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Previous: >>493339497

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
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reminder that Nami is soft
Unicorn champ when?
good evening
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xth for riven is a piece of trash dogshit nigger aids that should not be picked under any circumstance
Every fucking time.
>Get timed out trying to get back into game because teammates FF
arcade hecarim
lazy bumfuck faggots you should be paying me for making these threads
Go play Garen, lmao.

I typically make threads but this week is a different schedule.
thats a cartoon sis
lol kys rivenfag
>Be nigger
>Want to get paid for everything
>What if a horse....but with a horn
Cartoon animal tier garbage
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you right pegasus are way cooler
>Mechanical complexity is BAD because...... it just is, okay!??!?!
What's your idea then?
your champ just feels clunky and bad bro, idk what to tell you
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I need more art of Katarina accidentally cutting herself with her knives. I think it'd be cute.
looks like were in the same boat then xD
Briar and Nilah the scat queens
Irelia can fart
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>Nilah the scat queens
Nilah just eats it.
niceeeeee tags
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Im not a masochist man im not picking Irelia into 1st pick Jax
Forget what this site is.
gwen sissies....
league of graphs
>Im not a masochist
That's why you'll never climb.
so this role is legit just how you climb
yes its by far the most inflated role in the game congratz enjoy your free lp up until masters
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I feel like this is untrue. My team often surrenders but I'm not the one voting, especially not "yes."
eu vg comeback when
EU vg dead currently idk what has happened
life as a european must be hella boring
Why are 4chan jannies so inept?
It's not gonna happen because the last time I made it, it took 45 minutes or so to get a full lobby. I don't even have the game installed at the moment to even bother trying. Though it is possible you can just get 5 people and play vs randoms in norms which may still be fun.
Cucumber spammer probably watches dhar mann unironically
Bros what support am I picking up next ? Soraka or Enchanter Rakan ?
Ye but you kind of grief if you're not getting better at the game
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Stay pozzed /lolg/!
He teaches good lessons.
i think you should play sona
remove assassins from the game
not because I have an issue with the class but their playerbase is braindead
they stayed up super late last night
oh yeah it really was fun playing game in and game out with a bunch of fucking bulgarian retards who don't speak a single fucking word in 20 matches
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flipping burgers again?
Remove Senna from the game.
He got kicked out for not ordering anything
camwhores are not friends
What if ghost let you go through walls?
And sticking his dick in the fryer.
Sona is B O R I N G outside of ARAM.
imagine the head game doe
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Post an image that captures the feeling of playing your favorite role/champion.
People would have a reason to run anything but flash.
What kind of support do you like?
>Thought Bard and Kindred were siblings
>Used to think Talon was bald
>Used to think Sion had a ponytail
>don't take unnecessary fights and go 0/0 for 20 minutes
>both me and the enemy toplaner are rendered useless for the entire match because everyone else on either team is 20 kills in 20 deaths
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I'm a lone wolf...
Yeah I don't know what you're referring to. Who's Bulgarian in this general?
Nigger opinion.
Wolves are pack animals.
hes busted
anyone who doesn't speak a single fucking word for 20 matches is essentially an uneducated bulgarian that doesn't speak english in my eyes
Soraka! My Cute Wife!

Like the cool side of a pillow?
We posting weird league art now?
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well I'm a-lone then without the wolf
happy now?
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Possums are solitary animals. You can be the lone possum.
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like an entire pillow!
Zamn, Lux farts like THAT!?!?!??!
but possum aren't cool

maybe I'd call myself a hyena... in a way..
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Anyone else have this?
stop posting ur faggoted league of mbti shit special snowflake
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The sloppy head ones
>yuumi mains
Shitty anime
any adc in s14
You can't just say that about Hunter x Hunter.
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You can get like five heads on her and still have enough comfy space between them!

But Hyenas are pack animals too. You possum.
I miss when Swain turned into an evil bird monster. Reworked version is just Swain with wings.
This can't not be Swain.
close, anon
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Yes, always !
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I like blocking hooks as milio when I can
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it wasnt in range of zoggs
Oh Hey! Soraka! Now if only she can get a fucking Doctor skin!
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Is it just me or do you feel too pressured to play new champs? I was scared to play new champs back in the day and I have a decently sized chunk of the cast that I feel comfortable picking but I feel spooked to pick up Naafari, Auora, especially Bel'Veth for just a game. Anyone else feel this way? Is this how one-tricks are born?
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my head is enough
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Why is she always so hungry?
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thats what easy champs exist for.
Irelia is hard...
I feel like the balooning of the hit box at the end could have got him but you're probably right
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No. The only new champs I have played are the Supports, and even then, I don't go out of my way to play them now.

But like, you can share, right?
>I'M JUST SO....... BADASS........
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Dash on minions 4 times, dash to champion on the last one, become master yi.
I was talking about mord. I love that champ
I can whip him out into most of irelia counterpicks and have a blast. His itemization doesnt feel that good as usual for AP bruisers
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Not Soraka... Soraka already has THREE (3) good skins though...
>The only new champs I have played are the Supports, and even then, I don't go out of my way to play them now.
I'd like to try them but I'm too spooked.

Same thing with playing Elise in general, to an extent.
I get Irelia but how is Mord easy
no, we'll need to switch
>Be Master Yi
>Become Master Yi
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High protein needs.
>how is Mord easy
>be metal man
>click other man
>take other man to brazil
>kill other man in brazil
>spam laugh while walking away
post it again
>High protein needs.
Imagine the smell...
Congratz, unless youre fighting kayle or mundo you just died because every toplaner stat checks you and you have no escapes unless theres a conveniently low minion to dash out.

Also she literally cant trade in mid against mages before vamp scepter and has to hit E to be ableto stick to the mage to actually all in

You pick him into champs that have to walk into aa range to be threats and just Q whenever they walk up to farm.
New champions are easy, new roles though...
I think you should branch out when your current pool is getting boring. Being a one trick is okay fun for a bit, but I personally wouldn't recommend it.
Out of those, Aurora looks good and fun, but I'm all for auto attacking mages.
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>I think you should branch out when your current pool is getting boring
It's a big pool.

Again, hate the new chest system...
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Damn, is that Bard?

Really? Elise is like the evil version of Nid. QWE'em, then R, then QWE again, but as a deadly spider.

Do we have too?
>Leona to Poppy
>Really? Elise is like the evil version of Nid. QWE'em, then R, then QWE again, but as a deadly spider.
I like playing Nidalee but unlike Elise, it feels like you fall behind way harder and faster and can't just powerfarm back into the game.

It's hard to explain. There's also a lot more risky plays you can go with Elise's shenanigans (level 3 diving) and those are always in the back of my head.
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no, I can have her for myself
>But Hyenas are pack animals too
yeah but unlike wolves hyenas get fucked over by their women...
Can 2 sissies love each other?
Nami is MAGA?
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me and who
because you're an unlovable pathetic dog
you're so desperate not even the lowest of low bottom of the barrel "4chan sissies" could love you
I never see an irelia fight without a gank or botrk, if you do that with either of the two you win. I guess you're doing it wrong otherwise.
just had a smolder on my team with 140 stacks at 20 minutes who roleplayed as a toddler unironically, was probably jerking off to it too, unbelievable the people who play norms
did he walk up to elder and say "hi mommy"
I don't have it... just look up jelly's meltdown post in the archive, it was one of the replies...
no he was going like
no idea what that means
that's not toddler rp that's "I'm so angry I'm pressing random buttons on my keyboard while typing even though in reality it takes more effort to press random buttons while typing than to just properly type"
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>you can go with Elise's shenanigans (level 3 diving) and those are always in the back of my head.

You don't say. Might have to do some shitty Spidy Jungles later on...

Fine, but do know that we all need a good pillow, too.
no thats how he typed everything from the start of the game, i think he was mentally disabled
>Might have to do some shitty Spidy Jungles later on...
Just don't mess it up...
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>she doesn't feel like a badass playing her main
get a new main sis omg
>anorexic orianna t-pose
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why can't you use Soraka?
Lyra is lolgs mommy
It all depends on the lane matchup. Irelias problem is that her matchups are too polarizing. She either cannot touch the wave or she runs you down.

This is pretty bad because according to the fundementals guy top lane is decided in the first 4 waves.
It also doesnt help that shes a diver that super easy to shut down in teamfights
jelly has better mommy potential lyra is a manic bpd bitch that'd ruin your life and forget you exist the next day
ai generated
idk bout ai but it kinda sounds like some sissy forcing xir voice to sound feminine by whispering to lower xheir pitch
that triggered my agp
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Oh, it's gonna get messy, alright.

You think that's good. Try finding the Poppy[/spoiler now.

I will, but Soraka and I could be using Nami as a pillow together.
I just feel like I'm having fun.
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I can't hear anything you dumb cunt
New champ revealed?
>that lisp
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Update: game /gooood/. I'm ready for esports but I still don't quite have a full urge to continue Support Arc, and I certainly don't want to play ADC yet since I'm still fairly pisslow. Perhaps the urge will rise after LCS.
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It was just a joke, geez.
Lyra looks like Ahri
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Defend this amount of CC.
you guys have better chances flirting with azakana
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Yeah the tranny did a tranny voice I'm sorry that's so surprising to you...
>balding 34 year old man replying to his own posts
um just pick cleanse buy qss + edge of the night ?
ur so fricking cute
Ohh wait this "lyra" is "humanity girl", right?
>Airborne at the end
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why are you reposting MY gif at a lower resolution you peasant dirty dog cunt

yeah but everyone pretend we don't notice it
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why not use Sona? she won't complain
Okay but are you silver yet you cutie
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Lyra is nicer than Jelly
literally any burst mage ?
>There's people who will check your profiles in norms
lol no
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soon.... my new autistic split pushing method seems to be working for the most part so there's actual hope in being silver soontm before this split ends....
Late-game enchanter
i do that every game to insult my subhuman support without wishing death on him
>>There's people who will check your profiles in norms
so me and my premade egirl can seethe and complain about playing against masters in normals
Jelly is fake nice
Why don’t they make a cute girl champ that plays in a respectable manly way? All the cute girls play like pussies. I want a cute girl that’s like Tryndamere or Darius as far as gameplay goes.
and lyra is a shithead
We could but she doesn't look happy about it.
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ilytoo cutie
Burst mages have a set rotation, bruisers much less so. Calm down, gigasperg.
the "random bullshit" is implied to be various weapons
the closest thing is poppy
>omg Gwen or Fiora
Lol no
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did you try pointing a gun at her?
He doesn't actually play the game.
Gwen ? Irelia ?
Nobody does, it’s over…
just because someone is bad in a video game does not mean they are retarded
we all do. At best, it further incentivizes players to perform well in their games but it's designed like a poorly-conceived Daily.
it's almost like those surveys they offer us that consistently ask us about in-game item rewards do N O T H I N G
yeah but you're bad BECAUSE you're retarded
>the "random bullshit" is implied to be various weapons
That still applies to Shaco who can build all kinds of stupid shit.

Maybe it's Samira then if that's what you meant.
Patting cute pisslows on the head knowing they're doing their best.
Might become a Soraka main bros...
Don't do that
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>Tryndamere or Darius
This bitch farts like a horse.
the only thing you can be bad at which doesn't correlate with intelligence is flipping a coin (so 90% of videogames you got me)
You dumb gorilla nigger. Mages do not have "cooldowns"(xd) after a few items. Cass ? Syndra ? Ahri ? Ori ? Sylas ? Lissandra ? Lux ? BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND ?? FUCKING BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND ??????????????
Ability haste is everywhere and in insane amounts
sex with the wind up merchant
listen here i am not racist against supports, i am just insulting """supports"""
those fucking NIGGERS that afk in a bush or next to towers that keep alt tabbing out and losing 60% hp
i insult every single one of them, i add them after game too to bait anything offensive out of them then screenshot the DMs and get them banned

if i catch them slacking or afking i will do everything i can to humiliate them and then get them banned
Settle down, okay?
New lists doko
>bruisers and mages arguing who's retarder
eh low el!
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Annie! Annie! Annie!

THIS, im in struggle gold but last time I checked my IQ was high. So there's no correlation between the two
I meant in relation to the champ's kit itself and not itemisation, one last try, anon
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What would he do in Yu-Gi-Oh?
bro this reminded me earlier I was gonna take and nap and I was thinking like "could annie even survive sexual intercourse? wouldn't her insides just get ripped apart or some other internal bleeding to death type of shit?"
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That's just mean. We could probably pay her, but we need money...
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>I meant in relation to the champ's kit itself and not itemisation, one last try, anon
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Don't do that either...
maybe if it was a horse cock
ad or ap?
Do girls really?
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I mean we could steal Ahri's phone and sell her photos.
humanity girl
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That would be correct
What do I win?
my agp is triggered
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Would K/DA Ahri or Evelynn be more likely to sell their farts in a jar?
Imagine picking her up and
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I don't think they'll like that.
anyone for games on NA?
Aphelios players couldn't top an onahole.
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come on, she sleeps all day - it's easy money!
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Wish me luck. I like his name.
what size do you think lyra's feet are
Women's 5
mens 10
too small then
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Average Eastern European.
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but I'm bad and I'm not retarded
Where's all the farts
This would be so hot if it was Annie and Zoe doing the stomping....
Just build MR, retard.
What lolgs would make a good slave?
I miss playing this game but I dont want vanguard in my pc
me uwu
But I WANT to lose to them...
Caring about privacy and security in 2024 is a fool's game imho.

If you want to be off the grid, you live in the woods. Everything else is a placebo.
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We'll have to schedule another photo shoot for them for later. But for now, no creepy sleepy shots.
SSD... a 250gb one is literally like $30 or so.
if u have a smartphone its 10x more invasive to your privacy than vanguard

if u think vanguard might brick your computer then fair enough, this company is so incompetent
caring about vanguard on your pc is just cope for cheaters. you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide
are the compatibility issues gone at least? I remember seeing a few reports of PCs bricking and shit back when they released the vanguard update
I think so. That's why I uninstalled for awhile.
I love Lissandra!
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What means any of that...
How about her vases?
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oh well, there goes my idea
STOP calling me a sissy
>play normals
>my support randomly dies 3 times to draven when i am reseting etc
>draven comes back with collector
>he is now 3 shotting me
>we need 30 minutes to """scale""" so we can finally fight him
>he was a support main
>a yuumi main out of all
>lux secondary and sona 3rd most played
>he was first timing draven
>he had 27-4 score by the end

yea dude draven isn't the most boosted champ in the game when yuumi bvlls can first time it
he was fucking platinum(gold s13) and we had to sweat our asses off with emerald+ player to even kill him once
hahahah emerald players are so bad at the game wtf lmao kill yourself immediately
good morning steel
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+++++++++++++BREAKING NEWS+++++++++++++

ERP and faggotry is on pause for the duration of LCS
He correctly pushed his lead and you couldn’t flip the tables on him
u see the darkness comes anytime it pleases
Idk these teams, I'm gonna play game and watch movie on the side instead.
But they got some straight bussin zoomers on they rosters ong
wtf enemy was plat ??? and didn't instalose to highelo (emerald) players???? HOLY PHREAKKKKK GC!!!!
>flash and dead at lvl 1

gg go next
*erps still*
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
There's semi finals and finals for LCK this weekend. I'm too tired right now, sorry.
how do you cope with the fact that the champ you're best at is boring and looks stupid
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As for now, I'm Trying to figure out how to draw Swain and Shen So it is an idea for later.
But we have the Quid vs Quad gook showdown in mid lane. Just like LCK frfr
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I love huge tits so fucking much bros...
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Draven players are something else man. Had a good one earlier today just carry me to a win, all I could do was hold on as he forced so many things.
Ended up 19/4 @ 16 minutes
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don't forget about Swain's raven - it's cute
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Who doesnt
Listen man I don--- zzzzzzzz...
Ayo whatever man catch some Zs if it help you balance out your Ls in soloq
Does vanguard detect if I purchased an account? Idk maybe it will see the IP is a different one from the usual and ban me. Although that may fuck up with smurfing and that's still a thing afaik
I’d be careful if the account you’re buying is one of those level 30 accounts. They use bots for that and if you buy it right before a wave it could hit your other accounts too.
>if you buy it right before a wave it could hit your other accounts too.
what the fuck are you talking about
A ban wave. I don’t know if vanguard does ip or hardware bans but I think it’s worth thinking about.
how would a banwave affect the rest of his accs
Riot doesn't ban smurf simply because they want you to buy skins on multiple accounts. There are no ban waves and there will never be.
No account purchasing is on ebays end or your banks due to the transaction.
The only thing Riot can do is essencially use the data upon the creation of the account for account related tickets and queries like recovery and appeal. I'm unsure if Riot does IP bans unless it's in relation to comply with national rules like I dunno North Korea or some Asian countries that ban players from playing all night or playing at all or something. Stuff like Dopa and Tyler1 ban were only ever done so if it was known they were playing league when they're/were banned, those guy's didn't get IP banned but more like sniffed out. Chances are you're a nobody so you do not need to worry.
there are ban waves but I'm not sure how that's relevant to the topic at hand
sissy mental
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This is a good idea.
gn chat
Nigga they haven't been surpressing bot accounts for 14 years and they never will because it earns them money. They may give you a temp ban so that you get another account but the only thing that actually gets banned are scripters.
me thinks lyra was abused as child yes? mommy say bad bad word smack her on head?
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hey so I havent played in a while and I dont wanna look at tier lists right now so Ill just ask here
How is the meta right now for Ekko (mid and jg) and Akali? are they still good or at least okay pics? I was interested in Aurora at first but she seems rather boring
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>initiate "friendly banter"
>report everyone that participated after the match
I've had over 20 botted accounts perma'd maybe a lot more, I just haven't checked on them
Ban waves can nuke purchased accounts if those accounts were brewed by bots, scripters or something that can easily be detected due to the chances of it being flagged for being a botted account since it takes hundreds of games to level to 30 and if the account is of a higher level, chances are the players used to play on it like their main and then decided to drop it, there is no guarantee that that player was bming and was on their last strike before getting perma banned or was scripting and such so there are likely chances of it being nuke hammered much like how multiple accounts (mainly boted ones) were wiped during the vanguard rollout.
see if I know you so well I CAN fix you
>I've had over 20 botted accounts perma'd
Yeah those were totally banned for being botted and not because of the reason you have 20+ accounts in the first place
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ravens are almost as cute as mermaids
I'm hardstuck silver because every masters+ player plays 500 matches a day on their 20 alts
How do people play on fresh alt accounts and not feel scummy and guilty stomping new players? I think I might just buy an account
there are no new players
you either play against bots or other salty niggers like yourself who got also got a 2 week ban for running it down and are making their next account
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Overdrawn slop
Some people like smurfing... Quickplay is a good and fun mode once in a while.
>there are no new players
True dat
I'm actually iron I lied
I make new accounts all the time, I think when I came back from my break and started making new accounts after vanguard wiped all the bots I was on par with the other players because I am low elo myself so there isn't much stomping going on. This is even more so since even if you are low elo you get placed against diamond players and stuff in norms thesedays and team balancing is just awful. Also noone truly new is really playing this game so it's less evil than, say, purposely buying an Iron account as a Masters player just to stomp and then derank and continue the cycle and ruin games endlessly.
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Why do people hate tank metas? Just don't play Assassins/faggot-y ass pseudo-bruisers like Nilah, Samira, Lucian, etc. Just play the honest, no zoomies ADCs that don't get a hundred dashes and assassin-grade burst damage, just stop having ADHD. :^)
>normal people
>appreciate being appreciated
>overall nice to be around, chill, no drama

>abused dogs
>don't appreciate being appreciated
>will get clingy if you're mean and abusive towards them
>will get mean and abusive towards you if you seem clingy
>generally not nice to be around, constantly dramatic and will neglect you

know your duo /lolg/
is the matchmaking in the korean server as shitty as in most other servers?
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Poppy sexo
>le wholesome reddit chungus tank meta
>guy with 0 kills and average cs can 3v1 after two items
>boring as fuck to play and boring as fuck to play against
>will scale even if your jungler camps him
I feel bad everytime I crack a pisslow's skull
we didn't choose this lifestyle, it's rough out here nigga
Just pick a champ that actually kills tanks instead of your elo inflated, bloated kit Assassins and bruisoids :^)
>he doesnt realize that hyper adhd spawns the best adc players as well
What if Sona was a yordle?
I feel like a lot of people develop masochism and sadism from this game due to the game allowing such behaviour of smurfing run rampant.
there is a secret supermath formula used to readjust minion health scaling and base AD scaling of the champs in order to determine which champions can brainlessly right click to cs and which ones get fucked over if they don't algebra their damage into minion hp formula

and riot's using it to make it harder for my main to cs.
I'm seriously thinking about playing again, dont care if I have to level up a new acc myself. How do you guys have fun with the game lately? is the meta any fun right now? are new game mods coming soon? not gonna ask about matchmaking because thats always going to suck on purpose
Yeah but those end up being Vayne players and shit, any other flavor of ADHD that ends up playing shit like Samira, Nilah, Lucian, etc need to be disregarded and ignored for game balance input.
>>(the rest of u from the last 10 min of posting)
just play the game wtf
Sona is superior in her human form, she would lose a lot of appeal if not for her size and stature.
ok let's play ign?
I just got off of a win let me chill for a couple minutes bitch
Her tits would rest on the ground while she was standing.
>Still no Dolphin champ
>just play the game
I am retard. My last game was an hour and a half ago, I took a break to eat a sandwich.
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we play to winning up in this bitch
Last time I played the game it felt kind of bland and got a bit boring so I stopped playing.
Hi sunshine
and what makes your retarded ass think I, a mentally well human being, would play le assassin in this meta, knowing damn well they get completely fucking dunked on by literally anything in the game

still, >just le heckin play something else if assassins are not viable isn't really an argument
Assassins getting dunked on is a good thing. Game needs to slow the fuck down.
How do I play 25 games a day like jelly?
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why do niggas pretend that it's asstrannies who complain about tank meta and not hecking brooserinos?
Can i add you later tonight sunshine
be obese
the xans help her out with ladder anxiety
Both deserve to be disregarded as invalid subhumans.
bard top is le bad because you throw a lane to win early but le lane smolder is good you just have to play without a laner for 30 minutes
>Game needs to slow the fuck down.
and your solution to that is making tanks be able to 3v1 with 0 damage items
>assassins not viable
one day people will realize that assassins are scaling counterpicks this season and not early pubstomp snowballers like in past seasons
kill yourself go play a different game if you cant handle the speed of league dont ruin it for those of us who are actually good
>not the ultimate beta champion
>le bad thing bad (I'm complaining about people calling this bad thing bad)
>but le bad thing good (I'm complaining about imaginary people calling this bad thing good so I can justify the other bad thing that I personally like)
Just pick champs that can actually fight tanks.

People who play zoomie champs literally are using crutches.
Unironically atleast being hopelessly addicted to this game with no end on sight, I suspect knowing this is 4chan that is probably the least of the baggage that person is carrying.
>assassins are scaling counterpicks
countering what exactly? your entire job of diving the backline can be done by half the champ pool that aren't even assassins

you get shit on by mages, you get shit on by bruisers, you get shit on by tanks. what's your fucking job killing a squishy botlaner and hopefully his enchantersissy? because literally anyone else on the team couldn't do that?
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drink unfiltered tap water daily until you can match her autism
>fluoride conspiracist niggas get jellyrolled
good. you don't deserve a snicker of human attention let alone female
I don't give a fuck about tank meta assassin meta adc meta and whatever the fuck else there is, just gut support
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These teams don't stand a chance against TL. It will be such an easy 3-0.
ragebait post
Gut enchanters (other than Lulu, Karma and Morgana), buff engage/tank supports. Get these useless sissies and trannies out of my fucking games.
countering low to moderate cc comps with no coordination. a lot of champs can dive the backline but what class actually reliably onetaps from a moderate advantage with safety(the main difference between assassins and bruisers)?
>shit on by mages
skill issue unironically mages are paper to assassins
he said the word, get him jánny
where do i place my wards as a midlaner
yeah because bird of win needs to be more op I think
>low to modeerate cc comps with no coordination
ok so your job is to stomp irons I see
? nilah is a tank killer u retard
>other than Karma
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>talon winrate in
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>gets CC'd for 500 years and dies cause she has to get in melee range of people

Karma players aren't passive sissies sitting around picking their noses while watching BBC sissy hypno on a second monitor like Janna/Soraka/Nami/Yuumi players do so they get a pass cause they're bloodthirsty, proactive psychos.
irrelevant dead garbage champion winrate boosted by one tricks

next question
thanks bro *smacks your ass*
not this idiot again
I hecking love chinese talon junglers invading other servers farming for 25 minutes and doing nothing hoho
What happened to Katarina's pick rate over the past decade? I remember playing as a fucking child some eight years ago or so and then I started playing again two years ago, now more invested, but one thing I realised is that Katarina - who was picked almost EVERY game then - is not being picked as often today...
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y-you're welcome
nigger the only people who play assassins are onetricks thats a nonargument go back to maining sett and garen dont bother commenting on skill intensive champions
The edgelords grew up...
>Soft int once my jungler does something turbo boosted like tower diving with me, where I burn all my summoners and ult and while I tank 4 tower shots he can't do a measly 70 damage to the enemy
>Team starts saying I'm gonna get banned
>"Add me and watch me continue to play Riot does not care as long as I don't afk or say naughty words"
>They never add me
scared pussies
>skill intensive
Her W change made the champ unplayable for 90% of League players. Having to actually manage daggers properly for spins is too hard for all these brown mystery meat goblins playing this game.
doesn't autowin lane just by existing so nu-league players can't handle playing her
I play top/mid, what champs let me comfortably to farm games out?
Are the usual suspects but they're kinda stale. I'd rather play something that carries less hard with a stronger/safer early/mid game

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post top 3 mastery please I want to know what you think skill intensive is. heres mine
Ill take that as a yes then! :D
Anali and Vayne aren't skill intensive thoughbeit
>Le edgy anime woman of free mobility and CC
>Skill intensive
>I play top/mid, what champs let me comfortably to farm games out?
there is no safely farming the game out in the top lane bitch, real men come around these parts. real men that go bare knuckles. you either dom or you sub up in toplane, BITCH. nothing in between.
t. never played a game of akali in your lives
I just know you smell
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>new to league
>try playing twitch because he seems like a nice adc
>do well in laning phase then eat shitt in every team fight getting killed before dishing out any damage
>keep ending up on second last place on team damage
not sure what i should be doing differently to be able to use him effectively. help
Not after the rework ruined her, you're goddamn right
If you want to be annoying you can try playing vayne, heimer and malz lol, gotta pop someones vessel with those picks up top.
played both old akali and new akali, new akali is 100 times more fun and a much stronger champion as well just actually takes skill instead of being a gunblade abusing point and click bot
I honestly want to farm, maybe pop one or two kills, stay in my lane, 1v5
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Yeah pick those lol.
talon is harder than akali or vayne tho
Clicking things means the skill is somewhere else, if I wanted mechanics I'd play Lee (the skillful lee)
>Mastery 6 has the blue insignia now.
I am going to kill myself.
>ziggs bought verdant barrier to just have ludens proc it constantly
NA pros everyone
when is the tank meta going to fucking fuck off
What killed /lolg/?
Riot games.
shit game and its shit players
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Would you?
She got reworked and her nu-rework is a balance nightmare who is either gigabroken or completely worthless. She also requires a ton of effort to play well and has one of the worst laning phases of any midlaner.
while tibbers watches
the grind
>join teamfight a bit late in order for the key spells that can pin you down to be used already
>find an angle where you see the enemy team but you're just far away from them
>unleash the 'win teamfight' button
Most ADC's contribute to fights through kiting out the person closest to them and then go in afterwards but with Twitch you get the luxury of being able to position yourself in a fight as you want
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Nta but here's mine
constant whining about types of posts they dont like
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its my birthday
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the ones that deal damage like zyra, but I don't play sup anymore. My secondary role is jungler now
Happy birthday!
probably my fault
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Happy Bday
i had sex with this picture
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vg vs vg place your bets
did you lose your virginity
you can't do that ezreal
why are ezreals like this
Ecouple on red team gg ff FAST
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When Assassins and lane bullies fall off HARD in late game again so we stop needing tank metas to keep these niggers in line.
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it's not fair... it's not fair... i'm so close...
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I got it. Its super cute, don't miss out!
may I have a kiss, queen?
voodoo doll
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i don't have any more RP and i can't afford to buy any more... and i need so much to get the guaranteed medallions...
is it over for me? i need it so badly, there's no board that will ever be more perfect...
you can't kiss pictures ezreal
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Cough up some yen son.
add that incel on discord and use a voice changer
>i don't have any more RP and i can't afford to buy any more
do the oce girl thing
none left
if you mean pretend to be a girl i don't have to pretend or use a voice changer
what thing...
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>what thing...
Don't worry about it just start asking for a "darling" or something and that guy'll spawn eventually. It's only the 6th of this month so he may unironically have money to dip. Pathetic but true.
didnt ask
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anyone else like cheering on their adc?
based qiyana enjoyer
Not really.
he get the big flame trash talk if he fuck up

I'll use a cute emote or two if he don't fuck up
can i just do feet pics instead i dont want anyone from 4chan to see other parts of me
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man this fucking general bruh
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We got 6 patches to supposedly get Legendary skins for Sylas, Vi and Viktor this year still.

What do you hope for their Legendaries?
DUMB nigger doesnt know how to abuse scaling bullies in the midgame(lowelo detected!)
does anyone here actually play the game?
i dont care about men i care about le bunny bonbon bistro
>What do you hope for their Legendaries?
can I ask why so many women like TFT
>if you mean pretend to be a girl i don't have to pretend or use a voice changer
this is exactly what I meant bro your ahri skin is on your way or whatever
iq too low for SR ego too bloated to be an aram girl
You have your answer. Either grind or just siphon some randoms wallet. I don't care what you do.
>extraction solvent literally dissolved the stopcock on my separatory funnel
champs for this feel
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Even Sylas?
>too bloated to be an aram girl
What does this unironically mean?
well personally i like it because i have ADHD and i can get sort of distracted and do other stuff in between rounds... plus it's really cute. i also like that i dont have to get 4 other people together who are just going to rage and hate each other afterwards, if i mess up it's entirely on me and no one else. it's why i also like card games
i would love to siphon some random's wallet... is anyone offering... i only need the 4500 RP package to guarantee it... i'll even play double up with you if you aren't an asshole (but i'd have to learn and i'm only plat 2 in ranked)
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I hope riot games burns
Probably Singed because he was an alchemist.
all champs need a naked skin

riot thank me later
anons ex was a TFT stacy
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requesting zilean and tristana
girl no play summonar rift because girl dum
girl play aram
people make fun of girl play aram because girl too dum to play summonar rift

other girl also dumb no play summonar rift
but other girl know girl play aram
other girl not like aram girl, other girl special and different
other girl play tft and no aram
but also no summonar rift because other girl also as dum as aram girl

understandado yes?
you really think i'm special and different, anon?
Bro there is NO WAY someone's too dumb for arams...
do you suck dicks
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the wrost thing is when you're cheering them on and then something goes wrong and they start flaming you
lolg is 25% female we need to start respecting women
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special like sped yeah

in my post where I spoke like a 3 years old so you can fucking understand easier, I stated that girls who don't play aram don't play aram because they don't want to associate themselves with the "girl plays aram" stereotype

I feel like maybe you're dumber than the aram girls nigga no reading comprehension having ass stupid bitch
I think he meant special as in like retarded.
i tried to play aram but i don't know what the items do or how to play so i felt really bad about letting my team down and never played again after that...
i'm only admitting to this because i really want that board but i actually love sucking cock
that's so sweet of you to say, thank you!
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Source me onegaishimasu
>that's so sweet of you to say, thank you!
ok I feel bad now no more bullying sorry hope someone buys you your 4500 RP princess
i think there are a good amount of women here who pretend to be men to avoid attention
Shut the fuck up boy I'll have you know I watch your stream all the time.
But to be honest I didn't know "girl that only pays aram" was a thing either my games are always oddly neutral and bland.
thank you daddy
>my games are always oddly neutral and bland.
you aram MMR is too high to get matched with the egirls babe
how many inches can you deepthroat
actually my ex was a senna main bitch that would force me to ragequeue with her until we start arguing to a near-breaking-up point
You know you can read the items or practice right? How did you level up your account. I'm so confused.
someone add her and teach her how to play aram then integrate her into the rift by following the operation FAD sequence
not me tho cba
how many inches you got?
what? it's because i used to play like when the game first came out a ton, but now i have absolutely no idea what any of the items do and they reworked so many champions and there's so many new ones...
i'm not really that hard to teach but this isn't about ARAM this is about TFT dammit!!
If you wrote that entire essay to get some pussy you must know that you need to feel some shame in trying to reason and cookie cutter a plan that fucking much when all you need to do is add some egirl name and keep inviting them for games. Like it doesn't even need an aram to sr pipeline just slap a yuumi and give them a lolanalytics page for the build path, they don't even need to be literate and read.
why the FUCK, would i respect an inferior being?
respect is earned not given
aw cmon operation FAD was just a funny thing I came up with while waiting for queue wtf you can't bully me for that
>4 keys
>Need -s on two champs
>Billion A's in ranked
Someday.... Is there a way to cheese an S rank in some other game mode?

Anivia & heca
You're such an idiot LOL.
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hey bro you buy treats for your dog right? you can buy me treats like a dog too, arf arf
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>no followup
I respect women.
Champs for me?
ezreal the virgin
I don't own a pet, they should all be free to do as they please in the wild
and no I'm not spending money for a random creep like you, get a job and earn money
cant? get a boyfriend
Nah, just play something like Anivia support and fuck with the statistics. Because Anivia is mainly played mid most of her kda to get an S is higher than, say, if she's played support because a lower % of the playerbase is playing her there, makes getting an S a lot easier since I guess you're not chasing the typical bloated stats with crazy cs for score anymore and I'd presume hence an easier S.
I don't respect women.
Champs for me?
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die nigger die nigger die nigger die nigger die nigger(ingame)
garen with the wifebeater skin
im only 6 inches
be her boyfriend, chud
have some self respect
else go be a harlot somewhere else
Ekko punched his gf
she's not his girlfriend, matter of fact clinically insane people can't even consent to a relationship
Gotta give it a shot, how do you play Anivia support anyway? What about heca?
The issue, unironically, is that anything but mages, shit like Jax, Trynd, etc. and ADCs scale into late game.
mother fucker i'm not a harlot! i have more self respect than any of these retards, that's WHY they don't want me
post opgg fast ur burning my eyes with ur loweloposting
I've had enough of woman for 5 life times
good for you, stop e-begging then; its just a bunch of pixels anyway you don't really need them
i'm clinically insane people
ok rape time babe
You build Anivia like normal except start with the support item. I'd presume you spam your snowball and zone them with their wall during ganks.
i actually do need them
I just feel like spending 35 bucks on some girl to be my egf would be the last drop in my receding self respect and I would finally have to kill myself
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any other healsluts here?
>Actually barking like a dog to try to woo a TFT skin
is it working...
tfw would bark like a dog for anyone willing to gift me tft chibis
I'd bark like a dog for lyra
No but it was sad.
Just rake some leaves or do the dishes or some chore for your mom for pocket change or something. $35 is like not even an hours pay for some people...
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>high elo
where are the healsluts anyway? i need somebody to play with~
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finally, teammates with braincells
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yep league of legends is not dog ass trash for sure

id bark like a dog just for the privilege of adding lyraor queueing with jelly...
Are any of the new team emotes animated ?
but i don't want to do that
are you playing wukong mantheon
>Kayle, Senna, Smolder, Jax, me
>"Guys let's not invade into naut and cait, we win by scaling"
>0-3 first minute
what does it take to get a seraphine gf
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Smolder, Kai'Sa, and Ezreal are my most hated adchuds as Senna. Scaling adchuds with a scaling support S U C K
Black skin
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Holy fuck what a great pic.
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This entire general is in dire need of some forced topinization
Or just you know, an eradication of gays.
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sissies need to know their place know what im sayin?
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>All the funny emotes I want
>Not about to spend 3k RP on them
What's Loud Love supposed to portray ? Am I a boomer ? #1 ??? What emotes aren't making it ?
remember the last meta where kaisa wasn't an overpowered whore that runs away with the entire game by getting 2 kills? yeah me neither
yes it was just at the beginning of this year when she was trash for a whole year
shes now at 49% wr
anything else anon?
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What's the current metaknight build?
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*cums on ya face*
get cumd on nigga
Stream your promos tomorrow.
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w-why such commandeering tone...
i love you
silver soon!
I love you too babby
just got cummed on lads
eat it
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you just say this shit to anyone
>Diana gets to fuck this
They need to cling onto a new low elo since Azakana hit gold.
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The flinch in your eye calls your bluff
Feel free to die when you've had enough
Useless cause is breaking your back
Your life will end, when you attack

Make your move
Make your stand
Make the win
Like you can

See the war
See me rule
See the mirror
You'll see a fool

To take me out, you must fight like a man
(To take me out you must fight like a man)
You've yet to prove that you can
(You’ve yet to prove me that you can)
I see your might and it compares to something
(I see your might and it compares to something)
That is, if something is nothing
(That is if something is nothing)

Time to figure
Time to sin
Your time's done
When you begin

Live for suffer
Live for revenge
Now your life
Comes to an end

Taste the blood
Taste your fate
Swallow your pride
With your hate

Your last breath
Your last stance
The last of all
In your command

Knee's in the blood with your crying pleas
Wade in your sorrow, bathe in your fear
Clear the mind of the righteousness suffered
Witness the moment of your failure's prosper!
unlucky pantheon...
i love you too
Game needs to go back to when shit like Zed, LeBlanc,Pantheon, etc. fell off a cliff at 30 minutes. Everything should have a window of power and time of weakness.
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this game feels so garbage to play
>In the field, you call me commander.
Omg I want a sassy dom black woman to pussy whip me so bad. I want to be her toilet. My mouth would be a hole for her waste.
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why does lolg refuses to accept the fact that you all are playing league instead of dota because it is more casual friendly and is for trans folk?
>max bar

Is Panth gonna ult mating press her now?
chuds have no place in lol
dota movement feels like ass
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Gonna need more hands...
dota is more trans friendly and is more roleplay friendly
league is just balanced around retards by retards
whenver i see that braum emote, i get so annoyed
i dont know why
dota shitposts just dont have the same spark they used to
they're changing it again
is uncanny valley because face very much smooth but he bald old man with ugly mustash

makey brain go grrr ew yuck
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Not bad
I dunno how the shitty circles even got past playtesting they're so ugly
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I frickin give up
I might touch up the shading and face but at it's core
the vision has been realized
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My Troll King...
that's just how girls act retard
idc if her pussy is made of 24k gold nigga
she's a dog a snake a manic manipulative bpd bitch

unfriended her on my NA account I will not even spit on that bitch stay away ew yuck
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lol kino, thanks drawbro
Need femcel latina gf
>high heels that still show toes
retarded but erotic
only if you play double up with me
if I let you suck my dick will you boost me to diamond
Tempting offer with one problem, I'm not Diamond or even close to that
Why did phreak gigabuff mage items
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thx for blog bro back 2 ur eu shit hut nigger lol when will u euros learn that shes screencapping you for the clique lol
urgen orphan arya and now u faggot stay in ur sewer server
screencap of what exactly nigga???
Working on something for Zoeposters...
that Yuumi is high art
Proper muscles are so much harder to do than a woman's squishy body.
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new hot reaction image
all my friends left league for deadlock... it's so over
Eu bros.. why won't lyra give us a chance..
dont worry about it little bro LOL u guys arent the equivalent of indians in the UK coming into na vgs LOL
good morning mr reddit sir
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I haven't had a single private conversation with lyra to be screencapped nigga you're delusional + she's not gonna fuck you you uglahh
we are NOT playing chudlock
Some glittery stuff...
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This is an improvement to what we ended up getting.
nasissies hate euwchads coming to their vg games and hard raping them even when at a ping disadvantage.
and when they try to come to eu they get raped even harder.
Can't relate. Me and all my friends, including my non-League ones don't care for Deadlock in the slightest. Looks like slop.
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girls don't fart
I played a few games and it's kinda too messy.
Game's ok, but you get tired after just a couple games.
There's way too much shit going on.
Sex with Ivy
is there a lolg discord or something? where do you find people to play with
post your opggs im doing a cancer study
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>Senna gets her carry numbers nerfed in favor of support
>they end up nerfing her newly buffed AP numbers
>she's still obnoxiously hard to kill anyone through and will likely get her healing nerfed AGAIN
>think this is just Riot just gutting the champion while giving the handful of Senna ADC players like me a pity buff to Cleaver stacking-- which won't do shit to make up for the crit gain nerf
>it's actually fucking insane and even when you don't crit you're chunking the shit out of people cause she insta stacks Cleaver now
I guess I'm back on this champion again.
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never forget
u post ur ign and server here den u say "anyone up for norms?" and attach a cute anime girl pic to ur post

bonus points if u act like a sissy in game because higher lolg retention rate
>eu vs na drama edition 1867438726
> "NA > EU !!"
like NA challenger is not EU gm lps XD you are playing on teletubbies server little pigs
i recently started playing the game mostly with friends, i play top lane bc they all play something else and i dont wanna bother lol :3

ik i suck but im just beginning to learn so hopefully i can improve hehe
>bong who avatars and orbits an NA obese trans typing
>cancer study
a what?
cant hear u over this donner kebab soz
goddamn can they leave this shit alone for one season
mutts are always behind eurangutans in game skill so le na better than eu is such a cope statement
in mutt defense playing with them is more fun than eurangutans
t. neither
durr durrrh durrr
Worst lie since the blacked spammer faggot claimed to be white.
can agree with this post
seems to be currently gone too?
he's spamming the deadlock spam now

it's truly over
I pref the obvious deadlock shills than him
I meant he's spamming the deadlock thread sorry
my eurangutan self can't even type properly..
Nice username, she's my favourite after tavros
I just don’t like volibear top tbdesu
that'll mean he'll be spamming here less, nice
Viego is fun af, especially on aram
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umm you're supposed to microtrade him before he lands W2, it's very easy to counterplay him if you can keep that in mind
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yeah, when u start getting those resets on resets its crazy fun
cancer victim today
lux 5k damage 30 mins
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I main ADC. Whenever the Jungler or the Support take a wave from me, I begin to intentionally play extremely badly, to the point the game is unwinnable. I have done this many times, and have yet to be banned, thankfully.

This brings me pleasure. I do not regret wasting 30+ minutes of my life on this, repeatedly. They will learn that the farm is mine. I believe I am making League a better game, even if others may think or feel otherwise.

That is all. I just wanted to confess my sins.
draw her pregnant
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NA simps seething hard on the report button
buff nautilus
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don't say that about her weirdo it's upsetting
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About a week ago I asked for some tips as Darius when going against an Aatrox, just wanted to say thanks again for those gave me some then. Probably would've gotten a Penta at the end if Lux hadn't got caught out a bit before the last push.
did you walk up to him during Q1 and Q2 like I told you to...
I walked up to him during Q3 most of the time...
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Thieves believe
Everybody steals
But I believe there's nothing to believe
But I'd love the manual
The instruction manual
Oh, liars
Swear that they never lie
Wouldn't it be easy with
Something to believe in that could give us more
Then here's my years, so, now they're gone
It's time for me to leave
Wouldn't it be easy to believe?
To believe
cute retard
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I cant remember if i posted about this already but i really genuinely believe that riot or something has hired pajeets from india, completely unironically to keep their game alive. i dont believe that there are this many new people and i dont believe that these level 300's play like this because if we scale back time to when they started an account people didnt fucking play like that then either. got i cant clip this match but there was a very unhuman interaction with my bottom lane
catgirl SEXO
Every game being stomp or be stomped and unironic bots in non vs AI games definitely compounds the feeling behind this theory of yours anon.
>*person plays in /vg/ game with vaguely feminine ign*
>/lolg/: *drools* guuhuhh must suck their transcock
my IGN is manly and people still do this
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luv u anon
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>No info on the next patch/event till like monday
Man, I'm so bored. I need that progress tracker to get my dopamine hit.
for me it's dirk
for me its twitch the rat from zaun
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i changed my name in league so now no one will know who i am..
Good luck on your climb!
what if I wanted to duo with you
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don't need the luck but thanks anyways babe
the cutest cutelow i know
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I love you too
send a friend request to luggs



>friends with a literal sissy troon
>diechad made a second friend other than steel
is this a porn animation if so link the full version
you didnt im a toplaner..
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I respect your solitude fellow topchad
it truly does get lonely at the top...
he wants to breed sissy mental AND sunshine.
Either both at once or one after the other, our intel couldn't recover the data on the answer of that question yet.
why did you flash away you retard dog?
darius at that point hits 25% of ww's hp per AA with the conq max stack, not sure if he would got the kill or not but our friend probably was fuming MAD at the xerath and panicked the FUCk outta there
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mais monsieur, zarius zon't have Q3?
0.5s until Q is off cd if he didn't flash
0 deaths darius is this dog's fault
how come lolg never call me a dog?
He was fucking 11/0 at the moment if he auto'd once then R'd i die. quickplay is a disgusting place. he had a 700 gold shutdown there.
nigga why the fuck you seething on quickplay you bitchmade pussy ahh the fuck? people run it down in quickplay nigga people go on virtual dates in quickplay shit aint allat serious
you is speakin fax like ionno y dis nigga fuming n shit doe
You just have to outpsychopath him.
Urgot with Ignite usually does the trick.
Make vg lazies.
>In this thread
>In this thread
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>kill me
I'm trying to find you and it's actually annoying the fuck out of me.

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