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This thread is a show with everything except Yul Brynner
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Ono will save fighting games
he pulled... this?
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remember to support equal rights
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The Dilution of Offensive Execution and The Rise of Gambling
https://youtu.be/Q_gW9Nox810 [Embed]

A lot of words to say:
* execution is dead (eg. modern controls etc)
* knowledge checks are dead due to internets
* only thing left is reads
* that's why every game is so aggro
I miss when you go back to neutral after a blocked attack-string
dayum this your essay lil nigga?
>knowledge checks are dead due to internets
how is this a bad thing
>I miss when you go back to neutral after a blocked attack-string
SF6 has the least amount of plus frames out of any SF
I'd let you watch, I would invite you
but the queens we use would not excite you
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They should put Shizuku in Nen Impact.
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Wonder how Mike's lawsuit is going?
pullum purna (brock lesnar)
These aren't me
Get Thai'd, Shadowcheez. You're talking to a tourist whose ever move is among the purist.
I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine.
what's with the pretender syndrome lately?
what's that?
When someone new to a forum pretends they know the culture, then tries to insinuate posters they dislike don't belong, under the pretense they themselves are experts
new ss drama?
this nigga STILL talmbout the vtuber
that's just trannyism 101
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I don't play Soive but I'm finna sniffmolest
aint nobody gonna save you pedonigga
If you want him, you'll have to go through me
The funniest thing about schizosol is how he has to make everything about him. Everyone who fucks up simply privately apologizes and moves on. He had to make it this grand thing, so people see that he's not a bad guy. That he didn't do wrong. And then you see how his apologizing falls flat, as he keeps making fun of the vtuber for not winning.
didnt ask
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making my paag sugar mommy commentate slime 6 with a vibrator up her cooch
wasn't me
Also in SF6, the push-back is minimal. imo the characters are still too close after a throw-break.
Cheez, is it true you take performance enhancers to win at fighting games?
+1 Amy
+1 Illya
+1 Kuro
+1 Shuten Douji
+1 Roll
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Gawdcheez... I kneel
wasnt him
So you're saying Cheez is unbased then?
published by Cheezsoft
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Capcom vs SNK 2 is broken
the production of the maus has been delayed again...
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we are watching ltg
was fucking around with Vegito B assist and he can vaccum niggas out of the corner after Basejita's medium stomp giving him mid-screen mix. might use it over banshee blast
I still dont get how it sometimes has less players than sf4 which doesnt even have rollback.
Timmy edits of Vice and Mature just expose how dykish they both look
Trapshit is the ultimate safehorny fetish. Why else do you think trannies like Ellie latch onto it?
LTG only commentates on black culture and hosts Smash lobbies when he goes afk. I never see him stream SF.
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"Im not gonna use Twitter anymore -WAHHH"

Lul bullied by green hair waifu pngs. SonicSol takes another L.
kamone is dixing
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grappa dev???!?
Cowards are afraid to prove me wrong that King isn't a massive dyke, Vice and Mature aren't men with implants, and Shion, Preecha, Benimaru and Ash aren't trannies
king wants ryo's steak, she's not a dyke just a massive cunt
can't disprove this
benimaru is cool, ash is just gay not a tranny, shion and preecha are trannies
Waldstein was top tier in uniel, too
>king wants ryo's steak, she's not a dyke just a massive cunt
Why would she dress like a man?
>benimaru is cool,
He has a pussy
>ash is just gay not a tranny,
He acts like a woman and creeps on Elizabeth
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VFsisters... it's over
why was ellie commentating at ceotaku with a dildo up her butthole?
sega will give you a updated version of vf5 playable only in the latest yakuza and you'll be happy
Did an AI make this comment?
nubi is pretty much an ai at this point
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no wonder trooni is so fucking shit
Ellie =/= Tabby or Ivy
Ellie has short hair
Don't need saving from gayniggas. Lolis > guy ass any day.
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nigga played the dnf mmo before 2xko
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Every franchise kneels before DNF.
"after a blocked attack string" means the opponent chose to block the entire string, its not just one thing. If they mashed they could have gotten a hit in depending on the spacing, the characters, and the timing.

In SF6 all of that is gone, there is no nuance and depth to poking since everything is minus by the same amount across the cast to account for burnout frames and drive rush frame changes. Parry also makes it a shitshow.
Apparently it’s not Ivy who was the buttplug TO
>the buttplug TO
this is what the FGC is now just manthas being dirty and unhygienic and calling you a bigot if you call them out on it
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these niggas cancelled sonicsol for being a gooner on his private twitter but will tell you them doing their puppy play fetish and shoving vibrators up their ass at events is just a personal thing that harms no one
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>white 'mantha pretending xhe cares about xher's nonwhite counterpart to shield from hating nonwhite men
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Of course the pedonigga shogun plays blue archive
yesterday i got a fighting stick but I play games occasionaly. im looking for a fighter with easy execution and easy to pick up and fun to play vs cpu. so far i considered waku waku 7 and vampire savior. which one is more suitable? thank you
just play street fighter
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illya route...
>they're doing hecking targeted harassment against trans people!
and the "harassment" is...pointing out that trans people are given more leniency in their actions than men of darker complexions
remember when they said you cant joke about how white trannies behave and the troon was like "if you think white trans people behave like this.... YOU HAVENT MET THOSE DISGUSTING BROWN TRANNIES" what was that about
Boutta be homeless soon highly rated in tekken and strive if you need coaching and have a couch holla at ya boi
what do you mean, "men of darker complexions"?
that's because they got the info that VF6 is coming, trust the plan
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How do i get the freeware version of vanguard princess (not the steam version) working on my PC?
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When's the next sale?
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Literally everytime I see this person, they’re always fucking bitching and whining about FGC drama, ”muh Palestine”, “le problematic porn artists”, etc, etc. Bro should’ve just stayed in the FNF community since he legit spends more time whining about FNF and Newgrounds than he does talking about fighting games.
Also this is who I had in mind when I was referring to Puppygirl being an incest fag because this nigga is the only one popping blood vessels over it
>DBFZ killed by a bad balance patch
>Granblue and Under Night died on their own
Based. Total Anime Death
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0-50 timmy
the patch has brought dbfz back to life with more character diversity and greater viability across the roster. keep hating doe
patched with rollback (censored)
there are easy characters in Vsav, but waku waku 7 is easier in general
The DBFZ patch is kino.
People can cancel specials into special and OTG off anything at any point.

No, I wont play it.
>trannies going nuts because unilunar exposed them
what happens when you open it? Doe it just not start? What OS are you on? You may just have to run the exe in compatibility mode.
Dawg, the game is on fightcade
Only collections I will buy are from SNK since they don't censor shit and use the proper version of the games.
true waiting on strive mahvel
yall can't traceappa an old game and make all the characters pawgs like this nigga?
If I did something like that, you people would be tattling on me and trying to sue me because you don't like me personally.
Be honest, now, I know how you SNAKES are on here.
someone sic the capcops on this pedonigga freak right now
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what's the lore on fgg begging people to make games, but then complaining about literally every WIP that gets posted here?
it pops up the little window, then immediately closes. tried it a few different compatibility modes, but neither of them worked.
>what OS
windows 10

not sure if theres a patch or anything, but i downloaded it from here, which im pretty sure is the original devs site?
It's cope. Just like when da libs say "don't buy our game, chuds!" Then when the game dies in two weeks they go "HOW DARE YOU NOT GIVE US YOUR MONEY!" Or like that one stupid broad from IGN saying sony never actually really really believed in concord to begin with.
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That's odd. I also use WIndows 10 and it works on my machine.
Did you change your system locale to Japanese? That's the only other thing I can think of at the moment.

Typically, I use the version of the download provided on Mizuumi

But not sure if it's actually any different.
I downloaded the original EXE from the site just now to check and it seems to be running fine.
imagine this becky giving your jr paizuri...
Guess we are making unironic nazi memes now.
You tar babies constantly talk about masturbation and rape, but trans women are suddenly Hitler because they discreetly utilize a kink assisting object that no one even sees or notices.

That's hypocrisy at its finest.
let me guess, you're bankrolling the nazis ITT to own da libs?
You could see that abomination squirming in its chair
Living out your sexual fantasies around kids is not okay.
>Or like that one stupid broad from IGN saying sony never actually really really believed in concord to begin with.
did that really happen?
if that was true, why did they fund them for so long?
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Half of y'all are furries ITT and you furry freaks do that all day
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Kids can see your furry shirt
No one saw the dildo
calm down, you fucking retards
Mantha put his sigh into text form

Yes, she is that stupid. I'm sure plenty of people have told her the shocking news by now that big corporations like sony don't put out a product unless they believe they will make a profit in some way. And if she actually paid any attention she would realize the game had the majority of time dedicated to it at their state of play, cinematic trailers, a PS5 themed controller and an episode dedicated to it in that amazon show secret levels. Sony was not "pretending to believe in it" or 'only kinda believed in it."
xhe posted it on xer twitter...
you put your orgasms in text form, cheez
kek it's crazy a nigga can't rt porn no their twitter account without being labeled a porn addict but having a buttplug up your ass in public while commentating an event and then bragging about it on twitter is just a quirky kink thing
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Putin approved fetishes:
Putin unapproved fetishes:
Now give me my 100k₽ Tenet Media :hands extended emoji:
is this really what you idiots are pearl clutching over now? a fucking invisible imaginary vibrator? And you people call le evil twannies the puritanical 90s christian moms....
Proof or shut your fucking mouth
Do you think it's okay to walk around with a buttplug in front of kids and squirm around in your seat as you commentate with a vibrator on? be honest.
ain't no kids playing persona 4 arena in 2024
are the kids only magically around when lunar is retweeting art on twitter? we need to make it make sense
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Are you made for rape? Be honest.
how are online shitposts equivalent to offline degeneracy?
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Sethanie! ah! *gets squished*
It's ok when we do it, chud!
I don't remember this quote, did that really happen?
Mr Wizard has a son?!!?!?!
someone posted a screenshot of some twitter timantha going "I can't hecking trust anyone who complains about white transwomen. If you imply poc transwomen behave better you're doing the noble savage trope!"
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Please, leave the children with me, I'll toke good care for them.
You guys shitpost about wavie all the time, so was she wrong?!?!
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The Revelator is here and ready to go! On Saturday September 14th at 2pm EST Anon Arena will be hosting a Rev2 PC tournament! Sign up in the link below as all are welcome!


If you got a question, ask it.
you cry about trans rights all the time but don't want certain trannies to have them???
All trannies deserve the rope, no exceptions.
Guys look, more putin approved fetishes!
....does she think we live in Russia?
They would need to update VF5US to even pull that
From who? "Midori"?
>Did you change your system locale to Japanese?
genuinely forgot about that.
Kids were at ceotaku
fgg is an 18+ board, we can say rape
People call him Cheez
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Kids are on twitch
safe fetish
schizophrenia hours starting up already?!?!!?
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stop talking about those people and be productive
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Happy Splaturday /fgg/
No one was prepared for the lesbians
Time to start developing my game, thanks Tenet media!
it's the weekend...
>one is a man
>and the others main personality trait is being in love with their male captain
I feel like people have said for years that this is the best/their favorite part about fighting games though. That hard reads and mental games are when fighting games are at their most interesting. Now we're in that era and everyone wants to go back to execution barriers and hyper specific matchup knowledge. Grass always looks greener on the other side
They're lesbians, Harold. That "man" no longer identifies as one
Nice midwit take.
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what is an "unintuitive" character select in a fighting game?
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Nothing has done more harm to video games than a timmy asking for "quality of life"
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Made for Vega.
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has one extra slot dedicated to marvel which is unintuitive and makes me upset
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i highly doubt this guy even has 10 hours in melty
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...would any of you even play my fighting game?
>sonic amateur games expo
>half the games aren't sonic related
What does this have to do with that post?
what is your fighting game about?
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What makes you say that? Mike Z said Quality of Life is very important for fighting games.
Do you know more about fighting games than Mike Z?
I thought you guys said GuileWinQuote was a kusoge expert, why would he have less than 10 hours in the bathroom game?
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>They've been working on this shitty indie pile for 8 years
>It's still in early access
>It still looks like this
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melty only ever had the same 20 people and autists like brick playing it, have you ever seen this temple builder at a tournament?
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The one good thing Strive gave the FGC.
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cute and funny girls fighting over becoming the girlfriend of the same guy. he is a stand for in for (you)
ill only play if theyre dating eachother
MikeZ is talking about quality of life in the sense of adding features that automate tedious tasks that add nothing to the game so you don't have to waste time doing shit like record the dummy to do a wakeup attack just to see if a setup's real. When timmy talks about it's always in regards to having the option to make the game easier.
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why is it always a weird fetish game with y'all?
can't you just make something... normal?
Harem is not a fetish, timantha
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Sega sent C&Ds, so it's become an agds
Putin forgot to proxy them money and better cunny devs.
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>just make a game
Finna make a fg where you can fight and get raped by shemales
what's going on over at capcom
I recognize that animation style, this dude makes cartoons on fiverr.
They cheaped on their intro and hired some random spicnigga
this nigga keep linking to /v/ like niggas care what hecking woke game those timmies are yapping about
You can get both on key resellers for $30 which is the cheapest they're gonna be for a while
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Why is it always identity politics, egg cracking and tranisitioning with THEM? Can't they just make something normal?
What did Toriyama mean by this?
They have that new community manager guy, the gay asian dude. can't remember his name. Chris Wong or something.
nigga sf6 was on sale for like half the year
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me on the right
ryu and sfv/sf6 battle planner
GuileWinQuote would beat anyone and everyone here in just about any fighting game.
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Why is it always identity politics, loli nutting and cunny with THEM? Can't they just make something normal?
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Finnaboutta crack open a loli
more like GayWinQuote
but cheez, trannies are all you ever talk about
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>hey, I want a burger.
>*takes a dump on a plate* HERE YOU GO, DOOD!
>Bro, could you not take a dump on the plate and give me something good instead?


this is how you sound

We want GOOD games, not bad games.

All you people do is post retarded fetishslop and nonsense ideas.

Your "WIPs" are just Unity projects you reskinned or stick figures mashing specials with party mechanics.

Please, make some good food and then we'll be happy.

No one is obliged to like your awful, unplayable mickey mouse slop, monkey brained retard.
but you play strive...
ain't no way IRL chudjak is gonna beat cheez in UMVC3, KOF2002, or Tekken 8
>Tekken 8
Yeah, about Cheez's Tekken 8 skills...
>Americans wake up
>food analogies begin
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the actual reason GWQ makes them upset
That's a man.
Remember that time guilewinquote saw baron at evo and ignored him completely despite using his dark awake video?

Remember when sajam saw the kyanta creator at evo japan and ignored him completely despite profiting off of his game?

why are youtube content leeches like this?
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>We want GOOD games, not bad games.
Daisuke took a FAT dump on you troons. I mean just straight up shat on you Troon ass niggas and you loved it tho??? I thought gay niggas loved da poopoo and da pp??
what kind of party wife is this?
This isn't me.
who is them?
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>Asks for good food
>Regularly avatarfags with characters from the shitskin trannyfag game Strive which is one of the most mediocre games of recent memory
Something tells me your taste isn't something to be placed on a pedestal as a symbol of what people want. Devs would be better off following their own ideas than listening to the whims of an axe wound with his head this far up his own ass.
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>youtube content leeches
Why are you repeating yourself?
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Plenty of people on youtube make fresh original content, thoughever?
Cheez would 50-0 him in kof
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>hey, I want a burger.
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GuileWinQuote has unironically done more for Dark Awake than people like Baron ever have. I promise you way more people know about those games because of him than some schizo furry incel repuclicantivaxxer buying dark elf futa porn.
Being presentable is far more important than being the absolute best player, especially in a dead party game no one takes seriously.
You may not want to admit it, but most normal people would much rather watch a player that isn't the best, but has a good personality/is charismatic than a "good" player that acts mentally unhinged or like a complete robot on their stream.

No one wants to sit through 3 minutes of some guy ranting about how he got wronged in the desert 20 years ago and swore eternal blood vengeance as he snaps his fingers to show off his le epic combos when they could watch a nice, funny person play the game at an above average level even if he's not the best basement dwelling combo lord in the west.

No one wants to watch some weirdo talk about his weird fetish furry oneshota porn comics to see the advanced high level techniques when they could watch a charismatic person show off the cool combos in the game he found and vote on them even if he's not the best of 3 players in America.

No one wants to watch some freak schizo yell about how everyone hates him as he yells over getting taunted and how he didn't get early access to a game when they could watch a regular person stream the game even if he's just trying it out and isn't the god of the northern hemisphere yet.
It's really that simple.
I know you didn't want to hear that, but it's the fucking truth.
Going to let you in on a lil secret
optics matter more than your "investment"
They're not gonna partner with some schizocel just because he presses buttons good.
He is bad optics.
Having good optics matters more than your skill.
Try being a decent fucking human being and maybe you'll have better luck in the future :^)
>Sajam has a party gf

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If you gave money to fgg's resident amateur game developers, they could make their games look better and more impressive to their target audience:)
>sajam has an asian gf
>idolismj has a chubby white gf
>guilewinquote has a darkhaired bisexual looking bitch
what the FUCK are we supposed to do now? every racial demographic itt got btfo'd
but what about in tekken 8?
sonicsol has a jappa gf
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>like 100 views
just proving my point
no one wants to watch this freak
If GWQ made a game, we all know it would be better designed since he has a wider variety of knowledge on fighting games than baron. Let's not kid ourselves, it would turn out way better and like have a much more palatable aesthetic and general design than whatever anyone ITT would put out.
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1 hour on the exercise bike.
30 minutes of airboxing.
40 reps on dumbbells, each arm.
30 push ups.
20 lunges.
50 squats.
30 crunches.
Water and wheat bread only.
Nobody cares about that mickey mouse game
Are you able to buy individual characters in SF6 or do you have to get the pass?
You can buy them individually with fighter coins :)
>Ken to Kemono
>Mahō Kenshi Winifred
>Banzoku Gwendolyn
did this weeaboo ass niqqa really localize his own title and character names?
does he really think the Japanese are going to care about his furslop?
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pan piano
cheez cared, past tense...
why would I give a bunch of psychotic, transphobic spicniggas any money at all? they've already proven they don't deserve my cash with how hateful they are.
they're not going to make anything good with it, just spread more hate
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Plays covers.
he never cared
Remember when Cheez used to say Reina was his wife? I wonder why he stopped...
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How did you want it to look by now?
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Me and my bro continuing to watch what's happening to the FGC.
I never said she was my wife.
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>cheez sockpuppets as anon
>forgets to put his name back on when he responds as himself
From the looks of it you might as well just get the pass right?
That's what they want you to do, yeah
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Why is no one calling for the public lynching and ban of trannies wearing vibrating dildos around kids at tournaments? I thought we hated that in the FGC.
strive is the best game of this generation, for better or worse
could you please stop this targeted harassment???????

No, it's KOFXV followed by UNI2 but COTW will probably be the best.
new shader on 14
He's been caught doing this multiple times, cheez is not a very smart person.
That wasn't me.
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What is it with you niggas and fat bitches?
What would GuileWinQuote's fighting game be like?
if you like to gamble and solve math problems, then this is the character for you
that's the timmy character
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you want that combo guide? pay up nigga
Third Strike clone with screen shake when you parry.
Busted and full of TODs on purpose for "player expression"
timmys do be loving them setplay functions
youtubers selling screen shake and hitstun as a universal panacea has been a disaster for indie fighters
timmy rap OST like dix
safe tumblr geometric steven universe character designs
>she has a lower guard crush bar than other characters. i tried to express this by having her wear very little clothing
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>the fat white bitch is a fat white bitch because.....
I wanted you to know she had poor mobility
Why are you guys like this?
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capcom did that and you all loved it
Gwendolyn doesn't like tight clothes....
Chun-Li was going to have half the health of the male characters at first, but they decided against that because they said it would make her not fun to play
skinny = low health
fat = low mobility
naked = low guard crush
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>the fat white bitch is a fat white bitch because.....
Because niggas love fat white bitches. Plus it's fantasy make the bitch fart to speed her up or food buff or something NIGGAAAA
>make the bitch fart
nigga really thought he could sneak this in
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Cammy is a tasteful design and the point was to communicate visually that she had low health by making her lithe and graceful.

You coomers just wanted to draw a wolf in a microbikini and came up with the justification about health or armor or whatever way after the fact to cover your ass.
what are y'all even going insane over at this moment in time?
>best character theme is an arrangement of a song from another game
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how strong is her oki?
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So after CoTW comes out which IP is getting a new game?
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COTW waiting room.
sucking my gfs tits every night is so good
art of fighting, as already confirmed by SNK.
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that's literally the entire game.
who else is going to care about a bunch of discount dungeons and dragons furry girls except wypipo?
that was an obvious tactical move from him to keep out "certain parties"
we posting kino? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GXXgXyhPGk
went back and listened to a bunch of theme and most are mid maybe the best one:
It’s crazy that MK1 is releasing 3 new characters, free fatalities for everyone and a whole new story mode and all SF6 did was say “Terry Bogard” and the winner is clear. I can’t get both season two passes unfortunately so all my money and attention is going to Street Fighter come the 24th.
It's crazy to think Terry Bogard start the whole throw your hat in the air Anime trope.
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Why did the Shermie trailer get the most views out of any character? Even more than the main characters like Kyo and Iori.
yeah it was me masturbating to it every day
She has a big ass
haven't been playable since 02um 98um and ngbc
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>Why did the Shermie trailer get the most views out of any character?
Real niggas/spicniggas love PAWGS, lil nigga.
She had been relegated to spinoffs and cameos for a long time, so people were excited to see her come back.
fgg be like "I hate grapplers" and then they go "finnabouta goon to shermie"
I was gonna get sf6 but after seeing the cash shop I'm having second thoughts. I thought buying on sale for $25 was enough to offset the fact that they added these disgusting characters manon and marisa. But the cash shop is so egregiously greedy that I can't in good conscience buy the game for anything over $10.
I've seen thousands of porn pictures of Cammy, so I think a lot of people didn't get the memo that she's supposed to be tasteful, bro...
nigga said the autistic brainwashed sex doll with her ass hanging out was tasteful
Bison made her that way because he wanted to be a tranny
people are only complaining because it's furry
if it was just some random scottish bitch in a loincloth, no one would even care
what's wrong with that?
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>Bison wanted to be a cute muscular white bitch with a big ass
What did he mean by this?
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she could grapple me
he even copied the "adjective noun name" format from queen's blade
I would taste cammy if you know what I mean
...Cammy has a low guard crush bar?
SF has guard crush?
What the fuck are y'all talmbout?
Did a fighting game about big titty furry sluts really need 1500 years of lore about war and melodrama?
It should have been a wacky ironic parody of fighting games with a multiverse like rick and morty instead
yes, as does the giantess tranny game whose creator has been working on the lore since 2000
1500 years passed and they still fight with swords and spears even though they have magic?
what if you run out of mana?
Ellie.... you thought Anaconda Vice was a sex position, I don't think your knowledge of Japanese things is as thorough as you believe it to be...
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In older Street Fighter titles, characters had more varied health amounts.
Cammy was a character given lower health than the average amount in SF Alpha, SF4, SFV, etc.
SF Alpha had guard crush.
If cammy is associated with cats, what animal do we associate with Ryu?
the printing press has been around for centuries and a bunch of spicniggas still can't read or write
>CHADflemonger gets early views at new shit
>gayton jacks off with low t
yup roofle won
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MK can't even beat a bad patch no one likes for a 7 year old party VS game...
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nigga gassin up moron kombat smdh
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Mori had been writing BlazBlue lore since he was in high school and everyone loves and respects him.
Is Blazblue a fetish game that remains unfinished and unreleased after a decade and a half? No?
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I thought the introduction was a quirky remark about how Dhalsim absolutely destroys Cammy matchup wise but I guess Dhalsim was the one to break it to her about Shadaloo's brainwashing
I'm still waiting on that BBCF dub...
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what other game has a buff squirrel woman that goes nuts????
blazblue designs are so sloppy and shit
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Blazblue has a tranny, a crossdresser, a wacky furry girl, and a bitch that got bagged by a cat and started an entire race of mixed cat people, so it definitely has some fetish appeal going on
>writing hecking LOOORE instead of an actual story
never fall into this trap
>t. Strive player
Imagine how much progress you'd have made on your game if you didn't obsess about Baron every day
blazblue was meant to be a VN but drysuke forced them to make a fighting game because tranny gear was dead
no one cares about soive dumb blaztroon
What's the difference between lore and story?
you just look at blazshart's roster and can tell that shameless nigga mori was just squeezing as many otaku tropes as possible with no love or thought. nigga had such little inspiration that he shat out a blob in a mask and couldn't even be assed to make the mask even slightly unique
I have to educate him on what he's doing is wrong.
I already know my game is going to be much better and more popular than his, but he's making it way too easy for me, like it wouldn't even be a real competition
so I have to give him advice so it's an actual interesting fight
It will still be a huge disadvantage matchup since he's a retard, but I digress
Give us your elevator pitch
just look at that nigga arakune and compare him to say, no-face from spirited away or a menos grande from bleach and you'll immediately realise how shameless and uninspired that hack mori is. rest of the roster doesn't even need mentioning, it's all shameless copy and paste jobs. not a single person will ever tell you their favorite character is a nigga from blazblue
if literally any nigga did the jubei nine shit in their game, you trannies would be trying to cancel them on the spot and be talmbout bestiality for years to come but the jappas do it and get a pass?
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blazblue was my pedonigga awakening
The background history/mythology/ of a setting or worldbuilding in general.
The actual events that take place
Mori is quite literally an ideas guy that was in the right place at the right time
Sammy cucked Arcsys out of the rights to guilty gear, so they went up to him and said "we need a new FG, so can we make your epic RPG thing into a fighting game with the same lore?" and he went "yeah sure, I mashed specials in third strike once"
Ellie hasn't posted here since she got mogged by bikinifag. And Anaconda Vice, in a pornographic doujinshi, is a double entendre.
so now i have to make an epic RPG before i'm allowed to make a fighting game?
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a femboy, a crossdresser, and a trap are at war over who's the most beautiful, so they have a huge battle at an anime convention to show off who is the best.

It plays like soulcalibur mixed with third strike. Guard Impact gives you a Perfect Parry attempt and then you can get a full launch combo.

Femboy character uses a chinese sword, crossdresser uses a baseball bat, and the trap fights with a huge buster sword.

It will have rollback netcode.
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>ellie: 7 results
This one schizo tranny really mindbroke you snowflakes into invoking her name at every turn, didn't she?
no one is ever playing this nasty shit
ellie would
i love ellie
it's one guy who's obsessed with her
remember the shinkiro SNK underground doujin cabal
The Concord audience would eat this shit up, LUHMEOW
story doesn't even matter in video games, just show me the combos
sfv did that and everyone hated it...
you faggots who started with sf6 are so fucking retarded
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the sad part is that this post isn't even ironic probably
fgg subhumans can only make fetishslop
tell me more
You expect newcomers to know 30 years of street fighter lore right off the bat?
Anon the only one spreading hate is you
why would a 23er even post here when /sfg/ exists
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Just autoreport him and hide his posts.
/sfg/ has been even slower than /fgg/ lately
this is the more fun shtiposting general
How does she hide her dick?
they hear nightmare stories about how /fgg/ persecutes them, headed by ringleader christopher "cheez" arizpe
Why did that happen?
SNK was discreetly paying shinkiro for years to release his KOF doujins to generate hype for their yearly games. they would use undehanded tactics to corner the doujin market and promote shinkiro's works, alongside KOF as an ip. its a dark page in their history.... according to some deranged spicnigga
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even their biggest shill shuckle stopped playing so their chain of command crumbled
>/fgg/ jr
What happened? Dix was the best tho???
everyone's sick of the game until terry drops and then the gen will fall off in december until they show mai
shinkiro's more based than I thought and that's saying something
Suzurin is a cute interdimensional otaku GigaMaiden who is obsessed with gaming and snacks and she will teach you how to play GM!

She also likes to gamedev in her spare time, both tabletop and vidya. Unfortunately she tends to kidnap unwilling humans in her hand to be her playtesters.
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I meant saigado i dont know why I kept saying shinkiro
okay, but how big is her futa cock?
less based. damn here I was like "I gotta find this CGI quality painting of kensou fucking athena"
Remember that time Saigado made Boku no Pico

that boy ain't right, I tell you what
thumbnail looks like two implanted boobs and no head
he probably has that in his stash. kensou popping a shinkiro smile at the climax
Seeing Chris get gorillafucked in the ass by Yashiro changed my sexuality forever. Thanks Saigado.
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All of you are just ideas guys that will never produce anything

You just come to fgg to larp and shitpost

either post something new that you actually made or go back to making my fries, worm
...why do you eat fries every day?
Trump does that and you all worship him
i refuse to give any viewership to vampirearcadia
chris jesus...
a timmy can make a game like this based off his old homemade cgi movies but yall can't whip up a prototype?
When we asked you your game idea all you came up with was a shitpost...
that was literally drag her
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>That Juri Mom, and Juri daughter
So damn cute.
>Why would she dress like a man?

>Wearing pants and a shirt makes you a dyke
she used to bind her breasts
*Makes a twitter post about it*

>Talking about things is worse than someone who actually does the things.
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If the story doesn't matter, why do you chuds go insane whenever a character has the backstory of being trans?
trans people ruined my favorite fighting game
Combos are gay
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>Be Mike Z\
>Some how luck into one of the biggest indie fighters ever
>So big he can start a company
>Behind the scenes 2 women conspire to take your company from you
>E-Whore messages you about how she likes the fetishes in your game
>You, Mike Z respond with I like the fetishes you make
>Get called a creep by the believe all women echo chamber
>People too afraid to go against the grain join in
>Get people behind the scenes to turn on you for a new, higher position in the new company
>Get ousted
>Have to hide away a work for some unknown company
>People find out you work for this company and try to get you fired
>Company is ran by a woman who says "I think Mike Z is a changed person, I refuse to fire him. We have to give people a chance to prove themselves"
>People abandon trying to get you fired
You guys claim half of the FGC is trannies, but now no one would play a tranny game?
burying my nose in sakura's pits
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been enjoying dooberz, thinking of building my whole team around basegeta. Vegito/Baby shell looks good but Baby seems annoying to learn
how is this netflix miniseries supposed to make me feel?
>Black, Furry, Autisum, Dev
might be kino
trannies enjoy playing chud games that appeal to degenerates because they were all saying nigger this jigaboo that before going full eunuch
...do those factors help make a game better?
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the trannies payed shemaley to say lunar was lying even though there's evidence that proves him right...
>biggest indie fighters ever
Skullgirls was bankrolled by three different medium to large sized companies, it is not an indie game.
I would too if they were too big. Imagine working in a bar and some asshole comes in asking for shaken martini's just to see your boobs jiggle.
being black in america gives him a unique view on society
his autism separates him from the neurotypical train of thought
his furry identity creates a distinction between his vision and the stereotypical male gaze
so why did he ban her if it's not true?
nigga was literally spazzing on persona commentary but you cant expect honesty from shemailey
so? she'd get massive tips. didnt you watch that mythbuster episode where the chick with big tits got the most tips?
>she'd get massive tips.
King strikes me as someone who has dignity. Which is believable because she's a cartoon.
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>and the stereotypical male gaze
...is this your first time seeing baron's characters?
this is unique
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>"Am I white enough guys?" ass post.
who do you think his target audience is?
>Big tiddy bird women

If a white guy made a fighting game, it would be some nerdy shit about furry bitches using swords and magic to beat each other up as RPG terminology was thrown around.

Oh wait.....
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jebailey really silencing whole communities by pretending that shit didnt happen. we'll see if ivy is commentating at this ceotaku
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Nah, it's real. even the niggas that are distancing themselves away from luna admit it's real.
Worth noting that Masoma is a top player that has every reason to want to keep lunar out so he can keep winning.
Thus, he has no reason to lie on Lunar's behalf.
This is definitely real.

Jebailey is being a disingenuous jew on purpose and is not saying the story didn't happen. Rather, he is splitting hairs and saying "they weren't banned specifically for this"

It's like saying "Al Capone isn't a criminal gangster, he just evaded taxes. that's why he went to jail, not for organized crime."
nigga every anitroon was like "yall didnt know???" when the news was spreading but shemailey wants to pretend it didnt happen, shameless ass nigga
jebaily could have said nothing and this would have been forgotten in like a week, but now since he's accusing niggas of lying someone is eventually going to post proof and this shit is going to blow up.
Their lies will be exposed, and they will be punished by my hand
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So you can falsely call people rapists and pedos with no proof all day, but someone showing evidence of your public indecency is targeted harassment and made up?
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That was a prank, nothing actually happened.

Conservatard media literacy strikes again.
We have seen through THEIR lies, mantha
Okay so what's this story you guys are going on about? Summarize it for me?

Best I can tell is that some trans freak was walking around with a dildo in their ass for the entire event and some guy named Lunar outed him for it? Do we have an ID on the perp?
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>the accused says "uhhh i didn't do it" so that means it is fake

troon wearing a buttplug while commentating CEOtaku
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What’s wrong with that? Finna put in jiggly shortstacks into a fg, NIGGAAAAAA
A tranny had a vibe up its ass on commentary at a tournamnet and was squirming around having an orgasm on camera

It is now claiming this did not happen

see https://youtu.be/cDm_OMHsz2k?t=18
hundred hand slap
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Utterly atrocious and vile and yet completely within expected parameters of their sickly breed.
I HATE these motherfuckers.
Florida is hot, they were just adjusting their pants
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tabby got 6 layers of fat on him and 2 more layers of clothes and he wasnt moving like that
She was just squirming because she was on coke and having a withdrawal
THEY must be rounded up and exterminated
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A Melty Blood player named Unilunar had been targeted by the trans horde for years because he wins too much and likes loli. He was recently banned from Frosty Faustings because screenshots of him saying transphobic remarks of the people who have been harassing him. He recently had a stream where he lamented certain people having privilege to do whatever they want in the FGC with no consequence and revealed that a certain trans commentator was walking around CEOtaku with a vibrating dildo and it was practically an open secret amongst the discord anime communities, but now everyone is scrambling to cover it up and claim it's fake.

>just plugging my nasty ass on a public STREAM just a prank sisters
What is wrong with Timanthas? Goddamn
Leg scratching intensifies
misoma, top FB player immediately confirmed it, that nigga defiant immediately confirmed it and said they were uncomfortable, but shemailey denies it and you get troons like vicki playing victim again. mental
I remember ivy was saying he was too afraid to go to ceotaku because he thought the chuds would accost him just for being gay, looks like he got over that real quick and went anyway to get attention lmao
mantha vs nigcel hours
yeah i think it's time for some more technicals kino
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Holy science, bros, they're talking about us on kappa
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why are characters in this ripoff dogshit game 8 dollars
shang tsung dlc motherfucker
...shang tsung is in multiversus?
They spend a million dollars making it, so they want you to spend a million dollars buying it.
Video games are more expensive in general now because they feel the need to hire 500 guys to make one character and their passing the savings onto you.
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trandem said "I'm gonna go to prison just for existing in the chud state" and then they whip out the goon harness on persona comms
the weeds of disharmony ...
Oh so that's why they were scared of EVO going to Saudia Arabia
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Buy mexihop 2002
its as much as a cheesebugger
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manthas really made up imaginary children at CEOtaku to protect from retweeting loli and now they have to scramble to explain why they were walking around with buttplugs and dildos in front of children and pay off jebailey to lie in front of everyone luhmeow
Why is creating a good smash clone so hard? I think Rivals of Aether is the only one? never played it. I've only had fun with 1 smash clone and it was some random Shonen Jump Slop.
So the evidence is multiple sources confirming the discord DMs? Do we have any harder proof than that? Maybe a DNA sample?
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Do y'all trannies really need to walk around like this in front of kids?
why are you defending the troons
the buttplug was........ a coping mechanism
people just throw in epic melee mechanics without knowing why people love smash
it's the same as everyone putting in epic parries
I'm not. I just wanna serve this fucker a warrant
It's about time someone pinned troons to the wall and had their way with them (sexually) (metaphorically)
Because most smash clones try to do some crazy unbalanced mechanic that misses the point of smash and makes it far less fun than the original.
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the only one who knows the real truth is tabby who sat near him while he was spazzing. bring tabbynickel to the stand
It was her prescribed therapy buttplug, please understand
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I thought you chudcels said that having big breasts was not a crime, why are they suddenly bad?
brawlback waiting room
too late, we saw you defending them
Troon mafia has backup
did yall niggas forget that jebailey is a known chaser??
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Jebailey doesn't wanna lose his "amazing shemales" igi
if it wuz just a joke, why did multiple top players say it was true?
So PJ was never actually a troon hater, he only pretended to be one so he'd fit in?
I have it. I like it, but haven't played it in forever.
I thought about being gay and getting a trans gf but they're just so evil. Like I don't think I've come across a single good hearted trans person online. They're all lying, cheating, schemers of Drama.
Timanthas are plugged up in front of kids on a livestream but wanna make up shit. I thought Strive orgies were bad. Luhmeow
they're trying to reframe a year old open secret as some fake story that pedonigga just constructed. these niggas are supervillains fr
what did they make up?
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COTW waiting room.
Because having a timantha being a open sexpest looks bad and having a lolipedo be the one to blow the lid on it looks even worse. I would've thought Luna was blowing smoke if it wasn't for a bunch of "Lunar's a piece of shit but he's not lying about this. A bunch of people knew." from other top players/timanthas themselves.
what about suzi and ricki?
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Masoma deleted it, looks like they got 'em LMFAO
jebaily dumbass think niggas not going to post proof now that he's calling them liars.... i don't see this ending well.
What will the end result be?
nothing ever happens
notice how they're not denying it, just saying it was in "bad taste" kek.
Dovey dm'd all the doxx information xhe had and told masoma to keep his uppity coon mouth shut.
Anime niggas put on dresses and fishnet stockings, commentate top 8 with remote controlled vibrators up their asses, then they end the day with a gay orgy in WitchHazel's suite.

And they have the nerve to call other people coomers.
dayum so all these anime players were just lying? they gotta hand out suspensions to masoma and defiant icl
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Masoma is black, too? Damn, that explains a lot
What was that tweet silent made?
Was that deleted too?
neckbeard nigga really said "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT A VIBE LOOKS LIKE?"
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Damn,they buckbroke him immediately.....
Just more lunar stuff, it seems
Lol true
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a tranny pulled up to an event plugged up, spasming on stream, and we got niggas apologising for it. lmfao
LTG invented the nigga tax and everyone luaghed
now punk makes a nigga tax and everyone respects him...
all white men had to do to successfully gentrify the FGC was put on a dress smdh
remember granturd
>made up
THE TIMANTHA IS SQUIRMING WITH A PLUG IN HIS UNWASHED ASS ON STREAM. Video EVIDENCE. Shemailey a bitch. This some 1984 shit luhmeeeeeooowwwww.
massa whipping these negroes back in line
a regret ever giving arcsys money
Why did they pretend to be so upset about the furry shirt, but are fine with vibrating buttplugs?
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*continues to play SNK games while having a sensible chuckle at the non-sense going on in the FGC*
must suck to be black when your massa is glenn quagmire in a dress
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bruv said what the slop
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CEOtaku 2023 was some serious shit, huh?
This, but its hard to follow whats happening since i dont know any of the names.
damn they do not rate fear
Terry could do so much better than Basic Mary.
>confirmed by jebailey himself

did the nigga lift up the troon's sundress and check? lmao
It's insane how once again this is just proving Lunar was right about the entire state of the FGC. Bunch of black top players talk about how the tranny buttplug story is real and end up getting silenced by some white faggot who wants to do nothing all day but fuck trannies (Jebailey).

I seriously wonder if Jebailey had to DM these dudes and threatened to ban them from CEOtaku if they didn't delete the tweets, and unlike Lunar, they actually have stakes in these tournament scenes because they're all respective top players and pillars in their communities.
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Of course these chuds are falsely claiming a gay man was being inappropriate with young boys.
there was that one whore geese groomed from the first movie but geese killed her
you don't understand terry if you don't think Mary is exactly his type.
But Lunar was also a top player, he got top 8 for Melty at evo....
This nigga thinks Lunar is Voldemort.
How do we stop the Timantha menace? This is getting really nasty Luhwoof.
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What actually happened:

Jebaiely went up to the trannies on twitter and said "Hey, I'll cover for you this time, but you better cut the shit"
So now they're going to be on "good behavior" until this blows over
I would actually believe the dog tag story if i didnt see the nigga spasming on stream lol
I have to hear Clayton's opinion before I can react to these recent developments.
I don't ever wanna hear you trannies pretend to be upset over big SonicSol's private twitter ever again
If this happened then why isnt there a discord leak? How would anyone find out in the first place if he didnt tell people?
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they just keep on proving this right...
Isn't she like a "free bird" type like Terry?
That doesn't sound very complementary, opposites attracting each other isn't a meme.
but I thought they said we were all gooners that jacked off all day
would it really be shocking for the alleged porn addicts to have seen one of those JAV where the girl uses the remote vibe?
he made a tweet about it, but then said the remote in the tweet was a dog tag and not for a vibrator and it was a joke or something so all the top players saying it happened were told to shut up
>opposites attracting each other isn't a meme
yes, it is lol.
Still amazed that Jwong somehow avoided getting dragged after the Mr.Wiz PDF was released.
he's from the east coast, so he never was around long enough to get molested on the west coast
Where is the fl*pping tweet so i can go to sleep
Lunar was a top player but he was already on thin ice with troons and faggots for his unapologetic taste in anime girls. Masoma, Defiant, and Silent are all extremely respectful and try to be on good terms with everyone. I actually think Defiant is gay and that makes the situation with trying to, and eventually silencing him even more weird.

We've reached a point where they can't be stopped. It's over. They have their claws in most, if not all fighting games at this point. The only thing you can do is gatekeep them in the initial new game honeymoon phase. KOF is safe "for now" but how long will that last when COTW is right around the corner and troons also attempt to take that games scene over?
fear was the most based fighting game player we had. We just didn't know it
gf status.
Be honest.
I promise you COTW is safe. Neutral repels trannies
pretty sure it was posted last thread go dig in the archive
it got deleted, but it looked like this
Rick Ortiz
how so?
Wait, Ivy's bf is WitchHazel? As in the organizer of the anime game orgies where Chris Chan got groped by Cleveland Jr?

If that's the case, then of course that remote control is for a sex toy.
Wow, thats crazy
they don't talk to them anymore, see >>493584301
y'all said "wasn't me" doesn't work, but then trannies use the cheez method and get away with anything
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Now THIS shit right here is incriminating if true lulmaow
Are you guys still pretending the FGC isn't a mafia
>hated by discord
>hated by trannies
>hated by eu
All namefags since have been a disappointment
it only works if you put on a dress
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There’s nothing wrong with a man wanting to be beautiful, chud! *jams big ass dildo plug up ass* *commentates tournament*
did people forget that jebailey is a certified, actual tranny fucker? thats like the last nigga whos word you can take serious on this entire situation
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that's most american Tos at this point....
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Even if she did do it, so what? Are people not allowed to have fun anymore? This is why you'll always be bitter incels.
fear was just having fun and you all called him a freak and a loser
Sorry xexster, either all of it is okay or non of it is.
how the hell is jebailey confirming whether someone had something plugged up their ass or not anyway
It's not the pants, it's the fact she makes herself look like a man
Does this really prove anything?
QRD on buttplug drama?
Is it real or fake?
Did we manage to find the only straight furry in existence?
see >>493517812
peep the movements
they're tryna take down masoma, the black french bread community is crumbling...
its just a dog tag dood
He didn't he just confirmed that they weren't banned and that part of the story is untrue
we didn't hear about anything like this until after the 2020s
where were the buttplug daigo stories?
the pre-HRT era fgc's main "open secret" drama was shit like players colluding and bracket fixing
nigga doesnt know about the gootecks suite orgies
They were right, this isn't a strive issue
it's a tranny issue lmao
>old school fgc
arturo tore up ricki's bussy so hard they left a stain on a nigga's carpet
>new school fgc
rosie the raccoon accidentally came all over the event floor while xir's gf walked them like a dog. anyone who talks about this incident gets accused of being a bigot.
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so multiple people said the same thing irl at the event itself, but now it's all just an evil lunar targeted harassment conspiracy because the troon got caught? lmao
uh... is that supposed to be better or worse?
I wish someone would walk me like a dog...
>nu-/fgg/ will never get the sherry suite invitation
imagine if fgg went to evo and we all had remote vibrators on
haha can you imagine?
funny part is you know silent and masoma know they aren't wrong about it but they're too whipped to stand by it lmao. nasty asl
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and they made fun of luvcheez's morrigan folder....
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>Multiple people talked about it irl last year
>Multiple people talked about it on discords last year
>Trannys bf posted a picture about it on Twitter last year
>Multiple people confirmed it within this very week

I wonder how normal people in the anime scene are reacting to all of this drama unfold. Do you side with the dude who walks around in public with a vibrator stuck up his ass or side with the nigga who talks about how he wants to lick loli armpits on twitter?
>normal people
normal people don't know or care about any of this
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if i have to post illegal shit to get the jannies to pay attention and see that this general shouldnt exist anymore then so be it

that being said, fighting games?
not to mention there's literal video evidence of this nigga squirming around in a chair on commentary but ISSA JUST A RUMOR luhmow
if emiru did it you would all love her
>niggas say vsav is only played by the trans
>stream has nothing but niggas and timmies playing
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she's a goddess, vappa
why shouldn't fgg exist?
I'd be a bit disgusted but it would have me a lil bricked icl
I really, really like this image.
Normal people DO care because it's moments like this that shape the kind of community that will end up taking over these games.

Imagine this: you sit down to play your favorite anime fighting game offline. Do you want to sit down next to a tranny or a lolicon?
Funny how the Timantha isn’t ashamed or mad at what they did. Only mad that they got caught. LUHMEOW
damn they're really pretending a year old open secret was made up on the spot by that pedonigga
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>he thinks normal people play fighting games
is that a threat troonie?
Timothy v1.06 started

Take a shower you disgusting troon
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none of us are normal so....... just let me commentate purse owner plugged up and squirming
it happened recently and ill make it happen again
it's just like when tabby almost plowed lunar through a wall and someone else had to tell him to make an apology
they have zero remorse
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here we go!
If none of us are normal, why did they get so pissy about the buff futa wolf woman?
damn you were the gore spammer posting CP? the jannies barely noticed you LUHMOW
Oh wow he put on clothes for once
Hot take: Targeted harassment is not actually cool
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the trannies really want us to believe that multiple people made up rumors about him, but also lunar just came up with this on the spot to slander him
Agreed. What they did to lunar was disgusting.
They play SF and Tekken, not schoolgirl panty flip
nigga got hit with an unblockable and mauled to death. das crazy
WTF I thought timanthas couldn't handle games with neutral?
VSAVsisters...what is going on here?
>monster mash
good joke
nigga watched that bitch mash out unblockables and said vsav has neutral
tell me that zabel, sasquatch, or qbee are playing neutral with a straight face
all this chat about vsav just for some jappa to pull up with his vhun import bushimon and win the whole thing
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you post this on twitter and the pastel folk will be like "HE WAS IN HIS 30s AND DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER CHUD"
Another dude with no principles just like Broski
Kek these timmies becoming "progressive" really is a cloak to hide from their past.
People grow up. You aren't a more honest person for being shitty on purpose and making that your identity.
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jump back on uni2 or watch city hunter
shoving a vibrator up your ass for three days is mature
the people that "grew up" in question were grown adults when they were talking like a /pol/ user
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when will you people grow up and take accountability for your hypocrisy instead of paying off TOs to defend you and crybullying anyone that knows the truth into silence?
didnt broski go out and vote for UKIP
and dont ask HBR the age of his "boyfriend" and when he met him btw
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are we actually being raided by trannies now? lol
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your response without sounding upset?
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the viper has been defeated
>You aren't a more honest person for being shitty on purpose
actually, yes, I am
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>people have said for years that this is the best/their favorite part about fighting games though
Execution ~ Evo moment 37 was 95% execution; the soft read that Justin's Chun was gonna chip him out was the other 5%
Knowledge ~ remember when Bonchan lose to Hugo and Rose. He didn't know the matchup

Fighting games are deep enough that there's no one way to enjoy it. James Chen hates mirror-matches while I love mirrors.
Growing up = being a cocksucking conformist trying to look good for the establishment narrative.
Go and tell me how that's working out for Idubbz.
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Bleh, no even close. Here's a true goddess.
timtim taste
shoot yourself
isn't lunar like 23 or some shit? do they think he knows any better?
Is the FGC just GDQ-Lite now?
lunar already sounds feminine nigga doesnt even gotta change his tag if he transitions
>violent idiot
cool it with the racism, hbr....
>I'm tired of everything being political, says man obsessed with how everything affects his politics
not yet but its getting there, the anime fgc is like 80% of the way there
guilty gear jive
>no reddit normals
>no air dash
>step dashes
>throw returns to neutral
>no wall break
>longer stages
im thinking kino
SFV has longer stages than other games?
Neither is public masturbation
>>no reddit normals
just 6p
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Did Tekken become a joke?
Random South American guys beating top Korean players.
thescore esports finna upload "The hiden Peruvian tekken scene"
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If Ono was still at Capcom, this would be an alt for Chun Li
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*starts gooning in public at the video game event to cum*

What did they mean by this?
>Character has a step-dash
>in an anime game
a fate worse than death
Valkenhayn has a stepdash and he's good....
Why is that a problem?
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my sexpots
because i dont like it
You can tell this one is a guy that posts here because literally no one has mentioned the furry shirt thing outside of fgg
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the lunar situation is the endgame of TOs like shinobi failing to take action when it mattered, and trannies not getting publicly banned for shit while others have been banned for less
what action should he have taken?
But Slayer is fun....
You don't know what you're missing out on.
good lord, the wait for COTW is going to be dreadful.
Blue Mary will be censored next
there will probably be an announcement at TGS later this month. that should help wit the wait.
>COTW is going to be dreadful.
I agree
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>no throw loops
>no perfect parry
>no slime rush
>panty shots
>color edit mode
>free season pass DLC
>feint cancels will filter trannies and dixers
COTW.... sweetness.
They don't know they're defending safe-horny censored slop and even defend it
>They prefer a game that is not made by Capcom
>This is impossible, they must be shills
safe horny doesn't even mean anything
Safe paizuri
Cheez stop masturbating in public
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i... i can't argue against any of these points
niggas decide to pay for coaching and pick SONICSOL
he's a top dnf player
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What's unsafe horny?
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But ANON, dont you know others charge premium price and with Joshua you get a competitive rate!
dayum that dog clicker going CRAZY
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why does timmy always get riled when you mention something positive about snk
is it true cotw has armored jump ine
I have an armored jump outtie
That SvC tournament on YT earlier tonight was pretty good. Had a really nice Ryu player that made top 4.
also the way low forward is not only a command normal but is chainable like a command normal in KoF is pretty dope, fierce x low forward x super was poggy
need to play xenoblade 3...
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Made for the Cheezcock.
She's a transgender lesbian. She was made for Bridget's girldick and for May's transmasc lesbian pussy
i don't think daisuke included that in the lore...
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yeah lil troon, i'm sure your lawyers would love to hear how you and your friends have been harassing and calling someone a pedophile for the last 5 years
just delete the tweets. what are they gonna do, waybackmachine it? not like internet archive is surviving this winter.
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I mean, were they wrong?
Your novel will never see customers
you would get laughed out of any law office
Why are they still hatewatching some random banned guy's twitch channel? How can he hurt them now?

This is like when y'all kept crying about Smash like it somehow still affects your community in anyway.
Wasn't me.
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Settle down, chuds
In all seriousness
What other explanations could there even be for this? Drugs? Adderal? Why can't they sit still?
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QRD on whatever autistic shit you guys are sperging over this time?
/snkgen/ can't accept their games are now censored slop with canon trannies
Even if it's fake, why are you nasty ass trannies joking about being sex slaves and doing butt stuff via remote at tournaments anyway?
Weird nigga behavior.
Im actually a big enough degenerate to recognize those body movements, he clearly has something up his ass and it's probably the reason he's wearing those retarded looking sunglasses glasses indoors, if you could actually see his eyes during all that squirming around it would be a dead giveaway
Some transsexual was wearing a buttplug at CEO, they joked about this for a year, but then some guy they don't like pointed it out and they said it was a conspiracy and never happened even though they were talking about it for several months.
Basically, see the pictures here
What would the eyes denote?
lunar went back in time and told someone to spread rumors about me, chud
>saying it was puppy play makes it better
why do we let Mfs walk around larping as "painslut pups" and then pretend we care about what kids see at tournaments?
and on top of that people who don't even like the person that pointed it out vouched being there and hearing about it
It's probably a conspiracy like "my ex gf hazel made me do it" but they're being intentionally vague on purpose
lunar didn't even name anyone and the tranny told on himself luhmow
Remember when we harbored a schizo tranny leaf while he was bashing every other 3D fighting game to gas up Tekken? Remember when that schizo tranny became a drawfag making sissy fetish porn to pin on everyone he lost to?
hideous .
Is the whole trans thing in the FGC just an excuse for white people to dogpile on non-white people?
nigga was busting in their pants after GF
holy shit, that's even more blatantly obvious than the part at the beginning lmao
What is even going on at these tournaments now?
that he's getting pleasure from whatever he's doing (eye twitches/rolling eyes etc) in ways that people on drugs don't really get (dilated pupils/colored eyes)
why is there so many fucking disgusting troons in anime fighter circles?
smaller communities make it easier for them get into to and make it "theirs"
>mouth movements
>clearly out of breath
>shaking and readjusting all the time
yikes, and that collar on too
also 1:42:00 man what the fuck
Sethposter wears a butt plug while shitposting here and you all love him
how does this game exist
Same reason there are a bunch of trannies in speedrunning
Easy way to get attention and a grab for power in a smaller community
Too hard to take over a popular game with a bunch of relatively normal people like Super Mario 64/Street Fighter 6, but there's only 10 or 20 people on SECAM Legend of Zelda: Wand of Gamelon/Persona 4, so you get to the top easier and can control others as an authority figure.
KEK they're deleting any comments about the buttplug tranny on the video.
comments being deleted on the video, huh. nice dmg control jebailey
jebailey wilin
Is Virtua Fighter an anime fighter?
The video had around 50 comments earlier today and now it's down to around 27. Also last thread someone posted a screencap from the comments and it's already been deleted from the video
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Might want to back up that top 8 just to be safe, bros lmao
i wish i screencapped before i refreshed, but there were a lot of recent comments mentioning the ivy butttplug thing and the only one left now is the sole one defending them (except the replies to it are gone)
wtf did i miss
was some commentator gooning on-stream?

the fgg detectives were on the case...
>degenerate oki and 3 way mixups on everything
might as well be
see >>493617893
why is he acting like lunar was the source of the story
he's had a grudge against lunar ever since some DNF shit like 3 years ago
nigga was really committed to that dog clicker bit
>don't worry, she's not pregnant. I checked.
jebailey has been a laughing stock since the 09er era for chasing troons but if you're not even allow to hint at the fact that it may have some influence over his decisions

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