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trolls edition

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Old >>493501906
If TWW had mommystrasza in it, it would be a perfect 10/10 expansion.
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>get stonevault as a healer
>we kill first boss then tank pulls 30000 mobs and we wipe
>tell him he's pulling like a retard and drop the group
>very next instance is the exact same thing
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>this dropped for my designated disenchanter
well fugg, the other two dropped on my actual enchanter
night elf tummy !!!!!!!!
Time of my daily worship to start.
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Im thinking about resubing tho i dont feel like playing any of those. Is Zanda/N Elf doind fun this exp?

TFW no good looking goblin transmogs
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>GPU turns into jet engine at random moments
>turn this from High to Good
>temperature drops massively and fans slow down
I've been switching between High and Good across multiple areas to look for any difference, but I can't seem to find any. Are my eyes shit or is this an extremely subtle change at a massive GPU intensity cost?
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>replaces your gear 1st week of m0
idiot lmao
Why are people so retarded in this expansion? Makes me want to switch from healer to tank.
holy based
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>got 1 more char to level
>queue times for DPS have jumped to over 10 mins per dungeon
>notice that even with 15% buff and 10% from darkmoon leveling is slower

At least I'm level 79 and it's over soon, but those fuckers did shadow nerf leveling again didn't they?
Anyone know the best ways and spots to farm leather for leatherworking? So far I've found you can just follow a group in the weekly bee quest and skin everything without any combat.
if 7 i'll buy 10 wow tokens
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Go fuck yourself Auralia, you cheap fucking whore
No wonder greens are so expensive
For some reason crafters can't make any green items at all to disenchant
What is the point
I mean it says the difference right there
Good uses a quick and dirty method of creating reflections that can fall apart and break the illusion under certain circumstances. High just renders the scene an entire second time to generate reflections.
>fotm tranny
farming spots where there are a shitton of corpses, probably.
Oh, well you said it lol yea.
>DUDE what if we made a boss fight where you are forced to fly away and count 10 tedious seconds before you can fly back in to continue playing the game!?
dawnbreaker is so dogshit. you can even push phases since she still does the void bubble aoe at 0% hp
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Waiting is my favorite content.
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wow players are the biggest crybaby faggots
sorry i meant BBC
EU friends join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> on AD Alliance. Whisper any guild member to join. Horde players join the community with the same name first if you want to join
Bets on which human man she is going to marry by the end of the world soul saga?

>imb4 Anduin
he's taken by Sylvanas
yeah professions are giga fucked
>everything under 3 stars sells like shit
>enchants require something like 75 green dust
>there are basically no greens anywhere
>a lot of enchants require tinderboxes
>every BS item requires tinderboxes
>those are also rare as shit and cost 7k each
>jewelcrafting requires tons of gemdust
>you can only make it with bismuth, not any of the other ores
>can get glass shards from anything but they are rare as fuck and needed for a lot of shit
>the fucking lens were 800g each
>herbs sell for pennies
>the blue reagents are worth less than herbs because almost nothing needs them
just delete professions already
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>he's taken by Sylvanas
*plap plap plap plap*
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I'm at least 3k rating in waiting
lol, she's definitely lesbian coded and will be having a romance with Azshara in later expansions
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There's easy and hotfix deployable solutions for this like letting enchanters split blue shards into green dust
>too scared to reply directly
>calling anyone a crybaby faggot
you just know
>nerve: struck
how does anduin keep getting his windrunner sisters mixed up?
Profs are absolutely fucking trash, what a disgusting state they're in. Absolutely fucking useless. If you're a noob and you're just spending your talents blindly, you could literally be locking yourself out of important milestones later on. AND YOU CAN'T FIX IT. There's no way to reset how you've spent your knowledge points. In fucking sane. Not to mention that some professions are way more valuable than others. I really fucked up by not rolling 4 different subspecs of alchemist across my toons.

AND the people who have the best configurations figured out for their profession are NOT incentivized to share those configurations, because they stand to profit from it. So good fucking luck finding a worthwhile guide that isn't pisspoor dogshit until five months into the expansion when you've spent all that gold buying shit from the AH instead. Just trash. Trash trash trash. Giving all the rewards to autistic niggers who leave bots online 24/7 farming mats, prohibiting newcomers from wanting to engage with LITERALLY one of the most fundamental pillars of the game.

Fucking TRASH. Trash. Trash trash trash. Fuck the profession system. Dragonflight and TWW are unserious little tonka nigger games because of how stupid that dogshit is
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Teenage Nelf...
seethe, noob.
When is sylvanas showing back up in the story? she did her time in the maw
>responding = mad
ah this meme
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only profession im liking so far is skinning
sharpening knives?
very svvlfvl
She's 100% returning for Midnight
Any minute now..
>Comes out as furry
>Immediately starts drawing degen loli/ephebophile content
Mental illness.
those are like guaranteed drops at a certain enchanting level
have you gotten any other formulae?
i got radiant mastery from the 50+ runs of priory i did trying to get radiant power i ended up just sniping it for 85k on my ah tho, lucked out on that one
the PvPipeline
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>4 dwarves in random dungeon as horde
the new horde...
I still set liquid detail to low, i like the vanilla texture
>comes out
they've been drawing worgen stuff since the beginning bruv
Plapping night elves
dont forget hes a futafag too kek
Night Elves (>>493529830) plapping (You)
>herbs are worthless
>meanwhile flasks are 9k each and pots are 2k each
quality and concentration was a mistake
>polack matched with ukrainian milfs
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Wong picture
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
All I've gotten are the crest formulae, weathered and runed on my real enchanter
he's innocent, twitchcucks are getting what's coming to them
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You wish pleb. This is a BHC world and you're just living in it.
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I feel like I should make a gnome...
It'll never be good as long as blizzard refuses to do anything about the rampant botting in this game
Why did no one tell me how kino Goblin Mages were before?
posting asmon should be a perma ban
that would be pretty good actually
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>Big Honeybee Cock
Well I'm scarcely one to judge but if you say so...
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is this a good time for delves?
All I'm saying is if every streamer suddenly died, what section of society suffers?
goblin caster is always kino, afflilock probably on top
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>Asmongoloid posters
How retarded was he to drop this to chase after Faerin instead?
nice bee
In legion potions were nearly 1k per and there wasn't any quality back then. A rank 2 or 1 DPS pot right now is around 100g and the difference is negligible. Seems like a sweet deal to me, personally.
I don't like that I've seen such a thing before...
Fucking /b/... Hah.
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Cope harder with your failing fag game nigger, the four developers still working on it are doing a really fucking shitty job. Professions are one of the pillars of the game, and now you're tasked with speccing it out like a talent tree. Only, you don't know what your end-talents are going to be UNTIL you've put PERMANENT points into the fucking tree! And if you put those permanent points into the tree only to realize you chose the wrong path, you cannot fix it. You cannot reset the points. Tremendously dogshit.
it's his game.
the mouth breath assmongoloid containment zone
thanks bwo
isn't it her job to follow him around and protect him?
I guess blizzard forgot huh

Pick one and only one
But you can click the wheels and see exactly what they do? Are you retarded?
God I remember those old ass threads. Most depraved bizarre porn ever. You scarcely even see that kind of thing nowadays
>Shitting dick nipples
seethe, noob.
Anduin is a mentalcel who could get mountains of elf and draenei pussy but he thinks that Faerin is his match instead
diablo2 would've absolutely mind broken zoomers lmao
Based and true, death to futapedos
Try reading before clicking things next time
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Go back to his reddit, faggot. Don't you have some new "woke dei" game to have a melty about?
Honestly, if I wasn't already attached to my Undead lock, I'd prolly roll with Gobbo lock. Shit's neat
This has nothing to do with World of Warcraft
Fuck off
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>healer sucks
>ragequits so you don't even need to kick him
based, thanks for your service
>leveling as a healer
Well this sucks ass after 70. What tanks are fun?
She is BUILT for headpats and ear scratches
It's more worthwhile for you to level all five of your toons as herbalists/alchemists than it is to level a single leatherworker, a single engineer. Professions are broken you faggot fucking cope-donkey
crazy how these right wing numbnuts that scream about woke DEI shit constantly are more annoying than the blue haired leftoids
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>I really wanna make a new characte-ACK
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>be death knight
>wanna play holy
>spec tank
>pull every pack
>get my trinket
>feared for 20 minutes
>mobs not even aggrod to the tank
>heh skill issue
I've made millions off both those professions this xpac and the last so I think ur just retarded mate
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I don't mind the story so far... but it would be so much better without all these monotone, unenthusiastic AdMech voices.
I just got to the part where Magni hatches and not moments later some Earthen walks in and "buhhh buhuhuhbuhhhh duhh doooo... 'oo am i... BUHHHH".
I just rip shit that sounds cool to me off from other fiction and history desu
In my experience they are unironically the whiniest faggots on the internet. It's just constant whinging and crying and melty after melty.
The fuck you have you dumb autistic faggot, and even if you have, that further proves my point that professions only reward the autistic niggers that set up bait bot accounts for gathering. Totally prohibitive to newcomers
wowhead or icy veins?
yes I'm going to pull every dungeon the same as when I have my pocket healer (3900 io btw) and when we wipe I will kick you for being a shit player. cry about it and git gud.
It's not prohibitive to newcomers you just have to be able to read words on your screen
Like, I know we live in the zoom zoom tik-tok era of the internet, but you need a basic level of reading skill to play video games. That's not "newcomer unfriendly" that's just the low bar for entry in general.
Icyveins if you must. Class discords are best, just don't engage with using it for chat or anything
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Ironic since Jewmongold is a Night Media puppet himself.
If Anduin doesn't end up with Sylvanas I'm going to fins Metzen and rape him in the ass
ummm but I have to READ what I'm putting my points into that's time lost! I'll never make money!
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the tanks cant stop pulling that many or the dps run ahead and pull them anyways. if the tank stops to say anything they get kicked by the dps, and hte mobs arent hitting hard enough to put the dps in their place when they pull
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I want to pet a vulpera
>spend permanent points leveling your profession!
>those points are limited and cannot be refunded or replenished!
>if you make a mistake, abandon your profession entirely and start over (because you should've done it optimally)
>also, if you're not an alchemist, prepare to owe alchemists all your gold!
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Take your meds
oh no how terrible haha
I vote kick every single DPS that does this and since I play healer and tank they get fucked
Been weeks stuck creating a paladin..
if the healer dies to threat that's the DPS's fault no matter what the situation is. Yes even in a long pull where you fucked up and healed despite the tank doing a body pull, yes even if adds come during a boss fight. if the dps don't take action to prevent the death of their healer they are bad. period.
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But how will HE react?
>the weak should fear the strong
Nice pic of Anduin taking Sylvanas' cock
ez mine?
more like
avoide mine
>wtf i randomly placed my points without reading anything ummm THIS IS EVERYBODYS FAULT BUT MY OWN
Yeah we know
Class discords are better than both but wowhead has slightly better editorial checking on their guides. Both icy veins and wowhead suffer from the fact all their guides are written by random single individuals who may or may not be A)actually not the best B)really bad at writing guides and just ignoring a lot of information (this is where wowhead beats icyveins because they have a bare minimum of fixing that) and/or C) not updated as frequently as they should be. Go glance at a wowhead guide for five minutes then if you need anything else go check the FAQ on a spec channel in a discord or search a mod explaining a thing. Never ever engage with the discords themselves they will not help you.
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he's right though.
>30-60 range
Easy mode for getting pussy
Nah the other guy is right. The current profession system is fucked
The hunter icyveins are written by the hunters from the discord
sure hope you got another 60 points in that next tree over
Should have done that on day 1 and you could have made millions, now it's not so good.
She was hacked
you're doing amazing fag
This makes me wish class forums were better. Hunting down a damn discord is beyond stupid
Nah, its the best professions have ever been. WoW "players" are just allergic to doing anything that requires more than a single brain cell.
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Class/spec for this feel?
goblin fire mage
is doing delves as a healer stupid?
179 year old elf cunny...
Unless you're in a duo, yes.
wowg told me to go mounted mining, now im fucked. i hate these proffesions.
stonevault first pull is only dangerous if no one kicks the fear and the tank cannot handle it by himself
You're literally proving my point you daft ass nigger, if you have to go read a fucking thesis in order to not fuck up your professions, the system is dirt nigger shitty.

Flask of Tempered Aggression costs 29 materials in order to craft, and if I craft it, it will be the lowest quality until I craft it twenty more fucking times. I'm throwing away all those ingredients on unsellable flasks until I rank up to max. Fucking TRASH, what an awful, awful system. You're in denial nigger.

>getting used to trash and then telling everyone it smells fine
>elfpedos coming out of the woodworks
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We need all 3 Windrunners in a cool shot together.
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So you've only spent 60 of the nearly 140 knowledge currently available to you? Doesn't sound like you're bricked to me.
You're just coping because basic reading skills and 2nd grade math is too hard for you. Maybe don't blindly insert your points next time and you won't be seething so hard.
>Doesn't sound like you're bricked to me
Ahh, then you're also a newfaggot, and you're not doing anything worthwhile with your professions either
>High just renders the scene an entire second time to generate reflections.
yeah that sounds very expensive for marginal gains
so is my account just completely bricked if i didnt spend my knowledge points on the meta picks? can i get a refund on TWW for this?
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>Alleria and Vereesa only bothered showing up at the very end of Shadowlands after Sylvanas had already finished her meltie
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>QRD on the EU Guild Civil War?

I heard that the GM of Elysian is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the autism spectrum.

I also heard that the GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum is upset because he couldn’t join Elysian and created a new guild out of spite.

Any loremasters here?

Quick Recap from last couple threads:
>Some heated comments from both guilds, clashing out in the thread.
>Some screenshots were shared.
>Elysian members are very quiet.
>Nerub members are posting alot.
>Nerub GM has played in previous guilds Very Cute and I AM MY SCARS
>Elysian GM "Contirion" also known as "Synx" was parsing green logs in Dragonflight.
>Nebur GM "Cawaen" also known as "Castriot" was parsing blue/purple logs in Legion.
>People are now calling for both GM to bury the hatchet and try to work things out.

How will this pan out? Theories welcomed

>There is also an ongoing discussion about which guild will prevail and which will implode; only time will tell.

With new information brought to light, I personally have more confidence that the Nebur Silkweaving Forum has the upper hand in the upcoming unofficial /wowg/ race in the new raid

I'll see you in the next thread with more updates
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Zamn they added orcs to the Alliance
>blindly insert
Nice troll, nigger, you almost convinced everyone that this was your private LARP den
If you care about profession optimization, yes. If you play casually, no
I mean if you've played before 2005 and didn't know flasks would be extremely valuable at the start of a raid tier then you are actually retarded, stop writing blogs we all know you're stupid as fuck bud
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Why is Tony Stark's maid/girlfriend in an iron man suit?
Insect alien girl with the antennas is so hot though.
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>Undercutting me by one silver
Wow what a fucking faggot. You're getting the copper undercut next time.
The education sector because of all the school shootings that would result.
so did anything new actually happen
>lowest price 147 sellers
> -1 gold, +1 sale
simple as
>anime pic
post hidden
None of your stupid ass fag cope is debunking any of what I've said, you're just finding new ways to cope. At some point you're going to have to concede that I made a good point, but until then, fuck you faggot. I know how valuable and necessary flasks are, that's why I'm complaining ON YOUR BEHALF that it's so prohibitive to start churning relevant flasks. This isn't you vs. me nigga, this is US vs. the developers unless you're clocked in at Blizzard right now
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

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Yeah i've only made nearly 6 mil from mining this expansion I guess Im just not doing anything with it xd
btw, literal 0 skill mining with no knowledge points at all is still 50k/hr if you aren't a retard, but I guess that's too much to expect from the average wowg poster
I like TWW
dude they really need to update vereesa's model, she is wearing like fucking TBC/Wrath leather armour
Who are these people? why should I care ? What happened? if these guilds are real why would I post in the OP?
>spend all day in 4chan crying that he was too stupid to read what his professions do
>play BGs
>enemy alliance is full of argent dawn players
>they get turbo stomped
stick to roleplaying chuds
That's right nigger, lap my cum up off the floor. You can't debunk me because there's nothing to debunk, I'm right. The system is dogshit and prohibitive to newcomers. You're taking offense like you're on payroll for some reason you actual cumslut princess
i made 9 mil gold in 1 hour due to selling wowtokens
imagine unironically going out and farming
time is money
how do i make money with proffesisions/
based gobbo
>Use low quality (one star) reagents with low Alchemy skill
>Act surprised when you get a low-quality product
Leave the thread you repugnant faggot

Any newcomer can put 1 and 1 together:
>Use high quality items
>Get better product
Sorry you're too stupid to get it
>people are doing menial virtual labor for 5 bucks an hour
fucking GRIM
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Make gems and sell gemmy
So what should I do with my old greens/blues?
9 mill in 1 hour? how many wow tokkens in tha
switching to "u mad" isn't going to work on me because I can read and have better critical thinking skills than an 8 year old, unlike yourself. try again
Watching movies and chatting up bitches while I click rocks is pretty enjoyable labor if I do say so myself.
is pvp gear still bis for tanks?
Specs for this feel
>arms warrior
>arcane mage
>destro lock
>mm hunter
Female holy priest for balls in your mouth feel
I'm the one who posed information, and you're the one that didn't refute it. Smarmy ass little low-IQ fag. This is the last thing I have to say to you since it's clear you're here for attention and not to have meaningful discussion, you might even literally be incapable of understanding how debate works
fury warrior
fucking hell took me until today to realize I should just spend HP on spamming hammer of light until it goes off the bar
got too focused on that "extra hammers on your finishers while shake is up" talent and old habits so I was just spamming DS or TV as usual
Fucking an elf is just as bad of racemixing as fucking a nigger. Two different retarded species.
It's only a matter of time before the serial complainer can't help himself and starts posting his folder of generic reaction images again.
RandomGODS we keep winning
here's my retard-proof guide because fuck that rat race:


1.choose a race for your alt that has an innate bonus towards the profession you want to focus on so you will have +5 extra skill (every race should be able to craft max rank with the blue tools and max KP investment but with +5 skill you'll need two instead of three)

2. do the acuity shuffle which consists of leveling a profession to 25, doing the first crafts that you learn by using knowledge points (enchanting is very good for this) and crafting ALL the patron orders you get, then you unlearn it, you pick up another one, rinse and repeat until you do all of them (or at least until you get enough acuity for all the knowledge books of your main profession + 3 blue tools)

3. get the craftsim addon, toggle "specialization calculation" on while checking a specific craft you want to sell, dump ALL your knowledge points that give more skill to that craft into the relevant talents (as shown by the specialization calculation window), then activate "Simulation Mode" and check how many skill points you need for r3/5 crafts without concentration with r3 reagents

4. get a chat addon that tells you when someone says LF (whatever stupid shit you are crafting) in trade chat so you can DM them and one to block the spam of the other faggots linking professions 24/7, there's people asking for r5 shit 24/7 and if you DM them first that's an easy 10k per craft

you also need to farm KP weekly by opening treasures/digging wax + treatises + the weekly quests + crafting patron orders that give KP but if haven't figured that out by now it's over for you (you also have to do the darkmoon quests)

if you just want easy gold, give skinning to all of your alts, max trained tracker and summon slatefang daily, you'll get a fang that's worth 5k per character that does this
>Uh actually I'm done replying after being told by 6 people that I'm wrong
yea yea yea heard all that before, now head on back to your plebbit echo chamber and watch the new assmongold
I don't understand how you have so much kp
Class/race for this feel?
Why do people meatride Metzen so hard? Is it a meme?
He is the one that turned Starcraft into a disgusting love story after all
to which posts is this referring to, pray tell?
>serial complainer when spec is shit
>serial complainer even when the eating is good
boomkin or ret
wow won.
Thanks for writing this up. Actual insanity that this is the optimal path for professions. "Blizzard4life" fagniggers will defend this as reasonable and "totally noob-friendly." Bunch of fucking losers so stuck in denial. They would've bought the fucking game if it was $120 for early access
That guy is right though. I hate this profession stuff
Because things have gotten so bad that even the worst Metzenisms are a shining ray of hope.
It's both him and that Dunguser got the booted.
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why is she still wearing it?
i hate this proffesion crap man. i just want to make gold
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Because others can't be trusted. He was gone for the tiniest amount of time and look what happened. The writing has been fucking hated by fans for so long they had to drag Metzen out of retirement to help fix it.
I only have 60kp in my professions and haven't gotten a single kp in days
Class/race for this feel?
They think how'll be safe his designated purple lady fetish is gone. Somehow ignoring that Xal is also purple
Don't go double gathering, you want a crafting profession for work order acuity to buy the books off the artisan guy.
buy the book that gives 10 from the kej vendor
renown 12 with assembly gives another 10, do the side quests
get the 8 treasures that give 3 each
Do your weeklies.
That's it.
human retoilet
>faced with an expression of skill
>have a complete and utter meltdown
isn't this the generation that grew up on fortnite? what happened?
I don't want to craft
Troll shaman
Blizzard doesn't want you to either, look how they set up the fucking professions. God damn. It isn't even worth it to start
uh oh eprfag melty
okay then you can miss out on some points until you scrounge up enough acuity
it's your choice, nobody will stop you from making the wrong one.
in what world nigger
in the world where you don't waste 4 minutes like a retard trying to mine a single ironclaw node worth 20g and just skip it like a smart person so you can mine more bismuth nodes worth 200g
Class/race for this feel?
Nobody actually enjoys playing boomkin though. They like the druid utility, seeing lots of pretty stars fall down, or are just furfaggots.
And it has one of if not the worst themes among specs with the sun and stars bullshit.
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>buy the book that gives 10 from the kej vendor
NTA but where is this vendor
>getting 3 star bismuth with 0 skill mining
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>he never got this
explain yourself
I like the Unholy DK class fantasy because I get ride or die motherfuckers following me and I can just summon ghouls and shit whenever I want and fill up everyone's screen with bullshit. If I didn't like occasionally tanking, I'd be playing demo lock too.
Proper nature/plant offensive spellcaster when?
owl claws typed this post
I think he's in the right. Its weird you all think its perfect. It just sucks to be hard stuck with no options.
This is why I call you a retard
you are very likely to only get 1 ironclaw from an ironclaw node, they are heavily skewed toward giving lower quantity.
You are very likely to get 3-4 bismuth at 50g a piece. Can you tell me what 4 x 50 is? If you need help I can teach you how to multiply.
>make big symbolic but ultimately empty gesture
>realize nothing has materially changed and you're still in the exact same position as before
>quietly walk it back because you know you were just being over-emotional as usual

I mean, Liadrin's response to her dad getting killed by the Scourge was to completely abandon her whole life and civilization to go play the grim solitary avenger in the Ghostlands until she got recruited to lead the Blood Knights. Her personality's a little extreme. I feel like everybody around her is used to these little dramatic episodes from her.
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I didn't want a cuckstamp that said I played the entirity of Shadowlands.
I only ever got this one and the 8.3 BFA one.
what the fuck has happened to the spool of dusk/dawnthread market
>BFA one
so you got the BFA cuckstamp instead, got it
it's not noob friendly but the system would be fine without the autistic shuffle that can only really be done by turbo(((goblins))) and greatly encourages not playing your main
the most I ever do is loremaster and getting exalted with everything for an expansion
shadowlands is the first expansion I have done neither in and likely will not (until they do some bonus rep event)
How would you explain her extremely retarded reaction to Turalyon in BFA other than it being a straight up character assassination?
she is a woman
retard, the BFA achievement could be done in 2 weeks and was nowhere near as involved as the multiple month long humiliation ritual you willingly put yourself through
>Hey you really hate the Scourge, wanna lead the blood knights? We're about to go downstairs and take turns sucking off a naaru
>And after that we'll use our new holy powers to fight the scourge?
>Pffft fuck no, we're gonna fight the draenei over some purple rocks in the Netherstorm
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this general is soup grapes central
why is that
I don't have any legacy achievements, I'm on a new account
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didn't do due research before picking mining nodes and went for weeping
turns out all resources from elemental mining nodes are also available through other sources and this time bismuth is also needed to crush gems instead of just prospecting
>200g per 3star ore on EU
what are soup grapes
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Nono, Anon, listen to the users here. The problem is YOU and your ignorance, not with the system. It's YOUR fault.
>anime pic
post hidden
half the prof talent trees are a noob trap lmao
Forced by Blizz cause Turalyon was getting forgotten again. It was stupid bringing him back when he was shelved long ago
>clinging to meaningless shit he 'accomplished' a decade ago
Name a more iconic duo
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Pretty much no title I can ever get from this game will ever be cooler than 'Warlord'
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I guess you can say that I like pets :3
guilds should merge under a new GM imo
alliancefag and doing nothing but jorking in goldshire

>US only

Alliance doing the same. Imagine that
actually, i got the "alliance slayer" when i was a human before i faction changed to horde, sweaty
what is this
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post original mogs, no tier or cm also no hate
That's where you go to buy worgen and vulpera
no it wasn't
A lot of the Arathi warfront commander dialogue is weird and offbase. I just kinda ignore it.
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Yeah it is his fault, really. You didn't need to do some deep research, a quick glance at the price of writhing samples should have been enough to tip off even the most braindead retard that it wouldn't be a good use of points.
bdk nelf
i can see why maye left

this general is so much fucking worse than /xivg/
So how long do Nelfs live?
I don't know what it is refering too but I laughed so hard when tried to open this pic
Bro the futafag is right here >>493532623
>People are now calling for both GM to bury the hatchet and try to work things out.
When did this happen?
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Until you kill them which should be short if you're doing your part.
fkin noob
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Too long
daily sustenance: sethrak baby batter
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Is this the fabled humiliation ritual of a 4chin nigger?
people had been asking where turaylon and alleria were for decades
blizzard broke dusk/dawncloth drops
they're not dropping
the whole cloth market is shooting up
hope you fags got your spellthreads already for next week
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Hero Talents are not going to stay after TWW, right?
They are a goddamn awful feature.
I'm afraid to say they're "evergreen"
Good on ya
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we're so b*ck
I hope not
Hero talents are a fine addition doomjeet.
I always feel second hand embarrassment when I'm out questing and run into another bear druid and they aren't using this form.
Can you imagine... lmao...
Suck my cock, moonguard cuck
What's a good compliment to pair with enchanting? Inscription?
DoomBVLLs won
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> Hunter options are either a discount Sylvannas or discount Tyrande
yeahnah, Hero Talents are a terrible feature.
I'm not even mad though? in the long run professions pay off, I only joined DF in season 2 and leveled professions on a few alts and ended up making around 7 million gold throughout the rest of the expansion just casually taking orders whenever I was sort of idling in valdrakken
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why is the belly so... sexy
even worse if they are using the discount version LMAO
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I didn't say that
Or anything during this seethe-out over professions
I'm too busy seething at Huberta for being a broke faggot
Learn your hunters
they are unnecessary bloat and make 0 narrative sense for most classes
well it looks stupid and the bear trial was by far the easiest mage tower challenge (especially when you got the extendo arm legendary) so.... I shant be using.
>narrative sense
Oh he's really reaching now
Have you considered playing a not shit class?
I'm having a blast with my mountain thane prot warrior, templar retoilet, herald hpal and slayer fury.
Why do you think Turalyon and Alleria didn't show up in TBC in the first place? Were there any plans for them back then?
I know that Metzen had been thinking about the Army of Light for a long time.
What bloat
You get all of them at 80
Most of the time it's a passive, MAYBE one new ability to press
Fuck off
holy cope
Ursol skin is better looking anyway
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the war really was within
The texan mold elemental said the game was bloated so it has to be true okay????
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Class/race for this feel?
Cute and canon
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post you're togc immortal mount if your so good at the game
protip: you wont cause your all shitters rofl
It's only going to get more cluttered when they add 'Housing Power' in Midnight and then 'Path of the Titans' in TLT
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Why are Windrunners like this?
future twitch drop/trading post moun t
>doomsissies still coping
Really sad at this point.
I have ilvl 568. Where should I get gear now? Auction is kind of expensive, and heroic dungeons seem like a waste of time now.
female goblin resto shaman
female human priest
Orc or Tauren DK
back then SKILL was important but now? addons literally play thegame for you
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He's correct, the game simultaneously manages to prune shit tons of abilities yet rotations are seizure-inducing slot machines and busy work. Trying to play this game and do a rotation is like being a chimp in a test chamber, pressing buttons when they light up while a group of scientists flash twenty different sources of high beams at you.
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shut up bitch, Im not wearing this banjo-kazzoie ass "status symbol" that everybody with a pulse got 8 months later in LFR gear for free
We've hit enrage!
not enough narrative space for them I would guess
since they decided to add blood elves to the horde they would have had to address alleria's reaction, who is their greatest living hero, calling them all morons which wouldn't be a good look in the literal expansion they debuted
preservation evoker drachtyr
You can just say you don't play WoW it's ok
What? You either do heroics and upgrade the gear or you move on to another character.
>ghost reply
now say it without crying and seething impotently
oh shit
>He's correct
no he isn't
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shobek stream for some content rn
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>that guy who has corporate dick wedged 20 inches down his throat is awake
It's funny watching this thread die because everyone notices he's back.
It is quite sad watching the doomjeets twist themselves into pretzels to find flaws to have a melty over.
what professions do i roll if i only mostly plan on buying shit instead of making anyway? i already have engineer
Humiliation ritual
WoW is so pussified these days
who is this post referring to?
Yeah the night media shill does get pretty old
Hallowfall mount in 9min
did every mage tower challenge in the game back in Legion. I have all the challenge appearances. Bear druid was NOT among the easiest, kek. Anecdotally, I had the hardest time with Brewmaster. Easiest was between ret/windwalker/enhance/disc priest IIRC
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What race/class do girls (male) play?
>for this feel
i have no idea what feel that is
>anime pic
post hidden
>arms warrior
>arcane mage
>destro lock
>mm hunter
Remember to be patient and understanding with your groups next week. People are deserving of both your time and respect so there's no need to have a loonydoomy meltdown and quit the group just because someone had an off pull.

Thank you. :3
>0 narrative sense for most classes
how delusional do you have to be to believe this?
this little profession situation is going to sour people's first taste of the expansion more than legion's legendaries isn't it
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that's why we lash out here, so we can show patience to noobs who are trying to enjoy the game we like later on.
Vulpera, Void Elves, Femworgen, Dracthyr
Arcane mage, warlock (in general), marksmanship hunter, preservation/augmentation evoker
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>me, tank and DD bug into the ship and can't get out
>2 guys crash and have to relog
>one guy leaves mid battle
>tank fears entire group into 4 packs in the city
..and now we are waiting while the 2 dudes bash the other golden circles in the city
>play anything but elf hunter
>have to play BM or youre forced to slot into elf dark ranger or elf sentinel
bros, should i go earthen, regular dwarf or dark iron dwarf for my shaman?
male ofcourse
the one that rage quit my guild for getting called "bud" played fem nightborne frost mage
retards literally never kick at all
Human paladin. Male nelf, doesn't matter which class. Male dwarves
Every 3h, Hallowfall goes to dark and an elite will spawn instant that drop a mount (a purple reskin of SL m+ one), look for " bel " in lfg custom.
go back in time and tell metzen to add wildhammer dwarves them come back and play one
any female elf or draenei
is it me or does the earthen questline take forever
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What class and spec would he play?
the professions are not related to raidlogging and you can paypig all crafts so the average world of SHITcraft player won't give a fuck
White human male ret paladin
Dark iro-
Just play a mage
ah yes a HUMAN deathstalker rogue
hunters are most classes ok
enh shaman
They added wildhammery appearances for regular dwarves so the choice is clear

god I can't stop playing dwarves
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>the tranny poster is back
zandalari enh shaman
I will never touch anything related to Shadowlands except for when I started playing Dragonflight (after quitting in 8.2) and it forced me to use it to level to 60
>you said you play a earthen? mods crush his motherfucking gem
can't priests make people kill themselves?
who the fuck are you? i didnt say you said that
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>lightforged draenei
>blacksmithing & mining
That's it, can't get better than that.
If Sylvanas was using plague blight to fight humans and night elves does that make her Blizzard's equivalent of Dr Thrax?
I'm not a tranny
because it's gay and retarded and everyone involved in creating it should kill themselves
>100g reward
>250g repair costs
Thanks, dawnbreaker. Very cool of you
thats not my dr. thrax. is this from some mobile shit?
Have you considered not dying?
I hate being such a stereotype kms
Sounds like an npc retard that don't even know why SL was controversial
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You have to understand that you're talking to people who are so new they never knew the game played differently.
I give 50/50 odds that Dawnbreaker is pulled from the m+ rotation last second.
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Man, I had the perfect build for him in Wrath of the Righteous with full persuasion trickster
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lightforged femboys :3
>seige of boralus is still in it regardless
what were they thinking man
Sorry here's the other one
>not blindly agreeing with everyone else makes you an NPC
holy shit the intelligence of someone who actually likes Sneedolands
Just hit max level, does globo homo still need a retpally for their roster?
Which race has the best flavor for MW monk?
>Undead (no bones)
He only plays shit characters and such, so probably Assassination Rogue. A Tauren one, cause I'm sure he considers himself such a bull.
Better than kangz rest
much better!
based if male. gender dysphoria if female.
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Sure. Get in. Though it would be nice if more wowg casters joined


NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked and RECLUITING rn.
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it.
We'll prolly do the usual, m+, raids and maybe some RBG if people are interested.

>Community group for horde people to join and get invited: same name (Globo Fomo)
You can find both by looking for the community name, duh.

Alliance but Cross faction and Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay

Answer the call, /wowg/ anons.
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i read it as gobo homo and now im disappointed
>search 'class + spec war within' on yt trying to learn rotation
>10 vids that look the same with different dudes basedfacing
>close tab
he think he's Urien, a top tier character though, so he would probably play something like fire mage
I'm fully pre bis, when next expansion?
>ai generate loli
>call it a femboy
>can now safely upload it to X
The internet makes a lot of sense.
then do gathering proffesions.
Im making 200k per alt I level gathering.
I mean you are the one saving nigger gifs.. and we both know what trannies love
anyone else playing with a broken arm?
Blizz testing their new disabled player options early.
Unironically kinosovl
Xivg is literally unusable though it moves a mile a minute and it's like erp and shallow nothing posts about sex
generals was peak burgerkino
i miss it
too bad zandalari have the stiffest running animation known to man, they're neat otherwise
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>fresh ding 70
>no greens on the AH to buy so I don't get one shot in dungeons
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Why did the hype die so quickly?
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just do the campaign and get a full set of normal mode gear
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>this is NOT a tranny guys
>Spelunker Supreme
>can't get it by delving
sod is just better
tww without the bloat
What an easy achievement. I'll probably get 1800 rated after 2.5k score in M+.
what is the easiest healer to play? i've tried disc priest and holy paladin and both are way too weird for me.
is there a healer thats just clicking on someone whos low hp and healing them
>buying green boe in 2024
Why do (You) play a female character?
Why do (You) use more smiley faces when doing so?
1600 pvp, maybe heroic if the guild clears
I would say all 3 but I don't do WoW pvp
all of those things are just basic "do you play the game and have a pulse" checks

kul-tirans looks so cool in plate armor
I want to create a dk one
did arthas kill any kul-tirans? don't want for him to be the one of the new ressurected
I thought we were supposed to have irl draenei robowaifu by now
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>ez mine
>bombs are invisible because someone was mining them before I flew in and the ore even rendered
Nigger game
Somebody please answer the question
some of these dungeons are fun
2016 ruined this site
and yet...
Nostalgia burnout. We've had Wrath 2.0 into BWL 3.0 into Firelands 2.0 into Remix into Azjol-Nerub 2.0 into Anniversary event.
Should have gone with the pirate expansion.
holy priest is probably the most "simple" healer, but you still have to manage a bunch of cds and hots.

none of them just stand there healing anymore
>walk into bombs like a retard
>pretend they were invisible because admitting your retarded would bruise your ego too much
most people seem to agree that tww feels like just a patch for DF
Sure. It tracks, the alliance couldn't accept it though.
Probably though you'd just be playing a normal human since Blizz didn't wanna think about it back then.
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Ofc not, I'm a weeb faggot. Should be very clear. That's Miku's wig
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>45% movespeed buff just by existing
>2 AoE interrupts
So uh....you're basically forced to racechange to Dracthyr for every class that can, right?
flying ruins the game
high risk high rewa-
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9 milly and counting doomtranny. Die.
>anime pic
post hidden
based time traveler from tbc launch
Built to milk hung, musky futa balls
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What the fuck is it with Monk and why does literally no one want to play that spec? Even if fucking MW is OP people threaten to gquit if you force them to reroll to it. Is the healing and playstyle that bad? Brewmaster has 809 buttons and no one wants to deal with that but no one wants to touch WW as well.

We are literally a world 400-450 guild and we cannot find a single person who wants to play a single monk spec. The tanks don't wanna play it and the healers don't wanna play it. What the absolute fuck is wrong with the spec?
whatever you say rakesh
the paid shills stopped getting paid, nothingburger of a story and forgettable characters, no content. wait for later patches.
watching anime is enough to be classified as tranny
>post hidden

What's the point? You've already seen it.
Vote kick protection.
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TWW flopped. Start preppin for Classic MoP
Has more than 4 buttons (5) so that means it's bad
does MW still have to fistweave? cuz that shit is gay
Well if that's the case, then I guess I'm the tranniest of them all cause I LOVE ANIME.. like.. I LOVE IT. And my bodypillows and figures and miku plushies and.. and...
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Least obvious discordtroon raid
>feels wrong to play shaman as an alliance race
>feels wrong to play paladin as a horde race
someone cure me of my autism
thats why they increase the cooldown to like 2 or 3 minutes, only evokers get to talent it down to a good timer.
>45% movespeed buff just by existing
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Faerin could have been a fan favorite even if they wanted to make her black and one-eyed
<rehabilitation clinic> is coming back for mop classico
sucking out danuser's poison takes time.
uh oh
avatar tranny melty
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Why would I invest time in an MMO that literally has no future, and if that wasn't bad enough I already played it when it was current. I mean, after MoP it's done, over with. WoD classic? Get the fuck out of here.
Only one wrong there is shaman. The light cares not for alliancefags trying so hard to keep the faction difference alive
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>nobody in their right mind wants to play overcomplex classes when they can just roll something else and zugzug
>meanwhile /wowg/ will have a screaming fit in you mention how some classes are to bloated

rogues are down to 3-4% max levels
>not picking a race/class because you think it's cool/fun/cute
ignore the hordenigger, that's a normal reaction to have
yeah but blizz writers have never interacted with a woman
would've been better solely for having a mount drop
>melee healer
I don't think I will :)
imagine moving like that all the time, what autistic garbage. couldnt be me
It's not cool and energy/chi is fucking lame as shit to use as a gameplay mechanic. I've given monk a chance before but it didn't feel thematically cool as other tanks and wind walker just felt unsatisfying. Likely also the reason rogues are seemingly rare, too. I just don't think these classes are fun to play and it's a shared sentiment with players.
why do some lorderonians have russian first and last names? barov, krastinov?
Blizz writers ARE women
Therefore they cant make attractive female characters unless their purpose is to act as a self-insert
And make characters are there to act as a romantic interest/child surrogate
even binding arena target macros is too much for me
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redpill me on holy paladin in mop
Horde should never have gotten paladins, alliance should never have gotten shamans and classes like for example nelf druid should be genderlocked.
This is a fact.
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This is the goofiest animation I have ever seen.
Legion classic
>anime pic
post hidden
>the problem it's her retarded fugly hair
Fuck off blizz. You can make hot bitches like xal'atath.
I keep hearing this but Argent Dawn is literally full of monks. weird
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Sorry bro I'm not spending 200 Concentration for no skill up and 150 gold
Takes orc dick just like Aduin
and soar is basically a free vigor, not that it really affects much
Again: Why the fuck would I play an expansion I already played not that long ago? Vanilla, tbc and wrath atleast had some sovl, were unique and a really long time ago. The only people who classic (not SoD) is for is zoomers who didn't get to experience the expansions when they were current. I have zero interest in a rerun of modern WoW expansions.
sorry sweaty but classic ends with cata
the aesthetic just isnt popular. most people dont want to punch things in a high fantasy setting
Yup. Time to lube up those holes and start presenting yourself to drakonid men, sissies.
was good for one patch due to set bonus from prior tier, got nerfed AND lost the tier bonus making them trash after
if mop goes live on 5.4 it's disc/rsham only
*throws hands into the air* Ok anon. I get it. You want me to be trans. HEY GUYS, I'M TRANS NOW. Are you happy now? God fucking dammit, can't even watch anime on an anime website without people talking about transfolk. Fuck you. I'm going to watch lesbian futa hentai now. Unbelievable.
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elves were a mistake, this one seems especially dumb!
Lead the Charge sounds like a sick talent.

yeah nightborne are sexo
I'm not sure but monk probably has my favorite specs out there. Not as good as back in mop and wod, but still absolutely top tier gameplay across all 3 specs.
if it's the last patch it's trash. you go from bombing ST heals to hot spamming rofl and your hot does not even procs your mastery kek
what is this awakening the machine thing in the ringing deeps?
dont mind the americans, they cant help it.
Trying to kill shit as a healer sucks ass, do I really need a dps spec too for quests?
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>Be dracthyr
>Able to pick any shape you could imagine as your visage
>They all choose to be human females
What did they mean by this?
>split launch so people dont have good launch memories with their whole friend group
>3 weeks of no content so the brand new expansion feels old already
What do you mean guarantee? It tells you what level you you're going to make it at.
So what is the best mage spec. Frost?Arcane?
you dont need it, but you will no longer have this issue if you switch
absolute garbage tier
if you want to be a palacuck go prot
if you want to be a healslut go disc because there will be too many rshamans. druid and mistweaver are also good but not the best
it's a scenario where you kill 20 waves of easy mobs and the collect some mid rewards
>Nooo, you HAVE to play the class I want you to play!
what a fag lol
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>i need them 5
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>new pilav video
Yeah you're not supposed to do that.
With the given skill and knowledge points I have I can guarantee that it will be 4 stars. I'd have to spend a bunch of Concentration to force-guarantee it to be 5 stars
Bro that 4 item level difference matters!!!!11
just don't do quests
i wish the alliance slayer title was account wide
>Professions are one of the pillars of the game
Looks like someone hasn't played since WOD...
>it's real
we're back.
Created by someone that wasn't a monsterfucker
>Male dracthyr are just reskinned blood elves
Why the fuck can't they just make an attractive male human for once?! Male night elves too, they need some love.
where's the eu horde wowg guild?
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>the most dogshit "unique" stagger mechanic they could think of
>literally made of paper
>gets destroyed by magic damage
>requires 10 weak auras to track shit for you
>literally has 3000 buttons all of which are needed

>ramping healer
>playstyle is like playing another spec between raid and maze
>you are forced to melee
>other healers can fuck your ramps
>anti-intuitive rotation

>30 cooldowns
>bad defensives
>absolute dogshit on single target
>feels unimpactful and unrewarding even when you perform everything flawlessly
>executing a near perfect rotation gives you the same reward as a DH pressing eye beam

Truly is a mystery of a cosmic scale.
bros should I play this expansion? shill me on it. I played dragonflight for 2 months post launch and never again because it got stale.
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imagine if we could all look like dummy thicc mommystrasza...
<Wrench> @ Shattered Halls
Wow guys I just tried pvp in this game an it feels like shit. Everyone just heals to full constantly and pops shields and bubbles
This just isn't fun whatsoever. How can anyone play this
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warlockbrehs am i good if i just stay destro?
demo is still fucking boring and afflicition is autism the specc
i just wanna chug big fuck you bolts and enjoy the game but i keep hearing more and more that i should go affliction
If only
skill issue bait post #784528284
>How can anyone play this

We don't
Fistweaving is beyond retarded and blizzard should stop pandering to the 10 vocal redditors that actually want to play that shit. MW is great as a pure caster, just make jade lightning the dps shit and give them some zenyata orbs to throw from range

WW is like playing a piano which is fun for your rotation but when cooldowns enter the picture it will make you want to kill yourself

Brewmaster is only brought for the buff but currently has 30% more buttons than it needs (down from 50% in trannyflight), is considered the hardest tank because it's easy to fuck up your mitigation
>spamming purify on cd is bad
>not pressing it every 4 seconds is also bad
>your defnsives suck and are on a super long cd
>biggest defensive is a shield that is bigger if you have been purifying stagger a lot
remove the bloat and make the mitigation almost entirely passive and people would play it
i dont find mw's rotation anti intuitive at all. you just try to proc rising sun kick as much as possible for absurd healing
there's a reason pvp is dead
pvp only feels good in BGs these days. arena is horrible awful shit
aff is fotm. if you dont want to actively work towards clearing +20 play whatever you want, itll work
There's no chance involved so there's no need for the word "guarantee."
What's more worth gearing more first? Warrior or Demon Hunter. I'm enjoying both but having a hard time focusing just one currently like I should. I can tank generically on either but prefer dps and dunno how confident i'd be tanking raids/mythic + this upcoming week.
This is why no one plays it.
>afflicition is autism the specc
huh? you sparked my interest.
why yes I will be race changing my female human hunter to a female dracthyr, how could you tell?
Is it really that bad? I used to play brewmaster in MoP and it was great fun. Was even cooler than bloodDK back then.
Brew used to be my go-to tank in MoP and WoD, and then the changes they made to it in Legion made me drop the spec. I didn't touch it again until last night. It feels better now than it did in Legion, but it's still nowhere near as good as it was.
Are you doing progression? Why am I asking you're posting here. Play what you want.
It's the new hotness for lock while being a dot spec
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this and dehaka are the only hots models that look worse than their actual game counterparts
how the fuck did they greenlight this abomination?
>alliance team is all priests paladins and augvokers
>can barely tell the difference between priests and paladins
>every kill feels like trying to chew through rock
I don't care about counterplay this is not fun
>now horde can play as dwarves and female humans of any classes
>alliance still can't play high elves
>forced to fistweave since the healing healer build is always overlooked in favor of fistweaving
>fistweaving requires you to be in melee range and do damage and also die
>zero mana regen so the only healer that has to actually pay attention to mana now

>skyreach removed
>4 talents just for SOTW
>still no defensive cooldowns in fact they took some away
>skyreach removed
>still being forced to "choose" utterly lmao useless builds like super crackling lightning or whirling dragon punch that will never be viable
>skyreach removed
>zero utility even rogues can aoe cloak or something monks get NOTHING
>serenity removed
>skyreach removed
>fun removed

Didn't even bother playing because I gave up on the class
>>Elysian GM "Contirion" also known as "Synx" was parsing green logs in Dragonflight.
So he wants to get carried? by wowg? EUbros i'm from NA but what the fuck is that GM.

Move to Nerub Silkweaving forum the name is much better too.
theres nothing wrong with fistweaver. it helps create variety among the healers in terms of playstyle. holy paladin also feels like shit to play by comparison of being a "melee healer" where as mistweaver gets it right
Will the new drakthyr classes be able to stay in visage form in combat?
>he doesnt play LWMM and nuke unsuspecting clothies down in 3 GCDs from 60 yards away
skill issue
how hard are blue haired blizztroons seething now that pilav is back
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Finished Khaz Algar loremaster and all it gives is some shitty transmog
>no visuals for any ability
>have to put up 3 dots on everything you want to hit
>and then 90% of your dmg comes from a cast without an animation
the specc just has nothing a normal person would find interesting
but for an autist raw numbers without anything cool is appealing
like looking at spreadsheets in your freetime

You have choices for all classes but Evoker. Always visage form (even in combat), visage form until combat (to automatically take dragon form while fighting), etc.
I think the real question is why forsaken still can't play pally with how hard they pushed Calia.
affliction in legion was awesome
Being the channeling healer was also unique and also much more fun than punching shit in melee range to somehow heal your allies. The only time I had fun as MW was when I tried forcing the caster build even though it was numerically inferior. That and pumping Kael'thas full of healing with innervates and PIs
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yeah people keep saying this fat ugly old whore looks good in hots i dont get it lmao
>The Horde has been so thoroughly genocided that Lilian Voss of all people is now a major Horde representative
soon every race will be able to play paladin with the reformed tyr's guard
only trannies dislike hots mommystrasza this was fact checked
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Got this earlier today, only 3rd time running the raid!
She looked insanely good in DF, one of the best parts of the expac.
More like TOR.
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brainlets will mutter something about muh light and muh undead but Alonsus Faol and Sir Zeliek don't seem to have any problems
There is a day left of the darkmoon faire. I just noticed. Is there anything I should try and get?
agreed, literal sex in df
Tell me anons, how much would you pay for that dumb Gummi worm pet from Trolli?
I feel like she could have been a good character but shes too much of a marry sue. Was it ever explained how shes able to manifest crazy shadow powers that normal rogues can't?
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Plump women are simply more attractive by virtue of being plump.
>cover her up
>somehow I find her hotter than her cata bikini version
rare case of blizzard fucking up in a good way
>all these fags itt that hate windwalker with a passion
you have no sovl
you have no taste
DF mommystrasza giga mogs the HOTS one but the HOTS one isn't that bad.
i see no reason why both cant exist. wasnt caster monk viable in dragonflight? i remember getting a bunch of monks in my keys who didnnt melee. im guessing its not anymore which is a shame because you should have variety simply for the reason that playing fistweaver in a heavy melee comp is cancer
That's just being an npc subtlety
It's hardly a choice when Visage brings heal. I always have auto visage active on my dragie cause that thing heals.
Like, why wouldn't u want to passive heal the entire team? Now all those classes can do it even better than me cause I have to switch form to cast breaths
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Paying $90 for something that is clearly not ready and a work in progress, yikes
>want to do anything
>get hit with 27 ccs
pvp sucks
holy kino
zamn time to level hunter
>wow is the only mmo that ever has to rework something post expansion launch
Same. Sexo VFX.
Good thing diggers can be hunters.
post more
why does arms warrior feel so clunky and shitty
He's right though. The sentinel tree rewards CA and butchery which are two skills I don't have so those nodes are useless to me
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nothing personnel kid
Nope, she has special shadow fire powers in all of her introductory quests. No other npc or rogue ability uses these fx.
We both know only 1 will be somewhat viable at a time and it's more often than not that was the melee version
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Oh my lord...
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>finish leveling
>open currency tab
>six (6) currencies already
can ion fuck off with this shit
gonna have 23 by the end of the expansion again
yeah bro gimme that skelestrasza
why are 2/3 of the hunter hero trees entirely elf focused
world of elf craft
where's my gunslinger hunter you niggers
>straight up useless in tyrannical weeks or ST raid bosses
>sneedolands added the reddit stomp that forces you to stand in the same place as a MELEE for a lame flat damage % buff, if you don't use it you'll parse like shit too
>your only good defensive has to be used for DPS aka you have to get hit on purpose by mechanics on CD
> one million buttons and all of them feel like shit to press

WW is the spec that pays the highest PvP toll every single expansion, fuck minigamers
Inverted priest lineage powers. It shouldn't come as a surprise that being undead would allow a power vacuum that the void loves.
go ahead and rattle off some alternative ideas anon, let's hear them
viable for what? clearing mythic raiding/winning the MDI or running your weekly +6 no leavers key? like i said, i saw plenty of mistniggas healing with the caster build just fine in dragonflight
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>porn addict
turns out there are many nelf/belf/velf hunter heroes that are really popular and make up the majority of the hunter fantasy other than rexxar
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i like fatties but i also love eugenia
shes delicate like an injured bird
i want to force feed her and bring her back to good health
i did just enough orders with concentration on df items in prepatch to where i'm on the "just let me put 5* crafts on the ah and make the crest an upgrade consumable" and "let there be recrafts with quality" team now. they can fine tune so much with crafting/order limits, concentration, and even account wide production if they wanted to where cancel scanning wouldn't be anywhere near as competitive. you'd end up with something like the raid boe or lamented item drops.

it should be easier gold/hr in this system over time but the retard level retail interactions suck the life out of the game for me so fucking fast. there's just too many people who don't even touch professions at all or seem like they want to play dumb for this to be enjoyable. for every good relation (as in beyond it being just pumping out orders) there's 2 or 3 of these exercises. it's the most aggravating shit since there's really no market price with people rushing things now for skill then again later on in the patch when things break down into a bunch of people saying free.
>KT male orc-raper extraordinaire prot warrrior
Yay or nay?
it doesnt, youre just inexperienced
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>orc raper
can anyone confirm if weathered crests from renown rewards count toward the weekly limit? i have tons of those rewards still available just never took them because my crests were maxed. but i took them on an alt and they didnt count toward the weekly limit but i wasnt maxed on them when i accepted them either so im unsure
is he a professional buckbreaker by trade?
Simple checklist, nigger, are you in a full set of PVP gear? Do you have the optimal talents? Are you retarded? Fix those issues and PVP isn't that bad. Do miss Legion's system where you could jump into arena on a fresh toon (in heirlooms, even) and have a fighting chance though
what's a good class to play this expansion and is this expansion worth resubbing into?
>anime pic
post hidden
> orc raper
Considering their proclivities he'd be getting assfucked by Orcs. Only thing wrong with it
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now i'm rich.
Gun focused tree?
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Why is the meta in Priory of the Sacred Flame to go left? The mobs on the right side are easier
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we need him back and the second coming of wowo wawa is real
haha faggot
can you name any notable dwarf rangers?
no, because they're generic units, not heroes
Yeah, it would be nice to be able to put this stuff on the AH. I really dislike how people are demanding r5 items before the season even begins. Like, dude, there's probably nobody that can make r5 gloves right now without spending a ton of concentration on them.
it's slower. speed prevails
>Gigi went insane
That's the funniest thing I've ever seen
here come the retarded frog nigger posts
Name a known gun user that both factions know
Maybe I'm a stupid retard or something but I really like Mistweaver, especially for m+. Monks bring a lot of utilityto the table with movement speed buff, physical damage taken debuff, AoE stun on a short CD, group knockback Ring of Peace, paralysis, and soak cd with diffuse magic. Then on an healer specific note MW, spreading mist around and having vivify hit everyone with mist just feels good and effective in small groups, plus you have a lot of CDs to rotate through, a group dispell when you want it, and a speed buff to help retards out. Roll is always a great positioning tool because you can finish a cast in a danger zone and then GTFO before it hits.
this is your brain of virtual gold green
Remind me is this a must have talent or useless trash? Frost mage.

Frostfire frost is so fun holy shit.
Working on the weakaura for it rn. Never tried to do something like it.
>want to transfer my character
>name is taken
why can't we pay to steal names from inactive losers?
> Trannythyrs getting this much attention still
Whose passion project is this?
And why aren't they fired already? Is that scalie faggot part of the union?
name one reason why can't you pick minimum quality on public orders
>because everyone would want r5 ONLY
yes that's the entire point, you pay for the concentration of a specialist
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I forgot to mention an interrupt too.
>shoots sylvanas in the head and straight up one shots her
holy fucking based
>monk main
hello fellow monk main. why use many words when few words do trick? monk run away, monk come back. weeee monk. bonk
Hemet Nesingwary
>log in
>have to abandon the call to lordaeron quest
Fuck off stop giving me this I don't even know how to get to shadowlands. I've never been
just turn in the bread crumbs quest and then don't pick up the next one, annoying as fuck though I agree completely
love me some dark iron dwarfussy
How do I get pvp gear without pvping
I don't want to be a pvper i just wanted the reward for winning i didn't expect it to be so unfun. Just seems like bad game design if its this bad for new casual players
is this expansion woke slop or is it good to play?
Destro / Demo warlock, surv hunter or brew / mist monk?
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Sorry human male paladin bois, but in this universe, the rock gods get the butterface human girls
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sex? sex
Good slap, you'llbe neutral
still seems stupid to force dwarven rangers, goblin gunners, orcish bowmen etc to use elf sentinel or dark ranger talents.
>log in on an ancient main to check inventory
>Remember I was doing a nemesis quest when last playing
>400 pandaren kills removed lmao try again
these goofballs really pulled another Varian with Anduin
The weird thing is you can on personal orders and I imagine guild orders too. just public orders you can't.
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What's the best race for a first time mistweaver monk? And what's the best race for a first time mistweaver monk on Alliance on Moon Guard?
WoW has been woke slop for the past 4 expansions. What makes you think this is any different?
Pandaren Female, Pandaren Female
>20th anniversary video
>kinda actually drawing me back in
>show bearded troop dwarf that snaps me out of it
Lmao if you bought this game you should consider killing yourself. And go through with it this time.
Pick whatever you want. Race is mostly flavor so if you want to be molested by an angry femorc tank you should go belf guy and-
Oh in that case go femworgen
you missed the event, last week was comp stomp. arathi basin vs. bots. Was easy to get a full set of gear, and if you missed that train, now you have to grind painally.
that's not cool to say sis
kleia is hot blue mommy sit on my face awooga ha ha
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>fucktard tank tries some m+ lvl skips in a normal
>nobody knows what the fuck is going on
>ass pulls nonstop
>entire group split up fighting mobs all over the place
>people keep dying while he keeps rushing forward
>takes 5times longer to complete cause DDs are constantly dead
Just.. just play the dungeon like normal you autistic cunts
Big Mom Energy
bearded dwarf women is literally tolkien you stupid fucking zoomer, kys with your culture war cancer
>Received help from the Alliance and Anduin personally lent him his sword and still jobbed to Sylvanas and couldn't evade his wanted level
>spend one day farming below minimum wage like a venezuelan to get a token
>get a job
hmm what do we think chat
I’ve main’d Ret for 15 years and it’s funny to see all these cazzies make rets all of the sudden now when the class is basically the same as shadowlands but weaker dps and stronger self-heals.
>it’s really easy to kill them in pvp because they tunnel too hard and try to play pally like a warr
Kek imagine if Xal'atath is working on this elaborate master plan going on five dimensional chess games and mind plays to get Alleria to do something evil or whatever, she's sitting in Quel'Danas seething about being foiled in TWW disguised as Thalyssra and spending her free time getting railed by Lor'themar, then one day she steps on some dragonhawk shit so she goes to wash her feet in the Sunwell and that's how Midnight happens
skill issue
imagine being so bad you can't keep up with the tank kek
You can shove that skill issue up your ass.
When you have an entire group of people who don't know what to do and you pull like shit, you are the one who has skill issues. The DDs clearly had no idea where to go so they kept pulling.
I mean how delusional are you?
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>what too much Xal'atath feet does to your brain.
get better
mistweaver isn’t fun anymore because you actually have to fight mobs and participate
career tanks are the biggest faggots. They have the easiest job in raid (and it's not even close), so they get all this faggy pent up sperg energy that they take out on strangers in LFG
If you aren't able to play the game PROPERLY you shouldn't be playing the game at all, shitter.
Normalfags and LFRcucks bow to RWF supremacy.
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>pull normally in a way that makes it impossible even for pugs to asspull by accident
>they start bitching at me for not doing the dratnos MLG skip even though my route is much more reliable when playing with randoms
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what class/spec do i play to completely shit on retardins in pvp? they are absolutely everywhere.
At least your group stays alive and nobody fails any retarded skip and gets left behind. I'd rather have a moaning team than a dead one.
>fighting mobs all over the place
put a square on the tank. follow the tank. the mobs will hit him and then you can hit the mobs. hope that helps.
Survival hunters or any sort of mage. Frost goat if you wanna send a message
What's good/newb friendly? I haven't healed since my druid in vanilla, and I don't really want to play resto druid.
Do I have to teach you how to read?
>it’s funny to see all these cazzies make rets all of the sudden
whats a cazzie
how is ret going to be comparatively to dildoflight in arena
WoG is fucking kneecapped in pvp
Anyone who isn't taking this video game seriously deserves to die in real life. Yes, that means the entire bluecuck playerbase.
it's literally impossible for a ret to kill a frost mage
Lock is easy mode anti-pally because blizz has some weird behind the scenes coding that mitigates their damage. A hit that would do 100k damage normally does only like 60k to a lock.
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I live to serve all believers.
>too much
is there such a thing
please nut in my hair, sincerely, non-believer
Survival hunter
I do all the time. Most ret-tards do not know how to play ret.

Spriest is really strong rn against everyone.
Troon, not troop
They leaned too hard into making her plump and matronly.
Meanwhile DF has proven beyond a doubt that people want hebe teen mom Alex.
I froze the diver suit mog because I didn’t have enough but I’m up to 2100 tendiez now
Should I buy it? Or wait and save up for better stuff?
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>entire group split up fighting mobs all over the place
Don't split up. Put an icon on the tank so you can see him better and follow him. Don't heal anything until he stops. don't damage anything until he stops. It's impossible to die this way. If you need anymore help just ask newfriend.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>farming aqirite

I don't actually care for dragons having polymorph powers at all and I wish Onyxia was an evil human that could polymorph into a dragon, not the other way around.
Holy Priest is super easy
only the man who has never had to level a profession may throw the first stone
So you truly can't read.
Anon, he tried some retarded skips. The DDs failed the skip, ass pulled, had to dismount and fight, I had to run back and forth saving people, he kept running, spiders webbed everyone...
Like.. c'mon man
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he's alive
remember to use a phial of true sight for extra knowledge points, 'em
>had to dismount and fight
chose to
>I had to run back and forth saving people
chose to
Put a square on the tank, follow him, clear the dungeon. There's no amount of mental gymnastics you can do where it's not your fault from your choices.
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SHOW me some good goblin mogs
There wouldn't be a need for skips and toxicity if blizzard removed the worthless timers. The trannies into speedrunning can always toggle the stopwatch and rush before it's time for their dilation session but we know only the most mentally ill individuals would willingly do that just like almost nobody turned warmode back on after pretending they are hot shit for for years for playing on le PVP server with a 90/10 split
What is a good mod to use to hunt down all the interactable in Hallowfall? Apparently the Profaned tinderboxes drop from the chests and waxes, ect there. I need them for crafting
Nah not the way they did it here
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just look at the map/your screen, they aren't hard to find
man even that one sucks
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Dungeons in this game feel so annoying. I don't like doing dungeons. Itd always like
>ok do some awkward platforming around these rocks with shifty bounding to skirt the edge of this room and if you mess up and aggro everyone in your group hates you
Like fuck off
Wait are you telling me that one appendix with a joke description of female deserves with beards existed in rereleases of the Lord of the Rings?? That's so fucking based!
>pvebitch getting uppity

nobody turns war mode on because only pvp autismos with full conquest gear do so, in the old pvp servers everyone was forced to interact with the world for questing, farming or whatever so more often than not WPvP ended up in big faction wars since there was no other option
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it's so cuuute
It's bants.
Non-paladins wouldn't get it.
I don't understand why earthen aren't just actually genderless or why they have underwear at all
Its just lazy
>more often than not WPvP ended up in big faction wars
Yeah and when was that? Back in TBC? LMAO
Each time you give blizzard money you essentially say “trans rights”
Don’t bitch about it now fuck boy.
Now say the line like a good little faggot.
it happened a lot in legion because of how world quests work
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>Pilav is back
Holy shit we're so back.
Thanks, I was gunna go for that but wasn't sure if there was something else lurking about.
Oh just do what I'm already doing, wonderful.
>dood the incomprehensible obnoxious e-celeb is back
I want them a baby crypt lord pet, give me lil anub
How do I get a lot of honor fast? BGs?
I have a shadow priest at level 50ish, I'll respec to holy and run a few dungeons, see how it feels. Thank you for the advice.
>mage can easily beat ret in pvp
Blizzard employee hands wrote this.
Nah at best there would be a guild war once in a blue moon. Everyone else either server hopped or fucked off until it was time for the ganktrannies to dilate
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Are you retarded?
I'm not gonna pocket heal the tank, he can do that himself. I'm there to keep the team alive and god help me I will with all tools I have. There is no point in me standing next to the tank, casting living flame on single mobs while he's having a 50dude moshpit.
There are no timers in a fucking normal dungeon tho
why is there a revive battle pet cooldown? im not going to sit there for 8 mins because the faggot trainer uses sandstorm and one shots my frog.
lil nubnub
The topic being discussed is obviously LGBTM+ keys aka the easiest, fastest, most reliable source of gear
So you're INTENTIONALLY playing bad. Is it like a joke?
just don't like e-celebs, simple as
and his fans consist of the dregs of europe
Guy looks legit scary, how do people not run away from him when seeing him on the street? Most people are not big enough to survive if he attacked them.
Ret can't handle a ranged target
I haven't given them any money though
you can buy biscuits to resurrect them instantly
why cant i find nerbu silkweaving on horde? eu tarren mill but realms hardly matter now adays does it

idk how this fucking community cock finder works

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