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Just Werks (mostly) Edition
Previous thread: >>492522495

>Commercial games for Linux

>Libre games, source ports

>Stuff for running Windows games
Wine (mostly used via Proton, Lutris, etc.): https://www.winehq.org/
Proton (comes with Steam): https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton
ProtonUp-Qt (installer for custom Proton builds): https://github.com/DavidoTek/ProtonUp-Qt
Bottles (Wine frontend): https://github.com/bottlesdevs/Bottles
Lutris (Wine frontend and game launcher): https://lutris.net/

>Other (non-Proton) compatibility tools for Steam
Steam Tinker Launch: https://github.com/sonic2kk/steamtinkerlaunch
Boxtron (for native DOSBox): https://github.com/dreamer/boxtron
Roberta (for native ScummVM): https://github.com/dreamer/roberta
Luxtorpeda (for other native engines): https://github.com/luxtorpeda-dev/luxtorpeda

>Unofficial launchers for platforms lacking proper Linux support
LGOGDownloader (GOG) (CLI only): https://github.com/Sude-/lgogdownloader
Minigalaxy (GOG): https://github.com/sharkwouter/minigalaxy
Legendary (EGS) (CLI only): https://github.com/derrod/legendary
Rare (EGS): https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare
Heroic (EGS, GOG, Amazon): https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher

>Other cool things

>Linux on other boards
another yearly playthrough, remake looks p guud desu
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Fuck we lost another one
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Fuck I should've configured mods after installing lmao
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I was going to buy metaphor refantazio but I see that it uses denuvo. No thanks, I'll wait until a discount thanks to that.
I'm probably going to buy it earlier than that, but not at launch, if just to avoid early denuvo bullshit.
Shoji Meguro just happens to be my second favorite game composer
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I caved and bought nine sols
Fucking gacha
Bro is just sleeping...
Finished metro 2033. Too lazy to play last light right now, not sure exactly what I feel like playing. Maybe ast libra.
*cough in empty room*
>thread died
>new one up before I'm forced to do it myself on Friday night
I still won't have time to post much until the weekend anyway
Doesn't metro 2033 have an open source engine?
how do i use ntsync? i'm on kernel 6.10
I think it's not in mainline 6.10? Or at least not enabled by default, can be wrong tho. You need patched Wine (like TKG) and enable it in kernel. Honestly if your games work with fsync, don't bother, it won't give you noticeable difference.
You need wine patched with ntsync and ntsync dkms modules
how are you enjoying it anon? looked pretty fun
Good on you, anon. There's a million metroidvanias released every year so I just stopped buying them and started grabbing them from that one Russian Counter-Strike site and tossing goldberg on them.
I only played a bit so far, I like it. It has a proper story with animations and the combat is fun as one of the core mechanism that you have to learn is counter attack
I feel bad pirating indie games
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not playing much lately, here's and older screen for bumping
I'm currenly tinkering with Hyprland on my laptop, going from very GUI based KDE to something like Hyprland, setting everything through config files is surprisingly fun
if this experiment goes well, I'm tempted to switch my main machine as well
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dying again huh?
You need to build kernel with ntsync patch, cachyos one have it if you want or use ntsync as dkms. Also need udev rule or another solution to make is accessible for your user. Finally, you need a wine with ntsync patch, easiest is with wine-tkg, note that no one made ntsync patch for valve fork of wine, have to build with codeweaver wine as base.
What usb bluetooth dongle do you guys use? I want to be sure to get one that works with my Xbox controller on Linux
Don't know they are mostly all the same, just get one that support LE.
Also, don't forget to apply that fix to not have high latency when using it: https://github.com/atar-axis/xpadneo/blob/master/docs/TROUBLESHOOTING.md#high-latency-or-lost-button-events-with-bluetooth-le
I think they all pretty much work. I had a random one from the store before and it worked. And this year I got this one: https://noerdic.se/products/nordic-long-range-bluetooth-5-3 which works better for long distance. It came with a cd with drivers for windows and on the box it said that linux is not supported but I just plugged it into my computer with arch linux and it worked without having to do anything.
>0 ms
>frametime: inf
Is it still uploading as we speak
Good to know. I've used my boss password to enable windows hypervisor platform on my working PC so I can tinker with an Arch VM even at work. For example, today I've tried zsh and pretty much liked it.
>have a linux gaming question
>check /lgg/ tab
>it fell off of page 10
every fricking time...
One response when a gaming benchmark has Linux with higher fps is that on Linux there are missing effects, textures or shaders or something like that. I have never seen actual proof of it except maybe obviously broken/unplayable games.
It wouldn't be impossible, but is this actually happening in any games?
i use a intel ax210 card or mediatek 7921 card. the mediatek ones can be found in usb wifi adapters while intel is only m2 form factor iirc.
That's just a FUD. DXVK is so good that Intel is using at as their primary DX9-11 backend.
Fearmongering. It's really easy to test, too, and benchmarks videos that show side-by-side still show every single effect, shader and so on.
Even on Nvidia, you won't see texture cache misses in the game proper, only on DE and applications.
some generic one that I paid like 10 bucks for it, had to buy a second one because I didn't erase the pairing id on my dualshock 3 when I used it on windows because I switched to linux full time
i have the official wireless adapter from microsoft, theres a driver for it on linux u have to install but works fine for me
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I can confirm, I use an old revision that doesn't even have Bluetooth, but it also works.
what is it about flatpak that breaks steamvr?
Btw tearing is caused performance issues lmao
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One day we will actually get working tearing in Wayland...
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I was thinking that my gameplay was stuttery, yet recording was fine, but turned out that my actual gameplay was fine, and it was recording with stutters. But for some reason recording felt smoother.
there are some cases when it happens, but its cope to use it as an argument when you can see a side-by-side benchmark and they look exactly the same.
Is bedrock minecraft possible on Linux?
i think it's like roblox where you use the apk/google play version, not sure how it's really work
Saturday approaches
So does this mean Steam Deck is gimped in gaming mode with tearing enabled?
Why is this general always dying?
i think honestly the novelty has kind of worn off since its pretty established that most games run on linux besides anti cheat, nvidia drivers are mostly there besides framegen, otherwise at this point its just another os, im sure linux threads on /g/ offer alot more variety in what to talk about. as far as gaming goes, unless something crazy comes about, its just "what game are you playing?" which is kind of a good problem to have but doesnt make for a very bustling thread
yeah i use mcpelauncher, it just launches the google play version, all the dlc is on it is compatible too (only for when my kid comes over and wants to play minecraft, i have it on his account)
Because there's a Linux bait thread on /v/ right now.
Also because >>493472280, somewhat. I half-agree with that post. It's not entirely wrong to say that modern Linux gaming is practically just PC gaming at this point, plus the occasional Windows fanboy butthurt, and minus some Linux-blocking games that anyone who switched to Linux obviously doesn't really want to play in the first place. I would argue that there's still plenty to distinguish Linux gaming in particular (for better and for worse) — but there's not so much to discuss for those of us who are accustomed to Linux's differences and no longer need help figuring out how to do things. Maybe the thread would be more active if people who are new to Linux knew it existed, not that I want it to be a tech support thread.
>open Steam
>window is unresponsive
>it closes by itself
>new window opens
>then it closes
>new window opens
>then it closes
>put it out of its misery by killing it from the system tray
>try running Steam from the terminal
>does the same thing despite not logging any scary-looking errors
>kill it again
>restart computer
>open Steam
>it's fine now
What the fuck?
Oh well. Falling back on Windows troubleshooting strategies isn't the worst thing that could happen. I'm just surprised that it worked.
Before I went to work today, Steam just wouldn't open on Arch even after a reboot. Gonna see if it works after a reboot or a full upgrade.
Can confirm this is how I used to run Bedrock Minecraft on Linux before I remembered why I like Java edition more.
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good night
It's called FLATpak.
VR is 3D i e. not flat.
Yeah still not working, 3am and I don't want to look at a terminal right now.
try forcing steam to redownload itself. that happens on windows too.
I doubt it is because it probably doesn't even use atomic modesetting since it was supporting tearing even before kernel features were introduced.
Would DX11 titles actually work on GPUs with no DX11 support (like Radeon HD 4000 series or GeForce 200) via WineD3D? It would be basically running as OpenGL with some performance lost, no?
I'd guess that if your GPU doesn't support DX11, it won't support the required level of openGL features too. Quick google tells me that modern Wine uses openGL 4.3.
Also wined3d opengl backend is slow AF compared to vulkan one or DXVK.
That said, better try it for yourself.
ok lads, rec me some casual/relaxing games (paid or free, doesn't matter I can pirate) that I can play for short bursts, save and do whatever I was doing earlier but I can also play for a long period if I have the time.

I mostly play roguelikes (Angband, DCSS) but they really do require concentration. Basically give me mindless but entertaining recs if those exist. (Low spec preferred)
From the top of my head, QUESTER and QUESTER | OSAKA, fast and mindless party-based dungeon crawlers that don't expect much from your machine, but need at least DX12 support.
ty m8
>not casual and relaxing
Elona+ doesn't have permadeath on default settings, it's closer to ADOM tho.
Diablo pretty much started as a casualized roguelike
Disgaea, either on emulators or PC versions
Islanders is Linux native and very chill.
There's a Proton build with old DXVK for older hardware
That repo is for older Vulkan-capable GPUs. Anon used HD 4xxx as example, which came out before DX11 was a thing. It only supports openGL 3.3 and no Vulkan.
this has happened to me on windows too, sometimes steam is just quirky like that ig
No gog linux natative build.
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Too bad
How far would you go for pixel pussy?
That should have been this game's official tagline.
I like this game but this achievement is broken and it's annoying me. I got past level 40 on my Steam Deck and the achievement for collecting 40 daisies didn't unlock. (Getting the daisy in each level is required.) So I played through the first 40 levels in one sitting on my PC just now, which was fun, but the achievement still didn't unlock, even after closing the game and opening it again.
I assume the game itself is bugged because I've never heard of Proton causing one specific achievement to stop working.
Oh, never mind. It unlocked after beating the 41st level.
... I'm pretty sure the one titled Level 40 was in fact the 40th level, but maybe it was just trolling me. Most of the levels aren't named that way.
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War is hell
I think this game fits all of those criteria.
You can make the pixels less chunky, by the way. (There are also three other settings between this and >>493556692.)
Why does the scrolling in this game look like absolute shit? Is it meant for some weird frame rate?
See, cli programmers often suffer from the UX version of "tone deafness"
I think it might be intended for 50 Hz, like Frogatto is. (However, unlike Frogatto, it doesn't actually cap itself at 50 fps.) Do Eurobros still have 50 Hz screens like they did back in the CRT days?
I set my monitor to 50 Hz — a mode which, for some reason, is available only when it's also set to a non-aspect-ratio-preserving 1920x1080 resolution — and it looked "better", or at least more consistent. When I play it at 60 Hz, the scrolling background jitters several times per second... perhaps 6 times per second, if I'm right about 50 Hz being the intended refresh rate, but I'm too lazy to record a video or something to confirm that.
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All this time I was feeling that my gaming monitor isn't really responsive, turns out I had to enable "Game" mode on it. I thought these are only managing colors, but these modes are also managing response time.
>Game: Turn on over drive circuit for best response time, reduce jaggy edges for fast moving objects on screen, enhance contrast ratio for bright and dark scheme, this profile delivers the best gaming experience for gamers.
And the office mode improves text...
Good thing this game is so forgiving because I really suck at it.
(Dying just sends you to the start of the current room, and dying too much just means you don't get a meaningless 100% rating.)
Linux is faster because windows is often mismanaged garbage.
See: recent case where for years they were slapping security mitigations on CPUs that didn’t need them, resulting in very noticeable performance penalties.
This is a real story that happened recently and you can look it up if you want.
arma anon, are there still a lot of active servers? used to play koth on arma 3 for 10 hours a day, and then some chernarus mod with traders and base building.
brigador bump
oh fuck oh fuck I don't know what I'm doing
I won pretty easily because the game is still holding my hand, but I still felt completely stupid the whole time. I really need to get good if the game is actually going to start trying to beat me.
Steam, from a UI perspective, has always been a botch-job
Koth is still active but I don't play it. There was a project called EUTW but it's gone now.

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