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Terminus edition

>BO6 Open Beta Patch Notes

>BO6 Beta Everything You Need to Know

>BO6 Trello Board

>BO6 Stat Checker (requires X account)



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>493398742
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>shits out 50 uavs and counter uavs per match
nothin personel, kid
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I think you earn points by
>getting kills
>eliminating enemy HVT
>getting kills as HVT (you get 2 points per each kill instead of 1)
Kills. It's TDM with extra steps
Thanks cod bros
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Kill order is a really fun mode
the sigmachads choice
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What FOV do you guys use?
No its not?
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>launcher takes 3 missiles to take out an attack helo
>only spawn with 2
>slow as shit reload between shots
Take me back to the good old days of MW3 (2011) where the stinger actually killed shit and the Slight of Hand and Blind Eye Pro perks made them amazing at their one and only job, taking down streaks
>spawn literally in the middle of a stream of bullets and die instantly multiple times a match

you need to be a fucking retard to buy codslop in 2024
Shotgun is horrible not buying it
Blops 4 was nice, you could just be crash and shoot down kill streaks and play the objectives to get your streaks. I wish we still had that diversity of possible play styles
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>game only uses around 2-3 gig ram
>but over 100 gig of space
please explain
Yeah even when you deal with the glacial handling speed you often just get hit markers
skins. you can load into mw3 and watch all the skins in the shop
basically warzone forced carryover (their real cashcow)
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face off maps are absolute garbage jesus fucking christ
>people vote for pit over anything else
yep, cod is still a game for nigger apes huh
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Every time I dont back out of Kill Order when I dont notice or im tuning a gun I am HVT every time I spawn in.
The game is determined to try to make me like this mode by giving me HVT every time.
Still back out. Haven't played it once.

Imagine turning TDM into an OBJ mode. Yikes!
>faster reload
>at the cost of reduced ammo
>wtf i get less ammo?
what are you trying to say?
xister having a melty because le clip is much bigger on the fast mag
wait until xir discovers a magic barrel that increases headshot damage
I think it's supposed to inspire team play. Which is weird because of how little they incentivise playing the objects
nigcel thread
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timmycel thread
you could make a stack that would evolve around protecting your hvt and ratting like no tomorrow with the goal of cheesing high streaks as the hvt doing nothing but camp a spot
game is unplayable with current packet burst.
thats gonna be my deciding factor at launch is if it gonna keep doing same bullshit.

just played a match where every time enemy appeared was the exact moment i got packet burst. Every single encounter.
I'm having fun and I'm buying bo6 on release.
same except im not having fun
I want BO6 zombies to be good but the salvage and killstreaks being back make me worried. Doesn't help that the aesthetics for Cold War's maps weren't good and I worry it'll stay that way in 6.
You don't want to be good you want it to suck just like old zombies
Old zombies was great, but I'm not looking for a 1:1, I like weapon rarities keeping weapons relevant, and I like the upgrades you can pump into perks and weapons, I'm even fine with the Bo4 points system still being in.
Holy shit these maps have no flow
sorry every map MUST be a shitment clone with 0 flow and dogshit spawns, activision mandate or some shit
That looks like shit
I'm gonna download the beta tomorrow, play to my hearts content.(like 10 mins)
Then uninstall it and never touch it again.
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best girl
best cod
MP is just faster weapon leveling DLC for WZ since 2019
BO6 is mostly brainrot meatgrinder maps because that's what the majority wants
AI maps
irrelevant and forgotten
even mara stayed semi relevant
For me, it's Mara. Domino is second best. MW19 also best recent CoD.
so is this shit coming with a new warzone or what?
I like the gunplay for the most part but everything else is fucking garbage
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that mw19 skin is so fucking hot. nothing comes close
Bwc in her now
It doesn’t use any VRAM now since they force texture streaming so poorfags running a 960 gtx can still play on their Starbucks WiFi they are stealing
The attachment system is complete garbage, but that’s how treyshart kiddies love it since real stats confuse and scare them
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>we got the pay2lose version
still hurts
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lol lmao
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How did they go from Domino to .... Luna.
Domino is a WMAF goddess
neuron activation
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>have fun
>sbmm kicks in
>lobbies are just full SMGs running around
>game isn't fun anymore because the maps are complete fucking dogshit and make any other style impossible
poocel cuck moment
>ruins map
>can just trap entire enemy in a spawnloop inside the killbox in the corner
>game is over unless some retard on your team runs in and makes them spawn in the opposite corner

how are devs this fucking incompetent after making the same game 30 times
Same shitskin btw kys cuck bbc is a myth
i think im going to psychotically spam this thread with negative posts because im pissed about packet burst now

fuck this nigger tier game

Wtf is causing these dumbass stutters? Is it the packet burst?
yes this fucking game is garbage
twp malding and spurrting inside his cagie at the sight of a bbc thoughbeit
the spy field upgrade is fucking amazing vs f2p beta tourists
How many matches did you get before the sbmm kicked in? I legit only got 2
Yep it’s trash cod is dead
I noticed this too, it's all SMGs
treyarch fucking sucks
why the fuck is Rewind is so big for 6v6
yeah like 2 or 3 relatively fun games

I wouldn't care if the maps weren't fucking tiktok zoomer retard bait but oh well
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>all the maps are tiny as fuck
>season 1 is just going to add fucking nuketown again
>forced to play fucking warzone if you want to play a map where you cant just get instabeam'd by a controller off spawn
movement and gunplay is fun but jesus christ come on man whats the point of having a whole dedicated playlist of meat grinder fuckfest maps when every map is the same shitty meat grinder except for like 2
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
shut up nigger
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didn't ask monkey
t. his moms being bred by a hung street thug gangsta
nah i called someone a nigger for blatantly cheating the other day and nothing happened
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nature is healing
woo they fixed the trello like i told them to. at least trey-shart listens -- might take a while tho
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thank god. Only good map. Retards just talking about "flow" despite not being able to define what that even fucking means and shitting their pants because of a sniper's nest that is trivially easy to snipe back, kill with AR or flank with SMG.
Fucking niggers play a map once and go negative and decide its a "bad map"
someone let me know if packet burst is reduced. This morning was unplayable.
I hope they fix it
>make microscopic maps that literally can't fit every player on them

fucking inbred retards
thats me tho and i let her fuck black guys while i stroke to it
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>team completely ignores the obj
t. camping shitter
Ive had decent luck for beta week 1 and 2 for OBJ playing teammates. I do occasionally leave if for example on Dom no one goes for B but myself or if within first minute or so enemy has A B C ill just leave

Same with hardpoint. You can tell after 1 or 2 rotations whether your team is going to bother or not.

But id say 3 out of 4 OBJ game modes my team is helping me.

>top 3 in OBJ mode and win every time
>bottom 5th or 6th in TDM but still getting 1.5+ Elim/Death
my objective is increasing my kd
>vertical menus are back
>get specialist perk for using three of the same perk types
>using players as human shields
>hold melee to bring out knife
>all maps are small now, as it should be
game doesn't have the 90s feel
but it's an okay game
Your brown lol
I literally play with sniper and non-stop move. I probably get more kills with no-scope on a guy 5 meters away than actually quick-scoping.
You're just bad at the game.
>guy using the easymode guns says anyone else is bad at the game

can't make this shit up
They didn't fix the burst fire queue issue
Well you're saying I camp because I like SCUD but im telling you if its OBJ i play OBJ with a sniper and if its TDM i just move around non-stop. I literally have not camped once.

You're a faggot with a Jackal who gets mad that some retard on the Satellite sniped you. Meanwhile I just quickscope the retard stationary on the satellite while im moving to OBJ WITH A FUCKING SNIPER.

Try beating majority of players at 10m or less sniper vs jackal.

Dumb nigger. Buy a rope
cope, r*ddit
t. Jackal abuser who gets sniped once on SCUD from satellite and declares it a "bad map" instead of switching to AR, switching to Sniper, or flanking the Satellite
is the jackal user in the room with us right now, r*ddit?
Notice his fixation on the satellite? It's because that's where he camps all match long
I'm the guy running between spawn to B constantly or playing the hardpoint with a sniper. Don't know what else to say. You want me to start a Twitch stream up to prove it or something? Faggot
you know how 4chan works, right r*ddit?
packet bursts, stutters, dying around corners, trash spawns
How do you still fuck this up after well over a decade of beta tests?
because people keep buying it? why the fuck would developers ever spend money on the issues you listed lol, 120usd preorders are selling hot

Edit: Thank you for the reddit gold, kind stranger!
>Treyfags actually believe this
Rewind might be one of the worst Treyarch maps of all time
Array exists so no
Every single map in the beta is complete shit, even rewind being larger than a shoebox still sucks cock
Why are brown men like this
>make some great plays
>some meta meme SMG wielder gets play of the game
>got 3 offensive chat warnings in the beta now
>nothing happened
Do they even give a shit? Stay mad faggots
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>all of these people complaining about smgs
If you REALLY want to take a fruitful trip to the salt mines, run a recon build, take perk greed w/ bruiser, and just flop around knifing people. Bonus points for equipping Klaus and the Mind's Eye. The gibs make it even funnier.
>only 1 shotgun
>it sucks
>no hipfire attachment until max level
>get bored and uninstall
The lmg was pretty good though.
>not making dedicated hostage taker builds with the MP5
You are not farming salt, you're just a mindless metaslave.
i dig the new knife as a 3rd weapon feature
>run lmg and smg
>run up to close quarters
>pull out the knife and go ham
110, sorry
What happens if you play with a <80 FOV?
>Rewind might be one of the worst Treyarch maps of all time
No SCUD is worse because there's a trivially easy to kill stationary sniper in the satellite sometimes and it's hard to kill him with a Jackal and I refuse to switch to any other gun.
Therefore its objectively a bad map with bad "flow"
Kek the camping redditor is still butthurt
make it $150 with a happy ending
How does Sleeper Agent work in terms of skin/operator? Does your operator change to match the team you're going undercover? Does your name change?
>I'm such an epic troll! I just lie and claim a person engages in an activity they don't actually do! I'm an old-fag from 2017!!!
wow you're really burning me up dude
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>put into yet another losing match against a team of caffeine addicted adderal zoomers thanks to sbmm
open beta for all on pc now?
yes it is faggot
No shit dumb fuck. Try google next time for an easily google'd question instead of a discussion forum. Stupid fuck. Rope now.
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Why am i seeing this screen for 15 minutes
yes its on steam and everything, someone said its over 100gb but again they are lying for some reason my games only 75gbish
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Console Chad checking in, not my problem lmfao get fucked cheaters
The fucking BETA is 133 GB?!?!?!?!?!

What in the fuck man.
OC already has people selling wallhacks for the beta lmao
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why is this faggot talking to me in game
Your nametag changes colors. That's it. It changes back to red while they fire. Can see them clearly on the minimap as well. You even hear a callout when someone gets a kill with sleeper agent on (e.g. "there's a sus amogus"). It's so easy to find them if you're not tunnel vision'd / new to cod.
corny ahh game

we making it to CDL with this one senpai
nice of them to give you a small orange glow in the top left so you can tell if the game has crashed, at least.
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Ahh thats not bad then. Just wanted to check because earlier had a guy with a skin from enemy team showing as my team which confused me so I shot and killed him. Just wanted to confirm. Will have to pay a bit more attention as I missed the announcer call out.
Okay whats the omnimovement meta?

Ive seen plenty of videos of people diving and jumping?which fucks up the hitboxes
>the intelligence of an average codnigger
really takes me back
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>get my code and download the beta last week, super excited
>first footage of the gameplay floods in, it looks fucking horrendous
>more footage is out, absolutely dogshit streamer bait zoomercore garbage everywhere, from the new meme movement to the gunplay
>kinda lose all the excitement and hype
>a week later, realize they fomo'd one of the beta skins
>upset about them doing something like that than gating some yellow skin behind 48hours grinds
>game looks unironically even worse than before, at first think it's fox graping but they actually unlocked new stuff in the beta
>uninstall and cancel my preorder
Looks like it's going to be a no from me this year, see you in October 2025.
It's over they have all your info now
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>game looks unironically even worse than before
since MW19 they downgraded the graphics every iteration
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I don't play Call of Duty. I only wanted to try the beta because of the new movement system. On Battlenet I click on "try beta" and it brings me here. I guess I should have clicked further but 75gb is no fucking better lmfao.
Strewth, it looks so bad.
Even zombies looks Cold War but worse.
I'm outta here, sorry mates.
get it on steam you incel
Diving is a meme. Sliding is still king. Sliding and immediately going prone is kino. Camping while prone and on your back will make it harder for enemies to see you because they think you're dead
>weapon leveling is slow as shit in week 1
>people beg treyarch to make it faster
>treyarch claims weapon leveling was sped up for week 2
>still feels slow as shit
>treyarch hits the panic button and adds in 2x weapon xp as a bandaid fix
lol thanks you gay devs
>buy one month of game pass
>complete the campaign
>reach max level in mp
>wait a couple of months
>buy the game for $40 on steam sale
simple as
how do you get your login on gamepass
if youve only played on steam before?
And let me friends see that I played Call of Duty? Nah.
Can you link progress?
You can't expect them to have any experience with progression rates they've only been doing this for 20 years now
What a drama queen holy shit
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He's mad that he didnt get to unlock the nigress with flourescent yellow "PLEASE SHOOT ME" skin with "BETA" written on the arms
Truly pathetic.
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whys mission interface the only one with a bigger minimap
No one answered because it's a nonsensical retarded question.
>What happens when you play with a low FOV?
Your field of view is smaller.
God the main menu music is obnoxious
season 1 will drop with new skins shortly after launch and you will forget about that particular skin immediately
they turnt it to 11
> will have to wait seven weeks after the beta ends just to play the same game as it is now because this is just a glorified demo
Just release the game now and patch it over the next few weeks. The full release next month will feel no different.
get gud f@g0t
>Controllerfags actually glitching movement

Good..... fuck this game
I know that retard, I want to know the ramifications you wannabe tough motherfucker. Wouldn't it be better for someone using a LMG/Marksman/sniper to play with a low FOV? The targets from far away appear bigger right?
you can adjust that in the settings while in a match
Nothing to do with being tough you're just a retard
>hitmarker sounds

>Change circle to square
>Move HUD boundaries inward with slider
turn the volume down faggot
it already is
Things look closer but recoil has a greater impact especially visual recoil
There are also settings adjustments for ADS vs hipfire FOV
Here's a video breaking it down. Yes it says WZ2 and is from MWII but FoV but BO6 is using the same engine
HUD boundary
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>none default classic
Kek game has crashed 5 times
So packet bursts can now cause stutters in your game? How can a network issue cause my game to skip frames? What sort of monkey coded this shit
MW22 had this, MW23 had this
>How can a network issue cause my game to skip frames?
I dunno. Think real hard about it.
>Get put into a midway match
>Get put into a midway match
>Get put into a midway match
>Quit out of game and uninstall
Shrimple as that
You retarded fuck
The XMG FUCKS holy shit
t. controllet
You're the one mystified by simple networking 101.
for me its leapfrogging around like a retard
Networking has nothing to do with framedrops actual retard
I experienced packet bursts in mw2 and mw3 but it never caused my game to skip frames. Everything would just freeze but I could still move my camera freely. This is new
Shit player lmao
LOL okay
>needs a controller to be gud
>Tanto .22
>Hardest hitting SMG in the game
I know the treyshart audience is a bunch of children who don't even like headshots doing more damage, but WTF is this?
SMGs get more mtx
anyone know if Quartermaster recharges Stims?
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What's the point of this scorestreak?
>more expensive than a helo
>more expensive than the hellfire
>all it does is destroy UAV, C.UAV, and maybe a helicopter
>but chances are if the enemy has a helo or chopper gunner you're getting your shit stomped
Yea it recharges stims
It made sense in Cold War when all 12 players were putting up air-streaks every 20 seconds (and it was more reasonably situated score-wise). Not so much this game -- at least as it stands currently
No one gives a shit, parasocial sperg.
Anyone else getting this visual bug? I notice it when I play Babylon especially, this game is fucking cooked.
>What's the point of this scorestreak?
deleting hard to kill air streaks like the cold war one
>more eceleb faggotry
>Guys stop posting how bad this game is, we're trying to sell preorders here
Is the RCXD drivable now?
Air patrol was waaaaay too op in CW. It's the usual treyarch overreaction effect.
I found in CW it just became a game of "whoever uses it last wins" as air patrol countered air patrol.
Like I said CW despite being my favorite really suffered on their welfare-streaks. By mid match all 12 players were throwing up air-streaks.
>Match starts
>Both teams throw grenades to the other half of the map
Think it would've been much less of an issue if even only HARP was indestructible like the SR-71/advanced UAV
having fun with the shotgun lads
Hm that could be interesting. I usually kept Air Patrol just incase a Nuke-faggot controller-bab was running Handcannon, War-machine, HARP but inevitably someone else on enemy team would counter-patrol me what seemed like every time.

Truth be told as someone who started with CW I'm not a fan of the score-streak system at all in general, but it does give something to work towards in each match (player retention/fun) and it's so ingrained in the franchise that I have no faith that it'll ever be removed.
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Score and Killstreaks mind you. Not just score-streaks.
Just not a fan of the snowball mechanic nature of it, but its too much a part of COD now that it's not worth bitching about.
I doubt bo6 will have it
How long do these games typically last until the playerbase dies? I want to get MWIII but not if its going to be barren in a couple months
You can disable it in the beta right now I believe
mw3 is already dying
fellas, this UI is so dogshit
why do I have to click so much just to get to my loadouts
On pc? Doubt it
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I will not buy a single bundle in BO6
Why dont they bring back al mazrah. Literally no one likes urzikstan and the devs have already abandoned it
Why are german zombies maps always the best
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As a bad player, how can I maximize getting score streaks? I just want some cool stuff to call in
>have fun with the beta
>do relatively well, usually top 3 even with undertuned weapon
>slide and dive from time to time but no autistic schmovement
>overall happy with my preorder, excited for the full game
>check /codg/
Bunch of fucking women in here I swear to god
Green perks, play objectives
Don't care + Didn't ask + Still not buying
become a walking aa and destroy every enemy equipment you see, bomb trap every doorway that gets frequently travelled and equip 3 green perks for maximum score gibs
Cool blog faggot
shipment used to be fun as like... a little party mode to play around in once in a while

now every map is smaller than shipment
the fuck happened?
These maps are just terrible god damm I can’t see anything the Spawns are trash
All the zoom zooms want the shiny animated color vomit camo so they grind it out in shitment
>gunfight tomorrow
Thank fuck. Can't wait to take a break from all this respawnslop
i never fucking understood the camo worship
nobody has ever looked at your camo in a killcam or otherwise and went "holy shit this dude is insane"
>nobody has ever looked at your camo in a killcam and went "holy shit this dude is insane"
Kids do. Go on youtube, look up cod and take note of the thumbnails. Guess which ones draw the most views. Hint: it's the ones with an inspect animation of some gun with color vomit camo applied to it
Skill issue.
yeah well kids are fucking retards
Why all the hubbub over the hud for zombies in BO6? Talk about it was never this loud during CW.
What else is there to look forward to?
just bo3 zombies faggots being faggots as usual
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Good goy!
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Any leaks on what the other scorestreaks will be?
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my real issue with bo6 zombies is liberty falls its fucking terrible as a zombies map, the first map is a real zombies aesthetic even though its massive everywhere is a danger, liberty falls looks like a mp map they should have just made the entire map dark aether sky like the church and made it much smaller and add an underground section but i doubt there is
Losing team should never be chosen for best play. Losers don't deserve shout outs and clearly the play wasn't that great if you LOST
im running around with a shotgun like a tardo and enjoying it
the maps are good this time around; they feel like actual places instead of random geometry with a skin laid over it. i couldn't stand that about mw23's maps
100hp is good, too.
It just needs a German map, otherwise it'll look like shit
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>play of the game involves killing two or more afk players at their spawn
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i mean if the guy is like 13 thats not horrible
post the mil-sim one haha. havent seen that classic in awhile
you type like a bot
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this one?
hahah yes thank you
Do you really feel any satisfaction from constant your low effort, half assed teasing
Wow Scud is shit too and the spawns are still fucked on domination. I was hoping that would be the one decent map in the open beta since it is larger compared to what we have now. But it's still shit.
just did that with westpoint (sweat skin) on rewind at the vhs aisle while some of my teammates watched me rape her (bodyshielded)
you do though what a random fucking post to just say oh it should be german like wtf are you even talking about you dumb cunt
heres my milsim OC do u leik?

name: dongus
dob: september 11, 2001
gender: they/them
nationality: burgerstan
laterality: jacks it with the right hand
height: 6'0
weight: 280
vision: 69/your mom
blood type: AIDS
marital status: incel
children: see marital status
relatives: none
eye color: brown
hair color: black
languages: reads english at a 3rd grade level
specialist fields: education
service history: mw2007
known associates: natehiggers1488
current directive: janitor
wow based
I said earlier the best maps are always german names/set in germany but yeah that's subjective. Just think they always have the best atmosphere and lore, might be because it's related to nazis most of the time or something with the architecture idk
i will follow u into battle
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>Just think they always have the best atmosphere and lore
I really love Verrückt for that, even if it's one of the simplest ones, it's an odd and eerie feeling when you wander and see those torture rooms with blood and limbs splattered on the floor and desks.
wander around*
Sorry but where's my burst fire M16? If it's not in the game at launch I'm not gonna buy it.
Nobody at Treyshart has ever seen a gun IRL before. See >>493563570
That doesn't surprise me, they've always been very arcadish in their treatment of weapons compared to the MWs
remember how they had ww1 soldiers running around with thompsons and stg44 on the origins trailer? says it all really
You're such a faggot lol, you should appear offline forever.
If you're not familiar with storyline. You should shut the fuck up.
zombies is fucking gay dude, nobody cares about it except for asocial autists who can't handle MP or WZ
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Helen "Monica" Park - MI6 Honeypot/White House Staff
Washington DC
November 14, 1995
Objective: Infiltrate the White House to recover Saddam's tape
>Improper Physical Relationship: Perform fellatio on Clinton to distract him (qte scene)
>Mutual Relationship: Swipe the Saddam tape while distracting Clinton
>Slick Willy: Do not gag on Clinton during qte
>Insurance Policy: leave the White House wearing the blue dress
>I did not have...: leave the blue dress at the White House.
>Dark Ops Challenge: Depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is: Collect the Lolita Express flight logs (secret intel, unlocks flash forward co-op raid mission)
That's me
So if you body shield a downed HVT as an HVT and get downed yourself, the enemy HVT gets reset to being alive again lol
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Ohnono, reddit doesn't like the game, their arguments include some buzzwords like "brain rot", "tik tok generation", "NPCs" yadda yadda
winners circle is and always has been gay and a waste of everyone's time
Nobody likes Call of Defection : Max Payne Flops 666 except casuals and coosomers who don't know what CoD used to be about
Rapid fire on the USP makes quite a difference.
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>Call of Defection : Max Payne Flops 666
Crazy how BO2 was the franchise's peak and laid the ground for its degeneration at the same time
BO1 was the peak of the franchise.
I came here to post this
BO2 introduced obnoxious elements such as the pick 10 system
Snipers being overpowered just like MW2
Shield and LMG combo
Perks not worthing shit because of the pick 10 system
what if i told you all BO2 is coming back next year 2025 with all the nostalgic implements that MW3 tried to sell players
I'd want the entire WaW trilogy, not just BO2.
We're fucked. Admittedly it's not as bad as MW2009 but it's still an annoying game
>map vote
>I am the only vote of the lobby
I don't think people are even realising there is a map vote
All the maps suck, what's the point?
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Enjoy your beta, fags, I'm out of this shitty mess
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We are nearing season 6 for MW3 and still no second skin for Izanami yet mobile is on its fucking third im so pissed
No remaster please. Let them to rest where they are. They're gonna rape their memory with you know what.
>They're gonna rape their memory with you know what.
Skins, omnishit, warshit, broken smgs melting you and your assault rifle from 40m away, etc etc
BO2 could use more females and blacks now that I think about it
Forgot about that lol, bet they'd turn Harper into a woman or a...Marshall
>broken smgs melting you and your assault rifle from 40m away
BO2 already has that https://youtu.be/FRqaVIwZTvo
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oh boy another Pit Kill Order match where everyone camp in base for 5 minutes
Why does the game just feel so barely hanging together? So many placeholder-feeling elements, like how the transferable XP etc messages come with {xpamount=358252} and shit in them. Like how hard is it to just make the messages look like they're supposed to be read by humans rather than lines of code? And there are still huge ESL-isms in the options menus etc.
this is probably the worst slop i've ever fucking seen
good god do you retarded motherfuckers ACTUALLY spend money on this trash?
kill yourselves if so.
I've never gotten a nuke so im sure i come across as a hater, but at the same time ive never seen a nuke video that didnt involve shooting 30 people with their back turned who don't shoot back once.

Also I was a PC gamer and skipped COD for 20 years as I associated it with console-trash so watching these old videos just disgusts me. The awful head-bob is nauseating and the dog-shit linear controller aim is painful to watch.

Dont understand how I cant move 10 feet without 3 different people slide-cancelling my asshole with an SMG.
>Dont understand how I cant move 10 feet without 3 different people slide-cancelling my asshole with an SMG.
didnt finish my sentence for whatever reason
Dont understand how I cant move 10 feet without getting my asshole puckered by slide-cancel sweats yet people drop nukes against people who dont fire back one bullet
actuallly makes me kinda mad. Oh well just a shitty franchise at end of the day
they reverse boost to get those lobbies bro or if they're a streamer they literally just get their sbmm turned off
This is what people considers "classic CoD"
Hope that helps
Yes it's a low skill ceiling game since CoD4 added killstreaks and Create A Class system
i think i got 2 or 3 MOABs
1st was with the USAS-12 on that train depot map and i was playing actual retards
2nd was with the FAD on dome but i had a competent team w/ me
a few times i got close, got to 24 with the pecheneg once and still remember what part of that dumbass french map i died on
I didn't realize how bad the spawns were in BO2 guy literally spawned Infront of him
in MW3*
>This is what people considers "classic CoD"
My first COD was Cold War. Closest I got was 25 killstreak 2 or 3 times. Could never make the nuke.
And I agree that "classic COD" is just dogshit console kids who couldn't play an FPS for the life of them. This is the trash they played while I was on Quake/UT/TF:Classic etc. The stupid up and down head-bob looks so dumb and it all around looks like an awful game.

I think thats where all this nonsense about "sweats" and SBMM comes from because these retards have nostalgia about these dog-shit games when no one was actually any good at all.

I feel like the average player in a modern COD would destroy the "best" players of a "classic" COD any day of the week.
they are still that bad if not fucking worse
i have died multiple times spawning directly in front of someone who was already shooting at my teammate and died within half a second
>I think thats where all this nonsense about "sweats" and SBMM comes from because these retards have nostalgia about these dog-shit games when no one was actually any good at all.
>I feel like the average player in a modern COD would destroy the "best" players of a "classic" COD any day of the week.
True but SBMM is more aggressive than ever with lobbies disbanding after every match to ensure that it's working
Isn't that the pre-patch PDW that was later nerfed to the ground in favor of ARs? And frankly I've seen more people using the SCAR and the AN94 these days.
I don't have nostalgia for BO2 personally I think it's a shitty game. I miss being young, everyone does. But if there's a CoD game that I truly miss, it's Black Ops 1.
we'll never know because the netcode and hitreg in cod is such dogshit a level playing field is impossible
fucking 2042 has more consistent gunplay than cod which is sad
Dice was always more technically competent. Same as it ever was.
>want to try BO6 beta
>launch CoD HQ app
>Checking for updates...
>crash to desktop
Any fixes? I have drivers up to date, far surpass the minimum requirements, have tried reinstalling
Nice fucking product, Acitshit
are those fucking dog kills counting for his nuke in that BO2 clip btw? because he literally got like 10 kills from the dogs alone. Just absolutely insane how bad that game looks coming from someone who never played it.
Reminds me of Cold War where a faggot would just get 6 or whatever kills, get Hand Cannon use that (with aim assist) to get a War Machine + HARP and then 5 minutes into a match I hear the Nuke sound and i'm thinking "i haven't died to this guy once, how the fuck did my team just feed him 30 kills"
I did run into a handful of people with Very Nuclear Calling Card which was a Nuke with every gun coming from only the gun. At least some of them had to have just used an Unlock Tool for it im guessing but some of them got it legit? Maybe reverse-boosting or something.

I do know that all that bullshit Machinima Youtube trickshot bullshit was fake. Seen a bunch of people tell stories about getting invited to "trickshot" clans and theyd find out it was just people faking the whole thing
I'm just happy they brought sprays back YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY :DDDDDDD
>I've never gotten a nuke so im sure i come across as a hater, but at the same time ive never seen a nuke video that didnt involve shooting 30 people with their back turned who don't shoot back once.
90% of the time it's done in a party of - at the very least - 3 or 4 players against total randoms
first CoD game?
>vertical video
>stupid sigma music
must protect Anne
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just checked one of my old clips, streaks dont count to the nuke, except you get a random explosive kill via car/equipment
>no smokes in beta
shit game
God damn flashes already so long I hope this doesn't unintentionally lengthen the "proper" angled flashes and is actually a fix. Knowing COD it probably made flashes worse.
And were frag grenades that bad? Seemed fine to me.
God is that fifa or some paradox game? This is embarassing
Huh? Fifa? What do you mean? lol
>last night
>doing so well, I get dailies done in one match
>2 games left to unlock a part
>try a game today
>actually spawning into bullets and in front of enemies
>games actually start okay but quickly go haywire
>ragequit out of two games that were totally unplayable
>rinse and repeat
>win a single game out of 10 today
>completely sapped of will to even open the game now
"Patch" notes stuff
bros, is hummus aimbotting? his aim looks way too magnetic at times
My wife and I enjoyed MW3 a lot, is Black Ops 6 worth a pre-order?
buy gamepass. if you like it and the wifey buy it on sale
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>Case, there you are!
>Help me shred these files, will you?
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this is as far as i get. left PC on all night to download the game lol and it just crashes upon getting to this screen. nice. 3070ti, fresh drivers, i got no idea
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works fine on my ps5
Guys I hate to bring up e-celeb bullshit but I just watched Metaphor solo Babylon against a 4-stack and win 250 to 249
4stack all on controller giving full comms. Then they tried to talk shit after and blamed it on not having the "main squad".
It was probably the greatest moment in Keyboard history of Twitch.

That is all.
i get irrationally angry at these stupid niggers on steam forum and journalist pages where their solutions for a broken game is to 'make sure your computer isn't overheating' holy fuck you retards
Is the new marksman rifle any good???
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probably not, im on mkb tracking comes naturally the more you play, its very hard to tell if someone is cheating on mkb especially when you can flick and it looks like aimbot alongside good tracking when you get good at it.
>not getting attacked 3 seconds from spawn is good design
Do you agree with Treyarch? personally I think it should be longer, 5 seconds.
anon, the most popular map in mw3 is shipment
Yeah yeah modern CoD is brainrot, thanks MW19
Nuketown is the best small map in COD imo. Shipment is just a meme.
Babylon would be okay if they could somehow get rid of the spawn-traps. People are comparing it to Shipment but its kind of the opposite-Shipment.
yeah, nuketown is actually fun
Babylon isn't okay. The area in the middle needs a lot of adjustments to disable the brainrot mode that is going on
Also remove tac sprint, this game is fine with being slower than MW3
actually babylon reminds me about that one 1v1 map from the og mw3 for some reason
yeah idk fuck this waste of time. spent all night downloading the game and i can't even get through the menus without crashing. fuck activision trash pajeet coders
Well just my opinion obviously, but I can't play Shipment at all whereas I find Babylon playable. People keep saying its just Shipment but other than being a small square they have little in common.

Nuketown is an actually GOOD map though. It's pretty funny that Modern Warfare games are stuck with Shipment as their small-chaotic map as it's actually just dog-shit soulless slop.
Shipment was a joke map the reason why it took off in MW19 is because of the crazy camo grind and the fact that MW19 doesn't have a consistent pace outside of that map
Just had my first match in SCUD. Surprise, it's unplayable dogshit with random doors everywhere.
Yeah thats what I mean. Sure its fine if youre just leveling a gun/camo. But Nuketown accomplishes the same goal while still being a perfectly playable map.
There's some people who can go like 120 kill 20 death on shipment but I always end up triple-negative or whatever.

Nuketown actually plays out properly for the most part.
jeez lmao
i disagree the most played gamemodes are 10v10 and small map moshpit you only think shipment is popular because all you play is small map moshpit
>Get full points on kill or assist
>Scoreboard doesn't even show ping
Wow they specifically made this game for retards didn't they?

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