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We must remove pedo(file.png)

Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493562920
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 7:00 ET
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first for futas who kneel to me with poop in hand, knowing it's rightfully mine
bow to the poopmeister, infidels
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>he started to queue for mahjong without me
fuck moonies (in their private bits)
Sex with catgirls
Sorry GT, no thread for you! See you in 2 hours :)
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Posting my femra because I can
drake and josh still holds up
Yep, that's a wife.
Post your femra right NOW!!!!!!!!
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I genuinely do not remember anything
I used to spend all night queuing 'jong with a femlala, I miss it desu.
is for rava
There's quite a few mid 00's comedies that still do honestly. I like to watch my wife and kids too...
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>I just helped Aardberd choose his clothes for his date with Renda-Rae.
dunning kruger
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My beautiful wife, Sphene. Say something nice about her!
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i queue mahjong anytime anyone asks
I remember it like it was yesterday. Now that was real tanking
Yoshida retires and gives (you) role of a director.
What changes would you make? Keep in mind you would be constrained by limited budged and manpower hours.
This is Final Fantasy XIV. You like this.
As a moonie, any sunnie+ can do this anytime, without asking!
bro imagine how much despair gulool ja ja must have been in in his dying moments knowing that the only heirs to your throne are a tranny, a sharlayan cuck who probably let your entire continent get turned into a colony, or the one competent son who just turned evil for no fucking reason
true statement desu
This wouldn't have happened if you went for a lalaboy instead of a middie. Loser.
>Grow up
Eat shit, you arrogant prick. Waste your own time if you want. Don't expect me to waste mine. Choke on your self serving altruism.
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What are you up to tonight hun?
where can i find you
So true! t. rava f with sunnie f EB
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I wish I could worship a rava
weakest instaloss femra in history vs weakest instaoss femra of today
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>Cloud nine
faggy charcoal mava
Cumming inside Sumi
Grow up.
delete femra
delete femlala
give fiera bigger tits
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posting my fiddie
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SMN is so fucking boring to play its unreal
you're clearly a shut-in that doesn't know anything about society, as evidenced by your retarded dream of getting your fantastical revenge on someone that doesn't have time for you.
what did they mean by this
How do I make my dong longer in C+ without it looking ridiculous?
I've tried editing the position of each IVCS bone but I can't get it right
wonderful femra /pet
I am
A sunnie
Who gets really mad about the Atiascape and what the first aether elevator does to my skirt physics

>Captcha: 24VPRS
you are a whore, shame to our race
i want to get the mahjong adventurer plate but i'm not good enough at it yet
I'm going to grape this cat in the mouth
tranny character
I dont feel bad for turning off the ghost generators and you cant make me feel bad these people already lived and died, now die with dignity
>pink hair
>that face
you're a tranny, aren't you?
I'd fire the current staff and hire competent programmers. Put Ishikawa back as lead writer and not her current fake position. Next expansion will be Ilsabard Garlekino.
nice blank
nice 'ra
nice fiddie tiddy
sauce on that fagboi?
femra going to bike
As a sunnie+ any moonie that wants to attract their - to my + is free to do so whenever they want.
play pictomancer then
Sex with my lalaboy
If it's any consolidation, I'm a sunnie who thinks about moonies the same way that moonie things about sunnies.
maybe he should've used what little reason his head of reason had to actually raise his kids to be prepared for ruling instead of coming up with a convoluted succession race that would never have worked out if not for the wol singlehandedly carrying it
>shitter in my matches three games in a row
>swap to his job eben though I hate playing BRD
>don't see him for four matches
>swap back to carry
>he's on my team again as BRD
Fuck OFF dude jesus christ. I swear the matchmaking system only exists to punish people who play more than 400 games.
I will go into C9 as melee and destroy everyone
The reply of someone scared knowing the reports are forthcoming. Its easy once you know something as simple as a name in XIV.
please... I'm dying... you've got to help me... the only cure... is thighlanders...
It's a CC schtizo mad only 3/4 people are carrying him.
who has the plus
>see the color pink
>your mind immediately goes to tranny
mind broken
there is no t in schizophrenic
your femra is the bike
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post your character (big tits only)
catbox if necessary
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yo this place is highschool isnt it what the fuck
but I just posted my femra last thread
Its a little known fact, but Eiki and Gar's cuckold threesomes started when they were both lalafell.

Lalafell erpers are so weird man.
but realistically it will be another day of making no progress in the MSQ because of CC
same time every day, same post, nothing new. Low effort skin walker.
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When trannies make femra they look like this
That's a normal ass grown ass man.
little known fact, but I'm a mentally ill trans person looking for an EB
Have a "UI / Misc" contest as an excuse to fix all of the retardation in the game that all of the plugin people have fixed.
that's a big clit...
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The sunnie
id throat it
I love viera with glasses so fucking much, bros. I wish I could EB all of them.
Prove it, post your character.
we know Macska
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Don't lump me in with the scatfag
Wheresoever there are sunnies, I appear, to fill my duty.
>Next expansion will be Ilsabard Garlekino.
ishikawa is the person who ruined that storyline though.
I don't care what anybody says, my least favorite part of ShB+ew is how quickly garlemald fell without our involvement at all. it was so unsatisfying and made the past few expansions of build up feel pointless. I don't think the fandaniel arc was worth it.
Sis I told you they were like that...
4$ is such a cutie
Love Fordola.
Christ I drooled like a retard that game
the reply of someone living in a bubble the size and shape of their childhood home for 30 years.
I really shouldn't drink coffee this late buuuuut...
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my character is like this
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This is for the Waddling FemLala ONLY, have some breakfast. Homefries, toasted sourdough, half slice of meatloaf, sunny side up egg.
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I've actually painted myself into a corner because if I posted my character I think someone who's upset at me for posting this every thread would schizo me and I'd rather avoid that, so really I can't do anything and I'll never get an EB
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What was this guys problem?
she def gets her womb painted
thank you my wife /smooch
big titty catgirls are for lowlanders
well according to this thread we're all sluts as miqos
not my thing but I look forward to xivgers pretending they wouldn't suck that cock

I like the poop eater ritual schizo
why did you invite us to your house if you were only going to cook for her
She was unironically forced to ruin it because Yoshida insisted on speedrunning the Hydaelyn/Zodiark arc and told her she had to wrap it up. He wanted to capitalize on the rush of new players.
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Why do I get hornier knowing I'm sexting a man jerking behind the screen
2 retards fighting
Unnamed Neko is GB
>JuSt PlAy It OuT
So what? If they wanted to schizo you they'd do it anyway. Post your character.
I'm not the waddling femlala but I'm going to pretend this is about me if you don't mind...
Thanks dear, this looks wonderful...
i'm finishing to this thank you
you like men? it's not a big deal bro
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Thanks to the anon who rec'd tbse hunk over tbsex, looks a lot better.
Unfortunately, I had to log in to test it so it was a loss either way.
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 11:00 ET
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My middie? Yeah, she looks like this.
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Apparently drinking
if only he wasn't fighting to press his buttons.
do you have a source for this claim
You are being judged
not that catgirl but I love drinking
That cripple is pounding Fordola every night. Meanwhile, the WoL is a kissless virg.
it's lewd when you're flirting with a boy and he's touching his penis to your character
I would absolutely suck that cock, might even worship it.
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1000% like this
That's clearly not sunny side up, where's the SUNNY part? lucky bastard femlala
He was just some guy who sat around in uldah until he overheard stuff about 4chan and basically decided he wants to be a DB-lite and harass ebins but he sucks at it in comparison
she said c:
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Indeed she does!
>wtf i didnt get the instawin comp?!?! IM AFKING!
>My team is all bards and im a samurai? excellent, lets roll.
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I am
a sleepy femra
that's a femra
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Ok cuties it's CC time. Queue up please and thank you.
You probably put women on a pedestal and feel the need to impress. When you realize that it's a man, all of that fades away and you give yourself the permission to just unleash your most degenerate self.
Genuinely not much better than
Why are CCissies like this?
making big cocks cum is hot
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
then go to sleep and don't bother us
Let's go take a nap.
You need to give a time sis
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I'm back on that "Nothing in life matters, why even try, you will never fill the void you feel inside you" kind of mood.
The verdict: Wahoo!
It does.
D-Did I do good?
everything being explained by ascian bullshit in endwalker made me not care for the lore of this game anymore and I kind of like dawntrail for introducing new lore to care about even if the story itself isn't great and it's probably going to be ascian bullshit again
Can I get a qrd?
titty twista
Why does it have to be sex
Femra aren't capable of love on account of their reptile-like blood. She's a middie because she loves her future husband very much.
That's what a schizo would say...
Making big cocks cum is indeed hot, it's one of the best things you can do.
People should post more tributes and not just the aftermaths but the videos of it too, cumshots are the best.
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uh, I uh
Can I have at least one bite? I'm sure my sister wouldn't mind...
Whats wrong sis? How can I fill you up today?
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>D-Did I do good?
Let me tell you something, anon
You're gay
Post your fucking character so I can decide if I want to EB you or not you stupid tranny.
It should be the same as in gpose, for Length just use position and move each ivcs part slightly forward if you want it to be long or to shorten it. For thickness, use scale.
Bottom-coded viera.
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It's up to you to find the meaning anon
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eb that sends cum videos with sound on
based but they should instead use my mouth
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the dt smn gear is very interesting
In the trash it goes
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>Femra aren't capable of love on account of their reptile-like blood.
>stance swapping was super hard and added tons on depth to the game
Did it? Because thats not what I remember.
>how quickly garlemald fell
Hear me out, I think us never fighting Garlemald proper was a good thing. It's extremely concerning how many players wanted to go in and nuke all the citizens single handedly to just dab on them.
That said, they give up on the plot of the destruction of garlemald as an event, and use it as an off screen plot device, then proceed to create a "world wide destruction event" that could have easily been done on the perspective of the Garlemald capital being the hotspot for the calamity so to say, and us helping the garleans save their own civilians and minimize casualties and finishing it off with leaving the aftermath in ruins. This story, and not taking down garlemald by just being stronger, is truly what were robbed of at the end.
My femlala ate too much pineapple so my tongue hurts...
Men/Males are far more open about how much they love sex and how much they appreciate you for taking care of their sexual needs. You can just relax and focus on making them cum their brains out, and revel in the affection they give you for it.
>small head
>skinny neck
it's just... a normal looking female character..
Because God's commandant to mankind was to go forth and be plentiful.
Well the ideal would be your eb jerking off and cumming on your face/mouth but few if any here are that lucky.
That doesn't tell me shit. Post it.
Let me kiss it better with my tongue.
I learned about magnets in school like 15 years ago what does this post mean
Sorry, anon. Their brains are too small and underdeveloped to understand, understand
understand, understand
understand, understand, the concept of love.
Basically >>493574592
and then an anon made this post
breaking down what happened
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My male middie and your femra
I'm the opposite
Comes with being straight
i do this
>femra glare.jpg
>eyes are nothing like femra eyes
I need to paizuri your moonie...
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what is love
what is free love
what is love
what is free, free
I want to be smothered in a hrothgal's pubic fluff.
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>bicolor gemstone vouchers sell for 120-130k
>price remains extremely stable because people need so many of them for the mount
>can easily farm 40+ per day with little effort

This shit is just free money.
I might leave you gasping if you try though...
i’m supposed to be on a diet tho
Sorry I can't login today.
Please keep the memory of my femlala in your heart.
Thank you...
let me hit
thanks for the treat
Farming fates turned me into an alcoholic
any crystalfriends want to run warqor lardor extweme so I can get a weapon...
Have a random lewd-outfit try-on shot.
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I can't do that but I can post fat cats
anon that's a lot of time you're grinding for that gil
just get people to pay you to write porn or, better yet, just get submarines

Opinion discarded.
I make 4m daily from subs
>can easily farm 40+ per day with little effort
4m a day... but i'd have to farm fates....... ehhh........
Let's meet up in game.
Thats like working for $1/hour. I'd rather just buy gil than grind that much daily.
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>free money
>all you need to do is farm 60 fates in 6 different zones
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 2:30 ET
>We must remove pedo(file.png)
You mean GT?
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"clad in prayer i am invincible!!!"
she fell out of the arena
my khagan king is like this
Give it a few more years and you'll be on HRT.
The modbeast to erp to trooning out pipeline is real.
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Sure, I'm in Coeurl Gridania
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Submarine owners always on alert to remind you they have submarines and love cheating and ruining the economy+housing for everyone.
you're incredibly brainrotted from porn addiction
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Yup, that's a wife.
Hi, do you have an EB? Do you WANT an EB? (male lala btw)
and also FCs because everyone sits in a solo one now to have subs
what a fucking disaster for the game
Shot so many ropes into a femra last night
I can't watch any of Dan Scheiner productions without thinking of how many times he raped Miranda Cosgrove and many other Nick teenagers.
what gloves sis
i need a shader like this
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>SE have known about the SMN/SCH bug since before the official launch of DT
>They ignored the bug report because of their autism
>Won't patch for weeks
>Balanced off of wrong numbers
Very embarrassing. The only way they can make up for this is to add MITHRA SEXO before 7.1 drops.
You know what to do Yoshida, MITHRA SEXO. No ifs, ands or, wait no. Yes, butts, MITHRA BUTTS
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Someone else already is tho, nonnymoose.
More like Otis JENKEM.
I will.
I can't watch them because they're fucking garbage.
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I'm a frontline PvPer and I need an EB like the one on the left for my sunnie on the right.
The charges, officer?
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As most malera do
Imagine if they deleted hrothgar and gave us mithra instead
that'd be great
If you ever need a sunnie to sit on her knees between your legs at LB14, I'll fill that role.
>Poorfag without a house
>Hi, do you have an EB?
i do not
>Do you WANT an EB?
a little but not right now, thank you
>that read
wtf, but thanks
what in game race do you play
>all that brown pussy to yourself
my gothra wife
The people in this general treat everything as a means to an end and forget this is a game.
Mind broken while this anon racks in free gil amusing himself with something he willingly chose to do.
Keep doing it king.
Seriously. I've been buying Gil with no shame for half a decade now. You want to avoid buying right during expansion and raid release because they jack up the prices but you can get ah easy 10m or 20m with pocket change basically. You do have a job IRL, right xivg?
anon FCs have been a laughing stock since server travel was a thing
Gonna watch your woobs disappear into the Moon Canyon /sneer
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I just wanted to play in da playground...
Thanks dear. /smooch
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Yep that's a rape
He's just posting to bait replies, he's not even on crystal
I have a personal house but im not a scumbag hogging up a second one for a solo fc
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how do I turn sonar to sb and hw only
>It's extremely concerning how many players wanted to go in and nuke all the citizens single handedly to just dab on them.
that's not what I'm asking for.
I'm bored so I'll log into my level 2 alt and make raiders and level 100s get on their knees for me in Balmung
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do you like the femroe I made when I tried playing a long time ago anon?
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You also have to look at my cool samurai glam
I'm only accepting SGE as barrier healer in my m4s prog parties right now. SMN is alright they are a rezz bot like RDM.
you'd never follow through coward
>no big dick EB to give daily bjs too
life is cringe
Stop cheating
does anyone on crystal want to part with ONE jet black dye...
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Viera wife like this?
isn't there a settings thing where you can choose which kinds of hunts to show up? Or does it not let you do more filtering besides just A/S/SS stuff
Let my just say this, the longest running EBs I've seen come from this place have always been between a grown ass man and a grown ass woman. Take that how you will.
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Doing my Crystarium quests at last.

Quite a big question. I would probably hire more people for job design, for starters.

Femra are capable of feeling feelings beyond feeble Hyur minds' scope of understanding.
Buying gil during lull periods is better than most tryharding in-game. You are working for literally less than minimum wage.
It's not what I'm asking either, just saying it was a very vocal complaint about garlemald that they didn't get to be the ones to blow them up.
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>You cannot go play with your friends today, the servers are too full, sorry.

Imagine if literally ANY other service game - LET ALONE ONE WITH A MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION - did this. Why do people defend this slop?
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What's the deal with all the mental illness in these threads anons
>solo only
FFXIV has literally no reason to be in an FC outside of IRL/Online friends you met out of the game. You literally cannot meet people in game anymore. This has been the case since PF became a thing, and you no longer needed to join an FC if you wanted to join a static for raiding.
Explain yourself.
FL requires more skill than CC.
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open up the config
go to hunts tab
copy the screenshot
i could give you one...
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same applies for A and S ranks
that's so hot i cummed
I like feeling a sense of accomplishment looking at my dragon's hoard, just having the funny money pop up in my inventory I wouldn't get that
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Only seething retards who want revenge on the colonizers.
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europeans watch out
literally in the settings go read dumb greyra
He is the guy that tells fiddies, viera, and especially Tzera to kill themselves. Starts with some bait text leading into a spoiler to kill themself a lot. The ball peen hammer poster. He has been spamming that for a very long time.
This is really one of the dumbest changes they've ever made.
"Thankfully" eveyrone here just sits on balmung and that's uncongested for the time being, but it's still absurd
wife doko?
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This one goes to all sunnies in this thread.
yoshi p himself made this post after he decided to make the hunt emote cost 3k seals btw

I can only find a/s/ss filters but someone said you can do it by expansion too

why the fuck doesn't this show up for me
am I using an old version??
that adds up
i probably won't blast you but thank you for supporting the cause
which is like 75% of the world thanks to england and spain.
>Unable to travel
>Able to make characters
what outfit is this btw
Friendly reminder they wasted development time coding this into the game.
Another band aid on a band aid on a band aid on a band aid.

Literally wasting developer time, money & resources to make the player experience worse for people.
you have a woober
she owes my miera sex
Nice bait.
I wonder what happened with their cloud tests. Did they backtrack on cloudslop?
The new dumbass server limits go off of if a server is congested or not, so balmeme has a higher one now
her name was Fraewyda Geistralwyn (Free Willow, daughter of Ghost Arrow)

such an innocent time... I could've been a femroe bard main in another timeline...
The more I read this thread and his weird posts after the drama the happier I am I blocked him, he was nice to me a few days ago so it was probably a matter of time before my fiddie got schioposted
obeast looking ass cat
my bunny is like this
qrd on why my Warrior of Light hasn't been plapped despite begging for it
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>that adds up
but yea nice
how many subs do you have on twitch? that's a lot of money for the amount of time
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more like this
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I have
nothing to do
>not having mahjong master in 2024
what did you settle on instead
my femra with her puny shrimp + on the right
won't someone please take care of her
woobers are KINO
My viera wife is like this.
lol lmao even
silence, maliddie
you cheated you're nothing
Plapping this cat
average femra post
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Please don't..
weird projection
>playing RNG reliant games
no thank you.
What do jungle buns smell like?
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 6:15 ET
good afternoon i hate malera
Me in the T-shirt and shorts
You wouldn't want used up, damaged goods like me as a husband...
with the sound on, huh...
sure, where you at?
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yeah that is a wife
tick Granular Hunt Reporting on
silly femra
the fuck is wrong with your ears, you aint a true moonie you fucking faker
Just pick up the nearest mava and sniff him. Don't worry, it's perfectly allowed. Not that he could do anything about it in protest.
I have that title, and I had fun getting it!
one of these days i will jump you in an alley and squeeze your throat
emet selch would have done it but you killed him
Not even bait, just look at the CC queues ITT for evidence lol.
On SMN it actually affects dps, on SCH +30 pet healing potency on embrace is such a nothingburger that i'm surprised you added it to that list.
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oh thanks
gods I want to rub those ears
no. my middie likes to see maliddies suffer
was it mine
But the Ultima Weapon is all-powerful! Why does my enemy still stand!
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Fiddie WHM
People don't plap anymore, only goon. Get with the times!
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that's why i said wife anon-kun....
I wish futa was real bros. I've always wondered what it would feel like to have a hot massive throbbing dick lay across your face would feel like, but I just can't fuck men or trannies. I'm simply just not attracted to any of that, I want a cute busty, curvy, fat assed futa.
Wow, the role quests this expansion were absolutely dogshit.
Macska is one of the posters who calls people pedophiles, specifically lalas, but then will put braces on his underage catgirl, so that's probably just projection

He's also the guy obsessed with diapers and telling people to eat shit. A lot of his other posts are just projection too
>you're a narcissist
>you're obsessed
>you're a schizo
>you're a pedo
He's all those things, so it makes me wonder.
The only good Dynamis server.
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I'll fucking bite you
If you have the guts to do so..
Only if I can rub yours, please and thank you :3
Has nothing to do with the topic.
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don't care what people say
this spirit of humanity and the will to survive shit keeps me going
Honestly I wish Rava+ (actual futa with pussy) were real, I would have sex constantly and abandon my current gf within moments.
wee woo
on the offchance you're serious because wowpost the role quests this expansion were one of the few well written things (or well, better than last expansion role quests and this expansion msq)
i fucking hate froths
I love this DUMB fatra so much...
you won't be able to break my skin with your weak teeth, you are not a moonie to me you harlott of the night
I'm doing phys ranged. Is it even worth it, brother?
Hot, I love this moonie
that's it I'm fanta'ing after I get this emote
yay! I'm sitting outside the cabins in tulliyolal on marlboro!
I love mommy!
Too bad, daichi says fuck you, you don't exist, turn off the lights.
it's not, they're a porn addict
how do you post these so fast wtf
Oh. I thought you were offering to be the wife...
god i love my femlala bpd gf
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Hey CCtards! Do you have real pvp experience in real pvp games? FPS, RTS, MMO, hell even fucking Smash.

Do you have it?

This general moves TOO fast for my taste.
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I'm going to RP for the very first time (ever) with my EB, and she's also very new to it. I'm very excited bros I've always been too nervous to do it but I feel comfy with her.
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Its still better than WoW and that's all the fanbase and investors care about.
you can hear all the wet fapping sounds as i stroke and my moaning as i cum...
that's not a bad alternative, cute fiddie
i already had this one ready since you've posted that image before
please don't fanta my cute wife we need more cute croissants I will huge and smooch you
the world's first 60 BMI femra
what emote is it
It's not RNG reliant... if you know "the process"
We're the same species, we have to be supportive of one another
i hope you both have a nice time
Congratulations, anon! I hope you both have fun with it!
95% of modern FPS are shit
RTS have been dead for decades
all mmos are trash
smash is ok I guess
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any east coasties wanna....wanna....meet up and....frot.....??
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yes to all of those but I still play casually in all of those things anyway because I get mad at competitive shit too easily

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anon later dicked down his eb with his enormous horse dick (futa)
>smash is ok I guess
your main, anon?
are you saying you'll help me end the f*ddie word?
there are huge amounts of chance no matter how "well" you play, i can't abide by it ,it gives me conniptions
good luck sis
cs is fun fuck you i've played that since 1.5
Do I look like some sort of queer to you?
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!! Attention !! All fellow Male Midlanders ITT, I am logging in right now. Let's get this shit done.
aaaaaaaaa no fair i wanna hear...
nanananana... NANANANANA....oh no.....not me....I'm the man who solded the world...
Can you fags stop talking about pvp holy shit. No one cares you are literally playing 2 server tick 5 button game with 0 thought. There is no skill involved in this shit. Only reason you are top 100 is because you are the only people that even care about this dog water mode. I know 2 people from here that tryharded in CC and they both got hardstuck in bronze in fucking league of all things.
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pikachu, bowser, and dr. mario
I said 95% not 100%
good mornyan
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post cute hrothcouples... NOW!
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I do not care
I will befriend everyone through tears if I gotta
Does league count?
Don't worry, the puppy stuff is temp..
I'll get you one day.
I talk about whatever I want
cute fiddie that sometimes murders me on intermission (it's justified)
I respect the worst pvp player more than I do every raider and parsefaggot in the game combined
>even the hrothbeasts are adorable
we fucking won
It's a part of the game that they enjoy, let them have a nice discussion.
it's 3pm...
gross please do not post this again
I'm going to watch who you're interacting with, and make them ditch you for my BiS geared cock. They'll do it, too. You're nobody. All I have to do is tell them that I'm better and to leave you for me.
It's really the best tribe quest in the game by a lot.
It's a shame how quickly everything's gone to shit.
have you heard of timezones?
not before I get you, I'll pin you down and make you do savage with me (you'll be the friend in KFF)
imagine actually playing ffxiv pvp, just go and play a good pvp game instead, theres tons of free ones
it's too late for me
It's time to leave 2020, dude.
While unlikely to happen, the biggest pvp meltdown in existence would come from Yoshida making old feast armor and mounts obtainable again.
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please, I like reading their posts and laughing at them.
its like a circus

pic related is average CC vs frontline argument or average shitter vs shitter argument
if you ain't in america..........
get the heck out!!!
it's burger time, baby!!!
Yes. I suspect that the ebins who rage the most have league experience.
anon you might want to get your eyes checked
and your brain
by a heavy mallet
Fuck moonies, but in their mouths instead
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im flame ruler on tekken 8
>stop talking about the game in its general please go back to gooning over each others twitters
cringe take
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My college team won
Now I’m gonna nap
Those are siblings bro
post her with the cute hand wavey emote!! please!!
>the kys tranny poster always told Tzera and Tina to eat shit
>and Macska thought Tina was Tzera's alt
wow, it really was him
My BWC Catboy needs a black EB
>yelling at sphene
>beating sphene
>making sphene cry
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neither of them are eb'd
>pic related
Yes, the Council will stop using the despective f-word if the Fem middie Cartel aids us in the battle against the evil m-word enablers
I meant the "other process"
what else are we supposed to talk about? cooming and pvp are the only things that you can really do more than a few times and still be interested
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I have a crazy amount of hours in Battlerite and play WoW arena at a perma rival level.
cheeky mfs posting songs well after the next thread was baked

Very cool, Added to my playlist! Is this from an anime?

What's your favorite song on this album? I only want to add one
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Mine humiliated their opponent in their own stadium so now I'm happy and playing XIV.
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FL tards don't have anything on the animals in the wildy
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>mental illness
Haven't you heard that we like this?
with them wee woos
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Remember her... remember she once lived...
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I got plat in bns and diamond in sc2
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oops forgot pic
Whose dick do i have to fucking suck to get into aether
FPSes? Sure. I was in diamond on console for the first couple seasons of Overwatch ranked *years* ago. Also got pretty high in Apex ranked on PC.
I tried to care about ranked here to go and get an augmented hellhound but I fear somewhere along the line my reactions got slower so I've given up there.
I still do my frontline and even got all the mounts save for the one map they've been reworking for about two years now.
w-what other process...
the ultimate cucking
lmai even
You still yappin' bud? Didn't think so...
Does your WoL like the new Linkin Park single?

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I see. Well here is a fresh, very high quality and never before posted image of me.
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am i taking crazy pills or do only retarded leftists make mods?

do they just not allow people to make some better mods than this? wtf is happening?
translation, anon is actually just Dominator
so true
>t. fucked over by femra
Immortal in dota with a 70%-80% winrate in CC.
Git gud mate.
i'm glad you've come to your senses, fellow middie
I average duelist-glad in worlo arenas.
pretty sure that's a meme mod
eh, would
Right leaning chud mods get deleted when posted on most sites
mine plays soon
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>have fun with MCH in CC despite no dashes to escape from diving melees
>tfw it's not level capped
>tfw I'm not getting heliotomes from CC matches using MCH
>tfw 280/450
O-oh no...
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There really are clan wars now amazing
dont do it sis. theyre fags. walk away and go to the ishgard barracks instead.
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post tank glams please all of mine suck
Its literally a shitpost mod
I think you should be monitored for internet access because you're clearly incapable of critical thought
I was having a really bad week, I'll try to not do it again...
I used to fuck around in soul calibur 2 but that experience is long gone
shouldn't tekken god be above tekken lord
what's going on in aether that would make you want to commit sodomy?
I saw you at lb14 and wanted to say I really love your new hair color. Cute bun is even cuter :3
no forehead, no smooch :/
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I don't know what that last bit meant..
Please explain like I'm 5.
But if you could pin me down, I may high five you..
Hehe :3
It's from Armoured Core!
want to do expert roulette with my rava+
what the fuck even is a right wing mod in ffxiv?
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 11:00 ET
My fiddie made mac and cheese topped with sloppy joe meat then mixed together for a late lunch and is too full to play any more CC.
Any cute sunnies wanna get plapped?
is it normal for BRD to do healer dps?
Built for hiding meenas between them
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I used to exclusively invade in the worst zones like sen's and blightown in DS1 on the 360 with the sole intent of getting hate mail more making someone drop the game.
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happy to help!
kill yourself tranny, you will never amount to anything, so might as well do already
you have spent the last 8 months schizoposting people you havent even met cuz they are happy.
What a pathetic existence
If i tell you, it'll anger the L*la Cabal and another great threadly war will take place...
Just remember, if someone uses the f-word, they're not one of us
are you for real? what constitutes a chud mod? i was kind of fishing and asking what kind of mods aren't allowed. and they said basic obvious shit. but they wouldn't talk about what actually gets removed.
I hate that style of futa cock where it's very pinched at the base and wide at the middle. Can someone tell me why they find this attractive?
KFF means kill for friend, Therefore you are the friend in our clear. I'll still pin you down and kiss you sensually and then aggressively
remember gravelording in the burg...?
Ultimate pfs that aren’t on crystal
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He is nyot my brother... we did the 21andme to make sure.
it's normal in the sense that anyone who brings brd into pf is a mouthbreather
but no they're supposed to do a lot more
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you know that nobody on eu cares or talks about you right?
nobody even knows you changed your name
No biggie I'll just move to the next one, I just got given 5m gil
oh my god
why would you make your character so fucking ugly? Disproportionate, ugly face, dressed like a whore, just uninstall the game
I invaded in tombs and shot great arrows and used WoG
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do femra enjoyers like this type?
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now i'm curious, i don't even play mahjong but im intrigued
what a disgusting cat
Nexusmods regularly does purges of mods that promote bigotry of any kind.
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you're right i demoted
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Injection day sisters
How will we get anything tongue if we are just locking lips the whole time?
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Yep, still straight.
>post character
>gets called cute
If I had a nickel for every character I posted that got called cute, I'd have 2 nickels.
It's not a lot, but it's weird they're both male
yay YAYY
not that lala but post your male character
Why are we still pretending that "rez mage for prog, picto/blm for damage" is okay?? It's really not. No other role in the game has an expectation that their main job will be objectively worse outside prog compared to casters. Every other role can just main what they like without gimping the team.

Why have they not corrected this yet is beyond me.
i was reading some archive in a telegram group, and they were basically saying "anime proportions are pedo" implying that mods need to be modbeast looking or they should be banned.
Right wing mods get banned for hate speech

I'm not joking
i would rape both
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ooki haters have been real quiet this expac
Kindly fucking kill yourself, you nigger.
we do that between pulls so it's fine, when we clear you'll be allowed to release your pent up energy
Entire meenas
If you mean Tren then yeah
don't worry about it! you save me gil on potting during intermission when you do it :P
no fucking way that's real. I won't bite it.
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Spear in with the tip, expand with the middle shaft, taper at the base for when they grip as you hilt.
Because the expectation is that you cant clear with many deaths, and farms typically dont have many deaths either. So the logical conclusion is to bring the highest dps option. If you made RDM comparable damage to PIC or BLM then there would be no reason to bring those because you'd be a top tier dps with infinite raises.
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has anyone thought about making a modsite that allows more free expression?
I wish this game had females with smelly feet.
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>The mamet from the islands showed up for the summer event to talk about how it's going to get new ideas for the island
>Know for a fact they aren't adding anything else
I hate how this is the thing that almost convinces me that I wanna raid..
Was top global top 10 in a small 3k~ playerbase rts for 2 years.
Was that zoomer who would go 40-2 in the cod lobby.
GM on Overwatch 1.
Master on Smite. I think the rank was master anyway, whatever was the one after diamond.
don't like the scales, like the rest
>the "i need to own her and have her all to myself" thoughts are flaring up again
unironically how am i supposed to make friends when anyone i get close to i start to want to manipulate, isolate from everyone else, and have them live for me and only me (as i would for them, given the chance)
Who cares, every job can clear on week 1. I never had any issues with this on RDM
GlamourDresser already exists, niggers like Grace have no sway there and people can post whatever they want without fear of it being too political.
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I used to play a lot of Dota 2
no just test and primo. tren will be in about 3 more weeks almost lean enough
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Conjured weapon?
Post yours
If twitter mass reports something it gets removed.
A mod that removed wuk's voice got removed for transphobia
You don't have a choice you're coming with me sweet lips
I devote this song to this lalafell in my CC queue.

well i'm paraphrasing several posts, but they were all in agreement that certain modders are questionable pedos because they liked modding smaller(anime proportion) bodies. i have no reason to bait you.
That's BS. People bring a job because they like it, that's how it's supposed to be. But apparently that doesn't count for casters.

If you like BLM or picto then bring them. It's wrong to punish RDM and SMN mains just because BLM and picto mains are insecure about their place in the meta
that explains the mental illness
and the lala
>yea the graphics overhaul and new systems will will be woked on over patches
>crying about dye stuff

did no one pay attention to what they said?
>able to count the vertices
>A mod that removed wuk's voice got removed for transphobia
The mod maker took it down because twitterfags were sending death threats
>low gm in OW Season 5
>plat 2 SF6
is this cat EB'd now?
Why is every single female character in this game that's open to relationships etc fucking polyamorous?

"It's not cheating, I have a wife and two girlfriends already"



May as well be! I really liked the idea of magic greatsword wizard.
I don't even know who you are!
i was actually thinking it would be cool if i tried to make a tank look like a caster so it's kind of funny this is the first reply
damn... these are sick...
that's a transmog not a glam. nice try
You really think they're going to go back and fix double dyes that are retarded?
You think cb3 is going to do that?
The Namazu also show up if you did their beast tribe questline.
ok and you chose to play this 5 button slop

I legit dont believe a single of those things to be true
Let's just say it involves... running multiple instances of the game
god damn new dwarves are so fucking UGLY how does anyone play retailslop
With room to spare
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It looks like she has bike tire bits on her
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I've got your test injection right here
why won't you just follow their callouts anon?
neither I know you! maybe this is destiny
>The mod maker took it down because twitterfags were sending death threats
No that was the one that removed wuk's model a few days ago.
The one that removed wuk's VOICE was taken down like a month ago for being transphobic
A game isn't real life. Nothing wrong with getting your e-dick wet.
and you're so upset over being bad at it that you're dedicating posts to it every thread
get a grip man
how small are we talking though? I've seen some dudes here with child characters.
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Please take this poll I am trying to see if I am wasting my time, crafting takes atrociously long
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>this is a "left wing mod"
He's not wrong, actually.
oh my god that makes so much sense no wonder you people can mitigate chances with that who cares if your crap account loses
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But have not played since they brought back double down tokens and not fixing immortal draft win trading.
Plus fps games (Deadlock/CSGO/etc...)
oh. do trial accounts have access to mahjong?
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>rating fell over 150 points in just 3 days
>back to 1500
Remember me, sisters...
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>god damn new dwarves are so fucking UGLY how does anyone play retailslop
Because in-game relationships are not the same as real relationships. A better comparison would be your raiding static - sometimes people will be pissed if you decide to raid with another static, but most don't have a problem with that.
Maybe so! But uh..I'm not even done with DT, please forgive me..
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Today, I will remind them.
because the gameplay is actually fun
I know this is hard for xiv players to understand but just having a pretty character isn't enough to keep most people invested in a game.
Wizard tanks are excellent. I hope you can design a nice glamour around it!
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im in ranked league queue right now (very high ranking(cool))
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aether is locked down so can't get EB'd, but, we are engaged.
I NEED a viera EB, bros... I'm going crazy.
Today's the last day that my moonie's able to pick up her meds but she doesn't really feel like it
90 year
100 no
gatherers at 100 but not crafters
DT shot any motivation I had for this shit, I haven't even gotten any new fish
if you raid with another static you're getting kicked from mine lol, you'd have to be a retard to come to your static with anything other than full loot for the week
Reset, bwo
If you said this in person, I'd gush way more...
The hair color was just for cyberslop but idk... yeah it's kind of nice.
Okay I'll tell you what. Tell me who you don't want me to fuck, and I won't fuck them, and you'll stop spamming the thread with these.
Yes, the only grindy part is leveling all of them to 15 and unlocking the Gold Saucer
>new trucks
What did Anon mean by this?
put this on NOW
this game is second life why are you trying to find a significant other here
Lets get it over with, which region are you? I'll bet we're not the same so yo can only imagine me pinning you down
low res rapeface dwarves are a million times soulful than anything in pixar wow
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Recovering JG main in league here. Literally the only thing I miss about it is the ability to mute people who are getting too pissy. Maybe impromptu dance parties but those were fairly rare. I DESPERATELY wish there was a form of chat ban for CC.
where are the CC calls
Marital rape isn't real
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my crowning achievement is taking a game or two off some top player in celestial
id rather them talk about pvp than dude sex lmao for the billionth time
>because the gameplay is actually fun
you're talking about wow you can stop lying to yourself
>b-b-but xiv has shit gameplay too!
of course it does it's an mmo, don't pretend your preferred flavor of dogshit is better than others just because you have 20 years of sunk cost attached to it
tiles give and tiles take, reharden your determination and queue up once more
Is this league lala looking for a wife...
Crystal - Balmung
Since you asked that I have a feeling we may be far apart..
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>because the gameplay is actually fun
it is, but only for a month on new xpac releases until u run out of stuff to do (reclears and pushing m+ isn't fun no)
and then u realise that's all the mmo actually has so u quit until the next xpac launch and repeat the process
WoW has always, and will always, look like dogshit
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>expert roulette
Even though the bonus tomes are nice, I'm tired of running Alexandria for the nth time. Not right now.
Sorry, I dislike the idea of a 12 incher hanging down a female character's crotch no matter the race. Nothing personal sis.
My moonie has smelly feet!
isnt this the same chad that made the yassified malehroth face and/or the bogdanoff one
hmmm, i think they were possibly talking about the creators of one of the modded bodies. i don't recall which, but they were upset that it was a smaller body and has closer to anime proportions. and i was confused because i thought there was only bibo. i didn't realize there are dozens of body mods and that people were upset about certain body mods.
there's marriage in SL too lil bro
You have completed the Crystal Tower quest series. Rest well, champion, for the main scenario and many other adventures await you!

That was an ordeal too
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I used to play all kinds of stuff, but currently the only other PvP game I play regularly is For Honor.
I would have but you were......occupied with a fiddie.
Who cares man, I play what I enjoy. At the moment I enjoy xiv.
just pulled a long booger outta my nose bros
I'm sorry but I'm EU.. I'll have to project a mirror image of myself there to bend you down
thought this said kong booger
I'm sad I missed out on my chance to pet her in person before she was taken, but I'm very happy for both of you
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im logging in
lol I revel in the amount of cope here ever since Yawntrail flopped and TWW is shaping up to be the best expansion in years.
i coughed up something that looked like green sediment in the shower today
felt much better afterwards though so that was cool
Wanna run any content you need with my Rava?
It's a doman game, for domans. Learn your place, foreigner.
my culinarian and gatherers are 100 and the rest are in the 70s i need to finish them
i dont know how else to say "people who despise 4chan" in a cute way
masters league top laner, master rank sf5 player and master 1550~ sf6, dota 2 cant remember the rank, thje job i main in CC does not anyway whatsoever fit my usual profile of character
are there mods to give AI voices to unvoiced quests yet?
also where are all the meetups?
play me in jive
bro I literally just said dawntrail was garbage
you blind niggers can't even read anymore can you
>chat ban for CC
Never happening but I would cum buckets if it did.
I reached immortal in dota 2
everyone on this website is a serial killer but me and i will not be meeting you in person
i was but now im too busy self-harming(league)
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Crystal CC 3:13 ET
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Ignored every single one and we won almost instantly.
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we have SO much in common u & i
fun things are fun
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 4:15 ET

Last call for me
I miss my booger wall.
I assume they are some kind of ESL and 'trucks' means 'ass' in their language.
But I'm not a serial killer? I'm a serial rapist.
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I use to be on EU myself..
There is always OCE for kisses but have this, as a thank you :3
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Uh oh
>also where are all the meetups?
there are no meetups
DT killed most people's drive to play the game and if you aren't even vaguely interested in the game there's no point of afking or doing meetups in it either
I know what he means, he means cool mods that don't hurt anyone like a cool trenchcoat with an armband

Or a T-shirt that says something bad on it

Can't really do that shit anymore
>forced to install vanguard to play league
I have never been so glad I quit a game
I have the opposite problem and they keep wanting me to be their exclusive boyfriend aaaaa.
It's over.
i guess we should EB :)

jk... unless...?
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i dont own it
Case in point, you're like that guy who doesn't understand why someone would tolerate a polyamorous e-"relationship". Meanwhile, I have been in a week 1 and week 4 clear static at the same time and neither of them had a problem with that
>calling with that short of a time
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Fight Extreme Hydaelyn
Did you also work from 07-17 today?
>it is, but only for a month on new xpac releases until u run out of stuff to do (reclears and pushing m+ isn't fun no)
The majority of CE guilds do not clear in a month because unlike XIV, raids are designed to actually be challenging. M+ is also fun but the concept of fun and challenging small group content must be very foreign to you.
i refuse to believe this lame ass bitch fucks anybody. my bath mat has more game than this faggot
There's sex fog smell clouds whenever she takes off her shoes!
the hrothjar...
I would really rather you just fucking killed yourself and spared future genrations from yourself.
Probably later. I need to check my schedule and confirm if I'll prog M4S tonight.
>because unlike XIV, raids are designed to actually be challenging
raids are designed to be gatekept by gear and progressively nerf it over time so they can milk the streamers for views*
what about soive
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>wowbucks clapping at DT being shit
>TWW ends up being even worse
how'd it get this bad wowbwos
The only people left in this general are bingers and endbryos. They don't own houses. They are the real life equivalent to zoomers and millennials
if 7 other people are letting you fuck them out of loot every week they're retards
Erm Race/DC?
I was just helping her with mods and telling her not to be afraid to ask people around the beds for help with things.
I'm almost always talking to someone. If you let that stop you, I'd never hear it...
Holy... is this MF?
I was about to say that's an amazing gpose. You tricked me.
they've got a cute woob and are a pretty good dom
desperate trannies will erp with any futa in the thread
some anons are extremely vapid and will get their dicks hard and pussies wet from the slightest move, even as lame as this nigger's
Same bro, I feel you.
>raids are intentionally massively overtuned at the start to build EPIC WFR HYPE
awesome game
This is indeed MF, meowdy :3
so forward of you, I'll save this as a token of your submissiveness. Maybe we can meet on materia one day
hey guys can we play the game together tonight? im lonely and this will be my last day off until the start of december
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When will FFXIV get characters like this?
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You should be able to solve this.
New target? M.A.
my melties are too powerful for you, adventurer

You must be eu if it's not apparent
Their thread personality is different tho i guess
Creampieing this bun
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Come help me beat up an old man (on crystal)
did you guys like my meena+song last thread
Lol okay ccshitter
I look forward to it <3
r u a moonie
This but unironically
the orc did it
Post your character? Wanna see who I'm helping.
then we dont have a lot in common
>desperate trannies will erp with any tranny in the thread
when will wow? because all you've done is post gooner fanart and xiv has that in excess
no i am a male lalafell
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>better porn
>100x better ingame models
>actual porn artists instead of just ai slop
>wowfags have to cope by pretending their new pixar elf is waifu of the century
Doesn't Sophia count?
I don't trust orcs
Look forward to getting defiled and filled. then We'll raid while you're still full
If you approach many people, someone is bound to be interested. Can you do that?
i havent played strive actively since around when bridget dropped, apparently the game's real fucked up with whatever wild assault is and ky players managing to gaslight the devs into making him top tier, but i'll pass despite it sounding real funny
it's a lazy caturday but I can still provide some sunnie content
get a trip
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Now post the ingame model.
CC Doko?
It's just me trudging through the msq
>new tren twins video
Kino on the menu
what do you want to do, anon?
The orc, because both them and the elf are lying.
How long is the oxygen going to last in there?
That made me shiver, that's cheating..
Can I rub your ears and whisper how much of a good girl you are?
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I’m not playing an mmo to jerk off.
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alterfriends status? close in the distance just jumped in my playlist and now i'm crying like a baby, we miss you guys

Remove the shorts
Built for hatefucking and breeding femra.
You can still pet as longg as it's platonic
Orc. You don't even need to do the riddle, you just know. If it was a drug-related crime or stealing, you lock up the Khajiit, but they aren't capable enough to kill anything.
Queue alliance raids?
they (thankfully) nerfed wild assault and burst gain. wild assault used to give you heavy knockdown if you did it as the wallbreak it was fucking insane. you also cannot DPRC any more so it is now more dangerous to wake up with meterless reversals, hell, sin can't even do his followups if you block his dp
I don't like it
you're supposed to play to jerk off with other people
the orc
fuck orcs
alter is still around?
My future wife.
did it pop
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Crystal CC 7:33 ET
builded for fucking dragons
One of these future wife posts will come true eventually aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
translators note: "bigotry" is defined as "removes sodomy worship from the game"
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why? also, rude.
yes that could be acceptable!
Exactly! Her shoes get very hot and stuffy and smelly!
well you're gonna have to contain yourself for now. I'll mould you into a good raider even if that means you're leaking at the same time
obi froth
niggas be clearin p8s
shit bussin
I want to run over and kiss HM so bad, bros...
If the leftys didn't make the mods, then then right would. There are more then enough cuckservatives that'd choke on cock and drown on cum for this shit.

Anything goes when you're desperate for any 'female' attention, even from a low-tier modbeast.
queuing up for this gremlin as a green dps
It feels disrespectful to your hrothhusband, though. I remember you wanted a proper relationship for her, I don't want to be petting his wife like that. I'm sure he's a good lad if she is with him.
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good stuff *does this to you*
it popped now!
I am
A sunnie
Who will force you to listen to Bee My Honey
Understood..Thank you..
>team is leading by a huge margin
>team starts getting spawncamped
>go and try to help people get out of spawn and not lose points to dying
>get targeted
>teammate stands and watches
>stare directly at them as I'm stunlocked to death by three people
I hate retards so much dude
Did you do the tier yet...
There is a shiny new mount for you to collect...
I'm queuing up Striking Tree too.
Hope that was the one
Lala MNK?

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