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Previous Thread: >>492007961


LATEST APK (22/08/23) (replace ! with y)

OpenMystery is an open-source PC port of H*gwarts M*stery, made in Unity.
It runs like an emulator, and is developed using top-down reverse-engineering methods.
Thus, via control of the engine, it can remove the annoying mobile mechanics.
It can also play new content (the main quest, TLSQs, SQs, quidditch, creature quests, dates, etc.) whenever the base game updates.
Please report any bugs you encounter.

>Setup Guide

>Modding Guide


https://imgur.com/a/FIEbRyy (broken)

>Blender Models

>Related Games
>>HPHM Visual Novel
>>Unity game
>>"A Very Meru Christmas"
>>Pokemeru mod (download pokeabby in f95)
>>ClumsyDrawfag's Visual Novel: "An interaction with Merula"
https://mega.nz/file/i7ZyUJ6J#nGp2fzVh64ZyHMNV2Cf8BXEviDXLJi0kv2ZBrL67yWs (currently broken)

>Our boys, Bep and Love5tar
Happy 50th thread dear anons.
here is for another 50 more
Thanks for the pic, Love5tar!
>zero Gryffindor girls
This is the main reason I miss Clumsy
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> #50
This should be thread #1222
JC´s fault for not giving them anyone interesting...or at all...and corey doesnt count
Merula's sweaty legs in her school tights
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New piece is up.
We had too many Weasley's as friends that people would complain that the game was Gryffindor heavy.
>new Ismelda pick
god damn, you´ve been busy! much appreciated!
Daily occurrence for Ismelda
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>Still no new portraits
>Still no photo album like the Potter's had for another member berry moment
Next February
>Beyond MC has a picture of a child next to his bed in
i never noticed this...
It's okay, it's wizard culture
how do i become a wizard?...
Amazing work, might make a render of it later.
i want a 3D model of this version of Ismelda...
That would be extremely painful
Ey noice
I rib on you guys a lot but it's nice we're still kickin
she is a big gal
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If the compilation thing is still on, here's my entry.
>inb4 it's shit
I don't see your contribution
this looks cursed as fuck but its also based, i love it, i´ll add it to the compilation, thanks for your contribution
>this looks cursed as fuck
The result of having no real artistic talent, unfortunately. I'm just happy that it's complete.
you still doing better than most, the fact that you at least tried it puts you ahead of many, keep it up
I dig it
The most soulful piece of art in a long time
it's shit
based beyond belief
>Making another Tulip but with MC's magical prowess
What have you done.
MC will raise Karasu Jr. better
Even with good parenting they would still be a mini-Tulip
Is this in the booru?
Is this AI?
almost positive it is
willing to bet it is
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that new quidditch game added that kin or at least the head
yeah i saw, it looks silly, the only thing that woulda top it would have been using the entire model instead of just the mask
Yeah they should added those old graphics as funny skins like when games used to have big head modes
wonder how would that look in HM...i know it can be easily done in OM, but seeing DK mode in motion and in the middle of a "dramatic scene" would be hilarious
Penny chatAI told me to fuck off after trying really hard to get a date out of her, I had to beat her into submission.
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we have a chatAI?
yes, most witches have one
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But most of them don't reply like the characters are supposed to act
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Tulip stealing ice cream while she has her own? Piece of shit
she wants to steal Merula's DNA to clone her
real shit?
cant wait
quidditch soon
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Anyone playing the new game?
Kill mustard Skye
I tried it and refunded it after 30 mins
that bad, huh?
eh it wasn't fun enough
rare yellow skye
fuck this got me thinking of David Attenborough doing a witches documentary at hogwarts, with his pauses and all
>while skyes are commonly found near the quidditch pitch, the sight of a yellow skye its a rare sight.
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>Meanwhile, in the other side of nature documentaries...
"Ben is a hoe"
Yellows are rare because Skye's reproduce when someone steal their shoes and nobody likes yellow shoes
great, now i want birds that look like witches
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poor puff
that will bring some weird furries for sure
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why is she blushing? what is she doing out of frame?
I hid it because it was deformed leg
It just needs the heart shaped pupils
ahh, a brutal quidditch accident, i see
I bet Erika was responsible
Beers with ismelda
Nah, I don’t think she would do beer, maybe something stronger but fancier
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>maybe something stronger but fancier
A cum cocktail.
Isn't she busy pegging that one ravenclaw?
That text still makes me laugh
What text?
The story about Rath making a Ravenclaw sissy her bitch
Yeah that seems more appropriate
I want to tickle torture Tulip, as fair punishment for a prank.
how about just regular torture?
who's teaching her this
Weird way to spell Ismelda
That's because I didn't spell Ismelda. I spelled Satan.
I do wonder if Satan is an physical entity in the HP universe.
I wouldn't be surprised if religious leaders turned out to be secretly magic and people just forgot over time.
Post it
That would be a fun scenario, i would believe that
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i like this general :)
Supreme taste
fuck you
No, fuck you, Hufflepuffman. Why don't we settle this right here in the dueling room?
fine, fuck me
big head
Reminder to make art for the compilation
>but I can't draw for shit
So? Neither can I but I made >>493434137
matter of fact, lets help people get started
reply to this post with a doodle of your favorite witch, doesnt have to be a masterpiece, hell, you can do it in a fucking paper napkin.
a simple doodle will do, cmon now.
Missed it somehow, I didn't know
for you
I can't draw with a mouse and I'm too poor to afford a tablet
do it in a napkin and take a picture with your phone
I'll give it a go
Then post a tribute
need rat pet to eat dennis
do rats eat frogs?
Depend on the rat and frog species.
sounds brutal, i wonder if i can summon rats and toads with the model poser...havent tried that
Prepare to be pranked every day of your life
could be worse
i could go for a splash right now...
they will devour you
heh, nice
anybody speaks moon runes?
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No, but yandex can translate it.
lmao wtf
maybe they are getting the money back from someone who scammed MC
No refunds after you buy a witch
but mine is broken
dear friend
witch not broken
its a feature
please understand

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