worlo: N-no! That's not true. MAINLINE is more dignified than that pathetic anime counterfest of a spinoff. I will NEVER bing.
Ricie: *BINGS SO MUCH THAT HIS DIAPER STARTS TO SAG, SO HE BING BINGS A THIN STREAM OF PURE WIREBUG ROPE THAT HE HARDENS INTO A SHIELD AND USES AS A COUNTER TO HOLD UP HIS DIAPER FROM THE WEIGHT OF THE BINGING* Worlo, you need to be true to yourself!! Tokuda LOVED to bing, and using the new counter moves in Wilds will get you excited too!! You just have to try it!!
Worlo: I... I... .... *lightly bings*
Ricie: Well?!! What did you think?!!
Ricie: That's more like it! *BURIES A CITY UNDER HIS BING BING WAHOO* Let's go show DosBVLL and Tribab our new power!! LET'S A GO!!!!!!
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I had given up on this general but it looks like it's time for yet another exciting instalment of Sunbreak! Pishi! Lumu!!!
>But where is it?!
>What's the passcode?!
7243, like always!

Let's hont!
well i just wanted to get the qurio attack upgrades and thats it. already have my set, decos and everything. but because of some bullshit rng i have to hunt the same monster over and over because the rng didnt give me an anomaly investigation close to the lvl i needed. its like 50 points away. each quest gives 2-3 points.
looool you fell for it!
I already found it before you made this post since it seemed like i wasnt going to get an answer here. I just didnt want to go through the trouble of looking it up since i figured the person who posted it would already know off hand

@Karasu_Chan1204 on twitter

Hope this was a lesson in saving everyone involved time and energy when it comes to answering the questions that people actually ask
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Love you anon
>go through the trouble
what trouble? it took me 5 seconds
>Hope this was a lesson in saving everyone involved time and energy when it comes to answering the questions that people actually ask
my nigga you're on 4chan if you want people to jump on your dick to answer your questions go to reddit, they do it for FREE all you gotta do is give them some epic reddit karma in return
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God, I love being a shitter.
does gunlance tenderise in 1 hit or di I need shaver?
Defend skills is good tho
Not even shizo but it's all same guy for the most part. Post count never goes up when this starts happening, and it always does at this time of day. I can only assume its an american wager whose only social interaction is to be a bitter retard here, or an equally autistic brit who is staying up to 1am every day to harrass people and then tell his coworkers he had 'great bantz' with his 'friends' over the weekend.
The Investigations arent fully randomized you'll usually get something on the same tier as your target that is not your target. Rarely you get a higher or lower tiers. For Afflicted Hardfang monsters on the same tier (A4) but different materials would be Mudron, auracunt, Goss or Rakna. Leveling shouldnt take more than a handful of quest if you're at 300 as it only really slows down towards the end.
>Post count
urmmmmm...what the heck?
I would believe you if their posts ever got deleted. There are threads on the less popular boards that sometimes get one huge samefag banned and half the thread instantly becomes [Deleted], but NONE of these schizo posts ever get deleted, yet sometimes posts in /mhg/ DO get deleted. There is a janny propping their mental illness up and there's nothing we can do about it.
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Doj is giggling to himself while shitposting about himself from all sides, because he is genuinely that mentally ill
I'm a solo hunter (plus palico)
you think Doj and Ryukishi ever kissed irl?
>see spider
>go to hit spider
>to rounds a corner
>it completely disappears
bros I don't think I'll make it to wilds...
does gunlance need level 5 guard?
Oh. It just keeps getting worse.
I will main longsword in Wilds.
I will main greatsword in [monster hunter game]

No spoiler cause I'm loud and proud
i'm not buying wilds because it won't run on the steam deck
how does mh play on the 'eck?
looks comfy
Hope you have fun!
nothing really stands out to me, at least for world. battery time is an issue if you don't have a comfy spot with an outlet near by to game away for long sessions
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Im so excited by the prospect of seikrets so doing this kind of shit is much easier/convenient
Same, hopefully I won't hate it like I did with Rise.
Shit. I'll be home from work in an hour. Hopefully the lumu will still be up.
I have never played LS before but the gameplay looks cool.
i gather in the jungle to unlock anomaly investigations lol
post loadout and skills
rathian with stockings
It seems like it will be very spammy but looks fun.
my past was about irl anon...
I'm losing it in real life...
servers been down past months because capcom is reallocating server resources for wilds demo
So loadout is pajama and no skills, okay.
Shit bro your defense is shit, you need to equip the adidas pants at least for that sweet jogging speed bonus
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3/4 still!
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>tfw you would rather evolved into another colour AND new tail toxins and spikes just so you don't work at night
is it autism
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Trying to get to grips with GS in IB. Wow shoulder charge tackle is fun.

Question, why is it that sometimes changing direction with TCS seems inverted sometimes if I am just a bit off centered? Doesn't seem to happen with CS and SCS
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Rate my huntress' name.
You won't get the reference, you foreigners.
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I do not like MH games when they implement Styles/Switch Skills/etc. The series should be (and was) everyone heading out with the same weapon movesets, with only equipment/deco/skills varying. If they wanted to implement all these style exclusive flashy stuff, just make new weapons.
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It is time Anon
Craft the armor
Join me
don't use it stupid
and don't do a 180 and start saying shit like "you didn't hunt the monster"
Think she needs a bit more hair, but nice reference.
World feels easier than Rise desu.
Monsters have no HP so if you know what you're doing they die in 5min flat
I figured a hunter wouldn't want to have easily grabbable hair.
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God farming Guiding Lands augment material is a fucking chore
Getting Lures for specific monsters is another chore
Leveling up a specific area to get a specific Tempered monster is another chore

The entirety of Guiding Lands is a chore but it's the only way to engage with the end-game content of Iceborne short of rushing Fatalis ASAP (not fun).
I wish there were mods that fixed how this worked but none of them are enough of an overhaul to make it interesting.
I'd marry that wyverian.
Just started anomalies. When do I get OP weapons? Also can you just ignore the MR cap and just go all the way to the highest tier of investigations by farming other investigations? No quests?
just hunt the monsters
>use 4 traps (even more with your cat)
>wall bangs
>full part breaks
>add in geo skill +1 to double all mats dropped
>capture at the end
Its better with frens, anon
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I like Guiding Lands a lot, but the "27 level cap" really hampers it by a lot
But once you remove it through save editor... I like it a lot
You can max out all zone levels without being a Cheater McCheatyface
>tfw need tempered black diablos horns
I'm there with you bro, and I can't even play it online because >ps4
>requires 500x15-ish hunts to earn enough xp to max the cap
No thank you, I'll be a happy cheater
anon, all you need to max it all out is have one friend surely that isn't too difficult?
>being this much of a loser
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I want hit the monster with my weapon.
I don't want to faff around with traps and wallbangs just to cheat the system into giving me more points in a way that I don't find fun.
The delevling shit is what twists my knickers
No I don't want to go back to hunting Great Jagras just cuz I needed to farm Namielle or Vaal Hazak a few times.
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>The delevling shit is what twists my knickers
Yes this is why I removed the level cap through save editor
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are there any good hunter figures that scale good with the sh monster arts figures? I saw revoltech has male hunter figures but how do they compare in size.
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Room closed, thanks for hunting!
Congratulations on reaching rank 221, hope you have fun with the true cancer endgame of Sunbreak!
you can hit the monster, then trap spam as you pick up materials
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Dear Diary,
I am waist-deep in monster dung water
I am going to get so much diseases
With love,
Pardon me, I am looking for the room. Where might I find it?
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Anon, I mean this kindly, but that is one of the silliest takes I've ever heard in my entire life. I realise the sentiment probably comes from a place of camaraderie but, like, you realise people in old games could have had different "styles" just by playing the weapon differently right?
auto guard GS, Evade GS and status GS were all styles in FU
You don't know pain until you've met a SNS faggot in a ninja suit spamming like 40 mega barrel bomb per hunts with his alchemy set
go hit the showers snookums
>roll dragon conversion
>lose powder mantle
Don’t tease me like this
I have to go for a run but if there's no room in like an hour I'll put one up.
Debating if I wanna just make a room for anomaly grind eventually. Been losing connection a few times lately, so maybe not.
Wallbanging is fun and Im tired of pretending it's not
Rise has red Khezu :O
I think I'm gonna go back to playing Sunbreak, World hasn't managed to hook me and I've yet to have any sort of satisfaction similar to when I first beat Magnamalo.
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>and I've yet to have any sort of satisfaction similar to when I first beat Magnamalo.
>fighting diablos negro
>hes about to horn sweep
>gamer insticts kick in
>perfectlt time a dodge and roll through it
>the hurtbox has collision
>it just pushes me and then hits me because im glued to its hurtbox when my iframes expire and its hurtbox is active for days
Monhun iframing has filtered me :-(
umm bro longsword parry?
same but for literally every mon's tail sweeps
>try to roll barioth's tailsweep
>tail catches me
>I get swept into it and take damage
fucking hate it
It's a 5th gen thing right. I don't remember this ever happening in the old stuff.
I can't roll through tail spin anymore. I get dragged along the entire animation and get hit afterward. Really odd design choice they went with.
>slot in health boost 3 for the big eng game TU fights
>get sloppy
>can't even fight rank 2 tempered monsters without it
I uuuused to rule the G'lands
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Is Wilds set in the same "New World" as World/IB?
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You don't gotta explain it to me, Anon... I've been railed by that situation more times than I can count
The 2nd to last attack that hit me in the webm, was only because of the same case: the tail's collision pushes me into a hitbox which persisted up until I tried getting up
It's the Forbidden Lands, and the Main Guild is getting involved, we're probably getting some LORE shit in the old continent.
I switched to GS so now Ive got to charge an atk and tackle through. Its kinda like the LS R2+O but instead of a quick poke then counter you have to do a slow charge or slow sweep bfore you can tackle. Same concept but the timing is different. Same mid combo fuckery, but still not as brainded as lance so its still fun and Im cool with it.
health boost is most mandatory shit ever
one has to be turbo psycho speedruner autist to play without it
how much was this?
FAT alice
>the Astera Gathering Hub ship in MHW is, in lore, the ship the First Fleet (Admiral,Huntsman, et al) came to the New World in, around 40 years before events of World/IB
>the ship is all the way up there because the sea levels were higher back then
>admiral and huntsman and technician guy still alive obviously
>100m+ higher in 40 years
How long do Capcom thinks 40 years is?!
I'm no speedrunner but I miss being able to skip out on it from HR and mid game MR
I can't play CB without it anymore, can't even fit a capacity up gem on my builds without trading health boost 3 (except for light breaker with it's amazing gem slots)
100 monster hunter years is like 20000 real life years anon
Even if this were true this doesn't make sense, the Huntsman was peers with (Our) Handler's grandfather, meaning they age and breed similar to real humans.
It was zorah, he's so fat and humongous that when he moved away the water receded that much.
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>trying to apply irl geographical logic
>Who needs armor?!
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>neglects new advances such as slingers and scoutflies, which can make him come across as a stubborn old man...
OMG he embodies us old FU players-
>didn't kill nergi in the 40 years he was there, only had a history
I'm gonna be honest with you anon I'm gonna die of high blood pressure if I see one more of these posts complaining about logic in a videogame
>still manage to be the coolest character
I'm not complaining, just wishes to discuss because I know I am among lore autists, chill out friend
>>neglects new advances
Funny enough (You) make him reconsider it
>he embodies us old FU players
Yeah he's literally the hunter in FU's opening
>immediately filtered by velk
Sorry, but that would be the admiral. Even though he does absolutely nothing.
>didn't kill nergi in the 40 years he was there, only had a history
He was busy farming Rathalos Rubies
I love FMVs like this.
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I hate them. Not enough brown people
I thought he could (somehow) hold his own with the monke like genjuro from Symphogear
Shut up, fag. Don't ever @ me again.
Gypy would have been a great monster if he didn't steal items, was a lower ranking and showed to have some capacity to predate a monster(s) above it's weight.
This would balance out by them getting eaten by Nerscylla and the third new monster easily eats bugs like Nerscylla without the gypy corpse fooling it
Can we have a side character that doesn't exist just to job or make the player hunter look amazing. Even pokemon does this okay well with a rival that grows with you, why can't we have a budding hunter that's not annoying like aiden but also performing big feats
This is why capcom needs to add BMW 5 Series 530i with optional heated seating in Wilds.
Excitable A-Lister.
I cried when Fatalis cooked him ;_;
>annoying like aiden
your opinion giggisux
what is rath gleam
Metal rath spinal fluids
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Serious Hands typed these posts.
Anon, Excitable A-Lister's name is Aiden
Yeah yeah and the Ace Gunner is Laqueesha. Get outta here with your fan fiction stuff.
Aiden didn't job, he stood against impossible odds knowing that he didn't stand a chance, and bought time for the main fleet to save the day.
>Obtained by breaking the head
>he got filtered by Fatalis
oh no no no no
It's highest on back breaks
Wilds gunlance has guardpoint for its basic reload LETS FUCKING GOOOOO
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>shield class can block
I think they say the ship got there due to a massive storm, not the water level being higher
You can now block with a move that could never block before, and it cancels your biggest "downtime" animation. Its like if bowguns could guardpoint while reloading and cancel the WHOLE long ass reload animation. Not really that big of a deal for pussies who stay far from the monster but this just means your can STAY in the monsters face with little downtime
Got Rise + Sunbreak from the Fanatical bundle but every time i log on and play i keep thinking "i should reinstall World". Does it get better past a certain point?
yea rise gets way more wacky and wild in the late game similar to world

And you unlock different moves and stuff as the games goes on. Gunlance doesnt get blastdash until halfway through high rank i think
>OMG he embodies us old FU players-
But he's a first fleet/first gen hunter. FU players are filthy second fleet/second genners.
Wait, not just quick reload (yay), but also normal reload? Fucking finally, I always hated being somewhat inherently turtle-like when guarding and resetting
>But he's a first fleet/first gen hunter
Then why does he use a LS like a LS instead of of GS?
They've finally evolved beyond colonial bri'ish musket doctrine and can duck behind cover while reloading? Monsters aren't going to like that.
>something as simple as tetranadon has unblockables if you don't have guard up and aoes
I guess this is how sunbreak does things now
That's surprising
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Because it's not difficult to realize that LS is the best weapon in the series and deserves to be the series mascot weapon.
Idk if quick reload has a guardpoint (im guessing it does?)
What i do know 100% is that NORMAL slow ass reload has a guard point. now. And if the guardpoint his hit, the reload still happens and you get to retaliate immediately
All grabs are unblockable by default sister
>generic katana that wasn't even its own weapon until 2 years after the first game's release deserves to be the mascot weapon
He uses a fucking helm splitter in this cutscene fights (something that didn't exist in 1st or 2nd gen). By that logic, he's a 5th gen hunter. Capcom is just never consistent with these things.
I pity people like you, missing out on so much content in the game by maining one weapon
Its would be funny if the
>Hunting Rewards Decreased
>Continues Remaining: 4
popped up during that cutscene
Yeah we saw in Gamescom Quick Reload has guardpoint, not sure if it still reloads like full reload like you said.

Which is very important because in iceborne the slinger reload has guardpoint but cancels the slinger load half the time if it activates, it's retarded.
Imma say greatsword is the mascot weapon my guy. Just because LS is the most used used doesnt mean it should be the mascot. Also
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a girl without her greatsword is like an angel without wings
The weapon trailer showed the shield flashes on quick reload and on a stake so those are likely guard points, if some gameplay footage didn't confirm it already
the head is connected to the spine
It has by far the most players in 2 of the franchise's most successful entries. The majority basically has spoken. LS is the new king. Out with the old, in with the new.
>Just because LS is the most used used doesnt mean it should be the mascot.
He's been using LS and HB forever and they eventually got added to the games because other hunters started emulating him because he's just that cool.
what about mecha wings
I know the normal reload guardpoint has the reload go through
Watch this vid for the info. Tbh if youre a GL main i wholeheartedly reccomend this channel. Helped me when i learned the weapon AND has the best and most up to date info on all wilds gl info


See the video above, huge deep dive into the wilds moveset. Im thankful for this autist youtuber who cares about gunlance so much. I havent seen any other move by move breakdown for the rest of the weapons. Gunters are eating well
Uh bro? The arena quests? Those don't show up on your bars.
Sorry, you are right.
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The trailers, official gameplay streams, and cover art would disagree with you
every other weapon seems too complicated
Is that a reverse joke of CB being the most complex weapon as claimed by many?
What colour are >we changing the sekrits to, /mhg/?
With how small that "greatsword" is, I'm convinced that they were on the rightful path to changing LS to be the mascot, but then pussied out at the last minute.
rocket greatsword and gun hammer are just the best
Why do the other weapons not have iconic alts like these? Or they do and I am just missing out

No, sweetcorn joke GL does not count.
I cant believe youre having a dick measuring contest with swords in fictional videogame. You know its ok that your favorite weapon isnt the mascot. I say this when i play a weapon that has a 3% pick rate
Speaking of alts, since the first weapon i really played was gunlance, i was shocked to learn that most weapon types dont have alts that can fundamentally change your basic combos and combat goals, except for hunting horn, idk enough about hunting horn desu but afaik you have different songs that need different notes to play ie you need different combos
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no its why i only play charge blade and my honest thoughts
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Does this count?
It's just a bogstandard gunlance with extra big ammo drum..
To be fair I don't even know what I want. Just something cool and different, like how hbg got a fucking railgun with zinogre barrel. Something with a different looking mesh? I don't know.
I see HHs having different notes/songs like how lbg/hbg/bows having different bullet compatibilities.
do small goldenfish have any use in p3rd except early zenny?
in freedom unite some weapons required 10-20 small goldenfish to make
>It's just a bogstandard gunlance
Actually it's a Lance
That's a round tigrex
I listened to a HH user the other day. Obvious why theyre still called hunters and not musicians.
They were kicked out of the band.
Are we doing standup now? I told a monster I main hammer. He was stunned.
I chortled
I'm gonna drop a truthnvke in here
I think early game MH is the most fun part of the game. When resources are most scarce and you spend all your time gathering, hunting small monsters, and drome-tier monsters like Velocidrome, Great Jaggi, Great Jagras etc
I have the hots for the SnS guy in the room. He's the Perfect Crush.
We can still have that if they just removed camp restocking, and once again you forage. Hell, keep quick crafting, just remove restocking. That makes the virtual eating and exploring and foraging much more fun and viable.
Were they drunk when they designed Velkahna hitboxes or am I missing something here?
how do I unlock arch tempered MR Teostra, Kushala, Lunala?
>arch tempered MR Teostra, Kushala, Lunala?
There aren't any
I think the /mhg/ quest pack has most ATs in it
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Hey guys let's play MHFU (PS Vita) today guys :)
The one that gets me is the head hitbox when he does a slow cone angle ice breathe. I am nowhere close the the breathe, his head is not moving fast, I still get hit, jesus christ
>We can still have that if they just removed camp restocking
No we can't because every since Freedom 1 they've made it a point to add increasingly escalating manners of item printing outside of quests
>F1/F2 farm for low effort handouts and the travelling granny shitting out obscene amounts of useful items
>then Tri farm for mass producing specific items to reduce need for farming in quests more
>4U wyporium is the Tri farm but more OP
>World adds melding, even more OP farm, and also the steamworks to now shit out armor spheres as well
>idk about Rise I haven't played it
They'd need to axe so many systems it'd chase away 99% of the players unfortunately so it will never happen
there's just AT namielle and velkhana, they had to cut Iceborne events short to work on Wilds
I don't think I am good enough to tackle these, going by nexus mods screenshots and description they look super hard
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>MHFU (PS Vita)
I really should continue, especially since I have the time on my way to work
can you play with ppsspp users on socom.cc?
How many monsters are left in base world after Nergigante?
Post more jokes, NOW!
none, nergigante ate all of them
All of them. Theres repeatable quests and stuff.
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he cute
Don't think so :(
I tried writing one, it was too mediocre. Then I tried asking copilot to write one for me with the same weapon, it was still so bad, using a lot more words, and it still wasn't funny in the end.

So I guess I am a Gunlance user.
4 in the story, 6 in post story content
Rise is a good game
i do yes but i'm a solo hunter
I'm a solo sex haver
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sorry i'm not doing FIFTY fucking rampages for a digital good boy badge
cheevo hunting is fucking retarded
But its more fun with friends :D
Is that including the 3 elder dragons?
You guys suck too much and would let me down. I'm the best speedrunner in this category.
black diablos are female diablos that are literally so fucking HORNY (in heat, not the head horns) they turn black
>missing out on so much content in the game by maining one weapon
i main 1 weapon because i can only main 1 weapon
i literally couldn't experience ANY content if i tried using any other weapon because i'd just be triple carting constantly
yes, i have tried the 13 others and none of them click
O ya? Prove it
Tobi is cute
as a chargeblader how am i meant to deal with extremely active monsters?
I miss it...
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But look, hes smiling!
Sunbreak's theme is nice too
you have guard points don't you
they're better than lance counters aren't they (lmao)
he looks like he sucks hunter cock
Would Tobi eat you in bites like an odogaron would, or just kinda vore you whole?
Charge your sword and Slash > Shield Thrust loop
My wives.
Just LS counter
Wilds will have a Great Shamos
For me it's when the ice erupts for the ground, the visual doesn't even begin to match the hitbox
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>"Fuck, I need content for my channel"
>"Capcom isn't releasing any news that I can milk for new video material"
>"I know! I'll just mindlessly speculate for at least 10 minutes (very convenient, SEO-friendly length, I know!)"
But will Wilds have modable animations?
>got a gold crown on bulldrome in G1 quest
>only got a regular wycademy ticket

What gold crowns actually give you the Wycademy G ticket? Is it elders or something?
the best weapon combo will be fast sleep weapon + gs for wakeups or hunting horn for buffs + the highest dps speedrun weapon
The best weapon combo will be a parahammah, then whatever your weapon of choice is on the saddle for after you get 2 stuns + 2 para procs
Sleep hammer :)
sounds hot
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Makes no sense but I might understand why you'd say this. I have to put my mind on autopilot to play CB because there is too much to consider weapon-side when you play. You can do that with other weapons too, but there isn't any stimulation and I feel like I am just fucking retarded when I play. Yes, I fucked KT.
>inb4 le bowshitter
I like bow because spamming rock shot, Thousand Dragons and Dragon Piercer instead of participating in the parsetroon dance is funner.
No, that would be fire hammer silly.
Why the hell are mizu bubbles supposed to hurt if they are just slippery soapy bubbles
go pour some some soap in your eyes right now
that shit stings
Because they have a lot of bleach and other harsh chemicals
It's a lame way of trying to make the fight harder by making it so that if you touch the bubbles, you lose precise control of your character and can potentially get hit by Mizu attacks that otherwise wouldn't hurt you.
So give us your opinions on the games, which one are bad and which one are good, rank them

t. FU babby
>And my hammer bangs deep, so deep, so deep it put her ass to sleep
-Ice Cube
Might as well say getting stunned is artificial difficulty
>he playded FU
>he thinks he actually played gen 2
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Speed Sharpening.
Why Speed Sharpening.
it's a comfy skill
i like it on lance since you can sharpen with your weapon out, so you can just drag your whetstone once and sharpen in 1 second mid fight to always keep your sharpness high
I can kind of relate. I went from SA to CB and it feels so much easier. I can only imagine how easy it would be to beat the game with something like LS.
ruricuck capcom feedback vote:
Because its a GL set and shelling DECIMATES your sharpness.
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Speed sharpen + protective polish for GL is a crazy new world, son.
love how difficulty is #1
The consensus is that people want it to be harder
well yeah it looked pretty bad in that department. the hunter standing still to charge slash and getting hit by Dosha's bite but it slides off and misses point blank was telling.
>makes play dmg and not bouncing revolve around one mechanic
>makes monster that punishes the player for using said mechanic
u rike?
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>give hunters more skills
>monsters must now be overtuned to remain difficulty
The cycle will continue until we become Frontier.
i picked deco rng, endgame and BONED weapons
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do you want me do so some essay or some half assed tierlist will do?
fuck deco rng honestly. Ive only played world and rise, so was world an exception or has gettting decos always been annoying up until rise?
I'm just personally silly, because I'm doing this silly ass shelling-focused GL run/training.
Does make sense for sensible players.
Rise just turned it into charms farming with even worse results.
MH:Wilds X Sonic X Shadow will have the hunter fight the biolizard.
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Is the damage worth the loss in affinity?
you have a 20% chance to do 25% less damage
idk, ask an ai chatbot to do the math and compare 2 swords to work out their average damage for you
Damage is very rarely worth losing affinity for.
I like using the FF sky thrust emote mid fight to to fuck with the other hunters.
ok but has deco/charm rng always been annoying or is this a 5th gen thing
it's always been dogshit in some way or another in every game

i'd really love it if we could craft charms AND decos but in any game you're only allowed to do one and the other is rng iirc
*weakness exploit and agitator and critical eye your ass*
Nothing personnel, critlet
I want both to be rng. Qurious crafting can fuck off, though.
Trying to use the barroth greatsword in P3rd was the reason I quit for so long
>I want both to be rng.
kill yourself gacha addict
leave monster hunter noob-kun
You can play without 100% optimal sets, you'll be fine.
kill yourself dopamine starved zoomer
Charm RNG used to consist of doing mining runs and then ending the quest via subquest
World changed the system to craftable charms and RNG decos
Rise changed back to craftable decos but introduced RNG charms that are only meldable in the endgame and have 1 in 5 million drops and introduced Qurio crafting for a side serving of RNG with your RNG
>inb4 but the 1 in 5 million charm is only for TA autists
Fine but the strong charms that the regular player would still want like Frostcraft 2 + slots or Crit eye 2/3 + slots is still a 1 in 500,000 or something
It's RNG all the way down even if you don't want optimal and just want what you find fun
Pfft what a loser
doing this cost a piece of my soul
>all guarding related decos take twice as much slots compared to their world counterparts
It's like they don't want you to guard stuff wtf
Wait until you find out that Guard used to give Guard Up at high enough levels before they split it into two seperate skills
i have a qurious r10 guard 5 guard up 2 4-1-1 and 3-3-1 slot version

just edit them in, who gives a fuck lmao
i'm not rolling the for 1 in a quintillion odds twice
>more than a year without playing a MH game
>decide to finally buy sunbreak after getting hyped for Wilds
>every hunt feels the same, using the counter or i-frame moves 99% of the time
>don't feel like hunting somnacanth but this time blue, basarios or magnamalo for the umpteenth time
>close the game
I've never got burnout so fast in my life. Playing the same 2 weapons over and over again definetely doesn't help, but there has to be something wrong with this game's design only I can't figure out what is it exactly.
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Don't forget, Guard Up is now separated into THREE points and only maxes out at 80% damage reduction for unblockables.
rampages were fun for about a grand total of 20 of them
What mod do you use to edit in charms/qurio augments?
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>wants an MH game
>buys rise
The fact that Guard Up is a separate skill in the first place makes my blood boil. I fucking hate FU so much
Guard up at max level used to let you guard basarios lasers and the like, right?
qurious crafting
As far as I can tell the Qurio Augment mod is totally broken
It'll tell you that 100% sanity check legal augments are illegal and when you try to equip the piece of armour you edit the augment of the augment gets wiped from the piece
I rolled a +1 Frostcraft -10 Defense augment on a piece of armour but if I try to give that same piece of armour that exact augment it says it's illegal and it won't stick
Even augments the mod says are legal won't stick
try this one? it looks clunkier to use but might still work
why are pcheats like this?
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>I fucking hate FU so much
And guess who directed THAT game?
Half assed no need for more
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I have to hunt monsters to get gear?
I fucking hate this game now!
what post are you referring to
Do the anomaly investigation levels do anything besides give you different afflicted mats? Are the monsters stronger?
/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General
I feel like this general has several tards who vaguepost constantly
I think vagueposting faggots should be lynched
you don't vaguepost in /mhg/, /mhg/ vagueposts itself
I dont vaguepost to begin with. Kill vagueposters
Every dumb post is written by dumbweapon mains.
>carve a vagueposter ???% to get a ????
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here you go
note that every game have been played as intended, so without mods outside of trads or texture packs (well i did play the HD version of P3), wich mean i probably would have put Dos a rank a two higher if it wasn't for ps2 controls
didn't play sunbreak only base rise, played a bit of frontier but not enough to include it, more to play around with movesets
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Prediction for Itchynose's next portable game:
Guard armor skills have been reworked!
Guard is now a LV3 decoration for just one point of Guard!
Also, Guard only affects stamina reduction for blocking!
Now there are TWO BRAND NEWS skills to reduce pushback on block and HP chip on block!
They're also equally as expensive, requiring LV3 decoration slots just for one point (these skills each max out at five points)!
Now you'll need a total of 15 LV3 slots just to have your Guard be the same power as Guard+5 in World and Rise!
Because HOW FUCKING DARE YOU want your shield to feel strong! You're gonna have to pay the worst possible price!
How come I don't have AT Kirin on my even quest list, I've definitely killed the fucker, I just want to rechallenge
>tri is A tier
>3U is C tier
How does that work?
Why is the lighting on my guild card so purple
are xeno, shara, and gaismagorm vagueposters?
3U was downgraded in many ways in order to accomodate the 3DS and its lack of power
The stuff that's the same between Tri and 3U is just straight up worse and the added content isn't enough to make up for what was lost and is similarly held back by needing to also be released on the 3DS
Real discordmorloid hours
I bully the crabs relentlessly in rise. They can barely stand. It's like their whole hitbox counts as a head.
Why even work on BA to begin with if they're just gonna leave like that?
don't forget that the reason or all of this is because there will be a retarded ammo based super move mechanic with no cooldown that lets you iframe counter for a full second and it will 100% guarantee stagger the monster and also apply insane status/KO
the ammo is really grindy to get but can be bought with microtransactions to skip the grind
zoomers will defend it by saying "you dont HAVE to use the supermove you know!!!!"
LSfags was the LS better in World or Rise
How well does MHFU emulate on ppsspp switch?
I emulated p3rd a few months ago and it was fine but I did it on PC
cmon you said no essay
basically a quality/quantity problem, despite massive faults Tri happen to have a lot of very good ideas and a neat attention to details that didn't port over to 3U and 3U having faults of it's own mostly on monsters movesets/ai and weapon balance
sunbreak is ss tier, you're missing out
Base Rise had an outrageously good and versatile LS, but it was nerfed to the ground in the expansion. So World wins.
>cmon you said no essay
Should have prefaced with "nta"
I will put up a lumu when I return from the doctor.
>Iceborne S rank without mods
nani the fuck? why do you like it, genuinely curious
nha from what i've seen it barely look better than base rise you're not going to trick me
you haven't see shit you disingenuous shitposter
>follower system
>great roster
>even more moveset customisation
>anomalies are 10x better than grinding lands
>genuinely curious
if you have to say it you probably arn't
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>sandy plains remake
>kamura hunter/fivers need palamutes to go from a to b fast
>old gen hunters(Tri/3U(P)/Gen) can move from area to area on fute just as fast without the dogs
i do have to say that in /mhg/ because otherwise anon might think im prefacing a shitpost
it's still better than
>kill great fagras * 100 to LEVEL UP your grinding zone A to fight 1 elder dragon which LEVELS DOWN zone B which you then have to go LEVEL UP by killing 200 great girros to fight another elder dragon
Im sorry mrs. rajang
I am for REAL
I never meant to clutch onto ya side
Pls dont go an' cart me 3 mo' times
>follower system
don't like it, i solo, tolerate a cat at most
>great roster
yeah no
>even more moveset customisation
frontier but bad, disregarded
>anomalies are 10x better than grinding lands
shit endgame regardless
>>follower system
casual shit for women and children
>>great roster
yes but the gameplay is all the same so the best roster in the world wouldn't make a difference
>>even more moveset customisation
you mean "slot every single offensive skill in existence into your armor set because anomaly crafting is that OP"? insane variety
>>anomalies are 10x better than grinding lands
>kill jagras 100 times bad, kill arzuros 100 times good
ah so it's nintie baby duck syndrome
Sunbreak has a better roster overall than Iceborne, but the anomaly shit is so much worse than the grinding lands.
>you mean "slot every single offensive skill in existence into your armor set because anomaly crafting is that OP"? insane variety
i was talking about switch skills, not armor skills you brainlet
but you are
...again every experience is the same so the game could have 100 weapons with 500 switch skills and it would still be samey and not fun all around
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Yeah why even bother putting -30 or -40% affinity on these weapons if they're like 20% stronger than everything else and have a fuckton of slots on them?
4 more years till GU2
>there's been less games between world and wilds' grank expansion in 2026 vs the timeframe between MH1 and GU which is 4 generations apart
Defend this
-20% Affinity is 5% damage loss (8% with crit boost).
Does the weapon have 5% more raw? sure, take it.
+3 wex
>10% crit chance on weakspots
problem solved
>Brute Tigrex is just a tigrex that just shouts a lot
How disappointing.
Wait when did Felyne Insurance get renamed to Safeguard???
>molten tigrex is just a red tigrex
I gave my palico some kirin armour and now I look at her kinda funny
Those are two different skills. Safeguard is just a guaranteed insurance that you can get if you have the ingredients. Insurance is a random one that might or might not show up.
don't worry, they got the entirety of frontier to pull moves from in the future installments and present it as "brand new" to mainline-only fags
they already pulled some but they still have 10 years worth of content to reuse
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Ruiner Nergigante, more like RUINED Nergigante
Why is he such a bitch? Spends the whole hunt tripping and falling like a fucking dweeb.
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>Pink Rathian is just a rathian that pinks
Why do I sometimes see hunters in videos clutch claw onto an exhausted monsters face then jump off it
Complete and utter newfag here, what's the best MH game to start with if you wanna get into the series?
Yeah they really ruined him for some reason
HP gated, scripted slams that miss you
Trips nonstop
Black spikes don't even make you bounce anymore
I don't understand what they were thinking
It resets the clagger animation timer back to the beginning so it gives you the most amount of time to attack the monster while it's stunned
It does it so that it's a guaranteed tenderise attack for every single weapon even the longest animations in the game like GS
success claw holds the monstie in the drooling animation for longer, and they are preparing for a bigger dps move than claw weapon attack
If you intend to play Wilds next year and only want to play one game, pick World or Rise as they'll be the closest in gameplay to it. World will be closer as Wilds is basically a direct sequel to it. If you like those and want to play more, play FU, 3U, and 4U for old style monhun. You can also play GU for oldstyle monhun plus anime skills.
Back in my day you had to turn around and hop to move forward. You kids have got it so easy now no wonder you're all a bunch of soft fairies.
>Black spikes don't even make you bounce anymore
the caveat is that he doesn't break them himself now so you have to deal with a complete shitzone until they're brok- oh wait just kidding clutch claw exists lol
Monster manipulation or misclick or they were retards and claw'd at low stamina
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claw adds 4 seconds to clagger, most weapons should do it but lance takes 5 seconds to do the thing so just poke.
Has the best elemental Bows, DBs, CBs. Fire, Water, and Thunder are flat out best with Kulve's weapons. Alatreon I feel like is flat out better than Taroth Decay (Dragon) since Ala has better sharpness, slots, and a pinch more dragon/attack. The only thing Decay has over it is critical element, but I don't know the math behind the difference. Frostfang is a good sidegrade for Ice.
Taroth Support LBG if you want to use normal 2s.
For the armor, Kulve's pants are really good.
What I hate about Fatty blade and a lot of other GS models is that the handle retracts when you sheathe the weapon. It makes the weapons look uglier.
>either or suggestions
Uh.. okay. I guess I'll start with the cheapest for now then.
It's scary how unaware most players are about how clutch claw stagger works. Makes people's opinion towards Iceborne make way more sense
>yakumo 2 or basically not-japan village
>all they eat is fucking dangos
>not even ramen
What the fuck is going on in Kamura
Yeah I'm really scared bro
You'd have to be the biggest dishonest bitch to complain about sunbreaks rng charms and qurio augment and dare pass rng decos of world as a better system.
The true answer is to play MHW. It's ezpz like having training wheels on and the gameplay is what you'll expect to see in future games.
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You'd have to be the biggest dishonest faggot to not save edit in sunbreaks rng charms and qurio augment and dare pass rng decos of world as a better system.
literally nobody does this? it's always the other way around
You'd have to be the biggest dishonest faggot to not claim Tri is your favorite game but then not even have 6 different Discord accounts, each of which you use to groom a different target.
humm friends can you have 2 of the same weapons? like 1 at the chest and 1 equiped?
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>wakeup with the minor hit
walk up to monster > roll away from monster > turn 180 degrees without moving > level 1 charge > level 2 charge > TCS
will hit the monster with only the fat TCS hit for maximum damage
Learn how to space your wakeup on sleeping monsters
>stand at head
>draw GS
>block 180
>roll once
>block 180
Congrats you did a wakeup TCS
Does the wake up hit actually do more dmg? Didnt think to worry about that because I knew the biggun would still land
What weapon has the most skill synergies with Hammer? Thinking what I want to pair it with in wilds
Just play GS long enough that the distance is instinctual
The hit that wakes up the monster has a damage multiplier added to it
Just bring a ranged for incase you run across something you wanna wing break. That way ittl stay on the gro
The very first number that wakes up a monster deals 2x damage. GS should always land the big dick TCS. Other classes have shitter wakeups, sleep always removes enrage so it's a decent wall slam(the claw ruins the 2x by dealing 2 dmg) at least.
Scroll up
you're a porn addict friend. save yourself ffs and this is comming from someone who masturbated at his job bathroom....
GS and cut tails
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God damm it took me all afternoon to kill this motherfucker
Is the red grigori final monster soloable or I shouldnt bother?
Wake up hit does double damage. And thats only for the first thing that makes contact. If you did a combo with dual blades on a sleeping monster, only the first 12 damage hit of the combo would be doubled to 24, the rest are at base damage.
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>bitch mantle
Fatalis IS the final monster anon
If you mean Safi that's a raid monster intended to be done with a team but they did update it to be solo-able but extremely awful to do still
Hmm, maybe bow? Focus and slugger might work nice on it.
>tfw world does the retarded dramatic fish eye zoom
No, no it's not.
Is it too long or what?
im gonna vaguepost
god, I wish monster hunter had easy to read distances. The camera is always pointing way up at the skybox, instead of at the ground where my feet are.
I just looked up a video of someone fighting Fatalis in MH1.
How the fuck did anyone find this shit fun? It's chip damage all the time.

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holy mother of sovl
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When are we getting #ReturnToRise?!
not him but timer, stages/dps check, etc
It has a healing mechanic where you need to either force it to heal so many times that it can no longer heal from the area or shit out so much damage you just bypass it all at once
So either you're a god gamer and still barely kill it within the 30 minute timer
Or you kill it once over the course of 5 seperate hunts
99% of the ones that aren't exclusively male
The 1% is Congalala because I don't want to be farted on
people weren't bitch ass whiny little pussies back in the day, that's how
yeah, safi literally does a +9999 full heal every time it gives the map a SUCC. quick killing it should be theoretically possible for a group, if they chain para/sleep/stagger when it reaches low hp. The more common scenario is to just pummel the boss over and over until it runs out of full heals and dies.
>posts sootstone delivery quest
>entire lobby leaves when they see it
yeah ok
>quick killing it should be theoretically possible for a group, if they chain para/sleep/stagger when it reaches low hp
It's possible to solo Safi at full energy in one hunt but that's only if you can keep up very high DPS for the entire hunt and even then you'll probably kill it with 2 minutes remaining in the hunt
It's possible to solo but just don't
mods fix it
Luve wife CustomPalico3.
Its honestly easier to just kill the big monster that gives you grief in those quests
All the lil shit monsters hopping about are the real hurdle
>wilds LS can go from level 0 to 3 charge by holding R2 twice
this is bullshit
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/mhg/ meetup in Shibuya for the exclusive Monster Hunter NOW carnival???
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Will my huntress wife be there?
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The nergussy eater
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lumu doko
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>emphasise elemental damage
No, that's a pukei
elemental weapons should be able to inflict blights
ur a blite
Return to Rise
Why does Primordial Malzeno two hit KO me at full hp after collecting all the spiritbirds?
*misses the iframe*
unironically agree, Element needs a boost
Status too but I'm not sure how to go about that; maybe just make some late game weapons have 2 Statuses (outside of DB)
Not enough defense
poison should do % hp damage over time instead of flat
blast should also do % hp damage but with a multiplier for partbreaking
sleep when inflicted by weapons should be recognized as a special state where the wakeup has a higher damage mult than natural sleeping
paralysis should increase the damage monsters take when they are paralysed
I giggled
>world = mhw
>wilds = mhw
I told monster I main CB and he just ran away with his tail between his legs. I guess he wasn't cut out for it
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I'd be okay with all these changes
Should I go hunt Kushala and find the rest of the elder dragon monster tracks in World or say fuck it and go hunt Amatsu and Primordial in Rise?
Dump skill, whetfish and whetfish+ does the same effect as level 3 with an item
world kushala is one of the worst fights in the entire monster hunter franchise, so go play rise instead
amatsu is like a challenging version of narwa and priMal absolutely shits on any endgame world fight
true, until you realize the nose and tail peek outside of the shit cloud and lance can boop the snoot
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Post the lumu so we can hump. I mean hump. I mean hump. I mean hump. I mean hump. I mean hump. I mean hump. I mean hump. I mean hump. I mean...
I actually mean just hunt
I hate these and they look stupid, the problem is that these are the best abbreviations we have.
wilds = world 2
MHWI is Iceborne
MHWIB is iceborne
>MH world
>Mh world iceborne
Yeah nah
>boot up world to scratch the itch
>search for SOS flare for quest i wanna do
>ok whatever
>search SOS flare for master rank

damn. i was spoiled by that resurgence a while back. guess the game is dead again.
Speaking as a gunlance main, I wholeheartedly DO NOT recommend this channel.
He's nothing but a mathfag who sucks shit at the game itself amd he constantly finds reasons to whine about the weapon.
There is no good, or even decent, MH youtuber that plays the weapon.
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>I play with people this horny regularly
I heard that servers are down to make room for wild beta servers
Could be horseshit tho, idk
Yeah me
Pretty sure that's some kind of network error, it's happening to me too
Hes an autist who is giving good info on wilds GL so, you dont have to like his guides but at least he has good coverage
>None of the set builders has an option to filter armor sets in bulk easily
I just want to filter out TU stuff damnit.
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as a gunlance main i do recommend the channel since it's the best source raw data you'll have
I've already beat Amatsu once. I just want the gear. I wasn't really enjoying World anyway so I suppose it's time to finish Sunbreak's endgame.
>raw data
What a useless metric. Just play the weapon and wait for the demo to try wilds for yourself.
brainlet take
i gave your mum my raw data last night LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

One sperm contains about 3.3 billion base pairs, stored in DNA. Each base pair is two bits of data, for a total of 787MB of data per sperm. With somewhere around 280 million sperm per ejaculation, that means a single load contains about 220,000 terabytes of data.
Good GS channels?
unfortunately none
it's just how it sounds when saying room in japanese
yes, that is literally it
petition to abbreviate monhun wilds with MHY
or just call it MH6
I think the only weapons that have legitimately good players that make videos are LS and Lance
wouldnt that be wrumu?
You know that stupid inflating bat from World?
It's that.
Its neck isnt the only thing that inflate, ifyouknowwhatimean
unironically both
it's both
The armor augment system was actually kino before the TU armors dropped
The TU armors were so overstatted it didn't matter that low rarity armors got better augment rolls
where pc room?
its an inside job... the chuckling tigrex poster... on this day we are all

>solo hunters
Lumu in 40 minutes.
I finally made the element set in Rise.
It is better.
Ill join if some cute hukters in buff body layered do >~<
I only wear full armor and it stays on during sex
>look at velkhana pants
>+5 ice attack, +3 critical element, +1 element exploit, 4-1 slots
ok FINE i'll make an ice set...
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stfu johnny
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>trying random event quests for the limited bounty to get muh celestial wyverian ticket
>every hunters dream 3? seems easy
>try it
>assumed the monsters would be teamed up against me
>theyre not
>entire fight is just nargacuga seething and flailing around while NS paolumu puts it to sleep over and over and i pound it into the dirt with my hammer
>narga slain
>paolumu flies into the corner of the arena with the slope
>spend 5 minutes spamming the spinning hammer drop on its head
>clip a sleep cloud a few times and instantly get 100% gravity and drop straight down into a nap

hilarious and fun quest. monster hunter is such a good game bros.
>monster hunter is such a good game bros
ice attack you get 4 points in one slot its huge
I have 4 pieces of primordial malzeno and swaped the element in slots
gacha rolled, birdcaller, 2 crit element, a 4slot
That’s what you want though? The whole point is to not get one-shot, which is what would happen without birbs and good armor. Being able to survive a hit means you’ve done well.
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funny cat
>exhaust phial has no impact on elder dragons
That's so dumb.
Post /mhg/ gatos
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I really, really like this image
Oh, the humeownity!
it's so fucking funny
I've been laughing at it on and off since it first got posted
Actually a legendary image
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Post more huntresses for me to edge to while I wait on this lumu
There was one video where a GS showed how to walk into a zone and the monster's natural aggro timing lets you TCS the instant it runs up to your face. The timing. just. works. I forgot the vid and the exact setup though.
Just edge to the huntresses in the lumu
I didn't know you could change that image
im mr 70 using final boss, lunagaron and malzeno parts
what should i aim for?
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right click it, then change the background
>what should i aim for?
input your useful talismans
make sure you get the slots on your weapon right too
then just search for the skills you want, then make what it tells you to make
Thoughts on MR999 players who don't carve and just stand there like a stoic beast for 50 seconds?
>sonic and usj event quests are gone for late joiners like me
no online games found either and the pdlc files I found don't do nuffin
>Spends the whole hunt tripping and falling like a fucking dweeb.
That's regular Nerg.
Talk or gesture or pose or something
I like the people I’m hunting with to actually interact with me
The palico is a cute reminder that if you think about it, the intensity and brutality of MH fights is actually insane. You are a meat skeleton fighting a monster that explodes, just explodes all over the place, and the palico is losing its fucking mind
Morwold Lumu doko?
50% chance of just being a cheater
You should never reach a point where you dont reflexively carve.
It should be burned into your muscle memory for you to immediately carve
Why exactly is SnS not allowed to keep oils anyway? Shit, I wish Lance got to keep enrage guard+corkscrew trust(they made it into one move as silkbind: anchor rage)
Meanwhile bow and LS keep getting more ridiculous
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Is there a custom quest pack for Tempered MR monsters with GL drops?
I'm sick of farming Lures and resetting GL hoping to get a monster I want, and I'm sick of the Guiding Lands map...
Whuddya need? 0.0
How'd you get it to crop so nice?
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World PC lumu room:


The /mhg/ mod has harder AT versions of all the monsters and they do drop GL mats.
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Cropped the image in paint
>artwork huntresses are slim and have hourglass figure
>in-game huntresses are wide
It's always been like this but I wonder why
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they saved money by only making 1 body model for the games, it's that simple
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In Lance's case, it doesn't need it. For one offensive Hunter Arts without the Arts system feel spammy if they're good (Spiral Thrust) so Corkscrew by itself wouldn't work..
Second, Lance feels best when it's basic and grounded. See: Rise Lance vs Sunbreak Lance.

SnS... We really don't need Affinity or KO oil anymore, they're cool but they don't change how you play.
Mind's Eye Oil was useful in oldgen but new monsters barely have any hard parts.

Oldergen games and Rise replace the entire segment of the body to better fit the armor, Rise even moreso than before.
World just slapped the armor on top of the body, that's why so many waist pieces made you fridge-mode.
Wilds seems to be going in a Rise direction.
Dauntless: Awakening releases early november
>no kushala tracks
>no option to make some
how is this possible
>never levels forest to level 6, ever
oh yeah
That Magala kid really cleaned up nocely once he got out of his emo phase.
My job here is done, nothing personnel...
Huh this game is still alive
How does it play compared to world and rise?
Dunno, but they are reworking it again
I liked using the gauntlets, but the game as a whole pales woefully compared to monster hunter. Just a bunch of big arenas in the void with monsters that respawn like MMO mooks. Was not immersed.
So, question. Rise and Sunbreak were my first MH games. I went into them fresh and completed Sunbreak a few weeks ago, HR 999, completed every anomaly rank, etc.

I started World shortly after and have been breezing through Iceborn. The Alatreon fight is really the first difficulty spike of the game but I cleared it on my third attempt with IG and second attempt with Hammer on an SOS to help someone else.

I want to say that so far Iceborn and Sunbreak are the most fun I've had in a long time, but does Iceborn get more difficult anytime soon? I'm absolutely crushing the game.
>but does Iceborn get more difficult anytime soon? I'm absolutely crushing the game.
go solo a safi jiva, completely, then come back before saying world is easy
no thanks I've read chaos head noah, I know what the plot to this is
If you don't carve the monster, you did not finish hunting it. Carving the monster is honoring it and the battle you just had with it. I blacklist anyone who doesn't carve the monster.
>trying to checkmark every MR event quest in rise
>can't find a join request for literally any of them
its over
>realize i do this because I have over 1000 Rathalos hunts under my belt
>over 900 of them being anomaly
I'm sorry.
you mean button mash parties
Everyone’s doing it with the sexy wyverian twins instead and I don’t blame them.
But you can find people to play with here.
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every game is a button mash party when you play DB.
i don't get what you mean by this.
>and I don’t blame them.
because they increase your DPS by like 30%, right?
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so I said (biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch)
this one sequence takes more skill than all of rise combined
SOS been down for like 12 hours
its over...
I can't decide if world looks pretty or ugly
>double poke into sweep
>moving sweep and fade shelling
>shelling flows like warm butter in general
>perfect guard
It's a good job this is the next decade of monster hunter, because we're eating good bros.
Volumetric fog on = ugly
Volumetric fog off = pretty
>go solo a fight designed for multiplayer
there's a solo version of the quest in the vanilla game
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so I said (whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff)
>3k hours
This is the only person in this general who plays the game
you can't even bring followers to event quests right, just regular ones
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i wish rise wasn't a switch game
Is World kill?
yes :(
>go for shower
>come back
>no (You)s
Man maybe it's me missing sleep but I just felt helpless with my lightbreaker CB while I could clear the tempered kushala event with a kjarr thunder CB
>inconsistent tackle spam
yep, thats a gooner alright
They look a lot like real life strong/athletic Japanese women, in female wrestling I see a lot of that body type, breats a bit on the flat side matches that too. Probably both male and female hunters were inspired by real life proportions of Japanese athletes, reason why their legs are a bit short too
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i don't wanna fight namielle anymore...
is there anything more kino than greatsword dueling glavenus?
LS dueling acid glavenus
Bro your geologist 1 ?
goonstick dueling rajang
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geologist 1 doesn't make her drop more large elder dragon bones or large elder dragon gems...
Just hunt other elders as well
>inb4 I don't wanna fight kush skeleton elders anymore...
Then my condoleances
She’s right behind me isn’t she?
why are they so oily
coomer mods
>Throws dung at you
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how much dows having a health bar for the monster change the game? i know one of you guys modded it in at one point
delete the face normals or whatever it is. make a backup beforehand.
it completely destroys the point of the game
not only does it kill all immersion, but it also makes your playstyle fundamentally different
dont cheat, it only ruins your fun
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i don't use such mods, the ones who do seem to enjoy the soaked in oil tier skin
pretty clear to me
>can tell when it's going to start limping
>trap +trank while doing the finishing damage
>can time with enrages and topples
ofc you could do this mentally without mods but shitters didn't earn it so can't do it properly
so they can't*
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chimp captured
a quick death is too good for you, instead the guild will now slowly torture you to death under the pretence of "research"
get fucked
Why does Capcoom hate Great Jaggi?
Just hit 800 hours in 4U and still trying to kill gog solo. Honestly if not for the black goo into one shot combos I would have beaten him by now.
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Good hunts! Room is 4/16.
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do you guys steal images from misc sites and tweak it so it's monhun related?
can I have that transparent cat please?
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3000 hours in photoshop
>tempered ruiner keeps his metal spike effects
>even after breaking them
fucking nigger monster
>fight 1 afflicted monster
>instantly feel demotivated after and close rise
I like this cat and the spiky one
I don't blame you, the anomaly grind is the closest to a skinner box mh has ever felt
Which one is that ?
I know that feel honestly. It's not because the game is bad but because at higher levels rise just demands so much from you if you're playing and trying to not get hit while also trying to get a reasonable time. Like obviously you have way more options to regain health and do damage now so actually failing the hunt altogether doesn't happen as often as it used to in older games but just the second to second gameplay is more demanding if you're just trying to not get hit while keeping up aggression and that can make it tiring to play but maybe that's because I don't have a proper endgame set

for me it just feels so tedious
it's not even hard, i barely take damage and what chip i do take i just leech back, it's just that wow, it's some random shitmon with 2-3x the hp with 0 new moves other than "aoe explosion as punishment for not poking the glowy red spots"
Well if you've played the older games stuff like that just feels kind of normal because of bloated healthpools back in the day

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