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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom

>Be a Marvel Hero in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4: ABSOLUTE DOOM!

>Quests, stats, shop

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Doctor Doom Invades the Fortnite Battle Pass

>Karol G Brings the Rhythm to Fortnite Festival!

>Blaze past the Finish Line in Rocket Racing Inferno Island!

>LEGO Fortnite v30.40: Use Bus Stations to Fast Travel!

>Fortnite Returns to iOS in the European Union! Free Skin and items for completing XP Quests on Android and iOS devices in the EU!

>Sign Up for Survey Emails and Receive the Free Sir Beurre Back Bling within 24 Hours (No-one has recieved it yet, but I guess it's still worth doing)

>Fortnite Crew September - Dali

Murder the bus driver
Anyone know any female voice changer software that sounds good and is free? Asking for a friend...
update the survey email thing
FNCS starts in an hour, let's watch it together.
do we get anything for it
otherwise no
Rocket league and fall guys have drops. I assume Epic's largest game with millions of cosmetics would have drops too.
Literally who actually wants to watch gimps just camp and hug right corners for an hour
I don't mind watching someone's pov and hearing what they're saying if it's duos but when they keep changing povs or it's solos it's turbo boring, just a bunch of people hiding and then it cuts halfway into someone maybe dying
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>Can't buy Argie/Brazillian vbucks from microsoft anymore
>Crew supposedly unaffected, but the prices got inflated badly like in March and costs the same as the US Crew does
>Redeeming packs is a gray area
At least you can make PSN accounts for vcucks still, but god damn wigga, I just wanted Vivica Saint
Emoticons and sprays, eh
I'm not sure if they stream POV at lans but it is duos.
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Thank you! I'll check this out.
off to a great thread start
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no worse than usual
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can't wait for marvel season 3 in 2027
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he’s right, woke artists have ruined skins
I really want to buy Chun-Li...
I just want guile
for me, it's Sakura
Elowen and Lina are sex
We already know that you eat up whatever slop is put on your plate
Looks like casual shitters are eating up that spawn rate increase. I give it about a week or 2 before these retards realize this power ruins normal br even more than the other marvel items do
I just like those 2 from the pic anon posted, Starr is fine, but that's all
okay grandpa, your opinions might be woke, but you're still just daydreaming, back to bed you go
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>huge sweat scene playerbase in EU
>yet /fng/ is dead during EU hours
Explain this
>huge sweat scene playerbase in EU
Oh yeah. I literally can't get elite on eu servers, I easily get champion on na servers.
what's "woke" about these skins? If anything they're just fucking boring. Chapter 5 skins overall feel far less interesting than previous chapters outside of a handful and the animals

We're in here lads
It's just beyond everything.
>what's "woke" about these skins?
they're DEI and woke
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Powerpuff collab when
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weak crowd
forkknife bros....
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ohh I guess it's not starting yet that could be cope
Is ninja, myth and tfue playing?
I don't understand why game studios try to integrate e"sports" and competition into their games
I understand that there's a lot of money in it but competition play has ALWAYS been at its peak when run by third orgs. counterstrike was at its peak (in terms of viewership and overall level of competition across all divisions not, just the very top level) with esea but as soon as valve started getting involved it started hitting the shitter
I can never take "comp" fortnite players seriously because its all sanctioned by Epic, and therefore a joke.
is there a livestream? is there any rewards for watching this slop?
yeah, these >>493532019
login on https://competitive.fortnite.com/english-feed, leave it on a background tab, still works muted
why don't you read the thread >>493532019
what is with /fng/ and not reading the thread, the same shit happened yesterday with the free v-bucks
The answer is simple: control and profits. If you, as a game publisher, hold competitive tournaments, you have full control over what happens, the rules, the prize pool, everything. You also get to keep all the money you make by hosting the event. It's not about "competitiveness." They don't actually care about the game.
They come in here to post and ignore anything before and refuse to scroll up when confused
A reminder to claim your prize after half an hour, usually you need to do so before it starts the second half an hour
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Toshiro should've had a kimono style or a blue and white style
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weird how it's not just linked to twitch like normal drops
Buying out of region vbucks has always been a high probability of getting banned.
There have been anons in past threads that have gotten their throwaway accounts banned for buying vbucks but not packs/skins.
I've missed out on rewards because I didn't actually go in and press the claim prize button.
nah, when did they last do twitch drops? feels like it's been years
feel your pain
I don't know about Epic, but Riot doesn't make money from it directly, it's for marketing, they keep it closed so they can make sure the game is being played by their rules and can ensure only sponsors they aprove are next to their brand, there's no third party tournament/league that isn't sponsored by gambling sites or skin resellers in some way.
Zero build deserves a FNCS showcase
Too difficult for the pros
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i can't take this image seriously after seeing a nude edit of it on twitter
that would require aim past close range
builders only know how to make a box and use shotguns
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make a ZB FNCS
Zero Build is boring as fuck. Yes, the shanty town FNCS is boring too, but ZB is on another level.
There's no money in hosting those huge events, how expensive would you need to make the tickets to pay for a huge venue, the people to make it happen, and a million dollar prize pool on top of that, third parties make money by playing locally but doing it somewhere maybe 5k people are watching, they get all their money from grey market sponsors like gambling and resellers and keep operational costs low
>zero build
are you retarded? it's literally fortnite's baby mode, there's a reason 99% of casuals and new players prefer it
and it's also the reason the game is full of newfags who joined the game after they added zero build and lowered the difficulty bar for them
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ZB can be way more entertaining & chaotic endgame
chapter 5 sucks and ranked removes all the fun stuff.
Actually yeah, you're right, BR competitive endgame is just heal-offs.
another big part of this is games becoming increasingly closed off
competitive left 4 dead, counterstrike, tf2, other source games, etc... all came about because not only did the community create leagues but they also had to develop their own configs and mods for competition play. studios hate people tinkering with shit nowadays. there's no passion anymore, just sterilized sandbox play.
every other BR has no building and manage to host championships
Build mode for the most part is just box yourself in and carry heal items, aka basically what the worst players in casual mode does
epic needs hot female casters
there's literally a twink there
god, they're all so awkward except the azns
about a concord's worth of players in that stadium
that’s not a stadium…
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The lady caster is wearing a jacket this year to hide her Milkers :/
Hi to JoJoJosiah, Klarque and Hannahlin at FNCS
>winner gets 2 milly
Why didn't you go pro /fng/?
so, this isn't even a meme anymore
why is doom black?
dont need to because Ive owned nvidia stock for 12 years
bung knee innit
i'm bad at the game
go watch the next marvel film and he'll be nice and white for you anon
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He isn't
i don’t play builds any more
the premise of having to claim a POI is so fucking gay
ZB needs to ban cheating faggots and make it a movement shooter like Tribes
I used to be pretty good, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
furries are rich
alright, see you tomorrow
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Because Armageddon is coming so money will soon become worthless
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Monster Trucks would have been way cooler then this trash
>It's not Solid Ed and Liquid Persea
how many people will be gimp suits
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I have $25 worth of Amazon gift card credit and I can't use it on V-Bucks. Fuck you, Andy Jassy.
Competitive fortnite is like competitive Mario Kart, sure it's possible and there's tech to master but you're so far against the córe of the game you have to ask why do you even play it
There's Clix
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most of them probably
I wonder if anyone has met their spouse through Fortnite
did you guys see those huge fucks walking down the isle?
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Epic is pushing Hope PROPAGANDA!!

DOOM will prevail!!!
Funny enough because those ugly things come back every week to the store, I think they can't use all the same skin
>add doom as the big bad and main selling point to season
>now turn away any support for him
Dr Disrespect skin when?
I saw somebody wearing a Peely Suit! They definitely are trying to Deny us
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>ai bots now having conversations about CBD in festival jam vc
For Rainbow Royale this year, I want an LGBT skin with customizable colors so I can make the MAP flag.
Elowen should've worn a nice princess dress.
Why did they make that change? I remember being able to buy gift cards with amazon credit years ago
I saw a person sitting in a full peely costume earlier.
If it's like the World Cup then I think they just have the skin set on random, with every skin being available. I remember watching the World Cup and in the Duos tournament someone won while wearing Cloudbreaker, and who the fuck wears or even owns Cloudbreaker
anon btfo'd
EU too busy actually playing the game instead of shitposting here.
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gang gang
Shut up, smoothie fodder
What is a good wired headset under $60?
Love my Astro A10s
Harmony Lee?
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Is it Clix’s year??
There needs to be a rule that if you're a male skin user with a crown, you must forfeit it to the nearest female skin user.
It's cheaper to turn off voice chat and just use your speakers bro
>does a bunch of silly shit then casually saunters off
That girl's a grade-A clown.
Nope. They'll get 5th
There should be a rule where I can watch you get fucked by other men
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It's pronounced "booga?" I thought it was "Bug Ha."
lmao very possible
I think the apple's rotten right to the core
pure slop, wouldn't even bother claiming these for free from the store
it should be cyclops in the middle not deadpool
DP3 has done irreparable damage to Wolverine.
how new are u?
how do i spectate malico only
horrendous misfire
shut up furfag
I'd love to watch Emma get fucked by other men nnnnnnngggghhh
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cyclops is dating captain jones
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brat skin when?
>Cyclops x Jonesy
>Cyclops x Ryu
>Cyclops x Wolerine
all acceptable
you just reminded me of that awful charli xcx skin concept made by dahjacat
Reupload from last thread
>>493464629 #
I’m completely ok with this outcome. Kudos to them for realizing this after 6(?) years.
never seen it so plz don’t post lol
least schizo anti furry
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As other anons have pointed out, it's about control and marketing. Think about the shops on Times Square. Those shops generally don't make money. The real estate costs there are so high that the only companies that can afford to be there are corporations willing to lose money year over year just to advertise to all those people day in and day out. And if that advertisement can cushion the financial blow by selling some product, that's great. But the real reason is to present something to the world that makes their company look good. That's what this is about. They want Fortnite to look like a big deal, and they want people to know it.
Pour me a cup of milk, default boy.
>starting this latelet argument again…
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>8 minute break
In the meantime, how are we doing
What are you talking about?
I sucked on them kek
I'm strokin mah shit right now, I got lotion on my dick
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Fine, anon. Just fine.
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Based on what I've seen from other games/companies, surveys don't mean anything. All it means at best is they're having internal discussions about it.
Lexa doesn't know what roads are.
she doesn't know what condoms are either
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That is grand
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>Dave, have we decided on what kind of helmet Scarr should wear?

>The Hyena character scored highly in the survey results. We think we can improve the approval rate by as much as 10% if we make it a hyena helmet

>10%'s a good number. Do it.

Just the way of the world, I suppose.
>Ah hell yeah, I got the survey for legacy passes...
Oh shit, never mind. It's asking me about Fortnite. This might be interesting. I'll report back when I'm done.
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faggot I literally JUST took the screenshot
he looks way lighter in that shit
no one tell him about shading
Nobody says this stuff happens overnight. We’ll probably get this stuff soon, let’s just hope epic games dosen’t fumble the bag in the process.
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>even faggots cling onto feminine traits like breats
even more proof us men are inferior. le sigh. i wish I was born a woman so people would love me
Wait isn’t the mask welded onto dooms face just because he got mad over a scar.
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>beyond the flame can appear in battle stage
you will never be able to imitate wanda kino. just give up
every time i check the stream it's on break, it says back in 30 mins now
Pls give me your bluglo
>delayed 10 mins
>now delayed 30
So who got busted for illegal software?
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/fng/ in a nutshell
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Holy shit, it's Doom Guy...
The thing is even if Epic brings it back it wouldn't surprise me if they lock everything away just like they are now.
>you can buy this skin!
>but can't use any of the styles/super styles which you have to buy separately
>you can now buy this basic emote that's basically in any game for free but it's 500 vbucks
Like even if they change things it's still Epic we're talking about, they're really incompetent in general and insanely greedy.
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Do not use Daraku for your wandafag imitating nigger
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wtf happened? 8 more min got added & now it’s almost half an hour until it starts.

Is there a cheater?? Did someone hack in like the apex thing?
100% guarantee Thanos will be in the item shop before the season ends, but in no way is he any sexier than Meowscles.
This fucking company man.
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kek if true
kek no way
>anything that switches up the gameplay and intrudes on the buildmeta has to be removed
Yea, when they added back the gauntlet in the files I had a feeling he'd be back. I just don't know if I should buy this since he'll be back (possibly) in less than a month. I also feel like waiting makes it more...inevitable
It didn't really ask me about Fortnite or any RL cosmetics crossing over to Fortnite. It did ask me about Rocket Racing, though. Also, it asked me about future Rocket Pass themes, and I put Anime as my #1 theme I'd like to see.
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Epic really needs to hire the devs again and lower creative payout.

The casters even mentioned that Jetpacks were being used in scrims. I bet the result it going to be the players bitching that it’s not fair because they have been practicing & Epic will say fine.
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Remember when they bothered to turn off the ability for the slurp cactuses to regrow during the fncs grand finals, why couldn't they have disabled jetpacks in ranked and the tourneys
I wish I was a girl like her and had wide hips like her.
2 million dollar prizepool esports ready game btw
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based timmy hiring & keeping DEI Engineers & developers for Social Justice points
chapter 5 epic sure is something.
full UEFN seasons will fix all of this btw
ok this is epic
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>first the free vbucks for festival
>now this
what other controversial artist items return in the shop once in a while? i need to convince my friends that epic games doesnt give a shit and travis scott has like 1% of returning
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Honestly fuck em! They deserve it for not allowing DOOMCHADS in
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Tomorrow I'm leaving home for almost a week
is there anything relevant happening or releasing this coming week?
How does this even happen?
breasts on men and sucking their nips is a fetish not something most gaychads like
men like nice firm defined pecs, not boobs
black cat if she has an ass. maybe some cool emotes that are encrypted
I don't know, man. Will Smith hasn't been back since the slap.
I like moobs.
if you care about skins there's the web page for that, other than that... no
WHY THE FUCK is Cyclops sucking Jonesy's nipples?
when u fire 50% of ur company due to stupid lawsuits losing hundreds of millions of dollars add to the fact now u have to have a high payout for creative creators
Surprise, it's MF DOOM.
you're a mentally ill fatfag, nobody cares what you like
No. Iron Man will be getting a new skin next weekend, though, so I wouldn't dally on your way back.
It’s been an hour since this thing was supposed to start… WTF
I don’t like your post. Downvoted.
i'm sorry that was mean i apologize. please forgive me.
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Ok, accepted.
>It’s been an hour since this thing was supposed to start
what thing?
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sorry guys just logged in, they were waiting for me
Black Cat if you're interested in her.
Otherwise no.
Lan globals.
FNCS Global Championships.
What a big strong handsome man!
i can't believe they gave this cat an ass and a blulge(i think?)
>average zoomers be like
anyone else really enjoying this season or is it just me ? i didnt expect to like marvel sloppa but it unironically has so much unexpected SOVL despite being disney. pls tell me not all of the fng frens are whiny shop consoomer doomers......
Had someone with the Raven Team Leader skin rub up on my Meowtooth with party hips emote.

Does this mean I have a chance at love in the real world?
If you look like Meowtooth IRL, then yes. More than a chance.
EWWW why are his eyes like that?
They're supposed to be big watery puppy dog eyes. I think they work.
There we go, match is actually starting
stop doxxing the furchads
The gameplay loop is so uninteresting. You either go full marvel loadout or you lose. There's no variance because there's practically no reason to use any other items in the lootpool.
can we get some w's in chat?
clixsters rise up
huh? just look at the model?
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>kuno on screen
>this appears
this is shameless
probably a big reason for their web shop as well
Peterbot should win cause he's using Serenade
buy now goy
Women commentators are cringe
ok go to item shop
If this season wasn't "Get the Marvel items or die" I might like it more.
BRs kinda suck as a spectator esport
Not even normal Kuno? God damn that's shameless. I know she's not in the ITE shop right now but still.
>Hey, kids! You like this skin? Here's the blue and yellow recolor we're selling right now.
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>ads in a F2P video game stream
the west has fallen
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I like watching FNCS, but this is why i don’t play build & believe they should make a ZB one too
They have in the past but these events cost money to put on and nobody wants to watch Zero Skill.
I think ZB squads could be fun, with the right lootpool and map of course.
why haven't they shown malico yet
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>This is why I don't play build
>I want this for ZB
i don't own him
Peterbot is a cheating faggot
Builds can make the end game kinda boring.
based retard
These kids are lucky that Koreans don't care about this game.
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>tryhard gimp suits
>build camping in the storm
disgusting garbage, I'm just leaving this on for the rewards and then I'm leaving it
Dreamhack hosted tons of ZB Majors before the cheating scandal that forces them to play creative maps now. Also stride hosts like a 2000 ZB tourney every friday.

Not to mention all the Twitch Rival Tournaments that are Exclusively ZB.

There is a market that they are missing out on.
all these fights are just standoff of spamming wall edits and barely even a shot fired. this shit sucks
Peak performance.
welcome to builds. lol Builds is trash
Storm Surge?
>doom island ends up spawning for some random reason
>all hell breaks out
wow most people are actually using the monarch, wonder if epic fears they made it too strong
please happen
Shoot people or die
i’d welcome the shit storm
I was thinking this too kek
No. if i have to think about buying a skin instead of instantly buying it then I shouldn't get it.
buildkeks will say build mode is peak skill and here we have literal proof of their top pro gameplay being nothing more than playing hide and seek and waiting for the storm to force someone to move and then shooting like once before hiding again
imagine storm fighting & playing in the storm like EU players. ew lol
People were camping so much Epic had to start killing players themselves to make anything happen, whoever deals the least damage gets surged
he missed the plane to fort worth because he was in the airport bathroom gooning to marigold
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>FNCS gets rinsed by Doctor Doom

I can think of no better way to immortalize a season.
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pretty cool
they had to invent the mechanic to force people to actually fight and not just camp and avoid all conflict.
there's a bit to it but the gist is, a threshold is calculated based on a few factors and anyone who has dealt less damage than that will take damage over time until they die or do enough damage to get over the threshold
the problem is ZB competitive got so full of hackers that they'd just blatantly cheat and ruin the games. without Build being able to cover your ass, ZB lets the fuckers straight up turn the guns into lasers and beam you from across the map and there's nothing you can do about it.
Epic is fucking retarded how much client shit the players can get away with.
huh? item shop preview?
They denied us a doom rep >>493543436, now they will pay
Clix won't make it
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Clix dead
of course it's peter kek
lol Peterbot Killed clix lolol
I don't know any of these people
this peterbot kid is kinda cracked
He unironically has cheats installed
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would it kill them to get some slightly brighter lighting?
So is EU gonna win this again?
karol g emote code
they're playing a different game than we play, half the loot pool is disabled
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a true sweat
I'm just gonna say it, these kids have very poor fashion sense.
thanks bwo
fortpits nnnnnggghhh
fortpits nnnnnggghhh
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they added a dirty texture to his feet
I will cope and say that competitive is way different than casual/ranked since so much shit is disabled and there are weird mechanics not present in normal games.
Thank you.
you'd think they'd try brand themselves and build a personality but they all look identical to each other
he has hyperhydrosis, leave him alone
Where we droppin bros?
Tbf this IS the game where people's one joke is "When *insert anime character* and *insert Marvel character* are fighting *insert celebrity* and *insert DC character* but then *insert sport athlete* comes out of nowhere with an RPG"
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They don't get to choose
Me neither and it doesn't matter
This is why the casuals are right about the game and Wrecked was one of the best Fortnite seasons ever.
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feetchads gang gang
I wasn't getting off to them anyway, it just helps tie them in with the environment.
if they win can they ask timmy for a legacy skin
Sweet, thanks! I might use this with the emoji back bling.
Does this have unlimited claims or just enough for the thread?
Rue if they are based.
Tim said on Twitter they have no issues with Travis returning, might be a licensing thing.
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Monarch's poking capabilities make it a very good surge weapon, kind of like how the DMR was in previous seasons
>but they all look identical to each other
if you're referring to duos wearing the same exact skin, they do that to make it harder for other teams to distinguish the two which makes it harder as far as calling out damage goes
Why do people care so much about Travis Scott?
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Gee, thanks Tim.
It's like 100 claims probably. You're not thinking of sharing it, right?
When is this emote coming back damnit
sweats love him
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Everytime a code gets posted here I always remember this
>they rented out a stadium for this
He's a callback to C2S2, the most beloved season in Fortnite ever. It was also Fortnite's most profitable season by far.
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Valuable insights. What's a surge weapon?
high damage per shot so they can shoot and fuck off to their cuck sheds again until the game tells them to stop afking again
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>bro doesn’t know the difference between an arena and a stadium
I always forget to claim these, do they repeat games?
As another anon here already said, storm surge can fundamentally be chalked down to "do damage or die," weapons that do lots of damage from a safe range (i.e. DMR, Monarch) are optimal to have so you don't have to risk your life taking gatekeeper 50/50s for that surge damage
>but they all look identical to each other
I mean the people themselves look identical. every team's jersey looks just like every other team's jersey
Not as far as I know. FOMO is all Epic does. I regret not getting GTAV when it was available.
already used up
just like karol g
they sometimes do repeats, i remember the 2 metro games getting repeats, but good ass games like GTA V don't seem to get repeats sadly, it's pretty much all random
Ghostrunner for example has been given twice
they do but not the big ones, I remember having there a game I already had last christmas, they must've given fallout trilogy like 5 times
dangit, i've been waiting for the corazon emote so i could use it with the emote back bling but any code i've found has already been used, it's been so elusive
thanks to the anon who posted it anyway though
you're welcome
lewd exposed thighs
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You know something, I'm glad these fuckers don't use meme skins. I'm glad that I don't have to be associated with these sweats when I play for fun.
I want to see someone win with Giant Chicken
a while back I remember someone using felicity fish in a tournament
I like seeing Aura's juicy ass on my screen tho
wheres myth?
in my bed
He's on a break
any advice you fags have on getting better at this game?
goo gun should be in this
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Yes. Play Zero Build for at least 1 year before even trying to play builds. I mean that.
Level up your survivors and do storm shields
don't listen to >>493561501
know when to push and when to fuck off, just that easy bro
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You never were able to digitally, you can buy cards that get sent physically though
The entire point of a battle royale is to be the last one standing. Just hide and kill the last guy.
jump into expert asap
Becky G is a stupid bitch
haha... oh fuck I'm screwed.
Brite Raider has a BIG ass. Truly a sight for sore eyes in this Chapter 5 wasteland.
Shame it's a ramirez skin
>You never were able to digitally, you can buy cards that get sent physically though
I used to always use my gift card funds to buy digital PSN and EShop codes until recently
unless they never let you for vbucks
figure out proper binds for switching weapons and organise your hotbar.
I started winning 1v1s way more when I wasn't frantically switching weapons with the scroll wheel and can just tap 1 button to get to the right weapon
Not a pro strat but I always damage cars until they're one-shot or at the very least super low. Players LOVE to run away from any fight as soon as they get hit and, assuming they don't have a billion shockwaves, they tend to run to the nearest car to get away. If all the cars are low health then you just gotta shoot it a few times and it'll blow up
there was a great fan art of giant ernie chasing people and it says "do it for the funny"
can't find it atm
pick your landing spots more strategically
there are places with doom chests every time
hire NPC's
at the 75% point of a game those bunkers open up, get those rare chests.
play zero build
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>Why did they make that change?
indian scammers
companies have been recently crashing the indian economy hard
>can't activate xbox codes from other countries with vpn
>ending fomo and therefore making bp items not worth buying accounts for
is there anything they have done for fortnite or the world at large? other than being a great way to destroy jobs in the first world via outsourcing
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The helmet stays ON during sex.
cinder's is up there
stealing fortnite accounts to sell them and then getting them back to sell them again to someone else
Put it back on, the mask stays on during sex.
do not email epic support sir

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>don't have much issue with projectile weapons this season, just the hilariously excessive bullet drop
>weapon mods basically got abandoned on innovation and are all stuck in the weirdest fucking spot right now
>you need decent weapon mods to make most of the non-shotguns feel even remotely good to use
>all weapon modding centers around super-campable bunkers
Honestly, if they just peeled back the drop and removed mods so that weapons go back to being more standardized like before, I wouldn't even miss them without even having to revert back to hitscan. Fuck it, bring back sidegrade and other shit if they really have to. It just feels like whether due to metaverse or team cuts or some other shit, they had big plans and abandoned them all after season 2, especially given season 3 introduced like.. a sniper, and everything else was unvaults/vaults and refreshes. And most of this doesn't matter anyway since the meta per season rendered most of the equipment irrelevant most of the time anyway.

Here's hoping the inventory wheel idea they showed off at the State of Unreal is Creative-only because god forbid the already turbo-hell bullshit of people stocking up with mythics this chapter doesn't get even worse.
I don't know why they completely abandonded it, they already had other weapon mods in the works like the fire rounds, slap magazines, etc. It couldn't of been that hard to put them into the game and if it was a balance issue then who gives a fuck? Each season has already had it's own awful weapon to deal with.
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I tried gifting services from 3rd parties and that only got my cosmetics taken away by Epic with no refund, and I've tried the Turkish method a couple of times but it's such a pain in the ass because sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and it's VERY time consuming, so to avoid any further risk of getting my main account banned and for my own peace of mind, I decided to spread my ass cheeks wide and take it raw buying V-Bucks at full price. As a side-note I'm in Mexico and even though our economy is different, it's SUCH bullshit that we still have to pay the same amount of money for V-Bucks as Americans do. Old farts come over here for cheaper dental and medical work but we can't get a nicer deal for virtual currencies? come the fuck on.
Where do you usually find codes?
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I wanted these upgrade stations to be massive, like turning SMGs that light people on fire or slow them down, or maybe add secondary fire like creating a shotgun/SMG hybrid gun.

Or at least make some ridiculous scopes, like a thermal scan that gives you an emoji upon eliminations or some stupid shit like that. What they've done with them this chapter has been totally unacceptable.

But I started playing last December. Were the sidegrades anything like this?
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The real answer is weapon mods should've had their own sub menu prior to the match like cod, with upgrade stations just giving you those mods without you having to fuck around with it.
>they had big plans
if you look at the scrapped mods you'll understand why. One of them was fire bullets, which sounds fun as fuck but TTK is near zero this season and builtranny box queens would cry bloody murder if weapons could kill their precious homoboxes.

Other leaked mods included ways to make weapons into charged shotguns or smgs.

The real issue is all of these guns suck to use without a scope to tighten spread, and a compensator/laser/foregrip to do the same. This means there's only like 2 optimal mod loadouts available.

Who the fuck even uses speedgrip anyway, and angled is only for reaper cheese or shotties.
unironically, if you can get a founder code for near 200 it would be worth it if you like STW. One miniboss season and all the storm shields done and I made back my money + extra in a few months.
After I posted, found out that Crew and redemption of packs seems unaffected, aside from 3rd world Crew costing the same as US crew on sites like Plati. Everything else is going to get you fucked over
Do founder keys even get that low any more? I thought they hovered around 300.
they were sub 300 a little while ago, giga founders have free keys to gift to people they know. But if you don't like STW it's not worth it. I got bit hard after being warned away for years and it turned out I love it and I'll just log in to play STW. So for me, the vbs and mission alerts were a no brainer. I have not spent a dime on Fortnite since I got it.
Well I'll get the Scrapper Kyle bundle eventually and his bundle comes with STW included so I'd like to give it a whirl.
Very much this, too risky. I won't EVER contact Epic support or I'm fucked.
girl looka dat body
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>Peterchoke losing a guaranteed win

ayy lmao get fucked cheaterbot
Never forget what they took from you
I-I-I work out
I wanna buy a founders key I just don't wanna get scammed
what sites are reputable for those?
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>As a side-note I'm in Mexico and even though our economy is different, it's SUCH bullshit that we still have to pay the same amount of money for V-Bucks as Americans do
But you're swimming in that drug money
Crafting from ch2s6 would've made modding more accessible and wouldn't force players into small campable areas
Fuck you cheaterbot, you gloated about your aimbot and now you got fucked
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end censorship in gaming
the worst is anime penny
Bunny Penny is the best
why does pollo you like that.
>Were the sidegrades anything like this?
You basically bring a weapon to a sidegrade station, pay requisite materials and it would replace the weapon with an alternative version, essentially letting you trade off for identical rarity in terms of preference.
I'm not even watching the lan but

1: cheaters usually suck on lan

2: the ones that don't are getting past security with a mouse/phone cheat
reminds of when I sold some shoddy controller-based DMA cheats for street fighter 5 to a bunch of chinese kids
wonder if they ever bothered to improve it
Lina's good, the others aren't
er, not "alternative version", but an alternative weapon of the same category, my bad.
Clix not in top 10
Good lan so far
Are they good? All the Amazon reviews for them are negative.
>this is because of woke
it reeks with gamingcirclejerk lol
Hah! I wish, I'm making about 10 grand a year right now and that's considered "decent" for Mexican standards compared to actual minimum wage over here.
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rate my (beginner) friday i'm in love please
They’re great. They’re comfortable, sound great and lasted me 6 years.
i honestly don't know what dma is anymore, my only real "specialty" is fps cheats
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Nah, Scarr was a different survey skin entirely, actually, so there's still potential, but we'll see
Scarr came out better than this garbage
Not bad but your guitar needs some fine-tuning. I wish I had some better advice but I don't play the guitar myself.
what do ya mean
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Yeah, I understood you the first time.

That's pretty much what I was imagining when I hear "sidegrade".

When I hear "weapon modification", especially in a game as open and cartoony as Fortnite, I think of things like what I had described earlier.

The worst part is, you could have still had this be successful under any meta if it was just purely cosmetic. Especially if the cosmetics affected gameplay. That would've been a perfect compromise.

Imagine a weapon mod that made your target literally glow a bright light for a time. Not OP, but still an upgrade. I think that more than anything, these weapon mod stations were the victim of creative bankruptcy, which was and always will be a problem that corporate america can never fully shake off.
There's a lot of vibration on the chords towards the end of the audio clip.
ty btw
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Not bad at all
If this is you, great to see you doing progress, festie
You're welcome dude.
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i really hope if it's a real upcoming car that it has a no decal option
"Well that was awful"
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Judging by some of the cancelled mods, they were definitely planning some more "relatively" creative ideas, and just backed off for whatever reason.
Peterbot looks 16 lol
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I wonder what the deal was with chapter 5 at the start and in general. Like they wanted to soft reboot the game into something it wasn't and pissed off the majority of players. Especially coming off the hype of OG's gameplay.
honestly i wouldn't be surprised if
a.) metaverse plans basically stabbed a lot of ideas they had in the gut and things got massively underbudgeted or no proper dev time. we can see this with the story alone, which barely existed in season 1 and then got more "developed" with each subsequent season.
b.) the massive backlash from the build/comp scene probably had them scuttle a lot of plans they had because they basically knew it would set the game on fire. which doesn't fully align since Wrecked still happened, but we saw how that season tremendously overcorrected to please said players, so in the end it's not off the table either.
delete this, it goes against our narrative
>Go into the FNCS shit
>Big fucking statue of a gimpsuit
Fortnite is such a fucking joke
I feel that firing all those employees back then wasnt a good idea
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>"oh hey may as well see how that FNCS thing is doing-"
>all gimpsuits
so like the shadow tracker/bloodhound perk essentially did?
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Like I said, that was before my time. What did that do?
Gimpsuits are legitimately sexy and I'm tired of pretending they're not. They have great bodies, with skin-tight latex that leaves nothing to the imagination. I can almost imagine a gimpsuit's ass jiggling around as she cranks 90s.
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Helen Parr CHECK
Black Cat CHECK

who next?
>from the build/comp scene
Nah season 1 just wasn't an competitive issue. Everyone complained. The menus got worse, they changed the fortnite text to some generic crap, the mobile tier menus look like shit, the locker is still a fucking disaster a year later, the gameplay at the start of the chapter was so incredibly sluggish since they nerfed the run speed for some dumb reason. People were so slow that you couldn't even out run the damn storm.
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I wouldn't call that list creative. I wouldn't be surprised if that list was made purely from stolen ideas, desu.

I can imagine a world in which the team tasked with making this list was asked to explain the ideas and couldn't because they were all stolen and that;
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this guy gets it
You know how Emma Frost's medallion marks people with that little diamond if they're within range? The Shadow Tracker pistol or weapons affected by the Bloodhound augment would do that to people upon hitting them with a shot.
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is this better? I didn't realize I was way out of tune
Sometimes I can't help but to think what the game would be like if those gimpsuits never existed in the first place.
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I would buy an AVGN/NC skin so fucking fast
That's stronger than what I was talking about. I was talking about leaning into the idea that cosmetics can grant gameplay advantages/disadvantages and implementing that as mechanics in the weapon mods. Like maybe painting your target a certain color, or causing them to leave a glowing trail behind them or something.
oh they for sure have been pulling dev and other resources from BR for all this new extra shit, I honestly would have prefered if they just kept focusing on making BR as good as possible instead of leaning into creative which is not just a shitty roblox-eaque enviroment and the three new gamemodes only 1 of which(festival) is any good but why the fuck does it need to be in fortnite?
Not to mentions the dumb changes, randomly dropping the ball on stuff, the annoying UI locker shit and endless slope into santization with skins.
I love fortnite but I cant help but think about how much better it was even as late as chapter 3.
Like the actual event or is there a Creative map? I don't pay attention to FNCS stutf
-and that was why it got canned.

Sorry, auto-post.
This shit
master roshi buffed would be funny, we already have the back bling and pickaxe so I see a possibility there.
>you lose the FNCS because everyone could see your fat butt skin
-smashes keyboard-
I miss shakedowns
you picked up a downed opponent and took a card from them that reveals the enemy team location
it was a good mechanic
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exactly, he would essentially be like all might and have a basic form and his giga form
We are getting them back for OG2, would like them back for Chapter 6 aswell
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um waiter, I didn't ask for a glass of your opinion
also I added some new ones you missed like Guts from Berserk
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Berserk will never come to Fortnite, it's a grimdark manga full of rape and demons. Tim only approves of homos and furries.
Boomer take here: Carl is my #1 pick of the list
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but what about a homo demon furry
Jujutsu Kaisen?
Berserk is too based for Fortnite is what you're saying.
I am honestly curious what the next anime collab will be
Unironically One Piece
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>Tim only approves of homos and furries
If Epic was smart, there would have been Frieren skins as it was airing and at its highest popularity.
If the netflix anime remake doesn't bring it then it's officially over
Honestly one of the top bets would probably be sooner Oshi no Ko or Frieren than any shonen action stuff seeing as those have been struggling this year, and even those are stretches. You'll probably sooner see them springing for Square-Enix stuff like how they've angled some survey stuff last season with mentions of Final Fantasy XIV and the like.
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i approve of most of your new picks

dumb anime poster
>all these sweats packing assault rifles and hammer pumps and the rest of their shit is generally restoratives and fizz
>like one or two maybe use gatekeeper
christ fuck
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My dick is diamonds now
They're allergic to change
Exaggerated swagger of a peterbot
Doesn't count.
>Berserk is too based for Fortnite
Guts was forced to watch Casca being fucked.
Pretty in line with modern fortnite and fetishes of it's devs.
Tell me how Bleach struggled
Will Clix win 1 (one) game at minimum
Clix is just along for the ride in his backpack
The answer is no by the way.
I feel bad for Veno.
BR is a stolen idea too yet here we are
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>speedway trailer for RR
>it's creative
Can I synchronize the instrument emote to another players even though I don't have the same song as them?
You can but it cannot be the same song
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I would have sex with all these female anthro characters. I find them to be very sexy.
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Yes WAY better! silky smooth anon, I like it!
Literally any site that uses PayPal or your cc directly, if it doesn't redeem file a charge back if the sellers won't work with you.
Don't wait long, founders doesn't drop in price.
Wish we had that for the last 3 chapters
This is relaxing. Nice work.
Artistic interpretation of a based Crash skin
Anyone who says Fortnite is a skill based competitive game needs to be put on a heavy dose of meds, lmao this game is literally a party game
i chuckled
common furchad W
Anyone know why the spectator options aren't working in Legends Landing?
It's so fucking hot today. I don't feel like playing FN or doing anything. What a waste of my day off.
It's like a hundred ninety-nine degrees
So, uh, Chapter 5 is literally the worst time I could've picked to start playing, huh?
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>they ran out
Unironically, yes.
we're at the cusp of OG with this season being the end of exclusive battle passes
He actually did it
Chapter 4 launch was kind of rough desu, it was when they first moved the game to UE5
Same here but my issue is that my first impression of zero build was that you only just have to find the best gear and just wing it. I only realized how tedious it became when it's all just "find gear x, y, and z to automatically win" I just hope the next season isn't a cross over one so we don't have to force op item bs from said franchise.
I think zero build would worked out if they didn't have OP items like that and I know they did the same thing with Thanos I'm just saying in a general sense.
Nah because theres only one way left to go which is up because right now we are at rock bottom
i'm such a hate watcher for clix after the fucker managed to ruin everything fun about wrecked
What'd he do?
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I started in C5S1 and yeah it's been pretty bad, but considering Epic actually seems more or less serious about dropping the FOMO shit, and with there being a potential for them bringing back older BP cosmetics, I'm at least hopeful going forward.
at what point does the general consensus move from
>theyre doing this because theyre incompetent
>theyre doing this to enact a new form of fomo
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Anon, Chapter 5 was the last chapter with exclusivity. If you don't think this is going to be viewed as the last lifeboat that left the OG Titanic you're blind.
>Epic introduces easy AFK XP as soon as they kill BR, making it so you barely have to play it and still get skins

Is epic secretly based?
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basically ranted about how cars are busted in the season where they were supposed to be busted, and everytime he got asked to adapt he used the
>comp =/= casual
WHICH i agree, but that didn't stop epic from nuking them to near uselessness to the point they were only good for movement, but that didn't stop people crying about it despite that season also introducing the magneto gloves and those getting 0 nerfs like the water mythic
I think he was the first viral streamer clip complaining about the new shit in Wrecked. I don't remember the clip exactly, but I think he boxed himself up to heal but then a car broke his box so then he boxed up again and then someone with Nitro Fists punched their way in his box and killed him. Mind you he was not carrying Nitro Fists himself nor did he ever pull out a gun
Batman got that W rizz
I hate female skins in this game so much kek
aw man i knew i should've just bought a key for starter pack jules last week. that's what i get for being indecisive
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Eneba codes are still a thing
You now remember those songs in the nitrodome didn't get added for festival
I wish to inseminate Evie's asian/hapa womb
Most of the time they just look so generic or stupid
you now remember it's just royalty-free garbage there now
I never forgot, anon...
this but yuki
won't they just take away my shit if i claim it with a vpn?
gimme chocolate
I don't think so, those are codes that were bought a long time ago
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Good. I hate Jap crap. Fuck those posers, the only thing they're good for is their hairy jap vaginas which isn't even that good because at least 20 different 45 year old talent scouts, managers, fitness coaches, producers, directors and other plethora of ugly bald brown Japanese bastard has cum inside them raw and left their nasty pubic, ball and taint hair inside of those girls. Fortnite Festival should never include their songs. Pic related, it's what old ugly men do to those three girls.
muh peela
Cute piggy
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This is for (you) btw
hmmm, good to now but i'll wait a couple more days to see if anyone says anything more about it. don't really want to risk my account. thanks anon

It wasn't just him obviously lots of comp faggots were crying about it.
You're a n****r.
nah it's because Batman looks like a fucking manlet next to every girl skin lmao
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Ohhh yeah. Chapter 5 has some good ideas but they keep being drowned out by all the dumb decisions epic keeps making.
Don't say that. I can't see the disney metaverse shit coming in 2026 improving the game at all. Epic might bring back the age restriction junk even harder than they did at the start of the chapter.
Jonesy is observing meowtooth so that he can better understand him and figure out a way to get knotted by his fat red barbed feline cock
That is factually incorrect. Apologize.
wasn't the festival tournament supposed to be today?
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Rate my two Jam Tracks

Jam 1:
Whenever I May Roam
Go with the Flow
Hail to the King

Jam 2
We Like to Party
Better Off Alone
Day 'N' Nite
All the Stars
7/10, pretty good stuff.
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>enioying a really good game
>Doom island spawns in front of us
>Make it there first
>Somehow get doom first
>warm up on loot island to familiarize then proceed to fuck shit up
>usually don't lead the squad with markers but obviously I had to now
>we curbstomp the lobby and get the win
I hate that I feel bad that the rest of the squad missed out on him knowing how hard he is to get. Wish I was more of an asshole sometimes
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it's worse with Colossus desu, he's supposed to be like 8 feet tall
They already finished recording it and I think they're gonna show it tomorrow during the fncs half time.
stop headcanonning Jonesy as a cock hungry cumslut bottom
he's literally a married man and a father
bichota season
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No he isn't 8 feet fucking tall he is 3 inches at most
they're cheating!!!
nta but
*was a married man and a father
LOL at Clix
Starting to wonder if this shit's rigged...
>caster making fun it's scripted
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My fortwife is so cute!
Can he beat Ultra Instinct Shaggy though?
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Slone is going to make that an is
was/is doesn't matter. he still came inside a woman, so stop fantasizing about other men cumming inside his ass
With fortnites infinite snapshot jonesy's, he can be whatever I want.
I don't know why these guys didn't notice me...
Probably didn't have sound visualizer turned on, the poor fools
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what is this for.
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thank you!!!
some team grief peter tomorrow
holy fucking shit if I have to explain this one more time I'm going to go insane
You really thought you were funny when you sent me the mancake emote didn't ya?
Wake me up when an anon posts a Rascal code
Completing Festival Pass, don't ask why
then dont
if there's an explanation then I assume it wasn't given to me in error and won't be subtracted later.
it's you DEI refund
Being a Festie
Hey, it was free... I figured, "why not?"
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>tfw someone tries to drive away in a car I already shot the tires out on
okay. thanks.
I think the dudeweedlmao girl was ressing the other guy at the start of the webm and must've tunnel-visioned real hard once the gimpsuit ran in the room
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kek. cado skin when, he can have a skinny/fat style
>stadium already entirely empty
What a sad event
Clixfags left early to huff and overdose on copium or what?
do you get anything for watching ingame
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weight gain reactive skin, mukbang emote, parrot backbling.
gay beyond all reason
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i dread build but that was pretty hype
I just realized that there used to be Slap barrels around the map. They were removed for Nitro, but not added back this season.
Hope he can keep off the weight, unlike Boogie
you'd think we'd have Plap Juice in the absence of nitro
we were also supposed to get fizz barrels, in fact there were fizz barrels but their model was the same as slap ones
all things considered i'm surprised they removed nitro altogether when the underworld dashes have been here for 3 seasons in a row
About those Fizz barrels. Sometime last season I think, they changed the Fizz into a normal Slurp effect. They still have the wood sound effect, but they used to give you Fizz in S1 and S2. Why they never changed the sound effect, I don't know.
This entire season feels tremendously stripped down or retreaded for the sake of the Marvel shit. Cars get torn through like butter as if the nerfs from the start of last season never got removed (in solos at least) and they spawn far less compared pre-season 3. There's no sniping weapon whatsoever and the Striker Burst / Monarch Pistol literally don't even count given the way the game considers heavy ammo / sniper weapons explicitly. They added more primaries than S3 did, I can say that much, but the medallions and bosses are so hilariously gutted for what's supposed to be a superhero thing.
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me joining the thread while everyone is talking about pros and competitions and i have no idea what is going on
I guess the Apple don't fall from the tree
One positive thing I can say about this season is that Rare Ammo Boxes give Small Shield Potions consistently now. It's very nice.
Whoever said survive 250 ranked storm circles to unlock rewards is a certified psycho
I'm watching Dynamic Hush skin reviews to decide whether I really want her sword, and it's making me want her instead...
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Mmm, nah. I wouldn't use her and I'm waiting for some other skins like Medley.
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*bakes you a cake with malicious intent*
Jones Dies
>Negative Reaction from Community
He'll be brought back during the OG 2 Device event, since thay's when we also first saw his character, and then after that they'll shill a new mode
>Positive Reaction from Community
They stick with Hope as the new protagonist and the OG 2 Device event will have no story relevance and will purely just shill a new mode
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>Plap Juice
Hot. I want fortnite girl plap juice all over my groin and pelvic region.
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>that feel when have my wife and only want more jam tracks
cute jillsister
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>archiving shop skins
If they add a toggle to do lego fortnite rockband based on a couple of leaks in the files over the chapter indicating it, would you stick to standard Fortnite Festival or switch to Lego Rockband style?
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Yes, most chapterlets here wouldn't understand but when they started doing bundles the discounts were ridiculous if you owned even just 1-2 things already in them
is this real
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lego would be fun and it really depends who looks the silliest and cutiest while playing
Top kek
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get her out of there :(
she'll sad :(
Yes, it's real. Lexa is so cute it's unreal.
why'd you buy machinist mina though
But Aubrey wasn't in any bundle, I don't think.
yeah i think im gooning
Lexa's grown on me just cuz she makes the silliest faces.
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I have the good Lexa in a preset I don't need the bad one too
billie's beta blockers...
why does she make that smirk?
Both Lexas are garbage
yeah she sorta is in a weird autism way
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That's mean :(
Erm it's more exclusive?
this should be renzo the in profile, literally unplayable
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You saved EVERYONE
You saved EVERYONE
i like Lexa's transformed form
>capcom stuff so dead that we'll never get anything from their collections either like Power Stone, Rival Schools or Darkstalkers
Let go Slone its getting sad
Her faces are the silliest, maybe only beaten by RTL but hers are more cute than silly. That's why I hope her cope in OG2 is made in the same style as her original.
>her cope in OG2
anon... it's only the first 3 seasons being represented
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Trust the plan.
the only skins that will get copes in OG2 are jules and midas and meowscles
If she gets a cope, it'll be shop! Surely they can make remix skins skins outside the first three seasons. Right?...
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this lobby was really close and fun. someone busted a nut on my screen at just the right moment for me to have a strike, many such cases.
I wish every battle stage match could be like this
I love Ruby
weeknd gods
I would play battle stage more if I didn't get slop songs that put me to sleep
bichota season
I laughed
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Battle Stage should only have songs that have a fairly even difficulty ratio across all 4 instruments, and there should a vote after each round on what the next song is
why does she do that and why have Epic not fixed it lol
I love goyslop
W shop incoming
Did they really nerf her ass or is it just a meme?
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I will personally make sure that tonight's shop sucks
I haven't spent vbucks in over 30 days and I hope epic feels it.
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Tonight's shop will be very good. I made sure of it.
there will be a shop tonight
There will be slop tonight
wow that is one egregiously bad emote.
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Consensus /fng/?
This new emote sucks so fucking bad
about time these two came back togeher
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m-my og dealer... I don't feel so good...
You were supposed to be a hero, Brian.
I think she's pretty cool, love her style.
It's a buy from me.
gets points for not being a lazy crop top skin. Not interested but not bad.
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>Deadpool and Wolverine are in the shop until the 30th
>Meowtooth is only in until the 8th
Absolutely despise her hair but it could be worse 6.5/10
Bought in a fucking heartbeat
it's cute
the price is surprisingly low, also they might as well put it at 1200
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>bring back axo and bryne bundle after over a year
>don't bring back the dealer bundle
its a neat emote but not sure how I feel about the song
maybe using it on chun li would be a hot fucking emote though
>slop shop
See you guys. Same time tomorrow I guess
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man where did everyone go
It's Ark good sir.
I actually play battle stage muted and listen to my own stuff. I only listen to the songs in main stage
the 13th anon.
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total goonGOD victory
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it's Ruby good sir
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Kinda strange
Congrats to Dealerbros!
hey why isn't Razor back as well?
>try to hype up nascar stock cars a couple days ago for today
>all it meant was that they had a fortnite-themed nascar stock car in their FNCS lobby
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Yeah, not a fan of the new emote, also
>dealer new
just like Monster Jam
He cute
I want to spread her brown lips and taste that juicy pink inside.
Wait, wait, it's THIS dance? Someone post that weird webm of I think it was Chaos Agent doing the dance.
Yeah that bugged me too, but apparently the first time he came to the shop was only in the bundle
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techincally true, he was bundle only when he came out but now he's buyable standlalone without the pickaxe and wraps
Am I seeing things or is she sporting a considerable amount of cake?

Like, Penny levels.
you can't post that
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I like the backbling
still weird but now it's canon
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>black skins always extremely high effort and made to look as feminine and attractive as possible
>no man jaw
>has ass
>meanwhile all white women have their asses obscured, sliced off, or have manfaces (recent crew skin)
Nothing going on here folks! Nothing at all!
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yes I can
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she's a lightskin
His shirt glitches out for some reason, idk why, it's just always done this and they've never fixed it
>>has ass
Everything else is correct except this. She's mogged by Latina ass Brite Raider last season.
It's true that she intentionally looks pretty unlike recent white girl skins like The Operator.
>This is an ass by CH5 standards
Fortnite has fallen...
not penny levels but some good ass
this has been happening for multiple seasons now in chapter 5
no you cannot
i hate coomers
i hate gooners
i hate furnigs
Penny has her beat, but Briar's still pretty damn thick.
The only skin I bought this season is Dude, when are we going to get more interesting stuff?
I did it twice just now, don't think I won't pull out the emma frost sloppa
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Where the fuck are you seeing the ass on Briar? Are we looking at the same model?
P-pull it out... p-please...
Another perfect emote for The Employee
Wait you guys are right, pretty scummy not to return him with his bundle imo
I hate Axo (Toxo) because from behind he looks like a big wasp
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me when pennyfags
I hate it, but this is the first female black facial model that isn’t complete garbage, it’s actually cute. Hate the design though
you fucking morons, it's the oluwa mark dance aka white guy dancing to african music
it was a big tiktok trend a year ago
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I finally did it!!!
It looks fucking retarded and the mumbleslop makes it worse.
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as you wish
he was bundle only when he came out, being to buy him on his own is new
Congrats babe!!!
tiktok is completely alien to me, I know next to nothing about it other than what anons post here.
how'd you find it?
they made it 800 vbucks too, so desperate for people to buy it
we're not even allowed to look at emma frost's cake and black cat will have pancake ass in comparison
white lady won
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I miss when StW wasn't dead and had content creators
fix the res anon
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I'm not your 'babe' what the hell man... keep it civil.
You can't say that until we get a full turnaround
>plays a female character for attention
>gets mad when someone calls him babe casually
worse than a faggot, just a loser
lmaooo she'll be flat
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Not him but he did say "an ass" and not a great ass. It's there and its noticeable, but its not chun-li tier for instance. Better than emma's weird one though.
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I hate sweats
Damn rogue gunner is a badie, I won't buy her because I'll just go back to my main in a week but she's a badie
Another thing that helps is she has good thighs and decently wide hips
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Oh, you're one of those ill people who thinks people can only use skins of one gender and that there's some deeper meaning other than just liking a skin.
Be on your way and be well. Do know that I keep you all in my prayers.
At least it's not a sad pancake.
Good job MachiArkbro! A true festie indeed
Wish she had a black and gold style for the Gold Rose backbling
thanks brah
It looks equally bad as Emma's lol
DEI slop shouldn't be enabled
>This kind of positive cultural echange confuses and terrifies the /fng/fag
Jeet kino
>nikacado lost weight before me

never thought i would feel mogged by him

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