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Previous iM@S Thread: >>493428959
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (Sep 6th): >>493377959

>Archive of >>493344576: archive.is/WyADu
- GK Debut Live HAJIME Tour -Shoshin Koen- @NAGOYA CLUB QUATTRO setlists: >>493512167
- GK Debut Live HAJIME Tour -Shoshin Koen- @NAGOYA CLUB QUATTRO cards/ticket pack: >>493516579
- GK Debut Live HAJIME Tour -Shoshin Koen- @NAGOYA CLUB QUATTRO promo (Sep 7th): >>493475874
- GK Debut Live HAJIME Tour -Shoshin Koen- @NAGOYA CLUB QUATTRO photos: >>493476597 >>493499726 >>493520365
- GK x Union Arena TCG Parallel Cards (Sep 7th): >>493508229 >>493508502
>Shiny Colors
- CoherentLight volume 2 on Oct 4th: >>493350743
- CoherentLight Producer acrylic stand: >>493352668
- SFP "Stray's LINK" event commus sub: >>493447895
- SC Maintenance on Sep 9th: >>493363260
- SC Upcoming Event on Sep 9th: >>493363260
- SC Gacha Teaser (Sep 7th): >>493475687
- SC ECHOES 04 now streaming: >>493399821
- SC ECHOES 04 TikTok previews: >>493519572
- SC ALSTROEMERIA x SUZURI collab merch sales end Sep 14th: >>493373514
- SC Toru/Mano POP UP SHOP "White Night Collection" in SHIBUYA 109 from Sep 20th to Oct 7th: >>492271091 >>493371026 >>493371326
- SC Toru/Mano POP UP SHOP "White Night Collection" in SHIBUYA 109 "Waru" 4koma raw+TS (Sep 6th): >>493371483 >>493518070
- SC CoMETIK x animate cafe from Oct 5th to Nov 4th: >>493367437
- SC Ps love recycling UOs: >>493400776
- SC Mamimizone 2.0: >>493487907
- SC Chiyuki hates Hana fancomic TS: >>493218546 >>493218697
- SC Kogane loves Hana fancomic TS: >>493268136
- GK Kotone baiting Temari fancomic TS: >>493228340
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Manaka has already reached Four Kings.
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why are they red?
Boiled idols
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The heat of the stage lights?
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Loving this dork!
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Hana my beloved
Which one of you bastard is on /xivg/?
Haruki my beloved
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2024-09-06 ~ 2024-09-17

[Flower swimming in the nocturne]
- Skill: Sweet metamorphosis (Overdrive)
Every 7 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase the combo bonus by 20%, and Perfect notes will restore 1 life for 4..6 seconds. (Your combo will only continue on Perfect notes during this time)
- Leader skill: Cool Makeup
Raises the Visual appeal of all Cool members by 90%

[Love that knows no end for eternity]
-Skill: Love even the pain (Alternate)
Every 11 seconds, there is a 35-52.5% chance to reduce combo bonus by 20%, but also apply the highest score bonus gained so far with a 70% boost for 6-9 seconds.
- Leader skill: Cute Princess
If there are only Cute idols on the team: Raises all appeals of all Cute members by 50%
Anna ERPing on Limsa
Haha my beloved
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Did the nipple kill it last thread?
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haha is what she said after i finished in 3 thrusts
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Post sluts
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Nina’s nipples.
Link the post, pussy,
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boobs are just circles
Papakatsu whore(right) and pure girl(left)
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Yuzu popped it like a balloon...
Mei is not a slut
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Stupid sexy artsy idol.
This is Yuzu's fault I bet.
My boy Pinya was milked dry, who was responsible for such evil act
The state of CG
It is literally the OP of /xivg/.>>493520096
I don't want Anna associated with those degenerates.
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She couldn't hold back anymore.
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Wouldn't someone like Ryo, Saki or Mao fit them better? Considering their... reputation
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Hana Suzuki is hated. The new romcom.
Chookie is legendarily pure.
From the people who made Velma
Hana Suzuki is loved. By billions.
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Yeah, she has had billions of cocks inside her.
She sucked a penis
More like reverse shoujo
>I-I hate her...
>why do I keep thinking of her...
yep that's MY idol
All idols are pure virgins who don't know what sex is!
Except Hana "The Bicycle of Okayama" Suzuki
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The classic.
What about Sugar Heart who she herself basically suggested she'd go straight to some big wigs and execs?
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Hana is obviously pure but imagine if she wasn't. Producer wouldn't stand a chance.
She fucked a penis
Anna likely plays that.
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Never did it.
This idol has a penis
>Hana is obviously pure
You're obviously oblivious.
Speaking of sucking a penis here's Rinze Morino
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When she hears you say that Japan didn't lose
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>Hana is obviously pure
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Literally so pure that Luca has to step in to protect her
She looks very pure there. So yes lmao.
Pure 100% hormone-free, no preservatives added
She's obviously ugly if anything.
Hana is the perfect idol and she saved im@s
I want to marry Minami Saki.
Why is she smiling like that while undressing...?
All pure.
She literally is a flop. No amount of cope from this thread can deny that fact. She FLOPPED. She has no value, she has no real fans, she has no appeal, she serves NO purpose. Her life is NOTHING.
Lucapi will guard her purity
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>Producer wouldn't stand a chance.
I mean, this is true for a lot of idols, like Airi, or Chiyuki, or Kogane. Pure, but would destructive if they became unbound semen demons.
The only impure person involved with 283 is Amai and it's only because of the smoking
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And Nichika because she threatened to accuse me of sekuhara.
Nothing impure about visiting flavor country.
Sakuya would be unstoppable if she had grown up with a mother figure
I thought it was because of what he did to Nami.
*Flavor Town.
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*mogu mogu*
She shaved im@s

Lmfao wrong.
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eat up. mimi
you need the strength
>a lot of idols
But not all?
/@/ mindbroke me into liking Hana
I think she's 3x better than Fuyu.
That's sad. You should form your own opinions. Maybe I can mindbroke you into liking cock next?
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i love Nono!

Very gay and angry!
I mean, you have ones like Rio who are trying to be seductive but it doesn't work.
Pure sluttiness
You silly boy. I don't need mind breaking for that, hehehe...
The #1 idol of all time and the example of a perfect woman. Hana Suzuki.
the tintme outfit makes me wanna fuck her brains out
You are by default.
*Hayate Hisakawa
>make an idol who's supposedly the most beautiful in the cast
>ugliest design in the franchise by a mile
LITERALLY what was meant by this?
This is true
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many such cases
They won and you lost!
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I'll just leave this here
factually correct post
factually incorrect post
One of the purest girls of all time.
But in all honestly, I really hate that Hana's default clothes are white. It really undersell her bridal to me by being like, the same color. Also, not Hana specifically but most Cometik costumes are ass except for the first one.
It's been proven that the Hana hater is a fat ugly femP.
>another day of the schizo samefagging anti-Hana and pro-Hana posts
is twitter shitting itself again?
I think the whote goes well with her hair but fair.
>but most Cometik costumes are ass except for the first one.
I think some are okay, I like the new SfP costume. But they all kind of blend together at a point, no real theme aside from being "edgy".
Wrong. Hana is the greatest idol and the greatest woman in the history of the world.
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All according to keikaku.
I am immune to Hana's advances because I am a shonen protagonist.
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At リスアニ!LIVE 2025 from the Shiny Colors side, two units will be performing.
January 25th will see Alstroemeria on the Saturday Stage.
January 26th will have Straylight on the Sunday Stage.

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>the Hana hater
We (plural) hate this ugly skank.
dia de mayu
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Producer and the 13sai
Everyone loves Hana.
They drain his balls every day
Not Amana lmao
Noriko, Aoi and Mutsumi aren't like that
They are daughters
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No, that's Koume's job.
Or Chiyuki
>first big concert isn't an imas one
>and it's solo
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Yui and Kirara should suck my...
The GK main trio VAs are kinda underwhelming ngl
Even their solos sound better sung by va-liv
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No, Mayu.
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>Temari left GK
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She's performing AS a GK though, so rather, Saki and Kotone left her to fend for herself
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heads or tails? what do you want?
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Happy Birthday, Mikoto!!!
(Jimushiny will continue on September 14th)

Heads or tails.
Call it.
Celebrate Mikoto. Enjoy Aketa.


I can't believe Temari has actually been secretly losing weight for 2 years
Hey, that's Hinana's seiyuu over there.
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>Day 01 - Arisu SSR4 (dupe)
>Day 02 - 2SR 8R
>Day 03 - 3SR 7R
>Day 04 - 1SR 9R
>Day 05 - Akiha SSR2 (sparkly)
>Day 06 - Nanami Blanc (dupe)
>Day 07 - Rina SSR2 (sparkly) (dupe)
>Day 08 - 2SR 8R
>Day 09 - Mayu SSR9
>Day 10 - 2SR 8R
Mikoto is now legal to fuck
>the second dialogue
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Would've made gapao rice but thought that something sweet would fit better in relation to recent SHHis developments, and of course there should be some honey lemons. Current Mikoto would probably try a lemon posset or two, maybe even try making one herself or with Nichika.

Happy birthday Mikoto!!! I'm so glad to celebrate another year with my idol!!
Nice job.
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Here's the second half of Jimushiny ch. 7 as a tribute for Mikoto's birthday.
I'll catch up with the rest, eventually...
Good one
You can also clearly see Alstro being sent as a unit so they probably were only able to get one slot for GK and chose Temari because her VA is just a better singer than the rest, LSM is popular and great in lives, and Saki's VA is clearly not up to par at the moment even if FMW is the breakout GK song.

DESU, if Saki's VA was better, FMW would stand out a lot more in the crowd of Claris and ReoNas but maybe they also wanted a song that matched everyone else which LSM does.

It also shows the difference in focus for the branches where SC brings a unit while GK brings a single person .

On another note, I don't know what they chose Alstro over something like Comitek or SHHIS or Straylight, the units you want to shill if the Shinymas S3 ever happens.
FMW? Fuck my Wussy?
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Very nice. Makes me wish I had space here to take out and setup my Mikoto stuff in this house.
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What is she scheming???
tootsie pop
read the thread you doodoo head >>493527858
they do enough of these non-im@s concerts already let the other girls participate
Nice to see you're still alive MikotoP, great tribute too.
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>or Straylight
They are there, actually
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I Love my loli wife
Thats looks bussing bro nice one
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This image is giving me an idea
>I don't know why they chose Alstro
because they're the best
More like, get Hiori's VA some meds so IS can get their turn.
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I love my cool bitch wife.
>they do enough of these non-im@s concerts already let the other girls participate
Then again so do Alstro and Stray.
>Straylight and FLOW on the same day
Hmm... will they do ONE STAR without Kaho?
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Her shaking your cock?
>even if FMW is the breakout GK song.
I'd argue LSM is a close second, and probably bridges the gap better between traditional im@s songs and the new style.
>On another note, I don't know what they chose Alstro over something like Comitek or SHHIS or Straylight, the units you want to shill if the Shinymas S3 ever happens.
If I had venture a guess, Alstro is in S2 and supposedly a major event of theirs is being adapted.
Yeah, Stray and Astro seem like fitting reps. Plus it's easier to send two trios instead of one trio plus one large unit.
Nice one.
Illumine was literally at Animelo last week you stupid shitposter, kill yourself.
She's appeared multiple times after you started parroting this. You fucking moron
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No, it's an idea with a drink
Are you sure Rinami is pure?
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Name a single impure older sister.
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>People actually trying to discuss why would they send the blue over the red or yellow
There's no scenario you send Eriko or Pyon over Mingosu or KoroAz. This is like people discovering water is wet.

They do occasionally send be yellow though but if it's singing you always send blue.
Indeed, it's why HCG or L'Ant are never invited to these kind of events
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I think L'Ant was sent a few times, not sure about HCG. Or Noct, I was counting them as another large unit.
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HCG was at LisAni earlier this year along with CoMETIK and IS. It's only Straylight that seems to be a regular guest as this will be their 3rd(?) appearance there, I think.
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I wouldn't say "never invited". More like, "Not chosen" due to said reasons.
I mean if I'm organizing an event I'd rather pay 6 people to fill 2 slots as opposed to 5 people to fit a single slot, lol.
Anyone know if you have to read the GK event commus for it to be unlocked, or will it show up after the event is over in the commu page?
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Wouldn't a white speedo go see-through when it gets wet?
Oh okay.
You don't need to read them
Only becomes impure because of the producer.
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More SideM stories available for free until 9/12 23:59JST. All the ones from the Heartmaker FanCom.
>THE Kogadou
>Shinsoku Ikkon
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Not worse than pay 2 people to fill 1 slot and then not letting them do nothing each year you invite them
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The conclusion to make from the last few posts is that, say what you will on the anime and SfP, but the SC girls are hard workers. To the point, Bandai never really worked the SS or ML girls.

I think the fact that they were all units really helped out with getting them in there.
I knew you were a shitposter from the moment you asked "why is Alstro there"
just opened SfP, she sounds like she genuinely forgot her birthday
at times I kinda think she's practically Tenga-tier but people ignore it because of her cool outer image...
which is very cute, we love girl-failures
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I am announcing that I will use Risa
risa feet
high maintenance loli gf
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SHHis SfP homescreen birthday lines:
>M: Yep. Thanks. For some reason, it doesn't feel so bad this year.
>N: Asking just in case, but you haven't greeted her yet, right?! Because I should be the first...!

Enza birthday lines
>Huh, what? "Happy birthday..."? I see... Yep. Thanks.
>Thank you as always. I'm always grateful to you. All the time... Right?

SfP birthday lines
>P: Mikoto, today's your birthday, isn't it? Happy birthday!
>M: Huh...? Oh... Right.
>P: Haha, so you did forget. That's so like you, Mikoto. Is there anything you want for today?
>M: ...I can't really think of one. Besides, if it's just presents, I think I'm good.
>M: I already receive too much from you all the time, Producer.
>>M: I already receive too much from you all the time, Producer.
It's time *unties his necktie*
I have a khsk commission due in winter

but an asahi sk commission hasn't been accepted (because artist is into BA now)
>but an asahi sk commission hasn't been accepted (because artist is into BA now)
serizawa asahi is 14 years old
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Mikoto is on a whole different plane of existence. She used to forget drinking or eating for 8 hours straight, among with many other situations that will make you wonder how is she still alive.
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Thank you.
>I already receive too much from you all the time, Producer.
Really get the nogging jogging.
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does she rent an appartment or is she crashing at the dorm? she definitely gives off "her room looks like the aftermath of an earthquake" energy
that's why she'll never be top aidoru
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>at times I kinda think she's practically Tenga-tier but people ignore it because of her cool outer image...
I think most Ps recognize that Mikoto being a barely functional dork is part of her appeal. Plus it helps that she dedicated herself to perfecting an art form instead of being mediocre at vidya.
She has an apartment, but it's decked out for recording.
at least tenga never skips a meal
Need these 2 on my P
How would Temari react if you fucked Misuzu? Keep in mind that since Misuzu is not produceable yet, it is not wrong.
Eating nothing but Devitarou candy is hardly better.
She lives alone in an apartment and mainly just goes home to sleep, eat, and bathe. Going by her commus, there's literally nothing else in her apartment asides from basic furniture and appliances, a roomba and cardboard boxes containing CDs and magazines of acquaintances and friends.
You're confusing her friend's basement recording studio with her apartment.
Got this for my ticket. I already know it's pretty bad to mid. What did everyone else get?
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don't do that
>You're confusing her friend's basement recording studio with her apartment.
Okay, my bad.
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Introducing Mikoto Aketa to the wonderful and flavorless world of frozen foods.
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I got the same card as you lol, it's not great but I already had two copies so I'm using it as filler for China runs.
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I got a dupe of this
is it bad?
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too much energy
I love egg.
Congratulations to Mikoto for turning 24 again this year. A reminder that if Mikoto is 24, this means that her birth year has shifted to the year 2000. Which means you're old as fuck, Producer!
blessed egg appreciator
all idols are actually doing the Nana bit
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Ah, but you see...I was born in 2001.
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Here's your parking ticket mister
Holy fuck.
a 2nd Triple Cute dupe
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It doesn't count if don't catch it.
Officer Makabe is distractingly cute!
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Shoshin Nagoya daytime

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police uniforms are always good
SC VAs are from the idol-seiyuu era while AS, CG and ML VAs are largely cut from the "back in my day seiyuu were seiyuu and voiced porn games to make ends meet dammit!" era.
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So today was 2 GK lives, tomorrow nothing abd next week the CG live?
we need to go back
But ML and SS have done LisAni too, this decade even.
What are you even saying
cg for two days and gk for one day (with two performances again)
Crazy how many times I've gotten this exact dupe
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Just a few more weeks and the lives are over. Upload of daytime is happening and nighttime is getting downloaded
like love live styled
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brat-coded idols
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This looks like cropped porn...
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Reminder that there are cards you need to purchase in the TD event shop.
why would you make such a slanderous claim
Shhh, you're killing his narrative.
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Just because it looks like it doesn't mean it is.
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I can see something behind Hana..
Is there any unit homoPs like that isnt Frame
But. anon, the schedule shows we're getting consecutive lives until November!

Right after the third GK live for ChiRiLi is the VA LiV meeting!
It's just a flesh-colored gaming chair.
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The Kogadou
love laika
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momocop police brutality
where she'll make it so I can't breath by sitting on my face
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Why would anyone have Tamaki porn?
>gaming chair
Hana would never...
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T-The power of 3.0 vision.
I can't keep up with this... I guess I'll have a lot of lives pending
LiPPs too but not in the "I want to fuck them" way but in the "these are my divas slayy" way
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I know right
Is it just me or Fred and Anastasia lost a lot of popularity
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What is the proof of an idol's popularity?
Goomy I'm looking at you
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my schizo headcanon
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Hijiri is my mochi wife
artist sauce?
erotic weeb
erotic gyaru
Do HomoPs actually like them in particular or is it just that everyone likes SEM?
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it was a set of 4 other pics
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momoko being a pro
Idol cops are roaming the streets! What will you do?
It's more the latter. I think some of them like Jiro for old man appeal but otherwise SEM just appeals to everyobe.
nice peach
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Hiro love?
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Fuck the police.
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bend over and let the virgin police do their thing
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Who remember these
hop on the M3 GTR
Ebi-posting has reached some weird places...
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I become the Joker.
just ate a burger
I think we should feed mikoto some burgers
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>cop posting
>not a single sanae or hideo
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Imagine evil possessed Illumine with white hair and red eyes
And big futa dicks!
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Sanae needs more lewds.
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Anon that's not what they mean by fuck the police...
I love the contrast between Hio's uniform and Meg's.
Speaking of birthdays and police idols it is Sanae's seiyuu birthday too if anyone cares...
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Actual cop.
Cutesy cop cosplay.
$25 an hour, $50 to finish inside
Kill yourself.
All cops are bicchitachi (sluts)
What does $75 get me?
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cop my fat nuts
A rope and a chair.
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sauce for this image?
Bondage play, huh? Meguru is such a kinky girl.
I can get that for like half less.
Her name is Matsuri from idolmaster
i mean artist sauce
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All the ice cream went to Kotoha's ass.
L.C.R. presents



Hana mukbang streams when?
Well it's not exactly eating food but she does stream something... on certain sites...
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Yeah this is probably gonna take a couple days to upload.
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hiro looks
Sucking dicks still counts as eating food.
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Since when we're you under the impression that you were a cool idol?
The only ones in 283pro with onlyfans are Chiyuki and Hazuki
I'll fall in love
Hana is such a slut she doesn't mind providing free content. She also doesn't mind fucking her fans raw. She does it for her love of dick.
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Yukimi likes the lolita wanpiece
I don't like this "GKP wears glasses" trend.
Oh no...!
Combined triple digit body count
The eyes...
it's true
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Well, I like her wearing it.
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The Tanaka genes, all of Kogane's food she eats go down there too
Ume milk
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She does indeed do all these things, yet she remains the purest idol in existence.
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You can ditch the towel when it's just the 2 of us, nee-san.
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she likes that you like that she likes wearing lolita style clothing
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Miss Sakuramori...
I don't appreciate off-model art of idols.
Beneath the towel are 2 large black nipples
I appreciate off model arts of idols
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I do. Bring me more tittymonsters.
I want to impregnate Kaori and then go brag about it to her dad.
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yeah that's a guy
Good girls.

Rinami, China, Ume
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Yes all I can recall is pits too.
That’s not kigu
I think I'm following too many people on misskey, I'm not getting the vital im@s notes
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I don't think the prince gimmick works for you... you can be a NERD idol instead, Mao!
doesn't need to be
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she doesn't notice
That her panties where taken
I saw what cowgirl Kotoha did in that video.
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>this artist also drew strike witches
that's impossible
they had a blur thing in front
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collab when?
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Apparently this is what ManakaPs look like.
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Fumikane Shimada designed a couple of costumes for the SC 30MS collab.
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prpr that heso
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he also draws official lewds of his characters
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Mano no you'll crush her!
10/10 girl
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Double DATE
The Hiori chinpo will get hard
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Why are Twitter images so hard to source? You can tell when a filename is from Twitter, and yet there doesn't seem to be a reverse search engine that can reliably lead you to their source.
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Yes, please. Barbeque sauce preferably.
The Mimi is from https://twitter.com/minyom34
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I had the same thought
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Oh no, now Anna is turned on!
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There's also all the ><
main yellows are such a handful
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she's always horny
it just depends on if it's high/low tension
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I thought this was supposed to be a good card
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Vivid mode engaged, hide your P.
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Hiori will start cumming soon...
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Dark Kotochinpo...
Woah, I guess MLPs really like futa.
this was good until the ugly nipples

Koreans with no morals uploaded the 961 live on Mega.
why do the mighty sailors keep jobbing?
I love futa
those barbarians have no shame
>apparently the contest meta involves borrowing a maxed out sensei
Everything comes back around
I mean we have guys that upload it to youtube and gofile
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That's what they were made for.
mighty sailors were built for rape
I wish we got the original Mighty Sailor costumes for Yuriko, Umi and Tsubasa instead of the slightly less skimpy Nexus ones.
rage rape idols
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Can't really justify doing any produce runs because master mode is just around the corner making everything a waste of effort.
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Sexy stick
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She is too old for those pantsu
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ready to receive multiple dicks
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Fuyu can I-pose too!
Whoops, meant for >>493559401
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Damn hicks and their overwhelming beauty
They are in position to be hugged, if they don't receive hugs in the next 30 seconds you will be sorry.
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Mio is unforgettable.
That tiny nub will get lost between Mano’s massive buttcheeks.
No, those 3 little shits will get the dicks
Meg’s American flabbiness is developing.
Tight bunny.
Turning my head around and getting a whiff of her puss
That small and cute (7 inches) futa dick can surely protude from between those tits
The Hiori chinpo is a small and cute 8.5 inches, though.
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Why are gyarus like this...?
At least they're not molesting shotas like gyaru Kana.
High estrogen levels make them super horny. It’s from the shampoo they use.
And then Megumi got pregnant.
MegumiPs cucked..
I missed getting one JK outfit at that event, poor Kana is still naked
Gyaruism suits her well.
I did it fellow, OtoutoPs. I honestly wanted the Support more as I heard it was busted but Ill take it.
Nice, congrats.
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I got the support but wanted nee-san...
Well you can always rent the support but you can’t rent Rinami nee-san.
> Degenerates
You don't like potatoes?
love cute seiyuu
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viral jk videos dry humping
I am mochi pounding Tenka tomorrow. And this isn't a sexual innuendo. I need someone to do the hammer part.
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My wife
I liked that ASMR series with Airi as a bartender.
Link, need some Hitomin in my life and glad to know she got something to do?
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Bonus Miyu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuiFllSzmdE
Kana would never.
Kana no, Shiho's gonna flip
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Buying a Kamen Rider Gavv belt for Kaho.
Chieri is not pure
at all
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All idols are pure.
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Please treat her with kindness.
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my pov
That's Chieri's appeal.
You are a bad man.
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Chieriposting I see
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and she's a good girl
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I'm finally home and in the mood.
How different would iM@S be if Kuroi had a gun?
This hairstyle and outfit plus glasses looks very good.
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Why do you think they should give the black man a gun?
Miria would not hug a bad man.
Should serve as a deterrent.
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At long last, this run didn't even start that well.
Still have not managed to do that. Rinami and Mao have As but Temari still eludes me.
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I hope we get pictures of fat kid Temari in the anime.
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I'm not able to pull much out for this at the moment, but I at least wanted to throw something together for Mikoto's birthday. The drink's color doesn't come through too well in the picture, but at least I had the right mug ready for it.
ebi moment
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What a beautiful smile.
Hope it's non-alcohol
I don't know how I'm going to do the rest without yaruki builds.
SSRs, good supports and memories make it easier
You have to suck the Hiorin chinpo, Mano.
It's not too bad as long as you have at least an SR of the girl. Trying to do it with an R is a nightmare.
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Imagine an alternate timeline where GK came out before VOY@GER
It could be.
Let's be real, that's not happening with me. I'll be drinking it in her honor.
I like to live in the timeline where we'll get another danketsu song in the future which includes the GKs.
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And it changed the whole line-up
LoliPs want to be babies?
I'm assuming you mean not featuring the main trios?
Same characters + Hiro, Rinami and Lilja
Be My Baby (literally)
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oh no
Weird artstyle...
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Today is my lucky day.
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Im@s Babies?
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Different characters + Hiro, Rinami and Lilja
Rinami and Chiyuki should sing a duet together.
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Whore (compliment)
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You'd think a bad man of his caliber would go for China.
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I feel sorry for China's VA. Girl is clearly talented, but she got picked to be one of the most unpopular idols in Gakuen. It doesn't help how her in character singing voice really nerfs her.
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Don't care, still love China.
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which idols would play Burnout 3 with me?
Nice eye.
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The support is good for the card but meh for stats
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looking for an idol with great tits, a fun personality, a cute design, and a unique gimmick without being too niche
How do I know if my idol Is a virgin?
Her name doesn't contain the ち or は syllable.
Hana Suzuki
ask her
Obtain the Mystic Eyes of Sex Perception
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Sounds like you need a gyaru in your life
We have
>pure gyaru
>slut gyaru
>depression gyaru
>siscon gyaru
>brown gyaru
>ballet gyaru (NEW!)
Had a moment of divine inspiration:
Juri should have Mao's 3 sizes. Or perhaps even bigger numbers.
Where's Mika?
Mika's the pure gyaru actually
So basically you're saying she was designed in a certain way...?
i assumed mika was the pure one, yui was the slut, and megumi was the depressed one. rina is the forgotten gyaru.
All gals are pure.
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Need to add
>blowjob gyaru
to the list
I actually don't know anything about Rina
>Fluorite, Tame Lie One Step, and Koukei next month
might as well do it in a club
I see. I thought "depression" it was more of a poorfag sense not sad but that's just me overthinking.
I'm going to the other side of this wall
Why is it that the one with sexual experience is always the dumb and innocent girl?
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Yui can suck a golf ball through a garden hose
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Yui is maiden-like, she is not a slut!
She's so dumb/innocent that it didn't register to her that it's an intimate act. It's kinda like hearing the daughters of those uber-religious relatives suddenly get pregnant because, well, said daughters doesn't know about sex.
Dumb and innocent = Easy for a bad man to trick
Easier for bad men to gaslight(like I wish I could do with certain idols...)
School idol Temari shocks world as she reveals the results of her secret 2 year weight-loss transformation.
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>she really is being maiden-like today
This suggests that she's not usually maiden-like.
Hi, /@/. I fucked off the internet for a few weeks to play OpenRA and some mods. I'm done with that and back to im@s. Did the banner get rejected again?
My brain shorted for a while and imagined Yui being all deliquent punk and all, rather than being someone with no virtues.
Judgment day got delayed to tomorrow.
She's always 2 steps ahead...
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And soon after Temari, Ume is cleared too. Ume no, you'll break Saki with this selfishness.
These studios are technically clubs aren't they? Just gotta get the lighting right.
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You have to wear it, Haru.
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>Do you think Saki-san is less invincible if she loses to her little sister?
>I don't think so!
What the hell this could've solved Saki's problem but she's not around to hear it.
Not fully reliable, but ascii2d does the job pretty often.
Why do you think Sena and Saki just so happen to miss each other every time that they should in theory bump into each other(also, why sena is still very underused)
It's gacha, they gotta stretch it out any way they can
Only if you wear it first.
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I love this proud retard. She and China being proud of how stupid they are warms my heart.
So I was checking out some of the SM discography, can SM bros explain this? Why does it sound like that
Well, yes. She usually acts like a gyaru (outgoing and excitable) which is as far from maiden-like as possible.
She’s still pure, though. As are all Saitama idols.
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>all Saitama idols
Ah, yes, the prefecture that had to issue a guideline.
Chris what the hell are you doing?
Thank god those hoes all shave or that would be a jungle party.
120cm bust idol.
It's interesting how Saki and Ume are both sides of the "feels vs reals" spectrum.
Saki meticulous researches and plans her workouts and training, while Ume lets her instincts guide her to do what's best for her growth (and according to P, her instincts are very good)
Ume's performances are better by all metrics, but Saki's have an immeasurable quality that transcends numbers
>Ume's performances are better by all metrics, but Saki's have an immeasurable quality that transcends numbers
It's called SOVL.
I wish I could delete R/SRs for SSR pieces.
Producer calls it idol power actually
Is there some way to check the produce run log after you've ended it?
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We watching?
I don’t know any of those bitches other than the VLs.
Just imagine how the SC dorm must SMELL.
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That girl on the left has a gun take her out.
I'm not a homosexual so I won't be watching.
Like flowers?
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heaven on earth
>have every resource in excess except money
Why is GK so stingy with this useless stuff?
Source on that gun-toting pro?
Only after Hana moved in.
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If you ask me for anything with this gesture, I'll do it, so cute. Whatever you do, you're cute...
I ain't got that much money
Lick the witch!
It actually loops for me. Middle of last month I was low on Veteran notes, then I was low on money at the end, and now I'm low on master notes to upgrade more idols to SP6
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Kogane, Chiyuki and Hana constant cleaning of that place make it smell like heaven, since those three are not pursuing college education and the other three are students, they may be the ones who stay the most time in there.
It's okay, Momoko, it counts as self-defense.
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Then Chiyuki comes back after drinking with Hazuki, pukes on the floor and ruins it.
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To be honest, I would still give Chookie a big ol' smooch after she barfed her brains out. Tongue and everything.
How did the exec cum taste?
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Fondling Fuka's fukas.
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Release China and Hiro's uniform already! What's taking them so long?
It's fine since drunk anime girls puke rainbows.
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artist sauce?
You save that spark. It's happening soon
I hope Misuzu's musical style is bossa nova.
I have 50k saved up like a good boy
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it is the abs
If someone's streaming, sure. I would've bought the tickets for it but Expo goods dropped and I don't have the unlimited funds cheat so only goods.
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it's only natural.
I'm actually excited by how short Asahi Serizawa's skirt is.
Come and hug me, babe.
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It's gonna be math rock
Misuzu soon. I feel it in my bones.
My dad works for QualiArts, he told me Misuzu is next banner.
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It's China!
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She's pretty much confirmed for 6 months anniversary which should be in November.

Actually, Hajime across all routes is heavily implied to be over six months. This is explicitly mentioned in China's route. Hiro's also mentions the contract being 6 months iirc. I wouldn't be surprised if they released the second chapter with the new PCommus then though probably not all at once.

There's also the fact that (originally) the first debut lives end exactly at the very end of October so announcing Misuzu and Sena would be perfect.
Yabuki Kana is 14 years o- wait a minute
>announcing Misuzu and Sena would be perfect
Would be perfect for everything but my wallet. I can only commit for one of them.
Kenpachi would work better as an UmeP.
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