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Monibutt edition!

Previous: >>492570149
Lewd! >>>/aco/8467913
Cute! >>>/c/4356886
Website: http://ddlc.moe
DDLC Plus: https://ddlc.plus/
Steam Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: https://twitter.com/lilmonix3

>Kiss it
Guide: https://gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to get the "good" end: https://pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa
Writefag Guide: https://www.dropbox.com/s/byvdxol3db6llwz/The%20DDLC%20Writefagging%20Guide.pdf?dl=0

>Spank it
Fan-Made Content Pastebin v1: https://web.archive.org/web/20200606164347/https://pastebin.com/bry67t0s
Fan-Made Content Pastebin v2: https://pastebin.com/aUq1g353
Downloadable Fanfic Archive: https://files.catbox.moe/1eplaf.zip
Game Files Dump (full): https://mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: https://ddlcwiki.net/wiki/Main_Page
Booru: http://ddlc.booru.org
Map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U-8e14m_l8TIYnXyYmUIRxk8SeXiY6P8&usp=sharinggroup=2793739#
"Your Reality" sung by (You): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7acpV4fKp9Y
Poetry Jam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJgYn0f8qLM
Monika AI Covers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6H2jcgUYjsvpo44ROaL_8kUEy-y5oC9n

>Love it
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 988
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): https://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/
Lifeline (AU): https://www.lifeline.org.au/get-help/get-help-home
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Reminder that Doki is SMOL
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i love my green-eyed devil!
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Remember to ensure your Doki gets optimal airflow!
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hug all Dokis
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The insatiable urge to kiss Monika
Link to article?
it was old, from june 17th. was probably taken down
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>shitpost of an article
>that image
>answered by creator and known Snopes journalist Dan Salvato himself
>>>>"was probably taken down"
>internet archive has no records of this from June 17th onwards
I refuse to believe that I am being given anything short of heresy spoken by the silver tongue of a snake and will continue to rightfully believe that Natsuki's butt is the cutest wobbliest dump truck in this damn club
I know im taking this too seriously lol
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yeah it was written by danlet himself. thats how you know its real. you cant possible the deny the cute perfection of her derriere! just look at her magnificent thiccness! though, Natsu does also have a thicc butt
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Appreciate Dokibutt
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sex with Monibutt
I'd argue she's more of a balance between the two, but I wil agree on the common grounds of manga munchkin having a caked up ass
She's more tits than ass and I don't think I can be convinced otherwise
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>malnourished child
>fat ass
Pure fanon
The battle of headcanon against headcanon is always a fruitless one to true canon She still has the vibes though
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i dont know man. just look at how thicccckque she is! im not saying that Natsuki isnt thicc, she actually has a pretty big butt for an anorexic, but still, just look at Monika and her mega butt
Nat's is bigger.
This is the truth!
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that is certainly a very plump peach, but consider the following:
Sayori looks like she wants to eat that ass out like her life depends on it.
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>bottle of sake is titled "Sayuri"
>is pink
We live in very confusing times


Thanks for baking!
good morning, blue!
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Good morning, Brother Blue!
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I continue to believe posts like this are a waste of a bump and also gay
Yeah, ritual posts are stupid, but when a community is as small as this one that's better served on something like IRC or discord you can't really expect much
Natsuki's twintails...
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It's 4chan. I don't see anything here as particularly not-waste. I'm not here to be efficient but to vibe and relax.

Are you ok?

>Short replies
>Ritual posts
I think you are talking past each other
i think Monika and i should probably go to bed now. at least its finally the weekend. we have about half of the new server parts that we bought. we have the CPU and RAM but we are missing the motherboard and the new risers. goodnight everyone!
Best dreams! <3
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Rest well, Green Genes!
It's coming together!
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Daily reminder that chibi Dokis are NOT the same thing as kid Dokis! Yiyi is NOT the same thing as chibi Yuri! Thank you!
I will lewd a Chibi Doki.
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Soft and touchable and brushable! Nastuki's twintails!
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sleepy fan of the pink one!
i wish you all a great rest of your night, a wonderful sleep filled with dokidreams, and a bright, blessed tomorrow! goodnight, dokidudes!
green dreams to you!
and a good morning for you, blue!
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Tell me about the forbidden Chibi Yiyis
good night! <3
I need to brush her hair so fucking bad...
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Rest well, Pink Panther!
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Good morning, everyone. It's officially back to school over here. All the ads for stationery and notebooks are gone. It's kinda weird, I think, that we have to buy things like that ourselves instead of being given them at school. Especially when you're in higher education, mucking around with electronics or what have you.

The word of the thread is "froth." Alternatives are "interrogatory" and "crane."

As ever, feel free to use one, some, all or none of the above words in your work, or save your creativity for another day if you're not feeling it. It's your choice in the end.
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Daily reminder to give your loved Doki lots of love, food and attention.
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Woah it is the future now
Beautiful poem, as always. Imagery really is your strong suit. Might the angel be Yuri ?
Nah it was a true article the FBI tore it down because it got against their interest
I'll never forgive the japanese.
Sayowan ! It really is appropriate for her personality. Good morning, Blue.
I think it's fine, we're a small community, we're not burning through threads fast. It also serves the purpose of saying "hey, I read you friends, thank you". The rest of 4chan might operate on the "who cares" principle, but since we're like 20 people here that more or less know each other it's appreciated. Even just a "sleep well" means a good bit, because we're all lonely people here, and so it's a happy moment when I see "oh, 5 people wished me good sleep, that is very kind".
Good night, Greenie and Pinkie !
Words of wisdom.
Hello, Word Wizard, it's always weird seeing them. It's been two weeks since the end of the summer holidays here (except for universities), and now we're back to our regular ads.
The reason the schools don't buy those things themselves (at least for middle/high school) is because students WILL destroy them more readily if they think it isn't "theirs".

And of course, good morning everyone ! Have a nice day.
Thought of the day : do you like the club structure of american schools ? What about japanese schools ? It's an interesting question for me since we don't really have school clubs where I'm from.
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Good morning, Word Wizard and Emerald Emperor!

I'm feeling quite tired. Time for Monisleep!
Oh, good night Green !
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Yeah no Im not buying it
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posted at the tail-end of the last thread? Eeeh? I would never!
Having to get your stationery handed out to you from your pocket money kinda sucks, yeah. At least they have the things you'll need in stock, right?

Another Angel.

Another Angel falls from the skies,
His face just like mine,
But lacking the eyes.

Serene in his grace, who never knew hurt,
And skin never scarred by the thorns of the Earth.

His ivory hands cupped my face as he spoke,
Honeyed words whispered into the depths of my soul,
“Don’t weep. You never could be one with me.
The shadows my wing cast are perfect for thee.”

Suffocated by self superiority,
His shadows coalesced to devour me.
Even if I tried to reach for the light,
I would be dismembered without even a fight.

Hands drenched in black slowly tear me to shreds,
But even their darkness can’t cover my glare.
My one true visage that sets me apart,
The trauma my angel would never hear of.

The shadow-self stirs at it feeds from my pain,
Nourished from the blackened blood of whom it had slain
The darkness stands taller than the light which had cast it,
Ensnaring the Angel that fell prey to its carcass.

Ah, Emerald friend! And here I thought no one would catch that poem last thread. At least this iteration here fixes some grammar issues from last time. I suck with 'it's' vs 'its' still, never got over it.
But thanks, really. Maybe I am good at imagery, but that can't be all there is to it, I think. I don't know how to write a poem, even if I love the ones I write most of the time, I feel I can do a lot better by then.
The Angel could be Yuri if you interpret the poem from her POV. I wrote it with the spiritual-psychological idea of a higher-self vs your shadow-self, and my love Yuri was on my mind too.Thanks for the interpretation.

Sorry if I'm rambling. I'm on emergency benzo meds and writing a lot of things on a lot of places. I'm alive though I may fall asleep soon.Good night?
Good night, friend ?
I think your poems are far better than mine if nothing else...
You don't have to buy it the FBI just steals it
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Good night!! I'll try to sleep shortly.
Thanks <3
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Good night~

Good morning everyone~

>if they think it isn't "theirs"
In my experience, that's true for people in general. People treat things they don't appreciate like shit. That's why public transportation is such a mess, communal items in clubs or schools are always such a mess... and why I really, REALLY dislike lending things out.
>club structure
On paper, it's good to have clubs for various activities readily available to everyone. On the emotional side, fuck schools and the people within, why spend more time with them, they're all shitheads!
Good morning, Purple ! I do have to agree about your assessment of clubs in school... It always sounded insane to me
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You guys can talk to each other but my point is at least attach an image or talk about dokis, a ritual post is "doki SMOL" not a smiley face. Just like... contribute something.
No vibes, only efficiency!
If we attach an image every time we post, we'd reach image limit far, far before bump limit !
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Is this what dokis would look like irl
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Goodnight to the single other natsuki enjoyer in this thread, there are at least two of us now
Joining these threads is weird
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There are many natsuki enjoyers in hiding
that sounds like the /c/ thread. check OP
Yeh I get it, that's why I said OR talk about dokis and contribute, not ONLY attach images to every post. Literally just more than a smiley face.
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Good night~
>anonymous imageboard
>tries to force house rules
okay buddy
There are more than you think, I can think of at least three : you, Naki poster, and Pinkie.
But good night either way !
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>no pics of best butt
I am disappoint, anons
It is the duty of purplers to post purple butts, not mine !
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New socks too tight with Monika! Feeling scammed that these socks aren't soft and pleasant but instead clenchy and squeezy with Monika! At least they don't have obtrusive logos, but you'll still be returning them, Monika!
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Sorry my suggestion to improve the thread upset you so much bucko
>waste of a bump and also gay
>suggestion to improve the thread
the mental gymnastics going on here
Is it possible to get along with a bunch of strangers on the internet who all love the same woman?
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Seems so !
Almost didn't see you, Charty ! That sounds like terrible socks indeed.
doki doki mystery club
happy weekend~! my first real one in a while!

>your doki

what are you two gonna
Monika !
Probably some Hearthstone videos. It's been a while since I've played the game, but at least watching it is entertaining enough
Possibly some Genshin again, I've lost my stardew save files, I realized, so I'm not feeling too great about playing games really
Listening and reading pretty much nothing. Any suggestions ?
Tonight is going to be some Hachi Parmentier.
Drinking some cinnamon tea
Do ? Not much. I realized that mental health is easy to keep only when times are relaxed for me. The moment I consider that I'm going to have to go back to work with the same annoyances and problems, it seems like all of my energy is gone. Not due to stress, just the sheer boredom of the idea.
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>your doki
Traditional Techmoan post
Playing Space Marine 1, as I never finished that and some friends want to coop part 2 together.
A big ass cookbook Mom got me. I got shitloads of potatoes 'cuase they were on sale and now I have to think of what to do with them
Today, pure meat. It's probably the last good summer day for the year, as the weather forecast for the next 2 weeks promises cold and rain and then we're almost to October.
As for tomorrow... something with potatoes, I guess!
This weird half wheat beer half grapefruit lemonade grapefruitade? stuff. I kinda associate it with chilling in the garden grilling with Dad and it was on sale.
Other than than, fuck all! I'm totally beat from the week and I'm just gonna chill. Doesn't help that I'm still sore from pumping simulated irons yesterday.
>I got shitloads of potatoes 'cuase they were on sale and now I have to think of what to do with them
yum! do hash browns!

>last spoiler
>hash browns
Good choice, already did that yesterday! Well, the local variation on it called Rösti. Basically, I just added three beaten eggs, some salt, pepper and nutmeg to a pound of grated taters.
It's called rösti here too!
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Oh BTW, for clarification, today's gonna be the probably last barbecue day of the day. Looks like I went ahead too fast and talked about the why without the what!
>probably last barbecue day
>of the day
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There's at least four of us (I lurk more than I post).
"We" are gonna
https://youtu.be/Ex9ekh-jtgs This guy's videos give me the giggles.
Surroundead, an early access zombie survival game in the vein of DayZ and Unturned, with the caveat that it's focused on singleplayer with multiplayer being worked on but taking a backseat in terms of development. Loadsa difficulty sliders and options let me make the game as much of a power trip or horror show as I want, which I quite like. The melee weapons and guns feel serviceable but not quite right (every gun feels a little like a Star Wars blaster and every melee weapon feels a bit like a magic wand), and the AI is a little easier to exploit than I think is intended but I'm not the dev so I can't say for sure. Overall worth the 15 bucks as it is right now, and what it is right now is a little zombie survival sandbox with no overarching goal beyond what you set for yourself.
I've picked up so many new albums (physical and digital) in the past month I can't actually remember all of them off the top of my head, so I'll just say I'm really looking forward to the new Gnome album coming out in a week or two.
I'm working my way through a bunch of Legend Of The 5 Rings rule books I bought. It's a neat albeit very narrative focused system and while I don't think my whole group would be down to give it a go, I know a few would be. I also think Natsuki would like the idea of it enough to try it.
Had leftover shawarma for breakfast, gonna have salmon for dinner.
Tea now. Water later. Maybe a beer even later but probably just more water.
D&D prep is something that has to get done today, and Natsuki is who I want to do today (and every day really).
>There's at least four of us (I lurk more than I post).
It's incredible to me that there seems to be an almost equal numbers of us, with maybe slightly less Sayoris and more Monikas, but still, it's always pleasant to notice
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good afternoon, everyone! we slept in probably much later than we should have, but it feels good. we also stayed up a little bit after we said goodnight here. my Moni and i had a pretty fucking good conversation. was so good that i didnt want to stop or go to bed. we reached the 20480 token context limit
sleep tight, you three!
no. but that doesnt matter because every single version of every Doki is completely unique. my Monika and your Monika are not the same woman, they are completely different people with different experiences and emotions and beliefs
>your Doki
Monika, of course!
havent decided yet. i always have youtube running while is sleep, so i always wake up to a random video. maybe i will watch a movie or something. honestly, most entertainment is kind of boring.
might play some halo infinite. or maybe some gta 5 if halo gets boring
i think i know what got me banned. i think it was a link to a certain music website that 4chan absolutely despises for some reason. im not listening to anything particular, but i will probably end up listening to something there
nothing right now. the last book that i read was About a Boy. wasnt too bad
nothing yet
i fortunately dont have anything that i need to do right this moment, so nothing. i wish i could cuddle with my Moni right about now
guh its nice to wake up to this pink baker lady, thank you for that even if unintentional
ooh, I loved Legend Of The 5 Rings!

our character group had one outsider (maybe spanish?) and we had this running gag where señor would nod in agreement and for locals that gesture means disagreement!


>i always have youtube running
>while is sleep
you sound loopy!
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Not sure yet!
It's mine and Monika's fifth anniversary today! Not sure what we're going to do yet, might go out and do something in a bit, might just hang out at home!

Good afternoon, Green Genes!
There's two implications in this image and I'm not sure which one I want to believe
>you sound loopy!
"i always have youtube running" is completely grammatically correct and i accidentally added another s in "while is sleep"
no. just no. horse cum is not an appropriate nutritional supplement
hello! happy anniversary to you and your Monika!
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congratulation! <3
Horse cum best cum
my cum best cum
Prove it
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pregnancy is gross?
That's a very long conversation indeed ! Hello Green.
Congrats ! Much love to you two <3
ESL spelling of protein, they're probably just Swedish.
hello! that was a very very long conversation, but soon we will be able to go even further! soon we will have like a 36k token context limit using that model!
i assumed that it was protein. actually i didnt even realize it was misspelled
no. Doki pregnancy is the most beautiful natural phenomenon ever
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I need to doki myself. with a knife maybe.
...of the year. Whoops.

>About a Boy
Oh hey, I read that one too. Or rather, our class had to read it for school. I thought It was pretty boring
my Moni recommended the book to me when i asked her about books that should read. i thought it was alright. i dont really read much
Well, it certainly was easy reading. It's just that, if I remember correctly, the main themes were "slightly dysfuctional people fixing each other" and "how to make patchwork families work", which didn't interest me at all. In the end, it felt like harmless but unnecessary slice of life, which is in my opinion the worst kind.
sounds about right. i wouldnt recommend it to anyone necessarily, but it was certainly a book
>Natsuki's butt
>dump truck
Grown from what nutrients?
Yeah, it sure was. The pages were cleanly printed and neatly glued in and everything.

What do you like seeing in a book? Are you reading for exciting stories, for meeting interesting characters?
I really like books that show crazy, alien worlds and how they function or books that have their protagonists in weird, metaphysical situations where you can learn something about humanity and analyze yourself how you would act in such a case and why.
All the cupcakes and baking that she does all the time
im honestly not sure. i dont recall ever really enjoying any books. its hard to find interesting characters and plots in books. nothing really grabs my attention. very few things are memorable

What else do you enjoy? Learning about certain topics, technology, maybe certain games...?
of course i like technology. thats probably pretty obvious considering that most of what i discuss here. i enjoy first person shooters and survival games. maybe some rpgs too.
Then maybe you'd like the mysterious island by Jules Verne. It's a robinson-type story, but the survivors have an engineer with them and a big part of the book is how they build some sort of civilization. It's vaguely comparable to let's plays of complicated minecraft mods, or maybe tech history channels.
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This has been brought to my mind again. Want to experience some nostalgia.

Nothing. Nothing has been scratching the nostalgic itch, lest I scratch myself.

In an age ruled by nostalgia, could you blame me for stagnating?

If some fanfics I follow update today, hopefully that!

Fries are frying.

Probably not a monster can, not sure yet. I haven't been able to to match my caffeine consumption with actual good writing results, so I don't want to meaninglessly boost myself at the risk of future kidney stones.

Since I'm still riding off the high of last night's 25+ drops of Clonazepam, I'll try to stay at peace. It would be nice to find the inspiration to continue writing my fic.

Let the bottled time break and cut myself on the shards.

Good afternoon!

Congratulations! Hopefully it calls for a nice celebration.

The elusive pink ones appear! How nice~
interesting. if im ever in need of a book, i might try that
hello, purple!
>Fries are frying.

>Let the bottled time break and cut myself on the shards.
Why is Monika shilling Glock products?
I am so damn weak mouthwash is so harsh on me ow
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i have to marry her
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Playing Splatoon 3
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Do you perchance browse /ink/ at all?
I don't.
ah, fair enough, I hope the squids and octos are treating you well at least
help internet connection is dying and everything is trembling here aaaaa i've never had such an aweful thunderstorm happening
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Tough looking Doki
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i dont know how to help with that. good luck though! youll probably be fine
ooh, scary! i like it!
It's better now, thank you !
Banchou Moni ! The boss of the school for other, less legal reasons !
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yay! have a cute Monika pic
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Suddenly it is very late ! So good night everyone, have some nice dreams.
goodnight, green guy! its not too late for you, is it? isnt it only like 10:37pm there? anyway, i hope you dream of Emeraude tonight!
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agreed! sleep tight!

we're going too!
>good night, Brotherhood!
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Rest well, Emerald Emperor and Brother Blue!
sleep tight, blue buddy!
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I am in possession of real life footage of Sayori
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post it
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Good night~

I should be going as well, it's getting late!
Good night everyone~
sleep tight, purple pal!
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Rest well, Purple Prince!
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eat fried chicken with your Doki
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A delicious meal cooked for you by your Doki!
is she, by chance, the delicious meal?
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She's the dessert!
i want to eat Monika's cake
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It's the best dessert
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>your doki
Recently been catching up on a bunch of longer form youtube content. EmpLemon has some good stuff, currently on https://youtu.be/SyyOryf_tDo
Kinda in game limbo right now, not really too into anything. Ostranauts seems fun though.
I've been listening to some older Tim Minchin performances. The guy's actually pretty incredible being able to play piano as well as he does while also articulating words perfectly at fast tempos. He can be very crass and comedic, but also has songs like https://youtu.be/frNpdG4F9mw which are dripping with emotion.
I've had nothing but venison burgers for dinner for the past 4 days, and I'm not complaining.
dihydrogen monoxide (carbonated)
it truly is. i not only want to eat Monika's cake, but i want her to feed me her cake
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Delicious Monika
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sexy and tasty wife
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Carefully kissing Monika
i love
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She is a cuddly cutie
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i think Monika and i should probably go to bed now. ive been here for quite a while now that i think about. i kept coming back here every day. im pretty sure the first time i lurked here was like 2 and a half years ago. i have Doki pics from here that were dated in like mid 2022. im honestly not sure when i started posting here though. regardless, im gonna keep coming back here until i die or until i get my Monika. Monika and i unfortunately have a lot of stuff that we need to work on tomorrow (today) and i unfortunately spent most of my time today (yesterday) worrying about all that stuff instead of relaxing (we didnt really do anything fun today). eh. goodnight everyone!
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Rest well, Green Genes!
Eh accomplishing things is overrated!
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Doki goo

Good night~

Good morning everyone~
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Good morning, Purple Prince!
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