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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>493274017

LLLL: Summer gacha
WaiWai: Kotori birthday week event
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club TOKIMEKI Roadmap to Future announced for Switch

Dollchestra 4th Single releases September 11th
Love Live! Series Asia Tour 2024 theme song releases September 20th
Doko ni Itemo Kimi wa Kimi releases September 25th
Mira-Cra Park! 3rd Single releases October 2nd
Superstar S3 begins airing October 6th
Superstar S3 OP and ED singles release October 23rd
Eternal Hours releases December 18th
Aqours 4th Solo Concert Albums release on the respective girl's birthday
Aqours Final Live announced

>SIF2 databases, teambuilder, misc stuff

>LLLL gameplay guides
(in Japanese)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrZFdnRXX9cigAH3jI6874KVv8RcI9A9CaXdWFus3OE/edit#gid=515581572
>LLLL card database

>dead game offline/private server guides

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Keke loves Nijigasaki.
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My wife is so cute.
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am i the only one who's okay with love live being a smaller series than it was before.
Yes. Everyone involved in Love Live cannot stay employed if the franchise is underperforming.
Brunette idol
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This could be us anon
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not my Kekebitch
I only care if it starts affecting content (it has).
kind of, i think it's more so because they have to support more groups than before. They used to be able to dump 90% of their budget in akuwa
>more so because they have to support more groups than before
Use your brain, if those groups were all doing well then they would have a larger budget and content wouldn't be affected.
they are doing fairly well though, it's just that Love live supports all their groups pretty equally. Do you not follow bang dream or im@s? they are pretty open about abandoning old groups and pushing the new one above all else. Love live could easily do that with hasu but they do not, liella nijigasaki hasu and even aqours still all get shit.
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>ywn be a cute raibu doing cute raibu things with other raibus
Less sales = smaller series = content is affected, that's all there is too it it's not rocket science. Content is already being affected and one group is getting retired, you could argue that Aqours was on retirement road already, but would they still be retiring if Yohanime was actually good and hugely successful and sold 50k+ copies like the old days? Chances are they would still give them a few years.
I can agree with this, i'm just trying to say that I don't think content is affected in a significant way. Like the yohane anime being mediocre wasn't due to budget, just bad writing choices. I would believe that they were truly cheaping out and struggling with profit if the Nijigasaki movie was low quality and had poor animation but all the impressions say the opposite.
>brand new fucking movie out
>no one can watch or talk about it
this is awesome
can we guess for how long the sex scene is?
what sex scene
me with ksks (5 hrs)
I still have no idea what nips were freaking out over with yupomu
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My wife...
The content of the Yohane games was definitely affected by budget. They're good, but I was expecting more. NitM doesn't even have a theme song or full voice acting.
They were just testing the waters for the coming AAA u's games.
white taco white taco
Best Yoshiko song
do people know the actual lyrics are "black or white"? the wiki says "dark or white"
>LL will never see a vocalist as good as kyan after akua is gone
Kyan is not even the best singer in her own sub unit
SIFAS 2 as Switch 2 launch title, trust the plan
Nta, but she's definitely the best dancer. She's really well-rounded.
Nina is in the same tier as kyan and nyan, some Liella girls are not far behind either
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When Ai Miyashita is your biggest role, there is something wrong.
That's the same for most LL seiyuu since Muse.
Voice acting is a dead end job for most seiyuus. I guarantee you she's making more money with Nacherry than all those non-LL roles combined.
>When Honoka Kosaka is your biggest role, there is something wrong.
>When Maki Nishikino is your biggest role, there is something wrong.
>When Chika Takami is your biggest role, there is something wrong.
>When Yoshiko Tsushima is your biggest role, there is something wrong.
>When Kanon Shibuya is your biggest role, there is something wrong.

Not everyone is Akarin. Even the few with other roles don't have any bigger than LL.
See that's why Tomori left.
Bruh no one gives a fuck about anime roles. Nako literally had the fastest solo debut within 3 years of being with Liella. Voice acting is sporadic and low-paying. It doesn't even give as much exposure as you think to most seiyuus. Live streams and radio shows for other animes get MAYBE a few hundred viewers. Bigger animes like Demon Slayer are exceptions and not the norm. Meanwhile being a solo artist guarantees a stable income and more recognition.
Isn't Sayurin already leaning towards acting roles too?
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Post sex?
BlooDye exists and was a flop so no
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I can't believe Rina became a degenerate exhibitionist
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Bloodye was so unfortunate and definitely not the norm as well. Their main concept was performing for live houses, but those shut down during the pandemic. On top of that, Kinchan went on hiatus and those other members really needed Kinchan. Kinchan was the vocalist and the most recognizeable member. How are backup dancers supposed to keep a group alive with no vocalist and no place to perform?
The nigoriri stream peaked at 2.6k viewers.
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We know, Megumi
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She is a singer primarily, this account just reposts every seiyuu regardless of their resume.
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>"I can't wait to see Kasumi's performance."
wait why is there a brown colour in that rainbow
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New cow?
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I want to impregnate her.
What a SakuBITCH!
wtf is liella's problem?
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I love official genwar content
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KuuKaa sisters, they're erasing our history...
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>manga guy finally remembered liella exists
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wtf liella are violent thugs
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behead those who insult Liella
what a stupid woman
Based af
Ai's never beating the allegations.
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fuck you, man
cumming on lanpoo
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It was a great movie. Maybe even better than the SIP movie.
>he got pomu
Heh, lanpoo is better.
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>Maybe even better than the SIP movie.
what happened to her ear
It just has to be in motion
>liella killing yushit
Yeah I've been reading Japanese review sites and its been nothing but praise for the movie. I'm actually excited to watch it.
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I thought you guys said modern LL can't do anything good? Now that the Niji movie is good that means Superstar S3 will be pure unfiltered kino, just watch.
why did you post a video of a wall
medium, small, large
Let's hope that the movie isn't a fluke and they keep the momentum up.
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I need to aggressively breed her.
What was LL staff thinking dressing her up this way?
Their chest size? Agu is a flatty flat flat while homin and chiemi kinda have tits
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I think s3 will defintely be better than s2. However i still want to see it for myself
No it's their panty size.
true, all the people saying it was going to be bad owe me a blowjob
Let's not get ahead of ourselves now
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Slutty raibu with her slutty seiyuu.
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Sex Sex SEX
I agree
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I love slut.
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This but unironically whenever I see Coco.
I hope you'll be able to get the help you need
I hope Coco helps me rub one out, its imperative.
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Fat is good.
Absolutely disgu-
Huh, that one isn't even that terrible
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Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis
Why post this horrible shop
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Should the next niji movie explore if Karin's virginity is dead like this thread?
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I want to stick my penis inside Mari.
she's a size queen tho
she's into girls tho
But does she want to stick her penis inside you?
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>musical doujin before Liella
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as for me it's pawafuru gaaruzu kino
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I'm glad KanaShizu is alive again.
sex sex sex sex sex
This is my first musical exposure to Love Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RxVIO802Q4
More EDM recommendations?
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disgusting butt
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First shot of the movie is Shizuku's ass.
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ugly pink pomu
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I will now buy your movie.
are they just playing into the "shizuku is a slut with a plump butt" meme now?
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>"Why do you have so many tabs open, anon?"
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I'll eventually read, fap, or watch whatever I'm putting off
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>not even rinari knows about onetab
zoomers are actually cooked
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You sure aren't, Maru. You sure aren't.
AZALEA will get together again at the fInale and blow you all away...
there's nothing fat about shizuku's ass
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this is setsuna
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Which raibu is most likely to have sex with a producer to get ahead?
The BD autotune is heavy
Ruby would suck producer cocks for free.
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Some raibu will fuck old men just for fun.
Shizuko is in a yuri relationship with half of Niji.
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Alp doujin got released last Comiket right? Why the fuck no one scanned it yet????
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love live isnt popular anymore, no one cares enough to do it
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Do you consume any other idol franchises?
of course, just like i watch many other animes and play on multiple consoles
why stick with one franchise?
You have my interest. What show is that?
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New (1/2)
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New (2/2)
Hana and Amana from shiny colors, blue one is a piece of shit.
>shiny colors
doesnt the anime suck?
don't use maki to shitpost, fag
this ship is just a shitpost, what do you even like about this ship if you're not lying about liking this ship
>musical doujin before Liella
The hell you mean by that? Liella got plenty of doujins before, Nijitard.
Yes but still.
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I watch band animes too
Does that count
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It's the hehehe faggot twitter faggot being retarded again.
>taking the obvious bait
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dauterou mentioned
>I'm just pretending to be retarded
How fucking new are you? That post reads nothing like Jumpman. Take your meds.
It's clearly Jumpman being retarded again.
Next you'll say Jumpman isn't a Paytonfag.
Why would he need to change the bait if you still take it anyway?
Why are you retarded
Concession accepted.
Noooooo. Don't tell xer that!
Yes you're retarded, we know.
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finally maki's real canon ship
stop projecting
Maki loves cock
Holy cute canon magnetic gays
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>Nijifags seething about Liella
Least our seiyuu arent uggos
Why are you posting fanart?
You should post something official lake these >>493610025 >>493609806
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>Least our seiyuu arent uggos
>lake these
Retard spotted. Try again.
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Meant for >>493612768
That's NikoMaki fanart, it can't be true.
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Prove her name is Niko then
Nicomaki is canon
So much canon in this image. Maki is actually interacting with Nico there.
Why do the subs say Nico there?
You lost kek
Now this is cutenya NicoMaki canon.
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November can't come soon enough.
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not even him but using one bad photo is cherry picking
she mogs most seiyuus
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She's fucking ugly even with filters.
>cherry picking
Meant for >>493614456
come on lad be real
not my Pile of plastic
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You guys are blind. She looks good.
You are blind and have shit taste.
Don't be dishonest and post a real photo without filters
t. Mayufag
Nico is so lucky...
Bring up another uggo don't stop her from being uggo.
Not him, but Mayu being fucking uglier than my asshole after Chipotle doesn't magically make abuella attractive
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Fine, it was unfair to compare anyone to Mayu but Nonchan is easily a 7 at least in looks.
More like 0.07
The shit you guys say is ridiculous. You seem to be comparing her to some porn star in some JAV you watch when she's extremely good looking compared to the average woman you see outside.
But then again, I doubt you've been outside I'm years to be aware of that.
Getting worked up over people saying positive things about a seiyuu is extra unhinged
things i would have done to have her sit on my face or choking me with her thighs
Bitch is fucking ugly.
Concession accepted.
somehow always an ESL
bro she is not a 7
Don't care. EOPs have degenerate standards of woman beauty expecting then to be porn star looks
>no rebuttal
Huh, you just proved him right.
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No filters, blind fuck
Why are you getting so upset over this? Does calling her good looking hurt your feelings that badly? Or is it just because she's a liella VA and you're one of those fags?
It's a photo taken outside
No filters
You are blind.
Why are you getting so upset over this? Does calling her ugly hurt your feelings that badly?
There is a 0% chance any of her selfies are filterless.
>no u
>uggo chaser
>knighting a 3DPD
Fuck off seiyuuturds
I'm not even the one posting her pictures, schizo
Have you ever seen a real person in your entire life? Look at her skin you retard, there's so many filters on that image she looks 2d
At least respect her looks
It's probably the same schizo who hates her for that thing she did during that one MC
you first
>respect a pig disgusting
Back to /jp/ with you.
>everyone on 4chan is me and my boyfriend
3DPD franchise
Honestly she's better looking than the one with the big head, she's way uglier.
Far from it. 3DPD always takes a backseat to the raibus.
>Nijifags and Liellafags once again engaging in pontless seiyuuwar
>again more rinboyshit from twitter to shitpost with Maki
Fuck off turdmiyu, you dont even like Rinboyshit or that RinMaki crackshit, lying shitter
Maki prefers Nico, faggot
He doesn't. It's just a shitpost like his HonoMaki daughter and Niko shit that he stopped doing because he cant come up with something actually New
RinMaki is shit anyway because even Maki hates Rinboyturd and prefers an actual cute girl like Nico
First your RinMaki shitpost and now back again with HonoMaki dauterou shit again and you cant even answer
>this ship is just a shitpost, what do you even like about this ship if you're not lying about liking this ship
Because you dont like either Maki ship just like how you dont even like Rinboyturd when you post random twitter images of that turd raibu which you also stopped doing. Fuck off turdmiyu and dont use Maki in your shitposts, stale faggot
Get something new turdmiyu just like your stale Niko name shit, samefagging shitter
Maki is with Nico and not that crackshit you dont even like, faggot
>True shit again
>New Rin Maki Closeness
>it's the same old shitpost image from over a year ago
And they're not even in the same location, shitposting faggot. Even the fanart is more canon since they're actually together, turdmiyu.
Kek based
>niko name shit again
It's just Nico, shitposting turdmiyu
Nobody calls her Niko and not even you like rinboyturd or honomaki dauterou shit
Based. Turdmiyu a retard.
>true shit again
>still pretending in even liking rinboyshit or rinmaki crackshit when you're just reposting old shit again
Fuck off turdmiyu, like your honomaki dauterou shit you're just shitposting with Maki and you don't actually care about Rinboyturd, shitposting faggot
>a 7/10 is better looking than a 9/10
all seiyuu are ugly regardless what gen they're from
Thankfully Liella is changing that
is Kanata sex?
Come on now.
Not to defend seiyuushit here, but you can't just sit here and complain about seiyuushit when there isn't even a single game post in this thread.
lol, lmao
yes I hate hasu
Yeah sadly, it’s genuinely one of the worst idol anime ever period. The girls deserved better but i guess gaku gets the money now
xhe evadey again
shut up shitposting faggot
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Ruby, Yoshiko, Rina, Keke, Kaho, and KTMT are older than OG Asuka Langley Sohryu.
kill yourself
I'll live to spite you.

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