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Mcdonalds edition

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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I need to reunite the Kinkou.
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What happened with August? Why did Riot give him a mandatory vacation?
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but have you considered
god akali is so sexy in casual clothes
is anyone here actually good at jungling and can help me understand how to fucking do this shit? I watched some guides and understand what tempo is but its not working anymore. The way i understood it is basically farm farm farm until a guaranteed play shows up in front of you like enemy lane prio which is gankable, but it feels like i never get that opportunity and that my laners always have prio when i get close. I'm pretty good at taking objectives and finding the opportunity for that but i average maybe 1 gank a game in laning phase. I tried forcing myself to help my laners more but it always ended up hurting my tempo too much. What i really don't get is how the enemy jungler just gets to gank lane after lane
Would only b possible if Akali had her old personality.
he design aids
accidentally made the only successful champ in the past 2 years
why is kg pretending to be a gorilla in the other thread?
he's not beating the ltg allegations
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>all these apparent baras
>dariusfag needs to be here
That are... straight lol
>I watched some guides
this is what you did wrong
enemy laner pushed out more than my laner?
my laner health above death risk?
me gank
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there is a timestamp with my NAME on it and you can clearly SEE it doesn't say kg there....
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How about bizarro Ionia where Akali is replaced by Yuffie?
wtf are you talking about kg
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What was your biggest loss streak?
Mine was like 12 in a row.
been a while since lolg has posted selfies
a couple years ago I decided to go on an extended alcohol and redbull bender...lost 30 games in a row entire match history was 20 red was disgusting
>ltg allegations
there was a time when I had 3 wins and 36 losses in my match history (ranked only)
Breed me
I can't believe mantheon was kg this whole time
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you keep saying this stuff anonymously we don't even duo wtf
i usually play trundle mid whenever i see a talon, or pantheon
when talon roams you just run down mid with trundle. mid turrets have less resistences than top turrets so they die even faster
renekton, malphite and garen are great aswell, bonus points for ap nasus
Soraka! My Cute Wife!
manteon when are you paying child support after your bastard kid?
20 game loss streak but this was in Wild Rift
low elo posting hours
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king grey developed the manteon alter ego as a coping mechanism for getting jellyrolled
If you want to learn about tempo i recomend you to watch some of keshas gameplays.
Just ignore the part where he acts schizo and sprints it for content
good this isn't /soc/
>mid turrets have less resistences than top turrets so they die even faster
really? I never knew that
its literally not true
i wonder who else has split personalities. this schizo for sure>>493182679
Bottlane turrets do, mid and toplane dont.
Mid turrets still fall faster though
I didnt mean armor and MR, but the shorter way to reach it
Are you going suck Azakana's dick while dressed as SG Soraka for him getting gold?
>this schizo for sure
this guy >>493183747
if I roll a 7 every namefag and avatarfag dies in their sleep tonight
He'll dress as office lulu since he's a slampig anyway
get rekt
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Dubs and instead of coming here dayli just to complain about the exact same thing you dont like for 8 hours, just to come again and complain about the exact same things you will seek therapy

Cant be a healthy lifestyle
nerf warwicks q most baby move in the entire game
I'm sure the guy who comes onto an anonymous imageboard to try and network and date other people is living a healthier lifestyle than me
Nah, but he doesnt cry like a whiny emo boy for 8 hours a day so atleast he seems happy while you're clearly not.
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We love Seraphine!
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>I'm 2 losses away from being 0 LP at Bronze 4
Why does the game keep giving me faggots who troll? Had a Rumble support leave Kog'Maw and stay in mid lane the whole game and he sold his support item. He was never with team, ALWAYS stole the kills from ADC, Mid (Me), and Top
>Kept running it down and dying
lane phase is so fucking trash on this fucking dog shit balanced game
you're that one cute faggot that keeps asking "what is the likelihood forced 50 kicks in and I get retarded teammates?" aren't you
okay arambab
I like laning phase, it somewhat reminds me of harvest moon:
>me mundo hurr me throw knife durr
>me warmogs
And somewhere at minute 20 you carry it with your fed cows
he's also into meriipu and/or lulu
every jungler and adc are bots
but botlane. when is the last time they won lane without you having to camp it for them
quickplay is literally heros of the storm tier gameplay
I guess your post ate nine
I wish jelly would stream
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Second Janna game went really well. Played pretty safely and mostly used my Q for anti-engage on the enemy team. Last team fight my position was a mess but I helped at least.
how is it legal to watch low elo jungle players for free?
I don't.
Fuck off.
Nice job fridaynight
The lulu pic he jacks off to confirms he likes office attire which who doesn’t. And it’s possible is a short stack enjoyer.
i don't
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No thank you.
I more so wanted proofs of sorakaposter being a slampig.
sorakaposter is just a pig
so many of these NA kids are made for prison
like drop the soap type shit or?
This one is a confirmed bottom
bro I was just asking tf
I couldn’t imagine worrying about what makes another man’s dick hard. This is hardly league discussion. Go make an Azakana general if you want to talk about him so bad.
>you come here just to complain every day and never post your own gameplay!
I’m not that same person.
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another oldie
it was made before the Irelia red bunnysuit meta
i'm a perfect little sweetheart and i've never done anything bad in my whole life.
Yeah you are. Everyone else just ignores them wheee as you focus on him and the 2 specific avatar posters.
Except exist. Got em.
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the entire bot lane lane phase is 0 iq
i kill you for that yes
Good girl, i dont want that exhaust sissy shit on my lane
>play enchanter
>mage mage sup
enchanters dont work in cutelow
god damnit
Any good new shooters like bright memory, turok, doom3 or prey?
Got the itch for some gameplay now that im done with harvest moon
>Play Azir
>Can't poke for shit against Zoe in laning phase
What a fucking joke
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Do you take comms?
I like your style it's soulful
List of actual lolg schizos?
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Zoe's one strength is her early sorry your champ isn't always strong at all stages of the game sometimes!
cute, saved
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i don't take comms yet, just suggest w/e and ill try to bang it out by tm
Does anyone have that classic League picture where it's a shaco jungle who didn't take smite and someone asks "what happens when Lee flashes over the wall and smites it" and he's just like "then he gets it"
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doo doo doo doodoo!
doodoo doo doo doodoo
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Nta but have you done any qiqi pieces?
Maybe a battle bunny could be cute
Id really love a pentakill Seraphine if you're so inclined
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if you're a regular here you already know
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You tell 'em, sis!
me on the left
You're 30 years old and your main form of social interaction is a discord server for a 4chan thread for a game you barely play anymore
draw anon holding hands with lillia and kissing kissing
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Why are videogames so homosexual now? Genuine question
I'm gonna finish that one anon's drawrequest before this thread dies I swear I promise guys I'm gonna do it
what is it
Because a dumb white VERY RICH and POWERFUL guy got it in his head that if he can force change in Video games with his money then it'll make him look good and get the bitches to love him.

The plan didn't work. He still didn't get any bitches despite being RICH as FUCK.
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It's a real mystery
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I wanted to play enchanter today but it's not working out so I swapped to fill. I'd main fill if it wasn't jungle 99% of the time
at least I broke the loss streak
how many skins have you been gifted and what did you give in return?
i hate playing this game
I won ivernbro's skin raffle once and he gifted me 2 skins for it. why?
omg jelly pls eep for your fans
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I'm obsessed with her ass and thighs,
I'll try to cook up something in 'the lab'
I'll take some creative liberties with the already established Pentakill Sera fanart
soulful request, I'll try to deliver
tell me now so I don't double dip, It takes time coz im doo doo at art
because you touch yourself at night (to it).
btw, your video was dog dicks and i left a passive aggressive comment on it.
the na server might only be gay retards
dang that's cute
sure that all....right
>Asperger schizo complains about socially retarded people
Its like hitler thinking he has highground on napoleon
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just kidding, I could never replace that anon
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>Every single tft game for the past 20 games has been a shitter taking my units
>They don't fit their comp and the item doesn't work like ad with ap comp
>They place beneath me
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Oh, You.
Bruh, check ths vid but unironically (its only 1 minute 20)
be my gf
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Thanks drawnon
Qiyana love
tft player calling other tft players shitters.
clown world knows no bounds
Thank you!
we have a new drawfag? nice
so annoying to play aatrox when the other team has a nocturne
I'm on dodge timer for doding a smiteless annie jg. gimme a champ tierlist prompt?
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Bully Neeko.
what are you on about? I never pretend I'm anything
except maybe good at fighters
also I'm headed home rn maybe stream unless the boys come over for warhammer
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What champ in champion select you see enemy choose that immediately makes you do this?
im sure that guy actually intended to play out the game and wasnt going to dodge last second
I waited till the last second to dodge. my elo is insane and will go through with these things
Why Elise?
hello :) I'm looking to get into this game. what are the best characters for someone who doesn't typically play in multiplayer games but wants to learn the team strategies and character balance? Most of the info I've looked for is outdated or contradicting each other.
You just know that enemy will push top and the moment the wave is on the tower theres a spider appearing behind you and you lost and theres nothing you can do about it
>20cs down
>2 lvls down
Lowbob or nolife elo?
be my gf?
team based game with a bunch of faggots
based I respect that
>Enemy top laner starts proxy farming
If I decide to proxy farm his wave as well, would that mindbreak them?
Top: Garen
Jg: Vi
Mid: Annie
Adc: miss fortune
Sup: Nautilus
Or just pick a champion you like and master them, then you can learn the game
and remember have fun!
this is just the correct response
No, thats exactly what they want you to do. They dont want to interact with you or get a nice recall
thanks :) I'll check them out.
I couldn't find any champion with those starting letters in their name :(

I find myself in the midst of a rather secluded existence, one in which social interaction is sparse and fleeting. As I currently reside in the basement of my mother’s home, my life has taken on an isolated nature. However, I now seek to transcend this solitude by adopting a persona within the online space of LoLG.

My intention is to construct a character based upon one of the female champions from the game “League of Legends.” Through this persona, I aim to convey a demeanor that is effeminate and overly friendly, allowing others to perceive me as they might a female player, though they may well be aware of the façade I wear beneath.

Out of respect for those who may already be employing a similar guise, I seek your guidance in identifying any female champions whose identities remain unclaimed, that I might select an appropriate and unoccupied avatar for my endeavors.

I extend my sincere gratitude for your assistance in this matter.

With utmost respect and thanks,
Paul Fairfax
>a demeanor that is effeminate and overly friendly, allowing others to perceive me as they might a female player, though they may well be aware of the façade I wear beneath.
ahri. lux. janna. velkoz, hwei, viego.
Define both
viego, hwei, velkoz.
coming from the clown with rigged matchmaking to keep you in the maze
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What went wrong?
the hype died
>tfw no femboy support wife to play with
It's over
thats because femboys usually play top lane. support "femboys" are usually ugly fat retards
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had a 0/21/4 yone that I did NOT get an instant feedback report for today, he went on to play and ruin MORE GAMES thank you riot!
na warwicks are dog shit players
I'm a femboy and I play ADC
post physique
I'm not gonna post something like that on /vg/ but I'm a 6/10 more or less, I've been told I look good
just turned 20yo today, please wish me a happy birthday
happuy birthday, anon!
happy birthday!
Wild Rift
>ultimate Yone skin
>wedding dress skins for everyone's favorite waifus and husbandos
PC League of Legends
>2-3 black champions hamfisted into every single skin release for ESG score
>a new Senna legendary and prestige skin every year

It's actually crazy how Wild Rift keeps on winning
>incel crying about blacks
just BEE yourself!
can they remove baron on the na server?
it's ok because he never typed "NIGGER" :^)
monsterino champ that doesn't really appeal to many people
"designed for beginners" but has to land 2 skillshots in a row to do damage
kit is pretty restrictive as far as assassins go and W getting cucked by bodyblocks isn't very fun
the little dogs being able to last hit for you is kind of cool i guess
what are some other bad video games like low elo league of legends?
happy birthday, anon. hope all your games tonight go well
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I'm now back at 0 LP at Bronze 4, will game decide to give me a massive winstreak now after making me go from Bronze 2?
if it's so bad why do people love paying for iron accounts?
>Get Silver 1 last season
>Consistently matched with iron 3-4s and people who just downloaded the game
Please make it stop
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unironically you should be able to 1v9, iron 4 players are beyond bad
check it out
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time for another day of yasuo top..
yesterday i was forced to go ap jax cause we needed ap but i was vs a garen and did kinda bad, my teammates were arguin and it turns out they were both smurfin from like diamond, they were both mad at me but i mean like idk your fault for not carryin as the diamondfag
it made me think though do i ever play against smurfs?? maybe im secretly a diamond player too..
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It's a new day to ruin some adchuds lives !
be my bf?
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>Gold 4
>Honor 0
It's fucking over.
zoe is so cute
I can do that almost every game but it's just really annoying
In your dreams
Hey i'm workin' on it! 2/3 on the journey back to honor 1.
anyone wanna play vgs?
why'd you stop playing in vgs
>Azakana is higher elo than me now
whatd you think of my post though..
I didn't really stop, I just usually don't know if they're going on. If this is steel, you can always just inv me.
If I could do it, so can you.
Too fucking horny to play. I had to dodge because I'm too distracted. Guess I need to go relieve myself first.
holy fuck no
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Now you have to get your main to Gold too.
imagine you queue up this game and roleplay as a fucking loser
i didnt even read it, i was just looking at the pic sorry
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>0 honors
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Oh shit you have one of the rarest medals in the game.
its not roleplay usually
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sigh i guess ill kill myself...

or maybe ill just kill you
anyone else browse lolg on the toilet
is it teamdisparity making these posts about low elo or na or whatever every other post or is it a new gimmick poster
almost everything, ive played a decent amount of naafiri and i can tell you the absolute peak of having fun playing her is when you get zoned off cannon minion with q down but then a dog randomly for no reason runs up and last hits it for you
most people hate her design and even if you think its cool [like i do] the gameplay is just so boring
srry im phoneposting from my bed before sleep..
It's actually in a surprisingly good spot.
>62% winrate
stay tuned!
How do I stop being toxic???
That's not mine seeing as how this account was started 2024. But yeah I do have it.
vgs are kinda dead so I'm waiting a little bit for everyone to calm down
every lobby every kid has autism
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Your proportions are very nice. Hopefully we can do an art trade later down the line.
After we both clear our deliveries a bit lol
>precisely landed yorick's E on a squishy ass dogshit champ with 4 monkeys flying to land grudge procs
name a better feeling
1 common factor between lobbies anon
how do custom skins work? how do I install a custom skin?
ask mantheon
I need more practice in norms before I get back into ranked. Then we can motivate each other.
what about lolgs who have a romance queue partner doing a bromance with the other anon?
>How do I stop being toxic???
First you have to actually enjoy the game you play
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>art trade
nta but I would love to do an art trade with any anon someday
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By getting up and playing a few more games? Idk I go off, too, sometimes.
these kids just trap you in a 40 minute retard fuckfest
Gonna miss vgs until they (hopefully) come back later, even if I was one of the worst people there
Make vgs
the shen/sam botlane duo goes crazy hard.
I'm kinda depressed today so def gonna avoid league. I don't want my currently poor mental to affect people just trying to play.
find a qt to duo with
duoing with someone you crush on makes you feel so gud you forget about flaming
Depression isn’t real, fagzakana. Get over it.
Here. Have some doofus goat, then.
I miss majin but only if he comes back to make games
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That'd be fun, クラゲナマケモノ-ちゃん
Do you what kind of thing you'd like? Even something I don't normally do like Velkoz is fine.
As for me, I'd have to think about it.
why did you make me remember that lendo used to draw silly things....
Oh God,, thank you!! this is great!!! what a dork.
love the raka pics always
vg vs vg
pw vidya
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>Iron rank Draven player raged quit
shant be joining
this shitfest
>People want a new monster champ and a Darkin champ
>Say they're making one
>Finally make one
>Their version of what people call monster champs is a dog
vg vs vg +8
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Because Lendo's art was fun and awesome.

Devious dork. Watch out for attacks that look like fruits.
>Riot has a mass firing of employees back in February
>Most of the ones fired were the ones who made LoL pozzed
>Newest champ after the firing was a bunny girl with giant tits, fat ass, and thick thighs
>Valorant agent Clove was nonbinary
I would assume Clove must have been left over work they decided to quickly finish and release?
>Devious dork. Watch out for attacks that look like fruits.
........t-that's rammus!!!! rammus is a stinky durian fruit!! you're just talking about rammus!!!
Average developement time for a champion takes 8 months but IIRC Aurora has been in the pipeline for 7 years. Way before the lay off at the beginning of this year.
"Make vgs"
>doesnt join
classic lolg. just suck my fucking cock dude
Vanguard won. Bigly.
i told you i didnt want to play and you still made it kys
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>Que into quickplay game
>receive shit teammate
>watch shit teammate make shit play
>HARD soft int for the rest of the game
>spam ff
>repeat until teammate not shit

Been 4 games for about 2 hours here. just gonna keep going. one game and im out.
>i'm a boosted monkey and shameless
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your opinion is quite literally worth less than shit, much like your presence in any community unable to expel you!
>another failed lobby
>anyone can host its easy
i would love to lyra
you have to realize that nothing you say in this game will ever convince anyone of anything. you are wasting your fucking breath trying to communicate with randoms who would rather lose than do what you ask of them to possibly win. you cant even use slurs in this game so whats the point of flaming lol. you also have to remember everyone who plays league is a petty nigger and anything close to resembling an insult is reportable and everyone will report you to get you banned. not because they want to make the game less toxic, but because getting you banned would be funny to them.
t. honor5 reports anyone who ints me or types in game
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Anivia or LGBT rights?
the only purpose jungle has in low elo is to drag the game out
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She was so pretty... Where did the years go?
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Posted this a couple days ago. Anyone else actually experienced a cheater in their games? First time it happened to me.
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I wonder what its like to be in bronze iron now. I started out there but got out pretty fast. Is it really as uncarryable as people make it seem?
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I know you can't see this, but I'm rolling my eyes at you, Sera Fiend.

Dropping Durian Rammus from the sky will be her new R when Riot reworks her. This might be fictitious information.
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I never read champion abilities. I just use them. Why does this game have so much text?

I call him Sasuke Uchiha for more than his looks when he was a teenager. The Uchiha act like niggers in the anime. Telling him to let it go and just block someone when they flame him is next to an impossible concept for his Uchiha nigger brain. He would throw friendships away and even get his account perma'd as long as it meant he could get the last word in a argument.
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I think Yasuo/Yone is more thematic.
Madara > Sasuke > Obito >>>> Redditachi
Champions for this feel?
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forgot important pic.
obito clears sasuke
are you talking about azanigger
i think it's obvious that creature is beyond retarded, he's a caricature of those xx_DeathGod_xx types
pick an ionian champion
haha! I like it
>Do you what kind of thing you'd like?
I'll love anything an anon drew for me. but if allowed to get a little wild, I always wanted to do a 3x3 switcharound where 3 people take turns doing 3 different artworks
I was ranking them as characters rather than strength, although I think this is relatively accurate
Redditors will throw a tantrum and claim that ACKSHUALLY Itachi could totally beat Madara he just chose not to take him down because... BECAUSE HE JUST DIDNT OKAY??
sasuke is stronger than obito so idk what youre talking about lol
i just think obito is cooler than him by a long shot
Yes him.
Interesting idea. So it's all 3 do a sketch, then somebody else inks it, then somebody else colors it?
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Cute but needs more meat.
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yeah! the 3 artists start with their own sketch then pass the next step around in a circle
how do i play zed? i get poked in lane trying to farm, and i dont really do enough damage to kill, it gets easier to kill with ignite, but people just teleport back to lane before I can kill. he feels weak
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Who's the little bitch who banned qiyana
>trying to watch a backrooms video while throwing games to bronze
one of the following occurs
>POV character starts talking
>*nonstop heavy breathing*
>recreation of existing liminal space picture
this pisses me off so bad, the point is they're supposed to be EMPTY and devoid of others, i don't want to hear your stupid character talking
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hes the most fair and balanced mid laner in the game unfortuantely
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no niggers no problem. Had to spend my literal entire day of freetime finding one playable league of legends game. fucking trash
itachi cancer free EMS is solo universe tier btw SHITguya would kneel
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>you must select at least one priority position
Ksante is fun
I would play him more if he wasnt balanced around the top 0,001% of play and nerfed to hell and back for regular players
Probably the most entertaining tank to play beating out Sion for me
he's really, really fun, but kind of like irelia you could just play someone like malphite who a 5 year old with down syndrome can play, and still outperform ksante
Sion would still be more fun, but they DESTROYED Heartsteel.
its not a big deal because low elo players will inevitably fall for getting yanked under your tower anyways
Nah, too much mobility now fucking with your q and r
Its just sad
Hes still fun but he can be so frustrating sometimes
in general laning, you have to respect the fact you arent a champion until level 3-4 and in the pure 1v1 no junle interference you have no kill pressure until 6 (assuming the enemy mid doesnt eat electro combos back to back). laning with zed pre3 is getting as much as you can with your shurikens and shadow slash under tower. once you get this down you can integrate match up knowledge to find poke/punish windows on the enemy laner. tp >>>>> ignite unless you know you can faceroll the enemy it is what it is
>trying to work on Quinn request
>Yordles in golden bikinis brainrot
I can't concentrate.
all this does is make me not queue at all and wait for it not to force me to play adc
I had got carried by a ryze. What makes me so bad and others so good as Uncle Ryze?
I can't get to absolutely insane HP numbers anymore. I miss getting to like 10k HP with old heartsteel. Actually one-shotting towers.
never understood why akatsuki jobbers are so popular
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Akali (hair down)
the jungle role has no purpose in low elo
>bringing weapons to a pool party
what a fucking terrorist
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why does she have jinx tattoos though
are underrepresented. we need more
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heartsteel is not good on sion and it never was
buy unending despair and abyssal mask
so many noob piss easy champs
10 common factors between lobbies. one you and nine low elo niggers
bad advice desu. zeds kill windows come when you land a double shuriken combo and the enemy is foolish enough to walk up past your shadow instead of backing off. with your passive and ignite(which you should be running every game on zed) you statcheck pretty much every champion not named yauso or yone with just autos so if you can shadow behind them its almost always a kill or flash burned
if youre losing in bronze, youre beyond saving
>dodge no smite annie jg
>get 0/11 apc zac after
>get 1/11 cass top soon after
yes because it increases unending despair dmg which makes u heal more
u can just facetank 5 enemies with ease with this build
draining off them as if u are an aatrox lol
its actually really stupid op interaction
>my post doesnt even get 1 (you)
fuck you lolg
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Say something positive about League NOW!
It gave me Lulu, Poppy, Trist, and Vex.
Thanks lol
>Was forced to build Serpent Fang on Galio because our Yasuo wouldn't build it
>It really helped fighting the fed Yone who had so many fucking shields
which one is it, ill respond
post screenshot of the game
as the resident fang shill of this thread i will tell you if you were trolling or genius
aint reading all that. happy for you tho. or sad that ir happened
Then maybe the game should give me team mates who aren't fucking retarded or trolling.
soraka being an instant win in aram is fun
i love just losing to it unless the entire team has adhd and rush us for no reason
Soraka on my team is a loss, Soraka on enemy team is a loss.
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WR is a mobile game. Any ultimate or legendary skin there is ultra watered down compared to PC ultimates/legendaries to conserve on phone space and therefore overpriced. I wouldn't say it's a good thing.
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the music is pretty good a lot of the time
true maybe in ur shit elo where no1 knows cooldowns or how to lane. biggest caveat you mentioned is landing your shit and that gets harder 2 do in good mmr and where people will start to hit you back bc shadow is a longer cd. try reading my poster slower as well
>statcheck any champ
yeah hahahahaha good2 kno bud cheers im sure 2 get out of bronze with this
>because it increases unending despair dmg which makes u heal more
good luck against a darius/fiora/camille/aatrox who freezes you out of cs with abyssal and a little bit of heal
go back to tranny towers bitch
what counters viktor? i can't seem to dodge his laser so I think, okay, well at least I'll get on his face and trade, pot for pot, trade sustain, but then he has his shield and just outtrades me everytime.
do i just gotta ban the fucker?
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unleash the fish
? u buy it LATER IN THE GAME
anyone who can force extended fights like yone or irelia
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Mundo is pretty entertaining aswell if you smoke some pott
Cho gath
can you make the yordles spread their buttcheeks
its okay its too late now
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back in season 3 I played over 3000 games and couldn't even get out of bronze 2, nowadays i get to diamond every season and can barely stomach 30 games.
i wish i still found this game fun
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Done. What next?
when exactly?
>first item to deal with your lane, lets say sunfire cape or iceborn
>second item to work towards your win condition could be hullbreaker or titanic
>third you prolly want some MR other than abyssal to tank the mages that start to become a problem, like hollow radiance if you went for the iceborn instead of sunfire
then 4th and 5th item?
just go fullbuild every game i guess
there isn't a single boring champ in the game
His last poppy drawing is just that.
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ummm, I don't know - entertain her somehow?
>>second item to work towards your win condition could be hullbreaker or titanic
>>third you prolly want some MR other than abyssal to tank the mages that start to become a problem, like hollow radiance if you went for the iceborn instead of sunfire
get mask
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>no sona on the milk carton
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Done, What now?
uhhh theres probably others
jesus christ kill yourself steel unironically how fucking bad can you be
>lose game
>have fun
>win game
>have even more fun
>teammate trolls
>want to kill myself
it doesn't happen every day but when it does, it makes me feel really fucking bad. i may quit the game again
why are you suddenly namedropping people
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look dmg charts and try not to laugh or smile [impossible]
this is the game hes apparently mad at me for
I was gonna stream lol but I wanna limit test my PC with a real next gen graphics game
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now she's too drunk to play games
omg humanity girl is so good
nigger you left me to lane vayne 1v2 into jhin zoe of course my damage share is going to be low
ok and it was clearly the winning move because we stomped them hard enough they 20 min ffed lol
you are being disingenuous and moving the goalpost
did you hear of an item called spirit visage? it increases your shield amount by a higher value than the increase of despair through abyssal and that works with just 1 item
this will blow your mind
what goalpost all u said was im bad and should kill myself lol
ur just embarrased cuz u know how stupid it looks to be flaming in a won game where u did absolutely nothing the entire time
fucking malzahar and heimerdinger? they literally are set and play champions
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There's only one option left to us.
heres some other mindbreaking fact
spirit visage increases not only your natural W shield, but also the amount endless despair heals by more than abyssal does
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>Lose lane as Azir due to Heimerdinger so I'm forced to stay under turret and farm as much as I can
>Still lose because Kayle kept repeatedly dying to the fucking Jax
I officially give up trying to get out of Bronze, I will always be hardstuck because my team mates are fucking retards.
average sunshine game
xth for choking on humanity girl's throbbing 8incher
here made u something steel keep calling me bad

not me stop falseflagging
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no, let's get Sona and more wine! start the car
wtf sunshine is this mean
every time we interact its just u typing walls of mentally ill text bout how much u hate me
and then i say like
ok but u are bad and then mute u
and then u play victim over it lol
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No drinking and driving. Let's get Sona to get the Drinks!
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steel mental vs sunshine
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>Adchud vs Supportchad
Get bent.
heimer is really, really fun. there's a lot to manage with positioning your turrets (and not losing CS because of them), the inherent risk of always pushing lane, knowing how to aim your rockets, landing that fucking grenade, there's definitely a lot of skill expression with that champion, and only him, darius, and rumble can give you that high of 1v2'ing the top and jungler.
malz is just a nigg though, real boring champ
>nigger tier player1 thinks niggerlow player2 is le bad
ur both apes literally gold in this dog season where everyone is inflated 1+ rank
thats pretty true
guysss we're pretending to be toxiccc pay attention to ussss!!
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fine, but how about we ride in the back?
really smart very intelligent definitely human "people" in the thread
I plan on practicing more butts soon, so maybe?
Though I prefer drawing panties.
>both SHITshine and SHITmental were bronze during real seasons
>suddenly gold in pheak season
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i tried my luck in the elo of lolg itemsbuild mains aswell
sorry its not bronze, but plat should do aswell
unbelieveable that people who cant even win in bronze try to explain me how to play the game
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Let's go.
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I know it's rude to ask, but is Sona invited for the party?
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>3rd shaco supports in 5 matches

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Yes but she's DDing.
how do I actually climb out of plat?
I am so stuck and I hit my wall
ill hit your walls
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Play cho gath, drop cs to benefit your adc. Never take cs away from your carrys.
Use tp to gank for them and use your abilitys to peel, not to go for kills.
See, 1 day from plat to emerald >>493217121
Also dont go "i permasplitpush because some silver on lolg told me that all you gonna do is splitpush"
League is a teamgame, help your teammates to get back into the game and dont ego

Also insta mute anoying people so you can focuse on the game and have a positive attitute
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no fun for her
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*sprays /lolg/ with the clentaminator to make you all bronzoids*
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>Internet goes out when I've become the carry and at the crucial moment where my whole team needs me
best comp in the game? going to tell my team to go it every game
taric toplane, master yi jungle, yumi+sera bott, sona mid
So I hit gold which means i'm allowed to cuddle this manatee cosplaying fish.
irelia, ekko, ksante, lucian, rell
and go as yi?
you go taric and get toped
you find teammates on grindr
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Play4fun and you will eventually climb. Emerald is trash, you don't want to go higher. If you can manage to get passed Emerald and low Diamond, it's told that games are "better."
At the same time, you don't have to climb. Playing at a 50% WR is the goal. All games are coin flips too.
Usually plat players don't play aggressive enough, that would be my suggestion without seeing you play.
>it's told that games are "better."
No, low dia is the worst elohell in the entire game which is why everyone just smurfs
80% of the players are either
>Chall smurf on his youtube meme video account
>Streamer sprinting it for content
>Toxic l9 wanabees (yes, their fanboys are actually diamond)
Its like your teammate is zwag, but not xerath swag, but TANK BRAND TOPLANE 10% WINRATE SWAG
You get to meet kesha, but not the "22/1" challenger kesha that hypercarrys all games with nunu, but the "3/20 I DIVE NEXUS TO ONESHOT THE ENEMY ADC ON SPAWN"

Its like quickplay
>If you can manage to get passed Emerald and low Diamond
>No, low dia is the worst elohell

That's what I said...
My bad, read it as you'*re emerald and thought it gets better because other people claim it.
Didnt really sleep yet
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Go to sleep bucko
Which camera lock style do you guys play on?
unlocked + spacebar to center
White Women after 3 years of Xanax
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locked + spacebar to toggle
this is so plausible and somewhat black-pilled. Actual factuals in this post. Only thing I would argue with is Zwag is exploiting silvers in the vids I've seen earlier this year but the rest just fits far too well. Too bad most of this wisdom will just bounce right off most heads because muh ranked.
locked and m5 to unlock it
>I'm at 0 LP in Bronze 4
I'm on a massive lose streak, how much longer til the game gives me a free winstreak? I had 6 wins in a row and reached Bronze 2 on Monday, and the game decides to screw me over by making me lose more and more.
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soft nami reminder
>Couldn't advance my lane as Azir and was on defense the whole fucking match thanks a 3 million point Heimerdinger player
>Somehow get the most commends out of the rest of my team
Idk what the fuck I did to warrant that, I only got 4 kills total and 3 or 4 deaths. I genuinely don't know what I did that my team gave me the honor points.
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Rape rape rape rape
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so close then and there. nice
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don't ever say it's over if i'm breathing
topskank and steel butthol3
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>gameplay related advice
>enchanter image attached
instantly cancels itself out
what if it was gwen attached instead?
wait what the fuck
who were u
my cock would blush a little but it's still wise to ignore advice from people who main slop
just a fan. was spectating. you guys had a nice lead and some good plays I must say
what a creep
o ok
yeah i havent played evelynn in like 5 years so i did a lot of troll stuff and made us lose desu lol
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we only have minions here anon
Nah it wasnt all on you though i did see the oopsie in the jungle near the end. Honestly mistakes were made on all sides. At the very least it was a nice game for me to learn some neat things.
did their boy group flop? they need to bring back popstars
That's not Nami.
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I’ve been gone all day but I’m about to go to sleep
What have I missed in the thread
I'd rather have pentakill.
I want to get milked by this champion.
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>Tanky champ can shit out over 4k true damage
Gee I wonder why people say League is a poorly designed game
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Its her time
>hit Sett
>Sett do big damage in a line
>don't be in line
now you know how to counter him
>low cool down
>1 second cast time
>if you dont have an on demand blink you're basically fucked
>1 second is too fast for cutelows to react
>have no argument
Just not balanced, simple as.
I have missed nothing
Good night lads sleep well
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>just pink her spears
shut up
If you're ranged you're ideally kiting him and are able to dodge it
If you're melee make sure you're not caught by his E because that's the only time that its unmissable for him
It's obvious when he is going to use it because he's recieving continuous damage that brings him to half of his HP
>sett pulls you and stuns you, now you are in the line
>sett ults you and slows you down by 99%, now you are in the line
unless you have flash or a high mobility champ you're fuck.
The losers

The schizos

The trannies

The retards
fuck off vbl. you blogposts are annoying as hell
move sorakatranny to schizo. he talks to himself for hours. move mapache to retards
This is the only time I got to look and wanted a quick rundown
Lick my balls FAGGOT
wake up
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>Lick my balls FAGGOT

Is that a syndra reference?
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My musky balls I just went to the gym and am too sleepy to shower
>hurdur guiz just got home spoonfeed me the thread because i'm special
weirdo I ur projecting like crazy, I bet you were the guy that name dropped me last thread too
Obsessed retard I’ll spit in your mouth
go to bed you gay fuck
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Good idea
Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:

Stop cruising for attention and using 4chan as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.

Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.

You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.

Make a tumblr and peddle your trash there.
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>Support is priority queue
>Timer continually goes over estimated time
>Have to drop queue so I don't get forced to play my offrole
>End up having 2-10 minute queues because of this
Is League dead ???
>support sissies are this stupid and afraid to play their off role
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Ya, I can't queue my offrole as jungler or else ALL my games will be jungler, so I queue as a role that I can't play, mid...
move merii to schizos

support shitter
What i usually do in early laning as garen is to play with boneplating and shieldbash for shorttrades and then i usually just aa q and e out while paying attention to not overcharge his W bar.
Usually i fill it half and then i stop damaging him at all and go away. And when i go for a kill i start with E and then q into R so the r hits while hes silenced
Then after stridebreaker is completed i use the sb ms to move around him with e so his stun misses while i trade with him

What might help you is that sett only deals true dmg in the center, outside it doesnt deal true dmg so you're fine even if you get hit.
I also play grasp of the undying to win the shorttrades instead of conqueror or phaserush

Maybee any of it also works for your champ
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fuck that, I just buy qss and it cancels his ult, you don't even take dmg from it much less get slow.
Might aswell just play olaf and press R
I want to marry a cute lolg trans girl.
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mfw I swap draft order with someone in lobby to give top last pick and in chat they think I meant role swap. Of course they are a volibear player.
I want to get jellyrolled.
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Need Qiqi
Am i the only one who thinks its hilariously funny when you play or cho gath into sett and your team thinks its smart to stand behind the 8k hp tank?
I am trying to watch high level players play but all the YouTube videos are mid level at best players smurfing in iron and hiding the names so you can’t check as easily. FUCK these guys.
>sett uses w
>chogath body blocks the damage
>team can now safely go in for the kill
Watch CN/KR players vods on youtube
Its more like this
>Sett uses R and throws you into your adc
If you're trying to get better at a champion, just look at opgg for your region, and see how the top people are playing. There's a wealth of information if you look at their gameplay.
I actually got into the habit of looking at peoples chats on youtube and searching names myself to see what elo they're playing in.
>not big enough to be listed
am I just not part of the clique?
no one cares nigga, kill yourself
How am I a loser if i'm gold now?
Same bro.
I don't know what that means so if it's something gay then i'm not accountable.
Watch hashinshin, arguin, petu, noway4u
They show you how to play the game at their own elo
jellyrolled means you ask jelly to be your waifu4laifu and she breaks your heart
oh dang
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I miss mommy jelly

her cute cute voice her funny stream her charming personality...
i hate zoe players,, they all do the same thing where they mess up and die and try to gaslight the team apparently its your fault because you blah bnlah muh sleep blah blah blah
but like dude u got pyke hooked into varus ulted and instadied lol sleep had nothing to do with it
fucking pedos
She has a wife.
>and try to gaslight the team apparently its your fault
80% of all the retards in this fucking game do this

I had junglers lie about their smite not being on cooldown, have my adc pretend I was standing "behind him" even when I was zoning the enemy botlane off, some guy who goes afk for 3+ minutes and when he's back he has the audacity to ask us "wow how did you guys start losing? I was gone for 1 single minute now they have baron and are ending the game?" etc
true but its much worse with zoe cuz its more likely ppl will just assume its true because they dont know what zoe does
I'll cuck her wife.
Well, did you hit the bubble and cause the enemy to play the game instead of getting oneshot?
...Did you wake up the pyke anon?
no, in this case he was flaming me for NOT hitting the bubble
i didnt hit the bubble because ive been flamed for it by zoetards 1000s of times before
but apparently this one time was my fault
Lyra will NOT like this post.
yeah unironically she's started getting on my shit "all so randomly" ever since I started interacting more with mommy jelly like I can't read her snakey motives saying hi to me here and there trying to "make conversation" and shit
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Anon it's really not that complicated
Don't use a shitty auto attack or poke spell to wake up bubbles
If you have a big move or a CC or something use that
No Zoe player is going to be mad about a Sion charging Q on a sleeping target maybe try being a better player
yo can you read lol? he was mad at me for not auto attacking the sleep
Damn what a loser. Lyra can't even defend her girl properly. No wonder she's known as the thread cuck.
Ok so you let a guy live on 100 hp? That's still your fault dumbass
I cant stand how you can only honor one person, is there really so much goodwill in League that riot is worried about too much honoring going on
Can you post a webm of the situation or the game so i can check it up and tell who was in the wrong so this thread can finally move on from some retarded 12 year old angsty teenager drama about someone fucking up a mechanic in a videogame for 6 year old children in a normalgame?
he was full hp
there was no logic
he wouldnt have died
he was just typing mumbo jumbo in the chat to try to gaslight the team that its my fault he died
Another day of being depressed that i cant play loli mages anywhere but midlane because im too shit at them to play support
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Literally all you wrote was
>flaming me for NOT hitting the bubble
Nothing about that implies that all you could do was AA
In fact it presumes that you have your entire kit off cooldown
try adding that you're a shitty kai sa or something with no follow up.
Honor is free rewards, have to ensure honor level progression is slowr, and dishonorable people don't get honor back sooner.
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>and then i just melee/ranged modded the heal and the movespeed, and then i said yolo
I feel so bad when I cant honor everyone who honors me...
don't worry babe they are gonna let us honor more ppl next patch
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damn she’s erotic as fuck
Single person honors feel more honest.
It feels more rewarding to get honored that way.
Its like:
>Go into gasolin
>Cutie smiles at you
What makes you happier?
>She smles only at you
>She does it to everyone
im gonna become a jaded samurai till this annie and zoe posters stops postin..
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little girls cant be erotic anon
>dick around playing top and adc
>decide to go back to ye olde reliable (Briar jungle)
>first game drop a 20 bomb against a Shitco
feels good to be back
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this is actually quite fascinating. The amount of psychology from a single support zoe E on both sides of the team.

You can wake 'em up early with an AA I know you didn't mean to :) I didnt mean to either
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my bad
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Nidalee joins the max mastery :)
Sucks that she's so difficult to play and get value on compared to mindless champs like WW but she's too fun to play.
>try adding that you're a shitty kai sa
Cant kaisa just oneshot of a zoe bubble?
>Get into position while target sleeps so your q doesnt hit minions
>Use the free stack and extra bubble dmg
>Smash head in keyboard
I mean most kaisas can even oneshot without a bubble
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that man just arrived in cat
props to him I also just arrived in aurora
grats queen
i wanna learn jungle nidalee but im lazee
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Do you play any male champs?
I got super angry and called my girlfriend a boosted iron piece of shit. Now I no longer have a gf or a person to play with. Tbf tho, I did boost her. Anyone want to be my new gf?
sorry im a girl(male)
nta but I sure do not
its a girl so ofc she doesnt
why are girls such sexist chuds
She not all that hard to play really but you NEED to hit your spears to do anything and if all lanes are losing and the enemy jungle gets a lead over you it's pretty much over lol
Ehhh not really that much. I have to scroll down pretty far to see one but I sometimes play Kayn or Viego because they're hotties and Ezreal because he's fun but for the most part I don't.
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you got the bastard back though right after spawning so that was perty kewl
kitty form is optional yes? say yes for yes.
is that u jin
Nocturne's fear channel should stop when he's stunned, there I said it.
Sadly no. You hit Q in human form, sqitch to kitty and W in and spam Q and E. You switch forms a lot.
no i have filenames randomized
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it really is such a good skin on such a great champion
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Are her eyes really open on her corpse? Dang kinda fucked up
who r u :o
she starts balding if you go into a bush though
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Wow they're really on top of reports now, I just reported a guy for going "gg ez" a few minutes ago and they acted on it before I even got into the next match
nobody. A literally who. Don't worry about it. Just watching your games because they are actually pretty heckin good and valid.

a lot of them do that. Vex loses half of her cute face in a bush, too
errrr you're acting kind of sussy bwo
it's pretty simple. Dude was playing champion I am interested in and playing it reasonably well. He's also playing in a game where the players have better than average fundamental and mechanical skills. So, the fights are usually good and the game itself is edutainment.
>>Go into gasolin
>>Cutie smiles at you
you must genuinely be a sad depressive cuckold if you under any circumstances release dopamine from front-end workers smiling at you
I want to rim you.
i threw the game because im an idiot but im glad you enjoyed watching
feel free to ask for an invite sometime
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You did enter to win KitK@ Ahri right anon ?
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>sleeps on a small mattress without bedsheet on stream
>begs for money
life hasn't been the same ever since doanel jr got aborted
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operation FAD starting NOW
first step, we queue for aram
second, look for players with effeminate names (but nothing TOO effeminate)
then we look for entry angles to start making jokes in chat, if the jokes successfully create a "haha lol you're funny" response we'll send her a friend request and start playing aram together. After playing aram for a while, we suggest her "let's take a break from aram" and go for quickplay instead. this is the exact turning point, this is where the magic happens. Once we're in the quickplay lobby, we go support or bot depending on her primary pick, and slowly integrate that bitch into the rift. we repeat this process over the course of the next few days and compliment "how well she's playing" even though we're playing with and against iron 4s. Slowly bloat that bitch ego up making her think she's truly great at this game.

then we wait. wait for her to start developing some amounts of toxicity, just enough that she starts mildly flaming our teammates for their misplays. this is the final part, the last step of our entire plan. we suggest playing ranked matches together, tell her it's "just like quickplay but only with a rank, nothing to be nervous about".

et voila! you now have your very own personal duobitch. congratulations
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>dantes beggar arc
>LS salmon semen arc
>zlatorz necrosis arc
2024 looking wild bros
Is wanting to build Phantom Dancer on Briar just incorrect of me, or is it semi-viable like Lethality Briar?
that looks so shitty
I havent gone back since I got my huge bed and it takes up more than half the space in my room
fat fucking loser
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How does this even work? I got tons of honor but this hasnt changed a bit
you also need to honor team mates a lot
it's a timer locked thing dressed as the honor system carrot on a stick designed to make people think honoring players mean anything but truly it's only another way they try to keep (You) addicted
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>you need to get honored
>you need to honor teammates else you can't progress(even if they don't deserve it)
>honor progresses much faster if you play in premade
>you have to reset your client every 2-3 games because it's capped/session, this is aimed to punish dedicated players
>you need to not get reported often, even if you don't get chat banned it will still slow your progression
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reverse rapidfire cannon where your energized attack cucks down the target champion's attack range for their next auto attack
I've been dating this girl, and recently she invited me to join her and her friends to play some games. We had a 5-person queue, but they chose to play norms instead of flex. I asked her why they don't play flex when they have a full team, and she said she doesn't really know but mentioned something about their rankings being too high. But that's the thing about flex—you can play with people of different ranks without it being an issue.
nta but look at the picture, he is so tall compared to the mattress that he can't even straighten his legs
every self respecting person gets himself/herself a good quality comfy mattress because having a bad one will fuck with your spine and sleeps over time
>removes lethal (debatable rune) because of the Windshitters
>ADCs and other Lethal users suffer
>PtA is an akward rune for many champions
>Conq is dead on a ton of champions
>nerfs the last rune many champion can reliable use
>nerfs the rune for scaling champion that need it to survive lane
>it gets buffed for meeles (mostly windshitters again)
You could legit appoint any Master+ player on the ladder and he would make smarter decisions as this retard.
I have no sympathy for dantes I'm sure he's actually got a 10k bed right outside the camera faking this shit for his epic begging
Goodnight lolg
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>tfw finally feeling like a Brair chad
>tongue kisses you while hugging you close
gn bb
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gn cutie
>buffs AP items
bro I swear on my life this guy is mental
filename is true...
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I'm glad we've been buffing and nerfing some of the same champs for 7 straight patches now. Truly a remarkable feat of balancing by Phreak and his team.
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after 1 hour or 2 games, close the client and wait 5-10 mins and then continue
its session based
>honor progresses much faster if you play in premade
are you sure? i dont think it helps at all
also you dont need to get honored, it just helps a little bit but not by a lot, honoring others is more important
futa Samira mod
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Just add a girly profile and inv.
Wtf is this shit
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you know
i just wanted to tell you that i thought your vel'koz drawing was cool
but i guess im not allowed to express any goodwill to you without it being seen as some kind of calculated manipulative trick in your eyes. can i ask you a question, mantheon? have you ever considered that maybe it's you? that the deception you see mirrored so ubiquitously in everyone you meet is simply a reflection of your own psyche?
and what hurts the most
isn't that you're delusional
or that you constantly neglect or belittle my feelings
it's that on top of it all
you're also a liar

also wtf are you talking about you dont know my account you literally have me added


shes not my girl.
we were never each others girl
i dont want anything to do with her anymore
I love you Lyra.
He did not draw that, he said so in his stream yesterday and was confused about it.
>the only relevant roles that normies love

>bad roles
adc (janitor)
jungler (cuck)

You're mentally ill.
sorry that they are mean to you
I demand to see actual irl pictures of these tripfag whores you faggots keep talking about.
injecting salmon semen into your skin helps retain its elasticity
basically your face seemingly ages slower if you regularly get fish cum
Lyra looks exactly like Ahri
did I hit a nerve to adc wagecuck players? at least jungle retards accept their role as proud cucks who will always be blamed.
You will never be the main character.
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avg adc main
So basically it's just faggot behavior
You will always be my main character, adcbro. Just stick to Ashe and Senna and support us.
I thought Dantes was supposed to be really buff, but he doesn't really look like anything special here?
Is Malzahar just bad right now, or am I the bad? Or is it both?
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>28 paragraph long essay from the person who disappeared off of EUW without a trace for over 4 weeks while denying any attempts of creating contact only to come out the woodwork to "show interest" all suspiciously
>why no I'm not a manipulative snake! you're just paranoid!!
Reality of being a natty lifter. You only look buff immediately after working out, in good lighting and at a nice angle. Other than that you just look "fit"
Wyd anon ? Go get in that giveaway or else !
>just started watching jjk(10th episode)
is this spoiler?
damn the shipper btfo
Leave my sister alone
I only play Draven, sorry.
I wish I looked like samira
>>the only relevant roles that normies love
Umm why do I get flamed all the time by my team if normies love supports ???

So you could suck on bwc?
didn't like the character anyways
maybe, why?
because supports are the dei diversity hires of league
He's saying normies love playing support dummy
because youre a nigger

Qiyana high elo players look like this?
>was watching her leveling in KR
>apparently some kassadin player is her bf that just blasts dantes music on stream
>they probably fucked between matches as they were both drinking and going offscreen quite a lot

yea i am not watching that shit
People find that attractive ?
That's most of her streams sadly, she's a dumb bpd e-whore with some trashy e-bf. Shame cause she's really good when she plays seriously.
yea but like
not trying to sound like an incel here but there are not many female streamers who don't bring personal life infront of the camera
idk what i expected honestly, i just enjoyed the grind streams
So, so right. Newbie non-normie me gravitated straight to bottom after playing in tutorial mode (support). The more I got broken the more jungle I started to play later on.
malzahar a bad but he is made for baddies I think. The garen of mages, perhaps?
>not trying to sound like an incel here
you literally are though
could name drop a few that actually play, are genuine, and entertaining for the most part but none of them are bigdick elo except for one and even she isnt at the highest part of the chain because she's too honest for boosts
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>enemy team up 10 kills, all 6 grubs, 3 dragons
>drop an ff vote
>they vote no
teehee :p oops i accidently dived the backline and dies.. oh no... i let their minion waves push and just clear wards, oh no i 'forgot' to to use my ability on an ally to save them.. oh no guys.. it would be a shame if someone wasnt soft inting and making this a 100% loss :p
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arcane trailer in a few mins
If someone mains either top lane, mid, support, bottom "carry" or jungle, I can safely predict they are a whiny bitch.
What role? Top?
Pretty sure no one here is a Rek'Sai or Naafiri poster. You can make them cute! It'd be quite novel.
ok goodnight
I eat so many kitkats every day I am obese chocolate man
I predict jinx getting blacked
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I have won games where this happened before, you are a pussy
I do the same. Either vote yes and go next to stop wasting everyone's time (yours included) or I'll make sure you lose. If you keep me hostage, you pay the price. I don't care if you 'scale'. The game is done.
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why is zoe so mean?
>Omg I'm gonna le hecking troll now
Nigger you are dogshit it makes no difference if you're trying or inting. Your teammates probably don't even notice because there's no actual change
This is why you're in iron. You only FF if the enemy will clear your nexus before you can retaliate at all. thats the only function of the surrender.
Also a pussy
>"le heckin youtube guy told me to NEVAH GIVE UP"
That's the only thing he can genuinely do. The rest of his emotions are usually emulation because he doesn't know better.
I can find more examples of a CC telling people to kill themselves for not FFing after first blood than the latter. Stop projecting.
Which youtuber taught you to forfeit winnable games
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>not even 30 seconds into trailer
>woman is already screaming
>pick early game champ
>do bad in lane
>force your allies who pick scaling champs to surrender because you're not having fun
Fucking manchildren
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heres your new league champ bro
lolg told me to stay positive
This is why my 2 friends and I play quickplay only. Only 3 FF votes are needed so we can just decide when the game is over. No more hostaging.
>back when leagues had names
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why do they purposefully make her uglier and more grotesque? That S1 scene where shes pigging out or that other scene where shes being a total hedonist were just gross for no reason. The scenes might have worked if the subject was conventionally attractive because then one could bask in the decadence but she's not. Instead, they were repulsive.
Please stay there
all region-based skins are great
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>reptilians confirmed
You guys JUST got a hot pandering waifu. Chill. Not every champion caters to your coom-obsessed NEETview.
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Game gave me a bunch of random poppy skins but not that one. Gotta be her best one.
>Play for fun in ranked
>Doesn't matter how good you play, the game will decide if you're gonna win that match or not
They genuinely need to remove this system.
>look a butch is yelling isnt that empowering?
This is just leftover work from the politically correct employees that got fired from Riot, yes?
The only fun I have in this game is spamming laugh in arams whenever enemy has a bad comp. What happened.
i mean just watch the trailer
>trailer almost exclusively shows women
>the only white man was singed who wasn't a background character(btw only 1 white male guard was show IN PILTOVER?)
>besides ekko and ambassing, there are a ton of black background characters with afro hair

i can't take this seriously, i guess you can count heimer as a man who shows up in the trailer and warwick since he is male but what the fuck is this?
half the trailer was just women screaming and racial representations
we conviniently forgot to show jayce and viktor too, viktor being probably the best character in the entire show
i am pretty sure he is shown somewhere on the shots towards the end of the trailer partially but he is unrecognizable
Let it go grandpa the west belongs to blacks now
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>Whatever hype and goodwill Arcane season 1 garnered will very likely be tarnished in Arcane season 2
>Kills everyone's interest in the lore of LoL
It's both sad and funny at the same time
I thought Annie was the mage for new players/bads
>i would rather int a game gone sour than try to win it
you are a lesser creature
lolg EU real incel hours huh
>we don't see Jayce or Viktor once
>one brief shot of Warwick
Reminder that Silco literally, unironically, carried Season 1, and he's dead now. Based on that and this trailer, this is gonna be a shitshow unless Warwick can carry. Shame. There was so much promise after Season 1.
Arcane is for tumblrfaggots not people who actually play League
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it's hard to keep you added because you change accounts like every 2 days
the only time i ff is when they're rushing our nexus or if my friends want me to
Dr Mundo would save arcane 2
Now why didn't anyone tell me Soraka is one of the biggest "kill stealers" in the game ?
actually, vi and cait carried season 1
>muh lesbians
There were plenty of things to like about Arcane besides the carpetmunchers. In fact, Jinx, Vi, and Cait are arguably the worst parts about the show.
I did not mention lesbians in my post
Dude have you been living under a rock for the last 15 years? That's every single piece of western media nowadays.
I thought you quit
why are you still here?
Well you mentioned tumblr, and any time someone on /co/ mentions that they mean vi and cait, so I just assumed.
>That's every single piece of western media nowadays
And it's all falling apart, you can thank this man for destroying western entertainment.
I forgot league was about 2 ggers fighting an evil white man.
Viego is a sandnigger
>*loses but 15 minutes later*
skirr issue
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>Viego was originally gonna be mexican
Why would anyone enjoy a feast or famine champ when you can just play defensively under tower, concede some meaningless early drakes and gold (who cares when you have access to xp that gives with each level way more stats value than gold) and kill everyone later on?
He is mexican have you not heard his voice
because if you are remotely good you feast a lot more than you famine
Because I'm good at the game?
their story was irrelevant past the first 3 episodes
you have more games on qiyana than most people on /lolg/ and you're by far the worst one, maybe this answers your question
All of my champions are troll picks
i will never get out of Iron
she is, I guess, but she has that complicated 4 bar thing that she needs to make use of to keep things going. Plus, Tibbers requires micro. So, no, I don't think she is more babby's first mage than Malzahar who apparently has auto wave clear and a fire and forget udienow button.
Be happy. I "got out" and game became 100 times worse
Anal with Anali.
Jinx is the best character. Vi is essentially a prop for Jinx. Hell, she's a prop for Caitlyn, too, apparently but not as much as she was for her sister.
When playing ranked, should I just always build Hullbreaker no matter what champion and only ever split push to escape Bronze? I can't be a team player as game keeps giving me retards.
Give it a try
> as game keeps giving me retards.
if you play in bronze you're most likely retarded aswell so its fine
LS trying to convince us that his SC2 buddy is new to league and reached Masters after playing for few months when in reality he's been playing since s8 lol lmao
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who does she main
This is what I imagine enchanter players look like
Depending on your mindset its totally possible to reach high elo in 2 months.
If hes used to play comp online games, especially hard once like sc2 he should have no struggle to play for improvement rather than fun and to fix his own mistakes rather than blaming.
Like in league people struggle with 5 hotkeys, in sc2 they use over 30 with 10 times as high apm
darius toplane
which sc2 player?

I don't doubt it, I'm just saying I was masters in SC2 and I haven't hit diamond in LoL after playing for 6 years. The skillset overlap isn't there and it's harder/slower to grind games in league because the average game is overall longer.
Good morning /lolg/
My dick is hard, champs for this feel?
How do I win against an enchanter lane as a support
k'sante's hard dick inside sona
if you lose to enchanters you are bad (not including senna because she is broken rn)
How do I be good (specifically vs milio he is so boring to play against)
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What support are you playing ? How aggressive are you being overall ? Is your adchud passive or playing with you ?
While this talks about positioning as an enchanter, and overall any support, it has good rules to follow : https://youtu.be/rhVIATwRN5k
This guy has good support vidyas to watch too : https://www.youtube.com/@Joeyyylol
>(specifically vs milio he is so boring to play against)
Bait his abilities, poke his adchud. After he's used both shields and W he's practically useless. Your biggest timer to push into him is after his W is gone.
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all the champs in this game are soft
how do I unsubscribe from this fag's blog?
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delete this
if u need to "scale" vs anyone who isn't a challenger level player doesn't matter the champ
just go next shitlord
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Name one thing she can't do
Ive gone like 0/7 in lane as gwen and still carried because my champ scales
Graves mid is fun, when it's not an ADC mid like this Smolder.
bad gameplay
The difference between Masters and the Top-100 in both games is pretty significant as well, so this doesn't seem that crazy given it's a largely different mode of play.
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someone got bitchslapped by asol
gayass no hands champ
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I always visit lanes in between jungle clears
>clear blue
>go mid
>from mid to red
>clear red
>gank top
Rinse and repeat
Even if you don't have a kill it's always good to either poke them, help them push or do the tower.
fuckin a just piss all over that lane plant your flag assert your chadominance amirite m8
dnc still picking vlad
Why is Sentinel Graves voice different from the original?
what do you mean i need 40 minutes to come up a plan to ace the enemy plat team
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you do it
written by a real pisslow
I'M GAMING!!!!!!!!!!
>I watched some guides and understand what tempo is but its not working anymore
tempo is time advantage on current hot topic, theres nothing else to it
if your current position is better on the map than your opponent's for the same objective then you have tempo
once current objective is clear then you identify the next best play and think about where the enemy can be on the map, which is why jungle tracking is probably the most important skill in the entire game
It's finally going to die...peace at last...
>can't snowball before asol scales
Against sett the most helping advice is to actually open league wikki and read his abilitys where they are described well.
He really just has a lot of shit going that you dont grasp just by fighting him:
Like that his e is not a stun, but a slow that only stuns if he pulls 2 targets together
His gapcloser only works if he has vision on you, so bushes and red trinket slow him down
His W is completely harmless if you dont overcharge (means his bar becomes red) and walk to the sides (which you can do if you dont get stuned by e)
His R is no knockup, but a surpression you can outplay with phaserush (i didnt try it in a while, but it used to work like that, correct me if im wrong)
His passive heal increases the lowe hp he is, so early shortrades are worth it till you get in execute range

Always read the abilitys here: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Sett/LoL
They describe them well while the riot client barely says anything about it, not even the scalings

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