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Thread Killer "The Frog Eats the Sleepy General" Edition

Previous 2cc clear: >>490867608

>Upcoming and recent releases
>Touhou 19 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts (OUT NOW)
>TH18.5 100th Black Market
>TH17.5 Gouyoku Ibun + gote update
Dream Logical World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664410/
Wonderful Waking World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1901490/
Hero of Ice Fairy https://store.steampowered.com/app/1955830/

>Recent official manga
Lotus Eaters
Cheating Detective Satori

>What are these games?
Touhou Project is a series of doujin bullet hell shooting games made by ZUN where cute girls shoot other cute girls

https://pastebin.com/Vu7p9R0z (includes FAQ, netplay guide, training tools and more)

>Where can I get these games?
https://nyaa.si/view/1743411 (all in one pack)
https://pastebin.com/hPmDczz6 (separate downloads)

>Support the official releases!

>What other official Touhou media is there?
>Semi-official web magazine

>Touhou media hoarding guide (fan art, doujin music, etc.)


>/2hug/ high score spreadsheet (feel free to edit)
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Finally, the regular.
How do the ships work in UFO? collecting R G B seemed to do... something?
oh I also went a stage or two thinking you had to avoid them, that was fun
Anon, every game comes with a guide. If you can't find it or it's not translated, check the Gameplay section of its wikipage on the touhou wiki.
I'm just trying to discuss my man, if you just want to see ecchi pics especially after the last thread >>493447491 I guess I could stop.
You didn't tell me Youmu had a charge melee attack, holy shit that is so fun to use. I'm sure it's hard as hell to win with but just testing it out it's super fun.
>I'm just trying to discuss my man
I'm the same guy who has written like half of the replies to you last thread. Asking for opinions or stuff that can't be easily found online is all good, but if you're gonna ask something that's written on the manual that's just wasting our time.
tldr RGBs are just for scorefags and for rare occasions of having to reset your stack when you already fucked it up with a stray blue nigga.
Good job on the efficient danmaku (and unrelated...) discussion in the last thread!
One thing I've wondered about is the general difficulty of the games. As far as I've understood, LoLK, UFO and SA are a cut above the rest as far as touhou games go, while generally other shmups tend to be more difficult. Are there any anons with experience on a variety of these games that can confirm?
Personally I'm still stuck on UFO while going through the games in chronological order, which is why I'm asking... Stage 5 is really busting my balls, but so did SA before I got it down so I'm keeping my hopes up.
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You guys have 8 hours to waste image image limit so we can get back to gameplay discussion tomorrow morning.
>LoLK, UFO and SA are a cut above the rest as far as touhou games go
That is correct but LoLK has point device mode and Reisen's shield.
UFO's spells and stages are nothing special in terms of difficulty, it just requires a little bit of planning and getting used to the gimmick and also its shot balance is all over the place.
SA is the most consistently ballbusting plus it has very punishing power and continues system.
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Oh hey. It's the cannibalism artist.
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Good morning
Your mileage may vary with each of them.
LoLK is unquestionably the hardest of them pattern wise. Pointdevice is technically a 1cc or at least its own case on the chart so you could stop at that. Reisen's shield and to a lesser extent Sanae and her bomb that lets her graze all help cheese through the game. Expect around 1000 retries on your first PD run, be careful not to waste bombs or you'll practically softlock yourself and be forced to restart. It ended up being the hardest to 1cc for me because I choke a lot.
UFO is the middle ground. Everything in it is just about slightly more involved and/or difficult than average, making for an overall difficult game. Learning the game is fairly smooth as long as you use a good shot for the stages that lets you grab red UFOs without too much issues. You'll be around life cap at Stage 3. The rest of the run is about not bleeding out too much. It does take a bit of time but I never found myself struggling.
SA is a weird one for me because when played "optimally" with the goal of Normal 1cc it's just not hard. My tinfoil hat theory is that either due to the shot not being as good in Extra or higher difficulties, or the cheese factor of it all, you'll hear people tell you to play ReimuA if you want to beat SA. That's bullshit. You should play ReimuC, and bomb the shit out of anything that causes you issues. It took me just a few tries to achieve the 1cc. ReimuC has the easiest Satori fight, and most importantly, in a scenario where you haven't/don't want to figure out Orin, ReimuC will bleed out the least amount of ressources. The game gives you enough life pieces that you'll be fine. Bomb whatever looks troublesome Stage 3 and onward (maybe not Stage 4 because it's deceptively easy).
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How did you go in chronological order? Did you start at EOSD, HRtP or at like LLS like everyone I've seen suggest? I really like HRtP and have been dipping into it sometimes but also focusing on EoSD since apparently 2 and 3 are not great
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Yes Captain.
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Clownpiece so strong of a boss that she not only drained my power, but also my soul with each death. I dread the moment when I'll eventually come back to the game to beat it with other shottypes or maybe even on legacy..
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You're not allowed to stop until you beat it. This is an order.
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I did beat it yesterday, but holy fuck, I ended up bombing nearly every single spellcard of this clown abomination. Traumatic to say the least.
She drained my cum too but you don't see me bitch about it
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No she didn't. Stop spewing lies
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The next game can't possibly feature a lewder hu than sex fox
Not him, but even though I usually recommend LLS for starting, I've also been playing the games chronologically myself and started with HRtP.
That's in my opinion the best way to play them because you get to enjoy the series as it progressed through the years, but it's something I'd only recommend to people who are very committed to playing the games till the end, because SoEW is well inside the top half of the games by difficulty and it took me like a couple dozen hours before I finally got my first ever 1cc on it. It's also not as great of a game as the others, overall.
PoDD is absolutely great though, the only people who hate it hate versus games in general and will tell you PoFV isn't great either, which I can accept as an opinion I won't agree with. PoDD is even more fun overall.
>while generally other shmups tend to be more difficult
I haven't tried most of the popular ones like mushihimesama yet, but I've noticed that whenever a game is considered to be "difficult" it's usually because of its jankiness, for the most part. For example, einhander and zero wing have pretty easy patterns but the screen is extremely zoomed in compared to 2hu games, so you barely get any time to notice the bullets and dodge.
On the other hand, games like crimzon clover are very clean and fair, with the result of being around as hard as 2hu games themselves.

In the end, games are hard to compare, because you can grab two games with the same difficulty, give it an additional difficulty level, and suddenly it's considered a harder game by superplayers. Which is correct, but only for a small subsection of all players.
Here's some (debatable) comparison charts you can check if you're curious:

What you should do is pay no attention to such comparisons and just play all the games you can, 2hu or not.
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Half cum, half human
I'm thinking in terms of story and characters. I know a lot of PC98 characters aren't really ever present again but I know a few of them are, Alice references meeting Reimu before in PCB I think. From what I played of HRtP there wasn't really a "story". I'm also fine to just skip around if anything is too ball busting
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Full cum, when I'm done with her
>I'm thinking in terms of story and characters
That's definitely bullshit then, the endings of SoEW are pretty fun and most of PoDD's are hilarious.
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she wants soda
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Ordering fresh human flank done rare and accompanied with a Bepsi, like you normally order in your local izakaya.
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How did that man get away with creating such sex character
I started from EoSD. Probably should mention that instead of just saying chronologically. I'm definitely going to play the PC-98 games at some point, but I want to get caught up with the windows canon first.

Thanks for the resources and insight. And you are right, comparing the difficulties between the games isn't too meaningful. Still, seeing a lot of people call 2hu games easy over time made me wonder if there's some ground to it or if it's just gatekeeping. It's also nice to be able to find other games of similar difficulty.

Also as far as comparing between the 2hu games themselves goes, it does feel a bit better to know that something you are stuck on is generally considered hard. Not like I expect to breeze through the games of course.
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The pearly gates of heaven will not open for those of you who were bullying Youmu in yesterday's thread
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Hell is more fun anyway and so is bullying Youmu into doing lewd things.
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I haven't played many other shmups other than touhou but touhou is definitely very beginner friendly. I tried Ikaruga but it was fucking impossible and horribly stingy with resources unless you master the scoring system, couldn't get past stage 4 if I could even get past stage 3 consistently.
she's alright... for only having one tail
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Why would anyone prefer luigi over mario? She looks so stupid
Because if you become best friends with her you get favourable access to her hot great x 60 or so grandmom or aunt
Bigger boobs.
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Imagine the threesome with them
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Thread killing frog tonguejob
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Imagine the tonguejobs (with her umbrella)
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Inserting folded umbrella in your peehole.
Enjoying sweet dreams?
You were so boring last thread without images. Ku hu hu..
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