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Physics Defying Ragdolling Edition


HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


August 20: 1.001.004 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/6992487606095723693
August 21: 1.001.005 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4252047773008305837
Sept 5: Update progress https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4613462911400573371

August 8: Freedom's Flame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXngA0CO33c
First for fuck sweden
How come this throwing knife doesn't kill a Warrior sometimes. I'm definitely hitting the head with it.
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This is the future the Automatons want
why does this item even exist?
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Which faction will be the first to build/evolve fuckable units to seduce their way to Super Earth?
the Terminids already have
I want a Stalker female to drag me to her breeding lair and suck me dry with her tongue
imagine believing the railgun is an actually viable weapon
tryhards to meta their way into artificial diffculty
Also roleplay I suppose
well it would be fine if it replaced melee and it was 1 knife which could be picked up again
but aside from that it's shit
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They watched too much Predator and wanted to give players the option to make cool-feeling memes.

And then they forgot to include one of the most iconic weapons from Predator.
To all the hmgchads who tried to enlighten me all those months ago — you were right, this is literally the best weapon in the entire game (for bots, anyway). And to the ACchuds — as always — cope, seethe, dilate
Why doesn't Muscle Enhancement have the same effect as Peak Physique. Like what's even the difference, one is legs other is arms? I call bullshit
muscle enhancement is steroids, peak physique makes you brown
>when you can have AC + pocket HMGe for two strat slots
>same as hmg + supply pack
The Emplacement has been rendered almost useless since Rocket Chickens were introduced and Turrets started firing in bursts (this thing has 100% changed just to invalidate the diaper backpack)
had to drop, sorry
Maybe they'll add another machine gun support weapon like that.
You laugh now, but the throwing knife will be the best weapon against the Illuminate elites and I will have a lot of practice with it.
ACdivers are the most obstinate and delusional of all hd2 players
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Right so I did actually get an error message this time, but after switching my steam download region to New York I'd hardly call this an improvement.
lobby is empty again, need frens :[

I never got that so it's a you issue
I'm kinda burnt out and we had that last one in the bag anyways. I've gotta exercise anyways and I'm now sufficiently drunk enough that it's not gonna hurt so bad now
Claiming that HMGe's are invalidated by the presence of rockets is just a bad faith argument. Is there a risk? Absolutely, but it's also an extremely powerful weapon if you account for and mitigate risks. You're throwing out the baby with the bathwater
2/4, pls don't let me get pub AIDS again
(this dude really a goose...?)
2/4 again
What the fuck even causes this?
Hey now, don't blame them for exploiting developer favoritism and using what is clearly one of the most imbalanced weapons in the game.
2/4 we gaan, join up if you can ded thread
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Recommend me a gun loadout for bots 8-9 difficulty, please respond
fuck, full
Torcher, Dagger, Incendiary Grenades.
Bring the Arc Thrower, Machine Gun Sentry, Incendiary Mines, and Tesla Tower. Make sure to bring the Firebomb Hellpods booster.
You'll knock 'em dead.
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>sloppy demon bot toppy
Democracy have mercy
Smack an Alpha's big head with the throwing knife and finish it off with a quick burst from your Liberator, works really well and the knife staggers it.
>railguns and commandos
>railguns and commandos
I hate casuals so much
Any lobbies for a late saturday dive? Don't feel like sleepin
I want to have balls big enough to go into a d8+ match with a liberator.
no trolling plis Im poor and I need to know what to buy
>Botfags already bitching about Bugchads not helping with the MO
>A fucking pointless MO that won't give us anything useful like a new weapon or strat
>The more bot MOs we lose the closer they get to Super Earth which is fine in my book because that means Swiggers will have to rush the city levels that were leaked
>And even if the next bot MO gives us a bot maid strat with built in blowjob machine I'm still not fighting bots, seethe and dilate botfags.
sickle if you want an AR
slugger, dilligence counter-sniper if you want a precision ranged weapon with some punch
plasma punisher for a general bot problem solver

your choice of secondary, senator, redeemer and grenade pistol are all great

stuns or impacts
I'm actually using the Liberator Carbine. Same thing but shoots faster, and it's a bit smaller so it doesn't clip through enemies in your face and shoot past them.
I think Cutting Edge and Democratic Detonation are the two best warbonds since they give you Stun Grenades and the Grenade Pistol.
Scorcher, Punisher Plasma, Dominator or Diligence CS
Verdict or Senator, Grenade Pistol if you like that sort of thing
Stun Grenades, non-negotiable unless you really want to destroy fabricators

HMG + Supply Backpack, or Autocannon, or AMR, or Laser Cannon if it's not a heat planet
Spear or Commando if your team has good AP4 weapons
Railgun is a meme, don't use it unless you absolutely just hate Rocket Striders. Grenade Launcher is decent but I wouldn't bring it without a Supply Backpack and definitely not if your team doesn't have a counter against Gunships.
Ugh, these rocket pods take off the side armor on the chargers and bile titans, but how am I supposed to shoot it in the side?
with your gun
Stun Grenades and teamwork.
I'm trying to kill them without stun grenades. Normally I just stun and ops, or stun and ass kill.
>hulk coming at you
>karate chopping so you can't hit the head
>toss a stun at it
>it works and it's stunned
>line up a shot
>hulk starts turning around
>it's perfectly edgewise to you so you can hit neither the head nor the back
>now it stops moving
Sweden pls. I wish that was uncommon.
the side of the head is flat so you can hit it when it's 90 degrees to you, it's just a much smaller target, obviously
I had a hulk literally cheese itself out of a fucking stun+OPS by karate chopping out of range. The stun grenade did dick all, I was fucking pissed.
Bile Titans are pretty easy to OPS, just make sure it's tracking on you (bile sacs blown off optional), toss it at your feet, and bait it into stepping on the red line and attacking you.

Protip: The arms and legs can also be destroyed with AP4, it just takes more firepower than the eye.
Yeah, that's what I do with OPS.
But without stuns idk if it will work as well on chargers, so I was trying to see if Rocket Pods would work.
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gaylavar is a shit planet
Without stuns, Chargers are a lot more difficult to deal with, that's why Stun Grenade is considered mandatory. Your only other options are either AT to the leg while walking forward or Orbital Railcannon.
>Your only other options are either AT to the leg while walking forward or Orbital Railcannon.
or AT to the butt plates while walking forward for the one-shot kill
or AT to the rear leg without even needing to walk forward because they have less health than the front legs
Or half a Command to the face
>AT to the butt plates while walking forward
they always seem to shrug it off for me where exactly do i hit the ass
hurry up still 3/4
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when I hear bugdivers say that bots spawn less enemies
you're why i only got 45 kills
that and the fact that i'm retarded
not the ass, the armour plates above the ass. the 2 big ones up near the back, not the smaller thinner ones closer to the tip of the ass
still 3/4 wtf is your problem, join, right now
gotdangit it, i got tired of waiting and joined the most ass bug lobby instead
you let me down anon
>bring stalwart and gatling because I wanna shoot buggy fast
>get the hunter seed

That's good, right? Stalwart is best on hunter seed.
rocket chickens are a fair and challenging addition to the game
yeah it's fucking amazing.
I wish the seed would line up like this more often.
I had so much fun.
>AMR and Autocannon will work against Bile Titans now
How many headshots with AMR/AC do you think it's a fair number to take down a BT? I'd say 10 AMR and 15 AC.
It's literally just a normal coloured Malevalon Creek.
I would be really happy if you could see the seed. Too many times have I brought Stalwart and got a Bile Spewer or Hive Guard seed, or Autocannon and got a Pouncer seed.
>everyone takes AC and just bullies titans the whole match
I'm down for this.
if it helps, you always get bile spewers on nuke
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>Railcannon strike is... LE GOOD
kill yourself
On d10 that strider would be a bigger threat than the hulk and the railcannon would've chosen correctly.
>He needs the rail cannon to kill striders
bro... your difficulty setting...
Exit in style. Swore I'd get revenge on a behemoth for sneaking on me. I fucking did. Fuck chargers.
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Anyone remember at launch when we could pick multiple of the same stratagem? The game was so much more fun when we could.
What stratagem would you want multiple of?
Give us more defenses, you fucking swigger Joel. This current one is a total wash and I'd rather not wait 12 hours for a new defense to pop where the conditions to win are actually possible.
4 auto cannon turrets or 2 auto cannons and 2 machine gun turrets
Once you get in a rhythm of occasionally chucking a throwing knife to dispatch a warrior or hunter, it definitely improves your ammo economy.
It's complete horseshit I pressed fucking spacebar
Yeah at the price of being unable to stop chargers running straight at you.
4 OPS.
Just dive to the side and stick a throwing knife in their ass to kill them.
Eagle Air strike if I was trying to game.
With seperate cooldowns too of fucking course.

Multiple Gatling or machine gun sentries, Mechs (basically all I took in HD1).
Maybe commandos, and a big maybe on EATS.

Honestly can't think of anything outside of that. Most strategems are super niche, and either have a good enough cooldown, or wouldn't be worth taking multiple to spam.

The other thing too, Id rather do the shooting than just spam something.
If there was a strategem that made ME stronger I'd spam that for sure.
Stick 11 throwing knives in their ass*

I'd rather just take the slugger or the Jar.
You're gonna put the charger in a jar?
I would take nothing but 110s and thermites if they reliably did damage to main.

I hate when they do that!
4 mortars
I've been trying 110 rocket pods and they only seem good against bot tanks.
I want 4 EATs. Infinite EATs, effectively.
Bruh, where do we get a grenade launcher that does that?

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