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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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"Are you sure this thread will help us make games?"

>Demo Days
24 HOURS REMAIN: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>493088443
please remember
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what would YOU like to see in a video game that's exclusively about various types of wizards and magic?
Imagine giving away your game for free and then no one buys it when you release because they already got it for free on demo day lmao
>le MAGIC and heccin WIZARDS
been done a million times before. Try to be original for once in your life
they are all little girls
Little magical girls in a land of magic. TAKE MY MONEY
which games anon, which games are ONLY about wizards and magic?
>hogwarts legacy
>uhh wizards 101
it sucks ass
>hmm... uhhh magic the gathering?
that's a card game for turbo virgin autists
>dungeons and dragons?
nope, they got a lot of extra shit
imagine a spyro-like where you are a little girl sorcerer and you have to save 50 differnt magical little girls across the realms
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You want to be a millionaire?
Copy this and actually release it.
Strawman, and, also projection
Breach Wizards
Why the fuck are you asking /agdg/? You're just going to get people like >>493160268 hating on anything you say.
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What is best in life?
Content creation is the limiting factor. You can all go on and on about your idea for a magical world filled with magic girls, but none of you will ever have the time to fill that world with enough interesting stuff for people to want to explore it.
Great idea. Fantastic. Or a pokemon-like where you capture little girls and they each have a type, like fire, ice, water, like on Adventure Time. My Princess Party will win me all the badges!
not seeing eric's weird gay face for an entire /agdg/ thread
*laughs in Houdini*
Necros being playable and not just enemies.
At least one wizard type with code-like make-your-spell gameplay.
Illusionist being actually about fucking with what other perceive and not just mirror image and blur. Shit like illusory walls/bridges, making allies look like enemies, making it look something took way more/way less damage than it had, etc...
Pyromancer NOT having 99% of their spells being damage.

And generally, most straight damage spell sucking ass. Make as many spell as possible require some setup, either with the environment or other spells.
Bonus point for standardized chemical/alchemical/magical reactions, like what Genshin did. Make bringing a fire and water spell something a bit more interesting than just coverage against monsters' resistances.
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c ompu ter
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Don't project hop
I haven't even started because I have a bunch of ideas i want to do and no clear direction
>rleased in 2011
>3rd person birds eye view
>humorous satirical game
>magic is focused exclusively on attacks
>magic/story is based exclusively on norse mythology

yeah, my idea (yes, I'm in the ideaguy stage) is already more original and interesting (to me).

>you want to be a millionaire
>copy this pixelshit 3rd person birds eye view little girls dress up doll game
n o. lmfao.

>wizards but guns... in le modern era!
okay, fair enough, magic guns built from traditionally esoteric items, sure, some time travel scenes to the modern era.... very rough, very unlikely maybe.

I hate reddit and I don't want a million and one harry potter fans asking me to add sex with draco malfoy or some shit.
oh... oh GOD
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Made a little scene this morning to test out the aesthetic I'm looking for. Not sure if I wanna go for pixelated PS1 textures or N64 .

Thanks, I think I can do it too.
Though this will be with original characters, no meme characters in this one. Maybe a gondola Cameo somewhere as a secret.

Yeah I have a very small document with basic points to keep everything small and in check. 12 stages,10 min for non boss stages, 15 min for boss stages, split up into 4 biomes, so I can re-use assets from each biome 3 times. 2 town hubs, both small, maybe takes 20 seconds to run from one end to the other. 3 playable chars, with their own moves, but each move is a variation of everyones main basic attack (except for specials). Enemies are very basic, many just different variations of same basic attacks. 4 Bosses, will put extra time into making them good and fun. Implementation of co-op will be super simple since it's on the same screen and there's no special conditions for 2 players (other than maybe AI deciding which to attack)

Just focused on trying to cut out all the fluff basically and making it a good core experience. I got lots of time since Im a NEET.
Project hop??
No... but I'll project hope.
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A nodev in aggie daggie? repulsive
That comic dude also made one were he was crying about how asking your friends for playtesting will mostly get you "why is it ugly, buggy and short?" as feedback.
Like, the fuck do you expect, faggot? Your shit being unfinished isn't your friends' problem, and coddling is for toddlers.
Do people still play simple mobile games in 2024 or do they have to be AAA/gacha slop in order to be actually profitable?
>tranime girl reaction image
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>A nodev in aggie daggie? repulsive
>n o. lmfao.

You clearly don't want money then.
People have phones and don't even play games on them! What a weird bunch of people, I tell you.
Don't you guys have phone? Better use them.
Be the hero that gives birth to mobile indie gamedev and revolutionizes mobile gaming.
Uh, a couple of years too late for that
I'm not a nodev. I'm a future yesdev.
>3DPG girl reaction image
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Anyone else here tutorial maxxing?

No pressures
Given all the assets
Shown how the code works
Allows you to see how it all comes together

Haha yeah, one day I'll actually learn how to program and escape this tutorial hellscape.
>necros being playable
the current plan for types of wizards you can play are
druids, necromancers, technomancers (same hard maybe as time travel), shamans/medicine men, kabbalaic wizards, astrologic wizards, alchemic wizards, divine (divination) wizards, and of course, the ability to mix classes as much as you're willing to sit through actual wizard classes/some kind of build up to learning. there may be some kind of system that makes or requires you to forget skills you learned when you reach a cap.

>damage spell
obviously there's going to be damage spells, but also healing, moving objects, summoning, befriending, teleporting, planting/growing, big and small, speed, mind reading, manipulating, vanishing/invisibility, and more.
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you're a nodev until you actually post progress. being an idea guy in analysis paralysis is not progress.
Nintendo basically used their foray into mobile gaming as an experiment to see which monetization systems worked and didn't work. And yeah, basically people don't buy apps outright anymore so the only hope for mobile games that make money are f2p+ads+mtx bullshit.
I would want to see insanely cool and complex spells that completely obliterated my gpu
What is that?
Do people actually project hop ? I thought it was just a meme?
I’m a future millionaire
just like make game
it's not fucking hard! nodevs are retardest life form.
Magic that can create wheelchair-accessible ramps for dungeons
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What went wrong? (right?)
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I either post anime lolis or western lolis, pick your poision
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They made $10,000 off of that game, wow
no need, use your broom/just float on over with your magic wizard powers

>oh I'm an all powerful wizard more powerful than the strongest human just by learning "heal"
>oh but my legs don't work and I don't WAANNNAA learn "levitate"
just... perish
I'd just like you to know that I made a couple of games that were successful and then two more games that are not. My skills have grown, I have a fan base, my discipline has improved, my workload has increased, but my success rate has dropped.
Games have failed to teach me an important life lesson: even if you do everything you're supposed to, you can still fail.
I wish I accepted that railroad job back in '08, I'd be earning 6 figures by now.
post yourself through a noose, pedophile
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is marnix a brony? or is it william? or the fat hairy guy?
My game is getting 3 wishlists per week. I'm not going to project hop, I'm going to abandon the project and it's the right thing to do.
Wow think about how many trips to Japan that is!
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biteme game turning into gamedev grift youtube and pumping out slop.
lmao how can they live with themselves?
>It's Thomas
oh they must be very well hidden then.
Imagine how much more dev time you'd have if you didn't gossip about Z tier youtubers
no thanks
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>Imagine how much more dev time you'd have if you didn't gossip about Z tier youtubers
anon, they don't even have a game
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Share your stats dingodev!
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It just keeps getting funnier
>captcha GAYDD
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How much of game dev is math and programming?

I'm an artist, and now I'm realizing I might have to spend many more months just getting these other topics into my brain.

Wish I wasn't such a dummy.
fuck off we're full
Just use AI
I'd should've considered abandoning mine years ago, sunk cost too strong. I have to see it through to the end. Using the time frame of when I set up the page to the end of last month gives me like 1-2 wishlist average per week. How many corners can I cut just to release it sooner? Is it even worth it to not cut the corners if it was performing like that over so much time?
Depends on how complex and/or unique your gameplay is.
15% is programming
55% is content (i.e. art, sound, writing, etc)
30% is marketing
Depends on the game.
Usually it's little math and lots of programming. You will only need very basic programming knowledge though.
Did they? I'd assume they have skewed review to sales ratio due to being ~personalities~

congratulations, you are now a gamedev.
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>many more months
if you're programming your own unique physics or puzzles that require math, then it's a lot

if you're using an engine that has physics precoded and you're fine with them, then.. not much at all
just use blueprints, its still too complicated for an artistbrain but you'll at least have something playable rather than an inscrutable wall of code that breaks one day and you can never figure out why
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female poster spotted. Termination mode activated
An artist huh? Let ole Frosch take you under his wing. You can be his personal artslave while he handles all the hard programming stuff for you.
>characters have their own moveset
How'd you balance it to not feel so "samey?" I had the same issue with mine where the basic attack was just variations of the same thing. The ultimates were unique. The other 2 were just hard to properly design without feeling the same and actually making them feel good for how few options each character has. In any case yeah, looks like you planned it out shouldn't be too hard considering you've proven yourself in the past.
Huh didn't know that.
>original characters
So is Spurdo just a placeholder?
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I wanna make an Outbreak-like
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5 more minutes and I start learning to gamedev
4 more minutes and I quit living
I'm a nocode. I only draw. I use RPGmaker
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That's spurdo? What the fuck I thought it was Abobo
A prospective gamedev, huh? Let elder Frosch take you under his talons. You can be his personal idea guy while he handles all the hard programming stuff for you.
7 minutes
7 minutes is all I can spare to play with you
will you post to Demo Day?
Then do it.
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If only you knew what I'm cooking...
>many more months
You can learn python in a week
Unlike drawings, codes don't have to be pretty, as long as they work. Of course, you can always optimize and solve problems more efficiently, that is what will take time to learn
I'm a good idea guy.
But I'd like to learn to code and to lead my own projects
I'm worried it won't be successful
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>7 minutes passed already
im cooking stroganoff
Tick tock anon
That's your life (and dev time) disappearing
28 units sold. 10 out of 179 wishlisters have bought the game.
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I'm also an artfag and it's not really that complicated if you want to do simple stuff as you can just get answers for whatever you are trying to implement from the internet, you can make a game on duct tape programming and still do well even if it's unoptimized. The only part that will kick you in the nuts for not being proficient is bug fixing.
im stroking off to cooking videos
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Ivan.
Depends on what kind of game you're making. Walking simulator is easy to make, a 3D top down action game is a lot more work.
Well hey at least your recoup’d the steam fee. Onto the next game?
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is the steam fee a one time fee or do i have to pay it yearly?
>Onto the next game?
i dont know what to make now. nolgorb was my life.
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>some gay ass woman nodev walks into gamedev general asking timewating question
>gets more (You)s than all progress post across the last 3 threads combined
Uh oh, (You)poster about to have a melty...
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not my problem incel
Doesn't hold a candle to my bait posts of yester year.
I'm roasting chicken and potatoes
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How do you feel about that? Also, whats the steam page? "Dingo" doesn't bring anything up
yeah I know the general is about 95% faggy zoomer nodevs who are here for the "aesthetic experience". All the yesdevs left because of these antics. You're a bunch of hyenas looking for food in a deserted field
You can learn a bit then make a simple game with what you know, then learn a bit more and make a slightly more complex game and go like that forever.
I just like talking to you guys
Nice try but we already know that prominent yesdevs are the ones making the most abhorrent shitposts
The ability to create your own spells.
It has a really dumb name, Nolgorb's Ordeal
I blame Marniggs
In this case we're talking about the submission fee which you have to pay just once per game, not yearly.
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Baguette with brie and butter?
It's a one time fee, and, if I recall right, after $1000 in sales you get a refund.
>All the yesdevs left because of these antics.
I think most of us have stuck around and just post progress way less frequently.
he's called "dingodev" because he has started and quit a project called "slam ding" about 7 times
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When someone says it's easy, I'm assuming they have had years of practice on their side of the fence with these skills. I've tried a bit of programming, and while at the start it's alright with syntax, it's the turning the ideas into code that plays well together is the tricky bit, errors abound.

Also math was never my strong suit, and I'm just now catching up to years of wasted education. Apparently Trig and Vectors are used all over, so I'm gonna be tackling that.

I'll continue learning with knowledge that things take time, thank you.

many more years, most likely

I've landed on using Godot for how things in it are laid out. Adding child nodes to other Nodes in a tree just makes sense to me.

I'm not making a hugely ambitious game, it's gonna be a room-based clearing game with random powerups, just in 3D. Something like that, which is easy to pickup and just play. I've tested Unreal and know it's powerful, just think all it offers goes over my head for right now.
what do you mean by this? like swishing your wand/poppet/effigy/totem/staff/scythe/etc. around and "discovering" spells (ie. swish it around in a spiral and you "accidentally" discovered tornado) or combining spells into new spells (ie. fire+ice=smoke) or procedurallly generated spells using AI (ie. do some random shit, some random shit happens)?
Give me some game ideas that only take place in one room

schizophrenia simulator, depression simulator, mental ward padded cell simulator, escape room simulator
just recreate your dev experience
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Is this picture edited or did we all just accept that there are reptilians walking around wearing the skin of someone else to look human?
stop being antisemitic

Each role will be paid TWO MILLION DOLLARS (1% of gross revenue, which I expect to be in the ballpark of 200 million)

A game about being stuck in the trunk of a kidnapper's car.
Are you sure you want to make a 3D game? 2D is a lot lighter on code complexity, since you only have two axes to worry about.
Where can I send my resume?
Hey, not any of those things but I've got some experience in thinking about games, are you looking for an idea guy? My ideas are valuable so I'll need at least 60% revshare
have narrowed my 2d engine choice down to Godot (C#), Heaps (Haxe), and Defold (Lua)

Decide for me
>1% of gross revenue
My written scenarios are worth much more than that, I can double your gross revenue but I expect AT LEAST 5% of it
Is this the thread where we ironically pretend to do gamedev things instead of actually doing gamedev things
Godot, because it's a cult and I am part of it.
marmojak gamedev sim
Godot if you actually want to finish a game
that other shit if you want to fiddle around with autistic bullshit for the next 10 years
godot, something noone has ever heard of, or something else noone has ever heard of. Tough choice anon!
You know it's funny, I am actually quite convinced that my game is a fun idea. I also have never seen it done. And it's fairly easy to make. Nobody here actually believes their game will make it more than I do. You know your game is not actually fun and it's derivative and beyond your scope.
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Another day wasted playing video games and watching porn.
Surely tomorrow I will wake up having miraculously overcome these negative habits that have plagued my life for over a decade and finally start making a video game.
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I like my game a lot, but I don't think I will achieve some extrinsic success.
Hey I learned a lot from my 3 day Backpack Hero binge
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Maybe I WANT to get sued
>Nobody here actually believes their game will make it more than I do
My game is a 10/10, speak for yourself
Mandalore and Sseth will make videos about my cool game after it becomes a /v/ classic and its bitches and champagne from there
my game is
-fun even with only basic systems
-derivative, but of two different things at once so it's okay
-overscoped to hell and back but I'm a delusional retard so I still think I'll finish it in ~2 years
Believing your first game will make it has nothing to do with the quality of your idea but with your lack of experience and perspective.
But we'd never get started on anything if we were realistic.
Thank you for applying, unfortunately the team does not have open positions for Idea Guys.
I would pay $1000 for this
feel like we've all had that microwave at one point
kill yourself
I don't think it will make it. I just think it's a good idea. It would make it if I paid for art and music and marketing though.
>feel like we've all had that microwave at one point
the one you got second hand and never replaced because it didn't die
>It would make it if I paid for art and music and marketing though
Ask for a bank loan and do it if you are SO sure
You are THAT sure of your imminent success and weren't just emptily bragging, right anon?
>paid... marketing
>make it
Yeah, no shit asshole, being on mommy's budget must be nice.
You're projecting your values on me and reaching a wrong conclusion about my beliefs.
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I finished up on some really heavy work these last few days. GMI!
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I watched 15 mins of tutorial and took some notes
15 more minutes coming in right fucking now
if that was true you would post that instead of a static gif like a retard
Ofttimes the heaviest work is the most invisible
that is lazy person cope
that is lazy person cope
bionicle + dark cloud
Good luck cause you're gonna need it
>dark cloud
thank you, I'll put the good luck in my fortune bucket.
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What if he worked on like, radiat loot and levelling up system
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Are bionicls still popular?
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Devlog #059, 9/4/2024
thought about making a game again, searched "unity tutorial" on youtube but nothing interesting really jumped out at me. watched a couple hours of loli cumflation hentai
the last time I saw a bionicle was 8 years ago...
Haha I don't need a bank loan for that. Are you poor? You know how to code don't you? Why aren't you making big bucks in software like me?
My game was in the last DD, and it automatically created a save file in the Documents folder of everyone who played it. That save file is no longer compatible with the current game, so I'll need everyone who played it last time to manually delete that file, otherwise the new version won't work.
OK I'll delete save files for "The Game"
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>Why aren't you making big bucks in software like me?
Because I'm studying electronic engineering
Maybe I will make good bucks in a couple of years
bro do you even version-tag save files?
this is why you always version files, you dunce
>I'm an artist
Objectively, just grab a codemonkey and throw art assets down his throat until he get the hint and make a game with those.
why not just put a version number in your save file?
oh yeah... demo day... i forgot about that....
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any cool satellite ideas? i like incorporating your ideas
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when i was making the previous version, i thought that i would have given up by now.
Write a method that automatically updates older saves to the newest version.
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cool idea, I'm gonna do that right now
too much work
just let it load the old file and hope for the best
This is bait.
A satellite sent up to track movements of salmon in the pacific for conservation purposes.
he would have posted code you dumb frog poster
this effort is only worthwhile when the game is released, no one in DD cares if they keep their 15 minute save file from an old build
why is this bait?
i do
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what I replied to, or my code?
a COCK satellite for having HOT SEX with BIG, BUSTY WOMEN
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I remember playing with them like 20 years ago...
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Pebble shows up.
you're older than 13 and still post bocchis?
I think Anon was talking about his post itself and you fell for it.
marmo is in his 40s
is there even a game or are you just doodling in mspaint?
I'm in my 20s and I'm miles above people in their 40s? Sweet!
Came here because the gamedev thread on /vrpg/ is unusable due to 2 guys fighting there permantly with each other taking up half the thread.
Whats up?
No, actually creating new spells. Where do the spells in your world come from? It is usually implied or said that spells come from powerful wizards or other beings of the past, they don't just pop out of nowhere, but the mechanics of how that works are rarely explained, as far as I know. Once you get powerful enough, you could craft you own spells. It could be quite ambitious to implement a system for this in an indie game, so you could just give those players access to modding the game to create their own spells and frame is as an in-universe thing.
100,000 lines of code in one file, intentionally formatted as poorly as possible
Is there even a game or are you just making posts in 4chan?
why isn't this bait?
75 ... is young.... i still have ... time to ... dev *cough*
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Midlife crisis is when you start post bocchis
based meta trolling
what makes you think you are welcome here? post game or gtfo
meta owns facebook
I'm thinking of starting posting my JRPG in /vrpg/
No one here is 75
Just use Godot.
speak for yourself
Just use Unreal.
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Is it weird to still like anime at 59 years old?
Any 8/agdg/ devs here from years past? If so do you guys also check out the altchans be it sleepy, basedjak or 8moe.
My games are style-less.
Complexity: -
Title: ER-9930H
Country of Origin: China
Background: Consumer grade broadcast satellite launched to promote a medium size car dealership in Montana. The business re-branded into a multimedia service consultancy firm 6 years ago but they still receive multiple calls per week from would-be-customers about outdated "crazy low low price limited time deals".
Task: Push the device into Earth's orbit to induce atmospheric entry. (The satellite will disintegrate).
Let me guess, you're in the thread that allows RPG Maker codelets post. That's where you went wrong.
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ai generating map tiles
yeah but in this thread we have Nortusmell so who's got it worse really
retard teenagers
brown people
It's worth it for longer games.
No. My mom likes anime and she's older than that.
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Well we have no escape from anime
Imagine arqing with your grandchildren about rei>aska
I like the brown people, but wish 8moe had a more active /agdg/.
what's the deal with this schizo underage who's constantly seething about nortubel? no one else gives a shit
relax Nortusmell
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Yay! ^_^
there's a poster here who relentlessly makes fun of all 2d platformers but he seems awfully quiet whenever nortubel shows up
>heh, smell
are you 5? are you the same faggot retard who thought "transwiz" was the funniest shit ever and tried to force it incessantly for months?
How long have you worked on it and how long has the page been up. Am considering testing the waters by putting up mockups on the page of what the game is inteded to be.

Am considering paying the app fee again as Id rather not end up sued by someone claiming false advetising on. How would they know it could simply be content that got cut before release.
relax transwiz
game is taking a bit to be approved, hopefully everything is good. only thing that could impact it negatively is using 90s vsts.
It really depends on the type of game. Point and click and Visual novel is easy as shit. But many things requires a lot of programming thought to make systems for things to work. I had to learn how to make better art, and why I'm moving to 3D since there is a lot in 2D art that is easier with 3D modeling due to having set depth with models. You can get away with it, but art is much more important overall in the long run.
I never had any children so i dont have to argue with any grandchildren because you need to have children first to have grandchildren.
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>How'd you balance it to not feel so "samey?

Well I haven't made it yet, but I'm not really worried about it. I'm going the Goemon route where all characters are technically very similar, and the differences aren't in their main attacks, but their unique traits. Like, Goemon and
Ebisumaru's attacks are largely the same, however, Ebisumaru has the highest jump. Some stages are built to preference Ebisumaru over the other characters because of that higher jump. Not in a huge way, but in a noticeable way. Or for example another character, Yae, can swim. Goemon and Ebisumaru, cannot. This makes a character like her significantly more unique, despite the play style and attack style being largely similar to other characters. So I guess it's less about focusing on the difference in characters attacks, and more about designing stages with those other smaller differences in mind, where the small differences become much more noticeable, giving uniqueness to them.

>So is Spurdo just a placeholder?

Yup, gonna be fun to make my own characters
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theres some satellites that youre tasked with blowing up, maybe i can actually do that
>Bro thought he can stop autism by uppercasing his post

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30 mins, and what can I say, I am a master of dragging sprites and dropping them somewhere already
I will remember you guys when I join the big leagues
You can technically report them for avatar usage, but in reality the jannies don't care at all.
aight, I'm done
Let's see the game bro
Six months full time and another six months part time (probably 4 hours a day). The page has been up for 6 weeks.
No one is going to sue you, get a grip man.
But unless you're in third world poverty, $100 is nothing compared to the investment of working on a game that's going to flop. It's a good idea to do minimum work and then test the waters.
My game has a release date set for end of 2025 and I don't know whether that determines how many people Steam shows it to, but I'm getting 25-35 rando visits to my Steam page every day.
Marnix suicide stream soon aggydaggy!
instead of making video games, you could have been making the first formally proven OS Kernel
Reminder that Marnix skipped Nolgorb's Ordeal on his DD stream because it's direct competition (and arguably superior) to his own rage platformer.
i'll let the computing jannies handle my game running machine, i'll focus on the games :)
Am I allowed to submit my game to Demo Day if it's a finished product? No one seemed to mind last time but I also didn't upload it to itch until Demo Day.
it is better in every way
>formally proven
the fuck does that mean?
the OS is sound, mathematically
which means (int theory), no random BSODs or other failures
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aaaaand done!! finished my slop pong game, i scrapped the idea of adding more hair styles for the girls because i already learnt most of all the things this slop could teach me
A student project that somehow actually made it to orbit and is stuck there.
It's doing nothing but broadcast Rickrolls on all channels.

An array of 15 civilian satellites that a company designed to create cheap interferometers that could lended to amateurs or other company.
The very first software update bricked all of them by frying the communication system. They have been collection data about random point in space since then.

The first satellite with an on-board AI to control orbit. It has a chatGPT-like interface accessible from Earth with a modest emitter and no other protection beyond admin/admin password. Some kid managed to make it stuck in randomly picking a different orbit every week while ignoring all new other orders.
just have your game do

>if old file is missing thing you need

easy peasy
It's not just one person so it's not avatar posting. That's like reporting anyone who posts cats or frogs for avatar posting.
>actually made pong
>actually made an effort and expanded it
you're gonna make it, anon
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>puck is bouncing off thin air
>both teams are the same color
wow this looks like shit
i want to make a mario party like
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Am I late to the #BocchiParty?
my next slop game will fix that
tfw can't submit to demoday because i'll be labelled as a whodev
you're going to get crabbed for actually making pong, but i can tell you've got the 'spark', the conduit of mystery, of art...
latin bros... I kneel...
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Every thread is #BocchiParty!
okay now make the microbikini dlc
you're supposed to only look at the bottom left.
Damn this new azure game looks cool
just start posting your game right now and include a lot of popular 4chan cultural memes such as "shoop da woop" and "a cat is fine too" to signify membership.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Pebble's face.
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>>puck is bouncing off thin air
>>both teams are the same color
>wow this looks like shit
Team up with me. I'm an engine autist with extremely limited artistic ability.
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part fo the plan was making a more detailed body model so i could add different clothes but i scrapped it because it was too high poly and would take me +6 hours per cloth and hair
ho... lee... sovl...
She has no breasts
That thing is NOT female
The face actually looks good considering it's fucking pong
-the puck bounces off the edges of your screen
-you're meant to use the overlays for color
you're right, they're both using a young male template I found
>this dude's shitpost practice pong game that only took him a week is in the upper 10th percentile of agdg games
grim, I expect at least 12 seppukus among you worthless rabble
So just starting and a complete noob, can different scripts use different languages? Can I code both in gdscript and c++ or is that a really dumb idea?
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Bocchi Rockers in the house tonight
Every single spell should be something unexpected and interesting for the player. None of that shoot fireball shoot magic ball heal someone nonsense.
Magic casting should be somewhat complicated and confusing at first, kind of abstract. And the resulting effects should be very useful in all manners of ways. From relatively traditional opening sealed doors or summoning animals (like gandalf) or just strange magic like in game of thrones (the red witch in one instance is talking to two people and at one point opens her mouth to say something but each guy she's talking to hears something different).

Basically just get creative and draw inspiration from literature, mythology, etc. Not just videogames or normie movies that make magic boring lile harry potter.
>10th percentile
you fucking retard, percentile means the opposite of what you think, you're saying he's worse than 90% of /agdg/
it's generally best to have one script for each language you're using, and to do everything in the script/language that's most optimized for it. e.g. your variables should be assigned in java, etc
>migraines keeping me from getting anything done - again.
Why was Hopoo able to become one of the kings of gamedev while we are still here?

I'm sure he has good genes but what about his background? Are his parents rich or something? Where did he fetch the team he used for RoR?
Sounds fun.
take rizatriptan, t. fellow migrainer
He actually got his shit released back when the bar was lower for one
As someone who doesn't know a python is I take offense to that. RPGmaker is dope
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>driving home from work today
>talking out loud to myself in the car
>I'm imagining that I'm being interviewed about my game as per usual
>coming up with thought provoking answers to my own questions
>stop at a red light
>cute goth girl walks across the street and makes eye contact with me through the windshield
>I detect the faintest hint of a polite smile
>I've been unable to think about anything but this moment for the past 3 hours
>currently fighting the urge to start a new game that would appeal specifically to young goth women in the hopes of it increasing my chances of reconnecting with this girl
i think im gonna do it (i have no ideas for any mini games or rules and i have not played mario party in 20 years)
I was here even before RoR started being made. Obviously, I'm inferior to him; I just want to understand why, apart from genes, there is gotta be more.
Learn how to stop the internal dialogue and do it every time you feel migraine approaches
I'd say stick to one language. But if you want to mix them, then you can section off more performant heavy code into a lower level language file and load that into your normal game code.
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The Gamecube and N64 ones are the best with the current switch ones.
>I'm imagining that I'm being interviewed about my game as per usual
>coming up with thought provoking answers to my own questions
I too suffer from narcissism
So it's possible but not very convenient
Thanks, i'll keep it in mind
>driving home from work
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>>I'm imagining that I'm being interviewed about my game as per usual
>>coming up with thought provoking answers to my own questions
Is this really a sign of narcissism? I daydream about fame like this every day and could go for hours if uninterrupted, but irl I have next to no self confidence and hate myself.
Ship a good game
>there has to be more than that
No. Ship a good game. That's literally all there is to it.
>easier said than done
Yes. It is very, very hard to ship a good game. But it's still all there is to it.
You right, instead it's a sign of being a delusional faggot.
did you release a game back then?
Personally I don't consider it narcissism. I just use it as a form of "rubber ducking," except for more general problems of game design and development and not just software problems. Pretending to answer interview questions helps me figure out what exactly I'm trying to do.
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I know you are but what am I??
>I have next to no self confidence
paradoxically this is a common symptom of narcissism
normal people do whatever because they know no one cares, narcissists get extremely worried about their image in front of people because they think everyone is paying attention to them at all times and remembers everything they do
It's not game maker that is inherently bad. It attracts low IQ people and trannies. This is a volatile situation in vrpg because a retarded muslim is making a "game" in rpgmaker and he also namefags. But what's funny about the muslim is he makes games about killing game journalists and is openly anti tranny. So every time they post, 50 tranny posters lose their fucking minds. That's every game maker thread in vrpg. EVERY SINGLE ONE. A separate thread was thus made to ban rpg maker updates in a round about way to ban this drama. It's too slow moving to have the drama be buried, it can't be ignored.
>normal people do whatever because they know no one cares
That hasn't been my experience of normal people, are you from the lower classes?
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nta but I do this even when I imagine myself as supreme emperor of mankind
complete Bocchi meltdown ongoing
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>narcissists get extremely worried about their image in front of people because they think everyone is paying attention to them at all times and remembers everything they do
uh oh
By definition, normal people are lower class, since the majority of people is lower class.
To not be lower class, is to already be an abnormality
>egoism is selfless, caring about what others think is narcissism
Can this thread get any lower IQ?
see https://store.steampowered.com/app/675220
man how do you manage to fail with pixelshit in 2012 lmao
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most recent review
Try watching the actual gameplay...
im exploring 2d animation, whats the best way to animate things? blades of grass in a generic indie game would be a use case for shaders, but what about something like a 2d character portrait? would the girls from gacha games that are animate be animated programmatically?
Standards were lower, yes, but they still existed
>poor grammar in review
This makes me more confident the game is good.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: The 2 boys talk with Pebble.
high end portraits use Live 2D, others might use 2D Bones(generic), and otherwise it's just 2D animation.
i like pebble's pebbles
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I look like this and I do this too
>a white blob protag in a sea of light blues and whites
>half the boss battle is playing where's waldo with a blue and white pixel on a blue background
man, even if you were like 14 when you made this, there's no excuse to be this oblivious or think this was worth publishing
Make it two (or four) player and you have instant streamerbait.
"Ponged Together"
Not to be rude, but this is a non-question.
>How do I animate?
By learning to animate
>Can I animate programmatically?
Yeah, you've heard of it before based on your phrasing so why are you asking?
>x or y can be relegated to shaders
Good idea, feel free to do so, and yeah I don't think Z should be.
Best way to animate in 2d is the way that you figure out that you can stomache. Consider doing some really basic tests of a couple different styles before making a decision so said decision can be informed. Remember to make sure you enjoy whatever you end up doing; if you find it easiest and most convenient to rotoscope, or make spritesheets in mspaint, or rig a bunch of planes in blender, or program out movement via splines, or explicitly record on old filmstock and then scan that img by img into your game, do it. Do whatever you can do, because making a game is finding the midpoint between what you want to make and what you can make.
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>narcissists get extremely worried about their image in front of people because they think everyone is paying attention to them at all times and remembers everything they do
Okay, but how the fuck do I stop doing this? You've basically described my constant mental state for as long as I can remember being alive. Whenever I go outside I think everyone is staring at me, making fun of my shitty hair or bad posture, whatever negative aspect of myself is currently occupying my mind. If I overhear people giggling amongst each other at work, or even total strangers out in public, my mind immediately crafts an elaborate scenario where they're talking about and laughing at me behind my back (but intentionally doing so just loud enough so that I can hear them, just to fuck with me).
I've been dealing with this my entire life and it's made me a nervous wreck. Or at least I think it's made me a nervous wreck, I have no idea if other people notice my blatant insecurity, my occasional stutter, my inability to look them in the eye. Literally right now as I'm typing this reply the thought just popped into my head that you made your post because you knew I'd read it and that it'd make me even more self conscious. I'm self aware enough to know that sound ridiculous, but I'm not joking. Everything I've written here is completely serious. I don't know what I can do to stop this, are there even meds for this condition?

game dev related btw
Release it on steam as it is
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>I would want to see insanely cool and complex spells that completely obliterated my gpu
Path of Exile already does that, I can't see what the hell is happening in that game or all the effects on screen.
Noita kind of does this
The point of mythical magic like Gandalf's or elves or whatever is that the audience doesn't understand how it works, so it instills a sense of fairytale wonder.

However if you're a player in a game you pretty much do have to understand how it works because you use it. If you somehow came up with a whimsical mythical magic system it would immediately cease to instill wonder as soon as some dedicated person sat down and reverse-engineered all the rules that you had to write because you needed to program them into the game

Whimsical/mythical magic can only be wielded by NPCs in games, never the player. Any magic used by the player is effectively technology and understandable.

I worked on a wizard game prototype so I have considered these issues. I shelved it because I was at the point where I'm basically just flinging fireballs and I can't find a way to make it more interesting or fun without just turning it into something quite generic.
why wouldnt i be a narcissist when i am the only intelligent being in a society of animals
Just bee yourself
>just throw away $100 bro
Do you have any idea how many tacos I could buy with that
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>procrastinate working on my game for a long time
>force myself to do something
>do two super small things
>suddenly feel strong urge to take a break and fap
nothing is ever going to get done at this rate
>just slap multiplayer on at the end
You have never made a multiplayer game.
maybe 3, with this economy
grow the balls to tell yourself you're wrong and dumb for thinking that, and that if you keep thinking that you're wasting your time. I cured my anxiety by just deciding not to care, and I'm much more confident AND forgiving now. My wife tells me I'm retarded but hey, I got me a wifey. Use me as an example for how you should act because I'm clearly much better than you. See?
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What's the secret for good character design?
It has been done a few times and it SUCKS 99/100 times
Marmo we don't need to know these things.
Not that anon, but I was able to add multiplayer to my game at the very end by basically writing an entirely separate code base just for multiplayer mode. My game is now two games in one that just happen to share the same assets.
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good morning agdg
You'll get guaranteed sales and then, more tacos!!!! hell yeah!!!!!
>I shelved it because I was at the point where I'm basically just flinging fireballs and I can't find a way to make it more interesting or fun without just turning it into something quite generic.
Why haven't you added yuri to your game yet???
What aggydaggy games have yuri?
red cars are judging you btw
>Adds one line code
>Blogposts about how horny and depressed
No wonder that shitty game took 10 years to make (and it's still not done).
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You are a little speck in the grand scheme of the world. Strangers in public aren't laughing at you, but it literally doesn't matter if they were. Meds can suppress all emotions but IMO it's better to have bad feelings than feel nothing.
This made me realize my game has implied yuri and I will be removing it now
Recognizable silhouettes, form = function, and just aesthetically pleasing. Concord failed at a lot of that. Did you know the character in your pic is supposed to be a stealthy assassin type character?
Not only did I add yuri and may add more, I'm also making a very yuri focused game.
Immediately recognizable silhouette
A pleasing color palette that matches the art direction of the game while still sticking out from the environment
Balancing tropes with original concepts to make the character feel familiar without looking generic
it's a death sentence in universe
How do I add yuri to my abstract strategy game?
dialogue boxes with anime girls
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i only have money left for getting my degree and food
i already dropped the game, maybe i will revisit it next year, for now i am playing zuma deluxe until i get another idea for my next slop game
Don't make them look gay and you're A Okay
Everyone universally hates the gay aesthetic
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>try to write code
>remember that 200,000 people died in a tsunami in indonesia
I don't have a problem with female lesbians but I'd rather my game not attract the far more numerous male variety.
Hey, did you know that one day you'll die and cease to exist?
I thought sea monkeys could swim
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And if your game isn't ready by then you will fade into nothingness, with no legacy to attest your existence
But if you make the kino of this generation, you will be immortalized like Dante or Shakespeare
Nice criticism of his game, how about you post yours?
It's not that kind of game but I don't mind if people decide to ship my two total female characters.
This is a Christian general.
Posthumous honors are useless. Dante and Shakespeare don't care about their current veneration.
because im not a mindbroken troon freak who thinks hes a lesbian anime girl
That's what YOU think
if bokube doesn't have lesbian sex, I'm not buying
isnt bokube made of 6 lesbian rabbit squares assembled together?
I did have ideas but to get to the point where it might be interesting I'd have to sink a lot of time into it and I'd already spent a lot of time on it.

I had experimented with making spells targetable so you could shoot down or deflect spells that were already in-flight, and there was a replay feature.
'merica had another shooting today too.
I had an idea like this, basically you’re way less agile and weaker than most enemies, and spells are complicated to cast, sometimes taking multiple steps or typing out phrases in the keyboard, and you have to plan out your attacks. Its 3rd person action but you’re movement is shit so you need to plan out your attacks. For example if there was some large undead knight on a cliffside that has water sitting on it, you could from a far, freeze the cliffside so he can’t move as well, and either launch boulders at him from the cliffside or try to knock him off the cliff with wind now that the ground is icy, or any other thing you could think of. Basically dark souls movement but clunkier, sorcery spells but clunkier, and botw rune/physics but clunkier and with much more variety. I want to be a weak old wizard fuck who needs to use the environment and his wits to beat opponents
At this point, we gotta pull a TERFing out of yuri.
>"yuri is good because it's all girls"
>"that's right, fuck men!"
>"specially cis, born females and not ugly troons"
>"wait no, not like that!"
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someone needs to stop giving quiet niggas guns
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it should invoke strong emotions in the player
Note that revulsion is a feeling you only want to invoke when something horrible is happening , or for some weasily villain etc etc

You shouldn't do that for a player character
Disgust is a strong emotion.
I wish this was like a Newgrounds parody but we're past the age of people doing edgy animations mocking shit, so there's a chance that this is official.
This is why we need to criminalize legal gun owners
AGDG games with a female protagonist?
Playing as a male character makes me unconfortable.
all the pedo games
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>Yeah, you've heard of it before based on your phrasing so why are you asking?
playing around and want to know if this is a dumb idea or not. in the past ive chopped up assets and slid them around in javascript, but im looking into making an actual game and shaders seem extremely powerful.
I have 3 games on Steam with a total of 350 reviews (Very positive) but I couldn't get an interview to any game studio and I've applied about 30 times since 2018.
30 times is nothing for a job these days.
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Why am I addicted to evil self-degrading porn? I always regret it and hate myself
Was it always like this? I swear there was a time where this wasn't really the case.
Why do you keep posting this shit
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how to fix?
the autist weeb to porn addict to troon pipeline
Don't think too much about the "silhouette" meme.
TF2 did that because it's an FPS game with multiple classes and they need distinction even though the cosmetics fucked that up.
Otherwise, there's plenty of iconic, memorable characters that don't rely on a "silhouette" as there's plenty of other ways to make a character interesting.
It can work if you're making a cartoony mascot for kids and characters specially designed for "marketing", but doesn't apply to every other type of character.
If anything, it can have drawbacks like animation relying on boring 3/4 camera angles.
"Iconic silhouette" is a very specific thing that people latched on for no reason other than pulling a game-of-telephone out of "character design theory".
On pair with people that use TvTropes as a writing and critique guide.
Its nothing to be ashamed of we all have our own kinks personally i love cuck/NTR porn and porn games.
>Its nothing to be ashamed
It is
>we all have our own kinks
Some are worse than others
pls fix the perspective on that keyboard
Let's just say that the people that invaved certain spaces (Or at least were something else before troll's remorse, depends on whether or not focusing too much on "newfags" isn't a cope to deny the fact that the cancer forms from inside the house) could've latched onto the likes of Concord and Dustborn.
The reason why "woke games" are flopping is because their intented audience is too busy pretending Naoto from P4 is trans or whining about Genshin character skin tones.
Another answer is similar to "safe horny": You can't just say "yeah, yuri is hot", you have to make up shit like "it made me realize I wanna be a girl" because some miserable people told you so.
And also people viewing their topics on everything, hence that media literacy "everything is political" meaning "everything good agrees with me simultaneously ".
I mostly like regular vanilla basic shit but I have such a negative view of myself that I can't even fantasize about healthy and normal sex and love because it doesn't feel realistic. Weird desires just started creeping in slowly over the years ever since I got rejected by a girl and gave up. fucking hate it
shouldn't you be working on your monthly line of code, aura?
In what year? Doesn't that happen like every 30 years?
the /agdg/ to broke and homeless pipeline
It was someone that wears 'programmer socks'.
whats wrong there
bocchi is the prime example of their obnoxiousness
>heart warming story about a socially isolated girl breaking out of her shell and making friends
turns into
>wow shes just like me teehee and also all of them are lesbians and have lesbian sex all the time heehee and also bocchi has giant tits and is secretly a slut and the schoolgirls are my lesbian sex buddies hehe and thats why i must self insert as boccher everywhere
My next game will 100% without question be a success, the one im making now will be good but a flop. Its a one for me one for them type of affair
Contrast is more important i'd say. A lot of beginners rely too heavily on color alone ending up with characters that just look washed out and blend into the background. If a character doesn't look at least somewhat recognisable or interesting while blurred then it's probably not a good design.

Sillohette is one of those things that helps a lot but isn't the be all and end all of character design
I'm working on my kinda shit and boring game now so I'll have an established fanbase to shill my fun and good game to
>also bocchi has giant tits
this part is true thoughbeit
Im the opposite im an absolute egomaniac and believe im the greatest developer on earth but I get uncomfortable when other people compliment me. Im like a narcissist but without the other people aspect
Yeah, it's brutal. Even if I'm coming with shipped games, not even an interview. Fuck 'em. You know what they say, if you can't join 'em, beat 'em.
also bocchi has a giant girlcock btw.
This is just a hobby bro
It can also depend on the context and how a character is used.
And fictional characters can come in a variety of "categories" or even not fit one but most people have a terrible frame of reference anyway.
Have you even looked? I think there are more aggy games with female protagonists than male.
He didn't get bullied enough.
no, it's a lifestyle
my outlook has completely changed since I have gained the power of making new life
Fuck you bitch ass goofy ass. I will keep making games until I got the money to make it a full time job IM NOTHING LIKE YOU NIGGAS!!!
>since I have gained the power of making new life
You know no amount of estrogen will give you a womb, bro
no, I mean simulations dude
>25 (you)s this thread
not a bad haul
Here's another, don't spend them all at once
>I mean simulations dude

This must be how the transition starts, eventually delusions of grandeur lead to the socks and mass shooting.
Raylib is the best game engine
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Does learning this count as progress bros
It's one of the easier frameworks I've used
Cory in the House is the best anime
making a mario party like is revealing itself to be much more complicated than I previously anticipated.
i think i will have to throw in the towel on this particular endeavor.
doesn't look like anything
>using int for rotation
Because it isn't anything, I'm learning gdscript after opening godot for the first time this evening
>using int for rotation
I didn't plan on making it rotate half a degree
at least you tried, cris
>making [AAA game] like is revealing itself to be much more complicated than I anticipated
The "make pong first" meme exists solely for people like you
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A ponglike soulslike roguelike
But is it a metroidvania rpg too?
Making the board mechanics should be easy, making dozens of minigames without a team is a fool's errand
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lion splash screen done hoping i gat better if i keep doing these
did some programing this morning
for ferulorum
Mystery game where there is a murderer in the room.
Raylib is right here waiting
kill yourself btw
>start devving
>clock is running
>finally something decent but idk if i want to use this icon
>look at clock to pause it
in my experience, it's better to just choose things in the moment, and be willing to change it later.
looks pretty good anon.
Just implement your own renderer. It's simple, even more so for 2D. Create a high level renderering API, and then implement it for various backends. If you want cross-platform, you really only need to implement it for Metal and Vulkan.

Raylib is really fucking gay, stupid, lame, awful terrible fucking choice
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Being cute and funny
need to make a test NPC for an edgy fantasy game to try my convoluted dialogue system. Any ideas?
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- 30 minutes fixing some things that have been annoying me, like hover/clickables being to big for nodes when they're no buildings to click, some production organization.
I drafted up a schedule for myself this month to try and get myself four hours of gamedev every day. Gonna try to stick to it for the month and go out for dinner or something if I manage it.
"The Warlock"
He has no known name, everyone just calls him the warlock
Why do you hate raylib? I think it is neat for 2D. And its written in C, which is a real programming language.
a decapitated head, kept unnaturally alive by science, talks to you
That's sick I'll definitely add that
Niggas will literally recommend any random no-name engine under the sun than admit Godot is serviceable for their game
It's an SDL/SFML tier API. If you want to build a game with a C API, use sokol. It's infinitely better, and you won't be limiting yourself if you want to do anything other than just drawing sprites on the screen
when are you adding the gay sex
thank you buddy, im trying my best
It's because doing so would be admitting they don't have the skills to actually make a game: "it's not that I'm too stupid to make a game, it's that the tools don't work"
>real circlejerk hours
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I learned something new today, a map this size is too big and complicated to bake as a single navmesh, godot is designed to run out of memory and crash if you do. You have to use multiple navmeshes and offset their AABB bake areas. Now to figure out how to merge them.
i'm just trying to rotate a 3d object and i can't even right now
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starting an open-world luging side project
if there any qt girls here I'd accept a handy in a con bathroom
>[agdg_dd58 ######]
>30 files changed, 2560 insertions(+), 263 deletions(-)

let's gooooo
check out 4.3, they rolled out a new feature to make navmesh stitching easier
How did Into the Breach sell so well? I thought tactics games were tapped?
Rode the enormous coattails of their previous game, FTL: Faster Than Light.
I'm afraid to because of all the skeleton shit they changed; I'm relying on the legacy IK node and a hacky workaround to make it do what I want.

I know I have to at some point....
afaik the old skeleton nodes are still in, but will be deprecated in a future release. they claimed it shouldn't be too hard to port, maybe try making a branch and trying out 4.3
Why do so many game genres seem to have very few good games?
Let's take tower defense. I want to play a good tower defense game. My only options are the same type of POORLY executed mobile slop or something like BloonsTD. The best versions of things like GemTD and ElementsTD are 12 year olds custom maps in other games.

How come nobody has made nice polished versions of such tower defense games?
The same question applies to mobile games as a whole too. Where are the fun and polished mobile games? The only polished mobile games I see are gacha games. PC ports look polished but since they are mouse + keyboard games they play poorly. How can this space be oversaturated, but there are so few playable games?
Like >>493184796 said. If you want to make cool fictional magic but all you could come up with was fireballs maybe consider making a shooter dude, it's okay.
If you wanna make interesting/original magic you need to think outside the box at least a bit. Of course you can't literally recreate gandalf's magic but you can imitate the vibe of it and apply it to a more logical magic system.
Also here are some suggestions:
Casting by mixing ingredients
Casting by writing
Casting by drawing
Casting by moving objects
Basically any input or interaction in a game can be turned into spellcasting.
Also magic that isnt a damaging projectile:
Changing object states
Changing enemy or npc behaviour
Moving stuff
Changing terrain
Transforming things
Setting up things that will happen later
Basically think of every numeric variable that makes up a game. Change any of those variables except health and you're set.
Quality doesn't matter when it comes to slop genres. TD and mobile are the absolute sloppest of slop too.
no one plays tower defense, it's a shitty dead genre that only ever existed because nothing better had been invented yet
no one plays mobile games but young children, old women, and gachafags, no one gives a shit to make quality games for it because anyone who cares about quality owns a PC
search tower defense, there are at least 3 recently that did alright. you are disconnected from reality yet asserting yourself confidently
>it's another episode of /agdg/ Cramer Market Analysis
There are 2797 with the "tower defense" tag on steam
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theres no audience for td games
median revenue is 600 dollar

you're correct in that it is indeed a underserved genre
small audience and little competition hmmmm
ah yes, boring UE4 whitebox level but godot
I figured out about how to make chords sound good. You just turn on the highlighting of scale thing, then put major or minor or whatever chords wherever it is highlighted on the screen. I'm such a genius thanks to that tutorial. Maybe I can find a way to make melodies without chord generators.
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Yeah this guy is an idiot but that stuff is still slop, and swine don't recognize pearls. It's incredible that there's so much competition and shameless (often illegal) ripping off in the mobile games market and yet the shit never gets better. It really is this weird evolutionary dead end, like the games market version of Mumbai slums.
I bet some poor bastard auteur actually made the god of all mobile TD games just to fund his true magnum opus and nobody even knows it exists simply because it wasn't first and best dressed and the app store makes Steam look like a carefully cultivated garden..
>ah yes
What's the tutorial?
Uh oh the greentexting godot cultist got triggered again . . .
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>except health
>mfw no potions that temporarily increase your health at the cost of other stats, or temporarily decrease your health for the benefit of another stat
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people play bloons because it was the only decent game on whatever flash website wasn't blocked on their school network when they were 12
the average tower defense makes $16
> . . .
stop typing like a faggot, son
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is programming 2 characters walking side-by-side really that hard?
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shut the fuck up you stupid nerd.
good games sell regardless of genre
>no one plays tower defense, it's a shitty dead genre that only ever existed because nothing better had been invented yet
>no one plays mobile games but young children, old women, and gachafags, no one gives a shit to make quality games for it because anyone who cares about quality owns a PC
N o . . .
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>aggy dagger is making a game very similar to mine

In another life we could have been friends but it looks like fate has made us enemies
you don't even have a game, you're nothing but dirt under my boot

He breaks it down and makes it super easy.
stop downloading my game on itch, its on steam.
no one is stealing your tower defense idea, marmo
It's fine, neither of you will finish your games
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Fire emblem + the witness
>Age: Unknown
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She cute
the low effort anime + realistic lighting looks absolutely awful. why is she wearing a lumpy adult diaper and have man hands?
reminds me of Garfield Kart, take that how you will
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Tower defense, except you have to lure them into your tower and then use clever verticality traps to kill them before they reach the top floor
you are genuinely gay
Promising but you need to learn how to pose her better and also get rid of that hair texture
intensely crislike
I'm just not good at making games. Or even coming up with games. Nothing game development related am I good at.
lmao, honestly I might be if I'm supposed to find that female form appealing
are you black? if so you could have a position at Sony
okay cris
everyone replying to the tranime girl cringe is a fag. This general has been completely taken over by underage lgbtqiggers
I had a spreadsheet full of non-fireball spells, fireball was just easy to implement first.
>Casting by mixing ingredients
>Casting by writing
>Casting by drawing
>Casting by moving objects
I dont think that forcing the player to cast spells through a cumbersome gimmick is going to automatically make a game interesting or fun. Casting spells through drawing isn't even a new or original thought, that feature was in Black and White over 20 years ago
>Basically think of every numeric variable that makes up a game. Change any of those variables except health and you're set.
You're ideaguying too hard now, a number doesn't exist in a game until you have a reason for it to exist. And making a character, environment or enemy AI that responds appropriately literally anything suddenly happening to it isn't plain sailing so "and you're set" is bullshit. You are just spitballing half-formed ideas while I've already considered all of this while trying to build it.
>Of course you can't literally recreate gandalf's magic but you can imitate the vibe of it and apply it to a more logical magic system
No, you can't because gandalf's magic isn't logical. It's wondrous and mysterious from the perspective of the audience. You are asking for two completely contradictory things. You can't vibe your way through a contradicton.
They're nicer than you so I'll allow it
a tower defense game but instead of killing them you make friends with them
In my personal experience based on how much time I put into each, I'd say:
Programming: 30%
Playable content & Level Design: 25%
Assets (I don't make my own sounds): 20%
Marketing: 5%
Making sure stuff is actually fun and thinking about how every part of the code/game will come together (game design?): 20%.

And then as you get further into the project it's mostly just marketing and adding more content.

3D is easier. 2D games require much more work before they become 'fun' and you also have to worry about clashing art styles which is hard for a beginner.
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>why is she wearing a lumpy adult diaper
they're just high cut shorts
>and have man hands?
large hands are a common design choice in cartoons
fair enough
yeah, i understand. as for the hair, i'd like to keep the horizontal stripes thing but the general quality could definitely be improved.
doesn't look anything like that
>is programming 2 characters walking side-by-side really that hard?

No, the hard part would be the choreography between their animations. You'd have to give them special code that interrupts their default behavior and instead of individual navigation paths they would both use a single path with offset points on either side of navigation points for locomotion, but this is something that is done commonly for walking in formation in many videogames. Anyone with enough programming knowledge to be making their own game should be able to hack it together.
A game where you pray to God and he helps you
orcs must die is pretty fun for stuff like this.
but then they ruin it with unfun flying enemies and damage sponges built around slow/stuns
I specifically avoided mentioning buffs because they're also boring/unoriginal at this point
soulful... quite soulful indeed.
This rolling ball game is cancer. No wonder half the yesdevs left because of it
name 3 yesdevs that left
you can't
They just went to bed
just say she's 15, stop trying to dodge the pedo allegations
I hate buffs so much
Been working 14 hour days to try to make demo day. Suffering from pretty bad headaches, don't know if it's related.
For yanderedev it's an insurmountable problem. For an average gamedev it's probably doable
Tower defense in space when?
Are they actually tower defense games though? Less than half of the top 20 on steamtrender are even conceptually a tower defense game. Less than half of those are "real" tower defense games that actually focus on towers.
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haven't touched my game in weeks. relaxed af right now. feeling pretty good about it
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she looks like she fucks brown manlets
still here
tranny faggot
still here
literally who
garbage anyways
magic is all about imagination morons
it ain't about numbers
when i play a turn based game i see the insane battle happening in my head, but it ain't about numbers
that's just a method of delivery
Finding that out would be part of doing market research. Buy a games stats pro account and go figure that out
Relax. We like ZCRPG here.
Ideaguying is about imagination. Videogames are about numbers.
relax, ZCRPG dev
Autotargeting? Seems like the pitch and yaw finish at different times. Are you using a Tween or something else to transition between targets?
It's harder than making one character follow a path but not that much harder.
relax, bocchitroon
When listing yesdevs, please include a link to their game to confirm they are indeed yesdevs and not juts a threat personality.
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CRPG, but you play as animals.
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>uhhh I can't make original and interesting buffs soooo uhh they're all bad

>drinks potion, can now fly for ## minutes, but can't attack
>drinks potion, now ##% larger, but attacks and moves slower
>drinks potion, can now jump higher, but accuracy with attacks is ##% lower
>drinks potion, can now talk to spirits but takes ##% poison damage every second

you're all fucking boring as shit, god damn.
you don't get it
your game will lack the magic
What the fuck is a crpg, how is it different from a rpg
none of you studied game design (except >>493201860)
and it shows
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bocchi is agdg culture
thank you! :)
what does that have to do with anything? this is not that type of game... at all. i just don't think it matters and can't be bothered to come up with a number to assign for her age. also i always find it kinda annoying when people argue about ages and timelines and timeskips or whatever in games where that's irrelevant, so i thought it'd be funny to just leave it completely vague.
okay :(
It stands for Chinese Role Playing Game, they are a RPG subgenre that originated in China
Morrowind was boring and I'm tired of pretending like it wasn't.
I jerked off too much and now my balls hurt
listening to Alice in chains and going to sleep
why does this look like a 3d render with some sort of shader?

uhhh photoshop users your response?
Cervix Role Playing Game. It's like a RPG but you play as a woman (weird I know but people have these fetishes).
it's conceptually sound, which is more than I can say about Troonblivion and Shartrim
those all sound like ass
+15% damage is boring but at least it isn't annoying
your retard ideas would be both boring and annoying
Papers please
that's not my neighbor
>drinks potion, can now talk to spirits but takes ##% poison damage every second
only original and interesting one posted and only half at that
the randomness is slop
crash bandicoot but instead of breaking the crates you can pick them up and throw them at enemies
real as fuck
looks cool as a placeholder
there is a lot of potential for increasing the juice here, and I hope you already plan to fix the placeholder elements like having a focus highlight appear around the input area, making the input area a distinct window (not very CLI-esque), having a scrollbar that you interact with through the mouse and doesn't fit the theme of the computer, not having the text autoscroll, and most likely not supporting page up/page down keys.
And the text lines should probably appear one by one with some delay for maximum juice
>t. fictionalized computer interface appreciator
I've never studied game design, I'm just not fucking boring and I can stop and think "huh, what are the things I like in games, what do I hate? oh yeah, i'll do that and not that"

the thing with making a game like morrowind is half of the potions have no fucking use, even though they exist. "err, uhh, let's throw in a potion of invisibility... and nothing that makes it better over literally crouching and walking slowly behind someone... and just for good measure to make sure you never use it, let's throw in specialized bows and arrows, so that you never even have to use the sneak crouch either", yeah, real genius, real good.
crash bandicoot but instead of breaking crates you befriend them
>a platformer where you build the platforms
>One game did it already!!1!
Uh-huh that doesnt mean much, a million games let you throw fireballs and i dont see everyone complaining. Furthermore, you can do the same thing differently. You can draw but like with salt on the ground or something, or with blood on the walls.
get fucking creative dude, you're giving me the vibe that you want an anon to just hand you an already perfectly cooked and finished designed document for this shit.
Of course I'm idea guying, it's what you asked for. And no, a lot of variables either will exist 100% of the time or will most likely exist. Examples are position/rotation/scale which will exist and all the possible states of the state machines of your game entities.
You can't ask me to define every varianle in your game. Does it have jumping? You can play with those variables. I can't tell you what mechanics the game should have, I can only imagine magic system options.
>I've been unable to think about anything but this moment for the past 3 hours
don't blame you, same things happens to me

for me the main goal of my game being a smashing success are
>to get rich
>to get a fanbase full of dateable busty (1) mommy doting type females (2) goth type females
with that out of the way, what even appeal to the goth types? like what genre do they play? i only know about one vaguely goth like girl who plays dark souls and roblox
You're in a game dev general. Try to be at least more than a typical /v/ poster. You can flesh out ideas with more detail than some general bullshit. That's we do. It's no excuse to be lazy like you are just because you're on the losing position.
why are you talking to children anon
morrowind but the rpg mechanics are better desu, there just saved games
Computer games run on computers, computers are glorified calculators. Literally, like actually literally, everything in and about a videogame is numbers.
Therefore yes, magic systems in vidya are by necessity about numbers. But the idea is obviously to hide that as much as possible and make it feel like it's not numbers.
Casting a fireball and dealing damage is explicitly numbers. But changing an enemy's field of view to stealth past them or smashing them against a wall with telekinesis don't feel like you're playing with numbers, even though interally you are
>your ideas sound boring because I can't imagine actually implementing gameplay mechanics that would require their usage!!

again, boring ass fucking people around here, creatively bankrupt while making video games.

>huh yeah, I'm small and this enemy is gigantic, also that area up there is a little too high for me to reach with anything around me, I wonder if I should use this potion of enlargement????
>nooooo, that's boring, I'll just keep dying 20x in a row because he's so large that one swing of his arm takes a whole half of my health bar....

>hmmm, I seem to have stumbled into an ara where the enemies are much more powerful than I am, and the only escape seems to be up and out...
>also theres this giant tree with something all the way at the top of it, and it's not climbable
>yknow what, I'll slowly climb this wall instead of flying away with my flying potion
I'm using Godot, and I already fixed the issue.
why are you not?
Someone was making a ZCRPG? Is there an itch.io page or something?
>computer isn't linux
My immersion is broken.
>you MUST use your giantess potion if you encounter this enemy otherwise it'll unavoidably one-shot you
you've turned your magic system into a shitty point-and-click puzzle key
Not anon, but now boil down appealing graphics into numbers. I'll wait.
>you MUST use your gun/sword/bow/weapon/magic powers to kill this enemy or else it'll unavoidably kill you

also, nigga play a fucking dark souls game
>Drinks potion
>Legs turn into tentacles, you can no longer wear lower body armor but you can swim through acid pools unharmed
>Drinks potion
>You can now eat your enemies for max HP increase but no longer talk to humans
and that's a good thing
point and click puzzle games are full of magic
you pick up a thing that solves a problem you had in a previous scene
open engine
add one small thing
close engine
yea im a gamdev
dark souls combat is shit though
Actually interesting post except you have to balance becoming a giant if you can do that. Baldur's Gate 3 does the whole item creativity really well.
does it matter if you think it's shit when it's on of the highest selling franchises in the industry?

go back to your cookie clicker idelshit game.
Appealing graphics? What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously what do you mean? Explain yourself and i'll answer
To be fair skyrim is the best selling of best sellers forever and yet the combat is the best example of abyssmal dogshit.
He should still play dark souls though yeah
"appeal" is a pedophile dogwhistle for sexualized children
>t. der hobby poster getting mad people want success off gamedev
I want to combine spells together and go have a variety of spells in my arsenal which would play off of each other in unique ways
rolling ball KINO
This, Wukong was way better.
Literally Noita.
Magicka already did it
You guys should play destiny 2 so you can feel what a good fps controller and satisfying shooting actually feels like
Rest of the game sucks though
bro you're kinda just like me fr fr

uhhh yes game dev hahaha i want to make money off it.
>pedophiles invented "appeal"
I don't think I could make a 'rest of the game' that is any better than d2 so what would the point be?
My idea is so good and simple but no matter how much I search I can't find one example of it. Makes me paranoid that it's actually bad
Doing game dev for money is outright retarded, there's no money in this shit. You've got better odds playing the lottery.
The only legitimate reason to make a game is having an idea you're passionate about and need to see made real, if you just want a quick buck you're far better off flipping burgers
>nazis invented "aryan"
make it harder and more punishing, single player, some resource management mechanics, desolate dangerous world with different connected regions that you traverse
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Appealing means attractive/interesting.
I finish* games for a chance at money, otherwise I am very quick to project hop.
*Real in my head
>everyone into gamedev has 0 intention of a career and just wants rent money
why are notalents like this?
i thought very hard about making destiny mixed with rain world. I even made a little CYOA that contained worldbuilding and stuff, but I put that project on ice
How do ants keep getting on my sink and why do they do it?
this is literally just a skill issue
Qudlike going strong
No clue but I love when I get those little ants in the summer, feels so fucking good squishing them up in my foreskin
It plays like any mainstream shooter though
what an appealing child
where are da loligaems?
nigga I'm boutta go NUTS
Those are crabs
too old
shooting a gun feels better than any other game I've played. the feeling of popping an aliens head with a hand cannon is orgasmic. Sneaking up behind and unloading a shotgun mag into a fat elite makes my brain tickle good
flipping burgers yields 3k/yr in my hellhole
i need like 10 reviews in a 6 month project to beat that
pretty good odds i think
Destiny plays like neutered Gaylo
post it
Mine was like that and then I wasn't paying attention to games for a bit an a game like mine came out and destroyed any chance I had
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Made a new weapon: Spiked Balls, they bounce around and deal damage when they hit the ground, with the right upgrades, they become very powerful.
I earn $170,000 USD per year writing React code.
Have you played Borderlands
nigga I'm boutta go WHOLEGRAINS
You were making a Balatro-like too?
Nice! How many steam reviews do you have so far? Curious if this genre is commercially viable
Nigga I'm about to go TUMMY TICKLES
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New infantry model.
Kinda yeah. More like sts before sts, but not before dreamquest
I'm not on a loosing anything this isn't a debate-bro stream this is just nodevs arguing a bit.
You're right I'm not fleshing out my ideas, I'm kind of shitposting between other shit I'm doing.

Magic writing can work by writing on your keyboard. You have a magic language in which you write short sentences. It wouldn't be the first game to do it. But it doesn't need to be "write this word to cast a fireball", it can be more involved, such as a word that means "box", another one that means "size" and another one that means "bigger". And casting it will make a box bigger, now you can climb that wall. It would be like using the game's console commands in a bethesda game but an actual mechanic, and with limits of course.

Magic by drawing can be done either drawing on the screen or drawing in the game world. Drawing on the screen can work like The Wonderful 101 where drawing a certain shape at a certain size does that thing with that intensity. Drawing on the world can be done with materials that let you paint. So if you draw a specific pentagram here and there it creates a portal between the two spots.
Using objects can also be involved. put a barrel on the receiving portal and if an enemy walks into the other one it teleports it into the barrel and gets trapped.
Mixing ingredients can be involved too, you draw on the ground with a combination of salt and cocaine. Both are limited supplies. Using different materials makes things different, gunpowder instead of cocaine will make the spell last longer.

All of these spells need to be set up in advance. You can't really do them if an enemy is running at you swinging a greathammer. So the game needs to either be about you being stealthy so he can have time to do all the shit. Or you has an AI companion (like a knight) that stays in front while you do your stuff. You could control aggro yourself, like creating illusions. Fake walls, fake you's, etc.

I can flesh out any of these but character limit
make a game already aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
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You guys have been my only real feedback since this gamedev thing started for me a few months ago.

I took some older battleback art and tried painting some dithering in. Which one works better? I feel like bottom but only because it covers up my garbage art. I added an enemy sprite as a point of reference
Only 2 and 3. 2 is good, 3 was kind of whatever. The movement is really good but the shooting of the gun doesn't feel as nice with all the vfx and animations and sound and feedback you get in d2. But maybe thats nostalgia I haven't played D2 in 4 years.
why use white and gold for camo?
NTA but borderlands gunplay is worse than destiny in every single way, mechanically and aesthetically. (Source: i've played both for hundreds or thousands of hours)
Nice cleavage
i like top, reminds of Anor Londo
the dithering ruins it imo
not a fan of how the dithering looks in the sky
Magic could be cast using DDR steps. Like crysis has double tap direction to activate suit abilities. Has anyone done that?
Maybe if you only played vanilla D1 in 2014. Nowadays I dont want to oversell it but it's felt like Doom 2016-ish for years.
You have great mobility, a bunch of mechanics that synergize with each other and you need to keep track of. Carefully thought out enemy plscementd and encounters. It's great
I have something cooking up but replacing the place holder model with making the animations look good will take a while.
It's blue. Cause blue is cool.
Thank you. Sex appeal is important.
The dithering looks funny to me. I like the top where it looks intentional, could you learn some fancy manual dithering and apply it to the clouds etc? Areas you want to soften?
I like bottom, but top is cleaner. The dithering adds some depth.
Before the echo
If your spell casting system is worse than just having a button, it's stupid. Games experimented with these drawing systems 30 years ago and they were dumb because it's the exact same as clicking a button only slower and error prone.
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Thanks for the feedback. It's probably just me being a lazy sack of shit and not wanting to spend another god knows how long drawing cracks and stuff.

I took out the dithering in the sky and made it soften it downwards to add a bit more depth? Improvement or just axe the dithering technique entirely?
Now that's interesting.
Do you mean your character in the game should move or the player IRL?
Either way it's not too different from drawing a spell, except it's more fixed and less loose if it's an input sequence like DDR.
Maybe a game in which you play a magic instrument, like guitar hero. But you're in control, so by playing sequences of notes at different BPMs and chaining sequences in succession you cast all kinds of magic.
I really do feel like peter molyneaux now tho
selective/varying dithering is weird to me.
i'd just be confident in your art desu, but if you feel you must, make it extremely subtle
Maybe try it being there fully but not as impactful and more subtle? It should be a minor thing. Go with whatever you think is best
Shit take, it depends on what the game is about and how much control of it you have.
If an enemy is running at you players will prefer to press a button rather than draw a thing 100% of the time.
But if it's a slower paced experience and the more complex systems allow for exponentially more nuanced spell casting rather than "press button and same thing happens everytime" then players will likely want to engage.
Programmers of the past were simply bad at programming.
It feels more like a CRT filtering than a dither filter. Ditheting should be used where colors go from one value to another to create a gradient effect and not all over the screen.
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Stupidest post in thread award.
I curse you to forever be pic rel when trying to make games
That's fair. I probably just need to go back in and spend a solid few hours unfucking it.

I used half tones in clip studio and I guess I accidentally created a CRT filter. Been reading too much Vermis probably. I think because it worked once for me I got carried away and thought it needed to apply to every piece. Thanks guys.
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>How many steam reviews do you have so far?
The game is not published yet, we will find out the answer in like two months.
programmers of today would put themselves in the psych ward trying to re-implement the stuff of 1960s (the decade that basically invented much of modern CS)
which games are you guys anticipating to play this demo day?
human men
can't wait to see the new Panic Floor release with zero changes
>So the game needs to either be about you being stealthy so he can have time to do all the shi
what about real time with pause while casting a spell?
Good post.
DMC and Bayonetta are somewhat like that.
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Out of nowhere I get this woman while checking for cool art and it made me wonder about how marmo is doing, if he could at least pay for a prostitute like I told him, maybe I was too harsh on him is not like he was a bad guy.
this whole drawing magic idea isn't so bad going to get it working next DD
You draw a circle with salt on the ground, then place yellow and black paint in the middle, then write the correct words (cunny) in the magic laguage, and you summon your pic related.
There, appealing magic system with numeric variables whatever
>replacing a diesel engine with an electric motor
She's a game dev alright. No engineer there. Crazy to know that by buying Marmoreal, I have indirectly funded this woman and her lifestyle.
honestly none of them. I still give feedback for the good of the community but i'd rather be making my game or playing one of the many games i've missed out on due to sacrificing most of my free time to making my games. I've enjoyed a number of them but there's only so much joy you can get from unfinished games.
>but there's only so much joy you can get from unfinished games.
kek even
what's the connection between marmo and her
If you think about it, MMORPGs are really just unfinished games.
In chess, and in Fire Emblem, one knows that if they lost, they made a mistake. In, one can occasionally play better, and still lose. Bad in many ways perhaps, but still it adds an interesting facet: it requires more analysis as a player. You have to be able to distinguish from situations where you played a good strategy but still lost, and situations where you lost because of your poor strategy. Certainly, in real games, a losing player will almost certainly have made mistakes, but working out what those mistakes were becomes difficult, and requires great analysis.

In my opinion, many people who struggle to improve do so for this very reason. They fail to see strategic mistakes they make, resulting in them losing, as such, instead believing their loss was a result of luck. Other times they may blame the wrong things for their loss, and correct the wrong things. This analytical ability is a crucial skill required for play, and simply wouldn't be needed if luck wasn't such a big factor.
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My game, ha!
But all jokes aside, I want to see progress from others.
Deciding whether or not this basic game design pitch sounds good (at least if it's worth venturing further to make a prototype):

I was thinking on a procedurally generated dungeon crawler character action game. Think like a mixture between Mystery Dungeon (or blobber dungeon crawler RPGs in general) and Devil May Cry, with the addition of environmental puzzles.

Floors are procedurally generated, and you basically go through them like you would with a regular dungeon crawler, just instead of tile based movement revealing the map, it would probably be a fog of war kind of thing (like what RTS games have). There's a timer for each floor that essentially encourages optimizing your current run.

It would be really cool to have a job system where you can pick jobs for party members (with their own abilities), and then cycle between the party members using the D-Pad to do neat tricks with. Think of like a tag team fighter like Marvel vs Capcom. I really want the RPG stuff to be as invisible as possible and only really there if you want the extra depth.
Can you rescind this post? That is already my idea.
It's a very personal taste thing but I detest real time with pause in 99% of games that use it. So that's why I didn't consider it. At that point either be real time but generous with pace and speed or be turn based.
If it was though... Idk man because everything I've said there could be cheesed with a pause feature so it would need to be altered a lot.
Maybe you can, for example, pause and draw the thing you want, but it doesn't get done until you unpause and your character does it in the game world. So you're using the pause to sort of input buffer your complicated magic steps but still need to avoid enemies or whatever once you unpause
got bored of working on implementing my drawing-based magic system, took a short break to throw together a program that solves the halting problem in python

really need to get back to my game if I'm going to have a build done for DD but man it's so tedious writing the if statements to check whether each pixel has been drawn on or not
everything but the last paragraph is my game lmao
it really FRUSTRATES me that players CAN simply pause my game ON a frame where the game LOOKS bad. Like 'oh i'm sorry darling, did i have to make sure EVERY frame of my game looks PERFECT?!
BOTW technically does this and the world loved it. It's not considered
But that doesn't matter, everything Link does is magic. Nintendo was already on the creativity magic items before anyone it seems.
put your trip back on froggy
post frame
>make 2D game
Marmo's woman, at least on his head.
why?! so YOU can JUST tear ME down?! is that right hotshot?
This is basically Genshin Impact dungeons. They're shit and boring though because it's nothing complicated. There's even the environmental puzzles like you mention. Good idea, needs work thoughever.
I will take jpg screenshots of your game and shill it to people in ways that is subtly off-putting, while getting basic things about your game wrong.
This unironically bothers me too. Some fucker is gonna watch a youtube video of my game and will by chance pause it during a frame where an animation looks broken or a texture looks awful. I need my game to look perfect all the time.
I'm also a nitch with an eagle's eye when playing other games and i'm scarily good at spitting incorrectly mapped textures that stretch, incorrectly lit props, seams in the geometry, and broken or inconsistent animation keyframes. This is for all games I play, AAA or indie.
If the devs were beside me when i play they would strangle me to death and i fear i will reach a stage making a game of my own where i will be like that to myself
>all this talk about magic gameplay design
>no one has played wow and seen what skill rotation looks like
>borders on arcane hand movements
All this talk about screenshots of a game being broken, it's like none of you played Team Fortress 2 and got silly deathcams.
no one cares how your game looks if it plays like shit
haven't you learned from AAA games?
Team Fortress 2 is tranny central, not touching that shit with a 10 foot pole
I've had my game torn apart by a streamer before. Relax, its no biggie.
Funny lmao the best magic system og sll was the one that makes the player move irl like he's casting magic
I mean that's not quite intended but the devs knew it happened and left it vuz it was funny.
Brainrot gaming :)
I mean all advertisement is good advertisement i guess. But id suffer nonetheless
This is why every frame in The Witness looks great by the way.
also probably why the world is nearly completely dead and static
>restrict canvas to 256x256
Based jon blow thank you god.
The Witness is my favorite game of all time and yeah it's crazy what a pedantic perfectionist he was, but it was worth it imo. (It's the only puzzle game on my personal fave game list, all other ones are adventure/rpg type stuff)
sure about that? every other time I play it's someone in VC saying nigger or some other shit
And thats a bad thing because?
What do you want, walking npcs that tutorialize you?
If you just mean the leaves on trees moving or something like that, i regret to inform you that it is a conscious decision that affects gameplay and the game wouldnt work if stuff moved around more. I mean this, if you know you know
Why do you think so? It's no different than manually drawing things in a programming language today. The use of a CRT doesn't change anything, the theory behind how to render lines in 2d and 3d is no different, the only thing different back then was they had to use hardware level languages like assembly.

Why do you zoomers assume that old technology was some kind of arcane magic?
Yeah, my main issue with Genshin Impact's combat system is that it feels like it was optimized for touch screens. I likewise think that the "Genshin killer" people talk about, Wuthering Waves, still feels very bland.

My main thought process for this concept was: What if I took something like Mary Skelter: Nightmares and recontextualized the gameplay mechanics to something that could work within the confines of an action game. I thought a concept like that would sound pretty cool on paper, especially with a stress mechanic (I was thinking of something like narrowly dodging attacks or doing risky moves) thrown into the mix that you have to manage or exploit.
>the theory behind how to render lines in 2d and 3d is no different
drawing to a CRT is significantly different than drawing to an LCD actually
Not anon, but that anon was wrong anyways. It wasn't a programming marvel as much as it was an engineering marvel. The guys who do the actual hard work of sensors, portability and the whole design. All programmers do is write the functionality.
>pause and draw the thing you want, but it doesn't get done until you unpause and your character does it in the game world. So you're using the pause to sort of input buffer your complicated magic steps
Yes, exactly. Lots of games do something similar to this, like pausing or substantially slowing down the game when the inventory wheel is open, stuff like that. It can obscure the view of the game world if you want and be fairly useless as a cheesing method.
It could also consume an up-front mana cost to discourage using it outside of a real intention to cast a spell
>can instantly cast time magic to cast another magic
>will soon be able to write a magical circuit that casts the exact magic you want
underrated post
They are rhetorical questions because I was being nice.
The answer is no, most of those games are not tower defense. They just use the tag. You can just look at the game and be able to tell they it's not a tower defense.
pretty sure those are on windows 98
>If you just mean the leaves on trees moving or something like that,
I do not, but yes, I understand Blow is an otherworldly genius that used static tree branches and shadows as part of a puzzle, i'm still picking up parts of brain from that experience (in having to walk back and forth to reset the puzzle because his design language is obtuse).
What i mean is Blow really doesn't like games and has no idea how to actually make them, he merely makes scenes which house puzzles which attempts to skinwalker a game.
Which was my main problem with The Witness, it's not really a game, as much as a virtual front-end to a series of puzzles.
one updoot for you too
tower defense isn't a game, it's a minigame.
>warcraft 3 isn't a game
>drawing to a CRT is significantly different

Not for the computer or program, that is the job of the video output hardware. CRT TV's have existed for a long, long time and even in 1963 there was standardization of what sort of analog input signal they needed for their line scan. The hardware for the computer would've included the module that takes the cartesian grid output of the computer and converts it to a line scan.

It's like you people don't have any concept of blackboxes in systems, how tf are you guys programmers?
warcraft 3 isnt a tower defense
okay, nvm about obscuring the game world if you have to be drawing stuff on walls etc., but the time freeze/slowdown could still cost something, have limited duration, etc.
how isn't WC3 a TD?
I want to drop $50k on a canal boat.
im not gonna take you seriously when your best idea is to pretend an rts is actually a tower defense
Witness is basically Blow coming up with a puzzle mechanic with many mechanics, then creating an overworld that paces you through learning each of those mechanics. It's like those university projects you see here and there where they focus really hard on reinforcing how to play on the player that it feels like a guided tour rather than a game.
>warcraft 3 isnt a tower defense

Zoomer, tower defense started as custom maps for starcraft, warcraft etc. It was my favourite map type, setting up seige tanks etc. to kill waves of zergs.

Instead of anon I'm going to start using zoomer since it's clear none of you are old enough to know what the fuck you're talking about.
That would also make AoE2 a TD
Please explain why WC3 is not a tower defense.
If it's absolutely not one, it should be trivial.
same query to you.
Is Path of Exile a tower defense game? (Btw, it has more tower defense gameplay content than any tower defense game on Steam, in case you never played it.)
>tfw a few anons telling you that your dithering doesn't look good forces you to figure it out and now it looks a lot better
Thanks guys <3
according to these two, yes, path of exile is a tower defense, because it has a tower defense minigame.
Whatabout'ing is not an argument.
Again, please explain why WC3 is not a TD.
Why is it so difficult?
I don't remember if AoE had ranged weapons but any RTS with a map editor and ranged weapons would've been able to do tower defense maps. That is how the genre started, you spawned your units into a limited area which restricted their movement and made them towers and waves of enemies went by with custom scoring rules for the map.
>taking screenshots for page
>no this frame makes it look bad
>no theyre not in the right positions
I can only imagine how the screenshots would be if the average gamer was taking them
be sure to put us in the credits
Ngl I'm debating putting /agdg/ as a consultant in the credits for a laugh because you guys are the only ones who see my work
AoE2:DE has the sickest looking tower (and castle, which are basically extra large towers) spritework out of any game currently on the market. It's basically the best tower defense game, right? You can even force your opponent to play tower defense by tower rushing them.
A good combat system has intended solutions but not required solutions. If there's only one way to beat a boss, then the game is shit.
I've put every single person who's playtested my game and provided feedback in the credits of my game, along with /agdg/. Wish there was a way to credit anons in the thread beyond just that- you all deserve some credit.
Smart idea I'm gonna do that.
I'm not putting any of you retards into my game
none of you did shit
Use deeplearning AI to recognize your drawing and cast magic based on it
i came up with the idea
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bit rude
just put Anonymous x (number of useful replies)
>special thanks
>Aggle Degas
or put in the post ids so we can look them up in the archive
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>there are people here who've spent 10 years working on a single game
Special thanks (You)
>nnnnnNNNNNOOOOOO don't give an example unless you plan to give EVERY EXAMPLE!!

>giant enemy
>you have magic and potions
>can summon a giant ally
>can make yourself giant
>can git gud (better gear or master the combat system)
>can make yourself invisible and poison him over and over
>can fly around his face, land on him, and choke him to death with your staff
>can throw shit into his mouth and make him explode in a shit fountain

okay, now post your original ideas.
even more
>raise a horde of undead while you jerk off in the corner
>fucking enslave him
>can fuck the giant
>use a potion of shrinking on him
>use the wildlife you befriended by being a fucking druid to peck his eyes out
>just like summon your flying broom to stab into him (costs you a broom, go make another flying ointment you fucking retard)
Wrong, I spent 10 years on TWO games!
most reddit shit I've ever read
Nobody does original ideas in games because most ideas people come up with are gay and are convoluted for the sake of being "original"
when the godot collision is still tunneling and I could finally release my game to feed my infant daughter and pregnant wife if only I could patch it out
so basically, ideas that highly appeal to the masses instead of just flaming retards who couldn't muster a "hello" to someone with tits larger than a lemon? oh nooo so baddddd! how will I ever recover without the approval of fourchinners!!?!?!??!
My game is original and not convoluted though so you’re wrong
just do raycastings between frame positions to check if it went thru a wall
Nta but this is actually the most reddit shit ive ever read
Viewfinder was great minus a few issues.
just imagined you as a soiboy wojak
>godot collision is still tunneling
Cap your velocity buddy
do you enable continuous collision? And use Jolt physics?
I ended up using raycasts for my ballistics because I didn't want to spawn hundreds of rigid bodies unnecessarily, but the rigid body method does work fine, I think.
I would do this but its kinda soulless and antithetical to my game. You wanna be able to build as much velocity as possible
it's a schizo, he used to complain it was impossible to put a gradient on a button in unity, for the past few months it's been tunneling in godot
I straight up cant find continuous collisions in the character body2d node, is that something you can get in jolt?
Its funny as hell that i don’t even know who you’re reffering to and ive never used unity. How did you come to this conclusion
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all you
>do you enable continuous collision? And use Jolt physics?
Continuous collision detection is only for rigidbodies. And Jolt is 3D only
>You wanna be able to build as much velocity as possible
If you are using move_and_collide, then you should be able to just split it up into more calls by dividing the motion. Maybe you can with move_and_slide as well, but I don't really know
Looking in the Godot Github issues, it seems there have been reported but fixed issues with tunneling. Whatever this schizo is doing is brand-new and they should report it to the maintainers so they can address the issue, unless they're just attention-seeking and have no intention of actually fixing the issue.
To the person who gave me the idea of having the test NPC be a severed head, I like it, and I will use that thing for that. I think i will do a thing where his body is still alive elsewhere and he warns you about it being dangerous kind of like that one guy in dark souls 2, and it's like a miniboss
Those are actually all me except for the legolas one. I don’t know where you got the gradient button from
>If you are using move_and_collide, then you should be able to just split it up into more calls by dividing the motion
What do you mean by this? Have multiple signals for the collision?
Guyth the moderation team said the bug is fixed its a-okay!!!
>What do you mean by this? Have multiple signals for the collision?
I mean do something like this
move_and_collide(velocity / 2.0)
move_and_collide(velocity / 2.0)
why does he do it
what's so funny and entertaining
By coincidence, I was having trouble with tunneling today with Bullet Physics in Godot 3.x, but found I could solve it relatively easily by drastically decreasing the "margin" parameter used by Bullet. I have no idea why it's so high by default and can see why Godot dropped Bullet and is working to switch to Jolt for 4.x
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It's not just a TF2 thing. Valorant and Overwatch use the concept extensively.

Games with more realistic art styles like Rainbow Six Siege may not actually do much with silhouette ingame, but the character select portraits do a lot to express the character's personality and playstyle.

Concord's character designs aren't even abysmal by themselves - they just are just in complete discordance with each other.
>Concord's character designs aren't even abysmal by themselves
Not him, but they are fine when you imagine them in their own game.
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I finally found the perfect Japanese artist to ripoff for the artstyle of my game.
I'm surprised someone never ripped off One's goofy art and made a 1 Punch Man-esque game
cause he's actually good
One's style wouldn't work well for (high framerate) animation. Even in the anime most of the fight scenes look pretty different to the more comical SoL stuff.
>Guyth the moderation team said the bug is fixed its a-okay!!!
bood blorne
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>son you are ngmi
we should have listened
My dad told me some crazy americans could buy my game
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It's the pool rooms, the pool rooms, it's the pool rooms guys, it's the pool rooms.
fucking spoiler that shit, I screamed and woke up the neighbors!
What even IS a ZCRPG.
Z as in the last of its kind. ZCRPG.
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this is going to sound retarded but is there a way to set a gameobject's rotation relative to global coords in unity despite it being childed to a rotated object?
subtract the difference
zero combat

brimstone is still here, he posted his DD review application last night
>zero combat RPG
may as well make a zero sex brothel
Massage parlors are good thougheverbeit.
massage parlors are only zero sex if you're ugly or poor
>he doesnt know
>I am encountering a problem with this software.
>Should I report it to the official issue tracker for said software?
>No, I'll just post about it on a Cuban shadowboxing forum instead!
blud borne where all the chars are chavs
mario but instead of jumping on turtles you suck a hot blonde milfs tits
/agdg/ but instead of you posting its you never posting again
This looks really good. Dangerously underrated post.
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sorry chuddie, I own this general
The best game of 2023 was a zero combat RPG
took you over 10 minutes to reply, about the amount of time it takes to snip that drag it left and add a 2. Get a life loser.
Top sky and background.
Bottom rest.
learn to count nigga
I don't have a single (you) sick of the fake ones in this general
nvm this thread is so old I have some still

who is going to make the next thread
Id be ashamed to post this image if it was real
ToTK was all combat albeit?
My game is bad bros and I feel bad, but I'm gonna make DD anyways :peepocry:
I'm gonna do it
I'm (go)nna (do) i(t)
>less than 24 hours until DD

and this general is on page 10. LMAO agdg really is dead

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