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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5.

How fares your empire /gsg/?

Random Country Picker

>Archive (mods only)

>Where to get these games


>>[EU4] - /gsg/ Universalis 1A

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.3
https://pastebin.com/7ZBm2K3V (embed)

>>[V2] - Niggermod

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod Plus

>>[V2] - Ending Extension Mod

>>[V2] - Crimeamod

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V11.1

Previous thread: >>492225971
it's so over
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the og what coulda been
bro really thinks eu5 will not be arcadey
i'm going to combine 0.2 wood mana and 0.1 iron mana to maks a +0.3 prestige table for my daz model manlet ruler
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you guys see that tucker interview? I'm watching it now. he's telling the normies about churchill
it was very satisfying to watch this janny-infested shithole die
which interview by the way?
can't access twitter, my country blocked it
didn't mean to link to that specific point, just use the timestamp for ww2 and churchill
I don't know if this cuts anything out but it seems to be the same thing
i don't think blaming ww2 on churchill is a reddit opinion
>"playing" dumb
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A combination of Mercs and lightning warfare brought Aragon and Castille back under Christian control. The AI is still retarded though and Umablob took most of Leon. Pretty sure I can just keep spamming the Blitzkrieg strategy every 5 years or so as I get enough money to merc out and eventually unite Hispania
IDK tho
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My wife died so my son (who was already my vassal) became Duke of Lower Lorraine. I took the opprotunity to swear fealty to the empire and tried to commit sodoku but failed so now I'm stuck as an incapable ruler but I think being part of the empire is better in the long run as now I won't have to worry so much about Umablob (I hope)
>My wife died
i was about to react until i realized what thread i was at
would you use a :P or an xD
lowercase :p
post the rest of the captcha coward
don't let him bully you into doing as he says
be straight, play icky 2 in 2024
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>play eu4 for first time in years
>ai incapable of understanding the mechanics like army professionalism
>can only take 1 or 2 provinces in europe before retarded AE
>cant make separate peace with members of coalition so millions of people die for one province
what a shit game
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i'm making eu4 but better
how can you be saltless on the coast?
the entire place is surrounded by saltwater. just grab a wet rock
dude looks pretty high to me
retard janny is deleting random shit now
want to talk about colombus?
guess what
tranny janny gunna' delete your posts
we should just let it die so this weird faggot becomes obsolete
and then make a new /gsg/ like months later without him noticing
you might be onto something but to think of letting /gsg/ our fatherland die in a whimper?...
it died yesterday, so who cares
what is dead now can be revived again
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EMF makes large empires impossible. I lose 85% of max levy size here. Croatia alone is 80% of levy size if they were to revolt. The north is almost entirely useless, all tribals or low quality castles. In a century it wont be though and Ill have to deal with the kings combined having 500% of what I can scrape together. Thankfully theres countermeasures like max authority giving back 35% but after inheritance Im basically sitting with no levies by my own, which is hard. Very hard difficulty is actually a boon for this, my cities give me a stupid amount of money so I can outpace everyone. Im going to have to castle stack I guess.
lol rip gsg
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Reminder to install Katerina Engine
literally who?
>doesn't talk about victoria 2
>expects his posts to be undeleted
single mother households are something else
retard alert
is it indeleted
point is shit doesn't get "undeleted" on 4chan you newfag, once it's deleted it's not going to get dredged back so you'd have to post the same thing a second time but that's technically not "undeleting" anything
what does grammar have to do with timeline faggotry
nothing you idiot, you're the one thinking i was pointing out grammar
you're the idiot because you misunderstood what i meant with undeleted
good to know that your post had nothing to do with anything at all, then
Install Katherina Engine
Def way to play vic2
i'm glad we had this talk
won't be touching your memegame trannyengine
nice day for a walk
Touch it
You will not regret
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Do you guys think that EU5 will actually be called Europa Universalis? We're talking about swede cucks, and ro be fair, the game has expanded its scope beyond Europe
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I haven't played eu4 for years, iirc 2020, are the newer dlcs and updates any good

Any new mods?
How is this general so ded now
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lmao why
you came here during the reddit raid and have a mistaken understanding of how fast the general is
>get urge to play ck3
>jerk off
>don't feel like playing ck3 anymore
entertain me plebeians -_____-
i tested katerina engine
awesome! >w<
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thanebanana (new territory in thaneryke)
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>five times as many people speak spanish than italian
>according to this math, 4/5ths of those spanish-speaking people are subhumans
when's the new gsg coming out from that norwegian gamedev?
this in from zion regarding thaners:
that's right, nothing
thaners shine brightly
is it friday in your locale?
grey eminence will be the biggest grand strategy game after eu3 in the grand strategy gaming hall of fame, easily

i have a copy of east vs west sitting on my hard drive right now
>grey eminence
nobody tell him
last time i formed prussia in victoria 3? why, that was years ago..
you dropped your dogs...

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