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Retail Won.
Last will and testament 493022380
why are we fighting with retail arent we all playing world of warcraft
vanillababs will never in their lives admit to the fact that retail is more popular now
why not? wouldnt that make perfect sense now that the classic run is complete
>why not?
ask them, i'm not a junkie lol
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Sleep tight, /wowcg/
You won't see any of these classics posted anymore. The general has finally reached its final point. It's time to drop (bad) video games and move onto the next.
>caca flopped
History often repeats itself though the first time it's a tragedy and the second time a comedy
If you play Classic, you’re playing WoW. If you play retail, you’re playing some strange single player game wearing a WoW skin.
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We know it’s more popular, it just doesn’t matter. Retail is still shit, especially when compared to Classic.
I genuinely wonder what they expected re releasing the expansion that started the decline in numbers. Unfathomably retarded company.
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Deviate delights main alliance leveling guild "refresh" is dead, what happened? Where is everyone? the heckino
The grifter streamers moved on to the new thing.
I'm sorry to say sis, but you got got by the grift. Take this lesson and move forward.
But it's way more popular than shitnilla?
feeling like a fucking shitter for dying to a harvester on my warlock, to be fair Blizz DCd me

but whats the fuck´is up with aggro on harvesters? I was running from it with my pet hitting it, I did 0 dmg to it and it just kept hitting me instead of my pet?
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av pvmp
It’s just the shiny new toy of the month. They’re already dropping it because it’s always been evident how shit cata was, despite giving us two really good races.
I like how some of you "people" don't realize that the reason fresh is so popular is because the leveling experience IS the most fun part of the game.

1. Leveling provides a sense of progression and everyone is for the most part on equal footing
2. Natural open world PvP happens naturally as a result

The problem is level 60s killing lowbies when they are sitting on full BIS as you stand 0 chance. This is when most people quit or just continue gearing out their 60 until they quit as well. Even though you might encounter a level 60 (when most people are around 40s) ganking people early on, the lack of good gear makes it so that they are not nearly strong enough to take on multiple people at once so a couple 40s could potentially kill a 60 depending on class and skill ofc.

That is the "magic" of classic, no flying faggotry, no 60s ganking you trying to level (mostly), everyone on even footing.

This is why we need a recurring fresh server every 6 months or so.
retoilet aka the disney pixar bloated nigger shit and piss maze built for adhd raddled faggots, furries and freaks is NOT WORLD OF WARCRAFT
>one filtered junkie schizo ramble
Good dog.
>another thread 404'd
Can we talk about fucking Classic instead of harping on retail again? We already know retail is faggoty for the fiftieth time, so let’s focus on classic in the CLASSIC thread. Fuck’s sake.

What’s everyone running atm? Who is your main? Goals in game? Tell us an interesting story of something that happened recently to you in game. Who is that person you came across that you love/hate the most right now?
Go again and this time pick horde

Only way what you're describing could possibly have happened is the harvester resisted all your pet attacks or something
So just play HC and have fun
>playing hc wow with my friend, mid 40s paladin/warrior
>at the pirates in tanaris we encounter a mage aoe farming who asks if we wouldn't mind layer swapping
>I'm silenced so I can't talk but my friend tells him to "fuck off homo" and he says reported
>run into this guy in the world a few more times, he's actually in our guild too
>buddy gets into a weird discord call with him to clear the air as a joke
>He's some ultra small time streamer and I recognize him from some death clips
>he died on his mage again like a week into 60
I stopped levelling at 50 though and made a sub rogue and then a warlock, I can't be bothered to play the pally and my friends are gonna hit 60 way before me :(
>What are you running?
I just resubbed and started leveling a bunch of characters again. The ones I’m giving the most attention to would be my Undead Lock, Troll Hunter, Tauren Shaman, Tauren Warrior, Night Elf Rogue, and Dwarf Paladin.
>What’s your main
Atm, the Undead Lock.
>Goals in game?
Get a bunch of characters to 60. Originally, I was going to just raid a lot at 60 and gear up, but after last night, one of my main goals now is to hit 60 and harass a particular priest on Crusader Strike.
>Tell us a story
Last night, I was leveling my lock and doing his Metamorphosis Rune quest chain. Had a bit of bad luck through out the quest at various points so it ended up taking quite a while. Going to Redridge Mountains during the second quest to get the item from the Tower Ilagar and I ran into a human priest on the way there. She was way higher level than me and decided to fuck with me and kill me, which is what I expect from a PVP server. That’s fine. Still, I’m gonna get my revenge for it.
>Who is the person you love/hate the most in the game right now
This random lvl 60 Shaman happened to pass by me while I was leveling my lock in Silverpine. They simply told me “Come” and escorted me all the way through SFK while they leveled their skinning. Got me a bunch of great loot, Odo’s Staff and Belt of Arugal. And I ended up dinging a level or two. They were really cool and I like them a lot for being so helpful for literally no reason. :)
>fuck off homo
Sincerely, why is the modern age so fucking soft? It’s some mean words on the internet. Who gives a fuck.


What part of that word do you not understand?
I am playing on era atm firemaw eu
Class - orc warlock
Grinding honor in AV, rank 13 is my goal (I am rank 10)
I bought some gold and have nearly 20k gold so once I finish ranking I will join some mc/bwl/aq gdkp and start the naxx attunement
stop bumping this shit thread just let it die and migrate to wowg
What’s your point?
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Blizzard won’t let the game die, therefore, I shall keep the thread alive as well.
>I bought some gold
Guards! GUARDS! Come quick before this man ruins the economy!
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i've never played wow but kind of want to start at the beginning and do the storyline for every expansion up to the current retail. is this possible?
Chinese mobile game aesthetics update
No not really
but how does fresh affect you personally
save yourself the sub money and just watch some youtube video about the story or read the wiki articles.
You’d have to start with a classic server if you care about the classic story. Outside of a couple raids, the original vanilla story in the old world is pretty much gone from retail I think. Replaced after Cata. After that, you could go retail and play through the expansion stories one after the other, but it’d basically be just you doing it. That’s the only way I can think of to do it. Unless you want to hop from official classic server to private servers of each expac and try it that way.
i like exploring the worlds myself
>replaced after cata
yeah figured something like this was the barrier. thanks for replying
>i like exploring the worlds myself
I mean it's doable i think, you could probably do it on retail but not with vanilla, the old world is changed on retail, so youd have to do classic era then hop on retail and do tbc>wotlk>cata etc
can you transfer your character from classic to retail?
new classic+ survey just went out
>will you play ze streamer hardcore banilla fresh?
> [ ] yes [ ] yes, and I will like it
>This is why we need a recurring fresh server every 6 months or so.

leveling is fun but fresh every 6 months is some autism level degeneracy of just doing the same thing over and over again

I did it 2019 for the first time in 15 years, and then it got old and tirelessly minmaxxed to fucking death. Classic was lightning in a bottle and it can't happen again.
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disney bloat looks like THAT!?
>lightning in a bottle
Entire legions of nostalgiafags that didn't try out private servers and this would be the first chance to play old WoW, zoomers that had a fleeting interest in this antiquated shit like visiting a dinosaur bone museum and no short amount of hype.

Won't happen again, first time I played vanilla WoW on a pserver I absolutely loved it (most people were here), third time the magic slipped away
Where is the survey
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be honest, you just played classic to get stuff removed from retail because you missed on them when they were current content
>6 months
thats autism right there. 1-2 years is better.
>you vil play vanilla-tbc-wrath until you're 70 years old
Half way there buddy
what did they remove

This is retail now. Grim stuff
You say that like it’s a bad thing.

>Can never happen again
>Same shit people said before classic release

My guy there is always people looking for classic fresh, no one gives a fuck if you in particular would care about playing it.

Go doom post on retail cuck
i dont like wrath tho
it's part of the original trilogy tho, that means it's good
sheen is just a leech just spamming rank 1 fol
every attempt of classic fresh after 2019 has been catastrophic failures in comparison
or are you going to say those didn't count?
post youre naxx40 world record

DrDisRespect is coming back for WoW Classic, i can't believe it.
What attempts?
we are here
Unironically tru
>doctor pedo
are there any guilds ? NA?
I’m not denying it, you faggot, I’m genuinely asking you what attempts did Blizzard make at fresh servers
>sheen drinks alcohol after going to the gym
lmao no wonder hes so skinny
payo confirmed fresh on stream just now
clip or fakenews

you didn't filter it
poggers in the lair btw
cba, was like 10min ago in stormwind
>10 seconds seethe
gotta be a new record
sovl i want to be playing banilla on my death bed
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waiting on the didn't count response now
SoD is thriving its time to admit fatggrend won bros
All seasonal funservers, doesnt count
payo won
staybot lost
doc was framed
>he doesn’t know the difference between fresh and seasonal servers
sheen beat tbc, though
then 2020 doesn't count either because it was also seasonal up until crybooms got filtered by t5
>doesn't count
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>says some retarded shit
>acts smug when people call it retarded
it explains a lot
it speaks volumes, dare i say
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Play Turtie WoW.
>mine crypto for others
the chat is on fire
you know where
Druid and Shaman sets are the best
>painted on chains
shamans lost bigly
youre right about druids, though
why t2 and not something iconic like the pvp sets?
>t2s aren't iconic
tourist detected
and there's only 2 iconic pvp sets and those are the plate ones lmao, no one gives a shit about the cloth and mail ones
the t2 sets ARE iconic. none of the pvp sets are iconic except for the retarded looking warrior one.
3D chains would look like shit
>2 instant seethe
>be wrong
>get owned
>"heh ur mad"
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>waited 30 minutes to indirectly reply
>anime pedo
hey hope you don't mind being skipped
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post volumes
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even stringsposting was better than the absolute state of this shit heap
skibidi kurwa
druid and warlock for me
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Please pray for Deviate delight.
will they be doing mop or is classic dead now
probably since they did cata. wod would be the cut off because thats when the new graphics come into play
i doubt it costs them much to keep the few mega classic servers up they could realistically launch up to legion and hold enough subs to make it worth it
i believe wod will be seen as a better expansion if they release content faster skipping the selfie camera patch
firelands will save caca
thats first mop patch is gonna be rough and the low numbers coming from DS will not help
will probably lose most of the NO CHANGES classic crowd and they can do something about the daily fatigue
the no changes crowd went to era, though
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that's not very pawsitive
wow peaked in sunwell
that's exactly when it turned into retail though
what does being retail mean?
having anything but fury warriors in a dps group
so if i run m+ with 3 fury warriors in tww, its not retail? interesting.
Safe to say rogues are the biggest losers. Original Bloodfang somehow looks so much better.
not much point in a classic thread until they restart the classic cycle
I WILL hit max level in phase 1 this time
I WILL become a pvp menace with arcanite reaper
I WILL get scarab lord this time
i WILL get full dreadnaught
i WILL get menethils might
Objectively correct. Blizzard always waits till the last fucking tier to fix the game.
>Adds spell haste and melee haste out the ass making every caster palatable, warlocks now fire off shadowbolts every 1.5 seconds with bloodhust, drums and near BiS levels of gear
>Armor penetration can be capped, warriors, rogues get glaives to fuck around with and keep up with casters
>Ret paladin becomes the most fun spec with so much haste
Honestly, the only problem TBC still had by Sunwell still was threat.
>only 5 AV matches going on

yeah i think its over for sod bros
maybe av is just boring
Out of country for 3 more months with work. Whats a based guild on Whitemane I can look to join when I get back? R13 war, decent geared shaman and mage.
its only boring because the gay ass playerbase makes it boring
>Warn people that without a fresh infused with pure fascism, wow will die
>It does
Reminder NOBODY has ever successfully argued against Fashy Und Freshy, and nobody ever will, because simply put, it is correct.
>game made by semites
youve still never successfully argued against that, bitch nigga
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>High quality post
>Instant seething reply
Iconic, very ICONIC.
And a total victory...

Reminder there is still zero (0) arguments against this perfection.
>still cant refute it after acknowledging it
40 Man Raiding Should Be The Only Endgame And If You Dont Raid You Shouldnt Be Allowed To Have Gear
nobody likes 40 man raiding except the 30 people borderline afk until loot drops
raiding should be 80 man and uninstanced
>contested raids
brack moment
wow could NEVER
av ranking with current changes will do to freshy what fiat has done to western society. reject merchant banker subversion in all its forms. it is our duty to protect tradition.
#nochanges is #nochanges
remove boon too
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It’s always funny when some people claim classic wow is this super hardcore mmo when it was made to be a casualized EverQuest. Most of the game can be done solo. That was unheard of before wow.
why do people think the expansion with the old school everquest style attunements as the structure for the entire end-game is also somehow the start of retail? even though they never used attunements again after TBC? How do you rationalize TBC having attunements but no other expansion having them?
just stop fucking replying to me if it bothers you that much. I really don't want to talk to you either. Either admit my favorite game is great and the game i hate is the start of retail or leave me alone
just fuck off seriously. responding with the most annoying shit every time I post something. So fucking irritating dude
no one listened to me when I was shitting on wrath for years. For almost a decade before classic people would not shut up about wrath and every time I pushed back against how "great" of an expansion it was. It finally comes out in classic and now everyone is suspiciously silent about wrath being great or just plain old forgetting about. It's fucking bullshit dude
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I tried a match in AV in sod and it ended in like 5 minutes without even the towers being down wtf is this trash
Did they already announce when the mega server transfers will happen?
damn sod popping off again, tww retoilet must be terrible
retoilet debloated by based bankaii
>november is wows 20year anniversary
>sodacuckin says trust me delay our event for november i cant say why
could we be getting classic fresh?
imagine, metzen steps on stage and announces
banilla fresh
tbbc fresh
wrath fresh
Imagine Metzen walking onto the stage, calling each blue haired DEI hire up and firing them one by one. At the end, all of the old guard from 2004 come up and are given a heartfelt apology and a glass bottle of Holly's breast milk.
Yeah, I'm thinking Classic is back boyos.
I think it's obvious at this point, that in order to make a great video game like wow, you NEED to be abusive towards women and drink their breast milk.
the retail "players" itt are NOT going to like this
No respectable retail player would watch a retarded classic player that can barely clear normal.
metzen was the one who covered up sylvanas' midriff because he couldn't explain to his daughter why it was exposed
he is no saviour
he also said
>how it looks like
which is an absolute classic ESL signifier
>tbc attunements are nothing like eq attunements
is this why it became a pasta?
after all these years I still don't know what EQ attunements were like
depends entirely on the expansion. the base game didnt have them unless you count needing a wizard who has the spell to port you in to one of them. in the first expansion ruins of kunark, you just did quests where you gathered shit to unlock one dungeon and one raid. scars of velious did not have attunements.
in luclin, you had to collect 12 rare items from different zones to make a key for the final raid. in planes of power, you laddered through each raid tier to get "flagged" to go to the next one(i guess this is what they are referring to) but you could skip around and piggy back people in if they didnt have certain flags if you did. in gates of discord, you had a similar system to planes of power but it was also based around mop scenario type instances where you had to prog far enough to unlock the raid itself
you camp contested key mobs for weeks, nothing like doing few instances in tbbc
what's a good mop server where we can use to practice challenge mode runs?
those don't sound too bad
the luclin ones were pretty bad since they were highly contested like>>493530114 said. the kunark raid was also really grindy to unlock but the dungeon attunement was molten core levels of simple
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any new crybooms
check your mirror
great news for the 14 people who like tbc
oh yeah
this is it
the drama we needed
staybot vs BBC
sure wasnt just 14 people playing it in 2021. they even had a vanilla fresh around the same time too and people still played tbc classic.
imminent TB(abby)C meltie
we are so back
yeah thats a hard skip
video was boring, played out memes.
two seething troons
>nooo watch my faggot video of a faggot
>people played the heckin worst expansion ever over le fresh
>newgen faggot zoomer doesnt know about pilav
we know, he is just played out boring trash. he will never be your e-friend.
yeah must have been like 26
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>swolebenji made a twitter
kek. bet he still comes here, too
>namedropping randoms like we're just supposed to know who they are
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is that also what you say when your mom talks about your dad?
>click video
>some disgusting chink starts talking
>close video
>been playing every reset in WoTLK/Cata since forever
>baiting plebs with prison story
why? I guess playing Aggrends vision could be considered a prison by some..
nobody wants wrath or tbc fresh
i want wrath or tbc fresh
no you do NOT
I want tbc fresh. And wrath fresh. I want both. And I want both right tf now.
will firelands save it? catafags insist that was when wow was at it's peak
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>7 boss raid where 6 of them are faceroll
wath do you think?
>what do you think?
sex with anime troons
Should i play HC or on ERA? I dont wanna lose my progress but i heard HC is more fun..
And someone wrote me, oct or nov are fresh servers coming, is this true?
but you wont have the time to play both if they release together
>Should i play HC or on ERA? I dont wanna lose my progress but i heard HC is more fun..
You don't lose your progress. If you die on HC you can transfer the dead character to Era and continue playing.
>And someone wrote me, oct or nov are fresh servers coming, is this true?
Just speculation based on a clip from a (((streamer))).
orlando firelands balast
if the idea of losing days worth of your free time to a d/c doesn't appeal to you then you do not need to be playing hardcore
we are pogging in the lair
you know where
yawn. I rather watch the cryboom king, kungen
Thanks, i love you

I was just undecided, i love the idea of hardcore, but i also love the comfy leveling experience - to know i can transfer my dead char is a great relief
>You don't lose your progress
so it's not real hardcore then
why do they call her snowbunnyracemixy?
only you do that
she drains brown men
another banger retail/streamer thread sisters
I should've played ret from the start in SoD... this is a million times more satisfying than playing a fucking mage.
we are here right now btw
Huffcake is live and looking for bigfoot in classic era
no. not without alex
she sounded like shit but zased
whatis going on with the bloodfang hood? why is it so light inside? look at the druid. just do that but with red eyes and it's good again
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rogue is just a cucked class on retail unfortunately. i dont think anyone still working on the game even likes it, and arguably neither does the player base.
Warlocks and druids are the clear winners, holy shit there's such a massive gap between those two and the rest, lmao.
They're all fucking ugly and only highlight how awful WoW's current art direction is
warrior and druid sets are bussin, thoughbeit.
That Gigi?
>tfw old enough to remember her nudes being leaked on the old wow off-topic forum during og TBC
kek some things never change
>new bad waa wwaaa im gonna cryboom aaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
lets get you back to the retirement era home
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i thought it was just a meme but faerlina chat is filled with spics
WOW this sure aged like milk
1. They should have remade T3.
2. I will never understand retail's obsession with making gloves stick out just as far as a character's pauldrons. It looks like fucking dogshit.
>1. They should have remade T3.
Wrath did it
why did they make the priest set darker
how dare you insult retail's plastic armor sets, swine
its bout that time
isn't kryboomer kungen doing this shit again in celebras?
Is it morally justifiable to dox world buff griefers?
>trans woman
>night elf hunter

name a more iconic duo
the only people you should dox are sex offenders
>trans woman
>human rogue
>implying you dont already know who
>spent 10 hours scouring the entire thread that had any names just for his epic big post
c r y b o o m e r ! ! ! ! ! ! !
>mfw got 9 (you)'s in there

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