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>Recent News
Half Anniversary Celebration Campaign - (09/01 - 09/23)
Daily Single draw, 200 crystals daily, CEQ, 1.5x RP/XP (10.5x until cap), ½ AP/EP, ½Off Host costs, 4x Journey Drop buffs, ½Off Side Story Shop, FP Special Campaign w/ Gold Brick, Sephira Gauge Doubled & +1 Defender Gauge etc.
Half Anniversary Skyscope Missions - (09/01 - 09/24)
Outfit: Skysonic Gig (MC) - (08/31 - 09/30)
Extra Drop Campaign (Light) - (09/04 - 09/10)

Unite & Fight EX, EX+ & NM90 Health increase etc. - Live
Side Story: The Art of Mercy - 09/17
Grand Order Summon FLB - 09/17
4 new Manaturas & 6 new Shields - 09/17
Auto-Reduce/Reserve for SR and higher - 09/17
Share Chests removed, Drops adjusted - 09/17
Sutera Outfit added to Daily Point Shop - 09/17
Militis Staff & Axe 4* FLB - 09/21
Chat Noir FLB - 09/24
Outfit Shop UI Update - 09/24

Divine Generals CD - 09/25
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Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>September Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)
09/15 - 09/22 The Strength to Wield (Rerun)
09/21 - 09/28 Tales of Arcarum (Nier)
09/28 - 10/06 Story Event

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>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
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Previous thread >>493470839
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Granblue EoS was not on my bingo card after Rising and Relink.
>ritualposters left
damn we really are dying
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>Most players who wanted to farm GW have already wanpan at the very minimum, they had 5 hours before going to sleep
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>not this character in the OPack
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Traitor thread
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grubbers are an endangered species...Nier's amount of boyfriends are dropping by the day...
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pyosg status?
I mean, I sure as hell not gonna believe that 150k players will appear from the West during next 8 hours or so
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>Azur Lane gets more Sawashiro
when the fuck was the last time Katalina got content? no MSQ doesn't count
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I didn't even know they were gonna increase EX+'s HP
>MSQ doesn't count
lmao probably fucking cosm anni then
Valentine Vira's fates? Fourth niggercat event? One of those, I think
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How do you get these?
It doesn’t matter.
kill nm90+
give me some ex+ teams please
De La... SUCCESS!!!
Cantante... FLOP
I stopped playing the battlefield because it seems like the only motivating factor, the strengthening of the GW skins, isn't there this time. Who would willingly play something that's been made worse? Also, from what I've heard, there hasn't been any increase in meat and the drop rate for the Polar Star Weapon hasn't changed, so there's really no motivation.
gbfsisters... the meat yield is better than ever....
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please somebody AI sloppa microbikini Aster in the game's artstyle so I can pretend it happened before this game goes EOS
>Mr. Paa diddling a loli(who is actually Phoenix in disguise)
>ends up using the seraph-killer in the end
Doesn't matter because NM250 is locked behind BIGGEREST meat and you still have the same amount of time to farm GW as before
Unless you have nip ping and using every meta setup to clear every raid as fast as possible, it doesn't matter whether you have 15k meat or 30k meat
>Then that means...
>Yeah. Hrunt won.
Hmmm, today I think I will breed my Erune wives, then kiss my straight wife Cupitan, then roll for monki, then gonna claim some rewards from the summer lotto, then I'm gonna help Cagliostro groom some trans kid, then...
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shame, seems you're waking up from your good dream at the end there...
GODraph is a hrunter too you know
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
I miss Huangyume and Sandalhomo
this gw is more alive than the darkflop tronoologia gw
Hey that's my line
It's quite liteally the deadest GW in the whole history of grub bro
Mamalogiahating delusions getting wild...
Pozdusa release was worse than lotto
>replying to blatant bait
never change /gbfg/
we call her momoilogia around these parts
This year's Dark GW was less autistic than last year's Dark GW, but almost nothing can compare to how dead current GW is
Only last year's November GW was more dead than this one
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>Only last year's November GW was more dead than this one
that one didn't have NaN on t270k bracket
There's nothing else to reply to, we're facking dead...
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we love nyier around here
This GW is far more dead than that one, ehy are you trying to downplay it?
I'm a massive faggot and hate straight men. Is this game for me?
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because he's a terminally ill lil slurper
You can have breeding back, but you must delete Harvin from the game. Do you take it?
you're supposed to include a negative in these.
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*deals the finishing blow to your game*
Presumably because if he convinces himself that last november was worse then this one doesn't seem so bad and the game isn't on the brink of death
>got BTFO by the state of the game itself
>starts seeting about dark and harvins again
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How much meat should I farm? Also post nm95 setups
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GODmaschizo needs to make Koito art tbqh
0, no
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>hrunting gets the last GW before EoS
Thanks GODvastein for freeing me from my second job
You know, I never thought about it before, but NMs didn't drop meat before, right? So that's 1000 meat you don't have to farm now?
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i havent been here in a few months. what exciting thread content have i missed?
>doomposters have nothing better to do other than arguing between each other and saying that "shit GW is worse than other shit GW"
They all have shit numbers ever since lotto, why do you even bother comparing them
I get it that there's nothing better to discuss but you might as well compare ton of shit to ten tons of shit
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>ping so bad i can full chain EX+ without timeout
Lmao you're right
Hrunting lost to Sky Piercer
now someone post a non-retarded answer
See, the thing is that someone wastrying to say that ten tons of shit weighed less than a ton of shit, which is obviously wrong, but you already knew that, didn't you?
troonologia killed last gw and dark nobody wanted that abomination
100k, farm nm100 instead
ok then post a nm100 setup
medusa won
the losing competition
but also it's just raziel dao cnaru 2t ~7-8b
...the game killing contest
And they're still both shit compared to when grub was alive
Spoilers: next GW will also have shit numbers because game is dead. And the next one. And the next one. But you (and pretty much everyone at this point) already knew that, didn't you?
lil L's gonna freak
Keep trying, if you just claim that last November's had worse numbers than this one just a couple more times people will eventually believe you and the game will be saved, I believe in you!
last non-human/primal/other grand was box
Yeah, that's me.
If I were to have already completed farming bullets
Would Hraes be superior than Eresh or does it still have usecases where Eresh would be better?
Her flopping is the reason why we don't get any draph or erune grands anymore...
>if you just claim that last November's had worse numbers than this one
>if you
And which one had the worst numbers? C'mon, I know you can do it anon
Can you just post the content or a screenshot rather than linking to that cringe site?
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Remember when slurping maleringers shit on her while galgeGODs who supposedly don't play the game instantly recognized her for the beautiful and powerful goddess she is? What was up with that?
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This game's analyzed at corporate meetings to show the shit you do NOT do for your game
It's like if Fate suddenly dropped the Saberfaces, it's common basic shit you do not do but for some reason, this game did
Sit down and be quiet, /gbfg/. A woman of color is currently speaking.
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I wish her sister got good alts but chinks won't let her...
All of them since Lotto
Trying to win Retard Competition and proving that "1 player alive is worse than 2 players alive" still looks bad when you compare the numbers to alive grub years
Again, I dunno what you're winning from saying "this shit is worse than other shit" when it's all shit
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I genuinely wonder what went through their minds when Relink came out and people only cared about Naru or when Rising was relevant and noone talked about anything other than Anila's tits
G. Pozdusa didn’t even get any art btw
But another primal shill grand is totally more engagement than G. Arulu btw
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>G. Pozdusa didn’t even get any art
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>release the tranny knight and the human zodiac
She doesn't need any art, there are already 10 dirt medussies
It's really a shame Nier was so broken for so long because she should have been a big positive addition for the game too.
But you haven't answered the question at all, which one had the worst numbers, regardless of how bad all of them were?. It can only be one, that's why we use the word "worst", so which one is it?
>But you haven't answered the question at all
I did and you're trying too hard to compare shit to shit
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>each GW has lower players than the last
How many GWs until EoS?
I miss Shaygod, Momoi, galleonschizos, and JJKgalgegawd.
>270k still NaN
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Nier will be a collab character in Sparking Zero since her competition in versus was too weak!
No, you didn't, one GW had the worst numbers, name it, it's really easy, you just have to say a month, so stop avoiding the question and do it
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Drop grub and play kamihime, straight man
Alive thread GW is saved................
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Nice dying game grubbas

what does gbfsisters have to say about GW?
Thanks we're really proud of it!
Tempted to play Azur Lane though, wonder if I still have my old account.
I don't play ayarabu but I THINK her name is Uka-no-Mitama
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>easy t270k
>faggots are still complaining
I did - they all have shit numbers compared to non-shit numbers from years ago so it doesn't fucking matter in grand scale of things because grub died years ago yet retards still grind GW. Only pedantic autists like you care about shit numbers, maybe because you like shit or something. Whatever, this is the last (You) and you can compare your negative GW numbers all you want.
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>still doesn't say the GW with the worst numbers
lmfao slurpers
Yes, Nier
>had to cope with binary distinction between nebulous descriptors like 'shit' and 'non-shit'
hehe buckbroken
the L eating insect is
So you're just going to run away, desperately avoiding a very simple question and pretending you answered it? Crazy
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why are you trying to reason with him
that sluping lil worm has been doing that for the past 3 years.

even if the game announces EOS tomorrow he will turn it upside down ITT with his mental gymnastics.
>shit event gets shittier
>mentally well rightfully complain
only problem is they're still playing
ero gachas are dying
I'm too scared to pick one up
playing? we went from 500k+ players to fewer than 270k
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Nice thread grubbas
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cute nier getting the treatment she deserves, in a better game...
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Why’s lil L going insane now?
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All me
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>numpers leaves
>half of grub playerbase follows
they're just...sleeping...
36 and a half million invisible players....
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gbfsisters is nyoiticing again...
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Numperscord had around the same number so this makes sense
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If it matters, legend clover somehow made it into the revenue list despite the fact that that website shouldn't be able to track most of it's sales.
Guess people really liked the summer event or something.
>grub pre-Lotto = 700k+ playes during GW
>grub post-Lotto = 700k+ players never again
Guess which numbers are shit and which numbers are non-shit
How hard must you slurp to pretend that post-Lotto numbers were non-shit all this time?
>thinking I'm Lraph
retard, maybe actually read the posts
that faggot would defend the current numbers and post shit like >>493551726, I call ALL numbers shit ever since Lotto because grub can't return to 700k+ players since 2021
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citehtap gnikcuf lla er'ouy doG
Because there won't be a game to complain about in the coming months.
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train sex........................
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Why are they talking about mugen, or is it just random mugen hate thread
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>37 million players
>270k bracket still NaN
gbfsisters is a fake website created by numperscord
use the link he gave you
press translate to english
read the thread title
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keep slurping and grinding those badges
Yes yes, whatever you say, but you still can't bear to say which GW has the worst numbers and noone will take you seriously until you do
i see, Light truly is cooked.
>and noone will take you seriously until you do
Wow, what a tragedy - slurpers won't take me seriously
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yep, it's ai model trained on /gbfg/ threads and just translated
>age of humans
>still can't get remembered
Yeah, it's around that era when they started nerfing stuff you can farm (Qilin became limited, Revans awakening became element exclusive). In the past, freebies got better every year, but starting that year freebies stagnated or got worse.

All roulettes after summer Lotto either were as "generous" or a bit worse than before. Summer only got worse.

If this half anni celebration had a bunch of freebies, surprise roulette, tickets like last year's summer people might thing things would get better, but it's only getting worse. People only realized things are shit when two producers, and probably the main guys behind grub greediness, left.
You are insane if you believe that it's the slurpers that want you to say which GW has the worst numbers. Actually, why are you so averse to it? Everyone knows that it's this one, it's not exactly a secret, so why?
at this point... all that's left is... for them to announce... the removal of voice acting from events...
>still avoiding answering the question straight
blud really isn't the brightest buld of the bunch huh
This isn't reddit, buddy
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>can't find any (pre-Granblue)Yostar or Azur Lane in my email
It's over I have to restart and farm foxes again
Yeah it's worse, it's numperscord
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I just wanted to impregnate Nier...
lil L still obsessed with numpers is really cute
nier is wasted in this flop homoge
I'm almost positive that this guy >>493548441 was right and the dude is trying to convince himself that this is just par the course and nothing wrong is actually happening
how's GW going grubbers
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style change
msq update
gw skin
Is this the fastest healthy to EoS plummet in gacha history?
i mean, you guys are pretending early prelims numbers are the same as final numbers, so to some extent yes? like we decreased but people saying shit like 150k people vanished make it hard to take doomers seriously
blud can't even do masic math like 500 - 270
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Yeah, that's the problem.
Unironically the most entertaining one ever, watching the slurpers try to spin what's happening as a good thing has been great so far. Hell just take a look at this >>493554836, isn't it the best?
we haven't been healthy for a long ass time
FFBE Global tried a variation of their standard ranking event 1 (once) (anre times) and it flopped and it IMMEDIATELY cratered a shitton of content and updates and just announced iOS
But enough about every character
>You are insane if you believe that it's the slurpers that want you to say which GW has the worst numbers
You are a slurper if you think GW numbers were any good since 2021. You keep asking me "WHICH SHIT IS SHITTIER" and I keep telling you "fuck off, they're both shit and only shit-lover would care about which shit smells worse". People who are not slurpers wouldn't even ask this question because they know all post-Lotto numbers are shit, and only slurpers keep comparing them because they still care about GW and grub.
>say that GW numbers are all shit since Lotto and you're retarded to care about shit GW numbers
you fucking retard
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Can I impregnate this nier?
nah poz, juri, wilnas, mugen, yngwie all deserves this shit game.
no but you can watch monsters or bandits do it
The prediction thing is just broken, if you look at the in game rankings there's people below 270K.
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How long until we get (even more yandere) Claire?
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the L eater is truly losing it this time.
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Admitting this GW is an utter flop is especially hard for him because it means acknowledging that the things leading up to it are indeed shitty decisions that people do care about enough to leave.
Nobody likes Belial's ass
Nobody likes Bubs' ass
Nobody likes character assassination
Nobody likes getting cucked out of their fantasies
Nobody likes getting jewed constantly
Nobody likes yuritrash and fujotrash
And all of these are things lil L has been dishonest about.
Just mentally ill maleringer things
I don't know but at least you are allowed to try multiple times.
>this time
That boat sailed long, loooong ago
they never say whether you can or can't impregnate shikigami
probably for some reason!
kamihime stopped doing NTR over 7 years ago and that character isn't even from kamihime, it's a collab from the devs' other game where they're all for (you)
Pure facts
>Nobody likes Belial's ass
so true
>Nobody likes Bubs' ass
so true
>Nobody likes character assassination
so true
>Nobody likes getting cucked out of their fantasies
so true
>Nobody likes getting jewed constantly
so true
>Nobody likes yuritrash and fujotrash
so true
>And all of these are things lil L has been dishonest about.
>Don't re-upload
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Enjoying your unpaid job gbfpags?
At least....I still have my rocks.....
At least rocks sold unlike poopnuggets...
Because poopnuggets weren't on sale, it would have easily outsold rocks if they were
What's heavier, a kilo of rocks or a kilo of poopnuggets?
only shitposters are left anon
Isn't this really bad considering it's the fucking weekend and early numbers are always inflated
>people fighting over 25 badges and $3 worth of crystals
remind me why every retard in this general goes for 90k
>would have could have
poopnugget cope
They would weigh the same RETARD
He says kilogramme
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Kinda unrelated but what happens with the ero scenes when these ero gachas collab with each other? Do the girls come with their respective MCs to avoid any NTR?
I only know that Tokyo Necro didn't bother doing this with the Taimanin collab because those whores get fucked by everything so some eroge MC makes no difference.
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A friend of mine was telling me that there are ~321k participants this GW
/gbfg/ isn't that smart, anon... you need to explain...
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What did lil poopnugget mean by this???????????????
>Do the girls come with their respective MCs to avoid any NTR?
Pretty much
The alicesoft gacha had Rance come with his girls IIRC.
A friend of mine said 121k are bots
This should have been the biggest sign of what was happening, those numbers were not normal no matter what slurpers tried to say, Galleon in a swimsuit should have had triple that, if not more
proofs? take some screenshots
>Galleon in a swimsuit should have had triple that, if not more
Invisible retweets and likes?
what about this?
>Kinda unrelated but what happens with the ero scenes when these ero gachas collab with each other? Do the girls come with their respective MCs to avoid any NTR?
They come with their MC, so the Ayarabu girls fuck the Ayarabu MC, the Koihime girls fuck the Koihime Musou MC, the Baldr Sky girls fuck the Baldr Sky MC, Haruhi fucks everyone but the bassist, the TsuyoKiss girls fuck the TsuyoKiss MC. And every now and then they have collabs without H scenes but just ecchi illustrations with cleavage or pantyshots like the Sora no Otoshimono or Ikki Tousen one.
But the illustration had the highest special illustration bux
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I assume it depends on the character and the series. During the MGQ collab with that monster girl tower defense game, all scenes with Alice were just her and Luka and why she loves him.
The absolute state of poopnuggets LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
It's 3pm, don't forget to plap your Granblues.
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321k on weekend...
I wish it was GW* all year

*Golden Week
All higher than me
thanks grubba
how do you get 1 honor?
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My other wife
Who do I uncap next? Uno or Katoru?
Throw a buff in pub and fuck off or something
Bots are funny like that
Quatre is a bit less useless than Uno
Uno is outright useless though
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>The campaign this time was so lame that there were quite a few people who didn't get any new characters, and I can't help but think that almost no one will be motivated.
I got one (1, uno) new earth character, but no one in their right mind would ever use him for GW. Or in general.
>cy is botting their own game to inflate participation numbers
>it's still pathetic
Marge why are galgetards seething at Poz eternal victory?
I do wish they at least TRIED to pretend they aren't doing that, 30k new players in the span of 15 min that fight one single battle in which they do nothing and then fuck off, who the hell is going to believe that?
Fuck, should've specified - throw a LOCAL buff
maleringing HIVbrain melty continues
>30k new players in the span of 15 min that fight one single battle in which they do nothing and then fuck off, who the hell is going to believe that?

I need to rewatch naked gun 1 and 2 soon
The only one having a melty is you
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Kek, that's more work than simply doing 1 ex fight. Why do they do this?
Maybe if they didn't nerf his unkillable setups.
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>Why do they do this?
Yup, another buck broken galgetard.
>join a pub
>hit one button
no it's not
Lmao this dead GW really destroyed the maleringer's mind
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no gw skin this time?
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You know who else was on those logs? Numpers.
Calm down lil sis, keep building your gunpla in peace.
more people are building plamo right now than they are playing grub
Yeah, sorry for interrupting your mushoku tensei marathon lil blud
To see how many people are playing?
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>host ex
>press attack
>it clears
yes it is. you press more buttons joining a random pub and leaving. and the event tab is empty as shit.
We call it Galgestein Island around here
So why did they buff EX+ HP and add a new type of meat and hell? But they forgot the skin?
Cantate is 23, no need for Flopstein
small indie company can only do one thing at a time
>Groomer Tensei
Ain’t no way blud watches that pedo filth
Usually beauty of honor is to round up your honor in some way
Why earn exactly 1 honor and no more than that? I dunno. Maybe they really, really wanted to end GW with 1 honor because they don't actually care about GW or something. Then again, I have no idea how many players in that list have exactly one (uno (anre)) honor - if it's really 30k players or something then it's fucked up, but if it's just 10-20 players then it's just some weirdos.
Should I bother farming the nm right now? I don't get the new gw changes?
30k players doing this
at the last 15 minute of GW
all did nothing but 1 exact point of honor

really makes you think
yea its just 10 autists doing that. don't know what for though
>Nobody likes Belial's ass
Tell that to Versus
He literally admitted to it for no reason. Nobody asked him to. No one was talking about that show at all.
can anyone post where they said this gw would have skin level 2
as far as i can tell they said it will evolve over time but they never claimed this gw would have the next version
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>can anyone post where they said this gw would have skin level 2
>as far as i can tell they said it will evolve over time but they never claimed this gw would have the next version
I don't understand why hagfloppers think shitting on Unemployed Wamduses to attack Seraph is a good angle when everyone loves Wamduses.
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fuck forgot my image
All bots
I'm getting mixed signals here.
I think people just used GBF Wiki's Timeline and thought it was accurate or something
I'm just used to Cygames delaying their shit so I'm not really surprised it didn't happen, whether it was confirmed or not. I'd rather not disappoint myself with their promises anyway.
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>sir, we got the numbers in, we got over 300k players playing GW, like you asked us to
>fat, NEET, incel protag skips his parents funeral to jerk off to his child niece
>upon getting a second chance at life in a fantasy world he starts grooming children
>this is the show seraph praises
Bro is not beating the allegations.
>using that wamdus term again
Blud thought he was slick
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They're already back to pre-patch playercount
Let people know when it's images or they'll just assume it's Cantate name drops.
We support lil L and his alternative lifestyle of grooming soft supple Wamduses
We here at the Granblue Fantasy management support and approve of all walks of life
Well that’s not suspicious as shit. Nope, nothing suspicious about this.
>getting Rance in your gacha
sounds like a fucking curse for the gacha players lmao, all their waifus will belong to Rance
Don't give cygames ideas
it's really not
>Rance hijacks another gacha and becomes its MC
let him replace Gran and Djeeta
collabs make the statement that female characters from the original game belong to the MC of their game, and the collab's, for example rance, has his girls keep their interactions with the other MC to the min
grub's the only game where its girls get stolen, regardless of the collab, so we got Lich cucking (you) within a granblue collab, and we got rat cucking (you) in a different game
>rank 1 djeeta with stock name
He'd replace Gran. Djeeta is already female Rance but her writing is held back by the cuck.
I'm willing to believe that one's a new player who got the "Hey, there's an event going on" pop-up and tried to do anything but couldn't because they have 3 honors, which is a weird number for a bot. (inb4 game has no new players)
No. Only if you want to farm for the celestial weapons.
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Do I like the GW changes?
Yes you do, slurpy. Now grind my badges.
GW changes didn't really change GW
I hated it before and I still hate it
>Do I like
What went so wrong, sisters? I thought rollback was supposed to save the game?
All good posts.
Not one bad post.
Fat meat check.
It needed rollback for the original release, when there was no competition so lack of rollback was the only thing keeping it down.
There's way more competition now so all the SF or GG players went back to their main franchises.
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Mine is so bad that I'm doing a 6C setup without any lockout.
At least I can use Kaguya and double up on her during crew buffs
>or GG players
lmao I never bothered with that shit after what Strive ended up being compared to Xrd
if I had to choose between Versus and Strive with a gun pointed to my head, I'd choose Versus because at least this game didn't kill everything I loved about the series
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Could be worse
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Mine's been absolutely god-awful since I woke up today. It's not as bad as it was now that JP players are sleeping, but it's still worse than usual. I'm back to getting lockout, at least.
Yeah but you're on 4chan while random Japanese GGer probably doesn't give a shit about the Bridget stuff.
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I warned you about mentally ill maleringers
>random Japanese GGer probably doesn't give a shit about the Bridget stuff
NTA, but to be fair the Bridget stuff was a western thing because of the English trannylation and a western interview resulting from it. JPs never had any reason to care because it never happened to them. Not sure how they're feeling about Testament, though.
>b-b-but 4chan though…
Concession accepted.
>but to be fair [HEADCANON]
the japs just didn't care because whether bridget is a girl or a boy doesn't matter, it's always gonna be bridget-kun having his ass remodeled by a giant cock
cagliostro is the Bridget of grub
>thinking entire LGBTBBQ shit is THE ONLY issue with Strive
See, you don't know all the issues I have with it
>Miria Akagi
>Sakura Kinomoto
>Elize Lutus
>Mimori Amamiya
The four breedable sluts of /gbfg/
holy based
goodest list
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omg guys look what i found
Japan barely plays Strive. There’s a reason you don’t see any of the people who’ve been playing it since XX at any tournaments.
Decisive Granblue Archive W as usual
Which is weird because I've never played Strive and even I know all the shit that went wrong with it gameplay-wise. It was a massive shitstorm both before and after the game came out.
oh we got free rolls in the other grub
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I actually got a SSR from my free pull
a fucking snek
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>trying to shill Techross shit
You retards reach new lows every day
it's cute, but i still don't have galleon summon
nice alive GW grubbers
Where can I find the new EX+ setups?
>Still NaN
Oh I didn't think they would have updated already
not updated, chuddie...
>GW skin was the only thing I was interested in for GW
>GW skin is the only thing that’s completely absent from GW
I'm making this face rn fr fr
your gold moon
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you don't NEED a new gw skin
you don't NEED content
People like you aren't expected to have it already, that's why progress carries over between GWs. Saw some JP like "it's nice the honor builds up, I might get the skin in two more GWs"
It was the only reason I was gonna play this GW...
I didn't even login today
not gonna hit gw sorry dancho
so how's the celestial farm now? they did say they buffed it for nm90....
From 0.0002% drop rate to 0.0003%
Enjoy grubba
Considering the honor requirement for it is a pitiful amount anyway, yeah.
To be fair, I've never used skin function in grub
Still not an excuse to release GW skin's upgrades at snail pace when Albacore skin was released in July event without issues
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Was dragalia this bad in it's final days before EoS got announced?
The three hanging 'roons of /gbfg/
>in it's final days before
and no, Dragalia stopped voicing events prior to EoS
did they increase FP gain?
>baby farm skin
they were in the middle of releasing a new endgame raid series when it happened, had slowed down the main story updates as well (but after eos announcement it picked up the pace again in order to wrap it up)
That was the only thing I was looking forward to. They only update it once every two times, they're not very motivated.
you don't NEED to farm
I really don't. I don't even try to rank. Fuck GW.
you don't NEED to rank
you don't NEED to play
Now you're getting it.
Unlike the first GW skin did they even give a date for the second stage? I know they said the stages will release consecutively but maybe the Japanese word was more like " release them subsequently) which gives them wiggle room to implement them. Not saying they aren't fucks for not giving it to us. old grub would've been at stage 3 by now.
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dragalia never stopped voicing events, they only stopped voicing fate episodes and that was like two years before EOS
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well yeah there was a date for it but...
>dragalia never stopped voicing events
uh oh grubbas
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Even the directors left but you're still playing for some reason.
wrong, I'm doomposting
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A friend of mine keeps bothering me to play more...
The skin will come out right after MSQ, as planned
>as planned
The plan was for the MSQ to come out in early summer.
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I haven't touched this gw nor plan to.
pyosg status?
This summer didn't count because KMR said "all years long celebration" so we're stuck in anni spring
of which year?
it's just a projected estimation
why do they need a projected estimation to add a .png to the game and then fail to meet it?
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Ah, but they didn't specify WHICH summer, Australian summer isn't until december
how much meat is enough?
more than you have
what is your goal
i'm big meaty

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Mommy(real) only needs her son's meat stick
still more than you have
Why did she gigaflop?
Remember that time lil L defended Pozbert, Shillva, and Mr. Peena getting the yearly ex poses over characters people actually enjoy like Rosamia, Rosetta, and Ilsa? What was THAT all about?
Floptante should die.
It's not that she's a flop. It's Grub being a hyperflop franchise.
We wouldn’t be at -150k if we had gotten a S. Cunnycake event instead of a Poziel one
No, she's definitely a flop>>493561072
Doesn't seem to be a problem for Galleon
Never forget that they haven’t released a non human/primal/other Grand since Charlotta
harvinflops stay flop
Lu Woh…flopgotten
>introduce removal of summer legfest
>sugarcoat it with shit like march summer units getting their rate ups again in august, summer measures (120 rolls), and the early units being mediocre
>following year
>honey moon period is done
>if you didn't get the characters you wanted from the march units, you are fucked
>if you didn't roll for raziel, you are fucked
>if you wanted to roll later, you were basically fucked because the new P (and fukuhara on his way out) personally stole from you 120 rolls
nice epic game
That’s other and she’s basically a regular human
Versussy... Breedable...
>core Halloween units coming up
>collab gacha units will be op even if they said otherwise
>1 holiday unit will be op but it will be before new grand flash (which will be broken)
>another broken providence summon
>dark snake (human) + new op grand (m*ale)
you rike?
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Doesn't invalidate the
>Grub being a hyperflop franchise.
>couldn't beat S.Fediel numbers
yeah mr pane should have been aborted
horus not being sparkable on the banner was pure bullshit
>>introduce removal
this is such a funny thing to read
"yeah this update we're adding the removal of a feature"
Trannyfucka personally left that order for his intern bf before he got fired
>horus banner rate up was 0.3%
>summer banners since july were 0.5% rate up
disgusting that the march summer/yukata banners did not get the extra rate up
It's just improper english
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Just grub things.
>no Olivia
>no Raziel
I do have Hrunting but it feels like I'm missing all of the characters so I don't know if I can even make it work...
Removing stuff can be a good thing like "we are removing the limit of X", or "we are removing this super annoying feature". Unfortunately, in this game everything is done to piss the playerbase off.
you can always use the galleon + rat mash setup from last year
takes like ~1:30? for nm200
Are you still supposed to grind ex+ for meat? I don't get this kusoge anymore. Why are there two types of meat now?
>double yugu
>four buttons
comfy gw
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Three words: ACK
I didn't spark last year's final banner because the rate up was full of trash I already got at anni.
Glad they didn't do that shit again this year.
>we got the chicken and her mother instead of this hot piece of ass
Fucking clown ass devs
Are there any 0b 0c setups without exalto?
fenisex is way hotter than her tho
that is one word...
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How galge is Pengy anyway I haven't read her shit
She's for Rackam, so very galge
Real ef energy
Think i'm just gonna get my 1 bil and call it a day. How much meat should be enough if I primarily farm NM90/95? Not gonna have time to properly farm higher level NMs beyond 100.
get to 1.5b slave
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>Forgot this was prelims and was farming meat like it was intermission
Fleetbros..the point control...I'm sorry......
da invisible meat farmers...
Finally... I can take seraph's spot in fleet...
so exactly why does GW make you check your pending battles?
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am i supposed to do nm90 for the big meat or not? i dont have a good setup, can i just spam ex+ like usual?
>5m over cap
We will never recover
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This Yaia has been cooking too long...
I always forget that's a thing. I assume it's to cut down on the servers having to juggle so many non-GW raids so they don't buckle under the strain of GW repetition.
You can only trade in 500 big meats, so your primary meat farm is still EX+.
What if I raped Yaia?
Don't do that
Ask for her consent first
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Pet and kiss her instead
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Milking Yaia regularly to ensure she stays healthy and comfortable.
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I play magna dirt, I have 233 gold moons, is it worth it to buy hrunting? Kengo has done go for me for years with dirt but now with NM 250 I was wondering if I should finally buy the meme sword.
Do you need to do NM250?
KenGODS will be running 250, don't bother
what's the most accessible 90hl setup? all these shits are unbearable with their requirements.
probably 10k if you are conservative with 90s and 95s.
does bounty/esser passive still work on celestial weapon farm? i remember hearing they were making changes but i don't remember what said changes were
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I'm doing this. Bubz can probably be reliably replaced with any high-damage summon because it's overkill here. Onmyoji uses Celestial Genesis, Shushuku uses Instant Gratification, attack. 1S2B7C. Highlander grid with M3 fist and Galleon gun. (My earth team is dogshit, so it's not hard to do better.)
I know it worked on the gold chest rates for extreme and extreme+ for revenant weapons when meat farming and it did increase the odds of the chest with the celestial weapons dropping, but there's so much other shit in that chest you'll still just have to get lucky.
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>try swapping caim out for shushuku since anon reminded me she exists
>1% hp left
no i want to farm emp for the retard instead of the homo...
add more cap up weapons
>1s 2b
this is the power of earth i guess.
thought i put them all in already but i forgot my grid didn't have a celestial weapon
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For building around 1-turn ougi, she does the most non-MC damage for me.
didn't even occur to me she was a real character beyond being a backline slot.
i am now 3b6c double kaguya
Gbfg said when GW started the threads would be alive again...
yes we alive
People are meat grinding Anon, once they've gotten their 12.5K meats things should pick up.
they're just...sleeping right now...
sleeping forever...
Last thread was 15 hours instead of 22. This thread won't be 22 either.
And that's before we even reach the FA stage of GW where people will have time to post.
Sexy lolibaba
She's got NM 250
>dead gw
>crew still can't get into tier A
gomen danchou i went to disney instead...
We're up to 340k players!!!!!!!!!!
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We need a Chiikawa collab to save grub like shadoba
>haven't gotten a single celestial from nm90 yet
nice boosted rates grubtards
Do I need more or less meat to top80k after these GW changes? I usually farm 8k meat.
just b urself
>forgot rb's cb cap emp
damn i'm fucking everything up
thank god meat farming is free regardless
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is this possible without pholia?
>PHOLIA 1-button attack
Gee I wonder
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is this possible without 1 button?
You mean a 0b setup for 90? No, the best you can do is 1b, whether it be Pholia 1 or SS from the RF comp or whatever
it's 4 fangs and 2 magna. i'm assuming with a better grid it might be possible to swap.
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Is this possible without attacking?
Based and breedable party right here https://x.com/prim46493/status/1832264252452958435
You need Pholia's assassin, she's the one character in that setup who's not replaceable
should I be myself?
Breeding orchid doll joints
hmm... nyo. You should find an internet personality to base yourself on
/gbfg/ has ruled that all Other girls are breedable and Orchid is no exception.
my human wives and our childrens' caretaker
is this pACK
I'll be honest, bros.
I REALLY want to fuck my wife. I want to fondle her large chest while railing her as we try not to be too loud. I want to fill her up with another kid. I want to wrap my arms around her and just fucking go to town until the sun rises.
That is all.
>large chest
stopped reading
hmm... kinda cringe
>large chest
kept reading
what da scallop?
6k meat
good enough
seems like i fucked up big annitixing cuc instead of her. i thought the lack of her use last gw sealed her fate.
>You can never fill your Draph, Erune, or Harvin wife with another kid
What the fuck was Cygames thinking????
>EX+ gets HP further inflated
>meat drops are adjusted
>tokens are unchanged
You can just do the RF setup instead
gw boxing always gets nerfed.
wtf do i actually farm now?
why did they make gw harder and grindier AGAIN? wtf are these retarded nips even doing
Thanks, I think I'll stick to bubz after all
fak dis Sabrina to win game
>lyria shushuku okto caim esser
feels good to be f2p
>raziel mirelle h.dante dlf esser w/ bubz
feels good to be f2p
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Nope. Not going over 0 meat. No sir.
i think this might be the end of my granblue fantasy.....
based cutie
Where is my celestial?????????????????
You didn't buy the pakeji
Didn't earn the celestial
Does dirt have any other decent fists? Her damage is great with five but the others are lagging behind as a result
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what do you mean? it's less grindy with higher health mobs. less clicking.
I will keep trying
Daijobu, Mugen will breed!
i think the only other possible option with magna caim is the m3 fist which is not very good for that
everyone is still grinding the same amount so now i have too..... except i can't 0b ex+ now
Thank you mugen...
Honestly I almost forgot about her because even the guide site guy doesn't mention her at all for team building. Not even as a back line unit. But that 3rd skill just adds so much damage for one press. Unfortunately, she's enmity-based so she won't be good for much else unless there a massive meta shift.
its so over....
superGarrison will save her...
>gigacuck literally replying to his own posts
More HP though
Haven't seen that word in a long time.
Meant for
Yep, another GODraph W.
>can 0b now
i love granblue fantasy!
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i don't know how or why it works but i just replaced cap up with the setup weapons i didn't have
Why is Trooneraph going nuts today?
why is Tetragod's walk up animation kinda zesty
fkneck's selfinsert
why does it take so FUCKING LONG
You can tell Tetragod is a dumb slut begging for cock by the way it walks.
Just look at that perfectly flat DFC too.
Poseidon won again.
you aren't making any sense friend. if everyone is grinding the same amount then it's easier because you get more rewards.
even if everyone is grinding for the same amount of time you are still grinding less because it takes more time to farm each raid.
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its still exactly the same amount of grind except now we need even stronger grids/fomo characters
If you want to rank then it's pretty much the same if not a bit worse as cutoffs will go even higher as honors are inflated. This only helps if all you care about is hitting max honor rewards and nothing else and even then, the extension of honor rewards will make the baseline higher again
Judging by the performance of this GW, there's no way the investors won't decide that the game will close its servers after they announce EoS
The thing is grub is so small it can sneak past the investors
Investors will be too busy asking why Uma Musume Party Dash was a massive flop
the amount of time that people farm roughly never changes outside of element and boss difficulty differences and when the gw occurs. your grid and characters were always limited and no, the majority of people did not start spending more.
the only thing this effects is the top tier who can now spam more 90 and 95s.
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At the rate they’re going, the investors will pull the plug and not even bother making the announcement until after the deadline is past, just like Cygames didn’t bother to say anything about the valentines cards being delayed until after everyone had already figured that out.

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