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Previous: >>493140094

>Game News
Current Rate Up: Gentildonna (3*), Zenno Rob Roy (3* Alt), Neo Universe (3* Alt), Taiki Shuttle (SSR), Fuji Kiseki (SSR), Still in Love (SSR)
Event: Story event with Symboli Kris S SSR currently underway
>Harvest! Full Stomach! Great Food Festival Guide
LoH Mile will be held in 9/23, Kyoto, 1600m, turf, right, fall, afternoon
CM Classic will be held in October, Tokyo, 2000m, medium, left, autumn
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby English release confirmed: https://umamusume.com/

>IP News
'Umamusume Party Dash' available for Switch, PS4, and Steam
The Nintendo Switch version yields a free rainbow crystal voucher
Steam store page:
>DLC 1: Team Iris
>DLC 2: Team Geranium
>DLC 3: Team Primrose

>Thread Circles
ウマオオオオ (15 million/month), PUMA, ウマぴょいのまにまに (No quota)
You must be E3 (20k points) to join a circle. Post ID in the thread and the leaders can invite you.

>All Guides & Resources
Find networks if your region is blocked from the game or client:
Card Score Spreadsheet:
Support Card Evaluation Doc:

>Seiyuu & Concerts

>/uma/ POG (Paper Owners Game)
Register here: >>479911257
Season 2: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=96596
Season 3: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=102454

>How to buy jims on Android
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Sunday Sexday
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I have this pic saved but I don't know who it's from, anyone know who drew this? It's too cute.
sakura president
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sexo too!
this but Chiyono
A german Uma-fangirl should cosplay Eishin Flash
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Thanks OG
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duramente was assassinated by shadai because they knew he had amazing genes for races that weren't mid-distance turf
That’s bullshit but I believe it.
shadai stole my fucking sock from the wash!
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Predictions for next uma? Cesario, Xina or a wildcard?
cesario's 100% coming this month because of the main story update
Part 3 campaign doko??
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I'm almost certain Verxina's story is gonna be basically therapy sessions.
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now that the dust has settled, was he correct?
like the other anon said it's gonna be
>train verxina
>make her muhai sankan
>somehow each time the story will have the audience say "omg wasn't gentil awesome though???" even if she places 15th
and somehow she will still need therapy even after nonstop wins against gentil
I can see them going for the
>"but Gentil set a track record time in the practice run"
And that's all they'd talk about, making Verxina's wins feel like an afterthought.
oh god, that makes me think they might give Verxina the Laisu treatment for winning all the classics if you pull that off in the campaign
I wonder how prominent her sisters will be on her campaign.
Part of me thinks she'd be too proud to share her seething with her sisters but then it'll back fire or something.
Anyways, I just hope we'll get to see some good drama and they won't treat her as a joke.
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i can see it now
>verxina severely depressed in classics
>vivlos and cheval know what they must do
>surprise her on a day off to act extra babyish and spoiled and wanting her to take them out
>vivlos gets cheval to say onee-chan again
>serotonin spike instantly cures verxina
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the dancing key and cesario kids are gonna have the same dynamic as the halwa sweet kids, aren't they
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sarcophage's Comic Treasure 44 booth

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