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Ruins your favorite franchise edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw [Embed]

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread:>>493166131
My GOD...
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Petition to fuck monsters
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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
I love huntresses
fuck huntresses sex style
Shit, I've needed permission for that?
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Just make Monster Hunter a gacha game
please... just onw lumu... I beg of thee. I havent hunted in 2 whole days...
this zesty ahh cat, good lord...
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new thread new world mhw lumu pc room lobby
>portable 6th launches
>CB is """"bugged"""" so that impact phials literally just don't work whatsoever
>wiggler palico set
World won.
I love huntresses
Huntress fuckers need to know their place.

Monster Hunter will forever be a Monster Fucker first series.
this this this!
Safi blast GS or sleep GS?
sleep for the sovl
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what exactly stonethrower do for gunlance?
I really like in 4U how the low rank armor sets will give you an optional 3rd skill when you add decorations, like Rathalos armor's +7 fire attack or Tigrex armor's +12 attack, instead of just giving you two full skills. Gypceros S armor gives you expert +7 which is nice to have with marathon runner.
increases the buttplug's duration
>Monster Hunter Myth Busters: Melee is harder?
It increases the length of your Wyrmstake. if you load it with shitty ammo, like rocks or redpits, the change is minimal and would be a waste of slots. But if you load your stake with ammo the monster drops, like thorn pods, the timer is increased by alot.
in gen 1 and 2 you can literally sit on a ledge where the monster cant reach or hit you in any way and pump it full of lead lol
Impressive, very nice
Now post the khezu hbg clip
I'm amused by how... normal these names are.
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Why is this retarded monster so popular?
lol penis!
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every map has like 2 or 3 spots where you can do this, guns have never not be cancer OP in one form or another
no it's the counters that's wrong and basically you're ichinose
Why is it always kirin?
capcom has learnt nothing from dmc2
melee has always been a bastion for honest gameplay but risebreak changed that and made everything shit
It's fairly iconic
It's the most blatant slutwear in the series and if you're gonna do a gacha crossover that's what you do
>me in the background holding my breath hoping no one will notice the offset attacks in wild
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>tfw Lunastra moves directly on top of a Cactaur
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PEAK female huntress armor
It simply cannot be beat
It's so good that in a game where it isn't in, they just made another kirin armor(LR/HR barioth)
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Its slutty
Offset attacks and clashes will end up being ignore for being inefficient damage options. The dev fears the speedrunner.
light bingun
posting maze's stuff is kind of cheating I don't think I could be as autistic if I tried
Justification to solo RiseBreak?
Maybe multi until i'm done with it and go back to solo world again is a better choice?
MH has almost never been honest. There's always a lot of items and tools or companion you can use to make up the difference in fights and you're expected to regularly use them. This whole idea that MH was nothing but you, a great sword, your i-frames versus the roster until 5th gen is just fantasy. You can say that Rise fucked up by changing the flow of the core gameplay, which is true, but that's not really the same argument.
>Justification to solo RiseBreak?
there is none, the game is super easy even when soloing so you might as well use all the crutches in existence to get it over and done with
justification? are you daft?
play the game if you want
hunt the monsters if you want
I'm not your dad
Alright go play 1 or dos and tell me where the dishonesty is ugly stupid bingfag
argument lost
grinding lands + deco grind + augment grind before Alatreon and Fatalis
I'm so tired
>ignore 95% of the franchise to talk about what the franchise is or isn't supposed to be
Lol it's exactly what I thought, there are genuine autists here who think monster hunter is literally nothing more than swinging and rolling with a GS
I did alatreon and fatalis before doing that grind
here is gen 1>>493239317 and 2 >>493239434 bro, minus the trap and flash bomb spam
have you tried hunting monsters like in the first generations? Via trap spam and part breaks? Deco grind is meaningless you don't need those level 4 skills outside of literal sieges
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Fun fact
Gravios hunts are exactly like this to this very day
Post monster hunter video essay cliches like
>the dance between the hunter and a monster
Chesslike action economy
Gameplay loop of intentionally variable intensity
Immersive sim elements
that's how I've always played the game? how else do people play?
good to know I'll drop the deco grind
>using the word "boss" out side of final/urgent Rank monsters & the extremely hard outliers
>this is good because it's lesser version of the normal effect
>I hate "X" thing
>Uses weapons poorly in footage
>I wish more monsters *didn't fit the world* to make the games more memorable
in order to get the ammo to do this to one monster you will have to spend 2 hours farming in gathering quests, have fun
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Nah, Spio X wins every time
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I'm going to roll for augments for a little while and then make a Sunbreak PC room
This is your warning
monster hunter has to be most anti intellectual game ever and yet autists still feel the need to analyse it
All kirin huntresses are just cosplayers and can't hunt for shit
you do not put down 4 or more traps per hunt and capture it at the end, the end of second gen does that because of the diminishing returns of trap time introduced in 3rd gen and some monsters can easily be killed without breaking every single part
It's still not honest, Khezu literally can do nothing but scream and eventually run away.
>you spent time with prepping that so the cheese doesn't count!
what a cop out, you could get those materials in less than 30 mins of playing and even then it's still cheese
Somnacanth my moist swampy monster wife...
What anomaly levels are you hunting at, hunter?
vendors sells water/flaming shots
granny has a rotating inventory where you can buy the basic fishes you need for combining
the only downside is having less zennies on hand but then you're fucking gunning so one quest and selling all monsters mats nets you 20k so who cares
If I’m past 221 can I hunt anything up to 300?
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>he isn't a big brain hunter
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>>you spent time with prepping that so the cheese doesn't count!
lol you have never played 1 or dos in your life otherwise you wouldn't be screeching about this like an autistic tribab or worldsperm right now
>it's honest cheese bro!!
It's not rolling naked with a GS, therefore it's cheese. Cope
and now he's moving goalposts wow worldsperms are mentally ill who woulda thunk!
The only thing that truly prevents you from beating the game is letting other people beat it for you.
I've started liking courage hammer quite a bit. Do I stack elemental on my qurious crafting, or is raw/affinity always the go to?
if i make a lumu will you join it
sorry lil bro nobody gives a FUCK about rise
Courage hammer is one of the strongest element weapons in the game so much so that you don’t even run dragon conversion because it naturally shits out so much element
So yeah crank element on the augments
courage hammer is a 1000% elemental weapon and that's why it's in the upper cut of weapons whereas strength is down in the gutter
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>Move goal post along with your goal post moving
You asked where the dishonesty was in gen 1 and 2, and moved the goal post saying "it's not really being dishonest!"
>you moved too! I win!
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which one is objectively better?
Why would Tri have anything to do with the fixation on traps or whatever when it was full of monsters who were super vulnerable to that sort of thing, even those you wanted to keep from getting into the water and chasing for 3 areas
Zinogre or Astalos SnS?
Sounds good, I will pump elemental to the max. Still working on aquiring a dragon hammer but the rest of the elements have at least some representation.
notice how worldfags attack the game (rise)and how risefags attack the people (worldfags)
should tell you who's right or wrong
switch to counter when monster aggro
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Wtf is wrong with speedrunners jesus christ
it's actually Pokemon fans. Trust me bro
shame to see those creepy mitts on a beautiful shard LBG, they're for RF crag not keeping wounds open
the trap timer stupid, the time monsters spent stunned and trapped was reduced for repeated ensnarement in tri. It was so short when abused that you would have to pretrank the monster to capture & end the hunt because they got out of traps before the second trank could be thrown
they want to any% life too
I see nothing wrong.
>literal speedtranny
I have captured my nubian queen, black diablos. She is my wife now.
They are insane.
>he watches MH speedrunners
yea bro, i love modded runs that 'inexplicably' has things go in my favor at the exact moment
Why do you think your average speedrunner has 100 or 200 runs under his (or rather, xis) belt?
They're literally autists, redoing the same game over and over until it works.
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Well after several hundred rolls I didn’t get a single level of frostcraft so I’m just making the room
Sunbreak PC Lumu/Room
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Petition to… um….. uh……. erm…..
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monsters like this
counter morph slash is an objective upgrade unless you for some obscene reason use the morph to attack
30% damage on phials is ridiculous in itself, and you also get a GP immediately while morphing back to sword
What does "Lumu" mean?
Can I come in? I just beat Magnamalaolomolololo.
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The endemic amphibian menace strikes again
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>what does "lumu" mean?
Anon please
Chu is the sound for kissing in japanese it's just a cutesy way to write your name
This makes it worse honestly because they're acting like a fucking stereotype as all trannies do
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Petition to... Uhhh.... Woah look a shiny maybe it's a plate
sorry mate the wage cage is calling in 20min
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speculate what other creative palico armour we will get, NOW
It's a pun. Lumu is romaji for room, and we also have the monster Paolumu, so we started calling rooms lumus
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lumu deez nuts lmao
I see. Thank you for your answer, you are a gentleman and a prince among men, clearly three cuts above the other faggots and trannies in this general.
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What's up with CATS and their stupid petitions.
cute corner palico-chan got cropped out for future use, yay
Nightshade lumu strikes when you least expect it
The longer anyone takes to join the more I can roll for these skills so it’s a win/win really
Kill yourself cringelord I only gave you the explanation because it's impossible to figure it out through lurking unless you happen to be good at japanese
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But why tho
Spotted the samefag seething he got told.
what happened the second greater than in your reply?
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How do I unlock MR Arch Tempered Kirin (not HR)
Because she’s my wife
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Kill yourself cringelord I only gave you the explanation because it's impossible to figure it out through lurking unless you happen to be good at japanese
Nice inspect element, seething samefag.
it means sneed formerly suck and fuck
does nyot exist
OMW! (On My Way)!
based gentleman poster don't let the faggots get you down king
As with all generals raided by discord, it's hard. Gatekeeping seem to be a constant among these.
what the hell i love anime now
>Make me proud and mount that monster!
Are all Elgado women cuckqueans like this?
How do I know in the older titles if I hit a weakspot or not? I'm playing through generations ultimate atm.
crunchy sound and blood splatter
le epic bait
Blood, sound.
Hit the head.
Shut up newfaggot and lurk moar or learn to use the archive before asking questions that get asked and answered twice a day. Or, just kill yourself. I really dont give a fuck which.
Ok thanks! Trying to figure out what weapon to use. I love switchaxe but in this it just feels awful until I can get some evade extender. Running SnS for the moment.
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Why is the thread exceedingly schizo today?
>older title
US school shooting, some americans are getting to stay home and shitpost.
The Americans are still asleep
>US school shooting
Another one? Columbine wasn't so long ago, though...
you have to admire them
addicted to speeding through games that they performed IRL glitches that causes them to speed through life
Post jokes, NOW!
Is it bad and I shouldn't bother then? Ok, I'll just try something else then. Is chargeblade good?
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friends i need the afflicted hardclaw but the only monster i have that drops the item is at lvl 89 (the lvl i need them to be is at 111) should i grind this monster till said lvl or pray i get an investigation with a monster that drops it? also how do i get new anomaly investigations?
shop mod
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killing hermitaurs and ceanataurs and they all die like this
hahahahahahaha thats funny
Gather in the jungle map for new inves. Its the smallest map. Return from quest.
I have all quests but i play on nintendo.
Can you ignore the close range coating in World?
Bow feels like absolute shit when I use it because of the short range.
Depending on your AR, leveling up the quest to 111 would take one quest
Yeah, m8, its shit. Its alright when youre rught up on them, but shit moves around too much and DPS is better with just normal and not worrying about popping it on and off each time the mon atks.
Grinding anomaly rank to max was the biggest chore ever.
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>be me
>wake up
Hunts for this feel?
The /mhg/ custom quest pack.
>favourite part of SA is the counter
>favourite part of CB is guard pointing
Any weapon recommendations based off this?
I downloaded it but then got sad because you cant bathe in the same stream twice.
Dark souls
Bros... I'm running low on pale extract for my megadrugs... withdrawal will be tough..
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Here have some
*unzip dick*
Use Insta Block on Lance and never look back.
Just do steamworks and meld them
Just get a twink sissy huntress gf and milk their prostate for more pale extract.
But I'm playing rise...
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Glad that bullshit gets removed in WIlds.
>ppl actually join my lv299 shitmon
>3 hammer players
GS tackling through a charge and getting a knock back makes my bussy very hot and tingly
le reddit squad has arrived
The official rules are: Complete the quest "Absolute Power".

Timer starts when pressing 'Yes' in the textbox "Begin game without saving" The timer ends on the final hit on Tigrex. The use of PPSSPP emulator is allowed.

Additional rules for NotYourGranny%:

You may only use 1 weapon type during a run. The Weapons Greatsword, Hammer, Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun are banned. The items Pitfall Trap, Shock Trap, Barrel Bombs, Flash Bombs, Smoke Bombs, Placeable Meat, Boomerangs and Lightning Rods are all banned. Palicos and the Kitchen Skill "Heroics" is also banned.
it's femboy hour
What are good weapons for generations ultimate? I'm thinking of going longsword or lance. They feel really good.
>guild hammer is an axe
>vaal hammer is an axe
>both cooler looking hammers out of the bunch sans gun hammer
>axe looking but doesn't cut
Why do they do this
Anything but GL or HH.
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>You can't bathe in the same stream twice
Bro the stream's still lovely
But my time in the forest has made me rabid and now I hate water.
>all this movement options
>somehow anjanath is more annoying to fight in rise than world
But the lance counter doesn't lead to a massive nuke like SAED or the SA counter.
It's still pretty huge damage all things considered
If you want to drop counter nukes you just play GS
>Bites the ground near you
Nothin' personnel, hunter
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What is his problem?
He's a wyverian
He's a light skinned nigga so he misses out on all the white privilege but gets shit on by the real niggas
what? i have way more trouble fighting world anjanath, rise anja is fun & easy
>Bad Dragon just announced they're comming out with an officially licensed MonHun product line
What are you getting, anon?
So basically I just need to stop caring about buffing and hit the monster?
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STILL playing rise?
mosswine corkscrew dildo
Severed Pukei-Pukei tail EZ
you can do both at the same time
What is the profag messaging in rise? Don't recall any
jinouga cookie
hamon says "some people literally take hours" this is a pro-trans message referring to how long it takes drag queens to put on makeup
kek imagine a zinogre dildo that sends electricity through your prostate
why was most of the last thread deleted
Black Biablos pelvis crusher 5000
Haha, yeah... imagine....
is bowgun playable in 1/G/F1/dos or are you simply too poor in those games?
>songs automatically play in rise's version of HH
Doesn't that remove HH's identity and just makes it hammer but better since it gives free buffs with every attack?
A pukei head with a big squishy tongue, and if you squeeze the head with your thighs the tongue extends and stiffens.
Your songs are attacks and amazing finishers to attack chains. You should only be performing away from the monster if there's free time like when the monster is moving between areas and things like that. Your first priority is consistently swinging on the monster's head, not maintaining all of your buffs besides self improvement. You are hammer's gay nephew not a support weapon.
Stop noticing things
>the input for Wilds SA sword counter is the same as the usual CB guardpoint
>join pc room after it has been more than a year.
>4 people in a quest
>do a quest by myself, knowing my fellow pc bros would split to hunt with me like they always have
>they start another quest, leaving me by myself
rooms aren't what they used to be anymore...
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Huntresses should always be white
The numbers could be closer together, but people don't see a chart like this and freak out thinking that they need to make it so every weapon can get HBG numbers. But those are from speedrunners that spend hundreds of hours grinding out single hunts. This chart is worthless for the average player or even a fairly skilled one. If you gave DPS parity to all weapons, no one would use anything besides lance on most monsters due to how safe it is.
A squirting odogaron and a 2 litter syringe pump
flared kirin horsecock
Black Diablos PUSS
>same monster but huge and 90% shitzones
I fucking hate deviants
Ajanath are cool.
Oh hey the bug that nukes entire threads when they get archived is back
The last thread is gone
Was it really worth keeping?
>au ra
Hyur master race here.
and now post the most recent one
Lance is such a cuck weapon lmao. Always at the bottom and it's boring to play too.
>boring to play too.
that's just your opinion
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try using rf water on gravios vs hammer and see whats faster & easier
i dont have it, this was the only one i found trying to look it up. can you post it?
>boring to play
thats just, like, your opinion, man
Its fun if youre playing with other people, get a knock down, then type "choochoo" and charge the mons head ruining everyone elses big dmg windows for that 500 dmg double thrust finisher.
i never even use that move, i prefer shield charge
a charged slap does more damage than the finisher of the other charge and comes out faster
What happened to hammer?
I'm too lazy to make a screenshot but this should be the latest https://youtu.be/xXCGBLLgO5s
So many weapons in Rise's best move being a counter makes the game feel awful to play in multiplayer
Either you're getting focused and you're having fun because you get to land the moves you want or you stand there like a dumbass whiffing counters or missing out on tons of damage because the monster won't even look at you or attacks the player behind you instead and misses your counter
You can go the entire hunt and get targeted maybe 3 times it feels so bad and uninteractive
i love being a solo hunter
Make a IB lumu, I will joinhavs
gimme 3 world funmons to hunt in the GL for my warm up
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is Rush Of Blood still the best way to get nourishing extract? my AI google search algorithms are shoving a bunch of screenrant articles in my face and i dont trust them.

the song is a banger though
I'll make one in 30ish minutes.
thats why they gave you red and blue scrolls dumbnuts
>the song is a banger though
Was gonna mention that, but also the whole albumn is bangers.
Should I start playing bow again in Iceborne or Sunbreak in preparation for Wilds? I've beat Sunbreak with melee but part of me misses the fun of shotgunning arrows.
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>HH in the garbage
>SnS is actually third place for melee
>GS is still on top for melee
>LA is square in the middle of the pack
This is not terrible balance all things considered wait a second...
>LBG is beating HBG
Velkhana, Stygian Zinogre, Acid Glav
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longsword sisters...
Is there one for Iceborne?
If you want the extract for Drugs, then forget farming it
Just go to the Elder Melder and meld it
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If the move you think is "the best move" doesn't work in the environment you like to play in
Is it still "the best move"
>palicoless solo-hunters finally realizing they have been playing on easy mode all along
wyverian cloaca extreme (pre-egg lay)
it's the exact same difficulty except you get less dopamine because you can't use your counters, in fact it's still easier because the monster still dies faster
I'm well aware all the counter shit is easy mode
That doesn't change the fact that the game's design is clashing with itself
On the one hand they want you to hunt with other players this series has always been a multiplayer series
But on the other hand they give you all of these counter moves that either do insane damage, buff you massively or both but they just don't function when used online
It's bad design at the most fundamental level
I should probably make another gs setup for crazy hypermons and swap the weakness exploit for draw atk, huh?
>On the one hand they want you to hunt with other players this series has always been a multiplayer series
in sunbreak, they give you npc followers so you don't HAVE to play with real people thoughever
they also made it so EVERY hub quest has single player scaling, again, eliminating the "need" for multiplayer
But they do function, the monster still attacks you, and even when it doesn't tends to have one or two wide area attacks that are bound to hit many hunters at once
They just aren't your only form of offense like for solocucks
idk what u guys are saying about palicoes but i only use them for gathering quests, they only disrupt my hunts
palicoes just flinch you out of your combo and steal the monsters head by aggroing it so your hunts become a slog
only game theyre good in is world because they are laughably overpowered in that game, but then in rise you just want 2 dogs instead if youre using buddies
I don't think I ever used water strike to counter a monster. I just charge, man.
the whole "solo is easier" thing has gotta be the biggest mental gymnastic ive seen of any game
>counters actually take effort to land for a change
/mhg/ sisters...why are we this shit...
>hiding your name but exposing the others in the lumu
bitch behavior desu
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>kamehaneha's you from across 2 zones the instant you find an opening to heal
what the actual fuck is his problem?
For real. I just put everyone on blast.
I don't know if it's easier but it's certainly simpler to consistently deal with a monsters attack when it can only ever target you
In multiplayer you have to deal with attacks from unorthodox angles and at different timings, and yeah a lot of the time they aren't targeting you at all and you just get to mash and the monster dies but there are way more ways things can go wrong
I’ve stopped using palicoes for many years now and I do think it’s to make the hunt simpler. I fucking hate when they take aggro. Don’t care what game or weapon it’s annoying as shit
>they give you npc followers so you don't HAVE to play with real people thoughever
Which further incetivises not solo hunting which leads to the same problem
>But they do function, the monster still attacks you
Maybe yes, maybe no
I don't like having the strongest part of my kit locked behind the monster deciding if it wants to aggro on me or not, it's removing a large part of player agency from the game and some weapons really do live or die by their counter skills like LS, Swaxe and Greatsword
So if you get shitty luck and the monster aggros your friend for 90% of the hunt which they can very easily do then you just don't feel like you're playing the game
I don't want my fun to be at the behest of AI
It's easier when you're nearing the highest echelon of skill and are trying for better hunting times rather than just completion, because other hunters will fuck up a monster's predictability and might not be up to your skill level. For the other 99.9% of the playerbase, multiplayer is easier.
> some weapons really do live or die by their counter skills like LS
Maybe if you haven't figured out how scrolls work
You're a retard
multiplayer is generally easier, but you barely have any impact because of hammer/longsword users hogging every hitzone imaginable, so it feels like shit
also, you have to rely on shitters not to cart, i remember playing base rise online and people were carting to fucking barroth charge lmao
you sound like you watched a TA and are trying to port that gameplay to a multiplayer setting
if your "strongest attack" can't land try using your "second strongest attack"
I promise the numbers are nearly as good
IDK, I do alright solo holding the monster's attention the whole time, but then people join my hunt and I drop aggro, and then get it back and suddenly get tripple trucked while everyone else is spamming life powders. With party play I end up just getting out of "the zone" after tail chasing for a min.
I don't enjoy doing 1/6 the damage I would without strongarm stance. It's a more tenuous assertion that it lives by its counter but for me I'm losing so much damage by not constantly strongarming attacks that it feels weak otherwise
The meter functions so awfully in Rise and monsters are so mobile and spastic that it often feels like the only way to keep consistent uptime on your meter is to land the counter
The high commitment, low mobility sword options really don't gel well with the way monsters behave in Rise
Swaxe really doesn't feel functional to me without the counter
I have come to the conclusion that yellow hammer mode is mostly useless. It does an ok job at clearing the spiritbird bushes.
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Singleplayer volvidon will never hit you with the razzle dazzle
>solo tigrex
>a fun fight

>group tigrex
>I don't enjoy doing 1/6 the damage
If you thought you had a point you wouldn't need to exaggerate, and the core argument that "I don't get to have as much fun if there are other players" can be applied to any boss fighting game ever because the head can only ever point at one guy
>The meter functions so awfully in Rise and monsters are so mobile and spastic that it often feels like the only way to keep consistent uptime on your meter is to land the counter
Every phial outside power has extremely fast meter building, and the 2 stage morph basically 100%s it for you instantly
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Me and my wife.
My ass is too tight for any dildo
>the only way to keep consistent uptime
This is a skill issue. I can reliably get heavensward flurries off despite it being the longest wind up to generate amp state. I have never played melee weapons before I still managed to pick it up.
>high commitment, low mobility sword
You could try arguing this in World but you can freely morph into axe mode at any time.
>If you thought you had a point you wouldn't need to exaggerate
But I'm not
My Strongarm TCS hit for 6K damage
My full charged draw slashes hit for 1K damage on the same hitzone
If I'm not landing strongarm TCS my damage isn't even slightly comparable to any other playstyle
SnSGODS win again
I can see being annoyed at meter management if you play power or something, but that's a choice you made
Let me guess, you can't have fun with the other phials?
Prove it ;)
I was kinda horny for fucking a Lumu but then I remembered that fleshlight on car exhaust webm and I lost my boner.
died three times to T. Ruinnigger in GL. It feels painfully embarassing, all I had to do was guard correctly.
This was the first time I've fought him in a year or so, but it still feels bad
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>it's bad design if the game doesn't let me consistently land my highest MV attack
>fight ukanlos with fire sns
>takes almost 40 minutes with best in slot gear and constant dps uptime
>fight ukanlos with fire dual blades
>17 minutes
given the obsession with consistently being able to land all his best attacks, he is guaranteed running magnamalo or lucent narga
good thing about lance is that nearly everything you do outside of silkbind attacks has the same dps so when you're in multiplayer, you can either counter like normal when you have aggro or you can safely get away with playing charged slap ass 2000 24/7 when it ISN'T focused on you
He's a very fun tackle heavy fight with GS.
It's bad design to make counters a core part of your design philosophy but not doing anything to the actual core game systems to make those counters anything but inconsistent and annoying to use in a multiplayer setting
It feels like two systems that were designed entirely independantly and then smushed together
What if Hammer got GS tackle
>core part of your design philosophy
They're an additional defensive and offensive option, that doesn't mean they're always correct to do
You just seem like you're struggling with the fact multiplayer and singleplayer are different, and that's okay because gunlance users have been struggling with that for a very long time
>discerning dodge refills bow stamina
>tracer arrow has permanent uptime
Who the fuck okayed this? Why kill any skill expression the bow had?

do people really act like this in real life
no nobody discusses monster hunter in real life
Where do I go to refight Amatsu?
They needed to make it babby mode like the other two rangedhomo options, please understand gaijin
event quest: hazard amatsu
New axe weapon. It's just SA axe mode with hammer charges attached. Charge levels 1 and 2 combo into normal axe combo. Hire me capcom
New axe weapon. It's just SA axe mode
I can guarantee you're missing out on damage by trying to hamfist your epic 5000MV counter into the monsters face instead of actually taking the opportunity to swing at it
New axe weapon. It's an axe.
Everyone knows the best move is the one with the highest MV
the best move is the one you can actually land in that present in that present time
all melee weapons are left handed
all ranged weapons are right handed
I'm dumbfounded by these changes and the mentally stunted fans who are saying they are a good thing. I'm gonna have to find a new main.
>all melee weapons are left handed
GS bros? Hammer bros?
b-but the speedrunners said...
Bro... That's a hammer bro...
100 Bullfangoes with no start up animation.
3 carts

What weapon do you take?
What about DB?
two handed weapons (left foot back, right hand closest to business end) and DB are ambidextrous
yeah bro you said you wanted hammer charge with an axe
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You are foolish mhg, using other moves is weakness.
lance with guard bash deco slotted in
Bingsect Whaive
Vergil is the only reason I would ever consider playing LS.
from a helicopter
Browning M2
new ranged cope just dropped
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Based hog hunta'
The speedrunners just edit monster AI so the best move is always the strongest move
Is that Tommy?
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sorry lefty
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I never really had a problem landing the swax parry in multiplayer I just moved towards where all the other hunters are so the next attack is near guaranteed to hit me
I played through the older games last weekend to get a feel for them. What the fuck, every weapon is super easy and boring. Even chargeblade is almost hammer-tier of simplicity. Why do people rank these games above World and Rise?
Also, mining picks and wheatstones are limited use, what the fuck?
it's a tendie thing you wouldnt get it
SA has a counter? what the fuck
No Wilds preview player tested the monster HP scaling, right? I'd assume there would be at least someone autistic enough to try soloing a monster alone and then soloing with another person to test it, but I can't find anywhere.
All I find are videos of people fumbling around with their weapons as if they aren't the same shit with a few new tricks.
Also, I have to track monsters with a paintball, what the fuck?

Also, map areas have to load, what the fuck?

Also, I have to gather items instead of just magically creating it out of steamworks, what the fuck?

Also, I can't restock from camp, what the fuck?
Low ranks hunts are ezpz wow who would have guessed lmfao!!1!
Can't wait to go back to poking feets for permatrips in wilds. Mainline team truly gets me.
>old games
oldgen stop at FU
>I played through the older games last weekend
how many multi hundred hour games could you possibly sift through in 48ish hours?
A few times, I've seen people with less qualifications than me getting hired for positions, the same positions where even with me actively showing interest and messaging recruiters I wouldn't even get interviews. One thing I noticed is that all those people who were hired were some kind of freak,.
I'm now going to practice writing with my left hand so I can have something believeable to pretend I'm gay and successfully apply for DEI job positions.
I played the videos on youtube
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Gonna do some random SOSes in Worlds Iceborn (download region UK - Manchester) for about an hour.

Just though you all should know and thanks for asking and reading.
Stunning and brave, like all blademasters are. :)
>use electroshock trap
>on zinogre, a monster that is immune to thunder
And that's how I got carted stupidly.
rajang is goon element but i still goon at him why would that matter
Why does longsword have such a bad rep? Do people not like samurai weapons in these games, does it feel too anime or something?
>UK - Manchester
City or United?
>don't even hit a monster
>10 gorillion damage procs appear
>rising helmsplitter
>completely miss the monster
>200 gorillion damage procs appear

someone post THAT wilds webm
Sister...don't look at the wilds footage...
Or Frontier...
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>bad rep
does it? maybe on 4chan because it's the most "normie" weapon. most people enjoy it.
i only played it in FU or P3rd and it was decently fun then. nowhere near as weeby as it is now.
Longsword has multiple seethe vectors intersect
1/ it's popular, which immediately pisses off contrarians who don't need any other reason to hate stuff
2/ it's a weeb magnet, and weebs are considered subhumans on the internet
3/ it used to frequently trip people, and still does if you are too retarded to slot in a deco, which pisses off boomers, retards and minmaxers
4/ it's now centered around parries, which makes boomers throw tantrums involving phrases like "methodical spacing" and "positional combat"
5/ it's consistently pretty good, which pisses off people who feel their weapon doesn't receive as much attention from the developers
How do damage increase skills work for different weapons? Will greatsword benefit from dps increase the same way dual blades are?
If I want to make a defensive build with as little bonuses to damage as possible, what weapon will suffer from that the least?
when you stand at the top, everyone will try to tear you down
The best way to elevate your career is to identify as an LBG hunter.
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>all 4 hunters using the diversion deco
>no mention of trannies
No direct correlation has been discovered
>identify as LBG hunter
>fired for 2A enjoyer
>fired for cis white male
>fired for right handed non-inclusivity
not very stunning or brave, anon. best to identify as a lance main or something. the phallic nature of the weapon is surely to set off promising signals to your employer
>obnoxious fanbase
>players are either parry masters or complete shitters who constantly cart, the latter is far more frequent
>began the counterspam meta we are seeing in Rise and Wilds
>LS always get new tools and is always top tier
That's switch axe users
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It hurts bro. We were gods in base Rise...
>LS always get new tools and is always top tier
I feel like most of this can be said for bows too.
I'm ignoring ranged weapons within this conversation. Bows only tipped over into bullshit tier with the tracer in Wilds.
Namielle is harder online, your teammates will simply refuse to believe in water conducting electricity.
It's vestigial seethe from back when there was no flinch free and it was cancer to play with in multiplayer, on top of it being one of the safer melee weapons now as well as the popular/shitter weapon of choice.
>ranged at the top because capcom deems them worthy of extra damage for having lower defense
>most other weapons within 15% of each other
>HH at the bottom for being a support weapon
The only real loser here is GL, and judging by how the GL users talk about the weapon they aren't losing that much
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Rise raped the everliving shit out of HH and transformed the gunlance gameplay into that of God Eater with all the floaty ADHD jumpy shit for THAT?! AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!! *wheeze* OH NO NO NO NONO HAHAHHHAHAHHA!!!! RISENIGGERS EXPLAIN YOURSELVES HAHAHAHAHAHAH
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You know what, I do hate clutch claw. I know you're supposed to "find the right time" to do it without risk but now you're just cutting into the time I could spend whacking the mob instead.
It's just a risky manuever for free damage to the face.
At least mounting was SOMEWHAT risk-free in comparison.
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Found my way in the Mayan temple in the drowned forest.

Ha, so that's why I was told, when I moved from World to Rise, to avoid the horn.
based shadok enjoyer
Magmadron is the biggest downgrade. Was ever another sub/variant who is weaker than the main monster?
Biggest problem with the claw is that it's not optional.
Once Wilds comes out Rise will be remembered as a bad joke
The buffs it gets are just kind of silly when compared to other weapons. Play Rise LS for a bit and see just how easily everything it does loops into building and spending meter. To the point where tools that would be hilariously good on any other weapon are a bit redundant on LS.
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Seem like you can't reach that.

Finally someone sees it, been using the same name in Dark Souls 2 and 3 for a while and nobody noticed.

It isn't?
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Petition to.... durrrrrrrr
>It isn't?
you either use or the claw, or you don't and your hunts take twice as long because tenderizing is a dogshit mechanic
>you can't reach that
You can, just use wirebug to hang in the air and replenish your stamina.
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Funny you say that, because I was just about to post this screenshot and comment on how you can't just not use the grapple in Rise, and how it annoys me since you can challenge yourself to do a clawless run in World.
Fatalis? yeah Fatalis deez nutz
Be careful, fatalis is notorious for craving hunter dick
i swear to god if the handler says "tee-grex" one more time i will decapitate her.
Petition to let me invade hunters and steal their carves from them
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lance do be kinda fun
>can't just not use the grapple in Rise
I am pretty sure you can just jump off monster or something if you don't want free damage.
Holy fuck what an annoying monster. Is it a gimmick fight? Are you making it much harder on yourself unless you bring lots of barrel bombs?
How about you introduce yourself or greet them with a sticker and ask one of them to join your quest huh? Ever thought of that you antisocial faggot? If you can't even do something as basic as that you might as well never join again.
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Also I made it here.

Nah, there are areas of the map you just can't reach without the grapple, and it's the only way to turn off Maghteridon's purple blight.
That's how you pronounce it gaijin
Petition to add more crabs in mh next installment
sure, just add arachnophobia mode to turn all the upcoming spidermons into crabs !
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Very nice view from up here.
I do appreciate Rise's maps, they use verticality very nicely, even if as per my previous post, I'm a bit annoyed you're so dependant on the grapple.
You think valfalk will make it in wilds?
I just really like dragon man, cool fight, cool theme, cool armor and shit
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Okay I will try it
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yea I'm having fun with it too
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I spent 30 seconds making a prompt because I noticed I've never asked AI for it's opinion on weapons.
Agree? Do note that it's biased because in my prompt I purposefully fellated world, and I gave as little context as possible with regards to special moves such as echo attack and switch skills but it seems.
Too anime, rejected
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next trailer when?
World 2 will be just as shitty as World
its really not that bad if you dont tenderize/wait until the monster completely gives consent. i do agree for the most part though.
how sad is your life that the only thing willing to converse with you is an AI chat program
Rise doesn't even have dynamic monster shitting mechanics LOL
Seems good. Now make it praise Rise and dunk on World, and also mention breakdancing and style points.
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What if Monster Hunter had a hunting staff that could endow?
That reminds me of Made in Abyss?
Impressive how the AI can make up random shit that sounds just about right if you're a person that doesn't know about the subject. We created such amazing misinformation machine.
Holy shit, AI gets me so much. Previously HH main, I never even touched it in rise after realizing how braindead it become.
That is exactly what's wrong with the changes actually.
Current WR is 1h 58m 16s using hunting horn by Baeguetteman.
That's why misinformation is a big issue.
Anyone can say "hey the great pyramids were made by aliens because the stones are from a quarry that was so far away from the great pyramid, it was like dragging them from one side of florida to another", but to explain that they were moved by boats down the river Nile takes actual research.
I do have multiple friends in real life.
However, my friends either only play gacha or normie games like lol, valorant, cod etc. Hell, even my acquaintances and classmates in college are like that.
I even gifted some copies of mhw to some of them during return to world and even recommended the cutscene skip mod (because I know my friends), but they still dropped the game. Hell, even for shit like Elden Ring, and recently Wukong, some of them dropped it, refunded it or said they were boring.
Might be because of my prompt
It's actually Tigre + Rex
>let's go to the zoo to see ze teegers
yeah no fuck off
guys what if akantorex named himself after ukanlos instead. lol
Sonic Booooomb.
I remember getting walled by the basic Cephalos hunt quest back in MHFU because I didn't bright enough sonic bombs (which needed Screamers to craft, which were a pretty incovenient drop, you'd have to hunt Velocidromes for it at that early game stage, one screamer per bomb!), because they basically never aggro on you and prefer to just swim around in a huge circle. Trying to time melee attacks to hit them sucked hard. I think I ended up cheesing it with a bowgun instead.
Cont of >>493268962
Not denying it's a sad life though
I might try making it praise rise and dunk on world later, but it wil end up making shit anyways so why bother
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Its becoming a problem
maybe TGS
y'know, tide because he's water themed and the ebb and flow of the tide is also fitting for him thematically
Huntresses with bows
What I really despise is that they do it for political purpose.
>hey um so the pyramids are ashktually giant electricity generators, so egyptians were actually smart
>also egyptians were all blacks, because my grandma told me "i don't care what they teach you in school"
And funny, it's always Americans that spout retarded crap like that.
no, it's tie-grex, like in Tiger
you smell like low teed
>saw an old mhgenerations video
>you can baseball valstrax's meteor dive with energy blade and take no damage
out of the original 4 blademaster weapons, greatsword sns hammer and lance, which one is the most consistently good across all generations and monster matchups? when and why?
And it isn't funny how people trust and gobble it up without ever considering doing their own research on topics.
Hell, sometimes I've google stuff and the AI preview results were actually bullshit.
more like a bug if you flinch it during the dive it keeps doing the animations but all the hurtboxes are cancelled
it just fucking works
it's been the same shit since day 1 - poke and not die and it STILL works

it works against anything because the shield is good
SnS maybe? GS was a turd first gen, surprisingly
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No it's tigg-rex like in Tigger
and metafags will tell you not to take 10 phial + energy blade
fuck that GU CB is peak CB and slamming your giant 10 phial SAED cock on a monsters head will never get old
>shield is good
You don't even need a shield, lance has a lot of mobility to zoom around and reposition.
I'll remember that. I felt like sonic bombs were never required in world or rise, so I've never bothered with them other than like the first time against Diablos in world.
evade lancing is cringe femboy shit and is actively disrespectful to the spirit of the weapon
Greatsword has always been top tier.
Farcasters are cheating
meant for >>493269152
It looks so fucking cool
I felt like a child seeing sentai for the first time
I didn't played the first few monhun games, but I am a big fan of SnS.
It's such a safe pick with a lot of utility, that even it's dogshit reach is not a big problem.
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>Hit head
>Hit wings
>Hit tail
>Can only play whack da ankles

Fuck you Basarious i fucking hate you, fucking shitmon i fucking swear
Aside from the few adjustman, Lance is like the least changed one, how's that for consistency?
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i used a weapon i never used (suck axe) before on a monster i've never fouht before (teoster) and died so bad this game sucks ass
*slots in minds eye*
nothing personnel kiddo
SA and CB have free mindseye
Not to mention that a lot of strong attacks ignore bouncing completely.
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Why he angry
i have a really hard time adjusting to its movement, not to mention shield charging especially in world desu
great weapon though
isnt sns kinda ass in 1-2 except freedom 1 where it gets a 1.5x damage boost for the lulz? feels like it needs lateral and return slashes to work
the hit lag in those games is also awful and completely kills your dps
even in first gen?
post gen 1 i agree
sure it changed the least, but im talking about overall performance in regards to generation and monster matchups
If your weapon didn't exist by 2nd gen, it's not a real weapon.
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New dual blades.
>completely kills your dps
you some kinda parser or something?
what, you dont like playing the game for a couple minutes more?
or do you just not like trying to git gud?
now that could change if they introduced tonfa or accel axe into mainline
>lames doubles
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CB and IG are bad weapons because one tries to be everything at once and the other is for french pussies who bugspam from 100 miles away
>literally called lame
Guys is there anything in MHW that deals exactly 1 damage? Or even 0 damage? Lowest I can find on short notice is capture net doing 2 damage with the shittest weapon possible
No need to make fun of the french. They are already a joke.
yes, attacking but not hitting does 0 damage
water bow and guns shrek him and his dad
this but 1st gen
stone? idk
Yeah I love CB, it replaced GS for me since 4U but I can see the problem, it's every melee wrapped into one weapon except LS and DB
Stone does 4 damage
how much does kicking do?
do they have the shadowbox gesture? that did damage in older games
>my fucking feeling when even with frontier's wacky ass styles, the most optimal way to use lance is still block poke with some added new moves
How the fuck is this possible
I think a stone from a slinger does 1. Might depend on the monster though.
Trying to see if these vespoids die at 1 HP. It's the weirdest low HP roll in an investigation I've seen. They die from a 2 hit from my capture net.

Kicking is a GS attack and I know from experience it does more than 1 damage. Shadowbox not sure. Will try that one out
they have a chance to explode from any whacks. use poison from bugbombs to kill them dummy
Wow this post is so dumb I don't even know where to begin

1. No Vespoids do not have a chance to explode from any attack. They have a minimum HP you need to reach before they can die
2. There's a chance with any attack that would kill them for them to fall down instead of explode
3. If the damage is low enough but inside kill threshold range, it will not make it explode, and always make it fall down. Low damage slinger hits are an easy way to farm Vespoids without needing poison
4. In this scenario both the capture net that does only 2 damage causes it to always drop on the ground. Rocks that deal 4 damage cause it to explode maybe 30% of the time

The thing I want to know out of curiosity is if these Vespoids have 1 or 2 HP

Now are there any attacks that deal 1 damage?
Just use bug bombs incel. You're not getting any girls by doing this.
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>getting girls
Weird faggot virgin
Imagine if we actually had enough customization options and armor to make cats as much sexo as those concept arts
We love cats here, don't we folks?
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Do NOT have sex with palicos. Last warning.
Have sex with palamutes. Last warning.
Why is there no porn game parodies to mh? Something like, idk, "Monster Fucker".
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>this is how people usually depict online rooms in drawings
>most lobbies I enter are all huntresses and I'm the only hunter because I just use default male hunter 1 to start immediately
Hold up. Compressed Finishing Discharge has i-frames?!
how are we going to abbreviate wilds?
Most people playing as females are dudes, anyway.
>default male hunter 1
People like you cannot be real.
always had
Armor frames it looks like. Still, news to me.
It's real. I've done it too
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They tried, it died
does swaxe have the deepest and most hidden gameplay of any weapon?
has anyone here done furious rajang with charge blade? feels like i have to pray to rng to not get punished for breathing
i wish cats were like palicos irl
Nta but I always pick the default male character without any kind of customization because I believe that's the developer's intent.
Else they would't design the default character like that.
Offsets don't look like they do much damage and you still take damage, more than I saw Doshguma do on an actual hit so it might be a flat chunk of your health or scale with some skill like guard for chip damage
The main benefit looks like it'll be for the moves you use anyways like the hammer golfswing that became offsets interrupting a combo from the monster
Don't be too hasty
It might have missed you considering it's Garangolm-
>health actually goes down
Oh. So it's not i-frames, and it did actually hit you
Offset are meant to give you a free knockdown. The learning curve is learning which moves of the monsters are counterable.
No one's gonna look at my hunter anyway. If I wanted to look good, I would just make decent clownsuits in old gen and I'll just transmog and make myself look like kamen rider or someshit in GU/5th gen
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she looks like she fucks human men
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naked cat
>look up world CB builds
>every one is just critical cum level 10 extra cum level 3 cum exploit level 3 cum secret 5

are you just not supposed to use your shield? part of the appeal to me was that its a transforming weapon that goes from defensive to offensive.
She'd just be a normal palico if she didn't have a wig on. Why does she have a wig on? To attract human men?
All online """""""""""builds"""""""""""" are made for speedrunning incels. They are all identical in that they maximize anything that increases your dps.
It is up until Rajang
After that, you should be dodging
The shield is just an accessory to occasionally guard point in an emergency
Any build you look up is just going to be pure speed autists that reset every fight until the monster staggers to death
Slap Guard 3 on there if you want to counter a lot
Monhuns are not big on blocking in general. It's mostly a utility option against roars.
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>be hunting guild
>take very seriously poachers and unauthorized hunting in general
>so much so they have multiple organs that regulate such issues, going as far as assassinating poachers and unauthorized hunters to declaring war to whole kingdoms with mercenary armies to settle things

>be MHWilds
>Hunting Guild reps nowhere in sight
>no fast travel comunication
>"Can I hunt this now?"
>"Can I hunt this now?"
>"Can I hunt this now?"
>"Can I hunt this now?"
>"Can I hunt this now?"
>"Can I hunt this now?"
Bravo crapcomkeks. Decades of world building tossed in the trash can.
If in rise, only the laser is a real SAED opening and you need axe hopper for anything else
New world, new rules. Its a jungle out there, m8, and everyone is world is kinda just trying not to shit the bed.
It's just not as sexy as a ZSD
>new world new rules
Monster Hunter World disagrees with you.
Regulations are probably not as hardcore as lore makes them sounds. Like with laws in real life, you know?
Somebody took the time to edit this, wtf
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>Furious Rajang
You play it as a worse crit draw Greatsword in Iceborne
I wish I was joking
The hurtbox on Axe mode of Charge Blade is extremely fucked too as the hilt can sometimes bounce even though you're clearly aiming for the head
Good luck
Prioritize not dying, you have 50 mins
Took me 40 mins + capture on my first solo
>>be MHWilds
>>Hunting Guild reps nowhere in sight
Your handler is literally a hunting guild representative you invalid.
the more i think about it, the more lance just makes sense
how do i into lance? it feels clunky and unwieldy, but ive heard others say the same and that it gets a lot better as you play
5th gen lance is even scarier with all its options
for a cat, it's a mane,so my take is that from the perspective of her species it makes her look intimidating
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cat is fine too
heres the lance flowchart:

not near monster? -> charge towards it and stab it
near monster? -> triple poke it then do one of the following to reset combo and triple poke some more: hop, counterstab, shield punch

you are now a professional lance user
approach monster
hold block
poke when you feel safe
continue until you get more comfortable
start getting spicy with the other options after warming up to the weapon
Learn how to guard dash. That alone makes 5th gen lance feel infinitely better.
Use your attacks for movement, advancing guard/guard dash, leaping thrust, and charges
Learn what counters are best for different moves and actually hitting a weakspot with the counter poke if possible
If its Sunbreak you can use the wirebug retreat to chase after monsters extremely fast, its nearly 100% safe since you can start a shielded charge in the air.
literally looks like an older western cartoon that made cartoon animals sexy for some reason
W-why does the cat need mascara eyelash eyes... why is she looking at me like that
There are official novels that talk about poachers getting killed all the time by the Hunting Guild.
She's not an authority.
Handlers handle the paper work to find quests for you and then having your quests approved by the higher ups.
Alma is a little kid.
>start getting spicy
Oh anon, do tell, I'm getting warm over here..
>for some reason
The entire Disney animation studio (and early manga artists like Osamu Tezuka) were a bunch of gooner furries
>Learn what counters are best for different moves
This is a bit too much to ask of a new player. How am I supposed to learn counters for the monster I never fought before?
>She's not an authority.
>Handlers handle the paper work to find quests for you and then having your quests approved by the higher ups.
>Alma is a little kid.
I'm assuming that in a case where you have a hunter and handler going off on a mission to the middle of fuckville where there aren't any local field offices like in Wilds, authority is delegated to the handler and they have an approved list of monsters/situations where you're allowed to hunt.
>More options
Like... poking more?
>how do i into lance?
watch this then practice

practice the moves vs the training dummy, then turn on dummy attacks and practice countering, and countering mid poke combo
if you're feeling spicy you can practice guard advance blocking while moving and looping leaping thrusts too

now you have your fundamentals down you go bully a total shitmon like a great izuchi
then, you go bully a rathian
finally, your adequate lancer certification monster is a diablos
By playing the game, retard.
*shells u*
Owari da, moshi moshi, lumu des
well damn thats kinda disappointing. i had a ton of fun in rise with a guardmaxxed gunlance. i might still just throw one together for this to see how it feels.

>guard points
still not really sure what that means though. there are portions of the shield up animation that give you better response frames I guess?
Like guard dashing/power guarding rather than regular guarding, leaping thrust, dash attack, power guard cancelling into super poke, using the claw guard + super armor it gives to avoid shit, etc.
Since the main camps are integrated into the map, there might be a general "fuck shit up in this area so it's not a problem for us" ruleset. I didn't see any walls in that bazaar.
lumu doko
You are briefly guarding when you morph from sword to axe or back again
Sword to axe is easiest to time since the guard point is nearly immediate, going back to sword its late in the animation
>there are portions of the shield up animation that give you better response frames I guess?
No shield up animations, but others...
And it inflicts little phial dmg
On a successful guard point, you also get access to immediately SAED
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Guard dash, leaping thrust, and counter thrust are THE biggest tools to learn to use well, in my opinion.
Guard Dash especially. You can use it forward, reverse, and side to side. It's great.

Only lance in world truly does shield play. Gunlance having good blocking use in Rise was a good change and thankfuly it seems to be holding over to Wilds.
do people really pull off savage axe GPs?
i just use the morph attack ones
Lance is honestly the least logical weapon choice.
You're a small man fighting these giant monsters and your going to try to defend yourself with a.. tiny shield?

In terms of gameplay it's silly too, since you're taking constant chip damage unless you slot specific skills. There's no natural way to compensate for this damage so eventually you're forced to sheathe and heal up.
Some arbitrary attacks are unblockable, and a few are even unblockable with guard up. It's pretty much a guessing game figuring out whether you can safely keep holding guard or if you're going to have to suddenly sheathe and dive away.

Most logical is objectively the bowguns.
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I have done it a handful of times and only 2 of them were intentional
>you're taking constant chip damage
Ah, yes, it's much better to get hit for full damage instead and cart away. No need to sheathe and heal up.
4 Hunters with HBG
If Monsters weren't limited by movesets and AI, I can't think any other weapon would be good enough.
Lances make the most sense out of shielded weapons due to the reach they have. SnS is the one that doesn't make sense considering it's like you're using a toothpick and basically have to be up the monster's asshole to do anything to it.
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i dont get it
>There's no natural way to compensate for this damage
your hunting buddy palico healer cats
you can literally hire 2 indentured servants to cure the chip damage for you
i like that about SNS honestly. it feels scrappy as hell, like youre dodging under the monster's attack with your shield and stabbing it in the weak point. i like how they made SNS in monhun not just be the super thick tanky warrior weapon.
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alright i killed the stupid bitch. almost did it flawlessly too until he carted me twice in that RETARDED LITTLE CAVE where he goes to sleep, fuck whoever thought that was a good idea. i just dunged bombed him out of it and killed him outside.
>How am I supposed to learn counters for the monster I never fought before?
by fighting them

try a counter, if you eat shit because it's a surprise multihit, use a power guard next time
for example
>he doesn't have a loicense
Anyway, my white fluffy tomboy barioth gf
SnS is easily top tier in terms of fun alone
feel bad for ppl who havent experienced giving mons the ropeadope. i do kinda dislike the shield dive though, looks a little silly to me.
you can hunt monsters more than once
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I like this image
If his nose is so itchy why doesn't he scratch it?
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Lance v Diablos is really really fun.
just fought a daimyo hermitaur so fucking huge i could hit him with every proc of skyward thrust
what in the goddamn
he filtered a bunch of streamers when they got into the game
it literally says in the description it has hyper-armor frames
That's it, I'm going to make impact phials work in rise
I ALWAYS run stun res.
no its japanese girls getting feverish for BWC.. in JP he was insanely popular before any significant western audience emerged.
I mean, giant penis monster IS funny.
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I will rape this cat.
One thing that really bugs me about it is how you can multi-input and do the R2 moves from neutral, but not the L2.
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>insta triple cart to alatreon
lmao what where they smoking
he smoked your shitter ass obviously
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fucking lmao
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>he isn't a solo hunter
u rike mmo dragon?
monhun hard gaem
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Are you atleast MR100?
Reach it and then try it again for starters
A few armor upgrades are locked behind MR100 iirc
You better have atleast Safi/Furious Rajang/Raging Brachydios/Shara Ishvalda armor, speaking defence stat wise of course

Ultimately, defence doesn't matter if you learn the monster
And getting hit is a part of learning
see >>493281775
yeah i reached mr 100 recently. i have raging brachy armor, he still hits like a truck though. havent bothered with augments yet
Try a fully kitted ice safi weapon and silver rath armor set
his forelegs have to best elemental zones I think
the best*
How much cum do I need to topple the handler?
Front or back?
By trial and fucking error, duh.
You're not expected to be an expert on the very first hunt.
Still not a good advice to give to start with the weapon. "Yeah, just play with it a lot."
By observing it.
I just killed this nigger for the first time in FU. It was fun although his dumb charge almost killed me because it his me even though I was like 3 feet off to the side.
I don't give a shit if your retarded ass thinks the truth is "bad advice".
That's how you learn, through doing.
Literally it is. Play with it a lot, try the movements, see what feels natural. The game is meant to be played without guides, imagine you were 12 and playing monhun for the first time and didn't even think about asking people online.
Uhhhh.....what the fuck happened to the previous thread? Why are there zero posts?
No, I am not saying it is a bad advice, you nigger. It's OBVIOUS I get better by playing, not some sort of epiphany.
>>janny who deleted all the posts
Then what the fuck is your argument even?
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Blindbro, you lost a chunk of health when he slammed his body on you. It's not i-frames when you lose health.
I too was struggling until I googled and realized you can heal red damage during his nova with red jerky.
>how do i get better at playing the game mhg??
>"by playing"
and then anon was enlightened
Monster Hunter?
>went from 47 minutes to 27 minutes to kill Amatsu
Eventually this will be sub 20 minutes. Also playing Rise feels so much better than World.
basic lance guide
3 points of guard for mid game, 5 points for endgame, guard up for comfy, health regen sparkler because you are The Wall.

Guard dash. Spam it.
shut up and guard dash. it's your fastest block and covers roughly 90% of bullshit. Learn it, love it, get used to the 4 direction shield strafing.
Counter thrust is the other huge thing. Use it, any time you an attack is coming try to counter thrust it.
> but i don't know the counter timings!
counter thrust lasts a couple seconds but here's a trick. You can cancel the counter, directly into power guard, and lose 0 blocking frames. TRY the counter, if you fuck it up, power guard for safety.
> b-but I push the button and it doesn't do anything!
Counter thrust has an invisible cooldown of like 2 pokes, but a successful smack/counter can chain infinitely. If you push the button and nothing happens, GUARD DASH that shit it's your fastest action.
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shut up
yo wtf you tellin me i cant just pick up archery and hit targets with pin point accuracy? I have to actually USE the bow to learn?! nah can someone give me some advanced archery tips please?
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Wait for Wilds and the bow will aim for you too.
I love doing bits in /mhg/
Im tired of this dumb fuck palico following me around. Even on standby its still annoying as fuck, holy shit.
>turning soul:off
why would you do that
>need 3 teostra webbing
>4 teo hunts
>1st hunt none
>2nd hunt, got 2, one from break and one from carve
>3rd hunt none despite breaking wings
>4th hunt none despite breaking wings
love me some old gen MH.
morld seems a lot more fun and challenging than mise
>Need 3 claws
>get 1 from 1st hunt
>get 1 from 2nd hunt
>get 4 from 3rd hunt
Thanks... about as useful now as critting a low hp pokemon
>someone in previous thread explained what lumu meant
>every response in the catalogue is now deleted

the illumunati are in control
All Monster Hunter games start with M you fucking retard
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*teleports behind you*
counter thrust cancels directly into power guard, you literally can't fuck it up. gg ez game.
>the best monhun game was made by fromsoft
oh no........
More like Rice!
Or Mice!
Or Lice!
>Need 2 Uragaan Palliums
>hunt 3 times before i get one
>another 7 times before i finally get another
>now i just need 2 hyper uragaan shards
>this happens
or (fischer) price
90% of monster animations in the game have very intuitive designs in the sense that as soon as you see the animation, you should be able to immediately tell when is the right time to counter.
Alternatively, even if you have slower reflexes or take a longer time to learn, you can easily just mostly observe monster animations while fighting for your first hunt instead of focusing on beating them. Stay back and just watch their patterns to figure out when is the best time to counter/attack/dodge/etc.
Remember: Monster Hunter is not a race. You don't get goodboy points for no damaging, no healing and SSSS-rank styling on each of the monsters on your first attempt.
I hope drop rates never get changed
Ok, but what about a monhun that's *actually* an MMO?
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>Most logical is objectively the bowguns.
theyre boring tho
stand to your right, his left, but not next to his head. when he charges, his paw will go over you, you dont even need to roll (though it can help)
wild hearts
Will Wilds bring back the SOVL?
>an MMO
>every weapon and it's mother needs fucking Shimmering Dragon Fluid
>cleared every single G rank quest with Valstrax in it, one in the desert multiple times
>fucking SWIMMING in Ruby Dragon Mindstones
>just BARELY enough Dragonfluid
> aquired stockholm syndrome and actually enjoy fighting Valstrax
in a way? same.
What difference would that even make at this point? It's already an online game. What would the extra M add besides seeing extra people in the lobby that fill your chat log with bot spam?
yeah brown skin haver, it's "an MMO" not "a MMO"
monster windups have very similar timings across the board, but there are also a whole bunch of fakeouts and double jabs and other cheeky moves designed to punish blind action. Intuition does not work. You learn by planting down hundreds of hours and learning how the game delivers its tells.

For lance, this is fine. It has a solid counter attack that works in many scenarios, and very safe forms of combat. The class has works very well for button mashing and reacting at the last second, but guard dash makes that style possible.
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>he boughted morld
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Monster Hunter Online
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>boughted morld
>didn't buyed miceborg
Stop shitposting and play the game.
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kek'd hard
where's the lumu?
gonna make a lumu and only play solo
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Man i love seeing the fanart already coming out
make one
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So you really gonna sit there and try to pretend these lil guys aren't fuckin' adorable?!
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World PC Room
Going to level Guiding Lands, unless someone has Coral and Tundra at Lv7
more soul in this one creature you can't even hunt than every piece of original content in rise combined
I got coral but i need raging brachy immortal reactor...
But it is in rise...
i fucking hate bugs, especially large ones
>a sudden ""swarm"" of these adorable helpful fuckers can happen in Wilds
God I wish Wilds runs better than World, I want to play it now so fucking bad
Giant Vigorwasp queen newmon? Could be fun, she could attack qith different wasps and youd have to deal with that while also killing the vigors going to heal her(rewarding you wirh heals). Could be a really fun gimmicky mon fight.
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melds on my machine
This is the so called peak monster hunter all the boomers salivate over
oh my god i forgot this exists
>tfw 2 prints
I want to know them carnally
>79 celestial prints
NTA, but bro... do your bounties. Shit's cash.
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hmm... we can do better
Steamworks explosion gives 1 every day, roughly half of the time. Coal from guiding lands will build up a month's supply in like an hour.
>Coal from guiding lands will build up a month's supply in like an hour.
Ive got more fuel in the steamworks than I care to use from this.
>get hit 4 times in 5 mins
>abandon hunt
>get hit twice consecutively by a wombo combo
>abandon hunt
>get interrupted during a KO or craggle
>abandon hunt
>get hit by a deceptive hitbox
>abandon hunt
>miss a charge hit with any weapon
>abandon hunt

anyone else autistic
why do our hunter gotta slash the bags instead of sucking on them like a normal human being
So why does brachy have a reactor inside him
that's not autistic that's retarded
Kamura hunters invented bugsucking.
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not good enough, FASTER
>boot up multi monster hunt and forget dung bombs
>say fuck it and do it anyway
>dual rath hunt with no flash bombs
>say fuck it and do it anyway
>any cold/hot area and forget my drinks
>say fuck it and do it anyway
>capture quest when i know DAMN well i can't tell when it's able to be capped without Perception
>say fuck it and do it anyway
yes but for different reasons.
Not really.
If a hunt is going particularly bad, it's better to just quit out and retry, especially at the start. If I got hit twice at the beginning of a fight or miss a fight-start topple, it's over.
I wanna do blindfolded taste-testing with Handler then cover my dick in super thick honey and let her taste it till she sucks my brains out through my dick.
Wouldn't she just bite it...?
i stand by my opinion and need not to explain to someone that wouldn't understand
You'll never be a TA runner, then.
thank god
>not sub 4
>epic garbage bag man
do you even arena
^ unmedicated schizophrenic
this unironically
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What will be the wilds FFXIV crossover monster?
Obviously it will be bahamut but hear me out with pic related
ahtal kalexander?
Preach it. If you have a low hunter rank that's fine but you absolutely must be able to prove you've read the wiki and watched at least 5 hours of guides for your chosen weapon or you're getting blacklisted.
t. MH Puzzles: Felyne Isles vet
>final fantasy in any regard
It's going to be Bahamut.
Behemoth was just testing the waters.
would unironically want the biggest piece of shit status inflicter to cameo in monster hunter tho. God the seethe in trying to deal with Malboro would be sickening
Heh imagine
>get hit by bad breath
>ice Blight
>dragon Blight
>fire Blight
>thunder Blight
>water Blight
I would piss myself if I got hit by that shit
marlboro would actually be an incredibly good choice come to think of it.
I can dig it. getting hit with every single status in the game would be a pretty bold meme
>get hit with bad breath
>fall asleep
>health starts draining faster than a lunastra nova
>get hit
>start spazzing out like a drunk fish on land
>blastscourge explodes
>fly several feet and slide on the ground like a water park slide
>watch the last 20HP of your health drain away
>return to camp
>still covered in five_hundred_blights.webm
as fun as that'd be, how the fuck do you design a fight against a gigantic ball with tentacles? That's more of a dark souls boss.
why are xivtrannies like this
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>how the fuck do you design a fight against a gigantic ball with tentacles
they made Yama work
they made Nibelsnarf work
they can make Malboro work. or they can cop out and just let him spam magic like they did Behemoth
met my biological wife on there and have a kid on the way
while you're still a virgin lol
>they made Yama work
lmao the fuck they did
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After carting 3x to a zingger in 2 mins, I went to go fight MR AT Pukei to try and remember wtf Im doing, right?
Ok, so why am I doing equatable damage to AT Pukei"s untenderized zones as I am non-T Pukei's tenderized zones? Wassup withat?
>1 in 5 monsters is an elder
but... why? arent they supposed to be special?
>/mhg/ - Monster Humper General
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alright huntards
i've had enough
it's time to lay down the shitposts, the genwars, the weaponwarring, the horny and address the elephant in the room once and for all
there's objectively nothing and i truly mean NOTHING more USELESS than GL users
they can't be "the wall", deal damage, provide any benefit whatsovever to other teammates
they just exist to triple cart and waste everyone's time
and for what? you're not proving anyone that you are hotshit or the weapon is actually good, you are just an autistic retard with an inferiority complex

if you decide to stick with it anyway... good for you i guess BUT don't you fucking dare join public lobbies, respond to SOS or even join public discourse
your opinion is worthless, you yourself are delusional, the weapon pool is perfectly fine without you and capcom should finally read the signs and bench that piece of shit forever (it'll take some time but we'll get there)
kys already
drop dead
everyone is tired of carrying your ass
the games have been out for a long time anon. monsters are getting older. its normal.
maybe it's like aloe vera, that you can even eat, but not without first draining a substance from it that's a strong laxative so the hunters just splashes it on themselves
consequences of post game content having to be elder dragon fiesta no matter what
It's the same problem pokemon had where every gen they kept adding more and more legendary pokemon until gen 4 where they kept bloating the amount of legendary pokemon until gen 7 had like 20+. People like spectacle and fighting "special" things in games so companies pick up on that and figure more spectacle fights = more specialer = more sales.
sure, but 2nd gens newly introduced monsters contained 24% elders... thats almost 1/4th
less is more
Is it possible to actually stop Alatreon from nuking your entire team just by yourself
I mean... carrying 3 people is kinda hard...
Yes. One person can put out the elemental damage necesarry to meet the check
I agree, but that fucking file name is atrocious
Will you be able to play wilds without that stupid bird?
Afflicted tigrex is actually a menace
No, palicos are gone and replaced by bird
dual blades easily solos the elemental check.
Team healing is solved with powder, jerky and wide range
git gud, your weapons are light to leave room to carry others
You'd have to be on his ass like 99% of the time shitting out elemental damage with a good build and something like DB if the rest of your team is retarded and didn't bring the right element, but it's possible.
You could at least leave your palicos behind.
Did the servers fucking die on PC again
Did you guys just get booted or is it impossible to actually make a new room?
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They were literally in every trailer
Sorry, I took my rig to mcdonalds so I could use their wifi. Someone else host it.
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>File name says royal mace
>Look inside
Capcom just give us a straight forward ace weapon, no switch axe or charged blade bullshit, no weapons that look like axes just a simple fucking axe to split monster's skulls in half with
I'm playing Rise right now.
nowers ww@
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Yes m8, the explanation is on the right.
what if this thread gets purged like the last one...
why did that happen
Sex with Minoto
File: Frickin Angels.jpg (43 KB, 686x386)
43 KB
It wont mattah. None of this mattahs.
It's a bug with the archives
It happens
wtf happened
i posted something funny before leaving to work and couldnt even see if i got any (you)s
god damn it moot
I goon to all your webms
Try looking at the image

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