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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves Version 1.2 Trailer | In the Turquoise Moonglow

>Resonator Showcase | Xiangli Yao - The ultimate Truth

>Resonator Midnight Podcast



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WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Xiangli Yao [Sep 7 - Sep 28]
Weapon Banner: Verity's Handle (Gauntlets) [Sep 7 - Sep 28]
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Previous: >>493508501
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>I love Shorekeeper
Sex is the only thing she is good for
Let me see your WU face
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you didn't brick yourself skipping zhezhi right
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wuwa !
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I'll be back someday fuckers
>homo banner
When is Shorekeeper coming?
every wuwa has a butthole
and they use it every day
I regret pulling for Zhezhi Lawrence...
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We are humans. We are a naive species who want nothing more than to improve our station. We bickered among ourselves, fought and bled, warred and murdered in the ignorance of a greater existence and calling out there. As we stand here, on the eve of the Covenant annihilation of our species, let us not forget who we are. In this existence or the next, humanity shall be remembered.
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No, She is Lord Arbitor's eternal lover.
All of my in game cash are gone
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>pink gremlin calcs 44111 for lingering as 4% behind the regular setup
>there is no second 4-cost for it
for a millisecond I thought I had a solution to my 3-cost problem
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her old design is getting repurposed into a new character
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sisters i'm getting tempted to pull for his weapon...
I want to rest my head on Baizhi's large breasts
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The solution is to use 44111 electro instead
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I like her icon
White samurai knight? I am in to that
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Sorry bro but I was low on cash since I reached phase 7
How long till Jinhsi is topped? Will Camellya be comparable to her?
Go for it it's guaranteed and you're getting it in 15 pulls or less i'm a registered seance and astrologist.
It is Ok, anything for anko
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after homo skip banner
Shouldn't have let me join your world bwo, thanks btw
she's gonna be close to her power level count on it
The shitposting might improve his reception desu
Leaks say s6 Cammy is 0.9 of s6 Jinny
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But I don't want to use the jank electro echoes
She's on par with S6 Jenny apparently
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Aiee yumesis in our wuwa thread??
what does anko's manko taste like?
describe the aroma, fragnance and taste as accurately and detailed as possible
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We only have fat stinky ojisans here
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There's also a possibility of her being a subdps though. Hopefully not
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>We only have fat stinky ojisans here
Uhhh... not true!
>She was manipulated!
>She was possessed by TD
>She is actually a good girl

How badly will they whitewash her and Scar?
They're not even subtle about XLY being the Calcharo replacement, when you think about how their forte and overall game plan go he's basically the same character but better/smoother
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1-5: Roll for 5 Star Weapon
6-0: Don't
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you aint catching me farming for lingering tunes
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>How long till Jinhsi is topped?
Happened on Day 1 of her banner
better post proof. The digits have decided
Bite the bullet and commit bear genocide then
The fucking number 5 even, It's over for (You)
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fat stinky ojisan here, can confirm
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As much as I like Camelya, I don't think Kuro is that retarded to make S0 Camelya as strong as S6 Jinshi. Leaker is probably pulling numbers out of their ass
obviously comparing s6 to s6
White gunner allegedly. So new Chun is Camellya who is Havoc Sword, and old Chun is Chun who is ??? Gun allegedly
Godroll for Jiyan, maybe you can make a Jiyan off-field outro nuke meme build and pair it with Calcharo since he heavy attacks sometimes anyway (kit and to proc Electro set)
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Peak Changli...
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I've looked and I think Yoohoo has more more porn than Semenkeeper. How the fug did this happen?
look at the middle finger length
smells like too many tourists, post your tower/holograms NOW
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Twenty rolls in
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2.0 is new region? Is it gonna be Chinese theme?
We will get buffs for launch characters.
Rinascita. Mediterranean
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Of course there's tourists, there's a free 5* event going on
It's too early for hornyposting bro...
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Calchud status…?
It seems he's calling you, better main him till EOS sis
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Mediterranean? Like Pajeets? Then why is Jinhsi on rateup not a new Pajeet character
Finally a reason to get the standard banner gun!
Uh... I'll do It when I get to UL60, I'm Almost there
>Kuro games
>Africa in 2.0
Kept alive by his intro/outro being cool. Contemplating a Jiyan/Calcharo team
Yup last time I reply to the avatarfag. 100 posts and not a single good one made.
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Okay we get it Jinzhou is the best place on earth and everyone is noble and great there. Can we get a real plotline going already?
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Gacha is healing.
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Are echo sub stats weighted towards min rolling? The majority of my crit rolls are 6.3%, and I've never gotten close to the max roll of 10.5%, and that's with me having 4 characters built with double crit echos.
I didn't even know flat ATK could roll past 50. Am I just a luckshit god or is there something else going on
is there a normal fanart of this brat?
I leveled it for Mortefi not long ago, I'll have to farm gun domain quite a bit if Chun's signature is OP (like giving liberation% aka boosting the coordinated attacks for Mortefi/probably Chun herself if she has coordinated attacks). Combined with Yohou's coordinated attack deepen, there'll be a lot of fun builds in the future
your cuhrazey Scar and your tsundere Frog antics?
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Higher chance of min roll than max roll looks like
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fat old balding men... its our time soon...
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Pedophiles are way more numerous than previously believed and loli lets them express it openly. So people lewd the loli when there is a fertile real woman right next to her.
Calchud and cube man can be in the same team bros. You can get the ultimate male brick experience
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What's the verdict?
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>avatar fagging with lingyang
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Cause they knew exactly what they were doing with the mesugaki
Also shopkeeper gets the charming fanart
Bro I can't now, I'm at work...
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fuck you guys, this is good enough
Don't shoot the dumb gyaru leopard! He cute!
Mesugakis were perfectly synthesized for sex. Its just science
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If Lingyang weren't such a fag people would use him
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>Are echo sub stats weighted towards min rolling?
this is my only max roll crit echo
How is the free faggot? Worth building if I don't have a 5* weapon?
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>What's the verdict?
a bro and he is fun to use
Sephiroth and Lee is the ultimate animation cancel team
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For me, it's Xiangli Yao, Yinlin, and Calcharo
I've seen a few 4 star weapon clears with him. I'd say yes if you have yinlin
I'm not rolling for the weapon, I got the BP gauntlet and it'll take me like half a year to rank it up so until then, XLY will have to sit on the bench besides Calchud
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He was so scary and ferocious.
Some anons were saying that no one talks about lingyang at all previously. And now we have this
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Fucking slut. I threw my gems at her but she refused to come
thanks for the S6 Baizhi tho
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>free 5-star is powerful and meta
There is a few real dps in this game and he is better than the 4 stars characters without a 5 star weapon, so yes
Ah, it makes sense now. Hope the tuneable echoes we're getting will this somewhat less painful
You NEED the five star weapon.
Energy regen is broken on XLY
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Stop hornyposting
Literal Kakarot powercreep, he's not only easier to use, but his liberation slows down all enemies hit AND gets interrupt resist so he can actually hit shit
Why did Kuro give away a 5* top DPS again?
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Not even lolis are safe
With Sexkeeper and Camellya down the line? Are you mad?
What is she doing?
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Which button do I press to play the cubeman.
But how does the cube compare to Anko?
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>females actually play wuwa
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I took all my echoes off Calchudo and gave them to him.
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I get to watch Zhezhi's breasts jiggle every day with her ult.
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>Anons constantly talking about how manko players are stupid
>Her best teams are actually hard to play and require a brain
I demand an apology from my fellow wuwers
Just mash normal attack and use your skill whenever it's ready
that's it
first kuro game?
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use the birb or crystal instead
thank god i convert all my astrite into radiant tides, i am getting FOMOd extremely hard by xly's weapon but don't have any pulls for it. now i can save for shorekeeper and camellya
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No Sherrif Doro! Don't get yourself banned again!
He's male so he wasn't gonna make any money anyway
KEK. Even the mods don't like lingyang
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I do. For Youhu.
>standard is better since her damage is from-
It's still a bigger damage increase and easier to build with crit.
>she's just a support she's not meant to do dam-
She will be my main DPS.
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>sexkeeper and camellya are coming up
>170 rolls banked
Am I going to make it? I would like their signature weapons as well.
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discord rewards
Well yeah, All who picked Femrover are female. What did you expect?
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Kuro already gave out a meta husbando for free in our sistergame. This is nothing new
I honestly think that giving rewards like this out damages good will more than it helps.
There are a handful that lurk here but they rarely talk
Encore: hot pussy with very viscous juices, like hot glue that never dries
Verina: very smelly pussy, but it's a stink you can't stop sniffing
Yoohoo: ice cold pussy, but extremely slippery and very easy to get wet, also loud moans
Not if you want the weapons, semenkeeper is fine with Variation
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Probably. But you'll be drained for 2.0
How do you know?
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Still think it's hilarious how Wanshi's character story is literally this image but with a sadder backstory
>Fuoluolo boss battle
>she grabs you
>10 minute unskippable sex scene
>the mihomo players who picked femrover cause they didn't knew about Solon hetero pandering
They're the ones wanting the gender change option
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Who do you think are the ones who posts fan art of guys like Jiyan and Xiangli Yao with Female Rover here? Husbandofags are willing to learn a game just so they could play their husbando
They should’ve made XLY give a bonus in item synthesizing considering he’s the head of their science team
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not me!
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vestigial feature from genshin. kuro forgot
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If Nikke has a 40% female playerbase in Japan why wouldn't Wuwa have at least as much?
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cummies already got topped before jade like beauty...
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>raped as a man
>by a female
>who is underage
>and canonically suffers from a terminal disease
>AND also lacks depth perception
Rover isn't that weak, r-right?
I mean yeah, but they could've been playing GI since it panders to females more
>willing to learn a game just so they could play their husbando
...Jiyan and xiangli are literally the most braindead characters in the game though?
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>she grabs you
with her frog tongue?
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>even when the threads are fast there are no jannies
The land of the free
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The characters are just pixels on my screen, none of them love me.
But the photons that my screen generates? Those are real, and they carry information showing Female Rovers sideboob directly into my brain.
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Stop posting porn of my wife
>zhezhi banner ends
>literally forgotten, no one post her anymore
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We already have that in WuWa with Jiyan since he also used to be a medic until he was forced to lead an army and the deaths of his comrades still haunts him to this day
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Why the fuck would females play nikke? There's literally nothing but coom bait there
Yeah but it's funnier with Wanshi because he actually picks up a rifle and starts shooting people
I think he even says the "I'm a doctor but..." before picking it up
Who use this set anyway lmao
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bro your OP
Literally xiangli yao
Anime women are literally perfect, I can't blame them
it's surprisingly feminist
Rover is a man
Men lose to the vagina
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>People actually going for S6 Yao
At this point, skies the limits. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a meme muscle head character with a quirky personality(Think Todo or the Tokita/Kotobuki in Grand Blue the ""diving anime"". Not to be confused with GBF the other gacha game). I'm sure this would sell.
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They like the characters and the Story. There is also Andersen and Johan the latter have multiple homo doujins
Snorekeeper will kill the game.
They don't actually play it they just like the cosplay
Is Xiangli supposed to be Changli's new best teammate?
holy shiet. you know now every 50/50 is gonna turn into a calcharo
jiyan almost did sis
There’s a difference. GI panders to faggots and fujos. Husbandofags/yumes are allergic to anything homo that’s why you don’t see a lot of yumes in GI anymore, they go to games like love and deepspace instead. Also the males in Genshin look like a bunch of twinks barring Alhaitham who is a fujo fodder so they have nothing left.
Husbandofags usually go for visual novels aka otome games or anything with full of text. So playing a game that has actual mechanics is essentially learning to them especially when they have to clear harder content using their husbandos.
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I hope Chun is just a 5* Mortefi so I can stop feeling FOMO over the ugly painter. Otherwise I'll be forced to cope with some variation of Mortefi Yahoo until she gets a rerun
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So what are the most brainless teams possible in the game right now?

Xiangli Yao
And who else?
Not having depth perception is actually good for sharpshooters though
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If the sky is the limit for Xiangli Yao, then Zhezhi just hit the international space station and Yinlin is currently in Andromeda, because this is the worst performing banner we've had so far.
should be decent but idk about "best teammate" since calcharo and yinlin do way better with him
cant be as brainless as jiyan mortefi
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Post echo gore, this is the best I could give him on day 1 (everything at +20)
you will get 2 more pities each patch, thats another 150-160 rolls at least. All you need to do is get lucky once to secure a weapon or two
jiyan mortefi

jinhsi yuanwu
yeah but that requires you to roll for jiyan and did anyone here actually roll for homo
Don't want to be that guy but Jinshi is also just unga bunga cavewoman
well yeah but you didnt specify that
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The characters are extremely likable. Eastern Women don't mind the coombait unlike the fat pigs in the the West
Blue Archive is also very popular with them way more than Nikke and these women are the majority of the porn artist in that fandom
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...I don't even have a single copy of variation
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I'm at 60 pity on weapon banner, do the 60-70 pulls already have soft pity? I don't want the weapon just trying to scratch some oscillated coral for 1.3
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sorry anko bwo
I would S6 if there's anything close to Armstrong in FMA
Jiyan is the most unga bunga of them all you dont even need to quick swap. Jinhsi is very high up there too
Limited weapon banner? Stop rolling now or you'll regret it.
When is she coming back I lost my 50/50...
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You really shouldn't do that
i think it starts to ramp up at 66 and you usually get it by 74-75
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i love my wife...
>people mass pull for yaoi dupes
>this make kuro shit out another 5 star meta character for free later
usually get it by 70. Very unlikely to go 74+
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>muscle head Todo character
The anti-Anko of puzzle solving
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when am I supposed to use the transform summons?
my account is character seeded, and anti-weapon banner seeded all of my weapons have been 72-73
i got him trying to get danjin at 20 pity. rerolled to save for yinlin, did 20 pulls again for danjin, it happened again
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Guess I'll do XY, Rover and Jinshi then

I want to be lazy in this game, I don't want to be quickswapping every 0.5 microseconds and swap cancelling every move I make.
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The BP weapon looks so cool on him that I'm not even slightly tempted to get the limited one
which ones are you trying to use?
If i didn't have Jiyan and Jinhsi with their sigs and needed a DPS i would have rolled on his, fucker is way too strong for a free character
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Can zhezhi clear tower as a damage dealer or is she doomed to be support only?
The gold matches with some of the details on him so it works out. I'm glad our bp weapons don't look bad. Numbers could be a tad better though.
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
If you have Sanhua yes, since everything she does counts as basic attack
Her damage is pretty good with Sanhua buffing her, people have posted 30/30s with her as a main DPS on the last floors/middle. Probably want her weapon for that role though
I saw some people here clearing with her main dps with sanhua
EOS soon
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Why this is sexual harassment only when I do it?
to do what ? for mobs you dont care about min/maxing at all or team building. ToA you do need to min max to some degree
its a girl with girl photo anon
you won't get sued if you do it with men
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Excited over Shorekeeper? Yes
>to do what ?
i'm sure someone asking about teams is gonna masturbate to them
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Jinny nooooooooooooo!
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>Normal and not lust provoking Fanart of Yoohoo
How to get those
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We are officially in the middle of 1.2 bwos. Remember to pre-farm for the 1.3 characters if You are going to roll for them
>not lust provoking
says who
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They call me the 20pullsman
Fujo posters posters stick out like a sore thumb in these threads, plus what sort of dude openly talks about skipping all the female banners for males
stream on discord
whorekeeper can get fucked
im saving for cummies
gay men
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Naughty naughty naughty
That is a pretty lame explanation bro. It can be troons or shitposters
Nikocado lost weight?? Wtf??
Wuthering waves
Shut up pedophile
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Yeah, you're right. It's unfathomable that a female can use the site known as 4chan
Moonlit Clouds is the worst fucking set to farm in this game.
I'm so tired of echopicking.
I'd settle for grinding the 4-cost and getting the rest of the set through tacet fields. You won't see me farming echoes in the open world past the first month or two, no way.
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I will play after I finish my haidilao hotpot
How's your crusade against the homeless going, Anon?
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they don't
the 40% female players is total bullshit
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You had a good run, Calchud, and you carried me for 3 months, but now it's time I've moved on to greener, less clunky pastures.
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any of the gold rarity ones from the bosses. Like Changli has inferno rider. Do I charge up 4 bars + burst so I can CA -> burst -> CA right after it?
Same with Yinlin and thundering. transform before filling gauge or transform when the gauge is full to press everything?
Basically, is the lack of ability to press buttons and build gauge during the transform time worth having the buffs when doing damage, or is it better to use it before switching out so there's no downtime and ignore the buffs?
Rover w/ dreamless is supposed to use up all of her bar and then do burst -> transform -> switch out from my understanding of things.
Heron is another to use before switching out, right?
I wouldn't have even tried this game if it didn't have manko
Why the fuck would women come to 4chan? Women only care about Chad dick and attention. 4chan provides neither.
30 pulls, no weapon. Sorry XLY, you'd be good with my Yinlin, but SK and Camel are coming
SEX with the NPC.
there's a surprising number of women that come to 4chan and they're always mentally ill too
I want to say 'more mentally ill' but there's some real fucking psychopaths on this game and I don't think the women i've met are that far
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bro you're the Gandhi of Wuwa...
I mean on this site
>forgets all the women showing their tits and getting thousands of (you)s
They can get their thrill here
You need to be +18 to post in 4chan
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it's finally over
my Changli is well fed
How much do meals like this usually cost for one dude?
I'm in the same boat SOLON almost convinced me to just say fuck it, I'm just BP coping it though he seems decent enough with it
how good is yao? is bp weapon enough for him? I want to save for shorekeeper
To talk about husbandos and waifus, what else
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Which general are our greatest allies?
good enough, yes
I'm underweight...
how much does a portion for one cost?
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2nd Wuwon Cup

Last time we put our biggest schizos and memes against each other and Sheriff Doro won with nearly half the votes. Congratulations to the sheriff one last time!
This time, the theme is different; It's alternative versions!
Let's see which alternative character you like the most!
Vote Now: https://poal.me/k4rkna
>Learning from the 1st Wuwon Cup, this time I let everyone vote multiple characters and the cup will run until the end of 1.2, occasionally posted in the threads since we got votes for the 1st cup even after it ended.
That's from /gig/ isn't it?
There is no way PGR is so low.
It was first in the last poll.
I spent 70 Canadian dollars. The food is good but kinda too expensive. Rather go to a buffet where it's a 50 flat fee and eat as much as you can
Is everyone soloing the event or just joining others for it?
in case you dont know, any food posting is an attempt to derail the thread by a schizo
just [-]
Which wuwa was built for anus sex
Females generally go to their own forums, but I guess having too many women in one place is detrimental to your sanity
She is for the grocery store guy
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Ngl it wasn't worth it. Don't see what the hype was about. An interesting experience to try once but not again. Overpriced imo
incels being completely oblivious to anything related to women is my favorite 4chan thing
When's the next banner? I haven't rolled in awhile and saved up around 10k.
70 doesnt sound so bad, but maybe it'll be cheaper here in montreal.
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>pay to cook meat yourself
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I'm female and I play WuWa because I am a yurige and like fantasizing about girls. Am I welcomed in WuWa?
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bros ...
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Don't leave the door open Rovers
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whose handsome hand is that
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Tits or btfo, of course, if you're a legal adult
Is there any proof that the anons here are males? I mean, they do display masculine traits and talk like males, but we don't have any proof that someone here is a guy
Isn't it some schizo from /gig/ and /e7g/? Seen him in the other hoyo threads too and always circlejerks with other shitposters in other generals
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you know the rules, tits or gtfo
My boyfriend's
Don’t reply to trap legs retards it’s a bait post from another thread
You could be a femboy like that one in /hsrg/ that showed his thighs
Show tits
When this one ends, so in 21 days
We all assume they are, or do you really want anon showing dick picks all of sudden?
>trying to ban our last female anon by forcing her to show her tits
Holy shit the incels energy in this thread
idk since i dont go to the other general, but this is the 4th is time he doing that here
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Not dicks but yeah they shouldn't post biceps and definitely not abs haha not like anyone here would want to see that am I right
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This is a woman-free zone
Mediterrain there means something like Italy Venice, because leaks said it's gothic looking and will have some carnival theme.
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>/soc/ all of a sudden
Alright sluts get back on topic post your current savings and who you’re waiting for
If they really are one they would do it like that one Childe stacy in /gig/ who showed her tits
Legs nowadays means nothing since femboys are a thing
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I'll take a Shorekeeper, a Camellya, and as many Chuns as (You) have
she isn't going to fuck you btw
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>/gig/ get boob pics
>We get....?
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Stop! This is a checkpoint! You must answer the following question:
Who's the hottest 4 star resonator
You mean boob pics that some other sailor guy will fondle?
Unironically Mortefi
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cube man winning
Mortefi, dudes literally on fire
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No, that's why there is no proof females post here either, you dumbfuck. But that anon said females post here like an absolute true. It can be righ, it can be wrong, but it is definitely something you don't bring up without actual proofs.
>Losing to MONKE
were fucking losiiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggggg
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Baizhi mogs everyone and most of the 5* characters as well
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im gonna WU your WAs
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Here's a WU in my pants you can WA Yapyap.
Penis inspection day?
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You guys are all female right? Were just being contrarian by claiming were males if you don't show proofs right?
pedophile website
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the line here that is occasionally shown is just so good bros
Xiangli Yao made me realize my inner woman
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My chest belongs only to the general, and well mannered men don't like sluts that post themselves online for free
>Smooth thigh pic
>Hotpot with boyfriend
I think it's safe to say wuwa is female owned
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Gentlemen, it's time
Post your HoI4 playtime
Jiyan is the biggest manslut of them all, wearing that tight bodysuit all day.
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No fuck off, this is a harem groomer game for men
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>105 streams of WuWa
What the fuck
What do you even do for 105 streams
Who even watches that
r5 battle pass or r1 5* permanent for xiangling?
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>He spent hours looking at a nap changing color
its the usual talk and probably ring farming
It's not free though, just imagine all the (you)s you'll get
>Master groomed her to appeal to the Arbiter

Chinese pedos think this is romantic
sit down newfag and let me tell you something, that rule is as old as this board so you either dont say shit or you post tits to prove it. simple as
Bird sex
Elf sex
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its better to combine them, right?
maybe ? id leave one hanging around desu
I fucking exiles so much
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femcels wouldn't understand
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Calcário status?
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I spent hours learning how to cheese Austria, Romania, the Czechs, the Yugoslavs, and the Germans, trying to make the most peaceful, least miserable Austria Hungary I possibly could. Still got most of my army slaughtered because I don't know what the stats do, what the terrain means, and how railways work. I'm too autistic and retarded for HOI4, I feel like restarting if I miss a day of research or whatever
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>food doesnt work
>soc doesnt work
>he's attempting hoi now
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Hope you have a zhezhi bros
>Activate Phantom Dreamless's fourth Illusification
the fuck does that mean?
HOI4 wuwa mod when? We have two canon generals, a head of state, etc.
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He is Coming.
its the collecting elemental orb metamorphose for power ups thingy
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Jeji is sad....
so am I
Changli grew up..
Literally who
Why does Jinhsi have such oddly shaped tits?
jeji 's looks weirder desu
They are just average. The others have too big tits.
They all do different things but yeah the ones that give buffs you should do before doing damage. You can also just swap cancel the long animation times for all of these. For inferno rider you can swap cancel the 3rd hit so it takes less time. Then swap back

I recommend tempest over thundering for pretty much all electro characters since only 2 hits instead of 6.

Rover you do burst and dreamless during the last bit of the empowered forte state yeah.

Heron you can just press then immediately swap to animation cancel
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I'm not the derailer, retard, I was just making a joke
I don't even play hoi just CK
As far as I know, there's no official map of Solaris-3 or at least of any continents. We only know about like 3 Sovereign nations in total
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Give it back Kuro
They're basically tied so use what you have.
nah you should kys
R2+R1 imo, you never know when you'll end up having two gauntlet users on the same team.
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Having a bad time in Illusive Realm, barely won the 1v1 against the first monkey
Give a random Warlord a Jinzhou focus tree, Jiyan as a general, etc. And huge bonuses against the Japanese
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Why does cubeman have time slow but the Time sentinel magistrate doesn't
Abyss Surges or Xiangli's weapon for yoohoo dps?
saving up for future skin, awakening, leap etc. would be waaaay too busted otherwise I asume
does swapping not dispell the buffs? So you'd build bar, transform, swap, swap back, then dump damage? I thought the animation cancel was just for doing at the end.
male or female anons, at least we're not like that one general with the constant "cosplay" posting. I think you know which one it is
So if I don't have a 5* crit/cdmg weapon for the character it's just not worth building them. Kuro really shot themselves in the foot making 4* weapons complete dogshit.
abyss surges has a more relevant passive but xiangli's weapon gives attribute bonus since it's limited so it's probably even
This... now post buff Jiyan cosplay.
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you will roll for the weapons gweilo
don't you see how generous our banners are
Use a 3 star weapon then
Sign is comfier since it gives crit
Not really. You just treat atk like crit dmg and use a crit rate 4 cost
my brain does not have the computing power to play quickswap but my favorite characters are yinlin and changli...
It's Rover
It's fine bwo they're still good
Would not make sense for chinks and nips to be hostile to each other in wuwa context. Remember how well Raiden Shogun did? You know damn well that in about 2 years we will get our own not-Japana with a cool samurai looking character who does not look like a fucking npc model
Also level up those skills if you want decent Illusive Realm runs
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I use the trial Yao
They don't get rid of the buffs no. Even the "braindead" team of jiyan mortefi you'll see jiyan use the monke, swap cancel to mortefi, mortefi uses ult and heron swap cancel back to jiyan before jiyan ult
If you have the BP boxes, get the gauntlets. The BP weapon normally sucks but it's actually equal to the standard weapon this time.
It's not like you'll ever want to get the gun, sword, rectifier or broadblade instead.
it is kind of incredible how bad kuro is at selling their own characters, in version trailers kits look underwhelming, resonator showcases are getting better but not combat focused. even trial XLY at the event felt awful compared to actual version, how is that even possible
i like how we can completely defense strip the enemies now. Jinhsi be dealing 2 million dmg + per laser
He won https://youtu.be/IBN1TN90HTU
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Calchudro status???
They won't even let you quickly retry the trial, and the damn things last 30 seconds flat. They just hate money that is all.
that's good to know. Do the buff timers run while the character isn't active or is it frozen?
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I want to rape this
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Please be in Jinzhou
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We desperately need a sword autist who isn't a subdps/support like Sanhua.
I cleared using him last stage go inferno rider or turtle, build it so you have cube uptime 100% of the time all he needs is some ER, crit and hp regen to not shit the bed spam E and auto attack at the same time and dodge every enemy hit
It still runs, that's why Mortefi's good cause his ultimate last almost 20 seconds
You can do the trial as many times you want though
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YumeGODDESSES are saving the game
haha yeah 20 seconds...
You should ask why calchud doesn't, nigger moves so fast he leaves after images but he can't time stop like cubeman
I think Yinlin should drop to 0.5 and only have 1 character on T0 for each category
That, my pedophilic man, is a child!
>SEA asleep
>still nonstop doomposting
Just ignore the retards. 1.3 is cooking up to be at least on par with 1.1 if not more. Be patient and give no (you)s
Most streamers could stream literally anything and their audience would watch, popular streamers are just entertainers and zoomers watch them in the background in the same way that old people watch cable tv.
i dont play calchud so i dont quite get it
what time stop?
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hideous tranny kys
>knew no one will roll males
>give out for free
>fags baited into building him + rolling the sigs
Cheeky bastard solon
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1.0 - Got Yinlin
1.1 - Got Jinhsi and Changli
1.2 - Got Zhezhi
1.3 - Semenkeeper guaranteed, can skip Jiyan
1.4 - Will surely get Cameltoe even if I have to hit up the double topups, Yinlin can be skipped because I have her
2.0 - New character can be guaranteed because I already have Jinhsi
Life is so good bros.
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Yaosisters won
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yeah and i will fuck that
>I lost my 50/50
Sucks to suck, I guess.
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after shorekeeper is going to be a long dry season for me since i will skip camellya. i hope w/e is on 2.0 is really good and worth the wait
According to leaks, 2.0 will have Jenny rerun. So high chance 2.1. Honestly I wouldn't mind if they go about having one new character and a rerun nearly all the time from 1.3 onwards. The Jinhsi 1.1 -> 2.0 would mean nearly half a year until a character rerun.
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I miss you so much Zhezhi, you were my second favorite girl only behind Jinhsi...
new magistrate when?
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No dry season for me if 2.0 is really Chun.
I read that as Yaoisisters.
Man, I really wish he had a different name.
I mean his S6 is 20 seconds
I don't get. Skill damage scales with resonance liberation's damage. or is it just some characters who work like this?
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>Encore/Changli is supposedly the strongest team in the game
>still way slower than my Jinhsi even while swap cancelling everything
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Forgot Image
the pink gremlin is an encore shill
Xiangli Yao slows down all enemies hit with his ultimate and gains interrupt resistance
Which is literally everything Churro wants, since his main gripe is that does deal a lot of damage, with a big if, the enemy doesn't move for 10 seconds and doesn't get hit himself
That's why cubeman is a calcharo 2.0, even has time slow
skill issue
>Zhezhi died on the way back to her home planet
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anons weren’t kidding about that shellkel drain by the higher levels, he damn near robbed me
spreadsheet damage isn't real
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That's because you aren't playing her properly.
I'm not insulting you when I say that, but it's true that Anko + Changli is the strongest team in the game, just like it's technically true that world peace is achievable in one week.
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Sleep time. Remember anons, Love yourselves, love the game, and love SOLON.
>encore main being biased
wow what a surprise
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I finallly did it bros
If it doesn't explicitly says that it counts as liberation release damage then it doesn't
but danjin or chixia also kinda stops the enemies while doing liberation?
is it the same thing or calchud is kinda different?
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Skilllets seething at the facts.
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>Jiyan-Mortefi isn't even there
The general fell off
average human brain weight: 3 pounds
average anko main brain weight: 2 pounds
How about Ma Xiaofang?
1.5 pounds
That's called I-frames, every character has that
Calcharo is different cause his ultimate is just revengeance mode and attacking everyone, but he neither has interrupt resistance, so if an enemy sneezes close to him he falls down and loses precious time for his combo, or the boss dashes all around and he ends up doing pitiful damage
Yao doesn't have this problem cause not only his time slow works on bosses, but he also has the resistance and his ultimate lasts longer
So he's legit a calcharo powercreep
his ult also nukes for lots damage calchud got hard deleted from the game
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i see
oh well, tough luck for kakalo mains
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Sure, let me just quit the trial, go back to the event menu, click the trial again, another loading, all of this for another 30 seconds of testing a character!!!
Nah, i'd skip.
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Why is literally everyone in the co-op event using Changli?
I've ran into a few Zhezhi weirdos, but everyone else is using Changli.
probably because changli is pretty good for crowd control and for (you)
I should have rolled zhezhi...
shes gone bro
let it go
I'm going to be betray my level 90 Calcharo.
Now your Yahoo will be weak as fuck
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>Why is literally everyone in the co-op event using Changli?
I started Wuwa for Changli so Im sure there are many like me
>few Zhezhi weirdos
fun to play even when you have no teammates to cycle through
Standards will get a QoL buffs in 2.0, trust the plan.
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works on my machine
That vtumor is spreading miss information
I skipped No. 21 Feral, I will skip Shorekeeper!
If they don't fix chars like Calchudo in 2.0 Kuro will be dead to me
is the brs collab up yet
Kek, the two on the left are kneeling for their KING
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Next patch
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You say that as if those exiles deserve to live
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but they're just hanging out in the woods anon
Leave the female ones alive, they will give us strong children
>tfw crownless PTSD
They don't pay taxes on their makeshift guns
Does Zhezhi dislike Chixia?
She didn't like a literal who extrovert interrupting her Rover time
its simply the initial clash between the dumb extroverted airhead with the overthinking introvert nerd
do it
Zhezhi is too smart for someone like Chixia
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b-but they're just some gymbros doing gym thing
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Jesus fucking Christ... These people exist.
I'd say they actually walk around in society but I doubt they leave their mother's basement.
How do people get this way? Seriously. Just HOW?
This is absolutely disgusting, no excuses.
I just can't even
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>I skipped No. 21 Feral
What the FUCK
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What's she doing?
This game has no content
The magistrate about to murder some innocent exiles...
I did my part sisters
You cant fuck pixels tho.
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he's just like me
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Danjin wtf
>A bunch if custom neat scenes scattered around the world
>Likely to go unnoticed by most because people just play like murderhobos
It hurts
for people who play modern YGO how the fuck you manage to play that? like if you don't win in the first turn you lose cause the opponent filled his board with his entire deck with hundred negates and you can't do shit, I left at Synchro era and didn't recognize the game anymore
I don't remember making this post
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Danjin no...
Manko, bird and verina are a really good team. Now, who should I build for these stages? No zhezhi No jinhsi NO elfNo homos please
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I stay in Rookie Arena and use Dark Magician deck
It is fun until I play against Tier 0 deck. Going first or second doesn't matter against them because they will rape your ass in the 2nd or 3rd turn
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Forgot image, sorry I'm an ankobwo
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WIsh i could just show my power level like that
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Cool it with the antisemitism Solon
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>need to redeem or bricked out of 20 assrite
can't you use a trial? or does it not work until you redeem?
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Danjin and this Cow can finish the first two floors on each towers the cow is barely invested in. level70 with lv1 echos
Danjin has H.Rover echos and sword
you are gimping yourself a lot with those requirements given that you are missing the strongest team. better option for DPS should be hrover - sanhua
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Who is "them"?
I like Spectro Rover more than Havoc Rover after playing them both for a little bit. Nobody talks about Spectro Rover though and it seems it's just assumed you're using Havoc. Is Spectro really that bad?
no, is just worse than h.rover but it still perfectly usable
Ok, I'll build Danjin, can she clear the last stages?
No spectro rover is good

Though once havoc gets s6 it's gonna mog
I don't really understand what am i supposed to with Zhezhi? Summon E and then what? Just teleport through them and that does dmg?
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>doing Zhezhi's quest
>suddenly GPU % goes to 100%
What were you trying to do Zhezhi? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Seemed like it was better for single target. If I ever get around to taking Tower seriously i'll likely swap to Havoc too, but where i'm at I guess I value the bigger AoE on that spammable Ult more. Damn it's gonna suck having to level up all those skills again.
angel (you) is a really good support slut
devil (you) if you need more damage
You're just trying to ult so you can get the coordinated attacks.
just watch the first minute of this
Play ancient gear deck, summoning Chaos Ancient Gear Giant is the most blatant fuck you to meta decks cause he ignores everything together with a continous spell and he can attack all monsters with piercing damage
HAHA YOU FOOL! Now your pc's resources are going to be used up to draw
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hmm, what if I just.. dont?
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Spectro rover is a really good quickswap dps like chouri. Use mine with the cow and the ming dynasty wife myself.
He's more of a support/subdps cause he can shred spectro res so he's a decent teammate for jinshi
Though shopkeeper is also spectro so you can use them both cause she has a passive that only works with him
>not leveling monk wife
Why though
nta but i cant think of a team for her
Jinny Zhezhi SpectroRover seems like a sweet team desu
>Skip Changli
>When her banner ends just feel relieft that the temptation is over
>Skip Zhezhi
>Don't really feel like playing anymore
I might have made a mistake...
spectro rover for what
outro/res shred/minor healing I guess
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>unlocking companions for Moonlit Festival
>everyone's quest has them travel around a bit with you, basically a mini companion quest of sorts
>except Jiyan, who is too busy doing janny work for the army so he contacts you via a hologram and you do the quest all alone
It this because he flopped?
You'd think S1 XY would be really good if they give S0 for free. Is it?
You are forgetting the main point of gacha games bro... roll new characters. shorekeeper and cammy are around the corner, you can do it
Nah he's too busy, it's like how Jenny sent Sanhua in her place
>forced me to do a bunch of the main story to recruit him and get level 5 popularity
What a mother fucker. That wasn't worth it at all.
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She's lv70 now going on 80. At the time I had wanted to spend my credits leveling taoqi's skill levels rather than building jianxin since I didn't know if I would be skipping shorekeeper/youhu or not. Ended up that baizhi/verina are still the peak designs so jianxin can be the cope 3rd option on the lower floors while I save more to S6 my S3 chouri wife.
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>Ok, I'll build Danjin, can she clear the last stages?
mine can almost clear the third stage on the right tower with the cow. I think if I invested in them then they could
I say build H.Rover first if you didn't He/She can clear all floors
Gacha games you roll with your dick mostly, no point in rolling if you don't enjoy the character
Shorekeeper loves you.
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A doctor’s work is never done
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My robot wife
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Not having a crit rate weapon kinda sucks. Even if I were to max roll crit on my echoes, that would still leave me at 72%
>bitch is literally called shoekeeper
I wonder how big the gap will be for cammy's weapon
No glasses 5/10.
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How is everyone enjoying the free five star character?
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>using a male
You can unbrick your account with Camellya... in like 2 months
He's still level 1. Pretty fun when I did his trial though
The Piano scene will be kino
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Did somebody call for a doctor?
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Your free male?
>this nigga lost all of those weight
maybe ill order a pizza today
You have 5% base crit rate. If you roll avg crit roll on all 5 you'll be able to get 65+ crit rate which is enough
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I don't even know who is Aizen anymore, keikaku is on the menu
What set and echo for XLY?
The electro set and lingering tunes are about equal. Though the mech abomination echo is a lot nicer to use.
no jinny, bricked
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>It's misinformation when i don't like it
>It's based and true when I do
why are you like this /wuwa/
No JInhsi or Zhezhi?
Congrats on him for losing all that weight and looking good.
how can he do this to Jinny, Chinny, Yinny and Zezzy?
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>Ok, I'll build Danjin,
The one good thing about Danjin is that she shares H.Rover build. they're good together but you can strip your rover and give her sword and echos to Danjin so she can clear early floors.
S0 Danjin is not that good tho so keep that in mind
I forgot to prefarm for his ascension boss materials so he's stuck at level 60 for, with a full echoes set and a maxed out signature weapon.
You do bring him some lunch and hang out for a bit. That's more than what a few other characters get.
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Im mad my wife got nothing
I hate that she basically uses her HP to pull off heavy attacks. That shit is a double edge sword.
>Calcharo Yao
>Jiyan Mortefi
>Jinhsi Yuanwu
>Rover Danjin
>Encore Sanhua
>Baizhi/Verina/Shorekeeper/Yahoo as supports
wtf I suddenly have a ton of viable teams and not enough resources to max them all
Maybe she should smile more often
>holding his arms out as if to say "SQUARE UP"
Sisters, I think he's perfect...
Good thing only your main DPS needs to be maxed since almost no buffs scale with levels or substats
So, no one rolled for cube man, right?... What is solon thinking about this?
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>Out of Money
>Out of Echos exp
>Out of Resonator exp
Being poor sucks
Suddenly the BP is very tempting..
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Is there any way to change attack and dodge from the mouse to a keyboard key?
not in-game, no
not sure if I'd dare an autohotkey solution or if it would get you banned
dodge is already on shift though
How is yinlin compared to yuanwu for jinny if I don't like to quickswap?
solon isnt thinking about how to nickel and dime us at every turn, and for that he has my respect
What main stat? Crit dmg/crit rate? Should I go full energy regen instead?
God Yao's liberation hypercubes look so sick why did i pick calchud
I don't really like playing on the controller and using the mouse is becoming a pain lately
BP gives tons of credits bwo...
I still have Yao/Danjin/Sanhua + a bunch of echo sets to farm. Then I will goof off with Lingering Tunes Jiyan because it seems promising
I feel you, being able to rebind attack to the keyboard in zenless was a huge relief for my mouse hand. I don't get why this game and genshin don't allow it.
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Is it just me or are the character trials significantly longer now? Felt like I was in there for years.
like my sakuga
I think we're just used to our mid echos which are godlike in comparison to trial character echos. I felt the same way
have u cleared roguelike shop?
His liberation just looks so good for being fucking cubes, his basic skill attack is so comfy too like no cooldown and easy ass combos and lunges
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>character trials significantly longer now?
Danjin? Felt that way to me. Her trial was three waves too long
Just did but I blinked and the money was gone
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So why is there a hidden Memphis underground?
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Reading about encore guides and rotations reminds me of wanting to play klee but the only way to play her was sweaty as fuck rotations and cancels

Why can't these companies release a loli character that is easy to play?
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I can finally 30* without pulling any lims
Still counts, level up your Calchud instead
her rapists she's used goods
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Now they know how Jinhsi feels...
I like Yao but i still dont get the logic of the freebie.
6k points to claim when almost everyone already had 50k.
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just left click and press e niggy
I wish we had a weekly illusive realm run, i love this mode so much
Is your Chixia using the 5* gun?
They were meant to be the same boss.
Separating them was a last minute change because, Kuro.
>was gonna bench the new homo
>did the illusive realm challenge with him
>bro is legit fun to play and it looks sick
fuck you solon
>accidentally held heavy attack when Xiangli Yao's Forte Gauge was maxed out, when the correct input is the Resonance Skill button
I'm too chud-brained.
>still questioning a free gift
Solon won’t hurt you my son, you can start healing here
He hurt me by making Youhu a 4*
I'll start believing in him when he makes a good limited loli
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Praying for a Yume banner of Scar every day and that he remains for ( You ).
Just humor my adhd.
My Jinhsi never hits over 130k with her ult, what am I doing wrong
He took chuddie away from me
Level up. I can hit that number when I accidentally equip a level 70/70 3 star weapon.
Remember gun users?
She's 90 with signature weapon and all skills at 10.
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Bros, i dont think i enjoy the game anymore...
Bro you should be at least 50 by now...
not building her forte
not critting
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let them cook, it’s not his time yet
You need to make sure your Forte Gauge (the long yellow bar above HP bar) is filled out before you let Jue ejaculate.
You don't even need to do all those weekly ones to max out on weekly points.
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I need Scar and Froglove in the same update, ill roll for both weapons
most of those missions are dumb and you don't need them anyway
>don't need the daily quests do finish your dailies anymore, just spend your stamina
>there's always stuff to farm aside from tacet fields
>who the hell farms echoes in the open world in september 2024
>only way you're tuning 50 times is if you're in the echo mines
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So how's the homo sales? Have they reached double digit millions yet?
So true, gotta trust Solon. Our boy will come home eventually.
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Klee bro, your burgeon team? literally just NA shit to death.
I am. She's not hitting over 130k.
I want to spend 10 bucks tops a month for this game what should I use them on?
echo problem?
klee's normal attack string is way too klunky to play and I strictly refuse to do jump cancels
im putting my hopes on iansan not being dogshit garbage or for kurogames to release a limited loli that isnt dogshit
Have you tried not hitting a spectro resistant enemy. And having over 250 cd and 2k attack
BP for mats
or the $5 monthly subscription for gems
Probably. She has 2300 attack and 200% CD. I can drop my echo mainstat from CR to CD but it drops me to 63%.
>klee's normal attack string is way too klunky to play
That's every normal attack character in Genshin. the game is built around e&q spam
The BP weapon is a decent cope weapon for XY
>That's every normal attack character in Genshin.
Nah, hyperbloom and neuv teams are brainless to play like not even a single braincell required because their rotations are random shit go
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want brick stats like ER flat HP, HP% but NOW I get double crit, fuck sake lol
if only Linyang:
>was female
>had a theme that I didn't hate
Can you beat tower with only 4* weapons? I know in genshin you can, what about here?
yes if you invest enough
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goodbye shorekeeper it was nice knowing you, will never have this luck again
One is TEMPEST mephis, the other is THUNDERING mephis
if the dps unit is good enough yeah should be doable. people using jiyan and that new guy can do it using 3* weapons
as in more character copies?
if its a 4* sure, I meant lvl90, skills and echoes tho
Holy shit lmao
>200% CD
bro people aim for 250 minimum, and that's if you don't have the character's signature weapon...
yes 5* permanent

Don't have one
The fuck he won't. >>493587678
So what numbers am I going to be seeing going from 200 to 250 then lol
240 is my goal, tho I often settle with 230
>electro set
>requires heavy attacks for set bonus
>one of the 4 costs buffs Heavy attack
So why are all electro niggas Liberation merchants and quickswapper? Why is the only heavy attacker Aero? What is Kuro plotting?
>l-look my jiyan is using a 3* weapon!!11!
>pls ignore he's r2 and mortefi has a 5* gun
fuck those niggers, i already fell for their clickbait videos once
So lingering tunes for S0 XL with the 5* standard gauntlets?

Why exactly does he want the attack set instead of electro set? Is the electro set that garbage?
There's a literal s0 Jiyan with lv 1 wep clear. https://youtu.be/v5tf7rYIj84?si=c0cp9t71ZS8NL5KE
>it didn't show resonance chain
It doesn't have 2 charges of E which is S1.
Your Shorekeeper is going to suck your dick.
You don't need to do the sweaty rotations, just put her on a team with Sanhua and play normally.
only if you use meta faggotry otherwise it's pure pain
You would use it on Calcharo too if you didn't swap with him.
XLY has as much field time to full benefit from LT and as you said, the elctro sets are trash.
Only if you use strong limited 5 star characters. However, for 5 star weapons, you can use mismatching/standard 5* and clear just fine. You don't need signature. Don't forget you can share weapons between runs, so if you have a weapon of X type, you're set for life.
80 astrite gibs for a minor hotfix thank you Mr. Kuro
Free twink sucks I can't even see what I'm attacking. I think I'm supposed to be edging during each animation.
Is it jinny or jenny
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There are people rolling Lee's weapon for Monktits in spite of her not being a DPS.
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Why is this allowed?
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god I hope so
those credits aren't your credits though, it's the festival credits
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Signature gives 12% electro so the 30% atk from LT is "more valuable" than if you use the default 5* gauntlet which give 30% atk as well + Mech Abomination is cool and strong unlike Memephis
To upgrade your characters once you reach event endgame, if you feel like it.
does shopkeeper want the heal set or spectro?
>Signature gives 12% electro s
but im too poor to roll signature
Heal set with the new echo.
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That shit spooked me once too
What stats on the 3 costs?
im going for heal set, 2x spectro 2xHP%
Spectro or HP.
Are you guys seriously tuning echoes before everything is finalized...?
How do these interactions work? Do they all give equal amount of "experience", or should you always save it for the 16 cost one?
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I guess I need a lot more crit damage then if I want my Jinshi to be good?

Echo hell is real bros
yea why not
only 30% more c.dmg bwo u can do it
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>that nigga Scar is the final boss again
Where did my cute Dreamless go?
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>got it in 5 pulls
Well shit guess I gotta build homo now
Wait for me, sisters
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if you mean her forte you are doing something wrong because 130k is im missing 2 fucking echoes tier of damage
her liberation does fuck all compared to it
So how good is Verity's Handle compared to the other Gauntlets?
Asking for a friend
With pretty much every dps you go crit main stat 4 cost. Rate/DMG depends on your weapon. If you have a crit rate weapon go crit DMG. Otherwise go crit rate. And just hope you get energy regen in substats
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funny how zhezhi ended up being my most cracked unit crit wise
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>healing set
Why didn't Solon think of making STAR platinum Spectro as well? Being able to build a more optimized "echo DPS" Shorekeeper would've been fun
Lingering Tunes is still stronger and more comfortable, because Mech abomination is better than either Memephis. The difference isn't as big as with the signature though
16 cost give +5 to the strongest stat always. The 6 and 8 cost options are more character dependent, but usually one of them gives +2 to the remaining stats.

So for Jianxin, Travel gives +5 Knowledge, and Gift gives +2 Teamwork and +2 Action I think
It's shit then
wow i was expecting more, based solon
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>69 pulls for his signature
It seems Calchudo had the last laugh
She is kind of mixed leaning more to heal.
>Where did my cute Dreamless go?
but it was Dreamless for me
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I don't trust calc niggers
not really she is a free 6 doritos on the high floors
>Why didn't Solon think of making STAR platinum Spectro as well?
who knows it might, same as turtle being multi set
What's the avg damage Jinhsi nuke should be doing?
I was going to say you barely made it then realized that was Jinshi missing two echoes worth of damage
She's so strong...
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>exhausting your luck reserves in a fucking gacha for a 1 in a billion triple weapon pulls
finding the girl of your dreams, escaping death by a thread, daily blessings, all gone. watch your back anon.
Enough to oneshot normal enemies and at the very least half of bosses' HP bar.
I don't know if I should replace my bad double crit echos or wait for the possibility of substat rerollers
>70k left after levelling Xiangli Yao's weapon to 90, himself to 80/90
>16 cost give +5 to the strongest stat always. The 6 and 8 cost options are more character dependent, but usually one of them gives +2 to the remaining stats.
Huh, I had no idea. That's good to know. Thanks.
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What is the best 4* Echo for XLY?
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>like my sakuga
What's up with the cubes in them? easier to animate?
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Any other blessed players?
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It's over for Yin Lin
Like 200k
I like Zhezhi because her playstyle feels brainless and being able to press E to reposition myself seems extremely useful to get out of the way of an attack
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How good(bad) would their team be with verina?
literally me after I finish building XLY
I don't have Yinlin
whichever one has the best substats. Mech abomination probably because it's easy and instant and about the same damage as the electro set
So... Yinlin rerun for 1.4?
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Probably especially if they launch PS5
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>anons after Shorekeeper banner
at least 7 on every talent
lvl 80
how humiliating
Leakers are saying yes along with camellya
Cute and Canon
I want one for Youhu.
Calchud buff when?
how did mercenary king lose to a scientist...
Leap system in 2.0 trust the plan chudbro
Youhu's animations feels like she doesn't benefit much from Liberation Damage
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Verina who?
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Don't even joke like that i'm off my guarantee
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can i run encore, verina and the blue mesugaki all together when she comes out?
wtf so strong
You can mix and match any characters. There are no team or class restrictions in this game, friend.
Hope that helps.
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You would be a faggot not to
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holy kino
>Gotta extort the homeless again
Any reason to not just use Stringmaster over her weapon?
Honestly im mad that the magic banjo isnt good.
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Haha.............. women just prefer small chink cock over average white cock.
Her weapon looks cooler
kinda but Verina's coordinated attacks look like they have absolute garbage scaling (10% atk at liberation lv 10, compared to Mortefi's ~30% I think) that mesugaki's outro would be wasted on her.

Although Mortefi's coord specifically says it can trigger once every 0.35 seconds, while Verina's doesn't so maybe she hits fast enough to not be completely useless? You'd still have to completely change Verina's build though (spectro 3 costs, crit weapon, crit 4 cost, etc)
>more exile rings
should I level my Sanhua to 90 and get all her skills
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Goodbye sluts, Shorekeeper is now my wife
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Please don't forget about Zhezhi...
Do not redeem 90 saar, 81 is plentiful
Buy your wife better shoes Rova
>Calchud + Yao kino
I attempted to get into YGO last year and this exact thing happened to me in my first online match. The other person spent 10 minutes in round 1 summoning a million cards and BTFO me before the first turn even ended. I was in utter shock and just left. What a shit fucking game.
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>The Team
>The Ending
I thought I was going to main Jinhsi and her for my hazard tower clears, but after losing the 50/50 to Encore and trying her out, I think I'm gonna be an EncoreCHAD now
Haha...... maybe I will give Calchud some left over echoes after all.
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Tits too small
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One of these should be the next OP
My first executive order as Magistrate would be mandatory breast reduction surgery for anyone above C cup.
Is impossible to get max points going solo?
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Fuck off Jinhsi

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