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/wowg/ guild IS UP edition
<Clover Crusade>
US servers (based on Kel'thuzad but cross-realm)
remember to select all filters if you don't find it

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Previous thread: >>493213061
gay streamer realm
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Post you're Earthen
where's the EU guild....
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professions for this feel
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we all won, we all fucking won (except dh)
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Xir is right and you know it
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so alleria and turalyon can touch again?
that's good to hear
Between this and the dude posted a few threads back complaining about there being too many white main characters in this expansion despite them adding a new character that ticks almost every box possible(Faerin), it's just more evidence that you can never make them happy.
And rogue. They completely ruined the set
It's because people like this have main character syndrome, unless every single character "represents" them, they'll never be happy
they will be happy when the game turns into concord
but oops no one want to play it (even them)
Don't care, they should step into the chamber either way
Is it alive?
>World Soul Saga is supposed to set up the next 20 years of worlo wowca
>Doing this over 3 expansions instead of a new RTS.
Dios mios.
holy !!!!
yes. niggas talking in chat rn
They always could, just not when she is in her voidform or when she uses the Void
Shaman ele or druid balance?
Yeah, they should've set up the next 20 years with a Bloons Tower Defence collab like they did with Peggle years back
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some rares still have this dragon?
I looked up Elysian in the finder.
It found bunch of different ones including those with accented letters, most of them had German description, but none of them was the wowg one.
Haven't played since OG Wotlk, what class to play to be secure for future? Some anons said DK, Pala, Lock?
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>friend group split over 4 different wow versions
>friends i have in retail are split into alliance and horde
>cant queue dungeons cross faction
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Why would you even attempt to please them to begin with, that's the question that never got answered and which signals the point at which our civilization went full schizo mode.
only if its rare elite
>'The bare minimum' is an entire expansion of any new character/s in a relationship of sorts exclusively being gay, while even the already established straight relationships of characters were kept to only having two couples do anything the entire expansion
God it was hard to even type that because why the fuck does anyone care about relationship garbage in warcraft.
Why is it always Alliance players that are so openly faggy?
Stop leaking and crossposting anon. this isn't funny. This is giving me ptsd.
its a white flag with a balck emblem iirc
Why is most wow smut / ai shit either futanari, animals or cuckoldry but with a fantasy race paintjob
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yeah i wonder why
because gooners need something novel to keep the addiction at bay
just found out that class armor doesn't add to appearances on another class
so you need all classes to unlock all new t2 set apperances in anniversary
why does the new judgement set helm look chinese kek
I saved that image from the russian woman artist who loves elves who drew it on twitter, idk what the fuck you're talking about
there must always be... a nig king
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Stop it
let me guess, you're a liberal or LGBTQBRAP+ cultist?
just found out that class armor doesn't add to appearances on another class
why would it?
chinamen like paladins

turalyon is one of their favourite character

i kid you not
I thought if you can now add different types of armor to appearances, that's how it works too
is brewmaster filtering the m+ brainlets?
china have always loved the traditional rpg western fantasy so it's no surprise they like him desu
No, the T2 appearances in anniversary is gonna be ensembles, purchasable on all classes. The original ones are still entirely class-locked though
>8 dungeons
>only 4 of them while leveling
>2 of the most important characters in the expansion and relevant to the lore since the start
god I miss fag lynchings
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What's easier and more fun, Warrior or DK?
What they want are multiple front-and-centre non-heterosexual relationships visually depicted between important characters in high-detail cutscenes in such a fashion that they cannot be cut out in order to appease anti-LGBTQIA+ regions like China.
As long as LGBTQIA+ content is limited to text-based easily-skipped side-content that can be easily altered in order to appease the likes of China, they will continue to claim that any representation is just tokenism and low-effort pandering that comes second to Blizzard's design to lick the boots of China.
Better question would be why the fuck there are flying segments in dungeons. worst thing ever.
No such thing.
ZIVGIGGERS must leave my heterosexual game.
shaman enh
>anti-LGBTQIA+ regions like China
And Russia. All NPC fags are turned into brothers.
>crafting tables can access materials in the warband bank
>but not when doing orders
fucking WHY?
The Chinese people are not anti homosexual garbage, it's just the state censorship.
The ordinary Chinese on the internet writes gay fanfiction, creates gay art and so on - I got awaken to that back when Arcane released and people discovered that the Chinese have ah huge ecosystem of their own there making shitload of good art and it was all so fucking gay.
warrior is always unga bunga
open the shop and see if there's a fix there
Why do gay people want to be hated so much? I saved your gay spirit moose in SL, I did all the profession quests to make the dude and his super gay husband happy in DF. The majority find you appalling and it is a blessing to see less of that hamfisted trash.
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>remember wow returned to china last month
>much less LGBT garbage since then
Alright what were the downsides of china again?
post hands
The state has all of the power though so if Blizzard wants their product to not be banned from China, they need to cut out the gay shit.
And for as long as all of the gay shit in WoW is text-based side shit that can be cut out of the game in order to appease the Chinese government, gays will continue to whine.
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I'm a newfag, playing through DF to level up to TWW.
Should I have reached or done any dungeons in this story, or are all of WoWs dungeons outside of the main story campaign?
Just left the Emerald Dream right now, so not really sure how far in that is as I just have basically followed the main story since it took me here.
I posted in classic general by mistake.
dumb faggot
hordecucks seething
I wonder how mad he'll be when Anduin and Faerin kiss. Blizzard is obviously building them to become a couple, but he denies it.
update: i refunded
well i put it in a ticket. surprised i didnt get an auto option, since it was just a few hours
>play vanilla, TBC, and wrath heavily
>play decent amount of Cata
>play some of MoP
>don’t play WoD until its last couple months
>play Legion heavily
>play some of BFA
>play the first month of SL
>did not buy DF
The time has come. The urge to return is gnawing at me. I really dont want to give money to these people however.
thanks for the update lil sis
cya !
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lmao what does this nigger even want
How did they fuck up Bloodfang? All the other updated T2 look good. There’s just something off about it
You are not forced to do them, except one in TWW that is part of the story.
You still can do them to see how they play
come hvme
>blue to black
im confused
why are these tards putting politics into a story that has nothing to do with any politic schemes?
i dont understand lmao
from blue (frost wolf colours) to black (blackhand's armour colour) is what I would assume
Are dungeons typically not part of the main scenario in WoW?
Do I have to do anything to unlock them, or is it just "hit the correct level and its open"?
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for the third character on the key promotional art of TWW to exist in TWW for more than thirty minutes of content
they're talking about the doomhammer armour retard
it's meant to be black and gold not blue and gold
But blue is the color of his clan. It's like asking Danath to change his red to blue.
Tell me the worst things about TWW.
Are dungeons w/ NPCs a good way of learning how to play a class/spec?
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twitter hordeniggers and twitter alliancefags still play it
I do not care about that.
>for the third character on the key promotional art of TWW to exist in TWW for more than thirty minutes of content
Do you realize TWW just started, retard? There are many story patches ahead.
put thrall is a frostwolf so it makes no sense
Alliance story: save the world
Horde story: kill everyone, destroy everything, lose to the Alliance, be mad and repeat
It's integrated to the lore, some storyline leads you there but doesn't force you to do them.
They are all unlocked with the level, it used to be different back but they changed that.
>thirty minutes of content
So? That's far more than what Turalyon got.
Nothing. Just that good.
Maybe one dungeon that is considered messy by some people but that's it.
It's not frostwolf armor.
Do we gotta play on the same server/faction?
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but official art frequently shows the armour as being black and gold as does almost every book that it's described in
I can't say for the learning part but dungeon follower goes to your rhythm while LFG with actual players is speedrun, you either follow or left behind.
your classic post
Apparently around half the hero talent stuff is just trash.
it probably was restored several times due to damage or made new one completely
so a color change is understandable
any server or faction I think.
so what should ibe doing right now? doing heroics for heroic gear to upgrade that gear with valor stoneds?
I so wish this faggot would drop dead. Cancer, stroke, anything. Please god. Get rid of this faggot.
turalyon wasn't advertised as being a major character in the war within
turalyon isn't the sole important alliance character in a major role in the war within
horde representation boils down to
>thrall being there when dalaran eats shit for fifteen minutes and thrall being there to offer guidance to the stormriders for fifteen minutes
>geyarah being there to banter with turalyon for ten minutes while the earthen are being trained by their troops
The cold hard truth is the only way to do that is play with friends who don't care you stop for 30 seconds to ask a question.
thrall also has his doomhammer on this art
and there are also dead charcters there
I think it's just a promo art
thrall's armor is blue on tww arts
I am playing it.
Him and the other fucking constantly offended faggot. Baal? Or something.
>everything else looks like that faggot vampire from BG3
the timegating
but if you start now it wont matter
Get enough ilvl to queue LFR (I don't know how much is needed) then do m0, after that join a normal group.
and people are arguing that it shouldn't be because it's still the same armour and there's no lore anywhere of him painting his armour blue because he's a frost wolf
>xiv adds faggotry
>move to tww by the GOAT chris metzen (with no faggotry)
simple as
Baal is a lost worse than the faggot gnome, and that's saying something
The homo gnome doesn't hate people for having white skin unlike B*al even if he is a literal faggot
The gnome fag blocked me on like 3 accounts so far. Might make another one to harass him again. Why do innocent and good people have to die while faggots like him get to spread their faggotry without any repercussion.
Normally I don't wish death upon anyone, but my god would I pop champagne bottles if that faggot somehow vanished from the face of the earth.
I hate him so fucking much.
Not anymore.
>am level 10
>after an hour level 12
I honestly expected to be 40 in the same time period.
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So are they going to be adding a brand new campaign to lead up the raid? This feels like a kinda lack luster spot to stop on and say 5/5. Also if all the old gods are dead and gone the empire in ashes where the fuck is she getting all this blood from
>the other fucking constantly offended faggot
Red shirt guy. He became a turbo faggot.
I saw a post of him getting mad that the Arathi have corn in Hallowfall and the Zandalari didn't in Zuldazar, and that it was racist against South American cultures or something.
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Do people really care if it's blue or black? I'm just happy he doesn't wear hippie stuff..
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Just me and Birdbro hanging out
that thing doesn't even have a heart anymore and it's about isn't even on Azeroth amthul ripped it out
He still has reasonable takes, but like all these nerdy dudes, been buck broken by the rabid queers of big tech.
this sword is stupid
>"bladefist" was also cringe and a cripple

said absolutely no one ever until just now
Cthun maybe? Dude should still physically exist and it's not that far away from Khaz Algar.
Also has a sword stuck in him.
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Is that the "hire me or your raysis" guy?
Yea i love hanging out around the ah. The sound of anvils and hammers in the background, players running about. It's great
no more tww story
metzen joined the team over a year into tww's development and then convinced the team to go with his worldsoul saga plan which required tww to shrink and cut loads of content
the tww that we have gotten is probably 50% of what danuser had planned and the rest has been deleted never to be seen again by mortal eyes
from here on out after 11.0 it's going to be mostly metzen kino in the lead-up to midnight and everything to do with 11.0 will be left behind to rot and be forgotten
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>look at this tier final boss mechanics
sounds like some raszageth level kino endurance fight. me like.
>required tww to shrink and cut loads of content
Do you think people will rage if tww turns out to be a surprise yearly expansion.
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Don't put your guild in the op anon, it is gonna spawn autists who will do everything in their power to falseflag or infiltrate it to make it fail lol
Yeah idk why they chose such a generic name
Best way to find it is going through archived wowg threads to find the Community invite link which leads to the guild or something
Whole game (aside of BMAH, AH & dungeons for some reason) is fully cross realm & cross faction
honestly i wouldn't be surprised if we get midnight before the end of 2025 because i get the feeling that metzen hates tww and everything to do with it and wants to rush on to his pet project asap
wow cool helmet
>no more tww story
I noticed that as well, basically every shitty plot point that Danuser had set up has been already resovled.
I assume Metzen came in and cleaned house.
Once the Nerubians are dealt with, there is literally nothing else.
>Khadgar? Alive
>Alleria? La Familia > Lesbian Void Sex
>Anduin? Stopped being a bitch
Yeah, I'm thinking we're getting some Gazlowe Metzen KINO next patch.
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>play wildstalker
it doesnt proc enough as resto
Thought you can do them as long as you enter via portal (Mythic and M+), so it's just dungeon finder that's not xfaction?
really get the feeling that the entire scenario we went through was actually supposed to be the final raid of the expansion but metzen said fuck that shit and wrapped it up in the first patch because he's got his kino to write instead
He always was. Handicapped fighters are pure meme. He didn't even pick a blade style that made sense given his injury. He was only seen as cool because he was an orc and everything retarded about his design can be explained away by that because he himself is a retard.
I know people are mazed and most people already left but yearly 89,99 early access expansions might be the straw that breaks the camels back. Ultimately these expansions are arbitrary and aren't a requirement for large story shifts.
Yeah I love it
Its a comfy thing to do until the season starts
But I need to find something to dump my Valorstones on without burning more crests
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>one guy, three women
>guy with horde shirt, fat
>women looks normal
Is this a hidden message to men and horde?
I literally loled out out when I watched the rundown cinematics and the whole of shadowlands was summed up as "...and anduin was controlled by domination magic. Anyway..."
there's a chance that they might revert it after tww and this was all just a cunning plan to shift tww down the pipeline and move on as fast as humanly possible
>oops haha turns out that short expansions were a mistake guess we'll go back to full-sized expansions after turning danuser's baby into a 12 month long nothingburger
When are they gonna do anything with it again....
Think I read that you can't do any dungeons cross faction unless you're a 5 man group, but maybe that's only for queueing and not doing them manually, my bad
They took the least obese and repulsive guy from the team.
Since this is a public stunt they don't want to bring the man made abominations.
>from here on out after 11.0 it's going to be mostly metzen kino
But TWW is already feels like Metzen's kino. If it was Danuser, I bet Anduin and Alleria would have spent the entire expansion crying and acting like a girlboss respectively. Remember how insufferable was Tyrande in the whole SL?
he actually looks really cool and trustworthy
even if he's a horde
Anon, it shares the fate with first aid.
wod was le worst expac even doe bfa and sl massively raped lore and added awful systems
There any way to fish out free char transfer and rename out of Blizz as a returning player?
I think it's just heroic queues. But if a guild can't fill out five spots it has bigger issues. And I would view any /wowg/ guild as a way to get away from how sweaty pugs can be so managing to scrape together fiveish players for dungeons would be a big goal.
that's because metzen cut out the worst danuser shit from the expansion
why do you think the campaign is so short and can be completed in four hours or less, six hours or less if you complete endgame campaign
all that's left is the shit that danuser wrote that metzen considered adequate while the worst danuser shit has been cut out of the expansion entirely
>metzen hates tww
>Sons of Lothar
>Turalyon & Alleria
How can he hate TWW if it filled with what he loves?
Nobody says wod was the worst expansion
>100% drop
>he couldn't solo back in SL
Shit BM player
He probably was the one who focused the story on them and stopped their characters from getting raped by Danuser desu
Consider how irrelevant the dancing nigger troll is
that picture was taken during SL
WoD was so bad it does barley if ever get acknowledged in the main story.
no bfa and sl are due to how awful both the lore and the gameplay was, sl especially with how 9.1 and Korthia as they cannot be described as anything other than a humiliation ritual for the player
Worst expansion would have to be BFA because of how bad expeditions were and how much of a flop warfronts were(despite being excellent pvp content they refused to make pvp, how I wish we had real pvp zones). But Legion had almost as many issues as BFA did. Dragonflight I guess was okay since nobody ever complained. But the attempt to make daily catchup through artifact power was awful and generally hated.
danuser planned to kill off thrall and turalyon and the arathi were originally bad guys
they're there because danuser was going to use tww to kill off metzen's legacy but then metzen demanded to become narrative director again when he was asked to record thrall's death scene and proceeded to undo all of the bad shit that danuser had written
he looks like your typical nerd passionate about vidya
more like him please
>metzen demanded to become narrative director again when he was asked to record thrall's death scene and proceeded to undo all of the bad shit that danuser had written
Canon btw.
So overall it is unlikely sylvanas will be returning for another expansion?
She is 100% turning up in Midnight.
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we have peaked
What sword is this
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>Alleria? La Familia > Lesbian Void Sex
Alleria and Turalyon's story isn't over yet. I bet there's still something big to come in Midnight, with their son living in Quel'Thalas. But for now they're 100% done, and that's fine. I'm a Horde player, and even I'm grateful to Metzen for saving them from Danuzer.
she's gonna be in midnight
metzen is making it his mission to ignore and undo all of the stupid shit that happened after legion
sylvanas will become the leader of the forsaken again
the horde and the alliance will go to war again
kino will return
I don't want to see Sylvanas anymore
I remember Horde was always defending her but her previous actions doesn't make sense anymore because she was always just her evil side
is it that hard to look in the apperance tab? its from the raid, retard
Khadgar will rise with Dalaran
Heroic version of Ashkandur from Aberrus.
ashkandur, fall of the brotherhood. drops off neltharion in aberrus
>she's gonna be in midnight
Midnight is already overcrowded with characters. There is absolutely no reason for her to return.
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The Earthen racial has been buffed to be slightly better than the well fed food buff would be. It's still very, very weak when you consider that this is both their food buff and their racial stat buff. Goblins get more Haste than this just passively without eating any food.
I've always stuck with the idea that BFA would have been massively better as an expansion if the alliance and the worgen king attacked undercity first, and Sylvanas destroyed teldrassil out of her own despair as an act of revenge. I have no idea why they did it the other way around.
So what other Danuser shit did Metzen delete from the War Within, schizonon?
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>that big setup for the macguffin lens whateverthefuck it was
>Alleria just shoots it with a bow
How much you want to bet this was supposed to stretch over the years and instead was ended in a cutscene that played before even Season 1 started
>the BM hunter that paid 1 million for KSM in SL season 1

I'm so glad to see shitters like you are still here
I can't wait for the Windrunner re-union in Midnight, surely we see Sylvanas and Vereesa show up right?
Because the Alliance are the good guys.
kinda true
I remember before bfa one of the blizz devs said in the interview that Anduin was going to attack Undercity to prove himself
midnight is going to be a homage to everything to do with elves and sylvanas is one of the most important elves in the setting
she's gonna come back for it
They already rebuilt it once.
IF they ever do it again, it should be a proper full scale city like Boralus.
What the fuck were they thinking with the shaman ascendance form? Why not just give them hair made out of pure water/fire/wind? It looks like a scrapped model of a DK pet instead of a shaman form.
I like how Garrisons became forgotten the second the expansion ended.
>this guy STILL believes it was literally impossible to time +15's in S1 of shadowlands
holy shit seek help asap
It would make sense if Alliance weren't the traditional good guys, which they are, so it would never happen.
It's a tiebreaker between bfa and slands imo
If any of these 3 expandions post df are on the same level it's going to turn the game completely obsolete until it fades away into obscurity while keeping a few hundred thousands of ultramazed fans around for decades more
post an example
I was hoping for something like that one boss in Vault of the Incarnates and not a troll toy from the 60's.
Oh well not like I play Shaman anymore because I hate their hero talents.
I don't like those new forms at all. they are like something that belongs to Drustvar or something.
>those hags

guy guys I figured out why this game is infested with cringe girl bosses
They love this humiliating androgynous slop style that they've been pushing the past few expansions
Maybe that's why they destroyed it again, to have a brand new rebuilt dalaran for midnight, it is the most powerful city afterall
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It's even funnier when you realise that it was the macguffin that Iridikron basically sacrificed Fyrakk's life to obtain as well.
The absolute SHIT state of Danuser
There is no light, ONLY POWAH
the female form liderally has tits
there was gonna be an entire zone based on the roots of the first world tree where those bat-elf-troll people live but that got cut because everyone still has huge druid fatigue after dealing with the emerald dream in 10.2
the hallowfall expedition and all of the arathi were originally all gonna be scarlet crusade tier assholes to show that the light can be as bad as the void but that got scrapped except for priory
there was originally going to be a massive focus on the freysworn and earthen druids were going to be a big and important thing but metzen said that robot dwarf druids are fucking stupid and cancelled that shit
there was gonna be a huge plotline about the evil titanic overlords of dornogal and probably even a raid that revolves around it but that got scrapped and all we've got left is that silly stormrider section in the campaign
the tww we got is a hollow shell of what it was meant to be with all of the awful shit cut out and only the semi-decent stuff left
bet you fifty bucks we'll never see iridikron again
metzen is eager to move on from danusershit never to return to it
Le sigh...
Why did you buy KSM then?
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why loremaster achievemnt still not updated with dragoflight and tww locations
>I can't wait for the Windrunner re-union in Midnight, surely we see Sylvanas and Vereesa show up right?
They are likely the two most central characters for it other than Alleria/Lor'themar/Liadran
Because you touch yourself at night.
isn't that literally what happened? The Battle for the Undercity was 8.0 and Teldrassil was 8.1? Am I insane?
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Gentlemen... we're dealing with a genius level intellect here.
He can be a boss in a leveling dungeon next expansion to complete the humiliation ritual.
The hell is gonna be in Midnight for people who don't like elves?
do you have a source for this because I kind of believe this
DF was a lot about light and titans = bad
Huh. How do I have the Molten Corgi, but not the Corehound mount...
B-but IridiGOD was the only good thing about DF lore...
Sounds legit
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Paladinbros.... this is our expansion
We won lol
Zug zug brainlet warriors need NOT reply
Bring back the sire and give him a full expansion
You just got a coal dwarf, eat your sloppa first.
>fix a few problems everyone has had with retail for years
>release the absolute worst dogshit set of dungeons
>cap off the season with just as shitty dungeons
necrotic wake is unironically the only mediocre dungeon for season holy shit
im fuckin DOOMIN
Thrall seems a touch sentimental to change Doomhammer's colors.
I actually like Iridikron. It is weird we haven't seen him once yet - I'm sure he'll pop up eventually.
because dragonslop and the slop within are written by trannies and aren't canon
dragonflight and tww is better than SL in every way
He will be back in Midnight
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Just saw my fav m+ tank flask is worth nothing anymore. The new recommended ones cost 3-500gold each.
Fuck no dude, I'm gonna keep drinking my icy juices. Fucking 41 silver? Hell yeah.
>piss and shit is better than diarrhea
as long as we pretend anduin doesn't exist, his crying makes it hard tho
why would you use the only race that actually chops off bits of the armor to display an armor?
what was legion for people who don't like demons
what was warlords for people who don't like orcs
what was mists for people who don't like asians
we would get high elves for the alliance and ogres for the horde in midnight
so there will be some ogre lore
Other way around, datkshore was a prepatch event that ended with tree burning iirc. Alliance went for UC afterward.
is the EU guild based Alliance or disgusting Horde?
amani trolls maybe?
depends if they go the high elf/amani troll allied race route that people have been screaming for
nta but why do you think it’s not possible for non fotm spec to time +15? sure fotm was better but cmon it wasn’t impossible for non meta to time keys.
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what is this
>high elf
I'll have a fucking brain aneurysm if that ends up as an allied race.
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Guild: Elysian
Realm: Quel'Thalas (Cross realm)
or just put the code oBYVlX7cAJO into the community finder.

You can find the guild in the guild finder tab too (alliance) look for "wowg" in the description.
wank cycle
Cross faction and cross realm
Tank spot left ? if no, what class are the main tanks
ive seen like 5 different eu guilds shilled here which one is the real one
God I wish I had a hot committed Dracthyr bf
<big guys> at silvermoon alliance eu
>BRD raid will have 8 bosses
Does this count as our megadungeon for the expansion?
Odds it eventually gets split in half for m+ rotation?
<Wrench> at Sunstrider
<United Anti PCU Legion> at Argent Dawn EU
Have you looked around Dornogal? the place is filled with high elves, it really wouldn't surprise me kek
I miss this guild so much
High elves?? You do realize you can put blue eyes on both void elves and blood elves, right?????
Horde mains usually look like inbred hillbillies just like that guy does.
Remember the two fat horde hicks who showed up at a Blizzcon many years back?
<Very Cute> at Argent Dawn
<Goldshire Lux> at Argent Dawn
big sneed at chucklands @ seed and feed (neutral)
I'm not the gm but from what I'm seeing both spots are taken by prot pallies for raids.
>Quit at og WoTLK exp
>War Within is the first expac since then
Any currency shit i should save etc? Thanks in advance.
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It'll be rebuilt in the empty western district of Silvermoon.
All dead
watch movie earthlings ADEU
What level does an allied race start?
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>Sold hatespark for 700k last year
>See this
bring inspiration back holy shit.
I better sub and sell mine soon before it's sub 20k..
>zone in
>see supply drop is down
>too far away to get it
>go a few wqs
>check map and notice it's still up
>fly in unmolested and capture it
Is this a shard problem or do the game die less than 3 weeks?
whomever is running this EU "Elysian" guild is a huge pos. apparently only 2 people have inv privileges despite it being a dead guild.
shard(t)s kil warmode purpose.
what server tho? even on NA MG there are tons of horde around
Is there a wowg eu community i can join?
Levelling to 80 takes less than a few hours, why would wows remaining playerbase (mazies, world first watchers, mogs mounts cheevos) want to play with pvpers, just for like 15% (less than 30 min) extra xp?
You can tell this person is riddled with social anxiety
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What did Os do now?
why ogres?
Guarantee it's an overlooked default setting when forming a guild as they don't really put any effort whatsoever to make it an actual guild instead of just a greentext /g chat message being sent once every week or so
He's speaking out of his ass. Neither High Elves nor Ogres will ever be playable. We already can put blue eyes on both blood elves and void elves.
not a paladin
I didn't Shadowlands.
When you get covenant mounts, even the ones you have to purchase at rank 70, you can only use them on that character as long as they are with that covenant?
It's supposed to be *the* eu wowg guild though.
what exactly did Thrall and Jaina do?
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Why do I have to reload to be able to accept campaign quests
pvp season hasn't stated yet
you dont have to reload, you can jsut walk a distance away until the quest giver isnt lookinga t you. No idea why it happens but it started in DF for me.
they were on the promotional poster with alleria and anduin
yes, I know, but what did they DO in this expansion?
so far? helped after Dalaran crashed then peaced out to get horde and alliance soldiers to arrive. Then Thrall helped with the Stormwing stuff. Jaina hasnt done anything else yet.
Yet mroe proof that people who post here dont actually play the game.
if i make a earthen evoker, can thee instant empowered spell talent make azerite surge instnat? does it count as an empower spell towards their talents i.e. extending dragon rage?
the race that was going to and should have been added to the horde as well as the high elves to the alliance
metzen kino incoming
are you retarded
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>world first racers start saying they'll use some pvp pieces for the race since you can get free gem sockets on all of them
>bgs suddenly have a drastic drop in quality as pve babies start queueing up to get carried for honor
are you retarded
I don't know anon, you try and tell me how it goes
I wish survival hunter could use other melee weapon types
they can use everything except for maces, right? Dual wielding should be a viable option tho, I agree
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>neurbians are capitalist
>anti homosexual garbage
lol look at this fag about to die in monkeypox hahahah
seems like a legit question to me
im asking because i havent unlocked them yet. missing a lot of the classes from some races. the questline for earthen unlocked almost all. except evoker, demon hunter, death knight, druid.
Don't call me the n word please
No-one actually wants to run such a guild, which is why every single attempt has been so lackluster
>earthen evoker
Not possible anon
>The ordinary Chinese on the internet writes gay fanfiction, creates gay art and so on
no ordinary or normal person does any of these things, Chinese or otherwise
its literally right there on the character create screen just greyed out.
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>the silver covenant class trainers are hanging around dornogal

high elves confirmed???
not a single word in my sentence started with an n tho :(
Greyed out means the race/class combination isn't available, no matter what
>Alliance getting something they've been asking for for years
Not in this lifetime.
>dalaran was pretty much the high elves home
>now they have to reunite in midnight
so i guess that will be a story beat

oh so you ARE retarded
You are literally retarded you can make your character look like a high elf already.
you don't unlock classes for races. If the class is greyed out then that race cannot play that class, period.
Feudal Autocracy, actually
I wish survival could get lone wolf and more focus on melee attacks
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>5 hour maintenance
holy kek

good thing I have the gym soon and after that basketball training until exactly 2
lmao @ you guys
like Cars, the Pixar movie?
of course they are confirmed
what race do you think they'll add in dornogal
>Noooooo but the hecking tooltip and racial passive it's not the same aaaaaaaaaahhhhh I need my hormones!!!
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I really like the comfy quests in the expansion. They warm the cuckolds of my heart
if it's not such a big deal why not just add them then?
stop apologizing for developer pettiness
Is he mad that the old gamemaster robes had blue trim too?
Alliance bias!!!
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Anyone else with his bug?
any time i log in i fucking get the same achievement popup for my guild
always these
every fucking time
are these mods just legal now or wut
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They are also in the Alliance embassy in Dornogal with the Wildhammer Dwarves.
holy seethe
>Any currency shit i should save etc?
Oh my sweet summer child.
Because they'd be more than redundant, maybe? We can already make High Elves. Period.
p-please respond
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you can get warbound items from dungeons?
pretty cool
first time ive seen anything like this drop though and ive done shitloads of dungeons.
I can't find anything other than a cuckhead post without a link on this
They can only use polearms and staves
Yes you can use all that shit regardless of covenant. There are a few mounts that only drop when you are currently in a specific covenant though.
You can use the cosmetics regardless of what convenant you're in. You couldn't originally but they #listened (way too little way too late)
It's a bug with cross faction guildmembers who have progress towards those achievements triggering it when logging in. There are a few addons floating around that disable those notifications.
no, that's a monk
IIRC you have to be Reknown 80.
If you are Reknown 76 in Ardenwald, and you switch to Maldraxxus, you can't use Ardenwald mounts.
i also get random fucking guild notifications in a different language
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try the launcher you dumb fuck lmao
they don't ban for them, even though they are against the ToS
End of dungeon bosses, delve chests and and even raid bosses all have a chance to drop warbound items. It counts as a bonus roll for personal loot.
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>foxes are the cutest animal ever
>Vulpera are the ugliest race ever
How did Blizz fuck up this badly?
Vulpera aren't foxes
disgusting pajeet coding game
not on mine
because actual furshit artists designed these races and they are mindbroken beyond belief, they can only create ugliness
so gazlowe left steamwheedle cartel and ratchet completely?
who is in charge in ratchet now?
what are the cheapest professions to level? i think im dropping jewelcrafting this shit is too expensive
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Most people don't want to see faggots kissing. Why is it so hard to understand?
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I can't believe I wasted 12 points on this shit I'm so fucking stupid IT'S OVER I'M RUINED
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I hate this movie so much.
>was big profession autist in df
>the thought of doing that shit AGAIN just instantly burns me out
Not as mad as I'll be. Already tired of this cripple mutt and awful voice actress
why not auto
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The Centaur have oil, and both the Horde and Alliance want it. Crazzle wants to figure out what the Horde is offering by comparison, so he:

>Sends you to beat the Horde emissary to an inch of his life to steal his information,
>Finds out that the Horde is offering more than the Alliance can afford, so he sends you to find fool's gold in order to cheat the Centaur,
>The deception doesn't work, so he makes you get "revenge" on the Centaur by slaughtering them and outright stealing their oil,
>And just for good measure, orders you to kill the elemental that they worship.
I like clicking the button
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>all my prelaunch doomposting is coming true
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does anyone in this world actually give a fuck about PETS? muh rare pet that I never use
who the fuck is this little nigga
cute jungle monke
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how the fuck are you supposed to do this
i haven't seen 1 fuckign rare
They may squeeze a resub out of me for this. I spent hours in a molten core LFR group that fell apart and I simply could not be fucked doing it all again so I never got the mount. It's bugged me for 10 years and felt a lot worse when dark irons became playable
I care about them because I need an army of lvl 1 pets because blizzard keeps putting in fucking pet battle world quests that give the same rep as normal ones.
just a gnome
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the only pet i need
my blade-wife.
you just got corgi, the hound was from the anniversary raid. I have the corgi but not the hound cus I was legit too sick to play wow for the entire 10th event.
>0 rep rewards

who cares
remove playable women
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still better than khadgar
I hope anniversary currency is account wide and I can get all sets on level 1 characters
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>Council of Three Hammers in western vs in eastern art
The rares spawn when the keyflames go out.
So watch the timer on a keyflame. If it's low, sit and wait. A rare will spawn near.

SEA is the land of sexo.
Moira's face being so much less detailed than everything else looks stupid
you can probably unlock them all on one character via an assemble item unlock, just not actually use them cross-class
>didn't autistically optimize my artisan's acuity gains or my KP usage
>characters are now hopelessly bricked without three blue tools or max skill points for specific crafts, can't start from scratch because I'm a week behind KP-wise

It's so fucking over
Yeah, that's what I'm confused by. I for sure would've done the raid if I was active during that anniversary, and apparently I was since I got the Corgi.
So unless the Corgi just had an extra long timeframe to acquire than the MC raid was active, I should have both or neither...
I don't know if I took a break during that time or not and just by chance got the Corgi at the end of it or something.
the left is just a comic with 193723 pages and the right is independent drawing


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Thank you homie.
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to be fair the one on the left came out when dwarfs looked like this, so its not inaccurate. the one on the right was drawn after the updated models
>finally got a chance to play after being busy all day and night
>server shutdown AGAIN
fucks sake
liked the campaign but why did hunter narman and windsage dawa end up in a wheelchair? they're blood brothers, the bonding ritual questline from dragonflight made them share each others pain, but didn't say they'd share injuries... two more strong heterosexual male characters humiliated for no reason
I hope so
But now class armor is not added into your appearances
So that's why I'm afraid
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>Some of the ascended are rebels
>have old god blood
I am surprised people are excited to play dracthyr on other races.
>by popular demand blizzard add transmogs
>by popular demand blizzard add a race that does not use them
why server down
me no can play when down
me want play
I thought the only ascended rebels are the ones that were rebels before they were ascended?
tons of people want to play the ugly fetal alcohol glitter rave male blood elves / femhumans for some reason
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ty anon, didnt know about it
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why? There's nothing to do.
No its not
eu are you down too
just saw a comment on w*whead that said they were taking the server down at eu peak time
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why does it feel like it takes forever to get rep? i dont remember DF or SL being this bad in terms of getting rep
how is it bait? The expansion doesn't really launch until next week...
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>you require aid, human?
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works on my machina
in sl you got most of your renown from the weekly campaign
i never bothered with df until season 3
the rares give way more than WQs and they're not routed on the default UI
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What's a good addon for for world quests?
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>the rares give more rep than WQ's
what the fuck
Any Thalassian elf that cucks out to humans after being betrayed three times by them deserves to have that 4th knife in their spine.
Because outside of the few weeklies the only way to get rep is rares.
>make renown account wide
>make it fucking horrible to gain
Really cool!
this is the rare scanner expansion. hope you have addons.
The trick to do these is to do them in middle of the night when all the wagies are asleep and sweaties sat through 40minutes of flying in circles during the day.
i need a harronir gf
World Quests List
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With the new change to cross realm stuff, how did that effect connecting to data centers?
For example:
My main's realm is at a Phoenix center, but I live near Chicago.
wait does this mean i'll need to have alts and kill rares on all alts to get renown?
Anduin is a fag tho
Good morning wowg

today I shall play wow
>replying to it
>wq is 50 rep once ever
>rares are 150 rep each resetting weekly
Hope you like waiting around for 10 hours, you don't want to fall behind right anon?
I want to be an American
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>want to play alliance but friend plays horde
why are you in aberrus?
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He got them all just to be sure
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>be me
>dont camp for a single rare
>if i see one i kill it
that simple.
Monk looks interesting, i give up I'll try it
It's exactly what I'm thinking
AI slop haters can't even see that the hands are fine in the sloppa. KYS
that's not aberrus haha lol!
>10 weekly quest currency drop from them
>haven't seen a single one since reset this week
you dont understand what youre being asked
>crafting a item gives me more exp then a quest
just run dungeons dude
Some never got betrayed by them at all
See: Alleria's high elves who accompanied the Alliance expedition into Draenor
How can Moira have a hammer unless she's a futa.
And that's a good thing
the most drop from delves
the fastest delve is that one in the spider area thats like 20 waves of spiders to kill
Dont act smart
elves in horde were a mistake
Nah I got all 100 titan disc things from wax farming.
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Metzen sovlkino.
Collecting 30 herbs gives the same experience as completing a dungeon.
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>aggroes you from 60 yards away
nothing personel....
*curves the arrow*
Metzen I... I kneel...
elves were a mistake
This is the leaked canon ending for TWW
Is that where people farm the thing for the mount?
They were betrayed. They essentially aided and abetted the genocide of the Thalassian people.
That's a betrayal against your entire race.

so apparently there is this echo event but i haven't found a single one, how do i find them?
Sex with elven ladies
>They were betrayed. They essentially aided and abetted the genocide of the Thalassian people.
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>be eu
>can play game
isnt it nighttime in na
go to sleep ameribros
I parse harder than you ret chuds
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To think there were those who doubted.
NA is the beta testing server after all.
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>People chomping at the bit to play
>When there's no content out until next week

I don't get it, do you still have alts to level?
>10 AM is night time to yurotards
He's accusing you of being brown dumb dumb
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>Be NA
>Get to go home early (another school shooting)
>Today is reset! Can't wait to play!
>New content disabled (beta testing for EU launch tomorrow)
Guys what professions would you pick up on Evoker?
I have Mining and BS x2 on my Paladin and DK
low iq
>is retarded
east coast US is 6 hours behind cet idiot
This, but unironically.
>Scourge annihilate 90% of your race
>Humans stonewall and drag their feet at your requests for aid
>Turn to the only other option offering help
>Humans show up and attempt to completely decapitate your government
Yes, they aided in, actively participated in, the genocide of the Thalassian race.
That's a betrayal against anyone with Thalassian ancestry.
time to play peglin till the servers are back
I have enchanting and herb on mine
americans are mad because they can't play the metzen kino
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Sethrak will be playable.
erm... xal'atath feet shots in the new cinematics? where?
Why would you ever have mining but not herb and vice versa
>Vulpera are the ugliest race ever
>metzen kino
>no raids or m+ or delve+ out

sounds like appropriate treatment of knife ears, i dont see the problem here
That has literally nothing to do with the high elves in Draenor you deranged schizo
Take your fucking meds
>Humans stonewall and drag their feet at your requests for aid
I think that has something to do with Lordaeron completely falling and the surrounding lands becoming completely infested with the undead. Take your meds
Vulpera are the hottest race in wow and you should shut the fuck up mad retard
That would be pretty good. They really should have joined alliance instead of mechagnomes. Even dedicated blizzdrones shit on that race.

worgen and gnome is a natural couple
high elves and orges first
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one comment to trigger all of murica
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This cat's face would go great on the sethrak model which would be fitting since they will never ever be playable.
Blizzard will probably just say something retarded like "just go play dracthyr dummies", like when they told alliance players who wanted high elves to go play belfs, and then as a troll they added velfs which literally NOBODY asked for.
Weird looking dick.
>they still havent fixed the dc when lifting off in dragonflying bug
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Is that so?
Turalyon is still a side character tho
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>Blizzard will probably just say something retarded like "just go play dracthyr dummies", like when they told alliance players who wanted high elves to go play belfs, and then as a troll they added velfs which literally NOBODY asked for.
I still can't believe they did this, holy fuck it's so retarded and so funny at the same time.
We already have high elves
My main is level 15 on kazzak.
>like when they told alliance players who wanted high elves to go play belfs
blood elves literally are high elves though? they changed their race name after most of them got killed.
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Not as natural as Draenei and Gnome.
thats not a bug they cant fix because its related to the antibug cheat, you still dc when you blink, fel rush or ks and its never going to stop
yeah we do but they are not playable
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>Come back since BFA
>DH is now full on movement aids with fel rush / VR

Who asked for this?
Me on the left
>you have to unlock the ability to play the game without crashing
Dragon flying is so fucking awful why is it the default
I block any
>Female Kul Tiran
if i encounter them in my instance groups.
It's kino
they're playable
there's blue eye options on both void elves and blood elves
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Turalyon is obsolete now.
His wife has a new boyfriend.
>ust go play dracthyr dummies"
I never really played drachtyr. Can they choose any race for visage?
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well since the servers are down what are you fags making money with on the ah
i got 4 tailors pumping cloth coolies and 2 more pumping spell threads
sniped a radiant power formula yesterday for 100k less than market value, going to set up a second enchanter to pump those will rank 2 materials when the server comes back up
have 2 alchemists for potions/flask respectively ready for next week
also got a jewelcrafter with one of the blasphemite recipes but i havent spent my prof knowledge yet
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gonna have this on repeat alongside other wow gooning vids on my 2nd monitor as i farm m+ when it finally opens up
>there was gonna be an entire zone based on the roots of the first world tree where those bat-elf-troll people live but that got cut because everyone still has huge druid fatigue after dealing with the emerald dream in 10.2
That still is going to be in, Metzen will just fix it to not be retarded.
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wtf what happened
It was like that in Legion
This but whoever's got a slutmog because they're guaranteed to be a sad shitter
>blocking every evoker you come across
kinda retarded inst it?
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she won
>another midwit filtered
expansion is over already anon see you in 2 years for midnight
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>Mythic end boss mounts are no longer unique
>You can just easily get them from world content now

Anduin said the n word
they're not very good anyway, not a big loss
Blizzard still considers them different to blood and void elves
just look at this expansions capital city and the numerous high elf (not blood or void, high elf) npcs that walk around
Why do Dark Iron allow themselves to be led by a Bronzebeard whore whose only accomplishment was spreading her legs for the former emperor
just like the scorpion, the elemental, that thing nzoth drops, the draognhawk...
now we just need gladiator mounts to be welfare too, pvpNIGGERS are too loud and annoying a bunch to keep getting their exclusive fomo for almost 20 years
fuck them all, destroy their arena crap and salt the earth
Not really.
Blood elves are specifically high elves who partook in fel magic to sate their magic addiction after Arthas pissed in their sunwell which canonically gave them green eyes and later golden eyes. High elves were traditionally an alliance race and Vereesa Windrunner is an example of a pure high elf who never partook in fel magic or betrayed the alliance. Not sure if Alleria would count or if she counts as a void elf now.
Not really, those use the same skeletons but in this case it's literally the same model
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git gud shitter
cant you losers rp as the tranny that never did fel magic? is not like you freaks care about lore anyway
Do I play windwalker monk or disc priest
>Alleria's story is about her stopping being retarded and relying on others instead of being a "stronk intependent girlboss"
>Anduin's story is about gaining back his confidence
>Anduin talks Alleria out of her retardation and is proven to be correct
>Alleria is shown to accept her faults
>Xal'atath seems actually smart and is outdone by her pridefulness instead of being randomly forced into losing
>The Arathi are almost all straightforwardly heroic save for one dungeon
>Only one character that I have a problem with is Faerin and even she is tolerable (Also she would be far more tolerable if they changed her wack-ass haircut)
Are we back guys?
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we won
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if you don't own at least 1 (one) gladiator tabard then you truly are bad. even shitters can get glad tabards
Don't think the Arathi are straightforwardly heroic, or heroic at all. They worship a dying Naaru, they're essentially a cult manipulating Anduin for their own gain.
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Disc priest. Monks are gay.
says the guy losing his mind at someone posting canon lore
utterly deranged lmao
chat is this real
The writing in this expansion is the darkest I've ever seen it. I have PTSD and whoever was co-writing and or editing the script for this campaign clearly has experience with it.
>no u
not an argument sorry
Why would I partake in objectively trash content that not even Blizzard cares about that is made for people who are too bad for actual competitive esport type games?
can't wait for your meldown itt in midnight when the alliance get playable high elves
How do I attract worgen men, paw tattoos, rocket t-shirts, ect?
Ion won.
with disc priest you have two other kino specs that are really good
with ww monk you have two other boring ass specs that are dumpster tier
we already have high elves so again not an argument
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>Be Night Elf lady
>Expose thighs
>Offer headpats after knottings
Aw man I wanted to play a different class and spec for once. Guess I'm healing again..
I only play epic bgs
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going to be a big meltie that's for sure
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I'm retarded please be patient. Is there a toggle for normal subtitles instead of these fucking weird ass ones for deaf people.
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Cope harder pvpfag, we all know you're hardstuck bronze/wood rank in any actual good PVP game you've tried.
You are literally devoting your time to an afterthought in WoW.
if blizzard really add high elves and ogres in midnight it would be the kinoest kino of all metzen's kino this far
How do I make gold with Tailoring?
yup huge melty over something we got years ago
still waiting for the argument
sell cloth to other tailors
the dying dwarf gravekeeper quest hit me in the feels.
My dad is 70 and hes starting to be like that.
It will be naga high elves
Well, if you are so smart, how do I make money with Inscription?
the argument was here >>493258971 and you subequently piss and shat your pants here >>493259105 at canon lore mindbreaking you
hope that helps
sell treatises
those are not arguments
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>give me your mount
>just let me have the mount p-please
you're right bro
the poster you are replying to is just dumb or ion holocaustas
i wish they would add the non monster energy werebear forms back in. i dont even care if i have to do the mage tower again. the glowing green one is fine but its a bit silly and i like the regular ones better but they arent available
didnt they already do this anduin arc with thrall
I accept your concession
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Any /wowg/ anons wanna be my friend? I'm looking for cool, down to earth people to do M+ with and just chill. reply if you want my discord. love u.
You can keep your mount. I've been using the same mount for a decade and don't give a fuck about mounts or pets because I'm not a faggot.
vantus runes
the white one is omega god tier kino
i missed it too
only got ghost of the pridemother
Changed him out for an upgrade
it's ok to cope anon
if you want the last word just say so and I will stop replying
Anon I'm sorry, but the love is one sided...
>I'm looking for cool, down to earth people
you are looking in the wrong place friendo
>It's okay if my people get murdered as long as I'm not home at the time, I will have no issues with the people who killed them
high elf trannies are some of the most unhinged people in WoW
blood elves itt just scared because they became more irrelevant when high elves added into the alliance in midnight(metzen's kino #2)
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you couldn't and still can't refute the post with the argument and you continue to post cope like this
cope harder
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Doomjeets are quiet, did they finally kill themselves?
I remember you people said the same when they added normal colors to the void elves.
Probably another game released or something so they are spamming those threads instead.
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this cant be real
I never said anything like that
reddits over there dwarffag
retarded lorelet
holy shit I shitpost sneed almost exclusively. I like to think maybe I influenced this autists LIFE DECISIONS man
not a chance
looks real to me, which means some 'content creator' is desperate for views
I finally wake up early to play and there is a maintenance
I assume you have evidence right?
The most obvious evidence worlo has no real player base is the absence of add-ons.

There are like 8 accepted add-ons that everyone says are "mandatory" and basically nothing else exists. No one is developing anything new that they think would be cool for the game.
probably spamming concord threads
good there was nothing to do anyways lil bro
russian shills in full damage control today after some shit got exposed
they're probably working overtime on pol or k
Thank you for betatesting so EU doesn't get daily maintenances.
>love blackrock and black hand hammer
>but blizz also gave us HD gorehowl
>cant decide if i wanna be blackrock or warsong orc
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Imagine not liking dwarfs. I bet you're a furry or elf player.
did you guys spend weathered harbinger crests on anything
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people there are probably more unhinged than here, but they are all repressive about because its not anonymous there. Reddit of today is not the same reddit from 2014
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Some very fucked up shit in the quests, too
Dwarfs are pretty unpopular since day one tho.
Still real confused about profession picking guys
I could do like Jewelcrafting because it sounds cool but have no idea how useful it is, can you name some useful professions for me?
that guys a fag but i definitely prefer the old dwarf looks and animations to the wod ones.
Is classic up maybe ill play that
goldshire hooker
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Man the DK and Evoker T2 are so cool while the monk and DH sets are always the same
caca is up
I think Awakening the Machine should get new difficulty options with cosmetic rewards later on.
>missed 2 weeks of knowledge
Bricked bro...
No but for real stop playing lol
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I agree. I think WoW's WOD character models are way too fucking cartoonish. Maybe one day we'll get another remodel that makes them look a bit grimmer/grittier.
yeah but i would actually play vulpera if their racials were not SHIT
Shitters are crying about the current one being too hard for them already lmao
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Nose for Trouble and the Camp racial are alright
After reforged's failure i doubt they will try to make things more realistic anytime soon
Anon think about it for a second... which would be more likely? That the new models would be less or even MORE cartoonish?
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Original dwarves were PEAK SOVL.
I play Fury so I might have a twisted experience but it was super fucking easy for me.
they are capable of actually making this shit difficult and have mechanics with depth for each role but instead we get this
we could have had bloody palace from dmc in wow
Pajeet shills get paid by russian propaganda controllers to to flood things with pro russian or just disruptive content
When they are not being paid/russia does not need them they leak all over the website and just shit up random things because shitting up 4chan is all they know how to do, only training they ever got. So they come here and post low effort disruptive bullshit out of boredom and malice.

When something happens in or around ukraine or russia, russia deploys the shill army to try to control the narrative via lies at high volume, the pajeet shill farms get paid to shit up some particular board or thread or spam some particular russian narrative everywhere and as a result the level of shitposting here falls off hard cus theyre all "working" somewhere else.

I wouldnt not shock me if some anti-wow autist paid them to shit up /wowg/ sometimes as well. They cost basically nothing and while their posting is nonsensical engrish and usually disastrously poorly informed the sheer number of them that exist can ruin anywhere.

relevant stat here is that on average 180 indians have been connected to the internet for the first time every second for the last several years. They are a FLOOD and a plague of shitflies.
I didn't say realistic. I want grittier stylization.
I know anon, it is my own special brand of copium.
they run like super mario and overall look kind of stupid. at least dark irons kind of fix it by giving them sinister glowing eyes. wouldnt hold your breath for any of what youre asking for kek
Vulpera's biggest problems is that armors look fucking ass on them.
i prefer the new ones. the old ones were too ugly even for old wow
>another dwarfshitter spamming cringehammer shit
maybe you should just play the wh mmo bro
oh wait...
Although I do understand that Russian Shills do propaganda for far-right (while the Chinese shills do propagnda for the far-left), I really fucking doubt that they care about a fucking MMO.
To be fair it wasn't the art style that killed that game.
This, i like them and goblins but shoulders are always too small, helms and boots are always too big
us pepe the frog types gotta stick together
New models look like shit universally.
Whats the oldest player model we can even use anymore? Pandering?
I saw female Tauren and I burst out laughing. Holy shit they ruined that race
I like Anduin's story and think in an era not so saturated with culture war bullshit people would appreciate it more.
The relationship between him and Varian, and him realizing being a great man is not about following a template of another man but forging your own path, without protraying either Varian or Anduin as doing it "wrong" but just having a different strong points, is a cool story.
I think the story could have been told in a much better way, but overall I like the message.
So is the EU guild elysian dead or what.
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>TFW the servers are down, AGAIN
My addiction demands satiation
I fucking hate the "new" homogenized combat animations as well. Basically the only combat animations in your kit these days is auto attacks.
Yeah they are totally fucked. Dracthyr are particularly terribly thrown together slop races. They look like bad drag queens and the draconic forms are fucking stupid.
things that you need:
Consumables - alchemy for potions and flasks, BS makes weapon stones, enchanting also makes weapon buffs for the other ones, and cooking for food buffs
Permanent item enhancements - enchanting for every slot besides legs, and either leatherworking or tailoring for spellthreads or armor kits, Jewelcrafting for sockets but its not prio at the start of a patch because you likely will not have any items with a socket
Armor crafting - Blacksmith for plate, Leatherworking for mail and leather, and Tailoring for cloth, Embellishments are made by tailors and jewelcrafters maybe something else im not privy to currently, inscription makes missives for stat allocation

You basically need to decide what you dont want to pay for on the regular or what you want to try and make gold on the AH with
Yeah we decided to disband after a sperg got mad over too few people having inv privileges.
Can I be a SMF dagger warrior
>crying about warhammer while playing a warhammer clone
*But you will be garbage
Basically the only race specific combat animations in your kit these days is auto attacks*
My dracthyr looks fine, the thing is they have too many customization options so it's easy to make ugly freaks
Fuck you. Why can't I be good? Asshole
dunno if shitpost but i still have gm for the dead /wowg/ guild very cute from BfA, can use that if u wnat but the name is permanently tarnished by ffxivg niggers that split off and used the same name
Bloodthirst seems to still use each races' unique 1h animation.
I really liked the old race specific animations for casts/melee abilties, why did they stop using them?
No, there are not str daggers.

I think the sad obsession with whis hilarious, you guys are forced to play wow because no one gives a shit about wh.
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Americans beta-testing the game for us Eurochads.
Thank you for your service, mutt.
How about I do none of that
You are making me feel bad for choosing to make a panda instead of a modern race.
SMF is already inferior to Titan Grip. Daggers dont have a STR stat. Low damage on daggers and no STR stat will not be compensated by SMF's 5% damage increase.
>why did they stop using them?
Because they wanted to update them but giving every race unique animations is expensive and requires effort and Blizzard decided that it wasn't worth it.



I can't pick a main and my alt-itis is at an all time high

lol, retard.
some people are born with no taste
pity them
I do SMF fury and wear mail and leather because I'm poor
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thanks anon i needed a good laugh
some abilities override with racial animations. shaman gets racial omni cast on nearly every healing spell and totem drop. racial direct cast on chain heal. mongoose bite uses some elaborate 2h special at 5+ stacks. eviscerate still uses same one it's used forever. tauren specifically had their mortal strike overridden with their 2h guitar smash because it's so iconic.
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This might hold some weight if Europoors didn't have unstable servers and a fucked up auction house for weeks.
just go play your shitty wh games
oh no...
Dwarves are a snoozefest race and I'm disappointed we got a 3rd reskin for them. We should've gotten high elves.
Warhammer is safe woke with hidden tranny energy
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>wake up
>can't play
the fact that SMF continues to be unusably bad is baffling to me. Differences in weapon DPS have been standardized and priced into the effect of Titan's Grip for as long as it's existed, so why do they refuse to do the inverse for SMF?
Yeah, there are some abilities that still use the race-specific animations. Crusader strike is another one.
Most core abilities use the updated homogenized rubbery trash animations though.
So what was the fucking point of the “”dark heart”” then? Xal went back in time and absorbed the essence of fucking GALAKROND just to do absolutely nothing with it and get it shattered by anime elf arrow???
“This changes nothing!” Shouldn’t it fucking change something after all that????
So will the anniversary only be obtainable during the 20 year event or will you be able to get them post event?
t. current out of country-fag
><Clover Crusade>
Shan't be joining
They don't want to put any effort into alternative playstyles
You WILL play the template
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ok, cheesefag
Thread has now been officially VANDALIZED. Sack of Rome 455 AD
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>free day today
>giga maintenance
kinda mean blizzard.
at least i have space marine 2....
>So what was the fucking point of the “”dark heart”” then? Xal went back in time and absorbed the essence of fucking GALAKROND just to do absolutely nothing with it and get it shattered by anime elf arrow???
The dark heart was Danuser's macguffin, Metzen(pbuh) decided to flush that shit down the toilet asap.
Kinda wish the roots zone made it in, the sections of Az'kahet that turn into a jungle were really cool
what are some unique subclasses,/subspecs you can be that are still viable
str 1hs are less contested thats sposed to be the upside
blame the spergs
Nobody is joining anyways
But loot is personal now so who cares? I've never seen anyone talk about loot anymore
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AI sisters. anyone tried prompting this chink AI with wowo wawa? apparently it doesnt care about copyright or wokeworldorder. it can also create goon kino
yeah but fixing SMF doesn't even take effort. It's not like DW vs. 2h frost or enhancement where you'd actually have differences in playstyle that could affect DPS in less obvious ways than weapon damage being bigger or smaller. But with SMF literally all they need to do is increase the damage buff SMF gives until it outputs the same idealized numbers as Titan's Grip
why is maintenance daily now?
i dont even care about wh, but hating it and liking warcraft is a really weird take to have.
Nta, but WH in current day is textbook reddit IP/hobby and we both know they keep raping it more and more with every new edition.
>Maintenance again
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>Servers are down for maintenance
Time to play ATLYSS
to prevent it from being daily once the season starts it will continue after the season starts
Not as weird as the whfags crying about how wow is not wh for literally 20 years.
So who threatened blizz into an august release when nothing is really available until mid September and the past couple of weeks have been nothing but bugs, broken stuff and tons of emergency maintenances? Even the leveling experience feels janky and unfinished with NPC dialogue/audio randomly cutting off, ingame cutscene animations looking worse than a highschoolers machinima, quest givers consistently bugging out so you have to walk away and then walk back to accept the next quest...
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painting my dwarf miniatures brings me joy. if experiencing joy is "reddit", I guess I'm a redditor.
Idk, i remember they did the deathwing mount for 2 anniversaries and then a third time with a recolor
>increase SMF damage buff
this would be fantastic, it woudl save a shitload on upgrades since i can use my 1h prot weapon as part of the DPS set. Also there are some really good looking 1h weapons that would look great in a DW build.
>So who threatened blizz into an august release when
They likely wanted the pre september release to maximize the amount of people they could trick into early access before schools open up and start taking up lots of time.
It's better this way, got time to digest the expansion and learn everything before the season starts so i can focus solely on the season content. I just wish M0 was released this week
Most of the campaign so far has felt super rushed and unpolished... Hopefully that just means all the resources went into making the raid good, there's only so much copium I can take.
There should be a talent that gives you a bonus if you don't wear plate
Oh no an undead abomination finally found rest.
How horrific.
>resisting the urge to sell all my flowers before next week
this must be what gooning feels like
It's the first time I've liked the story since Legion so yeah, I'm thinking we're back.
>turn my camera while character is speaking
>audio gets very quiet
>look in options
>unclick the mimic real life position shit
>it doesn't help at all
you want a bonus for playing the game wrong?
They’re only for upgrading heroics/LFR track gear, spend freely imo or maybe wait until you kill next week’s LFR bosses
ok ill bite is this a real game?
is 10 people icc considered heroic (in armory)?
>Hopefully that just means all the resources went into making the raid good,
Are you familiar with the term maintenance mode?
Thats a dumb way to look at it
>warrior players literally cant help themselves wanting to roll on LITERALLY ever item in the game
you need to go back
and you need to stay gone nigger
classic is over
fuck off
Are you?
what you want is incredible dumb tho
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thats retarded
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>Free Demo
>Wishlist it on Steam
wouldnt they be used on m0 drops too? or am i remembering wrong
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But that would mean I don't need to roll on plate
I cantbafford these repair costs
And what about class fantasy of being a barbarian
piss off helpfulfag
I really fucking like the wax collecting minigame. Gives you a reason to fly around the world besides the events. Generally I love how Blizzard finally started using the open world for actual shit.
Explain the issue? The more ways to play a class the better
how long does it take to collect 10 of the special wax for that weekly rep quest?
I got the new addon for the quest dialogue and solo levelled so I could take my time and check out the story but half the time something was fucked up. Like at the end of a long questline the cinematic would happen twice, or my character wouldn't appear, or npcs would get cut off while talking.. for such a short campaign they could have at least polished it more.
stealing mail and leather armor from other classes is not another way to play the game, this is literally why blizzard added the armor main stat bonus back then
Some of them are such bullshit, the one where the kobold runs while shitting wax, they drop so far away from each other. Yesterday i also got the one where you have to defend the huge loot bag but i was on healer spec so the kobolds just got all the loot, it was funny at least
I don't understand how its stealing. Loot is personal now anyway so who cares
No time at all because the dirt spawns everywhere and sometimes it spawns a minigame where you get multiple.
>dilute my loot pool even further and reward me for it
>fuck you, pay me
Literally no time at all, you get them everywhere.
It was literally just Activision holding them back.
That one at least gives a shit ton of wax and other resources if you get it right.
loot is not personal when you do raids and do you want every dungeon to give you all the leather, cloth, mail and plate plus trinkets, rings, necks and weapons? that's fucking stupid
holy fucking based
god I miss her so much
people would mass report it desu.
Dude why are you being so mean to me I just want to be a light armored dual wielding melee class
Nope M0 drops are 4/8 veteran track, need the next tier of crests to upgrade
Just emptied my futa's balls inside a blood elf on Epsilon
Are the servers back up yet
Honestly it must have been. I'm glad Microsoft is (seemingly) giving them far more developmental freedoms.
Just only give it to me if I'm specced like that and don't give me the stuff thats for hunters and rogues not sure why id need rings or trinkets
I can't tell if this cloth warrior is serious or not.
>cloth warrior
fucking kek
they are not going to create a shitload of filters just because one idiot think this is better dude like wtf
>not sure why id need rings or trinkets
this is peak stupidity dude they are not going to add a filter to stop you from getting basic loot
I am. I just want more options. Everyone's just being real fuckin mean to me. I just think every class and spec should have cool things like that and real choices to make that build your character
enh sham has a lot of light armor mog potential anon.
WoW players are historically retarded so.....
sounds like you should play a tabletop game like Pathfinder. you can make exactly what you are looking for there.
cool thanks
that's fine in a singleplayer game, but not WoW
How is it stupid i do not get it. I don't understand why you think I want rings and trinkets from other classes.>>493265349
new thread

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I agree with you anon - maybe not to the extent of being a clothie warrior, but it shouldn't be crazy that a fury warrior MIGHT want to not wear heavy plate armor and wear chain mail or even leather. OR AT LEAST LET US TRANSMOG those armor types.

dk main that uses heavy plate transmog sets btw
I never even said cloth. I just want to mix and match and make a my own set that gives me what I want. Instead of just mindlessly going
>oh its plate with higher ilvl i need jt
I am agreeing with you.
I never. Never. Said cloth. Fucking bitch. Dont out words in my mouth. Bloody bastard. You
She's only in charge until Dagran comes of age. Pretty normal.
no they wouldn't
Is the game back up yet?

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