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Chained to Alliance stories, edition.

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Old >>493380262
Remember that it's morally correct to bully High Elf fans.
We love High Elves.
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum>

Don't listen to Elysian shills, with their unhinged, power-hungry, and possibly autistic GM

Do your part!
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>So i went to a troll spa the other day
>I end up with dreadlocks and a freaking bone in my nose, who PAYS for that?''
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Nerub Silkweaving Forum

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Baine is an Alliance character.
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So what class got:
>The best T2 tier set update
>the best changes in the patch notes
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The fanmade remake by Tomkek is so much better
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked.
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it.

>Community group for horde people to join and get invited: same name (Globo Fomo)
You can find both by looking for the name name, duh.

Cross faction-Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay
Good, encouraged even.

get in :d
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what a bad start!
I sh'all fix dat doe!!!
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>Khagdar jobbed for Alleria and Xalatath
>Anduin jobbed for Faerin
>Magni is in the process of jobbing for Moira
>the speaker (male) jobbed for the new speaker (bearded lady)
Predictions for the next ones?
Thrall jobbing for Jaina? Or will Khagdar double dip and job for Jaina as well? Maybe he'll give her whatever's left of Atiesh
if your spec requires less than one button press per second on average I don't want to hear you saying your rotation is too hard
too many fingerlets these days
Paladin in both cases
These changes arent going live, this is nuts
I joined the community, can I get a guild invite now?
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why do coomers have to always be the first to spam their shitty aislop or deviantart ocdonutsteel characters?
Based or cringe?
Not joining this homo agenda guild
>Thrall jobbing to Jaina.
Already happened.
Somehow Jaina managed to rally the Alliance forces from the other side of the world, quicker than Thrall managed to get forces from Kalimdor that's just right above the Isle of Dorn.
And even then, Thrall managed to bring less reinforcements than Jaina, who's fleet arrived to the Isle in front of Thralls.
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>fantasy race but in regular clothes
the absolute WORST trope
I would say it looks too much like 40k armor but ret players all love 40k slop unironically so its a good fit for them
built for dracthyr men
best trope, shut up
Redpill me on how to use target dummies
Whenever I fight them I just mash my "rotation" and watch all the cool moves my character makes as he attacks the dummy with powerful strikes, but how does this help me get any kind of idea about how to play the game? The numbers in the quest log don't really mean anything. It's nice that some of my cooler attacks give bigger numbers than the smaller attacks, I guess...
Mage got cucked again.
Fire is the most disfunctional spec in the game and got virtually nothing.
Why are night elf males the most chad male race of WoW
>indian fox
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What's the latest cope?
what else would you like spammed first?
Sorry, I meant to say cucked, not chad. Why are they the most cucked male race of WoW?
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Kul Tiran boats are just built different brother.
night elf males are literal pussy bitch house husbands while night elf females go out in the wild to hunt and seek tauren cock
I think we are going to reform Atiesh ourselves desu, it will be the caster legendary weapon for this expansion
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Night Elf Females are a natural troon/faggot magnet, so you know if someone picks a male then they are truly an enlightened individual.
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This just in:
Follower AI sucks ass in dungeons.
>not overly wide
>actually have wrists
Ya'll weird. Plus void elf women is where it's at.
The wizened forest elder aesthetic still fucks to this day.
why would faggots play a female character?
Shut up, bitch.
oh no
fortunately you have two other specs which are top tier and have fantastic hero trees
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wished blizzard didn't off fandral, he represented the uncucked version of nelfs the game now lacks
gameplay discussion
useful tips or guides
lore discussion
/wowg/ fashion contests
>he still never posted a "good looking dracthyr"
follower ai is ok, they get the job done.
yeah its a pretty brutal mogging
for who? players? avatar fags? doomers?
similar happened to me
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That's right
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They shit damage, but I found myself pulling in the Rookery more than the AI tank.
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Based, so are Pandaren and Tauren
Good morning
This guy FUCKS xal'atath in the vussy.
Lor'themar is next.
Im also positive they will kill Turalyon to make Yrel looks dangerous in Midnight and also free the spot completely for Anduin.
holy fucking based
i don't like how pussified furion became
he was meant to be this slightly gruff, no fun allowed rulesfag who put his foot down on his schizo brother's antics
respect avatarfrens.
Bro, you gotta let it go.
It's been 10 years, she's not coming back.
>she used crests and stones to upgrade smaller value items to artificially inflate her ilvl instead of maxing out pieces with higher value stat totals
I hope this isn't you, sis
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anyone else having to spam shadowmeld with these dungeon tanks constantly
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Look at how cute she looks!
>he thinks metzen is going to carry over any of danuser's shit plot threads from bfa
>prone to constant melties anytime any of them are even remotely criticized
death to avatarfaggots
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kill, marry, fuck
>sleep while your wife does all the work
they are not chads in the slightest
looks pretty much the same as >>493400868
except its a different color
Too bad Arcane is garbage to play and only homos and people who raid MC play frost
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>Trying to blame Danuser for the Maghar quest.
Lmao. That was a 100% Afrasabi wank. The entire questline is literally kicked off with the phrase in all timelines but our own, Garrosh was the greatest Warchief the World ever saw.
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forgot to add
metzen spilled some real spoilers at blizzcon that mostly went over heads
midnight will start with void powers invding zeroth at quelthalas most likely meaning TWW ends at quelthalas as well
if id have to assume - Xaltath will manage to let Void in out there
given that Lorthemar is a ruler - hey, they wont kill Thalyssra - he will just die there i the process
I do about 900k overall in dungeons and rarely ever have threat issues, it's not a problem if the tank is actually aoeing, which they might not be. start of an expac is when tanks are most overtuned relative to content so you get a lot of retards power tripping who can't actually play their class
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Delves are actually pretty cool.
hate to break it to you but that's all races in the game
post the small one that one is cute
100%. If it was between fighting Anduin or letting the Alliance rape and grill up all the cows he'd be eating a burger along with everyone else. Cairne would have never.
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Would you an Arathi gf?
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Why is he doing the rizz face?
Faerin is bad influence
>he intentionally plays the cuck race
its pretty neat how they removed load screens for them
i picked up +10 knowledge treasures from azj kahet and read afterwards that theyre unique, that shits fucked and makes no intuitive sense do you need to read a fucking guide everytime or what. i was planning on dropping that shit later on
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guess why I need this
i still havent used any upgrade materials
can they be used to upgrade better gear like the stuff you get from M+ or are they only for the shitty gear we have now?
new cope just dropped
mage always has two good specs at any time it's simply not your turn yet
just don't spec into living bomb
>Comes back to WoW to kill off more Horde characters
And people say he's Horde biased. I'm beginning to understand why Samwise left.
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bravo blizzard
No, fuck off mutt.
MY pureblood variant human male Stromic paladin is only interested in the one thing that will continue his racist bloodline, and that is a void elf ranger to consume everything cuming out of his ccock.
Kino... I kneel, dracbvll, I KNEEL
Gay as fuck
Was Samwise a massive hordefag or something?
>you get a lot of retards power tripping who can't actually play their class
yeah that fits because its usually bears or dks
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criticize me all you want. I probably deserve it.
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>New judgement set
Shortstack game
I /pet the doggy
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Samwise is not so much pro-Horde as he is anti-human.
The dungeons and zones feel really fucking lazy compared to bfa kino but I guess this is just the standard now

BFA had terrible systems and stories but the zones and dungeons are peak.
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Night elf males biggest problem is that their ingame model looks so weird it takes away any of the badass vibes you might get from the lore.
Just like Tauren.
>Chronicles of the Second War team planning to announce a release date for the first Human campaign in 3 days.
Damn, they're speed running this project much now the Orc campaign's done.
>BFA dungeons
>as he is anti-human
As any self respecting player who appreciates fantasy should be.
based, can't wait to play it
anon whats your char (include server) name? ill inv u
BfA was the last expansion with a good story
>arms mogs ret in every way, from combat sounds to aesthetics
>the latter is still somehow more popular
This. Humancucks ruin every fantasy setting.
They objectively are, especially visually

compare the kino of underrot or waycrest to cinderbrew meadery or sanguine depths
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they used to be cool
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did you say something, cringelord?
>it's another mental illness episode
this guy's drawing of thee futa goblin cucking with a femgnome was peak
i will not tolerate out Saint Samwise slander on this board. Anything you see in early WoW was designed by him.
Dreadlust EU Tarren Mill
maybe they would be if they werent heavily timegated and i could actually what the difficult ones are like
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>BfA was the last expansion with some parts having a good story
Let's not pretend Nazjatar and N'zoth weren't obvious Danushitter drip-feed diarrhea storytelling of literally nothing.
>yeah bro they were great just look at [the only remotely passable dungeon of the whole lot]
I bet you unironically think freehold is a good dungeon.
I bet you clapped and cheered when atal'dashart got put into m+ again

the trailer doesn't count as story
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>BfA was the last expansion with a good story
>human can't turn his head left or right because of the ridiculous plough welded onto his helmet
very cool
Whats incorrect about this?
>every evoker tier helmet has was designed for the dragon form face to show properly
>they'll never actually be able to wear full mogs because the race was rushed and the team has moved on to other projects
Stop talking mean about Danuser guys, don't forget that after he was fired every single one of the e-celebs who shit on him for years said he wasn't responsible for anything and actually was a pretty good story teller.
its twice the buttons. it really is that simple, the majority of players are looking for the easiest spec they can find and ret puts out big numbers with zero effort. you can talent it down to 2 generators, a spender, and 1 thirty second cooldown. its hilariously braindead and the rest of its talent tree is a rube golberg machine of interactions and procs that just make 100 things happen when you push one button. teh spec is practically automated.
BFA was clearly two separate stories welded together. The first half was all about the horde and Alliance fighting. Then once that was finished up the old god stuff was bolted on to tie up the last remaining loose ends before Danuser and the rest could move on from the old stuff and introduce their new stuff with SL
>making slop of avatroons
holy kek
>rexxar is a survival hunter
Yes, obviously? Was this a controversial opinion?
tits WAY too small, they should be larger than her head
BFAs story was literally just jaina pouting, sylvanas being "hecking morally grey" and nathanos literally drooling on the floor every time her smelly pussy walked into frame
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Night elf monk is the turbochad option
>ignore nagging wife for 10 000 years
>bitch thinks I'm sleeping but I'm actually meditating
>wake up once the mists are no longer shrouding pandaria
>get shitfaced on 10 000 year old malt
>maybe smoke a joint beforehand
>level cooking real quick
>her stupid mount knows I'm about to practice my full rotation on her so it runs away lest it shares her fate
webm related
AvatarGODS run these threads
kek what the fuck
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subzwoo lets run some m+'s
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I'm probably gonna go Worgen soon, but what do I care, I'm not gonna get any e-vagina, I'm playing a male character in a male-dominated video game, not a female character with a penis.
Kill avatarfags, behead avatarfags, roundhouse kick avatarfags into the concrete, slam dunk an avatarfag baby into the trash can, crucify filthy avatarfags, defecate into avatarfag food, launch avatarfags into the sun, stir fry avatarfags in a wok, toss avatarfags into active volcanoes urinate into avatarfags gas tank, judo throw avatarfags into a woodchipper, twist avatarfags heads off, report avatarfags to the IRS, Karate chop avatarfags in half, curb stomp pregnant avatarfags, trap avatarfags in quicksand, crush avatarfags in a trash compactor, liquify avatarfags in a vat of acid, eat avatarfags, dissect avatarfags, exterminate avatarfags in the gas chamber, stomp avatarfags skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate avatarfags in the oven, lobotomize avatarfags, mandatory abortions for avatarfags, grind avatarfags fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown avatarfags in water with a toaster vaporize avatarfags with a raygun, kick old avatarfags down the stairs, feed avatarfags to alligators, slice avatarfags with katana
You forgot
>help raise wife's half-elf, half-tauren children
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War Within IS a paladin expansion

Warrior brainlets need NOT reply
i liked the kil tiras storylines but all the horde quests and zones in that x-pac were hot garbage. troll culture is fucking stupid, the sethrak and vulpera cultures were very shallow and poorly expanded on, and the loas were incredibly dumb with the exception of bwamsandi who was probably the only interesting horde character of the last 15 years.
I hate that slut makeup on Alleria
I love that slut makeup on Alleria
>Entire raid about the history of an Alliance race, before Horde is allowed to do anything significant this expansion.
Yawn and Alliance still try to claim the devs are Horde biased.
game must be dead as fuck if asmongoloid with 50k hours and wow addiction gives 0 fucks about the expansion, im glad i didnt buy this garbage, all the people left in this shit are addicts that can't quit
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Sorry lad It's a priest expansion. All you do in every zone is either heal animals, heal people, or heal machines. Anduin is a priest too.
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>back in BfA
>Vulpera just got added
>I log in a few weeks later at the Great Seal
>every single other character around me was a Vulpera
>decide to quit BfA that very moment
Don't reply to the Night Talent plant's bait
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bro forsakens help worgens to reclaim gilneas with blight
once again
forsakens use blight to help worgens to reclaim gilneas
factions dont matter anymore
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>>Entire raid about the history of an Alliance race, before Horde is allowed to do anything significant this expansion.
It's probably much more polluted than that, with key parts of Afrasiabi's Vision for what Sylvanas was supposed to be doing being carried forward with the Saurfang storyline, but at the same time it all devolving into the Horde dragging itself through the mud as per usual when their leader turns bad, and then Sylvanas making deals with Xal'atath, Azhara and then eventually J'lor... it's really not clear who wrote what and where things were really supposed to go for Tyrande, Bwonsamdi, Anduin etc... but certainly nobody expected Shadowlands would happen holy shit what the fuck, what a 270 turn.
Why did the mage trying to make a portal in Hallowfall matter? Can't we ask Jaina to pop down and make a portal to Stromgarde?
>he still doesn't realize it's a druid expansion
who gives a shit about the story
druids are S++ tier and getting better
we are the protagonists once again, the rest of you are just side npcs
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Nah, she will come back absolutely
I mean it really shouldn't be that surprising, he hasn't actually played the game proper since Legion. He's long since quit, he just comes in at the start of each new expansion because he knows he'll get a lot of viewers.
/ourgirl/ zepla is streaming
How did they miss this one
How are the devs who went over the game with a fine tooth comb going to explain how they missed this?
>Join Moira Bronzebeard as the bronze dragonflight grants her a look back in history, guiding us all through a journey through eight epic boss raid encounters.

>Players can queue for this epic raid with the Raid Finder (Group Finder Hotkey I) or create their own groups of 10 to 15 players by speaking with Moira for Normal and Heroic difficulties.
>not having your bitch so afraid of your storm earth and fire burst that she remains loyal for 100 centuries
>not casting fists of fury while she is pregnant
>not even taking the bastard on a zen flight
shiggy diggy
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>Samwise hates the alliance
>Literally mains a dwarf warrior
Say sorry
>always accuse your enemy of what you yourself are guilty of
I have never played this shitty game, never will.
I'm Pyro spec, if I line everything perfect, I can maybe do slightly more DPS than a tank
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i-im from Azralon, i-----im brazilian but speak perfect english even in voice calls... c-can i get an invite for the guild?
well... blood elf leader married thalysra and also he teaches zappy boi how to read... wow....
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>elf feet
>undead bimbo
they can do something good with that i'm pretty sure.
whats cucking about it, it's just a futa goblin and her gnome gf
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Then gilneas becomes a city open for everyone.
I'm worried not just factions, races won't matter anymore.
And that is more cringe than anything.
Factions dying to focus more on race separation? Good
Factions dying because there are no borders? Shit.
Sure. Every anon from wowg is welcome.
Horde or ally?
That's a cute power fantasy you have there nelfcel but that doesn't stop your wife from riding miles of tauren totem on the regular.
wowg is so back
yeah you reminded me
>>sleep while your wife does all the work
holy based NEETgods
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>anon keeps telling me to stop having fun
wat da fug do i do wowgee
yeah that's pretty much a given
refer to >>493407914
...wait, am I danuser?
or am I metzen?
>still no talent to have TBC lifebloom and life seed on crit back
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

Night elf body type 2s are rightful Worgen property
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troons on suicide watch.
no "body type 1/2" for you.
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What the fuck is her problem?
Uh where the FUCK are the orc and tauren leaders
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When will you accept that The World Soul Saga will continue ripping off Bionicle and equate the Earthern as the Titans medicated red blood cells and the Titankeepers as white blood cells sent out to battle dire Void infection.
When you finish help take back Gilneas as Horde you even get a little Gilnean transmog outfit. And the next expansion Midnight is set in Quel'thalas and Silvermoon is probably going to be made in a neutral city even though that makes me seethe like you wouldn't believe. They've given up on the faction/race uniqueness.
wait a minute, the bimbo became the leader of the undead?

They gave up on faction uniqueness when they let elves into the horde
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Why are the Earthen racials so fucking bad?

>bonus exploration xp (I did this for a few levels from 10-14 and you basically get 1 level per zone fully explored)
>can't eat food, but well fed from gems is permanent
this seems like some weird ass Vanilla WoW idea. It makes the class unplayable in pvp since right now you can't use pvp water, but I assume that'll be fixed in a future patch. But is using food to regen hp just no longer expected in retail? There is no alternative Out of Combat regen provided for Earthen.
>chargeable ability
I haven't really tried this one out
>bonus finesse
too bad my druid is already my gatherer character
If they re-added the Venus and Mars symbols back I'd resub right now
That's the lich king's sister, don't call her a bimbo
You now remember Maye
It's a council now just like they've made everything else. Usually it's either Calia or Lilian that represent the Forsaken, they take turns.
She is conducting a humiliation ritual upon Anub'Arak because she is a woman and in her society women eat the men, which is a sort of humiliation ritual. Unsurprisingly based Anub'Arak rejected participating in this humiliation ritual and joined with the Scourge.
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i like big weapons and dps
which class
being a NEET is only based if you don't leech off anyone else
wow is healing...
You now remember he followed Tina to OG only to get cucked hard
Can't wait for Makuta Xal'atath to possess the World Soul at the end of the trilogy, ejecting Azeroth off to a far off planet for the next 10 years of Warcraft, before it's cancelled 1 expansion into the new arc and they gotta rush for a conclusion.
>WS is meant to setup WoW for the next 20 years
>"We are already talking about the next few, upwards of 17"
>Vague posting again
He's lost it.
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not fur long
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Literally who
This week's story quest just reaffirmed an old speculation that azeroth is a free-real-estate equivalent for cosmic forces (titan, void, life, death, few, etc).
All forces compete and are equally shit choices.
The last titan expansion will end with azeroth becoming an entity of balance.
Screencap this.
And when they let n*lfshitters into the alliance.
Democratica Res Publica Azerotia!
what a retarded dungeon
fuck dragonflying btw
hes a new NPC
>BfA was the last expansion with a good cinematic

All fem humans should look like this
Wait until you find out how expensive to the government welfare really is compared to pensions
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Dragonkeks will force blizzard to update their dev ui
>4 seconds apart
That one Maye=Howlah loonydoom in shambles.
im level 78
depends on what country you're talking about
the us can just print money indefinitely for example
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What happened to /ourguy/ Pezado?
What program is this?
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He's coming back in TLT.
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No? He was added long before the great 9.1.5 apocalypse.
*clicks mindlessly for 30 seconds until success*
he died
im skipping it
need to wait 1.5minutes lol
Are Earthen the BiS race for anything? Generally not a minmaxer but just curious.
Unfortunately for some it's still in that vague open field, where they can either reveal that Azeroth is a true cosmic being that all entities can influence.
Or Azeroth is a First One and that's why she can easily be pushed into any direction, do to being made up of all cosmic powers.
Either way, balance will come.
God I wish I had a dracthyr boyfriend
Truth to be told, dracthyr can be customized to a good nice-looking degree. Dracthyr from advertisements and promo screenshots just either lack any good taste or are made by mentally ill (which is most likely).
What would having Sylvanas as a wife feel like
Are you retarded or something
>QRD on the EU Guild Civil War?

I heard that the GM of Elysian is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the autism spectrum.

I also heard that the GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum is upset because he couldn’t join Elysian and created a new guild out of spite.

Any loremasters here?

Quick Recap from last thread:
Some heated comments from both guilds, clashing out in the thread.

Some screenshots were shared.

How will this pan out? Theories welcomed
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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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fk u noobs
the Legion was a cooler big bad than Old Gods and casting magic missile on the darkness, the latter are total jobbers
No one care about e-celebs opinion.
The fact that story and characters being shit was mentioned in that leaked screenshot from presentation is a serious punch into Danuser's gut, since it was his job to make them good.
I think they called Metzen exactly after realizing Danuser's work at Shadowlands shat all over playerbase' perception.
He can only blame himself. He is just not good enough for such job.
Nogg-check: Does your main currently have a Noggenfogger Elixir in his inventory?
Holy ESL my lord.
Only one side provided any evidence of their claims and it was pretty damning. If you can't figure it out yourself then you're just retarded.
the elysian nigga had a melty in here so i would listen to the nerub silkweaving nigga desu
>delete char because uhm....?
>get mad when the feature to undelete is bugged and isn't a priority for blizzard to fix because why the fuck would you delete your char and then want to undelete it
based blizzard.
>Nerub Silkweaving Forum
Give me Nerub Silkweaving Forum invite. Thanks.
>Not jobbers.
Bro they've been kicked off the planet THREE TIMES.
yes, because I use mods and turned that model into a fat tit version of df alexstrasza
Literally just permutate 2, 3 and 4, which you can do with two opposite 4-perms if you treat the fifth as a blank slot.
based bro
didnt buy this phoned in shit as well
maybe will come back for midnight i dont know
permutate deez nuts
Bro are you retarded
Diggers will never be true mana-classes.
Diggers can't eat, digger can't drink.
technically now she is both single and no longer bound by tradition to murder and eat you, so...
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Retbros, am i good?
I can fix her
he won btw
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zoomies spotted
It is from Blizz recent stream. Internal dev tools.
this nigga having a stroke
wait a fucking moment
since when do nerubians have 6 legs
they always had 4 despite being spider themed
I remember because this confused me
Most lucid doomjeet.
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>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Are you okay bud?
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So you are retarded then
I love girldick but I hate draenei and elves, what race is made for me?
Unironic question. Please don't reply with pictures of your own ERP avatar trying to bait me for lewd replies.
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wowchads we won
Human female
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>Finish It! in Story Mode
>The War Within introduces a new way to experience the story within a raid dungeon with Story Mode. This mode of play offers players a way to see the epic conclusion of the storyline in Azj-Kahet allowing you to face Queen Ansurek without assistance of other players. When entering this mode as a solo player, you'll be joined by nine NPC companions to aid you in battle. Story Mode will continue to be available in future raid dungeons within The War Within and the Worldsoul Saga for players looking for a relaxed and engaging way to take part in the narrative story without the intensity of playing with a group.

Hopefully they expand the system in the next 2 expansions, to be a bit more of the raid.
Same way they should expand follower dungeons to have story-mode versions in future content like they did with the Rookery.
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>leveling my earthen monk through pandaria for rp reasons
>do VotFW/Karasang
Why was the storyline in those two zones so much better than almost anything blizzard has produced since? It even had the whole everyone coming to your aid in the finale thing and THE PLAYER actually got to save the day and do the cool thing.
who will be the girlboss humiliating illidan?
get better taste
Y-Yeah like that one
we know the meme retard we're making fun of you for not being able to read a normal, proper sentence.
Azeroth. Screencap this.
hash tag ad
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play windwalker and do 27 kicks with one button
DF feels so long ago and the Dragon Isles are dead
I love it bros, fuck this place
>bots amount and activity have increased 300%

wowwe wawa!
wtf is rizz face? speak english you stupid nigger
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>all these replies
holy newfafs
Post some good/nice looking ones
>we know the meme retard
it's obvious that almost all don't (and you didn't as well, but now you try to save your face)
I feel like we shouldn't celebrate the loss of the Dragon Isles considering people had wanted them since fucking classic
Should be available on launch along with the entire campaign.
>highest traffic days ever
Undermine exchange didn't even exist until last year when undermine journal shut down so this is literally meaningless information.
>wife aggro

Anon you act as if 99% of people who play WoW are not 30+.
I guarantee I'm years older than you, zoomshit.
If you need me to break down the sentence for you like I used to do for the special-ed kids I tutored, feel free to ask.
hard pass
yes please
I really don't understand how blizzard okayed this s a race and are still keeping visage as required for evoker.
Good one anon now post Leeroy and reply to it half a dozen times as well.
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How many delve keys do you guys have? I only got 8 and feel like i'm missing some.
We're up 300% players from DF, cope and seethe
not even the same guy who posted the copy pasta
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josh was not the problem
Not only are they okay with it, they are the only race that is constantly getting significant upgrades/improvements. Dracthyr are clearly one of their favorite races if not favorite all around.
anything interesting about the substories in this game?
i think the zone questlines kinda peaked in bfa honestly
is the vial about to turn him into something blizzard will never add as a playable option?
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300% of nothing is still nothing :/
you wanna know what happened? What happens on every expansion launch
Speed gear becomes shit at max level so people spam the Undermine Journal to snipe new gear.
Some classes like Mage or DK are basically unplayable in the overworld without a speed set because they lack the mobility all the other classes have.
t. bought a Speed+Socket Neck and Bracer for 25k each just to go at 145% speed with the speed phial and the new speed food (the movement speed metagem is broken, should be 151)
I have four, and I used one to see what it does.
>Dracthyr are clearly one of their favorite races if not favorite all around.
but they're shite
>boasts about being a special-ed teacher
visage is worse thoumstever
everyone should have 8
i have 0 idea who this nigger is
what did he do?
You'll only have 8 if you have only done weekly stuff. Renown can give a few extra and there are occasional world quests that give 1/4th of a key but I've only seen 2 of those since launch.
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Can Alliance wear the Horde ones? Orc poster this is your time to shine.

hows fury
>Some classes like Mage or DK are basically unplayable in the overworld
Wtf does this even mean? The game is literally piss easy. It's impossible to die. What do you mean unplayable?? Just play.
>any further accusation would lead to immediate termination
What the actual fuck am i reading?
shouldnt be a surprise, its the same group of weirdos from method now in echo
you're not posting this because it's cute YOU NIGGER
sadly this
it would be much better if they would let you pick any race for it even without adding the tranny makeup
these are going to look mighty stupid on non humans
No it's juice that makes you cum extremely hard and he's about to drink it
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>Some classes like Mage or DK are basically unplayable in the overworld
they couldn't have actually repeated that dumb pet shit again. i think that took attack speed to either keep the proc up or do so much in a certain amount of time so it'd have to be new.
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Ohhh shit I'mma need this badly. That's really cute.
i have to write something bro
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yoooo we have the same
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Fantastic suggestion.
Thank you.
>posting this in every thread
It means anon ate shit while leveling and has to overcompensate to hide his shame
Why has WoW just been nostalgiajerking for six years straight? I'm tired of content like time rifts. I'm tired of world bosses from 15+ years ago. I'm tired of devs saying we're not prepared and winking at the camera. I'm tired of paid journos gushing about how the new zone reminds them of *ruffles papers* Suramar. Scourge and Legion are done and should stay done.
Do something new.
they go slow as fuck, holy shit
go split hairs somewhere else you ignominious faggots
Looks very similar to the Uther judgement skin from Hots
Maye won.
Pezado won.
Barry won.
holy cope
bro they brought Metzen back
>kill the world's best guild because some confirmed teen whore made some baseless accusations that didn't even reach court
>split the dream team in half
>start losing races because of it
>is about to do it again
If Max wasn't such a massive cunt I would be cheering for NA at this point even though I'm from EU
>they level 10% slower
they absolutely destroyed their solo playerbase with the removal of borrowed power
idk if this will do anything

It's up
How do Maye's feet smell?
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Dracthyr frotting party in the war creche?
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like 2 day old ground beef.
Currently? My well-stomped sheathe and sack.
And that's a good thing, most players these days are worse than the literal bots. And at least the bots don't bully you and tell you to kill yourself for saying hi.
Solo buffs, solo content, solo welfare gear.
We're a single player game now, and that's a good thing.

Please stop posting. I'm begging you
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i don't know what it is but I don't find tall muscular hairy niggas attractive irl but when it's a furfag drawing my dick goes boioioing
shut up bitch
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mfw trying to level enchanting
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Season waiting room
strange isnt it? yet more players play exclusively solo than make any attempt to be socialble. LFG/LFR excluded.
What did she even do besides job to Razageth and Fryakk?
bussin fr no cap ong
Game is more solo player friendly than ever, wtf is this cope?
looked really nice and pretty and made my cock hard
is CAWAEN in this here thread
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/wowcg/ is laughing at us again ...
Why is so obsessed with you and Trollanon?
>dk is slow
Are you sure about that? Cause they're by far the fastest class in the overworld + infinite grips.
>attempt to be socialble
>get ignored and/or votekicked
Yeah, it's solo for me.
>inb4 humanoid cock
Tell them there's an aoe circle under them. That'll keep 'em busy for three hours
Post pregnant ai sloppa.
and each time it took the entire world to actually defeat them
the old gods either die to literal whos, or like dimensius, get solo'd
we're already on track to basically gangrape xal in a cutscene
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I have 7 because I fucked up and used one before I knew we were supposed to save it
That's really good
I play MMOs solo because I want to be around people to not feel lonely but I don't want to interact with them
Same, humans just aren't attractive
The interesting part is that that's not the case with most other MMOs, even ones that have extensive housing systems like ESO for example. WoW players have been conditioned (and conditioned each other) to hate every other player you see. They're toxic as fuck.
> Night Elf Females are a natural troon/faggot magnet,

Just mad that Nelf women won't date you
It's fucking brutal and I'm wasting all my concentration just to get +1KP on murderous work orders.
Humans are gay but everything else is just another thing for you to fuck
you WILL join a guild
you WILL download the addons
you WILL get in discord
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>mfw leveled enchanting
I've never met a single biofem nelf player
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>this shit game STILL has no player housing system
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Considering making a guild. The price of admission would be a picture of your hand holding a timestamped note with your character and warband in background.
>WoW players have been conditioned (and conditioned each other) to hate every other player you see
Thats a good way to put it into words: "Always know you are great and assume everyone else is garbage and treat them accordingly." Its like a mass living and evolving dunning-kruger effect
You move 40~50% slower all the time and have little to no movement tools
maybe it doesn't register in your very damaged DH brain, but other classes can't double jump, get a speed boost by starting a glide, have 2 dashes, a 10yd disengage and a charge + getting speed based on mastery
all you have on mage is 2 shimmers and it's a 50/50 on whether they get stuck on the ground geometry because indians make this game
moving at a normal speed in modern wow feels like torture, make yourself a speed set and feel the difference for yourself, you absolutely cannot go back to playing without it, and in general Speed is an extremely overpowered tertiary stat in raids

here's another example, ever tried doing M+ on a Frost DK with no speed?
every other class leaves you in the dust and all you got is Death's Advance on a 45s cooldown for just 40% movement speed- on a class based entirely around autoattack uptime
Speed is mandatory on DK and a couple other classes
>Want to finish 10.0 story
>LFR Raz not out for 2-3 more weeks
>Have to spend 6 hours jumping between normal pugs to try and find a single one where a third of the group isn't already dead by the first phase transition
Story mode is needed.
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Choke on azurite glowie.
How do you make gold in retail Anon?
I hate the new crafting system and I'm tried of pretending it's fine. I miss when you could just gather mats and craft a peace of gear instead of needing 500 other currencies for procs and tiers. Fuck off.
retard, i main priest and never even touched DH and I am not writing seething essays about how fucking slow I am moving.
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Bro? Your garrison?
>You move 40~50% slower all the time and have little to no movement tools
20% exp boost will fix that. Also the instant tank queues mean you never need to do overworld stuff.
>want to play
>not enjoying any class

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i don't even remember august
System itself is fine, it is just that timegated crafting skill points is a slog.
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AI is getting too strong.
I hate how HOTS made her into a fat pig
literally every class except rogue feels great so idk what you want
Bros out here coping about something I've literally never seen a single soul care about in their life
hpriest and bdk holding hands in not giving a shit about how fast everyone else moves. you move how fast we move or you die.
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I'm down
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>The patron orders are 3 things I can't make
>want to play
>only class I like is forever bottom tier
Krasus, more like cucksus.
make sure you don't put any points in things that aren't optimal or your character will be bricked
I give at least a hello and gg all in every dungeon, I usually get at least one response. sometimes a little casual chat
this mostly only exists in queued content because of how easy it is to go in, do your shit, get your shit, then leave and know you'll most likely never meet any of those players again. m+ and raids tend to have some amount of pre and postgame banter in my experience

it's why you have such a large number of retards endlessly queuing for the spider dungeon and leaving immediately when their eggsac doesn't drop, these people are used to playing an MMO that blizzard has built for them where they never have to interact with other people and they don't care about being shitters because they won't meet you again
ironic that most people acting this way over a particular drop from heroics are almost certainly not going to be engaging in actual challenging content when the season drops where farming for a specific trinket is warranted
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I sure hope you aren't behind anon....
You will be full delve geared going into m+ right?
Flex mode should be more intelligent and adaptive to factors outside of raw player count. Like if you invite a player from Ragnaros the boss shouldn't gain as much health as it normally would.
patron orders are weird
im enchanting and all i have on my list are shit i cant make unless i dump knowledge points into the tree
Rogue only feels fun if you're able to do your proper opener and the fight doesn't last too long. I've been enjoying world content on my rogue, but the minute I do a dungeon or fight a stronger mob you always end up energy starved.
reminder that Krasus wasn't even mentioned once in Dragonflight
fuck blizzard, he was a good character who deseverd better
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Krasus has been dead since Cata, Alezstrasza needs her dragussy plowed by someone else

Blame Christie Golden for killing him without a word in-game, lol
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the fuck is this
I killed her
ask anyone on AD alliance or if you're Horde join the community and I'll invite you. Alternatively add me on bnet Castriot#2261
>Prot paladins back to being a meme joke tank
>Prot warriors are absolute sovl
WoW is so back.
>want to play
>class i'm enjoying the most can't show transmogs
Pain and suffering
Pro tip: The wheel that teaches you glamors gives you 6 new first crafts for every 5 points you drop into it up to 15/20, and most of the work orders you get on enchanting are the glamors.
I saved my keys, but what do you actually get in higher delves? m+ gear?
Can you plow my dragussy too anon? /blush
please recommend a class to a beginner player who wants to have big dick DPS and just level in the world, preferably melee, dont like magic and shit
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I shall be doing my delves at the end of the week once I finish my M0 dungeons.
Hots was made by gays and trannies
nta but rogue feels "fine" as in it's just the same as DF, the biggest issue to me is our hero talents sucking and/or being bugged but I can keep playing DR ass/outlaw and have fun

I like busy classes though so I get not everyone can enjoy the extra work on rogue when they can play ret or mage or DK and have an overall easier time for similar results
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>4chan guild that excludes nonwhites
i know that eliminates like 80% of the ""people"" here but imagine how fucking based it would be
>not clearing raid on reset
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Blood DK has too many FUCKING BUTTONS
What the FUCK
drooling retard spec can't be sovl
atleast prot pala has nuance with off-healing and utility
Fury warrior, as a plus it's really fun too
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>Blame Christie Golden for killing him without a word in-game, lol
Did Golden have an axe to grind with Knaak or something?
Is that why she killed Krasus and Rhonin offscreen?
I could not give less of a fuck about Rhonin, but killing Krasus off was so fucking stupid I'm still not over it.
He was quite literally the only other relevant red dragon than Alexstrasza.
How would they know?
did they add a native dps meter? or is that an addon on the bottom left
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I'm not an enchanter ....
A curious game, the only winning move is not to upgrade.
>Ultra beginner retard proof
Ret Paladin
>1 functioning braincell
Survival Hunter
being energy starved is built into the class (at least for ass. it's rng on outlaw and idk sub) l. I like to use my energy pooling time to shitpost here or post porn on discord
it's "details TWW addon"
literally all me btw
It's a skin for details
>Hots was made by gays
>and trannies
If trannies were involved the models wouldn't have looked as fucking good as they did. It was all straight white men and gay dudes.
Prot pally has always been a joke outside of power leveling people in tbc. Otherwise there has never been a time when you should take them over a druid tank.
so butchery is losing two of its charges and being given a 15 second cooldown with a dot to compensate?
is year of the spear a pipedream or is this a buff
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Rate the 'band
Bro, I'm a buttonphonbe and Blood DK is the only tank I play comfortably, fuckign Guardian druid has 4 different button for basic AoE damage and 4 different buttons for single target attack, not to mention 5 CD and 3 self heal
i played the game before to like 20 lvl and i know basic shit, have some braincells but also don't want to stress out with the mechanics etc

so, fury warrior or ret paladin ?
Syncin' Cycles
Replace panda with a pera
Quadruple sex
This is the fullest my bars have ever been. Not even feral was this bad
Ret Paladin you have to actively try to fuck up. All you do is press the glowy buttons and use ashes/wings on CD

Thankfully Christie Golden was fired, what an awful woke sjw man hating bitch
She killed Cairne offscreen, too. She's a spiteful whine aunt that, to my knowledge, isn't married and hasn't reproduced.
Argent Dawn EU
Only female (REAL female) feminists and jewish-american men make the women ugly.
Trannies want nothing more than a perfectly sexy and feminine avatar for them, something they'll never be.
shadow lands S1 they were the best tanks and did better aoe dps than 90% of dps
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My only vulpera is a H*nter which I dont really want to play
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Which one of the following guild will actually raid and clear normal first?
>ELYSIAN - 20 man elites mythic raid ready -
>NERUB SILKWEAVING FORUM - everyone is welcomed -
recommend to me the most SOVL restoration shaman chain-heal spam race.
People like Christie Golden were absolutely responsible in trying to actively remove the masculinity from the game, which is why the Horde has gotten so buttfucked over the years, because it's a humiliation ritual
>LIGHT-themed tank deals the most damage
What's the issue?
>Did Golden have an axe to grind with Knaak
Nah it was more so that she had her favorites and didn't like to deviate from them so all other characters ended up axed or left to die in the dust. She adored Anduin and the Alliance with every fiber of her being and despised the Horde. And we're not talking the meme about Blizzard hating Horde like we always joke about, Golden clearly disliked the Horde and thought they were the villains, even when writing from their own perspective.
playing as a girl is gay
<BLT> - Illidan
Neither because any 4chan thing is doomed to fail
ret paladin is probably bottom 3 for most simple dps specs alongside BM hunter and dev voker while also being practically immortal for levelling
fury warrior clearly, also gives you the simplest and smashiest tank just in case
Literally all built for strong futas
which of them will actually be fun and enjoyable to be a part of?
I like that vulpera outfit. What is it?
>2 gnomes and a goblin
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never ever
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Plunderstorm fomo + bfa troll leveling stuff
>a party of midgets
I bet they have hilarious misadventures.
Why did he do it
i don't have one
I had an issue with vdh being the best tank for all of DF because of the double sigils talent
the difference between a decent vdh and a decent anything else was so vast it was stupid and it was more stupid they never got nerfed, while brew was useless all expac and STILL got nerfed
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too many n*ggers
>flying around skinning shit
>see a fire mage
A fire mage!
A fucking FIRE MAGE!
formerly chuck
Smartest p*nda
When was the last time brewmaster was considered good, anyway?
"Very complicated and needs a lot of effort just to be equal than an average tank of another class" is how it's been explained to me since Legion.
I am a former top 50 healer and I'm currently playing with former top 100 players in Nerub Silkweaving Forum

Now, Elysian - 20 shitters/poors alongside with their schizo GM, gonna recreate the Titan submersible implosion

Who's winning? You tell me.
>while brew was useless all expac and STILL got nerfed
whoa...just like Prot Paladins right now
When will the raid story mode be available? Is it next week?
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>speak to Foreman Uzjax
they need to delete aug so my devastation can get m+ spots
Stop giving animals curves like human women.
It's just not natural.
Imagining the current stories with Cairne and Krasus included just makes me sad, fuck Golden I'm glad she's gone.
Brehs... The delves... I'm gonna be the first to unlock the secret delve...
They need to delete dev to force sissify every evoker main
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Lumine, my sister!
Have you never seen a big cat
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literally made 8k gold in a little over than 3 hours today
I had to kill mountain lions to save my skin and they're absolutely not built like that.
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If the gays made HOTS and gave us designs like this, get more gays on the WoW team STAT!
bfa I think and honestly iirc they had a pretty good run for most of their lifespan before that
I actually like brew and how busy it was but I don't want to submit myself to m+ tanking and I don't like ww or mw so I don't play monk any more

sorry bro your class is defined by ret because that's what all the children and retards play and whine for buffs for constantly, any buffs prot and holy get are simply overspill from Timmy complaining that he saw ret was #5 on the DPS charts in mythic raids, while he logs in to do world quests and LFR
>why would anyone play an MMO solo?
Apparently Blizz thinks you should be able to.
i just spent the last hour grinding mobs and got 6 gold 57 silver...im fucking rich now
go to stormwind or org youl see 2000 ofem
forget giving worgen tails. give dracthyr boobs.
hehe gemmys
I expect to see none by the end of the year
HotS art director was Samwise, retard
You should be able to sell fomo stuff to other players for traders tender.
my good friend timbur just said mogging into a full set is the wow equivalent of being a full kit wanker LMAO
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They really need more options for that
gems :)
Should I just burn all my crests now on any purple gear I have?
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Why do solo players piss people off so much?
Is Oct 22nd a good time to buy the expac?
If we're getting Sylvanas outfit soon, we should get Whitemanes HOTS outfit as well
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is this one of you guys
I just went to og, there were 0 Earthen there
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I think people forget sometimes that gays are some of the most vain people on the face of the planet, they're not going to make hideous characters like women tend to do.
bit late desu I'd buy it today to get a cahr to 80, some gear for raid and mythic
i wouldnt say it pisses me off, more like upset at lost possibility. I just thought it was funny that playing an mmo solo came up in the thread and then less than an hour later blizz posts about how to play solo
and furfags*
that's me :)
MMOs are inherently a social game, people asking to be able to avoid the social aspects of the game are better off playing other games, but blizz sees them as easy money so they get catered to
What addon shows the ilvl?
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>Whitemane outift added to trading post
>monkey paw curls
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Are those out yet?
This is a human male paladin expac
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thanks for playing her game :)
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shrimple ilvl :)
it even shows ilvl in your bags
hope this post helps.
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i-i did only one bountiful delve. what am i missing
Her and Danuser caused an absolute shit ton of harm to the overall story and lore, which is sad because I used to actually like Golden, but holy fuck is she just insufferable.
Wait, guilds can be cross server now?
>anon admits to being a faggot
>Earthens and Dracthyrs are the most successful and popular new races in history.

Meanwhile, they're the most mocked here in /wowg/... Now you can see how big the disconnection is?
Nothing, you shouldn't have done one at all. Wait until the higher tier ones open to use your keys. That's if you want to sort of min max of course, but you can do whatever you want.
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she hasnt done shit, it aint her game.
tastefully boring. my characters end up a lot like that when i actually bother. it's such a timesink to even start in on it with all the clashing parts.
>mocked by furfags, niggers, trannies, and pedophiles
oh no
Yrel hasn't shown up yet because the model artists can't figure out how to make a female draenei ugly.
Thats why I said Whitemane's HOTS outfit
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how does one join this fabled silkweaving forum... I'm horde...
Why would you ever want to be in a guild with /wowg/
>liking fat fucks
nice projection
I use full set transmogs on all of my characters because I'm lazy and I also think they look good and fit my class themes.
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where the fuck are the weekly quests for profession knowledge? cant find shit as engineer or alchemist
She's our ticket into Avaloren.
How are they being catered to in a manner detrimental to normal players? Remember, "solo" content like Choreghast and Delves can be done in parties before you use them as examples.
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hallowfall is underground?
Wednesday for NM and HM raids and M dungeons and 4+ delves
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This is her HOTS model for reference, I think she looks nice personally.
I cant believe they outnumber blood elves 8 to 1
holy shit that's hot
inb4 low test cucks who think this is fat
You take away from everyone else. The game constantly catering to everyone is why it's in the state it is. You can't be happy making your own goals and doing solo activities you have to undermine the core of the game
sex demon
anyone from Nerub Silkweaving Forum on right now ?
semen demon i mean queen of the dragons
kul tirastrasza
crafting ones dont have it anymore, only gathering. you get the knowledge from patron crafting oders now.
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its good but the df model is better also the skins she got in hots are way better like the space slut of the literally half naked slut
ratio'd >>493418705
go suck dick elsewhere
Made for pregnancy
stop feeding the doomjeet
Chubby demon
The existence of solo as an option is detrimental already.
made for bbc
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I prefer her uncensored wrath model
you get the weekly quest from the building in the artisan plaza south of the dornogal auction house. the other guy who replied is lying out his ass, ignore him.
So I could invite a LatAm spic to a NA guild if I wanted for whatever reason?
Post globo fomo player count, not joining a dead guild
>Recent expansions removed archeology, an entirely solo profession, hasn't added new pet battle content since BfA, and forced you to socialize for professions
Sorry but I'm not seeing what you're talking about.
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>chin bigger than variand
kys troon
Sorry people don't put up with your shit in game anymore
dragons are real?
face makes her look like a tranny
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I genuinely had fun with A-team rejects from the old days here.
Until our leader spammed chat with scat porn and quit in anger that is

Even in these times dominated by schizos I do believe that most terminally online shut-ins here are still fine people who just want to team up and have fun.
Btw I'm not joining it.
no way
prove it
Yeah well let's just agree to disagree. Something tells me you just come from somewhere a million miles away from where I'm from.
cant find shit but I will continue
theres a crafting weekly by the AH? didnt know that.
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This is how you properly make thicc characters.
HoTS makes her legs look like they belong to an overweight midget
I agree.
I have the same thoughts regarding playing with /mhg/. Used to be fun, now, probably not so much. Rather play with friends/randoms
I'm getting the TWW fishing achievement, liquidating my fish, buying a token with the proceeds and quitting
sorry but it just kinda sucks, see you next patch if it's better
Are you okay?
you can probably see how players treat each other in queuable content like LFR and normal and heroic dungeons because its very common for people to behave like shitheads because they know they won't face real repercussions for acting in such a manner
yeah its not strictly solo content by definition, but queued content is made to satisfy people who dont want to engage with other people in an MMO. I've not really seen such open disdain for teammates in such casual content in MMOs before, its mostly unique to WoW and I put it entirely on how easy blizz has made it to pretend the other people in your game simply don't exist
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Why do they keep making these garbage gimmick dungeons like City of Threads and Dawnbreaker?
you have to do two yellow quests first, they're orientation quests about finding where the crafting vendors and quartermaster are
if you have enchanting as one of your professions, one of the quests gives you the option to pick a bag of enchanting materials worth ~6k gold
>pull up tailoring patron orders
>see a bunch of easy ones
>open them and find out they all want a harbinger crest tacked on
those fucking things are 30 storm dust when I'm already hungry for storm dust fuck you game
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>I've never seen such casual distdain
You need to play more mmos
cope brosnantranny
for the earthen unlock
do i just do story quests?
Her face is awful
you VILL find ze traitors
you VILL ride your mount (but not if you're a DK)
you VILL babysit ze candle
and you VILL be happy
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>When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you.
Nah wow is the source. Let's be real here. Catering to solo players killed the social stuff
atleast Dawnbreaker is fast. Probably gonna be astro aids on M+ thoughever
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>I've not really seen such open disdain for teammates in such casual content in MMOs before, its mostly unique to WoW
Legionbaby post.
Post worg ass
>on phone
>jumping in circles in goldshire watching the cool star trail on my mage tower cat form
>get whispered by female draenei toon
>"mt was free at the end"
>"cat was one of the easiest. I did it in NH gear"
>"you're not special"
>goes inside the inn
what's the comeback here?
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Whisper Cawaen or any member on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum, add me on battlenet (Castriot#2261) or just type in /wowg/ in the community finder, I only use the community to add cross faction players otherwise just apply to the guild first or add Castriot#2261 on battlenet. Play or shoot the shit with wowg anons!
Wow isn't the source, it's just the most visible. Sorry you're in a rut
>made a panda
>can't get past the horrible gut animation
>all animations have a comedic tone
God man. Couldn't they make them cool?
One BMT footlong, please.
continuing to run around. let them seethe.
>starving negroid doesnt know what a real woman looks like
>"didn't ask"
I'm not a huge fan of them either and I don't do M+. I'd rather just get in, fight some trash, fight the bosses, and leave. Gimmick dungeons are rarely fun or well done. Gimmick quests though? Those tend to be fun as a way to break up the monotony.
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I already posted it yesterday, anon...
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Mandas are keyed
It's a fucking anthropomorphic panda bear what did you expect? You can't make that shit cool.
Its so exhausting to deal with you kids who think this is just how MMOs are. Doing wall to wall pulls with a silent party who don't give a shit about anyone isn't an normal. Its just shit. And the player numbers reflect that.
I'm so sorry, anon. You can only be a comedic relief or a gay fat fetishist.
There's a reason most people who wanted to give the race a go went female and ended up gaslighting themselves into furries.
whats the fucking valorstone farm
I wonder can you articulate what you actually want from WoW? without saying any of the following unhelpful drivel:
>no borrowed power
>no chores
>no systems
>no grinds
>no gimmicks
>no gear treadmill
>no braindead content
>no recycled content
>no shoehorned content
>no tacked-on content
>no low-effort content
>no filler content
>no new class (balance the existing ones!!!)
>no tinker it would be the WORST class I would QUIT if it was added
>no pruning
>no catering to the 1%
>no pandering
>no gatekeeping
>no RNG
>no timegating
>no choreghast
>no snoreghast
>no boreghast
>no [something] 2.0
>no welfare legendaries
>more fun and rewarding content
>more evergreen content
>more bite-size content
>more casual content
>more meaningful content
>more streamlined content
>more world content
>more focus on server community
>more focus on guilds
>more customisation
>more player agency
>more meaningful loot
>more deterministic gearing
>more unique classes
>better balance
>better class parity
>better class utility
>better character progression
>nerf FotM classes
>make levelling meaningful
>more hardcore content
>make epics feel like epics
>bring back real treasures
>bring back real rares
>bring back flavor abilities
>bring back old school RPG aspects
>bring back dailies
>bring back world PvP
>bring back flying
>bring back outdoor difficulty
>playable san'layn
>playable undead elves
>playable half elves
>playable high elves (real ones)
>dark ranger class
>more blood elf lore
>quel'thalas revamp
>give lor'themar more time in the spotlight
>remove factions so I can play alliance blood elves or horde void elves
Yeah but you didn't post it with your pants off!
Show me your bare worg ass now!!
I tried doing this first thing and then I just got kinda disgusted at how fetishistic it ends up looking no matter what you do and didn't
plus the fact that the visage form would have to be a faggy nigga in make up... as if the "remaster" didn't do enough damage with all of its fucking physics enabled vore bellies and bara dragons
let my boy rest in peace
niggers are the ones into bbw thoughever
catastraza is the white mans choice
I've played a LOT of mmos brother I was in my early teens when WoW came out and I played them before that - if people are required to be social online for their viddy game then they trend towards being somewhat amicable, even if its just on the face of it. being able to queue into 5 random people out of 500,000 and be a shithead behind your PC then leave without penalty is why people in WoW are so unsocial these days

WoW was the big beginning of the trend of MMOs getting easier for solo players even back in classic. people mocked the game for how easy it was to play compared to other games out at the time and its only gotten easier to ignore every other player in your game in the 20 years since
That was an invitation to plap
hot take: male pandaren have really good animations unironically
their melee animations especially
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to be fair they were all pretty easy so not sure what his point was
You can though.why would you think no? By focusing on the bear part. Making them animals. I mean even the wc3 version is better.
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>Watch a video of some guy bitching about Elemental shaman having a shit playstyle
>He describes it as having cooldown reduction attached to their nature spells resulting in spamming Stormbringer, Wind Sheer, and Lighting Elemental non-stop
>Sounds fucking awesome
>Immediately after the PTR notes show shaman is getting gutted
Well fuck me guess I'll stick to resto
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For anything spicier, you'll have to hit me up in-game. Sorry anon, I don't make the rules.
shield and sword dps spec
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I want the opposite of what you and "people" like you want.
They have great casting animations as well. Im constantly annoyed by my stretched armor but I can never bring myself to abandon the general animations playing shaman with the dwarf instacast animation is unbearable
"drainy opinions don't matter unless your horsecock is at least 16 inches, whip it out"
Mandas were so based that they removed four out of eight of their /silly lines.
The tank one was genuinely hard
They could make them "teenage mutant ninja bears" and that's how samwise had them in his concept art.
The actual developers just went with family-friendly Jack Black instead. Do keep in mind that the original pandaren hero from Warcraft 3 was a walking bear and beer pun machine.
yea idk main sitting at 2k but my alt's are just fucked despite being the same ilvl I guess
More like where are our gimmick battlegrounds and arenas
>sit animation
They literally just watched kung fu panda. There was zero thought put into it
>game is called world of WARcraft
>only thing it's good for is how much SEX the women are
ok? Isn't that kinda gay? Where are all the sweaty ripped big hairy muscled men discussing political ideology and social philosophy?
It's not fair I don't play on EU at least post something in the other thread....
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nah, get bent nerd
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I don't know man
Still can't believe how many lines they ended up axing all because people at Blizzard couldn't stop stealing breast milk. Not like it was our fault.
I think that female worgen have them beat in censoring.
they ended up with only two /flirt lines iirc
I did all the ones I wanted in wq/LFR gear + overcharged artifact except...
can I ask what was up with the healer ones? the NPCs constantly got blown up from full HP from what I remember. I don't remember completing any of them but I somehow have the resto shaman one - I only remember wiping and ragequitting it for good.
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The healing one was hard as fuck. I cleared all dps and tank ones, but couldn't do a single healing one, except the disc priest
There's a new battleground in TWW btw. I think it's out in next reset.
Some of my first MMOs were Everquest, FFXI, vanilla WoW, City of Heroes, and Guild Wars. Even back then some groups were just like that. if you want to talk then start talking. WoW has the most players of any western MMO by a -massive- margin. Stop allowing your feelings blind you to facts.
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any gems
post gems
gemmy :)
Your comeback was switching your attention whoring from wow to wowg
You've already won
melee fempanda
caster malepanda
brewmaster on both
That looks way better.
If you gave pandaren those eyes it'd improve them already
The people obsessed with the men, who somehow don't willingly suck cock, don't wanna deal with politics or philosophy. Something about it not being for men and yet they don't get to fucking each other so who knows
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damn, thats based. maybe not all worgen are silly mutts?
i love lightning as much as the next guy but making lava burst so shit that it wasn't worth using except to buff lightning bolt every 30s was stupid
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no path available
i go with the old reliable
>maybe on planet retard
so effective it gets you banned nowadays
>literal april fools joke race
>surprised they are silly
It looks better, I'll give you that, but I just don't think you can make pandas cool.
Pandas are the lamest animal in existence. They are a bunch of fat retarded midget bears going extinct because they can't be asked to fuck each other.
Nah you're just blind to the reality of the game.
Let's agree to disagree. Because really this game is very lonely and hostile. Being a new player must be horrible. Any surviving new players probably have any extremely warped perspective on this game and how MMOs are.
bros the mythic pants for the evoker set are the wrong color, they have to fix it asap
because i like lava burst ):
>be a shithead behind your PC then leave without penalty is why people in WoW are so unsocial these days
There is a penalty. The game automates reports and all sorts of nasty shit. But it seems like no amount of punishment from on high can beat the social ostracization that you would have gotten from a regular server back in the day.
why are mages unable to cast lightning spells even though their attacks in warcraft 2 were literally lightning bolts?
god damn that's a good one. it's so simple. gonna use that, if you see me in the field show me mercy
>founding of ogrimmar
>april fools
So is battlenet still doxxing people on your bnet friends list?
Brother what? The only tank with less is bear. do you need help or just screaming into the ether?
I want cool. We don't have cool races anymore. Every model update has sucked dick.
Pandas can be cool. Even just adjusting the animations would be good. That gut stuff is horrible and ruins armor
>try to level my prot warrior to 80
>feels dogshit to play
why is this class so fucking spammy. you constantly piano 6 buttons and spam revenge / IP like a monkey.
>my experience is the only one that matters
No wonder you find hostility
I kept hoping they'd replace them with super sanitized corpo ones.
Yes, that's why I refuse to friend people on bnet. Really I just find it creepy more than anything else.
khadgar also summoned entire storms with his magic as well
guess they went from "wizards" to "mages" in wow, whatever that means
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>the other thread
All they do is discuss Lili and drawfag OCs, and neither of them are really my thing. I don't visit it as often as /wowg/.
Your taste is simply too dogshit to enjoy the best spec WoW has to offer. Perhaps Ret Paladin is more your speed.
Hows hunter bm?? for chill
haha thunderclap
Hmm, now what do I do?
2bh they added chaos bolt style crit scaling on so many skills this xpac - BM kill command, all marksman hunter shots at 40% effectiveness, haste scaling on fists of fury (lol) non-ascendance lava burst and fdk oblit are outliers.
It's fucking push the cart.
Hey, occasionally someone will post 3d art too
Insane how only pedos are left in there
Not unexpected but still disheartening
I had a new player in one of my Ara-Kara runs while leveling an alt. The guy got lost so the group stopped pulling while explaining to him how to use his map to find us and other basic things. Maybe you have a warped perceptive from playing on a mentally ill faction instead of US-Horde?
is there a trick to leveling fishing or just patience?
>mudhut nogs being able to build a city
that is a pretty good april fools!
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those graphics are nuts for wow standards
Nah brew has way less too.
Its like 6 defensive CDs, like 4 offensive CDs
Death and Decay upkeep, consumption upkeep, bonestorm upkeep
Reaper's Mark which is another fucking button I need to keep and eye on at all times
many people!
you'd rather track ten gazillion things on bdk/brewmaster to optimally play it?
as long as you aren't just straight up typing slurs the worst you'll come away with is probably a warning or a short suspension
getting a rep as an asshole in an older game or even WoW before they added cross realm would actively mean you weren't getting invited places
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>you now remember when races looked cool, like this
WoW was a fucking mistake. EVERYTHING looks worse now.
who fucking CARES just play a shaman if you want lightning
they've been spoiling us with the model quality for awhile now
Mainly patience, though you can find an item from fishing that is warbound and gives you +10 fishing skill permanently. I used one of those.
how... asking for a friend
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ok but that is unrelated to pandaren
it's not even graphics
Blizzard just has a phenomenal team doing the textures
shame its wasted
WC3 was already quite the downgrade in comparison to 2.
>still can't play as either of those 2 characters
WoW was a mistake
bruh what lmao i play brewmaster this isn't a thing you cocksmurf
Textures are graphics retard
I've seen newbie tanks get kicked by the rest of the group from a normal/heroic as much as I have seen the group take the time to explain stuff or let the tank figure it out
fuck yesterday I got into a dawnbreaker and the tank started pulling the mobs off to the side at the start that just infinitely respawn, then when he was directed where to go in chat/via ping he bailed, that one was a mystery
I got a few of those items, but i guess tyring to 1-300 in a single sitting was just too much. i petered out at 200 something
It all clicks into place
trying to do dps while surviving on brewmaster is fucking cancer
Bretty good for a 2004 game
I still think FF12 is the best looking 2000s game (although its kinda cheating since its heavily stylized) but this is pretty good
Enough. This isn't fair. You're being mean to me. This game is fucking lonely.
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>Art team carrying
WoWbucks are just coping about the only Blizzard team that had sovl
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I'd gladly commission some art of my worg, but I don't even play her. Rogue is such a tedious, unfun class.

Just shoot me a whisper, anon! Either that or in-game mail. It's as simple as that.
I did it over a few days. It helps if you enjoy it. For me I like collecting things so fishing ticks that box. That being said, it is quite slow still haha.
they still spam lili?
holy shit literal mental illness
male worgen also have a much better stealth animation
that's more about realms barely being a thing at all along with a million alts resulting there being no real society to uphold the real social contract of people giving their best effort and being considerate of others in game.
most of those people probably even think like you and say the same shit about solo content as you but there's just nothing keeping the worst in line other than people having an opt out where bad people wind up sitting waiting on queues forever. blizzard actually does the opposite and rewards queues to keep these people fed when they'd otherwise be ditched. people want to engage or they would go play other games, it's just the minority of assholes getting a free ride in the system.

it's very much the opposite where these mmo obsessed people know there's no other option other than to group for gear so they simply can be assholes all they want up to the edge of the rules while bringing the minimum effort to the table. other people will just grit their teeth to get through it. without equal solo content there's no real punishment possible for anything and the people having the most fun are the people making others miserable.
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I just love thunder clapping. I can't get enough of it. I just wanna clap all day.
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They've done it for years now, why would they stop?

Not true! I actually really enjoy how it looks.
>solo content actually helps the community
without recognizable players there is no community you dumb nigger
What class do you consider fun?
I tried making a hunter because mail seems to be the only armor that always looks good on worgen but I couldn't stand it.
Yeah cause you killed it with your solo content
Lfg and lfr are solo content by the way
How come no one told me Windwalker Monk is so insane?
NTA but it's almost impossible to make mail look good in this game
Because nobody plays that class
in your deleted post you mentioned "things to track" which brew has infinitely more of.
BDK only has boneshield.
near full boneshield? smiley face.
low boneshield? push a button that makes boneshield.
no boneshield? DRW.
make sure you never have 2 stacks of blood boil.
hit deathstrike every once in awhile.
DnD's purpose is for damage/runic generation with heartstrike cleave. It's not integral to surviving/threat.
consumption is only used if a fight drags on and you used runes aggressively and need to regenerate them.
Reaper's mark is just free damage (and another boneshield button next patch).
95% of DK is played on 7 buttons.
heart strike, marrowrend, death strike, DnD, blood boil, drw, reaper's mark.
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>What class do you consider fun?
Melee? Warrior and Monk.
Ranged? Uhh.. Hard to say, anon. I tend to gravitate towards Mage and Evoker, they're super responsive. And yeah, mail armour looks best on Worgen I'd say.
funny how the characters get to keep to old and better eye shine thing in cutscenes and we are stuck with the bugged ugly ones for no reason
WW is always OP as fuck but nobody wants to play a monk.
Nay Anon. Group implosion and small pops do
At this point I'm convinced none of that shit even happened and it was all just an excuse using #MeToo as a front to oust the gatekeepers of the company
It's not. Monk excels at demolishing low end content. It's garbage if you go any higher.
They were using the Cosby Suite, a reference to a man who hadn't been accused or convicted of anything yet, as an method of proving wrongdoing. There's very clear intellectual dishonesty at play.
Idk which post you're talking about, I didn't delete anything.
Do you ever use deaths caress for anything other than maybe 2 stacks of bonezone?
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Why are rogues so unpopular nowadays?
They really fucked up the new Bloodfang
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Not to mention the fact that Cosby won in the end and had the charges dismissed. I don't know why, to this day, people still don't suspect anything suspicious about that case. Not to mention if you go to the Wikipedia article regarding the case, the parents of the alleged victim dropped the charges entirely.
are you actually this much of a manbaby lmao
fuck you for making me think of shadowlands
Seeing them actually incorporating some custom animations during him and Thrall's chat about his dad post-campaign is very promising. I like the (stay and listen) scenes where people just get to chat but having them just stand there mouthflapping at each other does take something away from it.
Are there any canon lesbians in WoW? That'd be a nice thing to have
Really?! When you're referring to end-game do you mean Mythic or even lower like Normal/Heroic?
Generally it falls off hard when it comes to Mythic raiding (only brew is ever used for mystic touch) and pushing high end m+ keys. You're fine with it if your goal is just AOTC/Portals.
It's a shame their Heroic Classes don't help with how weak it is in Mythic. It was feeling so fun too.
death's caress is only for when you can't currently reach the boss. in rare instances you can use it on trash if they're un-grippable and you need aggro on them.

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