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[Banner] [08/29] Beast Onyx (New)
[Banner] [08/29] Beast Mica
[Content] [08/29] Iridescent Realm / Potential
[Content] [08/29] Operation Eden Alliance: Tabria
[Content] [08/29] ESS Aki (Anomaly)
[Content] [09/05] Tower of Origin: Nini
[Event] [08/29] Summer 2024 Event: Spooky! Maze Escape Chaos (New)

[Banner] [09/19] Chaotic Linzy (Thanatos) (New)
[Content] [09/12] World Raid: Lighthouse Keeper (Soft Ban Pick)
[Content] [09/19] ESS Lizelotte (New) (Anomaly)
[Event] [TBA] "Date a Live V" Collaboration Event (currently JP-only)

>NA Guilds

>Newbie Guide

>"Information Source" Spreadsheet

Previous Thread: >>492140914
85 but whatever it's more trouble to add a number than having none
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ES merch when?
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Reminder Jammies.
>never get these because I play on an emulator
What does Melfice say?
I have Bryce, will switch to Melfice and post it later.
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>couldn't beat eden op with angels/demons
>beat it with an onyx team
is it finally happening?
Where is the eve banner?
Next week
September 7. Would've updated the OP if someone else didn't post it already.
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belated post
>day 8
>box 9
>500 gems spent
My octopussy mono beast team beat my Larimar team on Gaia. Beep beep
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>day 8
>box 12
>2000 gems spent

Thank you! I love the game and /esg/ and I want it to be as good as I can reasonably make it.
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>tight Ayame expansion
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>morning jammie
>cookie 600 can only be beaten with rad cath because no one else has cc immunity
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
hongers did way more damage than rad cath for me
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My Honglan probably could have done it without rad cath
prove it
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NTA but it is doable.
now post mono beast smart ass
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It was faster, I had 25 seconds to spare.
Now post a video where you beat the unikot on a pink dance pad with your eyes closed, hopping on your left leg, using mono beast without artifacts. With your right arm tied behind your back.
and join jammies btw
fuck you thanks this worked
How is Onyx doing 61m?
I don't wanna do my GR hits...
just auto it, no one cares
I might just auto today and try harder tomorrow.
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Nini's ToO was bittersweet but interesting. She really is an underrated girl with a lot of waifu potential.
Sadly Nini is the undead that moves me the least. Even Velanna has some appeal for me, dunno why.
I find her modest personality very attractive. She seems like she'd be very cozy and lovable. Also small size makes her portable for all sorts of activities.
Cathlets you have no excuse.
You guys told me I could safely skip her
Bro I joined the game when her banner was gone
I will never roll on alters.
Luckily we're all getting a copy of her alongside her idol skin, so we won't be a cathlet for long
No love story no pull
>listening to shitters
>skipping a limited character
>especially a very strong and versatile one
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I'll throw hands if you skip alter mephi
If breast expansion devs keeps his hand off her I might.
I will never skip her ark-sized breasts
enjoy being a shitter who has to hire other people's souls just to progress in battlefront
imagine needing to use meta to clear the easiest content in the game
Instant Origin+5 if breast expansion dev does a good job.
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Reset Adrianne!
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good morning /esg/

>day 9
>box 9
>750 gems spent
bruh i dont have diskspace on C drive i ant play this lol
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>day 9
>box 11
>5850 gems spent
good morning jammie
2250 spent
Use another emulator.
But Savior has no imouto, how can he kiss her?
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What if Mehi... but it's actually Beleth...?
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Don't mind me, I'm testing aesthetics.
What is Mephi's deception mentioned in her ToA
Catherine is a Sister.
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Not the Raid one but here
Well, the problem is that she isn't MY little sister, therefore it isn't the same.
can some lvl 500+ gigachad give me a QRD of their typical daily blue/purple resources income, like what they do daily to get them and how much they get from each activity per day? ive been playing since near launch and im not even lvl 400 yet i feel ive been doing every daily i can to get the resources, so i must be missing something.
Are you buying core dust from the store with gems?
>Well, the problem is that she isn't MY little sister
Correct, Catherine is your BIG sister, now stop listening to gossipniggers and kiss her already.
Implied to be either one or both of these:
>She never actually gave anything up when she and Yuria summoned (You), her "memory loss" is somehow self-inflicted and it was only Yuria who sacrificed all her power during the summoning.
>She may have another directive/ulterior motive given to her by Dr. Faust that may be related to what Faust tasked Kayrin to do when she returns to Earth, just hidden away within her memory bank until the time is right.
isn't it just referencing the fact that she killed everyone on her ark on purpose under orders from faust and it wasn't a malfunction?
I do 3 quick hunts per day.
I just do dailies and all content. I have never spent gems on anything but banners. I'm 510 but I do buy the Manon Pass every month and the event passes that give new buildings.
All I do is buy the monthly, event passes, and growth packs.
what is a good 'pentakill' unit, as in i can put it together with 4 tanks and it can solo the entire enemy team? for regular non boss pve

would have to be something that either can assassinate the opponent teams backline like aki and jaq, or something where it can 1v1 an assassin who jumps over and tries to kill it then kills everything else, or finally something where if it gets its first ult off it wipes the entire other team.

ive already got aki and jaq who do a fairly good job im just wondering what other options exist. i have every unit but not enough resources to max them all out so best to focus on just a couple

no aki or jaq as ive already got them
any ideas ? linzy? melfice? eileen? or maybe a mage or aoe? just something that can do insane damage on its own and not die. thanks
Claudia does that better than anyone
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good night /esg/
>you can link folders on different drives in windows, so you store the data in drive d and the pc thinks its in drive c for example
Otoha. She will clear faster than Aki when invested. Once she has one kill she will eat through the rest. She sucks in raids but in 5v5 content she is a monster. Also Claudia but she's harder to build as an angel. >>493389335
ive seen melfice just destroy 5x1 but i googled a tier list and she sucked so idk desu
>day 9
>box 12
>2000 jims

Those look great, Anon! I still can't believe this is happening.
Night, jammie!
From my experience, Eileen and Rad Cath. Except it's not them + 4 tanks, it's Eileen/Cath + 1 tank + 3 supports. Your game plan with Cath is to use her ult and watch the whole enemy team die to Conflagro. Eileen kills enemies one by one, starting with squishy backliners. Eileen is hard countered by taunts, though.
buying the passes and event buildings is effectively playing a different game
Goodnight jammer
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fresh octopussy
I'm learning to like her, but I need hair/tentaclejob artwork pronto.
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So close.

smash octopussy*
can you buy these with regular gems, if so where?
or are they paid gem/cash only?
No, pass requires money and event buildings require paid stones.
this but normal titty mephi
I don't care how big breast expansion dev makes her, if alter Mephi is not barefoot I'm skipping
>I don't care how big breast expansion dev makes her
She'll be wearing stockings and tennis shoes
Fuzzy leg warmers with the toes hanging out the end.
Is it wrong to want to hold on to Onyx's hair tentacles while having sex with her?
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I hope that's a slur.
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Why is Claudia like this?
Disregard that, I wanna know if her pupils turn into hearts when having sex.
>Pits 33rd
What's going going on? You're making us look bad in front of Jammies.
Jammies is full of shitters, we just wait until the last day to hit forreal
I'll put in my real attempt the last day.
But now we look like the shitters. At least get us into the top 25.
how did all the spergs end up in pits?
Pits was made on launch day so it vacuumed up the gachabrained retards
They are waiting for the meta teams to be posted on discord, they can't hit yet.
This happens every guild raid. Several pits wait until the last hour for some reason to hit.
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look at mephi go
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I managed to hit 1B! It's not an ideal set of teams I'm sure but I'm proud of it.
good job bro
this is more like it
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Reset (portable!) Nini!
A lot of us just autoskip the first few days.
good morning /esg/

>day 10
>box 10
>750 gems spent
>1x 40 artifact tix
good morning Jammie
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good morning jammie
Delete this, Beleth is for hugs, kisses, fug and complete utter annihilation of the soulkind.
Only a monster would do this to Beleth.
luteseg concept art
Where the naked Lute concept art at?
That's Haram, 9Ark cannot afford to do that and lose on the potential Arab playerbase.
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It's over, but at what cost?
Also box 13.
I wish we could destroy the evil scarecrow permanently
concept art dump incoming

Aurelian Deep Sea Ruins (BF29)
I demand more Lute concept art!!
Arenas for Lighthouse Keeper, Pluto(?), and DK
Endless Summer
Claire's Love Story
My wife! sex
Gaon Summer Festival
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My honest reaction.
Yuria's Love Story
My other wife! babymaking sex!
Sakuyo's Love Story
Hazel's Love Story
My drunk wife! drunk sex
Cherrie's Bad Ending
Marriage War
Lmao they wanted to show ass from the get-go, fucking based.
Worst event ending... my dreams... shattered
Nini Love Story illust
The devs are this based
Her korean VA amazes me
Lute Love Story illust
Yuria Everschool illust
My highschool life with my wife!
Manon Everschool illust
Chloe/Linzy summer festival illusts
Eileen Love Story illust
>the boob on boob squishing in the second one
missed opportunity..
Stop throwing my documents on the ground!! Bad sexcretary! Bad sexcretary!
Soonie Love Story illust
Jiho/Yuria/Edith Love Story illusts + Cath Radiance Soul Story illust
>second line
My wife! sex while going out
>third line
My other wife! sex to keep the royal bloodline going on
Yuria early designs
My young wife! more babymakign sex
Petra Love Story costume early designs
Cath Radiance early designs
Linzy/Rose/Chloe summer festival costumes early designs
Talia anniversary costume early designs
So there's a planned Rad Cath love story, huh
Eve Love Story costume early designs
Best picks were 3 and 6. Good to see the best one won at the end of the day.
EGT S1 winners early designs
And last one

Sakuyo/Larimar Love Story costume early designs
Thanks for the dump!
Where did you get the pics from?
From arca
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>huge girl with massive tits
>somehow also the cutest Soul no contest
how did they do it?
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>sexhair Linzy on the top right
Holy shit that's beautiful
Dumb girls are cute
Girls are the cutest when they're dumb clutz.
We were robbed...
Unironically I think the one we got is the worst of the four, but still good
Oh I really like wavy hair Larimar, but the straight style definitely fits the egyptian theme more.
They are onto us aiiieeeee
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fuggggg :DDDDDDD
Where my ES spurdo edits?
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>spam aki ult
>still hits less than one naomi ult
This will never not be funny
Normal, Ark-sized titty Mephi*
Damn they gave a whole history lesson.
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>Linzy 2 and 4
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>I was a single dominique crit away from breaking 3.6B
That's it, it's time for some dragon dildo correction
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Adrianne's expression is cute in all of these. One must imagine Catherine happy.
Glad they had their backshot priorities straight.
Cute dork!
Seggs dork!
Once again they went with the most risque option. Super based!
Fake cat instincts.
Once again best design won out. Very cultured!
Gotta agree, it just hits different.

SOUL story. Picrel is what we got ingame readlet.
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Here's a couple more pics of the event. Had to nuke their quality a bit though.
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who this?
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Kim also posted two lives from the event:

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Girls can be cute, hot, and lewd at the same time
>Fake cat instincts.
Likes to walk with tail up and likes to drink my milk?
I wish I could travel there... I wish I was rich enough to do that...
>second row
My kotwife!
What is my based wife saying?
Let's go, bros! Let's spread the truth about Mephi to the koreans!
this guy is really living the dream. I've never seen someone in game dev enjoy their job so much
>makes harem game with hot women
>the game makes enough money to keep going
I too would enjoy my job
>So there's a planned Rad Cath love story
Bro, no. It's over. Catherine is not allowed to get a happy ending, stop coping this hard, it's unhealthy.
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>found the gossipnigger
I won't save you! You shit sould with a coffee mug origin!
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Good job, but it makes me sad for Manon.
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The other stickers from the cafe. No dolphins, honest.
Hey, can anyone including this guy tell me how the discussions on vgl, the soccergame, have been?

From when, and from which group is it taken charge of?

Very respectfully,
more ingame stickers when
I mean, this guy
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
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it's missing erika
night jammer
It was a gacha, the uploader didn't get them all.
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Thanks bro!
who is that on the right?
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we should have got rose instead of rad cath
Agree. Now with them introducing so many new souls I doubt it's ever going to happen, if they ever considered an epic quality Rose.
Rose? More like RoSEX.
Why is she allowed to be so HOT??
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onyx balls
onyx balls
Onyx eggs...
Did you fertilize them, anon?
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>those yt links
>literally SEVERAL gooks know what I sound like when shouting like a retard over virtual divegrass
Cute and bullyable. Thanks, Anon!
Everything related to that is in these threads. Got any more specific questions than that?
I wish I could experience Onyx's eggs covered in white cream.
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This is way overdesigned, but couldn't stop myself and wanted it to be nice for the guide. Anything I'm missing?
>using Beleth as an example
>using Beleth as an example for non-A/D/C
>using Liz as an example for A/D/C instead of Yuria
Slightly less based.
>Anything I'm missing?
I don't think so. Looks good and clean, great job.
It almost was Yuria but I like Liz more.
B-But..chuuni soul...
If manon had a single debuff for her to echo then she would probably do comparable damage, I think, with her crazy crit damage. Unfortunately she's a buffer, and an awkward one at that. Power creep comes for everyone.
B-But..wife with impregnation fetish...
I hope we get a balance update in Q4. Some souls could use changes.
Not denying the goodness in that too. I'll put Yuria on the potentials part of the rentry for you when I get to it.
Thanks, anon, but we are just joking
I think they realized people are less likely to roll on new souls if they know older ones will regularly be buffed. They only bother now when a soul is borderline useless.
Here's hoping for Adri, Cherrie and Nini buffs then
I know, but she does deserve some extra love.
F2P anons do you guys buy the decoy operation tickets or is it not worth it?

also which is the 2nd best tank at not dying for each race? doing the towers and my frontline just seems to die
Human i can do ok with claire and catherine
Fairyis ok with chloe and daphne
Undead is petra and i guess the only option is bryce but she dies easy
Beast is soonie and ive tried clara lute seeha and aira but they seem frail

so basically which is the 2nd best pure tank (at not dying) for beast and undead? both of these two seem like they need another frontliner that doesnt just get melted
The only thing I buy as F2P is about 1000-2000 jims worth of event tickets for the arti boxes.
Cherry isn't that bad after her buffs, she's good on Gaia at least.
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He can't even beat one team. What drives him?
We'll get Chaos Rose when she wakes the fuck up.
You name it
respect mint chocolate!!
Shut the FUCK up Airi
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will it ever change?
Surely they'll try at least once with characters like Mephi or Aki
I'd settle for anything, even shirt or some of the merch they had at the cafe.
>beleth uses the same clothing because she's already best maid
Based if I say so myself
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Reset monster!
Stopstealingthingsfromsouls reset!
good morning /esg/

>day 11
>box 10
>750 gems spent
>1x 40 artifact tix
good morning jammie
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Holy shit what's wrong with this dog
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Don't stick you dick in crazy
This time you can't anyway
That's what happens when you don't fuck the dog by midnight, AIIIEEEE!
Why are they intentionally giving certain souls bad love stories? I don't like it.
Variety is my guess. But I dunno why they named them "love" stories
Theres like 100 girls, youve gotta try and make them unique
Better than making them forgettable
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Claras story was one of my favorites
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Pixiebro, can you upload Soonie's model? It's not in the dump.
What are going to do with Soonie, anon?!
Gonna stare at her bloomers all day and no one can stop me.
Box 14
250 gems a day
I'm doing 250 stones/day and I'm still in box 11.
I'm extremely unlucky.
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Box 13 so far with 2000 gems spent. Gotta save up more gems for upcoming banners so that's my spending limit.
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>650 gems a day
>box 13
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She got lost in the sauce, oops. All better now!
>captcha related
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Public Service Announcement for /esg/
Updated the rentry with a section on potentials and the new ascension guide. Still need to do a section on team building but I'm not entirely sure how to formulate something useful for it.

She's perfect. Glad she reminds me the important stuff.
What love stories have implied sex
Of the LS I've finished I've noted Claire's and then Eileen's where she blatantly offers

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