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/aa2g/ - Artificial Academy 2 General #1329
Maid to Order Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.
(Discussion of Summer Vacation Scramble, or SVS, is welcome as well.)


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
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Patrick Star
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Sheldon Plankton
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Squidward Tentacles. Download these if you wish.
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Squilliam Fancyson
4chan strips card data so downloading them from here is impossible.
Oh. I'll zip them then.
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Am I the only one having trouble with the resolution? It's stuck at 1280x720 and changing it on the config file just reverts it back on launch
A custom resolution mod should be easy to do right?
that seems to be the max for windowed mode. try fullscreen
Nice anon, she seems cool
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I've got it at windowed 1600x900 without issue.
Oh, I got it to work, kind of
Editing the config file works, but only on "standard" resolutions, 1360x768 seems to work for example. But the textbox is always stuck displaying "1280x720".
Using 1920x1080 fills my whole screen so I guess that's good enough.
The resolution dropdown doesn't work for me, hasn't since launch.
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>she seems cool
(not my card, It was a jumpscare on the last outfit) https://sv-uploader.illgames.jp/characters?userId=746ccbc0-5d12-430c-b64a-9eb8b0196e24 top left

is what I meant to say, yeah.
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rip gingers
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recommendation: lollypop
have the link to that UI translation? All the ones I've found are dated/broken
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>me: "Haha, funny anon"
>my brain:
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>CN modding is just frida scripts
Weird to see they have both POV and request blocker mods, but done this way instead of traditional bepinex
I love them big, but fix that bikini, my dude. However small it might be, it should be supporting those tits better.
SVS big tits are so sad. Why did illusion/illgames fire their tit-men?
anon messed up the sliders
the bikini looks slapped on and it bothers me too much
I can't enjoy this
There is no solution to this. SVS tits are terrible.
There's no solution to that either.
Especially since each outfit can have its own body weighting as well. It ain't AA2 days where big tits seem to have no support at all; you can actually have bras and bikinis, or even just normal outfits, give the illusion (hah) of providing support.

You could even have the magical chest binders that make its wearer have size 0 breasts, but as soon as it's taken off, they hit 80-100 breast size. Or have clothing/bras give a push-up impression. Or maybe have a bra 'act' like a padded bra?
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I'm just waiting for the mods that fix the bras and bikinis. Many of them look stupid on anything larger than 50.
To be fair, my sliders are in japanese, so I may have messed them up a bit
You can make decent looking tits with a bit of effort, but there's nothing you can do about the hideously stretched textures.
Even to this day, the outfits and bras sticking to skin like they're just a body layer texture is still a problem for them. But at least any outfit mods for SVS, just as it was for KK, that fixes this sort of thing would also be great because they won't be fixed to specific full outfits.
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Finished 4 more characters. 31 more to go...

Depressed NEET Cat girl.
Possessive Caring girl.
Serious (but cool) Muscle girl.
Tsundere Gyaru Tanned girl.


Have a great day /aa2g/!
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nice job with the hair
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I am now claiming all of them as my wives.
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I finally had the time (and an idea) for a swimsuit day thing.

>Yumika wanted to ride on a banana boat
>there were no banana boats
>she found a weird banana suit in a storage closet.
Need more muscles. Though, the depressed neet is good.
Won't she drown?
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Replacing my global-metadata.dat file with the decrypted version to use the autotranslator causes my game to crash immediately. Am I doing something wrong?
Why did you do that? It didn't tell you to rename anything.
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>start fresh with the prepack from https://mega.nz/folder/1LwhQQYY#oRi3NCb-7mpl5gxKG3JkzQ/folder/sK4hAAgJ
>run the fix batch file
>install bonus dlc from mega
>install update patch from illgames.jp instead of just unpacking it, just in case
>unpack SVS1.0.1_Bepinex_AutoTrans_9-4-2024.zip from >>492686137
>plop dat file from >>492686137
>add 95% translation patch from >>493163823
It just works.
>>493302613 (me)
Correction, SVS1.0.1_Bepinex_AutoTrans_9-4-2024.zip is from >>493096041
Not renaming anything didn't do anything at all, but I figured it out now. The anon on /h/ just gave a shitty download.
Right, and the update patch is from https://www.illgames.jp/product/svs/download-add/ and click ダウンロード.
Glad to see it working.
What's wrong, bro?
This game has 3p right? I need to know for the soon to be future
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A third-party might interrupt and stop the sex scene. It might turn into a fight for sex.
*If everyone is good friends with each other, it might turn into a threesome.
Anons and jps say it has, and I have no reason to doubt the jps.
I'll need to collect some lean homo bocchis then
handholding and consensual sex in the missionary position for procreation
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>mfw these reminded me i made a very faithful crash bandicoot in kk
>mfw unfortunately he is lost to the sands of time
it's strange how her lack of nose-shadow always makes her look like she doesn't have one when facing straight on. Funny and charming.

>Four pixels. Four fucking pixels. I doubt the guy even knew what he saw.

>captcha: oh8no2
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You sick fuck
tot please update the outfit pack with the new bunny outfit I'm gonna go insane
/gig/ is being retarded again
Hah, good old stupid /gig/... what the fuck is a /gig/, bro?
what is /gig/
who cares about genshit? this is /aa2g/+svsg i guess
It matters because we were pushed to page 10 super fast by them and /hsrg/
No? Just bump and quietly report the retards, it's a simple solution.
Yes, reasons for events do matter. Context is one of the most important elements of knowledge.
Context means shit when the solution is "tell them to fuck off and jannies to do their job."
There we go, they fixed it
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Nice swimsuit posts!
>Q: Why is Kuro sex?
>a: Illya but better and dark-skinned
>b: voiced by same seiyuu as Tamamo-no-Mae
>c: Mana-demon, if you get what I mean it's semen, she's a semen demon
>d: Personification of mesugaki
I was following this, and what I didn't get was the purpose in using the dat file that seems outdated(?) compared to the one already included in the SVS1.0.1 BepInEx zip, and I just kept that one instead of replacing it, and combined with the 95% translation patch, it seemed to be completely fine.

I also just used 7zip and copied the update (and pre-order/bonus DLC) files manually since I saw someone claim they did it the usual/proper way and somehow turned up issues, so I just played it safe.

Despite the deviations I made, it seems to be fully functional, which is good either way cause I'm ready for whatever's next.
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nice busty kuro

and a swimsuit post
New patch is out. It's advised not to update until the metadata has been cracked.

Also some more info on upcoming content:
>Personality DLC is confirmed to be 6 female, 2 male personalities. They are:
>お嬢様 (Ojou-sama)
>やんちゃ (Mischievous)
>のんびり (Relaxed)
>オタク (Otaku)
>元気活発 (Energetic)
>無口 (Reserved)
>飄々 (Wanderer)
>無邪気 (Innocent)
>Digital Craft (HoneyCome's studio) will be updated with SVS support on the 25th. There will also be a lite version with just SVS content released some time later.
>More free DLC packs are planned as well as the ability to share save files on the official uploader
Anyone have a downloader for 1.01?
Oh wow, I knew for sure the far left one was a male, but I still wasn't sure about the one on the far right. Good to know, that's 4 male personalities total now.

That said, they better come up with more long term plans beyond just the studio, clothes and personalities, quickly.
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>no tsun
>>のんびり (Relaxed)
better be like Carefree or I'll have to blow up their office
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Hopefully I'm not too late for a Swimsuit Day post.
It depends if the game is doing well in sales. Koikatsu had a big support from them, probably the biggest dlc they ever did, all because the game was making numbers.
Wasn't like 90% of the Koikatsu player base pirates?
Yes, but the 10% of payers was enough to make ILLUSION move their ass.
doesn't matter if the 10% is more than all of AA2's sales
You're spending too much time on the internet if you think any game has more pirates than paying customers.
I don't know, but pirates don't matter, is not like any of them would buy a Illusion game after all. (And most of them aren't even japanese.)
this, the game isn't even being sold around here, the whole world could pirate it except japan and it wouldn't change a single thing if it still sold good enough in JP
The Japanese are a lot more reluctant to pirate which is what matters
(Also quite a few westerners bought the game on steam)
>probably the biggest dlc they ever did
huh, darkness dlc was very small and underwhelming
dunno what are you talking about
And clothes wise being added, both koikatsu games were same as others illusion games
Outside of numbers being rebalanced, game surprisinglt doesn't need a lot
Just more maps and jobs
More non meme clothes would be nice too, but can't hope for that
Not talking about darkness, i'm talking about the dating dlc. I think it was before the steam release, so that's might be what confused you. However, the darkness dlc also shows how much they supported Koikatsu, it was released way later than normal for Illusion, more than one year after release. (Something that Illusion never did before)
>picked up fight with girl and got beaten up
>lost all my love points with her on top of that
does anyone have a solution for the bepinex translation patch insta-crashing the game?
Harsh doko
For all people as retarded as me
The update exes don't autoupdate the game. It just adds new folders into the main game file from which you then manually drag and drop update yourself
I am retarded
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8 personalities in one pack? How much they are going to charge? Either way without having more map more personalities just make maps more crowded and interruption more often
Metadata has been cracked, it's now safe to update to 1.0.2
Pack with the latest version of BepInEx and translation
I imagine one of the devs is going to have his boss' grind his ears out.
Not even 24 hours.
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Does it include Auto Translate?
if it does it doesn't work for me
and it doesn't generate doorstop_xxxxx.log file
It does include auto translate, but it's not configured to use any backend, so you are expected to at least add a partial translation (a link should be itt), and you can additionally add a valid backend to the config file.
That was fast, nice.
I can just copy and overwrite everything right? No need to delete anything manually?
I didn't notice that the translation backend had been turned off when making the pack. On the plus side, this means enough of the game is translated at this point that it being off isn't immediately noticeable.
Replace the first three line of the BepInEx\config\AutoTranslatorConfig.ini with this:


or if you're especially lazy you can just download the fixed pack here:
>>オタク (Otaku)
Oh thank goodness, I can have a proper personality for this gloomy nerd girl
Should be ok to just copy and replace. I even made sure to delete the auto translate cache so that doesn't get overwritten with a blank one.
Can't you do all that easily through the alt+0 UI?
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made a succubus with the new 1.0.2 stuff if anyone just wants one to put into their roster. Or if they don't want to find all the new succubus accessories/clothes in the make.
where is the sexuality options in the character creator?
3p is in fact in. 1 fem and 2 futas with lots of sexing in a relationship triangle, one eventually tells me shes going to ask the other one to boing and if i want to join
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usually they make a coordinate for the new outfits
HC and this are surprisingly lacking it
Kinda sucks, because that would help a lot with work uniforms in this game
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The uploader's got some amusing stuff.
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The new preset coordinate is in the game and even come with hair syle saved
Does Bepinex has to be updated every time metadata changes?
But glad it takes way less time now
this just made the game not launch for me.
>6 female, 2 male
fuck the male personalities. they should have made a dlc with 8 female ones.
Anons I'm HOPING.
>New patch
does it do anything or just the new costume
more chads is always good thing
But 7 maps just not enough
i have never in all this time i played aa2 and now svs put a single male card in any of my classes. i agree svs needs more maps though and a difficulty slider while were at it.
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Is there a way to be publicly indecent and have characters react to it? I see other characters getting their rocks off, how isn't it a button for the player?
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the characters look good but at the same time it feels super samefacey, it will probably be fixed when more faces are introduced via mods but right now is my biggest nitpick
Glad they didn't listen to your esl agp yuritard opinion then.
little baby going to shit itself because someone dares to not play in a way the baby wants them to play? your pointless male personalities dont have actual voices so yuri and futa gods still won.
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>ILLGAMES hiring
>salary is 260,000 yen a month, or ~1,800 USD
>yearly is ~22,000 USD, rounded up
Is this normal
for americans that would be too fucking low, its borderline third worlder
I want her, give
nah in the third world it's much lower
FUCK Mega, goddamn
I can't even download the game in one go with these transfer limits. And I just accidentally left the page and have to start all over, once the cooldown wears off.
Is the game/preorder uploaded anywhere that isn't complete AIDS?
just wait for an updated repack, right now everything is a huge mess
from /h/

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What does this include? Preorder I assume, does it include the two post-release outfits as well?
does that include the pre order?
theres barely anything to repack jesus christ. no wonder these generals need to stay as tech support for you retards.
Now it does.
its the same file name as the mega. apply yourself a little.
that was fast damn
The post release outfits can be downloaded here

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How do you go on date after inviting girl?
Last time they hired devs it was 120k yen per month
I would say some of these modders should try getting hired by ILLGAMES, but only if the pay was better.
How are they living off these salaries?
Living costs are cheaper there
I was under the impression that the opposite was true for Japanese cities. At least, I assume this isn't being made with remote workers living in the countryside...
So if I was using the hardmodded translations for SVS and wanted to use the newer Bepin ones, I assume I'd want to put my clean original files back in? (Or just grab my UserData folder and put it in a new clean extracted version of the game.)
They list a work office location, and reimbursement for travel, so it's in the city
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How many BBQ needed to make her open her legs?
Option to confess and sex always at 0%
>Chastity: Very High

oh boy.. it's highest virtue all over again...
Oh, I made her highest virtue too(well, I remade all characters that to make game more interesting)
Just spam romance(erotic talk for some reason isn't ass effective) and then kiss after it opens, if she already has boyfriend/girlfriend, you'll need to go on the date first
Also sex 0% just means they don't want to have sex in open, love hotel still works
That's pretty nice for them to make those dlc available for svs, hop the rest of ours can get them too
>How do you go on date after inviting girl?
"Lets' bbq" on Sunday noon
Her traits also made her hard to sex
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nice background
>"Lets' bbq" on Sunday noon
And how do you go on date at sunday? Girl acts normally and there no new interactions
it should be the "lets'bbq together" group action
You're clearly not an AA2 player if you believe that. Installing SVS is literally "extract some files and it works."
>Also sex 0% just means they don't want to have sex in open, love hotel still works
Apparently my affection is not enough to bring her to love hotel
>She refuse to have anal sex
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Newfag here. I got the pregnancy ending and i felt genuinely sad that it's over and i can't see how it goes with my harsh gf. Please tell me that there's a mod that lets me continue the game and see my wife's pregnancy progression. Please god jesus lord almighty.
There is no mod that does what you envision. The pregnancy module wanted to, and got close, but making outfits in AA2 is hard.
there is a module for pregnancy but basically just disables the game over, thats it, there is like 2 or 3 pregnant outfits besides that lmao out of luck
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Got her to follow me to the love hotel after four days of dating and getting her horny from touches and watching others go at it. Never needed any BBQ.

Go to the riverside area (the one with the convenience store) on Sunday noon and the "Let's BBQ" group action will be available.

>She refuse to have anal sex
Warm her up first by making her cum from anal touch actions to make her more receptive.
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Were can i find it?
Very nice use of accessories
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i really like svs but i think ill need to hold out till they add more personalities. 6 is just way too few. did they say already when theyre adding the additional 6 new ones?
additional 8 ones>>493337257
Found the pregnancy module you were talking about.
i can still only see 6
that's okay, you might be gay
>dont care about the male personalities
>"you might be gay"
being this combative about male personalities is an indicator of latent homosexuality
Where is Tsun?
Where is harsh?!
Where is empress?!?

God fucking damnit, I need forceful bitches now!
so youre gay then?
impressive. where did you learn that? dumb nigger.
So where's the Harsh personality? Do people hate being insulted this much in their shit porn game?
oh great, another weirdo
shut the fuck up and go back
So, where does the Harsh archetype come from? Aside from Senjougahara from Monogatari I can't think of a single girl that fits into that category.
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The silhouettes don't match the previous preview image, could this mean anything?
last minute changes
Is there a version of JUST the unencrypted 1.0.2 with no bepinex, no autotranslator, since it seems like it's causing some issues and I'm not willing to break my game for a shitty MTL and unstable bepinex.
kaga from kancolle i think
Harsh is not a Kuudere. The closest thing you have is this:
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Isn't a Kuudere more like Rei Ayanami, Yotsugi and Yuki Nagato? I think when It comes to harsh, the line between Tsundere an Kuudere gets a little bit blurred.
I like this one:
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I don't know, harsh is not emotionless... I think harsh is just a type of tsundere that's not in the wiki.
Have these updates been posted anywhere yet?
Assistance requested.
fag tonight
Don't worry about it
Alright, thanks.
It's honestly surprising that a game like this has a personality that doesn't fit neatly into an archetype.
Is version 1.0.2 out yet? Where can I find it
Harsh is more about dokuzetsu
AA1 and AA2 personalities are often vaguely based on certain moi point so more like trait than archetype, but since kk everything is lot more generic
official site
Fucking hell, I hope they patch in the ability to disable interruptions soon (SVS), this shit becomes unplayable once you become slightly popular.
Updated to 1.0.2 and downloaded this. My game opens for 2 seconds and then closes, what do?
nvm I fixed it
Link keeps timing out, care to upload to a filehost that isn't trash
maids are the best
>Nice tits
did you just genderbend him lol
This is most probably the archetype closest to Harsh that I can find.

I stand corrected. Kuudere is much closer to Aloof and Manly than Harsh.
Since catbox is dead for the past hours and no one wants to upload the file to a non-shit website, it looks like it works on archive.org https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://files.catbox.moe/k62wtl.7z Anons.
Just like AA2!
Is bepinex memory leak issue still present in 1.0.2?
Except that in AA2, there's a cheat button where you can disable interruptions!

and the aau cooldown
That thing was not in there at first, so his point remains
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I meant the one in-game
without mods
that was patched in way later
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Me too. If I recall correctly all these options were added in later addons
fucking hell, fine
What's under the mask
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which face type did u use for this?
Harsh a shit
If I pull that off will she die?
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I maek SVS girl.
Take a guess which personality.
For you
I feel conflicted about this
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the "Uploader" in the back looks funny lol
I had that issue earlier. You can try just opening it and dragging the files out manually, that works sometimes. But the issue entirely went away after I realized my version of 7zip was from 2021 or thereabouts and installed the newest one.
I don't know
hope that helps
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The normal one?
Nuh uh
About what?
About everything in the girl you're showing
>anon uses sliders to modify SVS character
>AA2 veterans who still haven't tried it shit their pants
This gotta end sometime, come the fuck on
what are you talking about?
I mean it's the only default girl who shows her tongue. Has the smug but it's more of the playful kind of smug instead of the shitty brat one like Cheeky.
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Also made this one, the character creator is quite fun.
they rook the same
the eyes don't work for that one.
eyes too high
Maybe tone down the eye angle?
I really like tsurime eyes.
Oh also, while I'm at it...
This is MINIMUM HEIGHT. I wanted to make her look more... slightly older than loli but that's as far as you can go.
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Same, but those ain't tsurime
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You don't have to explain yourself, anon. We all get it.
That's a general shape, and yours are a bad version of it.
This is why I'm waiting for unlocked sliders before I start playing this for real
I don't know, I kinda like them. You can't quite get that piercing look without turning them at that angle.
Slider unlocker/abmx can't drop soon enough.
I didn't even want to make certified uooooh, just a small girl to go along with the little cute devil archetype.
anyone know where's the hongfire patch mentioned here >>493177368
Someone once requested a rule 63 version of him so I made her and decided to keep her as a relative
Much appreciated, based anon.
will there ever be a rule 63 version of Richiko tho?
instead of tsurime eyes those look like a tomodachi life mii's eyes when they are angry
Those Mii are kinda hot desu
Just seeing this, and for the record you're right, a LOT of even up-to-date vanilla AA2 functionality was delivered via patches. Even the gust of wind event and "Let's all have sex!" were once added via patch.

I've considered it
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How do you screenshot with text on screen in SVS? Does F9 still work like it did in AA2?
F11 I think
HAlp, how do I into 3P?
People should be more aware of this when complaining about missing features, considering AA2 also missed these features in the beginning.
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F11 but that will hide the UI if you are planning to show dialogue or something.
I use windows' snipping tool
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Oh the bad mood music is pretty kino.
cutest default
Devilish is top cute yes. First girl I made
but there's a close second
Shitty BRAT
Making fun of adults! Correction is needed!!
>high virtue
>sex on the first day
Oh come on now. Not highest, but still what the FUCK.
My brat-loving niggas.
Mind sharing the card?
Sure. I was unable to upload to catbox
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Personalities and cards for this feel?
Respectively Devilish for the custom one, and Cheeky default.
They are both brats but Devilish is cute teasing one, Cheeky is the correction required.
I am firmly of the belief that interruptions should not he allowed before the conversation has started or after it ends. The first thing of a conversation shouldn't be the interruption, before anyone can actually talk. And if the conversation is already over, only one click from going back to the world map, an interruption shouldn't be able to happen. There's nothing left to interrupt, the conversation is over.
I've seen both of these happen in the same period.
After it ends it's not relevant either way because you already got the points.
do you even know what an interruption is?
thanks fren
"Hey, what are you talking about?"
Fuck if I know, you (the interrupter, not you) were the first one to say anything.
oh alright

man I hate when they interrupt like that
I mean, the conversation basically doesn't even involve me at that point.
impossible challenge
Real fucking smooth
is she a yandere, are you dying or is she blind

or is she traumatized
because where the hell are her eye highlight
You can just not have eye highlights.
bit hard to see from that angle maybe
probably just my fault, i don't recall ever trying to make a card before
Yeah, interruptions shouldn't be the reaction of you talking with someone, it should be a reaction about what are you talking with the other person.
hum, I see, I see
nice girl though
>flashes you
>"mmm.... I suddenly feel embarassed"
Okay devilish.
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For me, it's A and C.
That's good swimsuit post.
It's never too late for posting swimsuits. I'm not sure if svs has swimsuit days.
Why is she upset?
>That's good swimsuit post.
thank you!
Anyway, apparently you can easily blackmail somebody if
>they have multiple partners
>you or anyone else used the bad rumor interaction
>you talk to the character and he gives you a special opening line, signaling that now it's possible to blackmail
My game is on 1.01 and it just werks
But i cant pray to the statue, and the areas names just show up on the first map
I assume its safe to update now that the translate has been updated yeah?
The 1.02 version is the svs update 0906?
BepInEx translator solved that, you are still using the hard mod version.
so SVS vs AA2
>better grafix
>more in-depth interactions
>more modern h system
>better character creator
>supports 3somes
>no male voices
>much smaller overall map
>less personalities (as of now)
>relationship pacing too fast

Missing anything? Only covering base game for both, of course
> More in-depth coercing
> Sluggish overworld movement
For vanilla, yeah that's a good summary.
idk if base AA2 had good AA though cause afaik SVS screenshots look crispy as fuck

also pro: easier to get to sex
con: every virtue besides highest is a slut.

I'm being delusional enough to hope we actually see some world-expanding DLC, assuming this can come even close to touching KK levels of attention. And you already said as of now for personalities, so no need to address that.

I also won't be shocked if they either tweak relationship pacing, or allow us to set it the way we prefer. And if neither of those, hopefully mods will have us covered on that.
How can i change that then?
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I can't quite get her looking the way I want to yet, but it's a start.
I like the bunny.
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I'm really enjoying the amount of options we have for the eyes
So there isn't a way in-game to take a screenshot including the dialogue?
I think there could be more options for the eyes though but theres plenty to work with
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My wife.
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Dear retardanon,
catbox is down. Go fuck yourself for being such an ass to the other anon.
Sincerely, Anon.
Just wait a bit Anon, i'm revising my cards. I will post them in a bit.
dear doubleretardanon
Regards, Anonymous
Did you actually wait half an hour to pull a technicality? Kinda sad, not gonna lie
Will her butt be bigger once her sliders get free?
Not really interested in your litter.
I was just passing by to give an alternative while people wait for catbox to get up
You're being rude for no reason to people who weren't talking to you
What happened to this place
What do you mean?
Doesn't litterbox terminate the file after a certain amount of time? That's not that useful.
Nothing is happening, anon.
Unless you mean "What has not happened to this place", and the answer is "weekend is starting in /vg/".
You can choose how long it stays there, up to three days. Should be enough until catbox gets fixed.
Does your question stem from not knowing that AA3 (SVS) came out?
>no button to automagically match accessory color to hair color
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck im mildly inconvenienced
I just used a color picker and then finish adjusting the color by eye.
now is SVS / AA2 so now there is more people the place is still pretty dead compared to how it should be with a new game
that's because the /h/ thread is doing a better job at being a general for this game
In what way do you mean? Genuine question.
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Really liking this character creator, still testing some stuff.
I'm too lazy to adjust the voice pitch so feel free to edit it https://litter.catbox.moe/0bxv8j.png I'll reupload the card later if it gets removed.
They have the resources linked in the OP and have a bit more updates on the current state of modding.
When, you mean.
Also, Plana!
There are barely any resources to list at the moment. Even theirs is just the main game and the first patch, not mod support or anything.
That's okay but they're already building the structure based while here it's just in a state of fotm. Just making a single repost with all the links and a FAQ would bring us on the same level or even ahead of them.
>structure based
*infrastructure based on what's out there,
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Where's her heterochromia?
that happened
Damn thanks for pointing it out anon, also catbox is back https://files.catbox.moe/3h3rwn.png
np, thanks for the card
It would be interesting if the exact properties of virtue levels got datamined.
And if datamined, then even if just as a hardmod for now(???), alter/adjust the levels.
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>no rape, pregnancy, drugs, gangbangs, physical violence, multiplayer
>tiny 7 room map
>flashbang whenever moving to different parts of map or transitioning time
>everyone's an easy whore
>3 literal nothing jobs
>dumb soulless red/blue climax bar that distracts attention away from the actual H scenes
>poorly implemented internal dialogue during H scenes
>encounter severe jaggies even with forced antialiasing increase with nvidia inspector
>can't free move camera to take a peek at panties or anything else during dialogue
>dialogue action success rate percentages already revealed ruining all the fun or surprise
Holy shit fucking shit game.
How long have you been waiting to post this, anon? Anyway, here's your (you).
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Deja Vu?
I've tried to make the cards I've made earlier. I liked some of them, and some not so much...
Anyway, here's the link: https://mega.nz/folder/FA4W3QhC#JT2hnl8H4ugio7HlVzgfNg

And for you, dumbass. https://files.catbox.moe/hedtd1.png

Probably, I think it's big already, but it certainly can go bigger than that.
they look as beautiful as their AA2 versions
thank you for the food, Anon
She might be also exploring SVS by now and will probably reside there marking the official deth of AA2.
why on earth would want a multiplayer porn game? are you seeking a virtual sexual encounter with a middle-aged indian male?
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Until proven otherwise, I don't believe it. Plus, she still has to release the new bunnygirl outfit publicly.
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is she questioning her life choices or why is she in space
>girl tries to force me in AA2
>gives a consent thing, even though she can kick my ass (low strength)
>say yes
>absolutely nothing changes about her standing with me the day after
She expected more.
maybe she expected you to say no and now she's realizing the consequences of her actions
or something
How to force H in SVS?
first talk about romantic stuff, then talk about lewd stuff, maybe grope and kiss her a couple times
do this until "sex" action reaches 100%
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Wait a minute, that's just consent
You catch them masturbating then you can blackmail them to make them your slave. Then you can force
That's such a stupid mechanic. Who thought this was a good idea?
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skill issue
Better than the AA2 system where everyone just magically has blackmail on certain cards
Being vulnerable to forced H should be mandatory for all cards.
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No mask? No mask!
Blackmail should be special item related
Would be neat if items could be assigned traits that actually defined something for them to do. I guess it'd be like modules but for items. Like marking something as Blackmail Material means if a character holds it besides the original owner, they can blackmail the original owner.
Do we have a decent uncensor mod yet?
You should compile that list of info so it can be included in the OP. OPs don’t write themselves!
No matter what, for some people, knowing there's another real person involved will always inherently do it for them, maybe even more than if there wasn't.
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>wings not properly aligned on back
Anybody? Where's this HF Patch mentioned in TekitoMOD's readme?
>If you have installed the HF patch, please overwrite this mod.In reverse order, it will not work properly.
Is there a way to check if someone downloaded my cards from illusion site?
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am i retarded or did they give us the option to change the colors of outlines of hairs but not the hair accesories that are pieces of hair?
where are her boobs
Doesn't seems to have accesories outline and shadow option
Is there any way to get blackmailed without having to get caught cheating.
well thats very weird, another question, is there a way to align 2 similar accesories on each side? for example each arm?
copy the accessory to another slot and then switch the parent to the opposite side is how i've been doing it
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I think svs SUCKS
you're not the only one
and get ready for the "you'll like it when it gets modded" replies.
I got blackmailed by someone on day 1 when someone saw me fucking a random girl without having dated anyone, so I don't think cheating is a requirement.
Bad rumors and people believing them it seems.

Indeed. You will need to use snipping tool or tools such as sharex
t. I smashed the whole keyboard
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I can't seem to get SVS working. Maybe someone can point out the flaw in my process.
>Download repack
>run registry fixer bat file
>download the Full Set update from https://www.illgames.jp/product/svs/download-add/ and run it
>download >>493349487 and drop it in
And that's it, right?
Baka! Baka! Baka!

Pure's confront dialogue
I feel really bad about wanting to read this line, do not bulli Pure
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Also god, the jealous trait is as annoying as it sounds. Interruptions aside, the character will ALWAYS be in a bad mood afterwards.
I made a chudjak
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You could have made a cute girl but chose this.
Post it
dont know what this bat file every is on about but from a fresh game file i applied the 1.0.2 update (https://www.illgames.jp/product/svs/download-add/) by using 7zip to extract and dump the files into the game folder

then the files from the 1.0.2 bepin + auto tranlation from https://f95zone.to/threads/summer-vacation-scrambled-illgames-samabake-sukuranburu.212368/post-14758716

and then some 95% translation file from a previous thread on top of all of that and so far seems to be working for me after running in jap locale
No way this is a genuine MTL translation
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>by using 7zip to extract
The update file isn't a .exe? That's what I get by downloading Full Set. I assumed the other one was for if you were upgrading from 1.01 and just needed the new files instead of all the update, so I didn't download it.
Self-extracting archive .exe. You can still extract normally with 7zip if it doesn't work for some reason.
Oh, I see. Thanks.
Are you supposed to just let it extract to the root? 'Cause that isn't updating my version, so I assume it's wrong.
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What's the status on tiny, small breasted characters? Not even looking for loli in particular, just want to know if characters like Taiga can be made.
See >>493426093
You can get small but not tiny at the moment
Nevermind, I see it extracts to a folder which you then need to update manually with (Why not just extract to the game folders with the first step...?)
The only mod I'm really hoping for is unrestricting clothing by gender, never quite got into HC because the guy outfits were so limited

Well, I'll be back in 6 months then.
I hate that we'll never actually get a game with true lolis from Illgames because they would need their own h-scene animations
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Uhhhhh what's this mean
That the compression method used for the file is unsupported?
Update your 7-zip or whatever.
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This is about the smallest I could go before they started to look weird.

Impossible in vanilla, not getting any better with unlocked sliders(you will get holes in the breasts)
Hard to say what is possible to do about this, my only guess is to fiddle with base model to decrease base breast(but it will probably brick character creation)
Thanks, that was it.
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wat dis
let me play
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>gust of wind event
>skirt lift
that we're never going to see again because no uniform(hah) set of clothes
Camera is position in a way where you couldn't see anything anyway.
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a little smaller

You should do something yourself for once instead of telling others. I don't plan to stick around with this game.
I compiled a short FAQ of 3 questions in one of the previous threads. You can go back and use it as a base.
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>Asano Ayaka by Cancer miss you

Rate Lively

>Brave - 4.8
>Kind - 8.2
>Yandere - 5
>Gyaru - 6.9 (nice?)
>Dignified - 7.8
>Wise - 8.4
>Ordinary - 7.3
>Joyful - 7.8
>Irritated - 9.1
>Quiet - 8.8
>Manly - 8.8
>Ditzy - 7.2
>Carefree - 8.6
>Trendy - 8.4
>Playful - 7.7
>Lazy - 8.9
>Humble - 7.1
>Creepy - 8.1
>AA1 Sweet - 3.4
>Wild - 6
>Cadet - 7.2
>Harsh - 9.2
>whether or not a illusion game is good or not depends on whether or not poserfags can make shit for patreon to make money off of
i hate these faggots.
SVS has no gender restricted areas, no hidden rooms and less locations in general.
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>Harsh got 9.2
I'm proud of you fuckers.
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You might want to research that image because you've completely missed the intended irony.
It's not a bad personality, it's just that it's kinda of a boring one, nothing cool going with it.
She is very lively
Thanks Anon <3
its kinda mid graphics aside
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Alright, two hours later and I'm giving up on this shit
I'll just wait for a repack of this game that'll make this not a PITA
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You can rat in this game?
I just clicked ok and it worked.
Superior game, with superior choices.
It's pretty obvious, but that's "eat"
Not for me, it just makes it try to reconnect.
Looked all over the f95 forum as well, seems like a bunch of people have this issue but nobody knows how to fix it. Who knows why some people have it and some don't
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Did you set TMZ to Japan and locale to jp?
Yep, no good.
Just to make sure, what do you see (or not see) in https://upcheck.illgames.jp/product/svs/game/check.php ?
Just a blank page. But that's the point, right?
Yup. I wanted to see if illgames was blocking ips, which would cause the problem.
Did you run it with the included Locale Remulator to see if it works?
I did just to test, but no, it didn't help. Although, it's worth saying that it's probably not even necessary because my computer is on the actual JP locale, so I shouldn't need to emulate it
I'm asking because we had to run LocRem during 1.0, even with JP Locale and Timezone.
Some people were saying in f95 that running a VPN let them get in, but I don't have one and I don't really plan to get one just for this, so I guess I'm waiting
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I'm enjoying SVS so far, but I'm a little let down by the limited location areas and especially the lack of variety in personalities.
I've never been much of a harshfag, but a lack of 'meaner' girls feels a little upsetting. At least it looks like we might be getting an equivalent of creepy in the upcoming DLC. Reserved seems promising, but it could mean anything.
I'm not even going to go into male personalities since 90% of you don't really care but yeah, that really sucks too.
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8.25/10, maybe? I think Lively is cute but somehow I also feel like she is an annoying kid that I don't want to get innovaled with
I agree.
The lack of locations is especially bad because with 24 characters it just feels overcrowded.
But I'm willing to overlook all that because I've been waiting 10 years for an AA2 sequel.
Same here. The simple fact that there's even an AA2 sequel/successor at all is genuinely stunning and something I never thought would happen, so even with my complaints i'm pretty happy.
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I'm just glad with have 3P. Illusion were kinda dicks for not including it in AA2 yet including that fade-to-black scene for conflict
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>give my husbando the perverted trait
>he does nothing but go around gooning all day in every area and on every seat he possibly can
I don't know what I expected.
Same energy as
>I got a single wish so I wished for my waifu to be real
>the bitch found a nice and rich guy who understood her and cared about her
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I'm not complaining per se. It's kind of hot
But I keep touching and groping him and kissing him and doing lewd conversations with him to get him to initiate something and he just goes back to gooning right in front of my character while looking her dead in the eyes and I think there's something cosmically funny about that
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Is your husbando this guy
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I was nonetheless inspired
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Can any anon share with me the AA2 animal ears, tails and horns override pack? Can't find it anywhere.
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Open [game folder]\BepInEx\Translation\en\Text\TalkMenu.txt
CTRL+F "食事しよう=Let's rat" and correct it yourself, it's very easy.
But then you're no longer able to rat.
You can't rat if you die out of starvation first.
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If you get enough rats they'll become self sustaining by outbreeding the death rate and subsisting on the fallen.
Speaking of text files, I don't see the death marks in Relationship Status.txt.
Don't tell me yanderes cannot kill here.
They make other characters disappear, mentioning killings is too much for H-game these days
Man, I miss the era when you could just release a game about rape in the wild.
I've been wondering about this too

They pissed me off with this, KK didn't do this shit, so why are they going backwards with HC and now SVS???
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>checking out character traits and all
>see Pure's strength rating
>rushes to hug you
>breaks your spine
When Studio drops I'm definitely going to make some funny gags with this one.
Strength affects map speed, doesn't it?
I think that's the reason.
Yeah map speed and exercise success rate I believe. Now the "fighting" uses Speech stat instead.
It should be on the 2chan reup mega, which is linked in the same doc as the card megas (in the bookmarks tab).
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Pure about to fucking murder you(accidentally)
Is there retaliation against murder attempts? Evil/yandere shouldn't always have their way
Lucky trait, both in AA2 and SVS.
And from what I could remember, you don't actually have to be lucky IRL, you are straight up unkillable and will always survive any attempt. The game will still be suspended with the red screen and you skip to the next day tho
Thank you!
He's a pervert but also a virgin scared to lose his virginity
Start blackmailing him into having sex with you only to just jerk him off
No, I mean they should be killed too.
I already know that.
I want her to call me a baka and throw up girly punches, except they will actually knock me down because of her HIGH STR
why isnt my AAU uncensor working?
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Turn on pic related
Kek. Studio can't come soon enough, I already like where this is going
Did you download it? In what circumstances is it not working? Which uncensor is it?
yeah, my launcher doesnt have that option
oops must've downloaded the WRONG VERSION.

check op >>493273817
goddamit im retarded.
retardation accepted. welcome to the other side.
nah i was just looking for it in the wrong tab
i had assumed it was a difference on versions since i had gotten the newest from the github
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>mfw tits and asses jiggle when overworld animations play
This alone makes it worth the upgrade
everytime i try to run svs it doesn't start and generates some doorstop file i don't know what to do with
enjoy your botnet
what does that even mean?
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Her nose and eyes are too high on her face, bro.
I thought it was a man before I opened it
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How do you convert HC cards to svs?
put cards in the convert folder located in the user data folder
put it into userdata/convert file
>still can't convert slider unlocked cards
>Show Feminine Penis: On

then what?
feminine penis...
launch the game
nvm figured it out
very deep
how does the AI interact with each other?
NTA, but it feels too soon to tell, especially with stuff still being figured out (like blackmailing, among other things.)

Another anon also said something about the manual having a lot of info on what can happen, so maybe that should be looked into being translated as well, if that isn't already something planned down the line.
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I wish I was smart enough to fix AA
Yer not alone buddy
>AI takes ages to do something.
A NPC talk to you and afterward will just stand there for like 5-8 seconds before deciding to something else.
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>Demon: Tell everyone about the basics of theory of mind shit. They'll love you for it.
>Akai Reina: >>493557473
This is good. It's five to eight seconds where they will not interrupt me or others. Look, man, I need every little second on my side, okay?
I'm telling you guys, give all of your characters the Blind trait. They'll bother you so much less.
Here's the problem: they bother me less, but that's one of two slots gone.
Sadly they'll still do that so you end up having to wait if you want to talk to lover because these fuck are just standing there in your face like they're waiting for stop you from talking.
Well, fuck. Interruption Simulator it is, until they remember they released appends for AA2 with toggles for that shit for a good reason.
It is said that dumb girls are suitable for getting pregnant.
oh that sounds cool. always like how in AA2 the AI would roam and make its own friends and stuff.
Is there a succinct guide for the stats in the maker yet or are we still just winging it?
You mean like character stats or the sliders?
Character stats. Like what does "Lifestyle" mean?
So, how's AA3?
Good, better than AA2 at release.
Needs more time for patches, DLCs and the modding scene to flourish.
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L-listen, I'm not the problem, okay?
I see TSNGK, I request card.
I'm pretty sure one or some combination of stats affects how much time you get in a day, based on my time between two minimum and maximum stat characters, but other than that I don't really know.
>Want to remake meme girl
>no hair types match

fucking foiled again
very carefully
Card? I need more robutts
What content mods are you hoping for SVS? Challenge mode: doesn't already exist in AA2
Working pregnancy
Proper modding support.
Expanded map, I believe is possible. If we can change the background I bet there's some insane autist that can expand the map.
aa1, aa2, and koikatsu personalities being ported with ai voice expansions. More job options.
The game is so realistic it's depicting ACTUAL male cluelessness in real-time.
It's a summer vacation game, so a mod that lets characters tan over time if they're outside and picks a tan pattern based on what they wear.
holy shit thats genius why didnt I think of that
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True genius is only found on the brink of profound mental retardation.
Rape, extendible and customizable maps, complete H mechanic and interaction overhaul, and multiplayer.
god yessss
What? How? Huh?? Please explain what you mean.
Setting the latent tan color to reddish so my gloomy pale waifu gets sunburn if she's out for too long
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Think of it as elden ring/dark souls invasion mechanic.
>romancing your're high virtue waifu for in-game weeks
>taken her to 47 barbecues
>finally about to seal the deal
>card is this >>493274436
>all the other characters start sucking on his squidward tennisballs
>waifu runs away in embarrassment
>tfw cockblocked again
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>level 99 rape master has joined the game
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>call phantom to protect you from invader
>gets raped
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Funny thing is I actually feel like this happening is above 0% chance of being possible, being made in Unity and all, you'd sooner see it happen here than most other games (aside from UE as well where such mods were done)
At the very least it's not happening until >>493589742
The game already has multiplayer, it's just PBEM type. You can share cards easily. You make the card, I fuck her, and so on. It's cooperative turn-based gameplay.
I want to turn Anon into my personal cocksleeve.
..does that include every Anon or which one
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Lively's cute. 8/10.
Lively's an essential in class, but I don't really like to fuck her. Solid 7.5/10
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Stop posting pictures of your characters without posting the cards. NIGGER.
Stop posting NIGGER of your cards without posting the pictures. Character!
Deleted the BepInEx folder and extracted it again.
Hmmm, doesn't work here. Game opens up and instantly closes.
Restart your pc? or make sure you delete the dotnet folder too.
Custom on-the-spot animations. Kinda like the poser we have currently but more like a "You make an animation, boom new H move" or something.
so... poser in the sex?
yes, but it supports animating?
The problem seems to be with the 1.0.2 update. It gives me an error when I try to run it, so I have to manually drag the contents to the game folder, but once it's installed the game stops working, even without the BepinEX or dotnet folders
I don't know??? I was just asking if that was literally what you wanted
unless you're NTA
>literal succubus barges in and rape anon's character front of his waifu
Is BepinEx and the translator fucked still for 1.0.2?
Proper kissing in animations
also horny breath effect
I have no problem with this : >>493352495
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is there no way to have the hair shine applied to hair accessories?
I would think it would depend on the accessory, no? Some are just hair, so those should have shine.

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