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Previous bonfire: >>492966235

FAQ before posting, if you're new:
(Work in progress, don't take it too seriously)

>The Archives
A repository of lore documents, interviews, art and more about FromSoftware games and other miscellaneous stuff:
Character planners, gameplay information, online tips, etc. for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, and King's Field:
(Some online tips could be outdated)
Can someone please post the pinecone lion set
I forgot the arms and legs
what a plottwist
good op
this will be a good, normal thread
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was confused at first but then kekd
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thought you could outwit an onion?
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>don't take it too seriously
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I do say
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Why are you guys complaining about a good pastebin
mostly laughing
50 russians at sl30 crux woods rn
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lionel legs, and you can switch up the gauntlets for abs or to hit 111 poise with bg tali. young lion is the lightest gauntlet that lets you hit 82 base poise.
let a man put jokes in the non-technical section...
Thanks, time to make a shitty butcher build.
worst fashion i have ever seen in my entire life
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Miyazaki plays NonFromSoftware Souls Games, btw
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I think this mod might be a bit too much for my taste
I invaded some annoying crit fisher twice there earlier
its also mostly russians who still stream at tiff, they truly do have a gene that makes them enjoy toxic pvp games for half their lives
fashion wasn't considered for even a millisecond when creating this setup.
all of the russians i know are addicted to mobas
>Souls Games General
kill yourself you fucking fag
He вижy никaких пpoблeм, тoвapищ
Even Mr Zaki plays them, keep up with times
miyazaki is dead to me until he drops a good balance patch
just chased a retarded pver for 5 minutes while he was backpedalling and using gransax bolt while i erdtree deflected it probably 20 times till he died
so did you have epic wholesome 6 player multiplayer or what
clicking on any russian's steam profile there's a 50% chance they have over 4k hours in dota 2 or cs2
Anyone played Crabdog?
there was no other co-invader, reds are pretty rare on seamless
so after 3 minutes they just let me 1v1 them
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>purple with 1h bkugs
they don't make 'em like they used to
So why do ERfags post in here when they have their own thread?
Because this is their home
The sp/erg/ thread is unnecessary
We were the first ER general, fuck /erg/
But ER sucks.
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Nyo I don't think I will
>mad king twink blues
What the FUCK is going on today
why did worm not have a signature gesture

>god1 shrug
>god2 no way
>god3 quiet resolve
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Have you played it?
I am restarting DS3 after a long time and I don't quite remember the stats I should be going for in a Quality/Dex build (Wolf Knight Greatsword, Uchigatana, Astora Greatsword, etc).
>What's the recommended end-game level for when I get to ringed city and fight Gael and Midir? SL 100?
>How much should I level End and Vig? Should it be 40 each by the time I get to SL 100?
>Should STR/DEX be 40/40 and 20/60 for Quality and Dex builds respectively?
>What should Attunement be for a typical melee build?
Yeah, I beat it and the DLC
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>Nyo I don't think I-ACK!
Right, FromSoftware made EtR before ElR.
Nta, but please stop talking and behaving like a tranny
Hmm? I don't have a single clue what you are talking about
we've reached the point where hosts kick blues with CE to deny estus
nigga you're gonna end up like amir in 2 years
zygotes don't know about catspeak
I don't have anything in common with Amirah
but blues dont exist in seamless
I'm playing god3
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I get it
And I don't care if you're just pretending
dsg is 40% trannies, 50% chasers and 10% normal people
glad to be part of the 10% who aren't sick in the head
>drained host twink of their estus and divine blessing
a small wdc vicotry
yeah you would love to "drain" a "twink" faggot
27 and then 40 vig. like 26 end max.
40/40 for quality
no attunement
kino sl50 host that does nothing but 50/50s
no webm=didnt happen
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You lost
Nuh uh
You weren't there
You wouldn't brag about just draining his healing if you actually killed him
Good point
insane how watchdogs won't attack blues if they wear the kevin hlem
Damn, ranged builds are cowardly
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I wish this weapon dealt real damage at low lvl
butcher knife would be cooler if the manserpent hatchet didn't exist
manserp doesn't have the funky r2 combos
I really hate in DS3 how many parts are just you teleporting somewhere. How do I get to the high wall of lothric? Why? How do I get to the dreg heap? Why? How do I get to the kiln? Why?
Like I get that teleporting between bonfires is canon, but it feels fucking retarded to make that a major part of the narrative
For Dog3, what's SL for mid-game PVP?
Faith, magic, or pyromancy?
what's the combo again
r2 -> r1 and r2 -> offhand
do not make a low level caster
the r2 is so ass tho...
It could be worse
back in dogshit2 it was cooler
>heal was based on damage
God2 always wins
stop replying to me with these nothing posts...
it's okay in worm for dex builds too
>16 str
Is it really that good for dex?
I can't think of a good keen ash for gaxes
you're throwing if you don't have 16 str on a dex build. also it hits very hard for a low weight and the r2 has combos with storm stomp and lightning slash.
>storm stomp
promotes ape gameplay
>lightning slash

Doesn't it have really good fth scaling?
>do not make a low level caster
W-why not?
Who was this nerd calling himself lord of frenzied flame?
I am the lord of frenzied flame.
Pay the 24 mind tax
you'll be using lightning slash anyways since it's optimal when lightning-infused, so it's fun that it has a situational high damage combo.

and yeah it's good on faith too since it gets fine damage and is the lightest weapon that can use golden land.
no stats and sad damage
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Time to make a regen demon ig
oh yeah also all of the golden land projectiles will heal you on hit
>hub area in ds1 is called firelink shrine
>hub area in ds3 is called firelink shrine
>these are NOT the same area and are in fact completely unrelated in every single way
why did they do this?
Last minute writing
no attention-grabbing images please
Dios mio...
The zweihander has a thrust attack. Hexes are definitely better than miracles overall, but my last run was a cleric which I specced into a hexer with a dark greatsword. Did you do the DLC?
>prelates/eruption/flaming strike
>sacred blade/golden land
Dex gets hard mogged
But the other anon said to post more...? I'm getting mixed signals here, bros.

Never found it myself. I will have to look harder. Please don't tell me its in the Doors of Pharros or Iron Keep on the lava platforms. Those areas suck and I couldn't get to them without dying.
>Did you do the DLC?
No, I accidentally "beat" the game and my character was kinda ass, made a lot of mistakes here and there. So I'm gonna run it all over again and do it right this time. I know I could do it on that character, but ehh.
prelates charge and eruption are ass
but yeah dex only has 3 usable "exclusive" ashes and two of them are ranged attacks
he didn't say that doe
>But the other anon said to post more...?
Blind mfer
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i-in the other thread
please believe me
I do NOT believe you.
Unfortunately it's in Iron Keep but it's not on the lava platforms thankfully. There's a broken staircase in the big open area with the bridge you can lower, you have to platform to it and there's an area you can reach that has the chest containing it. Also, it drops commonly from the spiders in Brightstone Cove - no idea why.
The DLC is probably the epitome of the game. All three are great in their own ways. Nashandra is sort of redone as a boss in one of the DLCs - it's a different character, but very similar and a lot cooler
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i hope the next ds2 is good
The re-remake will remove soul memory and add wex dust
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i spent at least 4 minutes in Paint3D for this.

Ah, that ledge. Yeah, I fell and never went back. There were way too many enemies at once in Iron Keep.
>DLC is probably the epitome of the game
Since I enjoyed the base game as much as I did, I'm very much looking forward to the DLC now.
So, I think I'm gonna run Hexes. Which class should I go for, aside from Explorer?
The Sorcerer starts off with spells, but really poor Melee stats. I would at least like to use a spear as defense.
>it drops commonly from the spiders in Brightstone Cove
What the fuck? I never knew that.
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Cleric has a mace, which is probably the single best starting weapon in the game - I never struggled with iron keep because a mace and then the craftsman's hammer kills enemies in literally like 2 hits, 3 hits for the elites and turtle knights. And you need faith to build hexes anyway. I know a lot of people with lots of experience swear by explorer though just because of the variety of gear you get. Ds2 has a lot of secrets and stuff you can rush which makes repeat playthroughs as a nice time. Also, if you use a halberd I do recommend one handing and using a shield so you don't do the annoying spin (I hate it too), but there is Santier's spear in the doors of pharros, which if you break, it gets a unique moveset that combines twinblades and halberds and is pretty epic
I killed them every time just to make the trek to ornifex less annoying, and yeah, they have a lot of weird drops. No idea why but it's pretty funny
It's either sorcerer or cleric
pick sorcerer if you can't deal with 4 endurance
Debating on Herald or Cleric. Maybe Deprived? Hmmm....
That's the worst option, just strip yourself on a normal class
more attention-grabbing images please
sorc has the best spread for hexers and you can just level up the stats for your spear later
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just fuck my shit up
didnt read but the fact that you didn't post sauce is evil
not even going to consider reading but I'll give you a (you) because you got me horny
>died to Iudex Gundr
shut up
hey that's me in the image
Deep lore that vaaticels could never understand:
The emerald herald IS the fourth firekeeper from the intro, she IS the shrine handmaiden, and she IS the stone humped hag, this means she was the wet nurse of lothric and probably told him to not link the fire, and then became an angel. She won.
>replay dks3
>remember having to play the entire first half before it gets good
I should have installed Sekiro
nobody says dks3
flopper disc3
My bad. I meant Dog3
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stop it
stop what?
This shit weapon is weak to parry slimes
Still on my Nioh 1 replay and unironically it's just so fucking bad.
Every game has "that section" that makes you pissed off and Nioh 1 that section is the entire fucking game.
>dungeon that has more pits in it than a sponge
>boss is a giant blob that clips onto the edge so you can randomly fall to your death while you try to hit it
>boss has simple pattern but every attack but one will one shot you (regardless of your gear)
This game is unbelievably retarded
nhentai is back
builds for this feel
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sleep well, fsg
The start of sekiro is also the worst part
nice webm
why isn't there an option to just give hawkwood the dragon torso stone? i don't use it
It's bullshit that the cathedral knights in the consumed king's garden get a cool black and gold colourscheme but don't drop that armour. GOD2 would've given us that armour
Should've tried Nioh 2 instead
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Lions are kinda gay and screw with grafting...
Grafting is morally wrong
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It's not estus refill levels of wrong
It's arguably worse
i pretty much don't play eldog atm because of grafting (+the update was ass)
did grafters curse dagger you
nah i just don't want to play in a game where people are already overleveled @138 and are adding 13 levels of vig to still not be able to make a good fucking build
If you think using cheat engine to get invalid stats is wrong you should also be against grafting
that's a 139 build btw
i wasn't talking about the image above i was just talking in general
i wouldnt graft if stat helms didnt exist making me feel forced to use those ugly garbage shit fuck poop on my head
grafting saved int/fth
Have you tried not being a meta brained faggot?
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you don't belong here if you don't optimize builds
actually a good player doesn't need to optimize their build. build optimization is to make up for lack of skill
next you'll say hp is a crutch
buildmaking is a skill
a good player will have a good build and a good set of mechanics
grafting is a crutch for bad players
There is a difference between optimization and being a boring faggot
Can you write a clear definition for the thread, without using any buzzwords
Using glitches for more stats and using armor you don't think looks good because they make your character 3% stronger
So chainsawing pvers is valid?
Stupid faggot
any weapon is viable against clueless pvers
retarded wdc
Just play at RL161, guys
Like Miyazaki intended
grafted 139 is 161
i graft at rl60
yes i need the extra levels to pwn 20 vigor pvers
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wtf is grafting
An exploit that has become popular recently
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Cool art even if it does have the second worst ds2 character in it
I'm getting interviewed for an amazing PhD position in bioinformatics next week. It's one of the best projects in my region and I also have another interview coming up after it, also for an amazing project. WE ARE GONNA MAKE IT BROS.
Don't care
Goddamn I finished my second (2nd) playthrough and actually tried following NPC quests. None of anyone's complaints about later games hold water, this game is insanely more mean-spirited than the other games.

>Laurentius: be friendly with him, goes hollow and dies
>Griggs: goes hollow and dies
>Reah: save her, she still gets abducted, goes hollow and dies
>Siegmeyer: accomplishes nothing, goes hollow and dies
>Solaire: accomplishes nothing, gets infested and dies
hes indirectly asking what some ds2 builds are for that feel
Should've asked directly
You mean for DS3
There's a ds1 npc named Griggs???
name every single DS2 npc without looking it up

i asked i cared i waited 60 ssxonds to make this psist>>493504119
stfu, lero
that reminds me
why hasn't anyone gotten slapped for all the major characters in eldog having names that start with GRRM's initials
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why do you use the dragon transform
flynn ring
im feeling pretty down right now i need someone to cheer me up
go to >>>/soc/ then
but i dont want to go to soc
you need to be nice to me
playing Souls games is a leading cause of depression
damn man you pwnd that 31 vigor player with your sick L2 skills
>you need to
No, we don't
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his fire defense must be off the charts
In the Lands Between, medical practice is no mere science; it’s a mix of arcane rituals and lost traditions. The Academy of Raya Lucaria recently opened its gates for an ancient program—the "Two Finger Spells of the Elden Lords". This is no ordinary medical school. Those accepted into its halls do not merely study anatomy or the craft of healing. They learn the mysteries of life and death, the sacred rites of divine incantations, and the forbidden knowledge of black flame and it's protective effects.

When I received the letter, bound in shimmering gold and sealed with a shard of cuckoo, my heart raced. The invitation to study here meant more than knowledge—it was a journey into the very essence of existence.

My mind buzzed with excitement as I read it over and over. I imagined walking the dimly lit halls, brushing past sorcerers and prophets alike, my robes trailing across the arcane symbols etched into the ground. Soon, I would be wielding not only healing spells, but the power to reshape the fate of those in my care.

I was chosen. And I was ready.
getting burned out again, cya in 3 months
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why can't we get cool movesets
Best King
locked behind the l2 button
just use lionel's helm or greatjar then, idiot...
Why is that a problem?
cya tomorrow
because he is so happy with himself he wrote all the major players to be a reference to his own name. it's sucking his own cock
all parries in ds1 were active on frame 1 right?
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Doesn't lionel clip with the 'cone?
idk... it's better than the prisoner shithat tho
>clips into the cone when crouching
prisoner shitcan has that cool punished look doe.
it does not match well with the pinecone black theme.
stop caring about poise, return to spacing attacks
I have at least 120 poise but I don't know if it's enough
It matches better than the greatjar, plus the chest has some gray on it.
The absorption kings are talking here
spacing doesn't exist in vanilla
*eats crab*
there now shut up and take off ur clownsuit
you guys are getting hit?
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*eats crab and puts on clownsuit*
*gets raped by diminishing returns*
*meanwhile fashion GODS get full benefit of absorption crystal tear and crab*
you have 10% less ele absorption lmao
/fa/gs are annoying
In the fading light of the Lands Between, I found myself standing before a fellow Tarnished, both of us locked in a silent understanding that only battle could resolve. My armor clanked as I shifted—heavy, unyielding Bull-Goat armor that made me feel more mountain than man. Across from me, my opponent, slender in his knight's garb, looked nimble yet fragile, his poise clearly no match for mine.

We faced off, weapons drawn, circling each other slowly. Then, as if by unspoken signal, we both struck at once. His sword, quick and precise, aimed for my side. But I, armed with my greatsword, trusted in my sheer bulk and resilience. As his blade bit into my armor, I felt its sting but paid it little heed. The blow did not stagger me, for my poise was an impregnable fortress.

At the same moment, my greatsword came crashing down upon him. He staggered, armor crumpling under the weight of my strike, unable to withstand the force. While we had both struck true, only I remained upright, resolute in my Bull-Goat armor. His light knight's plate, though elegant, offered no such refuge.

It was a trade, yes, but one I was always destined to win. High poise had seen me through, while his agility crumbled beneath the weight of brute force.
akshually its only 4.6% less absorption but in exchange i look good while pwning people instead of a troon who pressed Optimize Armor in a build planner
775 gets staggered by daggers
i ain't reading that
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y wud u play vanilla doe
because he's not a pathetic wdc pver slayer like you
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>It was a trade, yes, but one I was always destined to win.
why is pmask so obsessed with optimize armor buttons
>everyone I disagree with is pmask
speaking of absorption maxxing, what's the best sets for ds3?
Winged+harald pants is the only one that comes to mind.
fcs are bad doe because its on vanilla
vanilla is also pvers as there is no dedicated pvp spot, only difference is you have half estus and no great rune and everyone is lag-warping and animation skipping
>no great rune
That's why we graft
Just finished Lies of P and it's crazy how much more aggressive you can be with bosses than in Elden Ring. Like, dodging through attacks and getting behind them actually works, you get real openings to do heavy attacks and shit. The bosses give you enough room to do things like heal or buff your weapon. It's so refreshing after Elden Ring where it's like everytime a boss initiates an attack it's like they draw a hemispherical bubble around themselves where you're simply not allowed to exist and must politely wait for them to finish. That's not even getting into the other stuff like the Sekiro-style deflects or weapon breaking. God the bosses are just so much more fun to fight because you're not stuck in the cuck corner unless you give up and build an infinite poise havelmom or a 99 ARC status build (either way means trivializing the boss and isn't really fun either). Holy shit I didn't like Elden Ring at all, what the fuck were they thinking?
jeenine lapp
winged w/ harald pants
the poiseblob
That's not helpful
why does spacing exist in seamless, then? it's the same spells and same weapons
seamless doesn't have vanilla's bonus lat. it legit adds like 100ms total.
i remember the first time i spaced a halberd running attack in seamless, legit pixels away from the tip and I wasn't hit. thats when i knew god yui won
fromsoft could fix this if they stopped using their old and inefficient netcode, but they're too lazy so vanilla has nightmare phantom range and hitting
what makes you think they could fix it, maybe they were never as smart as you think they were
puke yui > every fromsoft dev
no webm=didnt happen
desu godimura > god yui
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yemmy it up with the mokfel girl at tiff
>Faca do guardido da igreja
>Faca do guardido
>do guardido
>do guard
>do gu
>do g
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who's that
remember when people were like "ds2 is too mean, the other games never tell you you'll die!" when ds1's complete edition is literally subtitled 'prepare to die' and dozens of npcs are like 'yeah i'm gonna loot your corpse when you die xddd'
don't forget eldog's obsession with massive AOEs. they're so gay
playing ds3 and er at the same time sucks, getting used to either one's roll distance fucks your muscle memory for the other
ds3 is dead
what sl are you at
Ah, you're too high for activity.
go down to 90-60
why would you ever play shit3 above sl90
Emerald BITCH
has some pretty cool pants
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making a bkga bill later
why do you need to wait till ng+ (or use a bonfire ascetic) to get dragonrider's cool fatty armour? none of the other boss sets in GOD2 do that
no activity at sl 90
I wait 30 mins with the effigy
They do this so fucking often, even in DS every single one of these faggots just buffed or healed right in front of your face
u will never get yhe lion great chomper weapon
ds2 efeegeee
i still like to pronounce "effigy" like jerma did in that one video
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the signalis poster is annoying but the game looks interesting and i like yuri so might try it out
more like yur gay
agp game
thats dog3
aldrich trannydolin agp game
recent jee sucked
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what if gael said hand it over
your hawk tuah
for my lady's tiktok
i think that would be kind of funny
Nyo crucible frog or centaur for you
if the main characters were male, the fanbase quality would improve by 2000%
fujoshi homo game then
preferable to agp "transbian" 'tism moids.
gyatt knight gael
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wow my half assed attempts at shilling actually worked, cheers mate
fujos are awful at making memes and alot of them are into teenage boys so be glad we're not like that
elden rings OST is so good it just beat all the other fromsoft games in terms of variety and quality
Fuck off, pederasts
even doe you're posting dogshit memes right now
i hate people calling enemy grabs 'command grabs' fucking retard shit. if an enemy grabbing you is a command grab then they're also command attacking, command dodging, command specialing. anyone who says command grab outside of fighting games is a retard.
another word for pedos
wrong type tho
A pedo and a homo
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i watched every single jeeALLAH god3 kino
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finally got around to playing the original DeS and loved it, are there any similar non-fromsoft games that place a high emphasis on level exploration and deliberate combat instead of frame perfect dodging or meme difficulty bosses?
lunacid, maybe
since you said non-fromsoft i'm going to say the surge 1 and 2. surge 1 has one bonfire per level and the levels are designed around you moving through and opening a shitload of shortcuts, surge 2 has more, but still no warping. unfortunately 2's story is utter dogshit but 1's is really good
combat is more active than reactive, and i love it
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not really a kingsfield player but might have to check out the first person games eventually
thanks for the rec, they're on sale as a $5 bundle on steam right now so might as well
sovful 'ebm
They really do be complaining about hardswapping but dc faster than any hardswap
>1h bkugs

It'd look better without the modslop
maybe who knows
No problem, the surge games are imo the most underrated soulslikes and possibly the best outside of fromsoft's own reportoire. But for some reason it might be that it only clicks with a certain mentality, because I heard in reviews it was super hard, and yet I beat it solo (because it has no summoning) before I beat any fromsoft game solo (which motivated me to go solo in the future)
why doesn't ds3 have a twist like demons, ds1, ds2, and bloodborne
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What the FUCK did he mean by this thumbnail
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enough slop3 for another month i think
you should host and let us invade
i closed the videogame already so maybe in a month or two
Is lothric's WA pure faith or AR based
should be AR
the faith scaling got added in a patch, after all
time to pwn gonkers with a laser stick
I can't believe "people" are still playing ds3 pvp in 2024
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I'm people

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