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>Build Challenge
Build something out of https://watabou.itch.io/procgen-mansion
Build something from a shell https://www.sims-shellcaster.com/

>Current TS4 Update and Version Number

>The Repository (/tsg/-made Sims, Lots, and Custom Content)
>TS4DB (An anon curated alternative to The Gallery)

>Guides, FAQs and Game Downloads
https://rentry.org/tsg - [FAQ and Game Downloads]
https://sims.tarac.nl/the-sims-4/the-sims-4-all-in-one/ - [TS4 Download]
https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/ - [Gameplay Guides]

>Mods and Custom Content
https://f95zone.to/threads/the-sims-4-tutorial-optimizing-your-mods-and-finding-cc.56569/ - [Guide to finding CC]
https://rentry.org/tsg-guideforsimscc - [CC Essentials/Guide for Sims 3 and 4]
https://rentry.org/ts2cc - [CC Guide for The Sims 2]
https://rentry.org/ts4cc - [Sims 4 CC Creators]
>Patreon and Paid CC Downloads

>Previous Thread
>Lewd Thread
post yummy sims toes
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Where is Jenny?
im reposting from last thread
Pls respond
Sorry if the question is retarded, I'm a new player

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…I'd ask why you're like this, but I already know the answer.
No idea, I've only ever watched a movie and game reviewer I like stream it then proceed to have an AI read out donations in Chloe's voice. Fitting that a man with semi in his username likes the parts in the second game involving the semitruck.
Anadius Updater is simple and easy to use. Only extra step you might need to take is you intend to use something like TS4 Skininator and thus have to look up the exact directory path that a purchased copy of this game would have. Repacks meanwhile have the chance of including such unpleasant shit like Bitcoin miners, ransomware, and communist propaganda. Also you don't have to make an EA account to use the updater nor download the game on Steam. After all, you can access the gallery via a couple of third-party websites that comb it on the regular.
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Candy Behr, local paparazzi and designated punching bag of the known universe, has been not only turned into a tragic clown but hit with a fucking bee storm.
night gamers
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Candy has been going around the block for about ten minutes now. She is to this street what a hamster is to a wheel.
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Reposting in this thread so I'm near the top:
>Made Harem anime goth girl house
>Older sister motherly figure and 3 siblings welcome brown haired nondescript male protag into house
>Want him to get with gloomy, shy, painter big booty goth teen girl
>he proceeds to flirt and sleep with everyone else in the house
>not her though
>get her to check herself out in mirror
>She is "attractive"
>every other girl in the house is "Very Attractive"

I don't even liike this dude anymore at this point. He is such a fuccboi and coonhound that Wednesday (that's her name, everyone else in the house also has a day of the week name) deserves better. I can either scrap everything and tweak the male protag to make him less horny and likely to pursue flirtatious convo options while modifying his attraction preferences or I can introduce a completely new household down the street to act as rivals.

Rivals will be:
>Widower adult for Monday (Wednesday's motherly older sister)
>Male Teen cheerful art lover for Wednesday
>Female child prodigy that will grow into beautiful teen jailbait for Saturn

Pic related, this is that fucking asshole that ruined something that was going to be beautiful. Fuck you Saturn, I hate you.
>teen jailbait for Saturn
On this topic, is there a mod that will actually do that? Allows teen-Y.Adult/Adult romances but adds consequences like jail, fines, or massive reputation loss?
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Fucking CIA and their reality-breaking powers. I don't think he was even invited.
I fucked this up. I'm asking which I should do.
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>harem anime goth girl house
>girls have day of the week names
>guy is named after a planet
>which in turn is named after a Roman god
Urge to rewatch Madlax rising. That being said,
>that pic
He looks like someone I went to high school with who got hooked on meth and knocked up a minor.
I don't think so, no. IIRC, MCCC and/or Wicked Whims are the closest The Sims 4 gets to Inteenimater and whatever the equivalent was for The Sims 3. Also, I see what you did there.
Well, the previous suggestion I gave was trying something a little less conventional per the trope, a la emulating Girls Bravo or Kashimashi. Granted, you'd need to make a new house regardless unless if you went with the prior as the Girls Bravo protagonist
>was bullied by girls
>to the point of developing a phobia of and an allergy to them
>but then meets the one girl he's not allergic to
>when his bathtub turns out to be a portal to the moon
>which is Earth but 99% women
More next post…
good stuff
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So if you were to consider that possibility, then the solution would be to
>rework his personality to include Paranoid and/or Socially Awkward
>give him negative relationship with multiple female sims
>add the Shy WW Attribute, if you have that mod installed
>designate the one girl you want him to get with as the one who will coax him out of his shell
Course given your disdain for the pleb and that he looks like a creepy bus uncle there are other, more suitable alternatives. Were I in your shoes, then I'd go beyond just cuckolding him. I'd also punish him. As you, the player, are the God of your Sims' world and thus can act accordingly should you so choose. Whether or not you have a mod like SimTorments, Basemental Drugs or Extreme Violence installed is irrelevant.

The child prodigy will be sexy, alluring, too intelligent, and 1000% evil.

And she WILL seduce him.
When she's a teen obviously....But she'll start young.
>doors still not cutting away
>vendor stalls are still disappearing
>ceiling cat is still stealing my goddamn rice cooker
…I am just now realizing what EA means by Laundry List. That the game didn't even update yet. That whatever I did earlier basically did absolutely nothing except upset a mod made by la creatura de la TwistedMexi.
Stop acting like my 4th grade teacher.
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Once again, forgot the image. Once again I am reminded why I need more than two hours sleep a night.
your 4th grade teacher sounds cool
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He should be given that he's fucking dead.
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>Aubrey has painted a masterpiece!
The most perfect stick figure imaginable.
Is there some way to disable the infant stage altogether?
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This is on-brand for Freddie Scott. Acting like some kind of jack-in-the-box animatronic. Anyways I'm gonna touch grass.
TwistedMexi has a mod that comes close to that.
>Infants Are Objects - Official Release!
>Apr 1, 2023
Even if it's as much of an April Fool's joke as /f/ or my conception, it's still a good mod. You can probably combine this with MCCC or some other mod which lets you control the age of your sims with just a couple clicks.
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>3 hours in
>still no lewd sim pits
I sleep
Lift those arms, whores.
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please stop with this
god townie generation is still shit
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>bikes in sims 3 are basically just cheap transportation due to open world nature
>Bikes in Sims 4 are used as actual bikes that can be used on sidewalks and such
>but are functionally pointless due to sims 4's design philosophy of half-assed "open worlds"
Biking on sidewalks is illegal in many places but it's the only place you can bike on in Sims 4.
why are pits so lewd bros
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They're technically not, and only associated with boobs and sideboob, which is why models flaunt them openly without breaking societal norms. Once you start noticing it you'll understand why models do the poses they do
who is this goddess
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What do you mean?
how come bella doesn't look like an ugly indian
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the awful randomization for townies
shes italian
fuck ea
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how do yall figure out the captcha? this shit is retarded
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youre retarded
Gib hair sauce
It's made to filter NPCs.
give me that brown sugar
Better question is how come none of Bellas after TS1 tried to copy her OG face and hair?
You better apologize to me mr.
you can figure it out by not using alpha cc anymore
I know, I'm joking.
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no thank you, you are free to leave mr.
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Have you ever met a celebrity?
Teach Jenny what fashion is
post pits
40yo men aren't exactly known for their sense of fashion, especially the ones that never touched a woman in their entire life
never relax...
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yikes, a year later and still sims4g ranks on the most toxic general, ill check on yall next year again, maybe some of you mature.
sorry to hear that anon. a certain teenposter is to blame.
Fair enough.
sad but true ):
And we're back.
Its been such a long time since I've had sims have children, I'm unironically smiling a lot like an idiot from how cute it is.
who is that blonde top center?
that is my wife sir
need catbox from this gobbo
that anon doesn't do cunny
That's a shame!
I need to breed her right now
She's a real
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my mod folder is at 17GB...
I have a problem
seriously only 17GB? That's a joke, my mod folder is already 80GB and it's still growing
nice jam anon
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why does the dress up game general always have the most drama?
It really doesn't, lol.
you're either full of shit or retarded to make that claim
go look at any mmo general
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I have 7 gigs.
or the fallout general.
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No fuck off. Go back to your containment tube.
Hopefully in hell
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no vampires allowed. not in this thread.
Let the right one in
What kind of names do you typically give your favorite sims? I find myself using rather unconvential and fantastical sounding names of Russian, German, or Scandinavian origin. Naturally, I only play with vampires/spellcasters.
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Morning :)
The story draws ever closer!

1gb here :o
going to play for the first time in years I see some expansions have been released since then.
which expansions out of cottage living, highschool years and for rent is worth getting?
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not ready for summer to end

No u, friend

Not on 4 so no idea, but will bump your question

Have a song for that feel...
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So that's a no then?
There is nothing to be afraid of
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sweet song, mimi!
This wasn’t story dialogue.
But which side of the glass is the real fish tank?
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ayye I got one of these the other day too
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Back to floatin'. Goddamned vampires. Should know to stay out of decent people's way.
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Jamiroquai is full of timeless jams
my old laptop used to have massive load times at 13GBs, but I have the same amount of RAM as the old one. The fear is mounting
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Letting the Sims go by


I have 60 gb of active cc on a decade old pc with 8 gigs of ram and I don't have any memory issues or loading lag. If you combine ccs it helps the loading a lot.
free her
Nice of them to leave her with a bathing suit atleast.
Any world that's constantly snowing but not komorebi?
Random but brindleton bay is always raining/storming it's insane
Our girl takes a short break from filming for some water balloon fun

Seconding >>493364713

Let's see your builds, /tsg/!
troll? diagonal items are not usable in sims 2, you clearly don't play the game
>diagonal items are not usable in sims 2
Good. Sims then won't burn the house down trying to light that stove.
cute mime of all!
I've earned the 100 hour achievement. Am I allowed to install MCCC yet? I just want more things happening autonomously I'm the background like NPCs hooking up /getting married and having kids instead of me having to micromanage every household.
The "play" animation with a toddler is the best.
How the fuck would this numbskull even know how to tell a joke? Who hired him?
Yeah that's right. Your natural audience is literal children you stupid asshole. Mia Drake and whoever the hell that is to be specific.
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Why is the sim AI tuned so that they'll suddenly crowd around some bullshit tabletop game just because it's a birthday party even if it's freezing outside when they normally never use the item autonomously? It's ass.
Also one of the kids is being a hostile bitch and ruining the mood whenever they force a group conversation. Fucking Melinda. Scratch your head all you like, you'll never figure out why everyone hates you.
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We can only speculate as to what horrors await us on the other side.
aight anon, don't keep the suspense
you're a weirdo but I do have an armpit shot?

I'm looking into school plans to possibly make a one instead of copperdale (in ts4)
Wait a minute, I've seen this one before!

The game fucked me, I can't help it when I have to reload the save and redo everything. Also you just lost the game
holy CUTE
I thought she was a boy.
Very cute and dang it!!!!
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Incidentally, with all the redoing, it lead to some frustration.
did he bang them?
And so, sometimes, when you get the right kind of people willing to do the dirty work for you
I dont care about that whore
Post more of that lot
...you might just get what you fucking deserve.
>80GB and it's still growing
Literally how?
Theres now way for a norml folder to grow past 25-30gb at worst
Which car mod?
trust me you dont want her
swamp elves are a foul, dimwitted race of people and you're better off sleeping with an actual gobbo
Also here's this collage which was funny and oddly cathartic. Finally the stupid autonomy works out to accidentally create a perfect masterpiece.
Is this the European equivalent of T-posing at someone? Doing sick soccer tricks to assert dominance?
Old man Clarke decided to come over because the Growing Together visit system is still just as broken as it was a year ago, when I was doing my Halloween bit and worked it into the story. I guess I'm doing it again!

Well, for one, they'd call it doing football tricks. You philistine.
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Plenty of ts2 objects work diagonally, including certain fireplaces, though after play testing, not the one in >>493414378 it seems


Closing your eyes won't make the chords you play any more in key.
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No goddamn way. It's been so fucking long since I've last seen an actual Get Together party and even this one was triggered by that one incompetent asshole's mod that restores the text spam rate to how it used to be before EA "fixed" it in the shittiest way possible that I honestly feel slightly nostalgic.
luna my beloved...
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It's not a mod.
>the only fans I have are teenage girls...
>it's over...
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Danke, fren
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really old one since i've posted new ones already
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There were are fans around.
>sims in the back
whats wrong with their mouths?
>There were are

Looking good nonetheless!
It’s a typo.

There’s some teeth mod that randoms always have that give them colored teeth. I need to find it and get rid of it.
if MCCC gets a last exception error does it shut down everything and stop working?
>pirate sims 4 and dlc solely to try out porn mods last week
>have since been playing it as intended for 45 hours across the week and now only initiate sex when IC appropriate or to get rid of the crippling lack of intimacy +10 uncomfortable debuff.
its over. im gonna start a new solo household in vampireville with no cheats after my current household's kids move out next. (Probably de-age the parents to adult/YA beforehand to keep them from aging out too fast though since there's no way of saving sim templates.)
Why would you call the police when a fan asked for a hug from a famous actor?
I met Jessica alba and banged her i wish
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This infant stage has to be the most unfun shit I've come across in this game.
it's pretty bad, make sure to potty train to the first level up so you can make them do it themselves. feeding is still a massive pain in the ass.
>sim gets zapped
>game tells me to take a break from tinkering
>i start tinkering again
>my sim fucking dies
electricity is dangerous
You can’t be too careful around those people
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>min max everything to speedrun aspiration for reward redeems
>sim gets powerful not achieving dreams debuff
Is there even any reason to farm these milestones or should I just age this little shit up asap? Do quirks carry over somehow?
You can age them up. Those features are only for ugly childless hags who will never experience the joys and rewards of motherhood
Why are you so mean anon
so, who's idea was to add female body hair to sims 4 and how to get rid of it for good?
you need to not just x out the option in CAS but click on it and then uncheck enable hair growth. Had to hunt through google for this my first time dealing with it because most of the answers just said 'x' it off which is only akin to shaving, not removing the growth. It's retarded but I guess I'll cope by saying it's nice to have the optional feature than not even if it's fucking ugly and obnoxious for most people.
>noooo women have body hair nooooo i cant stand this i need prepubescents nooo
shut up beta faggot hair is sexy as fuck
I love hairy French MILF sims.
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this you?
terrible take
you can't even recognize a picture of your own mom? sad bruv
Mary’s hairy pits
Uh oh stinky!
I want to sniff
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Have a great evening
Its morning here
Back again! Abigail had her birffday.
Farm dream might be dead, this whole farm thing kinda switched gears as soon as she was born.
Who are mime girl's friends?
Happy birthday little lad!
It honestly makes the point where they become a semi-self sufficient toddler so much more enjoyable. Good with the bad, honestly.
dang, g'night mimer.
Why do you actual ESLs always flail at figures of speech that they do not understand?
he typed the wrong version of "whose", that's it.
Pump out more children and send them to till the soil.
too bad her personality wont be represented in this game since it sucks as life sim
>uhh akshually, you’re esl because I’m stupid
classic discord pedo butthurt, got his pet janny to delete them too lmao
Because /tsg/ is full of bitter old men mad at women for existing and not saving them from a life alone.
Careful, you might get a 3 day for saying bad stuff about the trannypedo circlejerk.
Good night forever, Mimi.
>”whose idea was to add”
is still not correct, retard-chan.
>then subject swapping, for no reason, from you to they while insulting that anon’s English skills
Christ- you EOL Americunts really are dumber than bricks, and adamantly so.
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bro have some self respect. that hag is pushing mid forties.
and? so are half of the posters here
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>not one anon has met a celebrity
nvm i thought i was in good company since you all act 18.
In the context of his sentence "Whose idea" is gramatically correct.
>euro seethe out of no where
I am not whatever shadow you're jumping at, schizo.
>who is idea was to
changing your retardation to “whose is idea to” doesn’t make it right, dumbass
this is embarrassing for you
Still missing an 'it' in there, retarded esl.
They must make these morons on a factory line.
Oh, I see, we goalpost shifted to the missing "it".
there was no goalpost, retard
you need to learn english
>I'm not stupid, I only did this one thing wrong! See it's proper!
Actual toddler.
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Lmao stop sperging and post sims, idiot.
his mom’s pussy is a factory of sorts
inb4 the [Deleted]s
I'm sure it'll only be on one half of the off-topic derailment, as usual.
Gonna move I think. Don't have enough space for both children and a farm on this lot in Henford.
How's the weather in Chestnut? Henford is kinda nice because it rains a lot for CROPS, but Chestnut has that 64x64 empty lot which is calling my name.
Can children even interact with gardening or animals? I was already planning on having like 3 kids
Anons, your sims..?
What happens when kids don't get enough sugar?
They get a sugar deficiency.
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what pussy does to a mf
Mohn with the two most important ladies in his life.
This kid is smart as fuck.
What is she mind controlling Landgraab to do that he hasn't already done willingly? The man's a monster.
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I want this vampire vixen to use me as her personal boytoy!
collecting taxes
Surely you mean pay taxes, because he essentially makes his living collecting taxes from rentoids
Jenny is such a cutie <3
Direct hit!

>Who are mime girl's friends?
In this case it's Jacob Martin, though she tries to be a friend to all
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I need the mentality behind, making CC and then only sharing them on one website or paywalling them, and then actually being shocked they are being reposted elsewhere.
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Only started happening on my end once I enabled autonomous painting. Which, I might have done through MCCC. Was also what lead to me realizing that you can resize paintings in Build & Buy Mode.
Nine times out of ten, no. The tenth time there's a CTD so there might not be an exception. Don't quote me on that, I only remember seeing that once.
I'm not giving you personally identifiable information.
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I never got a convincing reply and almost a month later of playing I've never seen this behavior ever again. Who was this guy? Werewolf?
proly some guy from strangerville who is possessed. need to do the storyline there if you want to put an end to it.
Thanks and yeah I haven't done any of the "storyline" neighborhoods.
I've ran out of peak degeneracy ideas to play out in Sims 4. I've done the pregnant child harem of every maxis/ea-made child sim in the entire game, I've done the homeless girl breeding with dogs and giving birth to puppies to sell them just to survive, I've done the ntr cuck whore family house, what is even left to do at this point? I think I've completed the game.
It's a long shot but does anyone have the hair cc from yoruppi/yoru_99?
They're not paywalled per say, but you have to make an account for the website to dl their cc and request it and I'm tired of making accounts for everything.
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>page 9
Unbelievable. I thought I raised you better than this.
>Download a Sim
>Mod has multiple folders for each body part, with multiple subfolders for each different creator

Why do they do this?
im busy playing gachashit
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I'm pretty sure I told you that
>is a sim who lives in Strangerville.
>is a sim who had eaten the Fruit of the Mother Plant
>is currently Possessed and thus will act erratically.
They'll cease being Possessed within a few in-game hours or so, or if given the vaccine you make as per the Strangerville storyline. Pic related is one of the sims who in my game did just that. She is a glow-in-the-dark CIA ginger.
Sometimes I need a bit of a break to play something else. Sometimes I need a bit of a break to get chased by the homeless.
I'll consider looking into it, but only if you check the OP and the SimRebels website linked in one of the documents in said post.
Congratulations on your gambling addiction.
i used to bump but im retired
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what gacha we talkin here

sorry dad
>I'll consider looking into it, but only if you check the OP and the SimRebels website linked in one of the documents in said post.
I did, it's not in the vault.
I mean only if you want the hair yourself, I'll just make a account on privatter later and request dl. It's just so annoying.
>I'm not giving you personally identifiable information.
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Don't worry about it.
Well considering that I'd have to do the same in order to get it, that works. And I agree, it's annoying.
Isn't that caused by a lack of oxygen?
aren't their hair dl links time sensitive? or was that another jp twitter's thing
I only play Sims 2. CAS in Sims 4 intimidates me.
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That's something multiple creatives can do. I've seen artists, pornographers and musicians do similar. It's meant as an incentive in the same manner that "collector's edition" or "limited time only" do.
I remember in the 2010s I made two sims with absolutely horrid faces in The Sims 2 and then proceeded to have them reproduce. I don't recall if the sims that Goopy and Bloopy Gilscarbo - I did not know that there was a premade Goopy at the time - came out looking more or less deformed but suffice to say it was an experience.
>Well considering that I'd have to do the same in order to get it, that works. And I agree, it's annoying.
There's no need, I already have a twitter(x), and privatter only wants to access it meh.
I'd probably zip them in a mega if I can and put the link in the docs.
Like again, it's not paywalled, just account locked.

I don't know, sent the follow request. Will wait until they approve I guess.
In my next freetime hobby mission I'm gonna be a cunty CC maker as well and time gate all my content and lock it behind a followers only type of thing.
Or maybe be a patreons only sorta of thing and lock it behind a paywall until 2080 comes, I'd probably be dead by then.
>tfw games4theworld is long dead
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story progress: only a few scenes are left to film!

>Isn't that caused by a lack of oxygen?
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See you tomorrow, frens
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I want to change the opacity of a Pyxis detail, where do I go to do that and how?
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Like I said, that works.
One, I want to know how the fuck you do that to a .webm. Two, you need
>The Sims Studio
>A graphics editing program like GIMP
Three, you need to export the texture then edit it in such a manner that it becomes more transparent. I honestly do not recall if you need to edit more than just the texture as I haven't done something like that since I made mods for The Sims 2. If you're not able to figure it out by the time I do so - I might start work on some more CC this evening or tomorrow as I've got the urge to be creative again - then I'll let you know if I figure it out or remember.
I knew you would Mimi.
you could try going outside

color slider mod might help, you can usually use the opacity slider on CC (keyword: usually)
Thanks, I'll give it a shot tomorrow. I mainly just want to tone down the face highlight options from it since it's a bit too much in my current lighting
>One, I want to know how the fuck you do that to a .webm
Idk either
I think I found it from an /a/ thread a while back, probably a mod post
>color slider mod
Noted and thanks, it's mainly tattoo slot details I'm trying to edit but I'll take this too
i had no idea that color slider mod was a thing...
now i'm going through all my skin details and seeing which ones it works with
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No problem, anytime.
>it's a bit too much for my current lighting.
I know that feel, considering the amount of lights I put in my sims homes. Especially the kitchens, because for some reason I'm obsessed with the cupboards from the Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack and both with how they look lit and how I can put ceiling lights in them to actually make them lit.
cute maple moth

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