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Previous: >>493552884

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Character Trailer - "Mualani: The Ultimate Sightseeing Experience"
https://youtu.be/lmZvYv-pQVk (EN)
https://youtu.be/lQoyQdLEIvk (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Kachina: A Shimmering Dance of Stone"
https://youtu.be/uKr_9h79yf0 (EN)
https://youtu.be/RCGfoDHJYxA (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Mualani: Kindness Begets Friendship"
https://youtu.be/BNLghVMba_o (EN)
https://youtu.be/RbTnCgeyiVY (JP)

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
BlazeToNatlan (NEW)
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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haikaveh fujoshit thread got nuked lol
Neuvillette is so lucky...
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FMA 2003 > FMAB
Holy fuck Lectoure is so lucky...
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sex with alhaitham
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>analwormeru fujo femcel got her thread nuked TWICE
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i love natlan, but philogston or whatever should last longer, theres not enough refills on land
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>early worm thread deleted in speed record time
holy shit, jannies, based beyond belief.
Based mods
>thread nuked
>assmad faggots will now make this thread as uninhabitable as possible
we won, but at what cost?
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Kachina my darling cuteness
>*kisses cheek*
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dolltists will inherit the earth
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Sex with this sexy girl.
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Scara wouldn't have turned evil if Raiden breastfed him
What is wrong with the Alhaitham poster? Why does he keep making early threads only to have them deleted?
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Haikaveh thread getting nuked is proof that Kaveh is straight btw
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I am going to do what this general should HAVE DONE YEARS AGO!!!
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Don't forget to offer a cum tribute to our Hawaiian fertility goddess today.
The fujoshit desperately wants us to post in her gay thread
True & confirmed
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i gotta say i'm enjoying natlan exploration. but at the same time i'm glad 5.1 is a no map update patch. i've only got mualani, kinich's sq and a handful of minor world quests to do aside from about 50% of the map left and i should be able to get it all done before kinich drops. then i can spend the rest of the patch making progress in other games, and then focus on metaphor when it comes out october 10th.
Faruzan is so lucky...
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Have sex?
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kazuha's pov
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Or maybe they hate him for all that shit he did, but don't have the sexual attraction towards him necessary to make all that shit he did seem inconsequential.
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>Kaveh, I am home now
>and I am looking so handsome and also, my shirt is open?
>oh, mister alhaitham *swoons*
>let's do it
>and I will read books while doing it
>*faruzan suffers*
>*nahida watches*
>it was amazing
>the end
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Wtf how did anyone figure this out? I definitely didn't expect this while wiki surfing
Why do I keep getting mistaken as a femcel I’m a guy
wow... woman are so much better at writing coomfic...
For me, it's my beloved wife Nahida.
>arles last interaction with furina was calling her a useless worthless bitchass retard for doing nothing beyond eating cake
>arles voiceline about furina is her asking the hearth kids to bake and send furina cakes
the fuck
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I need Kinich banner right now
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>staring at kazuha with lustful bedroom eyes
picking materials refills your phlog bar if you have Mualani
a berry bush pretty much fills her entire bar
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Ehm...thanks doc, i guess?
Why did Celestia give Kokomi such a big kok?
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It's Chongyun's birthday.
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Childe SOON
schizos think if you arent seething at your own gender then you're a woman
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Don’t show everyone!!!
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>Ajaw literally tricking people into committing suicide
What the FUCK is his problem?
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The legendary Kokosaurus...
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nice thread genkeks
ngl i'd give it a lick
>guiding people out of the matrix
what do you mean problem
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Nahida is really sexy.
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Anyone trained in morse will just naturally pick up on it as if they were hearing their native language.

- - . -
. - . .
. . - .
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Oh god oh fuck
You femcels have been seething at Mualani and Mavuika for weeks though
Kinda hot ngl
Happy birthday I want to lick Chongyun's pp
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for me it's
we know hat guy
gorou is so fortunate wtf
mualani rides THAT?
kinich's POV
gokek from gokekcord falseflagging as bejitaGOD from bejitacord btw
fu xuan's POV
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I eated katsu yakisoba
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all into CR so you overcap
all of those give RV so just full send it
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Yeah, that was a bit weird
Faruzan's walking dildo looks like THAT?
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>Cleary an AI gen
>patreon exclusive
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oh and this one too, how could I forget
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Babies grow in there
god this place fucking sucks
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So i am near the end of Fontaine and...why are Fatuis dindu nuffins now? They are doing the same thing as they did in previous regions, but now it's okay?
>worm thread deleted
>troon come here to spam xher fanfics
waxingklaxon oba-chan allowed humans to use phlebotomy by stealing fire from the dragons
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List of Archon who never jobbed or fled
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Okie dokie
Yeah h-haha his popsicle... his sticky hard popsicle...
This elf looking smug, yeah I'm thinking it's time for rape.
What are you waiting for bwo? Level it up!
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Last thread was comfy before the end
And you can apply for an immediately 80% refund on your next investment-
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kokock is bigger than me...
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Armpitgods, this game keeps us so very well fed.
Already have, twice.
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Because in the original script the Fatui flooded the city so they could "save" the citizens later and use that as a bargaining chip
Sadly that would make Arlecchino evil so they removed it from the story to maximize her sales
Why can Mulani's surf board turn into a cartoon character how does a hydro vision do that?
can you climb those floating rocks in natlan or is that shit questgated
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Ngl I'd gag on it
Chongyunsis you don't like scara?
because technically they actually haven't done anything wrong yet (yes we will completely gloss over the fact that Arle tried to kill Furina in the dead of night because Furina will literally never speak of it)
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Xilonen in 1 month, right?
we need to show how good reasonable and nice arle is gweilo
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We were doing fine for a little while last thread what the fuck happened?
I wish I could put medicine in these crazy shitters' mouths. They so fucking need it.
gokek falseflag btw
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level it up, bwo
Only a couple Fatui are evil like Dottore, Scara (formerly) and previous Knave, the rest are just diplomats and politicians.
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But Childe was still evil when his banner came out?
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Chiori in 1 month, yes
So jannies can just ban people for no reason now?
>drinking while watching Mario Party 4 streams with the bros

Feels good man.
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Furina jobbed again...
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we are talking about the near end of fontaine
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With Mualani doing "barely okay" as the flagship for the expansion launch, get ready to see some outright goddamn depressing numbers for Kinich. At the very least he's getting dunked on by Raiden's re-run.
Sharky boards are motorized surf boards in the shape of a cartoon shark, she even sells them on her shop.
...no one tell him
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small ch*nese penis

big Sumeru cock
I bet it tastes great...
A little bit, but everytime Scara is brought up /gig/ stops being comfy.
thats years ago and cheld is a wiley coyote level character where you just make fun of him after he fumbles like a retard
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Please refer to this webm.>>493571453
How do I stop thinking about kachina and how cute she is
Childe isn't evil, he's just a battle obsessed schizo.
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For me, it's Iansan.
as much as i want him to flop he is going to destroy mualani in sales
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Chongyun owes me sex
Kinda weird how Natlan is all tribal themed but pulls out fontaine level tech surpassing Mond/Liyue/Ina at random times. In fact at this point Inazuma is the least developed shithole in Teyvat
Chocolate lolis are THE most erotic things on the planet.
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don't roll for this pathetic little shit.
his usage rate will be determined solely by me
So he's basically Team Rocket, except a much bigger jobber? Is that a good comparison?
kinich iss the most popular natlan character right now
maybe in JP mobile sales (since it's all women)
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Scara owes me sex.
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Fair point, I love him but don't bother engaging with retards here. Keep posting chongcute
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azadaha my friend look they turned you into a marketable plushie
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>At the very least he's getting dunked on by Raiden's re-run.
Damn it's over, when Raiden outperforms him his presence in the story will be further diminished and he will eventually be deleted from the game...
Oh wait, this isn't what happens? Then why should anyone care about sales?
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You don't, kachina LOVE!
[Spoiler]This creature made me come back besides hating most of what the game has done to itself...[/spoiler]
Inazuma was isolated from the rest of the world for centuries so it kinda makes sense.
There's a quest to get there
Fuck it I'm gonna hit the Naku Weed some more.
Wait no, it's just regular weed...

Could I fuck a Scaramouche doll? Strange times we live in. I mean I probably technically can but I would destroy it in the process for sure.
I should get some Cheld pics for these posts. Keep thinking about balls anon, follow your dreams.
Fucked up that neuvi just shat on the anime rule that you aren't allowed to attack during phase changes or powerup transformations
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It be no havin' dat skibidi rizz like me fr fr no cap on God.
>Mualani doing "barely okay" as the flagship for the expansion launch
Nice try Muttlani fag, it wasn't "barely okay" it was abysmal launch especially considering it's anniversary and the top-ups alone should have given her a bassline of sales that at least exceed Emilie or Siggy
fuck this retarded fucking shit i cannot stand this FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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go where it came from, and don't come back
he was taking too long to transform and the water neuv ordered was going warm so he had to rush
Catching up on the AQ stuff
holy fuck I was genuinely expecting Mualani to win because she’s a 5*
Goddamnit I care more about this cute drill girl winning than I did about…anything in Fontaine’s AQ
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sharing a popsicle with chongyun while i stroke his pp
I can make them all 3 into mothers just give me the word and I'll get it done.
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I will sis
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finally back home...
Really though, it's not even that long. And you don't have to do the archon quest or anything.
She probably already has more pulls than Lyney did on his banner.
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Clitlali will save Natlan
Ok I’m not an SJW but you can’t defend Olorun’s existence
He’s literally a Nigerian diety/God and is black
What Mihoyo is doing is the equivalent in of making King Arthur black
Childe transformed faster in his story quest not fair neuv
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When I think about it Fontaine feels like overcompensation for Sumeru. Lore relevant tall male who is closely affiliated with the petite female archon was what people initially expected Alhaitham and Nahida to be
Spoiler alert, one of them already is.
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I look like this, what Genshin should I roll for?
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What's interesting is that Childe can transform way faster as we saw on his character quest, he just wanted to show off
I should have known someone as cute as Kachina would have already been taken...
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>The year is 2030
>GI is close to EOS
>/gig/ still exists
>"People" are STILL seething at the existence of Raiden and praising Scara
She will always own you
Nahida, Klee, Yaoyao, and Kachina
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he's so fucking cool bros
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Damn, our #1 boi's guide is out
Just got all the pyroculus today
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Now that the dust has settled, what did you think of Fontaine?
The Natlan corridor...
If you mean the floating isles at the water area, you can climb up there without doing the quest
Best nation to live in.
who gives a shit about the race of a fictional character
plus mihoyo was never shown to give a fuck about the origin of a name they use they just use it because it sounds cool just look at all the archons none of have anything to do with what they are named after they even made a remus with no romulus
where is this from i'm still on sumeru he looks so cool
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I love him
too many triangles
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How did it flood without everything downriver flooding too?
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his story quest
mualani, you can be her new surfboard
Glad you are enjoying Natlan
yeah a good amount of people felt the same way. Fontaine is the only region that was straight up offending due to the amount of stupidity for the entire AQ
every limited female c6r5
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the dragon is literally called Ngoubou????
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Kinich has Sasuke's VA and definitely a better banner than Mualani, with the obligatory Sara and maybe Chev because of Raiden. His chances of doing better than Mualani are actually high despite all the non-stop shilling she got.
ew, a mac user.
oh i have a bunch of story quests to do i'll get to him eventually
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Floptaine literally and unironically killed the game.
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My loaded GF, great sex, and she pays for everything.
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His character story quest.
Warning, you spend the first half with his little brother instead because fat Xiao is annoying like that
>the year is 2030
>Genshit is dead and nobody cares about it, rightfully so
>people have moved on to better games
>somehow RUNESCAPE is still alive abd running
Genshit lost
Did she practice her Kegels after birth? I don't want to stick it in a damp cave.

Ah what the fuck am I saying, I'll do it anyway bring it on! Look at those tits and look at that cunny HHHHNNNNMGGGGG
has a 2nd banner ever done better than a first banner
kinich will probably set records for flopping
Kazuha is so lucky...
yes multiple times
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Silence, worm.
>this is the only Neuvelette I have
I guess I'm unironically filtered. there's no way I'll get these rolls in time. I have to admit this was an insideous way to get people to reinstall.
wow, they shelled out for Yuri Lowenthal? one of the cheapest voice actors available?
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The existence of Fontaine sewers implies the existence of Fontaine toilets
He's so cool and...oh no, somebody save Tartaglia, he JOBBED AGAIN!
What's everyone's favorite new mob?
otoutokun is cute at least
Fuck the french
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I have just a bit over 400 pulls and I want C0 Xilonen, C0R1 Chasca & C2R1 Mavuika.
This won't be easy, bwos...
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kino af
Good art, but shouldnt wrio be in boxing at the olympics?
this but the local legend version of her. pretty fun albeit easy fight
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it was fun and i'll miss it
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ka ka ka ka KACHINA ze
gun gun gun gun gun wo nuki
jan jan byan byan kyūkyoku no BATORU

imi wa nai sa tatakau dake
de aete ureshī ze sugē yatsu ni
oshiete kureru ka ii ore no tsuyosa wo
PAWĀ zenkai genkai toppa
kono karasaki wa kami mo karapposa

ka ka ka ka KACHINA ze
gun gun gun gun gun wo nuki
jan jan byan byan kyūkyoku no BATORU
Natlan is ass ngl
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Sewers support storms and steamers.

a sewer system is as likely to move rain and drinking water than it is to move sewage. Toilet-runoff is unlikely to be open air for obvious reasons. That's probably a storm sewer. Treated drinking water also tends to run in closed systems.
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It's ok for him to job, he gets up again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
worst region with the worst cast but i love furina
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You keep telling yourself that
NTA but i had the stellar reunion thing it was nothing like this they only gave me like 500 primos fucking selfish faggots I'm 20 rolls away from my guarantee as well
>Yuri Lowenthal
Literally who?
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Lolis offering snacks are the best.
>S-She's fast!
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So this is what men want...
>never got that duel with Clorinde
would have been kino to see
Sauce K and Spider-Man
Fontaine tech is half ripped off from deshret and the other half is guillotine.
Natlan on the other hand is the wakanda of teyvat, they got lucky with phlogistan or whatever.
This picture is what fontaine really should've been
I don't get Fontaine ending. So those that dissolved before Neuv said the curse is over didn't turn back to humans? Why? Their conscioness still exists.
Don't acknowledge EN dubmonkeys
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Imagine having a career as prolific as his, being literally SPIDER-MAN in a best-selling franchise of video games and your google blurb is like
>yeah, he was Sasuke.
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Yeah at least Teucer is his brother and not some random NPC like ok the other quests
Ok, after weeks of deliberation I finally decided. I got Qiqi a star
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How is it I still dont have this chud?
i just realized that spear isn't in the game for some reason
My Spiderman was Tobey
You aren't evil enough for him to arrive and exorcise you
Better than Shitzuma
fr fr cuh mihomo is cooked no cap
bluds be yappin bout skin and content be straight up mid
finna head to wuwa dem uncs bussin you feel me
They were fused with each other. If they were turned "back" (they never were human) human they would be fused monstrosity that would live for a short time. Maybe they did and died in the ocean.
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Roll more.
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Is this paimonmoe?
Story was a mixed bag (still convinced some major changes happened considering how much time we spent on prison slop and the big boat only for that shit not to matter at all), water exploration was one of the few underwater levels Ive enjoyed in vidya, WQ were good, cast is ok, powercreep with certain characters (nuev and furina) was really high. Solid 7/10.
Soulless account
their consciousness merged and became 1 entity that fucked off somewhere and became the hydro tulpa and no one wants to deal with that shit and the only way to split them up was the hero sword but the real sword was lost to the sea
It was so dumb. The dumbest.
thanks bro
It’s been like 2 weeks can the kachina > raiden meme finally die
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She doesn't need the pufferfish suit anymore
hebeslop hebeflop
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kachinafags are weird with their shilling
It doesn't. Mihoyo really fucking likes Evangelion, it's not the first time they've made a reference to instrumentality, i.e. an environment where all consciousness is fused and the individual human stops existing.
They referenced it in HI3, then the Primordial Sea, and now the Night Kingdom in Natlan is also of a similar vein.
Have a cup of water. Toss said cup of water in a river. Now try to get only the water that was originally in the cup back in the cup. It aint happening.
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Among the patches with two brand new 5*s, Zhong and Ganyu beat Childe and Albedo back in 1.1 and 1.2. If you include reruns, there are many more examples.
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>hit level 20 and the max for the time being on the natlan statue thing
>desire to explore just evaporates
Why does her womb go up so far? That's not normal!
No, I don't think so.
(((men))) will probably like it. You know, the ones who like a feminine penis? Those who believe traps are not gay? Yeah.
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Day one player. Only got him at C0.
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I need 5.1 so badly bros
I missed it someone put a catbox link.
This is too cute
How does some stuff get instanuked
bro i'm one of the few mualani rollers here and even i know he'll do better. just the star power alone will make him surpass her, let alone all the twitter troons specially broadcasting boycotting the first half just to roll for him. now i don't see him doing gangbusters like the early banners but he'll definitely be a noticeable bump over her
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it's just a shart rail nigger trying to shill blandfly again
I think she's actually a robot or something
This is how i felt when Genshin started to be a game for female audience, starting with those 3 male banners in row in Inazuma.
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I NEED to marry him.
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eternal reminder
Technically speaking no one brought him Murata yet.
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He's been hitting the gym, bro.
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My aqueduct KING!
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>starting with those 3 male banners in row in Inazuma.
what kind of samsara are you living in rn, my tomodachi?
Unironically the Vacher scene was so good as a result of this.

Imagine spending decades dissolving women to find a way to bring back your lover, not realising that you're causing their consciousness to merge, and whatever remains of her now wants to see you die horribly.

Fontaine was pretty dark at times. The scene with Navia in the primordial sea also comes to mind, and ofc all the macabre biblical references presenting cheld as a sacrifice akin to Jesus. The whole thing was an acid trip.
Someone was seething at the janny earlier and in turn someone seethed back to that post.
I blame trannies and reddit.
How many people have dropped that mirror for it to get to this point?
World...forget me
Holy FUARK i wish i looked like this at 12
I clearly remember it as IT was yesterday. There was Ayato, Itto and then one male rerun.
Literally 2 whole months of no girl
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did you know?
the previous shenhe banner ended 515 days ago
Why are leaktroons flip-flopping about capitano's playability status? Can big boss come back already
They're waiting to release a good cryo DPS first
Jesus Christ what is wrong with his legs?
Someone call Baizhu that's gotta be cancer.
That's the stuff!
imaginarium theater made me decide to just stop rolling characters and instead focus on building characters i already have, most of mine are level 80 with no equipment, i think i will get everyone to 90 and 999 and then get them some standard artifacts
did anyone try doing this?
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If you got into Genshin because you tried HSR and liked what you saw, you literally cannot have a Shenhe at this moment.
Can’t they just release a cryo neuvillette and save cryo
I have 30 rolls to guarantee, should I get Lord K (Anemo) or K (Dendro). I'm worried Kinich needs specific team members that I don't have
mond is especially weird since alice visits and makes suggestion how to improve mondsadt
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Shenhe...Don't worry, you won't break Eula's record...Maybe...
Itto was in 2.3, Yae was in 2.5, Ayato was in 2.6 and Yelan was in 2.7. I suggest you to take your meds.
>inb4 but muh Itto rerun
It was after Yelan. Ayato's banner was also followed by an Ayaka rerun.
Capitano, Citlali.
2 more patches. Trust the plan.
roll for Kaedehara Xilonen
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My wife
Citlali looks like she suffers frequent constipation. Her poops are just too hard and thick.
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Hoyo likely upped their security and the "leakers" are just making shit up. This explains why they all contradict each other and why Big Boss hasn't dropped another fat folder full of concept art and all the unreleased characters of the region. His message directed at Hoyo urged them to get their shit together so I'd say he won.
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And he'd be down
Shut Up, i don't need to check it Up, because i Remember it as if it was yesterday.
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>rape survivor Lynette
>Arlecchino murdering criminals under the nose of the law
Seeing Natlan's direction, I don't think Mihoyo will ever tackle such dark themes again, not even in Snezhnaya. It's particularly cruel how the population of NPCs in Poisson actually does decrease drastically after the flood that causes Melus and Silver's deaths.
I don't know about the size of your roster but that seems like a (very) long term goal (again - depends on your roster) if you're willing to commit to something that will take months, if not years of farming, on top of you not allowing yourself to roll for new characters
Honestly just doing level 80 and 6/6/6 first should already give you a more than adequate baseline for IT and then you can always start expanding afterwards
why did they even release Shenhe and Ganyu skins at Lantern Rite if they are never running a banner for them?

At least they didn't go as retarded with the timing of Nilou's skin for once.
Capitano literally tries to assassinate the pyro archon.
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Big Boss was a white hat all along?
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>released a Shenhe skin a year ago
>she never got any rerun when the skin had a discount and still hasn't got any rerun a year later
what's their endgame here
No, I'm just going to be content with hard mode. I want to spend my resin on characters I actually like, not random fucks just to get an extra pull every month.
I love her japanese voice. When the fuck is She going to be on a banner? It's all fucking Mond and Liyue 4*.
grey hat
Look at those delicious thick legs I want to lick her pussy like a thirsty dog drinking from a pond. You think she will spawn dendro cores?
Get Kazoo if you don't have him
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>The whole thing was an acid trip.
>drinking potions to see ghost ships
>penny questline
>that loli who was landscape artisitic autistic
Fontaine was pretty fun.
I saw leaks that mavuika won't be playable during 5.x. This is getting ridiculous
He had a duel with her.
For a company that does so well at earning money, Hoyo really misses the ball in some obvious things
>third banner
>better banners
>event weapons
Isn't his best team B + F + XL because they still outdo a poorfag Emilie? Might as well save for Mavuika and pray she's a sub dps.
Mavuika's Mavuikas are bigger than that and you know that
Capitano was just trying to weaken her by spending her energy, he didn't go all out trying to kill her as he didn't even transform, it's obvious he has a plan that involves her.
Although most comments regarding Shenhe's current banner status are people saying it's been a long time since she had her most recent rerun (which also was her first rerun) she also holds the top spot for having the longest amount of time between their release and their first rerun.
Once the Kinich/Raiden banner comes out Wrio will move up by one spot, placing him at 17+ banners since his debut. This also means the top 3 will consist entirely of cryo characters
Peperochhino tried to murder Furina yet no one seems to be bothered by this and call her a familly man instead?
It was a mating ritual.
is capitano in fontaine?
we were talking about fontaine
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm capitano was actually WEAKENED by the forest people, he didn't job shut up
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>Kazuha: 16
heh, I can only hope the rest of this is accurate.
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Honestly, Fontaine kinda feels like a fever dream on retrospect. So much weird shit happening at different times, not just in writing but also in the design.
I still don't quite understand what the fuck they were thinking with making chapters 3 and 4 absolutely, 100% pointless.
Apparently they're going to be doing triple banners on HSR so it's not like it's an alien concept to the company as a whole, but that honestly just makes it all the more weird
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Don't leak the future plot
>as of 5.0
>Navia 9
>Yelan 12
they need to somehow lose that PEGI-12 rating and upgrade asap
To be fair, Arlecchino was apparently expecting a battle just like Capitano, because she had no idea Furina wasn't a real Archon.
>next 3 banners are a skip
time to saaaaave
At this rate Citlali is doomed.
How do we save cryo?
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What about Yunjin?
Will 5.1 be better? Because 5.0 was a snoozefest
I have a boner and it's Charlotte's fault this time.
>first rerun
Liyue to Fontaine are filler.
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>it will take years before I get Jingliu expy
why is Davei like this
Snezhnaya will be wage-slave country full of rich vs. poor drama.
too many kids play Genshin
No She wasn't, She attacked from the back covered in assassin cape.
>capitano and ororon kino
>shade of death
Much better
Buff superconduct or freeze.
And I mean actually buff them, not just releasing a bandaid character like Chevy.
what did she see?
Dude, read. She outright states it, then says it was upon seizing her that she realised Furina wasn't an Archon but some cursed human. Why do you think she's alive if Arlecchino tried to "murder" her? Was it the nearby cat that saved her?
talking to AI fox is fun
What are the best lore summary videos/channels? I can barely follow half the conversation even though I don't skip AQs
I thought this was the girl that blocked Lumine and Aether at the start of the game. When is She ever going to be shown?
Cryo isn't even a bad element, hoyo just keeps releasing characters with shit kits and no good pyro off fielders. If Citlali is Cryo XQ then she'll be top tier.
Paimon stealing Tabibito's lunch money for her own food fund
She expected a fight, because well its an archon, she just wanted to get the first swing in to try and get some damage in before the fight starts. She wanted a kill on the archon until she found out it wasnt a archon.
You have HIV.
You have AIDS.
You have GRIDS.
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HPV.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have anal worms.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have severe brain damage.
She's dead (forma sleepy inactiva).
I don't remember the name of her seiyuu but I do remember making a post this very week after meeting Dori for the first time, just to express my admiration for her excellent job. She made the character twice as interesting with that acting.
I'm having a good time in Sumeru, like I said in that post, Dori and Dehya left a strong impression on me especially Dori.
Yeah but it was fucking good. They were also writing Penacony around the same period, which was literally a fever dream.
Paimon is the link between the real world and Teyvat and Nahida just found out she's a gacha character in a video game and that the real world is hell.
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Yeah. Iris is clearly a beta tester making up a bunch of stuff when he can't even post a render of Ororon, Ifa and Citlali's models, just a shit photo from the AQ.

Even Foul, a dataminer, claimed the 5.0 trio had dark skin out of his ass and got Xilonen's weapon wrong because he only had access to old data.

Let's not even talk about Fonta Mavuika and the supposed Xbalanque design. Heck, we can't even say Xbalanque isn't another Deshret as of now unless Mihoyo does some big plot twist in 5.3.
It still had people trading, to the point of being able to make artificial hot springs. But then their pride and joy, the mikage furnace was a shitshow with no handover process, hence why they dragged a guy from fontaine to repair it.
And it's interesting too since there really wasnt any advanced ancient civilisation there
>Deshret carried Sumeru and the ackedimiya at least continues with the archon helping out
>Mond has Albedo teaching them advanced Khaerni'ah alchemy and Alice floats around, Old Mondstadt doesnt seem all that fancy but Dragonspine's ruins are near mby
>Liyue has adepti machines and people learning from them (see Ning)
>Fontaine had Remuria/whatever before it was able to harnest Arkihum, and became one of the more modern areas
>Natlan stole dragon tech like Prometheus and at least knows how to make machines of their own+ urbanised clothing
And then the most advanced thing from Sumeru (Shogunbot dolls) was done and dusted by the inventor to the point where no one knows how to make more of the Maguu Kenkis. Even Omyodo was abandoned and lost to time.
They didnt even do what the Nips did during Sengoku-Edo periods and buy a bunch of guns.
Man, what a shithole.
Explain the Assassin cape, Lyney.
Being any element XQ makes you good. Just look at Yelan. She's basically another xq
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The absolutely depraved sexual acts Lumine performs on her every night. Lumine sniffs and licks Paimon's cunny and anus so much it's like she relies on it for survival. Can you blame her?
NTA but because Arlecchino stopped midway and realized for an archon to be cowering like that, that obviously meant she didn't have any power, then she deduced that she didn't have the gnosis. later she suspected Neuv had the Gnosis
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post something cute
Minsleif. Has a sex voice too
and thats a good thing
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When did that happen?
Ashikai has pretty good recap videos.
Arlecchino is a rogue. Attacking a god from behind is not guaranteed to kill them, and she herself states that she expected a fight.
She also says that she sensed a curse in Furina where she would have expected an Archon's powers.
Chiori is in 5.1, so Wrio already got the middle finger again l0l
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Man pacing and the EN voice acting in the archon quest is really bad, everyone sounds bored and depressed. Moolani and Mauvaki are pretty jaring for what should be energetic characters but they're reading their lines mumbled and as flat as Kinich. Did they blow all their budget and effort on the 1min Crapitino fight? I don't know what went wrong, It's still not as bad as Inazuma but damn is it a bit of a slog so far.
I want to take a nap on one of the couches in front of Neuvillette's desk and fall asleep to the sound of him working, surrounded by his scent
I think she wasnt expecting her to cower and beg.
Like even Venti acted cocky before getting mugged, and he couldn't fight back despite still having his gnosis (he expended a bunch of energy during the Dvalin fight though)
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>3 of the 4 most advanced regions were all ones in contact with king deshret
Desertgods I kneel
Is Sanka really Enjou or is he just an NPC who looks like him?
Would Mualani and Candace work well together?
How would I need to build Candace?
It's implied that the Heavenly Principles (and his Shades) are asleep (stated by Nahida, implied by Focalors destroying a Celestial Throne) .
>ancient civilization
Bro your fog island and Enkanomiya?
>inb4 watatsumi isn't part of inazuma
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Each nation has its own main story but the connection between them is there's a shadowy group trying to collect each nations' gods source of power for yet unknown reasons. to summarize each nations story:
Mondstad: dragon bad, big scary, make good
Liyue: God wants to quit being god, live amongst people, also dragon attack, twice
Inazuma: Civil War, bring peace
Sumeru: Whiney bitch with mom issues manipulates a college to build psuedo god mecha to enact revenge.
Fontaine: Everyone gonna melt if they touch silly water, try and stop it. Also god pulls hilarious prank to hide cause they wanted babies and thats not allowed
Natlan: I dunno something about power that helps their nation fight not working anymore.

Also along with all those, youre looking for your sibling while occasionally running across bad dudes from a hellscape dimension
Thats it
This is your anti-english bias speaking
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why are klee mains like this
I can't get Morgana nor Sothis out of my head when she talks. It's such a weird voice to put on her.
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Cryo's got some problems. Layla is already a decent off-field cryo applicator but the reactions that cryo can apply aren't generally advantageous
>Pyro: melt but it has to be forward melt of the damage suffers and your control over it will be shoddy at best
>Electro: Boosts physical dps. Gee thanks
>Hydro: no damage, instantly dispelled by any blunt attack
>Geo: Crystallize, same as anything else
>Anemo: Swirl, same as anything else
I don't know what the hell they're doing with wrio but at least it seems like it wouldn't be unreasonable to hope for an arle or CR rerun in 5.2 or 5.3
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whats this now?
the only voice that felt really off to me was Pacal
I thought the shades died b4 celestia
>primordial one vs dragons
>shades split into archons/die/fade away/fuckoff
>celestia made
Focusing on Kachina becoming a warrior and mualani's hometown was a snoozefest. We could've had true warkino but gotta pander to the waifupags ig
You first
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Fontaine is literally the only nation without a nail so far. Convice me why it isn't a filler region.
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they have seen some shit.
Really, will she be with the xilo banner or after it?
Is there any Deshret lore in Natlan yet?
Key word in the post is ADVANCED ancient civilization. Not the ones who did child sacrifices to birds or ones whose biggest achievement was big lightbulb.
No, the Shades were in maintenance mode during the Cataclysm.
The Heavenly Principles and the Shades rule Celestia.
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The exposed back...
>Hydro: no damage, instantly dispelled by any blunt attack
how many characters are doing blunt attacks? Can't be hydro as hydro claymore doesn't exist.
Cryo even has a set that benefits from Freeze more than any other reaction.
the ONLY problem freeze has is that it doesn't freeze boss type enemies.
A Dragon reclaimed the seat of power over Hydro.
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>pulled from Ayaka expecting Shenhe to come home soon
>one year later
My ass has been devastated by FOMO...
>Layla is already a decent off-field cryo applicator
I said advanced, Tsurumi guys just seemed like Ainu bums outside of those ruins in that mountain
I'll count Enka, I forgot about it tbf but they didnt really import the good stuff when they went up to Watatsumi. Enka was even in touch with Khaerniah (before those fuckers robbed their library)
Dunno why you wouldn't do the quest but to each their own.
Diluc cannot be used with freeze the team as even in his infused state the hits are registered as blunt first so he's incapable of properly taking advantage of any freeze reaction. Eula will also have this problem iirc.
The image? It's from a based drawfag. References the 2.8 official stream, where it was fucked and kept rewinding. Especially funny because at the end was the stream was the Sumeru teaser and it was completely ruined by Nahida's rewinding shenanigans.
4.0 and 4.2 were good, the prison part was a waste of time and I don't know wtf were they thinking, it doesn't even make sense storywise.
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Imagine the threesomes...
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No, there was an ancient civilization BEFORE the bird fuckers. They were destroyed by getting NAIL'D. It's why the island is full of ancient murals. Enkamoya was part of the normal advanced civilization with Celestian envoys and all until the war made them sunk and Celestia chose to cut contact with the surface. If it wasn't for Enkanomiya, we wouldn't have access to many important facts about Teyvat's past, such as the book Before Sun and Moon and the nature of the Three Realms.
Damn, I see that Genshin finally updated the NPCs model!
I don't believe you, post roster.
who is third?
I was talking about the button, look at the date and time now
is this good for anybody?
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>being used in freeze
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i don't need to imagine, i've seen it!
Teyvat has its own laws
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it's absolute dogshit, anon
anemo DPS and EM are literally mutually exclusive
you shouldn't have leveled it up in the first place
Rain truly is the greatest sub-dps of them all.
I don't understand. The button is the rewind button. There's no date...
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; _ ; ....
This chad.
I mean how could any other guy even come close to competing?
>They were destroyed by getting NAIL'D.
nails are not the nukes people think they are, nails are suppressing abyss cancer and keep teyvat from collapsing.
>Jane already outselling Mualani at a 10:1 ratio
>Feixiao will outsell Kinich at a 10:1 ratio

Genshin is so irrelevant that even Tectone isn't bothering to farm this news.
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Does Genshin have an equivalent of picrel?
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i thought i finally had a gem....
right because Eula is practically a physical character, and is exclusively made for Superconduct, literally the worst elemental reaction to ever exist as 85% of the entire enemy roster that isn't a hilichurl or slime resists physical.
I made the statement about freeze because this is under the impression that you are exclusively using hydro/cryo and maybe ameno.
no I mean the date on you computer, the day, we are back at the start of natlan, yes?
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You should but if you just want to explore NOW, you can easily reach it. This was also useful on release to get more Mualani mats from up there
I use something similar for my Sucrose but I'm only AR56 so I don't really know what I'm doing lol
That's Paimon.
Just found Kinich out in the wild and the only thing in the conversation was Ajaw telling Paimon to kill herself
even tectone is not retarded enough to not realize that its mihoyo money regardless
Lumine could never be this cool
If there was a Fontaine nail it would probably be in Mount Esus (out of map), like Dragonspine, pre-Chasm, Mount Kanna, Mount Damavand.
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Its fine. You just need er for Candace, and the rest does not really matter.
Join date
meant for >>493581743 too
After a year of not playing, I forgot how shit I was and how I couldn't/can't beat Floor 12
>Would Mualani and Candace work well together?
Kind of but kazuha, xilonen, furina, zhongli, lots of other supports would probably do more. I think the max NA damage increase you could get is like 25% more dmg with maxed out burst, max cons and maxed out HP, so meh.
>How would I need to build Candace?
HP and ER.
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It's okay, it happens.
Who are you building? If you're trying to build Kazuha, FORGET ABOUT ANYTHING BESIDES EM MAINSTAT.
Remember that main stat ALWAYS goes first.
I see what you're saying now, but are we? Now it's full of doomposting, camera posting, sales posting, leakers don't know what they're talking about posting...
this is why we need triple or more banners like hsr has now
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C6 on-field Sayu.
celestia glownigger post
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>this is a 14 year old
what are they feeding them in natlan
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>one visit to sumeru
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why did you skip shenhe?
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who is Natlan's traitor?
I'm thinking of Kinich, but who knows... it could even be Mualani or Kachina
I can't believe they don't let us harvest meat from those massive brachiosaurus in Natlan
Wouldn't Furina take vapes away from Mualani?
>merchant is literally named "shillan"
What did they mean by this?
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>you are exclusively using hydro/cryo and maybe ameno.
Name one team where you'd even want to do that first. Freeze as a reaction doesn't do damage so it's not worth dedicating a team towards. It will always be a reaction that happens by accident in a vape/melt or electrocharged/superconduct (do people even do that either?) and is an active detriment damage by accident.

The fact that freeze needs to be planned around is in itself quite telling. The fact that there are mechanics that make freeze even worse if you try and do a melt Diluc, a standard banner character that many people will have lying around, is not great.
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Its the perfect spot to kissu!
Best pic I've seen this week, cheers anon.
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Kachina would be the closest but she's actually cute and still gets her teeth kicked in after her powerupp
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Cryofag status: Ass annihilated.
14 is a prime number after all
>only one more month to save rolls for c2 xilonen
I'm at 140 with guarantee but I don't think I'm gonna make it bros since there's no area expansion.
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i didnt, she served my goat and forehead well till i mostly benched cryo all together
>Wildlife that comes across the remains of a god and consumes it enough will mutate and transform into a Consecrated Beast.
It's cool that they retroactively added that one consecrated scorpion in Inazuma, but how do we explain all the various beasts in the Sumeru desert? Most of them aren't even anywhere close to something that'd fit the seemingly primary criteria. I think even Fontaine has a crocodile or two
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Why is the hype gone?
Thank fuck I got C1 in the first run. 5/7 quills per rotation sounds anemic.
No one cares about the generic genki hebe
So would candace since her burst cause hydro damage both on cast and on character switch and I think C6 causes hydro on NA attack.
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Probably Ororon, when you believe that shot in the trailer
Genshin won't portray its playable characters in that kind of negative light. Its either an npc, or the traitor is actually secretly working for Natlan.
one is black, thats why
>Name one team where you'd even want to do that first
Every freeze team? Anon do you know what a freeze team is?
C2 is bait anyway t b h
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>14 is a prime number
a "young woman" is not 14 years old
HSR's gameplay sucks so much that watching animated trailers is a main gameplay mechanic.
All of our players are busy actually playing Natlan, so we have no time to watch a minute long short.
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I learned my lesson after the first time Shenhe didn't come back for ages. Now I never wait for reruns.
ywn be Atea's hot tub buddy and get to drink her fresh milk delivered at exactly the precise temperature for any hot tub buddy occasion
because I saw the writing on the wall, her kit is pure shit
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Did she die or not?
To be fair genshin video was terrible and honkai star rail one was good
Concession accepted
Inazuma also relies on god the most. And the god in question is not much helpful in technologically advancing her nation.
If its not a prime number then explain how Mualani is prime breeding material. Checkmate, math bot.
>cuckbait trailer vs. for (You) trailer
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I can't stop thinking about Yanfei sex
Mualani is no different from your average genki character
You still don't understand you lost as soon as we StarChads got this moment?
>Freeze as a reaction doesn't do damage
isn't that why it has a specific set, and cryo has a resonance that involves boosting your crit an upwards of almost 40%? which is why you almost always build cryo characters for CD rather than CR?
Isn't the point of freeze for you to be full on offensive and not worry about taking an attack because the enemy cannot move?
Isn't cryo one of the only elements where you genuinely can just not care about EM (for non-reverse melt) unless you have an ameno character with you?
Freeze really isn't that bad. Sure it's not beating Melt or Vape teams because they are all about damage multipliers but it's still good in it's own right. Hell I'd even go so far to say it's cryo's only good reaction
>coom-tier design
>cute, outgoing personality
>top-ups refreshed
>fun gimmicks in her kit
>constellation bait
They literally did EVERYTHING they could, they must be completely fucking baffled that none of it worked
How come?
You have to have sex with Yanfei at least 5 times a night or else the protection doesn't work.
So is my Chiori really utterly useless after next patch?
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>bullshit powerup
>steals the spotlight
>ruins every scene they're in
>every other character has to suck them off whenever they're on screen
>a grand total of 2 character traits
>said the traitor is from masters of the night wind
Gee I wonder who
Sooo... where's the "land ravaged by war"?
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Mualani cuckening status?
Feixiao is not out so their is hype for her, Mualani is already out and people found out that she is a Lawrence because of it
Yeah, but that was when 40% crit rate from artifacts was special, but now every reaction can just get that.
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Maybe they shouldn't have let the game stagnate for years while they gave HSR and ZZZ everything that Genshin players have wanted.

Genshin has burnt too many bridges and I don't think it can ever recover its reputation.
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Indeed he is
Rewritten for kachinaslop
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I got her when I first started a few weeks ago and have been maining her since the beginning. Therefore I accuse her of seducing me.
She keeps asking for 10 times a night though. My pelvis can't take much more of this.
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I do not know the difference between legally sanctioned graffiti and a mural.
Rewritten for kachinaslop pitybait
We are talking about who leaked the information that mauvika lost her powers, not that emo garbage.
>>cute, outgoing personality
tbf, genki girls aren't really popular nowadays
>get shenhe for coom with no cryo dps
>uhmm may as well get ayaka and her sword
>find out i hate ayaka's dash
>never play them again
Yeah, i regret it. Won't roll exclusively with my dick ever again
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What is mihoyo trying to convey with this pose?
Shenhe pegs him
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lots of protein.
On the same universe where Fontaine was a polluted steampunk kino searching for alternative energy sources otherwise they would all die.
Right next to the universe where the God of Wisdom was a man, an idiot, and a control freak of Sumeru.
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>Kachina is your Natlan partner character
>has an arc is about self confidence and growth
>she isn't one of the chosen heroes or whatever
...Kachina is going to beecome the next Pyro Archon
she's unironically going to be the one to fight Capitano
>open chest
>there's a whole bunch of milk and a recipe for chocolate
we are so fucking back
Made for being raped by liyue hags
Is this actually confirmed or just some guy with a specific fetish trying to push it in the thread?
It's obviously oroworm
built for boob pillows
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>I got her when I first started a few weeks ago and have been maining her since the beginning
I also pulled Yanfei around when I started and she + Mona carried my ass through the early game exploration and quests. She sadly doesn't hold up forever but she's great for newfriends.
starter bias is powerful, I still sometimes use my Razor from 1.0...
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oh believe me, when any character is given a specific age, YOU WILL FUCKING KNOW
The latter

But I'm okay with the fetish so he can keep pushing it if he wants.
The latter. Discussion some threads back would put her on the 16-18 age range. Kachina would be around 13.
>kill some enemies
>read a book on a table
>covered head to toe in sunsettias
it's pretty kino yeah
schizo with a fetish is trying to start round 2 after getting BTFO last night
So what happened to vanessa's tribe?
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No, it's not. Only a select few know mauvika lost her powers and that nigger isn't one of them.
Sumeru's beasts make sense because you see them in the world
You see some in the local oasis areas, tanit tribe zones and the desert 3. Mainly in rainforest
Everywhere, underground, overground, wherever
Everywhere in the desert
Rainforest enemy.
Come on man, at least explore around. If anything the beasts existing in other areas are weird because they didnt make new variants that fit the wild life there. Like there are no scorpions in Fontaine
>they eventually reveal Hu Tao to be 35
Would be kino watching the fallout
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She is 14.
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They keep making fun of us
Just opened that chest
Why is this image so erotic
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So lucky...
Such as?
>tfw bricked two double crit artifacts for mualani
All his teams are not my favorite ugh
kaveh seems like an alright guy but alhatham is a dick
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I used her, Xiangling, Barbara, and Beidou for a bit until I had to take a bit of a break due to lack of time to play. Came back to grab my free Mona and have been having fun with it since though. In the fetch quest part of the Liyue archon quest right now, but I want to rush since I just pulled Shinobu and she seems like a lot of fun too.
It really is that way, no matter the game. Every Pokemon playthrough I've ever done includes the starter since I don't have the heart to deposit them.
its junk mostly but its the first time since 1.0 theyve decided to put things in chests besides the usual artifact + dull blade + weapon crystal
Will the story make sense if I just skip Fontaine AQ straight to Natlan AQ? I just finished Sumeru
I just want to know if Chevy really is getting a rerun or not.
yep, genshin flopped and slopped. How do we kill it faster?
I’m ok with that… but genshin is too shallow to implement it
>traveler does not purify the power of the abyss, but absorbs it
oh huh.... I would really like him/her to be an Old One
Shenhe is a good investment for the inevitable day when they finally decide to revive Cryo and start releasing good Cryo characters.
The Forehead's sword is a good generalist pick up that can be used on many sword characters.
So you only bricked yourself with the Forehead. The two other pulls are good.
literally nothing happened in fontaine and no need information was given that you werent told about in sumeru
It got ravaged 500 years ago. That is kinda a big deal in the lore of the region.
For now you should be fine.
How does one end up in this situation?
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I don't remember Fontaine being mentioned at all during Natlan AQ
He is about to lick your popsicle
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>tfw own Shenhe, Yaka and Wrio
He Never Dies is my HERO
By having a porn rotted brain and never talking to women irl before drawing it
That’s not true, but the things we learned in Fontaine and Caribert quest aren’t relevant to Natlan’s plot for now.
She seems to be in the 14 - 16 range for me
Thank you Mualani for killing Genshin! Our QUEEN!
>bedtime story
didn't that also take place in Sumeru?
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Did it ever occur to you that Cloud Retainer is the stork that delivers the babies to everyone homes?
more like gig keeps falling for the bait but gig being gig thats to be expected
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kachina would be like 8 if mualani was 14 LMAO
>>traveler does not purify the power of the abyss, but absorbs it
who will be our Emet-Selch?
Physically it took place in Sumeru but Fontaine Archon quest is a prerequisite and anon’s asking if skipping straight to Nathan is fine.
I have to know the story behind picrel.
How was he raped without being overpowered? Drugged or threatened? And by man or woman?
Did Mualani flop just because she's black or are people boycotting genshin on principle?
The lolis can all definitely have kids and want kids.

I want to breed the 'does not want kids' group the most. Giving them baby bumps against their will... the best...
ahh i gotcha. I misread what you said anyway, so my bad.
It didn't happen, he's just a liar
fellow mualani coom chad spotted
shes probably the character with the largest coomerbase atm right?
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very cute and canon
Specific fetish? being a pedophile?
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anyone that thinks taking pictures is ntr is insane, i had to do this today on wuwa to get my free homo, is rover a cuck too?
It will be relevant later when Naruto steps in
>Okay now pull the chord through
>I do not see the chord, Yae
>I'm wiggling the chord, do you see it.
>I do not see the chord, Yae.
>Okay hold on. I'll plug it back in and feed a bit more through. Okay now, I'm going to push the chord through and there will be a bit of my pink hair stuck to it. I'm wiggling the chord, do you see the chord, Ei?
>I do not see the chord, Yae.
>Are you looking behind the TV or beside the TV. Because I'm feeding you the chord from behind the TV.
>... I see the chord, Yae.
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Cryofriends, will they rerun Shenhe anytime soon?
A vast majority of lolis would die during childbirth anon
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has anyone dared fighting Dvalin with Mualani yet?
>slaps the shit out of him for being so fucking retarded
was pretty based ngl.
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>you will never get to drink Atea's fresh warm breast milk in a hot tub with her
>for a free homo
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I'm just a coomer in general honestly but Mualani is great yes. Definitely somewhere in my top 10 girls in the game overall.
Just saw that Andrius's level goes up with the World Level increase. Seems to be the only weekly boss that increases level? Do I get better rewards, or is it the same?
Bwos what is Paimon saying in Muqan's World Quest?

What "scary powers" does she claim to have?
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Maybe with Clit at this rate
liyue chronicled wish bro, trust the plan
Muttlani flopped btw
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Is this a good 10 roll?
What's that?
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She's worse than Neuvillette in basically every metric. There's no point in releasing any more Hydro characters without blatant power creep because Neuv, Farina and Yelan are all you really need from the element. Da Wei really shot himself in the foot by reverting the nerf on him
Worse. She’s clunky.
Fanfiction to piss off some Mark on /asp/
That's a risk I am willing to take.
ask the person on twitter who posted the pic
Hopefully after Mavuika.
I want to waste my F2Poor gems and get her only for the coom, not going to use her any other way.
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For me, Its Fischl!
literally nothing fontaine means anything to the story that wasnt told sometime before fontaine even released
You fags call her generic and then you go say Kinich is a great character kek
Raiden literally has a kid
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>that team
Liyue ichiban?
She literally hasn’t had enough reruns to be on the Liyue chronicled wish banner.
They NEED to give her a proper banner eventually.

My bet is she runs alongside Wrio during a Cryo IT season.
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China populairty poll has a direct correlation of the light the character the more popular, male/female is secondary. Not joking, Iansan is last place.
They need to start doing triple banners at this point, there are way too many characters.
I still dont understand how their dumb brains work.
How bad did we flop?
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Who said that
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And she doesn't want it.
>Iansan is last place.
I wonder if she'll do even worse than Mualani
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>Moolani age
For me at least most likely Kachina is 12 - 13 and Mualani is 14 - 16. Mona and Keqing give me clear young woman vibes but I can't really peg Mualani as a woman. She seems to leans more towards the girl side instead
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I've never heard anyone say anything nice about Kinich. But AJAX is cool
She's a Celestia Agent.
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What regions do you think have lore that "means anything"?
And look how well that turned out.
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I'm glad I got Wrio even though I ended up with too few pulls for Furina. She got a rerun meanwhile he's still locked up in Meropide.
Mualani is a tour guide in a party nation while Keqing is basically a businesswoman. I think that's all that needs to be said about the difference in personality, rather than age.
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post your 100% Natlan exploration + clear quest log
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The eras of 4chan were
>That's epic dude
>We do a lil' trollin'
>fucking kill yourself
>I should fucking kill myself

Ironically reddit has followed the inverse curve. In it's early days it was primarily jokes about wanting to kill yourself but that's bannable now.
honestly with chinkcels seething whenever a male exists in surprised to see cap and kinich so high
Mualani is a young woman too. At least 19.
She says in the Archon Quest that she fought vs Chasca when they were younger, so she has to be around 2 years younger otherwise thats just bullyinh on Chasca's part
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>People knew the Gnosis’ were the mangled corpse of the 3rd Descender before Fontaine released.
>People knew the names of the 5 sinners before Fontaine released
I know Fontaine was shit but I think your blind seething has made you slightly retarded anon.
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Kinich is carried by KINGjaw
Thanks you have the actual image but yeah the darker the skin color, the less popular the character is. Iansan might be a 4* at this rate. Actually we need more 4*s in general.
they should have learned from honkai impact and used a fragment system for older 5 stars
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How far would Capitano fall if he unmasked and was as dark as a Sub-Saharan African?
yes, she can damage him no problem unlike Arlecchino
>newfags trying to rewrite history
oh im laffin, pedobear is literally older than 90% of the fags on this site now
>shit about the gnosis that doesnt mean anything
>shit that wont matter for 15 years at the pace the story moves at
wow so much information thats worth the 7 hours that is the shitstaine AQs
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But I'm being completely unironic though?
I blame the rewrite for removing any importance big ship had.
Neuvillette flopped not gonna lie.
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Hanya titmogs, facemogs and feetmogs Shenhe to oblivion.
truth nvke
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None, that's why this game story sucks. We are literally waiting for the annual Dainseilf moving the story forward.
The regions are literally
>where my brother?
>dunno ask the archon
>shit the fatui are doing fucked up shit
>hehe all planned thanks for saving my nation btw I gave the fatui my gnosis and I hate celestia but won't ellaborate
>where my brother?
>dunno ask the next region btw the archon there is such a crazy fella
>at least so far in the story draft that mihoyo will retcon before releasing it anyway
This angers the pedos
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FOMO: avoided
>hasn’t had enough reruns to be on chronicled wish
o shit you right
god damn
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She doesn't have a cute nephew so she loses.
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Now post the poll after Capitano jobbed.
Playing through the AQ, I felt Mualani to be on more the childish side, what with the tears and very emotional displays. It's unlike Keqing or Mona who seem to have their emotions more under control. It's probably because Mualani is the genki archetype too, those tend to make the character seem younger. Keqing is also a go go go type of character just like mualani but the way they express their enthusiasm is different. Keqing often drones on about Liyue, humans, morax, governence etc aka more 'mature' topics. Mualani is more carefree in contrast.
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I miss /l/...
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Lisa wouldn't want kids, she is dying soon, she wouldn't left her kids without a mother
hanya has her own appeal, but shenhe has a boob curtain and bodysuit
I don't either....
>introduce chronicled banner to fix banner inflation issue
>never ever run it
Is that what the imaginary voices in your head told you?
What's that
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I never went there back when, how was it, exactly?
what did it get shut down for?
Real. I used to love genki girls 10 years ago, but I'd rather have somebody peppy and a bit snarky than somebody who's a ball of sunshine 24/7. You can only do so much with that kind of character unless you add an arc where they get broken down and go doomer lite, which Genshin would never do at this stage.
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I dunno about that, dude. If I was slowly dying I wouldn't bother being a vegetarian.
Did I stutter
Technically Mualani is a businesswoman as well, but it's more of a side gig casual thing as compared to Keqing's office cubicle spreadsheet madness.
Yunli should have sees with chiori
I like some of the extra rewards but I really don't like that they slapped fomo onto a lot of new shit, don't appreciate the extra anxiety it adds. 60 gems really isn't that big of a deal too....
You should think of the story like any long anime series with their own arcs, instead of your 90 minute movies. And play the Mualani story quest and learn about the value of the journey.
>she is dying soon,
Is this actually stated anywhere in the game? I remember hearing that it was in the beta but then removed for the full release when they got rid of a bunch of other stuff as well.
wasn't /g/ the loli board back then? I'm fairly sure it used to be something else and only became the tech board later
>hit 20
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Say something about her.
>he watches the filler and the shitty anime original movies
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is sacrificing a decent amount of atk worth getting more crit dmg?
>moving the goalposts
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The super young Kachina is already participating and getting smacked down in the area. Mualani could have started young too and that could have carried over to her duel with elf lady. And natlan doesn't seem to follow the same thinking regarding bullying because any sane person would not let kiddos like Kachina duke it out but yet they do.
That's just the conclusions I drew from the AQ.
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alhaitham is so sexy...
she seduced timaeus
use the calculator
Okay so I'm skipping Fontaine and starting Natlan AQ, I'll go back to frogland after I'm up to date with the current content
Mualani is 14
Its not even filler, but how every long anime works is that there are arcs that are kinda self contained, which move the "main story" a small bit.
You want all three but I'm unfamiliar with the ATK to crit value conversion.
I just have a hard time getting it up for Rosaria after learning that she's a chain-smoker.
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If Genshin explicitly states that Mualani is 18-19, will the Mualani is 14poster start goreposting?
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used 4 elixirs for this
should i hang?
theres still 2 other elixirs on the map which i can save for later ig
should i hang?
Every time you post him I immediately start thinking about his cock
>Is this actually stated anywhere in the game?
It was removed yeah, but she still has her hourglass constellation, rose motif and her sad music when Normal Attacking
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emilie over baizhi
all her shit scales on HP, it's not what you wanted but it'll work at least.
just cope and move on like everyone else.
at least you got some HP%
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I hope the 14 year old Mualani poster keeps at it.
>hourglass constellation
That's because of her physique, cutie~
no its not. its just shitposting based on defunct beta lore. its not valid anymore.
Chiori is 14
It isn't ideal but its a very usable piece.
>she is dying soon
Yeah bro and Kaeya is going to meet Dain and totally do lore relevant shit any minute now
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The later. Mualani is closer to Chasca's age and Chasca is a hag. 14 seems too young for Mualani because of this. I think some people undestimate the age difference between her and Kachina.
>I met Chasca when I was little. We even fought over toys a few times... I was pretty surprised when I heard she became a Peacekeeper. They say some people mature really slowly, while others grow up in an instant. Sometimes, I wonder if I've even started...
>Aww, I remember those days! One of those fights was definitely with me... But, you know kids... You're fighting one minute, and you're friends the next!
Vegetarianism is usually a moral thing.
Use the optimizer, but 2 attack rolls is very often better than 1 crit roll.
this one
>story is self contained
>nothing mentioned in it means anything to the rest of the story
>story outright ignores or makes shit up on the spot that it forgets almost immediately
everything about fontaine is dogshit filler and theres a reason they added the skip bullshit after it
Yeah he'll probably have a meltdown and make this place unusable
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Will Natlan have a designated cunnysuer character?
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At least it fucking rolled into HP% but yeah, this shit is my fucking nightmare when I roll a pyro goblet for my Arle.

citlali is a priest of some sort, so there ya go
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Ages in these sort of gacha bait games are wack anyway and any sane human wouldn't take them seriously. See Ganyu and Cloud Retainer for example, do they act their age at all? Name one person on Earth who could have accurately guessed Ganyu's age through her personality without being informed of the lore in advance.
she gets me hard
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How soulless am I, /gig/?
It can be a variety of reasons but unless you're militant about it (and she was willing to just straight up eat a steak if you ordered one for her) then any perceived immorality is going to be a drop in the bucket if you don't expect to live beyond a few years. It's more about contributing to a trend or reducing the negative impact of your life over decades, or in some cases eating healthier to prolong your life which would naturally not be necessary if you are critically ill.

t. leaf-eating faggot
I feel like its some anons first time seeing a genki anime girl, so they assume the typical excited mannerisms is what makes her a kid when its just tropey behavior
who are the men of high standards of inazuma liyue and fontaine
>only goes after the non-existent shotas
Would be an insane move by Dawei
>all these tourists afraid of being called a pedo because mualani is confirmed 14
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Pure sovl
yeah, they gave me a 3 stat artifact
i wasn't necessarily focusing on getting the elixirs, so im not too upset by it (by the time i can use elixirs again mualani will probably have a full set) but it just makes it feel like any of the small amount of effort was pointless
That's how you know Natlan brought everyone back. We used to not have this type of discussion during Fontaine.
anons, Genshin reuses models for their characters so any age guessing is simply retarded. Sara could be 24 or 35 and we wouldn't know for sure because everything is so streamlined.
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Ganyu is 7
>Pluuunge Navia
5/8 Soulful.
These cost you some SOVL points
>confirmed 14
Post proof.
By Genshin standards, it has more lore relevant stuff than usual if anything. Maybe you can argue that irminsul is more important, but compared to something like Inazuma, it has plenty.
The elixir system is so fucking horrible holy shit. They is no way they aren't getting loads of negative feedback for this and have to be aware of it.
I highly doubt you around in 2004

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