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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>492695374
>What is this?
My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!
-Season 6 is here
-Endeavor is now obtainable via Hero Tickets
-Overhaul is now available in the gatcha
-Shoto's new Skill set is now available in the gatcha
>Game's database
>Google doc with damage numbers
>/mhurg/ agencies
PC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)
Froggers (ID: 2203659952)
XBOX: Mina is Cute (ID: 7295700145)
PS4/PS5: Juicy (ID: 1219501098)
>Character ID List
>Current gacha characters will be added to the ticket pool at a later date

-If you want to apply to an agency from these threads, leave your name in the thread in order to be easily identified.
-Certain characters like the ones that can only be seen in the "Special" part of the License tab, can be unlocked just by playing (Bakugo, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Toga, Mr. Compress and All Might). Some have to be unlocked with Character Tickets (Iida, Kendo, Kaminari). Some have to be unlocked by rolling (Aizawa, Kirishima, Momo, Ibara), but may be obtainable by using Character Tickets in the future (Ibara).

These threads will be moved to /vm/ after this one, in order for them to last longer even with the low activity.
Gave you your ultimatum on the last thread that died, so, this is the last on on /vg/
OUR HEROES return in the latest anime episode
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oh nooo whatever shall we doooo
>proceeds to make a new thread on /vg/ anyway
Being a faggot didn't help you keep the last thread alive
It's for the best to move there. Being hellbent on staying here for no reason just make you look like a baseless retard
neither did you, apparently
and before we go through this whole rigmarole again, i was asleep and so if you were asleep too like last time neither of us really have any blame regarding it dying
honestly i don't disagree with the move, i just think it's funny to fuck with him for pulling shit out like strikes and ultimatums when we could just... move
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This is my ULTIMATUM against FROGS
Honestly, you're just a fag. /vm/ moving begins next thread.
Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

(Unless it's a cultural phenomenon)
Please note that: who cares? It's gonna be a fuckin' thread about a multiplayer game. If you've ever went to /vm/, you'd find threads like this one all over. So, please, take a hike, wannabe faggot ass janny.
I wish this guy would learn an insult besides "fag", it reads like a preteen that just learned the word
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>bowsette general always dies but they stay here anyway
>we die three times in 2024 and we run away
We aren't heroes...
>on the last thread that died
Yeah, back in fucking June.
You think the sky is falling because ONE thread falls off the board every three fucking months?
The mods might care, that's my point. I'm not policing you, just warning.
As more generals migrate to /vm/, mods will get less tolerant
It's a big flaw of 4chan, because it means it's only possible for at most 200 games to have communities
mods know this, so they are lenient on some generals being made on /vm/, but they will have to step in if it just becomes /vg2/
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>I could have bumped the last thread to save it
>Chose not to
Sometimes being a villain is fun
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I was in a General that moved for the same reason, and it's now on /vm/ like normal, so it really doesn't matter, cause it's a thread about a multiplayer game. The difference comes when it's not a multiplayer game, like Kingdom Hearts
Ok wannabe janny
Everything is going to AFOs plan, moving the general to /vm/ where it will be permabanned off the site
uuuh, gallerypiecebros? Why are there Agency Points in my mailbox...
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Customs in 7 hours
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Got enough souls from a 10xroll to get two character tickets. Went for Denki and Ibara. I think I've made a horrible mistake.
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>wannabe janny
What the hell does that even remotely have to do with my post?
but Denki is good
Did you at least try all the characters out with rental tickets before making a decision?
Ibara can be fun, but while Denki is strong, I find him pretty boring. I would've recommended Endeavor instead.
stab frogs
give frogs love and care (they're allergic to it)
bowsette general? are you serious?
is there a doge general too?
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Ultimatum? Who died and made you king? A thread didn't get bumped so it archived. It ain't the end of the world, you nut. /dbg/ is a thousand times more active than this place and threads there die randomly all the time. Seriously, does someone need to hold your hand and whisper "everything will be alright"? Chill.
Ibara is trash, but Denki is alright
Have any other solution than to bump the thread with lame shit, fag? No, didn't think so. Moving to /vm/ is the way, your faggot ass wants it or not
>Who died and made you king?
I make the threads. Who the fuck are you, other than some fag posting off topic reaction pics? No one, that's who
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>off topic reaction pics
>reaction pics
come on now, no one's this fucking autistic. Holy shit.
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Byking Assassins killed the thread
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Is that..... an image NOT related to 僕のヒーローアカデミア, aka Boku no Hero Academia, aka My Hero Academia?
Sorry bro, I have to call you a fag multiple times now. Please rethink your attached file next time!
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I'll get called a fag for posting this
we'll make new friends on the other board, they'll help us defeat the assassins... hopefully...
Give me FIVE reasons why Strike Deku needs 3 beta charges and 2 gamma charges
>I make the threads
>implying we need you
>implying no one else would make threads if you didn't
Copy-pasting an OP isn't hard. Feel free to make a thread on /vm/ or /trash/ or wherever you wish if it helps you feel superior. The rest of us will be just fine staying here without you.
His beta charges can get nerfed for sure, but he actually needs 2 gamma charges, but maybe you can nerf it so he gets his second charge at level 4 or 7.
Customs soon...
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I just hope he doesn't fuck it up for the others over at /vm/. Last thing that place needs is an unnecessary push for jannies to start taking action over all the generals there.
reply if ur coming 2 customs
Reminder to target Argy first every round so he has the least amount of fun possible.
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beat up frogs
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When your team is eliminated and you're spectating, you should be able to play as Toru and freeroam without being stuck to a player
>3 people for customs
LOL just end customs Saturdays please this is just embarrassing.
Meant for >>493569540
I did it purposely so I wouldn't give that post a (You) you fag.
3 people is a good number
we can just go ranked stomping
>actually think that moving to /vm/ could be good because it's a slower board and we won't be at much risk of dying
>OP is a retard that has an attitude that's probably turning people away from the idea
>can't leave for the /vm/ thread that he might make since it'd probably just be him and me
>staying here is still dooming us to be page 10ers, especially with one less guy
it's absolutely bakugover
yeah that's pretty much what i was thinking, the idea in itself isn't bad but man does it end up looking bad when you've got a dude with a stick up his ass trying to push it
I wonder if /vm/ wouldn't actually end up giving us more traffic. /vg/ is of course a bigger board, but how many anons actually browse its catalog looking for unfamiliar games?
We can keep the thread alive on /vg/, but in the late AM hours it's very clearly just life support. Is staying on /vg/ worthwhile?
Of course there's also the possibility that if we didn't have to resuscitate the thread periodically to keep it alive, actual discussion would happen less often as well, and the thread would slow to a crawl. Technically alive, but functionally dead.
Customs in 40 minutes, we are going to kill the frog
drown frogs
piss in frog ponds
piss in frogs
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cum in frogs
but that would make them stronger...
if /vm/ is more like /v/ then it could work
the images used for our thread OPs are trashy /v/-core material
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It's time!
I guess those replies were accurate...
>anon said there would only be 3 at customs
>there's more than 3
Customschads cant stop winning
I was targeted by the Ochako mafia...
blue bakugo did NOT need another gamma
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>You've left the room
>pick Okay
>stay in the room anyway
>try to exit the room
>kicks me to the title screen
stop leaking my secret tree frog technique
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succd off argy in the street
>down Toga midway through the match
>circle's closing, but we're right on the edge of the new circle, so it's fine
>Toga lands behind the little desk in one of the buildings and can't crawl out
>fail to knock her out with a flame spear
>she dies
Endeavor arrested Toga for piracy
it's over
all my team potions...
>red deku beta that I rolled through hits me
>instantly hit with frog double beta that keeps the combo going instead of giving me knockdown
>Afo gamma's me midair then chunks me with beta
>I beta which gives me a bit more airtime right after
>Red deku kicks me as i do this and slams me into the ground, killing me instantly
>third partied to death by like 3 teams
Ranked sweats must log off
>pick a spawnpoint
>people are next to us
>next round pick another point
>people still spawn next to us, but the spawnpoint from the previous round is now empty
>cycle repeats as we switch spots every round
what causes this
byking assassins, take a shower
>behind kendo
>she slaps away from me and I get hit
Kendodev is real
Byking, add skins into the files so that they can be datamined...

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