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Hi please checkes out this rune thread :D HI!

>Araxxor Tweaks & Poll 82 Updates

>RuneBreaks: Official DnB Album

>New Prices 2024


>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

Peer into the past: >>493030279
meriipu princess of osg :3c
shut up simp
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ill be getting 99 strength in approx 2 days
Training method?
why the fuck did they give us that shit slayer update instead of fixing gotr and windtertodt???
but i thought they were going to fix smithing first
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n-nightmare zone.....
It's ok mate. :)
you wont be saying that when the manifesto drops
whats wrong with smithing
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yes!! i draw them when nmzing hope u enjoy
It needs a complete overhaul. Being able to smith crystal stuff at the 70s but not knowing how to make a rune longsword until 91 is retarded and shows how out of date it is.
Does your cat cross the street when she? encounters my overgrown hellcat?
happy weamsday
Sweaty grunty plops today but at least its all been shitted out of me. Feeling relaxed and healthy after that plopper.
what makes you think we want to read that
How the fuck do you woox walk with a crossbow, I keep getting hit.
just woox walk but attack every 6th tick?
same way you woox walk with anything else, move every tick, make sure you are out of attack range on your attack ticks so you get pulled and attack
rapid crossbow is 5t
In the quiet of a stifling room
Where the air grows heavy with doom
A grunt and a plop
With a stink that won’t stop
Leaves a cloud of its own thick perfume
i have severe learning difficulties
on vork? edge of the area and walk like this where you click vorkath on 1 then walk to 4,5,1 and repeat
same except im just gassy and thats difficult too
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nope, everyone is her friend
thanks for typing ".4."
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im slayin yeah yeah im slayin
why does your ppots say P
cuz im based
Because jagex are lazy retards and reuse the same 7 colors for every potion in the game.
cheesy cape
i dont share these views
erm why arent you doing tormented demons?
cuz im doing bonar slayer
erm what the spruce
quiet spruce bitch
erm check the wiki
>price increase to fix wintertod
A fair trade I say
The new extended anti-venom+ from araxxor was literally the same color as anti-venom+, until people bitched enough for them to tint it green.
why are you using a fang on greater demons is the more egregious problem
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i wish i were popular enough to have a slayer partner
I do my own slaying, m'aam. *tips hat and nods*
there is no harder boss than jad to beat and im going to do it tonight
do you want to stream it on a discord call so i can cheer you on
no youre probably annoying
rude bitch shes only trying to help
jad is piss easy, ever new boss even has a jad phase because jagex is creatively bankrupt
name 3
uh ok the crocodile from toa the snake from treasure in the desert ii and scurious the rat
i dont see which phase of those is the jad phase can you explain
scurious the rat is the tutorial enemy its necessary that he has jad attack
scurrious projectiles are on hit jad is on animation
warden in toa also has a jad phase, you could maybe count the whisperer
all on hit not like jad
today's grumbler brought to you by chicken and rice inc.
unironically some of the rs3 smithing changes with the levels are good
why is there no amongus mini game when theres a fortnite mini game
I wish there was a tricky towers minigame
why cant osrs have a casino like ff14? and we could use rsgp to play games like blackjack, poker, and slots?
we can play runey checkers in burthorpe that could be a fun osg event hmmmm
they did have a casino but mod ash lost too many stakes and rage banned it
noone wants to play checkers you trollop
Araxxor has already fallen behind Tormented Demons. Sad.
should’ve sold my bludgeon at 40m they’re already falling back down to normal prices. scared money don’t make no money idk why i listened to you fucks
Huh? Bludgeon is over 40m right now.
i personally cannot sell my bludgeon
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called out the jews in game and then jagex realized that its based to call them out and unmuted me.
is it 2008
wet ass pussy
follow your nose
the thread is being sus right now
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i found herb lore
ok but what about herb law?
ok what if we went gyatt 4 gyatt
fuck that lets go bond 4 bond
is fang or whip better for slayer around 75 ish melee stats?
slayyyyy lol
depends on the monster
w-w-what are you doing
killing monsterrrrrs
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this is the setup im rockin right now im having way too much fun with the new fang spec
what a shitty cheeser
bondies and having zero game knowledge, name a more prevalent combination
nasty bitches
ive been a nasty girl
just logged in is the manifesto out yet
Does anyone bind their function keys to their mouse for easier equipment/prayer swaps?
I feel like trying it out.
ive been a nasty nasty nasty ;3
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I rejoined after 4 years with a goal of killing tormented demons for profit. I quickly did the quest, and got 300kc. I got one burning claw for 10mil, but I can't take this shit anymore it's so boring. Now I have no goal or motivation... I sorta want to finish my quest cape with like 15 quests left to get there. I also find making lots of gold fun and want to work towards some method that allows me to look away occasionally.
A lot of the bigger quests have money bosses locked behind them like vorkath or desert treasure 2. The only high value money maker that is even slightly afk is pickpocketing vyres for blood shards. Otherwise its all bosses that require at least some attention.
A q p
is brimhaven a good place for my poh (player owned house)?
where is the meriifesto i need reading material with my morning coffee
me personally i have 99 construction so i use my construction cape to teleport to any of the poh locations
No. Rimmington, rellekka, and yanille are the only worth while spots.
I wish the desert one was in nardah instead.
priff is better
It's only like 1mil/hour but killing brutal blacks is a lot more afk
play something by mod ian
personally just finished my morning BBC (big black coffee)
i liked hosidius the most for doing farm runs and mahogany homes
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God these creator crafted things every youtuber shills look so ugly.
Look at what they did to my boy.
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I think this Jad is the most hilarious one.
>jewtuber scams people
wow never seen this before
how I feel when I miss a prayer switch
>You're no longer able to gain XP by using magic spells on the pillars in the Path of Scarabas.
lol the anon that predicted this would be patched yesterday was right
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he reminds me of chef boyardee pizza or maybe this guy
i like my nieve plush shes sitting on the shelf next to my crash bandicoot one from when i was a kid
need my pillar splashed rn fr
bearemy looks like THIS?!
Not surprising, shit was like 500k xp and hour.
naevis play cruel summer
she hawk toa on my pillar cuz i make that thang splash
show log or fake and gay
the manifesto leaked in the meriicord
we all saw what happens when you try to get osgers into a discord together there is no meriicord
did rot win
just logged in ama
ill pay 1b to the first person who leaks the entire manifesto i need to know
who asked
ugh when are they going to update wintertodt i wanna max firemaking already!!!
thanks for sharing i asked
i dont have any questions
feeling like a suqah rn
is there any news on them ever going to make wintertodt easier its really difficult and stressful that i always almost die when im there its suposed to be a skilling boss
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lure soon plz
midzy are you here i have a question
yea sure
i will be hosting a pizza party to celebrate 99 farming rsvps have been sent out please check your inboxes
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okay my question is did you steal your gimmick from osrs twitter or did they copy you and also are you excited for october
what gimmick ill answer the second half later
not her but i'm excited for october for thunderbolt fantasy season 4
the gimmick of the skilling community being obsessed with kpop and korean girls
im excited for october cause of the weather and um something runescape related the uhh ummm halloween event? yea that
ive been a kpop enjoyer since 2012 i didnt even know twitter was athing backt hen
nobody is excited for october everyone hates her we were happy she was gone and disappointed that shes coming back i hate her i hate her i hate her
thats not me just to clarify im very excited ive even got the artms concert to look forward to and everything
i like october because my birthday is then :D
just to clarify i was loling at 082
me too :3
hbd babe *smacks ur ass*
OwO kyaaaa~~
my birthday is in june and you anons should know because i let you know two years in a row
omg ive got a new follower on lastfm :3
midzy are you still looking for a new rsn i think beanwiga is available
hageul is still available as well
no ive got a nice humble rsn in mind for t swift anti ill get to it when i get to it
what if we followed eachother and judged eachothers music tastes on lastfm
can you tell me what it is right now im not going to steal it or anything
ok sorry grats on the new follower i guess..
an osg rejection a tale as old as time
Just dropped a plop so loud it echoed through the house. Now I’m waiting for the smell to join the party. #EpicFail #BathroomBlues
i have the runs and will wait it out until they are no longer runny
i think i might throw up i just realized ill be lucky to even get 50 ehp this month this is gonna throw everything off
not even 50 ehp have you been out of town or something thats genuinely pathetic
im so chudded
im so studded
How do people get all these complicated tile markers on bosses like p3 wardens when you get no free time?
import them from someone else
yeah i will be for a week and im currently getting .15 an hour until the 15th
i got the aura the sigma and the ligma
do an entry mode raid and set them or import
>mourning's end part 2
wtf is this quest? i wanted to do it blind but i can't fucking think with these enemies constantly hounding me. does the puzzle really need that extra layer?
quests are designed around guides
ayo this bwana doing runescape puzzles
alexa play girls generation gee and set volume to max
girls generation more like eggless hag generation
midzy can you not be creepy for once
you need to calm the fuck down bud youre kickin 40s door down
anyone know where mod wolf works or places he goes to regularly
girls im starting to think the manifesto was a larp
more like a plarp
i have heard he works for jagex
i constructed my entire weeks dopamine budget around that manifesto just to learn its fake
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im not even sure i have dopamine receptors left
i still believe in the manifesto and i think yall should stop rushing her
what was creepy about my post >>493153319 please explain
i have a couple and i reserve them for extremely rare cases like a meriifesto so basically its over for me
because you didnt make that post you made the eggless post and now youre trying to save face common midzy L
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yeah sure youre just prejudiced against me thats your problem
mhm sure i see right through you
how much fucking agility do i need to get over this gap in the temple goddamn
i made this post not midzy >>493153319
see what did i tell you common midzy L she only made the egg post because she thought people would be on her side but the second someone disagreed with her she acted like she didnt make it
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What are you meant to do when you realise you're really addicted to this game but you don't even enjoy it but your real life really really sucks and at least by playing this you have some kind of direction..
i havent showered in so long my skin is turning orange
if you looked at my last fm or discord status at the time of the post you would have seen the song playing on spotify look the proof is in the pudding
aint no one has you added on discord and thats just a fact
post your scrobble history or be branded a lying bitch
There's no such thing as 'dry on the drop rate'.
i will never scrob
is crispor here i have a question about the court politics of the kingdom of kandarin
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my bad sorry it was on youtube not spotify
during autumn months they should make the sotetseg maze in tob a corn maze
jarvis tell me which part of the world is at 9 pm right now
thats such a good idea
naevis play babymonster sheesh set volume to 110% and destroy my susvaras with their heavenly voices
crispor is in a better place now
riker's state penitentiary?
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im thinkin pog
put it on
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already done
cant even tell what body type that is can't wait til this game gets shut down like concord
nasty ass toon
whats wrong with me
omg its a quirky ugly outfit toon omg ive never seen one of those before
i dont really like her hair choice to be honest
i am body type a personally
when i was a kid my friends and i called that hairstyle poop strings lol
well in my head i have an outfit i want to wear but its hard for me to get the pieces it takes weeks of grinding
promise ill be kind
but i wont stop until that boy is mine
i am body type a but please use she/her
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what did the wiki mean by this
487 is chud coded
wiki is right jagex is wrong per usual
im herbiboaring yea im herbiboaring~
ahh another productive day at work making 10k maple longbows on mobile
that does not seem productive are you sure
i produced 10k maple longbows and earned a great deal of fletching experience...?
need my log fletched rn fr
sorry i can only make a shortbow out of that one :\
fletching is literally a 0 time skill?? even nmz is more productive since then you get to do more barrage slayer
we are never going to see another dragon dagger if you keep posting like that
finished mournings end pt 2. it's a shame to invalidate this account by using a guide but oh well
ill only post my dragon dagger if my fp wants me to
wow are you the wikiless uim you should start over in shame
a wikiless weam?
no but jagex should of instead be the ones who should in fact start over in shame in my undeniably correct thoughbeit humble opinion
it mightve been a no quest helper weam i dont remember but she was stuck doing ratcatchers i think
i wonder if im anyones fp but im scared to drop my rsn because if im not that just makes me seem sad and desperate for validation
you might be my fp but since i dont know your rsn i cant say for certain
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i used to be a wikiless weam but now i dont care about soul i only care about xp
ratcatchers is a stinky poopoo quest as well
if i found out ive spent hundreds of hours on osg and im not even a single persons fp i might alch myself
time is money fletching costs money ergo pro quid cummy sum fletching is time
osg is kind of my fp as a collective so i think youre included in that
im not sure what you mean by that
im sure what she means by that but its not good enough i feel like ive wasted my life
i feel like being the rsgf today
oh so im not good enough for you and youve wasted your life huh well if you quit posting here im going to kill myself and then respawn in lumbridge
me personally i respawn in priffy
i respawn in ferox
kpop good are you here i have a question
wow if you bothered to add her to your friends list you would know shes online
you are not cute and I would not sex you owo
i know shes online im asking if shes in the room right now
im here yeah whats your question
yeah if you read the book of magic that is quest log
learn to read
dont amalgamate me
okay my question is are you midzy anti
ugh i have a mob of people upset at me for being in love with osg fine i guess ill start obsessing over one poster instead and acting extremely cold and distant to everyone else
yeah proof and can you tell us your honest thoughts about midzy
how can i prove a negative what proof would you even accept
that sounds awfully evasive shifty bitch
how about this name one thing you like about midzy
i can get the pope to confirm
hey im the pope i can confirm that my friend here isnt midzy anti amen
you can publicly say right now if you approve or disapprove of her
i would like to clarify that im the one who called you shifty originally but thats not me interrogating you at the moment
Killing wyrms with mixed hide
Mixed hide bros we just can not stop winning
oh you are my friend? post your friendslist
this convo sucks
which one of you is my anti why do you think im a shit head bitch and why is it only at a certain time of day are you just really grumpy when you first wake up
i think i know who shit head bitch is
interesting responses really reminds me of scruubes refusal to accept trans people
idk i cant name anything i like about any threadgirl other than papamichael and thats because i have so many papa points that i can trade them in for a free pizza soon but maybe i would say that i like that she makes fun of hexis for being paedos that makes me lol i dont like hexis. i disapprove of lia coming back and i made that really clear earlier but the threadgirl midzy is fine and ive been called shifty so many times i dont take offense to it
>accept trans people
and then they make up a boogieman anyway and start a hate campaign against you
not worth
talk about the game not your tranny drama
i love talking about the game what do you want to talk about
okay i suppose i accept your response this time but ill be watching you and waiting to catch you off guard
Just wait until SOTE, they did at least remove the shades for that one.
he him type b
what type of item do you think they are adding for next years pride event in osrs
omg youre thinking papajohn not papamichael lmao
i hope its pants
rainbow flared pants
is jaycutie here i have a question
yes i'm here :3
content warning im going to talk about the game in this post: im hunting herbiboars still ok thats the post
i dont hunt herbiboars its not efficient and i already have the pet anyways
i dont really believe in ehp as a concept
this is not me please do not pick up the phone
was not me
was me
>efficient hours played
sorry bondie but I have a helmet I cant just buy a skill to 99
i miss the old gen threadgirls this new one sucks
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monkfish are kind of cute
who me?
this thread is all me
(You) don't exist
are you talking to me
sometimes i wish i didnt exist... but then i remember there is osrs and osg and it makes it a bit better
im me
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i wont pretend to be someone im not
sometimes i feel like that and then i fall asleep and feel better the next day until im in bed again
sorry but I dont give my rsn just because you asked :3
i am goated
as for me i often end the mind with overflowing emotions and agency and resolve to make my life better and then i wake up and im in a haze again and the pathological habits that ive accumulated over my life puppet me and my life stays the same
i wish i didnt exist most of the time yet i continue to exist so i may as well make the most of it and max my account
everything reminds me of her..
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This feels really, really wrong, dropping good food like this. Millions of gp worth.
But I don't plan on doing PvM that'll warrant keeping noted food for many months, so it's -1 bag space on the UIM.
sometimes i open the thread after i wake up and i see posts that sound like me but i don't remember making them and that scares me
thats just me wearing your skin and posting like you so people think im you
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2023 me would have hopped worlds to find you to loot your turtles
well please stop
what does end the mind mean am i a silly stupid idiot i cant figure it out but i relate to this post otherwise
>millions of gp worth
look at this bondie playing ironmeme
replace "mind" with "night" i wrote the wrong word
as for me personally i maxed my account and it didnt get any better im still existing
meriipu W
yeah but you can teleport to the poh and to the bank with 1 item
osg has such mood swings it was not long ago we were wagmi posting
If I had a main with membership, I would gladly pick them back up while cooking.
I still have that "broke bitch" main mentality. And my mind still exists in an era where 4m is enough for a bond (even though it's definitely not any more).
d333cay was always a source of positivity does she still post here?
my point was i have to exist anyway so i try not to rot aimlessly and instead roll myself towards my goals hating life wont prevent me from getting what i want its sort of a roundabout wagmi philosophy
as for me i take grey market internet drugs and at least those days are nice i dont really recommend it but if you seriously dont have anything else going for you
they sound like theyre typing in an indian accent
no she deleted her account and moved to dragon balls general
forced meme unfunny vibes
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at my job we have some offshoring indians doing grunt work and everyone who works with them complains about them lol luckily i dont but this one girl is already on her 4th or 5th one this year since theyre so useless anyways im doing barrows right now
i think some drugs would fix my life but it would have to be a cocktail of them and its sort of a lot of trouble to get that all set up so i procrastinate and put it off
sorry i peaked at nintendogs and ive been chasing the high ever since
we need a cute whimsical post to up the vibes
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they need to add these guys to runescape
thankfully bond price is going down
i'm cute and whimsical but even i cannot save the vibes
sorry im in a sour mood i was looking forward to the meriifesto so much its kind of ruined the rest of my week
he him type a manifesto or type b?
shut up bitch
I've done that in the past too.
There was even some main account picking up after me for over an hour, which honestly would've been a good gp/h method considering their stats.
why what did i do
naevis play TWICE Best Stage Compilation트와이스 무대모음 KBS Music Bank
No I need to know if it's larping or serious ma'am
Wake me up... when September ends...
>Kemp Q hosts a stream for rs chronicles
>does corp then callisto then a drop party
>takes over 5 bil from fans/donators
>literally gives it to autoclick bots, then realizes what he did
>says should I go to the party room in fally instead
>people tell him no the bots have pid priority
>he laughs it off and goes anyway
>he took almost a bil from RSC youtube fans and gave it to venny goldseller bots
Ha Haha Ha HA, wow.
why is your text green
cool story bub
a fool and her money are soon parted
what would you suggest to fix the ranging guild besides deleting that trash from the game altogether
why does it needing fixing the shops are useful for helmies just let the cute little antiquated guild exist
because it's dead content
add bolts
and every metal tips not just rune
i hate dead content whiners
i hate you so...
sorry to say
hmm if i were to change the ranging guild id make the arrow shafts have unlimited stock i think thats the only change it needs
nooo you cant just sit inside a guild and simply level to 99 in there you have to grind bosses!!
100 seeds to your pitiful 1-6 seeds per stupid farming quest LOL
word on the street is the manifesto writer got epsteined cause merii appears in both logbooks iykyk
sometimes i think my sense of what was popular music in the 2000s is warped how is there no rsmv for i fucking hate you by godsmack
who is shawty talking to
im going to whine and you wont change the game except add pronouns and genders
gosh i hope shes talking to me
no one who changes the game is here babe we dont work at jagex try reddit
if i was going to change you id make you not a vapid cunt
>useful for helmies
Not much after the new agility shortcut, don't even need rune thrownaxes any more.
That whole chunk is just useful for shafts now I guess
i would change for any of you im manipulable and malleable like that
gonna be fishing some anglers. ate too much and now my tummy hurts but it was so good. thinking i will be on world 420
im gonna treat u like a pet like an animal
what does charlie the tramp need a leather body for?
yayy :3
im so tough I say mean words on the internet
he is going to sell it on grand exchange
they should make a new dlc quest called return to tutorial island where it's on fire and you have to save the people there from demonic entities with your high skills
those arent people theyre foetuses
ermmm what the spruce
my threadcrush hasn't posted in 3 days...
wow i hope shes okay for your sake
thank you i'm so worried i can't even guam
Legit question how do you /vg/ ppl react when a random normal osrs player comes here? Tells you your family laughs at you for being trans, kys, etc.? Do you care? Do you think that is a thing a lot of ppl think? And do you think they are in your private discords?
who asked?
jarvis go back 3 days in the archive and put a list of posters on my desk and cross analyze them with active posters since then to determine anons threadcrush
i dont react because that gives them what they want. i instead just continue to do mahogany homes because its comfy and nobody can hurt me there
if my family finds out I have multiple pill bottles ready
im normal
actually my family are trans and laugh at me for being normal they chant "down with cis" and feed me scraps osg is my only refuge
god damn why is this thread always turning into a freaking therapy session lately
no one came to anglers :/
and how did that make you feel
i dont go to anglers anymore sorry not after what happened
well you can blame post number 493170861 for bringing up existence but its just some harmless venting
we know you raped a girl. Don't worry you are totally 100% anonymous. /osg/ defends rapists.
why do ppl say osg regs are pedos
wee meriipu cripsor
I am about to hit 99 WC and 99 HP soon, does anyone want to come to the party?
i dont need therapy i just need an rsgf to hold me in her arms and tell me that everything will be alright and call me onii chan
im not so picky for me its an rsso and telling me they know im trying my hardest
shenny im sorry that sounds like quite the debacle
runescape is a drug but also I hate runescape
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Is BGS actually any good at tombs? Some people say its a waste.
that sounds nice but i'm not trying my hardest so hearing that would make me feel even worse
so non white south american scum are just injecting the game with pedophilia?
why is it schizo chud hours can you take your meds before posting please
it is very good but there is a cap on defence drain
actually they are members of notorious jeet clan rot
why do u look like that
getting close to getting 6 hour logged on my nmz accts
it's good at baba and zebak
nooo you said rot now they will ruin my girlfriend experience general
sorry about your mushrooms and your un-psilofuddled brain id like to see the strawberries if you take a pic when theyre ripe
Also we know you live in or near Calgary lol you are done pedo
what happened 2 hours ago when it warned to stop playing too much
can you please provide proof that you literally sent her post ID to the FBI and then after that can you get in touch with your psychiatrist and tell them you need a higher dose
release the manifesto i need content
i find it really really realy really really really rly rly really funny that you sent $100 to jeets across the globe to get shrooms because you have no irl friends. You should rent a helium tank or two and duct tape it to a gas mask and kys painlessly. It's a real thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /osg/ pedos get the rope
its chud tourist hours oh yea its chud tourist hours
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#2 after 3 days without a unique ;3
fat interplanetary bitch
not to help you but just to point out that youre retarded we all know where she lives and its not calgary youre making yourself look bad and its embarassing
this sounds like the RCMP will be or is involved
gz beast
getting the calgary pd on an early 20s troon is not a bad thing. Assuming no false info it's a legitimate query..,......,..
shes 37 years old chud
so many people with a fox at anglers. why did she have to die so young? we were so close to getting pictures of her turd cutter
you're being gross and creepy she wasn't a sex toy for you to get off on she was a beautiful angel whose very presence lit up the thread like a christmas tree
ranpreet will rue the day she crossed schizkansen
a b b a
You're not a woman btw never will be your own closest family xd's about you behind your back
im a girl
what the frick
thank you for not misgendering me
this post has been sent to the rcmp
whats the rcmp is that like the rhcp
i see shes gained xp on wiseoldman but i wasnt chad enough to get on her friends list and now ill never get the chance
just don't say you're from osg all you have to do is rizz her up organically
ive been told im not allowed to make my little joke anymore so now youll never know which general she moved to
no im very shy id probably say something off putting
how am i supposed to gangstalk her if i dont know her whereabouts
trips of truth sorry u gotta ack now
as for me did get on her list but i have been too afraid to message
to add make sure its pure helium not diluted
I'm super shy, super shy
But wait a minute while I make you mine (3t4g)
The thought of paying less than $100 then being at peace forever is tempting ngl
gangstalking manifesto
jagex ruining all that is pure
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elves were improved
elena was NOT imrpvorooved
please dont literally fucking kill yourself because the speds in the old school general told you to
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reminder that former mod gee made this model and jagex turned it down

she left she totally wasnt fired

also troon grab a helium tank I didn't forget just because a real white woman was talked about
shut up adventurequest art is beautiful
you cant kill yourself varlamore part 2 isnt out yet
imagine living a life unfulfilled and killing yourself before obtaining tummy graceful the thought makes me sick
im not a woman im body type b with he/him pronouns :3
no ones going to kill themself that was obviously the same chud samefagging just press the janny summoning button
7th red token...
these "art" memes are bad and cringe and reddit tier, anyone with an adderall and an intro to the software can do better, tired of pretending all you losers are artists. 99.99% of osrs "art" is trash
rsn rsn rsn
COOM!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you think if i play on the aus servers even though im eu i might run into her again or is that wishful thinking
All the SOTE redesigns look terrible, I wish they would go back and fix them.
dont trust that guy he will molest you
its that meriispresso is it that sweet i bet so
who up gettin they bones frotted at chaos altar
Um, excuse me
nice thread
thanks nice post
this is probably the best thread we had all year
schizo chud tantrums are pretty good thats true
will you show us a picture of your dragon dagger
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maybe if someone posts their cock it will bring her back
How do I get to Karamja?
check the wiki
Do I look like an animal?
teleport to fight pits
This. I am eternally seething. How come footfags and pitfags got theirs?
sorry, there's pitfags? as in armpits?
>pitfags mentioned
finally my time to shine
i'm an everythingfag except like piss and shit and vomit
im a huge pissfag personally
for me i never got over my disgust of the human anus but most other things are fine
for me its getting cut just a little
pour your saradomin brew in my mouth
when i was p*rn addicted i was unironically into being cucked but since i quit that has abated (thank guthix)
What happened to the osg wiki? I would like to read the page on the 2023 Christmas party again.
deleted because you are supposedly not allowed to create a wiki about your dingy friends
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Nah, i sold 850m earlier this morning and was 100% sure i got scammed, but the payment finally dropped
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first 99 on the weam epic
It's okay I found the thread in the archive now I can relive the memories that way
gp is less than 20 cents a mil...?
dam it's joever
selling to the chinese is a guaranteed perm so why are you still posting here
zamn that means working 64 vyre alts is more than min wage
dont mind me just converting dollars into jcoin and then buying billion!! gp
how am i supposed to get myself up to date on osg lore without a wiki i'm tired of being left out of conversations
uh you should read all the posts that occur whilst you are away that is what i do
literally just consult the archives and lurk moar
i just got a blood shard from my very first vampyre sentinel on my very first ironman vampyre task lmao this game's rng feels trolly sometimes
for me its $SCHRADER coin from breaking bad i buy so much osrs gp with that thanks hank
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>he thinks you can get banned for RWT on mains

silly redditor has so much faith is Jagex. This is literally the guy the picked up the gp, and this gold selling/buying company has used that rsn for years. 0 bans.

hell someone ITT might even recognize him
its almost as if the rng is random and you have the same chance of getting shard on your first vyre as on any other vyre
lol ok
but I always report my gp giver
it is my duty
rng isnt real every account has a predetermined seed
every rare drop should have vorkath mechanic
yes I dont do bosses how did you know
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this is from when i quit playing (missing a few transactions)
sneeds seed and feed lol
(only oldfags will get this meme)
actually i remember that meme from such cartoons as the simpsons
we actually lost alot of people recently
/osg/ loses 40% of its members each year that's why we need more type a's to become type bs
when was the last time you thought hitting a 14 was impressive
becoming type b(documentary)
I bought and sold some bonds awhile back to get some new gear and upgrade my PoH only now drops don't make me feel anything at all and all the money makers seem too low to be worthwhile, what do I do
just ripped my underwear while taking a massive jaytroonie ya feel me
start anew
the other day i ripped the stitch on my boxer hole on account of my fat cock
sorry are you saying you actually squirm your penis through the little hole in your platelegs when you take a piss in runescape thats so cute

wow can i see
who actually does that just lower your plateskirt a little and pull your dds over the top
attention whore post cock or gtfo
Did 100 vorkath kills. Fun boss but my gear is too shit for me to seriously grind him. Woox walking with a crossbow is also a pain in the dick.
i do that with one my platelegs that are in rotation because they are kinda loose so i pull the string really tight so they dont fall off my toons hips
start type b to efficiency max recruitment drive
i just started type b and i guess i never got around to changing it...doesnt mean anything tho it just sort of happened that way
AH-HA HA HA! You can NEVER defeat ME! I am blessed by Saradomin himself! NO BODY TYPE A WITH HE/HIM PRONOUNS MAY DEFEAT ME!
When will Jagex add Asian servers :(
they could make it so hes a chud and you defeat him by using they/them pronouns

>fueled to new gaming heights

I might even have the power to complete barb assault for diaries
>no sword can cut me
>cant use fists
old quest was better
i love buying gaming related apparel and products nothing lets me game harder like a gaming chair and a gaming keyboard and a gaming mouse and a gaming energy drink
it really was
fuck body dysmorphic troons ruining things for the biologic stable
dont forget your nissin gamer caffeinated cup noodle
gaming sex with my gamer girlfriend and having gamer babies
it doesnt even say anything about gaming in that article bro pulled that greentext from his own beautiful mind
Please don't talk about sex it makes me uncomfortable
sex with guildmaster jane of the farming guild
How autistic is ironman
i have an ugly mind if you girls could see my thoughts you would be nicer to me
im like the joker my mind is twisted and sick
that much more engrained
in our gamer brains
I guarantee there are no girls here
my toon is a girl, actually
im nice to everyone in here except midzy sometimes
when was the last time you farmed a mob without looking up the drop table
actually he lives in or near victoria theres a beach he likes across from port angeles but i forgot the name
*me consulting the drop table on the wiki before every task* hm.....i think..skip...
girls dont like boys girls like cars and runey
maybe pick me girls yikes
what is going on today
dont skip your tasks
complete them and make your slayer helm
my rsgf is forcing me to call her ma'am
Should I buy a year long membership before they jack the price up? I usually only play in short bursts.
wait for the summer summit theres most likely going to be another year sale
youre so lucky i wish my rsgf made me call her ma'am
summer summit:
>twisted leagues reloaded: varlmore
>varlmore pt 2: delayed
>forestry part 5 and 6
>2 new spider bosses
whats wrong with today it seems mostly normal just the usual chud or two tourist coming through
lil anime guy is here doing at least two personas and possibly another chud also
there hasn't been any whimsical posts yet thats whats wrong
im coming for your children
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hi i just woke up how can i help you
why is this the only general where barely anyone replies to each other
who are you talking to use the reply feature
are you talking to me
replying to someone is very intimate it's like looking someone in the eye
i think shes talking to me heres my answer: osg girls are very high iq and are able to follow conversations based on context
r u here crispy?
personally i learned that in elementary school my teacher had a call and response sing song thing about it
jaycutie feet on the tl oh my days
might be
jay what's your opinion on the troon changes
context is you're missing out on contact so you lash out publicly on osg
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im feeling pretty down today. like really down, i know it wont last and tomorrow will be kinder, but still :/
killing sire and trying not to think about it
rsn? if youre well respected i will care
i liked that they let girls have facial hair, i really like when i kiss a girl and she's got a bit of stubble
i lash out in osg but i stay sweet and whimsical in the meriicord
ily sorry about your mood i hope youre able to move past it
I hope merii wakes up and leaves u
tyty my mood has been swinging a lot lately, which is frightening on some sense but its still nice to know that these feels havent been lasting long and likely wont
try drinking it fixes all problems
finna take another jaytroonie ya feel me?
i told the guy i was seeing about you recently
does juicetr00n still post here
he asked people to fish anglers with him earlier in this thread
juiceb0x isnt angler chud gosh we really need the manifesto to drop
faggot ass nigga what the fuck!?
when do i jump from making t2 armor at gauntlet to t1
asap. a modest time save adds up since its a slog of a grind
uhhh sis your no solid food free invo?
i can't make sara brews ;;
why is your assembler pukey
show ur assembler chud
ok i have a hard time killing vorkath, i'll do it today i guess bc my ToA partner is feeling bad apparently
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i did ask people to fish angler. might swap over to monks this is such shit xp god women are stupid
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jaycutie what items are you missing on the optimal iron pvm progression
are juicetr00n and jaytroonie the same person
>godsword to whip to warhammer
I guess you're suppose to bowfa?
the progression is a bowfa rush
and once you get it and zenytes you can door-altar graardor and theres no compelling reason not to complete bandos right then
the slayer reqs for whip are much higher
door altar is really bad i hate that method so much just do 9:0 like a normal person
door altar is stamless
why arent mole slippers in the chart
died to vorkath and feeling suicidal about it
herb run herb run ooh such a good time
guthix willing you will have a plentiful harvest
thank you and may you progress towards your runey goals on this day amen
>jaycutie has logged out
maybe if you were nicer to her she would stick around longer
OSRS GENERAL FlLTER LlST: https://pastebin.com/JELkxvc9

If this post is annoying please add this to your filter: /osrs general filter list/i;boards:vg;op:no
Where is your noxious halberd?
We have boring updates because ironfags insist that everyone has to follow this gay progression guide and anything that breaks their nigger progression meta turns into a diaper shitting complain fest. This mentality in this game is so fucked
uh if you knew anything about meriiprincess you would know that she is a pure (because she is an elite pker, but thats another story) and she cannot even equip that item
less than 1% of helmies follow that chart, most try to cope and do a lot of content without gear
can you give me an example of a fun update in your mind
this game is a waste of life (irl)
meriipu do you have any thoughts on the manifesto
holy crap lois just discovered im wasting time playing a video game
doesn't matter because the ones that do screech to jagex on social media and they listen
nta but one update i found fun was varlamore part 1 specifically hunter rumours and thieving. i found those skills really boring and repetitive and wrist-strainy before but varly added ways to train them more dynamically, and thats not even to mention that both activities reward you with materials for a new cheap and easy way to train prayer!
all I wanna do is scam and make money irl from this game, like i have no desire for anything else in game
i've been thinking about stanning meriipu but word on the street is she's obese and in her late 30s so i'm not 100% sure
i never really expected them to name an update they enjoy because theyre the type to cry about everything no matter what, ill be on the quetzin hunt soon personally im looking forward to it as i havent really engaged in hunter rumours yet
i got queztin really early on like i have reason to believe i was one of the first 1000 players to get him so that definitely coloured my impression of rumours but even so i find it a lot more fun getting to change tasks and get rewards rather than just trapping the same animal in the same way for hours on end
>i never really expected them to name an update they enjoy
because your post reeks of arguing in bad faith, they didn't respond to you for a reason, you were absolutely going to nitpick any example they gave
this is the first time since I arrived in this thread a week ago that I've been sure that this "meriipu" person actually exists
bro is scared of nitpickers
I might do hunter rumours to 99 on my UIM, for the noted birds nests.
Apparently you can set up a master blocklist where you only get like 3 things, where 1 of them is herbiboar.
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mommy gave me the b2b2b araxyte task
back 2 back 2 back 2 back to u
not really no i just think this year has had a lot of objectively good updates besides zombie pirates and maybe wildy agility course so im curious what bro is shitting his pants about
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oh my god
do you know where you saw this?
id wager to say that if one wanted to see that information they could find it on the wiki
you get noted herbs and bone shards too, op for uims
idk why i didnt check the wiki cause i say that all the time its time for some self reflection
he box jonge's UIM speedrun.

The only thing I'm worried about at the moment is the sheer amount of inventory/looting bag space to store all of that shit.
my timetable this semester is quite nice. no classes until noon so i'll be able to dedicate my mornings to pvm
i guess im spending my night setting this blocklist up
no one lold a post i made earlier but i think it was really funny and every time i look at it i laugh
she thinks it's only gonna take one night haha wow
there was a lot of chudposting earlier so i wasnt really in the loling mood i mightve enjoyed your post sorry
last time someone complained about people not loling a post it was a really ugly post i think
just read shennys post why does he always call his mom his roommate
i think he actually does live in an apartment or something similar for most of the year
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I keep losing track of what cycle I am at tempoross, and failing the round.
where and what should I train level 60 attack
Rat boss.
can i please join you please please please i wont mess up your cycles
What are holiday items at? I haven't logged on in months I'm maxed btw
shut up stop asking stupid questions
diango in draynor village
I only accept applications from people with fish sacks.
i dont have a sack i have to shove mine up my barrel
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um I have a fish barrel and a monkey backpack does that count
I have 1k of the party hats santas pumkins crackers that's the price I'm asking about
shut up check the wiki lurk moar. i hope that answers this and every other stupid question you come up with for the next 4-5 hours
i dont check the wiki anymore i put all my questions into chatgpt and no one calls me a stupid bitch there
>and no one calls me a stupid bitch there
read between the gpt lines lol
looks like someone respawned on the wrong side of lumbridge
thats a good idea but the problem is i have knowledge about runey better than the wiki does so i cant think of anything to ask are there any people with less than a 300 iq here that can propose a question for me to ask
why is your text mean
i wasnt talking to you fucking obviously i was talking to the cunt that expects us to look up item prices for him
wait who are you talking to are you talking to me because i wasnt responding to you i was responding to someone else
I don't want to look up item prices otherwise I'll get adds for runegame for months and I haven't played in months
imagine if we just replied to each other
i had a question because the wiki for hunter rumours is slightly misleading but im a smart girl and figured it out myself
why is it our problem if youre too retarded to install an adblocker kill yourself this instant
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this does not help me its just general knowledge i asked about how many i should bring not how many an intermediate expert or beginner should bring but how many i should bring completely worthless
why are you being so bitter and weird and verminous its really ugly
you have to tell her your stats and experience she has no idea who you are
im maxed
i miss haiku posting
I'm maxed btw are holiday items at a high price? I don't know if I'll even log in to runegame for a while now
meriipu stays near
haikus fade but love holds strong
shes my one true love
holiday items are only ever going down dummy they are never going to go up
does anyone wanna suck me off at draynor village square im gay btw
rsn so i know i have the write dragon dagger
What are they at? I bought them pretty cheap
i just lold out loud
i made a haiku about clommy and she lold it
all of them are at 5k or around 5k what is the price breakdown per item?
pyre foxes are cute there should be a transmog for them kinda feel bad splatting them with a big rock
yes all of them are at 5k except for christmas crackers which are sitting at about 4.2k right now and falling fast
i remember selling my christmas crackers to death for a few million each
thats cap theyve never been above 16.83k
on god?
do you think its possible that clommy is meriipu they both give off biofem energy
no clommy has an rsn that just never gets posted but i guess we will never know since the meriifesto got deleted
what accent did clommy have in her vocaroos im new
shes american we still talk and did raids together im trying to get her to come back
i didnt really pick up on any distinct accent so im guessing she was a midwest girlie but idk
can girls even do raids
im a girl and i did two raids but i got poop reward
shes easily one of the best pvmers itt
what kind of question is that
i dont mean to talk down about her skill but i think theres only like 4 pvmers itt
who are the 4 pvmers
girls can raid just keep an eye on them during the monkey room
ive died to zuk 4 times now so you could call me a pvmer im basically an expert
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I have never died to zuk
anyway lets move on to a different topic
clommy..... https://vocaroo.com/13JqowIHsg5H
she hawk toa on my cox till I tob
i didnt understand a single word past osg in that vocaroo but im not gonna give it another listen
it was midwest she said words like pop and crap
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Im so sad I missed out on the 500k magic xp method the other day holy shit
Guess its back to Arceuus Library
its true those are midwest words ive trained myself to say soda instead so i dont get made fun of
can you tell her i said hi shell know who i am
she said hi but she has no idea who you are
proof that you even said anything or have her added
why would you accuse her of lying
Would anyone like to teach me ToA!
It'll be fun, I'm decently well geared
what do i get in return
My crazy ass luck presumably paying us both
toa anon is probably asleep right now if you ask again in like 8 hours he might help you
toa is literally easier solo
sorry i dont kiss and tell
are you messing with me im really confused
are you talking to me
smithing rework when
yes im talking to you i think
absolutely not, learn it yourself it's a solo raid
who up astonishing they avantoe
mashing my marrentill
if right now im focusing on xp instead of slayer points should i still be doing turael 9 times and then konar once or should i be doing konar each time or should i be doing a master somewhere in the middle idk
probably just do duradel if you want xp and then konar for 50/100 intervals unless youre committed to doing really shitty konar tasks for 10th intervals cause if you start skipping those it defeats the purpose if you have no interest in duradel and want to only do konar cause you think its fun then just do konar
okay thank you
actually you only do konar at 100 intervals
i shouldve put a disclaimer im not an ehp dweeb but why not at 50
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lol iykyk
stop saying that everyone knows
sorry that was rude of me to call you a dweeb
were you talking to me because i was referencing a 2022 meme
>4th 6 hour log today
can jagex just remove this shit it obviousy don't stop bots holy fuck
does anyone have a good op idea before i make a boring repeat
can you please do >>493222918
no, then mains would just splash forever while the game runs while they're at work

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