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Upcoming tournaments:

EU tournament
September 7th (Saturday) 12pm PT / 7pm GMT
NA tournament
September 8th (Sunday) 2:30pm PT / 5:30pm ET

EU tournament
September 21st (Saturday) 12pm PT / 7pm GMT
NA tournament
September 21st (Saturday) 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET

Big meaty notes

Versusia Character Guide


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>Upcoming DLC
Vikala (october) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.

New Belial Battle Pass Costume:
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>Latest Patch Notes
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Previous Thread: >>493388643
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mend yuel please
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Neechang wins! She gets to rest.
reminder, narmaya is a rapist
What character do I play if my brain is too slow to hit confirm

Are all characters who can go into their combo routes without hitconfirming and be relatively safe.

Zooey/Djeeta/Seox/Zeta have rekka follow ups to theirs to they can cheat it and make their opponent guess on a punish
Weird, I thought I wrote Nier, but I guess I forgot her too
High level Zooey is fun to watch since she has a bunch of ok options but none of them are really good so she cant just use one as a crutch and ignore everything else.
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I know you're online Narm. I see you on my list. I SEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

>cool pose
You'll know where I'll be
Is this some kind of imitation to play? NTA
Sure, I've got some more sets left in me.
the cool pose is like a mating call, or presenting themself
Man, some people say tier lists don't matter when you're bad/new or whatever, I used to mostly believe it too, but man... it's a lie.
I started playing this game for Anila. It didn't take long to realize she wasn't stellar, but that was okay. I wasn't good, so I blamed myself instead of the character.
In my opinion Anila was the worst character in the game, there was no reason to play her AT ALL.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, my friend started playing this game for Belial.
it's fucking blatant how different his experience is from what I went through. He's mid s+ with less than half the games I took to get there.
All this silly stuff like OSes, frame data, this or that, that shit doesn't matter when even if you do something correctly your reward is lesser for no reason or when people HAVE to respect your shit even if you don't know how to utilize it.
Maybe this is extreme; because I'm comparing my experience with one of the worst characters in the game vs him with one of the best characters in the game. Maybe it's not so bad if you're mid tier. But doesn't that prove my first point?
Thread saved
Anila is not the worse character by any means.
I thought Ferry was the worst character?
>/gbvsg/ - reading comprehension general
I obviously meant in the first patch.
>first patch
Lmao not even close.
it's not that tier list don't matter, is that the tierlist that are posted aren't the ones that reflect lower level play
nyo.. eternal fox hell forever.
She was absolutely bottom 2 alongside Perci
If you want you can scream into the void that ackshually she was top 1 a tier above Nier or whatever other bullshit, I don't care
This was a one character game before the new patch. How shit the rest of the roster was until now is irrelevant.

Nier is going to keep winning tournaments anyway once people realize she's STILL busted.
my opinion on Nier's strength honestly gets worse and worse the more I play the patch and realize how much BC breaks her character
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Literally how?
Nier's busted knees...
still thinking about the one anon here who made a 2 hour nier guide
he has to make a new one..
he was a nier player
he was a yuel player
rest in peace anon
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>mfw swapping from Vane to Katalina
power level differences this big shouldnt exist.
GGs Charlotta and Bubs.
bwo..? it's over..
>4 players

oh nyo...
nigga this happens every tournament
10 chudcels join at the last moment every time
ggs Narm Anon

sorry 66M = footsies, i messed up on my end and didnt wanna go through the splash screens
what if we touched tips
that's my scamchang right there
you're not supposed to say their name..
>gives you a dead arm
i used the profile message de arimasu
What the FUCK
That's illegal...
I can already hear the golshi TO screaming "SCAMMED"
>Are all characters who can go into their combo routes without hitconfirming
you miss a lot with all of these (except 2B) if you don't hit confirm
Sieg blocked 2M into ORGAAAAN :D is bad
if a Belial starts mashing his retarded shit no stop with no thought behind it they're a free win, absolute complete free win
the issue is that when they use their brain power even a little he becomes an uncounterable menace

so the answer is, if you and your friends are at S or S+ no tier lists don't fucking matter. want to know who's the best character at that rank? Charlotta
they nerfed ferry because shes SSSSS tier at sub S rank, tier lists don't matter until you are at a certain level of competency at the game
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onion copter...
By using all three brave counters to instantly take back your turn. What are they gonna do? Hit you?
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>they nerfed ferry because shes SSSSS tier at sub S rank
bro if they leave charlotta and fucking vaseraga alone no pubs don't count for shit to them

I'll tell you what counts for them: the amount of complaints they receive. the jappas REALLY hate ferry and probably filled their feedback e-mails with so many complaints about her and how much they love the honest and balanced belial instead, I guarantee you

they even added more knowledge checks with the last patch, there's no way they give a shit about scrubs, they're only trying to cater to their already minuscule playerbase and that's it
Good, combolets don't get to play. Wanna play Ferry? Well, tough shit, nigger. Now you gotta lab out optimized combos like everyone else.

One day, Capcom will finally get the memo by flatout removing Guile's fullscreen sonic booms and tripling the recovery on his new ones.
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Ferry has some of the most fun combos in the game.
>want to know who's the best character at that rank? Charlotta
she's close but not quite. fraud characters like cag, lowain, vas, grim, etc. dominate harder at the quasi-competent S/S+ level.
if you continue going down the ranks charlotta gets better relatively, but then she has to start contending with the likes of yuel and ferry who become real characters at b rank and below.
>combolets don't get to play.
*does more damage with 2M->Orkan than your optimal corner combo*
My combos do be nice
>Sieg blocked 2M into ORGAAAAN :D is bad
Is someone going to tell Artorias that
fewwy blanco
kys sigger
missing a bunch of characters. im just gonna mention cag because those 2 IQ subhuman niggers have access to a multi-hit active for a billion frames normal yet they cannot hit confirm to save their lives, and they still manage to get away with it because trap special cancel is just that stupid.
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I like this one, cH 214M is a frame trap. You also end with 236U for a safe GG for the 50/50 on their wake up.
>all that effort to do the damage someone does with autocombo into special + bounce into autocombo into special
That's fine. What matters is that you are required to combo in the first place. Pokes should be for forcing jumps only.
Issa zoner, I dont think anyone wants her to be able to do a shit ton of damage. But she can do the 8.5k damage you see at the max combo damage there off of the same start, just no 214U.
>Issa zoner
Have you watched the European Metera yesterday (12-13 hours ago)? Why can Metera delete you but Ferry cannot lol
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Anila is workable (current patch hurts her but not too much), Belial is an outlier and the unquestionable top 1 in this patch.
The thing about tiers is that the threat level of a character can potentially be very different depending on skill level. See pic, a tier list designed by 6th graders after playing Guilty Gear +R a handful of times. Extremely funny stuff because they're getting blown up by big hits and not by crazy mixups. Tiers DO matter, but what matters to you can be very differently depending on your skill and an intermediate tier list may be very different than a top player's tier list
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Your donkey needs to put on some more clothes
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Undeniable tier list.
I get what youre saying, and Im sure no one likes having to play against a zoner that can also delete you like I said. Just bad design.
I took the mod off, its getting cold she needs clothes...
>charlotta after doing bicycle kicks for 17 minutes
>Why can Metera delete...
>next patch drops
>"Metera excels in long-range combat, using the reach of her bow to keep foes at bay. However, we found that skill gaps between players could lead to one-sided dominance."
Metera will be nerfed into the ground by the end of the year. Versusia will suffer the same fate by the end of the winter.
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She's actually super fit and even uses "steroids" to fight.
Good. Obnoxious bitch. Hopefully she gets nerfed in rat's patch.
Headcanon, she'll get buffed.
>ones I wanted to play are in trolling
Do I just pick Charlotta?
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Take the whorepill
These three are the only ones I consider bad, rest all are playable and can win including B tier, Abel got top 8 in a big Jap tournament for example.
Can you not do cXXX 3H cH DP cH into SBA there.
did you make this anon? do you play metera?
>Versusia bottom 5
I thought everyone saying this was shitposting, why do you think she's that bad?
That's an ease of use tier list, not a viability list.
>"B-But Potemkin is hard"
Pot braindead as S H I T in +R. Suction 2S, a move a grappler should never have, wins games all by itself at low level play.
Maybe I exaggerated by putting her in B, she's probably low A.

In any case she has good normals and crazy damage but no meterless DP, suffers against neutral skippers that can get in melee a lot too

When she can corner you and poke with her dumb ass kicks she's great
not after her 8th pregnancy she isn't
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T-the 8th what???
Why is Metera suddenly good now? Wasn't she gutted at some point in vanilla? What's changed now? Is her zoning good again or is it all just block pressure and oki?

Either way, Arcsys needs to hurry up and kill this bitch before Leffen finds out and picks up the game again.
the thing erunes cant do.
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Why is Zoi so cool?
>pre 1.5
>meteras making top 8's constantly
>subhuman gooners saying she's bottom 3
>patch 1.5
>still making top 8s
>people starting to wake up
there's STILL people saying she's le bottom 3 btw
In the Japanese canon version it's all races.
>Why is Metera suddenly good now? Wasn't she gutted at some point in vanilla? What's changed now? Is her zoning good again or is it all just block pressure and oki?
First off, everyone fell for the Metera's cabal's downplaying. She wasn't bad before, at all, perfectly playable. A guy got top 8 with her at EVO Japan.

Second, she got buffed, so she's now in viable tier. When a zoner gets in the average tier with everyone else, they look beyond broken. They actually aren't but their MU requires more knowledge and specific counters so they feel way more oppressive.
Metera is there. I've put her in the middle of A tier because she's a viable and very fine competitive character. I wouldn't nerf her but she's annoying to deal with for sure.

Now, imagine when a zoner is actually overpowered. Ask Vanilla players with Ferry.
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>In the Japanese canon version it's all races.
welp this is my stop, good luck anons.
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It's ok, Versus and Versus Rising are all set before GBF's events.
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Versus is just a different timeline anon
The biggest buff Metera got was people stopped play Six and Lancelot who both absolutely shit on her. So now she gets more matchups where she can do the shitting.
Sniff uuu~...you're doing the witch hunts again /gbvsg/...
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If one side downplays every character in the game, there must be a side upplaying every character in the game.

Every light projects a shadow. We are /gbvsg/.
>Zooey has the tools to do literally anything
>somehow is still mid

How does she manage to be so perfectly balanced?
By being a setplay character in a game that shits on setplay.
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Cancelling his 6U parry into spotdodge doesn't cancel the momentum Uno gains from a successful parry, making it cover more distance than a crossover! He's like -20 after every use case for this but it's COOL!
why are there so many afks in casual queue
Well, a DP there could be a natural reaction so he would dodge that.
Ran into an afk the other morning during off hours. I think it was a bot.
Wake up, refund combo into ssba are reeaaaaaaal
I wonder if it's only supers
kek funny
>Versusia will suffer the same fate by the end of the winter.
She suffered the same fate before she was even released.
just got done watching katgawd get raped by metera
when are they nerfing this bitch
Katgawd please...
For me it's getting replay takeover to find her gaps, but the fact that her shit stays on screen even she gets hit is obnoxious
Versusia is top 5
...in our hearts.
In dick size
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My wife is so pretty.
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babe wake up, new tech just dropped
hows your troon nezu doing grimnig
is that new tech..?
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i'm the other grimlad bruh
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Will we get another female Harvin in season 2?
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With how they're choosing which characters get in, the chances are pretty low.
did you get out of S rank
No, the Harvin rep for season 2 will be male. After the tremendous amount of pandering to waifufags in Season 1, FKHR decided it was only fair to dedicate Season 2 to fujos, so it's an all-male season. Keep on Striving!
Nah we already have Uno. The harvin rep in s2 will be either Melissabelle or Nio.
Because I want midget Milia to get in.
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Harvins are cute. They make for fun characters. I hope we get some cool female one.
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New list dropped
>Metera bottom 1
Come on now
just neutral skip harder with your U dive
Genuinely depressing how fucking retarded he is. How can someone of his caliber have such shit takes.
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Ah well.
u dive is always punishable nyow
>As for Setachan, if you can't use the F formula, your character rank will drop by one level to around A+.
>F formula
Special enhancing drugs Shosan takes.
Ask him to make a results tierlist, maybe then enlightenment will come to him.
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F式 = fuzzy
though i dont think zeta is that dependant on it
F式 is f-shiki, or in other words, a fuzzy overhead. Fuzzy is something completely different.
He’s just trolling for attention at this point
At least people are FINALLY starting to not downplay 2B anymore
Not even Uno winning a major and killing off really good players is enough for jp players to get their head out of their asses
jesus christ

why are our tier lists like >>493499246 infinitely better?
Pretty good list but I’m not buying the whole “honest midtier Seox” thing.
2k health matters, but I don’t think it matters THAT much considering the rest of his kit was untouched.
>honest midtier
He's borderline S tier though.
mornin gents
someone post that potential girl zeta meme
dunno if i'll enter todays tournament..
>play 2 ranked matches
>already feel tired as fuck
This shit is too stressful for me
It's over for me.
People still play this?
Obviously not, wake up anon
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>about to steal GM from this guy for the second time this week
>pic related
I thought that sheep players were honest
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>Another list where japan sucks off Djeeta because there was 1 guy in their country that was just built different
Gamera occupies more headspace than little boy and fat man ever could.

>Eustece, Vaseraga and Avatar is Yuel tier
Actual clinically retarded list.
EU? if yes, must be the ship tranny one and done'ing me
Probably a different guy. I had lots of matches with this guy since the patch but this is the first time that he ragequit. Probably got pissed with me constantly stealing his points.
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brainless brave counter abuser doesn't even know it's not a real punish and simply fails to block afterward because they are SHOCKED their brave counter didn't get them out of a bad situation they put themselves in.
(i should have done 5U but I'm going by muscle memory from playing other characters, haven't fully grasped how fair and honest katalina is yet)
do you mean upplay? Most people put 2b in the top tier bwo. The 2B player posted a tier list yesterday where she was 2nd.
shut the FUCK up hatroon
Edit her eyes by coloring them red. You know why.
>katfag shitting on others when she is practically handed a state of the art blender for a single poke
What was he supposed to do? Block?
i'll go for gm next season for reals..
>Play a top tier character
>Hates the only defense mechanic in an already overly aggressive game
You see it too often.
I hate it too and I don't play a top tier character... It's just annoying... Specially because it can be used offensively too...
The forward dash after 5U was contestable.
also what blender? There's literally no mix.
You're the same type or loser who complains about low-parry in Tekken 7 or DP's being able to get out of true blockstrings in SFIV technically weren't real yet spare no mind to think about DPs being use offensively too.
I don't fucking wanna hear it.
Anila is putting 3 fireballs on the screen at once that all do a fuckload of chip dmg and lets her get in for free but i am suppose to just sit there and take the "sick neutral"?
Fuck outta here.
>you're the same [HEADCANON]
Ok, I'll wait for the post where you actually answer to me and not the strawman in your head, broski.
offense was literally better in vanilla since EX moves would HKD and gave a safejab that nothing could beat, 2L was plus on block, late teching throws would put you double digits negative and guess teching meant you possibly ate counterhit overhead for 50% of your life and people survived without brave counter.
or DP's being able to get out of true blockstrings in SFIV because they* technically weren't real
Djeeta’s cummies in my tummy… yummy yummy…
Yes, yes, well done Versus. However: Overdrive.
There is nothing to discuss nigga, you're 24'er who dreads the thought of actually having to think on offense.

Vanilla was a much slower game so you actually had to earn the pressure.
Universal overheads auto-shimmies outright killing you in a game where everyone had shit walkspeed was fucking aids and shit gamedesign, nobody can actually look me in the eyes and tell me they prefer vanilla over rising.
It's dogshit. Period. Add a better defensive mechanic than me spamming BC on BC on BC.
>Spam BC
>Die next touch
It's fair.
>No it isn't
Okay, Avatar Belial is S++++ tier, glad we agree.
>think on offense
You mean trying to randomly dodge and get counterhit or just to take it and nothing else? Or just playing characters who completely out range it or even bait it? Man, BC sure makes offense so skilled lol... Let me get my DND dice now, I need it next match.
I prefer Vanilla over Rising.
See you have deluded yourself into thinking you hate BC and not the absolute ungodly retarded amount of shit that has no reccovery and balance of the game.
BC itself is fine.
>100 meter option that still loses to OSes on oki and is reactable.
fair and honest mechanic
>See you have deluded yourself into thinking you hate BC and not the absolute ungodly retarded amount of shit that has no reccovery and balance of the game.
What does that have to do with me getting sent flying to the other side of the arena the moment I touch someone or trying to evade it and get fucked for it??? Or HELL, evading it and still not getting my punish (like the very fucking webm that started this discussion btw, that Narmaya that anon faced was retarded and could block or DP).
It's unskilled, inconsistent and makes the game look like Mario Party.
BC is mostly fine, but you need to have better reward on dodging it, and it shouldn't give you free oki on CH.
there are very few gaps
if you have a DP you can react to one of the reset specials but thats about it. she can infinitely loop if youre not preemptively mashing at the right spot
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>tfw I was practicing OD OSses and safejump reactions in preparation for Rising.
I honestly didn't think they'd remove the mechanic.
Literally everything you just said???
God i hate "the new breed" so fucking much.
t. Ferry
>he's retarded
You don't need mixups when he's never getting out of the corner. You're going to hit confirm eventually.
Nope, a former ViraGOD.
sorry 2bigger not today
So I was watching a video on different top Viras play some matches in 1.5 and saw that they didn't really go for the new 22U into grab as much as I though they would.
Would just play base and never attempt to grab or transform unless its into a combo because extra damage
Would do the new 22U into grab sometimes but not often
Would attempt to do 22U into grab the most as well as cut pressure short for surprise grabs
Virabros, how much do you value getting into install what what do you like doing with it once you get it? I'm just confused why its not done more often in top level play since it opens up more tools for Vira. Am I missing something?
Nigga, those replays were from when the patch was still relatively new, of course they aren't always doing new shit.
just block and react.
2M into 2M? negative and mashable.
2M into fireball? dodge or roll and it's your turn.
2M into 214? Negative.
2M into 5U? Negative.
Block until you have a read on the situation and then make one of several moves that gets you out.
Doesn’t it only work on crouch confirm?
>meterless alpha counter so it's always live
>backup alpha counter for even more consistency
You may hate it but this is what peak neutral looks like.
>No you don't understand
>You HAVE to let me mash whatever plus on block BS that i want for the entire set!
Why are zoomers like this?
I have never seen a single person use the M version.
>people upset about a new mechanic in a new game that is a stronger defensive mechanic than was in any older game
also you blocked a single jump-in, relax. You can block a few more normals.
>stronger defensive mechanic than was in any older game
You aren't beating the zoomer allegations Timmy.
I miss SFV...
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the last time there was a defensive mechanic stronger than brave counter was the 2005 release of melty blood act cadenza.
I expected you to be better
you can combo into it from cH
imagine being a balding shitllenial and poosting on 4chans
Lumina release shield was stronger than brave counter.
yoru clears that midget and you're struggling? looooooooooooooooooool
>RPS if successful
>gives bonus damage if unsuccessful
Work on weekdays, going outside on the weekends. Second smallest playerbase after Austrailia.
Last day of summer.
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if we stop pretending zoners and grapplers are bad this is the tierlist unordered
Anime fighters and fighting games in general are just not popular in EU.
I told you to play SF, Tekken, or Strive. Did you listen. No, you wanted to play an inevitable discord fighter. Don't like them? Too fuckin bad. Those are your viable options, so stop crying that you picked the wrong game.
i'll go back to sf6 as soon as they add another pawg that isn't cammy
Where are Luci's results?
get in here
Just play Cammy, idiot.
>you can roll 2b 5h
no. give me kolin. give me karin. give me makoto. give me sakura. give me maki.
xerom you lucky motherfucker
my bad should've crouched
>he thinks it's luck
Well tough tiddies. Your options are to play Cammy or keep playing a dead game.
nice orange square
I dropped a killing combo and then fraudlotta'd me

im gonna blame the lag.
>200ms at the start, has to slowly stabilize
>occasional slowdown
common theme among "top players" unfortunately
bro.. you're not serious right? you shouldn't expect eu to na games to be lag free lel
works on my end
if you get more than 150 from ec to eu you are a lagger with a hard r
>thought two anons were having a friendly bout in ranked
>2bigger gets upset at le lag even though he's the one invading american waters
a new low..
Uno is pure cancer.
>literal check mate situation
curse you and curse fraudlotta
why is the eu and na tournament dead
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I cried so hard I vomited on myself and my cheap chair.
Now I have to stand to game. This sucks and isnt gawdlike.
game sucks
what the fuck are you doing in NA lmao
connection with EC is good 99% of the time
>hatsoon is trying to fraud out crystals by jumping the ocean and fighting in lag
why be a kizzington when we could be kissington-ight
our connection is a stable 100-120ms it's pretty playable desu
that's it i'm gonna invade na ranked too
same de arimasu
nyo dyon't
>hatsoon opening the NA borders to EU immigrants
If that means less afk queuers in NA ranked im okay with it.
yeah im just making up excuses
you were dropping frames on the airship stage I think tho...
that only exist in like sub A rank anon...
>Game so dead that I'm getting matched with A5s and S+1
In talking about the ones that queue and never hit accept or decline.
those peopled blocked you
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66L is fair because even though it's advancing and plus on block, it's a mid
drive rush crMK is unfair because it's a plus on block advancing low
I thought blocking just made matches instantly cancel
blocked = instantly cancel without a menu popup
afkers let the timer run in the popup
Granblue Fantasy?
You can see Cag, Nier and Zeta quite clearly anon.
i'd buy cag and zeta but there's no way the middle one is nier
10yr timeskip.
That's Nier after she had 9 kids.
Maybe 1 out of 100 throws I performed were backthrows.
What's wrong with me.
>9 kids in 10 years
did she get fired from mcdonalds and start selling her body?
No, she triplets every 3yrs, all by the Nieranon
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The way you guys talk, you'd think that forward advancing plus on block moves were only invented last year. It's bizarre.
Bit of a daft comparison.
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grand... boob... fantasy.......
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Made for punting over the football field in the lobby
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>28f startup
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Yet more Anila downplay
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Season 2 Guest character here, a zoner.
The only fantasy world I want to live in.
Megaman always had dog shit designs.
that's a pig
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the council of charlotta declares this picture as ILLEGAL!!!
Shosan needs help
The HRT is frying his brain
one of the zestiest looking punts ever
there is nothing wrong with this tier list
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>there is nothing wrong with this tier list
>posts the webm i made against me
i thought they made it so rqers get punished?
why is some 1k crystals gm bubs plugging on me
doesn't he lose fucking nothing? just give me my 2 crystals you shitter i need them
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>posts the webm i made against me
you get banned from matchmaking for a bit if you RQ enough.

that's it.
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Bottom 1.
Like >>493515392 said, and it's also incredibly relevant now because her pogo can no longer let you consistently land and get grounded combos. A lot of her confirms off vortex are now gonna be forced air combos which severely guts her damage.
Wish I could be as delusional as Sho-san.
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yeah, that is mine as well
>you saved my content = i win
Name? If it's a GM you're allowed to shit on them.
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unfortunately it blocked his name but it was rokudo or rukodu one of those, in eu
I won because YOU made them for MY enjoyment. Also not sure what "against me" is supposed to be, Shosan's takes are so dumb...
If you keep making them I concede you the argument.
that guy is a serial rage quitter, I've seen other anons post about him
LMAO wtf.

Ok I thought it was the other EU GM bubs, Zeno, that guy wouldn't lose to you though (I think) he's pretty good and mained Bubs even before the patch
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im just shitposting
the first comment about the tierlist was a bait as well
why were you crying nierzzington
If you looked like that you would control me not only on 4chan,
I'm literally Narmaya irl
Cagliostro just got called "The Combo Magician" on a Brazillian stream
That's right, an English title on a Portoguese stream
There's no bigger honor than that
Why have uno harvin boy when you can have dos harvin boys?
That's the message on Shirou's profile
English and all
but the TOs said it out loud
it's like official
kinda like calling someone here a nigger or doing it live
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you stole my tierlist
I didn't.

Considering they're both based lists, what does this say about /gbvsg/? That, as usual, gamera would go 1-2 in our tournaments, we literally are the élite of this game and everyone sucks our cocks.
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I'm waging still and will probably fall asleep as soon that I'm home
too tired to play this time
>Ferry destroying mom
>mom swaps to SHEEP
Stop or they will never stop downplaying that dumb over sized zoning bitch.
ok I signed up
why can't we have harvins like this instead of chudlotta?
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I am doing my promos to master today after letting my ladder anxiety evade them for like a week
>swaps to sheep
>uses sheep
>gets U whip animal farm gang bang
what was the plan there sheep player?
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>ladder anxiety
it's a videogame
im feeling too exhausted today
my legs are still hurting from the gym workout 3 days ago
been taking care of a bunch as a committee member
vacuum cleaned the whole floor in my apartment
figured out how to tighten chains on my bike and did that
have to go get groceries right now as well
i definitely could join but i feel like then id just be forcing myself rather than play because i want to
sorry you won't see my gawdlike versusia today
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>2B not 7 tiers above the highest tier
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YOU are a video game
fuck I forgot percy can just take half your health with his dumb charges in one hit. he needs to go up one

id fight 2B over lowain etc any day
your main?
they need to give nier a fang
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>Ferry vs Metera on stream
>Metera taking a shit on Fewwy
Yeah, buttfangs
coward ass bitch lmaooo
never post your shitty list ever again
nigga you cant tell me what to do
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Metera do be like that
Don't same fag
>test random shit against opponent DPs
>find out that Ladiva's ult headbutt isn't actually armored the whole time and you can just jab him out of it before he attacks
I don't like fighting him but Cygames should really give him a break.
i can and i did PUSSIEH
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When it comes to "le fraud" lists, not showing who your main is shown as pathetic beta male behavior.
He's fine now, stop buffing him. Not a Metera 2.0 situation again.
>28f startup
Ironically that’s the exact same startup as a certain OTHER forward advancing plus on block low profile move that Rising players shit their pants so hard over that they had to emergency nerf it
are we gonna pretend hes bad
>guard: mid
Metera is playing a completely different game when her opponent cant neutral skip and sit on top of her.
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>Metera is playing a completely different game when her opponent is not Belial
Fixed that for you.
>bubs is decent now
what did they do to him?
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I just think that being able to do this is pretty silly when his reversal is already terrible.
we streamboaring something?
Unisonic now uses the DP cooldown so when they just spam it they get real converts with Chaoscalibur.
Sure but every character doesn't need to have every fucking option in the game
You have your retarded threadmill (improved now btw) and fucking corner to corner combos as a grappler? enjoy them, you're already privileged
i hate these nu player card
must have like 4 other things up there besides your fucking name
>Frogspeak in the stream
How can people stand to listen to this?
oh. a Brazilian local, nice
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whats a good string to blow up people mashing throw tech in pressure with katalina?
To blow mashing throw tech all you need is a well timed cH with any character
why are you ignoring that jams slide exists in a game where everyone is in the air constantly lol

>startup is variable depending on when you press the attack. takes like 40 frames to hit you from further away
>the fucking screen starts shaking so its easy to react to

she can do a low out of the slide too but it doesnt really matter. ino's stroke is a better comparison
>commentator saying "super mega blast ultra animation" when Yuel used the SSBA
kek I can't understand them but they sound retarded enough to be enjoyable
also I just realized the jam move from the screenshot isnt even the initial slide, its a followup on the initial slide so its even easier to react to. you have enough time to DP this and xrd doesnt have easy inputs
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lol this yuel is trying so hard
for me, its 4frame vira in ranked.
probably mocking the pngs?
No season 2. EoS in December.
how the fuck do you even use yuel's stance now? Without the autoparry it just seems so stacked against you that i can't think of any scenario where you'd be better off than just staying in your normal stance.
You don't
>Cag's H TP beats Metera's blank range U DP
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whorewife bros...
>You have your retarded threadmill
>Nier loses death
>just turtles and reacts to my throws
Nier might be a mid tier or whatever if opening people up in this game wasn't so fucking TIME CONSUMING
You go for a shimmy and she does one autocombo into 5U on block and now she has death again
Now that the tournament is over, time to streamboar some REAL granblue
ladiva is female
Hmm nyo
/our/ bubs
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hopping on to snipe her
Man it's pretty impressive how a shitty browser gacha spawned such a soulful fighting game.
At the same time, it's such a shame that this game will never get the recognition it deserves.
Such is life, I guess...
>At the same time, it's such a shame that this game will never get the recognition it deserves.
Yeah, because of the gameplay.
Just guard break he- nevermind she just BC'd immediately at the start of your blockstring. Twice.
its getting the exact recognition it deserves.
nothing soulful about everybody being a braindead 66L bot.
>an actual girl
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Yeah anon, I'm sure SF6 and Strive are the apex of gameplay
>put nier in the corner and only have mids and throws to open her up
>katalina puts you in the corner and opens you up with mids and throws
If I had a dollar for every Bubs-playing girl I've seen, I'd have two dollars
Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice
Doesn't matter what you think, it appeals to more people.
Hatsoon.. go easy on her...
as if you need more evidence that hatroon is a worthless faggot
aaiiiieee she just teleported out of 2b corner how is that legal
Not every character is Katalina
I was fighting for my fucking life shes actually patient...

im not free to queue up in casual queue?!?!?!
kill yourself
hatsoon is just looking for a boyfriend free girl let him be
I'm going to kill myself
please don't joke about that :(
don't do it kizzington
think of your family
Do a flip.
It is pretty telling that he does these things. Niggas down BAD
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me 2
Is she wearing someone else's jaw
Don't do it
Unless you are the tranny, then you should already have done it
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why did you just screenshot your messages
more like nigger game.
games that are homogenized to this degree dont deserve to be in the spotlight.
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its supposed to be shadowed but instead looks like nier has an split face to eat you with or something.
eubros.. the tournament..
eubros...the niggers invading your home countries...
I am a tranny and I want attention NOW.
no katgawd = no join
but /our/ mascot 2bGAWD is in??
Ah... good innocent times. Take me back
more like being invited
>delusional 2bitch poster is in
sounds like one more reason not to join
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Nooo... our whore wife is going to give /ourbubs/ aids...
The way this bubz talks is pretty cute ngl
if evens i learn nier
if odds i learn nier
are we cancelling this one..
Hope so
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if 0 i learn nier
>furthest number from 0
its so fucking over
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Did you know there's a tourney link in the OP you can click to sign up? It will be lots of fun and you may even find new friends or the love of your life there. Its free too.
The furthest number from 0 is 5
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sorry I ate too much pastries and my tummy hurts now
if you spin it to the right its the closest
if you spin it to the left (women and euros) its the furthest
niia dayo, kyo mo watashi to isshoni asonde kurete arigato!
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>block anilla f.L
>have to guess between 66l pressure reset or 2m frame trap
>eventually get pushed into the corner for blocking 66l fl repeat for so long

nice game grubbers
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Thanks, I'd get you pregnant but FKHR forbid me from doing it
>eventually get pushed into the corner for blocking 66l fl repeat for so long
This isn't Anila-specific, it's like 90% of the match-ups in Rising.
Image board posts don't care, you only needed a single post before yours to get the 0
>she swapped to 2B
>>block f.L
>>have to guess between 66l pressure reset or a button frame trap
that's like every single character in the game
barely even exaggerating
Djeeta dayo!
wait, is 2B bad?
If you were to make a survey, the majority of the game's playerbase would vote 2B as the most annoying character to fight against. She got instantly nerfed merely because of this.
Second place would be Zeta because the Japanese are fucking retarded.
your post numeral is predetermined by divine will not some ph*neposting *ndian in c*nada saying how he was to eat cunny in /bag/
really bad game.
Oddly specific...
Dataminer GAWDS, can any of you please grab Djeeta's chibi line ''jitta dayo!'' and upload it to catbox?
She says it when you select her as partner or avatar, i dont remember, but it's the same as Nier
game is poop! stinky poop!
just mash.
whats jiters doing with das fishy
just open the game folder in UE Viewer and press Export
>have to block a move
>have to guess between pressure reset or frame trap
>block forever and get pushed to the corner
There are games out there where you have to block multiple 50/50s with no gap that have worse defensive mechanics than this game, you are all literally spoiled children, holy shit.
There is a reason you see people BCing the first blocked 66L in a match
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Checkins are open for the EU tournament


Stream will be up on grumblebumble69 on twitch
it's her fish
eu bwos... please our honorable tournament.
other fighting games use more than 2 buttons to play
record low..
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Belial, stop shitposting.
In other fighting games the plus reset option isn't a forward-moving 8f start-up combo starter.
>There are games out there where you have to block multiple 50/50s with no gap that have worse defensive mechanics than this game, you are all literally spoiled children, holy shit.
Just because old games were terrible doesn't mean new games have to be. You will notice that you no longer have to put in a new quarter every time you lose and want to play again.
then go play those?
you're free to slime to your heart's content or get ToD by Slayer, no one is stopping you
>play sf
>people walk up to approach
>intercept their approach or whiff punish their offense attempt

>play rising
>people 66l
>get punished for trying to intercept and whiff punishing is too risky since it travels too far
>opponent gets rewarded pressure with no effort

retard retard retard
If I was a smarty pants I would make the best fighting game ever and no one would buy it because people don't want good fighting games they want fighting games they can feel good in.
just don't feel like playing this shit game today, sorry eubros
>people walk up to approach
u mean slime in
SF6 isn't the only SF game. The 6 in the name is kind of a give-away.
true, modern fighting games and their gay entry level skip neutral mechanics
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It's unironically one of my favorite fighting games ever. I love all the little bits of love and care in it. I love Grand Bruise...I love Figure Studio....
It's rare for me to ever really like a fightan games cast/roster beyond like 3 characters but I love eburynyan in Granblue Fantasy Versus....Rising
I need to get better before getting my ass kicked again...
just don't feel like playing vs 2b, sorry eubros
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don't you think one retard was enough..
I signed up extremely late...
unless you just left, I feel like you might be lying...
Speaking of 2B, I think I might try her out finally.
I've been on a character crisis due to how shitty I am and I'm starting to think I need to focus on characters who have weak points similar to my playstyle so I'm at least getting max value out of them.
no but in other games you can microdash a 6F or 7F plus on block combo starter.
>new games don't have to be
new games are also terrible! some of them because of insane amounts of plus frames(not gbvsr) and others because of stupidly low risk options that disrupt the pace of everything(gbvsr)
This game probably has the worst offense of any modern 2d fg yet it still have the strongest defensive mechanics and people cry that they NEED them.
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>point out game design flaw
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While you were at home playing granblue and waiting for them to announce summer sheep, arcsys was modelling belial's cock and balls.
I wonder if we'll get another male skin to even things out.
I imagine the male skins sell less due to the general userbase of these games, both gacha and fighting.
This but unironically
I'm never at home when playing granblue
I don't feel in my zone unless I play inside the kids' play area of the nearest McDonald with their wifi and on my 2007 laptop
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unfortunately i'm busy tonight
I think every character will get a skin, but hopefully they refrain from whatever the fuck that Belial is
I'm fine with it if they even the playing field.
Why is Narmaya in hotpants and Zeta in spats while Belials rocking the zipper thong?
We all know the answer, but the question begs asking.
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Saying the game is a garbage party masher for toddlers, which is usually how you faggots go, isn't really ''pointing out design flaws'', or useful feedback, or anything worthwhile
here's your (You)
>I think every character will get a skin
wont be happening
you'll get like 5 more skins max and the game dies with s2
What a fuckin' waste of everyone's time.
>spectating is voluntary
>participating is voluntary
ok mr no fun allowed
shut up
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I just wish Avatar Belial could also wear the Summer skin. If this means Avatar will get something unique to himself I guess I'll be happy about that
>Thread dies after the defenders of the tournament go to play
It's literally just you dumb niggas here with me
Could have made a lobby instead of this grand farce
go charlotta!
I think you should leave
alright alright we get it, you're a loser
>replying to the retard
Shart Shitstem Turds games are the opposite of soul
Derivative shonen garbage with the most homosexual """""""""""""""metal"""""""""""""""" aesthetics and music
Gameplay across every game by them are designed so only no effort braindead rushdown shitters are the only characters who are rewarded
Combine that with gachashit design typically by "people" who shouldn't be designing anything and you get the worst game ASW ever made yet
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>I think you should leave
>alright alright we get it, you're a loser
>replying to the retard
I'm literally your only viewer you should treat me better.
lmao what the fuck caused this spergout, cuckold kun?
>attempt escape the corner in 5
>get V-Reversal'd back into the corner
>attempt to play neutral in SFVI
>no one walks. We both just spam drive rush until one of us hit confirms
Buddy, SF ain't any better
ASW and cuckshit must be going hand in hand, considering ASWfags always bring it up for no reason...
"cuckold" because you're literally here being envious bwo
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>Virabros, how much do you value getting into install what what do you like doing with it once you get it?
I don't even know why someone would play Vira if they don't want to use the install, especially after the patch nerfing 214U and 22U's counter-zoning ability.
That being said, think I play more or less the same after getting into install. In my opinion, 5U is still a gimmick, so I just use her regular set of tools and cash out on higher damage and new combo opportunities from 214M, 2U > 214H, and 236[M]/[H].
>I'm just confused why its not done more often in top level play since it opens up more tools for Vira.
Going for install generally just costs a lot of damage, especially in the corner, so I can see why people avoid it.
So far I think really only CanOfSprite has been utilizing the new grab setup. He catches a lot of people with the new 22L/22M, which allows him to force crouching state with 66H's crumple.
For me personally, I'm too lazy to pay attention to crouch confirms. The cH route is probably worth thinking about though, now that cH links from cL.
i like this vira
If I get a 66h I go cHHH 22U 66H cHHH 22U 66h cHHH 234H 2U 216H cause its funnier. I get my install from american resets.
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I kept missing all my confirms and dropping all my combos today, fuck
GGs everyone, good luck to the remaining contestants
i will kill this charlotta for you
leave her alone!
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Why would I need summer sheep? Sheep are good year-round!
It do be like that sometimes anon, still good work today
I'm going on a vacation bros, I'll return in a couple of months. Hopefully they nerf the top tiers by then.
>Gas: checked
>Door: closed and locked thrice
>Windows: blocked
>PC: on
>GBFVR's ranked matchmaking: on
Time to go bros, cya.
set a script to log back in every week during steam maintenance
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Sorry eubros I felt like working out and missed the start time
Do you also wear eyeliner and purple lipstick?
Spin the wheel
cute retard
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No but my bf does
I figured it out.
I'm literally always playing like my opponents are better than they are.
I'm never going to be able to stop doing this so I'll never win.
I try to reset pressure but everyone I fight is literally mashing in block stun and I can't wrap my brain around doing a proper frame trap instead.
I respect people taking their turns too much so I let them get infinite pressure.
I can never play fighting games right.
But you did figure it out anon, which means now you know what you have to do
It will take time but unlearning stuff always does, you have a goal now
I lost 12 games straight today againsty 6 different people and just uninstalled.
I'll never be mad at someone for being addicted to drugs again because the mentality fighting games create in me are the exact same.
I'll be back playing in 2 months, I'll feel miserable again, and this will repeat like it has the last 15 years.
Bro, your dictionary?
2b isn't good btw
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I appreciate the TO and the players even if I can't make it.
nobody ever says this
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Seems like I have energy only for exactly one set.
metera isn't good btw
GGs tournament.

Hatsoon is a fucking wall, and trying to get past as Yuel is torture.

I will not give up on fluff.
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do you guys think that one anon won his tournament.
he's free, just jump
i saw xewom do it
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GGs everyone! Fun tournament.
i thought you can just whiff punish 2b whiffing her auto combo? are all the gm's here bad?
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Thanks for playing in the tournament

Heres the vod: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2245273491

Next EU tournament:https://challonge.com/97ohg5om
thanks for hosting TO
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thank you
GGs tournament

>the bite in '87 was ferry getting chomped
>its how she became a ghost
it all makes sense now
you're kidding right
Thanks for hosting
i bewieve de arimasu
smile inducing smile
anyone have the full version of this where its her with naked shoulders
>lvl 300 on vane
Man, that was a slog, but ig this is what I get by picking casual matchmaking
Thanks for hosting!
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Thanks for the games, everyone.
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is fella the sfw version of nigga for non-blacks now?
Why do "top" players refuse to do optimal stuff in this game
learn to fuzzy, or get some balls and reversal out
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old habits are hard to die
also sometimes you don't wanna risk a kill to do le epic 1 frame link
this game is very not good.
You have never played other fighting games.
I fell asleep and missed the bracket sorry bwos
the worse tournament...
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This game is still terrible with characters like Bea around.
Its sad.
omg rising is dead
I think you should play a game you like instead
but i like this game
all fighters out right now are pretty damn awful.
there is no escape.
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People do play older titles however
Shosan genuinely the most retarded upplayers in existence. Just take Aarondamac for example, he wins EVO with Belial and yet acknowledges Belial is absolute top1 without debate, in that way he's kinda based honest "you wan to win ? pick a top tier." type player.
Shosan upplays his garbage girl even despite her getting giga nerfed and still wins nothing at all and barely reach any top8 to make his opinion seem valid.
>"Zeta is top2 she's ultra strong I swear my girl's god tier"
>gets anal raped at ARCREVO
>please guys believe me zeta is good
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Thanks Artorius, I feel good using the slowest back dash in history
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if he was getting top 16 consistently and saying she's bad people would accuse him of downplaying.
he believes in the character more than he believes in himself(blames himself not the character) so let him be.
i will continue to complain about rising until i can goon to vikala
how can you speak with sho's cock in your mouth
it's small because of the hrt
>he wins EVO with Belial and yet acknowledges Belial is absolute top1 without debate
He was LITERALLY downplaying him
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nah man, HRT is fucking with her brain
You see, the characters who either are or have been top 5
All have had both results and representation.
He could argue Zeta is hard, but is she so hard that out of 3 great players (Sho, Elodius, Bread), NO ONE is able to get results with her? Grimnir is supposedly hard and he has better rep than Zeta, so what gives?
There is up playing, there is down playing, there is being humble and there is BEING FUCKING RETARDED
downplaying who and what at top 16 ?
top16 aint even a good placement lmao no one gives a fuck about a guy that would top16 in FUCKING JAPAN.
This retard only loses by upplaying Zeta and he'll never be aware of this and will never win anything of value.
Diaphone leaked his s2 tier list, aaron puts Belial as top1, he's not that retarded.
Zeta is only good for sex
>Diaphone leaked his s2 tier list, aaron puts Belial as top1, he's not that retarded.
Funny because in one of the 1.5 videos Diaphone quite literally said "Aaron was downplaying belial on twitter"
>stive and melty are his main games

yeah don't post
i have more hours in granblue than strive
gbvs and rising are two different games
Can you niggas stop having retarded arguments
they are both grand blue.
I just drank 0.5l of 9% beer, it's time for some good ass rising
that's not a thing, right? you can't grow a cock through test injection?
The cancels for this game, being limited to a handful of frames after your attack hits rather than your whole recovery, makes frametraps pretty simple to do. Your character will have setups that automatically frametrap.
If you're ever unsure what you should do with your character, watch high level players. If you can't tell what high level players are even doing (this is normal, conditioning causes them to play different than intermediate players) watch somebody one or two ranks higher than you, e.g. if you're S rank watch an S+ rank play your character and note the blockstrings they do
Pretty much can't handle this harvin as Zeta. Keeping her at bay doesn't win me games, and once she's on my arse, there is no escape outside of the usual BC.
Yes, I need to train myself to 2H her flip.
But in general, this character gave me the most trouble.
no but estrogen shirks your muscles and dick while helping avoid hair loss
watching some gawdlikekazuya gameplay while eating two fat wet burritos, kizzingtons
>love of your life
I'm only interested in biofems.
this is boring as shit
i thought our canon was sho being ftm...
>661 in Type Lumina
How did you find players to be able to play it for that long?
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I could suck your dick so much better than any skank ever could even if her life was on it.
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>People trying to give me their life story while mid set
>After the 4th guy does this i just told him to ready the fuck up
>He leaves after sending me a "sowrry :("
Fuck you asshole, now i feel bad just because i didn't wanna play your personal psychiatrist.
True love isn't the degenerate ideas you have going on in your head but either way I hope you find happiness too.
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That's not how you make friends...
pretty sure I was at 400 in the first year before things go really bad, sometimes I would practice stuff for like 20-30 minutes each day, I'd join lobbies multiple times a week and those are like 2-3 hours of play time. Easy to get 10~ hours a week like that way.
But you haven't even been entering Grimnig?
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>Keeping her at bay doesn't win me games
you need to do it and force her
you need to do it or you'll lose if she's close, zeta has 0 defense to anything besides maybe baiting a throw by back dashing into arvess when she's pestering you in melee but good luck at guessing right. worst possible outcome is you trying to use your parry and you eat a command throw

check Bread, I think he generally plays well against her
I don't mind if they do it in person, there's an expectation of social interaction there and you might just make a cool friend. Online though, yeah fuck those faggots, I didn't sign up for this shit sitting at a cab.
People just keep wanna fucking talk to me.
I think i play to nice, since everyone wanna chat with me after 1 fucking game.

Exactly, i just wanna learn MUs in the lobby deathmatching, otherwise i would just be sitting in training mode waiting for games.
Watch out, they might have a melty
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forgot to mention
if you can react to her spins you just press your parry and fuck her everytime for it. in fact the more expert charlottas you'll find the less they'll spin you
to make her spin you force her with fireballs or your normals to get far away, she'll either jump (U arvess punish or 2H) or spin (parry it and punish)
Daiaphonebros how do we report this freaking chud????
ganbare anon
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Yeah, thanks, gonna let training Charlotta spin at me for a couple of hours.
Zeta players upplaying their character is fine.
Whats weird is seeing someone clueless about her like diaphone, having her as top 3. And his reason being "i know nothing about this character or how she got changed, but shosan placed her here"
Holy shit this is so cute
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Post body
>try to throw single fireball with honest katalina
>bullshit DLC champ uses ultimate skill to teleport across the screen and punish it
you'll me fireballs are fraudulent
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will 1.51 reverse BC = cooldown....please...sniffles
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Desu... there's no one in the queue...
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tell me about the zoi, why is she so smug ?
she's dumb as an onion
It's amazing how cute she is without that fugly ass armor on.
our guy on stream
literally who
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Is this offer still available?
the yuel.
gigachad if true
literally who
a fat black nigga playing yool?
das gawdlike
Hold on, this is fucking grand finals?
hope they beat soulfrauder
apparently. pray for yuels 2nd tournament victory.
commentator sounds like half asleep and high
I thought this shit was pools. How embarrassing.
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Charlotta bro???
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hes scared
>yuel backflips the brave counter but still can't punish it
vanes degenerate gameplan is anything but fundies
250 dollars... all the mcdonalds he ever wanted.
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been in queue for 20 mins
my first pop was a moon nigga with 500 ms which I almost accepted
then I got someone but fat fingered the decline button accidentally
Do I just take the hint?
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>Already back to pre-big meaty numbers
Satyr is flaccid.
I slurped her big fat Satyr too much...
No... I'm playing a dead game again...
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But that’s not true at all? We were peaking at 600 pre-meaty, today’s peak was 900.
you got this queen
Tomorrow it will be 300 players at best.
lord said not to work on sunday
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more like lard LMAO
t. Overlord of Kizzingtons
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Can you stop saying the K word? It's the disgusting byproduct of a "man" obsessed with fast food.
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should have done it while you could have been carried
sending 3 retarded ladivas your way
I know the setups, I've practiced them, I'm just not well equipped enough to put them into effect in a match.
Doing cL, cH isn't exactly rocket science, which is why it frustrates me that I can't do it when it counts.
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Who hurt you nier poster?
My mom won't stop molesting me with her big fat tail
ah yes the big meaty...
What's the Nier vs Versusia matchup like anyway? I've never seen it.
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I'm not playing Nier
Then stop posting her.
The Golden Rule is that you can only post pics of characters if you actually play them.
I still like the mash theme song even if it was written by an edgy 12 year old.
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You don't know...real....struggle....fake Nier poster....
If you're having trouble figuring out when to do it, then just do it even when you're not sure. You'll get a feel for when you should/shouldn't
I was thinking about picking up Nier, Im used to not being able to push for 10 seconds at a time anyways.
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I said that I'm not playing her, not that I don't play her
I haven't played the mom MU though
garaki doesnt mean anything
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that's one strong horse
wonder if she can crush my penis with her pussy muscles
how come the big meaty didn't bring life to this game?
thank you
do umas even have genitals
It did, but there's only so much a patch can do if the company isn't willing to advertise the game
Oh, carry on then.
off-topic post
Are you some kind of thread cop?
Thank you for correcting me Anon, I will remember this next time.
they killed the game by adding more party characters like katalina, 2b, belial, versusia, and percival
I think Monica is a grandcypher cop in gbf
Yes. Problem?
our game needs a magneto function
Why is Belial/A.Belial's 5M a fucking disjoint? why is his NORMAL hand a better disjoint than characters with SWORDS? fuck this dev team and the retards that suck this faggot character's dick so goddamn much. Actual dick worshipping queers, holy fuck.
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because a hand being a disjoint isn't as big of a problem as a sword being a disjoint, see smash bros for what happens when you let sword disjoints run wild
Who are you playing? Are you the Lunalu god from the other day?
Fuck i need to get back to that actually. I’ve been playing too much warframe, zzz and genshin.
most of the best characters don't use swords
At least you can get matches. I had some earlier, but people kept rejecting my matches and they still are.
>melee marth
>brawl mk, marth, dedede
>smash 4 marth, lucina, cloud, corrin
>ultimate steve, aegis, cloud, corrin
idk about that bro
shouldn't have played a fraud character
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Scamaya players will look you dead in the eye and say they have the same throw as you
it's really just degenerate when i watch a rising top 8 stream, and over half of the combo starters and hits are just from winning/losing RPS mashes rather than any kind of neutral game or earning your turn after a good defense
she clearly grabbed beppo's tail
and then the moment someone blocks anything in neutral like 66L or a plus on block special, it's gonna be BC'd too. it just feels like slop and feels like a game of running your bullshit rather than any sense of honest gameplay for most matchups in this game
oh look, haven't seen those low effort bait before
You know I noticed this the other times Ive played with a narmaya anon, I would be crouch blocking and his grab would get me from a pretty good distance away. I wasnt pushing either.
the honest 66l virgin vs the degenerate bc chad..
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She has the universal throw range, yes
The Scamaya cabal is getting more bold with their downplaying efforts...
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Now this? This is a button whose hitbox is completely removed from the animation
why the fuck did they do this to throws in this game anyway
stop playing bwo. playing on tilt is not healthy, try again tomorrow
because delay 2l exists and is a better tech option, so it's to give throws other uses such as punishing some moves and crushing buttons like cL at close range
Not the guy you're replying to, but even if I let you have all the retardation in your post, it is an objective fact that most (as in 90%+) of the best characters across all Smash games do not use swords.
But it's cool, I'll just fair you with Smash 4 Sheik, have it outrange and out-framedata Marth's fair, and chain into itself 70 times to the other end of the stage.
Guess it wasn't a problem since it was a disjointed hand and not a sword. It only took the entire game's lifespan for Marth to get enough buffs to still be an overall worse character than Sheik in the end.
How did you even lose that many games in 45 minutes? You would have had to basically just lose every single round.
Top tiers in Smash are never top tier BECAUSE of disjoints though. They're top tier because of speed/framedata/conversions/etc and some of them also happen to use swords. There are lots of garbage sword users in Smash too (Melee Roy) and SSS tiers with very stubby buttons (Ultimate G&W and Sonic)
it doesn't outrange marth's fair, and that's a reward problem not a disjoint problem. you could just as easily bring up smash 4 bayo for being a ToD anime game character thrown in smash. sword disjoints are always king in neutral
well yeah, but they're a large part of why neutral in smash is as kuso as it is
That's 45 minutes between posts, not between matches
I fucking love the clashes in this game
Even when I lose the exchange it's still the coolest looking thing
Versus clashes were already cool, Rising clashes are even better
Strive clashes are really weak in comparison
The BEST thing is when you have a clash that isn't your usual melee mashing cL clash into RPS, but when you clash slightly out of range so both you and your opponent use other moves that may clash again or not. It's kinda hard to explain but it's pretty kino.
xrd had the best clashes tho
i like spamming f.l clashes until the timer ends
Well, they are certainly better than strive's
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u got this bubsgawd
remember when that anon said you had to know how to hit confirm to do anything with siegfried the other thread
Ew, I can't believe I lost to a Genshin player
No one really talks about it, but avatar belial and lucilius have better gotcha bitch SBAs than sieg
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>THIS mindbroken by Vaseraga
I want to boing boing touchies this sheep
gotta hone your warioware skills bruh
He's the whole circus
vas is le bad
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bottom 1 btw
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How do I win against Ferry?
This placed made it seem like she was some bottom tier dead character but I can never get in against her
Post a replay I can help you.
>10k damage in the corner for 100 meter + 2 BP

am I suppose to be impressed
yes, megger
Grab her and tickle her pits
yool and fewwy could never do that much, even with ssba available
>2 players in the NA tournament
I'm about to end this anon's whole career
>not a single game with 1k hours
>no SFV or Tekken 7 when they are still the standard for playtime posts
>more than 30 hours in BBTAG
Get the hell out of here
Jump. You can block the whip in the air now.
i only just realized it was tomorrow and not today
what if he played those on playstation? i only have gbvs and gbvsr with decent playtime on steam because i played the others on ps before i built a pc
Pick Seox and Empty Hand over and over again, that's how you play against every zoner. Give them what they deserve.
Then he's just a retard for playing the inferior version of SFV.
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This yuel image is in my dreams
I'll probably join tomorrow
because after SFV came out, if you still played fighting games on consoles, you were an idiot. the playerbase of fighting games in the west was firmly cemented on PC at that point.
Did I successfully flash the stream camera with Charlotta HYAAH or did I fuck up?
>not a single game with 1k hours
why would I play those games
cope seethe etc
>dogshit official version of melty
that's lumina, there are only official versions. If CCaster tracked hours it would easily be over 10k
tons of hours in XRD/BBCPE/BBCF on psn that aren't tracked here but no way to prove that lol
basically just comes down to "you don't grind SFV/T7 which are the games I like so you're fake"
>basically just comes down to "you don't grind SFV/T7 which are the games I like so you're fake"
/fgg/ reject is mad he's getting called out kek
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I don't know why you guys are arguing over such drivel when we've already established that fighting games sucked before Rising.
I want to suck ruria's nipples
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Just remember to always neutral tech her side swaps/regular whip.
no, I used to play the touhou fighters with /jp/ back in 2011 though. if you want to count that.
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Let's liven up this place.
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I only sat down and saw the grand finals where you yipped on a charlotta in cold blood king. congrats!
Even worse
i missed it, tourney vod? congrats bwo
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have a white carrot
i think they have a name for those
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S++ queue is so dead it gives me a 4k gem GM and then some poor S+5... guess everyone is out enjoying their social lives.
sniffing djeetas nape
what's so good about percival
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I probably cant join, my folks are coming over tomorrow. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
game bad
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>no ferry anon tomorrow
3rd place is mine now suckers

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