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hop in edition

Last >>493142958

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


August 6: Escalation of Freedom Update https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339865428695343823
August 13: A message from the devs https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339866697736692015
August 20: 1.001.004 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/6992487606095723693
August 21: 1.001.005 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4252047773008305837
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nice crop shitlord
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Here, I did it better than you did and I didn't even have to use shitcord.
cant wait for the patch to be tone deaf and fail
How many of you fellas are swim or sink on this next patch?
If it flops, I’m done. Just uninstalling and forgetting it.
I’ve been patient enough, but I refuse to be dragged around for months/years again hoping for a game to just be ‘fixed’.
I did it once, and I’m too old for it again.
Doomer sisters... our cope?
My dream for helldivers 2 and currency is the following. My goals aim to make the galatic war feel more lively, and affected by player involvement, while giving more incentive to play on major order planets.
>Req slips
Very basic. Just let players convert them into super credits. 10,000 req slips = 10 super credits, or less if thats too easy. If SC are gonna be easy to farm on 1 missions, then it might as well be something you can more consistently gain passively at higher levels.
See >>493271485
First off, give us a codex we can unlock with samples, that gives us enemy profiles, flavor text, and maybe shows stats, and armor values on limbs.

Second and more importantly, allow us to donate samples to planets affected by a major order, to give various benefits on those planets. For example, on a bug planet, if we donate X amount of samples, Super earth creates a bug bomb that spreads pheromones across the planet, lowering bugs aggression level, making them less likely to call bug breaches, or do less damage overall.

On a bot planet, maybe Super earth uses the samples to create an EMP blast, that can disable all bots in an area for 30 seconds once or twice per mission. This would again give incentive to play on MO planets, for these benefits, and give players the feeling on contributing to an MO, and gaining a real foothold on planets.

Inversely, this could open up possible enemy counter attacks. For example, the bots respond to our EMP attacks by deploying heavier reinforcements, more of a certain structure, or their own unique attacks, with the aim being to destroy our EMP weapons, and now we have a sub objective on that planet, to hold off the attack, or we lose the benefits our samples provided. It would create greater back and forth on planets, and make the war feel way more alive.
The patch will be a buggy mess like literally every other patch, even if fixes the balance (which I doubt)
This game isn't a full time job like other live service games are, so I'll just continue to play on and off.
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I don't really care either way
I'm having fun right now but i don't play much, like maybe an operation every two days, if the update is good then cool, if not it probably won't change much for me
Anyway, back to Deadlock
Doomer sissy, bend over.
Maybe when player numbers regularly start with a 2 again
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The AP system rework is an unnecessary change, and it's the actual make or break of this patch. There was zero need to change the AP system or how it works, and I imagine a huge amount of dev time has to go into actually changing these things in a material/substantial way.

When you're
>1) Reworking a system that completely changes the game and all weapons forever.
>2) A self-imposed time constraint after promising your flighty playerbase you'll do better
>3) Nobody even asked for an AP system rework, and the AP system would've been fine with out

You're setting the stage for disaster, or at least something that'll have to be thoroughly reworked AGAIN in the future. There was absolutely zero reason for this change, nobody asked for it and nobody wants it. The game's balance worked out perfectly without it. The balance issue was with EXTRINSIC CHANGES TO WEAPONS, rather than anything relating to the system itself.

I'm not ready to be a doomer yet, especially because the orbital napalm is fun, but a rework is super unnecessary and it feels completely indulgent. Why is dev time being spent on something so completely irrelevant?
>use bot infinite rockets as a counterpoint for their realism autism
>they miss the point completely and give bots limited rockets
Why are they so retarded
Eh, I already enjoy the game a lot in its current state as long as I'm paying with anons. Don't really care about fixes
You already paid for the game, the devs got their money. I don't understand all the people threatening with leaving like this was a monthly subscription service game.
Limited rockets is fine but they'll nerf it to something stupid like only 2 volleys instead of something fun like 3-5 and then a single rocket every few seconds
I got 500 hours out of it. I enjoyed it so if somehow this patch crashes and burns, I'm fine with walking away. I got my money's worth.
I haven't played in almost 3 weeks now so this is their last chance to pull me back before I actually uninstall.
normalfags don't farm SC, so they make money off warbond drops and super store purchases
unfortunately, they just started releasing them slower and with less and pre-nerfed content
This, also why must they be so dramatic and leave instead of taking a break. I have plenty of games i play on/off, il just come back, check out new content or do a new playthrough and play nonstop for like 2 weeks and then go back to another game.
They aren't completely changing the AP system idiot they're just shuffling values around
I still don't understand why the Lib carbine exists
It's literally just a worse Liberator with an awful scope slapped on, and it's not like the Lib is particulary good in the first place
>maek superstore
>maek warbonds
>maek funbux
>urrh y player matter??
Real intellectuals in here I see.
>people weren’t complaining about AP/armor
The fuck you smoking? Yes they were. Complaints about any heavy enemies behind hard to kill(namely chargers and bt) are direct complaints about armor. Anti-tank weapons being ineffective on armored targets consistently is a result of a flawed, or poorly-tuned armor system.
Many strategems are viable or not strictly on their ability to deal with armor except for ones that are specifically non-armor targeting.
Ideas guy, implementation retard and balancing faggot are all 3 different people pulling in opposite directions
>"We are reworking Armour Penetration"
It's a live service game, wagieboomers buying 10$ worth of SC every month or so is a great revenue source. Or it would be if warbonds weren't so dogshit and didn't come with the risk of the one gun worth anything getting nerfed next patch
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d10 bug
This is the correct take. I'll also add that the biggest single change they could make to recoup (some) goodwill would be to fix the fucking flamethrower. And when is flamethrower being updated? AFTER the 17th. They're literally taking the highest risk path instead of the low risk path. Shit, just tackle the low hanging fruit first! Why is this so fucking hard?
I guess reputation means nothing to you?
Keep reading holy shit
>We are reworking Armour Penetration (COMMA) AT weapons (COMMA) and enemy armor and health VALUES. As an initial BALANCING pass
Actual room temperature IQ
join JOIN
NTA but you are glossing over the first 2 points anon made and just focusing on the 3rd point. Completely reworking armor on a short timeline is a fucking terrible idea.
It obviously doesn't matter to Arrowhead lol
What farming? The pause between warbonds was so huge that anyone just casually playing coould easily rack up 1000 credits. And most of the grind is farming samples which YOU CAN'T BUY in game. This isn't a game for whales. There's barely any content to unlock as is.
if they didnt make it 3 month breaks between bonds it'd be fine
1 month breaks for boomers isnt enough to farm 1k sc
Best way to farm SC while just playing? I've noticed a significant dip in amount I've found after 10 dropped, do the mega bases block POIs from spawning as much? Or is everyone just retarded on 10 and panic running constantly not hitting any of them anymore.
Yeah I might play 2 missions a day and am in no danger of not having 1k sewer credits
1 month is fine for these imaginary boomers you conjured up because they would play on lower difficulties where sewer credits are more prevalent.
The second guy is right tho. The ‘rushed rework’ does boil down to ‘enemy numbers down player numbers up’. They aren't changing the functional mechanics.
>Best way to farm SC while just playing?
Fuck around with noobs on d1-d3
I can almost tell that the reason they're making hulks have less armour is because of the stream they had where they shot at a hulk with incel breakers and did fuck all to it. Hulks were just too much of a knowledge check for the normies they had playing their game for that EoS stream.
Idk, after the initial month i play rarely and after buying only 2 bonds i have enough credits to barely buy 2 more.
They may not be changing the mechanics, anon, but do you trust AH to not cause even more crashes? Shit, the way this game functions it's like they change a 6 to a 4 in an xml file and the game bursts into flames (that are nerfed into oblivion by the way).

Just gonna leave this here
That is 100% the reason. Hulk is honestly fine. They only need to fix enemies shooting through geometry and climbing geometry and Hulk would be perfect.
You overestimate how long normalfags play the same game between updates. When warbonds drop, the game gets flooded by terrible players who obviously didn't play in a long time but are still trying the new weapons
Thank you.
>The AP system rework is an unnecessary change, and it's the actual make or break of this patch.

Most enemies in some way have armor in which usable primary weapons can't go though. Enemies that have armor have weak points that can be killed with unarmored weapons. Enemies that have weak points that are armored are the problem. Enemies that can be killed faster by breaking the fatal armor component all together are the least dangerous in the game. Medium armor penetration guns had been shit on the entire game. Some light damage guns do more raw damage than medium, or can bypass armor damage reduction.

It's not about armor values, it's more about weapon usability because by the end of the day 60% of the armory is shelved because of armor values and HP pools. When was the last time you actually used a rifle over a shotgun? A machinegun over an AT launcher? A grenade launcher over an autocannon? These are easy questions because the second answer is "I don't remember".
You’re welcome
agreed. hulk is one of my favorite enemies to fight in the game. diving and circling around them or trying to take out the eye from a distance or shooting their back while they are going after a teammate.
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>the announcement contained nothing but details we already knew, aside from the date the update is coming out
>zero mention of mechs
>zero mention of the effectiveness of primary weapons, assault rifles
Even if I don't have a lad or two? I considered just bumping back down to 9 to get more POIs but when I tried it this morning I got some russians that killed themselves constantly, or actual literal level 15s that bitched about behemoth chargers being overpowered and "impossible to kill 1v1"
50% more nerfs and 50% less fun. Got it.
Honestly I'd say just decide what you want to do, play or farm SC because the two are basically mutually exclusive. Best SC farm is objective d1-d3 even if you don't have someone to open bunkers.
>hulk nerfs
Can they go a single update without nerfing something? Hulks were fine. I'm tired at how they cater to the lowest common denominator, like the average normie couldn't kill a hulk with a precision weapon so they just dial back its health. Now the hulk is gonna be just another enemy that goes down to an eagle airstrike. Someone take this game away from them.
I fuck around so i use all of it randomly, the issue is the fucking secondary damage being shit on most weapons for very little reason. Especially so on med pen weapons that usully have nerfed primary dmg on top.
>4 impalers in one single bug breach
God, even fucking payday figured out you need to put caps on the amount of specials alive at the same time for fuck's sake.
Payday has screenwide nukes that can't compensate?
> Health
> + Individual body healthpools
> + Bodypart health pool bleed to main health %
> + Armor Pen
> + Durable damage reduction
As a game design autist I can appreciate this level of depth, but the few people they have working on design can't keep track of this shit.
As soon as the weapon/enemy stats site came out, it was also clear they don't have a good internal spreadsheet for things like breakpoints.
They should scrap durable damage, make 2-3 uniform limb "types" for main health pool damage, and make AP a % damage reduction based on how much AP your weapon lacks compared to the targets armor.
Less cool system but its clear they aren't competent enough to work with what they have.
Also, actual weapon stats/armor info in the fucking game.
AT launcher just aren't worth using at all, apart the spear and commando. And even those are meh.

OPS and 500kg are far better anti-tank options than dedicated anti-tank support weapons - simply because they one-shot the enemies you shoot at. Heavy enemies have massive main HP pools, and I guess they have to or they'd fall to a single Eagle Airstrike. The problem there is that it makes heavy AT effectively worthless since it just doesn't deal enough damage to one-shot and reloads are painfully slow.

Reddit asked for the game to be easier. The game is now easier.

This is what you wanted.
>hulk nerf
Fucking why? I think Hulk could use a buff.
My autism loves the concept of the health system but the reality of it is that it's difficult to "get right" and even more difficult to concisely convey to players in a meaningful way. As a result it's a terrible health system.
Numbers are the only way they can up the difficulty though. Payday, like most games, just scales enemies by HP/stat bloat, whereas Helldivers don't do that and just compensates through harder enemies and numbers. I'd rather more enemies than enemies that just become bullet sponges, and I think the community opinion of the behemoth chargers vs. normal chargers generally reflects that sentiment.
durable damage makes no sense anyway and would only make sense if spalling mechanics were implemented, as it is currently not penning completely nullifies damage and penning also neuters damage.
They don't like break points. Turns out what they actually want is random damage within a range like it's Doom 1993, they just don't know it.
For me the issue is that it feels fucking retarded that you can blow open a behemoths ass. Open up its back/side. Guts are spilling out left right and center.
You can also fire a RR directly into its face for good measure.
And at the end of it all, it's still not dead. Why? Because health-pools aren't connected.

The whole system revolving around targeting one single part is so obnoxious because it makes you waste shots despite hitting the target.
Oh the bile titan wiggled around and you hit the leg? That's a wasted shot bro. Literally doesn't matter that you hit it lol.
Hit the back carapace, but landed the 2nd shot on the mid-section instead? Too bad bro, now you have to fire yet another rocket, better hope a leg doesn't get in the way lmao.
It would be cool if AT launchers were effective against them. It's retarded that they eat 3 RR shots to the body.
On release the overall stats kind of made sense, but the changes they have made since then to bandaid certain weapons being too strong has fucked readability and consistency. Most of this shit is completely hidden and unexplained so when it doesn't follow any particular pattern you stop trying to understand it and just use the spear.
How would anyone understand why the railgun is so effective against some targets but useless on others? I barely understand when I should bother shooting a charger's ass and all I play is 10s. Why bother when spear go boom?

My favorite weapon (for better or worse) since release is the JAR. Watching them buff/nerf the damage randomly while trying to figure out how they chose those numbers has been fascinating.
They clearly don't want random damage though, they just can't wrap their heads around the system they have designed to it *seems* like its random.
swedes can't make games
I can only think of Satisfactory being the single exception. Development is slow but at least people don't dread every update like they do this game.
Oh, this shit made me livid when ended up shooting a charger from all direction and it took fucking 5 shots to kill. It's only later i realised that enemy hp pool is not fucking uniformal when "realism" dictates that at least a portion of all dmg dealt to the target should reach the main hp pool.
Instead i had a charger with both sides open, blown out leg and ass, and the 5th shot to the side killed it.
Battlefield used to be good.
>blown out ass
Not the visual I wanted for a charger.
So did Helldivers at one point
No, HD2 has never been good, you were just blinded by the hype, newness, and potential.
>If it flops, I’m done
You've stuck around after three rounds of
>lol I guess we fucked up, we'll totes do better the next time though!
What's one more?
>HD2 has never been good,
It was good though
It had the potential to be great
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>game set up as very promising
>fails after initial success
>picks up a bit only to do absolutely nothing worthy for its entire existence
What's its name /vg/?
This. The last couple have been sink or swim, make or break, so even though I've given up on making it, I just vibe on bugs and try not to think about it until they sap ALL the fun away from me. Flamethrower was damn close though. I didn't play for about a week after finishing the warbond.
it was good if you started day 1 because the first few days of people being goofballs with basic gear and unlocking new weapons and difficulty levels all together actually felt like a campaign
day 1 was different from day 2, day to different from day 3 as the players creeped up towards level 20
and in all of that learning how the weapons work and what the strategies are

now a new player will start the game and everything will be unlocked and available to all the other players on the team and the mechanics are well documented and reported on at this point online so there's no discovery
hate to say it but if you missed the launch window you really missed out on this game
Discovering you could down dropships felt amazing
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>doomers panicking
They need to fix durability, and fix how splash to main works.

Weak points should be doing more damage to the main, like just multiplicatively instead of halving the damage.

We NEED more overlap with precision damage and exploding damage. I hate the 4 red soup meta.
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Does reputation mean anything in terms of video games?

LoL is publicly hated and still massively famous
DbD is publicly hated and still massively famous
Destiny 2 has a flow chart of the community abuse cycle and look at their player numbers
Call of Duty has been slop for at least a decade and at this point even the normies know it and they still hit record numbers
csgo and it's clones have infamous cheating issues in ranked modes and it doesn't stop anyone from playing apparently
Ubisoft and Bethesda both release the same trash every new release of the same series and people know it, yet they buy it.
Titanfall 2 was abandoned harder than a single mother and people would buy a dlc to-fucking-morrow if they released one for it
Team Fortress 2 literally only gets hat and community map updates while the game was left to rot to bots for what like a decade until valve finally decided to fix it recently, and honestly they could have just not done it and people would still play it
Starbreeze released literal pay2win to payday 2 and it's numbers are still massive, Payday 3 failed because the tards legit don't understand why people liked payday 2. They could release dlc for payday 2 forever and people will buy it
Tripwire promised Killing floor 2 wouldn't have paid weapons and they did it anyway and people still play it
Blizzard, just in general
Darktide is still not what was promised and still keeps /coopg/ alive and well

Like be real dude, what matters is that people give you money. You can literally slap a player in the face and they'll still pay for dlc, what exactly is the incentive to be good to players when they show time and time again that they give not a single fuck about you earning loyalty. If your game is fun to them, you can do whatever you want, and get paid doing it.
Are you telling me the game didn't have issues like:
>excessive ragdoll
>enemies shooting through terrain
>excessive fog/darkness that the enemies can headshot you through at 75m+
>enemies walking straight up mountains
back when it launched? It did. It was fun in spite of that shit but that doesn't mean the game was good. And potential doesn't mean the game is good now or that it was good at any point in the past.
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>You can literally slap a player in the face and they'll still pay for dlc
It's a really impressive long con honestly, the name brand vidya gaymes industry spent 20 years building a reputation of generally quality product and then slowly conditioned an entire generation to suck slop for their entire lives. It's fucking disgusting but I can't help but be impressed by how successful their plan was.
If it was fun, it was good
Games are meant to be entertaining
The reason it isn't good anymore it's because it's no longer fun
it was janky as fuck, the jank made it funny especially with the disposable storm trooper fantasy

problem with that is goat simulator isn't something you want long term, and neither is having a character that always sucks. It's like a souls game where you're getting your shit pushed in at the beginning of the game but by the end of it you am become death, but that never happens with this game

I believe a big part of the reason there's no boss battles is because that gives the players a firm end point for the game, complete the raid boss and you can walk away. There's intentionally no end game progression to keep people on the hook
I like alpha commanders, but I hate how they just made yet ANOTHER enemy tanky by just giving it more durability and armor class 2.

There's no reason to run anything but explosives, unless you hyper commit to building your entire kit around headshots.
blast them with the autocannon
massive stagger, death in 4 hits or less
I've been playing solo bugs for the past few weeks cause all my friends got turned off after the patch.

I wanted to like the new shit they gave us. I tried to have fun with it, like just figure out how to make it work and build around it.

And I had a pretty good time when I stopped trying to use the shitty ass torcher

I just wish it was stronger though, it looks and feels so cool.
Success so clearly in view... or is it merely a trick of the light?
>There's intentionally no end game progression to keep people on the hook
That would be more retarded than anything AH has done. If that was their plan they should have just done a simple score counter. Just a high score will keep a lot of autists playing for decades.
a good pop to the head explodes it and you're done, but it practically seems rng. just bop it with a melee when it charges.
Yeah no they're fucking piss easy if you being explosives. That's kinda my point.
Auto cannon feels great, but I wanna fuck around with other shit. I want to do more than just throw like 4 reds at hordes of enemies. I wanna experiment with my loadouts and have some precision weapons with a good niche to them.

Like if they gave us a blue strat, that was just "your primary does double damage and has twice the ammo."
I'd be happy as a greased up pig.
Any lobbies?
not me lol, i quit months ago
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the space marine effect is upon us, the line trends are changing

the helldivers shape is climb to a plateau, then clime from there to the high peak, valley, then clime to a lesser peak, then fall
the high peak isn't peaking, it's leveling off

will be interesting to see what the ultimate shape is
Genuinely asking this for anyone with dev experience.
Is there a reason/advantage to sitting on 30 weapons of changes over say adjusting 4 per week and releasing that to the public?
It seems like extremely bad business to not give the playerbase who you are counting on for future warbond purchases any reason to come back to the game for months at a time after your last several patches were so poorly received
well, AH is bad enough at managing their own code base that releasing a bunch of small changes instead of doing one big lump sum of changes probably helps control the amount of shit they break.
Good lad
I quit after the flamethrower
Entire books can be written on the idiocy of nerfing fire two days before a fire themed warbond, and all because of a weapon that wasn't even op
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I've played WAY too much of hellldivers and i've already cut back on it before EoF (I intended to dive right back in with Freedoms Flame lol lmao)

But i'm sticking around until I see the Squids and subsequent Human Rebel faction
The next patch will though be what I base my play time on when it comes to Memejumpers, I'm becoming a wagie again next week and so I want my off time gaming to be well spent, not being curt tailed by Swiggers.
sony is in charge, they do want people to play other games so they met with arrowhead last week to tell them when their updates are so as to not interfere with other game launches
Biggest bottleneck is ironically Sony, because you need perms from them to update your game. So you can't just update your game whenever the fuck you want to on it. Been that way since the PS3 days, and it's retarded.
This is not a very satisfying answer.
And i am sure it is the correct one.
Sony (compared to xbox or steam) is very slow and restrictive about pushing updates. They either charge the devs a fee for every update or actually just have a hard rule about non-critical update frequency.
patch before EoF was extremely well received
Is that true? I was completely unaware. That seems incredibly retarded and toxic for development.
Also. Even if that is true, cant you get some competent management to constantly grab sony by the ear and tell them when/why you need to do things?
Why does the community worship the AC so much? I very rarely see it on D10 bugs and even against bots it isn't dominating loadouts.
I honestly don't think it was a plan.
I think they just bumbled their way into making more money with less effort. You gotta remember how terrible initial dlc's were.
>Map packs completely segregating player pools
>premade content cut from a game
>fucking horse armour
Then they saved our trust by making dlc too much content for what you paid with entire games as dlc (we will never get another undead nightmare or blood dragon). Then they realized that people are full of vanity and now it's all about the cosmetics, and here we are. If you got pretty enough costumes, your game can run worse and worse every patch and the only people who will notice are the poors, and they don't want poors playing their game anyway.

Either way, I don't mind most the patches in the game. I actually like how the weapons feel and how the stratagems kill. I just think the idea of reputation or loyalty in video games is retarded. When or if the game finally sucks, I'm leaving. Did the same to most the games from my original post, and I will do it again to the next game I liked.
All this talk about armor values & autocannon buffs is insane considering all they need to do to fix 75% of the game is tweak spawn rates for enemy types & overhaul patrol mechanics/spawns

Really hammers home that they just don’t play their own game
>Why does the community worship hands down the best generic answer to everything bot front can throw at you since launch?
It is great vs bots. It is a good option on bugs when you don't want to use 2 blue strats (like supply pack and hmg)
therein lies the problem, they aren't playing difficulty 10
it's console cert and microsoft does it too, the general idea is testing that your shit works and doesn't brick consoles before pushing it out. with all the shit AH keeps breaking it's good protection in general, but also funny that AH still keeps adding crash bugs or things like infinite drops
it's one of the best support weapons in the game against bots, second only to the RG
Yeah, I remember when I played Chivalry 2 it was always snoyfags making everything slower
I still think (and want to believe) that it's nothing but bait to draw a connection between HD2 and SM2
both the IPs and gameplay are so extremely different from one another that they definitely please different audiences with little overlap
Helldivers 2 is a unique sandbox, SM2 is just standard 3ps fare, to be perfectly honest I already played SM2, before SM1 came out even, it was called Gears of War back then
It's good. I would bring it more if I didn't like drone memes so much, which means taking a support weapon that doesn't need a backpack slot.
Maybe I'm just giving them too much credit, but in my perspective it really seems like a massively coordinated effort across all industries, not just video games. Everything you said about vidya can apply to basically every industry these days. Even critical industries like aviation and space where people die when shit is low quality, see boeing's issues and now their farce with the starliner.
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Even our charts are cute :3
I know it's good versus bots but players act like it's god tier on bugs too. I almost never see it brought to the bug front yet players are acting like this change (which explicitly makes it better versus bugs) is completely out of line. It's weird seeing so much community love for a weapon I practically never see anyone bring.
They can like double the main HP or some shit, but your damage should be cumulative to the main HP pool. It shouldn't be like chipping away a tiny little chunk when you hit a weak point.

Like it should just be.

Time to kill is relative to your weapon, but for chaff it should be roughly a grenade worth of HP.
So anything that doesn't die just gets cleaned up easy peasy. Heavies should follow a similar principle. Where airstrikes should kill them unless they miss. Then they get cleaned up easy by heavier guns.

Main : aforementioned HP
>Headshots: deal double damage to main, so accuracy and accurate weapons are rewarded. If you focus fire it should in half the time
>Body deals 1 :1 main
>Butt deals 1.5 : 1 ; once destroyed deals 10% damage to main per second, and has much less HP than main
>Limbs deal 1 : 1 , but can be cut off fast and immobilize immediately

So if I throw a grenade and it barely misses. Main should be extremely low, and any shot should kill it instantly regardless where my bullet lands.

If I go for headshots only get half my grenade shot in, I should be killing it pretty fast. Like a warrior should instantly fall over in one tap.

This means all damage is working towards a cumulative kill. Focus fire on a limb will pop it and make a satisfying effect occur.

It's that simple, and it seems close too.
Good graphics and qol/functionality create solid veils that severely impact your perceptions when you try to play the good games from the old times.
I thought RA/TD were fenomenal looking at the time, but after seeing TS/Generals/TW, going back to the origins feels like implied visual and limb pain in comparison.
The remasters made them look much more pleasant, but the 3d ones still mog them in terms of presentation, qol and functionality.
I tried playing dune some time ago due to workplace having a super old barely workfunctional pc with it installed, and it felt miserable. No queues, poor hotkeys, poor unit control and pathfinding, poor sidebar, clunky management, it's like someone tied one of my arms and is actively making it harder for me to use the other. And i fucking cummed all over Dune the very first time i get to try it with it's peculiar basebuilding, unit icons, spice, movement and sfx.
Time warps your perception of things and given the choice, i would return to a game 10 y.o. over a 20 y.o.
i'm with you. other than it being a space shooter that is somewhat inspired by 40k and it being a coop game i'm not seeing the overlap. is it casuals who play coop? sm2 looks like a coop god of war more than hd2.
outside of hd2 fans who were going to play sm2 in the first place, i don't think the crowd that people are going on about leaving for sm2 are even still playing hd2
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who was asking for the big three to get buffs? what about the RR, EAT, or AB, even the RG is shit compared to the big three in a D10.
>yet players are acting like this change (which explicitly makes it better versus bugs) is completely out of line
where are you seeing this? from our doom poster baiting for You's?
I think the spawn rates are perfectly fine honestly. More clarity to how stuff spawns would help though.
i thought RR was better than AC? what's the issue now?
it's too much to get into, especially on /vg/, but it boils down to "when industries have lots of government protection (which includes shittons of regulations that make starting a new company difficult, while existing companies can comply with them easily), they start behaving poorly due to lack of competition." pretty much everyone who can only get comcast or time warner for internet in their area knows that extremely well. with platforms like itch and steam making it easy for anyone to get a game out there, nevermind people who can self publish easily like the guys behind starsector, video games are at least more resilient against the bullshit than most.

i doubt there's coordinated effort, just people seeing things that look like a good idea when you can force them on a captive audience.
I don't think I've ever seen a claim it's god tier on bugs at all let alone d10. Some people say it's bad on d10 bugs, I think it's a good option. It closes bug holes, can hit shrieker nests across the map, kills everything from the front save for chargers and bile titans and doesn't require 2 strat slots to be viable like other support weapons. God tier? No. Pretty good? Yeah.
They one tap behemoths, and bile titans will have their head armor work. While having bottom armor you can actually shoot.
It can't get better than that.
>When or if the game finally sucks, I'm leaving
It's already here
>players act like it's god tier on bugs
it is
best bughole closing tool in the game, best spewer remover in the game, brings chargers to bleedout in four butt shots, very easy to finish off wounded bile titans with, removes shireker nests and spore spewers at any distance, kills stalkers in 1-2 shots, brood and hive guards in one shot, and can clear unlimited amounts of chaff if you have the ammo to waste. there is no better bug weapon than the autocannon. it's the best pick on both sides.
RR is going to one shot chargers according to pilesofshit. He probably means regular chargers though
>doesn't require 2 strat slots to be viable like other support weapons
Like what? You could make the argument the HMG needs a resupply pack but that's about it.
It's basically the best support weapon to do everything when need be.
I think seeing it kill a bile titan when someone else opened it up made it click for me. Its not gonna do stuff on its own, but it works great with everything else, and it can still hold its own well in every situation
So why does nobody bring the AC to bugs? You almost never see it at D10. The attention it receives is weird and disproportionate to it's actual pick rate.
GL, AMR, and RG are also a pain in the dick to ammo manage without a supply pack. AC offers far better loadout flexibility than any of them due to delivering both the weapon and the fat ammo stash in one slot.
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You have to think about things from the perspective of the devs.

>the devs, in every stream, use the AC completely incorrectly
>every time they use it, they're just emptying the AC into AP5+ zones, hitting hulk chests or BT foreheads with meaningless shots
>every time the devs have ran the HMG/AMR, they've just used them as generic machine guns or sniper rifles
>the devs have NEVER ONCE been shown to actually understand the weakpoints of enemies in their own game

These are people who probably think AP4 is trash, and they're told that by retarded discord mods and in huge feedback forms written by normalfags and the "teehee I lie about my favorite gun" autists.
The devs probably think the AC is shit, and they have no idea how it should run or feel. It's not "overused" like the incendiary breaker, so they don't know how it's meant to run. It's not "bugged" like the flamer was (btw the trailer showed a flamer killing a charger from an angle you can't anymore after their "fix"), and generally, they just have no fucking idea how any of their guns work. It's super fucking retarded.
I guess it depends on play style but other than HMG I would throw in the grenade launcher and railgun needing the supply pack. If you prefer a more mobile play style than I do then I would agree the supply pack isn't as necessary.
If I ever see anyone bringing the AMR or RG to a bug mission and I'm hosting they're getting kicked
I rarely see them in D10 bots. Most people run RG and reds of their choice
AC gets about the same ammo as AMR, but AMR can carry a suply pack.
RG doesn't need a supply pack if you play and aim well. Just make sure to actually call in the resupplies when your team's all around.
>WebM has the power to convert a 18MB mp4 clip into a 90MB blurry slideshow
Malicious code
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it gels beautifully with pretty much everything
my personal favorites to tandem it with are commando/EAT and the railsmasher
ngl my bad to the people in that lobby, wasnt bringing my A game with those strat throws
The Heavenly Slap happens so often it has to be coded behavior
Sure. I tend to not stick with the rest of the team though because most of the time I'm in pub lobbies and most of the time I have to rely on ammo on the map unless I'm on point with calling in resupply. But I also don't want to hog it either. For the way I play I prefer the AC.
I think all of that is bullshit.
They know exactly what the AC does, and what it's stats look like. That's why everything keeps getting high durability stats. Because it just fucking ignores it.
Hell thats why the impaler is built that way. They want to make more AC bait.

I genuinely don't think they're stupid, I think the game is so fucking complicated and the stats were so hidden. So people tried using guns in unintended ways, arrowhead tried to buff them for that.

And now they're just trying to catch up with the new meta that keeps changing.

Like at the core the game makes sense.
It's that the community wants the game to do more than what was originally intended.
It's their fault if they can't just dodge anyways
For you it is, so why not leave? Why be here wasting your time if you don't like the game? I played almost 2500 hours of tf2 and when I left from it sucking I stopped looking at news or discussions of it period. Once a game sucks, it's most likely not going to be good anymore to you.
dunno man, my last bug d10 was three autocannons and a spear
needless to say it was a trivial affair
>I genuinely don't think they're stupid, I think the game is so fucking complicated and the stats were so hidden
that's exactly what makes the swedes so stupid.
Gotta be real.
I aint got time for anyone under level 70.

If I join a HD9 (HD10 lolwut? Is anyone even playing these?) and a level 20 is in there, I'm leaving.

I'm done, literally done with this game. Niggas aint even doing subjectives anymore - playing as a team, you best be joking, there's fucking nothing.

Queueing for HD10 if it doesn't take you to a level 6 or some shit and you get into a HD10, niggas dont know what they're doing anyway.

>Lil scrub gibmedat lvl20 picks up your weapon
>Want ressuply?
>nah bro that was called a minute ago half way across the map
>by the lvl20 who calls it everytime its off CD
desu I think it was
I had about that many hours too. When scout got his first weapon choices I really should have quit then, and I mostly played scout. Stuns and slows fucking suck.
true, but AMR is a bit wimpy on durable damage so if you got enough durable targets you'll run out much quicker than any autocunt
>For you it is, so why not leave
I have
>Why be here wasting your time if you don't like the game?
I post on 4chan because I enjoy it
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>dive into freedom (tower over everyone)
>til the war is won (that day may not ever come)
>dive into freedom (to the beat of heroes drums)
>dive to martyrdom (make your parents oh so proud)
>durable damage makes no sense, as it is currently not penning completely nullifies damage
durable damage has nothing to do with armour penetration or how effective a weapon is against armour

>And at the end of it all, it's still not dead. Why? Because health-pools aren't connected.
but they are all connected to the main HP, and on heavy enemies with lots of main HP it's often on the order of 70% or 100% damage transfer to main. that bile titan leg shot? that's 100% damage transferred to main. literally every single part of the bile titan has 100% transfer to main.
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>our way of life
>galaxy wide
>paved with the skulls of those who've died
>John, John Helldiver
>A tempest of war making empires quiver
>Once dropped from destroyer no hellpod in sight
>Landed with fury in the heart of the fight
I never said durability had anything to do with armor penetration and who the fuck is the second quote?
All I wanted was my railgun back to its former glory. Precision based weapons should always reward the player's skill with more damage than a lock on or splash damage, e.g. sniper rifle > rocket launcher. Fucking reddit ruins everything.
this is some ai muzac bullshit, isn't it
Bots are such a joke. They literally won't aim at you. Way easier than bugs.
yeah but idgaf
i'm John Helldiver
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That's mostly because I danced a bit desu, you can see me changing directions while I'm running away. You'd be able to do the same with bugs but they have FromSoft tier grab hitboxes
damn what are your settings, i want mine to look like that
Second. What settings and what GPU?
>not blurry nor jagged
what is this black magic, is this the secret dev build where the game is actually good?
yes yes the point is the armor gives a 50% penalty, and then durable gives an additional penalty to damage by whatever number it is

durability needs to go away and be replaced with a vital area where there's a multiplier for hitting a weak spot instead of a reduction for hitting a non-weak spot
and matching armor should be 100% damage, 50% damage for an armor class 1 above, and 0% for an armor class 2+ above
Max texture quality, object detail, particle quality, ambient occlusion, terrain quality, lighting quality
No anti-aliasing, rest is either lowest or low, dx11, bloom on, native render scale, no sharpness
It's a poorfag RX580, only gets between 45-60fps (capped)

That's just movement and 1080p mp4 -> 720 webm + filter, looks pretty jagged otherwise
>bored out of my mind playing le meta
>switch support weapon to HMG to switch things up
>pretty good at shooting shrieker nests, red warriors and the super brood commanders
>but whoops, you aren't using the meta, so now you're getting fucked in the ass by all of the chargers and BTs, plus 2 business days reload
>go back to the meta again
Fun, can't wait in 2 weeks for them to fuck things up somehow
perfect, thanks anon
anon I don't really understand your problem
HMG can kill chargers handily, just gotta switch to the highest rpm, it'll pop their butts in a second
for BTs, you could bring EAT or commando
MG43 is more suited for bugs though, nice balance between power and dakka
I'm pretty sure they're programmed to miss on their first two shots/bursts and hit you on their third, it doesn't matter if you dance.
I like to play with the jetpack because it's fun. Here's my issue:
>pick jetpack for an easy get out of jail free card, plus it's FUN
>pick HMG because bored of the retarded meta, forced to pick stuns with it and pray the fuckers don't decide to ignore it
>pick commando because you have to take it for BTs or impalers
>now stuck with only one red stratagem to pick, which is pretty much going to be OPS in case BTs don't decide to ignore rockets
And that's going to be even worse tomorrow when you'll get the free napalm orbital removed. There should be 5 stratagems at all time.
That's why Arrowhead needs to nerf primaries, so you won't be able to take Spear.
>everyone using cookout
>not a soul using ANY of the flamethrowers now
day of the nerf comes for the cookout because "lol pick rate balancing"
Well you don't need to take the jump pack strat, you can just pick it up from a malfunctioning hellpod. They need to add HMG to the map loot.
I've been going
>OPS for chargers, BTs, impliers, nests/spore spewers, etc
>500kg in case there's more than one
>Railcannon in case there's more than 3 or the first ones don't work
>MMG for everything else
And I do my best to scavenge a spare backpack elsewhere, or bait the team into calling down resupplies so I can call down a second and eat two boxes for myself like the gluttonous resupply slut I am.
I've legit never seen a jetpack spawning on the map, and I'm already level 150. Same shit for the backpacks in general, I can recall seeing an autocannon backpack like twice, and this was when I was farming SC at diff 1
>napalm orbital has about a 50m killzone with the accuracy upgrade
>decent uptime too
why the fuck can't 380 be this accurate, gotta run 70m minimum just to make sure you don't get flattened
Not likely to see that shit above D4. Malfunctioning hellpod my ass. Highest I've seen it on is 7 a single time.
I'm pretty sure I saw one with a Supply Pack on D10 before.
I am not a big jump pack fan but I agree. Four slots are too constraining. I love my ac + orbital gatling + eagle napalm + gatling sentry loadout but it makes me a bit weak against chargers too. wish I could bring along 500kg or OPS without dropping any of my mass chaff clearer items.
game would be better if it was like metal gear and you start with the basic load out and pick up new equipment as you play and you can carry it over between missions of the same operation
decent, I've been running a similar loadout with AC in place of MMG and airstrike in place of 500kg
but anon said he doesn't want to play meta picks anymore, and with the arguable exception of railcannon everything you listed is top tier
But what about muh balance!?!?
We ought to be able to grind out a new Super Destroyer that has different stratagem slots.
Basic one has 4 omnislots.
New one has 2 omnislots, 3 colorslots. So you decide if you want to go extra greens, blues, or reds.
I mean, they're called "meta" picks because they're good at what they do. If you pick something that's not good then expect to struggle more. The Torcher isn't anywhere near as good as the Adjudicator, for instance.
Same experience here, I saw a backpack poi exactly once, a supply pack on a d3. They come fully stocked, which is neat, or at least it would be if they appeared on high diffs. You'd think higher difficulties would spawn more bonus shit instead of less.
Higher difficulties should spawn more backpacks and less weapons, since everyone brings a support weapon anyway. I don't need an arc thrower/AMR when my RR already works fine, but a supply pack would be a great find to restore my supplies. Or even just stash the supply boxes themselves in there so I can reload my RR.
>one reinforce pool for entire operation.
>complete evacuate personnel objective.
>it gives you extra reinforce.
>complete shrieker nests secondary.
>roving shriekers stop spawning for the rest of the operation.
>nuke hatchery.
>bug breaches have a longer time gap.
>load seaf.
>keep it for entire operation until it runs out of shells.
idk, I think it could've been made to feel like an actual operation.
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d10, we will see wich faction.
there's no reason they can't do a european extreme mode that works with this kind of stuff in mind to give the autists something to chew on

and completing it will yield great rewards
1k req, 3 super samples, 5 rares
You don't have to take the commando, bozo.
>and completing it will yield great rewards
Is it really so hard to make a bunch of cosmetics for beating superhard special missions or something? Would give the hardcore autists something to chew on without fucking over the entires game balance.
Gene samples for completing against Bugs, which unlocks new Super Boosters.
Component samples for completing against Bots, which unlocks new Weapon Attachments.
moron tell me when ur full
>durability needs to go away and be replaced with a vital area where there's a multiplier for hitting a weak spot
That's just going back to square one, but instead of people bitching about weapons having low durable damage they will bitch about them having a low weakspot multiplier. Unless you mean to suggest that this weakspot multiplier should never go below 1, in which case that means the HP numbers will have to be inflated. If the intent is a liberator with a 1x weakspot multiplier blows up a chargers ass in 30 shots and the autocannon can do it in 3, the ass on the charger will need to have 1800 HP, and then the autocannon with its 260 damage will need a weasksptot multiplier of at least 7x, but then what about the autocannon against something like a devastator chest that has lower durability in the current system?. Now an autocannon with its 7x weakspot multiplier means it's doing 1800 damage against devastators too.
>just make the weakspot multiplier depend on the part you're hitting then
That's what durable damage is!
That didn't help. I need concrete knowledge of when a lobby is full.
This was after I asked. I wanted to join the lobby and now I can't. Why is that?
Sorry, you were blocked so it says full when you try to join.
No, I'm not blocked by anyone. I don't really understand why I'm not able to join an open lobby with /vg/. It literally shows the lobby code.
Sorry, you're blocked.
I said I'm not blocked. I want to join the lobby.
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>anon blocked
and the discord shenanigans begin lmao

I'm not blocked.
I'm sorry!
So, no one can explain how I can join a lobby? This is three lobbies now that I am unable to join. I want to play the game with /vg/. My user is Raj220.
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good morning sirs
Good morning, what can you help with me joining the lobby?
you have to first redeem the key
>Well you don't need to take the jump pack strat, you can just pick it up from a malfunctioning hellpod.
This doesn't happen above d6.
I don't understand. Nobody helps.
Le crashed
Bros what happened
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Crashed, time to verify my files again -_-
>extremely fun game that lasts a long time, no reinforcements left and 20 seconds to extract
>clearly everyone got a good amount of kills
>summary screen expected to be rewarding and cathartic after fighting probably the most intense amount of clankers ever
>fucking crash out
It's the second time a crash like this happens exactly when an Airstrike hits and I'm mounting/dismounting an HMG emplacement
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D10, retry, files verified.
i will snipe a spot
I am still unable to join. Someone explain to me please.
the only nerf I could see to the hulks is making the heat sink damage box match the size of the heatsink
No no, see, if you do 10 damage normally but 20 against a vital spot, that makes retards much happier than if you did 20 damage normally but only 10 damage against a durable spot.
Can I still get Hailey or is it too late?
the only one that needs a buff is the vanilla and penetrator "AR"
that's that thing about space marine, is it is basically gears of war with a 40k skin, not that it's a problem per se
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which gacha gen are you from buddy
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it's too late
>When was the last time you actually used a rifle over a shotgun?
I prefer DCS/Tenderizer for bots and recently have been enjoying the high damage of tenderizer on bugs.
>machinegun over an AT launcher
If there are already 2 AT users on my team I can pretty safely switch to MMG for bugs and clear the medium chaff.
>grenade launcher over an autocannon
Grenade launcher with supply pack is meta for bugs, I'm pretty sure.
On a solo perspective, yeah you do have a pretty good point in that most of these dont hold up. In a team perspective the horizon expands and a lot more stuff becomes viable when you can plan out who takes what.
can only imagine what super earth wrestling is like with everyone juiced on stims
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You are so* blocked
as an outside observer to the whole SM2 scene the game just looks so dull.
Its slow, the weapons look unsatisfying to use, everything thats a threat looks like an HP pool (like in Destiny).
Compare and contrast them fighting the carnifex (however its spelled) and fighting a bile titan. Carfinex gets punched for several minutes and dies without really showing signs of combat. Bile titan has chunks blown off of it, bleeds, staggers, everything.
>>zero mention of mechs
they said that's next next update
>alright guys I'm not taking 500, we have enough AT, I'm barely using it
>the very next mission
>12 fucking behemoths and 4 bile titans at the same time
i'd unironically slit my wrists for a fucking seed detector upgrade or something
>unusual presence of heavy units
>bile spewers detected
>nursing spewers detected
>unusual presence of light units
it's so annoying to set up a chaff/fire loadout then drop into spewer central, or to have an AT loadout and drop into a hunter seed where you see maybe 4 BTs across the entire D10 map.
Two more weeks after two more weeks?
watching some footage of a carnifex fight as we speak actually. blood just squirts out of the 3d model with 0 sources, barely any damage showing like you mentioned.
idk, even nu-doom and doom eternal had the enemies show damage so you knew where you were at with them as you switch between enemies coming at you
4 ops on 4 bile titans, ass kill all chargers, next scenario.
teehee, wouldn't it be nice to get seed averages so you know what build around and not look like jackasses. Then they can retool the lame bad intel modifier to not tell you the seed
It'd be great too to try new builds. So I don't need to grab like a perfect hybrid loadout, or just go pure soup meta and throw heavy pen anti armor explosives.
That's 8 ops on 4 bts
I don't know why they do it that way, cuz if you knew what enemies you were up against you could change your loadout instead of taking the same generalist one every time.
You could tie it to the Radar Station where if you complete that then you'll know the seeds of the next maps in the operation.
Wanna make a compilation of how many times you threw an OPS and how many times the shot actually hit the head to ohko a titan?
wdym, it always kills the bt in one.
SM2 just sorta looks like 3rd person doom but I have to share resources (executions) with two other people. If MS weren't cowards they'd re-release Gears of War 3 on PC with coop and crossplay.
Not even the railgun guarantees an ohko.
Do you still get SC in missions? I'm playing for the first time in a few months and I haven't made a single SC in two operations
kinda funny that people have been hyping SM2 up as the HD2 killer and it's just kinda mid
I'm running a primarilly chaff clear loadout with EATS, and our AT main wanted to fuck around with airburst.
you mean railcannon? just burst the belly after railcannon and it always dies.
ops always kills if it hits.
lol yes dude
It's pure RNG, just take the time to explore the POIs.
The higher diff you go the fewer spawn. Oh also the new biomes remove POIs to make room for the trees
They should change Shrieker Nests to send their flocks out immediately if they get shot at from a distance.
Some more attention to combat feel would go a long way. I haven't seen a ton of gameplay but enough to say that melee attacks visually hit like wet noodles for some reason, and that's coming from a gary stu ultramarine captain at that. This wasn't a problem in SM1 so how could they fuck it up when they already got it right at one point?
The movement is also pretty shit and the magnetized melee with hitstop only emphasizes that instead of making it feel better and the previously mentioned wet noodle attacks compound this even further
i was really hyped for SM2 but not anymore. It's not like it does everything wrong but enough to chalk it up as overhyped, underdelievered dogshit which the roadmap proves
Stalkers should paralyze you, inflict a chest wound, and drag you back to their lair without killing you, where they have various traps and ambushes set up.
Your squad can either abandon you to slowly bleed out or try to rescue you, using a stim on you clears the paralysis.
they do
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shouldve went right towards big dick rock to make distance and get cover over the hill from the striders instead of running at them
Looks like you need shield pack or shield relay.
Yeah and they should implant you with an egg haha
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>not behind cover
>only one stun grenade is thrown when multiple opportunities are given
>multiple chances to use stratagems too

d10s, we go bots because i just did bugs
I was thinking they just do it to lure the rest of the squad into a trap, but I guess they could rape you the entire time too.
zigged when you should've zagged, many such cases!
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Do you guys actually like Commando/EAT-17?
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EATs are the best!
>he fell for the HMG emplacement meme
I actually like the eat a lot.
It's really nice having a low commit support weapon I can throw around without thinking.
Having rockets to blow up stuff from afar, on demand feels really satisfying.

That and stun grenading and throwing an eat under a charge is my favorite pass time. It's like getting a free precision strike that has no modifiers on call down time.
3/4, our poor 4th had incurable aids :(
>7 dropships
what the hell did you guys threaten them with?
should've played a better game
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Think the Detector Towers spawn that many
I use it as a "My teammates suck at planning their loadouts so I'm doing it for them" pick. Drop it in a contested area ahead of time, and watch as your teammates suddenly realize that there's an AT weapon they can use against that Charger that they never thought would show up. It just makes life easier all around.
The railgun is as strong as it's ever been. 2 shots to pop armor, 3 on behemoths.
the ps5 bile titan bug is never coming back
>stun charger
>it keeps choooorging
Stuns working on charger is a bug.
It's lame to have different stats for the same enemies. It means you're not really becoming an expert at killing them, because they might suddenly require a higher AP weapon like with Bile Spewers on higher difficulty.
>get blackscreen crash on automaton d8
>try and get back to match as quick as possible
>game set diff to d3 somehow
How in the cinnamon toast fuck
It's armor pen 7.
D8, D3, what's the difference?
connectivity is all fucked tonight on the bot front, ty sweden
I wouldn't consider that strong. You have to stand still for three seconds to charge a shot, that's a huge risk for something that overkills non-durable targets and still does only a bit more than 30 additional damage against durable targets. Philosophically, Safe Mode should be a "I want to kill or maim medium sized targets in one shot," while Unsafe Mode should be "I want to fuck up the big target, or at least attack it in a way that it actually feels it." But currently there's absolutely no reason to use Unsafe Mode except against a handful of enemies where it would take one shot instead of two, which is an extremely unfair trade for not only standing still while charging the shot but also risking destroying the weapon while also killing yourself if you don't have the Fortified perk.
Just give us more chargers instead of behemoths. I miss one tapping them with rockets to the face.
Reduce the difficulty to D7 :^)
I can think of a few reasons to use unsafe. You get a much higher damage boost on your durable damage, which is a big deal for a lot of enemies.
no difference
I play solo 7 for this exact reason, but I have to take weaker strategems and weapons to compensate. Can't play on it with friends though, because 10 is way too easy for us.
From 60 durable damage to 90 for a single projectile that takes a couple seconds to charge (again, risking yourself by slowing to walking speed and killing yourself while also destroying the weapon if you fuck up the charge), and where you only have twenty of that projectile, is not what I would call "much higher" when even the HMG deals 50 durable damage per bullet on a rapid-fire weapon.

The current problem is that for the vast majority of enemies, any body part with 5 armor or higher has durability out the ass, so using the Railgun against them is completely pointless. Anything with 4 armor or less, you may as well use any of the other more efficient stratagems like Autocannon, Laser Cannon, AMR, etc.

I want the Railgun to be fun to use and Unsafe Mode worth using, but sadly neither of those are the case right now.
Automaton D10 is about as difficult as Terminids D4.
Non-bait comment bots would be almost as easy as bugs if it weren't for jammers and detectors. Bugs need more structures like that
Bait comment, don't @ me you don't deserve your (You)
Game is gonna be so easy after the next update everyone will stop playing from boredom.
If they got blown up with AT, and took spots away from stalker nests?
Yeah I'd be down for that.
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>everyone comes back
>plays around with the better weaposn for a little bit
>everyone leaves after a few days because it's the exact some content and only diehards stick with co-op shooters for 300+ hours
I am honest to god afraid of this, but I will say the greatest longevity this game has is loadout variety. Being able to take different builds and test them out is the one thing keeping me coming back to this game.
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perfect fucking timing
It's been a pretty good beer and pretzels kinda game with my friends.
Real mindless kinda fun where you just go in, laugh and scream about shit.

Honestly they should lean into that more.
They're releasing the Illuminate soon and the throwing knife is going to be good against them.
Bugs rocket defense is the most boring shit. You just spawn camp with tesla towers, HMG emplacements, OPS and 500kg and the game pretty much plays itself.
you could not do that and have fun
ded gaem ded thred starting 2/4
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ah yes, "fun" fighting 200 total enemy spawns
I'm going to have to up my normal difficulty cause the fucking mouthbreathers are starting to infest difficulty 7
Let them call their own breaches
They need to have Shrieker swarms fly in from behind you, and Stalkers infiltrating through the air ducts.
In retrospect picking this piece of shit over the anti tank mines is the worst mistake the community ever made
So does this thing kill gunships?
in my experience the only reliable thing it kills is team mates
I don't know and I don't want to know. That's just asking for all the shrapnel to land on your head
Pretty sure this thing is still better than AT Mines.
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>he didn't burst after the reset
practically asking for it
better at friendly fire sure, I can at least get some use out of at mines on the evac mission, the airburst is fucking worst than useless and actively detrimental on every mission
the AT mines are just ass, least the ABL is funny and in rare cases does its job as chaff clear.*
>*seems to work better in swamp/jungle shit holes where the trees can keep some of the pucks from flying back at you
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nah, the airburst is fine
game crashed right at the end, gg boyz
Worst part was I couldn't get my samples or autocannon backpack since they popped off right on the tower.
any lobbies with a spot? everything posted recently seems full
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>picking this piece of shit
Saying we "picked it" is laughable
There where two paths in that MO
1) An easy straight forward path through Lesath (a Cold Moon Biome), leading into Penta (just a Foggy world) for a "SUPER COOL ROCKET LAUNCHER! IT SAYS AIR-BURST AND WE ARE FIOGHTING AIR UNITS? LETS GO!"
Compared too:
2) Ball Crushing path through Menkent (a Hot, Fire Tornadeo planet before the patch that made them stop deliberately targeting you) into Choohe (another hot planet this time with sandstorms) for... more land mines.... i mean okay, maybe.... but a new rocket launcher tho? hmmmm.....
Also fun fact Matar Bay was also highlighted with the little MO icon as a path to Choohe FURTHER fucking any chance the Mines happened first as this was pre supply lines too.
The Menkent -> Choohe path was also through Different Sectors further entrenching the easy path of Lesath -> Penta

If you want to argue it on a Out of Game Meta Level it was the right moral decision to make as it resulted in Piles donating $4000 to a RL Childrens Hospital
i swear to god im getting worse at this game every day
I've seen it wreck absolute ass in Destroy Eggs missions, one shot obliterates like 80-100% of all eggs if aimed properly.
Is it just me or are hunters and basic bots doing WAY more damage lately? A hunter took my health down by half in one hit, and other times are boxing me like Mike Tyson. The fucking bots too zero in and light me up like a firing squad, but two shots and I'm done.

I was using medium armor
It does not
it's like AH watched Starship Troopers and decided the epitome of fun would be the complete, polar opposite of the Whiskey Outpost scene
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this railgun,,, must be nerfed,,, someone call Alexus,,,,
It takes great skill to use this properly, but when you do use it properly you can delete bug patrols very nicely. It's main utility is taking out patrols and objectives before they even have a chance to call in a bug breach. Played well you can easily score highest number of kills too.
Headshots. Sub 150 AR gets doubled damage iirc. Kill hunters mid-jump or they'll take a good chunk of your health then poison combo you to death
sweden hates me
nerf this man
eternal reminder that barrages are funny
The napalm barrage is absolute kino.
>5 rapid fire shells
>incredible sound design
>excellent area of effect barrage
Its too bad we didn't finish the MO since bugdivers are scared of the scary metal enemies.
Thing is great. See a lot of people saying it’s bad for bots, don’t get why. Was using it on an 8 playing duo and it was doing a lot more than the 120mm for me
nglfam, proud of this extract. Video unrelated but makes me laugh every time. Died in barbed wire and he left out of embarassment.

Catbox because no matter what I do I can't get the size down, please understand.

Man I just had a (great) match with not one, not two, not three, but at least FOUR gunship factories, two RIGHT next to each other, one having two and the other one.

The last one we only saw gunships coming from its direction but it was beyond extraction and we weren't about to fuck with that.
The only reason airburst is on ice is because it does not eliminate gunships, the one thing it should do easily.
why this gen lobbies full of trannies?
can't even blame the bug divers for that one, we took over the territory with plenty of time, AH is always completely fucking unrealistic when it comes to kill x hundred million bots objectives
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ten whatever
only downside is it doesn't do shit to structures, threw one on a scanner tower and nothing
Probably associating the barrage as napalm = bad for bots.
In reality its a pretty incredible area denial tool based purely on the volume of shells. With 5 in each volley and a similar volley length to the other barrages, you're getting something like 160% of the actual shells fired compared to a standard HE barrage
Tomorrow is the 1 month anniversary of Escalation of Freedom! Say something nice about it.
Yeah that’s not ideal but that’s what I have walking for and failing that my buddy brings OPS.
Shit is absolutely amazing for anything smaller than a hulk. Only real downside in my opinion is the area denial being a double edged sword.
napalm is AP5, 120 and up are AP7
Napalm barrage is 250/250 instead of 300/300 (120mm), radius is the same, explosion is far weaker at 350/350 vs 750/750 on the 120.
For killing ground units it is probably better.
For bot bases take 120, for bug holes napalm will be better.
I hate troons so much bro
unable to join. man, i wanted to suck ass in a d10 for once
we're still 3/4 youve been sweden'd
>im getting worse at this game every day
oh good it's not just me
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rocket chickens were a silly addition
You look at shit like this and then tell me the bots AREN'T going "And then I juggled him with rocketfire over and over again! You should have seen his ass dance!" while laughing their asses off.
>kills everything that would spawn dropships
also that flock of gunships coming in from the south west is ominous as fuck. Could play the ME3 Reaper noise over that.
what could have been if not for swiggers and the useless proxy fuse they added
Imagine if rocket devs shot accurate single rockets one after the other instead of doing barrages
>Look at this Jimmy, the berserkers have our diver up against the bars of this cage match
>but he manages to slip by the side!
>I don’t believe it! There’s infighting in the bot side as a hulk gets smashed in his face by a teammate!
>you know Mark it certainly isn’t very sportsmanlike but infighting certainly makes for some good drama
>speaking of which it looks like they’ve ragdolled the diver into the ground now
>I can’t bear to watch Jimmy, that guy is in a blender right now with all those chainsaws smacking him around
>Not so fast Mark! The diver gets back up and keeps going thanks to that supply drop sequestered away earlier in the match
>he’s going, going, going! He made it!
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filled (with pub)
>Who's got walking up
Well, it certainly wasn't poor E2
going to need the super destroyer to drop a pod with a change of pants after that
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Tough luck. The first time I used the shield it tanked a cannon shot and saved my ass. It broke afterward but man that thing came in handy.
except that one scavenger you now can't even see because it was in the perfect position to not get hit by anything
sorry about your aids
>hold m1 to fire
>let go of m1 to release payload at any time during flight or hold m1 to allow it to hit an enemy to ensure partial single target damage in exchange for area damage, or simply hit the ground/rock/wall
but no give us this proximity based piece of shit instead
Shield Relay always seems useless. Bugs can walk through it, and in situations where you need it against bots (e.g. when there are a bunch of them shooting from multiple directions) it barely blocks incoming fire for three or four seconds before collapsing, barely enough time to catch your breath. What use case does it have outside of protecting a Hellbomb when blowing up a Gunship Facility?
It's great for the HMG emplacement. Drop it first, then the HMGE next to it, and have some breathing room clearing heavies and gunships. It has a faster CD too, so it'll be ready for the next HMGE
Fire twice to be sure. Never had issues with it. You can shoot this from 100+ meters away, it won't spawn a breach and anything left alive will start come out of hiding where they are easy to pick off.
berserkers being recycled devastators is cool
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>killed by [my name]
game really rubs it in
so is he just an aqua teen character and everything he touches/throws explodes
He's Gambit if he left the X-Men and joined the Helldivers (Club)
>scavenger calls in a bot ship
>Everyone starts screaming because they brought anti bug gear

fucking airburst dude.
>helldiver with thick creole accent
gonna teach us 100 different ways to cook bugs out on Gacrux
>local AMR user demonstrates why i continue using the AC
the hulk cannot fire if you SV it out of its attacks
did not know this, very neat
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yes, the berserker body is the devastator body but it's a damaged chassis with exposed wires and crudely welded on patches

so basically a devastator gets killed and instead of scrapping it or trying to fully repair it, they just make it operational enough, slap some chainsaws on the arms and say get back out there
gotta hand it to them, the automaton designs are pretty good
>I want more weapons to be viable
>I want more weapons to be usable, even
>monkey paw curls
>all weapons become viable, because
>all enemies become dogshit
D10 lobbies now will be the last challenge this game has for the foreseeable months. Whether that's good or bad is to be decided.
D10 is only a challenge on bots when patrols start spawning infinitely.
you act like 10 is even challenging anymore.
I genuinely feel like I need to self moderate what I bring because the game just gets boring.
Brutal. I can hear the bones crunching.
D10 isn't hard. It's frustrating, but not actually skill demanding.
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3/4 bugs on angel's venture
You got filtered.
the art direction is sovl, too bad the artists were so busy telling coal miners to learn to code that they forgot to do it themselves
They were both trash in the end, so it really didn't matter.
total spore charger death
the "plop gas/gatling/120/napalm/orbnapalm on a bug breach and forget about it" strat is really trivializing bugs
Solution is simple: spread out the breach more so that it can't be carpeted by red strats as easily.
Helldivers, we hear you! Strats are too powerful against dropships and bug breaches! Going forward, we're removing all red strats from the game. To avoid them also becoming a problem, we're removing green strats as well. Lastly, blue strats need to go! Players being able to kill hordes of bugs during an ion storm? Too much!

In order to preserve the identity of our game, every map will now have three SEAF artillery secondary objectives. To prevent them from becoming a problem going forward, the only shell that will be available at them will play a reverb fart sound effect every time it lands, do no damage, and cause a massive fog effect that does not impair enemy vision.

Happy Helldiving!
Go back.
nah, i will continue shitposting until the swede shows a marked improvement
I'll bite, at least this can occasionally be useful, AT mines are always dogshit.
And of fucking course the Blob would head to Pandion with its not-visible-in-game 3% decay rate...
D10 is only a challenge on bugs during a sandstorm. Bots are a joke.
I'm redownloading the game after leaving a month after launch. What did I miss?
We now have a rifle that fires mini-nukes, it's pretty awesome
It's designed for d15 but people like to bring it to d6 for fun and shoot each other
>What did I miss?
the game being fun
Does "d#" indicate level of difficulty?
I felt it at the start. Allies being liabilities. Playing in pubs was a nuisance until I got my gear and ran off to complete objectives. Running around for 40 minutes only to be kicked by some faggy dickwad for no reason. I mainlined the semiauto fire shotgun. I sure hope they didn't nerf that
every shotgun except the breaker spray and pray, punisher, and cookout have been nerfed
They nerfed the player count by 95%
The breaker is still good
Is there a semiauto shotgun? There's full auto and there's pump action.
They barely nerfed anything and a lot of things got buffed. Playerbase is just full of schizos.
Well, I'm glad I "mained" that weapon. Though there was another with medium armour penetration similar to the boltgun. Explosive rounds were pretty cool. I presume that was caught in the Nerfwave.

I'm just catching up to the general sentiment with the game. The general vibe seems abysmal with Sony to blame for it. I am also hearing about this fanmade faction "Chaosdivers" as well. What's that all about?
I don't remember the options for fire rate, I just remember it was a shotgun that fired incendiary pellets and was red in colouration. "Breaker" rings a bell, but I'm returning after a good few months
The dominator is one of the best primaries in the game and slugger got rebuffed.
lol that was the one most recently on the chopping block with their anti-fun philosophy
they reduced the magazines from 6-4, the official explanation is the gun was "too reliable"
You must mean the orange one. It's hella op after being buffed in April to do considerably more damage, wipes everything out without aiming. They gave it +33% pellet damage and +50% fire damage.
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Why is "too reliable" a valid explanation? I loved not having to hog the ammo drops all the time, setting bugs on fire way away from other players. I dress light and speed around as quick as possible. Guess I'm having to hog it more often
*the slugger got buffed to only be slightly worse than it was at launch, instead of considerably worse
gheyosdivers are retards from reddit who think the best way to express dissatisfaction with arrowhead is making the gameplay experience for everyone worse by tking people at random.
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Less extra ammo but more damage per shot, so overall massively buffed.
"To protest against the devs, we're going play just as much and add to the problem".

You know, that's amusing. Could get behind that since TKing at random was happening just as often at launch.
they should revert all the changes to incel breaker, make all the scrubs quit.
Thanks anon. I'll decide for myself whether its an overall improvement but based on information provided, it sounds meh
Stalwart should be the default for every AR primary. If you can't do what stalwart does you need a buff.

If I see like 20 fucking hunters I should go. Aw fuck yeah I can't wait to shoot these stupid bugs with my guns.

Game shouldn't force the player retreat so often.
Hmm, you'd rather have two extra spare mags than the massive damage bonus?
Just use the Liberator, it's the same weapon as the Stalwart. You can easily kill 20 hunters with it before they get close.
Suck dick swede.

If I pull out a gun to shoot 20 fucking enemies that appear I should be able to take on the 20 enemies. If the game isn't balanced around that, then they shouldn't be spawning so much trash and expect me to rely on couldowns.

I'm sick of this gay fucking kite meta.
When I shoot bugs they should die. Stalwart feels FUN against lite enemies.
My ARs should feel the same.
In matters of taste, I think I'll have to play a mission to see what I would determine to be more practical because I remember what using the weapon pre-nerf feels like
Maybe bots are more your speed. You don't have to kite and it takes like 1-2 bullets to kill everything.
>It's the same gun
Except it has 200 more rounds and 50% more fire rate. Kicks like crazy but that doesnt matter when you're shooting and just toasting shit.

Just gimme like 100 rounds and like 800 rpm and we can call it good. Liberator reloads faster, got better handling, but if I need to just rip through a horde I can just hold down the trigger.
yes, alex
the damage is done by the DoT and there was nothing wrong with the gun to begin with
reducing the damage per shot is less egregious than taking ammo away
It was buffed, though. More dps, same ammo economy because more damage per bullet.
You have a team, you have stratagems, and yet you want your primary to have the same power as a fucking lmg. That would be broken as fuck.You are a shitter who lacks perspective. If you feel the game is throwing too many enemies for you to handle then lower the difficultly.

He can't aim or strategize.
>massive damage bonus
>50% damage per tick
>from 2 damage per tick to 3 damage per tick
wow such buff, very fire
Bots are pretty boring, you just use cover and make sure you got your back to a wall.

I wanna be shooting different types of enemies and swap my weapons and strategems all the time. Bugs give me that, but primaries just feel trash at clearing them.

Best fun I had was going commando armor with the Jar. Screaming I'm a big boy, and shooting everything that walked at me. Like one tapping everything felt fucking great.

I picked up a stalwart and I'm telling you man. Had the same kinda dumb giggly sensation when I was firing both of them.

They don't gotta feel so weak
Okay cuckdiver.

Enjoy your "strategy" by throwing more reds at your problems. I'm gonna keep using the meta guns that are balanced properly and have a good time.
If you want more firerate you can use the Liberator Carbine. I frequently hold down the trigger on it and sweep it across a patrol of hunters to kill them all. Since the reload is fast, you can do it again before anything gets close to you.
There's also the Redeemer which is the sidearm version of the Stalwart.
Not just the fire, the bullet damage went from 180 to 240.
>45 rounds
>20 hunters
in what universe? one where hunter limbs don't magnetically attract bullets preventing you from getting a body or head shot?
The only cuck here is the one crying about fucking hunters lmao.

>Enjoy your "strategy" by throwing more reds at your problems.

What the fuck do you think red strats are for you absolute retard?
Just reload it, it's really fast on the Liberator.
okay, you brought liberator and EAT/Commando to the bugdive!
whoops, it's a spewer seed! you're now useless, goodbye
Tried it. Fire rates nice but the mag just empties too fast. Felt like I was using a shotgun not a rifle. Don't get me wrong, fun to use but it needs a lot more juice.

I don't know what to tell you. I tried coping with primaries for a good while. tried making them work. But this game just doesn't compliment them at all. Way too much HP on enemies to actually expect to unload into them with your primary, and head shots don't reward you enough no matter how fast you aim.

Granted I can't say I can headshot a hunter reliably with a lib, and just tap a crowd of them like boom boom boom.

But it just doesn't feel worth it. Just ant good compared to all the better horde clearing options you got. It's mostly just some cuck gun to clear up what's left when your real horde clearing shit missed the job.
>just reload it

B-but what about my ttk anon?
Just use your grenade pistol and Impacts. Since you have EAT-17/Commando you don't really need stuns for Chargers.
>What the fuck do you think red strats are for you absolute retard?

Coping for a shit gun that can't get the job done.
Why do even got a primary, honestly just use the revolver to kill those scavengers.
Does a better job than your libtarderator.

Don't use the other pistols though. They suck too.
God grenade pistol is so fucking good.
Like I could just live off of a resupply pack, impacts and a grenade pistol.
Fucking fantastic.
If you want more juice, you can use the Sickle. I believe it has like 100 shots before overheating.
I think 5 bullets should be more than enough to kill a Hunter if you're just aiming for center of mass.
10 seconds to kill 20 hunters seems pretty high honestly. Better off just throwing gas.
Y'know what.
I was thinking about the sickle, saw it got nerfed but forgot what the fire rate felt like. 100 shots sounds pretty solid.
I'll give that a go tomorrow thanks.
But the gas would also take 10 seconds to call down and dot them to death.
You took the follow up shot instead of repositioning yourself after being repositioned by the game. As such, the game recognizes you as knowingly taking the disadvantageous position, therefore you killed yourself.
This knowledge was revealed to me in a dream.
True but you're not shooting them for 10 seconds. Think the call in times about 3 seconds and it takes 3 or so to kill them. 180/50 so 3 to 4 give or take. Also stuns them when it lands. For me that's about 1 second to tap the numbers in, then a second to throw.

you can use those 8 seconds for other callins, aiming other shots, hucking grenades and reloading.

Honestly probably why the scythe feels so bad. All that time focus firing and you could be doing a whole lot more.
From what I understand, that laser drone gard dog was nerfed AND it has ammunition instead of it being unlimited?
They tried to nerf it but it never worked, and they're trying to still nerf it.
But imma say never touch it, use the ballistic one. Specially if you run AP guns.

Things a beast on bots and bugs, and won't constantly deal damage to you when you get a hunter in your ass.

Your team will love it too.
Yeah, the stratagems are so you can nuke one flank while gunning everything down on the other.
I frequently play away from the team since I detest deliberate or accidental TKs. Is it still effective or would I be better off running the Laser variant?
Well the other downside is that it will hit YOU too. Still it's solid if you can manage that, I'd definitely say it peaks up above the bullet one if you're by yourself.
The constant uptime is actually really valuable, as the ballistic one feels better in small bursts.

However against bots the ballistic one seemed to hone in on headshotting every devastator. Never used laser on em, but it might be ok if it goes for the face as well.
I'll keep that in mind when returning to the game. Give both a go and see what happens. I had never considered using the ballistic one since I observed it being consistently weak vs armoured enemies
I like the ballistic one more out of aesthetic reasons, but the laser one performs better on bugs, while ballistic better on bots. In its current state it shoots forever and it doesn't matter when it decides to target the armored ones.
Ballistic drone on bugs will often blow its load on armor and have significant down time.
You can tell from the kill streak counter that doesn't stop going up during a breach.
If hunters need killing, your best option by far still is Breaker Incendiary. Just combine it with a decent support weapon so you have something to kill mediums with and can dedicate your primary entirely to chaff. I recommend the autocannon, but MG43 and GL are decent options too in case you want something without a backpack.
So do you think you'll actually take the Orbital Napalm Barrage?
yeah sure why not
On some builds, sure. Though I usually stick with my generalist build because I'd rather not get fucked over by retarded spawn seeds, and that build has no room for a flex like napalm barrage.
yes its kino as fuck
>thum thum thum thum thum
>1 second passes
Its not a bad stratagem so yes.
On bug defense/eradicate it can be really nice to have.
Outside those two missions it all depends on what the team is bringing, so if they got everything else covered then why not?
played my first game in weeks with it today vs bots, and I can see it being really good for actually getting ahead of a bug breach with all the prolonged fire.
Yes. It seems like a solid pick to take on bugs since it can turn an entire heavy nest into one big fire pit for a long amount of time
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a perfect swedish ending with a game crash
ggs and based pubby
that pub was with us for literally 5-6 hours and we didnt get aids till the very end
good shit
gummy pubby
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>ask for an anti-hunter primary to pair with GL a couple of threads ago
>one or two of the anons recommend the Blitzer
>decide to pick it up because I've literally never played with it
>one-shots a lot of the stuff (including Commander/Warrior heads) and has really good stagger
God damn this thing is fun, not only does it clears chaff super ez I can clown on stalkers like there's no tomorrow, I'm pretty sure I managed to one/two-shot a couple already lmao
The only downside is the range against flyers, but I can live with that
Thanks bros!
It was recently buffed with a pretty hefty fire-rate improvement.
You can pair it with heavy AT and if flyers are a concern taking the little MG sentry is decent on bugs as a throwaway turret every 2 minutes. Grabs decent aggro and can shred some of the little guys, will keep chargers off you for a second as they beeline it.
I love the litle turret. It's low cooldown makes it very expandable and versitile. You can use it normally to kill some chaf, use it as a decoy for chargers/titans to buy some time/distance or you can stick it to a charger for a cheecky droppod kill.
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>Joining onto two players
>Between them they have maybe 12 brain cells
>Go to leave on Pelican-1
>Get punched away by the Host
>Walk back
>Punched again
>Execute the Host
>Leave without the Samples

This kick protection is great as you no longer need to turn the other check when someone has a little power trip.
>20 minutes left
>call in pelican while the rest of the team is on the other side of the map
>figured they'd finish up their business and get to extraction eventually
>instead they drop everything and huff huff it back
>1 retard shoots me while in the shuttle (why is this still a thing?)
I guess no one trust anyone to have a functioning brain in this game.
if you don't outright say you're just preparing the shuttle to leave people will just assume you're gonna leave the moment it lands
I swear these greentext stories are ai, they seem fine but the details never make any sense.
>leave without the samples
Leave without the whole 8 common samples.
If they respond with something in the affirmative, you're dealing with a human. If there is no response or they argue back with unintelligible retard talk, there is no hope of communication and you need to treat them like an NPC.

Probably true.
Lobby? I'd create it myself but it doesn't work.
yeah the bug map with 15 greens, they said in the chat they wanted them so i left without them
how is this hard to understand nigga? it's called spite
doesn't work how
No one can join my lobby. SOS beacon doesn't work either. Yes I've made it all public.
verified the files?
Reinstalled from scratch, nothing works.
Social menu is completely broken too, it just spins forever on every menu.
bit of a tall order but have you tried changing your region in the steam settings?
As in the download region? No I haven't. It used to work fine before EoF.
>It used to work fine before EoF.
many a different things used to work just fine before the patch
shit's fucked m80
lobbies... doko...
4/4 dozo
robowari da...
boobies desu?
I've been getting noticeably shit pubs in the last few days wtf
Best we can do is leandiver ass.
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Make one.
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If you're feeling daring, try this for inspiration for your next scene.
Destroyer's closed due to AIDS
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Do you take requests? I think a diver leaping into the air like Goofy after getting buttstabbed by an impaler tentacle would be pretty funny.
Might work, i already got a handfull of ideas but il add it to the list.
6 million days status?
This liber tea isn't going to free itself.
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>scavengerflea nipping smoldiver
dead game
FOTM rises, FOTM falls
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D10 is piss easy with /hdg/ bros
Join my lobby (it won't work lol)
says I'm banned?
Honestly if they make enemies weaker and our guns stronger, just revert the enemy spawn rate bug and make that the default.
I want to kill thousands of bots/bugs per mission.
It's full, I'm blocked, banned, and now I have aids.
thanks virus delete computer
1/4 you can't join even if you want to.
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But for real, it just gives failed to join lobby error.
What is that thing down there anyway?
Yeah my lobby is cursed. No one can ever join my games even though it's all set to public.
crossplay on/off?
Oh it's just another NPC. What do they say?

Tried both, makes no diff.
Is your steam profile set to private?
It's all public.
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Bug 10
3/4, going in 2 mins
Chaosdivers are just a Gamergate 2.0 where most people who associate with it cry about weapons getting slight nerfs while also crying about other players, who use the chaosdivers name as an excuse to troll lobbies AKA something that's been going on since the game first came out.
I got the sc finder from a old thread, but it doesn't seem to work?
Dropped the files into /data but the glowing lines or whatever don't show up. even when i crack open a container with sc inside it, theres no marker
still 3/4, we are doing bot instead
Computer hard crashed. Files corrupted. RIP.
You only need three bullets to kill a Hunter with the Liberator, so you ought to use it on burst mode and kill 15 Hunters per mag.
You only need one bullet to head shot kill a Hunter with the Liberator, so you ought to use it in semi mode and kill 45 Hunters per mag.
You should be killing at least a thousand Hunters with your Liberator for the entirety of a 40 minutes mission
Even if you're kind of a bad shot, you should be able to kill around 100 Hunters with the Liberator before you need a resupply.
This makes me mald so hard.
If the liberator just had FIVE more damage it could two tap hunters.
How it is now is that when you shoot a hunter in the body with the liberator they only have like 10HP left.
Hunters hate this one simple trick. Helldivers are using the Liberator Carbine in FULL AUTO with 100% accuracy, and you are fucking STUPID.
*in the body twice
I'm malding and cant type.
Just melee them like CoD Zombies
With the Liberator Carbine, you can kill a Hunter in .2 seconds.
>recent reviews: 37% negative
doomerbros we can't stop winning
Balance was mostly fine this shit is dumb as fuuuuuuuck. I hate the nigger playerbase
I believe the higher difficulty Hunter has 175 health? So three bullets does 180 which kills it almost exactly with a little room for range dropoff damage.
You can kill infinite Hunters with the Sickle
caught destiny players. worse than aids
Not always, since the moment you fire the bullet out of your gun it already loses like 1 damage.
Not to mention damage drop off due to range.
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>Balance was mostly fine
>Not diving from higher positions than your target before every shot
and the bot drop ships exposing what they are dropping to the player and allowing them to take damage trivializes bot drops
they were coming to take the robot daughters out on a date
>failed to join: lobby is private
then WHY is it showing up in the first place?
SOS used to make private lobbies public, but they fucked that up with a patch months ago and can't be bothered to fix it
pee pee can goes WOOOOOSH
Well that's also stupid.
It's very easy to accidently the SOS-beacon.
It literally is mostly fine. Buffs to make more shit viable would be good of course, but on the enemies’ side it’s always felt fair if you’re not terribly bad. Only a couple things feel like genuine bullshit (impliers) or actually bugged (rocket tank).
Why would it be stupid? Most times you throw the SOS and forget the lobby is set to private. If you didn't want people to join you wouldn't throw an SOS
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figured it out, filenames were wrong
arrowhead release a new warbond i am bored
>Throw it at a breach
>75 kills
Fuck yes I am bringing the napalm barrage.
It functionally is a bug breach blocker, since it kills all the chaff capable of calling the breach over a wide area. That in itself is worth taking.
I am still unable to join a lobby. What happening to this game?
Based on the numbers from the data miners it deals the same damage as the Dagger pistol, but apparently sometimes it won't hit maximum heat and return to the backpack to cool down.

The bullet variant has the exact same statistics as the Liberator that the player uses, but with 30 round mags and 8 reserve. So three times the damage output but you need to scrounge for ammo occasionally. Still better than it used to be though, which could only get ammo back from Resupply.
Better than that, I've seen a single calldown completely obliterate a ten-hole Bug Nest. Anything smaller than a Charger dies in the inferno, giving you peace and quiet to plug the holes at leisure.
haha wooow shiit like i mean
helldivers, am i right, guys?
duuude, that's crazy
>White Wolf
>The pattern used for this armor is the result of the Winter Camouflage Improvement Effort, which considered 136 entrants before determining the color white would best blend in with snow.
>It's not actually white but beige
You're right. I'd even go so far as to say the power creep is real and our tools are a good bit too strong for d10. But that only goes for half-decent players on half-decent builds. But a great deal of /hdg/ posters are special snowflaking every mission and trying to make the most irredeemable hipster builds work. They then get fucked for it and write le negative review. Makes me think Musk might just be right. Society should be geared towards the top 5% and the rest should get fucked.
even arctic wolves and polar bears can be beige/off-white
it's because of all the bug splatter in the snow, snow in this universe is just off-white on average
Then name it POLAR wolf not WHITE wolf as in WHITE being #FFFFFF
don't be a bigot nonny, this one is race-mixed white
I'm willing to bet the Illuminant appeared on the map because they were supposed to come out by now, and not because they flipped a switch on accident.
just don't be so autistic about it, ya freak
Polar bears being beige is just a side effect of their hairs being hollow to allow their skin underneath to absorb sunlight. They don't need camouflage at all
But the armor description implies it should actually be snow white
sometimes, if there's enough low-CD shit in my loadout and I have squadmates that can be depended on in case my whole loadout ends up on cooldown
I’m so tired
>If you didn't want people to join you wouldn't throw an SOS
It has a very similar input sequence to that of a reinforce.
Overriding your private settings because you accidently threw an SOS beacon that you can't turn off again is stupid.
Don't show SOS signals to the public if the game isn't set to public.
That simple.
Satisfactory is the exception that proves the rule that all swedish video games are bad.
I don't think I'm autistic enough for that game
It's actually pretty friendly to spaghetti chefs, much more than factorio.
We heard you the first time anon.
God, I love the Destiny fanbase's standards.
>if it isn't at least as good as the best armour/weapon/ability in the game (which is so good that its miles above the second best thing), then it is dogshit
Good morning I hate swedes.
So, what kind of an MO will we be getting for the weekenddivers?
>Swedes working on a Friday
man remember that big announcement they prepared for two weeks
what a nothing burger that turned out to be, im still mad
Yeah, changing 30 different guns and changing the pen on chargers and bile titans is nothing.

Good morning sir.
That's what 15 million people thought they were buying. The the sheer incompetence of Arrowhead reared its ugly head.
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>10 days left
>different guns
kek my nordic fren, thats not how this tangled mess is coded.
they touch one gun and alter the values on 4.
you also glazed over how they took two weeks preparing a statement containing just what the company owner already stated. What were these missing puzzle pieces they waited for before publishing it in the morning?
pretty much
What's disappointing is them going "don't worry guys, we got a big announcement in two weeks!", "I can't say more, can't spoil our big announcement in two weeks", "don't miss our big announcement in two weeks, it'll restore your faith in us for sure!"
And then it ends up being a recap of what they already told us.
Gotta ban doomers from this genny. Got btfo yesterday and now they're back on the usual cope.
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I was expecting a short non-exhaustive list of things fixed read something like:
>Hello gamers
>Having recovered a shocking 90% post vacation strength in record time we have achieved the following important points:
>Flammers now have global range
>Shirekers now use guns
>Fixed Scope Alignment issues
>Changed all Side Arms to have infinite ammo
>Added a Quickplay Button next to the Helldiver Freezer
>Added Sex to Hellmire
>This not the full list for the coming next few patches in our 60 pyramid scheme so stay tuned.

It just felt very "yes we are working on it, no you can wait for it"
Nice to here about the Test Servers, MemeJumpers is the first game i will ever take part in a Beta Environment for.
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>orbital napalm going away in 1 hour
sir this is the beta environment
Given that the intro video for it shows it be used against air and the fact that it's a fucking rocket, I agree. If it was an airburst grenade launcher I'd say it should be for its current use case: patrol clear. Though in that case why not just bring the fucking grenade launcher. It's a bad strat that needs to be reworked into anti-air. OHK gunships.
It's over sissy. She served us well.
the abrl is not so much a real airburst, its some weird shoulder fired MIRV with too high projectile weight.
Real airburst munitions detonate and release a shrapnel cloud dealing kinetic damage. Pretty much what anti air artillery (to this day) and early SAMs were
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It's been nice seeing the honestly positive vibes in matches lately, really goes to show what having 5 strats and enough BOOM to get the Dopamne flowing does to a community.

I've mulled over a few Resource Sinks for this game and one of the ones I liked the best was at 25000 REQ a pop the host can sponsor a Strat for the Operation. I think it would be pretty fire lol to have 2 Orbital Napalm's Barrages a Diver.
Surely they will release the Srat proper once it stops being free. They are not so fucking dense as for force a Tank Mine situation on us right?
It doesn't really make sense for Airburst to be anti-air except against Shriekers, and only because they cluster up to all be hit by the explosions.

What actually needs to happen is that we get a flak cannon support weapon. Functionally similar to the Autocannon, but instead of shooting exploding warheads that deal high impact damage and a bit of explosive damage in a small area it should explode into shrapnel on proximity near enemies for wide area splash damage, like WW2 radar fused AA shells. And give it a flat "If target is airborne enemy, take triple damage" modifier so that it's not only effective against Shriekers but also Gunships and Dropships and any future airborne enemies.
They have never cooked this long before. It's going to be the blackest scorched piece of carbonized spaghetti ever made
>two railcannons
holy... imagine...
I maintain that airburst would be significantly better if it functioned like AAA in the sense of when the proxy fuse is triggered the bomblets keep the momentum and spread out instead of instantly negate all momentum and just blast out randomly in every direction.
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> They are not so fucking dense as for force a Tank Mine situation on us right?
gonna be worse, watch
dude.... two RCs...? we might be able to kill 1-1.5 heavies every 3.5 minutes
When they make the 500kg free and you take your own you get 4 chargers of it, it's very cool and it will only get better if the rumours of the 500kg matching visuals next patch are true.
>Yfw it's not actually beta test servers but in-dev and you have to test unanimated untextured enemies with insta-crash attacks
Brothers, we have used all the polystyrene and the stratagem is gone. We are back to 4 worthless stratagem slots. See you in 2 months.
i think it'd be better if you could just straight up unlock a fifth strat slot. four feels too constraining. just restrict one solely to blues, maybe greens, and the game gets way more fun
Airburst works as AA the same way it works against Hulks, aim so it detonates behind. A trigger would be godlike though.
>Be d10 meta
>i NeEd mOrE
They should cap you at two. "Realism."
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the only meta railgun
>Nice to here about the Test Servers, MemeJumpers is the first game i will ever take part in a Beta Environment for.
>Thinks he'll get in
It'll only be for moderators, youtubers, streamers, and anyone else that'll dickride them hard enough.
500kg, airstrike, and OPS would've done more on a shorter cooldown
>he wants to do it for free
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Post mines.
I like to use those as well
holy skill issue
AH should nerf the autocannon, too strong at d10
But hdg told me the AC was shit and worse than even the GL
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The railcannon is a noob trap and you deserved to be kicked if you bring it above D5.
GL schizo is actually even more delusional than the RG/AMR/HMG equivalents. Up until he showed up I thought they were all the same guy.
nope, still the third best red stratagem, second only to OPS and EAS
>b-but muh barrages
noob traps
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Arrowheadbros... Darktide is getting a new weapon balance patch and it's about buffing all the underperforming weapons...

What the hell bros?

How is this possible? I thought Arrowhead told us the only way to balance is to just nerf the highest pick rate gun?
good kek
>3 and a half minute cooldown
>doesn't even one-shot heavies
It's fucking garbage
It can oneshot impalers and titans if it hits the right spot. Otherwise you only need to hit them literally once to ensure they die when RC hits. Cooldown is not super relevant if you have a decent support weapon (i.e. the autocannon) to rely on.
>just revert the enemy spawn rate bug and make that the default.
>I want to kill thousands of bots/bugs per mission.
I'm curious anon.. what do you think the spawn rate bug was? did you think it increased the patrol spawn rate for every lobby, even full 4 player lobbies?
I haven't played in two weeks and my friends are getting real deep on Deadlock so the patch os probably the last best chance to get any of us back into it
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>another 'defend planet' filler MO
>It can oneshot impalers and titans if it hits the right spot
Which you have no control over and almost never happens, ergo it does not one shot heavies. 3.5 minute cooldown to weaken a heavy is absolute dog shit. OPS or 500kg, hell maybe even 110mm rockets are a better pick every single time.
I luv you mg turret.
You're not great at anything, but you're always there when I need you.
But they're new planets though :^)
>almost never
wrong lol
>No fog modifier
>No other bullshit
So what's that catch?
>railcannon schizo
Speaking of impliers, I was looking at the health and weapon values to find which support would be a good choice for dealing with just those fuckers.
The grenade launcher looks like it would be effective on paper, but why the fuck do the grenades phase through the tentacle-mouth? This shit is bullshit.
they should hurry up and attack super earth,
not that AH will ever lket that happen, they'll just move the goalposts or make the strategic victories easier
they want the tards to actually fight the bots now
nothing schizo about liking a great stratagem that is only disliked by shitters that can't be productive without a red pokeball to throw every 23 seconds
Honestly not sure.
It kinda feels like overkill, gas is a more reliable wave clear. But napalm is just really fun to use.

Had a sick moment where I threw it in a heavy bug nest, and like 8 brood commanders crawled out of the fire on fire and started spawning warriors. It was just at the edge of it and the fire came down and wiped out half of them. Then I gunned down the rest.
It's actually possible to cut that one off with a Mastia gambit, since that only has a 1% decay rate and we have three days. But sadly, the Blob can't see the potential.
>bots enhanced strike force
What are we getting
The jetpack hulks?
You have to hit further up for some reason. It's the same with the MGs.
3.5 minute cooldown to MAYBE kill a heavy is and always will be trash. I'm sorry you can't accept that railcannon schizo.
nerf ALL red strategems, buff troll strategems like tesla
So try to hit as far up as possible on the yellow bits? It was less obvious with HMG and MMG, but I thought something was off as it was taking way more shots than I calculated.
It's an alright cooldown for the utility it provides. Red stratagems should only be fallback options, not the main strategy. And for that, 3 minutes are okay.
they should give the scorcher hulk a grable hook
>buff tesla to chain 100x, with friendlies prioritized
D10, whatever, Friday night drink and dive :)
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>lole trole thermite TKer host
I'll wait for the next one thanks
Feel like chargers should be pennable from the front with like any tier 3 armor pen, but if you start shooting it, it charges at you.
They should add Automaton versions of these fellas
Does anyone like the stupid noises the devastators make when "talking"?
le full
>good choice for dealing with just those fuckers.
Backpackless support
Steam integration has been fuxxed last few weeks for some.

> 1) de AIDS via verify
> 2) verify all access perms public
> 3) go to some fuckin planet, start an operation
> 4) come here, or get friend (you do have one, yes?) to join you for that Op on that planet. Make sure friend is de-AIDS'd. Friend MUST JOIN YOUR SESSION THROUGH GALAXY MAP
> 5) Finish Op. Both quit normally, reverify files.

Your social menu shit should work for now as far as join/invites from the in game social menu. Join links from the Steam Overlay not tested. Do this everytime you can't get people able to join your lobby.

t. Works on my machine
Don't bother shooting them and just chuck a 500kg or OPS in their face.
then you're limited to subpar choices but I suppose MG43 or HMG on the highest rpm setting would be the most productive
grenade launcher, 5 shots to the V where the tentacles meet coming off the face, same as the autocannon
LC rapes all spewers, chaff, brood commanders, and has a mid TTK on impliers
Not a meta pick unless you know it's a spewer seed, but it's better than MGslop which doesnt do much
nta but that's not only boring but also dooms you to be le fleeing redditor whenever you run into an impaler without having an OPS or 500kg ready to go
GL is great against impliers. Just a shame you have to spent the first 4 shots figuring out where its actual hitbox is. Don't believe your lying eyes when shooting at an implier.
captcha: XDXDs
I'd have dropped that piece of shit weapon then and there for the rest of time. more like coinflip launcher
Most success is found by hitting it on the side of its face. Though sometimes it's only one side that'll work.
they did right at the last seconds of the EoF trailer but decided to not add them in the game

also steam://joinlobby/553850/109775242913550823/76561198931226109
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right here. shoot these spots
I often need to kill like 5 in quick succession so I've been exploring options.
I am mad. This makes me mad.
is it better or worse that this is most likely a hitbox bug and not intended?
This is going to sound super stupid and it probably is, but I’ve been finding that using the MMG against impalers to be effective. As soon as I see an impaler’s face open up I enter into a game of chicken with it where I crouch and just lay into it at max fire rate. It takes about 60-70% of the mag, which towards the end feels like the margins of error are really, really close once the dirt from encroaching tentacles starts kicking up around your feet, but if you get on target quick enough, it’ll keel over before I get impaled. I’m usually using peak physique with the MMG, haven’t tried it with the other recoil reducing perk, but it means I can start spraying impaler face from beyond strat ball throw range too, and keep the barrel indicator reticle on target without it dancing into ricochet territory.
Other than that RR gives you the same time to kill an impaler as it used to on bile titans before bile titans started ignoring damage. Two shots to the face (make sure to animation cancel to lower TTK as well).
You've gotta be pissing me
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d10 sum
look at this webm >>493411474 and notice the only time he gets the red hit markers is when the grenade happens to land on that spot. this works for every weapon
had some dudes using this the other day and it saved us so much time being wasted because the fucking game spawned the rares on top of an inaccessible rock/mountain/plateau
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>chud armor status
>6 million more days
Who up detonating they democracy rn
Doesn't sound stupid at all. All the support machine guns should do the job with 1/3 to 1/2 a mag from what I checked, accounting for damage fall off and missing.
Just the hitbox is fuckered.
How many days are we into out of 60 bwos...?
sept 17 is patch sissy
Still planing (60 business days to form a plan, 120 to review it, 240 to enact it)
>Just the hitbox is fuckered.
Yeah, I can see that from all the GL clips. And I swear impalers have gotten more resistant to OPS explosions too. 500kg I think was always a little iffy in my opinion but lately I’ve been spiking OPS stratagem balls point blank right under impaler bellies and it doesn’t seem to kill them outright reliably.
But we were talking g support weapons, specifically the MMG. I can’t say I’ve been aiming for the sides of their tentacle mustache, I’ve been aiming for the eye cluster when using the MMG or RR and haven’t gotten any deflection hit markers when doing so.
>lean slightly into light armor clear on bugs
>hive guard and brood commander seed
>lean slightly into heavy chaff clear on bugs
>2 billion hunters seed
Bring the regular MG, it clears everything.
still have no idea why they haven't made seed discovery a thing, it literally encourages not just picking the same generalist build every game
you get punished most of the times you try and specify and there's like no purpose for it
1k fewer players than yesterday, is all I'm saying
Feels like we'd have people go super hard into a loadout if they saw "oh it's time for x".

but then we'd actually have fun with the hyper specialized guns.
It's not consistent.
There appears to be some kind of desync between the hitbox and what's visually happening.
nobody's ever bringing RG to bugs normally, but if you suddenly saw "bile spewer seed" then you might actually want to pull it out
it'd also give you a reason to swap into JAR on bugs, or to use cookout for a zerker seed, or to just have more fucking fun when you're playing instead of playing seed roulette
Middle of the work day is all I'm saying
And it burns burns burns, the ring of fire...
I love bile spewer seed
I think I will stop playing this game. It's just not fun.
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I got dc'd
sorry lads
breaker inc + autocannon
Do more nuke missions.
Bile spewers do feel like a pretty fun enemy, wish we had more slow bugs that were powerful and tanky.
its a global title, shit weather Friday night in europe right now
I think I'm just gonna keep restarting missions until I get a good seed.
this is a bug and will soon be patched, thank you
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>bile titans having a 50/50 chance of ignoring damage to their only weakspot is considered a low priority "maybe" bug fix for 7 months
I want to take rockets.
I want to take rockets so bad.
Take the GL pill. Bile Spewers cannot exist without your permission, and with Stun Grenades you can butt-kill Chargers pretty good too.
Not low priority, they have no clue how to fix it.
only two of those months are considered work months in sweden
can't find a single pug in this dogass discord game
I'm just gonna farm SCs on Menkent
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Do Swedes really just not work at all?
they do not.
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>Finally, a planet without fog everywhere!
>drop on it
>a layer of dense fog covers the ground up to about 3m
>also titty plants spew massive smoke clouds everywhere
>none of this affects the bots in any way
its called helldive for a reason
>Game has a single tileset that's simply overlaid with one of a couple different textures and colors
Truly hell. I've seen asset flips with more in house development.
Thanks for the tips, anons.
Game forcing first person for HMG and grenade pistol when spawning in makes me angry. Angry about swedes.
you know how Germans are often frowned upon for being arrogant and petty but get on your good side anyway through their stoic no-surrender attitude towards work
Swedes are Germans without said attitude
>Game forcing first person for HMG and grenade pistol when spawning in makes me angry. Angry about swedes.
disable in menu
its supposed to remember on a per weapon basis. the fact its lying is gay as fuck.
I'm trying to do builds that don't rely on solely a support weapon, and have more of a primary weapon dominance.
Is Vog-Sojoth a moon?
What's with those textures, are you playing on a Ti-84 of something?
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Yes. I set everything but particles, render distance, and lighting to lowest.
>be me
>drop into a d3 to hunt some goylem credits
>near illegal broadcast
>snipe a rocket trooper that's on site
>it dies in such a way that its jetpack takes off
>crashes into the broadcast, destroying it and clearing th objective
>I didn't record it
turn fog way up, it improves vision on shithole planets
yes and it's broken. the only way i've heard/seen to fix it is by disabling it in the menu entirely
Any lobbies?
Happens to every weapon for me. Makes me wonder if someone added a default view option but forgot to add a menu item
why he nigger
>Use a machinegun, I said.
Results, uh, not guaranteed. I try to stand a little further back than your clip though, to avoid that exact issue.
Also, as a related aside, do the tentacles have travel time depending on how far they have to burrow to hit a diver?
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>zerker seed
ggs bros
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GG's, rough planet.
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GG boyos
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Dead game
Dead general
I just tested the MMG out to compare, I got a kill with around 55-60 bullets as it was easier to keep it on the v spot compared to HMG. That was while a hunter was smacking my ass and I was glitching around on the terrain while standing.
>Do d10 bot tower defense mission
>Bots start dropping off hulks on the LZ instead of outside the base
>Bots drop off 3 factory striders at once
>Most of the team just brought mortars and I'm the only one who brought a support weapon, the Spear
>All doors are destroyed
>We literally don't have enough ammo to fill my damn Spear, which is firing constantly
>Barrager tank destroys one of the generators
Fucking hell
It could be bad enough playing that mission against bots when they started dropping factory striders and tanks overlooking the generator, but adding a very high power indirect fire unit that spams rockets pretty frequently sorta breaks the whole concept of that mission
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Go thumb it down.
Isn't that the CM that was causing a shitstorm at the start?
>actually using plebbit
>Most of the team just brought mortars and I'm the only one who brought a support weapon, the Spear
Well, your team deserved to lose anyways
can you please go back and stay there
Still won, but it was not easy.
no? the early major shit storms were discord moderators they appointed, their forklift operator, and some actual devs

I don't think either of the CMs has actually caused a panic
>unironic newfag
baskin robins had some twitter posts that you would expect from the crowd that actually hates video games
Sex in Hellmire would be the only good thing about such a patch.
baskinator was the troon CM that was probanning people with the PSN drama
4chan is a platform of anonymity and unbridled freedom of expression
reddit is baby mode internet, a thoroughly censored and controlled consent factory
if you like reddit you are a detriment here, plain and simple
>if you like reddit
I'm telling you to go raid the retards that hold the power in the subreddit.
How does this message get across in your rotten brain as me liking reddit?
Actually fucking 10 IQ troglodyte, jesus.
you are telling people to use reddit
you are definitely brown
go the fuck away already
Making a pre-mission prep shop where you can exchange resources for extra stat(s), perhaps make it host voted to prevent massive shitflinging.
Once host chooses a strat, everyone who wants teh strat can spend credits/samples to get the strat for the mission. Or abstain and don't but keep your res.
>unironic retarded tribal thinking
You will never fit it, you will always try too hard, you will always remain a newshit.
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Fuck off back to plebbit
>>493428673 is unironically correct, the swiggers actively punish you by making the fog harder to see through on lower settings.
ded general
I would bake a fresh hellbread but am subject to inexplicable rangeban faggotry
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>I'm telling you to raid reddit...

Fucking newfags. Not your Army.

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