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Revert his voice
>Enemy bebop can't land a hook to save his life
>After laning against him and dodging 25+ hooks, I drift off to help other lanes, and never want to see that noob fag again
>25 minutes later, get hooked
>bomb, shard, bomb, punch instant cast, the two bombs so fast that the two closing bomb radius are perfectly touching each other
This macro fags are getting out of control, worst part is, you don't have a report button for cheating, only flaming and quitting
And this is fucking early access
Imagine the amount of cheaters on release
cheating goes under griefing
they just made scripting in counterstrike against the rules, report him for griefing and write scripting
Should I upgrade Shiv's 1 or 2? I really don't know what to do with him
Fuck this thing's ultimate
>tower dies to literally nothing except the natural ebb and flow push of the lane

What the fuck?
I love Steven and playing as him
why retards keep trying to engage in group combat death after death?
>ebb and flow
you talk like a fag and your shit's retarded
Nooo I'm a gay faggot retard don't call people gay faggot retards that's offensive!!!
Worthless nigger. Speak only when spoken to.
>vindicta gets 3 kills early game in lane against me
>non stop trash talking
>say nothing and just play
>end game she has 5 kills an 18 deaths and loses game
>talks about team throwing and that she was targeted unfairly and that ganking before 10 minutes is wrong and yada yada
God it feels so good to win that kind of game it's unreal. To humble someone like that is what I live for.
1 if you want to slowly whittle down people over time to go for the kill. 2 for more proactive use and better support during team fights. Most people like to lean towards 2.
I jusy started playing Deadlock, how long until I get good at the game?
I'm going to main Infernuns because he's just so cool
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imagine playing this dogshit game
Every time a tower dies, more creeps are sent in to attack the wave. Additionally, lanes aren't fully even and I think it's a 50/50 split on Amber/Sapphire advantage (2 lanes each, same side).
If you can aim + already have moba macro knowledge you should already be good. If you don't have either it will take a couple thousand hours of playing.
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Speaking of unreleased / earlydev heroes, when will HE come out?
Cool looking character
>don't call people gay faggot retards that's offensive!!!
gay faggot retard
>random female head on Dynamo's old model with Soldier viking hat
based character design
>both teams tap dancing within/outside range of the objective waiting for someone to fuck up
That's when you Majestic Leap Warp Stone into Black Hole
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smells like sussy bussy in here
there's 0 sussy bussys in the entire game so it's gotta be one of these anons
So how's this beta supposed to work, when will they stop letting us play
Late game Seven with leech, unstoppable and a full bar of mystic items ults your weakened patron
WWYD? you can't do shit bitch
you can play the alpha test forever*
*The matchmaking servers come online and offline by region at set times, but you can just change region
Considering the fact they are still updating the game I'd say maybe until next month
If you're in that situation to start with, you have already made too many errors.
dont have to imagine im playing right now :^)
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Well yeah that's bound to happen eventually, it literally can't not after a long enough period of time
>Every time a tower dies, more creeps are sent in to attack the wave.
That hasn't been true for ages now
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>gg close game :)
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'bout to bust another nut in this bitch
Holy shit a Yamato that actually DOES something
sad to see the other guys on orange doing terribly though, especially bebop and abrams who look like they just qd up for their first game and got absolutely DESTROYED
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>Playing with friend
>He pops open a crate and takes an attack buff
>Dynamo hops on mic
>"If you fucking take my buff again, I will disconnect"
>Dynamo proceeds to just completely ignore the team for kills and never pops ult (except for one time when he whiffed inside a small building)
run away and buy knockdown
Wow Lash is fucking useless late game
Can anyone shoot me an invite, I want to try this thing too
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low quality
would anyone be interested in a discord just to get games together
no text channels just voice lobbies
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Complain about it on the forums, YoSHIT listens to them
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>Shitposters have no ammo against game.
>Constantly looping onto muh dei woke tranny like a broken record.
Why the fuck is the strongest character a they/them?
>made a post in Changelog Feedback about removing the dumb shit one pause limit for bot matches
>Yoshi liked it
Nice. He hasn't reacted to any of my posts in literal months. I thought he stopped doing it, honestly, since the playerbase has now increased exponentially.
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yeah i would
make one
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just played my first dota match. the keybinds are all fucking up. also did i get pit against bots or players in the new player mode
would be good
Change ingame, don't use classic ones because is leftover from WC3, qwerty binds should be enough but for items you need find a comfortable one.
>he thinks pocket is the strongest character
based retard
items was absolute dogshit yeah. the fuck is zxcvbn lmao. gonna just do 1-6 unless somethings better
Sorry anon, those were bots. If you're in the queue for more than a minute, you get bots and it's virtually impossible to get real people nowadays in that mode. Most people just jump in turbo since it's a similar, easy mode for newer players.
okay cool, i just wanted to make sure cause they were all bot like.
>Obj dmg. 15889
The Yamato did nothing.
> the fuck is zxcvbn lmao
Is that really the default keybinds? I've had the game for over a decade so I can't remember. I use number keys and M4/M5, but I'm also a shitter.
yeah thats what it was set for me. also it wasnt even qwerty, it was qwedrf
I'd be seething if I were the only competent Yamato playing Deadlock and my team had some of the worst shitters I've ever witnessed.
The game has invite codes so you can play with people outside your friends list.

How come /v/ hasn't put together a game yet?
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I'm still not sure how Shiv's 3 works
Like all it does is delay part of the damage you're going to take? But you're still taking that damage. And if you enable it you remove some of that damage, right? The thing is that I've died because of random delayed damage after using the hability so I still don't get it
It's Kunkka rum. What's hard to understand?
You're still taking the full brunt of damage, but it can be mitigated by your regen and also clearing out the damage. Think of it like you'd die normally if you died from the chip damage over time, but if you get healed at some point, you no longer have to worry about dying.
nvm I get it now. It only cleans part of the delayed damage and I thought it cleaned all of it so that's why I died
I'm dumb
I really really need to learn to die less
I think my MMR's pretty solid now and matches feel very fair (not brazil zone) so I just gotta improve
>furry retard just got banned again
>opens the crate
>takes buff
How the fuck can anyone actually get mad at this? Nigger needs to just go on some rooftops and take the never-opened statues. What the fuck is this person's daily life?
Is this like DOTA where you can get held hostage in a game that has long been decided, by characters that can endlessly clear creep waves and stop the enemy finishing?
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I like this funny prisoner
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Yes but thats a symptom of your team being retarded and still trying to farm at 70k souls with a 30k soul lead rather than the enemy trolling you
>furry retard gets banned
>Deadlock threads slow to a crawl
so he really was spamming hundreds of replies
Yes and no
If you all go AFK as a team, the creeps are strong enough to end the game on their own
they respawn so quickly too lol they're meant to end the game
whats carront on a stick event in dota 2? someone mentioned it
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Played 6 real matches for the first time. Game is certifiably fun but besides my 2nd match, they've all been pretty one sided. One game was literally so bad the enemy team all only had 5-6k souls while everyone on my team was 15k+.

Also noticed a lot of players don't pick up damage resist items for some reason. I had one game where the enemy Haze was literally all in on damage and fire rate items, any health items were the ones that had minimum health and gave stuff like stamina except oddly a superior spirit resist which is insane because I was playing wraith and melting her constantly and the player complained about CC at the end of the match because I ult'd her several times, a lot of the times out of her ult, and killed her before she could recover
see why even fuck around with a discord, just use forums ffs
kind of but that actually seems to be a central part of this game, finishing while you can, many a games are lost because your team wont push and end when they have the advantage

back when there was less players and the average knowledge of the game was higher among players, you'd have many games that were reversals out of losing your walkers at 10 minutes
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the only shitposters who even tried more than that got banned from the game for being retarded fucking faggots (what a fucking shock)
>deadlock shutting down
>Also noticed a lot of players don't pick up damage resist items for some reason.

People are damagetards. I keep telling my teammates to buy fucking green items. It's so brai dead obvious too. Press tab, look at the three bars under the enemy heroes, if the orange bars are bigger then buy bullet resistance.
first pvp games are going to be with people who didn't even bother with the tutorial, so don't expect your teammates/enemies to be sentient
I personally just use it exclusively for yoshi posts
I only ever see this on Talon players and honestly they might be in the right since movement speed scales on spirit and getting attacked is pretty much a choice
I saw it too, interesting bot exploit
Notice how there isn't a suggestions or feedback channel in the discord.
The Discord only exists because Valve didn't want everyone else making Deadlock related Discord channels before the game was public.
>The trannies needing to reply with their flags
It really doesn't matter which Discord channel you join, it's all the same cesspool
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Why is comic Geist so hot when in-game Geist looks weird?
I don't know if there's a name for this phenomenon, but as terminally online people, they have a disproportionate effect on online discussion.
This is why online feedback can't be taken as is.
I feel like like im useless by myself if the team is retarded, i cant be on all 4 lanes at once to defend the walkers
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Going to play this with a friend and were both going in blind. Is there a lane that has 2 players in it like League? I'd like to stick with my friend. Also any character recommendations that have a cool combo are welcome. I saw a clip of the imp dropping off some teammate ulting
Wish they had the humanity to just auto ban anyone who uses the groomer flag.
so... what will happen tomorrow?
two duo lanes, two solo lanes, they're pre-chosen for you at random and duos are biased towards getting a duo lane
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>mic up and tell our abrams i am going to grab him with ivy ult and throw him in
>as soon as i grab him he jumps out of my hands
>ziplines back and doesnt say a single word
>he ban evaded again
He heard your disgusting attempt at sounding like a woman.
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>Play as Lash
>Think racist thoughts while laning against Infernus
True immersion.
This game chooses lines automatically for you. Every time I played with friend we were send to the same lane, so I think this won't be a problem. For combos ivy is always a good choice. A lot of characters have AOE ulti that can work together, you can try somenting like lash + dynamo.
i dont know why valve never added an option to surrender when you have nothing but your ancient left or something like that
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>when you want to grab someone as Ivy, they refuse to cooperate
>when you want to be grabbed by Ivy, they refuse to cooperate
How do we fix this? Well we can't fix stupid, so how do we incentivize smart?
This game is so fucking ugly
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>i dont know why valve never added an option to surrender
Shut the fuck up, defeatist. I've won dozens of games where we were reduced to nothing but our weakened patron. Stop being a little bitch and play the fucking game until the end. Nobody cares if your whiny ass doesn't want to play anymore. You signed up for a match of Deadlock, you fucking see it through to the end.
They should add the ping wheel to the tutorial, and then add more pings.
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i mean for scenarios where you've lost but the enemy team is just holding you hostage and refusing to finish off the ancient. that's fucking retarded.
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nothing special in this webm just killing kelvin
we are all playing retard
If the team is dumb, that's when I generally fall back and farm unless it's an all-hands teamfight. Your teammates may be weak, but you can at least take out 2-3 heroes with a huge farm and your teammates can finish the rest. You can also try to rat, but you'll have to be careful because your teammates definitely aren't helping you.
>has never played a game of dota where you are being killed in your base the ancient is 1 hit away from dying but the enemies never finish it off so you are stuck there for the next 5 minutes waiting for creeps to kill it alt tabbed because valve thinks thats good game design
>he's spamming again
just not very fond of briefcase ninjas
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Shut the fuck up, retard. That has literally never happened in even a single Deadlock game that you have participated in thus far. You're coming up with what-if scenarios and using them to justify adding dogshit features to the game. What if you just stop being a little bitch and play the fucking game?
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>takes your walker at 8m
your response?
let that neighbor in, he's got something to share with you
i've literally done it to the other team multiple times lmao, the fucking base barely does any damage to you in this game, you are legit free to go in there and spawn kill them as much as you want if you are super ahead.
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Alright how the fuck do you get a invite from this shit ass game? I have no friends on steam at all. I hate people and I'd rather be alone most of the time. Does anyone here knows somebody who is giving away keys?jyjt
You didn't need to throw me in with your mass reply post, I didn't appreciate that
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>i've literally done it to the other team multiple times lmao
And now you're making up shit because I called you out on your bullshit. Fuck off, faggot. I'm glad Icefrog will never listen to retarded shitters like you. Kill yourself.
delicious spirit lifesteal
based retard
>go mid boss alone
>start spamming let's go mid
>grab one retard
>we start killing boss
>suddenly every fucking one appears in mid
>carnage, my team barely survives
>they don't fucking grab the vase
>it sits there for over a minute until I arrive
You are absolutely devastated that you can't spam furry porn anymore. Keep on seething you worthless retard. You lost.
Pocket's gotta deal with this shit every day for his entire life from now on, no shit he's going to become a racist out of pure survival
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how the fuck do people go 0/10+ as fucking SEVEN
post more cancer pocket gameplay
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>m&k and Abrams having a party in the jungle instead of taking the guardians
>defending Icefrog
no wonder this place is infested with delusional gaylords these days
post there
Surrender option is retarded, deal with it
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>Deranged schizoid thinks everyone who disagrees with him is a single person
Ivy is the best hero design in the game. Cope.
Icefrog is a legendary dev that surpasses hacks like Kojima and Nomura
Post build briefcase nigga
yeah a surrender button at 15 fucking minutes into the game like league of legends is retarded, but an option to surrender when you are literally being spawn camped is not.
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>we get wiped
>cut to lash doing urn alone behind entire enemy team taking our base
>mcginnis spam turrets build
this is great
I can tend to the fields farming creeps
sow the turrets into the lane and till the soil with the wall
takes like 3 players to get me off the lane
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mods are faggots
ok we general now
Can the mods just delete the threads? Why move it to /vg/? There's already a general and another /v/ thread here
>allow 9000000 wow threads a game no one likes but the mods love for some reason
>game that has gone out of pseudo nda hell and everyone is getting access too is not allowed tho
very cool
>He does it for free.
Whatever. Share your favorite voice line.
I've had to scurry like a rat since I was a child. Now they will be the ones who run.
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this is in no particular order and sometimes I skip things like improved burst until after diviners kevlar, cooldown reduction goes on briefcase improved reach goes on ult, as you can see I shoot very little but if you manage to build all these items warpstone and spiritual overflow also go in nicely
>ban evading furry gets thread moved again
>gets banned again
How long until he returns this time?
not enough gun
his spirit ratios are ass learn how to shoot my niggy
7K hours in Doter and that has never happened in one of my games.
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Not a single post has been deleted from this thread, schizo.
I'm coming, baby!

Also why are only shitposting threads allowed to stay on /v/?
>kinetic dash
>no glorious leap
>monster rounds ???
>no warp gem
nigga what the FUCK are you doing?
He's dedicated his life to spamming his fetish, so he'll return in minutes. Jannies and mods really need to do something about him
these schizos are why mods kick threads to /vg/
btw check /v/
>thread gets moved to /vg/
>the two autistic culture war bait threads about character designs stay up

What did the jannies mean by this?
/v/ mods are actual trannies left by moot after we hurt his gay friends with gamergate, they don't care and want the board to be in a perpetual state of shitness
Fuck these kelvinass niggas
Go eat some ice cubes nigga
Fuck these gook swordsmen swallow that sword if u see me
Fuck these ghost hoes unless they give ghost blowjobs
idk winning games 55% winrate over 150 games
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shooting just lets them know where you are faster, I prefer to make them flail around for the noise

also he does a fuck ton of spirit damage lmao
I'm about to ruin someone's day. Which is how I feel when I'm just wandering around and I see a Lash 20k souls above me about to fuck me to hell and back
You are not supposed to talk about video games on /v/.
Why do I get owned by easy bots?
what are you using superior cooldown on?
>play on NA
>every game there is some autistic retard screeching on mic
>that or someone types ez every kill or some insane cope in all chat every time they die

>play any other region
>they speak funny language i cannot understand

really makes you think...
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50 minute game, tough loss. when everyone is 50k nw it's a different game
*their, they
There's text attached to the image
>realizing you can't see his eye sockets
>the execution device sent electricity through his eyes.
I mean he brought deserved it, but jesus christ.
>told that Kelvin is an ice mummy
>read his lore
They definitely need to redesign his model. But they obviously meant for him to look this way because he's even carrying the stone. Unless they wrote his lore around a model they had lying around?
His face is the same as his Neon Prime model's, he just used to wear an astronaut suit. I think the shopkeeper calls him a lich or something? They'll change how he looks at some point.
Kelvin is a wight according to the shop keeper.
its not over till the fat lady sings
haha... imagine
what is a good gpm (or souls per minute or whatever you want to call it)
What do I do
1000 souls per minute is the bare minimum you should be getting, no matter what.
That's not going to happen if you have a equil skilled of greater laneing opponent.
Is Paradox actually good or did I did lust blind me to her flaws?
Retard. Laning stage has very little influence on the final scoreboard.
What can you do against a good lash he jumps at me and I'm dead instantly as haze
what kind of game is this?
dota with guns
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>tranny flag
>hoholland flag
dota but fun

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