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>Latest patch notes

>Season 12 blogpost

>Season 12 trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vfe7D6GkQ [Embed] (Season 12: New Frontiers Official Trailer | Overwatch 2) [2:36]

>Season 12 competitive rework

>6v6 blogpost

>Comics, short stories and music

>Aug 20 - Season 12 (Juno, Reaper Mythic, Warcraft Collab, Clash mode with Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, Zarya and Pharah hero mastery, Rank reset)
>Sep 17 to Oct 21 - 6 free skins + 30 Prisms for Gamepass members
>Oct 4 - Overwatch 2 Anniversary (the event will likely start a week or two earlier)
>Oct 15 - Season 13 (Map Reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado)
>Future - New tank (Season 14), 6v6 Test

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>493001370
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Remember to enjoy your games, your life and report every russian broken english typing shit you see. Those are the keys to a happy existence.
I am enjoying your hotwife right now.
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I hate video games and my life but I hate Russians more
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We walk the same path my russian hating anon friend
Why is Dva sitting in a blank area like that bottomless making a stupid face?
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Look at that belly
too brown
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too hot
too anime
too clothed
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Putting a half white kid into Olivias belly
so what does this general think about Kiriko (my wife)?
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You will not like the answers you're about to get. Personally, she is an annoying self-inserted bratty bitch and I don't like her at all gamewise either.
AND she can teleport
destroyed my cock last night
congrats on transitioning
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she was handcrafted specifically for my BWC but a certain chilean does not like that
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Kirikobros we will not stand for this slander. My wife is awesome, quirky, funny and her playstyle fits her. She is so much fun to play and if you don't like her you might be biased because she owned you on the battlefield. gitgud sucka
don't tease me
I will admit that it's annoying to have a good enemy kiriko headshot you and provide great value with a well timed ult. But yeah I don't like her at all. Happy for the kirikolovers and whatever but ain't for me.
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If there is some consolidation for you japan seems to have already completely replaced Kiriko with Juno on almost all of the maps. It will be interesting to see how Korea goes about it in a few days.
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>replaced with Juno
I'm listening. Few hundred points left for a jade weapon which will land for her, waiting patiently if she will ever get a skin that it will look nice with.
too perfect
ew, what are those scabs
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Is the jadeweaponfag the biggest bitch /owg/ ever had? He endlessly grinds heroes he doesn't like in a mode he doesn't like to get skins that don't even look good.
>Sexy new space hero
>Sexy new Mercy skin
I think Microsoft have told them to go back to full on coomer mode for new content
we already established his name as redditman
this faggot is >>493111773
>t. someone who looks like that
I look like this and do this.
>>Sexy new space hero
until you see her face
>>Sexy new Mercy skin
until you realize that she's an old hag
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Dude, I love LW like you love sucking nigger dicks and taking it up the ass. What are you on about? It's normal to get burnt out when you main something for a long time. Yes I am replying to a bait but whatever. Fuck you faggot!
A lot of words to just say you're gay
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>immediately starts going on about nigger dicks and gay sex
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that's perfectly normal for a straight dude, bro
anyway, can you send me some pics of your dick
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What can I say, I was raised by the good, straight people of /pol/
into or on
*mating presses you*
>tanks playing rock paper scissors the whole match
how have the devs still not unfucked this situation?
Fuck you
>buffs tanks in mid season patch
There that solved the issue right???
Hana sitting on the potty
mercy - fairy
genji - steel
lucio - grass
pharah - flying
soldier - normal
doomfist - dark
They think making tanks stronger is a solution and not just causing more problems because they want everyone to have a 50% win rate in all ranks and I guess console silver players suck at dva and Baptiste
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>Alexstrasza Junker Queen
Yea I can see that tummy queen.
Sheet negro we is Peruvians n shit cuh, on God we be worshippin the sun sheet
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sharpening my aim before some Juno games today :3
Mercy listens to Lady Gaga but nothing after ARTPOP
>Shill still trying to shill that a covered up hag in a dress is somehow sexy
Hello sirs I know you degenerate faggots are sexually deprived enough to rape your own sisters and mothers, but this isn't an indian board
what is keqing doing there?
>calling Kiriko ugly
Trying to bring down beautiful fictional women won't make your masculine man face with stubble look any more like a woman. Juno is cute and her pussy revealing outfit is unapologetically sexy
>first sentence
>second sentence
Hell yeah!
she is there for motivation ^^
>nobody wants to play support
>make them OP and completely change the way supports work
>double down over and over until supports are completely fucking broken
>in turn, break the game now nobody wants to play tank
>release a "sequel" to fix tanks by making them OP so people want to play
>still fuck up the balance to the point there is a tank shortage AGAIN
>nobody wants to play tank
>make them OP and completely change the way more tanks work
>keep doubling down over and over...
Either they break the game again or 6v6 actually does come back. But it's team 4, let's be real if they bring back 6v6 it will still be an unbalanced shit-show
Retarded tranny is also illiterate. Hello sirs maybe understand this more you do, do not redeem the vage you have pp no cannot be vage do not redeem the scissors sir you will not me m'am
when i think mercy's playlist, this comes to mind
Mercy is a white supremacist and exclusively listens to Burzum
Angela Ogundimu
I hate how u're not allowed to watch the killcam because of the wave respawn bullshit sometimes
the only people who listen to burzum are gay bottoms
yeah that sounds like angela
yeah so shit
i hate when Ana is not meta because then i can't dab on retards with my superior skills
You need a meta hero to be good? Are you top 500?
>i hate when Ana is not meta
So never?
I look like this
your wife (my mistress) has a very breedable body made for passionate babymaking but her ugly face was built for hatefucking
post feet madame
Is that The Skiesti? Someone talked about her yesterday.
Nerf this *blort*
you are supposed to smile when taking a photo
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If Flats is how the average tankoid looks like, and Eskay is how the average supportsissy looks like, what does the average DPS player look like?
I think her face is cute in a dorky kinda way.
Crazy how Team4 managed to make all 3 roles feel like shit
>tank is just Counterwatch abuse
>DPS is either has the least impact or there's a smurf destroying the lobby
>support is now just dps, but you also heal

Like shit bro we jumped the shark a while back it's time to make a U turn
>training flicks for juno
you need tracking performance, you're not mccree
remember to do your hero mastery courses /owg/!
Shhh Juno is sleeping
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t. dps player
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is that just "ironic" crossdressing like what the twitch tranny did and ended up going hrt
but that's a tankoid
Super is literally the greatest main tank player to have ever played the game you retard.
Waking her up by slapping her buttocks
it's called "being an egg" but I don't think she started hrt yet
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is that xqc?
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No, that's a different tankoid. However..............
NTA but yes
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>this is a 10/10 in Canada
oh no (oh yes)
You don't think they....
Aim trainers dont work btw
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okkeeyy thanks for your input but i didn't ask !!! :D
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it's just his excuse to masturbate to anime girls for the fifteenth time a day
number #1
The sex
The hana larvae
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Lena is a girl who lives in Lenaworld
Her friend is a monkey, she's so spunky
Love her spiky hair, she's busty where I care
Tomboynation, Lena a sensation

(come on Lena touch my weiner)
ah ah ah yeeah
(come on Lena touch my weiner)
o-whoa o-whoa
can we go back to the usual schedule of schizo posting and spam?
both jose and mercytrannies will start posting again in roughly 10 to 15 minutes
total lena love
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Lena the weiner toucher
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What is your main's favorite food
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dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets
My wife (Brigitte) has a sweet tooth for pastries
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sossij rolls
Is it Gencer or Tranji?
we know, Baptistelover
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Is it?
Juno feels good healing Pharah since I don't like playing Ana or Mercy to pocket a Pharah. I can keep up with Pharah's fast movement unlike slowass Ana, but I don't need to risk being in the crossfire like Mercy has to hug right next to Pharah.
what is he doing now
pool boy
>I still get 7-8 hour of sleep every day, lol
You're always complaining about your sleep...
>ah, ok yea, I'm not watching anything at Twitch at all rn. I need to do more indoor cardio for that.
Sounds like you need to get your second monitor hooked up so you can watch while gaming :^)
>oh you stop, you know how I can be...
The nicest person ever? I know
>hmm, can't remember I noticed the ping. Felt pretty smooth and you didn't play bad at all.
The difference is quite big but it's been a while you tried so you probably won't feel it
>She was already op last season, and they only nerfed her dm by nothing. I'm not sure anymore.
Samito said they were hiring more for Overwatch, specifically to help on balance? I'm not sure if that's cope or what but if the mid season patch doesn't address the big outliers like d.va then yeah, we are screwed
>lol, you're way better than them. I've seen it.
On Mercy, sure, on Juno? No way
>I want you now...
I'm waiting...
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He was never one of the best in the world, but he was a pro player.
What's the rationale behind making the game less fun every season?
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Beeno skin when?
kill the game so they can move onto other projects
Man I despise Sombra players so much
>act like an annoying cunt with your character
>heh just switch heh just do x and y easy
>she gets a "nerf"
congrats you're normal
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Who are you quoting?
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Hey love, welcome back
>You're always complaining about your sleep...
yea I know, good sleep is very important
>Sounds like you need to get your second monitor hooked up so you can watch while gaming :^)
Yea, maybe I should plug in one of the 4 monitors up there.
>The nicest person ever? I know
That would be you
>The difference is quite big but it's been a while you tried so you probably won't feel it
I probably don't know how to play the game anymore.
>Samito said they were hiring more for Overwatch, specifically to help on balance? I'm not sure if that's cope or what but if the mid season patch doesn't address the big outliers like d.va then yeah, we are screwed
When did they do that? Like we get more balance patches, that's true. Just they suck dick, lol.
>On Mercy, sure, on Juno? No way
Yes, way on both. you're the best
>I'm waiting...
yea... sorry, need to wait a bit longer I probably won't workout as long today, running was already a pain in the ass god damn that skin is sexy Are you gaming already? If so, have fun. played some d4 need to level our glyphs
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I am glad I had this beast in my team once
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i literally tried looking for this yesterday and couldn't find it, crazy world
YouTube's search function is fucking awful, been like that for a while.
they want you to ENGAGE in currently TRENDING content
>yea I know, good sleep is very important
And I'm taking that sleep away from you
>Yea, maybe I should plug in one of the 4 monitors up there.
I'd like to imagine your desk already having the monitors on it but they're just not plugged in lol
>That would be you
Nuh uh
>I probably don't know how to play the game anymore.
That is ok, we can go bot games if you want but it's not like we put that much time into it anyway
Or just queue, what's the worst that could happen, losing?
>When did they do that? Like we get more balance patches, that's true. Just they suck dick, lol.
I saw Samito's latest video, he said something about them hiring more for their hero design team or something along those lines
I don't know if that's true, but they just need to play their own game to see what is OP :^)
>yea... sorry, need to wait a bit longer I probably won't workout as long today, running was already a pain in the ass
You're fine, take your time
>Are you gaming already? If so, have fun.
Going to game some Overwatch soon just have to do a few things first
>played some d4 need to level our glyphs
I have like 2 or 3 at 15? Kinda bad
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Hey there, everything
>And I'm taking that sleep away from you
you can take everything from me
>I'd like to imagine your desk already having the monitors on it but they're just not plugged in lol
no I have another desk with all the monitors on it lol
>Nuh uh
Yes uh
>That is ok, we can go bot games if you want but it's not like we put that much time into it anyway
eh, probably just need to get used to the new movement.
>Or just queue, what's the worst that could happen, losing?
yea, you're right, just game and have fun.
>I saw Samito's latest video, he said something about them hiring more for their hero design team or something along those lines
Do I need to watch that? This sounds good.
>I don't know if that's true, but they just need to play their own game to see what is OP :^)
Yea... still amazed dva dodge all the nerfs.
>You're fine, take your time
I will, but I also want to game with you
>Going to game some Overwatch soon just have to do a few things first
alright have fun
>I have like 2 or 3 at 15? Kinda bad
it's probably the biggest power spike we can get now going now see you later
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Avatar and signature use is against the rules
>muh rules
yeah so is being a massive turbo nigger faggot but you don't see anybody getting banned here
kill yourself
didn't mean to insult your sacred safe space tranny.
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blizzard should sue
how much dick can that mouth fit?
I want to cum inside Mei.
for what, that helmet exists longer than soldier76
1.5 inches
built for Jose
Let's find out.
What on Mars are you doing?
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>crickets from the rulefag
protip: jannies literally only delete poste they don't like

it has absolutely zero to do with whether or not the post violates a rule

the power trip those losers are on is insane
imagine defending the mercybot
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>you can take everything from me
How about you keep everything and I have you?
>no I have another desk with all the monitors on it lol
Close enough, thought you might have tucked them away somewhere in a closet or something
>eh, probably just need to get used to the new movement.
Just hop into the sandbox for a few minutes with me
>Do I need to watch that? This sounds good.
No it was just a throw away comment he made, I don't know why I watch his stuff, it's just him ranting and sharing his opinions on the patches lol
But I think we share similar opinions on things for the most part
>I will, but I also want to game with you
Same, I'll be here
>it's probably the biggest power spike we can get now going now see you later
I don't have the bow I need, that would be really big for me... see you soon!
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lampshades? soap bars? masturbation machines? baby footballs?
seems a little far fetched...
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>i literally tried looking for this yesterday and couldn't find it, crazy world
Youre not alone in here
>haha did anyone see what I said to that guy? did anyone see that? haha I owned him so hard
literally kys
Why is it always the biggest schizos that post the most?
>he didn't realize i'm calling the entire general a bunch of niggerfaggots and thinks im singling him out
average IQ on this website must be 80>
you answered your own question
>bro I replied to you, but it wasn't directed at you, haha idiot!!!

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Millions of innocent people died you insensitive cunt.
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>Millions of innocent people died
Britain fought hard too
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Nice fucking Overwatch thread retards
what is that?
why is she still wearing clothes
A conspiracy? About me?
>get moira on team
>get mauga on team
>get orisa on team
>get doomfist on team
>get juno on team
Can the avoid players system be changed so you auto hide people with these heroes on their top 5 most played instead? I'd be on a winning streak if i never got a moira on my team again
Overwatch? I thought this was a waifu thread
looks like you are the only constant here
Why is the default response from getting insulted ifunny tier /pol/ posting? It happened earlier when they insulted that jade weapon anon
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Because you're a cunt and you know it
160 points and I am out of the platinum/comp hell
behead all avatarfaggots
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Newfag here. Genuine question. Do you all post/hang around here because of the game or because of the porn? I asked other groups and most if not all said because of the porn
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Lena, why are you retweeting Barry Stanton?
I come here to post cute girls and talk about the absolute state of this game on occasion
nobody asked you, you dick sucking faggot
nobody asked you, you dick sucking faggot
why are you guys
the game, coomers hang on /aco/
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why don't you JUMP OF A CLIFF
Early OW1 days it was a mix of waifu/porn posting, game talk, and esports discussion. End years of OW1 this place was hanging on by thread only being saved by a handful of waifu lovers posting art and porn. OW2 brought in new posters that just trash /owg/ with shit tier posts and even worse smut.
Stopped playing the game after they added a tranny
Playing tank is a sacrifice you make to enable other people to have their fun. This should be considered community service.
your reality is only limited by your own preconceptions
free your mind
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I'm just a Meicoomer who kinda stuck around out of habit. I haven't touched the game in years, so yeah, it's because of the porn.
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literally me
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Someone call the whambulance!
>Mei coomer
slim pickings (pun not indented)
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Photoshop corn dogs in there
Winston is one of the most poorly designed characters in overwatch and it has been that way since release. DVa might be stronger technically, but a Winston dive instantly nullifies every character that takes even a modicum of skill.
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It's bait but at least it's Overwatch.
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Better than what we usually get.
Monkey! Monkey! Monkey!
Stupid monkey.
Challenges are definitely broken right now, I'm not getting any credit for queueing for all role
Blizzard secretly changed the code for All Roles to just be Tank so now the game thinks you're queuing Tank
can you emp an emp
why is the "afk" penalty so fucking strict when you join as backfill? I queued alt tab to check spotify realised i got a game and I immediately got kicked
overwatch is a serious business
its quickplay and you're putting me as backfill which means the game was so dogshit someone left so its probably a stomp match and you're gonna kick me in 2 seconds? eat shit blizzard
>its quickplay
overwatch is a serious business
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>1000+ hour genji main
>genji icon and name card
>cool genji skin
>sweating like the game is life or death
>on genji
>in quick play
Why is this so common? Why aren't they playing comp if they're devoted to the life of the blade?
I don’t know
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because comp says I'm plat and I'd rather play against masters gamers the game gives me in QP
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put me in the screenshot guys
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for me it's the sexy french sniper
Can you repeat the question?

mexican lovers please answer
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Valorant players not beating the homos who can’t compete in CS accusations
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for me it’s the sexy french baddie
Yes you can counter emp with a slightly earlier emp. I think it happened in OWL a couple of times but it's not something you can do on purpose without gamesense of the gods.
Black lipstick has never done anything for me, am I missing out?
Black runny makeup and makeup smudges is hot
just put it on, what's the big deal?
It can look hot but I think the freckles don't mix well with it
She looks like she's eating dick
her own dick
It has to be during cast time which isn’t really something you can do on reaction because yours would have to come out earlier. Though the times you would EMP line up for both teams often enough you see it more than like nano get canceled
seek professional help
If I'm playing Sigma and doing poorly against Zarya, how do I know if it's a me thing or a team thing? How do I know if I'm doing well, if it's time to switch, or if it's my team's fault?
and they deserved it.
>roleplaying as the biggest fag in a /vg/ thread
elaborate on your proclivities to larp as a faggot
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I can smell you
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>off model lena
how many days?
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I have no fucking clue what you're talking about faggot
he's a check and counter to widowniggers and bunkerniggers. would you rather have
>funny monkey jump on people and slap their ass
>gay bunker comp widow duel determining every single engagement

also, as if d.va is a better design? you think matrix, as broken as it is now and as broken as it was in OW 1, is somehow a better design than winston? winston's barrier can wholistically be overwhelmed by the entire team, he deals pitiful damage with his tickle cannon, and he has a 5 second cooldown on mobility instead of 3 seconds for d.va and less health and a massive hitbox and less armor ratio. a mispositioned winston regardless of barrier cooldown can and will easily explode if he can't escape. but d.va? oh it doesn't matter, she practically holds your hand for you by allowing you to delete all projectiles on a resource cooldown, meaning you can tank hundreds and thousands of damage, entire ultimates, and be effectively immortal, all while having it be a resource and a shorter cooldown than barrier. the only advantage barrier has over matrix is that it
>blocks beams
>blocks teammates without having to sacrafice primary fire
but that doesn't matter because zarya is dog shit and loses the neutral to d.va anyways now, and d.va got micromissile buffs so she can attack you while matrixing which is just fucking awesome.

winston isn't broken at all and is the easiest to tank to counter by simply picking his braindead counters (zen reaper bastion hog mauga) and mashing your m1 on the gigantic hitbox he has for a free kill. all i can honestly argue for winston is that he, if anything, needs a hitbox readjustment to make the critbox and overall hitbox much smaller to fit his character model for having such a pitiful healthpool compared to others his size or smaller, and maybe nerf his primal since having 1.3k HP is insane
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To think the hairy legged smug bastard made that
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Really want that Kiriko Knives Chau skin now
you post lifeweaver and call others a faggot. ironic
how did you get a picture of me?
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3025 days
Rein should impregnate his niece for strong sons
behead tankoids
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You are the most retarded zoomer I have ever had the pleasure of conversing with in this forsaken general. Get some help dude.
The allies were the bad guys You still barely bat an eye flattening Germany or nuking Japan. Fabricated the Holocaust to deflect all war crimes. Proceed to strip mine the planet and commit civilization suicide. Yeah uh, wish more of those so-called innocents died.
How do I know if I'm being countered as tank?
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If fascism was truly worthwhile it would have won.
Game, I have a tab open here while I'm playing matches that I'll check in on and post
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the kiriko brought you donuts
are you still in your 30's using this website?

jesus, hang yourself. seriously. buy a rope and hang yourself right now, tie it to a balcony bar and jump off your neck will snap and you will instantly die it will be painless if you do it correctly.

what kind of failure unemployed shit stain to humanity do you have to be to be thread lurking in your 30's every single day? seriously, kill yourself now you'd do the world a service
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black cat hana
Got you mad. I accept your loss.
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the kiriko dance
What are some ways to convince myself that my losses are my fault?
They are at minimum 1/5 your fault
just ignore our resident redditman, his posts are pretty easy to spot. if the post gives off single dad in his 50s energy, it's probably him.
If the enemy team has players that seem to be hard carrying, the way I see it, I should expect myself to be better than them, right? How do I outplay people that are better than me?
he lied he's actually ugly
>haha i'm a retard but i got u mad so i win
got it. this doesn't change the fact that you are unemployed, likely live off government welfare, and the world would legitimately be better if you killed yourself. you literally offer nothing
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>get POTG
>it's a dva bomb followed by an absolutely shameful display of bronze-tier aim
Not reading that essay my man. Get some rest.
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Sorry, had to talk to the antagonist schizo. Four more wins and I get my third jade weapon and dropping this fucking comp shit out of my life. Exhausting.
state of this post though, keep projecting, fag
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Does anyone know a good place to talk about the game?
reddit unironically
have you tried sunshinebread's chat?
/vm/ could be our new frontier, leave behind this mess and start anew
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no one fucking cares about your fucking jade weapons kill yourself fucking retard
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The same schizos desperate for interaction will follow you.
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The absolute state of some people. Sad, truly sad. Take care of your mental health anons, it's no joke to feel shit day in and day out as you can see. Two more wins so I can stop comp for good.
Isn't it cool?
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He will probably get twice as mad since you have one for Mercy.
I kind of feel like, as a new player, I'm just wasting my time in the game because I don't know enough. How do I know I know enough? I just don't want to feel like I'm wasting my time. If I'm not getting better or winning, there's no point in playing.
Play more my man. We all gotta learn somehow and the best way is to play, not watch some fat neckbeards tutorial on youtube or reading our schizo opinions here (excluding this fine post)
it's 1 sentence
I think the issue is I have no way of knowing if I'm doing well or not because I feel I have zero knowledge of the game. I have no idea how to look at a loss and actually figure out what went wrong. I am not new to shooting games.
im not even in my 30's
Stop samefagging my man. It's all good, I know you're mad but let it go.
Well maybe you could watch some streamers or youtubers then, ask for tips etc. or read some guides if you feel like it.
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I'll be honest, I don't find asking questions here to be very helpful.

As for watching stuff, I have watched a few things. I think the bigger issue is I cannot identify in game if I am actually applying it.
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Hey kiddo, you got school tomorrow? It's getting late.
lay your hands off my wife
twitterposter you better not post fvcking cringe this time or I swear to god
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>/owg/ wouldn't
The Worst fondling The Best
Yes we would. Sex starved fiends the lot.
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How'd they make this cute feller once upon a time and descent into Kiriko?
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The Cutieko
That’s a man
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good night
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I miss OW1. I miss the 2016/2017 era when everyone was new to the game and still learning it.
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Sleep well my lena oriented friend.
Dudes will really expose themselves crying about
>this game is miserable
>the absolute state of this game
While running the most dogshit comp imaginable.
Tank mains. Not even once.
>finish payload with more time
>DrAw xdd
fuck off retarded cunts
I miss when Mercy and Ana were the only "main" healers.
Ana was never main healer because she's a DPS
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My space girl
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that's jose and """"twitterposter"""" is called dimitri you fucking retard
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Do you guys think they should add hero bans?
baka my head @ these fucking lorelets
Who the fuck is twitterposter?
Sombra/Tracer/Widow banned every single game
kiriko loves bwc
And the game would be forever better.
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kiriko likes white men jose
and that's a good thing
I deserve 1000 coins for every game I play where I have to suffer through a ball player trying to do their best chazm impression while letting their entire team die off cooldown for ten minutes
kiriko is a cockhungry slut who takes BWC dickings and creampies in the living room from white guys she meets on her morning walks behind jose's back
I deserve 1000 coins for every game I play where I have to suffer through a Coomfist player who thinks he's still in OW1
zoomer meltie why are you so obsessed with cocks and cum?
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Fucking finally.
Good night everyone, except you antagonistic zoomer anon. You need to go to therapy and school tomorrow.
good night, grandpa
I have played 1 game of comp in two seasons
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same youngling
why? qp is insufferable
>absolutely bully a widow with hanzo
>they swap to junkrat and tiltfeed for the rest of the match
every time
QP is only insufferable if you actually care
>enemy tank swaps to Zarya because I’m doing well as D.va
>I’m not retarded so this doesn’t really change anything and I don’t swap
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I’ve gotten better at just ignoring her
>some green text about me doing good in game
some white text about me being cool about it
new when ready >>>/bant/21153264
you're out of the loop, qp is just comp with even worse matchmaking
But I don’t care if I lose in QP?
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Embarrased for you
I don't care if I lose in comp, why would you?
it's either me or the schizophrenic guy having a meltdown about a mexican or something
take your pick
kek jose absolutely seething >>493171916
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kiriko on the left
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My wives
The BWC Committee
and some random niglet
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And Pharah
number #1
40 year old weeb
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For me, it's Mei-Ling
>make high mobility characters more fragile so they actually have a drawback
>Lower Winston's already laughable DPS from 75 to 70 because his ttk on those characters dropped from 3.5s to 3s (like the intention was)
Yeah, mauga sitting on 700 health and shitting out damage from a mile away is fine, hog snatching you from 200 DPS is just fine but dear God we can't let winston harass those poor squishies with the lowest damage in his role. When are they just going to admit that the biggest issue with tank is how obvious it is over half of them need complete reworks?
total tankoid genocide
whenever i play this game i feel the urge to masturbate after.
you just have that ram on your team that just inted into orisa/bastion for ten minutes while having the only negative k/d in the lobby?
yeah, me too
Winstons were farming Mercys. He needed that nerf.
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sex with fareeha
I volunteer
the only time I play tank in ow2 is when winston is strong
tank in ow2 is miserable, except when winston is strong
let me tell you
winston was too strong
if you are a capable and experienced winston player then this will have zero impact on your playstyle, experience, or success
the only thing it does is give your opponents a split second to react before you shove them up your asshole
i would eat her ass after a sweaty workout like it was a chocolate chip ice cream
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do you think they discuss which overwatch members have the nicest BWCs
jose wont like this bro
An interesting post rank reset heuristic:
The team with the most bannerless players will probably lose.
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Say something nice about the last Mercy you played with!
15k heals
how much damage though
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wow, that mercy did really well!
iirc was like 700 lmao
was quite good evading death
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This thread is shit. Fuck is up with this Kiriko spam?

Fuck you all (y'all) I'm going back to playing Gothic
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who the fuck are you
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Apart of twintail mercy what other of her skins scream healslut?
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I ask the questions around here, woman. Now, you go ahead and suck my dickinballs before I force you to do it myself, woman. *ptui*

On your knees. Now. *slaps*
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Imp gives off healslut vibes because of the implication of her being a succubus.

Lifeguard and Mage/Witch are probably the sexiest skins.
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Imp gives off gooner vibes idk. Whenever I see this skin it's always a dude who probably has an AGP fetish
is the game still clash half the time
no, i think they even reduced the chance of getting clash lol
>trying to do tank placements

>Game 1, lose because retarded supports don't want to heal and just DPS
>Game 2, lose because retarded supports don't want to heal and just DPS
>Game 3, lose because DPS think they're playing CoD and run in solo and die in 1v5's over and over and over

Holy FUCK no wonder nobody wants to fucking tank holy fucking shit, I never want to touch the fucking role again holy fucking shit
see word tank stop reading
simple as
kys kir*kotranny
You're a fucking retarded faggot
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How to play juno?
Shoot gun
Shoot torpedos
Go fast
Welcome to orbit to win fight.
you're agp
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antagonism reply baiting is getting out of control
the dedicated /owg/ ruiners are becoming too bold
australian homosexuals are to blame
put a sock in it you fucking dog cunt
please don't sexually assault any children today as you lgbtq types like to do
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Need russian orthodox wife
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Did you play Ball or Doom? maybe you were the problem :)
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The sex
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>tank picks ball or doom
>forced to spend the rest of the game playing against sombra

why are ball and doom players so adamant on playing that hero when they're getting fucked on respawn? every other tank player eventually swaps.
Alright i bought the imp :3
I hope the twintail comesback again someday >.<
No, I mostly play Rein, Dva, and Monkey. The matchmaking in this game is just fucking EOMM dogshit
Fucking trannies acting like this is some faggot ERP discord, hairy man hands typed this post
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At least they're posting about overwatch
cute, manicured hands with pink pastel nails typed it actually
show them off babygirl
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Sweetheart do you know what game are you playing?
Now stop being so grumpy and kiss your healer <3
I want to do more than kiss my Mercy
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this but my D.Va
>faggot has to reply to himself to pretend he's having a conversation
state mandated mercy duos
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chud has a schizo meltie

another day in /owg/
I'd be your personal cheerleader. I'd do everything to make you happy!
kys jose
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Are lifeweaver's "people" who failed off mercy and moira or something? Every single one is the most retarded useless piece of shit I've ever seen. Thankfully not many people have run into the amount of personal failures in life it must require to ever select that character over literally anything else but the ones who do should probably stick to whichever other braindead healbot they played before he exists. In fact if they just removed the character from the game but left the option to select lifeweaver in and anyone who locked him in had their game close out and uninstall itself the game would only improve since nobody would have to suffer from these malfunctioning healbots being on their team. They could give this character 27 more buffs and he'd still be useless because anyone who would ever pick him is such a useless aboriton dodger he couldn't have even piloted mercy during moth meta.
Juno players love wasting their ult so much you’d think she was played exclusively by Sombra mains
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>play dive tank for years
>braindead lifeweaver pulls you back and screws up your entire cooldown
this hero shouldn't exist because the majority of the playerbase is retarded and this affects my own playing
meanwhile earlier today i played juno, ulted literally on rein to enable him to win a fight and the retard charged away from it, killing no one but himself
look at this team
we're gonna do great
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To be fair the dumbass way it moves makes it easy to waste. Having it move forward at a snails pace is rarely what you want
Blizz should make it spawn on Juno and move to where you're pointing and stay there for the duration. Or have it home in on Juno at it's current speed or a little faster
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The character is terribly designed. Either pull is some retarded shit that has 0 counterplay and is just rez but better in every way or fucks you up almost as bad as a stagger rez that the enemy team intentionally lets mercy do. He's awful to play against and awful on your team. Oh and don't forget LW can fuck his own team and save the enemy team with tree too because for some reason Alec Dawson thought a massive tree that's also a physical object was a good thing to add to the game.

I had one LW push the enemy tank out of range and block me into a hallway with tree because he thought the 80% health Winston needed ult healing NOW.
because who cares. no one wants to counter pick until both teams end in a mirror match or lose, and no one especially wants to play braindead tanks like mauga just to win. maybe blizzard should stop trying to force dumbass ways to win that has no other option
this is genuinely how ball/doom retards think holy fuck lol
kill yourself kristian
my wife
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I'm a good girl
Olivia Correia dos Santos
went from silver in season 11 to mid plat after three weeks of the reset

>huuhh the only constant is you!!! nothing wrong with the system!!!

literally proven wrong you nigger
Unless you went from playing solo to grouping then that doesn't prove it wrong
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I want to give paizuris to my teammates
theyre not honestly not big enough for a great paizuri session

t. Winston/Sombra/Tracer main
>Only 3 endorsements in a match
So you failed then.
>perfect positioning, contless assists and an overall stomp win
>zero endorsements
>soft throwing, tell the mercy player to get off the soldiers dick and get on my dick instead, we get rolled
>3 endorsements

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The rest of them clearly agreed with your thoughts on the Mercy.
I'll still try my best!

I'm jealous. I'm a slut for endorsements
I love D.Va though
What is Mercy's favourite colour of endorsement?
orange since there's only one kind of endorsement now
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That Juno "video" was literally the pre-render, wasn't it. They literally kicked in the draft video lol
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How do you get past lvl 3 endorsement?
How do you even get below 4?
Play support and never talk.
Literally this >>493206454

Even if you play like shit you still get a couple endorsements. You can always tell when a support main is tanking too, because they play like utter dogshit and have a level 4/5 endorsement
jokes on you, I refuse to queue for all roles
takes /owg/ isn't ready to accept
>tank is simultaneously the most miserable and easiest role to carry with
>DPS can have very significant impact but not by just killing everyone, holding angles and playing a kind of pseudo-off tank wins games
>the only way to directly make a meaningful impact with support is to play something like lucio or baptiste and hard carry by larping as a DPS, it is otherwise impossible to truly impact the match outcome as you are fully dependent on your team utilizing your support
>more than half of the roster is effectively useless, only 3 or 4 heroes in each role is worth playing right now
>the only way you're going to climb is by playing games, lots of them
>dive heroes like genji or tracer aren't an issue, the concept of "invisible heroes" is retarded and is practically telling on yourself
>despite my last point, sombra is unironically fucking retarded and always has been and always will be
Stop ragequitting
I don't know how people don't play OW without getting pissed off, especially when it's 6 games in a row of your team walking in and dying one at a time and the enemy team never dies once the entire match
I just watch your team be stupid and don't die with them. It becomes entertaining when they start complaining you're the one doing nothing just because you don't feed.
Most people don't play overwatch, shit the porn still gets more engagement than the game itself. The EOMM is literally designed to piss you off on purpose because it's more addicting than giving you fair matchmaking
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When are they gonna add OW characters to Fortnite? At least I could play Rock Band as them then
You dont understand. I’d eat that from the back. I’m giving Venture dastardly back shots. My back will be scratched and bloodied. This place has ruined me. YOU guys did this to me. I want to make Venture walk sore for days.
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detectives of /owg/... what happened here?
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Super Mario Sunshine collab is next.
this game fucking sucks. this shit isn't even fun to play. every game is decided by which team has the more retarded tankoid. what a genius fucking idea making the tank role a solo role so now a singular teammate has the most impact on the team by far. so if this dropkick retard is worse than the other dropkick retard, you lose. atleast in OW1 if you had some spastic roadhog one trick who refused to swap you could play around your other tank. now you are simply forced to play a 15 minute game with a roadhog who has 1000 hours on the hero but still misses every hook because he is destined to stay diamond for the rest of his life. fuck this shit game.
He saw Echo's feet
But... but anon queue times are so fast now! Who cares if the experience is exponentially worse, you can play more games! Now give us, uh I mean Blizzard, $25 for a recolor to help pay for all their hard work
My favorite kind of shitter is the shitter who swaps to Sombra when they're getting owned then dies twice in 10 seconds and swaps to an even dumber character like Bastion
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How do I healbot?
Hardmode: Without Mercy
I hate briggers so goddamn much
How would /owg/ look if all the healfags got banned from life?
The same minus kirikofaga and mercy schlurping
Click on your team with ana and don't die ever
Instructions unclear. Sombra's face sitting me
Poor bastard, you won't survive
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Damn you ass bro. I suck at FPS games and even I managed to reach diamond. Might be time to learn how to play Mercy
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isn't she gay?
Plz stop farming my teammates
1v1 me bitch boy
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>He thinks Overwatch is a 1v1 game

No wonder you hold your team back, hard stuck loser
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good morning I love Lena
These days I'm pretty washed up, I don't even deserve my title Enigmatic Chameleon anymore...
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Good morning. Lena levels?
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all paths end with me
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Another victim claimed
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>Teammates respecting sleep
What game is this? Never heard of it
>Bought the Formalwear Mercy skin because of porn
And I don't even play Mercy. $20 wasted.
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Good reminder that even though you think porn is free, it isn't.
>$20 is a lot of money
Poorfags, not even once.
Good morning I love the wives of ow2
It's a lot of money for a stupid piece of shit costume for a shitty character you don't even play
>a shitty character
Don't you ever insult my wife like that ever again, you little shit.
Mercy is the worst character in the game. Mercy's value is directly proportional to how good pocketing a DPS is with the 4th best pocket healer in the game, which is fucking NOTHING.
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sirs, bill gate fkn banned me...
>Playing D.va into Zarya and use DF for someone other than yourself
>Rein's who won't swing their hammer
>JQ's who are more scared to move forward than dps

Ram, Ball, Doom and Roadhog players.. Yall are cool
tbf theres only like 3 supports that can compensate for a dps being absolute trash
You mean there's at least 3 supports that are just better DPS than any DPS.
yeah. I miss when support wasn't another word for healer
It always was
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Value what you have, they failed this time but they will not stop.
in OW2's lifespan, sure
Were you using hacks?
i might honestly use the big amount of avoid slots now to avoid all mercy mains. not only do they do zero damage but i can't stand the feeling of someone standing over my shoulder, waiting for me to play the game for them when i'm on dps.
how do i keep ow from milking me so much...
Main Venture
of money right?
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of both things...
and time.
go to therapy

more than that...
Get a Mercymain to do it for you instead
dead game
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Where are the Juno skins blizzard?
They're going to give her a backbulge
As a white man I kneel
Mercy's mythic is better
I wish Asian women were real
That's the one Mythic I've skipped and have no plans of ever getting. She has so many better skins, the evil concept is enticing but I really don't care for the designs.
For me, it's the extra effects
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So qp just means throw as hard as you want with no repercussion's? Where am I supposed to practice and get better at the game?
Just mess up your rank and then climb outta hell later?
It takes me so fucking long still to type out <3 when I want to respond to a compliment without really engaging, there's barely any time after a match ends to chat.
it takes a lot of time to derank and you'll do fine in most of the matches just with the general game sense
Don't fucking do it. I dropped from plat 1 to gold 2 and immediately felt some devious forces in action, teammates acting like real retards even though we're all the same metal shit.
>leaderboards are out
>barely any sombras
>hundreds of tracers as usual
>bunch of genjis for some reason
/owg/ was wrong again
only asian leaderboards count
it's the same shit there
>empower tank for 587 patches in a row to try and get people to play a role only retards and psychopaths like
>game is now literally unwinnable if there's a legitimate tank diff because tanks do twice as much damage and the damage role while having 750hp with half of that being armor and multiple CDs that further prevent them from taking damage and not letting anyone else play
>tank still fucking sucks ass to play
>endorsement received
>your endorsement level has gone from 2 to 1
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I have two sides... straightest tummy queen you've ever met!
...and twisted fucking carpet muncher
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>supports playing fucking moira zen
>both dps going negative
>nobody using mic so one dos starts crying like a bitch in match chat
>enemy tank getting hard pocketed by ana acting smug
>”tank diff gg”
How do I kill people with my mind
did the game servers just crash for you guys
>DPS not doing anything so both supports try to help with DPS
10000% tank diff
/fng/ doesn’t like Overwatch
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Kiriko no! That's not a donut that's the Juno!
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Hot but also I need donut girl to stop bullying my wife thanks
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>no pubes
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WHAT is that?!
Play ball or doom and hard dive the easiest target
>You will never hear sex-topple kill
i got the juno pulsar cheevo
You'd never hear it in a game where tanks and supports exist anyway
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hollywood 3rd on defense, on high ground as doors opened
you can still get it if the enemy mercy rezzes someone
Welcoming Juno to earth and immediately teaching her about the N word.
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nta but thanks, need to keep this in mind if I get the chance too
how does jose cope with the fact that hana kiriko and juno love bwc
why doesnt he kill himself
I got it last week
I think it’s a fun one to do because it’s not that difficult
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Don't you have anything else to do? Yes yes, Jose will kill himself now etc.
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He genuinely doesn't
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I genuinely feel bad for him and everyone who just lives online, spew hatred and shit on the walls because they suffer mentally.
why are you obsessed with kiriko if she only likes white guys and ur a spic
you have no chance
Ryuko Juno
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Get help dude. Really, this ain't good for you.
Does she think about white guys as much as you think about spics?
You're severely mentally ill and need to find a healthier hobby.
I'm so tired of your schizo shit.
Schizo's obsession with interracial porn > Schizo's obsession with spics > Kirikoposter's obsession with Kiriko > Kiriko's obsession with white guys > Hana's obsession with Bob
imagine a BWC drooling precum and glazing kirikos cute little face with a thick load just imagine her getting encircled by white guys, all eager to stroke and slap their thick pale meat on her soft body while she gets spit roasted
He reminds himself that BWC exists only in fiction and laughs himself to sleep.
Inb4 the Based, King, and Keep Doing What You’re Doing posts
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My obsession with the Juno > all
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Just gonna ignore the mentally challenged retard now and gonna queue up in QP. Have a nice day everyone.
You forgot kek
why didn't jose save krisserns webms
Do you ever post about Overwatch or just your twisted idea of /owg/?
I wish Kiriko was real so that she could bully me
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kek based keep doing what you're doing king
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Socially illiterate Martian
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retarded jobless loser
Funny you'd show up when the schizo just had the thread turn on him.
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All the stars are here!
not even jose likes you krissern and you both like kiriko kek
Seriously, what the fuck are you guys on about?
lorelets OUT
This is Destiny 1 levels of lore
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I'm sitting this one out..
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Hi handsome!
How was sleep?
They always show up this time of day you conspiracy brain retard.
learn to browse /owg/, use filters
ur a fucking failure kristian you 32 yo unemployed shit stain
Yes the 1 schizo shows up the same time every day
I am team Jose and always will be
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I miss this old chunk of coal. Gonna be three years later this month of his passing.
PogChamp dafranPeepo AYAYA Clap
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Well I'd rather have kiriko pictures than some deranged psycho ranting about his percieved enemies.
Actually what is he on about now? Lorelets come back
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Team Jose, we won. Also why is Illari so hot?
I'd rather Jose and Krissern died so schizoanon can move on. Poor guy just want the good ol' days back.
Unironically spam quick play almost every game people will endorse at random just for the bp xp lol
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I lost three matches in a row and my predicted rank went up. Nice fucking system!
poor guy (or girl) just wants the thread to not be filled with constant spam but the archons in here are trying to keep the place as miserable as possible
They only exist in his mind
I'd rather have an image of an overwatch character once every 5 minutes than meltdowns flooding the thread.
stfu krissern we've all seen your fat slob mutt face a million times
didn't ask
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I suggest we take out all our frustrations on ml7, fats and asspen.
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I'm gonna take out my frustration on the fucking dancefloor dude check it out
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i played deadlock with surefour and sinatraa guyz
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is he coming back?
I played OW1 closed beta in 2015 and had boogie2988 on my team and called him a fat fuck, what's your point?
His point is to post pics of some people he wants to doxx and annoy. Got probably booted from a discord server or went nuclear because of stopping the meds.
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... stupid more
>Hi handsome!
Hey love and everything, best gamer
>How was sleep?
not good LMAO not doing any workout today that's for sure
Were the games yesterday fine? Besides the one game where I mega fed, sorry for that. Playing against too many Dva's yesterday, and we didn't get any Dva's as tank, how unfair.
Deadlock is not my game it's just a worse version of Dota 2 without all the mechanics and +14 years of balancing put into a game. I was thinking the movement would be anything like Warframe, and they added some skill ceiling, but the game is still way too slow and clunky. I don't see this game ever going anywhere. Why play this game over Dota? It's literally just worse.
I want to game with you now...
At least D4 is always fun.
time to post some hairy turks
but did you get to top500 and win any money in a tournament like the /owg/ icon siztra
>... stupid more
My stupid
>not good LMAO not doing any workout today that's for sure
That sucks... but does that mean we game more? :)
>Were the games yesterday fine? Besides the one game where I mega fed, sorry for that.
Yeah they were, I had fun
It's not that big of a deal I have games where I die first too, on Mercy even, now that's bad and should never happen
>Playing against too many Dva's yesterday, and we didn't get any Dva's as tank, how unfair.
Don't worry, D.va nerf in 2 weeks :^)
>Why play this game over Dota? It's literally just worse.
I don't know, I don't game dota...
>At least D4 is always fun.
Yeah it is
Is that what this is? Discord shit?
Wouldn't be surprised if they do a retex like they did for symmetra.
Nah he just latches on to anyone that has ever posted personal details or just makes up a persona for people he doesn't like such as Jose.
Sombra is only justified against ball
Yeah I think this anon has it right
spawn camping supports is based though
Nah perma invis is giga cringe and only gormless little bitches who failed off of TF2 exploit it because they're not good enough to play spy.
nigger hands typed this
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The king of gold.
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>My stupid
I'm fine what that, nobody else...
>That sucks... but does that mean we game more? :)
uhm yea if you want me... I want you...
I will still try to do cardio today, if I do nothing I will feel bad

>Yeah they were, I had fun
good to hear me too gaming with you is the most fun
>It's not that big of a deal I have games where I die first too, on Mercy even, now that's bad and should never happen
Yea... but you never have bad games like that... I guess I get too mad and just go blankout
>Don't worry, D.va nerf in 2 weeks :^)
Hopefully lol. Revert the tank armor change?
Would that be enough? Maybe they don't nerf her because if she gets nerfed, she's just bad, or she's just the skin seller.
>I don't know, I don't game dota...
Yea maybe you should try it once but if you think Deadlock is hard Dota is x10 times as worse for newbs.
Even grubby said Dota is the most complex competitive game. I just don't want to put so many hours into a moba again. The genre is just... eh, these games are made to piss you off. Once TI starts for real, many dotards will be back at dota.
>Yeah it is
Is your build done now? Need to upgrade masterworks I think and get maybe andy? Crafting the grandfather on my barb, that was soo stupid should have made the ring. Also, the expansion PTR is up now I think? Lots and lots of new items.
I want you now...
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Why don't you just hide the reply chain instead of mimicking it and doubling up on the "problem?"
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did you sleep
He is a little whiny ass bitch. Also zoomer meltie so no mental capacity for improvement.
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was it good
>I'm fine what that, nobody else...
Can you tell me what is making this Mercy so happy?
>uhm yea if you want me... I want you...
I will still try to do cardio today, if I do nothing I will feel bad

I do, only you... When are you running? Break time or in the evening?
>good to hear me too gaming with you is the most fun
Yeah it is, that too!
>Yea... but you never have bad games like that...
I mean it happend yesterday, poor positioning + an enemy widow deleting me, sometimes I forget we play against people who can actually aim and you can't just jump around freely
>Hopefully lol. Revert the tank armor change?
That's going to make tanks die again and we can't have that
>Would that be enough?
Probably but that would throw the dps balance off again lol
I think they should focus on hero specific nerfs, best case scenario is revert to season 8 and go from there by nerfing healing
>Yea maybe you should try it once but if you think Deadlock is hard Dota is x10 times as worse for newbs.
I gamed some league and I sucked at that, dota is supposedly just league but 100 times more mechanics so...
>Is your build done now? Need to upgrade masterworks I think and get maybe andy?
It is but I might have to change my build, my damage output is a lot lower than yours, maybe I just copy your build?
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was what good
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the sleep dummy
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what's a sleep dummy
this meltie pretending to be you and your honeybunny is making me dislike your larping a bit less
schizo melty again lol
Like I said earlier. Seek help dude.
Lena "my hips are moving on their own!" Oxton
I am moving her hips.
>remove ball
>remove sombra
>remove widow
>reverse retarded tank buffs
there, game is saved
Sombra and Widow removal would fix everything for me. I'd even settle for Widow being removed.
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>Can you tell me what is making this Mercy so happy?
because she got a pretty and sexy dress? you need to make more screenshots I love these, please...
>I do, only you... When are you running? Break time or in the evening?
uhm, probably going running in the evening? I honestly don't want to do anything, but it's 28° outside should do something, one day not doing anything won't hurt?
>Yeah it is, that too!
I want to be around you now... I'm just counting the time until I get you...
>I mean it happened yesterday, poor positioning + an enemy widow deleting me, sometimes I forget we play against people who can actually aim, and you can't just jump around freely
You maybe die once and after that nobody can kill you if I don't put you in a bad position. I've never seen you have a bad game.
>That's going to make tanks die again and we can't have that
Yea sadly maybe nerf hp and armor directly? If Dva loses 100 armor, is she balanced? Maybe? It's dm and her armor?
>Probably but that would throw the dps balance off again lol
What do you mean with that? DPS is pretty balanced now only one hero power creeps all the other dps heroes.
>I think they should focus on hero specific nerfs, best case scenario is revert to season 8 and go from there by nerfing healing
That would be the best. I just don't see them reverting the changes, lol.
>I gamed some league and I sucked at that, dota is supposedly just league but 100 times more mechanics so...
Yea knowledge games you need to put in hours to get them. I don't like that anymore.
>It is but I might have to change my build, my damage output is a lot lower than yours, maybe I just copy your build?
Yea if you get andy, the mythic helmet I had dropped x4 now, you can copy it, otherwise you would probably deal next to no dmg.
>remove high skill tank because i fucking suck WAAAAAAAHHHHHH
*get down saturday night starts playing*
>high skill
ball is neither
I’d be fine with them getting removed if also every tank and support got removed. Lucio can stay but he can’t heal and his ult would need to be a lot weaker.
I have to run, sorry!! I'll give you a proper reply when I'm back
Well then we wouldn't have much of a game left.
Balltards only think he's high skill because they're bad at the game
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yes and?
So he's not high skill. It's just cope like mercy one tricks saying she's skillful because they did a movement tech on a specific part of shambali 1 time in a custom game they would never use in a real game even if they played on that map 1000 times.
ball and doom require more skill than any other characters to play without throwing, twice as much to do it while carrying, and 4 times as much if tits against their braindead counters
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see you later, hopefully your day isn't too long, love you
and other copes tankoids can tell themselves
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>do placements in the meme mode (comp open queue)
>win first match, predicted rank: gold 1
>win the next one then lose three, predicted rank changes to plat 5
>lose two more then get a draw, predicted rank: plat 4
>win one, lose one
>end in plat 4
I don't get how anyone can take competitive overwatch seriously when ranks are just randomly given out. Back to mystery heroes now.
>describes 1 tricking like it's a talent
You're literally just making the game harder for your team. You're not good.
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>actually thinking mercy movement is comparable to ball movement in the slightest
>You're literally just making the game harder for your team
not my problem. last i checked i was playing for MY rank not my team averaged rank of 4 varying randos. maybe instead of complaining they can just get better and carry so they dont have to depend on others because its working just fine for me and my 55% winrate
if blizzard didn't want you to onetrick, maybe they should've implemented a mechanic where a hero get locked out if you die on them or something, but they didn't, so no I will not switch
Well they both have movement. That's about the end of the similarities.
>not my problem.
Stop crying then
uhhh based?
where in my post was i crying?
Juno #1
#1 shitter
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lick Venture's asshole right now or else
Not until we’re married
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thanks for reminding me that there STILL isnt a venture model up on smutbase...
no thanks!
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#1 good time girl on Mars!
How can we change that?
Any winston players here? Is it possible to one trick him like those koreans do. What if the enemy goes hog bastion. Is it possible to play around that aka skill issue or am i forced to swap.
just take the L like every other one-trick
Not many teams will be willing to go full anti-winston comp. You can play into 1-2 fine.
This game only is alive because of the porn.
SUPER is definitely into roleplaying being a femboy or being dicked in the ass
ah so that's why communism and socialism fail everywhere

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