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Ace Combat General #1045

Freestyle edition
Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLBWd3om47s
Previous Mission: >>491639252

>/aceg/ Emulation Guide
>Official /aceg/ multiplayer guide
>/aceg/ livery and emblem pack
>Ace Combat 3: A New Translation
>Encyclopedia Strangereal
>New /aceg/ MEGA
>PA Twitter (JP)


Shootout Saturday is back! /aceg/ rooms are open every Sat at 2030 CEST/1430 EDT, with only three rules:
>put on an /aceg/ tag in your name before you boot the game
>in Roca Roja, use only air-to-ground weapons in the tunnel

The modding guide and material are in the open!

Project Wingman:
>Store page
>Skin/texture modding guide
Update never.

Misc Stuff:
>/aceg/ Collage
>/aceg/ Story Archive 2.0
>Razgriz Patch Guy
>Ostrich's Mods
>/aceg/ Assault Records
>ACX / ACJA Online Netplay Guide

>What happened to Sean Ryan (Pixy's actor) after ACZ:

>/aceg/ Permalink:

Because it bears repeating:
>Skill and guts are required here
>Be a buddy, not a border
>All planes are beautiful dreams

>Has the Project Wingman update dropped yet?
It's a long story. (It's bleak)

>Is there any AC8 news yet?

>Has a PS2 trilogy remake been announced yet?
First for AC8 set in Sotoa
I lobe the score attack missions a lot. Especially M11. I love it when you are given a general objective but then you can relatively freely execute the mission in those boundaries and you get different dialogs when you complete some optional objectives.
4 is the worst of the PS2 trilogy.
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4th for Hornet, my beloved
>captcha: 4THD
It's time
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On this day, 48 years ago, Viktor Belenko defected from the USSR in his MiG-25.
Did he live a long and happy life afterwards?
He died last year, at 76.
He died just last year
Pleasantly surprised
What makes or breaks a score attack mission:
>memorable target areas and features
>diverse enough terrain to break up the target areas (otherwise you get the pretty flat Lying in Deceit)
>having flow of some sort between the target areas
I like when the NPCs react to your actions, and if changong target order results in different outcomes. Stuff like "you hit the runway last so they launched fighters" vs "you hit comms last so they called in reinforcements" etc
IIRC AC6 does that
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I like how AC4 in invincible fleet, every combat vessel has its own name, makes them and their sinking feel more important
Odyssey ACE
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VTOL Mirage prototype
Notice: I'll be late to the Shootout tomorrow, so someone else will have to host, at least at first.
I'd prefer the Strangereal Balkans east of Belka.
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>First three minutes of Invincible Fleet on second playthrough is just Sky Eye reading off a list of ships in the Aegir Fleet, each name followed by "SUNK"
you got the strangereal balkans with estovakia already
Yeah that's one thing I also really like. Roca Roja and Fleet Destruction in AC7 are so satisfying because of the dialogues.
No. I mean some REAL Balkans problem solving. Lotsa small countries near one that owned like half of them sounds like the perfect setting for a cross-country AC war trip.
>guy's hand on his thigh
how about taking a real long break from the fucking belkans for once, they've only been involved in every single AC game ever.
I just can't enjoy Phantoms ever since seeing the :D face on the tail.
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That's like saying you just can't love your wife ever since seeing her beautiful smile
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big if true
I'm playing AC7 for the first time and finding it significantly more difficult than other games. Granted the only other games I've played before now are AHL, 4, and 5. I'm stuck on mission 6 and just can't seem to get enough points in time no matter what approach I take.
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first time doing a merc run
had to kill 4 schwarzes with guns only after I ran out of missiles
>yo buddy you still alive
just barely buddy
The way I beat that one the first time was kinda funny. After a lot of mucking about with GPBs on my Tomcat and getting nowhere I swapped them out for 8AAMs and headed for the airfield with the bombers and Vipers straight away, let the missile lock-on do their thing and wiped them all out before most of them could even make it to the runway.
That got me a huge chunk of points right away, then I spent the rest of the time lobbing more 8AAMs at the Apaches (both grounded and airborne) and cleaning up the rest with standard missiles.
if you've played 4 the rythem should come
just bouce around and kill stuff
there are at least 3 4 missions like that
beeline for the runway to get the F16Cs and Tu160s taxiing
mop up the truck convoys on your way to the canyon complex with the bridges and AA, clean up there
then head for the last cluster and the undergound tunnel runway and muck around until the drones show up
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If I ran a mercenary company in Strangereal, my men would fly Hornets
This but for me it's the F-16 and the engine intake.
and that's why they call you the demon lord
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just like my favorite air combat simulation game, air force delta strike for the ps2
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Saturday Shootout begins in roughly 45 minutes.
I'll see ya there, nuggets~
It's finally time
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Room is up
Might consider getting one of the plane packs sometime haha, I kinda want the F-4.
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room is still up
also pray that the F-15J doesn't get UAVs next game
Buddies, holler if the room has a free slot
Nice you got in
>/aceg/ B. won
Good shit, buddy
Haha ty. Feels good to finally start playing properly. You all have been great instructors.

Also lmao game crash
Grabbing dinner as fast as I can and I'll be back
Controller stopped responding mid-match. Idk what causes it but it happens with different games and it's not a hardware fault.
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first host here, will have to go for the moment, it was fun!!
Do we have an updated emulation guide for PCSX2 v2.0?
Have a good one and nice doodle!
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>be me
>sorties have lasted for about 2 hours
>"Next will be my last one"
>it's Roca Roja
>time to test my unguided rocket build for tunnel fight
>realized I picked the plane with wrong build
>quit the match
>unable to find that room again when attempting to rejoin the match

Why am I like this?

Anyways, fun times as always. Looking forward for another sortie next week!
>forgot to change plane for Roca Roja
I elected to try firing missiles while unguided, I hope you buddies didn't mind
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thanks for the games guys, if you were wondering why i was afk for some of the matches, it was because i was using my plane for reference in this lol
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what the f15js doing
Haha np.
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And that's a wrap! Tonight was even more fun than it usually is, a warm thank you to every buddy that joined.
You did well, buddy, it's always fun to play with you. Keep in mind that even if your Fishbed is very snappy and manoeuvrable, I could bait you into rolling scissors and kill you by making you overshoot me. Keep that in mind.

I didn't even know guns were verboten in the tunnel cuz I thought that they're usually relatively niche it's fun to spray in the tunnel. In any case I don't mind we're here to have fun.

It happens, sometimes you just slip up or forgot your plane didn't have ground bombs on that loadout etc.

Yeah haha I crashed once and had a controller stop responding, it happens but glad you had fun.

Great drawing man! Reminds me to get on finishing the piece I am working on.
Fun time buddies, until the next one!
Gotcha. Many thanks again for this week's sorties as always, buddies!
Yikes for the controller. Regardless it was fun and glad it went well too. Until next one indeed!
I spray at random if no one's around, for the simple reason that I like seeing random tracers.
It's almost entirely plug and play now
>enable no interlace and 16:9 patches
>disable deinterlacing in the graphics > display menu
>set internal resolution in graphics > rendering to the highest resolution you can get 100% speed at
I also recommend creating a different controller profile with the bumpers and triggers flipped to have the modern control scheme (throttle/brake on triggers, rudder on bumpers)
Yeah mg tracers are cool. And especially when planes ''group up'' you can get some random hits going.
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Haven't replayed my favorite AC in a while god what I wouldn't give for that trilogy remaster
The release of Ace Combat 7 is closer to the release of Ace Combat Infinity than it is to today by 355 days
Finally started the DLC missions in 7. Could I get the pic of Torres with the shit eating grin?
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Imagine the scenes if the USAF replicates Galm Team colors at the F-15C retirement ceremony.
Thank you, king.
Do all the AC games emulate well? I'm thinking of going through the entire series next month and don't want to run into any major hiccups.
mostly, 6 is a bit skungy because it's a 360 game, infinity is dead, and asshorizon is better torrented. check the OP for an emulation guide
Finally found some time to sit down and play through some more missions. Did M17, went back to Long Day, Fleet Destruction, and Battle of Farbanti where I encountered my first named enemy ace, finally got my Berkut and went to face off against Mihaly in M18.
You guys weren't lying about QAAMs being busted.
Bring back iDOLM@STER skins
I'd like to ask about the Roca Roja dogfight. Is it only allow to bring rockets and bombs for tunnel dogfight or is it still allow to use regular builds as long as it's not intend to fight anyone inside tunnel or near tunnel entrance/exit?

This grinds my gears too. BAMCO released those on Assault Horizon Enhanced Edition. They dropped the free iDOLM@STER emblems on AC7 before, so what's stopping them?

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