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Previous: >>493112170

>In Season One

>TFD Tools and Pattern Suggester

>Resource Doc (Void Shard Farming, Module Data, Vault Spots)

>Module Combination Percentages

>Record Locations





>/tfd/ Thread Template
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Love PAWGs, simple as.
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Bros after 200 hours I'm still having fun. Good morning frens.
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Hailey Scott AKA Laura Craft
Built for blackmailing at the office
Hello sirs, please remember to rape valby.
[Sad News] I ran out of Catalysts. What now?
Build more
But I don't have more BPs.
Blueprints? Fastest way is spamming magister's lab at 250% and then killing executioner.
Get to it boy, 2.5mins for 2 amps.
>Catalysts and EAs cost 7$
I wonder if any idiots fall for this scam
Are there any lifesteal/mpsteal modules?
These gooks can't do anything right. No line of sight to the boss when you're stepping on the tile. Boss doesn't bother moving.
Invasions are still bullshit. I shouldn't be running out of ammo.
HP/MP Collector
Cool, thanks!
>join hard intercept
>lvl 18 hailey
>leave it
>join hard intercept
>lvl 9 hailey
>leave it
>join hard intercept
>lvl 23 hailey

I will not buy Hailey just to join your interception at level one.
>there are still people filtered by invasions
Yeah this reverse map thing is filtering me. Collected all brains in sterile lands, looked around not knowing where to go. Turns out I had to look up because there is no waypoint unless you look directly at it. Had to restart because wasted time.
Everyone in this thread better have gotten 4 golds in todays invasions or else your invitation to the future /tfdg/ guild is cancelled.
so theres not much point investing on descendants now because they nerfed the hardest content in the game? i only need decent weapons right?
from the start there wasn't much point anyway unless the descendant is named Bunny
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hailey love
I’m gonna need an analysis on how much milk I can get out of those
Everyone in this thread better have gotten under 5min in yesterdays fortress invasion or else your invitation to the future /tfdg/ guild is cancelled.
without using Bunny
Do I still earn mastery rank exp when I leave it unupgraded?
While using Kyle and a blue rarity gun
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good morning
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cant wait for the devs to nerf the even harder invasions once theyre out because too many shitters will complain again
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Anyone know if kills in kingston special ops count for the other challenge?
i wonder if ult freyna is locked behind this new infiltration
I wonder if ultimate Freyna clogs bathrooms like Hailey
Heard puzzles got nerfed but I didn't expect it to be so extreme.
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I've started listening to economic podcasts I'll be able to get a Nobel Prize by the time the Hailey reactor drops
She unironically looks more Lara Croft than the actual Lara Croft does.
They nerfed all of the Invasions way too hard. I hope we don't end up in a situation where we end up having actually genuinely good endgame content down the line that they nerf for the sake of whining shitters.
The queen of clogged toilets
i hope her parts are locked behind these missions
Go somewhere else.
post more of her
Wish this was how it actually looked ingame and not a 'shop/AI edit. Would've swiped day 1.
They got nerfed so goddamn hard. Literal toddler tier garbage now. The only real problem I had with any of the Invasions was the fucking blank dummy pillars. All they had to do was remove those. Making the drone displayed code vertical also helps, because even though its only happened a few times, I have hit the wrong drone because I was looking at the code backwards. Immortality invasions sometimes had huge rooms that had enemies spawning so far away that it took ages to collect brains was also a problem, but not by much. A slight nerf was needed to just those missions in particular, not across the board.
It went from 'If you make one mistake (two depending on the mission) you have almost no chance of getting gold' to 'You have to royally fuck up multiple times and have a learning disability to not get gold'.
not possible, at worst for some parts you will have to kill frostwalker
also devs know that rework is expected before her ults comes out right?
What if they start selling suite/private chamber and decos? Like your own home where you have a terminal that allows you to quick access to all NPCs and you can decorate the room with furniture (Caliber and Journal Rewards) and invite other players there to flex.
NPCs on stripper poles and we have a deal
Dude if you want to ERP with your fellow homosexuals just play final fantasy 14
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wtf where do you even farm that shit
trying to get hailey reactor
The Guide can move there and act as your steward/maid also allow you to change her clothes and Nexon can sell Coomer skin for Caliber. Also you can have your owned Descendants hang around in there and they will interact with your current Descendant.
I don't play FF14 but Warframe has that feature and I'm surprised that they didn't copy it.
which mission? might start farming them this weekend too.
i would pay for skins with jiggle physics
Ahh I had her instagram page opened before then I lost it
So like lotus but way hotter
Fortress Frozen Valley Command Relay
I would love more character interactions. I think those moments of story are way better than the blindness that is the actual story.
The problem is that invasions are way too hard for new players, if you have at least one decently moduled descendant and a good gun there is no excuse for not getting a gold but new players are fucked cause enemies keep coming non stop and boss hits really hard
The Guide will be my future wife so stay away from her
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I'm going to get fucked by RNG tomorrow, I can just tell.
She’s for me only I already slipped the ring onto her finger
They seem to always go to the extremes

I hated how reactor bosses were so tanky but now they’re basically made of paper, why is there no middle ground
damn, i spent 2 weeks farm supply moisture there before lol now im back
what's the best way to farm mp collector
I'm under the impression that the missions were tuned and tested and timed for multiplayer. Then at the last second restricted it to solo without proper testing. Or, worse yet, they restricted it to solo because they had problems syncing the drone symbols and pressure plate colors, which would have probably caused an even bigger stink. Imagine if these were forced multiplayer missions, and you your party member(s) had different drone codes, but only whoever is arbitrarily considered the host/party leader has the right code.
But you're probably right and its more likely they tested these missions with a fully upgraded and modded Bunny with a maxed out gun and didn't even bother attempting it any other way.
actually they did it with blair
Holy fucking shit the new invasions are braindead and people are still crying about it with no matchmaking (which won't help because 4 retards who can't gold are still retards)
I like the devs making QOL changes but the zero backbone and nerfing everything in 2 weeks because the game doesn't play itself is getting annoying. Pyro nerf? fucking really
All they had to do was make a retard difficulty and a "hard" difficulty for events, so the reddit people can get their stuff slowly while everyone else can actually play a game that isn't mouthbreather difficulty
What pyro
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Could have just made a "Normal" Invasion that gives 1/2/3 Hailey parts with nerfs and a "Hard" Invasion that gives 4/5/6 parts and is slightly harder than the pre-nerf invasions. This was supposed to be endgame content but it's easier now than like most of the stuff you're doing regularly.
Why did I suddenly jump 30 levels on the BP? What the hell
My prediction is Ultra Freyna AM will drop from the new Hardest Infiltration Mode and you need to open them by killing Death Stalker
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I don't know who actually complained about this outside people who started 2 weeks ago
Who said that invasions were supposed to be endgame content? Aren't invasions literally just an event and nothing else
Pyro was a pretty big hurdle for people early on
>wonder why my TC is suddenly running out of ammo so fast
>read the invasions modifier
You son a bitch
They are. I think they are gone after this season. The real problem is new studio showing their newness and not creating a distinction between the different types of content. I'm fine with invasions being easier (a difficulty setting would be nice), but they made them to difficult ti start which has given the impression that the content is supposed to be endgame.
The guys on here getting defensive over their 5/10 game can't comprehend the fact that you can clear all the missions and still think they are bad.

The fortress boss today is still too hard. These gooks for some reason still won't spawn you in with max ammo.
>people who started 2 weeks ago
I think that's exactly what. at this point there's no more hardcore players who do normal pyro and get them through so I guess a lot of people got stuck there.
It's funny because I can delete him with Lepic in a few seconds but I am still having hard time because the panel I need to press is behind a rock and he wont move from spawn so I am forced to restart the mission. Absolute gook design.
I'm not even defending the game, I don't even care if it dies in a year. I'm just laughing at people like you and I'd rather have the game die a thousand deaths than being triviliazed over and over because you are either too lazy or too handicapped to clear the easiest of things.
Does anybody have a recommended spot for farming Maximize Conversation?
Can you read, I said I cleared all the missions. "too hard" doesn't mean impossible. I'm not just thinking of my personal experience but for those that don't have a full Enduring Legacy build and a bunch of other important stuff.
I'd say you will most likely end up with a copy of it while trying to combine for shot focus.
I can read and you said the fortress boss was still too hard.
I just hate how both the dork bosses these last two days had slow moving heat seekers. By far the most tilting fucking things in the game to deal with while fighting off perma spawning minions and standing on the retarded colours. Especially maddening when the rest of the mission is piss easy.
Why does everyone turn the voice chat off?
they have the metrics
quarantine boss is kinda cancer, you can be quickly overwhelmed by adds if your dps isnt high enough
at this point remove puzzles, just give us boss battles with gimmicks
I-I'm scared...
I have it on and left it on since day one. Never heard any chatter tho.
Did you change from group to squad setting?
Did we ever settle the Afterglow vs Piercing Light for Hailee question?
>introduce bad game design
>instead actually redesign
>make it harder
>players complaint
>introduce even harder difficulty
>players complaint
>repeat until run of out ideas
truly the dev we're looking for
I'd reserve judgement until after the new gun comes out. kinda pointless if they got absolutely mogged by it. just use whichever for now.
haven't played in a month.
did they ever make the grind not abysmal? new bitch looks hot but I've seen a lot of complaining since she seems to be tied to the new dungeon that you can apparently only run a few times a day.
You should be. Some rando I was farming outposts with became too friendly and called me a slur on stream, losing his sponsorship and getting exiled from his discords. I didn't even do anything but talk to him for a bit and I feel at fault.
Afterglow Sword looks better than Piercing Light so I'm going to use that one.
At peak minmaxxing PL has 6% more damage than AS when using the 4th skill, so I'm ok with that because AS is more reliable damage as a sniper by itself due to a more consistent crit rate.
2 times per day for event. You can farm from the same dungeon as regular run, which abysmal anyway, regardless the patch that increase the drop rate because shitty dev make Hailey need 144 parts in total to research her.
And he wouldn’t let me knock up his niece
They just about doubled her drops a couple of hours ago.

Also, they doubled shard drops a week ago.
Also also, they doubled XP from spec ops a week ago.
Also also also, you can pub 250% score multiplier dungeons for more probably double amps / stabilisers a week ago.
I haven't touched it a single time so probably? Does squad allow me to hear anyone?
Just combined all my dupes and got mid-air maneuvering and shot focus. Unfortunately, no Maximize Conservation, but uhh still great, I guess?
Aaaand I just ran one random mission and got MC to drop. Guess that's all my RNG good luck for the next few months.
I just want matchmaking in invasions already. I mean, in the season 1 trailers, they show you Esiemo, Luna, Kyle and Gley going into the dungeons. That's a four-person party, dammit.
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So Hailey is still the worst descendant to farm?
Hmm I guess I’ll just make both, gonna need them for mastery anyway and I won’t have Hailee for a while
>Reddit turning on the game and doomposting
>Already down to 30k on steam a week into the 10 week season
>People capping out and dropping
>Devs nerfbatting to try and save casuals

Before i give the game 200hrs more of my life have the devs released any future plan to mitigate this dropoff?
They didn't double xp.
Do you like the game? No? Play something else then
*heavy breathing in the microphone*
*reaches for doritos*
*crunch crunch crunch*
*police siren in the background*
*the gipsy kings start playing*
they did, but only in spec ops nobody's running like the white night one.
>Start playing the game and get committed
>Gets End of Life'd due to low playercount
>I just want matchmaking in invasions
No you don't
I think more important than player count is whether any of those players are spending money. Based upon the sheer amount of Gentleman / Nun / Swimsuit skins I'm seeing, people are spending money.
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That's literally my background noise, just missing all the barking dogs and random gunshots once in a while.
Peak ASMR.
Your life is just full of anxiety isnt it
No i just have limited free time and dont want to invest it in a dying game
I want to farm those descendants
Is a Python a decent gun for Ult Gley? Trying to farm reactors for her but I haven't seen a single one for Enduring, but I already have a Python one in storage.
Python is to go for Massacre Build. You want Cooldown + Colossus/Dimension on Reactor
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I haven't found any color pattern that really works with this outfit other than it's default. I really want the shoes to be a different color, but it's attached to the gloves and trim. I want the trim to be a different color, but it's attached to the gloves and the shoes. I wish they had given the trim its own slot - possibly hte one occupied by the device on her back.
I think my dick could work with that outfit
Damn, the dogs. I knew I was forgetting something. Always these fucking dogs man.
All time you invest in a game will ultimately be wasted unless you somehow make money from playing.
you can see the colors when you're on the platform?
is this new?
>it's another "uses skills, deals no damage and frenzies the colossi instantly" episode

why did I waste 20 catas on EL and Greg when I'm getting paired with these people
I haven't done a single invasion and I bought Hailey, I am doing my part both good and bad.
yes, it was introduced with the release of invasion mode...
Good job now you better also buy the succubus skin this October
>try out the crit bunny build since you can't really build towards anything else
>it's actually very strong
i wasn't familiar with your game crit bunny bros
>running Hailey
>get down to pop some shots
>Lepic immediately starts launching orbs
>does nothing but fill frenzy and add a beer goggles over the weak points
haha yeah that's what I meant...
Haha yeah… I’m gonna kiss you two
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stop being weird
Stick to cod and Genshin then
>Changed the amount of Artificial Brains that have to be supplied to 20.
I don't remember the original amount. Was this an increase?
>Changed the amount of Artificial Brains the player can hold from 15 to 10.
But why make this more annoying?
Was 30.
>But why make this more annoying?
Balance wise.
Can you stop cry?
How about they make less badly designed content so retards like you won't artificially feel like "based devs" just because they reel it back a week or two later? Nobody enjoyed Invasions and that was their only S1 launch content past a char unlock.
How about fucking stop cry retard?
They remove 1/3 of total and max holded but you too fucking retarded to understand it and claim it more annoying.
Fucking crybaby retard you are.
Nobody liked Invasions. Period.
Doesт't affect that fact that you fucking retarded crybaby.
Anon, just reverse search, it's not that hard.
I like them. It's a change of pace from speedrunning everything without even looking at the screen and colossi fights where it's a coinflip with the teamates you get in gluttony. Takes less than 20 mns a day to clear them all without effort and I get 5 million gold out of it.
I've bought a lot of skins. And paints.
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>7 AMP 75
>1 AMP 74
make it stop
I bought skins before, but none of the new ones. I really like the nun outfit, but since season 1 is so lackluster, I never got it.
I just do the invasions and log off.
Three days of farming and the best reactor I got was on Tuesday. I truly absolutely loathe shotguns crowding the loot table.
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>trying to get 1 nazeistra's blueprint
>get this instead
I bought the Jin-Roh skin for Yujin.
A camo and the dress uniform for Hailey.
A nun outfit for Gley and her hime cut.
Valby's swimsuit and her school uniform.
Viessa's school uniform, one of her alternate base outfits, her swimsuit and a nun outfit.
Jayber's Night Owl outfit.
Lepic's doom guy outfit
Colon Special forces for Sharen + hair and make up and an alternate base outfit
Restored relic and sigvore's proof are there too
The Last Dagger Blueprint drop rate is bullshit. 30 Runs with no drop
bunch of the console retards leave it on can hear arguments, people talking on the phone, kids yelling and TV sometimes and the mics suck too
I hated farming Last Dagger. I got it done, but it took a full day just about.
I've got four kids and three dogs. You don't want to hear my house.
I kneel from such based taste
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A complaint I have is there's not a good dark, muddy blue to replicate the color of the Jin-Roh armor from the anime. This is the closest - and it's not even close. I guess it could be Hunk from Resident Evil?
Who's your favorite descendant oji-san anon
How about increase the pattern droprates on outposts?
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Viessa. It's not even really close.
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Maybe if it was a more washed out blue it’d look more like hunk
I really wanna get Nun for Hailee since there’s no guarantee they’ll keep giving her an unique thick body for skins but the flaps…

I hope they reveal a new set of skins to replacing the swimsuits expiring in a month
oh no I just mean the design.
obviously not the colors
that looks how a young hillary clinton would look

but they introduced two actual black colors, one glossy and one more matte like, have you tried those?
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is this game for gooners?
Gameplay first cumming to Hailey second
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>when Luna agrees to having anal with me.
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>Fanservice is an essential part of this game, is not porn addiction bro, men need to see sexual content 24/7 , it's our nature or something. also concord flopped
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>why yes i am a woman how could you tell?
New idea: When you max a character all the overflow exp goes into a pool you can spend freely to level other descendants.

Yes, this is an excuse for me to not use anyone except Bunny and Valby.
you're in the bottom of the society ladder
Didn't this nigga killed himself?
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>you're in the bottom of the society ladder
You completed a challenge. I was over 100 in like 3 days lol
I'm almost convinced that the questionable droprates will kill the playerbase
I don’t want to break the fantasy of me being a cute bunny girl
Consider majority of players are Gooks I don't think it will.
Aren't the Koreans calling out on Nexon's bullshit too?
They still slurp the slop
I spent a lot of preseason, this season I bought Hailey and one nun skin. I need a bikini for Hailey or bunny
pretty sure a lot of people already left because of that
Give me mini skirt black panties exposed cleavage fat milkers OL Hailee skin already
me too me too.... they need to hurry up with more skins
You gonna stop me?
They're not questionable at all. I've gotten like 30 activators. People just don't understand basic probabilities and think that if they don't get a 6% item 6 times in 100 amps then it's rigged. They have a fuckall sample and if you show them that you've farmed everything in the game without paying for it their only answer will be an ad hominem because they have zero argument (feelings are not facts).
You know after I typed that post….i realized that’s basically the Viessa premium skin…..maybe I should…
my feelings are facts, chud
you mean the bloody rose skin, right?
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/tfd/ Total Feeler Death.
Cleavage window, unnerfed tits size
Miniskirt with black panties…
Yeah bro just spend hundreds of hours with no gurantee

Just add a pity system, it’s simple. Just because you have no life or job doesn’t mean everyone else is the same.
For me, it's the gym outfit with the booty shorts + croptop.
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Finally free. What are the odds the Invasions give me everything except Data Chips tomorrow morning?
Hope their Not-Baro solves this issue
See, ad hominem. I have both a life and a job. Just don't play an easymode grinding game if you can't handle it. If you think that's hard you've never played a korean mmo or stuff like monster hunter before.
>Got the ult Bunny spiral catalyst after a week of grinding
What the fuck this is insane this game gonna turn off normies really quickly.
they can just buy it
It’s not about not being able to handle it you fatass manchild, it’s about not wanting to drain hundreds of hours doing the same brainless bullshit over and over for a chance at a crafting mat. Get real, and get fucked.
>Join Enzo Group for the first time
>get Supply Firearm first vault
>clog toilet
>hailey appears in front of me
Is she... uhh... built like a barbie doll?
what reactor rolls for viessa?
what mods for Enzo if I have Supply Firearm?
If I spawn in a mission with no weapon in hand what happens to the exp?
crit dmg + colossus/cd/tech if you're coldblooded
cd/singular+chill if you're AZ
chill+range/cd for vanilla
crit chance/damage for both cold blooded/absolute zero
if you can't reach 100% uptime on her 4th through mods when you're using cold blooded, then cooldown may be an option

kek, got it on the next one too
>uBunny can one-shot nearly every boss with Electric Condense
she really is the perfect character what the hell
it goes to me
thank you for leveling me up
I'm real, not fat, and I'm the one doing the fucking. You don't want to deal with a piss easy grind then play something else and stop being a whiny little bitch. If your time is so valuable why are people like you crying on this general everyday all day long?
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It's incredibly fun and takes more skill to play optimally than any other build, despite what the critics say.
I'm so upset it's been leaked finally. As I have 400 hours on bunny I didn't think it'd get found. Rest in peace, easy boss runs.
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>Have Hailey at lv9, join hard intercept, but Lepic main spergs out and leaves
>Get Hailey to lv16, join hard intercept, Lepic main spergs out and leaves
>Get Hailey to lv22, join hard intercept, Lepic main spergs out and leaves
>Get Hailey to lv 40, join hard intercept, Lepic main spergs out and orbs everything before dying.
>had 30 catalysts exactly one week ago
>completely out of them now
Man I forgot how much it sucks having to wait for these to finish crafting
Still need 4 more for Ult Valby and another 4 for secret garden and then I'm only getting started on a sniper rifle
Why aren't you crafting them at the same time? you should always have 1 cooking
I tried it and it doesn't work?
legit haven't been able to get any of the red mods i want since about a week after launch
i'm about to give up
Just keep killing devourer since he's the weakest and combine red mods you get from him
is there any point to picking up Reactors from Hard Mode bosses?
Where to farm code analyzers?
It's an exploit of a bug. Electric Condense can be hit multiple times, with the right key you can have it go off a dozen times and insta-kill a boss.
Yeah i get the macro bit, I could only get half of devourer's shields off and he's weak to elec
I want to fuck Gley while she's wearing her maid uniform, so much that she forgets about her daughter.
Why not? It's not guaranteed, but you could still get something good.
Farming for a Hailey reactor has made me realize just how many utter chaff substats exist.
Like the wrong element type/ability type ones? As in getting chill power boost on a fire reactor, or a singular power boost on a tech reactor. And then there's HP heal and sub attack power.
im gonna keep on leaving this Gluttony fight until I see a Hailey. im so fucking tired of this
I want a Sharen melee build, is Gladiator and Shock Punch a meme?

I really cant believe these worthless devs left that fight untouched but nerfed Exec and Pyro. im amazed
>Tell my brother to do the new stuff so we can do invasions together
>Run to the bathroom
>Come back
>He can't figure out the puzzles
tell him to cry more on reddit
Is your brother 5?
It's rated M anon, are you sure you should be allowing kids to play?
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lol, lmao even
who snitched
Where's the lie
That would be a troon, yes. At the bottom of the society ladder.
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They're pretty bad. But the point was for it to look like the Jin-Roh suit, which is actually a dark blue.
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Also, young Hillary was completely fuckable. Who would've thought she'd grow up to be a monster.
Post Hailey tits I need to spunk to them
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here you go, bro
wtf is this revolting tranny
>I'll be able to get a Nobel Prize by the time the Hailey reactor drops
at this rate it might take me longer to get a reactor for her than it took me to farm her the hard way without invasions.
I don't know why it's so bad, it took me an hour or less to get double gold reactors with proper mounting for all my other meta characters.
Which reactor does one need to farm for Hailey?
Crit Damage and Damage vs Colossus, Singular, Electric.
is this shit patched now holy shit
>all those posts about bunny hackers but it was just electric condense ult spammers
Don't think so, but it doesn't seem to work with a macro. If you don't have a free spinning scroll wheel it's not gonna be very effective.
wait, really? the game shouldn't be able to physically tell the difference between something like PyDirectInput and a free scroll wheel, or so I would have thought
I dunno I've been using my keyboard software to spam the z key with varying delays from 1 to 100 and the best I've got is get devourer to half shield, my actual scroll is not free spinning so it's even worse.
>no one is farming blue brains
It's over
dead game
dead thread
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>that one anon who said high voltage wasn't that good was subtly trying to warn us about the Electric Condense exploit all along
>Ends the video by saying there's an even stronger exploit, implying you can kill gluttony in under 4 seconds
I want to call bullshit for one specific reason, and that's that we've seen hundreds of complaints about hacking bunnies (that were just doing this exploit instead, most of the complaints even referred to the bunnies using their ults), but there's no other characters running around occasionally killing bosses faster than hailey. not once have I seen a complaint or exploit that didn't involve bunny's ult.

idk maybe he really did find an exploit that literally no one has even seen used in a public lobby before, but I really doubt it
how the fuck did bunny mains hide this exploit for so long without any spilling the beans until today? I'm a bunny main and I had no idea
Take a look at the comments more and more people are saying they aren't doing damage.
It's only doable with a mouse and most of the content is catered toward console shitters
>If you don't have a free spinning scroll wheel it's not gonna be very effective.
gonna try it anyway
you apparently have to use a scroll wheel not a macro. also I've seen bunnies one shot bosses like half a dozen times in my public lobbies. my first molten fortress clear was because a bunny killed him in half a second, this was only a couple weeks ago.
I'm sure you've seen the several posts both here and on other sites complaining of "hacking" bunnies one shotting bosses for the last 2 months. turns out it wasn't hacks
I posted in this general a few weeks ago about a bunny instantly killing a boss with their ult and a couple of anons told me it was just chinese hackers. I mean shit maybe they were chinese but it was clearly the scroll wheel exploit looking back.
who the fuck is that dyke?
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just hot women
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Fun fact: Bunny is the cutest descendant in The First Descendant.
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guess he isnt a bitch like this guy said
holy shit that comment is so stupid. for as annoyed as I get at 4chan and even /tfdg/ I forget how awful it is everywhere else
Which set would hailey run for boss nukes? slayer?
electric condense bros...we've been found out...
yes anon there were just like 20 posts talking about that. scroll up for a single second lol
no i just got home and im on break from reading until tomorrow morning
literally 2 posts above you was a comment from that video lol
literally 2 posts above you was a comment from that video lol
>literally 2 posts above you was a comment from that video lol
anon, come on. It's two posts above you.
What in tarnation. I just saw equipping Absolute Zero changes all your skills to singular. Is this a bug? I do not see this detail in any description.

bunny bros...it's over...
now you just farming for views faggot
literally 2 posts above you was a comment from that video lol
literally 2 posts above you was a comment from that video lol
literally 2 posts above you was a comment from that video lol
It's not
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Z2ZKWFfQA wtf the electric condense post a few weeks ago was real?
ok it's not funny anymore
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Ran an infiltration mission with 3 ultimate Bunny's, it was over quickly thank fuck because all the "out of my way!" And "ha ha!" Was getting really fucking annoying and made it hard to masturbate.
what. I've clearly seen bunnies do this in my lobbies multiple times even as recently as a few days ago, yet every single comment is saying they can't get it to work, and I'm having a hard time getting it to work on my end, both with software and a free spinning wheel
i was in a coma for a decade what the fuck is this
A little shy of 2 months, friend
oh my god no frigging way
Hold on, WHAT

Luna doesnt need Frost Walker or Glutony? You can just build her with some basic ass Amps, worts one being a 10%?
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finally got the bunny exploit to work because of this comment. 55 is really important

...they didn't ban for the kyle exploit so I'm going all in.
what if you get banned for macroing instead
he'll turn into one of those schizo thread haunters that cant move on if that happens
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do people actually do that? I've never really been back to a general of a game I already quit
the retard that did a chargeback and got banned was dfoing it here for a few weeks
it is a very common phenomenon
>Luna talking about enzo holding a ring to give someone in the quest
That someone is definitely nell right?
Enzo has a crush on Ajax.
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Another day.....to farm Ultimate Gley Code...
ive seen this hentai
ajax has a crush on enzo
thats toradora...
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he said what he said
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finally beat Gluttony with 3 Enzos and a Hailey
i said what i meant and i meant what i said, nigga
Huh? 4chan always had plenty of retarded mutts going full let me tell you about your own country blablabla freedom fries blablabla
There's a reason
>American education
is a staple meme.
just tried the Bunny build
it's fake don't waste time building it
just tried the Bunny build
It's real so spend time building it
works on my machine with AHK and 55ms delay. I can upload a vid or webm if you want
just tried the Bunny build
It's gay and so am i
You're replying to someone who's just trying to say it doesn't work so it's less public and less people try because he wants to keep exploiting. Ignore him.
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erm no, it's fake! *winks*
so there's no need to fix anything
I can't believe you're risking a ban
Just tried the bunny build
Ended up cooming but it wasn't a good coom so now it's kinda dribbling a little like a leaky faucet if you know what I mean
>normal void: 47+9
>autismo void: 15x4

why dont i just use bunny to run that one electric 15x4 in record time? i'll need them all anyway
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Bunny is not satisfied. Do better.
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my wives
I have a couple of questions on what to do next. I already completed the campaign and I feel extremely lost. I see people constantly bitching about reactors and shit and I have no idea whats going on. I cant seem to find good guides on what to do when/where to farm materials/what or how to build a character or weapon that isn't AI slop so I was hoping for advice. I posted my shit below.

Current Descendants:
Ajax/Freyna/Sharen in the mid-late 20s/Bunny Max

Current Weapons:
Tamer (Gold Firearm Crit/Gold Firearm Atk/Gold Weak Pt Damage/Blue Garbage 4th stat)
Thunder Cage w/ Max Copies (Gold Crit Damage/Gold Crit Rate/Gold Crit Atk/Purple Rds Per mag)
Whatever in 3rd (Currently single copy Gregs for passive proficency farm I almost never use a 3rd weapon)

Primary Wep Mods:
Rifling Reinforcement/Fire Rate Up/Ele Enhancement/Better Concentration/Expand Weapon Charge/Better Insight (ALL MAX)
*No notable mods upgraded otherwise

Descendant Mods:
HP/Shield/Ele Antibody (as needed)/Iron Defense (ALL MAX)

Reactor: Purple Tingling Singularity
Components: Max HP x3 (Support Memory Def)

1. Is it worth spending 20x mats each rerolling these weapons more?
2. I have 4 Crystalization Catalysts atm, should I use those on Thundercage or save? I dont currently have mats but I am planning on farming some this weekend.
3. Is it worth farming an Energy Activator for Tamer?
4. What should my next goal be? I know I should farm more CCs and I have heard Lepic for bossing but he requires some hard mode bosses to farm efficently which I dont feel ready for. My thought was Lepic > Greggs > Ult Bunny
>3 infiltrations in a row people insta-leave
Do people hate Hailey that much?
Do i need to do all the hailee quests before i can loot hailee parts from hard mode dungeons?
You're just unlucky. But also I fucking hate Hailey's. I can't believe I have to keep rezzing them. It's as if they have no HP. It's worse than how bunny originally was.
>get Gley
>get Super Senses long ago
>decide to install that module on Gley
>turns out it's pretty shit on Thunder Cage when she is Frenzied
Now what, a sniper rifle is better for Super Senses or is the module just completely trash?
when i was at around your point in the game, i farmed ultimates and skipped regulars like gley etc entirely, i still dont have them. u bunny first, then u gley, then enduring legacy. mostly through sharen doing outposts. you wont feel bad spending catalysts on ultimate characters
I see, im sure I could probably get through the HMs I need I do Ult Bunny (Id imagine having defenses puts me above most people).

Maybe I will start trying Sharen outposts tonight
1 for minmaxing sure, but not for Tamer, Enduring Legacy is better
2 Thundercage is good, you can use with every character. I would use a couple of CC in it at least.
3 No but it's worth farming it for something else
4 I would farm uBunny first honestly
Is it the lighting or with the models? Why do Viessa and Hailey look orange?
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its patched..... bunny bros we lost it should have been 1 second not 4
I will give uBunny a shot and spread some EL in when I need a break. I kind of wanted to avoid Bunny at first because I genuinely dont find her mobbing fun but I am also aware of how many tiers higher she is than 2nd place
Get decent right side gear. Max your thundercage, farm ulti bunny. Build ulti bunny and get High Voltage. Also build Enzo and Sharen for utility. From there build Enduring legacy and a solo hard bossing character.
U bunny is entirely farmable through outposts iirc. At start soloing them might be rough, but the outposts where u bunny parts drop are relatively easy and are camped by other sharens. you can go to albion if they are empty and go back, until theres a sharen doing them. and if you find a sharen doing them, just join them. or if you start trying to do one solo and have a hard time completing but you are completing, then usually others join u. doing them in 2 is much easier when you have a weaker sharen and gun and are not routinized in doing them
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ViessaGODS, I made it!
I think if I can get the stealth done I will be fine. I was doing Hard Outposts the other day just to kill 15mins and I wasnt really having a problem soloing even without Bunny skills
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hand dat over nigga
some outposts that have 4 reactors will require you to get a duration mod on her, so that stealth lasts longer. you have to disable the reactors with sharen while in stealth to get the additional bonus for a successful infiltration. after that it might or might not be hard to kill the elite without dying. of an outpost seems too hard, just change to another one etc

u bunny is a good investment, for eventually efficiently leveling guns, because you dont to shoot with her. for example you can level a gun to 40 in 4-5 block kuipers missions, you can also level purple and blue guns with her, to get yourself to mastery rank 20 in a relatively short period.
that's my reactor you stole it you thief
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Does Haikey shit with that ass?
they dont call her the toilet clogging queen for nothing
what else? this is for Iron N Blood Ult Gley
Another day. Another grind for my wife Valby’s ultimate blueprints…
did you buy your wife an outfit?
I have the swimsuit yes

dodge retard
fire rate up at the least, if you are going to use it just to produce crits and custom resource, it will get you resource faster

weak point sight, have aiming and real life fighter are the options people tend to pick as last 3.
I don't have Hailey yet do I need to actually keep farming shit or is this going to be enough to one phase swamp walker when solo (slayer set and 8 shot PL full prepped)
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>no new content for over a month
i'm afraid it's terminal
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>no new content for over a month
i'm afraid it's terminal
that's still a lot of players...and there are apparently even more shitters on console
I'm just going to do ONE(1) more Unknown Lab...and if I STILL dont get Ultimate Gley code with the 2 AMPs tonight.........
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I'm afraid...
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Thanks for the update player-count tranny.
Yeah I will for sure need a max duration or two stealth sessions for 4 reactors but otherwise soloing is going fine
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No she's a real girl
I finally got mine, friend. You'll get yours soon, too. I'm actually doing Unknown Labratory for a different code if you want to team up.
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The electric condense thing seems so inconsistent. I've been getting anywhere between 1 and 20 procs.
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Just got two more AMPs, gonna eat and do Bride...then either SCREAM or celebrate
Afterglow is better.
oh no that anon is going to do 5.7 million instead of 6 million per shoit what ever will he do
after thorough testing, I can get it 100% of the time, just did it 7 times in a row. you need a really high FPS. set res to 480p or some shit
afterglow crits more often, simple as
>he doesn't crit fish for artificially fast clears on piercing light
ngmi bruh
Am I doing something wrong or can you not do Borderless Window mode in a resolution lower than your monitor's default?
Tried going from 2K to 1080p but I can only do it if I play on standard windowed mode or fullscreen.
now tell me why that would matter with 100% crit rate
piercing doesn't reach 100 crit even with her buff... go check yourself
Wait, PL isn't 100% crit?
nice butt
nope, it isn't
I've been grinding a lot of Spec Ops to make use of the XP buffs and every single time there's 2, frequently 3, and occasionally 4 Playstation players in my group. The game might have 100k concurrent on weekends but we'll never know
there are definitley more ps players
there's a reason the new invasion symbols are ps controller symbols lmao
I tested at higher FPS too. It seemed a bit more consistent, but not reliable enough to use. I guess my PC is too old.
I managed 100% consistency at about 100fps. what's your framerate? is your macro fast enough?
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the ps players are the real pay piggies
they are keeping the game alive
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in their last investor call, nexon straight up said TFD has 60% of its market on console. which is what I assume nearly everyone expected
misinformation agents btfo once again
I can break 100 fps at shit resolution.
My macro is just:
loop 100
send {wheeldown 20}

Should be spamming it 2000 times as fast as possible. AHK has some weird send delays that I couldn't figure out. I ended up using loop to artificially add delays.
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dont forget about us xbros...
make it wheeldown 50
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Only seems to make it worse. I'm pretty sure windows is limiting how many input commands. It just beeps a lot and makes it take longer to execute.
lmao its because your cpu is shit
So, will Hailey be obtainable after this patch?
I don't have 500m dps to kill the boss
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I've already dressed her up
90% of the reactors are for smithereens or restored relic
8% piercing light
2% after glow
what are you guys farming again, and which mission
Not surprised. This thing is old. Been delaying an upgrade for years now. How many procs can you get?
command relay
Piercing Light is such shit to farm proficiency on. Unless I am straight leeching only way to realistically do it is spam Bunny.
Cute butthole
I usually equip an off-reactor weapon on Valby and do reactor runs to level up my weapon proficiency on awkward weapons.
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oh my god
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>No Ult Gley Code again
Hahhahehehehehhahah FUUUUUCK
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>in the same run
greatest hentai of all time
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Wait, why did I just jump like 30 levels in the battle pass?
is that from wo long
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>this still does way more
i wasted 3 hours of my free time
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Did I win?
yup, that's the best you can get, congrats
Thanks. I mean that.
I've farmed for other reactors and never gotten BiS before.
completed a season challenge probably
Nexon said that 60% of the playerbase of TFD is on consoles in their investor's call. The game has had a 100k players for like a month a half now
They definitely buffed Unknown Laboratory. Even at 250 it used to be kind of tough to get the x2 AMP bonus. Now it's effortless.
Are you doing them solo or with people? It's weird because after the patch I gain significantly more points playing alone. With a full group sometimes we fail to reach the max. Depends on the dungeon. Biolabs is one of them. Don't know why.
Only if you solo
When I group, I still fail 38.5k sometimes, I dont know why
When I solo I get like 50k points forsome reason
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Solo takes longer to do.
This gives more time for enemies to spawn
Killing more enemies nets you more points
More points equal higher score and chance for rewards.
I do them with people. I hate doing solo invasions.
how the fuck are people still wiping at Dead Bride.
All the good players go solo. They really need to adjust scalingf or soloable bosses, just because there are 4 players that doesn't mean they are doing 4 times damage. Each additional player should only increase the boss HP by 50% not 100%
i just get bored playing solo.
And I'm sick of spending 3 minutes fighting a boss while I can do it in 10s especially when I have 10 AM to open
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made a super fast 90 second exploit guide for all you fuckers that had problems with it. happy hunting
do you believe in the AMP # conspiracy?

like if you have 2-3, it wont drop, but if you go farm 10, itll drop?
no. Because I've farmed as many as 20 and opened them concurrently to no avail.
20 amps to get a 10%, it dropped at 19 so no
>been doing bride all night
>two bunny, valby(me), gley
>they leave

wow lol
I will buy Gley Nun if i get her this run
OF CORUSE i didnt get her, even MONEY doesnt work
just buy her retard
Imagine Gley injecting you with a serum that makes your cock hard for days, makes you horny for days, and ups your stamina for days, only to lick you in a cell with your arms bound behind your back and then she spends days doing lewd things with Bunny and Valby just out of reach.
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I cant fucking give up on the ult code NOW?!
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Oh no! :o

Hailey is about to be RAPED at gunpoint!

but wait a minute!

She can easily overpower this guy with her powers

*Thinking Emoji*

So why is she ALLOWING this to happen to her?

Fun Fact: At least 50% of the people involved in rape enjoy it.
they HAVE to ban for this right? what in the actual fuck???
Considering no one got banned for overnight bunny macroing, and the kyle exploit got no bans, I have no idea why people think they'll ban you for anything other than straight up hacking or charge backs
is this image AI?
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Ive played 400 hours of this game on Xbox
Good morning sirs, please rape valby.
That, is a man.
I got a Shape Stabilizer!!

One more Gley Code run tonight!!!!
And i didnt get it
if the perm all bunnies i honestly think the game would be better off
I want that to happen just because it would be fucking hilarious. would cause nuclear grade seething. obviously they would never but damn
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Actually glad I took a "detour" and made some progress on other items. This Gley Code would have ended me if I just kept going nonstop.

buddy, if you are hanging by the edge of your seat for one roll you may want to play a different game
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I'm only going nuts because it's already been so many AMPs over the course of a month since (I'm pretty sure I made it to HM Bride on 7/28)

what piece are you going for?
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No, I'm the one that's all bricked up.
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ok this is lepic (no lepics were involved)
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Update tonight?
for what, we just had one
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>Cell 7/29
>Catalyst 8/4
>Stabilizer 8/18
I have been steadily getting these at my own pace but the CODE STILL WONT FUCKING DROP

dude, i would just do Slumber Valley/Executioner. thats what I did
I think Unknown Lab - > Bride is faster

But that was before I got that curse mod that can debuff, maybe I should try that on Exec finally and see if it makes him faster if his Defense buff is removed
Does this outfit have physics, or same as school costumes?
This is fake isnt it or are we getting patch soon
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Ult Bunny's LORE is that she stole incomplete Project Ultimate equipment meant for Lepic

What is Ult Gley's excuse for basically being a "combat apron" on top of her lingerie and stockings?
Better questions is why were they going to give Lepic a leotard that shows off his ass
Dear LORD I want to dip my tongue in her asshole
>he doesn't want to see lepic's bare manly ass
you gay or something?
I’m gonna mention something heart breaking. I didn’t even want the ultimate gley code and got it on my first try
>had to use bunny exploit to beat gluttony
I feel guilty, like I need to go back and do it again with no bunnies
It's all good, I lucked out on a few other items including Normal gley.
>Can't kill invasion boss in 10s, therefore I have to spend 10 minutes kiting his infinite adds that spawn faster than I can kill them
I am beginning to soften my contrarian stance against ever using an enduring legacy
lol why? its pve, if one needs to cheat to beat stupid ai all the power to them
dev already showed they dont give a fuck about using exploits so whatever
> patch nerfing bunny
>enduring legacy
Secret Garden for bossing, Greg's for mobbing.
Burst Gang 4 Life.
but it's an exploit, it wouldn't be a nerf it would be fixing a bug I think. like what they did to kyle when he did that amount of damage. 300m dps is bonkers
32x gold so far, Secret Garden even without pest control stacks can 1 phase bosses if you're running RLF. All the bosses have xbox size heads so it's normally free if you can survive. I was running all invasions on Kyle for the first few days for the sake of survivablity but I kept using SG on bosses when I swapped to bunny anyway. It's only a little bit annoying to stay on target while double jumping for the passive electric stomp.
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Why does Valby's water damage enemies? I could see if she used high pressure water streams and gun attacks but its only just puddles. Talk about wasted potential.
It's the fish in the water biting the vulgus
It’s radioactive period blood water
>just deleted my EL by mistake
Thanks game for not fucking locking legendary weapons when they are crafted or at least give me a warning that I'm about to delete a legendary weapon
reminds me of first beta where default auto junk filter didn't exclude golds by default so half the playerbase deleted their thundercage
Why didn’t you favorite it?
I always thought the general idea for the ground water is that they were tripping or something stupid like that.
>setting weapon filter to ultimate ever
Big time retard L on this loser, everyone laugh at the idiot giganiggerbrained dumbass
Try contacting support? Maybe they can reverse it
It’s arche-infused cum, it overpowers the vulgus

how the fuck? you have to manually mark golds as trash, and there are no ultimate weapon drops on maps like reactors or components. sorry, but u must be drunk/high/retarded
So am I gonna die or get pregnant then? I’ve been drinking valbys water
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This is default, in no scenario will your ultimate weapons be marked as junk automatically with these settings, because EL is ultimate tier, and it has unique abilities.

So for you to junk your EL it means you marked it as junk, no ifs no buts it means you actively moved your mouse over your EL, and marked it as junk, which also means you didn't favorite it as that would not allow you to junk the weapon until you remove the favorite icon.

What does this mean, you never liked the enduring legacy enough to favorite it the second you got it and so you don't deserve it. May your future EL farms be barren and dry.
Is there anything worth spending money on in this game other than skins and buying characters wholesale?
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Is this Bunny build still good anons?
Just finished normal and got all the Thunder Cage copies, now I’m farming for gun modules. Does the build still hold up for Thunder Cage?
RLF is real life fighter, right?
I'll see what I can do. But I'm only one cata in, I'm outta kuiper and I'm sick of kuiper mining.
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Found some other builds for Thunder Cage too. Which one do you guys recommend? I'm stupid at math so I’ll just stick to the guides.
Nah been playing d1 and I've never changed the setting and just checked and the setting was on ultimate or lower. Was gonna take a break of this game until october cause it was my last piece of EL missing, but I guess I will be playing for couple days more.
You changed it then at some point and forgot
I raped Hailey
I raped valby
I raped Enzo
I raped lepic
I raped Ajax
I raped viessa
I raped yujin
I raped gley
I raped luna
I raped (you)
I raped bunny
I raped vulgus
I raped the vagina building
>still can't one shot devourer
it's fucking over for me...i even installed AHK, the gooks now know I tried to exploit and will flag my account...
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I have never played this game but I've seen the hot females.

How much money do I have to spend to get the coomer skins? Or can I get by f2p?
Your money and your soul
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Most skins are Paypig only
"Ultimate" versions of the characters have different looks and can be grinded for free, and most of the Ultimate looks are very coomer
Thats a nice pic
nice, I might try it then
>Snipers in the quarantine zone boss now do more damage than the boss

okay then
should i use the free catalyst the noob trainer gives me or save it? im using viessa but am still only 30hrs in so havent bunkered down
skins range from 15 to 20 dollars
Save it for a good weapon or ult char, pointless to use on Viessa when uViessa exists
Use it on whoever you have fun farming on
what's your framerate? worked for me
I can one shot Devourer and can still can't one shot Pyro or Dead Bride

Using Razer Synapse micro btw
I one shot frost walker in a 4 man with a build more trash than the shit build in the video. maybe I'm a luck god idk
what macro program are you using?
ahk, and the script from the video
This video?

It doesn't have scripts
no that one is shit, the one linked earlier worked for me: https://youtu.be/qlK7GMZ6k3k
I keep having this same glitch
Just DC'd did anyone else
The invasions just aren't fucking fun. This is going to be a long grind for dat ass.
just you
>This is going to be a long grind
Less than 4 hours total.
You will have 30+ of them before you know it, I suggest holding on until you have 10 crystallization blueprints. Then anything above 10 use for fun
are drops of the same tier split evenly. like if swamp walker drops 4 gold mods, is it 25% chance for each?
Your a lying bastard.
>grinding for quite literally anything else
>energy activators drop like candy
>target farm the energy activators
>absolutely fuck all
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not him but what. itt's like 30 minutes a day max for 6 days. and maybe an hour of grinding to even out your drops. it took me a couple hours longer since I farmed before the buff mostly
>Gut gud retard.
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Well, it's time for my daily invasions.
What DPS should my weapon have to tackle invasions?

Got my shit pushed in a few days ago and I went back to build up my thunder cage. It's now maxed and has 380k damage.
Is this enough or what should I aim for?
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New invasions descendant.
>380k damage
Try 500k
the dps number is worthless, post build
>relog into the game
>can't do Electric Condense exploit anymore
funs over guys
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greg bros...
max cd roll bros...
Just wanted to say that I finished the Space Marine 2 campaign and it was absolute kino.
I'm this close to ditching my two-of-every-set-component collection and just going to farm a couple gold HP Up sets.
I thought they added co op to invasions? wasn't that supposed to be in the last update?
I assume if you use "x spreader" as your title you unironically browse reddit and think this is the pinnacle of humor you unfunny faggots
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I did not get screwed by RNG.
hehe rash spreader hehe
The gold cutoff times are way too long now...
What is Bunny's full name?
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>solo invasion
>somehow reach 100s to Enter
>also failed for some reason
How incompetent you wanna be, dev ?
Never seen a gold one before
Man, farming pure energy residue is so painful.
Any fast method without Enzo?
Bunny Voltia is her full name, no this is not a joke
Ye I know her First Name is Bunny but didn't remember/know her Last Name, thanks.
you keeping them for christmas or what
>Nobody at Bunny Cave
>Nobody at Echo Swamp
>Nobody at Fortress Outpost
Holy shit this game is dead.
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it's ogre for me...
I guess the whiny bitches won, drone missions are now so fucking easy you can easily get sub 3 mins when the gold mark is 7 mins, just enough time saved to play with your dildo like the faggots you are
If you still need co-op to help you with this I think you might be actually be missing half your brain
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I managed to get 200 by leeching from enzos
Even the 9 minute one can be done in 3 minutes with 2 deaths.
pillar invasions are super comfy now
What's the leveling spot(s) now? (Hard) Invasions?
how does hailey work. do you just cast her 4 and that's it? are you supposed to shoot before or something?
Bio lab is 1-40 in like 15 minutes
1 > 2
3 > 1 > 2
3 > 4
1 > 3 > 4
1 > 4
QRD on Bio Lab farm?
There a special room we idle in?
no literally just go fast
but what if I'm levelling Yujin?
They buffed the xp you get from finishing dungeons, you just finish it quick and for some reason people bring their lvl 40 bunnies to do these so you can just leech off them
And remember the buffed xp is only for descendants not weapon xp, weapon xp farm is still like environment containment zone
there's like a 90% chance you get a bunny, maybe even higher
>bring their lvl 40 bunnies
they want guaranteed fast clears, weapon xp, and hailey parts
t. dungeon bunny
not him but I thought 342 was a thing, swear I've seen that in webms
but you get abysmal weapon xp and bio lab doesn't drop haily parts?
it's the fastest weapon xp in the game
Then why are people still complaining about weapon xp?
>for some reason
some people are done with the leveling stuff
Yes. 342 and 34 for bosses
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Just what are these substats? Why do they even exist?
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>click on random twitch stream to put in background on mute for the twitch drops
>glance at chat for a second
>bunch of homos talking about wanting homo outfits
Hoping these gooks don't take the westoid pill
I hope they're vaccinated.
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>thinking only the west does this stuff
At least women pay for those
those shit are for eastern women
these >>493368247 are western trannies
Hasn't twitch still not turned any profit in over 10 years now? It's about time they shat it down. All the whores can go to chaturbate or something and the dudes can get a real job.
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>they patched the bunny exploit
they patched the bunny exploit
>they patched the bunny exploit
they patched the bunny exploit
>they patched the bunny exploit
they patched the bunny exploit
>they patched the bunny exploit
they patched the bunny exploit

fuck I got like 200 boss kills while it lasted...
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no bnuys to leech from in dungeons
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For me, it's running fast as fuck and disrupting stealth gameplay.
98% of the site is being used for losers who all think they will be the next big thing while wasting precious expensive bandwidth streaming 1080p to 1-2 viewers
It has never and will never make a profit without some kind of streaming fee after x hours but somehow it survived all these years
Just did today's invasions. Now that the drones only have 4 symbols you have a very high chance of drones having the same symbols in the same place pushing you to look for more symbols on the pillar just to be sure.
I predict that a lot of people who just pick 1 symbol and the first drone they see without checking the other drones to see if they have the same symbol in the same position will cry out that it's bugged again and that they didn't fix it and that it's still too hard.
I love Shock punch, it makes dealing with with the guys carrying shields way easier to deal with. It feels especially appropriate when using Lepic,smacking enemies around with that metal arm of his just feels right
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Guess I'll have to pray for spiral catalysts tomorrow, at least 10 of them and maybe finish the rest by spamming dungeons and leveling some weapons through it or something.
C-consolebros? Our response?
>instead of just finding out the correct drone by just getting 2 symbol numbers, you have to get them in correct order too
but why, it was easier before except the dud pillars
you also only need one gun now tho.
>10 magister lab runs no Hailey part drop
They revert the drop rate before the hotfix
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T-thanks, game. I definitely needed even more stabilizers...
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What weapons are good to craft from Anais?
Greg is good but really needs duplicates to max out the passive ability.
Nazeistra's will work out of the box if you want a handcannon that hits like a truck when critting on a weakpoint, but of course it will also be better after you max it out too.
Restored relic and albion cavalry are mostly mastery exp right now
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I can finally start playing the game
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You're welcome, descendant.
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Bros, can you post your Thunder Cage mods? This is mine at the moment, I'm lost on what to put there and I can cook some more catalyst.
Do you have a separate mod for mobbing+bossing or you have a more general build for it?

I want to increase my TC's power before farming uBunny mods

Thank you!
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I do not have that function descendant.
what if i add it then
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I haven't tried out Electric Enhancement so I can't say what it's like.
Edging shot not worth it unless the weapon has like 50% base CC.
What's the point in having over 20k hp and 65k def when Gluttony is gonna oneshot you anyway?
Glut doesn't oneshot you unless you get hit point-blank by its shotgun blast, which you deserve if it happens.
that one is easy to dodge, same with the laser, I'm just critiquing the dmg he does, the previous colossi don't do huge damage and you can take multiple hits easily
his adds also do a lot of damage
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His only 2 dangerous attacks are the close range swipe and the shotgun blast. His laser pointer is incredibly easy to dodge just by rolling sideway, the missiles only do chip damage, and the ice balls can be double jumped over or standing on a different elevation.
Edging shot is fine with a 20% base CC (and 2x+ CD). With the standard setup, it's 2% better than insight focus.
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farmed lot of hailey cell and stabil, now I'm getting them from invasion dungeons and i'm missing spiral cat. and data chips. This feels awful, my time farming was wasted
Hailey clogged the toilet again….
thanks bros, I hope others post theirs as well
Been telling you guys to wait until this week end to avoid overfarming and now look at ye
how grindy is this game? specifically to get new descendants
i started recently and I'm using Bunny. game is fine but seems like it's too much quest grind and very repetitive, but I'm only starting
Honestly man if you dislike grinding i wouldn't bother, this game is grinding so you can grind to grind another grind.

I like it, but if you don't like grinding a lot, you won't.
if you don't like grinding then it's probably not going to be for you, its grinding 25% chances to have the chance of grinding 6%/10%/32% chances for various things. Some characters are easier than others.
grindus maximus
If you’re gay then you wouldn’t like this game
I have recently learned that Blair (especially this flaming man), Eseimo, and Yujin are the Heartthrobes for women. what does this mean.
Blair makes sense but yujin is a twink that would rather bang a kid

where did that whole body come from? No way Koreans left that in
they absolutely left that body in. did you not see the viessa pics where you could see her nips in the beta if you clipped the camera into her. fully textured and modeled
I heard Hailey molests vulgus little boys. That's the whole reason for this war.
I'm a vulgus little boy
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so you're telling me Korean devs - who can't even legally view porn - fully modeled Hailey's delicious fat pussy and just left it sitting in the game files?
some anon a couple threads ago posted the nips from her model rip
I love if this game had combo attacks. Valby and Viessa could do some interesting stuff working together.
I've bought several preset slots just to have a setup available for every character I own. Makes it way more efficient to swap out quickly
I would like it too as long as it doesnt turn like in Warframe where 1 combo is the meta and single elements and other combos are all worthless.
I remember getting 2 in a row trying to obtain a 32% chance part. Honestly it's best just trying to find an Amp where you want at least one other thing in it just to avoid frustration
i wanna see them
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>finally get Enzo
>don't have a single red mod even after combining all the dupes since I started
>check how to acquire them
Is Gley the best character to use if I like shooting guns more than using skills?
Yes. That's her primary use.
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ok, fine.
Enzo with Firearm Enhancer and Valby Moisture Supply too
Cool. Just started playing so I'll probably work on unlocking her when I get there.
others mentioned plenty of things but hailey's greg build is insane, probably my favorite gun build in the entire game
Hailey is better than gley at shooting guns and using skills. Times when people ran out of ammo at colossus intercepts and gley had a use are long gone.
I look like this
there's no way gooks actually did this
did they gut the drop rates of hailey pieces in infils?
Just your imagination
you know what would be funny. if they stealth nerfed the drop rates for players who abused the bunny exploit (used it more than 20 times)
Are you sure? Before yesterday I was getting them at about 50% clip which seems to be the rough drop rate I've seen online. Since I've gotten only about 2 in 15 runs.
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I got 6 in 11 Asylum runs today. I do it at 250% difficulty and with a consumable drop rate auxilliary equipment, not even sure if that makes a difference though.
They didn't do anything to Kyle abusers and that shit was most broken thing so far
was kyle more busted than bunny's expoit? I killed every single boss except gluttony in a sixtieth of a second, gluttony took 2-3 ult phases so like 5-10 seconds
Does Hailey's parts not drop after x runs?
I can only do the multiplayer one, I'm too weak for the one with the gold cup timer
True. Guess I shouldn't try my luck at a casino anytime soon.

I am running the same. Must just be rolling snake eyes. Maybe take a nap and try more grinding later.
also it was a joke about stealth nerfs, like the idea is you would never know. what if that guy a few posts ago complaining of almost no hailey parts in 15 runs was just a kyle exploiter but nexon never told him they secretly fucked his drop rates
Kyle was less busted than Bunny since you were required to set up and couldn't oneshot Gluttony.
As the anon your referring go I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I didn't even own either descendant when the glitch was a thing. Also haven't even fought frostwalker yet.
I'm not sure I'd call warframe's meta combos.
It's more just slap an OP gun on a frame that doesn't die and call it a day.
Unless you mean elemental combos from warframe, but I think the other anon meant something more along the lines of what you might see in Anthem or Divinity; stuff like 'wet plus cold equals frozen' or 'electric plus wet equals AOE.'
Kyle didn't need +60 hz monitor so that already made it more broken, even consolefags could abuse him. I never tried Kyle abuse but iirc you just had to stack mental focus on EL to max and then use his 4th skill and that pretty much oneshotted gluttony and Kyle didn't even need a single catalyst or anything.
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>accidentally spent caliber on research
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They lowered difficulty in some other areas too not mentioned in the patch notes. Like the reactor boss in White Night-Mountain Tops. Before, both elites spawned at the same time. Now the second one spawns after killing the first.
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Imagine the smell
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I like to think she'd be minty at all times, like arctic scented products
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isnt the smell from our armpits, crotch, etc all due to bacteria?

maybe hailey really doesnt smell after a combat session because she's using her ability to chill herself.
There's a reactor in Kingston that I farm on easy mode for Activator parts. It used to be 1 elite, but now a second one spawns like 30 meters away once you kill the first one. I'm not complaining, its a faster farm now.
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I did that for the first time the other day, I thought it was like some TELEPORT shit
that last point is the correct way to play

go in the World Chat and say you are an Enzo looking for an Enzo group. i did this yesterday and got Supply Firearm twice
elaborate. i've heard a lot about this hailey greg's build and I want to see it for myself
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>Hailey's 3 basically gives you 100% crit

Man, what the FUCK even was all that debate about Afterglow being more consistent if both After/Piercing can hit 100% crit with Hailey?
just afterglowies on copium
Almost all weapons can hit 100% crit rate with Hailey's 3 so just use whatever you want, bby.
it's not like anybody needs that level of optimization or anywhere near it
it definitely was copium but like it's really not worth putting a ton of effort into grinding another ultimate
especially when the one that drops with the next update might be even better
do they have swords yet
What fucking RUTILE mod do you guys use for weapons???? Why is it all TOXIC shit?
that's the neat part
does slumber valley infiltration count for the mission to kill enemies in kingston
the mod system sucks ass and so does toxic
on greg's I actually do run recoil mods in those slots
but mostly you'll just need to respec those
i know that in a complete build, you switch themf or something else

but as youre modding early on, thers gotta be a decent cope mod but its all toxic or recoil or some dumb shit
no there just straight up aren't good options atm for a lot of slots/weapon types
they completely did not think about how bad certain things are
like non crit weapons just don't have mod options to fill out a build, there just aren't mods for them to be even remotely comparable
elemental builds are just worse generally speaking
there are exceptions like enduring legacy but that's just cuz the gun is overloaded
I think it's intentional

Like every Ultimate weapon/character has ONE slot that only fits mods the character/weapon doesnt want
I see people do mental gymnastics to try and explain why it's related to greed so often when it's way more obvious that they were totally clueless making this game and still are
all you gotta do is look at the inversion tree to see how little they seem to understand their own game
What's up with this suspicious looking platform in Asylum? It takes me nowhere.
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>Piercing Light done
I will now switch my Gley code farm to Executioner....this Debuff ability better fucking work
Just get Hailey or Lepic and kill Executioner under 10s.
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Alright, I think I figured out how to play this game.

> Endgame build-check dungeons and bosses come out - all of us with proper builds get to test our shit on it.
> Shit gets nerfed after about a week so casuals can run it and not feel left out, thus holding up the player count and skin sales.

The funny thing is that the devs, and so far all the discussion here, seems to act like this pattern is due to accidence and incompetence. But if you look at it as if it was intentional it seems reasonably cool: we get to experience the actual dev team's vision on release (yes with some jank, don't be a bitch about it) and the normies also get to continue supporting the game.

Now if only they'd spend a bit MORE on it to come out with more/better skins I'd happily put this game in my top 5 in as many years, even with all the missed opportunities for more/better shit due to smaller dev.
I think the made the drone puzzle too easy...
They fucking know HP is “almost” universal
They know all weapons want fire arm and crit weapons want crit
Why don’t the defaults match
Warframe had this issue the first few years but they’re wizened up and all the new shit has slots for the most universal mods (hp, energy, duration etc)
I really don't think that's the case, they really thought some people would do shield builds, it's why annoyingly there's a ton of sets with shield as their main stat instead and abilities to restore shields
admittedly it's less cursed than the warframe equivalent used to be where a single toxic or bleed proc would down you
but it's still just poorly planned and objectively worse than a health build
There's so many random indications of their ineptness and disconnect, like the blue/purple skins in the battle passes
or how many ultimate weapons have zero use case
it's literally in their best interest to make many things better than they are, it'd give people more to grind and motivation to do it

we ripped through the content faster than they were expecting
>got Ajax 6% part in the second try
Bros its hot time. You have to open loot boxes RIGHT NOW.
I got two of his 6%s just trying to get a single python tube out of 15 AMPs the other day
and I'm probably never making him
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This was built to be a grind game. If you don't have to work for it, does it mean anything in the end? I could never imagine pay pigging something like an ult character because the whole game is made to build up the manual grind unlock moment to be that much more satisfying. One could argue it's a cheap way to accomplish that but I think that's mostly due to this game's modern Asian nature. If they went with "difficulty" instead of the JRPG "mind-numbing time-sink grind" their Asian players would be filtered and melty out.
It sure seems to me the droprates have a pattern of popularity balancing. If everyone is grinding something that day, it feels like it's impossible to get it to drop but meanwhile, if it's some junk nobody's going for it's super easy to get a ton of drops of it.
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not all the characters have fully modeled genitals but besides that they all have fully modeled bodies below the clothes, the ones that do have everything are Viessa and now Hailey. The reason why the character dissappears if you get the camera too close is because in the beta people were getting close to a wall so they could clip the camera into her body and see them naked
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Office lady outfits for the MILF characters (Gley, Viessa, hailey, sharen) cant come soon enough....
The new invasions are absolutely baby mode what the fuck
is this the future that await us?
Reactor farming is so tedious.
how are they MILFs
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I made them all single mothers
milf just means mature now instead of what the individual lettesr actually stand for
so you got the brats: bunny, valby
and the grownups: gley, viesa, hailey sharen,freyna
Wish this game had trading. I get all the reactors my bro needs. I wont use them.
just giving us stockings would make nexon millions
So Anon wants cougars
People can be so weird online. Sending random friend requests. Whats the goal? Do they really think I am a girl for playing a bunny? Too bad, I am 48 year old bald construction worker with a beer belly. Nothing sexy here.
Clothing destruction is what this game needs
that beer belly is looking kinda hot you wanna get a room with me?
global chat late at night is a sad sight
They just want the eye candy bro
and maybe you can erp as your avatar with them later
I dont think shape stabilizers do anything
I also have a big belly
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This is the best I'm ever likely to get
show belly you slut
whtas wrong with this
They should allow you to eliminate 2 options. or eliminate 1 and transfer the odds to a choice of your own.
purple rolls
This, or even just let us stack 2 or 3 on a single box to make the percentage change actually significant
its like 1.2% from gold
yeah purple triggers brain worms for people but the stat difference is so insignificant
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Afterglow is an over 30% damage reduction when compared to piercing light. Way less base damage. You're better off with a piercing light reactor with no roles than with that.
From what I've seen purples are an insignificant decrease from gold in any percentage based substat, but for flat damage substats it can be somewhat significant
Still don't think it's a big deal but I try to go for gold rolls on flat stats and don't care as much about the rarity on my other rolls
Nothing I just noticed that my gold rolls for colossus damage and crit damage are actually like barely 1% bigger so I think I'll stick with this. Works out since I really detest Piercing Light's design and I don't want to spend one more minute in Fortress Defense Line
I'm glad the BP in this game is dogshit easy to complete
yeah I hate fomo passes that take forever like in Apex. The BP items in this game arent good but it can be maxed in like a week or 2. Its great.
Makes sense for Hailey to be hard to get. She is the strongest boss killer right now. Surpassed Lepic and Gley. Now lets see who will dethrone Bunny in the future.
shaquandra the 900 pound black kween
Who would you rape after valby? for me its dr kate that slut is just asking for it.
ult freyna will have a module that unleashes a constant fart aoe around her that does more damage
what did you just say about my gf?
i mean. that would make her E actually useful. right now its actually unusable.
I will cum on her glasses
>friday weekend
>3/5 magister labs have had one afk
>always console retard
>always some name like darkgunner6948
I quit after the 3rd afk
Crossplay was a mistake
just private it lil bro, you shouldn't even care how many people are in your magister lab party
I would but leveling up in private is annoying because of the homing shit the boss throws at you that hurts with lower level characters
If you die even once it's already slower than pubs
sorry bro but you might as well be afk if you're not a bunny
you'll leave in a body bag, bro
also yeah it doesn't matter how many are in the party, I just don't want to play the game for some AFK console retard while he argues with his 3rd girlfriend of the week with a dog barking over open mics
it's been patched, faggots
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>3 days pubbing and still havent beat gluttony
Who's pussy has Enzo been pounding? Why was he grabbing Valby's ass in the final bunny cutscene.
what are YOU bringing to the table?
Enzo is Jayber's boyfriend, read the journals.
He's been wanting to propose once Albion allows gay marriage, that's why he has that ring.
Valby xisters....
uBunny the best character in the game of course
you deserve it
Why the fuck is every collision strong to fucking chill and toxic. Even the new boss will be strong toxic.
Is there a group discord for these vault code breaker things?
Hailey is awful and you can’t convince me otherwise. 4 cc in her modules, 3 cc in piercing light, her damage is incredibly inconsistent, her mp is always empty, soloing bosses sucks dick when you have the retarded spinning robot drones that spawn on you and stun you right when you enter her 4. Everything in this fucking game is irritating as fuck and I’m not grinding her again for another cc that doesn’t do shit. Fuck this.
>he's not in the secret discord
I'm so sorry
>he's not gay
I'm so sorry
Funny I always see fat pc bros afking
usually code word for trooncord
We’re trans…
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based dad
Should I buy the bunny ultimate skin bundle or wait until swimsuit bunny skin?
If you can't pass as a woman, you should just considered being a drag queen or something. IDK why some people try to "transition" when they're in their 30s and/or balding.

That said, Hailey has a dumptruck ass and I just barely noticed that her nun outfit has bigger proportions that mog all the other girls.
buy both goy
New bread
Alright you convinced me. You should be a salesman
Enjoy bro

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