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The Wheel has turned once again.
Demiurge Edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

Previous Pantokrator: >>493083085
Big blitz on saturday the 14th, 2PM in UTC!
Join or I'll shut down the server!
>no sloops
Not joining your thread.
Per-baty it's fucking Saturday do your turn
>no slops
amazing thread
Why is it always EA?
Who are you replying to?
Because Blitzmin always plays EA C'tis. It's either that or OneAge.
i think one age would be great for a gigablitz type game because everyone can play the nation they like
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People on /gsg/ don't like gameplay let along strategy games so it's not like they'll linger. They should try and fix their own general instead of trying to immigrate to shit up others ones like /rlg/ and ours.
Blitzmin should broaden his horizons. Variety is the spice of life.
Oh is that so anon? I'll add some variety to your games then. Enjoy the barb attacks.
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>predicted the elf attack
how do i do it? how do i predict this type of shit time after time?
for context - this is a straits linking a throne (located at the walled city province seen in frame 1) to the mainland, so this province is very strategically important and i am building a fortress here, thats why i moved a nearby army here just in case the elf niggers attack. and they did.
very close battle however, could have gone either way. RIP daktyl.
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>white people be like "these indie stacks too spicy"
white people dont say that
Actually in more civilized days when all games had sloops turned on most blitzes were with OneAge for that reason. Dunno what changed.
I could do oneage. I'll turn it on. Why not.
Based. Total elfstermination
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Okay, turns out Pillar of Fire turned the tide. So, people with access to UW thrones necessery to win: any plans to close the match?
Just getting flashbacks to when /gsg/ thread wars were a thing
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If we're winding down I can start closing it out.
This time doesn't work for me, but I'm in a minority timezone, so I expect lots of pictures in the thread to look at instead!
Yeah I'm probably going to have to get up at like 4am to play.
This is what I'll do for a blitz.
I'm in that odd spot where I literally can't win so not terribly invested into playing it out. I'll try my best to beat shit out of you though.
I like to suck in my chin and make a Großgermaniums as much as anyone but /gsg/ is truly a sewer.
ill record the sesh from my perspective, maybe there will be a cool webm or two.
u will never be an aquatic nation
I can't join this. I enter the address and port and I can't choose a nation. The only option is disconnect.
I wish I lived in Europe so I could play these blitzes, they start so late for me ;(
Oh right, sec. I gotta set it to MA for oneage.
Oh is that what you're doing? I don't know if I trust that shit.
Don't be a pussy, anon
sorry bro... its a white man's world...
Sorry for long turn. Be a bit longer.
he said europe
the whitest place on earth after japan, yes
If you're going to try to cajole me into doing something that I don't want to do by calling me a pussy, then obviously the mature response on my part would be to ignore you and not let it get under my skin, but then doing that would make me feel like a pussy, so I'm in.
I've never played EA C'tis before. Blitzmin, how do I into these guys?
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taking ctis from blitzmin is a bold strategy
Do you wanna get smacked you little shit?
I've been having some success with 5 rFire, 5rCold, undead command, and spirit sight, expand with reanimation and hold onto the serpent dancers until you reach alt6 and darkness penalty lets you even the field. But I've been playing a lot of sloop and it buffs serpent dancers fairly significantly, the conventional play is to pretend serpent dancers don't exist, spam elite slave warriors, and then transition into a very suaromancer heavy army and lean on horde of skeletons. Foul vapors used to be their bread and butter but you don't have access to it anymore in ea ctis without empowering or a really lucky roll on sauromancers
Alright I sent in my last attack surely the 30th time with no adjustment will finally work out

And I going ai, ggs
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It actually did
By being so nice and actually answering my question, you're giving me troll's remorse. You want your nation bank senpai?
Turns out my closest throne was Throne Of Water all this time. Odd, I did even check thronelist hoping for something like that.
So even without Cata I can take UW eventually. Blitzmin is last roadblock... Say when I'll buttplow ya enough as I'm not playing out invasion of UW as Aby definitely.
surely blitzmin can play other nations, right..... right....
Well now the typhoon knocked my power out so unless it comes back on I'm not going to be able to blitz anyway.
Doesn't that mean blitzserver goes down too?
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You underestimate my power, anon.
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You mean dishonest multigrinding spam? Yeah, unplesant, but not gonna win you war.
Blitzmin, consider getting Cons 3 and pumping out a bunch of skull mentors to boost your research as soon as you have enough death gems to make several of them. Then using your Sauromancers as part of your armies won't hurt your research so much, its quite nice. Only works in Sloops tho
I'm not blitzmin. The rest of you guys are good afaik.
I've been doing a bit of skull mentoring, but I usually need the death gems before long.
What do you use them for?
Arouse hunger, shadow blast, lammashtas in the early game usually.
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>retreat while leaving undead leadership fellow back there
>dishonest grinders retreat faster
Feels good!
>Forgot the rain caster
Okay, blitzie, gotta go!
I think I'm winning (despite annoyance of big immortal casters I make gains and definitely produce more mages than you're killing). Actually chocking out you will take unreasonable amount of time even with full global control and much stronger gem income, invading UW will also be extremely cumbersome, so not doing any of this.
Winning right now, but I'm pretty sure foul vapors would kill all your mages eventually.
Flame Spirits are protected against both Grinding and Vapours. Best play would be just dropping Purgatory + going for domkill while keeping you entertained with infinite mage stacks but it's also super boring.
Tactics heavily depend on paths on your liches - I never bothered to check them doing purely macro plays. But I noticed at least ordinary liches can't win against midsize stack (while doing low-moderate damage) so shouldn't be hard to keep busy.
Lich plan is funny, I wish Dai Oni been lichable or twicebornable; but it doesn't affect your presence and just lowers the costs to deploy.
Less bothersome plan was to spam warlocks (before golems are available), gear them into Teleport/Soul Slay and drop them into stacks to catch them in prolonged battle and fish for those outlier rolls.
Oh, and by the way (at least for sea-dominated map) ghost fleet was super strong play: turns out they don't just raid but also add indecent amount of unrest. Enough to basically turn off coastial provs, I even didn't bother to retake them later. Super value.
flame spirits casting phoenix pyre and with reinvig gear is one of my favorite plays
I can't get any dom6 mods I make to show up even if they're in the Roaming/Dom6/mods folder i'm going insane
you have to zip, unzip, turn around 360 and do the dinosaur
the .dm file was in the wrong location i got it to work (im dumb and I always figure shit out AFTER complaining)
Persistence matters more than intelligence in most endeavours
if its oa i might reconsider sauromatia
though, i guess i have a whole week to decide
>ghost fleet was super strong play
That's both funny and surprising, because I only cast it because its cool. It tends to get stuck raiding the same empty province over and over. The map definitely worked in its favor with all the coasts, though.
The giant lich definitely wasn't as good as I was hoping, but I also didn't expect my attempt to turn a 2v1 into a 2v2 so immediately to turn into a 3v1 but I suppose its to be expected when you start stygian pathing stacks of wights onto thrones. If i'd realised that your mages were as deceptively tanky to bone grinding as they turned out to be I probably just would have done the sparse line wights and foul vapors from the get go instead of giving you the whole map while I went for liches; but I've never gotten to use lichcraft before though and I really wanted to see what it was like having a size 9 immortal W1D4N1
>blitzs for 5 hours
>now you have bunch of big turns to make
>but no dominions energy for them
Don't repeat that mistake bros...
>your mages were as deceptively tanky to bone grinding
They got extra hp I guess, but otherwise they shouldn't be. It's just most grinding kills are actually limp-when-moving casualities for troops or result of heavy spam.
I was thinking I'd get some roughly human level kills on the mages from the initial ouch owie my bones, especially when they were quad/triple casted. 4hp does sound like a lot, but I guess its still ~50% more than a human mage.
>t. midwit
for me it's the opposite
completely different energy from both
blitzses are relaxing in that they are just for fun, who gives a fuck if you lose. They let you experiment and make mistakes without it being a huge loss of time investment

Big games are relaxing in the sense that I can take my time with the turn. Really settle in and think about things. Plan far ahead and get rewarded (or punished) for my forethought. Very different dopamine cycles from both.

Blitzing also makes you much more efficient at taking the bigger turns, because you have to learn and use the hotkeys and tricks
Ironic because that is a very midwit thing to say
business idea: cataclysm at turn 55 in blitz
What about
battle royale blitz
the fuck is battle royale blitz
That would work actually, most blitzes are over around 40-50. This time we had odd spawn with two UW thrones you must interact with and this kinda sucks.
>Lich plan is funny, I wish Dai Oni been lichable or twicebornable; but it doesn't affect your presence and just lowers the costs to deploy.
They're mummifiable, (I assume that still works in dom6)
more ironic because your counter-response is even more midwit coded
Xibalbrat here, sorry about the blitz last night. WHen I went to bed I only saw myself in the blitz, next time I will just bow out before I start my upside down slumber. Might just be up at peak blitz hours tonight/tomorrow, if so I'll see (You) there
Warhammer mod editor guy, I was at work when you posted asking if people wanted to see the mod now and couldn't reply, I'd totally check it out and play around with it. I think that one poster was sombre pretending to be a CHUD hahahaha
No world wrap. Provinces at the edge of the map disappear every early Spring. Forts go up in 1 turn.
sounds interesting
Perfect opportunity to use that one starcraft map everyone kvetched over
PLEASE tell me it is Lost Temple or or Hunters, comedy option Big Game Hunters where almost every province is a farmland
nigga are we for fucking real
badmin restart this trash
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forgot pic
Hell yeah
What a shame I'm already in two games
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should have done a screenshot for proof too
I know people are skeevy about links

I'd appreciate any and all complaints from people. Not that I will listen to them at all. I just don't have the bandwidth to identify all the potential problems. I anticipate that I have already made some stuff too busted. The second pass will be about making sure the powerlevel makes sense. And that there is counterplay.

Current concerns:
Chaos Daemons are much tougher
Bloodthirster's specifically
And Juggernaut's

Some of the Empire spells might be busted.
I probably need to tighten up middenheim's animal subtheme

Bretonnian dukes are pushed which might need another pass eventually. But they also have varying levels of insane to simulate the fact they are more autonomous than the typical commander. In actual play this seems kind of janky. I might remove it and come up with something else.

Still a couple things I want to do with Slaanesh, before I move on. I got sidetracked doing every chaos demon in the game in one pass.

I have done Khorne, Empire nations, Bretonnia so far. And I have done Slaanesh partially.

Descriptions and typos (mostly Sombre's...) will be the third pass if I feel like it

Anyway, enjoy. Let me know what you think
test it in singleplayer
is this normal?
Do you have any preference on nations to go over and play with? I don't like playing EMpire nations because they are boring to me but whatever
let me fix real quick
Yeah that's a kick and a restart for sure, god damn it why do people do this
Ha nevermind he just did his turn the cheeky little bastard
it worked for me

I downloaded the zip into the mods folder
extracted it
then I had to move everything up a single level

let me know if that works
Khorne is pretty sick
very explosive

The empire nations are now MUCH more focused on their mages, obviously they still have the cavalry. Nuln and Altdorf both get access to steam tanks with rituals.

Middenheim is now very focused on it's wolves and hounds.

Kislev got some ok shit.
Tilea got some ok shit

Bretonnia is much more focused on the dukes

IDK play khorne first see how it feels. Did you play khorne in sombre's version? It was kind of lackluster.
>I didn't read the whole post before replying, yet again
>IDK play khorne first see how it feels. Did you play khorne in sombre's version? It was kind of lackluster.

Yes, and it was. Nurgle felt a lot more fleshed out, and also much stronger.
>Yes, and it was. Nurgle felt a lot more fleshed out, and also much stronger.

I didn't really "flesh it out" much
I just made it stronger and made it's playstyle more defined
I want it to feel like a coke-fueled sprint the entire time. Like if you slow down at all you are losing. I might need to add other mechanics to punish a lack of aggression.

But currently you get basically no blood slaves if you aren't at war. Which seems enough of an incentive currently
Any reason you didn't give Khorne mages drain immunity?
there can be reasons to stale intentionally. if you know you wont have much time the next day then it can help.
Perhaps you could have them death 3 by default but have a special version of the blood ritual that gives +Growth for them, so if they keep earning blood slaves through combat they can invest it into their nation's, well, growth
Sure but not on the first turn of the game
>Any reason you didn't give Khorne mages drain immunity?
This is a good idea and ties into their overall theme, Khorne doesn't really like magic very much in general. THey could be the "Ulm" of the Chaos Nations in that way

captcha HKANG
Around elves, watch yourselves
I didn't think of it
Khorne's research probably does need some sprucing up desu
I will consider it
Alternatively, I could use the event system to fuck with your shit if you didn't capture a province this turn. But I want to see the state of things in a livefire situation or two before I do anything drastic.
Combining drain immunity with a little bit of insanity might be fun (Khorne loathing the mages in his own ranks just that much)
bear in mind I have not touched either of those nations yet. They might have caught some strays from a general pass (E.G. removing the unsurroundable that sombre gives to everything... I hate him so much)
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I wish you'd used the bottom text to indicate what a spell does. This for example
I know
I got lazy with the descriptions for some of them.
that one gives the effect of proud steed, but affects more than just horses
>Alternatively, I could use the event system to fuck with your shit if you didn't capture a province this turn.
Now that is intredasting. Reminds me of the Gods in dungeon crawl when you displease them
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>dislike wrap around maps because they aways generate the same chalice-shaped map
>disable wrap around and this happens (yeah not a single path there)
I wonder if this also affects dominion spread and rituals if they rely on paths for distance calculations.
I love dominions
Mountain ranges and the like have invisible connections to enable dominion spread and such
I think it's ctrl D to see them in the map editor
OverlOAd Ulm please do your turn
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Advertising my MA game again, come play with sprite overhaul and buncha bullshit modded nations. no sloops, no balance, no gods, no brakes!
>no sloops
cool, a containment zone for them
I don't have any strong feelings against it, it just wouldn't be compatible.
Hey, MEMEmin, if you're restarting, can you give me a few hours to resubmit pretender?My build kinda sucks, now that I think of it.
I don't have any problem with non sloops games but that terminally obsessed guy is throwing things off a bit
I enjoy calling him a faggot every few days
cathartic really
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Nigga wasn't around for cronemod nor summod, clearly
Restarting has been cancelled since agartha deigned to do his turn, sorry my friend
I imagined there would be something like this but also that the same thing would allow flying units to cross through, which doesnt seem to be the case
And doing a few turns just to test it, the dominions doesnt spread either
LMAO no way
Brother, but where is convenient changelog like in my other favourite mod (that's sloops, by the way)?

I am not much better at changelogs than I am at description text but here you go
>enslaved twiceborned commanders keep their twiceborn
Wait, what. What happens if they die?
They are troops and yet they have twiceborn icon (with convenient origin prov tracker)!
pretty sure original owner gets them back if they die. assuming the province that twiceborn was cast in isn't under different ownership
They are your unit now, so unless you conquer the province they twiceborned in, they'd die
>unless you conquer the province they twiceborned
Do they revert back into commander with paths or you just get trooper wight?
in dom5 at least
you got them back if they died, as long as you still controlled the province they were twiceborned in
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wow, that's such an absolute unit.
>sloops fans would literally rather die than not play sloops

Ya can't make this shit up folks
every time i try and create pretenders this crashes my dominions so i guess im not going to bother
>no one wants to die for Illwinter Vision
Not surprising. #sloopsarmy
please saars do not redeem the sloops saars
I just made my fucking turns and not falling for this again.
It was not a request.
It was a statement.
Its blitz time.
You do not have a choice.
my body is ready
Its always australian hours when its blitzing time, anon.
Tell me if anyone wants vanilla, else I'll do sloop by default
can we do MA dad...
I'll give you oneage, thats the best I can do.
acceptable. i actually prefer LA but i know most don't
>had dream where Idol of Beasts had monster summoner and gave you a Jotun Wolf every turn
>it's not real
Why can't my dreams source facts for me, they just misinform me instead
for me it's dreaming about winning a war versus agartha
sadly it never happens because slops is not updated to nerf their boulders
i quit my job. but you enjoy working to support zog.
Need an hour blitzmin i want my breakfast
Its probably going to take me an hour to pick a pretender strategy I haven't tried yet anyway
if we dont start in the next 2 hours i cant promise i'll be here for the full game
>Faerie queen changed from air to glamor
>There is now no generic way to break into air
I hate it
i LOVE my half baked new magic path stealing random things from A/S and leaving two paths far less satisfying in the end!!!
unpopular opinion: glamour is good
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I'm gonna KMS
Frankly elves could use the nerf. Nobody gives a shit about Helheim in 6, which is refreshing.
>TNN gave up foul vapors and got wailing winds
>FV got nerfed
>I'm pretty sure WW got a buff
It's a different game without tstrike spam, but it's not like elves are bad.
Tell me when youre in anon.
We've got four so far.
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Anon, TNN still can cast FV
Yeah but no fog warriors, no cloud trapeze, way worse elf cav in general...they're like C tier now.
G2+ is good but I struggle to find something worth casting with G1s
I guess that's why Twilight exists
How hard would it be to just mod glamor out?
It sounds like a lot of tedious work.
Would anons want to play that?
Give me 20m
Easy, just play D5.
You know what, maybe I will host some dom5 blitzes. There's basically nothing in dom6 I actually like enough to warrant playing it
its always worth painting luck on something
I like the cavern layer
Except none of the maps actually use it, so you're stuck with randommaps, which suck.
There's the Forgotten Realms total conversion mod's map. I think it has 5 different layers of Underdark. It's very confusing to navigate.
I like playing my SP games on random generated circle map with circle cavern and no world wrap.
>kinda curious about this one, but debating whether to join while already in 4 other games
>immediately crashes when i try to make a tendie
guess that settles it
Is that you that joined?
I'm not that guy, keep waiting for him.
I'm on my way home. Just a bit
noticed the lion of chrace chariot for Ulthuan doesn't have trample for some reason
any objections to adding it?
I can't think of any reason other than an oversight by sombre
Alright i'm in. Now to watch the ygo stream while playing the blitz
Alright starting, hopefully sneedryns not too big a map
>Most of the game has darkvision
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And so it begins...
sorry i didnt notice it started i'll be good now
>adding more of most broken mechanic in the mod
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just hand those pearls over if you are going to waste them like this
One luck scale in the province, btw.
It's either real or its a dream
the fucking ballista chariot right next to it has trample. Logically, it makes no sense for it to be the only chariot without trample. You make a good point though, trample can be difficult to counter. What if I added inanimate to all the chariot mounts? that way things like shatter as well as the anti animal spells would counter them?
Na'Ba I tried to deal with you but you wanted to speculate, now we are in war
Shit sorry was helping someone with computer things
Who are you?
t. curious outsider
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Gee I wonder who the threat is
total frigger death

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