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#1090: Demon Hunters and NetNavis Edition
Previous: >>493347346
This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Mega Man games as well as original titles developed by Inti Creates.

>/mmg/ news
Fucking nothing but Funkos kek

>Fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X engine, X4 for PC and X7 demake engine are open-sourced
MMVGB remake on pause
MMGB remasters announced
Megaman Unlimited 2 has a trailer
Legend of Zero mod https://gamebanana.com/mods/515481#FileInfo_1244616
X8 demake is OUT:

>/inti/ news:
Card-en-Ciel will release in October 24th
New Card En Ciel Game: President Ex Machina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUtaN4rY5Do
Inti interview at BitSummit: https://youtu.be/wGtpXV8tLOE?si=x44_zFHOUadcDNV2
PuzzmiX+2 makes it into the most sold in Japan charts
Divine Dynamo Flamefrit will be released in Winter 2024
Gunvolt 10th anniversary was Nothing
Gunvolt 2.5 is a "Maybe" https://x.com/sa1999_/status/1826510157230035227
Card en Ciel demo is out

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
Inafune is working on Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time also it got delayed, on suicide watch.
JKB found dead from an apparent gunshot, authorities are still searching for a motive
>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
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>didn't mention the most important update
>JKB found dead from an apparent gunshot
are we sure it wasm't two charged shots? combined into a bigger charge shot? that changes elements based on the environment?

add it to the list
Isn't that just Gunvolt 2's bosses
I need a source on this btw
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The official website has a cleaner but still SAMPLED version of that pic.
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How do I delete the thread
Shinobu's happy because her singing the Double Peace credits theme means she won the Hodaibowl.

Live with your shame.
Just pointing out in case someone wants to use a pre-order bonus as OP again.
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Locking innocent people into iron maidens to use them as batteries or freezing a whole city to death is pretty evil, yeah.
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I feel like this Muse is glitched or its conditions are poorly written. I tried over and over gain all three effects but no muse, then I though "maybe I need to USE all three effects?" but still no Muse. Either way, starting with this muse is a dead run 100%.

I think so. I did Hard +3 with 31 turns and I still got only a pity star. My normal at 10 turns was a 3 stars.
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It was actually 11 turns so maybe the cutline is 25 or 20 turns?
Her hero buddy who has all three amps will activate her instantly on his own, so I think it's that you need all three amps at once. It does feel pretty glitchy, though.
Wow, that's an extremely specific condition that you definitely won't be able to activate by Floor 1 unless you're grinding effects
I have activated her before but i'm not completely sure how
GV thinks locking people up to use as batteries is evil yet he participates in being locked up and used as a battery. Ironic.
I'm a fucking retard, i just realized action cards are basically QTEs. Holy shit.
They are basically Lock-On in Star Force and you warp outside the attack range for a second
>he didn't know about timed hits
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>half of the games in CnC have some dating sim elements and one is straight up eroge
What did Inti mean by this?
>gameplay is actually addicting
>every fucking dungeon is the exact same fucking reused tile assets which are already boring to look at in the tutorial dungeon
What the FUCK was Inti thinking.
They mean that they have all these great ideas for a game but they still end up making Umbraclaw instead. It's basically a "don't trust us" warning.
>enter dungeon
>meet "3-cost card" muse
>exit dungeon
Did a cat rape your mother or something?
Actually yeah, if every world had their own unique tileset it would look much more interesting. The BN internet look is quite uninteresting in comparison.

3-Cost are fucking great and one of easiest ways to beat a run.
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Sir, do not take the lap pillow.
>enjoy ONE lap pillow
>lock yourself out of the RiCO true ending
If you have a 3cost Amp card it counts as used if you move with it
I love how the Flamefrit and the 2 Code:Escape banish cards work together. I really wish i could do more set up than the wild cards.
USE encompasses both PLAYING the card or MOVING with it, so cards like the 3-Cost that become 0-Cost after another 3-Cost is used apply effect

The [something] effects apply when the cards are USED

It's confusing and took a while for me to get it.
>The [something] effects apply when the cards are USED

Example, the Shinobu and Maya cards with 2-Cost amp while you move with them as well
So, when did Shinobu become the flagship character of Galgun?
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I lost before I could test this. But how would these two effects resolve if i try banishing this?
>Bricking your save in the demo

He would receive +10 break and wouldn't be banished. Cards that can't be banished receive all banish bonuses but they won't be removed from your hand. If you banish a card directly from your deck, they will be thrown in your hand instead. Basically you're supposed to banish the anti-Banish cards since they receive all positive effects.
The blatant amounts of fujobait in Kizuna Connect is so fucking funny
Inti has to be making fun of all those kodomo anime which end up with a bunch of crazy shota-obsessed fujo fans
>fujobait in Kizuna Connect
What the fuck are you on about? It's just digimon.
Just boys connecting deeply with each other.
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This one? She enables 3-cost builds so hard.
Just Digimon *if none of the other digidestined existed and the whole thing was actually just about Taichi and Matt and their unbreakable bond with each other that lets them OMEGAAAAAA with their marketable plushies
The little sister of the rival also appears though.
>20 turns or else
>This traps you into an infinite loop until you know what to fight and skip
So… instead of having the girls suffer they’ll have us suffer…
You can’t just skip everything and fight the boss either since the sweet spot for getting combos working is usually a bit above the bare minimum otherwise you’ll probably lose more turns trying to whittle down the boss than you save dodging shitter enemies.
The people in the city were fine and the iron maiden yeah Gerbil is just kinda psychotic and it was okay she got put down.
Wouldn't that just be a genderflipped version of Yamato's brother then?
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What? Do you want me to call him and his brother Yaman and Wassim instead?
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>Gives you a legendary card
>Then it triggers a trap that forces you to fight against him in a boss battle

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Give her sexo.
She is the victim.
>Trusting mages
Look at his eyes anon. You cant trust that.
Card games on lap pillows.
No one cared about who I was until I sat at the gaming chair.......
>Inti who makes games based off whatever anime director is interested in like hakaider and locke
According to Aizu Flamefrit's origin was basically:
>Director: I really liked this mecha anime when I was a kid, I wish we had the license to make a game.
>Director: ...but what if we made it WITHOUT the license?
Now they're making the game and shit like this happens:
>Director: MC-kun would never act like this, didn't you watch the Flamefrit anime?
>Dev team: What are you talking about you fucking schizo
so kizuna connect is actual fujo.
>I really liked this mecha anime when I was a kid, I wish we had the license to make a game.
It's Braves or Dagwon, isn't it?
Why won't the ones here get into it?
Yugioh did it better
Oh offtopic attention whore hours again
Doing that isn't bad. Legends started off as a ripoff of Yatterman in all but name. The thing that I wish Inti could do and should have done is evolving said consept into it's own thing according the events and rules that made your setting legally different and do not repeat the same mistake, use the original work as a canary in the mine not as a bible. AKA don't do a fucking timeskip because the original work did.
>Yugioh did it better
>doesn't post a character with Glass Slippers on
You may have to ask Google what verre means in French
Sunny is the superior off-topic Yugioh mesugaki
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>still not equipped with Glass Slippers
I'm not neon so no https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGsQj3O3f70
Her ATK value is a direct reference to when DMG was equipped with Glass Slippers. She always has them on.
Sounds like a cope to me
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Finally got around getting 3 emblems at the max difficulty ATM. I strongly believe that Shinobu has the best early game out all muses, Banish is so easy to abuse. Funny that you unlock Hard +6 but you can only enter up 3.

Now I need to get 3 emblems in the mechagirl world.
>Zonda's corpse
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everytime autists get shit wrong in mmg specially if its offtopic its always followed by "nooooo you just dont get how deep the lore is"
For what? She clearly has glass slippers in her art.
Dats Rev!
Card's name is Pantoufles de Verre in French
Legends is a curious case, it rips off Yatterman visually but thematically it's more like Turn A Gundam.
French not Spanish so de is something else.
>we actually have something to compare
verrefag in fucking shambles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZGVS623lFw
Legends is based off Castle in the Sky, Yatterman and early Showa era as per Inafune's comments in an interview.

The Turn A Gundam influence is more in the second game and that was because Ishikawa's "senpai"s while he was in Capcom were AKIMAN and Hayato Kaji. AKIMAN would sometimes show off sketches and plot info as Turn A was being made at the Capcom offices, and the team felt inspired. Ishikawa specifically talks about how he and AKIMAN would discuss about how cool it'd be "if a hot girl from the moon came down". So Legends 2's similarities with TAG are more based off hazy recollections.

That being said, both Legends' and Turn A thematically are more emblematic of the latter half 90s sentiment in Japanese media of having bright settings with dark secrets behind their origin to reflect sentiments post-bubble economy crash and the ww2 generation growing old.
>Grid movement is tied to cards rather than just using directional input
I knew it. This wouldn't be an Inti game without some nonsense mechanic.
Shoulda just gone full Kaguya
They probably would have just done a cassettepunk kaguya if Legends continued
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you're months late with the realization
Because I haven't played it 'til now like...everybody.
This general has so many mexicans, Slowpoke Rodriguez is here.
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>original fairy tales
>what if everything sucked
>disney fairy tales
>what if everything was great
>japanese fairy tales
>what if everything sucked and all the girls were horny
>what if everything sucked and all the girls were horny
then not everything sucks
My bestie!
It's more like those SD mecha with a magical setting
>SD Gundam Force
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Not that SD but more like Wataru, Ryuknight and Lamune & 40
>La mu
They're not horny for you anon.
Then who is
No one.
why didnt they just wake up zero before ever making copy x?
I believe you need to activate all 3 amp effects separately, where gaining amp from playing a card like virus doesn't count. It needs to come from the actual amp effect that activates when moving. I haven't had her too much so I haven't done a whole lot of playing around with it but that's what it seemed like to me.
They did
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Lan like half your friends are terrorists.
>X8 demake is OUT
Very based
Was this the one done by one guy
it's ok the other half are cops
Fuck you just do it.
former terrorists
they said they were sorry
Sir we don't know what sort of alternate universe you're from but we don't sell reploids.
Reploid sales are prohibited in Neo Arcadia
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Government mandated Regina gfs.
They did but he went back to sleep, worried his cognitive program was still viral.
You can buy different Pantheons.
Government isn't going to waste resources for you to have a reploid gf
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Reginas, like guns in the USA, are a constitutional right.
okay but how are ecrystals made
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The embodiment of chaos, death and destruction finally reveals itself.
And Gospel is also there I guess.


Starting in in 60+20 minutes
Not in Neo Arcadia's constitution apparently
>Reginas are a constitutional right
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Shiron after he reaches puberty.
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Just because Reginas are a right doesn't mean they have any.
Refined crystals.
>Just because Reginas are a right
False again
What’d you fight on floor 1?
I don’t know how to optimize this
Despite the assault Regina ban, reploid-related deaths remain the leading cause of mortality in Neo-Arcadia...
Do some exercise, don't just expect your arteries to hold if Regina plapping is your only form of burning calories.
>reginas not running away because they were being sent to the recycling plant because of neo arcadia mandated pantheon reploids
why you lyin?
Getting vanish cards early on is great.
Not even copy x can take my personal property away.
>sal in red sun
He already did rech puberty. It's just that his adept genes landed in big dick shota instead of JOJO character
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>Intify the Flamefrit anime
>This guy gets 1 singular victory after 2/3rds of the game
>Aquadeen gets tentaguro'd from out of nowhere
>Get betrayed by Mamoru after you win against Gram
That pic looks like cheap fanart, does Inti really?
Starting in in 10+20 minutes
Mmm chibs
The gameplay is fun enough but I just don't give any fucks about these fake IPs, that's what limits the interest for me. Kinda depressing to realize how few original games Inti actually has legit claim over too.
Shiron is a trap and you know it. If he lives long enough he'll grow into a newhalf.
The Flamefrit cards seem to have their own interactions with each other or is it my idea.
Waiting room option makes you able to play the other version's stories.
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>Kizuna Connect
>The final boss blows you up if you try and Connect
He'll be stuck as a shota with big dick and even bigger ass.
That's just Guy Shishio
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Alright, I'm done, fuck it. If 20 turns STILL isn't enough then I'm not going to try.

Yeah, and neither are guns, but good luck with that. You'll take my Regina when you pry her from my cold, dead hands.
>Cannot show deck
Andrew we need another stream...
I hope inti do actually read this general and actively do things to spite us in particular.
Makes me feel more important than I actually am. But also because they're petty enough to sink two series over fans liking the wrong character which will never be unfunny to me.
Now that you mention it, yeah, wait a second, why isn't that a feature?
I think the RNG in this game is weighted in favor of making a consistent deck. If you're starting muse is card draw then you find more card drawers, if you get some banish cards then you're more likely to get even more, etc.
They're closer than you think.
Has anyone had a good deck with the "Setup" mechanic? I had a run where I started with the not-Wind Charmer muse, but it didn't go very well. I got too many bricked hands because some Setup cards have alternate effects that you'd want through normal use, but the muse forces them all into Setup. I don't know how I could have made it work.
This post is ableist against brazilians
>MegaManlet X
>Alright, I'm done, fuck it. If 20 turns STILL isn't enough then I'm not going to try.
imagine someone like this playing mmz
Just have humans hold you down while Pantheons cart the Regina to the recycle factory.
>This is an adult
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is there any lore for the fairy tale sluts
MMZ doesn't backpedal it's time requirements when you reach them.

I don't think you understood my statement. Gonna end up with a few dead humans that way.

I really like the one 0-cost fire wizard girl, and the big break one that banishes herself and gives you cost can be really good, but overall the keyword feels way too stiff. There's way too many buffs and effects that effect your hand to reliably get exactly 5 cards consistently.
>some Setup cards have alternate effects that you'd want through normal use
I've never seen any like that. They're all just plain better if setup.
Fairy tales but corrupted
>a few dead humans
>he thinks it won't end with him screaming like a chimp a 0 body count in a police car while the Regina goes to the lava pit
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There are grey versions of the girls, and then they turn good or bad
Hey, there will be at least one.
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3-cost decks are funny. So many of these cards are just "This cards costs 3, but actually it doesn't".
The regina ain't people
When a 3-cost deck gets rolling it's played almost exactly like a 0-cost deck. Kinda great.

They're not human either. Keep up.
Where's your elite clear? That's worth 8 turns of points, you should be picking that up unless your deck gets hard-countered by Bureido.
That's the only body count you'll see. Or chassis as it's called.
You're a little slow, aren't you?
What you're going to kill yourself over the regina?
Jesus christ, anon, I'm going to keep her safe or die trying. Do you seriously need this spelled out for you that much? What the fuck do you think that >>493559996 phrase means?
That you talk tough get held down by human law enforcement while failing to achieve anything. Keep up.
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>Ancie immediately thinks about making her avatar look taller after the Love above the Rooftops dungeon
Bros what if Neon voted for Grazie in the popularity poll?
You don't get to be snide when you need your hand held through a phrase that basic.
You're the one that made an ass out of yourself assuming the rest of the posts weren't talking about you failing.
Project harder, ESL. I'm gonna stop humoring you now.
Finished the CnC demo. Had a lot of fun with it. Playing for survival on your first clear isn't a complete joke, and the scoring system isn't overly restrictive in how you're allowed to play.
If it wasn't for all the horny anime girls I'd never know Inti made this game.
So you're admitting you're ESL now?
What if he voted for BB?
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I do not comprehend
So this is just bugged, right?
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quit ignoring her
Bar means progression, you are almost there. Do it in 14 turns.
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thanks for joining the sole final boss of rockman exe and gospel
certainly nothing of the sort will show up and job in a single episode in next week's finale
excerpts after sleepmelt
Megamanbros, we are eating good!
When will they get Lev on the podcast?
>implying it won't just be Capcom Creators people getting in
Where the fuck are our nips and muricans to sneak in?
Dey would not let me speak truths to power
>implying that we have them anymore
>he says when we have blenderfag
get your head checked
>we have blenderfag
>blenderfag still existing
Podcast ep would have to be cut short when he has a seizure from caffeine withdrawal in the midst of a shitty life story nobody asked to hear
We keep hearing your life story on repeat.
I should publish my autobiography: "Dats my Life Story - It's a Lev Life" one day
He hasn't blogposted in a while desu
I like hearing the life stories
what happens if i accidentally mayl?
>Not "Dats Life!"
no stamp no signature gets sent right back
>a seizure from caffeine withdrawal
>its a actual thing that can happen
Why are people wishing a seizure on a OC maker?
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>0-cost fire wizard girl

Yeah, she basically carries the setup decks in her back. Certain muses require you to setup multiple times in the same turn and outside of her all setup cards cost points to use. And her effect also triggers in Action to boot.
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What's your wild cards looking like? It might be better to have the triple amp guy in here, but I don't think I've ran into the amp muse once since the tutorial.
it happens if people have epilepsy
Thank you for telling us this, Anetta
>force everyone to drink coffee
>suddenly cut the supply
>the one without the caffeine seizure is blenderfag
I use her pretty often even outside of setup decks. A 0-cost damage card that can replace itself is always good.

I keep forgetting they exist.
Why not? She gives a decent bonus for 0 cost
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Put the entire deck in your hand and press GV to win seems to be the common choice
Ganboruto #1
Tsuda propaganda.
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It occurs to me that I haven't seen Kirin once since the tutorial, where breaking her is mandatory and Ancie talks about how cards are made of MOD life energy.
...Inti? Are you doing a thing here?
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Not the gameplay part, the other part
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>Father's enemy is my enemy...!
*hits pipe*
When are we getting Magikey?
can't believe CnC canonically killed off kirin
Is there anything that forges random 2-cost cards? Might be able to bullshit her into your hand that way.
I miss being able to have fun speculating over Gunvolt lore instead of bitching about Locke even knowing that's all you have to look at.
Would /mmg/ be happy about MMZ and ZX stuff in CnC, or would that just feel like more funko bullshit?
Since Inti themselves developed MMZ+ZX, it'd be fitting, but Capcom would never allow it.
Hell, maybe even a reference to Battle Chip Challenge like Ring and her Operator.
Why doesn't Aizu admit all he REALLY wants to do is license series but his stupid codemonkeys don't understand his vision?
I miss being able to talk about Gunvolt without it being drowned in fanon shitposting. Mega Man too, really.
I miss the early's 00's when Mega Man was a healthy IP getting so many games a year and the fandom was great minus just a handful of weirdos.
>maybe even a reference to Battle Chip Challenge
That's the whole CnC game base
CnC is fun, though, BCC is absolute dogshit. You couldn't even move in that, you just watch the game play itself. I wish BCC was like CnC back then.
I know it's unheard of these days, but not all women hate their fathers.
Knowing Inti they probably wanted to put "daddy" there.
No, I think in Japanese she's actually saying "Otou-sama".
She's the perfect little ojou daughteru.
Might be Yandere too.
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Did you know that, in the comics that originated him, Batman's enemy Bane is revealed to be the illegitimate son of a drug lord only ever referenced to as "El Jefe Del País" which controls the islet of Santa Prisca, but that due to North American unfamilarity with the Spanish language, his name was pronounced "El Jeff Del Pies"? I thought that was interesting
What series are her and the based maid of deck cycling from?
Planet Graden IV.
>I will fuck every girl I set my sights on EXCEPT my thirsty as fuck yandere imouto
Has there ever been a more unlikeable protagonist?
am I supposed to know who that is
Is it just me or does Blade's boss theme in the Kizuna Connect dungeon sound like some Hiroyuki Sawano theme I can't quite put my finger on
>incapbale of romantic affections for her (and her alone)
The imouto that was cucked to death
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I had a decent one where I got like 4 of the reboot set-up card with the effect that makes setup always active, but I had to skip the elite since my damage was only pretty good, not great, and I had no where near enough break. Decently high score but still only 2 medals; it seems you pretty much absolutely need the elite for the stage 2 3 medal.
>and her alone
Does this mean's he find with MALE sword too?
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He's obviously swordsexual, imouto never had a chance.
OK, where are Planet Gardens I, II, and III then?
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Shiro is a slut that had relations with a bow before.
Where are Yggdrasil Records I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII?

For that matter, where are Luminous Avenger, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII?
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absolute chaos is mostly just for making early game fights much easier, when a simple 8+8 for 1 is a lot of output. I had a shut-in neighbor in for a bit but found it surprisingly not that useful so I took it off. Though now I've seen that there's a guardian with a gimmick that when you kill one of the two enemies it instantly banishes your whole hand, so I've considered putting it back in just for that bullshit.
I got a 3* without the elite on that stage. It was a deck that had riding hood though, so victory was just matter of clicking rush a thousand times.
>being jealous of the sword, bow and raw ass
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>You look like a girl that wants to become my sword.
I take it this is where the blonde rush Muse is from. Can all girls become weapons in this setting?
That works surprisingly well.
>has the same scarf as Neon
Is this foreshadowing for Card Incel getting cucked to death too?
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Card incel 2: Hell Hath No Fury Like An Ancie Scorned
there's a problem with this layer unit
Canon favorite
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I’m half Sword on my mother’s side.
What the fuck is this.
The story synopsis sounds like they're taking the piss honestly.
>Though now I've seen that there's a guardian with a gimmick that when you kill one of the two enemies it instantly banishes your whole hand, so I've considered putting it back in just for that bullshit.
Which one's that?
Purple on blondes is a nice color.
It's a school, so it would be appropriate to demonstrate Samuel Colt's equalizer...
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I want to play this.
This is just Cope with two more spherical onaholes.
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Tsar, from the 16 damage action that self banishes. Spawns in with a blue version of herself.
The game doesn't even mention the rule until you enter the fight which is kind of fucked up. I wonder if there's any other gimmicky guardians. The cat is a big meme and a free win.
I like this woman's card. Very strong, action and only 1 point of cost.
The "your leftmost card is converted to Rush after your first play" is so annoying in the Hard mode of the mecha world. The one in the Digimon world is much more meek in comparison, in fact, I don't even remember what it was.
when attacked for the first time each turn, banish your leftmost card. Actually nothing if you don't get hit mid turn, and much more reasonable to try and take advantage of. You can peek the hard+6 rules and see that it adds a similar one to both levels, so presumably +9 does too so you have 3 of them to deal with.
Not a stage rule but a muse one but the discard 3 draw 2 after playing a card so awful to deal with.
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Is Kurona legal
Succubi are not applicable to the laws of man.
These are tied to specific mini-bosses/stages? I thought it was random. Where can you see this?
It's always legal for succubi to get in your pants.
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That plushie is going to fucking explode.
Creepy teddy bear.
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some of them are. Other than being called out at the start of battle as a guardian skill I don't think you can check on the map beforehand. They're at least the same every time so eventually you'd memorize them all I guess.
Just found this asshole has one too.
>teddy bear
It's her brother.
Creepy brother.
>add ears to it
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>old woman without panties shows up randomly at school to play with children
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The trap effects also hilariously spiral out of control.
I wonder if you can reasonably counter all this shit? You'd need a lot of draw power to get around losing 2 draws per turn.
There’s definitely going to be a keyword or setting based on eating or getting benefits out of virus/error/freeze cards. CnC Bug Style.
>She appears at the school on her own whims
She should be fired
that's by design so you don't even for a moment consider rushing all the chests without fighting anything. They really want you to work for it if you want to skip literally all the fights.
>don’t skip fights and rush chests or else
>also you’re graded on turn count
>have fun idiot
She has seniority, she can do whatever she pleases.
I find it interesting since even if you just rush chests & boss you won't even get half of those effects, and a lot of them only show up once you've stacked the lower-tier effects. Either there's going to be bigger maps in the later stages or something like what >>493603939 said will exist.
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Imouto never had a chance
I was looking at the steam reviews for the demo and almost all of them, even the positive reviews, were bitching about how hard the ranking system is.
Inti is SO back, bros.
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>Not de aging yourself to look at your peak
0/10 she doesn't deserve to be called witch
I don't get the point of ranking systems where you can get an A or S rank before even learning the level/fight/game/etc. people who bitch about difficult ranking systems are dumb and gay.
She's also a great muse and card. The Imouto NTR is real.
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yes, balancing rushing for score vs extra fights to take less turns in later fights is the whole point. You shouldn't need more than one regular enemy/guardian fight per floor to make it to the muse and boss without traps.
I would assume it's mostly just for variety, but if some can't spawn until you already are stacking them I agree that seems a bit suspicious. I kind of doubt any bug specific support since virus is already honestly a decent card to have sometimes and error could synergize with anything that gives buffs when you move. Freeze is pretty bad and hard to synergize with but I guess it makes dreamsheep always draw? Such a bad card though so not much.
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She's a woman, not an old man.
>not realize this is peak
fucking apply yourself
how come sometimes my cards don't do damage to an enemey
It’s less that the ranking is hard and more that it isn’t very fun, at least not compared to playing the game “wrong.” You’re rewarded for playing and engaging with the game less, that doesn’t make sense.
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are you fighting a cat
also what is a rush card
For >>493605369
I was fighting a salary man and his assistant or something
The guy who puts Freeze cards in your hand? That negates your next attack.
oh, because it's an Action card?
I think it's very fun
you can already get strong enough to kill the elite in one turn while rushing so it's not like you need to fight more for more rewards. I do think when the dungeons are longer it'll be better since even when rushing you're working on the same deck longer, and even if you wanted to do more fights the forced card rewards would start to get detrimental so you'd want to skip most fights anyways.
You still need to fight every kind of enemy, you can't just walk up to the boss and dab on them with your 5-damage starter cards.
Weak 0-cost attack cards. You don’t find or draw them, they’re generated by other cards, like >>493604858 and that angel dog. They were in the tutorial a lot, assuming that’s static.
I might have missed when they were called Rush cards. I see abilities mention 0-cost cards a bunch.
You would prefer if this was like Mistover and you had to ram your face on every enemy/trap/corner of the map to get the best score and rewards?
>Umbraclaw deck will be a million stuns/negates/disruptions/discards until you win by deckout
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Some amount of hours exist before Meteor G collides with Earth and a black hole consumes Planet FM.
Geo may choose to do something about one of those, in today's Mega Man Star Force 3 postgame!

>Download Parsec

>Join link

Dpad/L Stick - Movement
A - Use Cards/Confirm
B - Buster/Cancel
X - Menu
Y - Shield/Visualizer
L Shoulder - Custom Screen/Advice
R Shoulder - Custom Screen/Pulse In
R Stick/Tab - Pass Controls

Keyboard players should download this program to emulate gamepad inputs:

Starting in 30 minutes.
please no. fuck that game what a piece of shit. Pretty telling that the devs gave up balancing and gave the player a bunch of sliders, basically telling you to fix it yourself.
geo if I don't come back, go to my computer and delete the Kelvin Folder. please son don't let them find out
You’re explicitly not supposed to fight every enemy. No, you can’t dab on the boss with your shitty starting cards, but you are supposed to dab on them with your shitty starting cards and very few others. >>493605549’s point on how you only need to get in to a couple fights to reach the floor boss speaks volumes.

To each their own, I guess.

I don’t know what that is and that’s not what I said.
>ETOE+Darkest Dungeon mix was pure cancer
It's a feature, not a bug
I'm bad at games, can I avoid inti-autism and just bop on enemies for fun
It had the best Nun design in a very long while tho
it's more like randomized diablo loot combined with heavy anti grinding design (like fuck you deletes your save heavy) is such a poor design decision I can't imagine how they came up with it.
good art sadly can't save a game this bad.
To clarify, rush card means the card called Rush. Which is what >>493607437 is describing. It’s one specific card that’s Forged by a bunch of other cards, not a category. That 0-cost egg knight guy is not a rush card, for example.
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I don't see the issue with that gameplay loop. I usually do three fights per floor. A normal enemy or guardian to plant down a muse, then the enemy muse, and then the boss (or elite if on F3).
The ranking system isn't that strict. I did a much slower run than him and still hit the 3* requirement.

>need to clear specific hard modes to get upgrades
great I hate this game already
I think the rewards for hard modes are just harder hard modes.
I don't understand what station/position do
Ditch a card or muse for buffs around that area.
is it just for that room
Regular cards buff connecting rooms, muses have a AOE that buffs everything around them. You lose the cards for that floor, but get them back on the next floor.
notably muses auto activate along with giving the small buff which is pretty nice. Especially for the dumb cat girl since I always have 10 cards in hand when she activates so her reward gets wasted.
also very niche but enemies don't respawn in a positioned room so if you backtrack through it you don't build up progression toward triggering a trap.
>Placing 1 of 3 Basic Attacks somewhere doesn't remove it for the rest of the dungeon
I should have known it wouldn't be this easy...
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>but get them back on the next floor.
why would you backtrack
I'll send this Zero to the graveyard and special summon this Lev in attack mode from my deck
to grab a chest from a nearby room and then go back to head a different direction
again very niche but something to maybe consider sometimes.
it's also nice to position a muse down between the boss and an enemy muse/elite before engaging them
why can some enemy attacks move when I move
most enemy attacks target specific tiles but some are a projectile, indicated by a small dotted line. so if it shows the projectile hitting you and the tiles above and below you moving front or back won't dodge it since you're still lined up with the enemy. But moving up or down would make it go past you and hit the back row instead.
because some are field attacks, the melee attacks are those that just attack anything in front of them
>reploid decks in 202X
no wonder mmz decks are so bad
why does activating ciel muse cause 50 0-cost pantheons to appear in my hand
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>gets rid of the axl plot
>makes sigma fights even cooler
>vile is actually fun to fight for once
pure kino
post the other one
Ikr imagine playing reploids when the sigma virus trap card strat exists
I use "kusogaki brattyness" to make us both discard two cards, which allows me to pitch a fat bastard that when discarded creates 2 1/1 loli tokens, then for my second card I discard "at the hills of Seijosan" allowing me to trigger its on discard effect to search my deck for a Regina card.
Tributing my lolis I now play "zako factory'" for free as it's a Regina type card, which on play I'll banish all three cards from my graveyard to special summon three Regina tokens who are 0/1 artifact creatures, which now with one ojisan in the bench I tap him for one tears to play Courtney Gears hit single, giving all my artifact creatures +×/+0 where x is how many artifacts I control.
I attack.
teach me how to fight lumine
also how did you like build your own refights
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laser him to death with 100% upgrades
>practicing offline
he keeps flying around and doing 1/3 of my health
doesn't help when he starts combining attacks out of nowhere
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it was really cool. sigma stole the show for me, his sprites were amazing. sharex bugged out for most of my screenshots sadly so i couldn't get any good ones

i actually found that to be the easiest fight in tower. he just stands there like a goofball while my laser + fast charge helmet deals damage
Actually I have two problems with the final fights
(Sigma is fine except his 2xprojectile and then jump attack, which I can't consistently dodge)

Dark Mantis' new supermove (which seems locked as Lumine's second attack) seems fucked, it's way faster than OG X8 and either the window is really tight or it's practically impossible to dodge all 5 mega slashes.
Meanwhile Lumine 2 shits out damage with stupid AoE.

Doesn't help that I need to redo the whole stage everytime I want to properly retry.
I use Face Slap for Brat Correction that negates the tokens and automatically ends your turn.
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It's a cry for help.
fair on the mantis part. there's a tiny window under him you can jump around at but you gotta time it well without upgrades
You had to kill that joke by using tranny the pandering terms
oh so I shouldn't dashing side to side like in X8?
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nah, he does it too quick. you need to get right under him. also the charged bubble move (i forget the name) knocks him out of his ultimate move
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>Cat filter works even here
top fucking kek
got it. Though that gap also seems kind of tricky
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I found the Girl's Frontline.
What determines X?
if you have the invincible dash boots already preloaded you could also just cheese it with that
if it's like every other spirelike x = your current cost value. So you always have 0 left after playing it.
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mega man 7: zero edition
download link included
but I need double jump/dash boots for the stage...
why are we getting an overdose this summer after the great famine
we're going to die by refeeding syndrome
also did you go fight the secret bosses
no, didn't know there was some until i looked up boss montage. bretty cool
Here you go
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Yeah it's by one dude outside some translations and testing.
It's ludo
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Is this link broken?
maybe the server borked
I can catbox if you want
It's fine, I'll just wait.
oh its working again

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