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Previous >>493049614

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>Metaphor: ReFantazio Official Showcase - https://youtu.be/RlbKYbS0nSk

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
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I need Yuko's soles in my face so bad bros...
that's a soapy
I was actually asking because I like Don't a lot but it didn't sound like Kitajoh's style
Ai love Soapy!
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So lost and numb without you
Cute soapy
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Yeah Kozuka is doing the Answer music
It's really obvious that Ryota is composing when you listen to the Heartful Cry remix
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this but anna
I've always been lucky.
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Good Afternoon /pg/!
I wish he'd stay working on SMT, that Heartful Cry remix was ass
Dumb whore shouldn't have killed him then.
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Why did she do it?
>Metis has black body parts to contrast Aigis
>DLC outfits make her bodyparts human skin colored
Would Aigis also look like that without the white cloth/gold bracing parts of her body?
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golden aigis would be cool
Would've been cooler if her hand switched out with the sword blade and her wrist was the guard
That looks fucking awful. Take that shit back to deviantart.
Nah, swords that are forced to be parallel with your forearm are useless. A large part of the versatility of swords comes from the various angles we can move them at.
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How do social Link work in metaphor since you are travelling across the world?
Imagine how cheap she would be in today's money.
cute Soap, I will now play Strikers [Lie]
If we would go by the Labrys and Unit 024's designs yes.
35 dollar in USD is 5k yen. But that is due to the USD having 20% increased inflation in the past 4 years.
Some of them probably travel like Catherina and Alonzo. You can also go back to Grand Trad at some point of the story, in the new trailer you can see them fly on the ship into Grand Trad. Most of your social links will be the party members/more so they will happen on the ship.
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Claiming this heartful honey.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
I need her to cuck me.
Kamoshida got you covered
How would you want it to go?
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Shitmire was a mistake.
sex with maids
based and true
let's all just not think about her
I just had my Hawaii date with Hifumi
It was cute. I had to watch the other ones though
This is my first time hearing the EN voices. They're actually pretty good, especially Cherami Leigh and Erika Harlacher.. Makes me think EN Ann and EN Makoto might be more popular than JP Ann and JP Makoto?
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i want to kiss maidkari
Overall yes
For me P5 dub is almost unplayable
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Drawing Morgana everyday until I get good, day 1
Give tips
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You tell 'em, Morgana!
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dub makoto is pretty similar to the original
i fucking despise dub ryuji and kamoshida
morgana loses a lot of charm too, that's why dubfags are such rabid haters of him
BASED, I will support you anon
I'm obviously playing in JP
And I didn't say anything about the other voices, which range from meh to ear-grating. But I could listen to EN Makoto and Ann.
Pikachu Morgana is the best
I'm so sad that right now while I'm in Hawaii he's going through a depression arc alone, I just wanna cuddle him
Practice shapes and shading them in
Give him a big ass.
Get a sketchbook with clean paper, and keep practicing, I can see the potential anon keep going
cute mona!
I will save each Mona, Anon-sama.
Now that the dust has settled, what's our final verdict bros?
I don't know any of those ecelebs and don't want to know either.
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Don't sweat the details
SHITmire and femc are definitely the worst.
There's actually a way to fast travel instantly to Gran Trad early and at any moment of the story. Because their gauntlet runner is "extra special".
>Drawfags coming back
>Spam getting somewhat dealt with
>Groojos return
Metaphor actually saved /pg/
/pg/ has been getting so much oc lately. its healing...
Is Ann popular? I thought both the west and Japan didn't really like Ann
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I can't really argue against it. Sumire mostly exists to not give Shiho more screentime since she fits Maruki's themes more and is a deeper/more thought provoking version of the topic and to be better for coomers.
go to sleep
That's interesting. Makes sense lore wise too, since their gauntler runner was originally designed for the prince
I don't have an issue with Morgana's voice. I just think the character is poorly handled and he's more chaffing than charming.
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game showing morgana being insecure for the nth time in front of the joker and then not allowing you to do anything about it is frustrating
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a quality Mona, filled with soul
I liked morgana the last time I played
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Mona hours?
It makes sense in terms of gameplay, that was my theory. Even so, I'm very disappointed.
>better for coomers.
Shiho is for that incel linux nerd, not coomers they don't deserve her.
which voiceover did you use?
the general thing I hear is that JP Mona is a lot more endearing and likable than EN Mona
I mean, at least shitmire isn't used goods.
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sure why not
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Are some girls bigger than others?
I've used both and I really don't mind the dub voice. It just not the core issue(s) of the character.
So you're telling me Eupha and Junah are different characters?
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i wish morgana had his own arc
sharing it with haru didn't work for either of them
They aren't anything alike
One of them has 3 eyes and is brown
At least shiho isn’t a murderer like Shitmire.
for example, Junah has a 9head
Talk about anything else
How did you even think they were the same?
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That definitely would have helped him, but another problem with how he's handled is how everyone else handles him. It just seems so goddamn contrived when he throws his bitchfit.
being a murderer > taking a BKC
You can tell it's on the right path when the schizo screeches in pain whenever it gets posted
Lol I got him banned again
The Metaphor general will be very strong at the start
What schizo?
As someone that hasn't been watching any trailers, reviews, etc on metaphor, Eupha might be top 5 cutest characters Atlus has ever designed. Really excited to never remove her from the party. I hope she doesn't have an annoying voice or anything.
What did you do now?
Aigisfag had a meltdown last thread when Euphaanon posted their art
I like her helmet.
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deshou~ deshou~
it's not contrived, you just have to let go of the notion that ryuji dindu nuffin
You can hear a clip of her voice when the ship is flying in the latest trailer
Only one that had a meltdown was a insecure schizo having a melty over somebody drawing aigis for no reason.
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Aigis is a cutie scootie.
No one actually believes your retardation.
I won't.
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>The Answer OP is mid as hell
I'm never gonna get enough motivation to actually play through Reload.
It's not worth it. I was really close to not playing it, but convinced that one feature was in. It was not in.
Your entire generation has no attention span, begone.
Being able to teleport back to town was a huge disappointment ngl.
Shut up nigger, I'm 30
Deload would be infinitely more playable if there was an option to switch between old and new music like in IS psp
Seeing the open world sand area with the big lion looking things gives massive xenoblade vibes, I hope the lion things are killable. (I also hope there's a wealth hand esque enemy with gimmick resistances to cheese exp with)
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Would be kino.
I agree but maybe there is some restriction or drawback for doing this. Since story wise they fly back into the Grand Trad instead of teleporting back
That's a manticore.
Nah, even without Ryuji it's still quite contrived.
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threadly cube
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Threadly Doors
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The lion things are killable, they appear in some other dungeons too, but probably not in the early game segment before you get to the capital.
As far as we know there are little elemental sprites and they act kinda like wealth hand, there's also those golden teeth but we don't know if they're like the wealth hand.
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Threadly cube
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Why's his nose so red
they got rid of Aki dodging aigis' bullets. i will never forgive wada for as long as i live.
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cutekoto =<
It's because Sumi's hair color rubbed off on me.
growing old and jaded sucks, i hope you get better
This is what it comes down to desu, if the player is immature enough to think that picking a side is the point they won't like Morgana
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Memories of Your Cock
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IS PSP opening is peak Meguro though. Even if it clashes with the game's mood.
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I like it, I meant more the battle/in-game music, just having the option to do it is good.
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No way the were ever gonna top

But it wasn't even close
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MC being able to talk is going to add so much to the party dynamic.
It's just not worth the gameplay flow by the time you get to the third block (and once you've cleared the tutorial zone of the third block) is a travesty especially by Atlus standards. Like the mechanics went together more effectively in SH2 and all the rougelite shit they tried to add just doesn't work with Tartarus at all. Definitely the least competently made Atlus game that I can think of
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ok I have some free time what slops do you wanna see? lolis only
Metaphor looks pretty good, so it's not all bad
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I like how many options to bully Gallica he has, and that a lot of his options aren't just repeating what's in the textbox but he's adding his own spin to it
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Threadly orb
bloomers. Stretching. sweaty.
Teddie topsicle on the crotch
pet the orb
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Loli Gallica
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I want to SNIFF Gallica
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Here I would have guessed Rosecea + alcohol
I didn't drink that day if you can believe it.
Lavenza facesitting pov
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All you'd be able to see is the top of her head
They're just like me...
who do I fap to
big FUUKA vibes from this girl
illegal (she's NOT a thousand year old demon)
Pissing on her hair
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you're a fookin' idiot, joker
I really hate catfags. Every last one of them is fucking braindead and assumes that the reason people hate Morgana is because they like Ryuji or they're just too stupid to understand the complexities of the furball.
It's none of that, we get it, he's just a weak character that drags the story down.
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I think it's time for you to go to bed
nah but fr fr they be droppin that shiit on god
Cheerleader Loli Marie
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If Atlus don't release Persona 6 information soon I will fly to Japan and leave a gaijin steamer in their front office
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Thank you for petting threadly orbs
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It's coming out on October 11th
Play Armored Core 6
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>It's none of that, we get it, he's just a weak character that drags the story down.
Haru is the actual character that drags the story down, not Morgana.
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The review copies are already out?
A Neptunia fan's vote of confidence doesn't bring me any confidence
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literally who
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word is bond son
having a mental breakdown like this just proves the point
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"Software quality assurance tester for playstation" in their bio
she's a cute anime waifu so she gets a pass
Verdict day is better
flopbros what's the next move
Finally a girl who won't top the protagonist
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Eupha has huge powerbottom energy
Uhhh texture bad...
I like Ryuji and Morgana
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Why should I care about his opinion?
based, though
fuck morgana and catfags
ryuji did nothing wrong
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seek help
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we spam "DEI woke leftist sweetbaby slop" threads on /v/
Morgana gets btfo's once you get to the level where nearly all you party members have diarahan.
Lucky Punch is his only good skill.
those haven't been working tho
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stop playing video games, get jacked
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What part of that seemed unstable to you, retard(s)?
That's cool, bro. Just don't act like an obnoxious fag anytime someone says something mildly critical of them and we're cool.
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who is going to be the media literacy check in metaphor?
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based ratman
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Flopbro...don't you think it's the time to throw in the towel?
it would be tiny compared to the full, robust, and well founded dumps of the typical japanese housewife
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100% Louis
Don't care already pre-ordered and I'm going to enjoy it
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>Losing to a game that got it's studio shut down
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sorry anon teddie shaved ice is the closest I could get
you need to say who is in bloomers stretching and sweaty
Retard kun...
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Persona 6: Space Marine
Metaphor is another DEI slop like Persona 2 and Digital Devil Saga. After they made the protagonist of SH2 a woman it was obvious that Atlus just entered its woke phase.
My heroes...and the evil empress Gallica
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soulful teddie
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Spam aigis almost as bad as sumischizo does, both here and on the future /meta/
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futaba a cutetaba
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nyaoto a cute
post more nyaoto please
Pro Yakyu Spirits is so good
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You can have this, but I urgently need to get back to idling in Kenshi
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My fat brown belly would look great folded over Sumi's asscheeks
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>Kevin and Rean front and center on the new kiseki cover
I didn't want to find out like this. I'm so tired of Rean...
If I don't respond, then you mean nothing to me.
the new characters are the center
the other two are from the two other routes the game has
Need to pet
Put some clothes on
I'm not that tired of him because I absolutely refuse to finish CS4 out of spite.
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but you did respond
Please delete this
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Is that the baseball game?
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Fuuka is my wife.
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most flopposters moved on from metaphor because DQ3 remake is DEI now or something
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cute orb
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I'm surprised they haven't killed themselves yet after last week
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I haven't even played Kuro yet, I hated CS4 and Hajimari just so damn much.
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Answer me now
Who's your favorite Persona girl?
Which Metaphor girl do you think will be your favorite?
Who's your favorite fire emblem girl?
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I said it's Sumi.
Kawakami but some days Hifumi
Don't care
Morgana + Yukari = Gallica
Akihiko + HRT = Hulkenberg
Rise + hag = Junah
Fuuka + Haru = Eupha
Hulkenberg or Junah, I am keeping myself unspoiled for now so I don't really know
Don't know don't care
gallcia or Eurpheria, not really sure at this point
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Ann Babamaki
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>Picks all the best girls from each game and mashes them together
Soejima is a genius
p6 will feature the option to pick between body type A and body type B
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Awful taste. She's made for pump and dump and don't know how anyone would like her.
Evil Gallica
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dunno, gallica maybe
me like older women
pixie butt love
>Soejima starved for inspiration
>Finds this picture
>Makes Gallica and then the rest of the charaters
you're in your mid 30s I'm afraid.
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>finish a unrelated doujin
>get hit with that existentialism p3r ref
you're 15 years old I'm afraid.
Gallica or Junah
Lyn's cute, but I can't remember anything about her or her game
>not FES
Dunno, been avoiding any pre-release media
I don't play FE, but Claire best trails girl
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Fellow YukoCHAD!!!
you didn't respond to the correct post unfortunately.
It sucks that pretty much all the doujins Reload produced were fucking NTR.
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doujins just 3 months old

it was an unrelated loli doujin
Is there a new janny? The schizo has been put in his place more often than usual
How about bottomless?
I'm sorry about that. I wish your waifu could easily be together with you.
i wish japs werent so mindbroken
/pg/ started being more active.
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Pregvenza when?
>loli doujin
Post it
>Lyn's cute, but I can't remember anything about her
She's basically a savage princess. She's the daughter of a noblewoman but was born and raised in the grasslands where people are considered barbarians because women go around without pants and underwear, or something like that.
Blame Japanese society and Yakuza breaking it.
I'm incredibly excited for Metaphor, it seems like besides the schizos most of /pg/ is too. I was curious, besides performance issues and stuff, what would make your opinion of the game shift into the negative??
too many black characters
Shit story and characters
The only crimes a game can truly commit is to:

a) unreasonably farm money out of players
b) be boring

if metaphor avoids either I will enjoy it
If it's P5 2.0 and the combat breaks down.
Stop forcing discussion of dead off topic franchises.
perhaps you are excited for metaphor, but i'm not and never will be. How do you reconcile that?
If its just politics, I cannot begin to give a fuck about politics or a big focus on shit like race.
>How do you reconcile that?
By laughing at you while the 3rd pillar gets shoved up your ass anon
I mostly remember her ponytail and qipao looking skirt, and having a serious temperment. and giving me a thing so sword girls forever after
If the story has the characters end up running to the real life instead of staying in their own world and improving it.
What do you think my iq is?
bout 5
By simply not caring about your worthless opinion.
Higher then room temp since you're not excited for DEI slop.
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Fuck off retard.
121. it was measured at.
About 50
about tree fiddy
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I don't think the game can be bad at this point, at worst it would be mediocre.
The worst thing that can happen is that the characters are boring, the story is predictable which is what worries me the most at the point, and that it doesn't convey the feeling of adventure.
letting other people make decisions for you is cringe
they'll rerelease metaphor instead
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Wadasisters, things are looking grim…
>implying the rereleases have anything to do with lacking IPs
It's all about asset flipping and making more off of less.
He said "besides the schizos", dude. Still quite lower than mine :^)
Im disconnected...
I hope those articles will stop. It's not true in the slightest.
I hate doing the housework so I'd call her all the time.
121 inches of 3rd pillar up your ass
I want Metaphor x Persona crossover in the etrian odyssey fashion like PQ
I reflexively dislike all dubs (although PSG worked retroactively because the VAs were given explicit instructions to swear and talk like trashy whores) but I'll give this a listen.
Fire Emblem has good sword girls
Episode Aigis not having Metaphor costumes is absurd.
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kissing a robot, woah...
Done shitposting?
This really. The story isn't looking like it's anything special yet and the combat looks derivative of SMT. It might have surprises in store, but there's a good chance it'll all be the same shit you've heard before or worse, something new but uncreative.
Still, people that have actually played the game seem hyped about it so maybe there's hope.
reload couldn't even keep all the costumes that were in the past p3 releases to begin with
velvet room costume "wave" of the expansion pass was a fucking joke too
Fake. You worked delivering packages and spend most of your day getting ignored on 4chan. You're literally retarded.
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>Total Chie love
>Hulkenberg (looks alone)
It doesn't even have P1 and P2 ones so it makes sense, and Metaphor is not out yet. P6 probably will have them unless Wada is salty
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It's funny to me every night, how I know so much more than you could ever imagine.
lick lick
One of the EOs had proto-Hulkenberg in it.
Care to drop some knowledge then???
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I have P4 fan fiction related to this post.
fan fiction from a /pg/ of the past...
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Ok but what do any of these posts have to do with Eupha
Made for handholding and missionary
Knowledge opened her third eye
what is she planning
I have. read the archives.
I'm going to cum in her third eye and there's nothing you can do about it.
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do you really want to see that or are you joking?
Remember this guy?
literally the evilest fairy holy shit
I hope a based animationfag or an artfag does Eupha doing Shiva's Tandava dance from SMT, or at least the pose at the end. That shit would be so CUTE!!
you mean the p3fag that was just posting here a couple days ago?
No I don't, I've never seen him before.
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She reminds me of the really awful Gunbuster sequel
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Be careful what you wish for or you might get an abomination like this
Nora Kisuragi or something, yeah the going into games machine guy!
Rolling my third eye into the back of my head and squinting through the black
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You're actually a dumbass and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you unfuck it.
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These accounts use bots to get screencaps.
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End yourself
>Heart shaped hole
Why is this fairy so slutty
Fuuka has a potato face but she's strangely cute, why is this?
Meant for
I think I'm a waste of life who never should've been born.
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Tater wife
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It sucked

she takes after her atlus ancestor
Gato sexo.
Seriously every time I see her I feel the urge to snuggle her and make her eyes roll up in her head with hairfloofing.
I hope she has a Trish DLC outfit
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You suck
fappin to shumako, what's everyone else doing
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Gallica is cute!
Disgusting unfortunately.
Lying awake so I don't have to sleep and make time pass and get up and go to work
I love when she sits on your shoulder when you idle
It used to be a thing with youtubers making /x/ videos, but bots would get threads with a certain amount of replies and then make automated videos on them using text to speech. It was a bigger thing 5 years ago, but many things still bots to connect to the trending threads on the home page to find threads to make screencaps of.
At work fantasizing about romantic dates with Chie instead of going through my online courses or looking at tickets.
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I'm at work
>Gallica's plate
There's no way she's eating all of that right...?
Why do they make tiny utensils for fairies?
We stopped working 2 and a half years ago.
She's a growing lady
That's late hours
That's not really a healthy mindset to have either. Just acknowledge that you're a very fallible dummy and that's a good starting point.
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Get back to work, wagie minions.

She's growing evil, amirite
Of course they have those, would you want Gallica to burn the place down if she didn't get her utensils?
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Playing VotV while processing how absolutely fucked my life currently is. Then wondering when God/Satan/Whothefuckever is gonna get a different joke.
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I love her more than anything, you know that
I wish I could sleep until october bros...
You can enjoy the episode Aigis until October anon! Please play it and talk about it
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October... The best...
This with best girl. Not Sumire.
I hate these accounts
It's called The Answer. Episode Aigis is a terrible lazy name that tells you nothing and provokes no thought. .
It is good to stay awake
She cast a spell on me...
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I wish I could sleep forever
It's called Episode Aigis, a DLC Wada san worked really hard on and fought for with the Sega higher ups. Put some respect to it and call it by its actual name. Without his efforts it wouldn't even release.
Morgana looks like he needs belly rubs
No you don't
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I will, I'm looking forward to that too, but once I beat it's gonna be like 2-3 weeks of boring.
Sleep feel good
>she catches you cheating on her with Chie
Wada is a fag
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58702864 in one window with ol' reliable afrobull in another window
Wake me up when September ends
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door would be disappointed in you
Belly rubs
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We both know this isn't what you really want. We can change this world together.
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Me and my dyke fembro
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Anna never smoked cigarettes in P2, this fan art isout of character
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Don't sleep through dreams that can come true...
lmao, I always thought he looked familiar but I couldn't place my figner on it
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What about the thing she is a protag in?
Can you make Shiho pure
This is all.
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My big hope for Metaphor is that the dungeons are as good as DDS1
She did nothing wrong
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To create a perfect world is a noble goal and I won't let sufferingcucks tell me otherwise.
If the dungeon are good, it's going to be 10/10.
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The first few they showed off looked pretty good, actual branching paths
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Are there any consequences for romancing all the girls in reload?
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The Answer ends after the first dungeon, everyone decides MC was a scumbag and walks out of the dorm happily.
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It makes you a bad person
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If you even talk to another SL girl even if not romancing them, the romance events will all replace some of the dialogue with them bitching about seeing you with another girl. This counts Aigis. The only girl this doesn't count to is the rori.
Makes you a manwhore
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Heaven's Blade looks really cool. What Persona should I get it on?
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Gabriel or any of the other archangels
The rightful owner, Michael
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He's gross and orange.
I don't really like any of the archangel designs.
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P1 is the best cast because they are the dumbest
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So close to emokino
Fake tomboy, betrayed
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good stuff, even if slightly ooc
I like how expressive everyone is. You got a bitch, an occultist, a clone girl, the number 1, a magician, a guy named after shitting himself, a monkey and a rebel. Very creative.
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P1 is persona at its peak but /pg/ is not ready for this conversation
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You get to play the game properly
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Would I be able to finish P1 before Metaphor drops if I grinded it? What's the best way to play it? I know theres a shitty US localization where they make 1 of the characters black, I don't want to play that one.
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Gallica looking a lot more kind than usual
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mankind is imperfect, only God is perfect. Trying to create a world only God could make is a fool's errand.
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Do you have a life
How much time do you waste every day playing video games, masturbating, and on 4chan?
You can finish it
P1 is pretty short and easy you don't really need to grind, just max AGI, fuse lilim and win. It's a 20ish hour game
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>if I grinded it
If you started now and only play it until you're done then yes.
>What's the best way to play it?
I played the psp version. Maybe someone else can tell you the absolute best way to play.
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Tell me, where is your god now? Call him. Call his wrath down upon me. You cannot. For he does not exist.
The main story line might take you 25-50 hours depending if you want to grind for certain stuff, but it's not too long.
SQQ is 10 hours max.
Item fusion is very strong with spell cost being dependent on persona's base level. So you can get something like the Half Moon Tablet and fuse it with the weakest persona you have for cheap heals. Lilim is the default persona to get for the MC when possible.
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Can I fuck lilim in persona 1?
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you can try
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harem is easily the most immersionbreaking thing in persona, especially in 3\
>yes, multiple teenage girls living together never find out that you are double timing them
the number of hoops atlus have to jump through to make it possible is insane
It's pretty short. There are two routes, the main one a the Snow Queen Quest.
The ps1 localization is awful. They changed the name and sprites of all the characters. Even the random monsters Nyarlathotep was changed to Super Guido.
The psp OST is completly different and generally considered worse. It basically changed the classic smt themes for modern persona music, which it could be a good or a bad thing depending on who you ask. There is a mod out there to swap back to the original OST but I haven't try it.
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Hashino Kino
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P6 but the girls acknowledge you deserve a harem.
how do i play a well translated but unlocalized version??
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Harem is the intended version. Get fucked Wadafags
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>There is a mod out there to swap back to the original OST but I haven't try it.
It's pretty good. I was a little dissapointed that School days and A lone prayer didn't play once but I imagine the latter getting repetitive/annoying with the high encounter rate.
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So smol
completing all SLs was never intended, you have the same mindset as guidefags
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What a lovely day to post Metis!
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A Lone Prayer is garbage, just like the P4 battle themes, but this general refuses to accept that
The jealousy system and reversible links are the only real and truthful application of Social links. I’m sorry you had to get a babied down game for the purpose of keeping the feelings of fat losers intact.
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It was my favorite battle track in P5S.
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Luv Mets
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I like the P1 vocal themes added in the PSP version, but Aoki is an absolute legend
Lol retard
This hate-crazed thot just don't stop
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I wish women were real...
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Nope. The psp lets you skip animations so that alone makes it the version.
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Closer looks …. Different somehow…
Just play PSP
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Negative IQ take
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I’m sorry the bare basics of social sim elements are too much for you. Please enjoy Persona 5 where 90% of SLs follow the same progression and the others are automatic.
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I hate women
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that's a man
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those are men
Very trashy desu
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Kuon is real...
Can she hack my mind..?
Haru once again proving to be the superior choice.
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omg I can see her feet
She hacked my heart
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Do you think Soejima has seen this?
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You can reverse Chihiro and Yukari in Reload. Also I'll never stop being amazed at schzios going full circle and defending fucking jealousy and forced romance of all things.
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zzz... quantized matrices... zzz...
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Nicely Ann'd.
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There must be so much in that mind of hers....
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Aigis and Yukari fighting for Door by having a dicksucking competition
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Sixty-nining. Impressive
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We are almost there.
Aigis and Yukari sharing Door and engaging in yuri goodness
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I've deliberately avoided most coverage, but the few clips I do see seem like its going to be more young-adult themed than all-ages themed
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You hate me because I tell the truth
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Each tit is point to a different magnetic pole.
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Did Atlus USA ever give a reason why they dropped the E from her name?
the change from Aegis to Aigis was dumb, but at least they tried to back it up
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rare earth magnetkari
Short-haired ladies.
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What I’m more pissed about is them changing Futaba’s codename from Navi to Oracle.
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Navi is a fucking terrible name
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Rank the short haired ladies
Hey! Listen!
Why do you think so?
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Why not
Futaba's a NEET loser
Of course she'll call herself a comic book character
Why? P5 is capeshit, so it's a fitting reference.
Navi is an annoying blue fairy
Oracle is a cute redheaded supporter stuck in a wheelchair
I know which one fits better.
Chie Satonakadashi
Is this an attack she is using!?!?
Yeah it sucks out all your MP and leaves you Charmed.
Oracle reminds of those zelda games on gameboy color
The strength of the Chee....
>the original japanese devs are dumb, us burger translators know better!
I need to be a cute girl's little spoon...
Why would Futaba know about Batman characters LOL
I suppose Oracle sounds better to muttoids, I don't really care since I will never listen to the burger brayings which pass for "acting".
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Which is better, holding the girl or the girl holding you?
tall aigis big spoon...
I prefer no. 2 because it's nice to be needed.
I like both.
Ah, I thought he was asking which one was better with the assumption that both are good.
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Get fucked bitch.
Metaphor ost
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unprotected sex 6 kids minimum
I read that as Wizard of Meth for a moment.
Pogo is pure meth.
Tons of brown kids with Eupha
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>he thinks japs are better using english words
Weeb delusion is always nuts to interact with when you come across it

The reason why it’s not Oracle in JP is because none of them could say the word
Her name is Ann.
Yeah it sounds like they have throat cancer.
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>japs are better using english words
>is always nuts to interact with when you come across it
Damn that's a lot of tears for a bitch with worthless opinions
Phuoc stop pretending to be white
while we are at this, i would like to state that atlus west keeping yuka-tan and stupei is the worst thing about reload's localization
I don't want to play the burger version of Persona, I want to play it like the creators imagined except translated into a language I can read.
The absolute ego it takes to edit others people work and charge anything less than free for it is astounding.
The bottom is fine you racist
You're both retarded. It's probably a copyright issue that's why the name was changed.
I've decided that a few games from now I will play a Persona game in Japanese as part of my nihongo training. I do need to replay 4 to finish getting all of the achievements but I would love to replay 5.
>it’s probably a copyright issue
The biggest delusional cope in this thread so far
>call out an ESL
>”y-you’re not white”
Why does this always happen?
Yeah Nintendo of America is known for being reasonable and not suing people.
ESLs wish to be white. That’s why they learn English and are here on a white person website instead of speaking ___ on a ___ person website.
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This webm isn't real right?
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Stop being a retard
Which Persona game has the best eye candy.
I sure fucking wonder why the redhead who sits in a room full of computer screens directing vigilantes is called Oracle! It makes no fucking sense!

>he’s from /v/ and doesn’t understand why Nintendo shut down pokemon fangames he wasn’t going to play
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the one where girls wear skin tight suits
You are white and a loser, so race doesn't really matter that much.
>retarded post
goes hand in hand i guess
Arena probably. Everything’s really beautiful in it. Just seeing the characters and personas move like they do is beautiful
It makes no fucking sense as to why a bunch of americans changed the name to directly and openly reference another character that the persona character was already a reference to. Does it not count unless the game explicitly tells the player about the reference?
>a reference to capeshit
Glad that shit isn't in the original japanese
Then please, go to whatever Indonesian forum you fancy and mald about it there instead.
A loser like you can't tell me (or anyone) what to do.
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Holy shit I just confessed to Takemi, didn't expect her to be a romance option
The only female SL that aren't a romance are Sae because her SL is automatic and the twins because joker isn't a pedophile
All the female social links except the twins and Sae are romancable.
isn't futaba like a thirteen year old middle schooler
What the fuck are you talking about schizo?
Navi is a trademarked name by NoA, it's a character that guides you and gives you instructions, all Atlus west is doing is avoiding the potential headache of going against Nintendo for no reason.
That makes way more sense than a voice actor not being able to say Oracle
>best girl isn't romancable.
every fucking time
>Joker isn't a pedophile
Uhhhhhh your Futaba romance?
Persona images?
Futaba is older than kasumi
They’re both 15
>Not romancing best girl or second best girl
>Romancing third best girl instead
bricked playthrough
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Get these secondaries the FUCK outta here.
>Navi is a trademarked name by NoA
No it isn't. Congrats on being fundamentally wrong.
That's technically not a pedophile but nope, she's actually 15. Just a year younger than him.
He's still allowed to romance everybody
By your brilliant logic name like Hulkenberg wouldn't even be considered, especially since all the seiyuu involved in Metaphor said how hard it was for them to say. But nope not being able to say Oracle is definitely the reason
Acting childish does not make a person a child.
I wish someone on twitter would run this angle on Aigis. It could sit a lot of shit.
One game is set in Japan. One game is set in a fictional world. Think about that for 5 seconds.
If you find Futaba attractive you're a pedophile.
damn shes basically a old hag
It’s baffling that this retard is arguing that the LOCALIZED version of the name was changed to what it is because the JAPANESE can’t pronounce it.
Every woman on Earth was a child once.
2 years younger.
Yeah Oracle would never be used by Japanese devs and it's definitely too hard for the seiyuu too say. Especially in Persona. Please do not look up what Fuuka's special command is in FES and the Japanese voicline that plays when you select it.
>The reason why it’s not Oracle in JP is because none of them could say the word
This is a joke, right? Because otherwise this would be the most retarded thing I've read on 4chan in a long while. Holy shit.
One OP that isn't shit pls
Make a real thread please.

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